Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, September 01, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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There Was Weakness and Depression in All
tho'Pits Ycstordaji
Iloldrri of Soplrinbpr 1'nntrnctn Wrro Tnr-
tlrnlnrly Conrcrnril t\cr tlio Sltnn-
tlon M hrnt .sin.\Toil n Dinvinvnril
Tendency from the Start.
CniCAOi ) . III. , Aug. 31. There was weakness
nnd depression In all the pits on the Hoard of
Trade todav and a sharp decline all along tno
line , i\oryhodv : seemed disposed to sell , but
there was lilt o Inclination to buy and the re
sult wns decided weakness. The chief cause
of this condition of nlTalrs was the gtowlng
fen i t mt cholera would gain a foothold In this
country , \\llb all "ortsof pintocy possibilities
nittbo lOMiilt. llo'dcrsof September contracts ,
Invlowof the fai-t that tomorrow Is delivery
flny. wlthtMcrv piospoct of bo ivy deliveries ,
were p irtleulnrly concerned o\nr the situa
tion , nolcarlnu to accent the actual grain on
n market which stands ready to bo stampeded ,
to they made Inntc tosnll out their Soutombor
holdings as goon as Iradlnz nogan.
\Vbeitslmwoda downward tendency from
tliu Rtnrtnml the Hrst transact ous were at
} e decllno fn > n yostorday. The cxoaetod
frost did not malorlall/oi the government
weekly ctop bulletin WHS unexpectedly favor
able for the crop ; domestic and foreign mar-
krls ucronlt loner and wo.iit. and the re
ceipts woioery Inr.o. The lliiuldntlon wns
tint ronflnpil to September , however , ns w is
Idi'iicivl 'n ' the inmost equal dow nward ton-
ilcncy of the more doforied futuios. The
f roll II. , In fact , was that If the dreaded
fc.inrce fihnnlil icta foothold In Ibis country.
It would noon exlond beyond morn temper iry
dcpii'sslon M ml hist until checked by free/hu
wo ither The only buying was to cover sboit
sales , with seed { unfits In sight. Now York
nnil M. l.onls led the sclltnr. Advices fiom
HIMO points sild tlio cholera soaro was the
pr'nclp il deprcsslnz factor.
Tliu IILIIV.V lei'i-lplscvi'i/HhernweroTnothor
big weight. After thoci-neral llqiilnatlo'i was
over t hum wiisa moderito reictlon , but at no
lima was thoio positive strength I'.irdrldgo
was s ill ! to bo the he i vlest short seller toilny.
but ho had a big follnwlnt. Dunn also sold
heavily and the tiadliu ccnrrally was on the
Belling side. llrndstroot'H reporlod an In-
crrnso In the av-illablo supply of wheat for
xbowrt'kof JUIlVOil bu. east of the Itockles
nnd ITi'.iiro ' bu. on tlio I'lii'HIo co-ist. Septem
ber opcnid anC lower at 74' c ng ilnst T-V e at
the cliwi' ypstoiiluv. touched 7. o. declined to
74' c. the lowest figure yet roichrd this sea
son , reacted lo4\f , lint weakened again and
closed easy at 7l5c. December opened 'lc
lower at TH1. sold at 78 ! $ < J , fell to 77 ? e and
closed at 7Ssc. !
Corn wns depressed and lower from tnost.ut ,
the failure of the expected frost to material
ize , the liber il receipts and the unexpectedly
fa vor i bio character of the govern tiient wrckl v
tron bulletin , with the general dcprcsslan
whl. n held sway In all speculative nils , nil
f in oral loner prices. Haldwln-Karnum
prmcd to load the selling , but they had a
big following nnd there was a sharp strugcle.
both In iiiilo.itllng Ion ; corn and 111 soiling
thoit. The confidence foltso recently seemed
to disappeared , and the bears woio In
full control. .September opened at from 5'c to
M'n o , nzalnst WPje at tbc close yesterday , sold
DIT to We i. ml olo'-Oil at 4'1'iic' ' .
O.its wore utialc In svmnathy with the con-
era ) depression , but were note dumorallred.
n the iron conditions wore surli IIH to mnko
llioit selling more ha ? irdons. heptembef
llioHsn net los. for the dnv of "ic.
lloz mod nets wore weak and at times seemed
Spmora l/cd. 1 ho olTor ngs were urgent v lib
rrrv llttlo demand , while the Lholor.i sc.iro
mil the depics Ion In other spcoul itlvo
utli'ios were bear sb iiucnclos toetln-r with
ho.ivy present and prospo.-tho receipts of ll\o
noes and louiir prlies at tinVEKIB feop-
lember pork ht irtod at Jll ) . , r > , a Iu3s of lOc. : nl-
v.inccd 10'H. hiol.o to flii.UJ i and closed
ntfli'.OTJi. Laid Is U'jC ' lower , but rlhs were
bolter hold nnd October c used without
clringo. though September Is elf 7-o ! and Jnn-
unry 17'5c.
} , iko fri'l-'hts unchan-e 1.
Kst muted tLcelpto for tomorrow : whi'.it ,
MX ) tars ; corn. 4JU c irs ; oils , 4' < U ears ; hojs ,
Ui.000 bund.
The leading futures ramoJ as follows :
\it\ * if iiui , AIU * * , , 'i > tcj o > , ycllo\v.
IS'iJfWiu ' : No : icash , 47'4c : No. 1,4Co
OA No 2. i'4e : No. 'J while , no s lies ;
r > n : ; while.rt.)24c. : } .
JIvc-No. " . 57o.
lUni Ei--No. ' . ' . cio ; No. : i , f. o b. , 4Mioic ; No.
t. f. o. b . 4 © Tic ;
1'I.AA MM I > 0. I. JI.02J4.
'JlMOTIIV > l-M > Pillill * , tl.51 ,
I't.liK Mess per bbl. , $ ld.o7'il0.10 ; lard ,
per IMI II si7'Uit ! < & ? .rT > : short ribs , Hideslooso ( ) ,
f77iffi7.75 ; dry hilled sbouldots ( boxcili , SO.'JO
O7.IO ; bhortclon shies ( ho\cd ) , $7.1)j7. ) ' ) ; .
WiiidKV Distillers' llnUhed needs , pjr Kal.
briiAii Unchanged.
llccelpts und hhlpincntH today were as fol
lows :
On the I'rotucooxcliuiiso toilav the bultor
miirurt wns ijulot nnd iinchaiiKi'd : uicuiuorlud.
ICJtJicsiliilrlfi.loa.'a. Kg H , IT&ITiic.
Si , I.iinlH Aim liut * .
BT. I.OIIIK , Mo. . An ? . 3l.ri.ouuEasy. . buC
not iiiotibly | lower.
Wlli.A'i Oiiened lower and continued to
decline , ouislng , { J5io below yesterday ; cash
cloned liJ'.ciheptuiiibereloscu nt'OJicjUolober ,
71' , o : Dei ember. 74'S ; May , NHJc.
C'OHN I allowed wheat , opening lower and
closing * .u.lo below yotterJay : c.iRh nml
hpi-ti'iiiln'r. 4'iye ; October. 4H ( { ; your , 45'io ;
Dniembor. 44Jji- : May , 4s , i. .
OA'iK-lJId not diop so far as other cralns.
closln. only 'ifc'nonlt ; oash , oaii \ < s ; eiitom-
brr , : tn.o : October 'lHjo : .May , .We.
Ih i : Wniiteil ate c.
llu\N Piim : i.i'4c. '
HAV Dull and lower ; * " .M8.'W ' ; timothy ,
CD. I lCy2. ! ( I' ' .
I.KAII I'lnn : ) J.ui.
Ki.A\oi.Pli-Qulet nt 07c.
CilllNMl.AI. Qulut : S..3."iiHi2 41.
WllihUV btundy ; Jl.lo for llnlslicil poods
lUnniNd ANII Iito.N COT-ION Tins Un-
PnoviHlONs-Diill and loner. Pork , In Job
lots , f i | u. l.ard , J'.io , Dry halt mo its'loiwo
Bhoiildef. 47.UO ; longs and ribs , J7.70 ; shorts ,
K.S.I ; boxnd lots l.'iu more , llacon , shouldurH ,
t.liS : ; loiik'S mul ribs. * ; bbortn , f-.m.
tiiigiii-curud haniH , JU.f.03U.M.
