DAILY l lfeBi THURSDAY , SflffPJBftEBER 1 , 1892. iif TWO SECONDS SHORTER " . * ' f& "T- J 4. " * . "vaks Lowars Her Own Record , on tthe Independence , , Kite. MILE"EVER MADE BY A HORSE ! , Dnparaleltcd I'orfnrmnnen oftlio Gallant * i.lltlo Kentttckr Mnro Utidor llatlicr , t Vnfrt nrnbloClrruu'i U riciiVon - drrlul Spncd on the I'lrat Unit. . la. , A ig. 8i. ttancy , Hacks , thb queen of , horsodom , added a shtnlng , star to. her crown today wjion she ' trotted ever the world fam6us kite track at thU , place in the unprecedented time cfj T SS06J { , clipping two * ocoml oft her Chicago tonne , made two weeks' ago , * he was brought out at 3 : HO , nnd M soon as she WM recognized in the loop the cheating began. . She looked well and her superior condition Wa easily dlsoornable. She took. her first .warming up'mllo gently , being only' ridden in a Jo .About 4 o'clock ' she -was brought out again and reo lved Wltji , the same cordial welcome as be faro on the part of tk spectator * . NWben she passed , the stand this time even the band stepped play- lag and joined with tko others in the np- plaus * . A bow from' Doblo and they were away to her quarters , followed uy the echoes of the 8,000 voices in the grouu'ds. , , , ( At"ln tB:15 : they appiarod on the stretch ta aln. This time the anplausb was.deafep' 10 g. Hand kerchlefa and'parasols were wayfid , ' "voices expanded * to theirntmoit , younff and , old and everybody cheered. She WM now Vj.logired.up' the 'loop and turnea to face the j kite , before her : v / < f Wm oir riuo m nctC | The attempt was frultlrsi * and the came jack and scored 'down aij'aln. Frank Starr , _ had the runner , , Aty > Lincoln , who prompted S3L her ; in her great , effort , while Willlami "T-vritb. Ned Gordon was .waiting nt the v-'t > ost. When * ( she' reached" , the * wlro- she ' % was golnp.quaro and trfteand Doblonodded ! _ , , for.tbo > ord.1 > ; 'Fromthe 'word'"go1 ' ! Nancy i ' rirbtttd as only , Nanoy can trot : a Bteady . .cloak-work ana swifter than a bird. . VVllh , , c-herAitchless swlnclne gait she reached the i.quarter ; polo In 3J ( seconds. , " * l'oo fast , " is the vferdtct of the crowd. "i 'The-.half was reached in 1:01 : and men who -catch. , the figures on tbelr dials ' V/flhd / It hard to believe. Without talc- ' „ 4tJnr ( ° tbelr. eyes from the world boater. " .vi.thoy uk.tbelr neighbor's time aud are bound . ' 'to accept tbo mark. > The third quarter fla ? goes down nt 1:34 : , ' 'and , foarlnR.that she 1 Ingging , Williams . .closes up with his runner , Ned Gordon. The , , act Is useless , Doblo , has loosed her head i > ( Snd is urglnchor on , gently with whip and "voice. AS she darts under the wire there , is ' 'deathly silence. Watches' consulted nnd A i lingo all tlio way from 2:05' to 2:00. No „ < naa dares toll1thotime caught and each spectator'assures himself that the time is ' ria:06 at least. Dfuvo Thorn All WIIil , > - , Cheers are sent up as the great borso Is driven back to the stand , but a hush falls * over all.na tbo boll Is tappad. Starter Mc- ; jCartby announces tUo ofllblal time 2:05J : , Vend his vol'co , Is 'drowned with. veils. The 'grooms give the mare a loving euros as tboy adjust the blankets and.wlUinfrbands , only too nnxlous to 'touch ' the ouoon 'of the turf , uuiUt IQ arranging. the folds. .Doblo is lifted ; v from ; the sulky , both arms ai-o wrung.sora by .congratulatory friends and hUzzahs sound above the din.- : for Nancy , for.Dobla and for ' * theklte _ track' . .So dense U tbo crowd- , the _ _ .study ; breezb was lilqvvlu from the north- vW tand : situated as , the' klto ; track ii from % . "t.ihe'n lf ; W the home wire the force olvthtf H. v .tflmj" ' InwoMad. with .every stop. : Nanoy's l'w'lr ' tquartflr' , was" gone ' 'in 80ocondsj L , 'jhet8 ' ; cOBd. quarter was but a second slower : Ai'atid tnlswas . , gene -under a constant'effort HLJbf.the .driver to > take her back , , for ; 1:01 : , ' -lo the half w'as considered a IHtlo too fast , by , ho coax od her to a sla'wor gait for - v'llho ? noktquarter. . The brccza begins to /ptrU hermit Is a bard thirigto rate a fast 1 , nill8-bv quarters , and the third flag is' > "resched a second or two slower than wayn- tendedbut.bere : Nancy > vas 'given her , head and Bbe'fiulabed strong and , lnthe : face of a , - < > 'nortbw -wind-in 31Jf seconds. ' 'Another noticeable feature1 said Doble , -/t'wga'the'condltlon of the "mare after her roueWllhin ; fiftenn minutes .after nho reached her stall , shs was ' us-fresh and lively as a young colt and no'ono would di earn she had roado the greatest trial of her life. " "On yes , the kite tracki are faster tracks othantbe1 regulation shape. . How many. "seconds , I would not say , but' tbero Is not the ishndow'Of.doubt nboutiU" , 'Most of "tho watches reposing In tbo pook- ' , ets of their owners tonight mark tbo time In -which. the mile wus mode. . Had' Allorton i.b pnln condition today and the match race f b n .trottod as was originally Intended , " "Nanor Hanks could bavo token tbo tbreo Jf heats in an average 0 3 ; OT. , Of this there is , , -"doubt in the minds. of those that saw her great mile and know her ability. JOHN HAS LOTS Ol' irjUENOS. , . Mnny Man Who Aro'Vyilllng to Wiijor Their - . CiuUoivlllin at Oddi. NBW YOIIK. Aug. 81. Everybody in sporting - , ing circles seems to be ' 'worked up. to a high pitch ot axuitemont over the fast approaching buttle betwoau John L. Sullivan and Jaujos J. Corbett , Monday was a great "sizing up" " " uay and there were but. fuw'of 'tbo ' ihorough- ored who did not look both. mon over very1 ; ' . closely. They all have than- own opinions . .fnow and tboy are backing them up with , , .tholr . good , hard dollars. 