Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 31, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Delivered by carrier to unr pirt of the city
HlUlnm Office No 43
. 1-iitmNtr.J
Tl i . . '
l.KPIIO.NEb'JMpllt Editor No XI
V V. Dumbing Co.
Council DlnlTR Lumber Co. ,
The chain Rune l < cleaning up tha allots
with a view to Improving tbo sanitary con
dition ot llio city.
A largo partv was ontottnlnoJ lust even
ing nt tlio roildcnco o ( N , 1 * . U&JRe at tbo
htad of Story strcot.
UrcoiiBhlold , Nicholson A ; Co. , CO 1 Broadway -
way , real estate nnd rental agents. Largest
list of proocrtv of nny dealers In the cltjf.
M. Saltimann was llnotl (17 In pollco court
for cainmtttlngnn assault nnd batlar.v on a
man named Klein. Ho appealed the case to
the district court.
The annual pinnloof the Second i'rosbv-
terlan church 'and Sunday school will bo
bold on Thursday afternoon In the park
ut "Morning Slao. "
The Ladies' Aid society of St. John's
English Luthcrn churcb moots Thursday
nfinrnoon nt the rcsidcnca of Rov. U. w.
Bnyder , 217 South Seventh street.
I'ottnwdUnmlo tnbn No. 31 , Improved
Order of Uod Men will moot In regular
council tills ovontne In their wigwam , corner
ot Uroadway and Main slraoc at the eighth
run.Tho roRular monthly meetlnp of the
Woman's Christian Tampornnco union will
bo held this afternoon tit tti'A'J o'clock , nt tbo
Youi.c Men's Christian nssoclallon rooms- .
A full attendance Is desired. Mrs. Bolllngor ,
Miss Florence Oflltcs Is confined to her
hoii.o | Dy n broken limb which she sus
tained while gutting off a Fifth uvemio
mn'or near Seventh Ktreot. The unltlo WUB
badly fractured and It will bo weeks , proo-
nbly , before she will be about.
MarrhiKO licenses were Issued ycutordnv to
the following parlies : Theodore H. Wll-
llnmfon and Minnlo B. Cottrcll of Council
UlulTs ; William G. Clark and Ella Uocd of
Ncola , nnd John A. Mltcholl of Omnifont ,
Ont. , and Irene K. I'oar of Indianapolis , Ind.
The Inn nnnipd couple wcro united by Jus-
llco Hammer.
Mrs. H. O.CooK nnd daughter Ollu were
In u street accident yostnrduy afternoon that
narrowly escaped serious rcoulls. They
were driving across Sixth street at Fifth
avunuo. when ono of Pulton's mall wagons
collided with them. Their carrlaea was
wrecked and both ladlrs hudly frightened.
The mail wagon was being driven rapidly
to catch u train.
The city scnools will ouon next Monday
for the fall tonn. It will bo Impossible , how
ever , to pot tbo now Avenue 13 building
ready for occupancy by that time , nnd It has
been thought host by the architects. Wood
ward Bros. , to doftu1 tbo oponlng for two
weeks. Action to this effect will probably
bo 'niton as soon is Messrs. Wailo and
Field return to the city.
Minnlo Dtxon , the woman who was stanbell
by James Tracy in a Piarco street dlvo a
faw works ngo , packed up her household
goods Monday preparatory to skipping to
O aim , In ardor that she miijht not hnvo to
npu-Mir against her assailant. Tbo pollco
wcro notlhod of her Intention , and placed
hoc under arrest so ns to hold her as n wit
ness. Her bond was fixed at $100 , but she
was unnhlo to secure the amount , and BO she
Was put in Jail on the charge ot vibrancy.
A man giving tils name as Jobn Mulquccn
beciimo Involve 1 in u quarrel In n Broadway
Biiloon Monday night and slru-jU two other
men who w'cro thcro. The two men
who were thus nssallod called tbo po
lice , and Gcorco Scanlan attempted to
arrest lively John. Tbo latter refused to bo
arrested , bovvovor , and struck Scanlan in
the Jaw , rendering him speechless for the
tlmii being. Ho put up $10 for his nppcar-
nnco In pollco court , and on his falling to
sbow up the amount was declared forfeited.
A contloman from Uod Oalt wnocamoln
yesterday afternoon to sco the sight ) toolc on
n largo load of budge and then wont out on
Main street to walk off the effects. While
ho was thus ongagcu an ofllror nnbbod him
nnd was on bis way to the cooler when a
friend of the bibulous man mot him nnd
stated thnt they both had been attending the
convontlon. Ho promised to taka his friend
homu with him If tha ofllcor would rclcaso
him. At last accounts the drunk was still
asleep In a stall in n Main street livery
( tiible , where bo was loft by bis protector.
Canto to
It is usually the ciso : with every inpr-
lihiuit when Inking inventory qiiantilics
Of odds nnd ends coino to light.
Such in our cnso tmvinir just com
pleted our inventory , und in o-clor to
c'.can out stock before putting our full
poods on snlo wo will olTor for ono
wook'a siilo , boKinnlng Siturday , Au-
pual 27 , our entire stock of rainnnnts
wliich nmounts to $003 , the same to gent
nt liulf price , or in otliors words , rem
nant * marked $1.00 you buy for 60o ,
Bnnio proportion nil the wny through
our entire lot of remnants in every do-
All irooda flpured nt original soiling
price , nnd your nrico half what rem
nants nro marked.
Ltainir n litllo overstocked in wash
goods , wo will otTur along with our rom-
Ciintsalo seine spcclul inducotnants in
this department.
Oo Indiii chiillioa 2o , 12Jo tnfTota
cordfl , hnlf pi-loo. OJc , 80 Boorsuukor
( stripes nnd plaids ) 5c , 12Jc suiting30 -
ineh wide nt Sie. Wo liuvo over 0,000
rumnnntu of wash goods , 2,000 wool dress
rcmnnnUf , besid''B muslin , ticks , llunnola ,
Incus , oiiibrolilorlos. etc. , etc. , nil at hnlf
pricoor half the price mnrkcd on tickut.
Fotliorlnplintn , Wliltolaw & Co. , Council
BlulfH , In. '
jMC/tto.v.iK r.iit.uut.irns.
Miss Edith ( Jrinnoll has returned from
Mrs. Uonrv Stcvoiison Is visiting relatives
at Aiibloy , Nob.
Mrs. Ooorpo P. Sanford and ctilldron loft
jestorday for Sioux I'ulls to visit relatives.
MUs Lucy Klnchbnum of Burlington Is
VUitlng Miss Ida Lutz on South Sixth
( treat.
Miss Mvrtlo Cole of Missouri Vnlloy Is In
Ino city tbo guest of bur cousin , Olllcer G , L.
F. U. Clark of tin Hod Oak Sun and M. B.
.Gardner of the VlllUca Loiter were In the
city yesterday.
