2 THE OMAHA DALLY IMpJEfr , SATURDAY , SEPTEMBER 3 , 1892. have been watching blm carefully , openly xprctft the belief that ho will pnco In 2:10 before the close of tbo present soison. riNisiii.Nti Tin ; HACIS. ricldmont AVI in tlio UnlltiUticil 120 1'nco ( Irrnt Tlmo In tlio iRfi lnce , It was hardly 1:3(1 : ( when Starter Swlgort rnng the bell for Iho sixth heat In the 2:20 pacing race , postponed on account or dark ness Thursday night. Things had materially chahgod since the night before and the favorite ito lA Iho pools dronpaJ back to second place anil Fiotdinont moved up u peg. Donnlo B xvai ruled out lor not wlnnlnc H bent In live ; four starters therefore came out to cottloono .of tbo most Interesting contests of tbo moot- In ? . The horses got nwny on oven terms , fribldmbnt lending at the first turn , followed closely by Prod 'C. Just before the half was 'touched , ,1'rinco T , Iho Omaha horse , left his feet- , although close up in the line and for n hundred ynrds'.rau.ror nis life. When the string cot liUo'lno stretch Prod 1C moved up on the pace-sottOr'mid then loft his foot , to the dls- gusVdf hiindrcds who w&ro backing him , running under the xviro. Prince T was fnr In the Mar when the flng fell , ana another hoi'ib'was' out or the rnco. Fioldmotit nniMipd first , Prod 1C second , Door Knob third , ] rlnco T distanced. Tlmo : 2:2I : > Two horses hnd each tnttoti two boats nnd tho"'excitement wns Intense. When the seventh heat wns called the three horses loft out Of seven stnrlcra got away In good shape , Fluid mont showing the way , Prod 1C clnfio up , nnd Door Knobholdlng the sulkies. a bit bu'jlml. ' The rnco was n dandy , the horses working like clockwork. At the tbroo.qunrtor polo Prcd 1C wont up nnd Door Knob took the place nnd the race \vni onded. Pleldmont llrst , Door Knob second , Prcd 1C third. Time : 2:20 : . Su.nmary : Kloldmont 3 2 3 1 I 1 Krod K 042 2 s : i Door Knob 2 3 1 5 n 2 Ihmnloll . .4 4 B 4 3 dr. PrlncoT , 1 1 5 U dts. TwoStrlko 5 dU. tiunshlno . 7 ( Us. 1'rnnlc l"n Ilnny riucltlnc- 12. The llrst race on the program was a trot for the 2:25 : clnss fnrn purse of $000 , with eight startup : MainbrlnoThorn , b. B. . by General Wnshlnc- ton , Amoi Howe. Salt Luke. U. T.j Frank 1' , hllf. s. , hy Darwin , W.J. I'orry. Wayno. Nob. : Victor Wllkcs , c. g. . R L. Hathborn , Albert hen , Minn. ; Saturn L. oh. s. , hy Saturn , Wash McCollom , Iloiilrlco. Nob. : A H O , b , s. , John Lawrence , Wayni' , Neb/j Major llitford , p. K. . hy CnlTroy , Joseph Oaruoau , jr. , Oiniiha , Neb. ; Lady SaviiKo. b. m. , bv llliiKston Hey , Harry McL'ormlak. UowlngUrecn | , Sio. Prank P was the favorite in the pools , but Joe Garncau was nufliuioutly or tbo opinion that Major Buford would give the fuvorito a chase lor llrst place , and backed him to win. The sequel shows how well Nebraska's com- musionor general was posted. V In the draw Major Buford wns placed \ ( fourth. Ho led the rrocesslon when the word wns given. Bob Kncobos In the sulky , and for the llrst qjnrtor trotted magnifi cently , urged by Ladv Savage , who was close behind , Prank Pveil up in the lino. For u hair mlle the ruco was as pretty a con test as uny one could desire ; then Major Bu ford went off his foot nnd Iho associates of the Omaha flyer closed In , Frank P seizing tbo polo. In tbo stretch Buford again broke and could not bo brought down until long after the wire was passed , nnd for this display of ugliness was sot back to third nlace , Prank P finishing first , lady Savacd second end , Ibis fourth , Mambrlno Thorn fifth , Vic tor Wllkcs sixth , AUO seventh. Tlmo : The second boat wns equally intorostinc , the race to the quarter bringing six of the horses together in a ounch , but from tboro It was a procnssion until Iho tbrco-quarter polo was reached , when Mntnbrino Thorn moved up and thu stretch showed four horsoi quilo inside tbo mark , Mujor Buford off his feel nnd running like the wind , Prank P first. Tlmo : 2:27 : . There was llttlo interest shown In tbo third heat , it being u foregone conclusion that Frank P.would bo the winner. There wns llttlo time lost In celling tbo word nnd the eight horses were soon sxvlngtng : round the circle. At the half again the trotters got Into a bunch , but at tbo three- quarter pole they weru sulllciontly untauglod to show light' between thorn , Frank P well up. The finish was n beauty , although the favorite had It by two lengths. Time : 2:28 . Summary : Fran < P 1 l 1 Mambrlno Thorn 5 O M : ? ? - 7 4 ib . i 3 7 victor wnicca. ; . ; ; ; ; . " : ; ' ; : ; ; . ; ; ; ; . * ; ; ; ; ; ; . o 4 ! > A HO 7 5' 3 Saturn L 8 6 G Major II u ford 3 8 8 Tlmo : 2:2TH. : 3:2"U , : ! :23 : > i. 1'ut Iulu 111 u .Vow Class. In point or Interest the event of the day outslao or Onlmo's magnificent record break ing effort , was the 2:33 : pace lor 50u. llvo horses starting : brlno , 1'otor Johnson , Lincoln. Nob. ; Hullo H iiimons , h. in. , by llottorton , Harry J. Mc- Cormlck , Howling Qroon. Ccbron sold favorite In the pools. In the draw for place i uiu G got the oolo. When tbo flyers touched the quarter Lulu G , Belle Simmons and Cobrdn had their noses to gether. almost , and pm-lug a rnco for your ' life. By the inrun-u.uartor mark Ce'brou stele away Into n claar flold and was not pressed either for tlino. Belle Simmons lln- Ishoa second , Lulu G third , Fascination , ICIne Priam , llnlshicg In the order named. Now hero's whom n now mark was made. In the second boat tbcro was blood on the face of the charioteer of the sun , and It was Dlood , blue blood , lee , tout won. Without much nao the nor.-es were Tsont uwuy , Cobron pointing the doslrud direction , but not for long. Lulu G , a beautiful chestnut and ouo of Consul's ' likeliest daughters , hung to the buy stallion's sulky wheels until the quarter was reached , then n change camu over the face of the landscape nnd the sum mer girl loft the wheels of Courou's sulky , climbed up brunsl to breast , uoso and nose. It teen horhilf u mlle to do this. Then a head shot , Into the air ahead of Cobron anil a shout wont up. Then light shone between Iho sulkies and into thu stretch came the two horses working Hue perfect machlucrv thoroughly oiled. Down the homo Lulu Increased the distunco and she Untuned n winner by three lengths , Cobron seooncl , Bella Simmons third , Fascination fourth nnd King Priam bovond tbo distance llai/ , shut out. Tlmo : 2:211 : % ' . And that was thu way Lulu G came to got a now mark that puts her In the 2:25 : class. The next , two heats word a repetition of the second , Lulu G navor being headed Cobron second , Bullo Simmons finishing foqrlh ( n the last beat nnd Fascination tblra , revoning the positions tnoy cot in the third heat. Tlrao : UsSrjnnd3aHf. : ( . Summary : Lulu a . , . . . . . . . , 3111 Hebron . < . 