THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : jLtTURDAY , SEPTEMBER 3 , 1892 , "Wheat Started Off Yesterday with tin Ap- pearnnco of Strength ! BUT A PERIOD OF WEAKNESS FOLLOWED There AVns Less Apprehension felt in to Cholera nt n llcmtlt of the I'ronipt Action of the Uovcrniiicnt. CnicAno. III. , Sept. a Wheat tinned olT tills morning with uti nponrunco ] of strength , nnd some curly sales wcro as high as J4o over yesterday's close , but the selling was so freu on thoadvanco thut the strength was soon eliminated unit n period of weakness fol- lowo'1 , the loss belli.1 over lo durliutho nrst lioilr. The'y firmness was duo to bettor cablet , J.lvorpool boliu quoted 140 ItlRhor There was less apprehension felt In regard to' the cholera , i .1 the prompt action of the eov- crnniRnt In regard to quarantlnn lo 1 to KOIIIO confidence Hint the scourge tnlirht bo kept nwav from tlilvco.inlr , . Rut on mature consideration it was felt that such measures , while acknowl edged to be extremely necessary , won ) u se rious Interference with commerce and might aervu to prevent the frcn movement of our prnln abroad , which was the on y hone ot iroo I prices. Another hoarlsh factor was the con tinuance of ho.ivy receipts which are every where proving a serious welt-tit fortho tnnrket to buur , while yet another very weak aucncy was llm eovorn break In corn , whtcti went tumbling ilowuw rd on the contlnttod huavv receipts and the failure of the expected iren- cral frosts to appear last night over the corn bolt , Thou came a report , qu Vkly denied. Hint cholera had made Its appearance In Now Urloans. It did not take IOIIK for tills com bination of iiilvcrso Inlluoiifcs to turn ilia crowil very benrlsli and there was ho-ivy lliiuldatlon and vl.orotis short scllltiit. Oo- ccmbr-r opened > 4C I.Ichor nt ? 7ic. ! iidvuncod to 77 ? c. wild off toTfi led to 7,1ftc. brokn to Tiiic on ronmved soiling , men , on latu cubus reporting firmer markets abroad , ad vanced to anil closed ntfi * c. Corn was weak and domorallrcd from the ( tart , Bliowlni ; more domor.'illzatlon than liny thine cliif. and before noon hud declined l ? e from yesterday's clo o. Frosts wcro reported , but Hit ! general Impression was thut they were not nouvy ommjjh to do any damages and tlnit they would In fact hurry forward the ripening of that cereal and thus tins ex pected bull argument was turned to iit-count by the boars. The receipts , too , were largo Nnd ID ) ears in excess of the estimate and farmers were said to Do Hclllnx freely. Koarl all commission houses seismed to have sulllni : orders and m ny of the most pronounced bulls heretofore weio free sailors nnd the llqu datlon was general. The depression continued without anv ma terial reaction to the elose , which was \vonk. nt or near the lowest figures of the day for thu vnrous : futures. October opened at from itlViW.Hic. against 40'io ' at the elose yesterday , iold steadily off at.froin 4Ti17'jC' . strcnuth- OnoMo 4\Sc. ) but weakened again nnd closed ftt 47ic. ! the low point of tha dny. , Oats weakened with everything else , closing fie lower , lifter having touched a point , ' o lower Her ; pro lucts showed some strength early and sold higher In sympathy with the advance In the price of hogs ; but the break In corn uid | the general weakness In all the other pits lent prices off , dosplto the cIToris \Vrlght , Ouduhy mill other longs to hold IU At-tho Oloso u better feeling prevailed , and most of the loss was recovered. I'orlc closed with -u Jovs tf only 2'ic. hard Is unchanged to-lie lower and ribs 2Ko lower to I'lfto higher , Lake freights iinchiin.-cd. Kstlmated nuolDts for tomorrow : Wheat , BOB cam ! corn , CSU cars ; o.ilB , 4 > cars ; hogs , Ji ,01 hoad. The leudlnR futures ranged us follows : Cash quotations wcro nsfollows : l''touu Woakenlnir trend and nominally lower. WHEAT No. 2 sprlns , 73&c : No. 3 spring , 05 © ur.yc : No. 2 rod , 7.ijc. COIIN Lower : No. 2 , 47c ; No. 3 yellow , 47S' ® l74'e : No. 3cash. 4 - . OATS No. 2 , : n > fu ; No. 2 whlto , 31c : No. 3 White. : ci2Ko. : HYK-NO. 2 , , r > rc. HAUI.KV No. 2 , G3c ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , KOQCOo : No. 4. f. o , b. . 40 ® < 3" . KI.AX SBBD No. I , SI.C401 01" } . TIMOTHV SEEI > Prlmo , J'.fiO. WIII KV Distillers' llnlshod goods , per gal. , . . SuiiAlt Standnrd "A. " michatizod. Receipts iinds hlpmcnts toduy were as fol lows : On the Produce exchange today the butter Jnarkot was weaker ; croamorluH. 17'J4Wo : dairies , 1GQ2J. Kgis llrm at I7 < iil7ic. ! St. I.ouU .MarketN. ST. LOUIH. Mo. , Hopt. i-Kr-ouii-Huyors BHklug concessions , but holders not disposed to lot go. WltHAT-Oponod ! ® ? ; no , bntKoon dropped Ic , rallied later , but closed U@4c ! below yes- .terday ; ca-ih , C.S,7jo ; yeptomfcor closed nt eec ; October ; 7JU"i December , 73ri < 873'o ; ilny , 7l Tie. OOHN Declined nil day and olosod , ' ® lie ! below yesterday ; cash and September. 434c ! : October , 44 > illie ; year. 4jic : ! ; December , 43c ; May. 47'/i47 < 1 c. OATS Lower : cash nnd September , 294o ! : October. 3) ) c ; May , 35)ic. ) Rru Inin-ur at5t i > . Hit AN-riteady at lUJ'iU. llAV Ur.chaniod it Me. FJAXKKKII llluhor at 70c. lUTriii-Sto ) : dy and unchanged. Koos Stoutly and unclian.-ni ! . . . WitiaKY-Htotuly at $1.10. n.uuuNn-Unchtinccd. COTro.N TlK8Unchauircd. . 1'novihiONS Stonily , hut Mow on a smalt job trade douo at previous quotations. RECEIPTS Kiour , 4.000 bills. ; wheat , 2'H.OOO bu , ' : corn , 4 ! > , ouo bu. ; oats , 7i.OtiO ) bu. ; rye 800) bu. ; barley , none. Mlll'MKNiB-Flour , 11,003 bbR ; wtiunt , 12.000 bu. ; corn. 4ujubu. ; outs , 2,000 bu. ; rye , 1,00 bu.j barley , none. Now York .Unrktit. NEW YOIIK , Sopt. 2. l-'i-ouit-Rooolpts. ao.ooj bbln.i exports. 