MM , O. W. Kinnoy.Mrj. . L. A. Lostorand
daughter Etnnm Imvo roturnad from a vUlt
With relutiviM in Liuwlston , III.
MUs Currla Olumachor left Monday evening -
ing for nor homo In Aurora , 111. Sbo stopped
In Burlington on the wuy , to visit friends.
.T. u. Blxby returned last evening from
Ilarlnu whora ho Is healing the Hijrh tcliool ,
nnd leaves ugjin this morning for Sioux
C > eorcn Muscravn of the Loon Observer
nnd C. F. Cuuso of tbo Atluntlu
were In tin city yesterday to attend ibo
democratic convention.
Miss Lon F. Noixl. who has bean visiting In
Iho west for tbo piit month , returned last
Bvc'i.fng. uocompinlod by hur nintbor , who
Will remain bcru awlnto before returning to
bar homo In Chicago.
Mr . W. 11. Olonmchor and Miss Platte ,
who t.iu been vUltlng ner , loft last ovonlng
for Cblcago. Mrs. Olouiauhor will visit
friends in the cast and south , aud will not
return for sovorul months.
Artomus Miller nnd wlfo of Mtiryville ,
Mo. , nnd nts mothnr , who is a irrnndmotticr
ot Mm. 1.1 K , Hoe and Mrs. J. H. Klco , are
yUHInz hero. Mrs. Miller was IX ) yearn old
liift May nnd Is wonderfully vlgoroui for ono
of hur years.
Nusu-otl Nu gotl Buy Big
baking powder. UJ oz. 25 couls.
Entertainment , lug breaking and ro-
frodluuotiti ut Trinity M. li church
Thui-bdny evening , Sept. 1 , 8 p. in.Ad -
inlbbion Ii5o , Including rcfronhiuonta.
Wanted Fireproof sofa E. G. Bart-
Ictt , 741 Broadwivy ,
Judge McQeo Nominated by the Democrats
of the Ninth Congressional District.
IlnriniinyVnv Al)1ent from thn Cimvcn-
tlnn Illuntlslleil Democrat * ( live Viuco
to Tliclr Olijcctlons to 111 * Cnnilt-
li\cj' The Jiullolnl Noinhmtlon.
ThodomocraUot the Ninth conRrosslonal
district yostordiiv nominated Judzo McUoo
of Cjuncll Bluffs. The convontlon was n
howling success , the bowling helng duuio-
cratlc , Iho auccois ropunllcAn. Tbo dele-
catcs came well laden with political pyrotechnics
technics nnd for ntimo oratorical sky rocUots
wcro Hroa with becoming ropularlty nnd en
thusiasm , but toward the close the
mischievous irco silver fuse got In
among the fireworks and there was a
ccnonit explosion. Them wcro many
wounded una ibolr groans were unutterably
Ttio prollmlnnry work of the convention
was characterized by the culm which pre
cedes a storm. State Senator \V. K Clovo-
laiiU of Shelby county K.IVO the call to order
nnil u temporary organization was effected
by the cholco of J. .1. Shfii of Cuuncll Bluffs
as chairman anil W. E. Gardner of Vtlllsca
as bccrotwry. Committees were appointed
and then aujourumout was had for noon
rennummt Oltlcorj ,
HoturnlnRai 1 o'cloclc with toothpicks and
cl-ira. ( : the committees reported and Senator
Cleveland was made permanent chairman ,
acd M. Flumtuanl of Mills county secretary.
The most , practical suggpstlon of the chair
man's opening speech was that the conven
tion stiould nnmosamo ono who could make as
good a stump speech as Senator linger , Iho
republican nominee. Tills recommendation
WUH rather plumly rorelvcd by the few en
thusiasts \vlio were bant on roiiomttiating
Congressman Cowman , and who was never
known to make n spwich In his life.
An Impatient wult followed , whllo Iho com-
mittco nppolntotl for thnt purpose was build
ing a platform In an adjoining room. The
monotonous Interim was broken n liltlu by
such unimportant motions as limiting the
nominating speeches to ten minute ? , no nom
inations to bo mudo except by duly accredited
delegates , oto.
Colonel Whlttlosoy. who had been huslily
whispering about thai Tom Bowman must
bo nominated In spile of his protestations ,
wns called out of tbo room , ana on his return
nddrossod the convention with tearIn his
eyes , announcing that Mr. Bowman had di
rected him tosay that undernocircumstances
would ho accept n nomination. The colonel
closed an eloquent eulogy of Bowman
by offering a resolution thunklne that gen
tleman for tbo service bo hud rendered
democracy in the past. A rising vote WHS
called. It was so.appurontly unanimous that
It , seemed unnecessary to call for the other
side , but the formality was Indulged in , nnd
to tbo surprise of tbo chairman the olber
side was tboro , two democrats. Dr. Hempstead -
stead of Woruland and C W. liuckman of
Montgomery county , rising to thuir feet and
rolusingto say oven a thank you to tbo re
tiring congressman.
This was tbo llrst evidence of bad blood.
It required Ibo report of tb'i coinmlltoo on
resolutions to bring it further out. A ma
jority nnd minority report wore presented.
The majority report pruised Cleveland , en
dorsed tuo last national aud state democratic
platforms , and expressed thanks to Con
gressman Bowman.
Tin : Minority Resolutions.
The minority report signed by P. C. Clark
of Monsomcry county nnd T. "W. Ivory of
Mills county caused a storm. It re-id as
follows :
Unsolved , That tills convention roafllrms Its
iidherunuo to tbo llnanoial Hj-bti'ni of llio
f.idlers of tbo ri' , b.ised upon equally
free bl-metnllo coinage , mid burebv ( lectures
Its unquiiiined oppoilt.ori to nil legislation
unlciiluted to rolnco either ot Iho uruulous
met.ils to the position of u commodity alone
by o-itxlllslinj ! thu other as a Bln lo standard
for the measurement of values.
Colonel Whlttlesoy wanted the two reports
Joined In holy wedlock , but tbo bans were
forbid. C. F. Ubaso of Atlantic moved that
as a substitute for the report the convention
quietly settle down onto the platforms
adopted by the Chicago and Davenport con
ventions. Then the freu sllvor men bobbed
up most spiritedly. Clark and Ivory Insisted
that tbo democrats had bettor face tbo music
and declare themsolves.
Chase Insisted that as democrats they were
bound to stand on the national una stale plat
forms. It was bad nolioy to deviate from the
paramount question of tarilf , and inane the
sl-vcr question thn important , ono.
"Policy bo d d , " shouted J. J. Shoi.
' 'Lot's have a llttlo prlnclplo. " Then ho pro
ceeded to declare hlmsolf a free silver nd-
vooato. It hud won votes for democracy two
years ugo und would now. The convention
ouvht not to do nny dodging
Mr. Chaso's substitute then wont to a vote ,
resulting In Its adoption bj a vote of 73 to
80 , the fr < ; o silver votes coming from
Audubon , T ; Mills , 8 , Montgomery , 7 : Potto-
.vuttamlo , 8.
iluiteu .McOcr ) ( ietK the Nomination.
