i HIE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 31 , 1892. 8PEG1HL NOTICES. A nvirtTmMKNT < i FOU THESIS r /Ywlll bo tflkcn until 11 30 p. m for the evening nil ontll 8:3J : p. m. for the morning or Sunday edl- All < lTortI omonts In OIMO column * \ < 4 cents n word for lint Insertion riml 1 cent a word forvieh irbsnquont ln orllon. or II M pft line twr month KOadvcrtlsomr-nl taken for loss than 2i cent * for lli first inm-rtlon Terms cisli In advance. Initials hirnrp * , symbol * , ctc.oacli count n n word All advertlsi-mmta tnn l run consecutively Advor- U ? < r , by requesting a numbered check , cnn linio llinl > tfrr > riiiilri pil to n numbered loiter In care VfTllKllfB. An worai < > nddro iied will bo dellf rcdon , prriiMitntlnn of tlio check. HlTUATIONB-WANTSb. 1 - WANTED , 1IY A COMl'KTKNT. NKAT. MID- , iille-nirt > d wlilow , a position as honsekeonor for widower with small fnmlljr , AdJrc s .box M , 4lrnnnialnndNob. , M011 31 * _ POSITION WANTBD I1Y UOMI'KTKXT flTKN ograpper ! reference given. Addrcaa H9 Fulton yUK.onlaiK.ln. _ M litii It ) ' -WANTED. JIV AM l3Xt'BUIKNCKD MAN , TO- alllon n manngerof lumber ynrd , new town In western country preferred , Address J 57 Hoe. WAN TED-MALE HELP. - ) , 8AI.KHMKN ON BAI.AUT Oil COM- B-WANTKI tlio now intent chemical Ink erasing pencil Iho ronloit soiling novelty ever producedorare ; > Ink thnrmiunly In two toeoiids ! no abrasion of piper ! 2t to .VX > per cent profit ; one nKcnfit imlns ninniimed to JOS ) In nix days , nnothor Ilit In two huwr i wu want ono energetic general BKent tn onoh Unto nnl , territory. For terms mid particulars address Monroe Urnser Mfg. Co. , * 3i ) La Cniiniv Wl . SM _ B-WANTKli. A PIlACTICAIiMAN WITH 80MK capital to take n water mill. Address box . 8 > , Lincoln. Nob. " ' -n-WA.STBO.H. It. LA1IO.IEUS roUWYOMINO- J'nnd South liakotni good wages : stpadyworkj free pasa , Albright l.nbor Agency , 1120 rarnnm of ) I Bil - PAID WBKKLY TO KNICHOUTIC men : experience unnecessary nnd porluanunt employment. Sinner olllco , 1510 Douglas , SJ - . HAUNKSSMAKBIIS STAY AXVAY from Knnins City : strike there M73I 83' li-WATOIlMAKKItWANIBD ! ADDIIKSS .TKW- JLSeler , Fllloy , Neb 1" 1 p-WANTP.O IMMHDIATF.LY. A IILACICSMllH J'wbo iindcrntnnds ebuplnir nnd plow work , by A , V. Mebrass. lUTcnpurt , Neb. .MM * T > WANTBDAT OSCK , A F1UST-CLASS J'blackamltli for spring wagon or dray work. Sheldon Cnrrlaxo WorkH , Sheldon. Iowa. M427 Jl fi-WANTKD.ONK OOOI ) IILACKSMITH AT JJonco , capable of doing plow work and horse- aliouliiR and gunoral jub work. Kuill bwlgga , O'Neill , ob. 437-4' -WANTED. A COOD IIUY OOODS MAN AND A Ilrat-olasa clothing man , II. Uluinenthal , Fro- mnnl-Neb. "W B -A COMl'BTKNT DltUQ CLKHK , AUDltKSS , * J . ' 19 , lloo otllco. 518 TJ WANTI3H-H ) ) UAII.HOAD LA11OUK1N TOIl JJlowa , Nebraska , Southern WyomliiB' Utnh nml Idaho. Coed WIIKCI. I reu pn > n. Kramer and O'llenrn. Ijitior Aucncy , : W ) South 11th ntrrvt..M713 .M713 4 * T-WANTlit ) , ANADHNT WHO HAS SOLI ) UN- JJcyclopiPdlas , histories or hluh class imburrlp- tlon books : will vniraco for one year If tirnt month's sales nro ntl f < ictory. T. SI Wllllmns , iniinOKCr. t,7 fifth a\enno , .Now York. ' 34-31 * -WANTKI ) , AN KXI'KHin.NCICD DHY HOODS nlcuman , niusttio aluisller nnd upeak flormnn nnd ICimllsh fluently. Apply Iiorsonally .Monday , 'Jnenlny and Wciliiemhiy toT. L. llavlos , euro Kll * imtrlek-Knck Dry ( loudit company , Omnha. OJ'J-M * -WANTHI ) , A L1VI3 WIDH-AWAKK UIH'HIC1 cntutHo to rcprcnent us In every localltr. onn vltll vim , vleor. pluck anil push can Dnnlly innko I2. > u per month : no peddllnit mnnls. noiiiiHIiliiK en tirely now MnpJo us Hour : nend for full purtloularu today. Addrens " .Mnniifniturcr , " postiilllo lioi DJQj. ' 11 IF YOU AUI3 HI3ICICINU A HIOH OUADB Imposition In nny part uf the Unltud Mated write to Western Dullness Agency , Inclosing atamp , MlnneupullH , Minn. T > -WANTii : > . bOLlCITOUS FOll CITY AND JJcoiinly ! bolh aot. 615 Shpely block. .MB19 31 * T > WANTKI ) , two man uno lady receive Intitruc- Lltlona keep buokn , September. J. 11. bmltli , 517 hliccly lilock. fJ3 31 * B-COOD AOBNTri WANTHI ) ON OUAIIA1STKHI ) salary to solicit buslni us In tlielr own luwnshlp Address box 812 Hastings , Nob. TUI-ilO * TJ-HALKHMIM : TO SBI.L TO TUB TUADK. is TO JJIIS per dny , commission or Halary. Want fuur men nlnu to aull baking ponder * Prior , 417 llamgu biilldlnif. ill" T-WANTBD.A OOOI ) ALL-UOIJND HUTCH Kit Blonce , iiddrciis luck Iux85 , l oitan , la. U9S-4I * ' 1 > WANTKII , TUB NAMKH ANJ ) ADDUKhSKS JJof onergotla mi > n and women open fur permanent work , Wuizlvo exclusive territory. Wu Kiinrantco oou workers t .iO n week. Wo ( nrnlsb olllco. ftirnl- tare , delivery team nnd nenspader advertising. Our nrtlclo bt n monopoly. U will nuvu'Upcr cent Of thu coal bills of evrybody. I-nil partleulara by innll. Lithographs , pumplilelB , etc. , freu upon rc- cclpt of pustngo , Address Kunl i-par Co. , M Oliver Btrect , Huatun , Maas. MTUilll * 1)-WANTBD AT ONCB , A GOOD 1IAICKH. Jj ln lc , wurk light. Addrc or telcpbonn. giving rufcrcnco , II. J , Jielf , .Syracuso , Nub. MVUI l * T-WANTBD , A HOY TO CAllllY A HOUSE J'routo on Jlally KvonlnK HKi : . tnllatllui : olllco 0.1U : p. in. M70C WANTED-FEM ALE HELP. MHuwNTj wurk. 2ilUCIilcnioatr . M.IJ7 C-A. O. VAN hANT , AN BXI'KIHKNCKD lonelier nnd practical reporter , will reeclvu ten or twelve well vduc.ited younit ladles fur prlvnlo Inttrnctlun In aliortliiind nnd typonrltliu. lloom 613 N. Y. Life. MJU /I NUItSB TOTAKB OF 11AI1Y NONI5 1IUT TOM VJpctont need apjdy. 211C Chicago M5J4 " WANTBD. COOD ( illtL FOU (1BNKUAL huiisuworkKnqulruat 'Inlaid Lnko. Mm. Kd- ward Huydun. 4,11 WANTBI ) , I'OMl'KTBNT (11IIL FOU KN- crnl hnuaawork ; niust bo n good eouk. Call at 1527 California si. fU p WANTKI ) . A YOUNO LADY ASSISTANT AT VJtho Omaha Kindergarten , vex Duvenpurt at. 441 .11' . FI1IST CLASS COOK AND J.AUND- Ore In fnmlly of twu. ra S. 17th SI. 438 /I WANTKI ) . A COOK AND LAUNDUKbS. MltS. VJC. W. Hainllton , 2 ! < ULc voiiwurlh atreut. MV7 C | -WANTID. : A UOOD C.IHL FOU CKNICII I. linuauivurklniiilro , | Zll. > Juuca , between Ix > aven- wurth and St. Mary a avenue. O.'S Jl a WANTHI ) FOll ( IBNF.UAL HOUSB- urk. CallatbUI N. Ibtii ufturlip. m. Oil Jl -WANT13I ) , A OOOI ) OI11L roil KBNBUAL hoiisnnurk. HofereiiLon required. Mra. 15 , Huso- trntur , I'll Duuglasat. d.'l -WANTBD , ( IlltL FOU ( iKNF.IIAL ItOUSB' wurk , KU d wagu > . Inquire ut county treasurer's otllcc. M ) 1 \mNT8 TO S13LL TUB II13ST Ingayatems on the initrkot. Agenta cnn make from KiQl todlVUU pur wuuk. fur particulars cull HI ITI.'i Wubitor. AIUH A * -WANTI 3D , LADIBS AND YOUNO MBN It 1C- cclte Inrtructluns and keep Looks , 517 Hliuely block , J. 11. rlinltli. CM 31' _ -KXr.ClllHNCBD hlllL FOU ( iKNKUAL liounowork ! ono wlio iinderdlainU nailing un tolilu. 1UUJ lluwanl.'Judlluur. MHIO- . ! ! ' _ ( OOK. A COMl'RTKNT COOIC AN D A HOUs'lC ( ilrlnt JOJJ bt. Maty'u ave. i.ij ! -WANTKI ) AT O.S'OB , 8THONO YOU NCI niiraoglrli iniiatboiieal nnd clean. IG.1S hunlli Ud aireet. M7W 2 C-WANTKI ) . A ( iOOD ( IlltL K > 11 wurk. Apply 112.1 Dudtio. M7IU I eon BENT-nousEs. B-FOIl K11NT , TWO llOUdKb. H3 AND lislf. IflUi atrvvt. Vorr handy to liuslnosi. Modern con unloncu < . D , T .Mount. Jll .S. lull at. JI3 n-S-IU > OM ntUSB7 MODUllX , CICNTItAL TO J bailui'sj , good repair * . Apply C , H. lllguttor , 1100U14 , N. V Lltoliulldlng. IW TV-HTOUIW. FLATS. DWKLLINilS AND COT- J'tiifc'canp parts of cltr. Kilkenny A Co. , Conti nental Llk yn -MoiKitNTNBWfl.uooMcorrAii5s. ( UKA'D'Y lu fuwdayii , in biiuutlfnl htanlurd clrnlo. Apply LC. B. KluutU'r.'ioom I. Now Vur fe bldg. 711 -lU-IIOOM jFoTjSK. CI3NT11ALLY LOOATKDi furnace and all nioJorn huprurouiout * . 