I (5 ( THE OMAHA DAILY lUtllinr ? > AY. SRPTRAfRRR 9. 1SH9 ! HIE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Everything Wt s repressed on the Board of Trade Yesterday. WHEAT TOUCHED THE LOWEST POINT Coirrlniriiby HhnrU to Secure Profits Canned n Itrnctlon , but tlio ( lencrnl Tone Una Weak Stock ! nnil llund § . CHICAGO , III. , Ecpt. l.-Deprosslon nnd rt panicky fooling ruled on the lloirdof Trade on account of the cholera souro during most of the forunoon , and most df the articles dealt In wont olT sharply , whoixt touchliu lh low est point roiichod for several years ! but later In the day the action of the uuthorltles ut Washington nnd sonto ether Items of news caused a revulsion of feeling , and u reaction eet In which curried pllccs well upwind towtird thoc Oidng Inures of ycstoiday , und In poik und ribs to u hl her level , louvlng the trudu In u moro hopeful framoof mind tbuii It has shown for some limb pint. Wheat fell tlurln , ' the Mrst hour Hie below last night's close , corn l ? c. oats 5c , and pork 8H | c. with luril and ribs ulbo weak and lower. Ills coverings by shorts to necuro prollts caused u rouctlon , out the general lotto was weak. In whoiit oxcryboily secmod to tmvo soiling orders nnd scalpers who had bought on yester day's dccllni ) und those who have been hold- l.ig In tl'o hopu of better pi Ices were free sellers , whllu thrro was hardly any buying except to co\ur shorts and take prollts Whllu thu Htently spin id of cholera wits thu k-nilln. bmir agency , the big receipts almost exory- M hero und thu wuik and lower cables had tholr Inllnenccs and the solllni cnwo was C'lioimous , .MiiDou.'til , Hi'hxvurtz-Dupoe. Hald- wln-rurmim and sotuu other proniiuunt hounds bold huiivlly. 'Iliciu wus somu buy Inl.y tilirord llros. and HeoMU i'.irker , but mainly to coxcr shorts , and thu duuilnu wus some- nhut chocked. Hut thnru was no muturlil Hi I'nji hat any tlmo ami the buying w.isumy on the sharp hi on Us lilt receipts wcro a prominent boar fciituro Independent of the cholera p inlc. It WIIH pointed out th it the statements of the poor iiialltvof | the northwestern wheat ciop was cllsiiroxcd by thn Inspection of now receipts. Offoiti-llxo ears of now wheat iceelx oil at Minneapolis twenty-two ears graded its tvo I northern The st iteinentsof experts that the crop was of unusually coed iiillllni ; quality wcro also oiled , stocks In Now York were du- mor.illzud and loxver and ho'.pod iilonIho Rcncr.il dopresslou. 'Iho deliveries of bep- tombcr xxoio not as lio'ivy as o\pcclod JjO.ouO bu. mid wltlisoinopictty gooj buy liu caused Bomu tulMinco uflcr the oponln. , but the mar ket u.is without cniilldenco and \\hun istoty was sent from Now Vork to the ollcct that three oases of cholera hid npponrcd In that city tliu n.irly buyers wore sfimpouod xxlth ulTerltiKs und turned bollurs , thu market bicukliiK shiirply , The loport later was officially denlnd and a bettor feeling ut once bccnino manifest. Then ihorts begun tocoxer freely and a cold wa > o was descried In the Canadian northwest. On tupof these came the piompt iicllon of the K X eminent to avurt chuleru , the fuctthut 17 bert loads.of wheat v/oru tuUeii at Now York for uxpurt und Unit Hll.iOJ bu. were tiikon Mr shipment. All of these tblnss turned tin- tide nnd the market mo\od up Sopteir.boropcnod Uu lower ut 7iJ4'c ; , advanced lo 71 ' . unAo to File , null oil to and closed steady ut4c. Corn wns xxcukciu-d by the uneasiness oxor the spioid of cholera and Iho decline In ull thoothet pits and also by imnoftix-orablociop uuws. The Cincinnati I'rko ( 'imeiit bays thai , whllu ralu Is needed to Uoup up tliu du- MI optneiitot the ciop. oxen with pio'cnl I'on- dltlons a fulr yield Is proh iblu. lltildxxlu- Ktiiiiuin. bchxxartDupcn. . liiyimtuml Oont- ! don led tliu selling , .leiinlion had lar o scll- ; Ing oiduis. Miorts took prollts on the bio.ik und tli.s biiylnu led to some lecoxciy. Then ciimo the report of cold xiouthui In the f ir norilnuM. whluh , with in iiptuiit In pork and thu xuxoinmcnt's action , led to considerable . Blrcn th In torn durliu the lust hour , bup- tomberfpencd' c loxver , at 4S'4c ' , bo.d up to 1 18'te , olt to 47 ? c , up to4S'gC , and closed at Ku'ts followed the other iniirKctd. thou.h not lo r idlcally , nnd closed with n loss of only 40. llo. , ' products xvero xveak and lower at tlio Rtait , under llio Inlluunro of the cholera cpl- dcmlu and the loxver ptlces of IIO H ; dollxcrlcs were rather heavv. and o < * poiluly | of ribs , but they xx cio tibhorbcd by strong houses Whluh stood bv and took the addi tional olToilnss. WrMit. Cudahy and llntulv wcro all hcuvy buyers. In spltu of tills , hoix- oxor , thcro xvurn onu or txro Uljis doxvnxxurd , but xi hen the govern men t's nutlon hocainu Known thcro w as u sharp tally. At the olosu bcutciiibnr poik xvus'JUo higher und ribs 2'ic , while Itird xv.is So lower. Deliveries on Sop- tnmbor conti acts Included about UI.UUil bu. of lv bout , nearly 1,00 .OJU rom , avid ) bbls. of tiorK , fl.Onu tloiceb of laid und fully A.OJi.O.K ) Ibs. of ribs. 1/nliii freights xvero cloudy and uncliangca. istlm.ito : < l receipt- , for tomorrow : \\heut , 5Ti cms ; coin , 510 cars ; oats , ; ! T > 7 cars ; hogs , 17Ui head The lending fiiturcH ranged ns follows : AIITICIFS. MICH IOUcitisi. . . No. 2 t-cpli'tnbor. . . S 74 74 October 75 December. . . * 77 L'OIIN Mi tr- Uc tuber..I ! ! 41 i'J OATS No. 1 M'l-tmiliur. . Octuliur ill , Jluy 37 37 , j Ml.s.H I'llllk- 10 .I < 4 9 8 % Octulicr. . 10 ( lo 10 tJ'i ' 10 ( X ) ? ! Juiiiiar ) , . . , . 11 t U 10 11 85 ! l.AIIII 1 \ hcptrmbcr , . 74' . 7 47 7 4D Otlobi'r 7 SJl- 7 47H- 7 OS i ! ! Eitotir Jnnuniy Ilins- , . . . . 0 75 7 1 { , 0 bl ) bcptciubcr. . 7 72l | 7 C5 October 7 to 7 ( ' 7 M fl Jnmitiry ( iT > ( ; 05 ( . 17k Cash quotations xveroiibfolloxxs : 1 LI UK Djill and nominully lUiiHc lower. WiM'AT-jNo. S > prliig , TJL ; No. 'J spring , OJ ? . © C7u : No. : . ' mil , 74e. C'oiiN-l.oxxei ; No. 2. 