1 3 u 2 Uoll Simmons . 2 3 a 4 Kn alnitlon : . , . ulna I'rlam . B dls Tlmo : 2 < 23i. ! : ! : Sjy. 2'ru. : 2:30U. : . MUs Koxlu lluil a "Moral" Six hprsos startrd In the third .race , 2:10 : class , fern puraoof JtlDO ; MIM Koxlc. h. in. , by Amos Howo. Suit Lake. n. T. ; Dlniih. b in . by Kl-ipo. o. W. 1'ioktird. Uiutilin. . Nob.,1 Metlrnjor Wllkos , b. . hy Hot ) . nrt MiiGruifor. K , I' I'lillor. D.ivld ( JIty , Nob. ; Blr Sl ua , b. . , b IiHllnnapolls. Ur. John Btiiuu l'ouinr. | ol ) . : ArlliiKtoiv by I/.iclfdii. A. A. Olamy , DiKlo Uiovu. la. ; Alarm Hey , li. . . by Alarm. Uoorxo A. Wood , Klowii , Colo. " Tbcro was no doubt as to which of the horses would toke this race , Miss Foxlo bolilg a tremendous favorite outsldo and In- thltt the circle. But botivoen thu other horses U.yas ) a pretty sbsw for second place , DJnah , tUinllv winnlpg the place anu monoy. M'GroBOc Wilkes wus fourth In two heats and lluUhed second In the third , whllo Ar lington got the distunco pen u nut In the third. But the summary will explain how tuo flyora etacUod up. Summary : ' bilsa Koxlo . . i Dinah . , , , , . . 2 MoUrozorYllkcH 4 Jtoy. . . , , 3 5 blrHlKua , dls Tllnot 2 Clmrllu KVin "l-ulltul. " So fur us the running rnco was concerned half mlle dash for $100 it was Nobnuka kgaluit thu world , ull the bangtails and these that \yoro not banged , coming from Ibo i'ralrlo state. The following showed up.just u the sun wn sinking into the west ; Vftiiloo linn. b. . . by Ira lluu , McCullck. LoupUlty. Nub. ; Muk liukor. b. g. . by Nluk jjttker. Wllilmij Itobiin , Oallawiiv , Nub. | Uhiirluy K. by Illc fellow , Hunimnr' A : Myoin , Homer , NoUi Orphan Ulrl , n. m. , by Itu'l ' blun , J. H. Adams , Oxford , Nob. ) Jim Tucker , s. g. , bv Uncle Dan , J. Deeds , Hyracme. Neb. Swigort did not lot thorn start until the sixth trial , whnn they tlo\v down the track like H cyclone , Nick Baker showing the way. At the quarter" Chdrlny K trlod to cat up the distance that separated blm from Nick Baker nnd almost succeeded. They were nil to gether ns If getting their pictures taken nt the head of tbo stretch. Nick llnishcd flMt , Charley 1C second , Yankee Ban , his lint rnco by the wav , third , Jim Tucker fourth und Orphan Bov llfth. Time : B3K. All pools were declared off , ns It was plain Charlie 1C hnd ooon "pulleu. " And the Uongtai county fnlr was over- like a horse raco. ( Inrllolil I'nrk ( Intnlnor * Arrcstnil. CIIIOAOO , 111. , Sopt. 'J. Whllo the llrst rnco wns being run nt Onrfleld park todny Inspector Lowl % with Lieutenants Hocho nnd Hortnoll and n , numerous body of oftl- COM , came upon the trac'i nnd put thirteen jocitloi , Judgn Clark , Socrotnry Swig ort , Starter Pottenglll nnd a num ber or Plnkcrton watchmen and track hands under arrest. All * were subsequently ro- lonsod on ball , The move was niaco ut the Instance of.prlvato Individuals who nro de termined ti close up Iho track. The track management declares that It will have races ns usual tbmorrnw. Hnwthorno races : Klrstracn , five furlonns : Oovornor Pifcr won.Lanni , B second , Oovornor Drown third , Tlmu ! im ' Second race , ono ml'o : Patrick won , Torrent second , Hrookwood third , Time : lii. : : TlilrtlracQ.nl.v fdrlona : May HUmom won , Harry Askew second , Tom dlovons third. Time : 1:17. l < 'ourth'rai > 0hlx furlbngs ! JosloM won , First Ward second. Hlazu Duke third. Time : llHi. : ! Fifth rac . so von furlongs : Duke uf Mll- nltas.Kon , Uncurtulnty aucond , Askoy third. Time : i:2i ) , Hlxth moo , six rnrlonn'ji Iluliicky won. Tor- rest Kim second , Adversity third , Tlmo : IslGSJ. Oir I ) y ut Sh i Bu-f N. Y. , Sept. 2. This wns nn off day at Sbcopshoaa Bay. ' Boautl- ful autumn weather prevailed , the trnck was fast iind thu attonuuuco large , but the racing wnsitumo nnd uninteresting. First race , one mlle : KacolnndO to 5 won , Lord Motley (12 to 1) second , While Uoso ( even ) third. Tlmo : 1:424-5. : Second race , the Golden Hod stakes , seven furlongs on turf : Pnnco Uoorpo ( S to 5) ) won. Lawless (15 ( to 1) ) second. Tiir and Tarter ( U to I ) third. Time : l:29--5. : Third race , futurity course : Stonoll (3 ( to 5) ) won. Sunshine Whisky ( S to 1) ) second. Dolly McCono(3 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : 1:102-5. : Konrtli raio , mlle and u turlonit : John Oav- nnaxh ( S to . " > ) won Frontonao (7 to B ) second , Silver Prince ( II ) to 1) ) tblrd. Time : 1:57:1-5. : Mfth rnco , tulle andu furlong : Siratlimenth ( oven ) won , b'urnd ay (3 ( to 2) ) second , Tea Tray (3 ( toll third. Time : lM : 1-5. Sixth-raco , ono mllo. on turf : Prince For- tiiniitU3J4j ; to 1) ) won. Madrid (7 ( to 2) ) second. Slolpnor(7 ( to 5) ) third. Tlmo : 1:422-5. : l.iltnnlil'H I' "O. , Sept. .2. Fair weather brought out nn attendance of about 3,500 nt the Lntonia course.todny. Klrtraco , soiling , sovdn fnrlonus : Nlhll (5 ( tel ) won In : : ! , . ) ; iuk- Star ( I to 5) ) second , Miss nallartl (15 ( to ) third. Second TACO. sovec und a half furlonss : Senonta (4 ( to r > ) won In I:3TU. llcdso Hose (13 to 1) ) second. Murk H (15 ( to 1) ) third. Third race , sollliv. % ono mlle : Sir Planet (2 ( to 1) ) won In l:44J. : ! Servitor ( oven ) second , l'nryoar(4 ( to 1) ) third. Kourtbraco. nvo furloiiBs : Shadow (8 to 5) ) won In 1 : 3l ( , Docontlou (7 ( to 5) ) second , Fay S (10 ( to H third. Fifth raco. six f urloncs : Missal (4 ( to 1) ) won In 1:17. AlhambnuSto 1) ) second , Sir Charlus(4 to I ) third. iilxth race , six furlou-'s : lied Hoot (4 ( to 5) ) Moiijln ll7y. I.otta (8 ( to 1) ) second , Sweet Hlos- aom (2 ( to 1) ) third. TIpi for Tmlay. Hero uro tbo horses picked by the prophet as good things to carry the raonay in today's events : nr.oucESTnii. 1. King Idle Klngsolcre. 2. Mlmlnn S loanu. 3. Park Hldcc-Katii ) C. 4. Holls.