Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 04, 1892, Page 11, Image 11

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yrjierp the Em plus Wealth of the People is
Stored ,
The People of Ncbrnnka Have Almost Fifty
Dollars Tor Cnplta to Their Credit
In tha StiUc nnd Nn-
tlonnl IthnUs.
The Milling vVorld , n paper published at
Buffalo , N. Y. , in the interest of millers , re
cently published the following :
"if wo are to believe the crop figures nnO
mortgage paying statistics published In these
states ( Neoraska , Kansas and Iowa ) they
nro prosperous commonwealths , In which a
miller of moans ought to be able to llnd many
good chances for Investment. If wo nro to bo-
llevo the WoAVcrs , the I'effors , the Simpsons
nnd others ot that clnss'of mon known as 'ca
lamity howlers , " then Kansas , Iowa and Ne
braska nro In a terrible llx , mortgaged to
death , their farmers weeping night
nnd day over poor crop returns
and low market values , and the mort
gages pillntf up so rapidly that the
arithmetic can't keep up with the tremendous
deus figures , nnd these states are good ones
for a miller , or anybody olw , > to stay nway
from. If these men nro lying about thoso'
states , tboy ought to bo silenced , ns they are
doing Jut as' much to check
though every ono of their calamity represen
tations were wholly correct. If tooy are
telling the truth , no outsider should invest n
dollntin either of these stairs. "
The crop reports nnd mortgage-paying
statistics in Nebraska are highly satisfactory
as hinted in the above quotation , but in
order to tbrow more light on the actual
flnanoM conditions prevailing in Nebraska ,
. Tun BEB has compiled the following figures
showing the amount of money on deposit in
the onuks of Nebraska.
The first tnblo shows only the dopofitn of
the slate bar.Us. The lotal deposits I'pr the
stulo in the national banks ore given in the
bccond tnblo , the ilguro1 } for the separate
counties not being available.
It will bo observed Unit the deposits in
slate and national banks amount to $ KUI5
per capita , or almoit f , " > 0 for every man ,
woman nnd child In the state.
The llgurcs are compiled trom the July re
ports of the slulo banklnir department and
the comptroller of the. currency of the
United States.
Httlto Hunk DopoalU.
Showing the amount of money on deposit
in the stnto banns of each count } * , also the
population and tbo amount per capita on de
posit :
BhowInK tlm totnl ilcK lti In tate nnd na-
tlonnl banki In Nubrngku as cumparoil wltb the
population :
Total deposits In ntnlo Imnks (2.1,614,270.83
Jnillvlillml ilcpntttn In .Nntloniii baukn.'J8,64l,40l.8
Totnl iK-pOBltH in Mobrimkn linuku } 5''iW.7iJ.10
Total popuhitlon In NobrnBku 1,053,010
llmnk ( H'i J ltB iicri-ultii | f 19.35
Items of Interest Hp ardlng Factories
Ko\r mill Old ,
Superior has a starch factory proposition ,
The York foundry has clyhtoon employes.
A creamery company Is organizing at
Tbo factories nt Chndron employ 150 man ,
bnva payrolls ot $2:11.840 : nnd do'a yearly
business of (160,120.
Bnzelmans & Hnzolet Chicory company
of O'Neill , Nob. , have made application for
membership la the Manufacturers associa
Parties who have examined tbo brlolc tbat
are being laid on Lcavonwortb strcot speak
In the highest terms ot their good quality ,
Tboy ure not us largo us seine brick that are
being laid In Omaha , but they are said to
inoro than make up in duality what they
Inck in laze. The brlclt lor tins street were
mndo in Lincoln , which goes to provo tbat
Nebraska can ( ixccl In brick making us well
us in other llnoi of manufacture.
Chris Specht Is considering the question of
organizing u company for iho nianufuitturo of
street lamps , lie has already dodo some
thing In this line at his co rnl co works and
bns found that lamps cun ba made here to
compete with custom manufacturers nna
that there Is u good market for them In the
progressive elites of tha wost. The Intro
duction of this brunch of manufacture In
Omaha would mean the employment of a
lurgo number of men.
The unifies of Incorporation for the
alliance elovntor nt llroken How have boon
tlrnfted nnd ndoplcd. They limit Ihe cupilul
slock lo $20.000 , and rrqulro that 10 per cant
of Iho stock bo puld up before commouoiDtr
business. The Incnrporators are : I , T.
Merchant , president ; J , L. Coooor. secretary ;
O. It. Htissom , treasurer , mid C. II. Jeffords ,
C. H. TrlnlBtt , N. A. Smilh , Hobnrt Olbion
1J , W. Ulalr and 0.V. . Lanterman. The
stockholders are limited to ton shares , at $10
First Projb.viormn Uhurch Corner Sevan-
tcanth anil Dodge streets. Uogulur ser
vices at 1010 ! a. in. and R D. tn. , comlucUul by
Hiiv. KlclmtU Turnbull of Uotrolt. Sunday
school at , noon , Yotun ; People's Society of
Christian Kndoavor meeting ot 7 p. in.
Cllflon Hilt BunilHy Sohool Corner
Clifton siroot and Military road. Classns
incot at 3 p. in. , including senior and Junior
blblo classes. Ttio special attouliou of adults
and young people Is requested to these blblo
eludes , as considerable effort Is made to
rouko thorn both Interesting mid Instructive.
A cordial iuvitutlon Is offered to all.
Clifton Hill I'rosbytoriau Church Corner
ot Cllftoa u-out uua Military road.
Services at 4 p. m . to bo conducted by Dr.
Suiolds of Southwest Presbyterian church.
All residents of Clifton Hill and neighbor
hood earnestly Invited to bo prosont.
First ConirroRiUlonal Church Corner of
Nineteenth and Liavonport street * . Ilov.
Joseph T. Duryon , D.D. , pastor. Proachlng
by the poster nt 10,80. Sunday school nt
noon , iso evening service. Prnyor meeting
Wednesday evening nt 7:45. : Doncons" moot
ing Wednesday evening nt 8H5 , All > Yej-
Knox Presbyterian Church Corner Nine
teenth and Ohio streets , Preaching at 10:30 :
a. m , , nlso sacrament of the Lord's suupor
anil reception of now members. Preaching
at 8 p. m. Subloct ot evening sermon ,
"Dreams nnd Drcamors , "
First United Presbytnrlan church , corner
Twenty-first and Emmut , Uov. John M.
Frcncb , pastor. Services at 10:30 : n. m. by
Uov. C. I ) . Urahnm ot tbo Midland. Sabbath
school at 12m. Ytmng People's meeting at
(5:30 ( : p. in. Seats frco.
Southwest Presbyterian church , Twentieth
nndLcavonworth ilov. J. H. Snloldt , iD.
pastor. Preaching 10:45 : n. m. and 7:45 : p. m.
Sabbath school , 1'm. ! . Youne People's Socloty
of Christian Endeavor , OM5. A cordial in
vitation extended to all ,
First Baptist church , corner ITiftonntb and
Davenport strccU Hov. W. P. Holllngs , D.
D. , nastor. Sorvlcns morning and
evening , at 10:30 a. m , nnd 8 p. tn , Sunday
school at 12 m. nnd : ) :30p. : m. The regu
lar prayer meeting of iho church Wednes
day nvening at 8 o'clock. The younp pee
ple's pruyor mcoting Friday evening nt 8
o'clock. All are cordially Invited to attend
those services.
First Unlversallst Church Corner Nine
teenth and Lothrop streets ( ICountzo
place ) , W. Franklin Smith , pastor. Sor-
vleos nt 11 a , m , , subject' "Spiritual
Heights. " Sunday school nt 12 m , Young
People's Christian Union at ? p. in. boats
free. AH nro welcome.