40yo ; No. 3 yolloxv , 4S > OIBlic : No. Ucush. 40' c. OATS No. : ' , .U''oi No.'xvhlto , aiHej No. U whitu. .iWiJUo. ItVE-No. i' , fiOlJc. IlAltl.KV .No 2 , ( Elu ; No 3 , f. o. U , 41Q0.10 : No. I , f. o , b. . : . . " ( ! ( > . KrAx riKti-No. I , II.C.l. TIMOTIIV MI.I : ) I'rlmo , 11.5 * ! . I'HIIK Mnas. pur hbl. , tli.'yai0.aO ( : lard , per JH ( > His , n.l7 ! { fl7. ' > ) ; Khort ribs , Hldos ( looau ) , K.7li7,7" ) : dry salted Hhoitluers ( bo\t < ] i. < il.Uj ® 7.IIU : short olfur sides ( boxed ) . * 7.9XS7. ' . WMI KV Dlbtlllors' llnlshed goods , pur gul. , SuiiAit Unchunsod. HeielptH mid shipments today xxoro ns fol lows : Uu tlio I'roduco cxi .uiifo locluy tlio butter inurket wasiilotand ] unchanvodi oruanmrlos , lIKti.'oot dairies , IC/ii.'Ji' . UXKS , 17(017ic } , No\v Vork Alnrltot. NEW VOIIK , Sept. I. rroun Receipts , 1.700 bhls. ; exports , 1..I.O hhls. , ' 'O.-OO siicks ; moder- utely active , lield flrmor on the ndvanco In freight from thu west ; kuloa , ' 'I,8U Libia. OOII.VMUAI. Dull , stonily. WIIBAT Hucolpts. itil.roj uu.i exports. 7SCOb bu. ; siiluH , Uu7uuoo hu. of futures : L's..OJJ ' bu of tlonaturu iictlxu , excited , . . , , , . , . , , . - cur v , on xvoiiKor cables , luriro receipt * . . . . . . . ulimrunccb und freu doiixurlcson contniutH , udviinced HU'iuon ruportud cold xvuvo xvest anil on the report of u twenty day iitiaruntlno for ull M.SIU a fiom Infeotid portn. Tliu close WIIH sinuily ul ' .tt'io uiiiliT vujlorduy : No. 2 rod. hoptumbcr , 7b178J.o. cloning ut 7 y i Octoblot. "UJiCihUCji1. closing ul tbi o ; Novom- bur , hi T-JWislJiC , closing ut bITioi Ilocombur , KXJUTic , ulonlng ut Blliui May , bsJ ftkUSic , clob- Hvi : Dull , but itcndyi western , G4QU3 ? . HAIII.KV MAI.T Dull. COIIN ItocolptEsUl.bOObu. ; oxportu , 1.000 bu ; su UN UIU.IXU bu. of futures. OilsU bu. of spot , bpolH Uull iu4 lower , eloalni ! stOHQy ; Na a. ' tlCJ-'iHi ) h. ulovutor : A7iO ( Vto alloit : uu- cruded mlxud , M Ho : options less uctlxo , Irreuulur , OUVIIIHK woik und disilinlnK visMo t > u Improiod crop IIUIXH , uxpoctod Imuvy ro- ci > ptH und Ion .IK ruullzln , ; . adviiuiud lu with xshoit , closed Ntuady , partly ' u duxxni hcu- tombur. ft ti viyc , clouliu ut Me : Ootobor , MiiJVlie. ( u oslns ; ut Mo ; Nevi > mbur , MUu : Uecuinl or , M'.fc-W.c , eloslug ut M V. OATS Ueculpts. 11) ) ,7AU bu ; uxpoits , l.UOO bitI Katun , "MUHIO bu , of futuroH , tatHX ) bu of kpou. Hpols dull , lo lowur. oponliu dull and wen I. ; rJuututnbur , ; (7icJ7Vo ( , closlnir ut U7yc | Uclobor , iit-Q iio , uloklng utU8)et ) ( No. 2 spot , xvblti' , UUjut mixed xxobtvrn , u'.f.ta ; xvnllo " llAY-Quli-t , uteiidy , Hoi'H-Qulol. x\uuk , Moi.Ah.sp l-'otulgn , nomlimli Now Orloans. ( julut. Blvudy , KICK Klruu aooil demmul. biiOAii Ituw , tirmur , uotlvut fair refining. lift conlrlfuitiil , ( M tent , a u-lOui t > ulo . laiou IOIIN , iiiomly muscovado , IW tuit , Uc , uud lu- c'ludinc ounlrifuuuU , fO tout. iHic. uud inoluuui uuur. Hi ) test. i-'SiOi re 11 nod llrmer. aatlv | No , V , UXiilO ) off A , 4U4ilVoi luoutu A. ftJWHo ; ktitnilurd A , Wi confectioners A , 4V < it < % ot cut Inuf , G J-lCtll7-lli : criuhoil , 6S.Wj | 7-lCo ! cubes , SiM'lc. Knos Dull , steady : western prime , 10'ic. llinr.s-Htnndy , nulot. I'OIIK Dull , weak ; rut meats , dull , weak ; plnklcd 1 ellcs , 7yCi7' oi pickled Ahoiildpis , O'StWiciPlcklodliims. USll.'Hcl sales , in.OOJ pieklod bellies ; I2.00J ptcKlod bams , ll'ioi short clear , 8. J ) { , Inrd , ( iillot. nrmcr , west ern sto-im closed ut ! 7.S7'4 : sales , fiotJ tier os at f. > < O ; option s ties , 2,5)0 tlorccn ut t-7.88 , nt t'S\ llunrii Dull , bnroly atoatlyt western eroatnorv , 7tt2)c ) ! , CiiKFsn-nasy , dull , l'il IKON- Dull , stimlyi Amorlcan , 113.03 ® 1,1 03. - . . . I.KAD-Klrml domestic , Jl.l..ai.'O. Tl.s-btralts , J. SI , Ioulstnrkotfi. . ST. Lorn. Jio , Sept , 1. KI.OWII Dull rmd weak , hut not qiiotnbly lower ; patents , IJ.70 ® 380 ; extra fincy , ) . : i.Vii.l.41. WIIKTOpcncd lower , uattlally rccovorcd , then dropped iiKnln and after flnctunllons closed JUtoSo below yesterday. Tho.prlnclp U soiling at the opoiilnn and on breaks was of IOIIK whtiat ntul thn liuvln almost entirely by shorts ; cash. WiffiG'io ' : September elosod At riJ'ioanVcd ; Uotobor , 7Jjc ; Dcconibor , Ta' c ; May , 70S c. C'oitN rol'owcd whoatnxnln and closed " ( ! D l"iiC below ycstord'iy , September losing most ; cash , -Hifmic : Soptumbor elosed at ll'ic : October , 4Mio ; Duciimbur. 44 'c ; May. 4Ss e. OATS Lower , closing J < ® io below ycstor- < luy : cash , 'Jici Hcptombcr closed at Wic ; October. Ullic ; Mny , J5'it ! . llU Loner utOJc. lIllAN-riini atlUi o. MAI Dull but sto dy itSOc. riA.\ KmilIlKhor at use. Hurruii Quiet and unchanged. Kens Quiet and unehanucd. C'oitMiKAt , Lower : W-'iva.'iO WHISKY stcudy ; tl.10 for Mulshed goods IHOdlNd Unchiitmcd. COTTON Tiks Uncliiiniti'il. ritovtsioNS Verv dull nnd onlv a small Job tr.ulcnono at unclunxcd prices. KKCKIPTS I'loiir. ; i,0jl ) ubU ; hoat. 22i,000 ! bu , ; coin. 29,000 bu.j oats , SJ.UuO bu. ; rye , U.03J b'i , ; barley , none. biiii'MK.sis-riuilr , P.003 bbU. ; wboit , (11,000 ( bu. : corn. ll.OJU lin. : oats , 7,000 bu. ; rye , 1,0)0 ) bu. ; b irloy , nnno. 31lnncapoll > riiiur Output. MiNNKAt'iit.18. Minn. , Sept , 1. The North- Avcstein Mllh'rsays : The output or tlio Hour mills fell oir soniuwlialrist neck , but this \MIS ovpivtotl. 