-irlns Henjaiiiln. B. Quartermaster Lost Star. 0. HordOr Mliutrol Montreal. allCKi'SIIKAD HAY. 1. Dagonot The Ironmaster. 2. Lady Vlolot-.MIs'j ' Maude 3. Lainnllghter Kilkenny. 4. Spartan Uozlnnld. B. Uanqnet Aloha. 0. Lord Dalmony Fred Taral. 7. King Grab 'rrestla. , Saratoga Itenults. S \ .v.TooA , N. Y. , Sopt. 2. The weather was fair and bright , but cool , and the attend ance fair. First race. flvo furlonss : Salisbury (9 ( to 5) fir t In l:02i. : ! Wrestler (1 ( to 1) ) second. Express (12 ( to 1) ) third. Second race , sovnn furlorizs : Gambler (8 ( to 1) ) first In l:20J . Hiilbrlggan (5 ( to 1) ) second , Worth (4 ( to 5) ) third. Third race , six f urlonss : Trlanglo (2V ( to 1) ) flist In 1 : M , White Wings (3 ( to I ) second , Mad den (4 ( to 1) ) third. 1'ourin race , purse $ > 0i ) , one mlle : Lord Harry (3 ( to I ) llrst In 1 :4 : < J. Lester i2 to 1) ) second , Urussol * (15 ( tel ) third , Fifth r.ice. sollliiL- . two miles : Haylor (3 ( to 1) ) llrst In 3:31 : , India Hubbur (0 ( to 5) ) second , Mur- Kherita ( tt to l ) third. hiliiUi'Iplihi's , Pa. , Sept. 2. Tbo early fall mooting of the Philadelphia Driving associa tion was concluded today. First race , 2:23 class , purse $000 : Llnkwood Maid won , Clayton Kusiill second. Uaptnln Lyons third , 8k il fourth. Gvosy Girl llfth , Uanxcr sixth. Time : SSX , 2:21'J : , 2:2J"i. : Second race , 2:25 : paolng class , pursu $ ; > 03 : Motphlle won , aiiulnu Miller second. Welter th.rd. J S T fourth , Groy Joe llftb. Tliuu : 8S. : . 2:2b : . 2/.8M. 2:2 : 1 .2:51. Iniloppiuleni-ii I'orroriiiancos. INDEIT.NIU\CE : , la. , Sept. 2. Strong wind ; trnck fast ; lighter nttendanco. 2:25 : tiot , $1,000 : Josephine won. Utility RCo- ond. Gold Coin third , Floyd U fourth , Kllnrd llfth , Liuijjhrun W sixth. Prlnoo II seventh , ( > uy Shurldan olzhth , Daz/.lo ninth , Kclnu lliiyos tenth. Tlmo : 2:10H. : 2:21. : 2:2jy. Threo-yoir-nlds. 3:00 : trot , CI.OOJ : Dlroetiim won , L.illah Wllkcs second , Alcantara thlid. Time : 2:2 : 1,2:21 : , 2:24 : . Half Milo Trauk ICucorcU J.cnvoroil , BANUOII , Mo. , Sopt. 2. At tbu Eastern Maine fair grounds todny Bunco , jr , , paced n milo In 2:13 : , ' , breaking the wor.d's record for trotting and pacing on a half milo track. WA.TCUI.VU rim cmnvos. ArrniiReinoiits of the Mow Or ] runs I'olloo to Control Tlu-ir Uiiivclconio UneutK. NEW OUI.EA.NS , La , , Sopt. 2. All incoming trains' today were crowded with prlzo fight visitors comluir from all parts of the country , The police authorities are looking to the greatest gathering over wltnotsed here , except - copt nj carnival times. They oxDoct that ID ' the wak'tx. pt the lighters and visitors to tbo light will coma pickpockets and thlovos who will bopu to nly their vocations whllo the thrones from abroad linger. Chief of Police Guster has made an arrangement , which Is to have many loading ofllccrs und Ucioctivos from cUowhero to assist the local authorities In preventing them , The first delegation of visitors got Into the city this morning Irom Now York. Thu Mycr party arrived this evening on the fast train over the Illinois Central. There was a monster dulo ntlou to meet the Strcator lad , who has many admirers in this city , A party of frienas took the outgoing train on tbo Illinois Central and accompanied Myor to the city. At Carrolltou , where Myor is to train , every accommodation has been niado lor His reception nnd ho will bo able to pursuu his training , punching tuo barrunniug | and boxing , Just us well as if bo wuro nt homo In Slroator. Thu reports of Myor'b condition h'tivo bud the effect of In- oroublug luo uonllUcuco of his fnouds and there is moro Myur uionoy hero todav ibun uk any time bofovu. Major Bob Gurrolt bf the Queen & Cres cent saiu tuU inuruiug that hu hud not yet received any ailvlcoi as to the pivgruss of the Sullivan train or us to the tlmo of m ar rival in this city. It will probably get m boino tlmo tomorrow evening. As tharo h likely to bo a tromuuUous crowd ut thu depot , arrangements will probably bo made to take tbo champion off at aonio point buforu the train reaches tbo Now Orleans depot. Uooms have boon engaged for Sullivan nt Mrs. Groan's on Uauiparlkiroet , just opposite tbo Xounp Men's Athletic plub. Backer Kuynolds returned to the bay last night , Before leaving ho said fur the lie ( of him | io could nut mauo out how Dixou could wblpSkolly , thu Brooklyn boy who , In Key- holds' opinion , U bis superior Iu every ro- spoct. Premdcut Noel Is going ever tbo lake Sun * uay with a phyelolau to vl.lt tbo lighters so ns to ascertain if they are to portcct health bcforo permitting them to enter tbo ring. Tbo Dotting manipulators seem to have tired of reporting that Jnak MoAullffo is doing ovorythl'jg out tl ut wnlch n conscien tious lighter should no his duty to himself nnd friends. McAuliffo'n friends nssurc the public thnt Jack Is in thoroughly good fight ing trim his eye Is brlcht , his bond clear and cool , nnd his skull ns good at ever in the days when ho wns winning fame. Betting posted nt the pool rooms tonight : Even money McAullffn ; 4 tofi Mayor ; 1 to 3 Dixon ; fi to2Skolly ; Sto5 Corbott , and 12 to 20 Sullivan. Sully In Speeding Routli. BfiTAi.o , N , Y. , Sopt. 3. The special train bearing Sullivan and his friends to N4r Orleans - loans passed through this city1 nt tl o'clock this morning. Emu , Pa. , Sept. 2. When the Sullivan train reached Erie tnls forenoon tbo pugilist wns up nnd had partaken of a slight broik- fast. Ho had slept well nud said ho felt llrs rnto. During the forotiooif Sullivan wns not Initiative , seldom contributing n word to tbo chat of the companions nround him. - CLBVIUAND , O. , Sept. 2. The Sulllvnn train reached Cleveland nbout.ll o'clock. A largo crowd wns assembled here to eatoU eight of the pugilist. CINCINNATI , O. , Sept. 2. Thd ilny was waning rapidly ns tbo Sullivan train made for Itself n lane through ' ho.thronf : thnt hnd besieged It nt Dayton } , nnd then quick ened pace nnd hurried away on Ihn last stretch to bo covered east of Cincinnati. Both the champion mid" , Tils tratnor , Phil Casey , hnd been somewhat fretful nt tbo loss of their chosen bapgaga car nt Buffalo ourly this mornlntr nnd the substitution of n box of a car that replaced it The tram arrived here 'nt ,7 ojcloclc. All tiavo Sullivan nnil bis trainer poured out of the train to enjoy supper with nil hour for the performance. Sullivan , meanwhile , was furnished supper In his' ' 'carHo has not alighted from his car since leaving Now York. " _ NATIONAL MIAdUi : . Klnior Smith GI.VCS Iliiltlinoro n Tnsto of 1IU Detail Arm. PiTTsntma , Pn.t Sept. 2. Elmer Smith pitched a great amo'n. g"iln.st.tho | Unltimoros , allowing thorn but two hits' and , shutting them out without ajQn..Atteri'd.anee : , 1,500. Score : . - Plttsburc . 