1.500 bills. , 15,000 sacks ; dull , ttnadyj sales. H,5to bbls. ColtsuuAi. Dull , sliiady , WIIKATRooolpts , ll 50) ( bu. ; exports , I82.COO bu. ; sales , t.uiu.Oi ) ) bu , ot futuroKi IW.OJD bu. ot spot. Spots dull , but firmer : No. 2 rod. 78\J In atoro nnd uluvator ; "Ulio nlloat ; 7U > ii4tOi ? f . o. Ik ; No. 2 rod , 74io ! ; uiiLTadcd rcu , 7JH4 B0i > : No. 1 iiorthei ) ! , H5c ; No 1 hard , UHtu : No. 2 northern , YHyo ; No. S ! lUiloaL-o. KlUo : No. 2 Milwaukee , 7h'io : No. 3 Bpt'lng , 754'c. ? Options were dull , opening llrm at Uft'iu auvancu on bteadlcr cables , for- ul ii liuylu.- and largo clearances , declined UVc ou nuo receipts and louse Nulling , ad- u on local uovoi lug nnd o osod steady at .Ui' down from yustorday ; No. 2iod , sup- iubcr , 'tOiM'H'jc. ' dosing nt 7bl ; October. 70 15-ilXiMiWHic. eUislim at 8J'ie ; November , hlicj Dfcuinbcr , KI'iicKJ ' 15-lisc , closing utSiJic : MilhN''asU.So. . closln - at bU'.ic. HAUI.KV MAI.T Quiet. CHUN Rurolptx , IIMXJJ bu , ; oxporu , 17,000 bu. ; it Ox , U.UO.'O bu. uf fulure.s , 7iiv 0 tin , of spot. HpolB dull , lower uul weak ; Niv 2 , n < QU7 > jj In uluvator ; fH ) ? ® 'ltie ! nlloit : unzriuled red , M'ti.iSc : onllonH wiTodnll at UtiSio lower OH Jur o ri'oulplH mid freu renlliing , rioted weak , B.'ptemhur . , 54ii4t5p , i-lotlnu nt &Qjo ? ! Octo ber. D4si 5ilc. c oalng at nic : .Novcmlier , osing ul MCI Dei-ember , MUftM c- closing nt A lie ; May. Mliffi.i7.i- , cloilng ntftiiUc. AOAIH Hooulpts. W , U50 bu , ; exports , 5.VS Uu , ; mlua , 2\iiiO bu , of futures , | .M.IKW bu , of ipotv. Snot market fairly ucllvn nnd ouster ; upt mis dull nnd lowur ; Suutemlur , 37liO37Si' . ousiu nt 37HCI October , a ii tHio , eloslng ut b -l Nnvrmbur. toUQa-JUc. closing utUbUu ; No. 2i-pot , white , uotiut mlxud woatcrn. ii'iiUUo ; while western. y > i6IAc { No. 2 Chicago , UStio. lliuHWuak nnd dull. MoiAHsi : < Kurulizn , iioiuliiu1 ; Now Orleans steady , uulot. RVK I'nlr domnnd , steady , Koos Fruo receipts , qnloi and cutler west ern pr.inu. IUH44.UUo ! ! rcolpls , 5.53'J ' pktjs. HtiiK8io dy. quUiU Wnoi. I'lrm , fulr ilonmnd ; domostlo llccce , SJOaAe ; pulled. 2UQ c ; Tfxus. 15U21e. tiudAit Ruw , urm but quiet : re II nod , active nnd Million No. U. 4 7-1031 11-lCo ; No. 7. 4 6-10 ® 7-IOojNo. a O4 < dlc ) ! No. I ) . 4 1-llliil 3-100 ! No. 10. 4)i ) ( ] 4Uoi NoU. . U l3-ir < t3 IJ-lOo ; No. 1- ' , u n-iMtdiJia.iiio ! NO. 1:1. : a > i ( ioi ( oir A. 4 ! 115-K.oi mould A. 53-10it55.tlci | itandurd A , J-iO5U-Woi ooufeotlouors A , i MWW l-iec | cut loaf , WfclHo ; rrnshcd , WQAllai pow dered , S 1-1C .1 ; Mfic : crauulatcd , 4 li-l&a 53-lOc ; cubes , 5 3-1MM 5-10 ? . J'OHK Qulot , ; cut monts. dull , easy t middles , llrm. dull : short ocnr , tSM , J.urd , dull , steady ; weslnrn "team closed nt 87.S5 ! ales , 500 tlori-r.s nt 97. (17,05 ( : option sales , : T > ) lorcos September at { 7.H5 , clnslnz ntt7.83 ; 250 ' . ubllng at J7.81. HUTTIMI Dull , easy ; wastorn creamery , 17 ® 24 5iC. Irrnpulur. dull. PHI lilt ) * Dull , steady ; American , I13.0DQ U.50. Oori-nti-Dull : Inkc. I.EAD-rtrmt domestic. ll.l5ai.2J. Tl. -Muldy : ; Straits , f ! l.3ia2J.IO. Kansas City Murkrtu , KANSAS CITY. Mo. , Sept. 2. WIIKAT About steady and In Rood doiunnd : No. 2 hard , old , r-Soj No. 2. hi.rd . , new , coaco'/jc ' ; No. ' 2 red. OJ QtSo. CoitN-No. 2 white , firm nt 4'jaiO'jc ; No. 2 mixed. Jowor nt 451ic. tVTWoak ; No. 2 mixed , 2.ia'5So ' ; No. 2 white , 3tc. RVK 3c lower ; No. 2 , S.Vlc. A stroui ; ; Racked , Dlaio. HAY Steady and unchanged. HUTTBH Kirm and unchangoct ; croamory. KWat.'o ! dniry. 15I9. ' . Kons-Steady at I3llo. : RncKii-Td Wheat , 3I.OJO bu. ; corn. 0,000 bu. ; outs , none. Siiti'MKNTS Wheat , 52.000 bu. ; corn. 6,0.0 bu. ; oats , none , Oil Markot. NEW Yoitic , Sent 2. pETiror.RUM-Stoady and dull ! united olosed nt 55o for October. C'OTT.INSEEPOll.-QUlOt Utld llmi. TALLOW Quiet nud llrm ; city tW.OO for s. ) . 45-tio. ( RosiN Qulotnnd flrm'stralcod , common to gooJl.2ViJI.30. Tuiti'E.NTiNK Dull nn 1 oaslor nt27 ? 'Hc. LONDON , Sept , 2. li.siiii : ) Ott , 17s 7(1 ( nor cwt. ; whale , il , per ton ; line rosin , 7s lidO'Js ' per cwt. l.tN.msui CAKK .to 6s fid per owt. for western. St > iit.M : Otr. JUI5 per ton , RKCINKII PETUOI.EUM I'/td ' pornal. i'UMiNi : Si'iitiTS-2is por.cwt , Liverpool Alnrketi , LtVEiti-oor , . Sopt. 1 WiiKAt-Stonilyi de mand Improving : holders offer moderately ; red western sprlii' , ( is l4di' ! > ! 2lid ; No 2 winter - tor , Osjjm 2tl. Receipts for the pastt.hroo days of wheat wuro241iU ) ) ccutals , Including 171 , UOJ American. COIIN Steady and donnnd uoor ; mixed westoru. 4s 7d per cental. Receipts of Ameri can. corn for thu past three days were 3',50J centals. PEAS Canadian quiet nnd unchanged. LAHO l-'lrni at3Us per cwt. Cotton .Market. NcwOur.KANf , Ia. , Sopt. 2. Steady : mid dlings , 7o : low middlings , ( Hie ; good or.llnary. no ; not receipts 75) ) bales : gross receipts , 71 ! ) bales ; exports to Great Britain. 1,5. ! ) bales : coastwise. 3.421 : sales , BVI bales ; stock , 01'JOI bulcs. Weekly Not rosulpts , 8.SH1 bales ; gross receipts , , ' . ) . $ bales : exports to Great llrllaln , 4.8I1 > bales : to the continent , 2,4 bales ; coast wise , 7,187 bales ; sale : ) , 8.2:5 bales. CoMmi .MiirUt't. NEW YOIIK. Sopt. 2. Options opened steady Hiid iinchan cd to , a1 points down and closed barely steady at 5 points down to5 points up : Balcs.,2J-luUtt.buis , Including'Soptomhor , $13.50 Onmhu-l'riMluciv.Markets. < Goiiornl.mnrkot.15c. Poui/rnv oldhcns.Bc ; roostcrii,07o ; spring chlckons , { 2.0fl@3.Ul1. . HUTTEH Good paclcliiK stock , 13c ; choice dairy , I Havana SuuaiJIArket. . HAVANA , Hflpt. 