The silver men were sere nt the dofetit ,
but the hot tnlk subsided while the counties
were called for the naming of candidates.
Adulr had no favorlto son. Audubon waived
In favor ot Pouawattamle , who , through Mr.
Shea , nominated L. T. O-Minni : of Mills.
Mr. Chiiso , In buhiilf of Cass county , nomin
ated Judge J. E. I'1. McUue of Council Bluffs.
Gulhrio caunty passed , * out later seconded
Mr-Gee. Harrison nlsosccondcd McOee's nom
ination. Mills , tbrouuh Mr. Ivory , warmly
endorsed Uenung , slating in tin Insinuating
way , evidently dlroctod at MtJee's ( candl-
da y , thtit Cinnung was not onlv a democrat
this year , but avurv year. Montcomery seconded
ended Gcnung. Shelby passed and the bal
loting bc-an. [ The ll t ono settled it all. It
was as follows :
Go nn UK. McGco
Adalr 8
Audiibon 7 1
Uiiss is
Uiillirlo U
llnrrlson 12
Mills 0
MnnUONiory 7 1
I'ottinvattainlo. 21 6
Shulby. . . . . . il 7
47 M
The decision wns reached amidst howls
and chucrs. Throats of bolting 'woro not
given In whispers. In vain the chairman
called forordcr and reminded thu delegates
that the work of the convontlon was not
onded. Au attempt was made to select a
congressional commltloa. When Mills county
xvus called T. W. Ivory was named. Ho
sprang to his foot und holly declared It was
without bis linowledgo or consent ,
"You can load u Inrso to water ,
but you can't m.iko him drink. I
nro not in accord with tbo action of this
convention , aud whllo I Imvo never
scratched a democratic ticket , 1 will not
pledge myself to support the candidate just
nominated. I cannot serve as commttleoman
and Judge McUou can name anybody ho
wants to. " Tfiero was an uproarious applause.
Oilier KlvkH AgiiliKt the Jlldjjo.
Colonel Whlttlosoy Jumped up us a renro-
senlailvo of Pottavvuttumlo county and , de
clared that llio only olllco Judiro McUno over
held ho 101 uy running on the republican
ticket and dafoallng the democratic nominee.
Dr. declared timt Poituwut-
tutulo county. Judgn McUuu't pwn county ,
vas not In It. Ho termed the convontlon
nothing but a IIaor r.ttillcutlon muetlng.
Quickly following this diclariulon cuino a
ihout from ono delegate , "Hurrah tor
Hubert" and amidst lUch confusion the
motion to adjourn was declared uarrK-d.
Tbo congressional committee BO far com
pleted 11 as follows : John Coolbauch of
Adnlr. I" . P. Bradley ot Audubon , U L. De
lane of Cuss , John Whltliold of ( iulhrlo , J.
K , McGovron of Harrison , W. W. Morritt of
Manliromory. S , B. VVuiUworih of PoVtawat-
lamliJ. . B , Whltlne of Sbclby.
Cot lliolr' Urlnliii I-'ror.
A saloon ut tbo corner of Eighth street
and Avenue L , Kept by a man named Horn-
per , was the scene of a strung ! ) performance
Monday night. Two moft entered the biok
yard and talked with the bartender , whllo
an nccompllco wont into tbo saloon and
tapped the money drawer. Tbo bartender -
tender hoard a nolsa from the
suloon and started to go in ,
when bo wan grubbed from behind by
the two uiou wilt ) whom bo baa boon talk-
Ing. When ho at last pot frco ho fo.lnd
thnt the fallow who bnd boon Instdo had
also gotten ssveral bottles of liquor. Tbo
bartender found that the t.ntnoi ot the
thloves worn Jones , Jones and Bllzznrd. Ho
filed an Information In the superior court ,
charging them with the offjnco , but no
arrests have been maao.
Joioph Ruby of Columbia , Pa. , suffered
from birth with scrofula humor , till ho was
perfectly cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla.
ThoYoung Men's Blblo class of tlio
Bro.idway Motliotllst church will ontor-
tnln n musical and social nt the homo ot
Colonel L. W. Tulloys , 151 Park nvonuo ,
Friday ovoning. A cordial invitation ia
Sue Greonshlolds , Nicholson ( e Co. ,
when you want to rent or buy tv house
or inuko an exchange.
WnltonVIIM5tanil Put. "
Sheriff McQueen of Grand Rapids , Mich. ,
arrived In the Hindi last ovonlng to tnko In
charge P. A. Walton , who was arrested the
other day on a telegram which stated that
ho was wanted to answer to the charge of
assault with Initial to commit murder. Wal
ton has been confined in the county
Jail over sineo his arrest , Tbo Michi
gan oftlccr visited him thcro nnd
found him very accommodating. Wnllou
hud employed a couple of allornnys nnd
throjgh thorn commenced habeas corpus
cccdtuBS , but when McQueen Introduced
himself Walton confessed everything anil
announced himself willing to throw UP tbo
prcccoding-i and accompany him back to
Michigan If ho had the necessary papers for
his removal. The ofllcor replied that ho
had tba papers , and supposing thnt the
matter was settled ho took his prisoner
ou to a high priced restaurant nnd
boimht him a supper , nttcr which
Uhluf Scanlan gave Walton a 20-ccnt
cigar as a carting gift. But
the supper nnd the clur scorned tnhavna
baa effect on Walton , for no sootier hud ho
finished outing nnd smoking than ho changed
his mind , said ho would "stand pat , " and
would light the habeas corpus proceedings to
the bitter end. The Orund Rapids man look
him back to the county ] .ill with n great deal
of dUzust , as ho will not bo able to leave for
homo until this evening Instead of at 'J
o'clock this mnrnlnif , as ho hud oxpccicd.
The uabas corpus case will bo tried before
Judge Miicy this uurnlnir.
The crlino with which Walton Is churerd
was committed August 13 , at Gnir.d Rapids
fair grounds. Tno races were In progress tit
that time , uiirl the special onlcors bad a great
deal of trouble Keeping a curtain part of the
trade cleared of tbo spectators. Wnlton and
a friend named Conncrs wcro In a crowd
that was threatened with arrest If they did
not keep off the track. In the evening they
came across Deputy Sheriff J. P. Fiunognn ,
who made tUo threat In a sniqon ana pro
ceeded to do him up after the most approved
pattern. McQueen states that Walton dealt
Flnncgan a terrific blow nn the top of the
head that fractured his skull and loft him
senseless for several days. He is now recov
ering , and It U not thought that bis Injuries
will provo fatal. _
"Lnto to bed and ouriy to nso will shorten
the road lo your homo In the skies. But
early to bed and "Litllo Early Rlser."tbo
pill that inaK'M llfo longer aad bettor a nJ
wiser. * _ _
Shooting nt Mitnnwn.