0 022. 2 200 8- Hultiinorc . 0' 0 0 0 0 .0 0 0 0 ( I Hits : Plttsburs , -llnltlinoroa : Errors : Plttsbnrg , 1 ; IlaHlmurc. 1. K.irnod runs : Pitts- bur , r . Hattorlcs : Smith und Mack ; Cobb and Onnson. UiulcM Klmilly Tnko a llraco , " ST. Louis , Mo. , Sopt. 3. The Phillies out played the Browns largely through Woy- hlng's effective pitchirig ana n mastnrlv stu pid exhibition o'f base runnint on the part of the Browns. Attendance , l.&OO. Score : St , Louis. . . . i 2 Philadelphia . 0 20010000 3 Hits : S.U Louis. 16 : Philadelphia. Errors : St. Louis. 4 ; Philadelphia * I. Karncd runs : Philadelphia , 1. llultorlos ! Hawley and Buckley ; WeyhliiK and DO\VSP. ColtH on thu Sililo AKIIIII. CHICAGO , 111. , Sept. 2. Uumbort had nn off day and although ho was not hard bit ho was liberal in dealing out bas'os oh balls at criti cal times. Ho also hit two men with the ball. The Colts nlaycd n listless , indifferent , gnme. Attendance , 2,000. Score : Chicago . 1 00000000 1 Hoston . 0 4 Hits : Chicago. 8 : Hoston , fi. Errors : Chl- caeo. 3 ; Hnston. 1. Earned runs : Chicago , 1 : Hostun , 1. linttorlos : Qumbort and Sobrlver ; Stivetts iint'i Ounzel. Sjililuni Keep on Winning * CLCVRI.\ND , O. . Sept. 2. Hits by Davis , McLean and Virtue in the eighth inning gave the Clevolands the winning run. At tendance , 1JOO. ( Score : Cleveland 0 3 Washington 00001000 0 1 Hits : Cleveland , 10 : Washington , 0. Errors : Clove-land , t ; Washington. 3. Earned runs : Cleveland , I. Uattorles : Cuppy and X.lmmur ; Abhoy and Mllllgau. I'laycil Iluril und Itroko Kvcn. LOUISVILLE , ICv. , Sept. 2 - The Colonels nnd Giants"'played two .Ramos today nud split even. Attendance y,000. , Score : Louisville , . . . , . 100000000 1 Now York 3 0 (1 ( 0 0 " 0. 2 0 0 0 Hits : Louisville , 6 ; NowjyBrk" . 10. ' .Krrori : Louisville,3 ; Now.york.'t ; Earncd runs ; Now York , 3. U.ittnrles : " 3uridQr "ana Morrltt ; Klnganu , Hoylo. { . Second _ gamd : , H ' - . ' Louisville 0 01,2 00101 5 New York 0 20000000 2 Hits : Louisville , 0 : Now York , 4. Errors : Louisville , 1 ; Now York , 7. Earned runs : Lotilsvlllo , 1. Uatterles : Strutton and Mor- rltt ; Knslo nnd Doyle. Some Heavy Hitting Here. Oixcixxvn , O. , Sopt. 2. Heavy hitting by Cincinnati and errors by Brooklyn won and lost today's game. Attendance 1,800. Score : Cincinnati. * 8 Brooklyn , . . . . 0 00030002 5 Hits : Cincinnati. 12 : Hrooklyn. 11 , Errors : Cincinnati , 2 : Brooklyn , 0. Earned runs : Cin cinnati , 4 : Brooklyn. 4. Hattorles : Dwyer and Vaughn ; Hart und KlnsloAv. x of the Teams , Only u Few Shut. There was n small attendance nttbo Bnmts Park Ouu club shoot on Thursday , owmp to the fact that most or the shooters were after ohlckons. The conullions ot the shcot were 11 ( teen live birds to the mnn , thirty yards rise und eighty vards boundary , from llvo unknown traps. Score : HlaUo . JI121 11111 18212-15 Dickey . 12110 01011 2U111-11 MoKarlano . 12111 OJ201 10301 10 Klnuhurt . wo/j 0121D 12J01 0 Hawln . 20J11 OI2J1 11012 10 Hrown . . . 2J11W 12U01 20111 0 bmouU . 21111 12310 10111-12 Hoth . . 01101 10102 11111-11 /Am lei > n It Timlin , ' BIIIMI.VOIIAM , Conn. , Sept. 2. At the Croj- cent cycle club's tournnment today Arthur Zlir.inurmnn brolto the world's competitive record held by Taylor of ! S:2I : 2-5 , In the milo open handicap , makinrr the nnlo in 2:1U : 2-0. VAI'tUHUI ) .I.V sILLKdrtU t'UJtdlSH. < ionrsu (1. Ullijon of Kciirnoyr Nub. , Under Arrest In caioaio. CiiKMno , 111. , Sept. 3. [ Special Tolocram to Tin : BcK.1 Onicors Plunkett nnd Woods of the Central station mndp a plucky capture of nn nllogud torpor ut the Great Northern hotel this morning. The man under nrrost is Oeorco O. Gibson , und , ' It li claimed , that during the last three woolis bo has forged checks on boarders nt the Kovore house tp the amount of nearly SJUO > UlLmou came to Chicago three weeks ago. onh from letter * found In his possession i' , appears hu is the descendant of mi honorable family at Koar- nev. Nob. CJIujon's nmo , it is nlloKOd , was to up- pi-ouch guests ut the Kuvoro homo unil coni- plain of belnt ; short of money ; If the gentle man would cash n small check It Would bo i nroat fnvor. In this way , It Is olaimod , ho passed two checks on S. C. Caluwoll amount- Inu' to S4S , two 01. C. J. Boattio for1 ) ! und. ? 3'i , and two on thn proprietors of the hotel , Fluid und Schomborg- 915 and * 18. The check * weru nmuo out to ttio Portluna bank of 1'ortland , Or a , nnd when sent tuoro came back prolobtcd. _ _ City Centnil Oiiiumlttuo. Every member or the ropublloan city central commit too Is requested to meet this ( Saturday ) ovonlnu ut 8 o'clock nt republi can league headquarters , Tblrteonth and Douglas , at it Is iluslrod to formulate a plan whereby the primaries for the city and county convention may bo hold nt the snnio tlmo. HICIUIIII SMITH , Chairman. ffjstia rusrjntn.ii : Detectives still continue to uako arrests at I'Utsbnrif and lluinustoud of strikers The International ruclptoolty ronvoutlbn Is mill In suasion ut Grand t'ork ? , N. U , II. J , Uodfroy. formerly supreme treasurer of tha Urilur or Soon | , U on trial ut I'lttsbure , 1'u. , uharjud with oiubi-zzletnant , John WllcoxHPii , iv nuxro eontlnod In the Jail ut Ddiminton. Ivy. , for inurdur. wus ehot to dualh by u mob whluti hud brokuu Into the jail , 1'reildent Harrison U unrouto to Loon Liki to visit Mru. UurriBon. It U uudomtood that his lotturor accept ineu will bu niudo uupllo In u row days , There wuro but u few operators present at thu mooting In Kansas 01 ty for the purposu ol orRunlzlmrii now orclor. the "Itrotherhood of Telographurs. " The ouorators Htlll maintain the utinuKt aocre y In ronurd to tliulr u lups , but deny that u stnko Is lutundod. CHOLERA. IS STILL OUTSIDE lit IX o no i fcoxTixunl ) rnott-PinsT pAor. . | cabin mssoiifinrs t , o declare tholr baggage and laud