2. Sugar , firm ; yesterday 20,5 0 baas of cuntrlfuialsIKi.ile rco.s polar- Izutlon. were sold at { 3.50 gold per quintal. Traitors' Till It. CiliCAno. III. , Sopt. 2. Counselmnn & Day toCockroll Comiiilss on Co : Wheat openud Htrone on the domnnd from shorts cnusoil by higher cjiules. Imtvhroko shnrnly under sont- tered liquldiitlon Induced by fine weathor.ind a lurzo Iticroaso In the death rate from cholera In Russia brought on by the oxcesslvn heat. The market rallied on larso clearancesml on an actlvo'ujcport domnml for red wheat re ported from Now York. The closing was dull and about He lower. Corn has exchanged places with wheat and become the weak est article 'ou the list. This Is duo to largo receipts an I liquidation caused Ijy the disappointment of the frost bulls. At the decline shipper ! ) have again come forward as free buyers , but speculators are boar sh on thu fear of a cholera blockade nnd bought Lctobcr for thu growing crop. Provlsloni present no now features. Liquida tion of the January product by outsiders , laboring tinder the cholor.i hc.irc. caused a wuakenlng of far-oil futures. Continued buy ing of September and October product by packers and heavy professional speculators made them eloso higher. The discount ou October pork IB like y to narrow to tl.oo below January , Again -manipulation Is the order of the day and we advise against now trades in IS : ) . ! futures. CHICAGO. III. . Sept. 2. ICeiinott. Hopkins & Co. toS. A. McWhortor : Wheat opened strong and lie higher , but the extreme weakness In corn caused It to so I otf Ic. Closing cables coinln. In unexpectedly higher led lo a quick rally. At no tlmo did the market have a pan icky look. It wus oloarly pounded down by short soiling and the deul no was very L-rndual. The long 'wheat came out yesterday on stop loss orJers. leaving the market In a he-iltliler position than for eome time past. Yeatordny sold lower than at any former tlmo slnco the panic fo lowiui ; the llnrici-collapso In iSS7. Liverpool prices were up ! 4Id for wheat nnd corn futures with a good demand. New York.sald there was a scarcity of No. 2 red afloat ami a good de mand for It. A private cable just In from Hamburg says that cholera Is decreasing. Northwestern advices nro vcty emphatic In regard to the vreat damauo done lo wheat In the past two cols. Prlmarv mar.fot receipts continue to diminish. The very lar.-u receipts of corn have depressed that market hhsirp'y nnd oats have sold elf moder ately In sympathy. Conaurviillvu dealers have said for weeks that corn was too high , but thuy are now advising customers that It Is on a good commercial basis. Armour la quoted us saying that ycstord iy was the low day for wheat and provisions. He. with sev eral prominent local traders , Is uudcriitood to bo buying IIUA produoton all soft spots. OillUAfin. III. , Sopt. 2-R O. & Co. to Duncan. Ilolllnur& Co. : Thu firmer cables started the market off br skly , hut afterward fluctuations were rule.I llrst by a weather cable , then a stronger cablu coupled with the denial by the authorities of the tupor'tou two cases of elm.era In Now YorK. 'Micro were about 200 , ( > iHuiU ) bushels of wheat worked for export. The heavy receipts U talcln-j the snapout ot thu bull clement In both wheat and corn. We are told that one road has applied for extra Inspectors at their yards , nxpuutlug 7 0 cars a day next week. The receipts today were 153 ears wheat , 2SW coin. 70 oats , charters 50,000 , Thora was one htoadv stream of liquidation In corn from bogluuliu toenU , started by cold weather not mineralizing , and then heavy es timates for tomorrow. Locals trlod to rally the markets but the small shlpplir ; demand prevented. At present the heavy receipts and the probability of tnelr continuing U molding an unusual feeling In this corual. A prominent local long hold his line of oats this morning. With we iknuss Iu corn and a depressed market , we look upon oatu us the best property at the pr.ccs. Provisions opened Urm on light run ot hogs. STOCKS AND BONUS. Conditions Now Prov.ililne tndlc.tta l.lttlo CliiuiKO ICIthor Wuy. NKW YOIIK. Supt 2. The conditions now pre vailing In the Htock market nro favor.iblo neither to an Important rlsu nor a material de cline In prices. It Is well understood by thin time that the cholera was nothing hut a frame upon which to litngo u temporary ex citement , during the provalnnco of which Hpouulators who Htirtod the thing may gain MHIIO temporary advantage In their operations In the market. At thu same tlmo tbu present condition of the money market U such that there Is llttlo Ilkellhool of any Important movement being undertaken , and the con tinued export ot gold Indicates that the end of the European liquidation Is not yet , The boars , however , are still active and aggtosslvu. There was a distinctly easier feeling In money nnd with the dying away of thu cholera scare the business done showed a marked fall ing olT and thu Iliiutiiatlous of the gcnorul list became very dlaconcertod. Halon , how ever , looking for u vulnerable spot apaln lit on the coalers , and the accompanying circu lation of ti rumor of anothur rate war among the coal stocks , grout pressure wan brought to buar ( in nil thu leudliu coal vtookti. The trading In Rending run up to enormous figures and all the others were inure nutlvu tlntu usual nnd thu result wan the deul lies ru.iohuj uvur 3 percent In Jersey Central and Dela- waiuuud Hudson , and uo.irly 2 per cent In Lnckawutina & Reading. The utluct. on the Kt-nerul inarUut was very sUijht , Tuu m.irUut , which hud opened strong and materially libber with the leaders showing gains if us much no H per cent , closed quiet and heuvy with mom stocks within small fractions of II i at prleos. The Unal changes are almost nil small grain * . Uovornmoni bonds have been dull. State bonds have boon entirely nuiluvtod. Tha I'ost snys | Whllo hluh money rutos and the cholera nro the nominal onuses ot the present demoralized condition of the market tno real onuses lie dueper In the Inherent con- ultlou of the warUot I molt. There uus for a month been a eouktuut ndvuuco lu tuo In dustrials and br sympathy In some railway shares. The present ncnro Is no doubt n punlng of prices. The curtain has been lifted nnd the real naturoof oporatlons has been rcvonled. Ithns shown a market filled with stop orders of small margined holders and u high lool of prices that would not seem to bo warranted oy actual conditions. Small traders have taken the novice of n few promi nent bull operators nnd Htoadlly bouuht , although n reaction was bound to follow. When the turn onmo , there was nn Indis criminate outpouring of stocks and the execu tion of the many stop orders only accelerated the decline. This was u boar experience for n Inrxo number of snmll traders. The following are the closing quotations for the load Ing stocks on the Now York Stock nx- change today : asked , tbld. The total sales of Btoi-lis toilay were 37.1.1G2 share * . Including : Atchlsou , I2.