'While many expressed surprise atSulll- vau'a largo stoniunh' and much bait boon said . by the press , still It has not affected tho'bot- ' i . tlnirln , the leasty as Sullivan's .fn'onds are etlll loyal to him and their monoy.is . still allowed - . lowed to go-bogging at too largo odds of Zioo „ tolOO , ' , D ; < jk Toner , . > vho Is' widely known as a \trttluerof prize lighters and a handier of , ; -gimo cooks and dogs , predicts a hot 'fight , , nv3i , live * within about fnur miles of Coroott'a - ; ' 'training quartan , 'and ho has spent consider- ' nUe time .with tbo tall Cailfarnian and . . . -perfectly familiar with his traln- vMUo : and style of fighting. Ho' ' 'katd .thutfljt . was Corbett's intontijn to j ind > right up and fight , and Corbett U of . . tno O in leu that' be can-fight Just'as fast as ' ' bulliyan , and tba faster the Dm feliow fights th be tier , ho will like it. Toner thinks Cor- i > belt ta an exceptionally ' guod man , but by no mesus Suliivun'8 cqual-'wueu it cornea to bit- ting power , fc ' < Frank Stevenson , who refereed thoDemp- , * y-lte gan tight 'and many other notable i 'mills , said thut ho and Hullivan have heonon' ' th out over since the Bulltvan-Kllraln t tight , * but that did , not interfere in the least * wllb hit 'opinion , us ho thinks. Sulllvun h s a L'-olueki11 ; , ad ; will win in a , gallop. He UblBkA Sullivan 1s in bettor condition now ItUnu b w * ever In buJoio , and ho 'hM ' > Mi , alii hi * . Ughti , even nls battle in tKuropa wlM CUariey fclltotelL Sullivan U | fiK6tmg this tim fully twenty .pounds VUithtw thau atany of his previous battles , ] Is wore native ana ctin atrlko quicker and blow. , . Ha U d bath men up very and ismore than pleased with pearance , and stands rcady.to > t t 11.000 to 6o. the. moment ho can find u rauu willing to risk | OuQ on Corbett or any fraotloa of , that amount down to J10 to * 0. i : < * Tlieru .Will B No Di-awi. Nuw OKLKAXS , La. , Aug. 01. Journals north M..w ll'iu local Journals" huvo for d y M o' proraltienUvdUcu < lug Un'of dMW * la oouutoUen with the ' id ttiflU. That faot b ( jr uta MOM iMutUto- particularly auw * betting u pMMqMif No ! , * wi tt"v WMi a to'ou { JU nbJa tprdr .U > Jllyi. la ; ; , ; - , "t dtt < M. JUM > W wbat bM gfettaJtM to' all ki > Ulk.fiw ml * of t * OiywS * eiub ttal v 9r tflbt iR ita ar u bal ta a , fair atM t to noUh. h t4r wi tea 4o not nrovtUa for UWM. ' , A long M OH * mn { wlllluf UM > contM * mut fight * . Trio , Agreements are for finish flRhts. „ ! belloyo tno public may real fes * surod that in each of the throe fights ft iwln- ner will bif declared. " ' 1'ho Olympic club people .hav b < sn 'very much HfrnH.that-an attempt would bs maila to roiintorfolt the general admission tickets. That is why they have not' ' yet been nut on snlo. No' one outsldo of tlib management ntid'ttio lithographer Knows the lorm or color of thesn tickets. F1FTST JtOtmDS.TO A HVWV Alex ( irbfrffrtin * nn ( I HiilTnlo Coslollo llnttcr Much Other Iticlit. Merrily. SA.K FiUst'isCO , " ' Cal. , Aug. 31.1 A olovo fight .between . Alex Groggains , the Sim Francisco middleweight pugilist , and Marin - in Couollo , the "Budalo , " 'who returned to this country & few woqlta hgo nftor , flvo years' 'residence In Australia , attracted a large and enthusiastic crowd to the Pacific Athlotiq cmb'3 RVmn lum last night. The flch't was vlowod with in tores t- . for It was announced tha.t tbo'vlnnor would chal lenge lob ! Fltzlmraous to battle' for the mid- dlotoelgtit championship of tbo world. Do- BBilo the ( rood , opinion ' entertained hero of * " 'defeated 'BUI Grerealns ability , he haying AlcCahoyand Uoorgo La Dlancho In short order , Cosicllo w9 thb' 'favorite In the pool rooms at , odds ot 10 ta 7. , The purse was1 jyr,00. Ohundler , 'tbo veteran boxer , acted as referee.- It wa % 9:15'when : the men entered the ring. Cottello appeared , In ( rood form , while * Groggains1 tall fljruro sccmfid thinly drnwn. < The first three rounds word fought actively , Grcgsralus doing some clover feinting and' ' ducklnfr' Both' men scored good left-handers' In the mouth. ' ' Costello ovinqpdt-Btloalrc-to- bore Ijij.but-rhaa'Tr'Wfi'oieifotnb respect for GrDtfpafnB1 joft. .Urogualns was somewhat1 no'rvuusbut dla * bettor at closa rarigo than " his opponent. , * From the fourth round the men warmed up and In.thailftb , Costello nearly dropped the Sati Fraud co boy by two , right-handers on tut bead. Gregcrnlns did'soirio hot in- lighting , however , , 'and rit the end of the fifth round Buffalo was rather ( froggy'i From the sixth to the tenth rounds it was slow ; Costello tnudo a number of wild loft swings , ' out his respect for GretrgalnV loft was too. , great to allow"blm to' do offoctlvo work , The ninth and tenth Costello got.to closer quarters and dealt some hard biows on Grog- pains' .wind and oars , , occasionally throwing. his luft.hand In his mouth. . Ho seemed dis posed to save nls'iatronKth. Costello forced the' pace * In tbo eleventh : „ Twelfth round Greggalns played . for Cos- tolto's' kidneys In Davvson'a style and with tell' Ing off cot' . Thirteenth round Grosgalns was hissed for trying to.back. honl Costello In a clinch , Fourteenth' to sevahtoonth rounds The men : made a cautious fight. In tne ttrioonth Ureggalns stntrccred Uo.nollo with a straight loft itvtho.faco and , dropped dim to .a 'sitting- position with' another. JHo got Costello on , the ropes in. tbo sixteenth and 'tried ' 'to ' upper cut him , b'ul , failed. Cbstollo then staggered' ' him With a right bander on the he'ad. Grog- gains- was frequently- hissed for giving Cos tello the 'should or In clinches. About n doz'eh blows and none of them' effective , wore struck from the forty-fifth to the fiftieth rounds.ID the fiftieth Greg- galnsTandc-d a straight luft hard on the chin , getting Costcilo's rljtnt on bis car. Urcggains' rushed "and Costello dropped near- I ho ropes. Greggalns lauded two stiff loft drives , and countered apparently with some force with his right. Tno pollco interfered at tbo end of tba round , and the referee 'decided the contest a draw. , _ Gullujrlier'K Kusy Game. RAPID OiiTf S. iD.t Aug. 31. [ Special Telegram to THE , BcRj-rTba fight last night m Armory boll between Kelly of 'Minneapo lis and Gallagher was one of the best ever given bero. Kelly , weighed rooro and struck heavier , but was overmatched By Gallagher's quickness and science. Kelly was knocked out in the sixth round , .Gallagher comlngbut wltn'out'a scratch. . - ' * rjack I'rlnce-Jtovlveil. 11. , Aug. 31.- [ Special Telegram . 