1 , ho produutl'm for the week was ID ) . IW bills , iivciiiKlng Ul.UbO bbls. d.illy , aRiilnst 'AC. IL'I bbls. tlio week before. lH7M"i ) bbls. for the coriesuondlnK time In IBUL nnd 17-.Mi ) hbls. In Ib'Ji. This week there will bo n still fuithor reduction , tlioiieli partly due to accidents. Ono mill has tdint donn on account of poorer marUcts. Ono of the I unrest ml Us has also lost cohsldoriiblo tlmo from adjusting m.i- chtnorv , Thcro wore sex ontoen mills runulni ; Wcdncsilnv , KrlndliiK at thu rate of about 2J- CtO bblH. dally , The prospect of frolcht rates advancing at the end of this \\ock Keeps POIIIU of them Koln ; ; as strongly as they are able and nb\t week a still further curtailment Is not unlikely. Most of tbo firms report th it they have sold ruthor moio Hour fur u week back tli.ui they huvo mailr , cortiln of them accept- Inj orders quite treaty Mend ly and Tuosil iv. In so iiu iiuartors the export doinand Is ro- norto I uooil and considerable pitont and bakers h IH boon sold , though the prices ob- tahud wore ro'iirded as Aoiy low. Tlio tlo- iiicstli- marKet Is character /od by nearly all as very dull , tlioiuli certain mills hero uro ruiiuliu ban ) . In order to slock up tholr onst- etii intents. Thudlrout exports last week were .VJ.-'OU bbls. against osiou bbls. the preceding wcok. M.iructs. KANSAS CITV , Mo. Sopt. 1. WIIBAT Lower : No. a ) urd old. 'Sts ; o. 2 , lit rd now , W)3Ulc ; No. 2 red. B13t5o. COUN In pooil demand nnd lower ; No. 2 mixed. 41r > o ; No \vhlle , 4U3Jl.c. ) Ovr About steady ; Nu 'J mixed , 27 ! { ® i.'S4e ; No 2 white , .lie. KVK Weak ; No 2 , 5Se. I'LAXsLKlfctinuly at b7Tc. ItHAN hlroni ; : sicked , iilffltlo. HAV Steady and uuchanKed ItUTTFU stc idy : oreumury. 12SJ1 c ; dairy , Lcos Dull nnd very wo ik at . KECit : 'TvWlio.it , oO.OJO bu. ; corn , 7ojObu. ; oils. none. Sini'MLNTS Wheat , 47,000 bu. ; corn. 10,00 bu. ; outs , none. _ Oil Alnrkut. NEW YORK. Sept. 1 I'ETiior.itni pto idy , declined J.c .ind closed stonily ; I'eiinavlMintu oil bot. | siles none : October option s.ilrs , -.OOJ Iibln. : opened nt fn'lc , hlBhest iV,58c' , lowest Me. closliij at5" > e. Llmti oil No sales. Totul s-ilos 2. ) 00 1 bbls. CJOTT IN-I UD OnTirni and nulet TAMOW rirm and quiet. ICDbiN Quiet und linn. TUHi'KNTlMi Dull and weak nt 2SJ123J5C. AM n binbopt. . 1. I'ETiioLtUM U'if und sellers. Collco .M irkut. NEW YOIIK. Sopt. 1. Options opened barely steady at5 % 10 points down und closed steady ut 100 points down : h.vles. ai,73) buzs. In- cludlui ; September , SI LIMM i.05 : October. tl.2 \ > (31110 ( : November. JIJ.10 : Ducembui. $ lIO."i ® U.IO ; .Ian nary , t U.O' > ® 1 J O'i : March , If 1.VI301.I OU ; May. * 1JIO@U'.OJ. bpot Uio , quiet nnd oas.er ; Na 7 , $14.75. _ , I.HiTiiool Murkfts. LtvEitpoor , . Sopt. 1. WHEAT Dull : holders oirerfieoly ; No. I California , ( is ( iS5d per ecn- tul ; western sprlnir. Os 2 HdjS ad ; No. y rod winter , ( is 'idGAd lJd. ! COIIN Demand poor ; mixed wcstorn. 4s7d per cental. LAIIII Prime western. a"s ad porcwt. TuHi'E.Ml.NEbi'iitiTs 2lsid : perowt. N'ow York Dry < > ooiU AInrkcr. Nhw YOIIK. ? opt. 1. IJuslncss In dry ( foods contlpiied on u L-OOU scilo ut the hands of uvonis unil was act'vo with Johbors Tr.itlo w ltd the latter w.is full In all di-p-irtments Iho business of Auziist Is reported .is much larger than the h.inio mouth last ye ir. Oiniilit I'fudiuu MiirKots. Too1 ficnrral market I4'5r > c. 1'ont.Tilv Old lions , St ; roos.tcr > , fi7e ; spring ehkkniih. $ ? . 000.2.5 ' . linn ii Good packing stock , 13c ; choice dairy , ICisISc. Cotton M.iiltct. Nr.wOiiinAM" , Lu.Sept. I. Dull ; mlddllniTB. 7c ; low mlddllnss , Cite ; 2001 ! ordinary , ( ! e ; nut receipts. ! " > ' ) bales : ross , 100 bales ; sales , 5) bales ; stock. U" > ,4 > > 0 bales T.niidiin's hcnclt ot ItrfiicUtullK. LONDON , bopt. . Stock of brouilsttilTs : riour. 2i/fl)0 / ) sicks ; wheat , I'.OJS.OJO centals ; corn , ubb.OJO oontals. Ir.nluro' lulk. Oiiicno , III. . Sopt. l.-K. O. Los.iu & Co to Duncan , llollln : : er ti Co. : Wheat an Mull as corn and oats were nil subjout to tinner il sell ing ordcts In the h aids of commission houses pirtlrtiliirly. Wo believe to liquidate IOIIE holdings ] > irilally forshoit uo.'oiint Uholor.i reports from the suihoir.l was the riuliix fuotur. Cholera talk rules values moro than ether fo itures und It h.is Incro.isou the scuttored short Intuiost. The government has ordorol n tnentv days quarantine fpr vessels wliluh wo look upon as u re isaiirliii ; feature Wo bo- lloxo that It Is for the purpose ) of oiiusl UK cure , etc. 'llii ) authorities 1m ui f i\ored the plan of "iniilJiis n mnuml of a mole hill" ami coif Fcqiiontly linns hive been depressed too much cons'dcrini : the actual situation. A re- notion would not be u surprlio In all commo dities. Dell\nrlesof v heat moderate , charter wheat liberal ut ll'il , 0 ' . 1 ho most Hliowy buy- limofcnrn wimby some of tlio Hiieccsiful oper ators who huvo boi-ii fiiirln ; ; the short bldo. DelhorloH were fairly ho-ivy und taken on by shipping houses. Oats woio the strongest cereal on th olloor. and wo hulloxo'huvo the most merit. I'rovlslonn woi a supported uanv by lee il tr ido. Near the u ese iliu Htron < th was caused by reports of tliopiojlclent'H quar- uutlna older , STOCKS ANU IIONDS. Cholera Ituinorit Hail Koine ICIfoct on Ncciirltlon Vusturdiiy. NBW YOIIK. Sept 1. The full Directs of tlio cholera Bo.iro were felt m the stock market today , and wouk-murslnod holders of stout ! ana ho ivy short sollon vlo 1 with each ether for iiliirh'o poiuon of thn tlmo toobtilu the ruling prices as they wont. There were a ( .rout many t > top orilorj unucvorod by the runldlty of the doollnn , nnd thus the down ward n ovomont , v/hluh cortulnly did not lack speed , was accelerated , Tholosxos were most notublo In the Industrials and sDoclultlus , nnd suzurnt ono tlmo showed n not loss of O'i per cent , wltlio umoiu rullioiid slmroH thu de clines ronoliod a pur cent , nothliu oscnpIiiK the Koneral diop. The soiro comes ut prob ably the most , opportune time , for thu nour npproaeh of cool we ithur will soon put nn end to the danger , und wlillo there U no ovldonoo that the holdings of are Bpoculntlonsor lu- \c8toraluid bcon dlsturbud , tlio stacks so.d . now uro inidoiiblo lly passlni ; Into Etronir Ii Mil" , which will toll whim the upprohunslon of disaster from dlbo iso at our doors Is ovur. At tliu sumo tlmo there scoum at present to bo little