Hunting season opens September 1.
Lake Manawa is full of young ducks and
snipe. Trains Icnvo Broadway at 11 , 2 ,
8 , 4 , 6 , ( ! , 7 , 8 and 9 o'clock , utid on Sun
days and special occasions as often us
Gentlemen , the finest line of tall goods
in the city ; ju = t received. Roller , the
tailor , 310 Broadway.
Will Itcdni-o Taxes.
The fin an co committee of tbo council mot
Monday evonlng at the city building together
with the mayor , auditor ana treasurer for the
purpose of talking over the financial condi
tion of the eitj's affairs. A now scbomo nad
been Jrawu up for so tiling tbo city's bills for
the coining year , and it appeared that , tak
ing the first six months of the present ad
ministration as a basis , considerably less
money would be requlrea to carry on the
city government during tbo coming year
than bus generally boon ncodod. Il was de
cided to rcduca the assessments from 304
mills to 23 mills , which will makoadifforoncti
of about $33.000 in tbo entire amount o / thn
tax levy. A report to this effect was pre-
pircd und will bo submitted to the council
at its next meeting.
Snmo of the property owners In the vest-
nrn part of the city , who happened to hear of
tba proposed mucting , thought It would bo a
goia chance to put in their little individual
kicks on the Paul right of wav ordinance.
Messrs. Jardlno , Lobhart , nnd a few others
were present for Ibis express purpose. They
didn' t kick because the right of way interfered
with ihoir property directly , because It
didn't. Out they objected on general pria-
, riplos to having a railroad m tbo vicinity.
Besides , they didn't believe Paul meant
what ho said. They had an Idea Paul was
golnc to * nluy some confidence game on them ,
and they mount to show him that they were
wide a\vnko und kicking Just as hard as
they could. The discussion brought out
porno very fiery debates , nnd Lobhart
became so engrossed In the welfare of iho
dear people that ho shot off a couple of
choluo bits of profanity nt tbo mayor and
Alderman Van Brunt , which varloa the
monotony of the moetng greatly , aud caused
the mayor's hulr to stand on end. As It was
only a committee moot In nothing dcllnUo
wnt done on the subject of the ordinance ,
but the kick was filed nway in the archives.
Nugcotl Nuggetl NuL'gotl Buy Big
Nugget baking powder. ! ! J oz. 23 cents.
roll Tux.
A few words of warning. AU these
who Imvo boon notified and failed or
neglected to pay their poll tax , on and
after September 10 , will bo buod for the
full amount and cost it not Bottled prior
to Unit dato. A. J. McCLAUKN ,
City Poll Tax Collector.
After n few days cool of ! and rest ,
everything is running again ut Manhat
tan 'boaeh as lively as ovor. All the
boats are running , and the water id de
If you want to buy u house BOO Grcon-
shields , Nicholson iS : Co. , 021 Broadway.
DUtrlct Court Oion .
Tbo August term of district court opened
yesterday with Judge N , \ \ . Many on the
bench. Routine matters occupied nearly all
tbo day , such as calling tbo docket and mak
ing tha usual preliminary arrangements lor
tbo work of the tonn. The question of the
legality of the method In which tbo grand
jury was drawn came up. The legal point
was ratted , this time by County Attorney
Orgau , that thu grand jury bad been
drawn at vha opening of the
year by tbo county clerk , without
tbo sheriff or the auditor being
present , as required by law , Tlio method
was tlio Kumu us had boon adopted In i/ust
year * , but It seems that It was not according
to law and It was feared that considerable
trouble might result some tlir.o on account of
the In formality. Judco , Macy accordingly
d cldcd that Iho grand Jury should ba dis
charged and a now ouo empanelled from the
bodv of tbo county by thb sheriff. Thfs will
probably not make any difference In the per
sonnel of the Jury , but the loiter of tbo law
will be complied with. Tbo grand jury will
commence its grind this morning.
Diseano never iucee.iiluiiy attack * thosy
enr.vlth p-jra blojj. Ui Witt's SJHIIP irllU
makes para no.vbl.ul til 'Urijjjt ubl
Wanted to liny ,
Improved ivoperty. "Will pay cash if
price is low. II , G. McGoo.lOMalnstroot.
Judson , civil engineer , 328 Broadway.
Judicial Convention !
Some llttlo delay was caused in tbo gather
ing of the dslo atos to the Judicial conven
tion by a false announcement a-i to the tltno
and place whcrd the convention was to bo
bold. Tbo tnlstaka was finally corrected
and It was a llltlo before U o'clocu when
order was called. J , M. Hammond of Ham
burg was appointed permanent cuRiriuaaaud
0. M. West of Cobnctl Bluffs secretary. A
com mittco on credentials 'was appofntod ,
whoso report showed that flvo of the
counties wcro represented by their full dolo-
gallon ? , and thnt of tbeTdmalndar Audubon
and Page were not rcprosonlod and Mills
had but one delegate. , ' ,
Not much. Interest wiw ihovrti in the out
come of the nominattorirrthd only ono man
had the ncrvo to coma' forward with a
"fnvorlto son. " U.ltZ" Delano of CMS
county nominated Frc'Wpnt Benjamin of
Avoca as a candidate for Judicial honors ,
nnd tbo nomination \vrtivBcconded. by dele
gates from Poltawnttamlq , nnd Shelby coun
ties. In tbo roll call oftrio ; counties npno
but these three cared to * commit themselves
for anyone. Bccjatnln/jvut declared tno
nomineo. n <
A Judicial committco wnv then appointed ,
with ono mo.nbcr from each cauntv , as fol
lows : Audubon , ; Cass , J. C. Bryant
ofGrlswold ; Fremont , E. H. Hoop ; Mills ,
P. P. Kelly of Glen wood ; Montgomery ,
Marion S'cnnettof ' Stcnnctt ; Pottawntta-
niio , J. J. Stownrt of Council Bluffs ; Page ,
; Shelby , Goorfio W. Cullisun of Har-
Ian. Tbo chairmen of the tospoetlvo county
committees were authorized to fill the vacan
cies in the * bovo list.
DoWltt'sSarsaparllla cuaim the bloDl
Unlqiio Ikiitortntnmriit.
Tlio piny to bo glvon by the children
of Grace Episcopal church Friday , Sep
tember 2 , at Hughes' hall , under
the supervision of Mrs. Kingobti-y
and the ausplcoJ of Unity Guild
promises to bo a very entertain
ing alTair. Mrs. Kingsbnry us Mother
Morryheart , l'tho old wonrui who lived
in n shoo , " with her adopted children
Fat Frit/ , Lean Put , Teetotal Tommy ,
Bravo "Butty , Prohibition Polly , Hop
Sing Choo , Saucy Sambo , Temperance
Topsy , Chiirlic' , B thy Bunting , Water
Spirits. , Wood Nixies and a score of
others inuko a very attractive company.