701 N. 19th alruel , : sui -FOU IlKNT. 3 FLATS IN I.INTON 1ILOCIC. nthnndMuaunatrvott. U rooms oacii , water nnd Itaa , heutnil by atoum , In guod repair , runt lu v , In- HUlroiiUii ; la tliu blook. John llamllu , iuu it. TT-aKIK lilCNT. TWO 13-llOOM HOUSKH"ALL 4Auuduriirouvualuiiev > , on CooriMa a\ , I lilock from atiout rnllnxy. Apply roomM.1 , liJo Jlulldlng- , J , M. Miueral , rwelver , ill B-FOU IIK.NT , t S-ltOOM I1OIMKS , CASH afreet , bctweun ! Jth nnd Will H.T.Clarke. Via Hoard uf Tradu. I'liono IW. 411) B-FOIl UU.ST. CIIOICB FLATS IN TUB I' . I ! tlur block , cur lull and Jackiun ata. TUu aum- luer riito tor aocoud und third tluura la fJDU ) fur Inaldo u. atcam bout liU UU extra , they have all lonveiilonron and uro In lint claaar piilr | liulng vantrally luenled nnd contain- lnK < ' ! 'ljr ' Vi" TAr bt"1 ° ' miant nmkea ilium Uo- irablouwlllrcnilo famlllvi only. Call and laqulro tilU8. lutli at. 5J I" ) - til ; UK.NT. SUIT , I. KLKUA.NT MODKItN /dwelling In my brick liluck.rjth und Uirit.l block lioui Waluiil Hill mutur , laoi ) . Knqutru 'Iticu. pl < Mi. cuiuptroller omco , W7 -N1CVVLY KUUNISIIICD HoT7sB7 ilonic"lTr { roiiTviilonrea. In pluaaant part of city , ownur would llko to bgtrd Addroaa J XI , lloo , MIW j D - ItOOMU WITH HATH , III Ml HOOMtt WITH tatli. I7.UO. lloltrook , room 7 , I6U . 'arnaui MISJ RENT-HOUSES. T\-FOIl UBNT. ON13 TO THUKB YKAItS TO J-'resnonalhlo parly , nine mom honso , modern ponrcnlenccs. Inquire 1521 raitu Btrect. 610-31 T\-7-HOOM FLArT ALI , MODRKN CON- I 'Tcinlcnecs. fr , per month , Itcfirencea required. Wright & Lasbnry , ICth and ( toward. MMO 31 T\-FUHNISHBD HOUSK , KOUNT7.B I'LACB. 1Wlrl direct , H rooms , modern , J , J , Hlbion , 307 Viral Nntlunal Hank building. 017 TV UOOM COTTAJB ( , 17IJV BI13TKII ST. n-FOll IlKNT. FINK LAIIOB OININO HIJOM , J-/kUclicn , pantry , oto. Inqulro 201 South 34th at. - ! ) ( ) lllllCIC IIOUSK , MODKIIN. WITH D-llOM eonO barn. Omnlm Iteil Katato and Trust fu. , It. 4. llc-obldz. _ MSB ! hia _ _ " " D fo"liBNT ; PHKMI9K3 AT SOU JOL'(1 ) LAS tri-et. consisting of two houses , 23 rooina. I'rlco tfH per tuutith. SIM Itpo building. Mfllu'6 - IIBNT.IS.IIOOM IIOUSK SO I'll AND DODIIK U-TO . All inndern convenience * . I'oMOnlon Klvi-n Immodlnti-ly. Call ur nddrcaa M. L. llocilor , lloum 101,1'axton block r\-LAIJK ! LIST HOUSKS. I'AUU inuj VMl- - ? DODOK. .MODKIIN. AND IN ALT , ItB- D-JU doslrnblo. L. H. Skinner , lull Fnrnam nt. D-FOll IlKNT , A 4-ltOOM COTTAOK , 2STII AND Jones , K10 pur month. Fidelity Trust company , 10H Ktrnmn nl. C l' D"-FLATOFftltOOMS01l AND 3 ItOOMP. 1009 Loavenworlh at. Oil 4 iTTFouUK-NT , six HOOM HOUSB NBAII nioii a-ypchool , Iliqulro * 1I6 Capitol avenu'o. Ml 5 * T\-II2J hOUTH MUD STItBKT , 7-UOOM FUIt- 1 /nlslicd cottngo. llofercncca required. M70J 4 * r\-"Flll IIF.NT , A NKAT 5-HOOM COTTAOK IN -I-'Rood repair. 81U So. lutli atrcut. M7H 2 30n KENT-FUnNISHED KOOMS. 17FOU UKNT. 2 NICI3I.Y FlIUNlSHBl ) FIIONT Ivirounn , to gentlemen only. ! H10 Daven port atrcet. M8TO _ E ICII FIlllNISUKD LAlltlB FltONT UOOM , l N. 17lh at. M73J SJ' -FUIlNISHKD UOOMS TO IlKNT WITH ALL -Ljmudcru coiivcntencca. 012 DouKlni atrout. E-NKWLY FUIIN1SHBD UOOMS , 6ION. I'JTH ' BT M5 S S * T7--KW 11I3.ST , FUUNISIIBD UOOMS , UBF- IVoncea. No. 342J Dodge at. JHW E-HOO FOll IlKNT. FUHN1S11ED , STBAM ln-nt.l'U South 21th tat E-MCBLY FUUNISIIBD L\UO1C FltONT UOOM , south front , with alcove , No.SJJS. 2utli f trout. E-FUUN18HKD ItOOMS WITH 11ATH KtOO month , 11W Fnrnam. 370 _ -ONK LAItdi ; FltONT UOOSl WITH ALCOYB : also nice ruom on gruund lloor. Ueutlemun only. MIU llnrnoy. .Mj''l ' T7NICKLY FUUNHIIBD UOOMS , ALL MODKIIN 1-Jconvenlcnces , with ur wltliuut board. l' )7 ) N. 20th Btrcct. _ 17-Sl.NOLICOllKN SU1TK , FUUNISIIBD Oil UN- -Ijfurnlalicd rouuia 2IAI llurnuy. 407 3J $ _ E FU ItNISl IKD UOOMS , SINOLliOll IN S U ITS : will rcnl for Until huusekeeplng If desired. MO s Ulli at. SIS 2' _ T -SKCOND FLOOlt OF COTTAOK FUUV1S1I13D J Jfor hoi okcopluu. 2U Hunnrdst. MM3 31 * E N1C13LY FUll.MSIIKD UOOM , 18 1U3U .MONTH. IWM Furniim. C2T31 * _ E fl 1 1II3K 110OMS FOllHOIJSnKBKl'ING M3AU ICouutzo place , fill. Adilrosn J 40 , Dec. M&Uj -DBSIItAIILII FU11N1SHI3D HOOM , HOUSB uiudorn , 2017 Harncy street , lloforeucca I'llONT UOOSl AND FUONl' HBD 1-Jroum enaulte. steam heat and ull modern cun- vcnlcnces. 1317 Leaveuwurth al. ; top Hour left. . M473 H' _ _ PUBNISHED ROOJI3 AtTJ BJAJapT 17-110AUDAVD ItJJjU , Ull DJiJlljV.1 K \ C23 85' _ _ 1ltOOMS , WITH llOAUO. MltS. H. A. 1 Churchill , 1W Douglas at. MIPS 31 * _ TT TlOOMH WITH ItOAltD FOU TWO IN 1'UI- -L rate family. 2JI5 lluwnrd street. M4U1 Y FU11NIHIH3I ) UOOMS , FlllsT CLASS . buard. nt thu Utopia , 1721 Davenport atreet. Steam lie it. M49J2J * _ I ? HOOMS WITH 1IOAUI ) . 11 U CAl'lTOL AVf. 1 ; M5IS b27 _ -22U3rAUNAM , NICK HOOM AND HOAIID. M5y 827 * F-rLAUOK FUONl UOOM WITH ALCOV13 , WITH or without board. KUi ) Dodge. M 713 2 _ FUUNISIIBD UOOMS AND 11OAUI ) AT 2013 DouKlaa. MOI4 810' _ -FOU UKNT , FUUNHHKD UOOM WITH board to two ladles or two gentleman , private family. .Nu other boarders , Within ono blurk uf Hnnscum park and motor lino. For purtlclilnra address with reference , J 52 , lleo otllco. ( > 2o NICKLY FUltNISHKI ) UOOMS , WITH OU without board. 17U7 Dodge atreet. .M7US 2 G 1 TO 3 UOOMS , 103 N. Hth St. 4.T < i-g 2 < * FOB RENT-STORES AND OFJICE 3. I FOUItKNi ; TIlT : I 4 roUY JlltlCK ilUiLDtNfl J 818 Fanmm at. T.io bullilliu h-n u llreiiroof 'co- ment baa jni3nt. comphito alDamhoattn Qxturns ; water un all tlio lloorj. gu. etc. Apply at tlio onloo of The lieu. ID I roll IlKNT , I'AIIT OF GOOD OFFICB CHKAI' . Wm. J. WeUliana , 411 Karbach bluck. 10'J r-ON 1DTII STKKK.T. HTOUK WITH TWO ROOMS In rear , $ . ' .r > per mouth. Wright & Lasbnry. loth nnd Howard. MMO 31 1 FOU IIBNT. AMALL UllOUND FLOOH OF- J. lice ! central loe.ltlim. 15th nnd Dodge. Inqnlro Kiihn A. Co. M7li 8 _ WANTED-TU RENT. _ _ K I WANT TO UBNT A COUNBIl OilXW Oil 44X ( Jl , on corner of ulloy or street , between Jackson and Cnlirurnln , llth and 2Utli. Aildrcua , A. U Nurth , general delivery , Omaha , Nob. 435411 WANTBD. A ( UOOM COTTAOK Oil 3 rooms for llglit lioiisekocplng , address , J 40 , Dee ollloe. 513 WANTKI ) , 11Y LADY. HOOM AND JlOAltD tn prlvntu fnmily on Ceorrfln ur I'nrk n veil no ; mint bo roanunablu. Addrcan JTA , lleo. Mill 1 * STORAOE. -DUV , CLI1AN A. I'UIVATKLY SPOllBI ) FUll- ultiiroj''u ; Duuglaa. Oinnlinbtovollopalr works. .M.'iU. ! _ _ M STOItACB C1I13A1 . CLBAN. WULLS. 1111 Farnam atreet. Mil. ! 'WANTKb-TO BUY. TVJ-FlIliNlTUUB llOUOHf , SOLD 1 > Wclla. 1111 Furnamat. 3li ) TVT WANTJ5D , HKCOND-HANI ) bTHIlKOI'l'ICON. i.1 Addruaa particulars to J 3.1 , llua olllco. M4'.iQ ! _ Xr-WANTF.I ) FOUIITON WAON ! faCALBS. HIT. i > dolph llunl , 31.11 IliimlUoii ntrciit. .M5S1I J O-FIIIINITUIIIJ OF 0-ltOOM FLVT FOU 6 AIM , fur csjli , 1811 Lunvcnwurth etroot , ton lloor lo loft. 47)- ' 'S' _ _ - A roLLucrio.v OF wn COINS AND HILLS fur aalo ur exchange. Jamoa Andorten. Hurt- rand , Neb. 1'OR SAI < 1S-HOR3ES. WAGONS , ElC. - HIX Y.OLL | VII Tdl' mJUtl V , - for (11.00. H. K. Cuiu , Ccnilluiiiitil bluck. 