uncouriiKeiiiont to mike ventures on the lonu slilu with tliu depletoa bank resort us and toilay theiiiMiouneuinoiit was made by some rorulRii liou.es that they would shlu cold on H lurdity. luvlowof these facts the market after the decline WIIB uhovkod und the hour * Mhohud withdrawn their forces fulled toiilnplav uny recuperative power thouKh thu dumand from thu shorts prevented any fur ther deullne. The irruncurs and esuoclully rit. I'nul with Now r.iiitlHiul and a few other shares wuro remarkably well hold In thu ourly trudlim but the urosnuru MHIU bpoiuno Koncrul and thu wholu market KUVO way , thu activity bvlnit very lienvy In cniulderutlou of thu I in U to which tlio mnrlcut bus of lute been umtinud and the soiling for both nidus ot the account w extremaly uriroiit , There vrai lio.ivy liquidation of speculative louif nc- couutu throuKhont thoduyand etpeolullr in tu ludutttUU , the bankvlu looieouit. ! UU- crltulnntlnit nsalnst them , hut thn rates were runup to G per cent , u fluuro which has not bcon touched In iminy wcukn. Ihn lulo IrndlnR was hoivv nnil as oxcllod ns that of the first hour. The purchase * for the short account from tlmo to tlmo sorted to chock thu spocd ot the decline nnd even In oino stock to rally prices n little , but the prozrus * made was Inshtnlficunt In compari son with the previous losses and the effect nas hardly porccptlblo In the flnul champs. The Industrials carne In for tha bulk of the pressure and besides sugar , Ronoral olretrlo lost about pur cent und cordngo preferred dropped suddenly about 5 per cent , The changes In railroad gnat PS were moro moder ate , but Western 1'nlon yielded : i per cent und most of the active rallrond sharps In the iiplKhhorhood of 2 per cont. llurlmgton , Atch- Uon , Ilcaillnt ; nnd SU I'liul were the feuturcn , but Now England from Its stubborn resistance to the prossuru was unique In contrast to the ccnornl weakness. The opening losses were Renor illy from ' { to ? per cent , but sugar was down 1'S and Manhattan 1M , nnd the last named kaut pace with the Industrials In I's dccllno nnd fulled to react nt all. Tlio market , under the Inlluenco ot scarcity of f undo , closed no- ttu' , feverish nnd nouk ntornour Iho lowest prices of the dny , 'Iho final losses of notoln- cludo su < nr fi'i per cent , lend il , general oloctrlo 4' . Western Union 2'i. Colorado en tl 2'l , cotton oil 2' ( , nnd others tit tun nctlvo list gonurully from 1 to 2 per cont. The trunsao- tlons were axtromoly hoavj In oo'iiparlson with tloso | wo hud of Into. Government bonds huvo been dull but firm. Stnto bonds lm\o boon dull lint onslor. The Post says : Whether the cho'oru ' or not , even If It becomes general , could have such n marl.cd cITcctnn stocks ns today's decline would seem to Imllcata Is merely u niiltarof opinion. Certain it Is that the boar continuant miido the most of thn scare. Iho market. It in ly bosuld , Is pociillurly rlpo for nny snub dovolorments as took ( 'luce toduy. Thcra bus recently bcon u const int mlvnnen In prices , and espoululiy of the industrials , not war ranted by appnroiit conditions. Hitch n rlso loucs thomarl.ot full of stock orders. With abundance ot IOIIK stocks und u gimonil doslro to rentl/c. : i docllno easily heroines u rout nnd such II nus today In some of the more ) weakly supported stocks. I hero wus a doslro to throw ovorboird n largo amount of stocks and Hpoculatlvo hold- In KH Thuro WIIM cons'deriiblo lhiildutlou | ot stocks hold hy light margins. The bull loaders nuru iiiinulo to take any loncertml action and could clvo little udvqituto support to tbolr specialties , Owlni to thn restriction of experts - ports nnd tha temporary derangements of for eign trido the amount ot conimorrial bills ts very limited. As the market for sterling Is stronger on uccoiint of these conditions It Is reasonably certain that u considerable amount of uulil will bo ordered for export for Satur day's ato'imi'is. Iho following nro the closing quotations for the lo idlng stocks on the Now \ ork Stock ex change totlavr nskcd Ibid The total a I'os of stocks tort-iv woio Ml C40 shares , InclnilliiK : Atplilmm , : H,8n ; C'hlc-iio Ois. nrofl ; Delaware A Western. 7,7nO ; Krlc. 27. S % ; I.akoShoro. J.4JO : I.nnlsxlllo & N'ash- vlllp. 5.VO ; 51 a-.nurl 1'iiclflc. 0,5 0 : Nnithwcst- crn.'i'iOOj New Voik Unnttal. R.IOO ; > irtliorn I'noino proforrcil. 11.400 ; .Now Kn'jlancl. 1I.20J ; HciKlhr. , ( AOJ : Klchiuonil .1 West Point. : i.7 0 ; St. Pinil. 4' . S3 : St , Paul. & , Oninli.i. 5..I30 , Union 1'aclllc , y,375 ; Western Onion , 1S.OJO. I. nnd in rinnnctnl llcvlniv. [ CopyrlBhted 16112 by Jniacs liordon Honnott. ] LONDONSo t 1. I Now York Hi-raid Cithle bpoclal to Tun Hnr'.l-Tlicro was no chance In the u ink rate , which rcmuliib ut 2 per cent The stock tnarkots today prcsontcd a more or loss dull and unsettled appearance , due to ro.illzatlon. Now Imslnoss has boon almost at a standstill. Consols , howtwrr. Improved 1-10 percent. Indian rupee paper Is ! S per cent lower , although no chaiizo U reported In sil ver. With one or t\\o exceptions homo rail ways hive licon nioro or less depressed nil dny. Grout Western and Norlliwestern hive ra'.lon f per cent and hovoril others 'a to M per cent. Southwestern hid ndvi.nccd 2 per cent. A merle. in se curities have been moro or less dull and ho ivy , and although the Now York market was reported steady most descrip tions Ioit\o otr at n dcsllno r.injlnir from li ® I'i per cent , the load holn : taUini hy Alclil- HOII , Olilcu o & .Milwaukee. Loulsvlllo A ; Nash ville. Norfolk A. Western preferred and Union Pnulflc. There has bcnn verv llttlo doni.md fet money. Owlnx to the pletho/a of lloatlnc cnplt-il short loans h ivo heen oisllv procured ut ' , 's per cent discount. The market has boon % ory < | iiot ! Tuo and three months | | | re ( ) Uotc < l ut lr10 to 1 ] ior cent. Mls'oliiineous seen Titles \\u\a \ \ bcnn ultliout fo ilure. Mli.lii. Hharcs rnot ultli modurato attention anu cloao Irregular. York llonry Market. Nr. Yonic , Popt. 1. MONKVON OAi.rj Kasy at ! HQl > per cent ; elosod at 4 per cent. I'l'IMi : MlllCAMIMi I'AI'KIl 4UO | )0f COIlt. 