Selections fiom "MiUndo , " "Pinaforo"
and otlior operas will bo given , the
whole to close with dancing. TicKets
including dancing , 2uc each.
If you hnvo'a house to rout list it with
Groonshiolds , Nicholson & Co.
Miiytia i * Klcctcd ,
E. E. Mnyno' will represent the Fourth
' .Yard In the city council during thn re
mainder of the term of the Into Alderman
Brown. Tno election passed off very quietly
yesterday , the vote polled being rather
lighter than is usual oven In the Fourth
ward , which Is noted as the residence of n
great many "stay-at-homes. " Following Is
the vote In the two precincts :
1'lrst Second Tni
Precinct. I'reelnet.
E. E. Mnync ( rep. ) . . . > 48 u' ' 210
J. H. Atkins ( doin. ) . . 1M 75 07
1. 8. Wriclit ( Ind. ) . . . U 11 ' 14
Tlio returns showed that Mayno had won
by llirco tnnjorlly. Wncht , a democrat In
the second prcclcnt. responsible for the
domocnitlo defeat. Ho was a cundlanto fnr
the nomination before the convention , nnd
when ho was defeated by Atkins ho decided
to run on an Independent tlcuet. Ho cot out
a lot of handbills'and circulated thorn over
the ward , and especially in the second pre
cinct , announcing his candidacy , with the to-
Eult that ho succeeded In getting away
enough of Atkins * votes to defeat him , with
out making a showing for himself that bo
need to bo particularly proud of.
Sick bcadacho yields to Beccbam's Pills.
If you want to soil 'your * proparby list
with Groonshii5lds/Nicholsoa& Co.
luOpooplo in this dm * use gas atovoa
Iho Gas Co. puts 'onYlti at cost
Trouljle Ovt-r u HOMO.
George T. Lncoy and Japios Reed , two men
living near tbo corner ; , of Avcnuo O nud
Twenty-first street , have been having a
whole lot of trouble over a horse thut has
come botwcon thorn arid blighted their fncnd-
shiy. Lacey had abor , o..which ho persisted
in stuklng out .ou Reed's property in sulto
of Rood's remonstrances. At last Reed
took possession of the unitnnl , and when
Lacey came to cctit Rood laughed a fiendish
laugh and told him ho could eel it by paying
M for It. Tbo fiendish laugh made Lncoy
angry and ho went before Justice Hammer
and swore out an Information cbarglng his
ncighcor with larceny. Reed was arrested
yesterday nnd brought Into court , where ho
gave bonds In tbo sum of $ .509 for bis appour-
aucoon the 8th.
Do Witt's Sarsaparllla destroys such pot-
sons us scrofula , skin disuasos , oczom i , rheu
matism. Its timely use savei many lives.
George Davis , drugs ana paints.
Sergeant Sullivan ol the Socoml Infantry
Found I > ylni ; In u I.odflui ; HIIIKU.
Serccant Jnmcs Sullivan of company B ,
Second United States infantry , was found in
a dying condition in a room at Ewalt's lodir-
tne house , U1S Farnum street , nt5:113 : o'clock
lost evening uud n moment or so later died.
According to Mr. Eivait's story tbo ser-
gcunt came to tbo house at 3 a. m. Tuesday
In a baiMy Intoxicated condition , paid torn
bed and retired. As ho did not show up all
day It was thought best td Investigate.
A window opening Into the room
from ' the hall was opened nnd the
lodging house hooper climbed In. Ho saw ut ,
once that the soldier was dying und called
for help , but before It arrived another ot
Undo Sam's bravo defenders bad answered
tbo rovoillu from ubove. The pollco nod
coroner were sent for nnd after the olUcinls
wcro satisfied that tboro bud bcoi : no foul
play tbo body was removed to the morgue
and the authorities at Fort Omaha notified.
Sullivan was about -17 yours of ago uud
had served in the army for some time.
Under bis pillow were found a $10 bill , a cold
watch and n bottle of whisky. In tbo pocket
of his blouse v/as a document which bhowcd
thai ho had been at tbo Bellevue rifle rauco
and had boon granted on August 27 u nmo
days' furlough. Aflor that bo was to report
to tbo commanding ofllcor at Fort Omaha.
The coroner decided that an inquest wis
not necessary and the body was turned ever
to the government authorities liut night.
Mrs. Wldslow's Soothing Syrup for cbll
dron teathlnc glvoj qulot , helpful rost. ' 25
cents a bottlo.
I.icunae * .
Tbo following nurrlazo llcansui were is
sued by Judge lOllor yesterday :
Name and address. Ase.
I Jnnios I ) . I'llchor. Orcodo , Cole . 27
1 Ida 1C. Shlelda , Omaha . . 23
I James Sclir.unok , Oilman . 23
I Catherine Novak , Ofanlia . . . VJ
I Joseph llrown , Omaha ! . . . , . . . . . . 20
I Corn Johnson , Omiilwiji . "J
i Mlchaol 1'enton. Omaha . 21) )
I Alice Itleo , Omnhauu > . . . " 1
I Orvlllo 1'rlor. boiithiOjuahii . 2:1 :
I Nettle Uiinnn ! liatiiHintli | | Omaha . VU
I W. II. Hamilton , OnmW . 27
I O.irrlo Kastwor , K ntpijiiiha . 10
I Oeor o iCransa.Om vUai . 33
I Frudlrok llalbu , Onml > ; i . 25
I li. l > . Kltoli. Klklionifl. . . . . . 11
IMaryl' . Itrymit. Ul y/ty . . 10
Nugcotl NugsotT ' 'Nuggotl Buy BIc
Nuggolbaking powilcfc , t83 oz. 23 cents.
liiirnod ( > Ilrou-ury.
MIMVAUKEK , Wl . , f Aug. : I3 , Fire this
morning destroyed the brow house , elevator
and bollor house of the Falk , Jure &Bocbort
brewery. Losi , | S5t'lOU. ) )
A TluklUh Job.
A houso-movor natnad Barnuin has Just
completed a Job at the Dupont school Vbat
entitles him to considerable credit , and
Illustrates tba perfection to which tbo work
of honio-njovtng has attained. The Oupont
U u U\4 > - tory brick building and
waa twclvo feet auovo grade.
K.rllnRklX.t.ritl' . .irOll'llXIO' ( ,
The mull of > g je.r. ' iiorl Dc la
tn UotkludUet i. l'o
. .
lil etSu < p UU llii cu iMii.k on Per.
Ilk * Plrllimnrki , > 4nUi , vf.rli , India
Ink n. | I'uwder Uirki ; furl. I'll-
tlMffl , lUJnrts of ho * , Hilp rAuou
u irriiiipi < > , r < iiiii > < T i i > iniiii. ic
CiiM ll lla fi * M ar r br UlUf.