-.M : Chleaso Oas. ( lain ; : Delaware , I.aoknwnnua .fc Western , 0imo ; Erie , Iv'.r.lO ! Louisville & Niishvlllo , 7.-.MQ ! M asuurl I'aoinc. 4.7 Ol Now KuslanU. 0.301 ! Uoadln- . ' . ll.MW : Ulchinond , t West 1'olntMill ! : -t , Paul. SlWIKliSt. I'aul. itOinaha. S.SJII , Union I'uellK' , U.8JJ ; Western Union. IJ.RU ' _ T.niKlnn r'ni neiili itevl w. [ CopyrlRhtcd ISU2 by James Harden Honnott.1 IjONDON , Popt 2. INew York Herald Gable Special to Tim HnR.l This has not boon a very satisfactory day In the Stock exchange , new business bavin ? boon on a limited scale while markets have been rather unsettled , tlioiuh the tendency tit lust Is decidedly more favorable. Consols are unchanged. In Han rupee paper has ulvon away J per c-out For eign Kovoriitnont .securities close linn , boln supported bv a stroiip tone reported on the contliifntal hoursca. Honiu railways have been adversely Influenced bv miserable weather. Southern lines closed fairly htrona at an advance of ? ; per cent , being marked In llrlchton. . Southeastern duforro I and North- oMStcrn also Improved ! J per cent , whllo tow others are fractionally lower. American railways showed considerable depression durliiR the early doalln :9. After the receipt of Now York prices a dcoldcd rally oiisuod , still most doscr.ptlons m.irked a docllno on the day ranirlirz from . ' 4 to ! > per cent , the lead bolus taken ny Lake Shore. Now York , ICrlo sni-ond mort nao and Wab.ish Blocks. Money roiitluiicd to bo a drutt. Short loans hnvo hcuu fruoly olTerod at S percent. Very little business has been trnnsai ted. In the dlhcouiit market two and three months bills have bcou uo otl'iled ut 13-10 to 1 ptr cent. Xoiv York Muiiry Mnrlcot. NEW Yoitic , Sept. 2. MONKY ON GALL Easy at -/i to . " ) per cent : ln"nt loan. 254 per cunt ; closed offered at 2'/J nor cent. PlllMI ! .AlKIIRANTILB I'ArKIl 10 pOrCOIlt.- HTKIH.INO KXC'IIANDK Quiet hut llrm nt Jl.SUli for sixty-day bills and J4.S $ ! { forde- m mil. The closing quotations on bonds : Itostoa Stock Uiiiii.ttlnus. HosTOX , Mass. , Sept , 2. The following nro the closing stock quotations : Nu\v YorK . , liaii. { iji. titl < ins. New YOUR , b'opt. 2. The following nro the closing mining quotations : Choler 50 llphlr 2IU Ciown Point I'O Plymouth 75 Con. Cal. A Vu alU Sierra fiuvndn 14' ) Dcndwood 215. Mnndurd 145 Could , V Curry A ) Union i on 110 lliilo.t XororoBj. . . . 1 > 'J Yellow .lacket 55 llomentake 140J Iron Silver IW In U'l'uniloiice ' 15 Quick Sllvor Xi < 3 .Mexican 12J do preferred 170J North Star KM llulwur 20 Ontario TJO ] naked. San FrancUeo .Mlnliit ; Ouot il IOIIH. SAN ritANCisco , Uul. . Sopt. 2. The olllcia closing quotations for mlnliij stocks today were us follows : St. Lonln 51111101 ; Stocks ST. Louts , Mo. , Sopt. 2. Mining stosk quota tions today. J'lnanciai .Mite * . KANSAS CITY , Sopt. 2. Olearlnja , SIflOI,7IO. Nis\Y Yott'J , Supt. 2. Oioarlnan , $153,001,303 ; balances , i7,724.73l. PAtim. tfopt. 2. Three per cent rontos. lOOf. 55u for thu iiRcount , HAVANA , Hopt. 2. Spanish gold , $35J © 454. Kxclmn.o. qiKutbtit llrm. HALTI.MOHK , Mil. . Sept. 2. Clearings. (2,740- UJ'J : balances , W70.7.U. Rate , U pur cent. LONDON , Sopt. 2. Amount of bullion gone Into the Hunk of ICnulaud today , JUHJ.tou. Piin.ADEM'iilA , Pa. , Sept. V. Clearings , tr.JMi.737 ) ; balancoi , K',003 , WJ , Money , u per cent. cent.MHMIMIIS. MHMIMIIS. Tonn , Sept. 2. Now York exchange - change selling nt tl.50. Clearings , f.'GO,22U ; bal ances. (71,3U2. CINCINNATI , O. , Bopt. L Money' . 3itt'J ( pur cuuU Now York uxuhuiigu , MJiioUo dUcount. Clearhu-u. 4l'IHIiiU. : Nisw OIK.EANS , La , , Hopt. 2. Clearings today , ( louuiMi'.i.5 | . New York exchange , com mercial , 5Uo ; bank , (1.50 puril.UJO prumlum , ST. Louts , Supt. 2 , Oloai'liiz * , tl.502,012 ; bal- anoes , } 4G.,4I7. Alouuy quiet , itWC7 ( per cunt ; oxchiiugo on Now Vork V5o dlucount to par. HOSTON , Mass. , BupU 2 , Clearings , J17.H.S- ! 074 ; b.iluncoj , tl.iiiHM ' : , Monuy , 3 per cent. Kxohaiiguon New VorK , fl uoruiiiit disco nut. NKW Youic Sept. 2 , [ Bprutul Tolugrani to TillHuu.l Kxchangu was quoted ait follows ; Chicago , 70u discount ! llonlon , 5o dUconiu ; til , LouU , 25o discount. OlllCAH ) , III , , Hopt , 2. Money stronj nt 4 ® 4 > / < pur cent nn call and f'.V ' } per cent on tlmo louna. Hank ulearliigH , ( lu,7 , il71. New York exchange , 70o discount. MVK STOCK AlAUKlCTri. Light Hun u ( Ntiiclc I'linln Cuttle Ntouily 11 ml llogt Iliglior. Ou MIA , Sept 2. 