1-TUiiMNn KM HAsnr Onlot but Urm at $1 M4 ! forsKtv-day blllsand $ l.88fordenumi. 1 ho closing quotations on bonds : Huston Stock Ollcitatlom. IlosTOK. Mass. . Sept. 1 'I ho following the eloiliis stock iiiotntloii3 | : No\v York Alliilni ; < jiiotatlon . New .YoitK. Hcpt. l.-Tho following are the closing milling quotations ! rholor ta nplilr 210 Crown 1'olut U ) M'ljnionlli , . . 75 Con. Cnl. X Va 3'i .Slerrn Nuvnjn liXl Dondwooil 15 standard 115 ( ioulil A. Curry 8. ' ) Union Ton 120 Hulu.V Norcro6i. . , . 100 Velli w Juiket 70 lloiueiitake UUJ Iron SIKor ( O Mexltin 125 Quick hllvor .150 Norlh Mur 060 ilo pruforred I TOO Ontario J'J llulwor 23 aBkcit. bun I'rannlNOii .tlliilni * ( junta I Inns. SAN KitANCibCo , Oal. . Sept t , The nfllolul closing quntutluns for inlnliu Htoeks today wuro us follows ; Alia. . , 25 .Mono 10 llulvrer. 25 Ophlr. 2.U licet .V lloklior. . . , . 120 1'otojl Hi llodloCon SO tfnvaKO i 70 Cbol'ar ' U blurru Nivuda ISO Con Cat. A Vn 8i5 Union I 011. . . 13U Crown I'olnt 6S Illiih 24 Cnulil \ Ciirrr. . . . , I'i ' Yellow Jacket CO Halo .V Norcroti , . , W N. Q 5 Jluilonn 110 U 1 15 Bt. l.nul * Minnie Utork * . ST. Louis , MO , . Sopt. 1. No ulos on the M nlng vxchungo toJay , block. Hid. " AiVcil.l Hocf. iliil. Aekcil. Illlrubotli . . . < 0 M Hiiiull ( lope. . t j 1'nt Murphr. . 3 S Ilirnullo 5 B 1 IIIIIIIUIUI > OH ) , KANSAH CITV. Sopt. I. ClenrlnsJ , tl,8l/07. ! Niw OIIIKAN , La. , BupU 1. Clourings , 181,1131. NKW Yoitic , Pout , t Oloarlngs , 10U12.113 : ; baliinucs. IO,17T..Vil. 1'Aitip , hopt. 1. Three per cent rentes , I3Jf. , ! (5o ( for thu luuount. lUi.TiMOitiMd. . . Sopt. 1 , Oleurlnes. I2lor , > 47(1 ( ; balances. rjJ4,0- . Money , U pur cunt. I'liiLAiiKLi'illA , I'll. , t-ept. l.-Ciuunngs , ID.ail.'Jltlj balunooi , 1.51UU1. ilonoy , a pur unit. a. Tenn , Sept. 1. Now York ex- chuiiKO Nullln t ut tl.W. Uloarlugv , 4l7cftWJ ; bul- uiictv , (74,811. P. , Sept. 1. Money , Ejj per con Now York oxolmnitJJJa3)o ! discount. Clctr- . . I'AIIIS. Soot 1. Tliojvookly stntomontot the Hank of franco shows u decrease of a.i'AOOJf. of Rold and 700,00jr ; of silver. 8r. Louis. Sept. I. Oloirlu/f , I3.2RVVKII bal- nncps , f w.,4lSlomy nulotltlS7 per cent ; oxehiingo on Now > > ( f k SW dlacoiint , Mllosi-oN , Muss . , Sept. l.-Clonrlngs , J12.772- Mil btlances , | l,407rVfp2. Money. ! l per cent. Kxohnngon ( Now TUTU * Bo discount. HAVANA , SopU l.-Hnunlsh gold. J.Mt ( < a2..W { . I.xchuniso. Ilrm. Kirgar-Klrni ! 0,000 bags con- trlfiignl , nJUogrccapoIarizution ) , ( JLftOgoKl per quintal. , „ CincAno , III. , Scpti > J. Money stonily nn < l t.nclianecd , Hunk otonrlrui. lliUM Ol ! Now lork cxchtn o , ; oo discount ) Sterling ux- ch.ingo , Htondy an .ujichangcd . LoNhov , Sept. I. fho bullion In the IlnnK of Kngluml Incrousod K 60.000 dur nit the past wook. Thu proportion of lh II ink of I.IIB- lund's reserve to liability , which last week was 50.ll ) uer cont. Is now 5).01 per cont. Amount of bullion wltmlrawn from tbo Hunk o. England toJay. J 1.1VJU STOCK M AUK UTS. Conditions In Cuttle Trndc rrnctlciilly Un- chniiKod | ( ) | ; Tumlilo Turnty CcntK. OVKIIA , Sopt. 1. Receipts of cut tin continue liberal while there | s u fulling olV tn the riln of ho s. During the past tour duys thuro IKVO bcon received l-.OOJ cuttle , U.UGI hogs and .1.1(11' ( ' shoup , compared wlthll,2.IUouttle , 20ru'8 hoia an I o.7il ) sheep the sumo four days lust \vuok , Contrary to gouorul expectations and In spllu of unftiNorablo reports froln ousti'rn tnarkots , the cattlu market was rather nctlvu with urlco ? ruling about stoudr on nil < io- Mlrablo lots of hoof steers , \\hotlio.1 ntitncs or WL'stcrns , On common to poor stuir tliu inarKut was dull ulth prices Inclined to drop. Good 1.15J to lUY-ib steers broug'tt Jl 4U and it I 00 , with common to fair stulT at from f.l.'U lo 74'Jfl. Thoio were qulto u few good western cuttlo hero , and they sold well. Nunrly 40) head of Idaho ualllu , averaging around JI4U Ibs. , sold nt W53 und { .IU. Thu others sold at fiom fJM to JI.Uo. A very fulr ulonrunco was Directed. llntchcrs' stook and cutinurs wnro In liberal supply , thuru being upward ot lifty lo ids ot cows nnd mixed stock on sale , \\hllo the iiicvuniont was tolerably free , utlces In gen- ( ral ruled from to to Uo lower on all grides. Kxtromo sales wcro ut fiom fl.DJ to t..UO , with Iho bulk of the fair to good cons und holfers fiollliu at from il.GS toJ2 > . Hulls , oxen nnd stu.s nuro ruthor slow , but generally un changed , tit from ttl.jt to $ . ' .0i. CulNcs were in uctlvo doinund nnd firm ut from $ J. J to $ l.r > 0. llus.ness w is rather dull In the stoeker nnd feeder line , nnd while prices wuro fairly well malntalnud on good to eholeo stock , tbo guiioral run of stocK cuttlo wtis blow s.ilo c\un ut rather low prlcoa. KoproscntatUo sales : intrpsnu iiEBr. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r. 10. . O5j ji r > u 10..1231 4 25 31. .11)5 14 bl ) IJ , lU'U 3 2J 87 .UK ) 4 40 32..1.UO 4(10 ( ID..HIS 4 15 40..1105 4 40 COW& ] . . 010 1 03 12. . 781 1 75 2J. . S74 4. . 0.15 1 2J S. . 770 1 75 2"i. . Oil 210 n. . fcso I * .J 3. . WO 1 75 12. . DM 215 3 .10.K ) i : u 2. . 84r > 1 75 1. OJO an 2. . 015 i U ) 2. . 770 1 75 2. . 80) 215 1. . OU i ao . 001 I 75 r > . . .io.3 2 15 3 . 410 l : is is. 1 85 2 15 S. . US ) 1 U5 14 811 1 OJ liilJOJ 215 21 . 11,1) 1 43 20. 8-U 1 90 2. 015 215 3. . 723 1 40 18. urn 1 DO St. . 8'K ) 2K > 0. . 051) 1 411 10. ( HU 1 0) II. Ml 215 2. . OS ) 1 40 17. 03 ! 1 03 VI. HI4 2 15 1. . OJO 1 M 11. 402 2 UO 10. . OW 220 " 1 50 31. ii n 2 00 45 . 7:10 : 220 jl" BMG 1 5J 30. 205 5. 1204 225 ' 1 0) 23. 2 10 2..1005 223 G ! B.Y ) 1 6"i 78J 2 It ) 21. . till ! 2 2r it. . 78J 1 GJ 1IJJ 2 10 4. IOJ2 240 ' ,8. 75b 1 ( .I . . 