JJHNH.WOOOBURY , D.l.,125 W. 4Zd L , New York Citj.
Tha Board ot Edurntton decided
to have It lonorcd if poislblo without romov-
tnptho foundation wnlls. The contractor
has accomplished the work norlcctlv , snvinc
even iho footlncs that wcro under the founda
tion , nnd the hou < o nnd foundntlon have no' ,
boon dnmnpod , not even cracked by the pro
cess. The bulldln ? U twelve foot lowthnn
U was and not a brick ban been romorcu or
put In.
Is ! 5 miles N.-E , of Kanas'cily ,
on'tlio C. , M. & St. P. Railway ,
Is the most charming all-car-round resort hovel
In America.
OF 1,000 ACRES.
Wfllo for Illustrated Pamphlet. Address
e e e e o c j
llicliardsoa , Ais,0nu : ; iia.Ftb .
Funeral Director , Emftalmar !
14 N. Main Street ,
Purely Vegetable and Strictly
on the Liver and Stomach , rostorinsr the
constipated o pans to he.ilthy activity ,
ACIIE , BILIOUSNESS , and. all other
diseases arising from n disodorol : con
dition of the Live. * and Stomach.
They tire the Only Roll bio Vegntiiblo I/vpr
I III Sold : They nrj I'urta 't'.v H ir.nloii ; 1'lu
niul'uroly Voiotablo ; Try Them.
DH. Sohon'k'at 'c on Oonfimitlnn. Liver
Coinplnlnt an 1 Dvsnousla fc'ont I'rce.
J. U. SOIIENOIC &SJN. I'htladoluhla
n. IlerlhCcliter ,
Ftevcnn' Point ,
WIs. , etilTcri'd for
25 yenra of Ner
vous 1'ioatrntlon ,
Imoro than longim
can tell. Physici
ans availed noth
ing , ODO bottle of
brought him ri-st , nloep and tnado him feel like a
new man. Dr. .Julian C. Underwood , ilcmiibin ,
Tenn. , Buffered from periodical nervous attache ,
hut fotuvl effect after UBinp ono liottlo ot Merviuo.
Trial bottle and decani book FHEK at druggists.
DH. MILES MEDICAL Co. , Elkhurt , Ind.
FurSalo by ICtilinJLCo.l.tth& Douglas Sis
Anew an I Comnloto Trcafiionl. conitjtliu ot
Suppofltorloi , Olntrusnt In ( Ltiuuloi , ulio In II x
andl'IIU : u IV'HIvu Cura ( or Uiternil. Intornit
bllndor Uleailln ltohlm , Chronic , lluoentor Itorj II-
Urr 1'llai. Tills Itomal/lnu nuvor luon known to
fall. It per bar U for iJ ; sunt by \VlijrsiururfrJin
Ililstcrrlbli ) ttloao wluit u wrlttjn iuirantJ5 H
uoiltlrolyBlron with li njioi or refund tlioiuonujrIC
nolcurutlnond atiin for free hiintplo. ( iiiininloj
Issued bjKului i.Co. , DrucnUti , bulo A cnlJ , corner
Ilitt1 uuJ Iuutfia4 btreots. umatii. Nob.
MKNT.mpojIIla for HyjlofU , DUilimi , l-'ltt , .S'J4
ralgla , lle.iil.icrio , Nurrou > 1'rosir.itun CIUKJ I o/
Blcoiiuior uibACOO. NVatufulnuis , .Muntil lorjl- :
ilon.Sottnesjof the llraln. o lining In uiiltr , ml Jr/
Uecuy.Oo ith , I'ru u ituro UM Aire , Ilarrandii ,
of Tower In olttiursox , IrupatoncIi3iioorrlut atnl
oil Koimilo Wotkiuaaja , Involunturf l.o iui , Hpor-
mutorrliu.i c.imu.l br oror-uxortlua of t.ijbriln
A mant'i'i mat
11,11 ( or { " ' . ! ) / mill. WoiiuMrnntttdsIr bot'jj ta c.irj
K cO ante tan ! bjxai , with II will naul wrlttii
Kunmntcoto rofurvl If not ciirj > l. Quurantjo liujl
onlr br Theodore. P , \ aitUriiKKlit. \ . nulo aiioat ,
outhesH cornur listh niul t'arimiii u. ( lin.ibn
For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics ,
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns ,
Etc. A Delightful etuimpoo ,
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water
Parched Rolled Oats ,
Unequalled in Flavor.
Corn Gritz ,
Sold only in 21 pound Daoka
Velvet Meal ,
For mulHiis and gotn * .
TOE BIST is mm
Soil by nil rir.stCl.i < is ( Irocnr ? .
Ol Council Illutr * .
C'npltuI stock . $150 ,
Surplus and 1V IIU . 8l,000 )
Net rnpltalnil surplin $2.0OJi ! )
Dlreclon-sl. I ) . IW nun l-on. U. I , . Rliucnrt , K I )
aienvm , K. i : . Hurt , I. A. Miller , .1 , V. Illne limn
unit USntrk' * It. llutinnn. 'I'nia-uot Kuni' bunk ,
nil ! liuslno" . cupltnl unit suriHm ut any
bunk In uw.i
All kin Is of Dyolni ; nn Idluantn- done In tin
liliMicst style tit the art. K.ulo.I tin I stilus I
fabrics made to lo.ik as i-ood us IIQ-T
Work promptly done und dollvorol lu alt
purls ot the country. Send for urieo list.
C. A. MA'OIIAN , - -
: C1 ! ) Broadwiy. Noir Xorth.vnttirj DJJI
COITNJIC , ltrui-i. [ o Yt.
The WhippIeS
PAT. FKII. 2.1 , U93.
Miinufncttiretl by '
Council IlliifTs , la
Warrnntcnl to lnk nn olKlit-
Inch hole , 1 foots Inches , In ono
| Us uiicniinlocl by nny other
In rnplillty. llulitiiix of opera
tion , rotnplcteneH1 , ot construe *
tlnn nnd clioitpneAS.
It Is conceded l > r nil to bo n
marvel for raiilclltjot execu
tion and ease of operation.
Something New
SEND roil
Clrciil-r-Ml - Price
! Siii'iical '
( ma alii
Mi Eve A Em
Itest fju-llltltM , itppiriituiinl raniorlla fors-tcojjif J
troitnicMitoi uvtry form > fill > oi u ruqulr-
liu nit'JIuil orwuratcul troitiiivnt.
60ttn.l3 forpitl''iiH ; , itoirt un I itt'ailuuj. Uo t 113
C'liinodntlonii In the wiMt.
\Vrlto for clrciilurrt on doftiriultlu atnl ttrnooi , trui-
cs club foot , c.trf < iturti-t ol ttilnu ; , pilot , tutaori , CAM *
tor , tut irrli , hroiiehltH , Intitil'itlun , electricity , pir-
iilyr'lH , oj lU'pt'y , kttlnu ) ' , hi ml lor , u > o , , slim anJ
tilood 11 n dnl I HUr lcal iipcnuhmi.