2JJ 1)-F01l SALK. A FAMILY "l ioltSK. tUJ.i | uriuiiu at. 1) ( O'D ( SKNl'LK IIOUSK , HAUNF.S3 AND -L curt , w ith cauupy top. R Motile , 1MIK Fnruaiu. S17 1)-F01l SALK , TWO fiOOD IIIDINC 1'ONIBS. J.IO.W ) onoli. W. T. Uraham , 30j .Mul'nguu bldg . UH3 _ _ l-ltl3LIAlllB HO 1 ISi : , I'll A I3TON AND HAlt- .L iic , nicy ilir , cheap , I2IJ 1'arkvlldo aveniio. > WI3I- FOR 8 ALE-MiaOELIj ANEOS. -y HACKS Q cual boxes , muwpr , wnyoiis. il Doiighia blk. 6U S-AIHUYAI , KXTUAOUDlNAUVi WONDKIIFUL reToUtlona. Challungoi tlio world. Mra. Dr. M. U-gruvu , duad trnuoa clairvoyant , aitrologlat , pnlmlstandlltu roaduri lull * your llfo trjm Ilio cradle to gravel unltaa tliu aoparatod : cauao * rinr- rluno wllli tlio 0110 you luvo ; lull * wlieru you will succeed and lu what buatnuja boat adapted fur : has Uiucolobrtuud Kgypttan broatlpUtu fur luok uud lo duatroy bait Inuuuucos ! curci Ilia , Intoiuparancu and ull iirivutu coiuplnlnls with mataairo , batbi andnlcoliol trualmuut bund IJOU , luck uf hair , liHiuiuudUatu of blrtli and rocolvo acourato lift ) clinrl ; JccuU In atjiuin for circular ! viva Initials of ono yuu will marry t alao pbotuauf smna. OUloo 417 t-uuth Hlhatrtwl , Urn lloori huu , u. in. to u p.m. Comounu , vuuiaall , uud tit ) cuuvlnoad of thU wonderful oracle , S MltS. N.iNNIB V. WAIIHiCN , CLAIUVOYANT rvllablo uuiluo a medium , dflb year at 119 N IM\ MA88AOB | BATH8. Tit K ATM BN'1KL KOTUO-TH K 1 + uial batba. aoaluand hair troalmunt , uiaulcuro audclilropodl.t. Mra. I'Oit. 319 . - 15thVlibnull blk KO . MASSKUBB'KLKCTIUCIAN sM-l * MA33AQE , BATHS. ETC. Conttnitttt. rp- rMADAMB SMITH 1121 DOUOLA3 STIIKVT , JL ri oom" , Sdtloor. Alcohol , sulpbur im | oa bavlu M 4972 * PEHSONAL. - . ! ! . : U ; dead Write to S. Wlnthor , Itapld Cltr , S. I > . MUSIC , AKT AND L ANQUAOE. V . n ASO V | th llospc , or N W corner IMh A'tirnor 8i > \7-O.MAHA KINnKllHAHTIS.V , TUB FAI.Ii V term wilt commoner Mundir , Sept. ttli , Vt'M Davenport U Directress , -Mr * . Ur , < lrn Urllllths ftnllnrd. I LI 7 * MONEY TO - W Incltidlmt all chnrzjs. Chan. W. Italnoy , Oinalm NaU tiink lililjz. \V ' Vf'n CUNT MJ.VKY NKl' TO IIOUUOW- cmonOmnlmcUjr propsrly. No extra charitas of nny kind. Whr | tny hluh rates ? Money Is cheap. You can Kot full bonoiltuf low rates from Ulolto Loan and Trust Co. , Ilith nnd Doit ja. 337 -1.0AN3 O. WALIiACK , 3tZ lUUWMIfK. : v ) W ANTHONY 1.O VN AND THtMT CO. , 311 N. Y. Ufa. IcmUat low rates for cliolco nociirltj on Nebraska or Iowa farms or Omaha city property. W-t- . HAUUtsON , 912 N. Y. LIFB. vir-CB.Vt'llALLOAN A. TIlUsT CO. , 11KH 1ILOH. MONKY. LOWKST UATK PAUU KKW FAUN. S1IW3 S13 r CIIKAP MONKY. 8BB ( J. W. ! ' , COATK3 1 1CII Parnam. 774 rIXANS < ) N IMl'llOVHI ) ANI > U.N'IMPIIO\'HIJ ' clly | iroportrOJJam ) ! upwardv < l to $ pur cant. Nodelnyj. W.t'arn.viadialtli.t CO.lJtinaJ ! llurnoy. W-UKAMWTATK LOANS. 'IT J 7 I'M It fi-JT ! iionililllloniil cliarijuj for commission or attor ney's fees. W. U. Molklo , Klrst National Hank bid * . W PIIIVATK MONBY. 131' AND2D MOUTQAaB lonns , luw rates. Alex Muoro lloo bldg ns3 _ \V OMAHA SAYINU3 HANK MAICI3 ? 1XANS * > on realcatalout luwost inirkat rates. Loans made lu small ur largo utimsundfur ahurt or long lime. Nu eommUilon la charged nnd tlio loans nro not sold In tbo east.bntcan always liu found at the bankou the corner of llltu nnd Dutixlua atroets.M MONBY TO LOAN ON I.MPIIOVKD CITY property , low rate. A. C. Frost , Douglas blk. W CtTY AND FAHM IlKAf , K3TATI5 LOANS at lowest rates ; cormiH un before borrlng K. C. ( lurvln S. Co. , 203 fchet-ly block. 810 -ONK ANDTWO YICAIl LOANS ON CtTY AND farm mortgages. Itccd & Holbr. S34 , llonrd Trade. 3iO - AND KAHM HKAL KSTATB LOANS W-CITY nt lowest rules : cumuli us before borrow Ing. E. C. ( Jarvln X Co. , 203 Slieely bluck. 24U r-MONKY ' 10 LOAN. FIDELITY TllUST CO. , 1014 Farnnni at. 41X1 \\r-IMHVATI3 PAtlTV WANTS TO LOAN $ lCat)0 ) ' tofbflOOO amounts , 1 to 8 years' time , ou real es- tiite. A. 1C. Ulley , roum IU. llarkcf block , 455 1' AT T WANTKI ) ATONCl'.li ! APPLICATIONS KOH 't loans. ( ! co. J. Paul , IiWi t'nrnam utreet. MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. V0 YOU WANT MONI3Y7 J\ . TUK riDHI.ll'Y LOAN fJUAUANTEK CO. It om 4 Wltlmcll block , cur 15th and Iturnoy sia , Will loan yon any sum KromIOXtotlO,03J ( ) On the day you usk for It. Wo mi\ko loans on furniture , planoi , IIO OB , wiik'cias , warchousu ro- * colpts and poritonal prop erty ot all kinds In any amount desired. At the lowest puaaltilu rates , without uubllclty or removal of property. You can pay the money back pi nny nraont you wish and at nny tlmo , nnd each payment will reduce thu cost of tlio loan In proportion. TUK F1DKLITY LOAN ( JUAHANTKE CO. CO.M973 M973 IF YOU WANT MONKY X ON KUiiNrrmiK. PIANOS UO11SISH. WAOON9. C'AllUlAGBi , ETC. , CALL AT TUB OHF1UH OF 'I OMAHA MOKTOAOH LOAN CO. AND GET TKllMri 1113 It ) UK DKALINO KLaEWHKni ! . Loans made In amounts from f 10 lo S1U.U3J at the lowest rules un very ihort notlca without pub licity , nnd with tin prlvlletfj uf keeping your Roods In your own possession. You can pay tlio money back In nny amounts you r , lull and at nny tlmo , nnd each payment so made will reduce tbo cost of tlio loan In proportion. llicro will bo no nxponsa ur char a kept out of the amount wnntod , but you will receive thu full amount uf the loan. OMAHA MOUTOACJB LOAN CO. , Hoom II. Crolirtiton lilock. IStliSU. South of 1'ostolllce. The only Incorporated loan company In Omaha. .W _ X WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY ICl D OF SK- curity ; strictly conlldontlal. A. K Harris , room 1 , Continental block. Si-A -PltriCUAIlD.Sl DOUULAS ULK , It/.V / _ XCHATTEL LOANS MADB ON nJUNlTUUB. pianos , llvo atock , etc. , without publicity or re moval property nt tlio lowest rates and tlio oislost payments. Dull Urucn , rooms 3 and 'J Uarkor block. iW7 MONKY 13 CIIKAP. J1Q Ol > TO flO.OW loaned on nny chattel aeourlty by W. C. Wool , UKcntfor Nobraaka Loan company , U1J Dou.-laj Blrcul , upntalrs. 705 120,000 TO LOAV ONCHATTKL buslnciiacontldeutlal. lloom 401 liorbacli blook. &K > bt * -LOANS ON CIIATFKL3. HKASONAI1LE INterest - torost , nnrtlal Paymtjntii 1 to li ruantbs. W. It. Uuvls. II. 20 Continental block. Klovntor ISlli st. illl ) _ -CHATl'KL LO INS , W2 N. Y. IJFK. MOHIHS. V MONEY AT LOW IIATK9 ON ASY KIND OF -ii-sccurlty. Koyxtono JH o. Co. , 203 Sbooly block. 210 BUSINESS CHANCES. Y FOll 8ALI3 , AN U3TA1ILISHMD OltnCKllY. One of best locatloua In city , No trade. Address - dross N 49 , lieu Mllil V TAILOll 11USINE8S FO11 iALI5 * CIIKAP ON J- account of elckncna. O. Luiideon , Fullerton.Neb. ITU an * _ YFlltS 1' CLASS IIIITCIIEII UUS1NK3S Foil sale ; established & year * tiood roaioni for aolllng Ouudlnrsalii 311) Franklin nt. Mlvi 31 * ON ACIXIUNT OF H1CKNKS * , 1 WILL SKLL at u Buorlllco my twu-iitory nagun , blacksiiUth und paint uliop , with entire vtock nnd tools ; party not wanthiK to buy hitlldlm ; may runt It at u cheap price , but ntocU nnd toolK I must Bull. ThU ID n poodclianru for nny onudoilrliiu to KO Intu tiiml- no . I or full particulars uddrcsa Jacob Dnczo- wltz , Carroll. In. 4GJ 1 * CANADIAN KMl'LOMENT OL'KICK. K3TA11- llihed M years ; bettpaylni ; business In Omaha. Inquire nt room 1 , lUM rarnam utreot. .MITJJ s'-t ) V-AN KNIilH.'KTK ! VOUNO MAN Wll'll fSU ( 1 to tnkucliarKOof oiitdldu.wurkQf retafl iirooury biiHliiesii. Addremi J M lli'n. CUuV * V DENTAL o'KI CK FOIt HALE ; WKIjI , L equipped. Kiiod practice. In thrlvlnit county heat , population 3tXU ) , cuBtern .Subrnsku. Addremi J .Ji , lloo. MtlU 31 * _ y' A aooi ) rnvaiiiAN , IIKOULAU a KADI ; . nte , cnn uccuro a good location In u nocdrnll- road lown on the F. , K. A. M , V. U. II , In hotnti Da kota Cuuntry well populated. Address J 61 , lieu , . Mlin 86 * _ _ Y-IF YOU AUK HEKIC1NO A IHI.SINKhrt ( ll'l'OH- tunlty In nny llnouf | III | IICB rllu for our bul letin. Incloalnii tumVo | tern lluslness AKenur , Mlimeapdlls , Minn , Y' TOUA PITALIrtTd OF OMAHA : TJIKIIK IS A puylnubutlneHii that OmalmHH a pulnt U well adapted fur. ' 1 ho enterprise ) U fairly u now tduu. only touted and funnel thoroughly gnud. Ilolnu Kuud and miniutblng now nnd Ickltlnmte , It Kill pay u larger pintlt thiin uny urdluury bimlnrss. 