833 J 10 B. . 871 250 JJ. . 100 1 70 4.UUI5 2 10 2. . OU5 2 GO 3 . 513 1 55 1 , . 4J3 2 55 CAI.VB4. 1 . 310 2M zao : 3 r I" 170 2 . ' ) 1 , . SO 3 75 1 217 241 a 03 1. . 253 4 OJ 1 . -.110 453 3 00 5 . L'lO 4 00 1. . 270 4.-.0 3 50 1. . JUO 4 03 1. . 170 450 YEAHLI.NOS. 0. . C45 2 40 i r , I f ( HUt.1,3. i .rico 140 l.-:14iiO 1 CO 2..1003 223 ' 1X1350 1 00 1..1430 200 J..Ui ) 1 50 ETA a 9. 2 00 1 , , 8JJ 8 00 3..1153 750 2 10 BTOCKBH8 AND KZCDBI1S. 701 2 00 l- . O 2 00 17. 1023 270 80J 2 UO ] „ bTO 2 1)0 2J..I014 2H ) I..1140 2 25 0. . Mo 2 ( a 40..1070 210 20. . 7W 2d5 i ( I XVESTCHV CATTLE. ICOXT. . . . ICOO IJ 45 , 2 bulls. . . . 1305 $1 50 30 cows. , . , 1000 2 4'S , , 48 cons. , i. b)4 ) 185 Istecr. . . l-'OO 310 Istcoi.tall 1280 2 UO 3 COWS . . G83 275 2cillvos. . . : i50 2 00 3 eows. . . DM 2 75 OCOWS 112S 15coxvs. . . 10.4 2 75 1 cow MKI 4 culxcs. 410 it 20 15 cows. . . . . 574 20 steers. I ll 3 2J 1 feeder. . . 1070 Seutves. 2JO 221 1 feodrr. . . 104) 2 no Ibul. . . . 1000 125 11 steers. . . 1U3 2 85J COL'OIIAUO CATTI.R. 2 feeders 055 2 L5 23 feeders. . 1070 260 NEUnASKA CATTI.U. 31 cows. . 0)1 225 41 steers. . . 1070 200 .Ubtoers. 1171 2 OJ 60 steers. . . 1070 200 BOUT1I DAKOTA CATTLE. GSsteers. 12 3 320 40 feeders. . 1174 75 ( leoxva. . I20J 260 88 fcxdcrd. . 1210 75 70 feeders 12S4 2 50 * IDAHO CATTLE. 1 bull. . . 10YO 1 10 21 cows . 1001 255 1 uull . . 1MI 1 40 14 fecilors. . nn 2 40 1 Uilll. . . 15UI a r > j 1 cow . 10. ) ) 2 113 2 cows . zr > i 0 cons . . . . ir > 7 2 01 Gstceis. 3 35 1120 ! l 33 27 steers 1177 .1 03 Ocows , . . 870 2 4i II ) cows . . . 02S 2 2'i 2co.vs. . OTi l 7" 7cotts. . . . HI7 2 fiO ficows. . 07"i 24) 7stcors. . . 127 2 fc5 Ocons. . 0 > ) 2 15 IIsteers. . . IIIJJ , ! 00 13steer1H2 3 Jl Wicows. . . . 811 151 4 steers . I271 J 3i Icon 070 225 14 steers . 1.W7 3 3.'i 47cows. . . . 811 211 11(1 ( cows. . 111 ! ) 2 WJ 101 cons. . . . 817 223 fcOsteers. 11SJ .1 , ' 15 3'icows. . . . 8UO 1 : .0 1 feeder. 1 KJ 225 4Ssttors. . . 12JU 27ft 31steors. 10,7 270 Scows. . . . D.,8 250 llicows. . . bOO 1 2" 1 tow O')0 250 10cons. . . 7IM 1''I 4corts . . . . 100 ! 250 ficons. . . ShS io 5Ntcers. . . UBS ,133 Ocons. . M3 1 M 10steers. . . 12VJ , t M 21 cons. . . bO" > 223 I steers . . 111)3 331 21 cows. , bS3 225 5stcer.- > . . . 1J4 3 : tt 30liulls. . 1153 233 6stcers. . . lOlii 3 ICi 2t.illlng 7UQ 1 flj 3st.ers. . . llt < 0 3 33 9cou.s. . . 8IJ 1M 1 steer . .1210 3.13 12 cows. . . B-'l 150 1 stcor . . . 117) ) 3.11 l dcons. . . bbd 1 M 2steets. . . l.'Jl < ] 35 14 cows. . . b-iO 2 23 lines -Tlio rally In prices miring tlie early p irt of tliocok wae of bliort duration and prices droppud baoktowherothey werobatur- day. Itoculi ts wore nut heavy , over l.OOU short of last Thursday's run. the past four days' supplv buliiB 7 , > 00 ehoit of the nilinbor received - coived clurliic the saiiio four duys hist ocK. The quality was ycnuinlly uncnatiKcd. Only ono or tivoHhlUpcrs were on tlio inarUct. and tholr orders were rather llRht. I't ckors had thu maiket piaotloiilly In tho'.rown hands nnd prices ruled \ory niiovou. anynhorn from lOc to20c lower thin Weilnchdny. The fair toiood hoKb sold largely ut from W 85 to $1.00. \ \ Itli a few good to choice loads nt from $11)1 ) to $3.115 , ttcd still fewer of the comnioner lomls at from W.7."i toil bO. The feolliiK 'tas rather neal , . und the IIOKS chaiiKod hands freely at tlio decline , the noun hour llnilliiK the pens pr.iclloally empty , bales were largely at from } l,83 to $1.00 , against from (300 to J.'i.l'J Wpdnesciay. Tlio none nil nvbrimo of urlcrs paid was * l 88 % , against J , ' > . .0rt'iVolioSluy | nnd * 3.Uli last Thursday. Hopresontutlvo salC No. Av. Bh. I'r. B. . . ,2W ! 4)fl70. . . . .70 - 4W" 8) . . . . 2(14 ( 20) 4 5 I 8 . . . . ' 'M 4 . .201 3 , > 0 . .109 480 0. . . 420 01. . . . ' 'J7 07. . . .200 0. . . .253 72 , . . .100 80 4 N ) 73. . . .3J1 80 OS. . . .240 you : $ . . . .CCI . .233 liX ) 72 211 200 4 85 . 05 iGJ 120 4 SV' 41 277 120 4 85 72 251 2JO 4 M , M 2.-2 203 4 MM , GO 207 83 4 W7L 81 21'J 300 4 85 60 240 240 4 85 I B' ) . . . ,225 440 4 &tI 21J i'J 48' . . 07 . . . . Ml ! 2"0 4 85 OS 140 3GO 4 85 I. . ' , . . , 227 1.0 4 S5 , 7 ! ) 2.IJ 20J 4 85 07 241 200 4 85 M ) 11C ) 3.-0 4 85 4" 144 2UO 4 85 M ! . . 144 - 4 87M 61 24) 210 4 kTJj 10 2.2 I2J 4 B7ji 1'ina AMI iiounu 2 231 4 25 8 14T - - 4ZI SilKKi'-Supplleu wcro fa r y ilui-ral but tbo inuikut was weak , .Mmep nro voiislilcrubly lofforboroonuccuuntof thudemorullzod con- Ult on of eastern imilk-'t mil Hullera xxoru unxxl. In/tuuccopt the uppar ntly low bl Is. Only uboutu third of thu olt rl IBB wuro dls- WANTED C Tot.l luum of CtT'.t , 11 COUNTIES , BCHOI fey \l H i ttf9 PIOTniCTB. IWAThi ; OOMPANIE8,8T.R.W.COMPAr4IEtt..tf , V.W.HARRIS ft COMPAKY.Oankers , 163-109 Donrborn Btreot. OIIICAOO. ! V/all Street , NEW YORK. yo State 8ua BOB row. poicil of. Tulr to Rood nnt'vcs ' , M.7Vtl4.Wj fulr tocood westerns , M.50UI. m cniutnon nnd stock shcou , J.'fOiJ3..V ) ! B > oil to cholco 40-lU. to fW-lu. ltiinbs.Jjr > 0 < B * > .JO. lloprescntiitlvo a ilcs : No. Av I'r. ITU Colorado wethers US fJ OJ Itrcclpts nnd Dlnpiislllon of Stnclc. Oniclnl receipts nnd disposition of stock as liown by the books of the Union Stork Yards coiiipiiiy for the twi-nty-four hours cndlna ut & o'olosk p. tn. , bcptombcr I , 1M2 ! HECIII'TS. IIIM'OglTlON , 1.1 in Mock Mtirkcti UIIICAOO. 111. , 'opt. J.