Ithciiii'iH I'lotir , & .OHO tibis. : who it , jo'.ooo
bu ; ciin,27OJbiii ( ( oats , 100,000 bu. ; rye , 8,000
bu i har oy. 1,0'JO bu.
Hliti'jlKNM t'lour , 1.003 bills. ) wliont , 1)0,033 )
bu. ; corn , 14,0,0 Un , ; uats. 8.UJO bu , ; rye TOJO
bu. ; bin ley , none.
York Markuti.
Nuw YOHK , An ? . 31. 1'i.ouu Ilecoliits. 3io | :
lil--H. ; nxports , 5goo buls , . U.oao Hickii ; mar- iiilol ) , with bids 1015o under iiHUiiit ; rutest
valo10'dl bb's. '
lotiNMKAr. fatoady.
WUKAT Itecoljits , 222,0)0 ) bu. ; uxporls. 18J.OOO
bu. ; Hales , 4,02U.ouo bu. of futuren , > 20,0jo bu.
ol biot. | Spots active for export ; prices
liiwurnnii weaker ; No. S rod , 7uUo In atoro
mid ulnvator ) 7U > jrt8J4o ( ! allout ) bui { < U80 > ( a f ,
n. h.i No. 3 rod , 74m uiiRraded red , 0QuuUo !
No. I narthorn. M ttMo : No. 1 hard.
J.Hc : No. 2nortliorn,7blJi70c ( ( ; No.2ChluuKo.
II > 4G8Joi No. 2 Milwaukee. 78Utt7lo ) : No. : t
cnrlng , 70iQ70if. } Optliins mnro active , ox-
cltcd and JiOSo lawoi , closing heavy ; do-
ol I nod on icportnf eholura tn the lower bay
nnd on o-inter cables with free foreign selling ,
lurgu itcolpts nml u lar.'n Increase In the
amount cunt of the Hoc Id us. No. 2 rod ,
September , closing nt TVlio ; October , 8Hie.
closlnmitsoyc ; November , WB8J ( c. closing
ut t-2i'l December. Biasiiic , closing ut tilui
Mny. bO .8IMc. | closing ut bUe.
KVK Dull , nominal ; nostcrn , C43.070.
llAiibrr M < ti/r Quiut , Oitmda , Weitlro. (
toit.s Ituci'tutH. Jt'.coj nut uxporia. 1,1.0)0 )
I it. * HII o . l,740u Oh u. of futures and oiLiiOO bu.
1'fniidt tpot ) dull , decidedly lower ; No. 2. 50
GT bo lu olovntori M.V4WSO atloatt un.Taded
niUuii- dPHiniitluiib ; ere mnro uctivo Htii
lliu lowuron thooliolor.i roiiort , bettor vrad-
lii t wt'Ht anil largo fjcolutv , closing wuuki
An ; list , 57'iitt ' Uu : Ueplonil or. W iW' c , clos
ing ut fin' ! October. 50)j5Wiiiio ) ) , oloslnp ut
W.'id Nintmlrcr. ft.iUi&'XJHv , oloilng at WJUei
Di'combor , Mi44t'i7 c. closing ut toj.oi May ,
tBlio ! , vnsnu'iao.
UATS Hccolutn. lu.'W bu.i exports 1,500 bu. !
itleti. UC&VUOtu.o ( future * nod li-.v.y uu. of
spot. Spot moro active , lower nnd wenV : on
tlons moro active and weaker ; Aliens ! , MSc
Soptcmbor. < TiilMlio' clo ln * ntJIJ ol Octo-
her. ; iSrWc , oloslns ataS'jc ! November , 0 4
Gl'MMe. closlns.'nu : DecemberSOSiltoc , clos
ing 30Vc : No. 2 spot , white , 4024H5c ; mlxci
wi'Mcrn JtftlOc : whllo western , 423l3o ; No. I
Chicago. UiiailoUc.
Hyn-Quletnnd easy.
HOM Kasy nnd iiillet ,
SroAit Raw , firmer ; refined 2 15-lGei con-
trlf iiunls , DO tost. 2 l.l-n.'o.
MoiiAssESrorolRii. . nominal ; Now Orleans ,
stonily nud di-ll , ,
r.nrH Tull suoply. otilot : % A03tcrn prime
ID'cIi'TOo : rocinpts , 0,117 pkzs.
IIllifs StoBtly and ( inloU
Ilurrnu-riill supp y , dull and oaiy.
f'UFK-iE Dull and steady : part skims ,
PnovifltONS Pork , dull and weak ; oli'
mess , ! II.V5rail.75. Out mo its. dull and weak !
pickled bellies , T'iBSc : pickled bams , luyffl
ll'io ; middles , stp.idy and dull ; short elo ir ,
M.u" . Lard , easier nnd dull ! western steam
closed atMM ; nominal : sales , 2M tierces aj
$7.82' { ; oiitlon silos , nonoi September closed
nt 87.8innd Oatnbor al$7 70. , . , , , , „
Pin Iitos Steady , dull ; American , 113.004 !
Ooi'i-nn-Dtill : lake. Jll
I.nui rirm ! domestic. ll.lMil.i.'O.
Tix-Wo.ik ; stralshts , $ JJ.i' : " " ' "
Oimlri rnuliico
PEACHY California. 11.5031.0) ; southern
Illinois. ( ! 'i7')0 ptir basket ,
IjEMONS J1 00551.00.
OitAMiES California , out of inarkot ; Im
ported. M.nojM yi.
K Homo prawn. 51BTOB par doz.
S Watermelons. cratoJ , J > c.
PKAHS llnrtlotl. J100.
UANTAt.otJi'ES Porcr ito , II.rO ; Joins , 753 per
Ou.H'OHViAOiurr.s Per cise. SiOO.
OuctTMiiKits Per do2" > Bi3o. :
Niw : POTATO. * ; ' $ . ' .00 par bbl. ; In sacks , 1O
1U" per II ) .
ONio , s-Por bbl. . J3.03O1.M.
llt.uuiEtlUir.s 10-u.t. boxes , JiOlljyi.'J.V
TOMATOI.S 4 basket crate * . 11.35 ; bu. boxes ,
$1.7 : .
n-lb b iskot , Oi3 ? * > o.
| . ? V3i.oo.
I'MIMS 'Jl-t. | 13.110 , HO' © I 21
Good shlpphusto.'k boirooatjl 2
® 74- .
iaaaonirnl : ) in ir'iot , lie.
Potn.Titv OH lions. 80 ! roosters , r,5J7c.
UUTTKIIOooJ packlnj stojk , las ; choice
dairy ,
Kansas City .Markets.
KANSAS CITV. Mo. . Am. Ill WitnAT-
Lowcr : Nn. 2 hud , old , 'no : now , M'QUiliio ' ;
Nix 2 red. fllo : c.
Conv Imvor : No 2 m'xed. 4" > ! 4e ; No. !
wlillo. 4T'fflnuo.
OATS-KIrm : No 3 mlxoJ , STUMo : No. :
whl to. WI'c.
Uvu Wi'aU : No. 3 , now , fiS'Jc. '
rtAxsiin : : stead -iib'trjuc. .
HiiAN Stiom ; s icl.i'd Gli&ilo.
lUr Slondy ; timothy. t7.3Jai.00 ! iiralrlo
HirrrKH Steady ; creamery , ISiJSrJs ; dulry
Kons-Wenkutri'ie. , , K,030bii. : corn , 20.03) bn. !
oats. 4.T03.
SHIPMENT * Wheat. 47.0JI bu. ; corn , 17,000
bu , j outs , I'.UOO. _
Manchester Coinnirrrlnl
MANClirRT 11. AUK : -Tho Giurdlnn , In Its
co I'liiorclal article. siys ; There Is HttlodolnK.
Many onstern bouses nro hardly opor.itln .
Ordor- for pluln st.uilo KOO IB are mostly ut
the buyers' terms. Shlrtlncs do not move.
Silrs : for India mid China urn unliiiport-int.