'to men of capital who will know n vuud thing when shown uii nnd want to go lute tomcthlng paying nd drc'tn J M , cure Ilex. uu ) ! -FOll SALB. FUltNITUUK HTOUK AND UN. derluklng tock In Martlnsbure. Kuukuk Co. , In. , tuck and building wurth t\M \ ) . Will uxcliango fur wviteru land , 0 , 11 , Otfdou , Martlinburtr , lu. 033 U ) ' _ y-IILACKHMITH AND MACIIINK SHOP FOIt J. salu or trade , addrvia Cleaveland llros , Ver- lalllci , Ills. VJ7-3I * SOU EXCUANQE. y-CLBANrrOL'KOFK.NieitAL ) ! M'D'd'lt ! WILL /Jtakureal e utoX monDr.UgiTJJ , Frankfort , InJ. SJl _ ' /-tXlt HALB Oil KXCIIANQH-llAltllAlN /JKUony uprlulit pluuo , AdJruJi U U3 , lloo utlla * . MTSI / Hll tiALK Oil I'.XOHAMlli CUTTAUH ' fraatlngoutti on Cumlnif itreet In Carthage ud. dltlon ; nuvon rouuia , pantry , clutttUi furca pump , clitvru. ctfsspoul , oumiiiittta ooart ! ! well hulu uud nnUbud la hard idnu and oak. I'rlco , IJ.TJJ. Apply to W. U holby , 3)1 ( haiubur Cummurcu , Ui } -CLKAiT oil AHA UKAU KBTATK FOII MuaiT al raluatton. Jlouuy to loau. Uox ( ID , Omaha. _ Z-FOIl KXCIIANUK. A STOCK OF tlliNBUAL racrchamlUa for laiidi unit cisti. Addrei * II W. WaUlm Jt Oi. , Fraiitfon , Ind. y-FOit KXL'H ANOBTLCTT" Nu Tmf HOUSKS" , 'JUtb and Suwnrd atrcct. Wuot ouultrucr bou o. W. T , Uraluin. ci3-3 FOR EXCHANGE. SWAP. nti/f < vixiKn WILD I.ANDS /at t-VUO to tlOMocr ( * fl Iri ttnte nf Nebraska Tiliono crops Ust your nBif 'ivtivl IIOJ.OW.OOJ. Uood lots In tlio city of Oniahai whoso population In- crea od'rom : ,0l)0 ) In 15-Wito 1W.OW in IS3J. Isjiowl etult to holddon't you tl\ink ? Axwpnro Ions on thiseln sof property nnd ffibrt"onrush , drop In. DuringKBTeral yearn miciJMsful otporlenco In tlio real e.Into tunings t harii4ftabll > hi < d a reputation for hanilllnit nothlne bntujtrsalns. W. Q. AlbrUht , 621,5J , Ml NDIT York LlfolAiliillnz , M270 .1 17-3,000 EQUITY IN inofACitr.a OKNTIIAL NK- ' braskawcll Improrod. Want Omiha real estate or groceries. A unap. Aildrc J 54. lice. Cjl-aO' y TOIl TUADK. HOUSM. AND LOT ON MII.I- "Inry nvpnuo , 1W blk , ni'rt.li of Hamilton street , it feel frontage. W. T. Urauam , McCaguo blila. ' * ' I&1-3 y-VXlt 9ALK Oil KXctMOK , FULL IAT ON /-Mlniulltnn utreot near 1,0tro nronuc , at n bargain W , T. Oranam , McCaguo bll. WS-.1 r70 FT. ON N. J1TH STIHIKT , NKAH HUH- /Jilplto street for > ale or Irado. W , T. ( Irnharn , SOJ McCagHO blilir. 53 3 y- FULL LOT ON FIIANKLIN STIIBIST , TO l.'X- / > clmniro for land In Nebraska. W. T. Graham. FOB SALE-KEAL ESTATE. FOI18ALB , HOUSK AND LOT , 9 ItOOMS , 1 PAN try , 4 closets , batbi fl.WM.W. Ull South Will it. 405 TO- BAltUIN--nOOI ( ) COTTAnK. B HOOMS , 11AT1I , ca t front , n w. part , near motor nnd pavement , nice location , (2r > 0009 , worth fJ.WOOJI tcrmiic-asy , (1. F. lluttn.i.'USo. 1'th at. 43US3t 1ST YOUIl HEAL KSTATB roll SALE WITH Ucorgo J. Paul , 1C0.1 Fnrnam t MMJ 81V "I7OII SALK-I1Y TUB OWNBIl WM ACI113S OP -L Nebraska's finest fnrnilntj land nt n eroal aacrl- Hce. U. 11. Peterson. 141 ! S 13th at.Omaba. 73393 COMIS TO DUNDY COUNTY , NED. C11BAP farms for sale or trade. Write to J-on-li K , Walker , llontcllimn , Neb , Mali 2 * 1'OK fcALK IXT 23. 1I1.OCK 2. HKKI ) STH AJ > - 1. dltlon ean bo bought cheaper than nny lot In the addition. H. Hall , I loronoo. .MM ! .T I70II HAL1S , 3,1 IT. AND 1IOU8K , 10TII AND JL Clilrfifo , next to First Congregational church , A. I' . Tiikcy. OSH2 ITMNi : FAKM 10 MILKS NOUTII , IMPHOYKD AND L all umlor cultivation , t > lf [ bargain , F. K. Dar ling , llarker block. M707 U FOR KEN T-PASTPKES. HOUSES , COLTS AND CATTLK FKKD AND cared for Iho year round. I have 3V ) acres of tfoort pisturo , W acres good grass , 20J ncrcs of good oats atnbblo. Part ot tbo alubblo Is atnndlnu ripe oals , which makes tlio best pnsturo In the world. A goud fonoo , nice fresh running water nml barn room for 500 head In cnao of storm. 1 have Iho largest borao ranch In Douglas nnd Sarpy county. lMcasacs.il and BOO my alablo room and feeding yards nnd pasture au you wilt be attlstlod. 1 cull for and deliver fro ? of cliarxa. My prlco on pasture la (1.00 par month , nnd In winter feed liny , graincut food and straw and 23) ncroi Btnnillui ! curnatalks. Kept In barn nlzbls , prlco from WOJ Dcr monlli up. Two mlloa aoutb or South Omnbn , 1 mile from street ears. Aililron Oeo. 11. Oans. l > . O. bo v Mil , South Omaha. Neb ' .OJ.all. LOST. O IOST IIUNDLK OF LAUNDIIUKI ) CLOTHKS Jmurked "Mra. McMllllanMndlson hotel. " llo turn tuowia rS. W. cor. Slat and Chicago at. nml receive rcnurd. U2l ( oO * LOST , HKTWKKN 18T1I AND WEIlSTEll AND .Xth nnd Davenport , n letter addressed to Miss hnuulo Jnckaon. Under will please return to lieu otlleo. . R > 2 1 * DRESSMAKING. ENGAr.KMIINTS TO DO DUKSSSlAKINU IN families solicited. Miss Sturdy , 320 Bl'Oth at. REW3 I N C TON For Sale , Rent oq Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! MEGEATH STATIONERY CO. , 1304 l'\muun Street , Omaha. TUB SHORTEST LINE TO CHICAGO s via the Cliicago , ( Milwaukee & St Paul R'y , a * > represented onthis map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at g 530 a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far * nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH , Gen'l Agent RR1LWRYT1MEGHRD ll'IIIOAUO UIJIlljINJ I'J.f x V. I Arrlv Omnha. Depot 10th nn I Mimn Sti , | O-n ft Leaves I 1C C. . S1 * . J. A 0. It. , < Vrrl f Omaha . I Depot 13th ait Mm-i On i Vfa a ml..Kansas City Day Kinross. . . . I cut ) p m P.45p in IK. C. Night Hxp via U. P. Tram I C41 n m Going I UI 110AGO. II. 1. & PACIFIC. I From Bast. [ Union Oopot 10th & Marcy Sta. | Kaat. Oolng , CHICAOO. U. 1 , 4,1'AI'lFIl ! . , t-roiu \Vest. I Union Depot IQtli and Marcy tilt. I Woil. UNION 1'AUmu Arrlvui Oraalm [ Union Depot IQtli ami Maroy Bis , I Omahi. Leaves ICHIUAUO. MIL. & ST. 1'AULIArrlto Onialin0 | U. 1 * . depot nnd Marav hti. I Onmlis. 70.'i p ml Chicago ICxprun . . . , . . , | 'j ft a m 11.30 q in | . Chicago Kxprosa | l.W p m Leaves rllOU.X CIl'V A I'ACIFK1. Arrlvui Onialial Depot. 101 li nnd Marcy Sts. OmilM T/JJ ami Sluux Llty I'aasuiunr. Hi-'Jp m 63J p ml St. t'aul Kxprusi lUOOi m Jxiuvos I SIOUX CH'V A 1'ACIFIU lArrlvut Omahal Depot , llth nnd W b t3r ats. I Oman * t.4j p ml St. I'aul 1-1 m I ted | i.ai a m Leaves U. , sT , 1' . . , , . O , JArrlvui Omaha ! Dopot. 15th and ( baler Sti I Omab > NOTICE. Notice la horobr given , tmrsunnt to lixw , thtitntnipoclnl election liom on the Illth day of June , liWi the lORuI voters of tlio city of Omtihn , Douglas county , Noliraiku , accepted nnd adopted tlio following proposition ot tlio Ni'bnukuOoiitrnl Knllwny Company ! Tlio nmemlcil proposition ot Ilio Nebraska Central Railway ( Jauip.iny to the City ot Omiiha. Not ) . To the Mayor and City Council ot the Olty ot Umnlm , Nob. ' 1 hu iitulurMKiica , the aour.isKu Central Hallway compiiny , proposes to nrqulru iiml tuko piMscMlun of. tor railway purposes , that curtnlit traetof liuul locator ! nlthln thu dis trict bounded by Fifteenth strool , Chicago s trout , Kluventh street , C.illfornlit tlreot , und Ilio rlght-nf wnyuf the Onmrri Halt Unllwar company , ( except the south half of bloait i.8 , lots.iniuU , bloekSS , lot 1. mid north otio-h&lf ot lots 3 und il. lock ) ! 