First Methodist Episcopal Church , Twen
tieth und D.ivcnport sirools Uav. P .S. Mer
rill , D. D. , pastor. Sucramouts H a. m.
' Sinless Sinners" S p. in. Sabbath school at
l':80. ' : All welcome.
\VestmitistorPro9bytorlan churcb , Twenty-
ninth and Mason streets The pastor , Hov.
John Qiirdo.1 , D.D. , will preach at 10:30 n , m.
nnd 7:30 p. m. Sunday school nt IU m.
Meeting of V. P. S. C. B. at0:45 : p. n.
People's church , Eighteenth strcot , bo-
t.wcen Cnlllornln and \\obBter streols.
The pastor , Uov. Chnrlos W. Savltlgo ,
Is holding his camp meeting in S.trpy county ,
but services will bo hold lu Iho church ns
usual , being conducted by the Young Poo-
plo's Society of Christian Endeavor. Some
of the ublcst woritors iu tbe city taking
Trinity Methodist Episcopal Church Cor
ner , Twoiity-lirst and Cltinoy ( KoutiUo
Place ) . Uev. W. K. iioans , pallor. Preach
ing at 10:30 : u.m. und 8 p.m. Subjects : Morn
ing , "Palratreo Christians. " Evening ,
"Lovo For The Churcb. " Sunday school at
12 in. , J. T. Uobinson , superintendent.
Junior league , 3 p. in. Epworth league ,
7 p. m. All scats frco. All made welcome.
Welsh Presbyterian North Twonty-llfth
and Indiana streets. Ucv. J. Mortals Uioh
ards , pastor. Sunday school nt 10:30 :
a' m. Preaching by the pastor nt 7:30 : p. m.
Subject : "Tho Popularity of Mount Cat
vnry. " Communion service will bo after the
sermon. Como nnd bo Joyful in tbo Lord.
Wednesday evening prayer mcoting nt 7:30. :
St.Mary's Avenue Conprniratlonal Church
All services resumed. Preaching by the
pastor , S. Wright Butler , nt 10:30 : n. m. and
8 p. tn. Corningtoultt , "Tho Dlvinonoss of
Determination. " Evening , "Tho Lordship
of Labor. "
All Saints' Church Corner Twenty-sixth
nnd Howard streots. T. J. Mackay , roctor.
Morning service 11 jj. in. ; evening
sorvlco 7:30 : p. m. Sermon topic , morning ,
"Pilgrims and Strangers. " Sunday school
0:30 a. m. Young icon nnd strangers always
Hlllsldo ConeregaMonal Church G. J.
Powell , pastor. Servicesut , 10:30 : u. m. , wltb
communion of the Lord's 'Supper , and at 7:50 :
p. m. Subject , "Tho Central Truth of
Luther's Preaching. "
Church of the Uootl Sbophord ( Episcopal ) ,
corner of Ohio nncj Twentieth streets J. P.
D. Llwvd , rector. Holy communion , 8 n. m.
Sunday school , 0:45 : a. in. Blblo class for
men at the sumo hour In the guild room.
Morning service and holy communlonvwitb
appropriate address , 11 a. in. Evening
service , 7:80 : p. m. Topic of evening sermon.
"Tho Threatened Cholora. " Seats free. A
cordial wolcoino to all.
Benson M. E. church Preaching nt 11 8.
m. Subject. "Tho Importance of Tnlnking.t1.
Iinmanucl Baptist Church North Twenty-
fourth and Blimey streets , ICountzo Place
Rev. Frank W. Foster , pastor. Ucgular
services at 10:30 : a. m. nnd 7:30 : p. m.
Sunday school at 12 m. Young People's
mcoUiig at 0:45 : p. m. Tho. pastor will have
for his morning tborao : "A Prmco's Marriage
riage- ; " evening theme , "Solomon's Comment
on Trickery. " At the clnsopf the morning
sorcnon the Lord's supper will bo celebrated
and the right hand of fellowship given to
now membors. Tbe public cordially wel
comed. Seats frco.
Kountzo Memorial English Lutheran
church , corner Sixteenth nnd Harnoy.
Uov. A. J. Turkic , pastor. In the mornlng'nt
10:30 : the pastor will preach au anniversary
sermon , appropriate to the beginning of his
third year's pa iterate. Subject : "For
ward. " In the evening at 8 , the pastor
will preach to the youne pooplo. Subject :
"Purpose in J-ilfo. " Sunday school nt noon.
Young People's Society of Christum En
deavor ut 7 p. in. All are cordially in
vited to these services , ntid will receive a
hearty welcome.
South Tenth Street Methodist Episcopal
church , corner Tenth and Pierce itreuts
Uev. Alfred Hodgotts , D.D. , paitor. Class-
meetings at 10 u. m. and 7:30 : p. m. Preach
ing at 10:30 : a. m. mid S p. m. Sunday'
school at 12 m. Evening subject , "A Great
Discovery. "
St. John's Church ( Episcopal ) Comer
Twenty-sixth unu Franklin streots. Services
at 11 a.m. und 7:45 : p.m. Sunday school at
9:45 : n. m. ; dally services at 5 p. m. , except
Wednesday , at"7:4. > p. m.
St. Andrew's Church ( Episcopal ) Wal
nut Hill , corner Nicholas nnd Forty-second.
Services at 7:80 : and 11 a.m and 7:45 : p. in.
Sunday school at 10 a.m. Dally service-
7 a.m. and Friday nt 7:45 : p.m.
St. Paul's Church ( Episcopal ) .Cass
streetwest of Thirty-second Btroot. Services
at 7:30 : a.m. , 11 a.m. uud C P.m. Sunday
school at 10 a.m. Friday at 8 p.m.
Both Eden Baptist church , Park avenue ,
near Loavonworth Uov. E. N. Harris , pas
tor. Morning service at 11 o'clock. It is ex
pected Uev. J. J. Kceler will preach ; even
ing nt 7:30 : , sermon by the pastor : subject ,
"A Secure Treasure Store House. " Lord's
supper at the close of the morning service ,
Sunday school at 9:45 : a. m. Young people's
meeting at 0:30 : p.m. Seats all free.
To Much leu Cream.
C. H. Uohror , agontof the Missouri Paclfla
railway , Now Haven , Mo. , says : "I Buffered
n great dOAl one hot evening last week , ( July
21. ) I hud eaten ice cream for supper , and
there scorned to bu an Internal conflict going
on , A traveling man snld ho bad something
In his grin at the hotel that ho believed
would relieve me , uud producing a small bottle -
tlo of modlcino gnvo mo a dose. I felt bettor ,
and In n few moments took another dose ,
which entirely rollovoo tuo. X believe that
such a modlcino is worthy of recommenda
tion und thnt it should bo kept In the house
during the summer. The bottle was labeled
ChncnborlRiti'fl Colic , Cholera and Diarruoua
Remedy. " For sale by druggists.
A Denver llormmmn'Uobheil of a Itlg Itoll
Ut II Colored ! 4)lvc.
The trlul of Edna Jones , charged with lar
ceny from the person , hold the attention of a
full bouso In police courtjortwo hours yester
day mornmit. Thodofendantis a good looking
Mulatto , und her supply of tears and hys
terics is apparently inoxhaustibio. Her case
was presented by an attorney with a voice
like n log horn , which brought la spectators
from the street to see the excitement.
The complaining witness was Joseph
McUuiro , a horse trainer , who says ho comes
from Denver nnd was In Omaha attending
the races. Two nights ago ho and somn
companions started lu to see the town and
wound up nt a dUrcpulablo resort
on Ninth street , where ho was robbed ot
$ J10. At tbo sumo time Edna Jones , ono of
the inmates , dUappourcd , but wui captured
bv Ofllcor Hussell while trying to cross the
Douglas street bridge In n buck.
