THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TUESDAY , AUGUST 30 , 1892 , TOE OMAHA BEE COUNCIL BLUFFS. ' " OFFICEi . - NO. 12 PEARL STREET Pellrer 'by carrier to any part of the city II.V. . TILTON , - MANAGER N y. Plumbing Co. Council Blnffi Lumber Co. , Orcenshlcld , Nicholson & Co. , 021 Broad way * real cstnto and rental agents. Unrgcst list of property of any dealer * In the city. A roarrlago license was issued yesterday o J. C. Shandy and Ilosslo Ilalter , both of OmRha. They \voro married by Justice Hammer. David P.l'ank nnd Miss lilvlra Wax , both ot Page county , were uiurnod Sunday after noon by Uov.U. W. Urowor nt bis rsildenco , COO South First fctroot. City warrants stood nt 03 cents on the dollar yoslorday. That Is tiio high water mark for warrants so far. LO B than six months ago they were sclllm ; at 1)3 ) cents. The August term ot thn district court opens today , with Judge Many of Hunan on the bench. Tbero are tTU ) cases on the docket for the term , of which 414 are law , 243 equity nnd nineteen criminal. The members of tno Fifth Avenue Methodist - odist church have decided to nsk Jor the re turn of Hov. C. W. Urowor. Thoconferonco will rucot September 14. and the mlnlstois will bo assigned to tbolr respective Holds at that tlmo. William Murray nnd W. A. . Smith , two hoodlums wno fought a Manuwa motor con ductor Sunday afternoon , wcro fined ? :2J.70 : In police court yesterday morning. The case of Jim Mornn , who shot at some Fifth ward boys the other night , was continued , Chief Nicholson of the II ro department re ceived a tolegraiu yesterday from ChUngo stating that tuo new chemical engine will be ( thinned tomorrow and will probably roach Council Uluffa Friday night , The Hcscuo cugluo will not bo sent nwuy until the chemical has been thoroughly tested , Tbcro was a mooting of the members of the First Baptist church Sunday for tbo purpose of considering the advisability ot extending n call to Kov. J. II. Davis of MiiledEOvHlc , 111. , to become the permanent -pastor. Mr. Duvls preached nt the church a SsJwook nco last Sunday nnd the oongtcgntlon were f.tvornbly Impressed. It was decided to extend n call to him nnd nn answer is ex pected from him before thoclosoof tbo wcolc. Cotnu to Light. It is usually tlio cnso with every mer chant when tuking inventory quantities of odda nnd ends coino to light. Such is our cnso htivinp just completed - plotod our inventory , nnd in order to clean out stock before putting our fall goods on sale wo will offer tor ono week's sale , beginning Saturday , Au gust 27 , our entire stock of ramniints which amounts to $000 , the entno to go at half price , or in others words , rem nants marked $1.00 you buy for COo , tame proportion all the way through our entire lot of remnants in every do- pnrtmonl. All poods figured at original soiling price , and your price half what rem nants are marked. Doing a little overstocked in wauli goods , wo will olTer along with our rom- anntsalo some special inducements in this department. Co India chullios 2Jc , 12jc taffeta cords , half price. 0c. So seersucker ( stripes and plaid B ) Cc , 12c } suiting , 36- Inch wide nt 8lc. Wo have ever /5,000 / remnants of wash goods , 2,000 wool dress romnantu , besides muslin , ticks , flunnolH , Inece , embroideries , etc. , otc.all nt half pricoor half the price marked on ticket. BOSTON STORE , Fotherlngham , White/law & Co. , Council - Bluffs , In. Trains leave Manawa daily at 8 n ndlO .in. , 12m. , and 1 , 2 , 2:30 : , 3,3:30,4 : , 4:30 : , 6 , 6:30 : , 0 , 0:30. : 7 , 7:30 : , 8 , 8:30 : , S ) , 9:30 : , 10 , 10:30 : , 11 and 11-J5 : p. in. The 31:66 : train will make connection with the last electric motor car for Omaha. Louis Ilonn loft yostord y for Denver. U. A. ( loblnion Is homo from a trip to the Black Hills. R. J. Clancy returned yesterday from nn eastern trip. Mrs. J. M. Lane has returned from a two months' visit in Wisconsin. S. D. Hohror returned yoatorday from a business trip to Creston , la. A. T. Fllcklngor has returned from a visit with relatives at Independence. E. S. Barnett of Weeping Water , Nob. , was in the city yesterday vlilting friends. Mrs. J. T. Tldd has returned from Hot Springs , Ark. , where she haj been for tbroo months. Miss Uoborta Hatlenhauor has returned from a two months' visit in Chicago and La Ballo , 111. C. E. White and daughter of Beatrice , Neb , , wore in the city yesterday visiting I. N. Flloulngor , on their way out west. 