27U ii'ul to urcct tluircon n union passt'iiRunlopot on Ilia lornorof l"lf- toentli nnd UlilciiRO struots , to cost. Inuludlnz the ether r.illwny lin rovuiiiuriti ou er.id grounds , not tots than fu jsrlii/uurcd thoiMuni dot : irsJkOOxi ( | : I'rovlni'd. the city of Omnhn , In Dotulnv rouiity. Nchr.tnUa , \ > HI tlonatn to tho'inld Mo * br.isliu C'ontriTT U.illv. A7 f/oiiii.iiiy two huii * ilroil mill lltty tlioiiMinil ddllnri iflH. n/ilor lt four (41 ( | > or cent bonus JIOJ.003 thorcof to bo dated .Innuary 2 , lbt , nnd JIM.03J tliorof to bo ilntpd .lannnry 1 , 1 94 , to become duo nnd nay- nblo twunty jours from tholr rospvctlxodatos , \Tlthlnturostpaynblo 90inl-innually : , all pay- nblonttho llsonl .lannoy of the state of Ne braska In the city of Now York. bald buiius to tiu or tlio dtmoniln.itlon ot one thonnBud dollars ( JI.CO ) oucli. und each thure- of to rsnitos "Tali bor.\l ] / u rt n series of two hundred nnd llfty ( IIW ) r | nip iif ilko amount nnd tonor. which n ro lsfl' y the ulty of Umaha , In DoiK-lns coiiDvtrusUH. . to the Nuhrnsku Central rnihtny LV nlianyU | ) a 1,1 It In acqulrlui ; land In the city .it Uninliii for union dupol. and ttrinliiiil pitrposos , nnd In tlioconslruct.on of n union rallvray liassonaor ilupot upon said C roil iirt , iiml its railway tracks , slilo tracks , lurnou s , swltolies and apiimaotes londlrK thereto , and other railway fmp't'VD' niiMits thnra lth romiectu I. " Bald bonds to bo executed nnd roslstcrod at or Immediately after the Uatua thereof nnd Immediately n.orciuuir diill\oiOi lo tin ! I'usi iMit.ou.u lljnk of Utinili i , Nnl ) . , trusted , to bo held In trust for delivery to the Nebraska Central Hallway con.p my , Us sm-roaiors or nvilgut. by said trustee , la InstallineiiU as hcrolnaft * provided. The said Nebraska Cor.tr ill Hallwny con liiny pinna to construct , or o.iuso to bo con Btruotcnl , a line ot railway In tbo state o * lown not loss than 100 miles In extent , froil the oist approach of a bridge , which tlio said Nebraska Central Hallway company has also planned 10 construct over the Missouri river. Intersecting or connoctlnit with , or reaching the llnci of two or moio of the following rail way corporations , vl/ : The Illinois Central Kallwny company , the Wlnoni ! c Southwestern Itallw.iy company , the MlnnuapollH test. Louts Uallwny uompany , the ChlcaRO , St. 1'uul & Kansas City Kallwuy company , the ChluaKo , Kurt Maillsdii & Doa Melees tt.tlhvav company , the Ateli.son , Ta- peka .V 8.HU.I Ko Kallway company , the llultl- nioro & Olilo Itatlway comp.inv , the Ohio & Mississippi Hallxvny uotnptnv. tun Kcokuk A * V < ttturu K llwav comp.vny t"u Uulin/ . Omaha & Knnsas City Hallway company nnd the lowu Central Hallway company. Ono huiidri-d thousand dollars ( ? 100,0 10) ) ot Bald bonds Hhall bo tlollvorod by said trustee tosald Nebr.iska Contr.il Hallway company. It successor * or nsslans , when It or they shall have acquired nnd talton possess'on of that certain tract of laud located within the dls- ttlcl bounded by 1'lfteoiith street. ChlcaKO street , nioventh street , California street nnti the rlRhtot way of tlio Omaha Holt Hallway uompany. ( except the south halt of block M lot 'land 4. bloclc . lot 1 , und the north half otlots 2 nnd a. block 'J7. . iu\i > iXu. ili.it tuo vilU ono hundred tliou- nul dollars liliKLOJU ] of said bonds shall .not .10 delivered until after the bald Nebraska Central Hallway company. Its suocoisoni or ii"ltin , shall luivo constructol the said line of rnllway In the state of Iowa. One hundred and Qfty thousand dollars ( SI.W.UOOI of s.xiJ bonds shall bo delivered by Kald trustee toaahl Nebraska Central Kullw.iy company. Its succiissors or ussUus , when It or tbuy shall hnvo completed tlio erection of a union passoner aepot upon said truetof land anovo described to cost. InoltUIni ; the ether railway liiiptovonionts on said croiuuls. not less than four hundred thousand dollars IOO.OOJ ) ; proof of such cost to bo mndn by the jwora statement of the president and treas- uiorof said railway company. Hied with the Citv clerk of Oinaliu. acaimp inlod by cartlll- u.ito , xl ned by the oltv attorney and city 011- Klneer. that In their opinion such amount bus ai-tuallv been expended. 1'rovldcd , that If the said Nebraska Central Hallway company , lt successors or assigns. shall full to ucquiro and talto possession of sain land. Hblmll not bo entitled to rocolvo any part of said ono hundred thousand dollars ilOO.uuO ) Inst-illmoiit of bonds : and. further movjdpd.-that none of said Ono hundred and Vy thousand nollarscfl'iO.OOO ) liistallmnnt of linds shall bo delivered until atle.tstouor.ktl- ay company In addition to the Nebraska /'ontral Hnll.vay company shall bo actually iisln a.-ild union ( lopot ; and. Provided further. That the mayor nna the city council shall , by resolution , upon the full performance of the undertakings on the part of said rnllway company heroin contained , order the delivery of said bonds at the times aforesaid ; nnd , Provided further , That all matured coupons hall bo removed and cancelled by ualtl trustee before delivery ot tlio bonds to which they nro attached ; and , Provided further. Thattha maror nnd city council of the city of Omaha shall oauso to bo avled on the taxah'o property ot said cli y nu ninual tax siiUlolent for the paymii.'c of tlm Interest on said cotinon bonds as It bocu-atf- , duo , anil after the expiration of ten (10) ( ) y > iao from the date of u ilil bonds the mayor anO : ltv council of sild city Hlrill c.iuso to lx > - ' " I In iiddltlon toill other taxes on the taxable property of no-Id city an amount of tax sulllclont to create n sinking fund for the y.i'unt ' ut niiiiuriiy 01 ai'u IIIIIMS. ( mo amo.intof tax to Lu levied for said sinking fund not to exceed twenty-live thousand dollars lars ( i-'J.UDJ.W ) ) In any ona year ) ; said tu' ( to bu continued from year to your until the bald bondsuro fully paid. The acquirement of the said lands and Im provements horolu contemplated Including the said railroad In Iowa , uhall bo bo un w'thln ono year from May 1. 18'J. , an * . bo pusliod to complotlon without unnocessury iKliiy ; and shall bo completud within three uars from the 1st day of July , 18 ! > 2. In cnso any of the terms , limitations , coudl dons or provisions propOKoJ heroin rtlutlnx to ilio boelnnln ? , prozrnss and completion of laid Improvements are not compiled w tli , unless delay Is directly nnd necusnarlly caused by Injunutlou or ether judicial pro- loedlngs , or by unavoidable aouldent or act \t Providence ) , the slid company shall not bs ntltlod to recolvo said bonds or any thereof. ven ihoueh the electors of said city of Omaha lall Invo by their vote uuthorized the 1s- < 'unco of said bonds ; but nil rljrlit tosald uO'idsshiill by Much default nnd without any trJlolal determination bouomu forfoltod. Provided , howovar , that If the bu liuiln' , .noirrcss or complotlon of said lmprovonicnt > ihull be delH < ciI or obstructed by any a : ! jc iforcsald causes , the times heroin allowed ' < u .he ' . ' ' and pro''ri'RS completion of said Impiovo- TT-its shall by extended to the extent of such lulayor obstruction ; and should a dispute irlso between the auldcltj of Omaha and the said Nuhraflcu Central Hallway compiny iv I th ru uoct lo thec.iusooruxtont of any such delay , the sumo at the oloctlonof said Ne- I rasita Cuutral H-illway company , shall bo referred for determination to a hoard ul ar bitrators , to bo appointed u * hirolnaf tar pro- In consideration of receiving tne proposed mbsldy the .Vobrasna Con'ral Hiliwuy com pany a rtn-h to allow all railway companies lnu followlnu.rlishtsi The rlirhtio run tholr 10' omutlvos.p issoiuor unit freight trains over its main and passim : tr icts wlihlii the city of Omaha ; and over Its proposed brldK" and ap > preaches , tliorK-it | < M u o such noitluc of Its lermlnal yromiils , depots and faolllt 01 as may " ' " " -ss > i v imil nro'ier for