It came out In thu evidence that the de
fendant's attorney hud offered tbo complain
ing witness $100 to withdraw the case , und
the prosecution was a little inoro vigorous In
The girl wr.s bold under $700 bonds to ap
pear In the district courl and the complain
ing witness was also required to ulvo bonds
of $300.
Do Witt's Snranparllu aostroys suoa pot-
sons us scrofula , skin disease * , oczomu , rhou-
inulUm. its timely use savu many lives.
At the Outset the Feeling Was Inclined to
Bo Panicky.
Corn Opened Very AVoiXk on the Cholera
Scnro For n Tune Thnt Cereal
Boomed Without Frlcmli nnd
Thcro Wns n Heavy I'rcnuro.
OHICAOO , 111. , Sept. 3. The nowa of the ar
rival of tiDolticr oholornship nt New York had
been received lie tore the business opened on
the Hoard of Trade tills morning , nml this , to
gether with the weaker cable * , reported duo
weather , the anticipated Increase of ! ) ,2. > 0,100
bu. In tlio vlslblo supply on Mondny , the ux-
trotno weakness In corn nnd the fulling off of
1,500,000 Uu. In exports fur the week complied
with last wcok , caused a lower open
ing In wheat. At tlio outset the feel
ing wus Inclined to bo panicky , but tlio ; was Mroivdy very low und
tliut nil Adverse conditions had nlrondv been
pretty thoroughly dlsuountod , led to free buyIng -
Ing tiy tlio cooler huitd traders. This not only
prevented nnv further decline , but cnuscJ u
steady appreciation In values until the loss
ut the opening was about recovered. Shorts ,
too , took iidvunttiRu of the opening brouu to
caver thulr contracts und limns sure of
protlts which sonio uuforcsuun dovoloumont
in the cholera situation nilitht deprive them
i > f lioforo the next session of the bourdon
Tuesday morning Holiday being JVibor duy ,
u loitul holIUny with no Hussion of tbe board.
The trading In all of the pits was lulit and
wus Inrno.y contlnod to ovonlne-up deals
against hoil.lny contingencies. The appre
ciation In thu early trading In whom wus us-
Hlsted by telogriims reporting the cholera out
break on the stoumor Kujrla loss serious in Its
fatuities tliHii at first related , and bv loports
Of the huavy and dumuging rains In the north
west. The market then bouumo hesitating
and nervous , lluctuullng frequently within u
comparatively narrow raiik'c. until near the
otid of the session , when u report was received
that two cases of cholera had appeared In
lla tlmoru. ThU caused a slumped ! ) to sell and
the market broke nearly a cent , closing weak
and practically at Insldu llxures. December
opened io lower at lUKii * . auvuncod ( oille ,
hold steady for u time , slumped to ' 5 ? o tiud
elo ed ut Ttiu. September touched 7-aC , thu
lowest llguro reached In several years.
Corn opened very weak on the cholera scare ,
a reduction of Id In price ut Liverpool , the
heavy receipts today and expected lurjo ar
rivals on Tuesday. For u lime this cereal
seemed without friends und there WHB u heavy
bolllnir pressure Uuonlnt sales were at a de-
ellno'of } Jc , compared with yesterday's lust
siilo * . und u further decline of 'io wus ut once
made. .
Then In sympathy with 'the advance In
whout and on reports of colder weather with
probable frosts In thu corn bolt , a gradual
appreciation , which with Immaterial reac
tions carried values up to a point which
covered the loss for l > 'rlUuy's close with some
thing to spare. Hut the advance did not hold ;
longs were free sellers find shorts were put
ting out MOW lines. The result was dullness
and finally a sharp decline , when wheat wont
alt on the Daltlmoru cholera scare. There
was some recovery ut the last on covering by
shorts. Around the ononlnx October sold ut
47c-und 4UJic , advanced to 47&0 , broke to 40 ? * ,
and closed at 47 > u.
Oats were ruthor quiet and weak In sym
pathy with the lower prices for wheat and
corn and closed with u loss of atfrom ° io to Ic.
Traders In the provision pit at the opening
sccmod to feel that the cholera scare had
boon fully discounted by the recent heavy de
cline In hog products. In addition to this the
receipts of hos xvoro very light und prices
were again higher. I'ork opened unchanged
ut $10.iS : for October , advanced to$10.47 , sold
olV\vlth grnlns to $10.23 and closed ut ilO.'JO , a
loss compared with yesterday's last prlco of
5c. Lard is 2Vic lower , except January , which
Is 2Sc higher. Itlbs are "IjiiUo higher.
1/uko freights unchanged.
Estimated receipts for Tuesday : Wheat ,
Ic ; > j curs ; corn , l.UaOcurs : oats , 810 curs ; esti
mated hozsMonduy. 24.UUO head.
The lending futures ranged as follows :
bcptomber. . . 7JJ1 $ 7M
October 74 l * 73 ? $
December. . . . 70
Cou.v No. 2--
ticpletnber. . . Kit ' " 711 4 < !
October ft
May t'Jto MM
OATS No. 7
September. , . 83
October XI '
May SO 35JJ M
Muss I'OHK
eptoruuer. , . iosM 10 40
October 10 35 10 nn 102ft 10 SO
January 11 85 12 10 II DO 1200
September. . . 1 HOe 7 50 745 7 45
October 767W TfiO 7 CO
January e m 680 6 70 tieo
Bnoitr Itius
September. . . 1 EO 7 EO 7EO
October 7 Vi < 4 7 80 772K
January U 17k U27H 6 10 4SM
Dash quotuttnns were as follows :
II'LOUU Dull und'ousy.
WHEAT No. 2 siirlns , 72yc ; No. 3 spring , CO
® 07o : No. 2 rod , 72 c. ,
COIIN Lower , No. 2. 4V.c ; yellow , 4flU@4ayo :
No. Dcush. 45c : No. 4 , 41o.
OATS No. 'Z , : i2ic } ; No. 2 white , 34o ; No. 3
white. 3l'43IJic.
Hvu-No. B , 5U4o. !
UAHLEV No. 2 , G3c ; No. 3 , f. o. br 5502Uo :
No. 4. f. o. b. . 4'50o.
l'"LAX aBEl > No. 1 , $1.03.
TIMOTIIV SJEED I'rlino , $1.04.
I'oiiK Moss , per bbl. , tl.Vjil0.31 ( ) ! ; Inrd. per
100 Ibs. , 17.50 : short ribs , sides ( loose ) , f7.,5 ®
7.80 : dry suited shoulders ( uoxtdl , Ji.007,00 ( ;
short clear sides ( boxed ) . J7.9Jffi7.93.
WHISKY Distillers' finished goods , per gul. ,
KunAit Stiuidard "A. " unchanged.
Kecolpts undshlpiuonts toduy were as fol
lows :
On the 1'roiluco oxehunzo toduy the butter
inurkut wus qulot und unchanged ; eroumnrlos ,
17-4-io ! : dairies , WiyZl. Kgzs , I745171ie.
St. I.ouls Aliirlicts.
BT. Louis , Mo. , Sept , a FLOUH Weak but
not lower.
WIIKAT Opened lower , then recovered but
Inter declined a nln und closed 2t@7i'o below
yesterday ; caih , C3' ' © l ? jc : Boptembor closed
at OSo 1)1(1 : October , uujiu bid ; December , 72aio
Mny , 70o for sellers.
OOUN 1'ollowo'l wheat und finished © o
under yesterday ; cnsh 4'Jo ; t-optembor olosod
ut 4iiiic : October , 436c ! ; December , 42 o ; your ,
42Uo ; May. 4t > ? o.