'l' Jaek.Erlnoj' of. . Omaha ; "who used to oo tbo champion , bloyclo rider on , a high whpol , Todepa ( luartor-mllo today , -with slow7tlylng"startl for tut ) In thirty and" 'two- fifth seconds , which boats the bos t. profes sional wprld's 'record.- The track : was- rough , as itwasiiu.tbe middle' : the' horse 'raoesi He rode a safety .weighing twenty-four pounds , geared up to seventy-two inches , " CAUl'BKLL XTILT CUAMPZUtt. Tennis .Tournament 'at Newport Ends In * 7 - llovcy'a Defeat. NBWPOIIT , R. L , Aug. 81. This was the last day of .tho tonnls tournament A cool brisk wlnd/swopt across the court and was the oqly thing to detract from tbo most favoTaJjlo'"condltIpns for- peed 'play. Tbo crowed was one of the largest seen on the grounds , , as the championship of the year was toT'ba decided.- Campbell ivon the first ' set , 7J J , after a stubborn struggle by Ho'voy. The * play In tbo second was strong and careful. Neither showed so. fast a game as Is'usunlly expected of them , . and tbo style of play was skillul and cautious , rather than dashing and brilliant. Hoyoy now made a stand with tbo score i ) to against him and brought It to a tlo at 3 all. Hovey carried away the next thrco games with a rush , and no won the set , 0 3 , establishing a record. for tho. match by virtue of exceptionally good work. . It was uo\v ono sot all and tbo next was Important. Campbell ran away from Hovey at first and soon had the scorn 'f 5. The lights wore soon drawn out and hotly con tested. Hovey finally won the two nodded points , making it 5 3. The effort was too great , < though , and Campbell took tbo set with the next game , 0 3. The fourth and what proved to bo t.bo de ciding set was among.tbo most extraordinary ever played- any court. Steadily the Kuirios went to Campbell , until the icoro was 5 love , and It looked' like u love set. Hovoy tried bard. for tbo sixth and finally won it. In the seventh Campbell bad the call at 40 30' and needed but ono point * Ho could hot got it and then Hovoy pulled out tbo gamo. The oightn was a repetition of tbo last. Hovey scored the next two eumcs , each with the champion , at 15 making it 5 all. an al most wonderful.ucblevem'ent under' tbo cir cumstances. Campbell toot the odd game easily and forced tbo score to 40 30 in fcho liokt. Again , for the third- Lime , tboro t was but ono. point between aim and success. Again bo lost , but Hovoy kvaa dono'nnd 'a strolto into tbo net and an- . jthor boyand tbo lln'o made Campbell the jhamplon'for-.ho third coaseoullvo year. Thus ends the 18'JJ touruamoBt , 'with Jatnpboll retain Ing the title of "champion , ' Hovoy 'winning ' the all-comers prizo'-'aqd ' Larnod taklirg the prtzq'.for the runner-up. . * " " * * " " f Aovemout of , Ocean Htouiuer . At Bclily i'assed Pennlandi from Now , Vork for .Antwerp ; Bpaardam , from New Vork for Uotiordam ; Ilhsotia , from New' irork for Hamburg. At Rio Janeiro Sailed Keglna , for New - At Southampton' Amvcd Trave. from tfow York'for Urpmon. f At New York Arrived Teutonic , from Liverpool $ Lahn , from Bremen. \tK.iTHKlt \ , f01tBVAHT/i. Pair itiitl Cooler \Vouthcr Will 1'raraU Tlirouifhout thu St te lotlayv \VASIUNOTPNJ D ; C. , Aug. 81 , ForeoMt tdr Thuwday's - For Nebraska t > ir ; : ooler Ini'.woit 'portions- winds shifting to ivest , * " is - * For , the Dakota * Fair , except1 showers In. jortnorn North Dakota ; cooler ia western porllons ; winds elJlftlng.to west. For Iowa Fair ; slightly .wanner ; south- ' " iostluds. . ; , j , ' t ' ' ' ( Lncttl Itecurd. Orrion OPTHK WEATHKU BUKKIU , QMAHA , ( Vuir. ai. Omaha record of rUmperaturo and rainfall ooinp red with oorratuoDdlnK ' past four vears ; ° ' r * * ' " , , . . - y " Mllllliiuni J liU8MtUr | . , , , /M > * 87P \voraya lamp K Uir , ( f' . / s * * \ < -n . Tgn wclpUa.tUwv . , fK. , . . ,1. * . * , "ftJ * t SUWroentsbowlBfr.tUopou WUMielUwi f- itura an J prwlpUUoa at Q bfc for U day ' MM * * lee Murota. li888.'w ; ' oo ' j w a w S „ -f i GREAT RACING-AT3IBfeEAlR Spee'dy Htms That Are Doing/Soma Excellent - collont Work on tbo Trick. * ' ) ! V\ ' SOME CONTESTS FOR BLOOp AND-CASH * - * ; - - , " * * ' , j f , ft ; Bovnrnt Itorups Chnnct , Jntb ttOVrer Clnsson by Tnoir Aiiilltlou : Illvnln i'cstor- < lnjr-liundreiU Who , < VOnt to tlio \Vcro Itownrdcil , There Is some racing' 'Bt the fair grounds thojo days. , * - t * , This brief tip is all > hat jte * neeassjiry for the wlso moo , buk ifor , the , fnTarmatlon of those not so well Informed * fid/tB ' too small attondanuo at * the raubaj-eaterilay is proof donclnslvo thai 'Ms.tlaas 'Is/qu'Uq ' immorousU ) < .may lie wpTlVlo elaborate ' " little ns to the why'nnd whorefdriB rt " > In.thdflrstptacatheronrJ ; < ilbts' : of people right hurolapmnha who arti'i1)orin : ( ( undetj the bhseiesa hallucination thaVthoy oanjt BOO any 'good racing bcre'athdmel'feutijt'I'.T n to on'o that you don't hear' ' ahybo''dj 'who was outto the traek jre9terdayt ) 1klb'g " ; that W&y. Thoy-knoWbettor : , - * * > What did .tnoy soot * s 'We'll , they saw sdmo of .the.pcatUeit speed oont tsthat'wbreovorpdis : ed. up , Itf , thoao parts. , They saw tho-last Se'St'of tho" 3:35 : 'trot Wound tip without a akii ? in "JJ:37V : , thp 2:50 : trot' , with nlno starters , won In 2:83 , nnd the 3:80 : .trot , vvlth oigbt sihrlors , 'won 'by 5's'hbrtneok , In 2:2S > fTndyrts vva * > garao 2-yoar-old heat and half a dbzon 'more Oftbo snmo kind in 2:50 : fiat , attd tboy saw the liveliest ono of 'a trio of bang tails Kick off : a . . _ if .that wasn't enough 'to add sufficient zest to the last afternoon of thOSuramer , what under tbo sun would bet The Individual who couldn't find enough' In that to enjoy is nrobably wnlttne to see n match ru'oe : tbroo in flvo , 'between Sunol and Nancy Hanks , when "every heat will bo .trottod r without n wobolaHin loss th'antwo mlnutea und It is dead Buro that ho isn't very dhrlouVto go to' a "boss trot'1 thls.yoar any way. * , ' The track-yesterday was In tip top condition " tion ; in. . Tact , llttlo Billy WigRlotori who ro'dd" Nick Baker In the .double dash around the ellipse said that It wus\fnstor than bo over saw It before. Uy the way ; Billy told the .judges that ho was Just , turned thirteen. If ho bad said ho.hadjuat turned it the seventh time .it' would have been 'oil' ' right , for bo.it known that bo'-was born on' the Fourth of July , 1801 , ton mlles n'orthoast ot Alex andria , ' Wt VoHo Wont' .to California dur ing' the gold craze of MO , and in passing- through hero matched thbploUgn : horse that ho rode across the plalns'bgamst a llttlo gray broncho owned by a younR"'bucU- the Omaha trlbo and the racVwas'ruu over the course now' covered by the-homolstretch of the fair grounds track , , To satisfy 'curiosity it may bo as well to sttitcCth&t bO'.lpst . the race , just the snmo as ho did .yesterday. Went Knrly to Sco tlio Exhibits. Notwithstanding that yesterday was some what' of an off .day for tho' fnfr , hundreds walling for the race events , todoy nud 'tomor row , there wa * a goodlycro.wd'in ; attend- nnco > throughout tbo- afternoon , , tbo snocd contests undoubtedly attracting the major portion. But there were hundreds ol others who wont early' and viewed with evident dent satisfaction the magnificent display ot. garden and field products on exhibition In the balls ; the big , bulging pumpkins wore the subjectbf Cranny a good- natured -joko , while the luscious watermelons , grapes , pears and 'apples were object lessons ot importance ! to v the .business men and their families , who had 'but'.Vaguo Ideas of what really could bo raised i in Douglas county.- , . j 'From ' the haunts of King Agriculture tbo visitors took inf tho--atookepens nnd-pilzo shorthorns.1 Alderneys.jputhqmsjHnrtords and.other' . famous breeds wpro ojcamlned'.wlth. .closcat.lnturesC In ttio , bog.poris ihero was alargor ' snowing than , on the openldji" day , while so'voral carloads of 'fine horses' were also placed on exhibition -"td'tho ; dollgb t ot admiring hundreds' ' " * . " " " Tbo art ball also presented a vory'differont appearance than on the oponlnc-day the ex- hlbltors having finished 'their labors in ar ranging the display of their exhibits to the , 'best advantage possibleThe' show of woman's work is .far superior to any former year and shows' that the good wives , slstora and sweethearts of a thrifty "yocmaury uro tot bohlnd.their eastern sisters In tho'uso of the needle and the paint brush. * " But next to. the vegetable sbow-.the poultry house attracts greatest attention from the fanciers of high breed * chickens and 'pigeons. In the history .of * the Douglas , county fair tbero has boou no more creditable oxhlbittoa in this department than the' present display , there belntrau evident. dealro on the part of exhibitors to 'show tbo skeptical what our county may boast .of in this denart- ment. Ready for the Itiiclnsr. By 2 o'clock the swell turnouts .of the 'city ; people began arriving on the grounds , and When the 'first race was called' the grand stand , the stretch and the quarter stretch. were comfortably filled. The * first event called .yesterday-afternoon was the unfinished 3 : U5 trot loft over from Tuesday , with , two beats 'to the credit of Ely- See and one each to , Solferlno and Advance J. Nona of tbo starters had become dis couraged during the night , and seven very' gumoy and speedy unlmals , thundered down on Starter Swigort and were sent' away'to an excellent start. It was 'a raco1 to within a few yards .of tbo wire , but Ely See finally pulled tout the boat and race with a cbuple of foot of daylight to the good. Ecldla Hayes second , Charlie Baldwin tblrd. Dusty .Heels . .fourth. . Catherine fifth' , Solferino sixth , Ad vance J seventh. Time : 2:27 : . Colts TUilt Can -Travel. Tbo foals of 1890 showed up so von I'D * num ber to try two in three for tbo $300 , added moneyTboy wore : . Wlllo Warlock , blk. f. . B. a , Brow noil. . Morse Bluff , Nob. ; Daisy May. b. f. , E. W..Mosher.- York , Neb.i Edith -Card. o. f , , Clarence 'E. ' Hnidy.'Fullerton. Neu.j McConnac , b. s.,11. E.I McCorinac. Kulrbury , Nob.i Olmr/oy W. b. . , JumosV. . Zlbbell , Fullorton. Neb.j Attolnsb. s. , Ucott&Uordlnp , Davld.Clty. Neb , ; Charley' ' Itoigs , blk , . , Ed Pylo. byracusc , Nob. " - 1 The others wore good col ts. ut .McCormao bad'too much speed for ttiom/.andbo landed' ' the first heat In so much'of , a hurry , .that Ltlllo Warlooa and Daisy May .were . loft ( , ut- sldo , the fiag , Charley W' second Attolus third , Charley Boggs fourth , Edith , Qard flftn ; 'Timo ' : 2:50. : , - " J The second wus Just a" little. , raoro of the same stuff , with McCormaa first and Edith , who pulled up lame , last. ' Tbo others' changed places , , Attolus 'taking-second place for second money , 'Choppy' Boggs'tblrd for- fourth money and , , Charley W 'fourth for third money , Tluid ; 3:52 % . Summary : . Attolua. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , .33 Oluirloy W < . , . . , , . . . .I. . . . . . . . * . . . . . . . z 4 Oliurloy 4logg . . . . , . , . . , „ - . . . . . . . i. . . . . 4 3 Ivcllth Ourtl. , , , . . . . . . . . , . , , . . . . . . .u. . . . . . . . . 6 & UuisyMuy. . . . , , . , . . .i. . . v. < . Dls ; Lllllo Wurlook. . . . , . . . . . . . . , i.j..f. . . . Dls. Time : ftiW-tiKX. ' > .Mno in' ' the irihy Clu \ jfeb.1 Uflorge DtiJUson , b. A , M. 11 Hild , Kiowu , Colo. : Uiru 'Catrreiy. b. H. ' , J. II. May no. Syracuse : NclM Vaultii , .blk..f , , W , II. Harbor ) I'ullortoo. NoV ) . It'reiiulrM several trlsls'.to get ttje/bunch off.'but after tboy not the * wp.rd it didn't-take 'OlcksoD long to lose tbd'.polo . , for'Funny liablj d It a they reached ' the turA ju "t ax easy ; alltano * talk , fyle , wbo ; w s trailing wltn C r y , wpved up R p * r , and thet trio -went to , tua ' q art rVlnH8. ; . 1'retty good uuurl rtof''i , : * ) , , Upn'ai. , witn'.t itl TliuyilldVt hnvato HMifit ujibut the' Wile wu r lea' off in -MX , wlvh Fanny in front , C ffrw oonil , < PiiU M Uill. . Olokson lourtU WaniU , ft ; , , Uucad. Dr. , , , unI < ? ' form , ' wd aJt , . uroHgU't-tta , J t quiurwr Io k d - . wdly omwj4 w'l front of . ulky , f tt < tttU U off. She was \ iln * , , M she came to tbo wlri > , and wmit hen'fhfi word was given. . 