llici roinliict in tlio bualiioos of such roads ; Including any oiilurKumcnt of Its depot and douot Kfounds : tlio rluht to huvo their cars switched und delivered by the I\'o- vunu . . It i , . / luapany ujun un i Itsriwltch traclts : the rlcht to connect their roids nt any point wltliln ono lunilrnil ( liu > mllcz of said olty of Ornuh i with an ' line of railway which the Nobrnska Central , Hallwa > company , or Its succossoiy orassUiiH , may loiistriiet or eiuit-o to bo constructed oust of the Missouri river , and to run their loomo- tives , pussonvor und frolKlit trains ovcl the iniiln and jiuaslnc tracks ot said rallro. d ; It balnv h uro by aicrond tint In en the ob n > ka Central Hallway com puny shall construct Its proposed lint oust of the Missouri river , through ttiou oiU'V of nny ethel corporation or party. It win cuiisa such corporiitlon or p irty to exouuta mid deliver tc t/ioolty of Omuha a coed and sulllclunt Instruuiunt blndlim It or him to abldo by the 'nnin , conditions und proviilont of this proposition , the samu as the said ISuhrnuka Co Val Hitllvviy eompany wonla huvo been bound If It hud built the name. I otoro .lulhory of tlio aforesaid ono hundred thousand dollars ( J 103,03) ) Initillmont o bonds. j'rovldod , that the usoand onjojinunt l y such rail way oompanlos of o ich aid overv < > f inld rUliti shall bu upon Just and equal terms and the payment of Just and fair compensa tion to the ! < iohraskti Contr.il Hallway con - pany , Its successors or uislirnH , and subject to such oporutlni ; rules < jnd reputation * of the Nebraska Central Hallway comp inv. Un auo- ces3orsora lcns. us khull bo accessary und proper , just und reasonable. And the Halt ! NubruHka Central Hallway company will submit any dispute atliliix ho- twoun ft mm such olier aompunx orcom- pitnlos na to the use nnd enjoy men tot any rlKhts under this projosltlon , or us to tlio terms , coniponuutlon. oporatlnu rules and regulations , relating thuroto. to n board of arbltratorK , to bo in ado up ot thrco persons who are jiidgojnf the itnle district court , or Its miocesiinr , of the district ombruoliiic the county of Douglas , to bo soleotod by u two- thirds vote of ull the persons who are dUtrlot { udKus n f said court. Provided Unit uny such railway oomp'iny other than mid Nobnuka CHiitrul Hillw.iy rotiipiny , IIIHIIC < ori iir n l ( ! * M H ii > t ho election to tubmlt any such dlsputoto a rbltrullou or to pursue any other rcuicdy , Wherever arbitration U provided for by this proposition , the pivrty doslrliu to submit nny matter to arbitration shall cause to bo serve J upon the ether pirty u written notice nhlch shall sot out the matter In UUputo to bo submitted , uhil the tlnio tiropo'od fur the hearing , which shall not bo IOM than thirty pi ) days nfler the tlmaut service : and thereupon - upon the ndvorso jmty sh ill wllhln twenty pO ) day11 after such service upon It , serve Hi noswur , If nny It linvi * . upjn Iho p.irty de mand m Iho arblti-iitlon , The llo.ir I of Arbltritors. when oriunuod , h ill have power < * ) II x the tlmo of haulm HIM ! to adjourn the same from tlmo to time , nnd to make nil uo-oss ry rules nu I roxula * lions for the production of testimony In the possession of either pirlv. and othorivlio to compel ! fulrund ) spue ly trim ; the tleelsl.m of a majority of the ixiinl shall contntliitul the fltinl ilclormlnuiiim , ot the bo.ird sh ill ho flnai and conclnstxo upon the u irllos , of nil mut ters submitted iiml du.'ldod. Wheroxcr arbitral ou shall bo resorted to uch nrbllr.itloti shall bothooxcluslvoromo.ly of Iho parties ( except us herein clsawhoro pro- vl .oil ) , im to the matters and tilings Involved' nn I declriod thurciln , S.iltl Nobr.isHuOuiilraiKitlw.iyc.'oiiip-iti * * . Its successors uud assigns , shall tr.iusport frelclit llui'ludlnl transfer of freight uud ull elmrgos Incidental tosild transportation ) over uuy bridge nnd npproichus. as well as overuuy nll'tny It shall construct within ono hiinilrod (100) ( ) miles of the Missouri rhor within tin * stuln of Nohnski , for lint > uil rcisnn i'ii | > rates or chorees , and lu cisoof dllforoucons to whutconstltiitos Just nml reasonable rutrs or charges iiiulnr this n.irauruph the mnyor nnd oily council or said railway company may submit the s imu to uruitr tliuu , u i.io maim uud lo Iho arbitrators uhnvo iirovldod for , but this ptr.icruph ro-ipo.Hln-c frolisht. eliur.os drill not become oporatlvo or lu force until llvo I'O'iiH from the dutn of thu delivery of tlio last Installment of the bunds horclti''oforu ro- ferroil to. It N further proposed HintMald bonus shall tie dollvorod to the Nebraska Ueiitrul railway compiny. Its succouors or assigns , only upmi thn oxeeiillon by the said Nebraska. Oontr.il rtllway cotnpinv or Us simcossjrfi. und deliv ery to the city nt Uniu'iia of au iiiulortakliu lu urltlni : to tlio ort'uot tint the lirlnulp.il depot of nalil railway eonipnnvIts goiiuralollcos | mill principal iiiaulilne tlioiH when built , xliull be located anil luiilut ilnoil within Iho corporate limits of Hie city of Omuliti , an I th it a viola tion cif the terms of suld undertuklntf by the said NuhrntiUa Central railway L'Ompanv or ltt < Hiiceus oi'a or nkSlKiis , shall render thu suld Nebraska Oontr.il rnllway company , or Its MiccosMHS , Induhtud to thosald ulty of Omaha In the full amounl of s.tttl bonds , and Interest llibreon. This' proposition Fhall , after boliift duly noUnowlciUotl by the Nehr.isKa Central Itall- way company , bo recorded In the olllco of the resistor of deeds ot DoiulimcountyNobrasIu , and for a period ot t\\onty ( JD yearn from anil after this dale , sli ill bo rofurrod to by clvlni ; the book anil page wherein the 0,11110 Is re corded lu nny inort'iivedcud of trust , duud of convovatico , or Innso of aald depot and depot grounds , with the Btutuiiiout that the s.tld Nu- brjsku Central railway company. Us succes sors mid usjl us , lira bound by the torma.limi tations , provisions anil conditions of this proposition which uro hereby niude Its covo- utints that attach to anu run with thu said property Into whosoever hands It may come. Provided , that the elty council ot the city ol Omnha. ( thn mayor approving In due forml shall cuaut a certain ordinance ( \\hlch at thu date hereof. Is pending consideration bofora said noutioll ) , ontltloil. "An ordlnuuco grunt- ifK permission und niithortty to tlio rilotir.islca Central Hallway company. Its successor ) and nsstKiis. to conatruut railroad trucks along , across , over uud under certain streets and al leys In the city ufOnmhn. nubjoel to certain conditions , uud tn vacate partH of certiln streets and alloys In the clly of Oniulin , nuon compliance with certain other oond'tloni. Aul It Is nlso iirovldod , Tliat If suld Nu- br.iska Oontril Hallway company shall not , within forty-Uvu ( ' " > ) duya of bolng uotlllod lir Iho city merk of the adoption of ihls proposi tion ut the election held to vote upon the B.ime. ( Ho with the suld city dork Its written ratification of this proposition under Its cor porate seal , none of s ild bonds shall hu IsineJ , und all tlio terms and provlslonaof tills propo sition shall ho hold foi n night The Nebraska Ceutr il Uullwny company nvrees before nn election belli oullud to sub' mlt to tlio voters of the ulty of Omaha th s proposition , that It will execute and dollver to sitd oily u bond with gonil and sullleloul smutlus lu the sum of llvo thousand dollar * IM.OJO ) . uud llvo tliomaml dollars ( Ji.i.O ) Cash conditioned upon the payment of ti.o ex penses of said election. This proposition und the acceptance there of by the ulty of Uiraha. und thu r.itlUn.itloa of this proposltlou by bald Nebraska Central railway comp my , or its sucuusiors or assUni us liaroin provided , shall bu constriiod uud understood to constitute u contnct hctwenu Hies ild NohrasKii Ucntral railway comptiny , Its successors or assigns , unil the said eltv of Omaha , nnd all of the terms.conilHlont , a'-'roo- muiits and provisions made on thu part of the Nebraska Conl.