1'lvo dayH' reuolpU foot tin H.IUT cattle , I5.1HU hoitH uud 3,1(1) ( ) Nhuup. nguliiBt 18.42J eatllB , 21.731 hogs and C.77U hi-op the aiimu Ilvo duy.s last wouk , The run of ualllo was rather Ibhl , but thu olTurliigii were liirvuly uutlvos mid Included u very tu r Bprlnkllim ut good to choice dry-fo | boovci , Httitiiuss was fali-.y ac tive from Hturt lo llnUh nnd prices ruled tully ituuily on nboiit uvvryihliii : except boniu of the very Inferior luir. Hood to ohoU-ii 1,160 to I.UXMl ) titcernnilil t from H.M to tl.Ui , with fiur to Kooa tuir at around UMand $ J.U1. A good wnrly cluuruiiuu wus etrcotoJ. Htttchors nook anil canuurs were tdiuly at yesterday's doclluo aalca huliiu al from tl.W to id.00 with the bulk of the fair togoo.l cowa and heifers at from 11,75 to ( .VIA. Hulls , oxun nnd Ktuus wore steady ut troui 11.40 to tf.uui oiilvas unohnn.ea ut from t..OO to II.W. HutHiipss wus rather dull | n the itookor ami toedorlluu but urloci wuru wull uuluiulnod on the titoro dcMrahlc grade * . Common and Inferior stuff was hjIKl to muvo and prices wore OD the down tflrn. Tradlnn win largely nt front til. > to 115 . ItoprcstMitatl vc sales ! 21. , OJ5 nM MMILKRUS MILKRUS AMI SI'IllSTICHS , 1 sprlnsor $ M 00 WF.STEIIN CATTLi : . Xo. Av , 1'r. No. Av. Pr. 10 steers * . 07:1 : $1 no 72 feeders. . . S7i > $ J 1.1 511 RtOl < r . , .l ; > 07 3 40 OJ feo.lors. . . 075 2 4) 23 hotfors. . S'.Xl 233 8'J cows 003 345 Toxatm. lions The supply was the lightest of the week , only about half tit iniitiv as were hero lust I'Hday. ' There has been a decrease In re ceipts this week compared with last of about lO.OJOhoad.Thursday'smurkot was reversed. It w s about I. " > c lower tlienlt , was 10 to I5ulilitiar ! today. There was comparatlvoly lltllo out- Rldedoinand , but with bullish reports from Ohlciico all buyers took a hand and the pens wore practically eloarod by 10 o'clock. I'oor llKht to prime heavy hois sold at.froiu ifl.Oj to fj.l. > . but It was practically a$300 market. iiKalnst n $1.8.1 and JI.OO inarleot Thursday , the avorairo of prices paid boltu : * 5.oi : , iiKaInstf4.8S ? Thursday and 85.04 last tVlduy. Hcprosontallvo sales : Siicri1 Tlioro were no fresh rceolpls of stieop. Good nuittous ate in fair demand but prices are iiuotablv LiQUc lower than a wi-clt or ten days aso. Kalrto tfood tuit'.vos , fJ.75 ® 4.50 ; fair to food westerns. ii50Jil.3i : ; com mon and stock sheeuSi50iW.50 : coou tu cholco 40-lh. toOJ-lb. laiubs.itl.5oao.OO. Kopreaenta- tlvu s-ilos : No. . Av. Pr. 117 native owps . - 72 $25) 24 native mixed. 01 42) Ilcroipts and IHsponltlon of Stock. Ofllclal receipts anil deposition of stock as shown by the books of the Union Stock Yards < ; oiiip-iiiy for-tho twfchty-four hours oudlui ; at 5 o'clock p. in. , September - ' . ISO'-- UKCEIPT8. ' III.SI'OSITIOV. Chicago l.lve Stock Murkct. CHICAGO. III. , Kept , a ( .Special Tnlnsram to Tin : IlKic. ] Native cattlu of good to extra qiifilltv wcro In fair request and comnuindcii about Thursday's price. Poorer qualities 10- maliied dull tiud very woak. They eoln on a b.isls or from JI.03 to i.75for Inferior to cholco cows. 11.75 to $11.25 for stockers i n 1 feoJurs nnd from ? ' . ' . . ' ,0 to * . > .7 > l for common ui fancy. Westerns were iigaln In llslit supply nnd again sold utoady. They wire quoted atfiom J''iU to J-.SS for cows nnd at from K.f.O to $1.30 for steers. Only about 1.5)0 head arrlvod. TexaH cattli , remained about Hloady. The 3.500 received wcro promptly bought up on a buhls of from $ ! ,40 to.25 for cows and from $2.15 to } 325 for steers. Some common and modlum cattle wcro loft over and the close was dull. Thuro was an advance In light grades of hogs of 15c but heavy and medium wulghts sold from "Qa to 2.'ic higher than at the lowest tlmo yestorday. Everything was bought up onrly auit the close was strong at from { 1.75 to $5.25 for poor to cholco light and ut from SI.W ! to W..V ) for common to clfolciV heavy and medium. There was not much trading below 75.0 ] thou : h the quality avuracud rather coir- nicii. There illl ( not appear to buiuiysuf- ( Icont ronson for today's udvancu and sellers were liicllnod to ascrlbo It to a deslro on thu part of buyers to call out an lni'ietsod : supply for next weok. Present prices are slightly lower than last Friday's quotations for light wiilghts , while heavy grades show an advance of I5u , The sheep market has boon In nn unsettled fttntu slnco our last review , the tendency bolug downward. Thu demand was not less active than before , but thuru was a largely augmented supply and bitvurs have scoured a reduction of from 2ic tofiOu per 100 Ibs. Prc.s- unt quotations are from J.I.OU to J5.40 for poor to cholcu natives , W.OO to lfl.25 for grass wusl- orns and from t..75 to HuO for ToxatiH. J'uil wi'Htcrns were quoted us high au 45.00. and there were ales of fed TOXIUIH nt from * 4.4i ) to fK ) ( ) . The lamb market was duiillnod from DOe tc 75c , or frou. ClMto 84.0. for common to choice. Most of the wood's salus wore at from Vii to M.UO. Receipts : Oattlu. 11,000 head ; hogs , 13,000 ; shcoi ) , 4,000 head. The ICvcnhu Journal reports : OATTI.E RoculptH , 11WW head ; Hhlpnicnts , .VJuO hoadi market slciuly to lower ; boat na tive * . ii.uiKa.V-'fi ; good and usutiil. ; i.254.KO ; othcrM. fa 1-444. ! . " > ; Tu.vans. tLMUdiV.BOi ntiigera , (2.I5WI.UO ! ; cows , H.UW-t.X ( > . lloiiH RoculptB , l .uuo hnadi shipments. (1,000 ( head ; market ictrveuntl 15ifi20c hlgliur : rough and common , tl.75dil.ti5 ; mixed , f5.15citr > .31i iirlmu heavy anil butchers' weights. ( U.3'j ' < ii5.0'Ji luht , J4.Dna5.25 ; grussurn. W.50U4.K5. SiiEiit' Receipts. 4QUO head ; HhlpmtmtH , 0 > head ; market dull , lowur ; natives , iV1.5UCd525 ; westnrns , ti.WttlM ] Texuns , ( ; lambs , KJ.asO.MW. _ -i- UuiimiH City Ilvt ) ritnok Alarkot. KANHAH Orry , Mo.f Hopt. 2. UAiTi.n Itc- colptx , U,200 ; shipments , ft,200 ; good sleoiHWoio Htundy ; other catt6 ! were Hloady lo lowur ; tcor , ( .MbSb-'J-IU ; cows , . ' .l.vrii75 : ; Texas and Indian stours , tl.tiOifiY.4Ji utoukom and foodoru , ( ' ! . ' ! > . i , lions Receipt * , 4.200 ; HhlpmciitB. 7GO | the miirkot WIIH Mio hlKhori ull grades , fo.WIit 5.45 ; built , tl.8attS.ltt- ) riiuiiHccolptH : , 1,200 ; § lilpmonta , 2VO ; the inarKet was Btuady ; mutlona , | | ,5tAl.OOi ( latubti , W.50. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Now VnrU l.lvo htuuli Alurket. NKW YIIIIK. HuRVKH-RuotilptR. 