'Caffrey ' took the iwnH.wft * never hfeadea. Not content \v iSvlnif a distance after losing several li ; sent for. a place and , wad n rattling finish to second ; mistrusted that rwihitir was wrong , and "all pools and be * , UUftrtat were declared off. ; , off.Fanny11 A took and raco. ( Dlokson wa dra fter the third , and Phil M and Wanltn f distanced in the fourth. Dr. Gales con'tllraed totbe somewhat pro- tnlscuons , and in 188 ihlrd'heat. In1 which ho finished fourth. J'sel iwck.to olghth place for fouling McVorn on the lower turn. Ho had plenty of sgoofSyhoh ho oodld bo kept on bis feet. Summary : J'ntiny AA-.WH. ? . , , , . . . . . , . . 1 2 J 1 I ordCairroy. , .i.kJ . . . . . . . . . 2 IJr.Uates. * . . . , . . ; . t.ir.i < i..t. . T 383 ? ? ° ? * " " ' . ; . . .i..i < . . . B f j 1'llllM. , . . . „ . , . . . . . . . . 3 4 4UlS Alice l\.k. ) , . . , , . . . - . tv.o ° " ' I ! jr Oeoreo UIok80n.t/f/r.f..J . * 0 g dr Wrtnltti. . . . . , . t , . j.J. . AX r ! , . , " IV5 6dls Tlmo : .2 : < i3) ) . four 1'rottj > Jtcfttii. ' " ' " " - . . . - . , . \ . \ of.the WOO offered for tho2-30 oJftss.JIThoy/woro ! Kltowood , o. rn , < tieaflos &tEllsworl.li.'St. K < 1- WH/rts. Nob. : Ullly UimowU-Ki. I ) . A. Wil liams. Sioux City , Ia. I * Helen 1Kb. m. , H. N. Hlnltli. Itcil Ouk , IitiiiSliiMldland Acme , b. 111. . Woodltno Stock Farm. KyllcrUm ; Nun. : Bol- ylduro , Jivbr : B..Tho nM1YounS4 jr. . Colorado Surln B. Colo. ! Jloliicn D.-vvK fo , s. , James An thony.Denver , Colo. : Dancer , I ) . s.N J.F. . Mo- Gulro , Hyors , Colo..Miss : Ouwloy , br. m. , J. M. Molntosh. lilgulnsTJlle Mo.1 It took four beatiitortleoldo it , nnd ttioy W2 PJUJ ntty onesijJ Mlss Cawloy , had Just spool enough , to load''tno bunch when'all was lovely , but a little1 bad luok cost hr-r the second heat. , Holdcn Davis , oven with > all the advnntU7Qrflvon''by extra ozone inhaled , throuah-a silver.tulxfin hls'neck.could only feel th6 effects , ot 'it toitho ; tbroo quarters , .and wnen ho and Cawloy .both wont up in the stretch , , tbo secpndMoll to thu lot ot Sbudolnnd AcraowUo'alsio trotted a * pretty boat in the fourth , ! butcouldn'thead the Missouri maro. Summary r .MlssGdwlov. . . . . . . .5 . . . , ' ? . . , . . ; . . . Shadolond Acme , / . . . . . . . . . . Holdon Davis- ; . Helen U..r. B 564 Hilly Burton. . . . , . ; . . „ 7 ! T 3 0 Dnncor. r. ri'.7 0 6' 7 3 Kltowood..i.i , . , .j.i. . , . . : . , t 4 6dls Belvldere , Jr.t.i - . * ; . . 5. dls ' TlmO : SSUU. 2:28 ? { , 2:29ji . 285i' : . Tbo mtlo'dash for fc > 00was won by Nolllo H byltwo eood7 lengths JnVl:48lfj Wald second end , Ntokruaker thYraV-Tho time speaks 'for ' itself. . In addition to tho'other 'features on the cord for todny , Online : ' tbo' famous 2-yonr- old , will go .to boat nor record , 3:10 : , and Belle Acton will endeavor to lower her marts of 2:22 : # , which she has set as the world's ' " yearling record. Edgar WltnosOH Sorao Fine Races. EDOAK , Neb. , Aug81 ; [ Special Telu- gram to Tan BED , ] TQOSO who attended the track today saw" some , of the most hotly contested ruois of or witnessed in Nebraska. The attractions on the card were the un finished 2i83 pace , the il-year-old trot , the 8:00 : trot and baU-mtlo running race. Tno first was won by Captain Payne , Gypsy B second , Frank P . .third/ , Best time : 2:35. It took seven boats to dpcldo the * 0-year-old trot , the favorite , "EnrrnolJ.belnp beaten in tbo last beat by'"ii.p'dse , with Charles F a very close third..Ittio ' 3:00 : , trot wus also stubbornly fought , andit looked as tliouch any of tbo four horses juight win before tbo last heatwas llnlsliod ; . Summaries ; First race , U-year-old'trot : Hoazo Thorn S.s'A. . . 5 518121 Eruntn T \ . \ 7 231212 Charles F. A. . . > .T& . . . 1 I 2 2 a 3 a Oronui , § . , % . . . 2' 3 4 5 0 3dr Elulontllonroo.i.i".v..i. , . . 78.Q 4 4 4dr Ullly f. . . t-.ft. ; -4 ,7".0 5 dr Independent . . .avvsj. . . ; ; . . . . " Ofl4 ols . BlacU.Convert..3ti'ta . . : 8 8 Q dr" Dosttlmo : 2:3J'f5i : * ' " * ; - * * * Throe mlnutotrattli - - Oaptulii IIarc..S"lt. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 131 Prince Ashland..A > . , . . : - . . : . . ; . . : 4 3 0 ,3 KliiRinoro. . . . . . . . - . . & ! ; . . . .i. . ; . . . . . . . 3 ' 4 3 3 Oulluton . . . . " . V..7 i.t. . . . -rtj.k'2 2 , 1 4 Oloinmlo 0.4. . . < ; - . ; . ' : . ' . . 7 > 7 4 5 Cory's Invincible ty , . ' . . : . . . ' -9 070 Ben Harrison . ' . ; i. . . . 6 r 6 7 Kittle . . . . Wells . . . , . . - - . , . , , . . A ' . _ . . : .n . . . . 10 8 8 8 fld ( Olttdstocb'Oh of'.y ' . ; ? ; . * AflJi'i : ' ? dr. ' Host tlirr5',3iO. ? 4fSS SJsM.C' } < . ' ' Bunnlng race , hull rtllle ana repeat : * Dutch BIll \V..fiVi. . / - . . ; . , , } . . . > ; . . ' ; . . . 1 I Sorrel . . , ' ' . . . . . ; . . . . ' . . . . . . . . , . , . , . . ; . ; ' . . . . . . . dls Luda did 'Tno frod'-for-all tomorrow will bo the event of the meeting. Gulph , Idayau , Jim Dunn , Harry KJolinnie .Blmras and several btbei * bettor lights-are entered and a track record of 2:19or4 : bettor'Is ' .oxpectod. . . , . . „ Dogts ti' Dny at hlioephea'd. SnEEFiiGAD . .BAYN. . Y. , Augl 31. It rained good and' lia'rdtfrqm 'noon until 2 o'clock and then stopped. The sun came out. strong , but not so the spectators. The track \yos wet but in'fairly ' good condition. Doggott amazed .the spectators by using ono band and'urin ' for that hair of Dr. Has- brouck's'roln tnat' ' , partud as the flag foil on the start for the first , 'ruce. W > th his finger in ono bit Doggett rodaDr. Hasbrouck from start to linisn and won.by two lengths. Thb doctor was first'choice. . Potomac pulled up very laino or the result might have been dif ferent. . n ' Doggott again distinguished himself by outriding Hayward'and landing the Zorultza- colt , C to 1. wluiior'of , the Partridge stakes , with Doctor as.second and Emin Boy , an added ptartor , third. First race , seven , furloncs ; Dr. Husbronok (8 ( to Z ) won. Potoinao (5 ( to 2i second. Correction ( itoltulrd. ) Time : 1:27 : 2-3. Socond.rnce , the Partrfdzo stakes , six fur long' , on the turf ; /ornltza. colt. (5to ( 1) won. Doctor < 4 to 1) ) second , Kmln Oey ( U to 1) ) tnlrd. Tlmo : 1:10. " - - * . * Third race. Futurity course : Courtship (10 ( to 5) ) , won , Reginald i.l ( | ' .to ft ) second , Queen Enid < 3 tel ) , third. Tlmo : 1:15. : Fourth race , tno great full selling stakes , u tntlo nnd a fitrlonRCount - (0 ( to 1) ) , won , Knnlty 14 to 1) ) , second , 'Nowor Never (2 ( toJ ) , ' third. Tlbio : 11501-5 , ; , ; Klftli ruce , Futurity course : Danonnt. (7 ( to C ) won , Lord Oalmeny (7 ( to 2) ) second , Ella (20 ( to II third , Time : IJ122-3. Sixth nice. turf , .handicap ; mile nnd one- fourth : Gloaming f ! to l ) won. Tom Rogers , (4 ( to 1) ) second. Koijuofort (8 ( to 1) ) third. Time : 2:104-5. 