I'llntlns rlnthsnro ( Int. In jaconotts. mulls
nnil other lizht ( roods buvors' olTorsnro con
siderably under rucontnnnt'ittons. Althnuch
miiiinCiutiiruM nro ro.'i'lv to tnKo nrlccs
provlously lofu od. few trans lotions occur
nml a tumr/or iry stopiiien of looms is largely
the result. Ooalluss In heavy gouds nro also
NBW YOHK. AIIT. 31. Options ODPiiod narolv
Htondy and iinclrinsod to 1" > points down :
eloslna b iroly sto.idv I.VS'S ) points itnwns ilos.
SO.01 bncs. " Including Sentomber. SIH70W
1.181 : October. flllftQ ® ' .Gi : Ninomlinr $ : ®
! ! . : nece-ibcr. 'ISV. M.iiuh. tllTuft
W2'IMiv tHOliiillin. boot Hlo , oaslor nnd
qulot ! No. 7 , * ll.7.'i14.S74.
( /ottiin Murker.
Nr.w OitrrA.v ; , La. AIIT. 31. hnw mld-
dllns. 7c : low mlddllirr. O'Jf ' ; coed or.llnarv.
OVf ! not rooolit . 2'Sl bales including till
bilos of now crop : Kross. ' 1,2i i bales ;
o.xnorls to ( Itrlt In , 1.S4 1
bales : coistulsj. 1.4SI , silos l.u'O
splnnou , 703 biles : stoclt , i. " > . 'l.0 bales.
Aits. 31. WIIIT : Dull : holders
offer inoilorjtaly ; No 1 t'ullfoniln , Gs 7'fn ®
( s 7'd per centilNo ; 2 red u Inter , Us L'd0b
Ud : ro.l vM-storii sprlnr. Cs : 'dlts < .115(1. (
( JOHN Quloti western. Is 4d | ior cental.
Pii : U.inadlan. .1s7d per cent il.
LAUD Prime western. 40s per ewt.
Olucliin.itl .MurKuiH.
CISCINN TI , O. Anai. . WHEAT Dull ,
dumping ! Nu - . red , 7't.74o. ! !
Cnits rirni : No 'J mixed. 51c.
U \TS-ri mi. good dcm.tnd ; No. 2 ml\cd. 14 ©
a4'/ .
c.WllISKVJl.l ) .
Oil UarkBt.
NKXV YOHK. An : , ai. I'ETIOT.F.JJM Steady ,
dull ; uulteil clo > eil .r > | i'o foi SuptsmUor.
ComiNr-nMi OIL -Qulot , steady.
T \r.i.n\v I'll m.
HII-IN I'liiu
TUIll'BSTIMJ Dull , P.1SV.
Toll-do < iruln
Toi.nno. O , Aiu. 31. WllHAT-Dull : No. 2
cash .mil iotemior. | ) 77c.
COHN Dull ; No 'J cash. 5Ja.
U \Tb-Quiet ; cash. .lie.
Ti.iilurx' Inlk.
OIUCAOO , til. . An. . .11. 1f . Loian & Co. to
Duncan , llollln ter.'c Co. : Tim nnr'ict
bus buitn inodur ituly attlvu toilnv. the ilu-
iii i nil for e.ish lots r uhcr slow and at louor
prices. D irtliMilar.y foi tliu lowui crades. The
net.o trailing option nou Is December. It
oucncd at about 77 'jo nit I 7be. sold at 7Mo
Hosed til 7710. Wheut Isut a virv low price.
but ( hat Is all that can 1 > J said lnfi\orof :
liuylnir It The glades bo ow No. 2aro selling
fiom . * > - > : lod'iu and notln very ur.'i'iit demand
at this. 'Lbu rooelplH 1110 n llttlu llKbterat In
terior points , but lnty nrotiitll to' ) heavy for
tbodemand. Thn govoinment toiioit , duo on
tliu 1 tb DIO\ , \slll Ilki'ly rodnco thu puvlous
estlinatts. If It ( loawo should ha\osomo
llttlu iiiictlon upw ids ; hut to glvo
any iiurmancut ; iilv.uic.'es wo ro-
iiulro SOIIIQ llttlo buyln ; ( nr oxport.
Foreign advices lira stoidy In values , with
unsoulcd ( ve-ithur iloiayluz harvest. Corn
Is decidedly wcalr. ( Ji'iobur opened utWl',0
and close 1 nt4 ( 'n ; , ICueelplb ate Improving.
Hhould th's continue prl cs n III go lowur. Oils
arohtea ly at piesjnt the stiongest cnreal on
the i ojul. L ijuUlatlon In box product was
ho ivv.
CiiiOAno. III. , Aur. : il. Konnott , Hopkins k
Co. to .S A. .McWbortnr : l liililatlon | In
Scptemberholdlngs Is thu direct cuii-o of the
uuakuosh In all griln. It has been used
vigorous' ' v by the bears as a club with which
U > be u the Minrki't , imil their success has
pi nb i lily exceeded their o\nu 'tatloiih. Theio
18 nothing nuw In the situation to alarm hoid-
eirf. IIoci'lt4 | ; still show up lnr e. but
ndvleus fiom tlio sm illur Inleiloi markets
show a fallliu nir In hales of n Inter who it.
UoiJortH fiom thu not ibwest s ly th it lio.ivy
lams liuvu done much damaRu to bt leUed
grain. This Is the tlrH u ly for u Ion , : time
th it corn lias shown a marUcd wo iknos4.
September holdings wuro thronn over-
bonid by louul upcuniatorH and the
outtoim went doiui In sympathv. It Is be-
lloved that mod tun ties fmotikcn IhccaHh
Htuir , and no ftiiincr uressuro from weak ho d-
ura need be oxpecteu. U its yielded but llttlo
In coneral weakness , nnd ro-iservntlvo com
mission houses uilvlso pureliiises. In pro
visions the cholera news has b id a depressing
Direct , and the ovur supply of hogs h IH luton-
Nllled the weakness. Low prices huva pre-
Millel , but good pirtlos liavo been fair , buy
ers nnd look fora better market soon.
CniCAno , III. , Ana . L'ouusclimin & Day
to Coukri'll llnia. t'ommlss on Co : A small
panic htriluk the nhcat mtirUnt today an'l
oauseii general Ihinlilatlon.MipatdLcllned
] > c and closed * ® ' [ IOAIT uiuliir silling by
c'omin sslun hniiees. Local Hliorts and elevator -
tor people weio the prlnelpil buyern. Corn
Hold oil Pjo anil cloned IJio lower , after
heavy Boutturi'd selling lea bv tbb nn-
loullni : of n largo Ilnu of Boptombci-
com by local ( peculators , Oats were
htnudlui thin olhur train but ylulilud
7,0 and In sympathy with the surrounding
weakness. The buying of both corn nnil o , its
ivas I irgoly by Hhlppors who have been bold-
liuolT to buy when thospoculatlvo deu 8 were
liquidated , 1'iovlsluns were depressed by
general Iliiuldallon of outsldo loncs. I'liokors
were active miyorsof the near futurea unit
Homo of thorn were molarato sollem of Jan
uary pork at J..OJ over Huptumbor. Tlio tnur-
kola till cloied soft a.-nln on news a.'enoy re
ports of twenty-three casoa of cholera In Now
York harbor.
Dullnoi Continue * tu 1'rovall Tlirongliont
thu Kntlro l.Ut.
DNtw : YOUK , Aug. 'Jl. Dullness continue ! to
bo tbopiliiclpalclmractarUtloof the market
except In the few stook * utroctod by particu
lar InlliRMieos. The undcrtonauf thu market
lorn ilnt btroni : , however , and despltu the ro-
eont short silos for ijulok turns , the oxUtliig
short Intoroit romatns so largo that a uup-
uortliu Inlluuneo U never lueklnx , Thcra was
a renownl of the manipulation of tmjar , and
wlillo the met of the In luutrlals romilnod
dull and titiigniuit , it rose rapidly at times
and displayed i ; activity ,
The uiurliet opened with a Qrm temper nnd
Generally ut hlshor llguroa than thoio of lust
ovculni , but Just afttr the bojlaulng of busi
ness It bocuuia kuowu that Mr , Qoolot repudU
ntcd tlio me of Ills nnmo In the directory of
New England nml announced his rofus-il to
servo In tlmtoupiolty. A honvy soiling tnovo-
mcnlln Now Kngland was linmotllatoly pra-
clpltatcd nnd a drop of 1'i per cent In Its nrloo
dragged the whole market , Including oven
snitar. with It. Only Heading , St , I'aul , Ilur-
llngton iind Krlo showed nny anlmnllon , how
ever , and the loises In those shares worocon-
( IneH to small fraction , and the decline was
soon checked , the rally following closely ,
brlngliu most of tlio list , Including New I'.na-
land , up to < rlthln n sluulo of the first
( Uutcs. Heading and St. I'aul , however , dis
played special strength and rose ubovo the
level of first prices. The trading during tlio
tlnv. however , was entirely profo s'onal. '
while there wai sonio liquidation In the early
( Icilliu ? . the bulk of sal Inz was st'tl ' for tlio
nhort account nnd the boars were very ng-
gresnvo , working tlio cliolorn scare for alt It
was worth.