2,11(1 ( head , luu iidlug 21 cam for snlui inurkutiiu- live , luu per 100 llm. higher ; ttH.tifiMiO for Bluer * ! dry cows , (1,50) ) Uruxnod beef utuudy at THERE is HOPE I'nr every nnu who hui blood trouble , no mutter in whut Himpo or how long ttandlng , provided iinnuof the \llnl oruaiis haio been u lar I in- paired nn to render u cure InipoHHlble , H , H , H. giicn to the root of the disease , and icmini'it the t-uiuiUi by exiii'lllng thu poison from the body , and ut tlm luuno time U n'tuiiluto thu whole Bjntcm. llowuviir bad your cvu nay be , thcro Is luipo FOR YOU. Cured moot a inoit Piallgiiant tyi > o of ohronlu blood tronlilc , fur which 1 hud used various other reined leu without direct , My weight Incri'imud. and niy health Improved lu everyway , 1 consider U. 8. H. the bust tunlo 1 wormed. H. A. WHKHIT , Midway , < lu. " Trcutlno on blood , llu : and i-iintagtcins blood lKUuu maiua frco , WWUvi' Bl'Jicn'lO CO. . AtUxutu , Oa 70o per Ib. Shipments toJny , 'S53 beeves ; to- tommor , ( VJO hooves nnd 8.013 quarters ot beef. OAt.vr.s-"RocclptsI5t bend ; mnrkct steady ; voals , tVCOiiri. ' ! : per 100 Ihs. for Rrassors. and buttcrml k calves , fJ.MSii.M : ) . SiiKni1 AND L.UIIH Rccclnt.o , S.7.VI liond ; market-slow but steady : shcop , f LOfffl-MZ per 103 llKt liunbt. $ .yt)0T.OJ ) ; dressed mutton Btnftdy nt 8UUo per lb. | dressed Ituubs , nriuntoailc. Hoes Ret-oipts. fl,700hoad.consigned direct ; nominally lower at M.OOtt.Y.'V ' ) per 100 Ibs. St. I.oulft l.lvo Stock -Mnrkot. ST Lout ? . Mo. , Sept 2 , OATTIE Receipts , MOO : slilpmciils , 'J.lOji market slow ) fair to cholco native stcors , J3.2.V34.Sn ; fair to good Texns and Indian steers , J ifliS3.2J. lions Receipts. 22,1)0 ) ; shliuncnts. 3.000 ; inarkotMSlOo higher ; heavy. 8. > , ' .CitX.5 ( ! ; ; pack- Inir , tl,7J\Io ; lUhl , | . " > .uoa\i : . SitKKiReceipts. . l.V oi shipments. 400 ; market bolter ; , natjvo muTrons , W.504.T5. OMAHA LAW SCHOO.L. Coiniirclionslvo I'lans for tlm Now Depart ment nf the Unlvnrnlty of Oniiilin. The University of Omaha has established a department to bo known ns the Omaha Liuv school , which will bo opened next Tues day with tbo following fnculty : Judge WI1- 1mm Koysor , bailtnonts nnd criminal law ; James 15. Molkle , common law nnd law of real property ; John L. Kennedy , contracts nnd domostlu relations ; James II. Molntoth , ovldcnco ttnd uccticy. Tbo couwo will bo two years of three terms caeh , nnd the ttetrrco of bachelor of lawi will bo conferred. The Instruction for the second your will Include ) tuo law of corpora tions and wills , moi-cantllo tow , equity nnd equity Jurisprudence , plondhifr , constitu tional nnd IntonmUomil Inw. An effort will bo made to hnvo the Inglslaturo pass a law which shall admit the graduates of this school to practice without nn examination. ttu A A'A O VXCKMIHt TS. What promises to bo ono of the best nt tractions of tbo season will oo elvon nt the iFurnnm Street theater next Thursday oven- lur , September 8 , Lincoln J. Curler's mtiR- niflcont sconlo production , "Tho Fust Mull. " This Is suid to bo a mnlodramu of moro than ordinary merit , whllo tbo scenic nnd mechanical effects equal ntiythlii2 that has over boon given in this city. There Is n reDrosetitatlon of an engine room on n Mis sissippi steamer , showing the furnaces under the boilers in active operation. A realistic train of curs shoots across tbo stage with wonderful cfTeou The scene roprosontttiK tbo Niagara Falls is said lo challenge criti cism and bcgcara description. In this day of claborato sconio o ( Tec 13 In plays , It is not enough that the environment of tbo drama should bo rood It must bo great. It is with this prindplo In mind tbat Uobort Downing1 , who appears ut Boyil's ' September 5 , (1 ( und 7 , has bad now sots painted of tbo .most elaborate doscriptiou. Thnro'is n pllrrjp'so of Flavlus1 gardens , n magnificent vlexy of the Tiber , the palace of thoCtusars Is shown , also thu ] prutii and tbo Coliseum , and a magnificent sol which cov ers tbo ontiro.'stugo Is Riven over to the arena In which tuo light of tuo gladiators occurs. "The Gladiator , " "Virgluius,11 "Ctesar" nnd "Inpomar" ns presented by Robert Downing und his powerful 'company will bo scetilc productions par excellence. . DeVVltt's Sarsnparilu is rottanlo. The Censors f the Czar. No reports concerning the cholera , in for eign newspapers , going into Russia that the government of bis autocratic inncs > ty docs not approve are allowed to bo read by tbo people. E-ich newspaper that conies into the empire is eagerly .scanned by eagle- eyed onicials nud whut Is not approved is blotted out of legibility. Sea "Carp's" let ter In THE SUNDAY 13en. Doctors ? Pstmwl TakeBoccham's Pills- On the Itanks of the Volga. Frank G. Carpouter , in THE SOMUY Br.K , gives some interesting details concerning the country where ' 'children boil their brains under the sun's burning rays" and tno h-jusos nro built llko bake ovens ; where sanitary arrangements are unknown and cholera-producing vegetables are the staple food. This Is an intensely interesting letter. Hold tor Switching a Spark. Judge Berka yesterday placed Lou Hor- muu , the Tenth street saloonkeeper under $1,000 bonds to npponr in the district court on a charco of grand larceny. Ho had a duplicate made of i diamond ring which was left with him as security for a loan. Will Itedeoin Tour Work. Tbo defective chain which bad found a resting place in the mayor's olllco at the city hall were removed by tbo Ko'.chum Furniture company's agent yesterday and returned to the factory. They will bo replaced by other chairs , which'It is promised , will bo perfect. ' Iturled at Public Kxpensn. Lnura Day , the victim of Gcorgo Fost's jealous love , was buried yesterday. The burial was at the expense of Douglas county nnd the remains of the unfortunate girl were laid away iu the potter's Held. Dent be tleceivtd by dealers who "out" prices. "Cutting' ' jiricee leads to ' 'cutting" goods. For this rcnsoii and to pro tect the public , the gtnuine ineili- ciiies oC Dr. 11. V. I'ierco , nro now sold only through regularly nuthor- i/cd agents , who can sell only nt the following lonp-cstabllsheil prices : Golden Medical Discovery , Jl.OI ) per bet tle. Favorite I'rvscriiition , 81.00YIV \ bottle. Pleasant Pellets , 25 ccnla per vial. The ( /niwfiio / medicines , which can bo had only nt thoba prices , nro the cheapest you can UBO , for they're ynamntrcd. It's " vnluo re ceived or no tiny , " In every cnso where Dr. Pioreo's medicines fail to give patifcfnctiou , the inukora will return the inonoy. 