In tun 1 par so that would be sent down tonight. Under Onlrrij lo > m Secretary Hiaulillnj , ' . The rescinding of the port collector's orders was done ! pwlng'to ' a coininunlcntlon from Assistants-Secretary Spauldmp to thai effect. Tncrof& . of course , much discus sion as tu the nctldn that Ur. .lonklns would have token hrul'h6 ' ( Iceland and Uatlm not boon released. ' ' " ' Dr. Jonltlns linitfHoHtio roprcsoiitatlvo of the Associated1 Press that bnvlnu once granted a vcs PpraU uo , ho should not grant her n sccefn.d , and lba If the col- Icctorohooso to return a vessel to quarantine for twenty days , It was the duty of tbo general government to look after It and take charge of thorn. Ho said ho thought , however - over , that the cireulrr of the president hnd boon misinterpreted by the collector nnd many others , it specially stated that It was not to conflict with the stnlo retaliations , nnd that It was chlolly" meant for certain potts \vhoro thero.woro no stnto authorities , nnd whcro the ports \\oro In ohnrgoof the marine hospital force. A report from the Mornvm ( Into this after noon states boyontl doubt that the health of all on board t < v excellent. Tlicro has boon no sicltnoss of any nature , on the vessel since she arrived , Health Ofllcor Jcnktns , Quarantlno Com missioner Allan , Iuputy Sanborno nnd Drs. Mllllkon nnd Sallltup visited Hoffman nnd Swlnburn islands Urn afternoon and reported ovorythlng moving along satisfactorily at both places. Up to the present the efforts of Dr. Byron to obtain bactorla Iroai portions of the foul linen taken from the Infected steamer Moravia have beou unsuccessful. A altlnc ThcMr Coming. As the situation is now , tbo eyes of the quarantine oflloluls are constantly turned seaward1 , awaiting the arrival of the ISormama nnd Stubbonhuk , both from Hamburg , tbo Uugla from Havro nnd the La DOUTCORIIO from the same port. Several olhor big mailers nro duo tonight and tomorrow from English ports. They nro regarded with suspicion. ' It Is fcarod thai tbo four vessels from Hamburg and Havro will have the cholera on board. If they do not , a weight will bo lifted IroraDr. Jonktns' mind. Thostcamoa Ycondnra , from Rotterdam , has boon released from quarantine. The North Gorman Lloyd steamers , lllto most of the other lines , will not handle steerage passengers. UUTIKS 01' Till : JIUAIVril OFFICER. New York's DeputyvAttorney General , by Kequost , Gives UU.VIeur of lilt ) Law. AUHNV , N. Y. , Sopt. 2. In the absence of Attorney Uonoral Kosondalo , Deputy Attor ney General John Hognn today , In response to a request froin.Dr. Jenkins , health ofllcor of the port of Now Vork , asking him to do- line his nowcrs In connection with the circu lar approved by President Harrison ordering a quarantine detention of twenty days on all vessels destined for United States ports , wro'.o mi opinion'in which ho particularly holds that tbo health oftlror of trio port of Now York mnyjuao-hls discretion as to how long n vessel shall bo detained nt quarantine , Independent , of , any proclamation of the president. ' Ho quotes various laws and decisions on the sublect nnd'snysVo have the opin ion of the supreme pourtof the United States that the act of 1,878 , , cited by the attorney poaornl In his opinion , was merely an adoption by conprjss of ttib lluvs of the various states of the union , with'reference to quarantine , and having adopted such laws , tbo act , not only by reason of sufli ailoptlon , tut by express language , has txjunn construed to forbid all Interference wit ) ) their enforcement. In view of tbo InnRimgOjOf , " tuo act of congress with reference to quarantine , and providing that there shall boJ ] 'jpo Interference in any manner with any lajvs and regulations , I am of tbo opinion that 'tbo power granted you by tbo statutes , this stale and the duty imposed upon yojjjby mat , statute , .as well as bytho , rules nnapgulnttonB of tbo quaran tine UopartmentrOf tjje stnto of Now Xorii. should" bo1ndop cd jand followed by you with reference to your conduct as health ofll cor of tbo pprt , , onflow York , aad thai if the rules ana regulations contained in tbo proclamation of the supervising surgeon Ron- oral of the United States nnd approved by the secretary of the treasury are In conflict , or impair or iu any manner interfere with any sanitary or quarantine law , or regulation of this state , they must yield , where such conflict or interference arises , to the law of this state and the rules and regulations adopted by the quarantine commissioners of the state. " -CKI.UI.VA1 > OAU15IESSNKSS. Hamburg Olllcluls ICesnoimlblo Tor the SurriKl of llio IMIIKUO. LONDON , Sept. 2. The Standard's Ham burg corrosoondont says that although tha cholera is reported to bo'obating , the number of victims Is again very heavy. The disease rages with the most virulence iu the suburbs of Horn and Hammorbrook , wbero hundreds were attacked and many died v/ithin two hours. Tbo interments since last night num ber 31fl. It is reported that tbo people of Hamburg have carried tbo infection to twenty-three towns In Germany. Tbo Standard's Berlin telc'gram has the following : Ttioimperial health ofllco reports that the first case of cholera appeared In Hamburg on August , 20. The epidemic proba bly originated with Russian immigrants. All tbo water that they used , their excreta , etc. , were poured into an arm of the rlvor Elba near their barracks without any disin fection whatever. True CIIIIHO oT the Sutpoctiul Cliolcru 1'iltlmit'n lllnrxt. NEW YOHK , Sept. 2. Joseph Etuaalzor , reported last night as a cholera patient , was not affected with thai disease. His illness was duo to ovcrfood'ing after being nearly starved In Hussiu. Ho was all right this morning. Tbo Cunard , Wblto Star , Inman nnd French lines have decided not to brine over steerage passengers froin Europe until fur ther notice. Dr. Byron , who examined the shipment of clothing and bedding from tbo sto.iraor Moravia , has not completed the work , but , so far , has failed to discover cholera gorms. ( io has only small specimens , nnd his" exam ination is not conclusive. No doubt Is expressed - pressed but that tbo 'cases were true Aslatin cholera. . " " Given Thorou QUBENSTOW.V , fiflah 2. The luggage of all emigrants Is subjected for , slx hours to the fumes