Women I'KKi : . tVoliuve Intel/ nil lot u lyliu-ln ilo-
luirtnient for Wiinicn dtirlnu rtinllneiuunt. ntrlcll/
iir.viite. Only Iteltiiblu iluJICJl lust tutu miuhu u
. . , .
ut liirnu hr correaiionJuneu. All ( Mo llclnimirlimrn iientt sent n/ mull or
cvirei"iM'eiirel/iiicliuJ | | , no ni.irkH to InJtaUu coi-
teiilitor tenilur. One iierioinl Intcrvlu.r preturrol.
( all und cnimnt in * or henil Idt'ory of yuur cusu , a iJ
wuwllUjnl In iilnln wriiiimr. oar
P.nnU TH MPN VllKK > Upon Private S | > o
DUUI\ V mc.11 ,
Cn | | or .vurvo.H ll 3-nai
linpotency yiilillli , ( jlualunl Vurlcujule , wltli quji , ' Appllrince < for Dofnr.nlllo * nn I Trmsoi
I Only iiiunulactur/ I'm ' weil uf
Oinalia Medical and SarJical Institute
2Oih asd Broadway , O-unoll Bluffj. " "
Ten inlntueii rlila from cantor of O.nnlia on Onriliu
mil toinill llluiriuluctrlninut'ir lluu.
The Original anil Genuine
the moat delldouo tutto and zcit
era I.UTTKH from
TLEilAN at Mnd-
red to lilt brother
Bt W0110E8TEK.
ilay , 1851. JIOT Ot COL ! )
that their ( aura la
hit-lily eitecaicci la
India , anil In | n mjr
opinion , ttiu jnosi
Iialatalile , as well
an tlio iiinnt ubnla.
rome K UCO Uiat U
Beware of Imitations ;
Bee that you got Loa & Peirins' '
Blfrnituro nn every ltt'ooj Orlirliial it Oenulnu
Are Quickly Married. Try it on your next
A OEStS WANTED-To loll the best < loubo [
VronHtlnirutiil bnklnK | i In Ibo market.
Stondv work. Onu provo to liuvo itRonts who
innko ever Kl n week rosnlnrly. ACdrts
Clmrlca i-cluillliol3 % Uouncll Ui ilTs ,
\\7ANTKU-I.ady or pcntlomnn to lioarJ by
' T u prlvitlo family. Aildrosi 0 12 , lloo.
STK.NOOltAl'MHU nnd bookkeeper wanted.
lllvo reference. Address .XXiiUuo , Uoun
oil UlulTs.
\\7AXTr.n-Oood slrl for liouoo-
i T work ut 31 1'latnor stroot.
WANTKI ) Oitl for rcncral housework at
"tmilh struct , MM. V , M. Unttlt.
\V A.XTKI ) A good nurse Kirl. Mrs. Jacob
i Mins , : tlC I'livtnur slroct.
\\rAXTKIV-An experienced canvasser , wit *
i' satisfactory ruforcnec < i. to worn fur i
building and loan association In Iowa. Ad
dress A. II . care lloo ofllcu.
VVANTKD-OIrl for general housework. In-
TJ iialro ut No. S.'J I'lurco bt.
iroil SAI.1J Horse , buggy and hirncss at
-L1 hlr sucillloot good ontllli point -well bred
road horse. Must sell , Ci , II. I.owls , l' . ' I'uurl
$ . " > . 00stoo' < of merchandise fii western Iowa ,
well located , doing Rood hiinluvss. for sa'.a
oiMr.ulo. K. O. llnrtlolt. VJl llronijwnyi
< ) ' hond of young horses for tradni Improved
'nrouorty or In nil. K. 0. Ilarlielt , 711 llroad *
way , Council IlinlTs.
worth of dry Roods unit notions for ox-
K. G. Ilnrtlutt , T4I llrondway.
Tf OH 9A1H Good 0-roiim dwullhu near U.
-L'P. t runs for. I'rlco $ Jl 0. Will tike horsoi
uiiil oult.e In part nay. K. M. Shonfu.
FOU 8A UK-Creamery , well loenicd in No-
brasKn. dolnir Rood business. Will take
artn IT or sull unllro business at a b.irgalu
I ? . II. Shoafo.
10H SAM2 Impnivud 40.tcro ! stoo'i farm
In western lown , $ JI ; ISj-nern farm , JJOj IS-
ncrcs. f-Ml. Johnston & Van I'lillea.
MOXKY loaned ut n per r on Council
llltiir.i rosldonco propurty. H. Slioafo.
FOU SAM- : , Florida onuio crovoi will
trnilu for Unnnell HlnlTs or Omaha prop-
BXT. the 1CU man resilience , till I'url <
i- live ; In good repair and nil modern con-
viMiienct" ) . Kont&iOI. R II , blioafe.
ClOUSAMv Hardware stoalt In central Nob.
JL1 Wllllnvolcutt.- K. llJJhoafo. '
TJ OU SAljK Choicest farm In I'ottuwalta-
JinloCo. . . 4ta neroi , well lee itud and 1m-
proved. 1'rlco li ) un auro. R II. islieafo.
1/NAItM nnd city lo-ins nt lowoit
-L esl-ito 'or s.ilu ,
Dwollin , ' an I business rontiU.
Ainney lo.inod forlooul Investor1 * .
! iU > I'o.irl stroot. l.onjoo
1 K YOU have anythlnu for silo nr trade sol
K 11. She ifo. llro.xdway and M nn alrcnt.
\fOll \ UUNT Dwolllnss In all p-irts of the
- ' city. K II. Shjafo. llro.Klwuy and Main.
\\7ANTED-Kastorn Nobrailca lands In ox-
> ' cliiingu for Uounoll lllulfs property. R IL
Slicafo. Uro ti'way ' a.a.1 M iln strjat.
FOU SALE Onstmll payments , fruit nnd
garden Inn I noir Council HlnlTi. K , 11.
Bhoafo , llroadway un 1.Main street.
FOU SAi.K-Alblou Holier mills on Iloono
river. Nub. ; llnost w.itor pjwor In the state
developing IJ. > horse power w iter entire yu ir ;
dally oipaelty , 1UU btrrels : mach ncrv and
iiF3Hnominees complete In uvory dot ill.O.ul
fiaino rcslilencu ; 8 aerosdC Ian 1. tltlo uorfoat ,
price , $ WJJ ; will tike : unl nproro I o.ijtur.i
Nebraska land. K. II. Shu if a
771OU BAIZE Clean rftocic hardware , well os-
-L1 t ibllsho I trrdo , Involco ahont 8 , iJ ) ) . ( Jocid
ciiHon for soliliu. Tarnn ciH'i. H. II. Hhoiife.
i OU SAM3 OU KRNT-Good coal yard with
L scales , etc. UreonshlnliN. Nleliolson & Oo.