In the afternoon when It was announced the dlso IEO WHS actually In the harbor
there ITIIS a nuro vigorous druo at the entire
list- , which had the olTo.'tof brlngliu nutsomo
long stock and still lower prices were roichoil
ml iiloiu the line , even suzar IliiillV giving
way w Ith thd r.illro id list , The Oou'il stocks ,
however , displayed the most woaKuoss and
Jlaiihattan dropped about.'I'I percent , though
the vlolonco of the movomenl later causoil a
p irtlal roartloii , There wns n slight tally on
the covering of shorts In the I itodoillnns.
but the market never laH Its weak tone and
flu illy closed wo ik at the lowest llgnro ) as a
rule on an active business. *
The bond list was olToctcd by the drive at
stocks nnd wlillo during the forenoon the
usual dull and npithotlo market was seen ,
there was n yielding laterovortho entire nru-
kot and many of the nutlvo Is ut > s were driven
donn materially , The Heading was again
active , but wlillo following tlio lealnf the
market were falrlv well ho d aim none of them
show any marked change , On tlio other hand
the strong point In the list wns tliu HnrJi
Inland dobontnies , which toachod IU In tlio
face of the general uoiikncss
Covernmcnt bonds bavo been dull and
steady and state bonds entirely no fleeted.
The following are ttio closliu iiuutiitlcns for
the to id Ing stocks on the New Ycrk b'tcuk ox-
chanjotoday :
The tot il sales of % tocUi today worn : ! Mil4 :
shares Includlnt ; : Atclilson. 11.44 : Ohio mo
G'is. 58fi : Kile. l..OJO ; Loulsvlllo A. Nashvlllf.
i'700 ' ; NorthiTii I'aclfle piaferred , I.sot ! ; Now
Knalnnd. : il.200 : Keadlnis,70 : , ) : St. l'aul.20. .
60J ; Union raciOc. 5,050 : Western Union , f.,000.
Tiondon r'
[ CoprrUhtciIlSt ! liyJnniat KordDii lleinjtt.l
IjOMiov. Aus : il. [ Now York Ilor.ild Oible to TUB HKK I On the Stock n\ch 1111:0
nttont'on was dliectod to the settlement
which Ill-ought to u con Muslim without
dlllliMiltv. Very lltt'o ' ficsli business
ilouo ind the tone In the spcoulntlve market
was distinct y dull. Ilo no r.illioads loft
alt U to ' 5 per en it lower all
around on rather poor tr.illlo. wet woithcr
nnd cholcr.i reports rallwijs
nro Inclined to weaKiiPss In the ab-enco of
support from Wall street b'lt Umidl.iii and llni's weio pracllo illy without
I'bdise. In tbo foioUn maiket Ar.ontlno.
Hi i/lllan and bonds lost ground
while one or two Interuatlou il stoi'Us ueroa
fihndn Letter. Cousoih Improved 'j ' per cent-
It ir silver recovered ; d , Ciill money was In
r.itner better request , ovvliu to payments In
connection with the Stoctt exchaii.'o bottlo-
mcnt , but .id v.i n cos w ere easily obt.ilned at 'A
per cent , The discount r ite for tl'rcc months
bank bills was ash ido under 1 percent.
Jfow York Aldimy .Mnrlcot.
NBwVoaK , Aiis. III. Mover ov CAt.TKisy
nt " & ! per cent : List loin , ' 'percent ; closed
olToied atSS-i per cent.
I'IIIMB MritrANiiiK I'APi-.n J1 per cont.
PTKIIMNU IlxciiAMic-Qulet but ste uly at
JI.Si ! for sixty day bills , and $4.8s for de
The closlnz qtiot itlons on bonds :
Now York Mlnlni ; Onotallor.H. "
Ni\v : YOIIK. Aiu 31. The follcw ui * are
thuclo ln : mln lu stoc i qnot itlons'
uskcil. >
San rninclNco Allnlnir Qunt itlons.
SK TilIVCHCO , Oil. . Aiu .11. The olll3lal
CIOH ! ! „ n millions for inluliu Rtos cs tud.iy
were o > follows : - _
St. T.ouU .MlniMjf Stnolu.
BT. Louis.1 ! \ > . . An. . : n. M'nliis ' stock
mar , ot dull , ( juot itlons on cull ;
htuck. llhl. f "stock , Illii.
Illlziboth I'nt Murphy . 2
( Jrunlto M 8.'iJ
I'limiicinl Noiim.
KANSAS CITV , Mo , Au . 31. Cloanngs , 81-
Nuw * YOHK. Am. 31. Olourlnis. J87.7J lp.07i
balances , lftiJ',4JJ (
PAHH , Aug. 31. Thteo per cent rentes , 03f ,
OJu for the account.
IIU.TIMOKI : . Mil. . Aug. Ill , CUurln.'H , J1.821-
7J(1 ( ; balances , tJlK,770. ) Money , H percent.
IiOsnov. Aug. 31. Amount of bullion pone
into the Itunlc of Ln liinil ou bnlunco today ,
MRMI'MIS , Tonn. , Aur , 31. Now York ov-
cban oMilliiunt JI 'iJ. Cloarln.'s , Il'i9,4ib ) bul-
iinoim. 8,5 8.
Nuw Our.KANS. In. , Auir. 31. Clo irlnzs ,
JS J.bii : Now Yorlc oxi'hnnii' . commiircl il , 50u ;
haul. , tl.5U per Jl.'JJU priunlum ,
OI.NCIN.VAII , O. . Aug. 31. Money , 3'JM par
cont. Now York o\changL' , CJu discount.
Olearluas. JJ.02tl.53J ; for month , 00,2"i.,7JUj last
yoar.ltW > u.KiJ.
I'Mii.AiiiM.i'iiiA , I'n. . Aiu 81 , Clearings , * IO , .
1,17.1,11 ; balances , | , ( U2,20fl. I'or the month ,
eleiuliMS { . ' 8J.5II,9J5 ; biluncos , i.8JI7Oj | .
money. 3 per cont.
OIIICAOD. III. , Ati ? . 31. Money , Kteady and
iinuliaiiuod. Hank clearings , $ lO,3iir,4J Jj Now
Yoru oxehuuuc , lOa discount ; bturllng ox-
ohiin.'odull and uuchangou' .
HAVANA. Autr. lll.-Suuiilsh gold , t-JS&Q
2.ri'i'i ' , ixchniiKe. : firm ; on thu United Stato' ,
short s'ght cold , 10ffll2o premium : on London ,
2iJ u prnmliiin. Hugar , llrm ; TOO bau'H molasses
Hiuar , IX)3 ) t oOl0 polurlzatluii , were sold ut
( . ' .so per quintal.
HOSTON , hiiiss. , Am. 31 , Oourlnis | , Jl2,2ei-
8JU balancos. { | ,31",7I5. Money . > per cunt ;
on Now eric fin d I BOO nut. CUuar-
Ings for the mouth of Austist , $ :7/,07i,8J.I : : bat-
nines , (4J.8.'IU3. ( 1 or thu same month last
year , oloarlugs , tJ37OJ2.U3 ; balunuus , t.WOI8 , .
HT I.ouii , Mo. . Aug.31. Olonrlngs. tl.789.4'i8 ;
baluncex , tM'J.IH1. Clearings this month. Hoi , .
2SU30 ! ! balances , $ : i,7l ,7ia ( UlnarlnKs In All-
gust. 1831. (1)7 ) 04.202 ; bilanoo . * 1.V3.1UU In.
croiisn over lust Aunnut. tr.7e4ui8 , or 8 j > er
cunt. .Monoy ( in lot nt &G.7 per cont. Lx >
ehungoon Now York , 2 } . <
Cnttlo Trudo 1'nlrly ActUoHoci Umcttlod
mill \Vuuk In Tonilonoy.