-ISpcclnl Tolugrim to Tin : IlKi'.l In fts Roncr.il fiiiittiros thooultlo mitrhot was iinclimiKon. Thcro wits n con tinued Rood dem mil for prime shlppln ; nnd export Htecrs an I about as Rood prli'os as provallod on Wednesday , wli lo for common to fair sorts the feeling uppcnrod to bo wcnKor. though thcro was no pcrccpllbln cli.uiRo In prlios. Natives wcrosaio lulo tit froiu Jl.nuto J..Tlfor Inferior to choice cons mid bulls , at from tt.n' to MS5 for stock- era und fcodeis , and at from JJ.O ) toSB.TOfur dressed bcof mill Rhlupinitstoors. There was alUlit runof wcstoriis and they werollrm at tKo advmico noted earlier In the week , lliuy noiii quoted at fiom II SO to * 'SO for cons , and at from $ . ' 5l to II.'IO for siotrs. loxasoattlo were In liberal supply , the run belnjr. estimated at fiOOO. Prices were woik at from t\M \ to tl.Si , ucoordlnc tn rjunllty. I ho show of Btronvth the IIOR market made at the bo lnntni : of the wcolc has entirely ills- .ippcarod. Had as was yesterday's market the situation was still \\orso today , tr.ido being stu'mint and prices docllmnir from I" > o to''Oopor 110 Ibs. I.uhtwolRhU suirercd the most. t.DO buying Rood sorts miy tlmo iiflorO o clock. OlosliiK iitot | itlons ncro from 4 ua to JSji for poor to prime light and from R70 to . > .ii for niedlutu m.d heavy wi'lghts. Around tlioopunliiK us high us f rom S. ' Hi to Jill was liilil for eholeo light m d thcro were scattering - ing Halosof heavy and medium nt frorrT $1.30 to * > U i'hls is about whoio quotations stood last 1'rlday which was the "bluest" day of the scnsnn. J'lioro was a nero moJorito run of sheep nnd lambs today. 1) it there was a eood do'il of stale stock In tliu pens and holders tintl hard work to unload e\on at the proxious day's docilnc. which amounted to from Ho to . ' 10 In shcop mid to f rom Mo to Hio In lambs Tr.irio was slow at from 8 ' ,0) ) to * " ) 40 for poor to choice sheep and at from $ JSj to $0.00 for lambs. Horolptu : Cattle. 14,030 lioad ; boss , 22,000 hoid ; hbcou. r > , uuO ho id. The i\enln4-lourn.il reports : OATTi.K-Iteculpts. 1-.OOJ ; shipments , 1000 ; mnrkot 10 ® He lowers bostnat\o . 8 > IHMW M : good itnfl iisoful. $4 4j4 fti ; Tovans. S'-JfrQ I Jj ; rmunrs. * J 103150 ! stockers , J.riJ.bO : cows. & 1.V > SJ'.80. ! lines Uocelpts. UOOO : shipments. B.500 ; market oponcd lower and closed steady to stroiuori rough an-1 coinmon , tl 0 @I.H ) : mixed. * . " > OO-ao. in : prlruo bo.ivv and butchers' weights. Jj1. ® 5.'IO ; luht , J4.0JiJ500 ( ; crussors , J4 .rK)34. ) ( > 0. SiiEir : Kecolnts , 7.000 ; shipments , 1,100 : market stoudy ; imtl\e , $ af05ft. ' > M : cornfcd Tex ins , W.40a4 5) ; westerns , S4.4DS4 50 ; lambs , JJ-SOffiO-llO , - - _ Xmi Vnrk ll\e Stock Murkot. Nc\v VORK. Sept. 1. llKEVES-Hecolpts. 101 head , all for export ; no trado. fooling firm ; uiessod hoof , steady at ? ® 'lc per Ib. Ship ments toJay , 051 bcoos and I.UOJ quartets of beef. CAt.vrs ncuelpts , l.OIShead ; m irKctstoady ; vp ils. t\dOQi.'tt per 1UO Ibs. : srassers. SJ.'iVS .TJ'i : wcstenib , } J.S7'i4 00 : biittoiml k cahcs , - AKD LAMns Hecelnts. 7.718 ho id : jthccp very slow , lambs linn : sheep , $401' ® 5.C5 per 10J lb . ; Iambs. Si.0i'7.ol ' : dressed mut ton. weak atS'JiQiUc per Ib ; dressed lambs. ( Inn ntUKHc. lions Ueccipts. 4.710 bond , Inc'iidlug ' two cars for sale ; market weak at f5.0J < & > .5) per 10J Ibs. St. I.ouls ll\c Stork .Uurkot. ST I-ouis. Mo. Sept 1. CATTLE Kpcolpts , 3.4JD ; shipments . ) , iOj ; maikcl nulot : fair to oholco nitho steers , ? l. 1)34 ) K , : fair to good Texas mid Indian steels , $2 iSQtf.S. ) lions IJccelutB 2.M : shipments. 2.400 ; mar ket ICe lower : heaty. $5 otffi.V.'O ; p.iekln.11.00 ® . - > .10j lUht , $4 IWO'i.10. SllKUf Receipts. 2.400 ; shipments. 1,000 ; market Mo lower ; natives , tJ 004 40 ; Tcxnns , Kansiin City Lite ntouk Alarhct. KANSAS OITV. Mo. bept. I. OATTLK--IC- ! cclpts. O..MW ; shipments. A. * > 00 ; market bto-xdy to IDo lower ; Htockors and feeders , $ .Mllfeo , ; others ( [ ii let , lions Receipts. .1,500 ; shipments. 451 ; the market WHS 1V < 12 o lower ; all grades , 3J.OQB 6.3J : bulk. SI 7US5.0& ftiiEKl' Hccelnts. .M ; shipments , none ; the market was quiet and unch.ingoJ ; lambs , Disease never succosituuy atlas n the sy orn with para blooj. Da\Vltt's Sariapirilla makes pare nowblul.nl onriu ui olail NEW CITY HALL TENANTS. Pulilic Library mill Turk CoininiSHlon Hutu Arnniffoil to Alovo In. The Public Library board has seta date for moving into and occupying Its new quirlors In tbo city ball. Yesterday , In cornpan v with Conttactor Coots und Councilman ChafTco of the committee on public property und build ings , Wllllum Wallace of the library board visited tbo rooms. Mr. Wallnca stated that it , was hU dcsiro to tnovo Into thn rooms as eatly as October I , it they could bo ready for occupancy by that date. Contractor Coots assured him that overvthltie would bo In readiness. That settled it and one mouth hence the library will bo located in Us noiv nomo. Tlio Park commission will rmvo Into its rooms in thu now city hall fits moriiing. Sec olury Doano vlsitod the lODn.s yo-tui- duy and oxprosscu tilnself as being uoll ploisea with'thoir tocitlon and funiisninu. MONTHS A troublesome skin disease caused me to scratch for tun montlis juidhtvas cured by a few days' use of EKSSJKfi ! ! M. H.Vourr , I SS Upper Marlboro , Md. SWIFT PECIFIC I was cured Rome > earaa oof Whlto SxxclllnR symptoms of rolKfi Si turn of the dis ease. Many prominent jibxslpl.ins uttcn.lcd mo und railed , but H. B. S. did thuoik. . 1'AUL.W. KlUKI'ATKICK.JclmsonClly.Tenn TicatU on Dlond ind SLIn ulscacei millcil fit * . Atlanta , SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. Hest cattle , hog mid sheep ninrkut In the west COMMISSION HOUSES. CEO. BURKE & FRAZIER L.1V13 STOCJC COMMISSION. Q1 n\HHlWrito | to this hovm for oor- bJ UJIAIIA , ( root Market Wood Brothers , routb Omaha Telephone 11 17. - C'hloago J , 1) . DADISMA.V. I \V. 1C. WOOD jMniingefJ Market reports by mull nnJ wlro tbuerfiilly furnished upon uppllu itlon. Campbell Commission Co. Chicago. HastSt. Louis , ICunsasOlty. South um tlu. Sioux Ultv. I'ort , Wortli. A. D. Boyer & Company , & 8 and 53 Kxohanio llulldln r.South O u ih t. ind promptlr autworJj. Com < ii > oinlunc8iollclUl ( bpoclal aiunilluu tu urildM f or tookor A turning. Kitubllibod. 