of sulphunft rfcld In a sealed chamber and is finally drfinchod with a bolutlon of carbolic acid andc.ur.IIUod by the American consul hero bofiro ( , . allowed to bo tukon aboard the Atlniitji | llniirs , The baggaijo of saloon passengers , uvon , though they corno from Infected porW.'is untouched by any dis infectant wbatowr.o The Norwegian bark Junior from Ilavrotbas been quarantined In tbo Lulth roada. Ai case of suspicious ill ness discovered oiuooaril of tbo vessel has been scut to the cholera hospital. More Al tVpiiry NtntlKtlrs. BBIIUX , Sopu a ujlio statistics of the Im perial Board o ( Health show thoru were 033 now cases of cholera ana 110 deaths at Hamburg yesterday , " In Alloona there were .HI now cases and adeaths. . On the Island of \vllliHlmRburg , lifloiliilriver Elbe , opposite Hamburg , there worVy 10 coses and U UoutUa and 18 cases anO 7 deaths In Scbtoswig. I'lireo cases und-ldoatbsoocurrodlnTuornm- burir , 5 cases and U deaths nt Nadtjergburg , 5 cases und 3 deaths ut Mgcklonburgscluvcin , 1 BUSO and 1 uoutb ut Hoflln10 cases and 15 deaths at Havre. ( Joiitomptiiouit Sunih JSurnluirilt. UitU83iis : , Sept. 3. In an Interview Mmo. Berohardt , the calobratcd tragedienne , treat- ud the matter of the flpldomlo of aholora with oontompt and expressed her belief that there wu no such nialudy. Sbo suid tbo microbe was more Imagination , She added that she was , willing to" go to any cholera- stricken town and give u benotH perforin- anco in aid of tbo eo-caltod victlmi of cholera. No Vtfth Ciuvk ut llerllh. Beiu.ix , Sept. 2 , No fro h caio of cholera bos developed here during the past twenty- four hours. Precaution * ana preparations ncatnst a possible choleraic outbreak , how ever , nro not relaxed. The government has purchased its cntlro stock of portable hos pitals from the corps of the Hcd Cross society nnd , notwithstanding , Is unable to moot re quests -from nil parts of the country for hos pitals. Comparisons of Hamburg death rate figures for different dnvs show that of these persons attacked with cholera , three days ago , one out of two died , whllo now only ono out of llvo dies , Ciiii.iiln 1'rrparliiR for Oimrnntlnr. TOIIONTO , Ont. , Sept. 3. The Department of Agriculture nt Ottawa today made applica tion of Toronto for the use of the city steam disinfecting apparatus for the destruction , of dlsoaso germs nt the SU Lawrence quarau- line station , Grosse Isle. The letter says that In view of the emergency and inasmuch as tbo apparatus now being constructed for Grosse Isle cannot bo completed In time , It Is advised to secure Iho use of Toronto's appar atus. All of which show , thai the Dominion government is not quite up to dntu In Us quarantine arrangements. Toronto nl once ordered that the apparatus bo handed ovor" to tbo government , mid 11 was shipped to Grosse Isle. ( tun rasfODRor Sllppoil In. PiuiAWiU'iitA , Pft. , Sept , 2. The city council has passed n resolution petitioning the president bf Iho United Stales to forbid Immigration during the continuance of the cholera epidemic. It Is learned that ono of the passengers of the steamship British 1'rlncoss trom Liverpool , which has been lylnc at the quarantlno station below tbo city since Tuesday , bad slipped through iVnd entered the city. Tbo passenger In question was John Clark , nvoll known lawyer and ox-mombCrof the council. Mr. Cln'rk was soon and admitted that ho had boon lakon off Iho steamer nftor being Inspected by his personal friends , DIM. Shaicespoaro and Casor of the Board of Health. I'VKt Hoimcs In Poor Condition. HALIFAX , N. S. Sopt. 2 , The quarantine buildings at this port are falling to plncos from decay nnd are surrounded with stag nant pools , rendering them totally unlit to place human beings in. The Board of Health had passed n resolution calling upon the Otiuvva authorities to place the quarantlno station and its equipments In n thoroughly effective state nnd promising hearty co-oper ation. Inspecting ( Junriintlno Stnttonn , MONTIIRAL , Sopt. 2. The international quarantine Inspection commissioners ar rived In Montreal today. Their purpose Is to Inspect and report on the condition and methods of administration of ovorv quaran line station on the Atlantic , Gulf and Pacific coasts. After tholr inspection here the com mission loft for Quebec. On the Incrrnno In JtuMln. ST. PKTEngiiuiio , Sopt. 2. Ofllclal returns from the omplra for August 30 show : Now cases , 5,273 ; deaths , 2,7Ji. ! Ibis Is an increase - crease of 414" now cases and 1U.1 deaths ever the previous day. It Is known thai thcso llcurcs are incomplete , many smaller villages not being hoard from. Slxtoun ImmlKnuitH Otmrjintlnccl. SAULTSTB. Muui : , Mich. , Sopt. 2. Six teen Immigrants on the Canndian Pacific were stopped yesterday by the United States health officers and sent into quarantine. Ono was from Hnmburir , several from Husstnand the rest from Scandinavian countries , but none needed Inspection. Suspicious CIISOR ut Snrnln. SAUNIA , Onu , Soot. 2. A car containing thirty immigrants Is detained at the tunnel station. The American authorises rofusolo allow thorn to enter American territory on account of tbo illness of .several of the occu pants , which may bo cholera. Liverpool 1'roo from Chnloru. LivniirooL , Sont. 2. The health commis sion ofllcors report that the general health of the Russian residents is good , ihnt Liverpool Is frco from cbolora , and that there is uo danger of the scourge spreading. Notes of the Plnsuc. NEW YQIIK , Sopt. 2. Health OITlcor .Tonkins declares that ho shall contrive to quarantine and release vessels according to his own view of the requirements In a.tcu case without re gard to the president's proclamation. LONDON. Sept. 2. Another of the Russians stricken with cholera died today. It Is re ported that a womnu died of cholera ul Jlac- clcsllold , near Manchester. SAIINIA , Ont. , Sept. & The report that a ear contamliiR'thlrty Immigrants Is detained at the tunnel station owing to .sickness among the Immigrants Is Incorrect. The car was merely hold for the usual Inspection of Its occupants. All were healthy und proceeded on tholr journey. LONDON. Sept. 2. The cholera patients in Liverpool are malting rapid progress inwards rcci very. The Kisslan Immigrant , Inning whoarrlvoa In London at the beInnln < z of tbo wuck. was