4 Jtuclug ut KnplU City. RAPID.CITT , S. D. , Aug. 31. [ Special Tclo- pram toTiiu BEE. ] Ttio attendance at tbo races was good and 'tho track 'was In fair condition : Special trot : Mountain Hey won , Maxtnot second , Destle tjaturu .third. Ilest time ; 2:40. : I'nolnft : Kid Walker won , Maxle second , O'Kubanu third. Ilest time : St : > . - liunnlnir , quarter-mtto : Itod Uuak won. llooclier second , Juiinltn'third. Time : 0:2.1. : ' ItunnlnOUJ vnrds : Ktartlo won , 1'loUlrs sccona , bleopy Kutothird , , Tlmo : uUl : , TV" itacoi "it Lexington. LEXINGTON ; Kyi' AU-81. : Track in good condition , Besfilmo made , 2:17 : , First race , MocliagCtStakea forJo-yoar-olds of ' 2:28 : class.pursal3r.00 ; ' ilutrlmony won , " Huzel Dull seoond-rKloitro : llonton third , Hettirno ; : 1M. ,1' f - Kocond ruou. i : 7ilanf , nursotl.OOO : Incense won , Vurllndu U second , Erminlc .tlilrtl. . lut ) time : 2ITU."f : D8\VItt's Sarsaparnt'a aostroys suoa poi sons us scrofula , skin-diseases , oczuma , rhou- miitUm , Its tlraolK.wo HBVOS many lives , < JJiit * . - A'iciri > ofityjsirj uu.r , li&nTettlc. The Munolo. Ind."lr5n works have boqn de stroyed by Bre. Loss , Hiw.ooos Insurance , I30t00. 13"- " The republican 8fotocbnvoatlou of Nevnd Is debatlnit'whotli < Mvpr not to cudorao thu tioxqt of the BllvorJuiituc. ' „ "A'-sUso coach i * ttoJu.lond of passonners glimnud over a clnr in the yosomlto valley , iillfornln. The driver ana jiassongera wore ull.badly Injured. U j Mrs. Gortrune TolTt lias t > Mft crantod an nbsolulo .divorce frewiWIUIonalru Frank , Tefft uf Now1 Vork. . + > 5a { * ' A mbrtgauo on the LoUUvlllc , St. .Louis & , Toxua r.illroiKlfor W.uou.ooo in- favor of the Central.Truat company ' 'of Now York. h e : beun registered' ' In the county clerk' * ollico t jLonUviiii ! ; ; icy ; " > * 'Tho Uwtlrnony.hntAll been slvun In In tlio' Rorden custuudi'tlre arTfimont of coun el will , l)9 ln todur. vViMijrduy's. ( .tiwtlniony , while lt ; | loltec | notliluK . favor W)9 prisoner. ' r Tlie slvlko ut , Siottnl ) jHer' [ & Oo.'t icillls ati 1'lUBburir 1 * liroU ii , . th uion Uosertliig tho' Aw Ucw tea uwoalatlun. ' U'lie iltuHtlon t M > Cur ie < lt ( nilllB ,1 lutQKlnit. iiaunyofaho MM. ramruliii , lu work. ' Neiii-o puddlera juv * MMl tt'Jt to yoik lu'.Mine ot the in II la. Tul oWoi , It Isthou t , wll | euuta trouble. SEEKIG' ADMISSION PAOB. | States consul at Liverpool ! * 'All steerage pisscngeri sailing today efficiently quaran tined .bofora etpnarKing ; all clothing and baggage thoroughly tllslnfeeicd by the sui- .phur itrocoss. .I'Aisongors already embarked were pronounced perfectly safe by the looil BUthoritlesvh& atd thoroughly alive to the danger and are taking-vigorous moasuroi to prevent any outbreak.1' WitbVoard ; to the itntemont made by the agents of the International Navleatlou "com pany that United State * Con Ul Shorman.nt Liverpool Is cabling , to Washington thm there Is no oholorn 'in Liverpool , the Depart- mom of Stato'snys'that no such dispatches have becn.iecelrod' ' frdm the consul , AT Tti ii'u.BA.vTtNn Wlmt tlio ORlclnfi Are llohiR in Now York Itnrbor to Kcp Out tlio IMagno. NsW YOHK , Aug. 31. Tbo steerage passen- ftors of the steamer Circussm wnro trnna- forrod to Hoffninri island this morning for observation and also for disinfection of their clothing nnd for the purpose of .giving each passenger n bath and a change Of clothing. The Clrc.Msia is authored off , quarantine and it is * undergoing n thorough cleansing. The baggage ot her stoornpo.pas- soucers has been thoroughly disinfected. Her 8tcoragd passengers will bo returned on board the ship tomorrow and the ycssoi no doubt-allowed ttf proceed to the city in the uftornood at the latest , Tbo steamar Voodam still remains nt anchor. Her steerage passengers will bo removed to Hoffman island tomorrow fore noon to. undergo tbo same process ns those ot the Circassla underwent. The uassohcors' baggage has all boon thqroughly disinfected. All the passOngoi-s ard well and as comfort able as , can bo oxpootod. Tno steamer Tputonio arrived this morning with 409 cabin and DDO steerage passengers. AH her steerage imsseneprs were found thor oughly healthy , "no sluKiiesa wnatovor.- The .baggaga was thoroughly disinfected. Her stopragQ passengers . are nil natives and rosldnnts of Brltisli isles , none being from In foe ted ports ; The saloon and cabin passengers with tholr baggago-woro trans ferred to the oily this afternoon.- The ship will probably bo allowed to proceed to the city tomorrow. Health Officer. Tonkins , with Deputy E B. San born nnd Dr. Byron , a well knoivn bacteriologist , who is appointed to take ' .chargo of Swlnburn island , vlsltod all the steamers in the offing this afternoon. Thev also vIsIted.'Hoffman nnd Swlnburn Islands" . Deceived the Koportor. Tno steamer Moravia of the Hamburg line arrived1 'last evening with , a full cargo nnd. ? 88 steerage passengers , bringing no cabin. On being boarded last ovoulng by the Associated Press news collector- , cap tain and purser- reported all well on board. On being boarded by Deputy Health Officers" Sanborn and Talmngo this morning her captain and surgeon reported - ported .that twenty-two of her passengers died during the voyaeo from cholerine , A very clo o inspection of'tbo remaining 201) ) passengers was ni'aao and they were all found to bo , perfectly healthy.