OATS Went with wheat and corn Mid closed
ViCile below yesterday : cash , 20o ; September ,
20'io : October , 2 ! ) . ' 'c : May , 31 0.
'HvK Lower ut57'io. '
U HAM Lower ut ( We.
HAY Qn otund iinchunzed ,
Fl.AXSKKD-lllulicr ut Jl.CO.
IlUTrKii Btoiidy und unchnnpcd ,
Eficis Bteiidy und unchanged.
CoilNMKAl , Quiet al t22C-.30.
WinsivV Steudy at
COTTON TIKS Unchuncrd.
1'novisiONs Qulot and iiDclianced , vrlth
only a small Jobbing tradu at previous prices.
IlKCKll'iR Flour , 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , 2.5.000
bu , : corn , 35,000 bu , ; outs , 50,000 bu , ; rye , none ;
barley , none ,
Sllll'MKNTS Flour , 11,000 bbls. ; wuoat , Ki.000
bu. ; corn. 70,0t > o bu. ; outs , 5tXKbu ) , ; rye , 3,0)0
bu. ; burley , none.
KanmiH City .MiirltotH.
KANKAH CITV. Mo. , Kept. 3. WIIKAT Steady ,
cloHlni ; weak ; No. 2 hurd , old , Me ; now , COii
COl'.c ; No. 2 rud. 04(2C5o. (
OOIIN Active : No. 2 mixed. 4 < ® 4IHo. No. 2
white. 4' > ) 'J ' > ; c.
OATS Wouk ; No. 2 mixed , 20Ji(327ie ( ; No. 2
white , : iic.
UVE-WOHK ; No. 2. 5Hjffime. !
KLAXRKKD Ktovdy at b'U'.tlc. '
HHAN Wouk ; Biickud. ti © Olo.
HAV Steady nnd uncliunxed ,
t Stoaay ; creumory. 12Jj25o ; dairy ,
KnoH Moro nctlvout ii',4o. : '
HKCKII-TS Wheat , 04,000 bu.j corn , 7,000 bu. ;
oats , nonu.
Biui'UUNTB Wheat. 21,000 bu. ; corn , 4,0.0
bu. ; oulJ , 2UX > .
Wool .Market.
LONDON , Bnpt. a Dnrliiz the past week bus
iness In the wool market bus been slow. Man
ufacturers nro adopt IIIRII waltlnK policy. The
Imimrts of tint week wnro ; 1'rom New South
Wulos 1.S3S buloi. from Victoria 2t ) | bide ? , from
Bouth Australia 3K1 buleii. from Now /oulund
101 bale * , from the Capo of ( loon Hope and Nu-
tul 1'J74 bales , from China 703 bules ,
from 1'omla I.B.11 bales , from Itnsslu llX ( ) mid
from various other places 1.021 bales. The
arrivals lor the next buries of sales are 335,455
bales. Advices from Ateu buy str > to that the
murkot there Is unchuiipud. though more busi
ness has boon ulTeotod , The stocks uro small
and the arrivals ure Icssonln ? ,
Oil Miirkot.
Sept. 3. l'ETUOfEUH-U'Jf paid ,
and sellers.
LONDON , Sept. a LiNSKUuOn , 17s JOJScl uor
owt. ; wlialo , ill per ton ; UDO rosin , 7a tidSs'Js '
pcrowU _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Now York Dry ( looili Market.
NEW YOUK , Sept , 3 , Business In dry goods
WHB ruthor uulut In vluw of the half Bnttirday
and holiday Monday. Tbo sales of print
cloths during the week turn out to have bceu
jz *
larger than nntlclpnlen. thus confirming the
strong position of iho nuir ut ,
Colored oollons 4ra thither In most In
stances. The slilptitcnriof. coeds wns active.
The coinltiz wcok should show further activ
ity with jobbers , nxcepbns It may bo directed
by the f aut of a holiday/ ) , ,
MlLWAWKRB. Wll. , 9cbtt a WllEAT-QlllCtl
nccombor , 71'io ; No , Vtiiilng , COc.
Oo/HS Lowers No. 3. 40150.
OATa-Qu ? t ! No. 3Htlto , n535 ot No. 3
white , 3l llUc , i
-No ioi f njmpio , 4aoic.
LtVEnroou Sopt. 3-wiiEAT-Qulct and un-
chnnRca ; red western sprlnj. Cs lHdQCs2Hdi
No 2 winter. Os032b b
CORN Dull and , Iqwpr ; mixed western ,
4sOid ! per cental. ' 'lr
OIIEEBG Atiierlca/ii finest white nnd col
ored , 45s per cwt , ) i.
Cott6n Jthrkct.
NEW Ont.-ANP. lA.v ° ( ? apt , 3. Easy : mld-
dllnR * , To ; low middlings. Olio : good ordinary ,
Co i not receipts 2,455 bales ; Kress receipts 2,41)1) ) )
bales ; exports , coastwise , 1,551 bales ) sales , I'OO
bales ; stock , O. . ' J bales.
Omiilm I'rniluco Murkots.
Eao Oonnral mnrkot 15e.
1'out.Tiiv Old lions , 80 ; rooster * , 07e ; sprltiR
chlakmis. } 2.noa3.0i < .
. llUTTKit Good packliiR stook , 13c | choice
dairy , 10l8c.
Triidars * Titllt.
OniCAGo , 111 , , Sept. a Counsolman fc Day
to CoL'kroll Coiiimlss.on Co. : The wheat
market ml oil heavy und a depression caused
by further cholera in Now York harbor , line
wheat weather. Hd lower Liverpool c.iblna
and VJ50 cars estimated rncolpts for Monday ,
Corn opened on HStJio break under stou loss
order sales but milled lo on stroux buyln : of
October bv shippers and speculators and free
cornering by May shorts. Including some
receivers. On the catlmato o' 1C50 curs for
Monday the murkot yielded } ic and closed
rather soft In sympathy with whout. Oats
opened quieter with few bidders nnd the
market roma.nml easier until the estimates
of 810 cars for Monday were received The
prospects to huvo to care tor nearly 1,000,000
bushels of cash oats ciuisod a rush by Septem
ber lotus lo lot go , und near futures broke
about Ic , closing Weak at the Inside. Pro
visions , as wo have predicted , were supported
by local talent. 'Iho Cmlahy-Wrlcht com
bination trlod to unload October ribs under
cover and buy January lard , although openly
Wright wns an ostensible buyer of September
and October ribs. All packers bought porrf
heavily , Including the Oudahys'and Armour
& Co. were moderate sellers cf October ribs.
1'nokors generally are soiling all the October
ribs they think they can cet.
CHICAGO , III. , Sept , H. R G. Lozan & Co. to ,
Duncan. Ilolllnaordt Co. : Thu markets opened
lower on the arrival of the stuamor Uugia ut
Now York with reported twenty-three deaths
from cholera and ton on the slok list. Toward
the close prices again weakened on n rehash
of an oirllcr report of the arrival ot the
ntcainer Normannia with IIvo deaths from
cholera. During the session there wuJ peed
buying for f ore I en account and liberal char
ters. 250.0UO being taken. The two dominating
weak features are cholera and heavy re
ceipts. With the former out of the way the
latter , wo believe , would not cut nonrly the
feature It does , as our shipping dumand Is
good , the price low. Corn opened olT with a
rush. Every one had selling orders largely
from the outsldo. The buying was largely by
a few larn-o traders covering short corn. The
nearby corn was weak on heavy
'receipts , no Now York market to
work against , and liberal estimates for
the next twenty-four hours. Wo notice
shipping houses are going long on the nearby
options and selling May. It Is not often they
got the present spread und wo look for traders
to awaken tome day and flnd the nearby
grain owned by shipping houses who will want
It to ship and pressure will bo on the May.