OMAHA , Ant. 31 , Itocelpts have varied but
llttlo so fur tills week , thu Ihioo days' supply
nmounlliu to 8.M7 outtlo , U.i < 8t ho.'u ami . ' .070
ttioup , utulust tB51 ) cuttle , ib.ittt tiojt aiiU 3f U
sheep for the Qrit tihlr of laUwcoV. llccolpt !
for the month of August , with comparisons !
Cattle , HOKS Sheep
This month. . . . ju. . 4 < UOI 1II.J.IO ll\il
Last month . 4MI7 im.lll IW
August , 1M)1 ) Ju41.3W 7I.'U9 Sl.'Sf
The General cattle market was iirnctlcnllv
devoid of now fontiire * KoDints wrru nboul
the same as riiosdnybnth , ns to nuanttty and
nunllty. Of rholcqiQatllo there were none ,
olther natives r westerns , but there
were plenty of very cool beo\os here ,
nevertheless. Lot-Hi houses were the
only buyers , but tbov bought freely
and the close found .Tiraetlciilly everything
outof firsthand * . r | r to Koo.l cornfodsleori
sold at from ( I 00 to JI.M ; common to fnlr hall
fat nnd Brassy slulV nt from f.l 15 to H50. The
supply of n.itlvo o itlli- , however , was not ox-
tonsho , the MX bulk of the oiTorln.'s bolus
raiuors. On tlin moro dosliahlo ttrados the
market was strong. Koine Rood l.SilMl ) . steers
l > rouRhtWV ( > . 'Ihottroitor share of the west
erns wore lit only for feeders , nnd wlillo the
bettor Kr.aitos sold ml rijjht tlu
stock moved slowly at the usual prices.
The tr.ido In butchers' and fanners' Block
lacked the vim ami stiongth that diameter-
Ized It on the two urcccdlnt days.
Supplies were nulto llbornU and whllo
there were same very uoml woMnrn cows
bore , Hie u'onerul run of stuff was rather co.n-
moil. Prices shaded lower ou nil but the best
stock. Asldo from a biinuh of westerns tint
brought tilt ) , the bulk of the fair to coo 1
cons and heifers sold nt from tl.7.1 to H4) ,
with aid thin cows as low ns llullx ' 11111
st.ics were steady at from $1.50 to $ . ' .50 ; ualvos
unchanKo I at from SiUO to f4/ ' .
Ollorlnzs ofstook and fuedlu ; cattle , both
fresh and stale , wore > ory liberal , and whllo
trices were well niiliitnltiod on the xooil to
oholco grades tbo lumloti y was lownron ovory-
tlilng olso. 1 railing was slow thiuimhout and
the tooling weak and easier. Iloprcsontallvo
sa ust
imtHsnn nniu' .
No , Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
17..1li7 ( * 1 H 5 , . 11,1(1 ( $1 50 IS..1IIL1 fl.Vi
5. . 14 8 : i ' . ' -i i,1110 ! : i m i3..i.t ) 40) )
n . mo 3 : n I. IIIO 4 03 53..1418 403
1. . 111,0 , Illl ) M KM 4 81 2J..1I8J 4 03
10. . 1083 3 4J 4J..1flO 4 33
2. . 775 1 00 0.11 1 81 17. . 810 2 15
11. . H 0 1 ,11 711 1 81 II. . HI ) 211
II . OH I 41 U 0 1 M 17. . Oil 21.1
1 5) ) II h.'l 1 81 2).1110 21.1
3l.ui ) 1 ,10 7 1 OJ 21 , . M ) 2 II
I. . 01(3 ( 1 .1 ! ) 5. , 2 00 21 . 1)10 ) 220
M. . on 1 .10 10.M 2 03 ffl . III. 23) )
8. . 12.1) ) 1 OJ 8 . OIS 2 ( HI I..111)1 ) 2 , ! 0
I ) . . Sit 1 I ! ) 8. 8)1 ) 2 00 8..1I.M 2 10
: i. KI i 1 70 1 103 2 I/O / 11" IK ! ) 2 3.1
113. . 701 1 7J 27n nro 2 0.1 20..1041 2.11
o . on I 70 n 1117 201 31. 1013 240
4 .101 ! 1 70 js Ml 2 01 8. . 81.0 24)
2 . 015 1 71 Ml 2 10 2(1. ( )1 ) 253
t. . 010 1 71 lii 811 2 10 2J .1018 2 55
1..10JO 1 7.1 i . 2 IJ 2il .1118 20)
I 7,1 2 13 3..11.10 201
UK. 787 1 75 5. 1014 2 15 1..10.0 375
1 . C50 I 5D 1. . $30 2 03 15. , 602 241
/ 1. . 4JO 8 OJ 1 bS3 2 yj
: i. . 270 1 00 1 310 3 23 1. . 101 403
l : 4J ) 20" 2. . 2.VJ 3 .10 ] . . 25t ) 400
17 , 2,10 2 75 M . 181 3 .10 8. . 2SI 400
1. 201 ! l 00 2. 3.10 ! i 50 1.13 481
1. 1170 3 81 3 21K ) 3 .1) ) 21)1 48' >
1. . 840 3 25 3. . : i40 3 SO 11)3 ) 450
I 1103 1 53 .110) ) 1 73 1..11SO ISO
1. 1150 1 53 .I42J 1 71 103'J 21)0 )
1 I.I.VJ 1 01) U.Q 1 71 . IOJJ 225
2..IOJJ 103 .I2IO 171
1..1180 100 1..119J 200 2. .1070 2SO
840 2 03 3T . 7li ) 2 40 3. . 701
S.-i. 200 b. . 8J7 II. . l4 ) 250
fi'liV 00 1 75 240 4 . 1)17 ) 20)
7JO 2 OJ 11 . 037 241 II. .1007 270
1. MJ 8 10 7.fc1 2 41 10. . era 270
740 22 % 1J . 871 241 10. HT8 270
7i1 ! 2 25 1 1100 25) 23. .1071 283
Wl ) 2 3) ) 1 84) ) 350 U ) 11JO 28J
1 sprlnecr 4VO ) 1 springer 22 00
1 bprlneor . 27 Wi 1 springer. . . 10 do
1 spiliuer. . ' 'illia 1 cow and calf. 14 00
1 sur njur 21,00 , ; 1 cow and calf 25 03
7 bulls . .I.W $1 40 , 14 cons. . . . 7,11 Jl 50
2 bulls ll.'O 1 7) ) 77 cows . . . gsi 2 00
70 bteors..rtMS 345 10 cows. U77 2 OJ
4 cows . . OSJ 1 75 - 1 feeder. . ( Ill ) 2 5D
1 feeder 1113 3 M ) ' 1 feeder. . 1)1) ) ) 253
1 calf . 3JO 403 22 steers . .lilJ ) 345
1 steer..lli ) ) 3 f '
1 steer 11(0 ( 3 : > V 1 steer 1140 3 21
1 tailing. 100J 1 50-1' ' 2 tullln-'s 12fi 8 0)
2 tailings. ! I33 2 00 , 54 cons. 0(0 ( 2 31
1 cow ! K30 2 : :5 : 14 feedeis .10i7 2 li )
21) ) feederHUO 2 0) ) 75 fuuaorlufii 2 00
11 feeders 1131 8 lo 1) fc'oclcrs.1181 2 1.5
( U feeders 1101 2 tn ' ' 2 05
17 feeders 1100 2 70 - 1 cow . . . 'UOO 2 53
01 cons..104(1 ( 3 lOrr 15 stcprs..nil 3 15
2J steers .111)1 ) 3-'D . U5 steers..12iU 3 ( r >
2 rorts. . . 1020 3 10 2 cons. . . . , OI > 2 53
2 COWS. . . J 10 2 03 5 steers..IIS1 2 00
50 cows . . ( I'll 2 50' r2 heifers. . K8 2 8
104 feeders. 1IS3 2 8" > -1JH slocis..llSl 3 31
80 feeders. IIOJ 2 W ) 15 feeders..I'i8 2 50
0 feeders.1311 250 U feeders..HJi 203
20 feeders. 1117 203
HOIM Kecelpts were about the s imo as on
Tuesday , a docro.ibO of 0,5)0 ) liogbhofir this
week , comp ired with lust. The iiual-
Ity of the ollerln.'S not \ ury KOOI ! There
was u moderate sliipnln. dernaii'1. but loci !