seized with cholera and sent to the hospital in Marrlhono , Is now recovering , Announcement la made by the ttud Star line that their steamers have refused to onrry stocniKo passenger * to America. IIAMiiuitn. Sopt. L' . TJio anniversary of the victory of Sudan , u day which Is usually marked > > y groal public rojolcnnirs , passed here In tha gloomiest manner. Kvuopt for thu decoration-- , seen on the postoHIco nnd tbo rail way station not n Hug was displayed. The churches were filled with people praying that the cholera tipldemlu in I c lit cease. DUIIMN. fc'opt. 2. Tbo Cork town council has passed u resolution sol tins forth tholr Inten tion to call to Mr. UUidstono's notice the prompt anti-cholera precautions taken by tbo Amurlunn government , and request that sliil- lar measures Uo adopted by Gro.it Hrltuln. I'AUIS , fappt. y. Ulioloru has niiido Its appearance - poaranco at Hloplio. Two cases of the dlseaso nud one death ueru reported there today. In Honeu twonty-alx fresh cnses of cholera nnd three deaths from the disease occurred todnv. LONDON. Sept. 4. 1'roslriunt Harrison's proclamation IN hold hcru In no way to alloot llrst or second ojuss piiHscimors bound for America. The Anslo-Ainorluim Htoninsliln HnoH have every berth on their vessels booucd up to the middle of October. Mr. Milton Nobles enjoys the rather un usual distinction of writing nil hla own plays and of bolng roasouably successful both as n player and n playmakcr. If not a genius ho Is versatile and the publlo has n snug corner In its estimation for him nnd his. At the Uoyd last evening ono of his now plavs , "A Son of Thospi * , " was presented to Omnhans , Most of the members of tha supporting company were Just getting nc- quiiinlcd with their roles nnd.stumblcd In tholr Unas. The notion wni a bit tedious nnd some of the scones .scumed Interminable , but thcso are uolocts which tlmo will cor rect , Mr. Nobles carries yio toln of u tragedian fatuous before the war , who marries n Now York bunker's daughter nnd becomes his secretary. A forgery Is committed , circum stances point to the seorotarr as the guilty man and ho enlists In the army under an as sumed name. Ho forsakes his wife , whoso faith In his innocence wavered , nnd at the close of the war ho wanders Into the wosl nnd becomes n barn-stormer. Eighteen years nftor his disappearance the drama brings the tragedian , his wife nnd ti daughter ( born nftor his disappearance ) to .the same mountain summer resort In Now England. The young girl pbrsuaaos the strolling actor to tnko part In nn nmntour- performance in honor of her lover's birth day. For that purooio the tragedian uses a scone from a war drama ho has written , which paraphrases some of his own sad history. In this play within n play ho represents n colonel who has come homo to bo confronted by his forsaken wife and a daughter ho know not of. Ills true wife , who is In the llttlo audience , recognizes him on his entrance , nsjumcs the plnco of the amateur In tha mlinla play and is recog nized by her husband , the tragic colonel , who is overcome by the shook nnd thrown Into a delirium. Of course ho has rcrovbrcd In the last act nnd bncomo reconciled ta his wlfo , nnd the forgery is placed ut the dour of the real criminal. Villainy bus llttlo place In the drama beyond - yond Klvlwg It Its oripiiml motive , nnd the notion of the play is almost as quiet in its developments as the pastoral scones among whhlch most of it takrs place. It la romantic , \vlthnbyplayoflovoaim dashes of comedy , but after all the fate of the unfortunate tragedian Is thoi dominant element. The role as Interpreted by Mr. Nobles Is pathetic , butRonlloaad nt no tune harrowing. In his characterization of the tragedian whosa1 memory llvds in happier days , ho escapes the temptation to caricature nnd presents a character study admirable In conception auu excellent In portrayal. „ It Is really wonderful how well dainty Dollv Nobles rotnins her youthful freshness all these years. Her role was that of the 17- year-old daughter of the trucodlon nnd she played the ingenue with charming vivacity and cracoful , girlish sprigktlltioso. Mr. Nobles seems to have a company of compo- lon't people , who will glvo him adequate sup port when familiar with tholr work. The play Is touching without boin ? violent , nnd , wbllo not remarkably original or powerful , roaches tender sympathies , and is calculated to plcaso the average audience. , I'.ii.LUjt.irns. S. P. Main of Kearney is nt the P.ixton , J. M. GriOlth of Wahoo Is ut the Millard. W. B. Davis of Beatrice is at tbo Mercer. James E. Mohar of Blair is nt the Arcado. Samuel Shears of Lincoln is at tboDcllonc. S. A. Cowlos of Norfolk Is at the Doltono. F. A. Pylo of Lincoln Is registered at the Paxton. T. W. Llttlo of Lincoln Is registered atitho Murray. Warren Woodward of Exeter is at the Murray. Joha Balsloy of Fairmont Is a guest at the Murray. M. L. Young of Ouster was nl the Dollono yesterday. George M. Smith of Concord is a guest nt the Paxton. B. J. Hortou of Louisville Is registered at tbo Millard. H. L. Wallace of Norfolk Is registered nt the Dollono. W. P. Sbarkoy of Hastings Is registered nt the Arcado. D. J5. Boardman of West Point Is a guest ni the Dcllono. William Stoffon of Beatrice was nt the Paxton yesterday. N. E. Peebles of Ponder is amo'ng the guests nl the Millnrd. Joe Sonnonborg loll for Now Orleans lasl night to bo gotio ten days. Captain A. J. Phillips of the customs office loft yesterday for Denver on n short vaca- ilon. ilon.Robert Robert Alexander and William Miller of Bloomlleld are among the Nebraskans at the Arcado. Kov. T. J. Mackay has returned from Boston , and will preach In All Saints' church on Sunday. Miss Emma Monzlngo , clerk nnd stenog rapher for the Board of Education , has re turned from a visit of two weeks In Iowa. Henry C. Crum.clork in the customs ofllco , wont to Slou.x City yesterday to tnko" the meas urements of a now steamboat about to bo launched on the Missouri. "Spud" Farnsh loft last evening for nn extended eastern trip. Ho will visit bis mother in Virginia and talto in Washington and Now York before his return. Hon. John L. Webster writes Tun Bcr. from London that ho would aail on the steamer Normnnia , Aucust 27 , and expected to roach Now York todov September ! l , and would