Outs sympathized with other cereals. It 11
largely a question of cholera or uo 'cholera
throughout , the country that Is now ruling
values. 1'rovlblons ruled firmer on local sup
port. „ ,
CHICAGO. III. . Sept. a Konnott. Hopkins &
Co. to S. A. McWliorrer : The opening was weaken
on reports of fresu ohnlcru urrlvuls in Now
York , but the depressionaid not lust long and
thu market was reasonably steady most of the
duy wlth-a light prqfosslonal trade. Itccclpts
und shipments atprlhiary markets were about
evenly balanced today Which has not occurred
for some tlmo. Tits Paris maruot closed
higher and the outlook-TAvorod hlulior prices ,
but the cholera Hqarouhangs like a pall
over the murkot andtho-closo , was weak. The
opening for corn was very weak , but the mar
ket Improved on a fHlr spoculutlro demand.
The outlook favorcd.'stlll' higher prices , but
weakness in wheat destroyed the better foul-
In ? , Increasing reco pis are u weak feature.
In provisions the loading longs have again
held the market , but In .Homo quarters U Is
doubted If they wll | continue to do so with
the grain ranrtot showing so much depres
sion. * .
Tlioro Was a JWat'crlilV Kiilly In the Coal
' SlinrVS.
WALI. SIIIEHT , NEW YonK. Sept 3. With a
bettor undoritnnGlng of the question at Issue
between the Heading nnd Pennsylvania roads
over the tolls of coul , thorewus , a disposition
on the part o' the local Wall street operators
to undo the damage they had done lu the
prices of coal shares In which there was a ma
terial rally In all ot them. The cholera scare
has evidently bad Its day , as the report that
several now cases had been brought Into
port fulled to create oven u ripple of
on the board. The manipulations of the In
dustrials were agnln at work , and were prom
inent buyers of sugar , though the Improve
ment was probably legitimate , taking Into
consideration the possible interruption of
supplies from abroad. There was an attempt
to take advantage of further liquidation at
tbo opening , but. while first prices were from
if to / per cent lower than these of last ovcn-
Ing , ollarlnesot stocks were limited , and the
shorts were compelled to turn their atten
tion to buying to tover Immediately.
Few of the local operators wish to allow n
double holiday to PUSH with open short no-
counts , und the lack of sellers , therefore , had
tbo effect of Immediately rallying the market
and a firm temper was established hi the gen
eral list , notwithstanding the comparative
dullness which provnllcu and which lusted
throughout the session. The activity In
Heading , .Sugar and St. Paul was still marked ,
but the recoveries In prices were most con
spicuous among these shares which have been
unduly depressed by the Into drives und the
coalers. Sugar and several specialties like
Pullman scored handsome gains on uinucli
smaller business than sutllccd to drop tlium.
Heading raided tofu. but Jersey Central rose
to Io014 , Delaware & Hudson 2 to Ml und
Laokawanna 2JJ to 155. Bugar In the mean
time rose from 10S to lllji. closing ut llufi.
The unfavorable bank statement had no
apparent Influence nnd the murkot dually
closed qulot Out firm , with most stocks ut
fractions bettor than last evening. The tradIng -
Ing reached 104,145 lUted und : U058 unlisted ,
Heading contributed 3tj,737 and Sugar 28.B75.
The Post says : Today's operations showed
that the market hue been largely oversold
and now there Is a scrambling for blocks reck
lessly thrown overboard. While no doubt the
cholera was u legitimate factor In thu recent
heavy declines , especially In Its derangement
of commerce , U was used to depress
prices to an unnatural luvol. Wouk und
and frightened holders of stocks worof
largo Rollers. Inside buyers picked It
up almost ut their own priced. The whole
thin : ; lias boon done with unusual complete
ness'and neatness. This was all shown today
In the many advances. Most of the trading
was for the purposu of closing accounts In
view of thu approaching holiday. Under
present conditions tbcro wus a general wish to
ourry us llttla stock ns possible over Tuesday.
Nevertheless considerable buying wus neces
sary to oven up the accounts of traders who
hud oversold on the recent fright.
The following ur the closing quotations for
the loading stocks on the Now York Stock ox-
ohungo toduy :
blil. liukud.
The total sutes of stocks todny wore H7 , 03
uliuio * . Including ! Atchlnon , 0.200 ; Uolawuro ,
Ijuckuwiinnu & Western. 2,600 ; Kio. 2,100) )
l.ouUvlllo & Nnshvllle , a.200 ; Koudlnir , & 8.700 :
Itlchmond ft West 1'olui , 2,70J ; bt I'uul , B,500l
Wesiora Union , 2,500.
Now Yurie Money Murkot.
NEW Voiut , Buut. 8. MowBir ON OAi.L-Eusy
nt SK to 4 per cent : Inst loan. lit Dorcontt
oloiod ottered nt 2H per cent.
1'iilVE MGIICANTII.K 1'Aritn 4U(30 ( percent
STEnUKO KXCHANOE Quiet But steady nt
SI.85U for alxty-duy bills nnd t4.6SH for do-
nnnd ,
The closing quotations on bonds !
U. 8. 4S Ttg 1IIW Mutual Union ( ' . , , . 110
U. 8. 4s coup , , 115V N. J. U. Int. Cert. . . . 111
Ml. H. < S'i rcK 100 North , Paclfla IMs , . H1
Pacific s of 'to . . . 10 ; North. 1'nclflo 2ni1
Louisianaitam'd 4s VtH Xorthwcitcrn Con , 137
Ton n. new rctCis . , . 100 N. W , Con. Dob. Js. . 110
Tenn , now BctSs. . . , u St. 1 , . A 1 M. ( ion. f' HSlf
Tonn. new nclSs. . . . 7JM S. Uft 8. F. tlcn. M ,
Canada So. Snds. . , . 101 tSt. 1'ttiil Consols , , .
Central Pacificists 105 St. ! . , C. & IMsts. . . 118
Den. & K.O.Isli. . . . 118 Tex.lM.0Tr. HctJ 83
Den. ft II. (1 , 4s 13 < 4 Tox. I'.lt.O.Tr.ltcts 29
Hrlo 2nd ) , . , . , , , . , , , . lO.ik Union Pnclflo 1 > ts. IDfl
M. K. AT , Hon. Is. . . SO tWcut Shore. , ,
M. K. AT. Ucn.ti. . . 40K it. U. W
bid , t nskocl.
Itoston Stock Quotation * .
BOSTON , Mass. , Sent , 3. The following nro
the closing stock quotations :
Now York .Mining yuotiitlnns.
NEW YonK , Sept. n. The following uro the
closing mining iuotntlon | :
St. I.iinU Minnie Stock * .
ST. J.outs , Mo. . Sept. a Dullness prevailed
In the mining stojlc market toduy. Quota
tions on cull.
I'lnunciiii .Notns.
NEW Oiu.nANS , La. , Bept , a CloarniKa. JS03-
KANSAS CiTV , Sept. 3. Cloarlnsa third day
were Jl,58lsai.
I'Aiitfi. Sopt. n. Three per cent rentes , 10K ,
50e for the account.
HAt.TiMOllR , SIil. . Sept. 3 Cloarlnss. 52uOI-
1SS : balances , J3T4.S"- . Money , t > pur cent.
MU.MIMIIS. Tonn. , Sept. 3. Now York ex
change selling at $ l. ! > 0. UiourliiRS. $2J8'J'JtJi but-
unces , $ OU , : > 1)2. )
NliwYoitK , Soot , a Clearings , 8J9UO,9K ! : ;
balances , 47,752.r > Si ) . 1'or the week , cleurliiKS.