Fl'ItXISIlKI ) bouse for rent ; all tnodcrq
Improvements : steam hunt ; 8 rooms. K
H. Sliuufo.
FOU SAM3 IlnrdwHro Moolf. will Involc )
J.l.oau ; lociitod In an active .Ni.'liraslcn town
of l.fMO iiotinliitlon : business old estiibllshcuj
will hour Oiosn Invustlgatlon. K. II. Shuufo.
li'OU KXOlIANnE-IIotnl and restaurant
- ilouatuu at tihnbort. Nub. , and Id lots In
Denver , Colo. ; will exchange for clear No-
briiBku land. K. II. Hlicnfc.
$ : t.ODO will buy 7-rooin rottiiuo wllhO'ixlJO ft ,
lot on North Seventh street : u baruu n > K ,
II , Shoafa
OA AOHK fi nn ullli iniprovumonU , llvci
Owinllei north of Conin-Il IllulTs ; $13 un acre ;
up bargain. H II. She.tfo.
W ANTKD No'raska land In cxchnneo foi
good work horses. K. 11. Slicafu.
Kniii'Iflrc ! Attornoya ut liw. Prao
ft. OillllldtIS tlco In the suite un.I .
Toiler il courts. Hoe us : i. I und 5 Shugat
llcnro boul ! ( , Council HIuITt ) , In.
COUNCIL CiiAsiniii. : OMAHA.No ! ) . . AiiKiiKtlOth.
tt-Ui lo It resolved by iho city cnunell ot
lh > ] clly nf Oinalri , thu mayor cnnuiirnn ; ;
Thnt iifrinitnunt MldewiilliH hu cnmiriicto.l
In thti c-liy of Om ha us ilusl 'n.ited below ,
within Iho d tys after thu pnlnl'Utlon of thli
re oliilliin , or the pprsonitl service thereof , us
vhy iinl IIHIIVO tu iiiitluirUi'd nnd reiiilrud | ; Hiicli
sldcw.ill.s to ho la il to thu periiiiiiiunt trada
1 b established un tlio | ii\ed ; streets speeinuil
herein anil to ho conslrm.-toil of mono , urtlll-
e nl stiine , lirlelt or tlllii' ' , : ieeor.lln to spuel.
HoatiDiit nn llio In the olllcuofthu Itoird ol
"ubllo Worl.s , und un : cr Ils HtiporvlH'.on , to-
wit :
South sine of reiivonwrth ctroet , toU t nnd
2 liloek Itj , West Oinuh.i , ] ) eriniinent rude , d
fcot wide.
Smith Blile of I.oavqnworlh strcol , lotH 1 to ?
Inclusive liloek 17 , Htunton'H sub , permanent
KMde. fifcutwllo.
H.iiith side or I/oiven\vortli : strcot. lots I tel
Inulnsivi' . blouK 17 , HllliiiKH , sill ) , poriniinunl
( .r.ide , ( i foot wide.
t-nilihhldoof l.ciivenwnrtll "trcot , lot IIblock
.0 , lo.ion worth lluslnes-i I'lucu , iicriniinuiit
Krudu. l ! fuel wide.
\nd. bo It further rusolvoil :
That tlio Heir : l of Public Works ho. anil II
hereby iiuthorl/.od tun ! dlroctud lo ciinao it
conyof thlsrusnlutloii In ho pnhllbliud In thn
olllulnl paper of the city for ono wuok. or ho
nerved on the owners of said lots , and Hint nn-
lefH such owners Hlmll w thin IIvo ilayg uflur
tlio publication or service of such copy con-
Htrin'l , mild slilowiilks 111 herein reiinirnd , lliut
thu Ilo.inl of I'ubllo Works cause llio nmo to
lo donu , the cost of constructing Bald side-
wn.kH rospcctlvoly to ho imimod nu'ulnst the
mill uslttp , lot or purl of lot In front of and
Passed Auuuit 1'Jth , 189'i.
I'resl.iunt of thu uonncll ,
Attest : JOHN filtOVKH.
Oltv Olork.
Approved ! OKO. I1. ItliMlH ,
To thu owneruof the lots , p.irts . of lots and
real estate described In the above resolution ;
You , inl ouch of you nrj huruby notllled to
ooiutructpermanent Hliluwalkx ns rorju'rotl
by u ics'jlntlon of the clly council an J in.iyor
of the city of Onmhii , of which the uliovo is a
copy. I' . W. IIIItlCIIAIIbKlt.
Chulrnian Hoard of 1'uullo Works.
OMAHA , Nob. , August uoth , IHX' .
Von are hereby not.lluJ th it the bunks of
earth now existing on
v Ixits I , - , 4 and 5 A II S uulor'ri nildltion ;
l.otH.ri und u blook IA brilnn'j ml lltlon :
I/otii : und the norih lialf of lot 11 Hunnyalila
addition ;
LotH I city ;
Wont 18 foutof nlookX ililiin'sliril irtilltlpni
On the Honth H da o [ Oh irlei Hlrjct liutweon
L'Blh und SUtli btreulsi In tlu city of Oniiliu ,
Irivu been Uuclurod by OrJIn urju No 'lU ' nul-
Von nro hereby dlreated ID a'lato said nnl-
BHIICOS by Hipping uud Kriilln down thu front
Iiortlon of these loti no us to prevent thu falling
wuslliiKor wiishlnicof u r.h on Iho ldownlus
iiilliiciMitMiuiutn wlthlh iwiiniy ( 'tltilurs from
thi ) 1'Jllnl ly of Auviut , h % , or uild riulsiiifus
will bii ulintud by the clly antlmrllloi nnd Dm
oxpnnso thereof lurlotl M a biiuulnl lux
iiuulnbi thu property on trhloh salu nulsu.icei
OXiHt ,
Outed thlsWJthilay of August. IKOa
I' . W , IIIitRllAU.SIvlt.
Oh-tlrinan llounl of I'uhllo Works.
To the ownora of hits and lands frontnz ! Upon
btrt-et linprovumcnl district No. < hj. comnru-
IIIK llriililno struct from the went ilno of JHh
struct lo llio oust line of SVh MtreoU in thu
o IV of OniHhu , nnd Hiilijo'-t ' to asiusainont for
llio puvlnu or ruu.irlnir of th3 nimt : ) .
Vim lire huroliy nollllfil In piirHiiiinco of or
dinance No at.piiksuu und upiiruvod August
SfUh. IHtt , to holoct null determine upon ( ho
kind of material to bu used In li.ivliiK xald ltn >
provointiiit ill-trlct on or buforo huntombci
-4Ih , IMr ; , or the oily counoil will ilutorm.ui
uald inulorliil ,
Oumhu , Nob. , AuKUttaUt. I8U. !
I' . W. lllUKlIAUBnit.
CUulruiuu Hoard of I'ubllo Works.