- Three oases of measles developed during the voyag-o but were promptly Isolated In the ship's hospital. . Two women were stricken with thb cholera during the passage , but recovered. They were found qulto convalescent , this morning but are Isolated In tbo after stern at the ex treme end of tbo ship. Health Officer Jon Kins ordered the 'vessel in thoi lower .bay . after his inspection and tbo vessel proceeded at once to an nuoborago off Norton's Point , Coney island , where she now lies. Her cassongers no doubt will be transferred to Hoffman Island tomorrow. .Tbo-vcssel will bo detained for several days. Dr. Jenkins will make a thorough investi gation tomorrow to determine the cause of the deaths' on boardtho , , Moravia. Dr. Jenk ins denies emphatically the report that ho pronounced the sickness on board the Mor avia as being Asiatlo cholera. A full re- pore will bo given out tomorrow afternoon. t . GUEA.T JNCRKASB IN TIIK DldGASK. Many Jf v Cases nt Hamburg ; nnd nt Other l Kuropeun Folnti. LoNnps , Aug. St. The Hamburg correV .sponoont of the Standard telegraphs ns fol lows : Since last night there has been an .enormous increase in the numpor of person * .whobavd been. attacked and who have .died of cholera , 819 cases and 818 deaths having occurred today. Th interments yesterday lasted far into tbo night , the total for the day being Ul. A feeling' deep gloom has settled over tbo city. The loss to the commercial commu nity Is reckoned at several million marks dully , The exodus from the city Is unabated. Tbo weather conditions are favorable to. the progress , of the epidemic. The Times' St. Petersburg correspondent telegraphs that cholera Is subsiding , nt Nijni Novgorod , and has quite ceased atKosoloff. . The disease is said to .bo on. the increase , however , in , S.U Petersburg. The of ficial' statistics show tnat the mortality from , cholera ban been greatest in the Cau- caUus. Up to August S3 the total number of deaths throughout the Russian omplro ia glvnn at 107,017 , but owing to tbo knovyn in completeness of the official statistics , tbo real number may safely bo reckoned as h ! h ns 150,000. The Times' Vienna correspondent says that tbo authorities , hava accepted the assist ance of the Red Cross society , which -was 're cently tendered in the event of nn qpldemlo of cholera In Austria. The Times' Brussels dispatch says' : . Two genuine cases of 'cholera appeared in tbo Nostras St. tflerre hospital today. Ono of the patients' -.died. Much excitement was also created throughout the city by thb - outbreak break ot tbo dUoase. The Rome correspondent of the News says : Sporadlo cases of cholera have occurred in Naples , Venice nnd Genoa. Tno patients have been Isolated and tbo nubile hnvo not become alarmed.There has' been Improved sanitation in the various' .Italian cities since the epidemic of 1887 , and it la hoped that this will bavo the off act of staving off the dlsoaso. A man died of Astatic cholera atLunet , in Horuult | Franco ' , yesterday. Prompt meas ures were t'aupato proyent tbo spreading of the 'disease. r , i ; - " - Notes of the I'laguc. IlHUWiBW , Aujr. HI. A wdiiinii died of chol- ot'i at Jjncken. At Urugcs two uasosaro olll- ( liilly.reported. . Throe ocourrod nboiird the vessel Antwerpec. , end no proved fatal , i'or today A ntwerp reports oluht now cases of uholerii nnd four " .deaths. - i'KAOKK. ; , < i.nBrun cotr.- pmy ; rofususto ta ) i aboard its vosKDlS pus- sonioru' for j\mnrlna ; comlnir' frotr.'cljol ira lu- footud counlrloa'It : hits refused -passage to a - TANOIKII. AUK ; 31 Qunrnntlno has boon or- ' ' ilcrud at lUl.tliojwrts -Morocco. . A stojmur from 'Ilanibiiri ! ' which arrival ) ut this pore tuday was .found tq ho Infected with thu plague. Two persons on .board had tllcdffrout oho era nnd suvor.APOtliors were miffonng from the dlsoaso. Tno'vussol wus rdfusod n nratlqun. Livunroou A r. 31 , Ono of the cholera patients hero Is dond and two others are In n critical condition. i H TA PRA. Autt. 3l.--Two schtnon tof the tow fthlp llnrrlngioh were removed to the hospital toilnr suffenng from what Is supposed to bo oho'ora. ' UottKN , Aim. 31 , Four deaths' from cholera osoiirrod here to Jny , llnussKi , Aug. : il. Nine cnioa of cholera have boou roportml in Mniines. fourtcou miles from Antwerp. MnlltifR Is the central station of tliorallwnys which iravcrso.Bolaluw. IlKiu.iN , Aup. 3I. A workm..ir holoiiKlnc to the lowest clus nnd of exceedingly Intoiupor- utohnbltR. who dlod frolu oholdrn todny , wn seuod with tlio Innludy nftcr drlnklna a qtiiintlty of canal water * Prof. Koch is to return to Itambiirn. Ho' will bo nocontpnnlcd bv military nnd civil surgeons. Al-holoritlo outbrenk Im8 occurred in the vlllnco of Kmlur , nour 1'oson. among u niun- jjorof llninbiirgrotiiKoCN nnd onsoaof aslml- li r chnrnutor nro ronorto I frohi Si'mndau , llonthcn , Btnttsart and Onnrlottc'nbord. .Tlio special dispatch bo.it Oreif is nuarnn- tlnod at Kiel , Imvliu on board a ease of sick ness suspected to bo cholera A.1TXO.VLK.lOUll. Coming ChnmplonS' MnunRn to Get Ono Gnino In Trying fur Two. CLKVELA.ND , O. , Aug. 01. Cleveland and Baltimore tried to 'play wo games today , but darunoss stopped the second ono at the ond.of the fifth Inning , neither club having scored. Cuppy's effective , work In the first gnrno kept the visitors down to three hiti. while Cohb was hit for twelve singles and two doubles. Attendance 1,600. Score : Olovolnnd , , . . . . . . . . . . 2 00103102 8 llaltlinori ) . . . . . ; . . . . . 0 00300001 1 III-s ! Olovolnnd , 14 ! Ilaltlmoi-o , a Errors ! Olovoland , 2 ; Itnltlmorc , .1. B.trnod runs : Cleveland , tit Nnltltnoro , I. Ilattorlos : Oliopy nnd Xlinnicr ! CobbuuJ Uunson. Second game : Olevoland < i. . . . . .u. . . . 0000 0 0 llaltlmoroi o 0 0 0 0 0 lilts : Olovoland. 3 | nnUtmoro , 4 , Krrorsi OIovolnnd"il : lliltlmoro. : 0. Iiattorlo9i Young and Zlmmer ; MoMnhon nnd Uoblnson. Throe Straight to the Joimlin. Pwrsnuno , Pa. , Aug. 31. The No.w. Yorks were constdorably crippled todny and'put ' ub a.tnlsorablo. game in the field. On this ac count tboV 'dropped tholr third oonsocutlvo game to tbn 1'ltlsburgs. Attendance , 1,400. Scorer Ptttsburpr. . . . . . 