$ GC7'JCOul : ) : balances , WTi)50.V.O ,
PniLADUM'iliA , i'u. , t'opt. a OIonrhiRS ,
(15,325,7GO : balances , J2.t27,3 ! > 2. Kor the wciin :
UleurltiKS , { 110,048,013 ; balances , $ IOU5j,50l > .
Money , 'J percent.
CHICAGO , 111. , Sept , a Money firm at 4QHS
percent on call und r 3554 per cent on time
loans. Dunk clcurlni's for today , S17,4I4 , ( > 'J1 ;
for the weolc , $101,207,00) . New York exchange.
70o discount , iitorllug exchange steady and
ST. Louis. Sept. a Olearlnss , $1,055.728 : bal
ances , (440,033. Clearings this week. $22S40,481 ;
balances. $2,8SC,32 . CloiirlngH last week , { 21-
514bS. ; balances , 33.413.WJ. Clearing for cor
responding week lust , your , 822,001,831 ; bul-
unces. $2va-,42 ! < .
liosTON , Mass. , Sept. 3 , Cloarlnxs , J1S.OT7-
It'ja ; . balances. $ l,7t.87U. ; Money , 3 per vent.
Kxchunge on Now YorK , 12c ! discount to par.
Kor the week : Clearings , SSJ.UOO.72. ; balances ,
{ 07,443,000. Tor the corrcsmmdingvcck last
your : Clearings , S ! ,444,4U8 ; baluncns , t,4 ! ) i-
The exports of specie from the port of Now
York lust week amounted to W.45J.270 , of
which S2iOO.OJO ( was ( told und $ aj2,273 stiver.
All the gold nnd ( KKMKiOsilver wont to Kuropo
und $ I2U.V1 silver wont to boutli America. The
imports of speclo for the week amounted to
S14U.UU1 , of which $132,844 was gold and $13,777
! * STOCK .M
Conditions unit CJIrcuniniiincos uf the Trade
Carefully Cunaiilurctl.
OMAHA , fcpt. 3. The week closed with llznt
receipts of ull kinds of stock. The following
table elves coinpurullve receipts for the past
wcok , the montli of August und the past eight
moathsund Is of Interest us showliu the rupld
strides this market Is milking towurds fiist
pluce unions the country's great markets :
Uuttlo. Ilocs. Sheep.
llooelpts this week 13.620 17,045 " '
Uocelpts lust week 13,580 28,077 & , ; : o
Same week lust year. . . 13.500 15,687 5,851
Receipts for August. , . 4 < J,2M 111,33 ! ) 14,2)1
Uocelpts forJuly. . . . . - 45,117 ,100.111 , 0,325
Kocoliits for'Aug. , 1831. ' 45,320 71.310 21,1180
Receipts for Aug. , 181W. 40,474 25.,122 A322
Kecolpts piist 8 months 4:17.172 : 1,15'i.UUO UU.thvl
Sumo 8 months IbUI 333,41'a' lft)3KW ) ( Iu3us7 ;
Same 8 months 1800 40J,181 1,033,4US 81.0SB
There bus not been a Brent deal of change
In the general cattle market thu past wcok.
Kcceluts huvo boon quite liberal , but whllo
the proportion of range cattle bus been rather
smaller thun anticipated tl.o offerings of na
tives huvo been more liberal thun
dealers were looking for. Good , ripe
cuttle , whether natives or westerns , huvo
been eood sellers ull week , notwithstanding
the fuct thnt there lias been pr.tctlcully
no speculative nnd shipping domund , ut lu st
us far us concerned thn beef grades. Tlio
swift , Hammond und Cuduhy houses huvo
been free buyers ull week , especially the
luttor house , und for this loiison thu trade
bus not f lt the absence of oiilsldo buyers.
The extremely liberal receipts of cows and
mixed stock have caused u weakened fooling
on every thing In this line , but prices uro still
oonslderubly short of the prices piovalliiig u
yoarugont this time. Quod fat cows und
heifers are exceedingly scarce , aiul that will ,
In a measure ut , account lor iho
low figures realized. The suinu Is In
a mousuro ut least true of thu stockur
und feeder trude. Jluslnuss bus lucked the
strength und activity of the previous week ,
but this \voitluiess bus been most apparent on
the commoner grudos. whllo holders of good to
cholco well bred steers of good llcsh und
weight found llttlo dillloulty In elToctltu u
sulo ut u dccont urlco. The entire trudu bus
u gcod undertone and with moderate supplies
uny weakness can bo but temporary.
Itocclpts ot outtle were light even for a Sat-
usduy , and contrary to expectations there
were very few westerns umong thorn , The
luurkot was steady nil nround. Good fat beef
steers sold roudlly at satisfactory prices , and
whllo the off grudes wore slow In moving ,
there wus llttlo If any decline In values. Fair
to good O.V ) to 1,250-lb steers sold ut from * ; ibU to
$1,50 , nnd fulr to good westerns nt from $ : tOJ
to KJ.C3. A good oloiirance wus effected.
liutchors' stock und uunnors sold nt con-
ernlly unchanged prices. The supply was
not excusilvo , unJitdiu not taku Ion ? to
cjour up the olTerli'gs. Sales were ut from
il.CO to ti/ . Hulls , oxen and stngs wore
steady to weak ut from 81.00 to $2.25. C'ulvus
wuro freely oirured , and ou this account
prices were considerably lower , with Hales ut
from $1.50 tn > .
There was no life to the stacker nnd feeder
trade , and on all out the bust crudes prices
ruled lower. The v'lilumu ' of trading wus very
light ; Representative sales :
No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
21 , . 030 3 80 4..1270 $4 25 S7..12U3 $1 OJ
23..1233 300 20..1104 4 33
Hons-Wlth a falling olT of nearly 12,000 In
receipts compared with last week un advance
In prices wus nulurully to bo expected , Tbe
market us u whole bus been very uneven , In
common parllunce u "sway-buck , " I.
a. high at the opening and close of
the week uud low In the inlddlu liog
prices necuns'irlly ' follow the prices
of provisions und vlco vorsu. At present the
provision mnrkot Is very unsettled und IIOKS
likewise. Another dlsturbliiK feature IB the
uncertainty lu the Khlppluic demand. Ho Ionic
us this keeps up prlcns uro likely to bo fairly
well muliitulued , but with tbe iiuur upprouuh
of the winter pncKlnp Reason pitchers nro
naturally quick to tnke lulvnntnuo of Any
lot-up In the RhlppInK Uomnnd to hnmtner
price * . Qunllty continues to bo the main con
sideration , vrclzht outtlnit but llttln fijuro.
Ilecelnts nro ttsunlly light on i-utiitd y , nnd
toduy wns no exception , There worn only
twenty-six can on tale , the qnnllty nbout up
to the uToruze. Tlio market opened notlvo
and nbout lie higher thun I'rldny on nil
prndes. Local houses were the only buyers ,
the sutiDllus bolnR too sinivll to
Induro much of n speculative or
shipping domnndt An ouster fcellne obtained
alone toward the close but everything wai
out of first , hands by noon. I'nees were unt-
urnlly very uneven , out In Ronornl eommOuUn
llBht lochol o , llaht to urlmo honvy hoes sold
nt from W.0.1 to JV30. with the bulk of the fnlr
to Rood hops nt from t\M to tS.I.V nitnlnit
ILIUtolVO } Krldny nnd M.S5 toUOOUstSat
urday. The RciiPrulnvcriiEOuf prices uald wns
fromM4i ? lo j.on frlday nnd J4.87K lust
Sntiirday. Keprcsoninttvo sulos :
Sh. I'r.