buyers were \eiy beariRh. and the marUut
opuneil slow with with prices ruling a sh-ido
to So lonoi than Tuesday's ci-ncral ti.idp. J.1 01
to $1,10 buying the bulk of the fair to KOOI !
liosof nil wulKhtB , with n few of the choicer
louls at $1.1.1 and 15 21. Ooinmnn stuir sold
donn to $1.1)3. Onrecolptot be.ulsh advices
from Ohlcaotbo market no ikeno : ! and close I
fully lOc lowei thin the early mirKciwIth
boveral lonH unsold It took ROD I ho s to the close , nnd one ortwoprimo
loads sold for $ .1.1)1 ) and tl.IO. Sa'os ' wuro
1 ir-'ely at $103 to $ .1.10 nsalnst fl.iu to fl.ll
Tuesday , the general n\or.uoof iirlcos mild
louiR.1ii ) ( = nealnslS .li' } Tuesday and fV..Hj
4 M
f None were received. Good muttons
tire wanted and prices aio ( jnotil'ly nn-
oliiui-'oil. I'll 111 to HDIKI natives. $ ! 7 > ® I.5J ;
fair to eoo'l westerns , $ l 'OJ6I 3i ; cnmmon and
htOL'lc sheep , $ . ' .5ijH1l ( ( ; Hini.l to choke 4J to
OU-lb. Iambs , { 1.50 3.50
ICmolptH iiml lllhiisllliiii | o Stock.
Olllclal rucolpts mil disposition of stock ns
shown by the books of the Union Hook Yards
company 'or the twenty-four hours unilliu at
lo'ulouK p. m. , Aiuiiat.ll. IbJJ :
CIIIOAOO , III. , Aug. : il , i.Spiclal Tolo.ram to
Tim IIKK.1 There wis a tinner tmo to the
mtirkiit today for neiiriy all i.lniU of outtlo ,
Loan , o'd cons nnil r ued bulls romnlmMl us
dull nnd wi k us before , but for anyth ng
Nature should
1)0 UHSiBlod to
CURES lies of tlio blood.
Nothing doc.s it
so iH'II , so safely
* * * POISON orBoiiroiiiiitlriii }
tvs Siicclilc.
Tor thrco yc > ri 1 wit uoubleil w'lh ' mihrlil poison.
bUh ciuwd in/ipoflilt lo bll.tnl I w i EtesUjr ic-
ducciilnActli.Bixi lilt luitill III cluiro . 1 liitJ intt-
cuil > lanJK | > l hr < nirairi l.ull i.oclicet , ItuutdL'Ct
noiellef. lilicn irltd WJKVUU A ft" l llle > ot iliU
wonilciful intdlclne9 iKw7H" $ * , I" complete
nJ l < iiulnfnlcureIKaZ/.C4JS " 'l 1 n ° v enjoy
ttilcfbcilihllnocm. J.A KlCli.OlUwi.Kta.
Out book oa Illoo J tnl SLla Dlteuci rallle'l fite.
Gwirr Sffoirio Co.
that had nny nttractlons for buyer
prices wore * tronizor. Thn market hai
n , firm lo'ik at the close. Sales of na
lives were nt from f 1.0) ) to M 0 % the Inttoi
flffiiro being the highest that hns boon prxli
within thu last nix wcoks. Choice shlpplnp
and expert steers wore not bore In mtinner-
Riiniclcntto mcotthn domntid , and they wort
stronger. Ooid tn cholco western and Tcxar
oittlo nlso showed Increased strength. West
erns sold ns high is $1.30. mil cbolco Tax i <
would have brought from IU2J to ? iti. : A few
old cows were imdillod out nt from tl.OO ti
$1.53 , and omo cholco cows and heifers sohl
around $ i7v.
Sales of bojs were stow today at from ? l 7 (
to133for poor to prlmo light nnd nt froii' '
$1.71 lo $54) for heavy and medium weights
To bring moro than $131 the quality
had to ho exceptionally good and tlioro wn
only hero and Hiiro a loid that coillil
bo disposed of at a higher figure. Prices below
$ .1.30 bought the largest p irt of the : i,000 ) hot *
In the noni ) . Many sales to twckors bolus
iiiado at from $1.1)3 ) to HOO. The market
opened wnnk and dcellnln : nnd t'-at ' was Its
condition at tbuciosn. There wns an a\cracf
ilocllun of IDo per 103 Ibs us oniiilinroil wllli
yostprday's prices , but the market Is still from
lOa to Ha higher than ut the lowest Unto InI
Prices were easier , buyers boliu unwltllni
to nay moro than $1.4) ) for tbo best sheep anil
It was not easy to o ill out a bid of moro than
$1.03 for lauibs , though there were a few tr idol
nt better IIjiiros. Poor to very coed n.ithi !
shooi ) elminod hands at from $ ' .21 to $1.0' . anil
the prevailing prices forlambs wr-ro from V > . "
t'jjul ) . Toxiis sheep were saloiblo at from
1101 to $1 01 nnd western wore quoted at from
U25tol51 for ur.ass foil. .
Receipts : 0'itfe. 10003 head ; bogs. 2.i.03C
he id : sheep. 12rnohund ,
TlioKvenln' .lournnl ropoits :
OVTTt.n Uccelpts. 15.0IK ) : shlptnents. 5.003 !
market strniisor : pilino toaxtri n itlvos. Si.Ol
C6170 ! iroo < l to chol'o. 81 Vl ) Oil others. $ t.)3fj ' )
425 : stocki-rs. * 2.iotllO ) ; Ti'xans , $ , ' .413.1.10 ;
ranaors.floVi5l.10 ! uows. $ l , ( * " 'i2.75.
HoT' ' Uccoipts. ll.OOi'i ' shipments , lO.nooi
tnnrxotslow , loailo lower ; roiuh p ekors ,
MSl'll.03 : mixed , 9'i.on 'i 11 ; prime bo ivy aujl
butchers'wol ; hts , $5,2305,11 ; llRbt , $1.00it121 |
Krnsser . f I.50/J14 DO.
SllEEl'-Ki'celpts. 10.000 ; shipments. 8)0 :
market ? © Ho loner ; natives , ft.)1 ! ® " ' . ? . " " : fed
TCMIIIS $1.01 ; westeins. $ I43 I,0) ) ; lambs ,
Mo\rmcinpiit of UORA Inipriivcil During
tlin I'n Hi A\CMC. )
TiNClNNATi , O . Auir , III , ISpoclal Toloznm
toTltn lllinl Tomorrow's Price.Ouriont will
my : Packing returns show n total of 11)\H03 )
hojs for the wenic. au'alnst ITO.OX3 last week
nnd 140.00) ) last vo ir , iii.ililiu a total of O)1)- ! ) )
OODslnco March 1 , nunlnst 4.013.0JO last year.
I/eadlns places compare us follows :
Now Yd ik I.Uii Stiicic
Nr.w Tonic , AUR. 'il. HURVEJ Kecoliits ,
I'.l.U bond. Including 01 cars for sale : maiUot
( Inn far common to medium cradcs ; natlvo
steers , : i@ic per lb. : bulls and cows , tJ i ) © J o" > ;
dressed beef weaK at 75l9c per Ib.j ahlDiiients
toJ.iv. 4.M4 quarters of beef : tomorrow , 031
beeves .mil l.uJilciu.irtors.
OAi.vr.s Receipts. v.lKl lionci ! m irket Mo
higher : vo ils , i 3iSu pjr lb , : gr.issorj" , $ J.73 ;
> , , . " .
Snuei * AND IjAMii1 ! liccolnta. 12.1.M ho id ;
sheep and common 1 nubs dull ; rholco liimhs.
Mo pur lb. hleiior ; sheep. * IUU'S\2 > per 100 ibs :
I limbs. SCVKftfl T.\
linns ltocolts. | 0.07 honl. cmislzmiil direct ;
iiiurUctiiomlnally dull at J'lOJJW.OO per 100 Ibb.
Itnnsiis City riStock. .