188A . . . Incorporate , UU Cupltulullr Waggoner Birney Company Wrlluor wlro u fur prompt onJ rolUUlo uiarkjt Perry Brothers & Company , LlvoStoaU Oommlsslon. Hootu 61 Exchange Ilulldlnir , tiouth Omaha Tola phone 1707 , OMAHA flaiiiifactiii'oi's' ' ' JoUors1 DR. J. E , THE SPECIALIST. [ Riinnurnaisoa In tlio Ire itmontot nil formsnt PBIVATK DISEASES , and all ilUorlon und Mobilities of youth anJ miinliool. 17 y cart' oxporienro. lHn rcsuiin'in and f lolllllof are iractlc.illy iliillinllo I. The Doutor Is rnc-oni- inonded by tlio prois , and andorsoil In the strongest terms by the people for fair trimt- tnont and Inmost prnfuusion il advloo. Tlio most powciful romoillos known to mmlnrn nclonLo for the liiiocosirul tro itniont of tha followln illsuasesi aONOBRHOKA-Iiiiinoali-.to relief. A com. plotounro without tlio lei ? of un Hour's line from IiiiHlnosi. QJjRET Ono of the most complota an 1 suo. coasfnl troatmontii for gloot and all unnov.nf dlsohar.'cs.vet known to the moJIoil profoi- nloii Tim rnsulu are ti illy wonderful. faTllIOTUKK Ore itost known romoly for the iroatmcniof strloturn , without piln , out- lliif. or d latin r. A moatremark ihlo ro nodv. SYPHILIS No trKiitmont for thU torrlbla llo < l disease Imi uvor boon moru sii-coiiftil. norhudbtrongorondornoiiiont9 , In the light of modern RUIOIICQ this dlsoiao Is posltlroly cur.11) o and ovury trues of thn poison entirely removed from tlio bloo I. LOST MANHOOD , and ambition , norvoni- ncm , tlinldltv. denponilonoy and nil weiknoil and dlHorJera of youth or m.inlioiid. Kullof ohtulncd at onco. DISEASES OF THE KIDNEYS , nnd all disorderof til I itomucn. bloitl , liver , skin , und blnddur. uro tro itod Niieioisfully wti ! the gruilost known romcdlus for the dl- so isns Wrlto for clrouhH. Mill und Fnriuun St. , Ointilm , Nob. BIPA'Nn TABULEG rtirirtatuj . ( b iloiiiucli.lutrnnij txmtla , mirl.J , tf thu blood. ro mtt ad tt > u.luul ij Uio Wt mtdlrlae known ( or tllluiinJ ifeta. ooniupauw. Jynicp U.uul { brutti , ttaJftc lf , IIMJ ilium , loui cf J op Ute , uif uul dorroMlon , lutlufuli di o.ttton , plirpltf , kulluw r nitei 9 Impure blood ! , cr failure lijr til utouuich. liver or lu. 1 l , llnf to uroiiu tlielrproiicrfimctlooM I'enout * HARDWARE. Hector & Wilhclmj Co. Lobcck & Linn. Corner 10th and Jackson DeMors In hnrdwara anS mechanics ! ' tools. 101 Douiiln * Blroot. LUMBER. Chas. R Leo , Join ! \ . \VaVefleliL \ llnrrinooil lumber. wood ImportpcJ.Aniprlpiin lort < cnrpcls nn 1 ptrqual Inn I oaiiiout .Mllw Mooring. lij-iIrMiHo oimoiit nnj I'tli nnd Douglas ( jiilucr white lliij LIQUORS. Frick & Herbert 1001 KirninisU MILLINKKV. Imporlors nnil jobbort of tullllnorr.nutloDs. .Mill orrtors prompt. 203-12 south Uth t. PAPER. | OILrf. Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co. Cixrry n fall itock of printing , wrniiplnu and nnd lubrlcatln } writing impor , curJ | ii - oils , nicla I.TCISU , ute f- per , etc. OVERALLS.ETC. | OYSTERS. King & Smeal Dai id Cole d Co , Mfrsof 1C it S1' pinti \Vlioloinlooystofs funcf shirts nnd nrerallt , cto. ( .ulerj. JIUS. luthstrou ) Oil 13 South llth at. tolvpaono 713 PRODUCE COMMISSION. Kstabllshod 1973 Branch & Co. t Whitney & Co , J Produce , fruits of all < llutter , cuss and poultry. kinds . SUi " . orators. South "Ithnt. Jas. A. ChrkK Co. Iluttcr. oliooso , 02i lioiiltrjr anduana. S17bouth Uthst. STOVE REPAIRS. Omaha Stove Repair Wks Etovorcpilra nnd water attachment ! for nny kind of stove mado. 1207 Douglas. SASII TOYS. iM.A.Disbrow&Co. II. Hardy & Co. M innfiicturon of eiuli. Toys dolls , nil ) n mi , doors , bl 1 n da an 1 fancy Koodi , hoaso fur , inonUlliik's llrinch of iilfthlnK wood i , cilll- tlce , Nth and Hani its dron'si cnrrbiitut 13IU Kurmiui sL DK. W. C. J/EAXWJSIiI. / , Prest. Graduate of llollovuo Hospital MuJIcal Colioso. Now Vork Olty. Glass of 1371 * - - 16th and Howard Streets , - - Omaha , Nebraska. FOR THE SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OF ALL Chronic , Private end Nervous Diseases , Male or fo.nalo , by conpotant physlc'.ani w'.io have mvJa a spejlal stuly of the olis3ofdlS9is . noto.ilv tj trj it , bit miir.intsi a cure in all ciiu ui Ir > ? t\k3i. THE SANITAB.IUJJI1T the most OTnp'ot3 aul tli3 bast oiutpnaJ instltutlo x of HilklnS in the entire west. It contain ? fifty rojnr for tlia aaaimmojitloi jf pitloiW who mi/ renulre the corstant attention of oxperien phvsiatans an 1 nurm. BOAKDING will bo furnished at reasonable rates. Write for book on dlseai-n. malliil Iree , to any tiddress on application. Persons unab o to visit us may b3 troitoJ it ho.ua by correspondence. All communtc itions strictly aoulUo.itl U. O.io pJMJinl intj r view prenrreit ! , whenever convenient for patient. WRIT/ii FOR CJUESTION BLA-NKSto ant tha history of yJuroao MsJIoJns 393ur.il/ packed and sent by mall or expra . Addrosj , INTERNATIONAL SANITARIUM- lr.V. ) . L > , .Vnxwoll. 1'rosldout Om-ilui , Nobrns < t Ion trnnrunlee to euro illl norrous dlaoapes. tiich as Wvak Memory , lxBsot llruln 1'owcr. llenilachc. Wakofulnass , l < ott .Manbood. Mulitly Enili- tlona , Nt'rvoiisncss , Lac < ltiidu , all drains and 1051 of pnwcr of the Ocncrath o Oruins In oltberForcausod by over exertion , ynutbfiil rrrotB.or cxcrsslrf usoof tobixcco.opium orstlmiiliints which soon load to Inflrmlty. Coniuinip- tlonanci Insanity. 1'ut iipconvcnlenjtocnrry In vest nocfcct. Ml pcrimck- nitohyraailsOforfi. With ovorytordorwn ( rinniiril ii guarantte toetin or rtjund the tnonni. Circular free. Addrvsa A crv o Ha cl Co. , Clilcui : , III. -Forsalo in Omtvlm by Shcrniiiii & McConnoH. 1S13 Dodge strcot. QUAIL BRAND HEALTH FOODS Parcliecl Rolled Oats , Unequalled in Flavor. Corn Gritz , Sold only ip 21 pound packajjoi Velvet Meal , For mullliis nnd ffo mm niTcvr I'i ' Sold by all First-Class Uracoru MAYER , STROUSE& 6 MFRS.4IZ BWAY , NY Save Your Eyesight Kyi's tested free bynn nXPHllT OITIOIAN I'orfbotadjuitinout. Huporlor lousoi. Norv- oiishu&diioho cured by until j our Hiieotuolm and KyoulaBsoj i'rlcclow for UNI olun goodb THE ALOE & PENFOLD CO , 16tUSLCrolghtoa Block. " ' ' * ' - - - -