200 513
2tK > fi 15
100 M3
40 513
120 S13
40 fO fllft
SO fl I7 ( {
10)I'r. )
12J fi25
80 fiU )
2 10) 4f.D
The following tnblo shows the avcraso prlco
ot IIOKS for the month of AtlKUst for the past
six yoursr
The following table shows the iivor.iso
weight of hags by months for the past six
yours :
Snr.Ei'-No sheep wore offcrpd. either fresh
orstulo receipts , luitl the innrKct Is noiiitnally
and quotubly steady ut the recent decllno of
ISoto'-le. Local houses all want Kootl mut
tons and dosIrHbloolTX'rlngsmuet with n ready
s.ilo at about thu following pricns : Fulr to
u-ood natives. $ .1.75 1.40 : fulr to peed westerns ,
? : . .r > 0@4.20 ; cnmrnon und stock sheep , $ i50i6
: L50iood tucholco 40-lb. to93-lb. lambs. $4.60 ®
IldcolptH unit DUpnnltlnn of Stock.
Ofllelal receipts and disposition of stoelc as
shown by the boolo of the Union Stock Yards
oomp-tny for the twenty-four hours ending ut
5 o'clock p. in. , September II , 1S9J :
ClllcnK < > l.lyp Stock Jlurlcet.
CIIICACO. Til. . Sopt. 3. LSpeelnl to
Tun Ilui ! ] There were about 0.000 cattle ro-
colvocl toJuy. Of that number It was esll-
mutoil tliut : i,000 were Toxins , largely owned
by drujscd hcof linns. The unttlo of
fered for s.ilo here were tikon : ut u decline
from KrUluy's niiotullous of from lOc to 15o
or on a basis of from $1.00 lo $5.0) for natives , to JJ.2J for westerns , and from Ji.'JO to
$ ; i.10 for TCXIUIS. Sumo cattle were loft over ,
holders being unwilling to accept the low
prices ulToron.
Thu ijuullty of the lions was poor , very few
of the offerings prudlns better than
fair. Sales wore abuvu SJ.10 , the
prcvullln prlco bclii'j from ? . " > . 15 to
J."i..O for Ihht , nn'J from $ V-3 to Uj.fO for
hoavv nnd medium. Thu highest prlco paid
toduy wus . " > . ( > J , us aitulnitiFVGO yesterday ,
but. the uverngu. quality consldero-l , was lee
lilKher thun for I < 'rlduy. Quotations were ut
from i4.S ) to * . ' ) . : U for ll nt mill ut from { 1.93 to
$ V80 for hoivy : nnd medium welsh Is. Culls
sold ut from J-.S3 ) .
There was a llniltod Inquiry for sheep at
from W.UO to $5.40 andTor lambs ut from M.-'J
to JO 00. To.xuns were saluhlo at from IJ.OJ to
84.01 and western ut from $ 'J. ' > lo SI.'JJ for grass
Itocclpts : Cattle , 4,000 lioad ; hogs , 7,000
ho.ul ; sheep , l.DOO head.
The Evening Journal reports :
OATTI.U HecolptH. 4r > 00 lieud,1 shipments ,
1.400 lioud : ni'iruct closed dull nnd lower !
Today's sales : Natives. $1.0024.03 ; Toxuns. Si.Uj
© 2.75 ; stackers , tS.KiS.yOi cows , Jl.SOffiS.M.
lines Hocolpts , 7,030 linud : Hlilpmeuts , 4,590
head ; murkotoponcd , " > ® 10o lilphor ; closed 5c
lowur : roiip'h and common , fl.B5.10 ; puck-
liil ! and mixed , f.'i.lOTJi.M : prlmo heavy nnd
butchers'welKIlls. ? 5.4'i5.f)5 : liiht , $4.70 < a3.'JO.
SllKill' Itecolnls. 1.000 heud ; shipments , 4,000
head ; murkot dull but about steady. Today's
sales : Natives , $ I.O1.0 ) ; westerns , JJ.76 ©
4.40 ; lambs$3.233.83.
HiuiBiis City Uvo .Stock Market.
celpts. f > ,400 ; shipments. ' . ' , nee ; the markat wan
very diiil und gonorully unchaiiKud ; Htoers ,
. ' . ' . > il.45B ' , ' . Texas Inalan
$ ; i.'o@4. J5 : cows , > .10 ; and
stc-ers. : stockois and feeders , * 'l.'i : > ®
lions Hocolpts , S.700 ; shlpmontn. 4CO ; the
market fur common hogs was steady ; L-ood
ho.'s nftllc higher ; ull grades , S.5JS5.Wi ; ) ( ; ;
bulk. H.8.W15.18M.
rimii' : Kecclpts , (00 ; shlnincnts , 000 ; the
market was nulotuud weak ; muttons , $1,25 ;
lutnbs , $ l..60Q5.uo.
St. I.otilH I.Ivo Stoclr .tliirlcel.
BT. LOUIP , .Mo. , Sept. 3. OATrnr Kecolpts ,
COO ; shipments. 40) ; market firmer ; fulr to
cholcu native steers , f'i.35Q4.Ui : fair to good
Texas und Indian SIUOFH , * ' . ' 10Q.i : : ) .
Hons-KeculDts. 40) ) ; shlpmonts. ! > ,100 ; mar
ket lOo hluhor : houvy. f' > . 0fi > 5,40 ; puukln ; ,
$ l.7.l < B5.25 ; llsht , $500O"i.25.
Bliuili1 Itoculpts. 100 ; Hhlpiiionts , ltOO : ;
market stoadv and hotter ; fair to bo.u uutlvo
muttons , W.50ffi5.00 ; Tuxuns , ! : ioi.S1.50. (
TNSTHUMKNTS placed on record Sept. 3 ,
JL ) til ) . ' :
Alois ToriMlo to Vucluv Novak , lot (5 ( ,
block (1. ( llrown park , .t COO
Joseph Willows to a II Blurmui , lot 4 ,
HIIniello cwurt ( reIllu ) COO
T H Adams and wlfo to F M Munkor , lot
(1. ( Latuy's Hub , 3.000
JBUIUon und wlfo toJ W Kobblns ot
ul , lot 10. block 1 , JUiwu'H sub und lots
! i4 toll ? , I'alrmoiint pliico 5,000
Kuto MoMlllaii und husbnnd to O J
Ames , lot 0 , block 12U. Bonth Omaha. . . 1,400
David Heller to 0 1C Holler , lots 1 and 2 ,
block 4 , Totter & ( Jobb'u L'nd add to
South Omaha " 0,000
F 1 * I'rccmiui nnd wlfo to II A Krlton-
brlnk , lot7. Krcemnn's udd . , 030
Windbor I'lat'o Ilulldlnj : uksoclntlon to
J.oulH Kroner , lot 'JU , Windsor place
ext 800
Louis Kroner to 0 A I'oak , same 1,0.0
U M I'lnrson toll 1) Williams , lot block
: i , O'Neill's sub 4,000
M 1C Iteoco and husband to W H Goodoll ,
o ' / tit Iot4 , block a , 1'arkur's udd 3,000
Q M llltqhcoak und wfo ! to KranU Mur
phy , trustee , ( Mix I CO foot In block 1 ,
( Japltol udd ( conimoncluirut nw corner
20th und Doucliis streets ) 20.4CO
JlcOa tuo Investment company to Uoli-
ert fitowiirt , s 4'J'S foot of lotBS , Nel-
BOII'H ndd. . . 1,700
K V Uolo und wlfo to L / Johnion , lot 10 ,
block 4. Luke's udd , 0,030
OhrUtlun Hpucbt and wlfo tn Amanda
Kllombcok , lots 2U und 21 , blooL' 2 ,
Mlllurd place. . . . 10,000
Otto Vout to J 1 Williamson , s 28 foot of
lot I , block 10 , Wutorloo 600
Totul amount of transfers $00,000
The Past Week Barren of Any NeW
Fcnturo ? .