-.il railway compiny lu thl proposition uont lined are horuuy'niudo tin covenants of the s-ihl Nohr iska 'Jciitr.il rail way coniptiiy. Its successors n I : ISSKII\ ! which shali attach lo and run with ull of Itr said property and binding upon uny purlj Into whoso h'imis It or any of II n : > iy come In witness whereof the snld Nebraska Central tral Railway company bus caused tlicso pros- cuts to bo executed this liith day of May , A. U. . 1VU NEUUASKA OENTUAL HAILWAY CO. , IJy .1. H. DUMOST Vice President. Attest : JOHN L. McOACHJi : . Secretary. Witness : ALE.X. O. CHAHLTON. State ot NohrasUa , ( . „ . Douglas County. I S3- On'his lUlh day of May , A. D. , 1S02. boforj me , n notniy pulillc In und for said county , pcisonally appeared the above named .T. II. Ijuniont and John U McOaguo. who lira to mo piiiHonnlly known to bu the Identical persons who Nlgncd the foregoing Inslrumont , as vice president and secretary of thu Nebraska Cen tral Hallway company : they ncknowledco thu Bald Instrument to be the voluntary act ana deed of the wild Nebraska Central Kulluny company nnd their voluntary act and deed tin such vice president and secretary of said company. Witness my baud and notarial seal the date lastafororald. AtiHX. O. Ull AIM/TON. fsnAi , ! Notary Public. This done by order of the city council of the city of Omaha this lith day of .Inly. 18'C ' ' . JOHN UHOVnd. City Clerk of the City of Omaha. AlOUtd Unltoft btatcH Jlnritliul'H .Sale , Docket No. 2 < H 0 In the circuit court of the United Mates for the dUtrlct of Nobrusku. Tlio First National bunk of Omuha vu J. T. Clrlllln ot al. Public notice Is hereby given that In pursu ance and by virtue of u writ of execution Is sued out of above named court In above en titled cause , und hearing thu dale of August 1U , A. I ) . IMC. . 1. Ilrud l ) . Slaughter. United States marshal for the district of Nebraska , will , on ilia ITtn day of September. A. I ) . iHir.1. lit thy hour of 11 o clock in tlio foienoon ot said day , lit the north door of the United States uourthouso and postolllcu building. In tlio clly of Omaha , Dougliih county , state and dlstilctot Nobrusk i , hull at pu'illo ' auction us thu law directs to tlio highest anil best bidder thu life Interest of the defendant heroin , J. A. Urlllln , In and to thu following described property , to-wlt : All Unit lot , plecoor parvul of laud bolus a portion uf the wust Kit 7-10 foot of thuiw 'i of sw > t of bu { 4 hoctlotl U. . township iTi. i.iiigu 11 , as follows : lluglnnlng ! U.i foul houth of tlio center of secllon II , ' , thence cast hilT-lUfuut , thence south : UI fret to 40-acro corner on half section II le , ihencooat S" > l 7-10 feet , tlionco noith yil feet to hoglnnlnK ; being thu south quaitcr of west 2."i U-IO acres of nw'i of so'4 of said section : i. ' . containing 0 1/i-110 ' ncics , inoiuor less. Also , buzlnnlng tttl feet Boittb of tbo eonterof section -A township 15 , rnngo n , tlionco west ' . ' . ( HO foul to the west line of said section , thuueu Miutli IUI feet to 40- uere corner , thence ii.isl/ -JII ( ( foot to half section line , tlionco noith Ml feet to beginning , belnu the H ' of ni ! of sw quarter of xnld section IIJ. being twenty acres moru or less. Also a port-Ion ot tax lot 4 , in w'i ' of no U of section one ( II , township 14 , range I' ' , us follows : Jliuinnlng ii7.iJ.Vi ; : : fcoi norlh of comer of section I , Ihuncu north I'.I..K- fi-ot , tlienco east > ' > tout to I.lttio Pupllllon Creole , thence sontlicily nlong .sail ) creek to u point oust"of hozlmiliu , thenun west 575 feet to plnco of boglniilng. being the north lll..Hi feet of xald lav lot ; containing'J'i ucres inoroiir loss. Having been hur > < toforu levied upon by vlt- tuo of said writ of execution to satisfy u Judgment of said uourt obtained ut Its Muy term 1B7UIn fiivuruf tlio Tliut Natlontil bank of Oniiilin mm against the said .1. A. Orlllln. IIHAD I ) . HAUUIITT.I' , United States Marshal , IMstrlct \olir.iska. . W , A , HKDICK , Allornuy for pluliitlir , Aug. 17.4. ill , Bunt. 7 , 14. PERMANENT SIDEWALK"ItESO - LUTION. Council Chamber , Omuha , Nub. , August liHh lie li'rosolvud by tlio illy ; council of the ulty of Om.thu , tlio Mayor concurring ; That permanentHiduwalksbu constructed I" the city uf Omulmuriduslgnulnd bulow , within llvo/lays ufior thu publication of tnU resolu tion , or the pursoniU sorvlco ttioroiif , us by or dinance Is nuthori/od and ruqulrud ; uuuh sidewalks to bo laid to the permanent grade us established on tho. paved streot.s apoi-l- lled huruln und to bu uonslruclud of slonu or nrtlllolal stono. uccor lint to Npiiclllcatlons on Ilio In the olllco of the board of public works , und nndurlts supurvulon , to-wll ; West Hide of i'tith tiuot , loin I and 2 blocks , Onpltol Hill iiddltlon. permanent crude , U foot wide. Kaht side of 17th utroot , lot ft block 140 , city , permanent grudu. It ) fuut wldu. North side at Cupltol uvunuu , lots 8. 7 , (1,5 ( block 7'- ' . city , parnianont vrado , M foul wldo. Went aide of llth Htreut , lot 1 bibuk PI , ulty , pnriiiiinunt grade. IB fool wldo. West Nhloof llth atruut , lot 8 block 01 , city , permanent grade , IS feet wldu. And. bo It further resolved : Thut the board of public work * bo , and 1 * hereby authorized Una directed to uiinxo u copy of thU resolution to bu published In thu olllclal paper of the city for ono wook. or bu lorvud OD thu owners of tala lots , und that iinle Much owniirsdhill within IIvoduys ufler thu publ oatlou or uervlco of such copy construct - struct tnld sidewalk us herein ruqulru'I , that the board uf public works causa tbo name to bo done , tlio cost of constructing Raid slilo- wnlksrospootlvolv to bo nssessod against the real ostnto. lot or nart ot lot In front of and ubuttlna such sidewalks. Passed , August 10th , ISt > i R P. IUVIS. Pn > shont ! of t ho Con noil. Attest ! JOHN UHOVKS , ' ' Approved ! OIUX P. ItKVl'lV' Mayor. NOT10K TC CON8TKUOT SIHKWAIiKS. To the owner * of the lots , parts of lots in ill real estate described In the nbovo resolu tion i You and oicli of .you nro hereby notified to construct pormnnoiu sidewalks us roijulrod by a resolution nt the city council and inuyorot thnolty of Oinahu , of which the ullovo Is n copy. P. W. IlIHKIIAUSKH , Oh ilrnian IUiml : ot I'ubllo Works. Oiiiahn , Nob. , Aiuust : wth. I1) . ' . WOODEN SIDKWAL1C UUSOL OONSTUUCTION. Couiicll Chamber. Omaha , Nob. , Aiuust Iflth * Ho It resolved by the city council of the illy of Omaliii , thu mavor concurring- T h it uoo.len sldowalUs bo ooimtruclod In the city otOiunhaiiBduslgn'itod bclow.wlthln llvu days utter the public itlon of this resolu tion , or the personal service t lie roof , ashy ordinance Is utithorlrcd and icqulrodt such sidewalks to bo laid to the present grade on thostrcots spocl'led herein , and uvuu cdrt- structcd of plno plunk of such \rldtfi ami thickness nnd bo laid upon Joist * of nupli dimensions und In sucli in anne r UN Is pro scribed by the speclllcutlons on lltoln tbo olllceof the Hoard of Publlu Works ami under Its supervision , tovit : Wnstslda of'JSth iivonno , lots 1 anil Id blnolc II , Meyer , Hlcliurds & Tllden's ndd , present crado , 4 feet wldu. West f lilo uf .Sth avenue , lots I nnd 10 block 14 , Meyer. Hlchnrds nidun's