7inf , they wnnt to ho sure that you get I licit- medi cines , nnd not their bottles rclllled or turn- JH.TWI with , or Bpurious imitations. Hcfuso everything nn Dr. Pierco's incdlclncs ut less tlmu the above iiriccs. They nro generally spurious. SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. Ilest cattle , hog and sheep market In the west COMMISSION HOUSES. CEO. BURKE & FRAZIER LIVK BTOCJK CO.M.M1HS1OX. TIIK LKADKRd. S'1 ' ( IMAIIA Iwrtt5to , < ! > ' * J ouu for oor- OJ. Uillilllil | root Marlcat Wood Brothers , r'outh Omaha Telephone H'i7. Chloago J.I ) . DAIMSM.VN. I , W. IS. WOOD , f I naxorj. Mnrliot reports by mull nn 1 wire cheerfully furnished upon applloatloii. . - THIS - Campbell Commission Co. Ohleuiro , R-vstHU LOUJH. IvatisusClty , Soutu omahii , Hloux City , I'ort Worth. A. D. Boyer & Company , Main ! 5' ' ) Kxuhaniro llulldln t.Hoiith Omahk Corro pondoiico solicited mil uruinptlr niuvrdril. Ul nttuiilluiitourlar < foritoctor d , 1634. . . . looorporaUU , 11)1 Cupltnl fullr paid , I.M.UJJ. Wag-goner Birney Company \Vrltour wlroui for prompt niU rtlU'Jlu iinrkjl report * , Perry Brothers Company , LIvoHtnjk Uoininlsslou. llooin f > l UxchuiiKo Ilulldlnj , Houth Omaha TuiupUouu 17U7. OMAHA * \ 1 PROPOSALS POR ABATING NUI SANCES OF LOTS OF REAL ESTATE. Healed proposals will bo received by tha undorBigncd until 1:30 : o'clock p. in. Hcptumbor Dili , 18.12. for abatln ; the nnls'inco on certain lots of cstatu. the condition ot which has been declared a nulsaiico by reason of the Gxljtracoof stagnant water upon thosanicby Ordlnanco No. . ' 1117Hid doscrllied as follows : The west Y of lots 31 , 39 , 40 and 49 Hartmau's addition. The oust end of lot 24 Hartmau's addition. Lot ? sub dlv of block A , Reservoir addition. Lots 1 , 2.7 , H block Hi. ' , also alloy adjoining said block on the wost. Kast * 4 of lot. 'JO Uurr Oak addition. Wo-t 125 f eet of block IU West Omaha addi tion , comprising lots 15 to : 'l ' Inclusive. Loav- onworth linslncss Place. Lots 7 to U Inolusivo block 11 Walnut Hill addition. Lot , : i block < 5 Walnut lllil. Lot 4 blok 2 Shilll's addition. L-ts 3 , 4 , 5.0 , 7 , H , U and 10 block 5 Slnill's 2nd addition. Lot block 0 Bhull'.s 2nd addition. Lots 40 , 42 nn I 4 I Hickory Placo. lolsii : : anil 34 Rollick's -'nil addition. Lots block 4 Marsh's addition. Lots 1,5 , ( I. 7 blojk X March's addition. Lots ti. and Kl Hc'js Place , Lots D , 11 , I'.1 , 13. 14. 15 block 2 Hood's 3rd add. Lots 11 and 12 lirilliii & .Smith's a Klltlon. Lot. ! 1 lilou.c 12 Mi-OorrnlL'li's addition. LotriblojksMeL'ormlek'ti addition. ThosoiilheasLcoriierof .Mercer l'arkat3Sth an. I Uumliu btreof , . Lots . ' , I ! , 8 llonsal and Stobblns sub of lot 11 Hartley's addition. Also alloy In said subdivision , Lois 2 , 3. 5 block ? Improvement Association addition , Lots f > . H. 0. 7 nnd 10 block 4 Improvement As sociation audition. Lots 5 , li. 7 uiid 8 liloakO Improvement Asso ciation addition. Lotsll UIH14 block n Improvement Associa tion addition. Alloys lu blocks 7 and 10 Improvement Asso ciation addition. Lots U and 10 Lois P nco. Tax hit III EDO : il T15K 13. Lots 17 , 1 ( < . II ) . 2 > . ai.a-J I > lock4 Door Park. Lots 7 and 8 block \Vllcox2ud addition. 1C ust't \ of lots U and It ) block 23 Wllt'ox's 2nd North 75 foctof tax lot 21 see 31 T 15 H 13. Kast ! J of tax lot 25 nee 31 T 15 U 13. Lots 12 , ii ; , 11 , 15 , 10. 17 block II llasedorn's addition. ISth street from a point 2J foot jouth of the north line of Grand avuutio to a oolnt35) ft'Ot north of ( li-uiul avoniio. llOKliinliu : "t a po.nt4ii5 foot west ot the NK corner of tax lot I' ' sec 3T 15 K li. : thence south 250 foot , thence west ' .OJ foot , thotn'o north ! .0 feet , thuiicooiBt : to placn of bo 'Itinlni ; , J'bu casf.'il fcot of west 40J fcol of tax Iot2 seoUT 15 U 13. llozlnn n at a paint 15) foot cast of the S W corner of tax lot 1 i > eo U 'L' 15 R 1.1 , thence north 200 foot , thciico east : i)0 ) fool , thuncu south 2iil ( foot , llicnco west to place of bo liinln . Lots 7 and 1J llawus' addition. Lot 15 Davunporl'sHiib. 2(1 ( la Hojtfioulh of Miiplo street. I/ts.- ) , : i , 1 , hlock3 , Shull'H addition. Lot 1 and east li lot 2 block 7 , Bliull's 2nd ad dition. The abatlnc of the nuisances to bo douo In accor.laiioo with the Instructions of the city oim'ticur ' and bo.trd of public works. 1 lil i will ho niailo on prlutoJ blanks fur- nlhiiud by the boird , > ind to ho acoompinlii 1 by ai'crtlllodohouk In thoaum of f > J ) . tiavublo to the olty of Umaha as an orldouco of iooJ Tliii board reserves the rlcht to rojnct any Ohalriuun Hoard of Public Works. Omaha. Nub. . Aii'-'itst .Mth.'H27s'i ; \VOODENSinK\VA \ LIC RESOLUTION CONSTRUCTION. Council Oliatubur. Onr.iha , Nob. , All ; ust lllth isi ) * Ho It resolved by the olty council of thu city of Umaha , the mayor concurring : Th twoolou sldowalkn bo const ruulml In the city of OmahiuisdoHlcnato.l below , with In Ilvo ilayn after thu pulilloatloii of this resolu tion , or thu personal sorvlcu thereof , as by ordinance U aiitlmrUoit anil rcgulrodj such Khluwnlks to bo laid to thu present irrailu on IJiOHtreolH Bpccl'lod horolu , anil t > > bu oon- Btriiciod of pliio p'.ank of miuh irldth and thtoknosN and bu laid upon Joists of such dimensions iinil In Much manner us Is pre scribed by the Rinolllcatlon | > on Illuln thu olllcuof the Iloinl of 1'ubtlo Works and under lUsuporvUlon. to wit ! West Hide nf 2dth avoiiuc. lots 1 and 10 block II , Muycr. RIchar.H It TJUIcn's udd , prcHunt tirade , 4 fool wldo. West pldoof 2Sth a vi ) uii i ) , lot I and 10 block 14 , Mayor , Richards & 'Tlmou's add , priuont uradi1 , 4 feut wldu. Wont aliloof 'J.