I'tiroly I.ornl Iliumon * Knterprlioi Not Very
Active Somcthluc Ncedml to Ol
More Snap to Omnlm's
lletall Trntlo.
In local trade clrclos few , If any , nov *
features have boon dovolopad during the six
drws past. Omaha's jabbing trade continue *
acttvo and , as n whole , most satisfactory , la
thu country rotall morclmnu say that trnito
Is not particularly rushing ns the farmers
are busy with thrashing mid oilier work in
cldent to the season of the year , nnd are
not spending much tlrau in town , The farm
ers , liowuvor , nit have inonoy and when they
do visit town they nro far inoro liberal buy
ers than tlay wouM bo under dllToront cir
cumstances. Thus the country rotall mer
chants have a peed stonily o-wb. trade. U is
this tlmt keeps up the movotnant of Roods In
n Jobbing way ntid Rives Omaha the beak
business in that line over experienced ,
'Wo did uot brag very much ln t month
about our business , " said n prominent
Jobber , "for whllo wo sonmod to bo having
n very good trade it did not strika
us as being particularly largo. Slnco
tbo cloio of the mouth wo have figured up
nnd 11 nd that our business last month was 25
per cent greater than for the month of Au
gust , ISM , nnd wo thought ihtU wo were
dolni ? a very Rood business lint fall. I also
llnd , " continued the sumo speaker , "after
making careful Inquiry , that our house is uo
exception to the rule , but that all the Job
bing houses ot Oinuhn tire doing n largo and
satisfactory business. "
Another Jobber remarked that they had
about all the business during the past week
that they could h.tndlo with their present
force ntid that , they had been rushed early
and Into to 1111 ardors.
This is the general Irond of the conversa
tion among the local Jabbers und servos to
omphusizo only more fully wluitTiiK line has
been churning for u lout ; time , namely , thai )
the Jobbini ; buslni.-s.i of Omnlia Is lu a most
prosperous condition nnd that the volume.of
trade surpasses any previous year.
This Is not nil , however , for not only are
present conditions most satisfactory , but the
outlook for the later tall and wlutor busi
ness was never blighter.
While the abundant crops which placa
money in the pockets ot the lurmors are gen
erally given all the credit for tbo growth in
tbo wholesale business of Omaha , still thatt
is not tbo only causn. Nebraska la tilling up
with people. Counties which a very short
time ugo were only unorganized territory
wltli scarcely a settler uro now tilled with
prosperous farmers. The number of now
towns that have sprung up in Nebraska dur
ing the past year or two would surprise any
one who has not given particular attention
to the subject. This of itself would bo suf-
lioicnt to largely increase the Jobbing busi
ness of Omaha. While the jobbers may look
upon the proaant good trade which they are
enjoying us duo only to good crop returns ,
still there is uo prospect of the volumeof
business over dronplnc down again to the
level of previous yours. Some unforeseen
nnd widespread lluancinl depression might
cause a shrinkage but the results from such
causoi would bo of only a temporary char
acter. It is safe to assume that the increase
in business over previous years Is a porma *
nsnt gum and will continue with porhupa
slight Interruptions so lone as the population ,
of tbo west keeps on growing.
The Jobbers of Omaha might as well real
ize the actual situation ono time as well ns
another and prepare for It. Those who nro
struggling iiang trying to keep up with the
business with their present facilities , ox-
poctlng that there will bo a cessation of tha
rush later on , will bo disappointed. Tha
jobbing business of Omaha has made a per
manent growth and the jobbers 'will ba
forced to grow with it.
I.ncitl Kctall Trntle.
In the retail trade of Omaha tbo changes
the .past . week have also been vary slight.
Thcro docs not appear to DO very much
acllvitv in business enterprises of a purely
local character. Some merchants are dolne
a fair business , but there is no snap to trad a
and it is generally quoted as.dull. Among
f > ono there Is an anticipation of an improve
ment later in the season , while others , of a
loss hopeful disposition , do uot look for any
marked improvement until another year rolli
around. Business appears to have reached
the low ebb point nnd it might not taka
much to start it in the opposite direction.
The undertaking ot some enlnrprl&a or enter
prises which would give steady employment
to u few hundred additional mon would ,
without doubt , have a most bcmoflclal effect.
Nnhrnsktv Trade Tlmmcli tlm Kyos of n
.SiH-cliilUt Tliut Hank Failure.
Jobbing trudo continues excellent In nearly
every line , said Manager Hoborson of 11. & .
Dun & Go's Mercantile agency. "While ,
trade locally in retail circles shows no
marked Improvement , tbs orders for goods
from the country ( tributary to Omaha are
exceptionally good. Sugar has advanced
half a cent per pound In the past week , and
this his stimulated buying of that staple.
The advance Is partly attributed to the in
creased demand of fruit can n era and pre
serving works in sections of tbo union
favored with a good fruit crop. The prlco ot
canned fruits and preserves will bo high , a *
the crop in most parts of the United States U
a failure.
"The oyster mon were considerably elated
the first partof the week over the prospect ot
cool weather lor opening tbo Soptombcf
trado. The return of warm weather bat
postponed active oyster sales for the ttrao ,
"Tho banlcs have all the money they know
what to do with and are living upon tha
hope that the demand for their surplus will
not bo much longer delayed. Crops are mov
ing. Grain dsulors ura in tbo Hold and
builders are pushing their woru in anticipa
tion of winter. Those and other Indications
lead to the belief that before the month
ends the idle funds now In bank will bo rnora
largely called into uso.
"Speaking of banking brings to mind tha
fool that the banks of Nebraska are , gen
erally staunch institutions , and failures and
embarrassments among thorn are so rare
that when ono occurs it becomes something
of a Boiisutlon. The State bank of No-
braskn at Crete was closed by order of the
state board of bank examiners Friday
afternoon. Attorney General Hastings , on
bnhnlf of tlio slate authorities , served notlco
on E. M. Harrington , clerk In charge , that
lie would on Wednesday next apply to UbldC
Justice * Maxwell for the appointment of a re
ceiver. An attachment notice lu favor of
the county treasurer was tacked on tha
building lute Friday night to secure a claim
of * lyOO. This , however , It it thought
will bo sot asldo. The capital of
the Dunk was $75,000 under the
original charter , but this was reduced
to i'iO.OOO. Uoorgo I ) . Stevens , the cmhlor ,
and his friends ware supposed to have taken
up this stock , out it now appears/ that tbo
negotiations tor placing a portion were not
completed nnd that Slovens wont
etui to secure some autlvo man
who would put In capital ana
give his time to the business of the bank ,
Air. Slovens' prolonged and unexplained ab-
fiunca brought the affairs to u crisis , Tha
reserve In the Union Nutionnl , Chicago and
Hanover National , Now York , Is Intact , and
Cashier Stevens does uot appear to huvo
taken any fund * with him. Thus far com
paratively few persons regard the bank as
insolvent ; on the contrary , our authorities
generally agree that tbo bank has ampla
assets to moot Us obligations and will be re
"Our traveler * in the interior of the slate
report local trade rather qulot and collec
tions a llttli slow , but tbo tbrostilng ma
chines are ut work nnd the small grain is be
ginning to niovo , and very shortly this
should llvon up collections nnd Increase mcr-
cliandlso sales , Wbeut and oats uro yielding
well and corn Is . promising , lU'cent ruins
have improved the pasturage and tlio out
look generally is favorable for a prosourou *
seiuou , "