add , present grade- foot wide. VVcstshloof ' 'stli nvonuo. lots 11 to2l Inclu- lvn li'ni'ic ' 17 , lludford Place , present K ado , i feet wldo. Uo-usnlo of SSth avenue , lots 7 to Kllnclu- s vo block ill , Hodforil Place , present uraiU , l foot wide. \Vcstsiduof2sth aveiilto. sub lit 14 of tax lot B In secU-15-ia , prcuont grade , I foot wldo. North sldo of Toiuplutun street , lots ; tlo2l ( lnclu lva l.uku Tonipluton' < udd , present Itriido. U feet whir. ICast sldo of uStb street , n > rth " ) Hi foot block II , Pmltli's udd , pusent gra te.C foot wldo. Uiist skloof Mth m root , lots t to U Inolnslvo block 10 , Jerome Purlt , pies nt gr.ido , 0 fuel u Ide. i.istldu : of ,13th BtrroU lots I to 10 Inclu'lvo block 1 , Kllliy Place , piusont grade , 0 feet ntde. K.ist sldo of IlSth street , tax lot 11 Boo2i-ir ) : , prusent grade , 0 feet wide. Kustslduuf : : Hh street , lots SI toli'i Inclus'.vo Crcslon Annex , piusont grade , tl feet wldo. iist : : sldo ofiwtli street , lots mto lalnclustvn block I , Crcstoii. present giade , nfeullilo. . South sldo of 1/urd street , lots 1 to 1. inclu sive block 0 , Wnltiut Hill , present Kr.ido,0 fcut wldo. North Hide ot Mason strcot , lots 27 and 9 blookO. KounUo & Huth'H udd , present grade , I ) feet wldo. Kast sldo of 43th stroot. west 'Sof noith-wost li of south-west ' of BOO -U-15-1,1 , prcsont grade , G feet wide. bontli aldo of Iikn street , lot 1 block 4 , LaUo's add , present grade , C fcut wide. \\cstsldootAIsl \ street , lot 1 block 12. West Side , present grade , 4 feet wldo. West side of 51st ht root , tax lot 1 block 3 , Hliuotnimh'sudd , 4 feet wldo. South sldo of Cedar stiout , lots 1 toO Inolu- slvo block 4GU Urand Vloprascnt grade , 4 feel \\Ide. South sldo of Collar street , lots 1 toI inclu sive. block US , Credit Ponder , present gr.itio 4 feotwlde. Kustsldoof I8tli nvonun. lols IS to 'W Inoln slvo block 2 Hedluk's Park , present grade , 4 foot wide. And bolt further icsolved : Thut the Hoard of Public Works bo and hereby Is utithorlrod .did directed to oauso : i copy of this resolution to bo published In the olllulal paper of thu city for ono week , or bo served on the ownurs of nald lots and unless such owners shall within llvo days aflur Iho publication or service of sii ; h copy conslruut said sidewalks as hoiuln required , that the Hoard of Public Works cause thu wimo lo bo done , tlio coitof constructing said sidewalks icspocllvoly to bo assessed against the real estate , lot or p irt of lot In fiuntof und ubtit- lln- such sidewalks. Passed August I'Jth. ' I ? ! > - ' . u p. n.vvis , Picsluont City Council. Attest : JOHN QUOVK- , . City Clerk. Approved ! GKo. P. 11KMIS , Mayor. NOTICE TO COXSTKUCT SIOnWAbKS. To the owners of thu lots , parts of lots and real osl'itu dcsurlbod In the above resolution : You und ouoli of yon mo hereby notllled to construct wooden sidewalks as required by resolution of thu clly council unit mayor of the ulty of Omaha , of which tlio ubovu Is u copy. P. W. HIHKHAUSEH. Chairman Hoard of Public Works. Omaha , Nob. , August Mth , IS'U. uuo-iisi---i-r ; ; PROPOSALS L-'OU PAVING. Sealed proposals will bo received by thu un dersigned until 1:30 : o'clock p. in , September liitli , ib'U ' , for Colorado B indstonu , sloil.x Fulls granite und WoodrulT. ICiinsas , stone , accord ing to spcclllcatlons for Ib'Jl ' for pivlng the partof Interbuatlon on the west fldo ofSlx- toonth strcot and Williams struct , Each bid to .specify u pr.co pur square yard for the paving compluto on the Intersection and on thu stieul. Woiklo bu done In accordance with plans and hpoi'lllu'itlons on ( lie In the olllco of the Hoard of Publlu Works. And for the following kinds of paving mate rial , vl/ : bhcet nsplialtuiii. Sioux Kails or other granite. Colorado sandstone. Woodruir. Kansas , sto.'io , and Vltrllled brick. All uccntdtiig to Bticolllcatlops of IMr. ; fo paving partot the following streets In thoclty of Omahn , comprised In Ml rout Improvement districts NoI I l/i unit 4S ; . ordered Improved by ordinances Nos. : tl'jf ' : and I.1. ) ) , lospocllvoly , und moio partlciilurly described as follows : No. 415 JackHon street fiom 27th street to 28th street. No. 48J ErsMno street from the west line ol 21th street to thu ousl line of 2ith struct. Kncli bid to specify n. prlcu pur.squuro yard for the paving completu In the streets. Work to bo done In accordance with plans mid specifications on lilu lu the olllco of thu board of public workh. Each proposal to bo mndo on printed blanks furnished by tbo board and to buaccomp inled by u curlllled check InthuHUin ot tVj' ) , pay able to tlio city of Omaha , ns unuvldunco of good faith. * The board reserves the right to reject uny or alt bids , and to wulvo dufucts. P. W. HIHKIIAUHKH. Chairman Hoard of PublluVorks , Omaha , AngiiHtiilht. IbOJ. _ uisl-7-H ; PUOI'OSALSI-'OK CUIuilNG Scalo'l proposals will bo roculvoJ by the iindnrslgnod until IM : o'clock , p m. September Kith , Wtt. for on rbliu with will to Colorado Hiind- stone , rod Colorado sanilstonu and lleiu i Hundstone. accoiding tONpcclllcntlo'is. ' thu fol lowing htroiit Iniprovumont dlslilcts : No. 4(13 ( JauUson struct from 27lh utrcut to Jsth stiout : No. 4S , ' KrsUIno street from tbo west line of " 4th stioot to tlio east line ofHli Hlruot. Euib bid to specify u prluo per lineal foot for thu curbing complete on the streets. Work to bu done In acciirdnnno with plans and Hpoulllunlluns on Illu lu thu ollli'u of thu bo ud of public works , Piopcisuls to bu ninilo on prlntn.l blanlis furnlsliud by tlio boird , and thosu accom- panlud with a curllflud chuck In thu Htlniof T.WO , p tyiiblo lo thu ulty of Omaha , ux an uvl donco of good fnltli. Thu bu ird icHcrvos the il/bt to ruj'sat any or ull bids and to wulvo dufeels. I1. W. lllltKIIAUBKU. Chairman Hoard of 1'ubllo Works. Omaha , August Hist , Ibii. ' . : im-7-H TUJC ItlJAI/l'V .HAItltl.T , , I NSTHUMENTS placoifon record Au&ual i0 ! , IHJ.'t EKund A EHou\orlo W H Holmes , lot 17. block H. Oiolmr.l Hill . * 4,000 Same to samu. lot 18 und n 0 fuut lot 17 , block II , Hiihdlv of .1 I Hedluk'o udd , , , . 4,003 U \i \ Van Camp und wlfu to P M Hoyur , lot 111 blocks1 , Ootta'o park . l.O.V ) Etta Huirlson to .M K Moirlll. lot 14 , < ntook'J , lluwtliorno ndil . 2,200 E H Wultors and wlfo to I , l < " Crofoot , lot : i. block 12 , IliiiiKcom place . 1 li K Crofoot to T II Walters , same . 1 Mutual Investment company lo K .M Kosuwulur , lot fi , block lt > , Highland jiluoo . . . . . . . . . lO.r.OO W K htoiikluiin lo U J ) Kord , lot 13 , hliialc 7. Patrlok'M2dadd . 2r 00 School district Nell of Houth Omaha to Honth Oniulia I/and company , lots IU und 14 , block III * , South Omiihu. . 1,210 V U Dmitry and nlfo ted II llrusb , lot 30. NeUon'Hudd . 3,539 Andrew Hosiiwntoriind v/lfo to Mutual Investment company , lota " ' ' , M , ' . ' 7 iiniU-.l. AnUllold . 11.000 Edward hlrlnxur and wlfo to Ulobu Ixmn and Trust compiny , lot H , bock 2 , lliiHthorni . , . . . . . . . . . . . 2,500 Ilallhus Jutloi und wlfo loT II U'hlttlu- buy. lot 4 , block 2 , Jetler'H 2d add to South Omuha . COO Olobe Loan und Trust company to II K Wyiniui. trustee , lots SJ , : . \ , 21. bloclt 4 , llinvling Urucn. , , , , . . , , . < . . ' 1,009 QUIT cr.Aiit IIIIKOS. H II Italdrlito nnd wlfo tn H J lllircliifl , lot ft and * in foot. lot 0 , blook I , Hor- buch's2il udd . 1 Heoond Wurd Huvlnits bank to A O Powell. lotZ , block 200. Uniulia . 1 0 T Illiizlns to H J Hlgglni. s 10 foot lot 0 and n ItlU fuel lot ft , block 4 , Horbaoh'i 2d ndd , . . . , . . 1 J U Dlrkoy to 3 M IlendrU , lot 4 , block 3. lllredoro udd ( roUlo ) . 10 } Total amount of transfer ! .