1CAN A < CITV , Mo , Am. Ill OATTr.n IJo-
celpts O.'i'O ' : hh'pments , 1 , 111(1 ( : choice steers
steauy and others we.iUlo lOi-lower , 4 .OOiiilTll :
cowssle ulv to.ri10c Ion or. t SHStJII ; TOMIB
mid Indl.iti steers staidy , fSVft 1.7,1 ; stocKers
and fender- , file idv and lower , JiOi8'i. :
Hod * llecelpK 0 , 100 : shipments , L'O ) : the
mnrliot w isvu.iU nnd rife I DC lower : all gr ules ,
$1 noiiVJl : tiulU. ® . ' ) . ! ' } .
Snr.KP Itccolpts , 1'nn : shlpniPnts , 4'0 : lamln
wuro strong and multons uteady ; muttons ,
? ! JJ : lambs. $3.'r/ai..0
St. I.milti li\c ituck .llnrkrt.
ST fxiuii , Jo. Auu' . yi > Oviri.K Hocolpti.
4,700 ; hhlpmont" , -.70) ; mnrUct stron : to
bettor : f.ilr to choice nnti\n steers , M'JOIS
4 SO ; fanto xood Tcas and Indian btecrs ,
. "
lions Kocalnt' . 5,410 : shipments. 401 : mnr-
Kot I.rioto2. > c lower : honvy. J. > UJ3.W : p.ickln ,
Jl.l0 ! iC5s ll ht. J4.5 OV.U
biir.Ei1 Kecelpts'-MOJ : shipments , 1.800 ; mar
ket lower ; native muttons , M.Jj ( < 31 50.
I'uro nnil U'liolosoino Onullty
Commends to public approval the California
liquid laxallvo remedy , Syrup of Figs. It is
iHo.iMint to the t isto and by ncllnc Rontly on
the kidneys , liver and boivclu to cleanse the
system effectually. It promotes the health
nnd comfort of nil who use It , and with mil-
Ions It is the bat and only romcdy.
Indigestion ! Miserable 1 Take Uecbaru'b
Co itonilhiK Tor n lliit/ol Ororrry.
Sheriff I3cnnc'.t and his deputies have lost
ono of the tuo grocery stores xvhlrb were
attached ns tbo property of L. ( ? . llot ol.
The store nt Twenty-fourth and Oummg
street has oeen rcplsvlned by P. O. Hotrol ,
a brother of the man who failed and nb-
l > \ G. IIoUo ! clalrcw tbo property under n
bill of sale , executed the day bofarn the
failure. The attorneys for tha creditors
claim that the salons fraudulent ; that the
bill of s.ilo shows u consiclor.uion of only
$8,000 , wuiln tlin stock in tbo store Invoices
oomotblng over $11,000.
A woman "rmt-
rfotm , " ovcrnork-
1 , weak , nervous
nnd debilitated
that's n w omnn
that Dr. I'icrco'a
Favorite 1'ro-
Ecilption is imulo
for. It gives
licr hwiltli and
BtrciiKtli. All
v omnn 'a wcnk- nnd all
vomnn's nilmenta nro cured by it It's n lo-
gitfmato inctlicino- a beytrago ; nn in
vigorating , rcstorntivo tonic anil a soothing
and stioiiKt honing nei-viiie , fico fioni alcohol
and injurious drugs. It imparts tone and
vigor to the nliolo hystcni.
For all functional incsularities , periodical
pnlns , orpunic ilk-placements and uterine
disoiiEcs , It's n positive remedy.
And a f/itai antcal one. If it doesn't give
Entiofuction , in ou-ry case , tlio inonny paid
for it is i efuncled. No other tncdicino for
women is eold ou Uieso terms.
Tht't's because nothing else is " just na
good.1' '
I'crhaps the dealer will offer something
that's 'Hotter. "
Ho means that It's better for Mm.
Union Stock Yards Company
liest cattle , ho : ; and sboap market tn the west
SI fl\ | \Wrtto | to this houii fo : cor-
HJ. \ Jiimltrtot \ \ | Market noporn.
Wood Brothers ,
fcoutb Omaha Telephone H J. - Chicago
J.I ) . DADI8M AN. I . , . _ .
„ „ „
W. K. WOOD (
IMprkot reports by mall niU wlro choarfutly
furnished upon application.
TI-I m
Campbell Commission Co.
Chic. ice , HustSt , Louis , ICansisOlty , South
Omahu , Hloux Olty. I ort Worth.
A. D. Boyer & Company ,
59 Hxahaiuo Iliilldln ; , Bouth O nalix.
nnil promptly nninerU ,
Corru > i > ondunoa ullLltod
tpuclal nttuntlon lo unlo f omtockurt A fu Jilarj.
ISitaUlUhcd , 188) ) . - - - InoorporutaJ , 13J1
Capital fullr P IJ , IW.OJJ
Waggoner LJirney Company
lyrlto or nlro ui for prompt anil reliable uiariot
rci'orti. .
Perry Brothers & Company ,
LIvoHtnsk Oem mission.
Itoom 01 Uichnneo liulldlng , Bouth Omaha
Toutohoua 1707.
An ordinance aiitho-blnj and dlroctlnz the
l8uu of ir.illnx bonds for iridln districts
No ' 17. 47 nnd II , for the nurposo of p iyln <
thu test of zrndlnx In s-iid illstrlots and to
cio itu a sinking fund to prmldefortho p iv-
mcntof thu principal and Intel est of h.ilil
He It nidalnod by the oily council of tbo city
of Omaha :
Section 1. That the l sue of era lint bonds
of the city of Omaha , numbered 117,47 and 4l > ,
In the rcspectl\e sums hernln desUnalcd , for
tbo purpose of paying the cost of cr.ulliu
snouts ami alleys In r.idln districts num
bered .17. 47 nml 4 ! ) Is hereby author. ? od and
dliectod to bo made , b ild bonds bh ill hoof
the denomination of } 1 OOJ nn I ifiJOns horoln-
af tor sot forth , sh ill be ir il.ito tbo llistd.iy
of Septemboi , I1" ! . ' , sh ill bciomo duo and pav-
ahlo In not evcccOIni ton years from the ( Into
theioof ; shall boar interest fiom the dilo
tbeieof at the i lie of % per cent per annum ,
payable soiiil-aniiually , u th Interest coupons
In the usual form attache * ) , Said bonds shall
I o sold by the c ty 'reisnror of the cltvof
Oniali.i , and sluill not bo sold at loss tlrin ii.-r.
The pnnc p il nud Interest , of s ild bjiidi sh ill
uoptyahlo at Kount/o lirolhers , In the city
of Now YorK.
Section. . Slid bonds In the sum of soion
ihonsinr : live liumlnul ilollaii. ( J7/01) ) shall bo
Issued to p i v thu cost of zr ulliu , is nforcs ild
in xr.iuliu ( lluilct No .17 , of the di'iuinln i-
tlon of lUuhunilied dollars ' $ . 'iD c.ich ; sh ill
ho iiiunbeto I fiom ono to llfteen Inc usivo :
shall he called "Or.idliu Itonds No ,17. " and
shall Lo p.iyab o In tl'o m inner fo.loliu. . to-
One bond payable In one nftoi the date
One bond pivablo In two years after the
date theicof. ,
Onn bond piya'ilo in three ye irs aftot tbo
date thereof. . . ,
Tno bonds payable In four ye irs after the
data tbeieof
Two bonds piyable In five years after tlio
Two bonds' payable In six years after thu
Tno bonds' lyabio in soon years after the
datu thoieof . , . ,
Tuo bonds payable In olpbt ye irs after the
date thereof.
Two bonds p lyabio in nine years after the
ilit'i thoieof.
Section. I Said bonds In the sum of five
thous ind dollars ( $ " > , OOJ ) shall bo Issiiod to nay
the cost of KMlliu's ' uforosild In uraillii , '
district No. 17 of the d no'iilnatlon of llvu
huiilrcililollars ( $ > 0ae.ioli ) ; hhall buniimberuil
fiom ono to Un Inoliislvi' , shall bo oallo I
iJr.iilin. llonds AD. 4T. ' and shall bo p.iyablo
In the manner follonln , ' , to-wlt :
Ono bond payab o In ono after the date
Onu bond payable In two yoirs after the
il.ito thereof.
Ouo bond piy.iblo In three yonrs after the
d.itu tliureof.