0 3010022 * 8 Now York . . . . .0.2 0 1 0 , 0 0 0 5 5 lilts : PittsburR , 7 : Now York , & Errors : Plttsburg , 7 : Now York , 2. Earned runs : New York. a. Uatterlos : Ehret nnd Maek ; King and MeMuhon. Uncle's ItoTcnjro on Harry Wright. CHICAGO , 111. , Aug. 31. The Colts took tbo third straight game from the Quakers today , winning 'by ' perfect fielding and opportune batting , AVouthor steady , cool. Score : i Philadelphia. . . . 00013000 0 3 OhloaRO. 0 0202100 -G lilts : .Philadelphia. 12) ) Chicago. 11. Errors : Philadelphia , 1 : Uhluago , U. , Earned- runs : Philadelphia. 3 ; Chicago. 4. Uattorlost Curacy and Dowse ; Qumborc and Schrlvor. Junk's Arm Is All lllBht Now. CINCINNATI. O. , Aug. 31. The Redi were unable to bat Stlvetts nimBoiton won easily. Daub , the now pitcher- was put in toaay. Attendance , 2,200. Score : Cincinnati. . 100 I ) 00000 1 Boston 4 1101200UO 5 HltH : Cincinnati. 1 : Ilonon , 8. Errors : Cincinnati. 5 ; lioston , 2. Earned runs : None. Hatterlcs : Daub and Vaughn ; Silvetta nnd Ganzol. rick-Up for the BrlcloRrooms. LOUISVILLE. Ky. , Aug. 31-tStratton was given rotten support today and the Droou- lyns had n waluovor. Attendance , 1,000. score ; Louisville 00010000 0 1 Brooklyn , . . „ . . 0 42001 11 -0 lilts : Louisville. C , Brooklyn , a Errors : Louisville. Oi llrooklyn ; 0. , Earned mpui llrooltlyn , 1. Itattorloai Strntton and Merrttt : Haddock nnd C. Daly. of the Teftms. B. Broxvn of Lyons Is nt the Arcndo , E. S. Mnlono of Stella is nt the Millard , O. N. Whlto of Cblcano is nt the Mercer. T II. Orrof Ponoa Is n guest nttho Arcndo. 11. J. Hobbln.i of Shol'.ou is nt the Dollono. S. H. Ehvood of O'Nolll Is nt the Arcado. J , L. Daltor ot West Point Is at the Mur ray. ray.A. . P. Cuylor of Dos Mblnos. Ia. . is nt the Mlllara. R. Womoloy of Lincoln Is registered nt the Dollono , T , L. Hall of Burwoll Is a guest nt the Mllltird. Bnnlott Richards of Chndroujs"at ttiq Murray. C. U. Somors of Norfolk was at the Mercer yesterday. J.y. . MclConnn of McCooit is rostistorod at the Arcado. Mr. B. Rosowntor started east Tuesday evening on business. General \V. T. Clark of Denver , Colo. , Is in tbo city and paid n visit to TUB IJKi ; , Mr. Howard B. Smith and family returned yesterday from nn extended visit in the oast. oast.C. C. Hi Wlnshlc nnd Bi E. Smith bf Fremont - mont nro among tbo Nebraskans nt'tho Del lono. ij.-J. Mclntosh , P. C. Jones nnd A. W. Atkins of Sldnoy uro registered at tha Paxton. VVIlirn'm Thatcher Smith , goncrnl n'sont for James S > Klrlc & Co. , Is In the city nud reports trade cood. Gilbert Pratt of Saybrook. Conn. , Is tbo Kuostof Secretary-Bradley of tbo Manufac turers association. Dun A. , 'Morlarty , assistant chief of th7o Los.Augoloa , Cal , , flro department , is in the city , the 'guust of Chiefs Gnlllgnn and Saiter. Mr. Morlarty is an oldOnalia , boyand ho spent tbo greater 'part kof last 'night in swapping oxporlonoes'wlth the two Omaha chiefs about early days In tbo Uato city , Chief Morlarty Is raturnlng frorti.nn1 oir * tended eastern' tripand will leave -tonight for ihs homo. NBW YOIIK , Aug. 31. I Special Teloer'a'm .to TUB BEE.I Omaha : P. C. McMullom , Mi Rttcbio , Hoffman house ; J. T. Riblnson , buyer for Koblnson & Stokes company , St. NlcholusV. ; . D. Konvon , Albomarle. 'Kear- noy : C. IL Griggs , vvestmlnster. Lincoln S. Browne ! ! , Albomarlo. CIIIOAOO , 111 , , Aug. ' 31. rripdclal Telegram toTmBi'.i : . | Nobrnsknns nt the hotels- Grand Pacific : Thomas P. Gibson , , J& , Beatrice. Auditorium : William Rnlnhum , Omaha. Palmer House : Joseph 13. Lowp , Omaha. Motronoto : Mrs. Mark' Manning , Lincoln. Richelieu : II-H. Uou-umn , Boat- rico. Leland : Hnrvey Powow. Omaha. Tromont : A. H. GIHis , Columbus.- ' Great Northern : D. A. Pauton , Lincoln. DoVVItt's araaparlliu cleanses the blood , increases the appetite and touos up the sys. tern. It has bonotlttod many people woo have suffered from blood dUordcrc. It will bolpyou. ' ' ' Spectacles accurately fitted ; rofrnottve oxuminntion froo. Tudor Optical Co. , corner Fnrnam and 14th. A Nice Quiet Game Is never , " - * Complete , . , 'Jl ! -Jfl' without a ; ' . ic - liberal supply ' ; .of | 5 j " & * Biackweil's Bull Durham ; 7 " } 5moking Tobacco , composed only of "pure leaf"grown in the famous Golden Belt , its uniform quality , and rich fragrant aroma , recommend it to all who desire a really good smoke. . i ' No other smoking tobacco has ever been made which has * secured and held the popular favor as has Biackwell's . Bull Durham. It is now , as it has been at .all times dur ing the last 25 years , the best in the world. Made only by _ _ BLACKWELL'S DURHAM TOBACCO CO. , DURHAM , N. C. * THEGREAT LIVER and STOMACH REMEDY ruroj nil ( Hsordnrs of the Slonuch , I.Ivor , Itoirols , KUoay.9 , Ul.nl lar , Nervom IIsii5cs , Loss of Appntlte , Ileailudio , Cflnstipalljn , CostlrcuJH , InJl eitbu , 1III- ous uci-s , 1'cTcr , I'ilcs.Etc , , null run 'CM ilia Bystom Io33 liabln to contract disoaja. DYSPRPSIA. nA.DWAY-'S PtltM are cure for thU oa-npliilnt They tone up the Internal sooretloni t healthy action , restore strength to tba stomach , and otiablo It to perform Its funntloiK. Priorino : a liox , Bold by all.drusaUU , or mulled by UADWAV & OO. , U3 Warrpu Street , Now Yorlt. on rouelpt of.prlco. Every MAIf can IIR IS'/KONQ and VIG MAN OROUS la all reipecu _ _ Iby , u.ln SPAWSSH NJSKVXNK , llie rcat Opanii.li Remedy. YOUNG MBN OK OLD luUerinS from NERVOUB KHUII.ITY. X.O8T or FAlilNO UANHOOD , iilKbtlyemissions , convuUioniJ nervoui , i , pro > lrationCMU d by the USD of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wako' fuln i , roenuliicprestlon , | a of power Hi clilirr sex , tpermaior- : ANU AFTKB usK , rlioja cauied by self abuse and over iiidulRencp or any personal weak'- ness can be rcUored to perfect hvalth and llio NOHI/E VJTAWTY OF STHONO. KBU. V/e Rlva a written guarantee wlili 6 boxes to euro any cn a or refiind tlio in"n " 'i < -x-i boxei ( j For Sala in Omtfiia by Snow , JLund & Co. keep a full line pf .Campaign Goofis in stobkfor MCillitary , NavalCavalry and Zo.u.ave : battallions ; Cadet , Continental and iDrum Corps , Capes , Helmets , Shirts , LegginQs'Belts ' , Torches , etc , Oves,20O different corh'bin.ations ' . to select from. Send to us fp.r illustrated Price C.orner i'S.th ' , afhd Douglas Streets , M anufaciu rers.