-itli avoiuio , lots 1 1 to 21 Inch- wlvu block 17 , llujford Plauo , prutont gnidv , 4 foot wldo. Wunt ildo of 28th nvonuo , lots 7 to ID Inclu- H vu block 10 , Hudford Place , present vradv , 4 fl'Ol wlllO. \Vu t ido of 23th nvonuo. Hub lot 14 ot tax lot 5 In HculMS.lil , pronout urudo , 4 foot wldo. North sldo of Tumplulon tticut , lots 3to'.M liifluulve. Luke k 'J'omplutoii'j add , preuont grudo , U tout wldu , KnHt nlilu of : isth Htroet , north 20)i ) foot block II. Kiiilth'M add , iiruaiuit Knidc. Cfuni wldu. ICast side if : wih Htroot , lota I to U Inuluslvu block U , Juroiuu Parli , prosunt wrudi ) , U foct wldu. ICast lili > of.'Htli itroot , lots 1 to 10 lnclu lvo block 1 , Kllby Pluvu , prusout tir.ulu , U foot sldo of. 18th street , tax lot U ioo2)5-13 ] , nrmont uradu , U foot wldo. Lam ildo ot itftu. mrout , loU 21 to 2) lucluilTO Creston Annex , present grade , 0 feet wldo. Kast side of oSth street , lots 10 to latnclustvn block I , C'reston. proseut crude. Gfoot wide. South slJo of Izar.l streoU lotsl toLJIuelu- blvo block C. Walnut Hill , present crude,0 loot wide. North side of Mason street , lots 27 and 23 \ blocks. Kouutzo & Ruth's add , present t'rade , 0 foot wldo. East sldo of 43th street , west JS of north/west M of south-west U of sec 20-15-13 , present grade. 0 fuot wide. i-outh sldo of Lake street , lot ,1 block 4 , Lake's add , present erado , G foot wide. West sldo of 51st stroot. lot 1 block 12. West Sldo. present grade , 4 feet wldo. West slclo of Hist slrooU tux lot 1 block 3 , llliuotauch's add , 4 feet wldo. .Southsldo of Cedar stroat , lots 1 toO Inclu sive block 4C'J Grand Vlow , present grade , 4 feet wide. South side of Co.lnr street , lots 1 to 4 inclu sive , block CS. Credit 1'onctcr. present Rrado 1 feet wldo. Kast sldo of " 8th avenue , lots 18 to 33 Inclu sive block 2 Rodloit's Park , present grade , 4 foot wldu. And bo It further rcsolviul : That thu Hoard of Public Works be and hereby Is uuthonzod , nd directed to cause u copy of this resolut.on to bo published In tha olllc til paper of thu city for ono week , or bo served on the owners ot said lots and unless such owners sh'ill within Ilvo days aftur the publication or service of su : h copy construct K.ild.slituwalks us herein required , that the Hoard of Public Works cause thu same to bo done. Mio cost of constructing s ild slduwalkM rcspcctlvoly to bo assessed against thu rual oblate , lot or i > .rt of lot In front of and abut * tin ; such sidewalks. Passed August 10th. l ? ! > 2. Ji P. DAVIS. President O.ty Council. Attest : JOHN OROVK- . Olty Olork. Approved : GKO. P. HKMIS. Mavor. NOTICE TO CONSTRUCT SIDEWALKS. To the owners of the lots , parts ot lots and real estate described In the above resolution : You and each of you are hereby notllluJ to construct wooden sidewalks as required by a resolution of thu city council and mayor of the city of Omaha , ot which the above U a copy. P. W. HIRKIIAUSKR. Chairman Hoard of Public Works. Omaha , Nib. , August 30th , ISirj. a30-31sl-2-3-5-I > PERMANENT SIDEWALK RESOLU TION. COUNCII , Cll OMAHA.NOU. , AllSUSt Ifltll. 1SUJ. lie It resolved by the city council of tin ; city of Omaha , the mayor coneurr.iis : That permiinent sidewalks be coiMtruetoJ In tlid i-lty of Um iliu as ilosl.-n.itcd bolo'.r , within Ilvo il.tys after the publication of this resolution , or thu personal survlno thereof , as by ordinance Is aiithorl/.ud and retilredj ( | such shluwalks lo bo la d to thu permanent crude , us established on the paved streets specified herein and to bo constructed of stono. artltl- o al stone , brlclc or tllhiL' , according to speci fications on tile In the olllco of the Hoard ot I'ubllo , and under Its supervision , to- wit * r-'iiuth Hluo of roavonworth s-lroet , lols 1 and 2 block It ) , West Umaha , permanent grade , u youth s'ldo of Loavonworth slroot , lotH 1 to7 Inoliiiilve block 17 , Utaiilou'H bub , pcrmiitiunt " < " cr.ide , 0 foot wide. , . , . - South sldo of Loavnnworlh stroot. lots I to7 Inclualvo , block 17 , Hillings , sub , permanent urailt' , Gfcot wide. . . . . , , t-oiilhslduof Ionvcnwnrtli "treot , lot Jbloolc 0 , l.oavouworth lliulncsi I'lace , purinnnunt urade. 0 feet wide. And. bo It further resolved : That the Hoard of I'ubllo Works bo. and Is hereby authorized and directed to cause n cnpyof this rHSolutloii to bo published.In tlm olllulal paper of the city for one week , or bo Mirvcdou the owners of said lots , and thil : mi- lens Such owners Khal ! w.thlu live days after the publication or borvlcouf such copy con- hlrin-t Hild : sldowalkH as huroln ruiiuliiid , that the Hoard of I'ubllo Works CIIIIHO the n ime t < > Lo douo , the cost of constructing sail ldo- wa.kx roapeotlvely to hi assoH ed a 'iilii.t Ilia roaleititilotor part of lot In front of lll'a iibuttlni : Hiich Bldetriilks I'ahsud August lUth , IbOaK K , I' . DAVIS , President of theUounull , Attest ! JOHN OKOVKH. City O.ork. Approved ! QKO. I' . IIEMIH. IIEMIH.Mayor. . NOTICE TO CONSTHUOT HIDWWAI.KlJ. To the owners ot the lots , purtH of lots and ) real estate uoncrlhed In the above roiolutleu : Vou .mil each of you urj herdby notllle.I to construct ponnan < 9it ) sidewalks as ronii'ro.l bv a resolution of the city uunnull an i in lyor of thu olty of Omaha , of which the above is a copy , tfV. . Uhiilriiian lloiir.l of 1'iiullo Works. OMAHA. Nob. , Aut-'usiMth , is-i.1. . u3)-3sl-2-3-5-0 ) !