Ono bond payable In four years riftor thu
d.ito tbeieof.
Ono bond piyublu In llvu years after thu
date thereof.
Ono bond payable In slyoarj after the d lie
Ono bond payable In seven yeurj after the
date thereof.
Ono bond payable In cl lit years after the
clntii thereof.
Two bonds payable lu ulna years after the
date thereof.
Section 4. Paid bonds In the sum of tnolvo
thousand dollais ( f IS.i OJ ) slrill bo Isiucd to pay
the coit of . laUln ns iifornsald In Krulliu
dlstrlut No 40 , of'tho dunomlnaihin of line
tliotihiind dollars (1I.OU ( ) ) each ; shall bo iium-
berul fi oiu one to twelve Inclnnho : t.h i ho
called "tirad UK Itonds No H" anil shall bo
payable In manner following to-Wit :
Ono bond payable In ono yoai after the date
Ono" bond payable In two years after the
) | In Ihioo years uflor the
' ' One' bond payable In four years after the
' '
. . In fho yovrs after the
d'onotKlmd0payablo ' | In six years after the unto
tt'I ' ? bonds payable In seven years after tbo
' ' "TWO ' olKlit ye irs after the
Two bird payable In n no years atfor the
' 'liottiouri. ' 'Tho special taxes levied and IIH-
BoKseil iaTioii the lots and land abuttlu upoti
the several streets In thu districts afoiosild ,
for the cost nfb ild ur.ullus thorpln , sliill con-
dtltnto and lo n M'pirnto sinUln. ; fund for
uuuh of hiild distriom. respuctlvoly , for the
payment at in itui Ity of thu urine pal nud In-
loioitof s ild bonduaiithorUoil lobe Issued to
cover thu cost of Ha d uradltu therein.
toutionil That this nrlmanco tike effect
nnd ho In foruo from and after its
. ,
WM r. iuo'iini : , ,
Actlnx I'rosldentOlty Council.
Approved AuuunaHh ,
Mayor ,
An ordinance to rnund section I of chapter 01
uf thu rev Hud ordinances of ISjJ , entitled
Stieet Kallwuyn. "
Ilcltorduinoa uy thoclty counoll of the city
of Omaha ;
heetlon 1. Tliatfcoctlon I of chapter IjOof the
Ituvlbuil ( JrdlnuncuH of lW i , tntitlod "Btreet
Kallwuyb" bo anil the muno lb hereby uinend-
od BO IIH to ruail us folloWH ;
bcetlon I , It It hereby iloclurod unlawful
'or the driver , inoUirman , conductor or perion
n ImnioaliUo clmrtoot any motor , cah.o. . nice-
trluurtiorau ur ruunlu ; ou apy truotrull >
way In thoclty of Onnha to Intentionally or
nrilicloiisly cause or permit such ear to ob
struct any crosswalk 01 any slieot In s ild city
or to run drive , or nllou to uo operated any
biieh car at a greater rnto of speed than tea
miles per hour In that * pot I Ion of the city
bounded by l.'tb street on thu east , Ifith street
on tbo west. Luuvciiworth stieet ou thu bouth
u nil Ciimlng street on the nnith , or nt n
Ktoitornto of spe o I thin fifteen mllesoier
hour nutsldo of s ild limits hnri-ln specially
dellned. or when follow ! IK nliv other street
cm , to approach such nthei car within lltty
feet , or to stop any suoh cur In front uf any
Intcrscetlnn p ivod street.
Section 2. That sild suction 1 of said chapter
01 of the ICovlsea Ordinances of ItOJ. entit od
"Strojt Uallw lys , " as heretofore
nnd the saino I * hereby ropoalo I.
Section : i. That this ordln inco shall take
olTcct and bo In force fiom and after lib pass-
1'assod AuEUSt23rd , Is12.JOHN
JOHN auovnp.
Olty Olork.
Acting I'reshlent Olty Council.
Approved Au u t ' 'Itb. is < . ,
An onllnnnco declaring tlio neccsalty of
ch influx the sr.ulo of Mnplo street fiom
: ilth nvotiuo to 'Jlst sueoliiiil Intersecting
Htrocts , and appomt'ns three dlslnter-
osted , iiiralsors to assess an I determine tno
ilunmjrus to jiroporty owners , which may bo
caused by siioheliaii o of I'r.ulo. and order-
In the city on 'Incur to make a prolllo aliow-
Inc such clinimo
Ilo It or 1 ilnoi by thoclty couuoll of the olty
ofOmihu ;
Srctlim 1. That It Is proper and necessary ,
and It is hereby declare 1 proper mill noces-
siry to cbiiiRothe indo of Maple street
from Illtli avoiiuo to .list btiout and Intorscot-
Ins htroets. ho that sild Kr < tdu elovatlons will
bo as follows , the grade between the polnti
cited bolni uniform straight lines.
Grade of Muolo street
riov itlou Hlovatlon
of South of North
Curb. Curb.
H ist curb of ,1 < tb avenue , as
ostaollshod . 101.0 191.0
West curb of 33rd street . ' 'I3.0 L'U.O
Kisteurbof 31rd Mtrci't . . .2UO ' . 'UU
A polntil'iO foot west of 3Jud
Htrcut . ' 010 201.0
West aurh of U.'nd street . .I'fiU 17HO
i : istcnrbof lUndsticut . .1770 177.0
West curb of 31st street , as
( islnbllshol . UOO
Orado of Jlr 1 street
niovatlon Elevation
of West of Hist
Curb. ( Jurb.
Ppittb curb of Maple street.a 21.1.0
Not Hi curb of Uorby Htrout.'JO.'J
Grndoof 3'nd Hlicot-
HJUth curb of Miplo slice'17AO 1..0 .
North curb of Oorhy street 2J > > I -Cj.O
Section 2. That tbo o'ty oiuliioor bo , and
hereby H , Instriiotoil to inii'cu ' n prolllo bliow-
Inr biieh propose I aliiuiSi' of irimlu.
Sii'tloii .1. That the m iyor. with the ap-
nrovnl of the olty council appoint throe disln-
tored iinpralsoM to nupr.ilno , asion and do-
toriiilnolhodamngo to property owncrj which
may bo ouuioJ by such ch ingo of grade , tak-
In'Into consideration In iiia' ' < lnj suuh au-
uralsoment , the soaclnl huiullts. It any , to
such property , by rotison of ninth elian ocf
KHooVlon 4. That this onllnnnco take nffccl
and bo In force from nn I after Its passage.
Olty Cleric.
W.M. K. iiiutuu :
Acting I'reslilont Ulty Counoll.
An ordlnnnco to repeal Ordln inco No , ' (030 ,
entltiud , "An ordinance declaring the ban If
'of oartli on lot lu , MuUandlNh Place , u mil-
sauce , and ordering tliu sumo to bu graded
down , " -
Ilo ItorJalnod by thocUy coun.'ll of thu olty
nf Omaha :
B jctlon I. Tint Ordinance No. 3309. entitled
"An ordinance declaring the bun'c of uarth on
lot 10. McOandlltih Place , a iiulHance , and
iirdurln : the H line to bu graded down , " bo and
thu HIIIIO U hereby repealed.
sootlon . ' ' , That thu or.llinnco take offeot
and hn in foroo from and after lu pass ijo.
Paused August 23rd , IH .
( Jlty Olork.
WM. i' . nr.omi : , .
Acting PrusldnntClty Council.
Healed proposals will bo received by the un
dersigned until 1:30 : o'elocK p. m. boptoiuber
10th , ib'J. ' , for the consti notion of a suwur In
suwur dUtrlot No. 101 , in thu city of Omaha , as
per ordinance No. ; ) . " . ' ! , nccordlni ; to plani > and
NiicuilluatloiiH on Dlo in thu olllco of tliu board
of iiubllo worliu.
I ; ich propos il to bo made on printed blanks
furnished by thu lio.uil , and to Do iiccompu-
nloil by u cortlllfd cheek In the mm of DUO ,
payabio to thu city of Omaha , as un ovIduiiLO
of teed fullli.
The board ruborves tbo rlKht to rojoot any
or all bids , and to waive ilefoeU ,
1' . W. lllltKIIAUBKIt ,
Olmlrmun Hoard of 1'ubllo Work * ,
y. , floytumbur 1st , IS'/i m-a-3-l .