arrive homo about September 10 , prepared - pared to .spend some time in campaign work. NEW YOHK , Sent. 2. [ Spnclul Telegram to Tim Bui.I : Omaha : A. J. Mower , Hotel Savoy C. F. Mnndorson , Windsor : J. Woly , Earles. Beatrice : H. T. Weslon. J. B. Weston - ton , Hoffman. Carson ( JIty : II. M. Yorgton , Plaza. Lincoln : Mrs. ( \ W. lloohulo , Mol- ropolitan ; Miss Raymond , Westminster. Cuic.vuo , III. , Sept. 2. [ Special telegram to Tun Bnr..1 Nebraskans nt Grand Paclllo : W. B. .lordnn mid wlfo , Frank Keod. Omnhn. Auditorium ) J. H. Myrlck , Boatrico. Victoria : D. V. Mc Gownn. Columbus. Gront Northern : II. O. Mnlonoy , Omaha. Tromont : Harry Mo- Gulro nnd wlfo , Tom Boll , Miss Kntlo Uoll , Omnhn. Lolnml : MM. Martha Bright , Beatrice ; James Cook nnd family , Konrnoy. Shor'mnn : Thomas Doyle , Lincoln ; Harry Bert , Omaha. Fresh milch cows , steers nnd holfora , springers. Dr. JolTrlosGrnco & 7I11 st. 1'ntrolmnn JiitliiH Xotiller , Of the llrooklyn , N. Y. , 1'ollce Force , gladly tcslllles to the merit of Hood's Sarsnparllla. 1IU wlfo takes It for dizziness nnd Indigestion nnd it woIts ; charinhily. | "Tha children n1 o take It with great boncllt. Hhllliiint doubt n most excellent tbhiKfor Ttnit 'S'irnl Vci < | . inj { . 1 chfcifully iccoiiitnciul Hood's SarsapariSIa and Hood' : ) I'llH to every onu who whiles to have hcnllh nnd comfoit. " Hot HOOD'S. HOOD'S PlLLO euro liver 1111 , constipation , blllouiuosi , ( lumillcc , ttiul alck Itcnd.iclio. HUMPHREYS * Ur , Humphrey * ' HprrlflrB ixro scientifically nnd rofully iirrpiutil Koimxlles , uscil for jrara In jrlvftto iimclfco nud for ovtr thirty 3 cnrs by Uio fx.'cplo ivlth vntlro SUCOLSS. Ucry olnglo Spcclflo u Ri > Iftl euro for the dtirajo uninod. They euro without UniRRlng , imraliiR orreducln/T thceyatcm and nro in fact aim ui-ou the botrrvlzu llcmeillcii of the World. LIlTOr rBIHCIPAL NO& . CVHKI. lltlCfft. 1 1'ovcrB , Congestion. , Innammntlons. . ,49 15 WormH , Worm Fever , Worm Colic 125 3 Toetbtnci ColicCrying , Wakctulcou .35 4 Illnrrlien.of Children or Adults .25 7-Counhn , Colds , llronchltls2S 8-Ncurnlela , Tootlmclic. 1'nccnche * J5 -IIendncliei , Mck lleuJacho , Vertigo. . .20 10 DjHpopMlu. Bllloa iioaa , Constipation. .25 11 8ui > pro sod orl'nlnl'ul I'crloils. . . .25 14 V/liltcHi Too Profuse 1'crloda 25 ! . * > -Croup , linryuKltini Hoancncu 25 'j.\ Salt IMicuin , Erysliwlas , Eruplloun. . .25 IS Hbcumntlmn , IthcumatloTains 25 10 Ulnlarln , Chlllt.FovcrnndAgue .25 J7-PIlcs , IlUudorlllccdliig 25 in Catiirrlt , Inllueiizn , Col J In th 3 Head. .25 . ' 5 20-WhooplnitCouKli - 27 Kldnry DiNonHcH 25 Ul-Nn.'vouH Ilcbllity . . . .l.UD 30UlnnryTcnUncHH , Wetting Hod. . .25 SolJf Drnjctiln , or int pmtp I t on refl | t of trie * . R. UcmmR-TR * MANUAL (111 ( r fii ) * iLitii I-HEK. HU3iriIItKVS * 9ir . CO. , Ill X US UUIIiraPt.f NrwVur- . SPECIFICS. MANHOOD RESTOREO. " 8ANATIVO , " lh Wonderful Himnlah Rcmctly , I : t > m wllli a Wrltton Cuorontoo tocuiu nil Neivoni DM- cases , 6Ui.li as Weat Memory , Ioff ! cf Hrnla 1'awcr , llcndnclic , WaUcfulnc 8. Lost Slan. Iiootl , Kr\ousncuI ia- sltudp , oil dralni aul Before & After Uoo. | M1 of | KiiTcr of His Fbotugraplicd from life. Gcncrnuvo Organs In clllicr MX , cans" < ltir _ over-mertloii , JO'.ilhful liiillwrrtinni.kir the < > jf < " Ira -i of tol/ncco , oituin | , 01 9tliiiulAit9 ) , which uUliiintely Inul In Innriiilly , Cuimumiillan nml Iii'-inll ) ' . Tut uri IniiiiircMlciitrnriii In cArrv In tlie\r l imckct. 1'ilco tl n pnckncc , 01 6 for * 5. With cvi'iy (0 order \re Kitf n written irunranleo to cure or refund the money , fapiitliy innll to nny luldrei. ! . circular free In I'laln cnveloiie. Ilenllon this im.er. ) Address , HADXID CHEMICAL CO. , nrauch Office for U.S. A. S5S Dcmborn Strocl , CHIC'AfJO , ILL FOR SALE IN OMAHA. NED. , BT Kuhn & Co. , Co.r 13tli & Uouclui Sla. * .A. Fuller & Co. . Cop lIOi Do-ial iSt& Extract of Beef , Do you wan t a cup ol Bcof ToaV Sco that it is iiuulo from tlio Gun ulno Incoinparnbly the best. Pure , ptila- tablo.rofrcslilii'f. Dia- boluds cloarly- the Bnron LaiXTf - bip's Bltrnuuro A - i n blue on aohT * abel , thus. V Tutt'M Tiny Pllln net us lilnclly on tlio Jolillil , tlio ( Idllcnto funiulo or Infirm/ ' < ilil UK" ns ii | > on the vigorous man. ' Htnnmcli , II\VCH | , IdilnnyHiiiiil lilailclcr © 9 © We sell Hats , Extra Special and sell them Bargains in cheaper than Cent's hat stores. Furnishing All the lead Goods , ing makes. Always. * Cv"3 > At Par Good , lionoat inadovoll flUlnff , doslrablo atylos of clothing is sola ut par bv every first clans establishment , no nmttor in wliut city or whiit country The average morcliunt is unxiouH to suooocd. nnd to do BO ho must soli his wares at an advunco. The philanthropist , iu the trudo , especially In Oinalia , has disappeared fco clothinp house will give you a gold dollar for UOo ( it iniirht a cold ono ) no mat'- tor how much rod. blacker blue Ink Is used to muko thiiniiortlon or how heavy thovr may u i- dorllno the Important wouls. Tholr cnmpotltnr * h ivo thu H.nno power to buy ami t U about as much money lo InvoU In whatever Imwiilns may ho nllu it. Thou when n romitabl clothing merchant broad oasis his prices ninruod In plain figures , ho known they uro rlslitund Wo haviinuvorucun undersold mul nlwnyn will nrthoro to ono plain marked nrlcn n oiirDreilcoow.orlmBflo.ioloraTJoMityL.nM. . Wo will continue to eivo you f"r " ovcrriollarsworthynmimybiiyorus. Wo dlroL-t special Hltonllon io our now ? u oed ! which liuvo Just nrrli-od. Hulls to litany one In , i any style out or pattern , , , , the snlt to III a man wel hln m pounds to , v child 3 years olu. They iw ill BTni ? | uwl/ ! ' and you unn coi.io . lo IIH with Iho assurance that our ooj nro sold at par as regards urlcu quality with any ronutublo usiublisliuioiit In the country. or MAU. - pUUISllS-ToonrfrioiKlsiindfiiBloinotHlii thosurrouii'llnffCOtmtrv ontl ull onlou by express subject to appioval. Wo'll eond yeti a wool suit from M u' , , w . V iit iliiust made , .lust Htito your rno.isuro iiu-l what you want , nnd wo'll do thu b-i K-O ' ' " \ Cor. 13tii and Farnam Streets Our Prlcos " - T HV children's Hellman &v" -jm always department is owcstfor the most goods complete worth more in Omaha. than the price , Store open till 8 P. M. , Saturdays until IO. P M.