'IT C. Dawson and Q , S. Wright returned yesterday from Dos Molnos , where they wont to attend the stata tennis tournament. I. N. Daniels , pastor of the AfrlcunMotho dlst church , started yesterday for St. Paul to attend the African Methodist general conference. Uov. T. McK. Stuart loft yesterday for Dos Monies , where ho will attend a mooting of the building commission of the trustees of tbo Clarlnda insnno asylum. Mrs. A. Roller has rolurnod from Kansas City , where she attended the Pythian con clave. She received the appointment of deputy supreme cbuuccllor for Iowa. After a few days cool off and rest , everything is running again nt Mimlmt tun beach as lively IIH over. All the boats nro running , and the water id de lightful. If you want to buy u house see Creep- shields , Nicholson & Co. , 021 Uroadway. Contlomon , the lltiost line of full goods In the city , juot rucuivod. Raitor , the tailor , 310 Broadway. Judbon , civil engineer , 328 Broadway. Still nt Wiir. The natural antipathy that exists between Iho inamharj of tha Union Veteran legion nd the Grand Army of tbo Kopubllo has coino to the s'irfuco ' once moro , und this tlmo the soldiers reunion that is to bo hold In Fair- mount park on Wednesday and Thursday' , September 7 ami 8 , is the oxouso for the III- feel I u t' , Why these two organizations refuse - fuse to Jlbi is unknown to all but the members - bors themselves , but the fuot is that neither ono allows an opportunity to puss for shbw- Inir the v > orld that they have no use for ono nnotlior. Now the Grand Army has comu to the iront with a resolution passed ut t ha meeting last Saturday night , wbcioby thuy nt roe not to huvo unvthini ; to do with the touulon. Thu work or o.irlnp for thu sol diers while they uro hnro ban been put into the hands of committees of citizens , who uro making all necessary iirrmicomonls for a good tlmo , but tbo number * of Abe Lincoln post want it distinctly understood that they Imvo nothing lodnwlthtbu { .Mtborinu ; if there Is any III f cell HIT caused by any Inpio in the irrnngrnionls they do not wunt to beheld held rosnotulbU' , und It there Is any glory they uro willing the legion shall have it all , VC See Grcciishlolds , Nicholson , t Co. , when you want to rent or buy iv house or inuko un axuhnngo. luOpuopto in this city use gis stoves 1\o } \ Gnu Co. puts 'am in ut cost. If you want to eull your property list It with Gieonuhlulds , Nloholuoii& Co. Carpet weaving nt 028 iivonua F. Work v- called for nnd delivered. C , M. Kltif ; , Davle , drugu una puluU. SEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Democrat * Will Put in Nomination Indicia and Congressional Candidates. TODAY'S ' ELECTION FOR AN ALDERMAN City Ofllcluls I'rop.irlng to Itetnnro to Their New ( Jimrtcrs-Olil Soldiers nt Outg J , \V. Citrvell , a ColorC'l Crook , A gill ii in the Tolls. Today promises ? to bo unusually lively in political circles. Besides ttiosiocal | ! election n tan PoUrtn ward there nro to bo two ( lomovrntlo district conventions , the con- jrcsslonnl mid the judicial. Constdornblo interest Is felt in luo outuorao of tbo elec tion , as It will dccldo whottior or not the dcaillock that 1ms deluded or uroveuted so much work from being uono shall uo broken. It Mayiic , tbo republican candidate , Is elected tlio republicans will have things their own way in the future , whtlo It Atkins , the democratic candidate , Is successful the only thin > : that will be mndo corlaln Is that Ltiero will hnvo to bo a compromise on some terms or other between the two sides. Mr. Mnyno has been putting in n urtnt deal of hard work for tno past week among the voters and states that ho Is very much encouraged ever iho outlook. The ward Is tmturully republican uy n small majority , imd Atkins , while personally popular , will not bo apt to jjiiln many republican votes on account of the foot Unit loss mat four year * uCO ho was a member of the school board , having run and been elected on the demo cratic ticket , Tlio republican loaders fcol confident that they will l > o succcsulul if the voters will turn out and do tliotr duty , n thing which the people in tbo Fourth ward sometimes format to uo on election day. In tbo court house at 11 a. m. tno dele gates to the democratic congressional con vention of the Ninth district will muot for the purpose of putting in nomination can didate lor con cress to run nculnst A. L. Ilng. r. th. T. Uununn of Hastings , Mills county , bus been putting in conildcrablo time laving bis plutis to capture this conven tion , and It Is stated on coed authority that thoto Is but Httla doulitof his success. The democratic judicial convention will beheld held nt i ! o'clock ' in tlio afternoon ut the rooms of thu I'ottaxv.ittn.mlo Dumocratio association on Pearl strcot. The local demo cratic loaders claim to hnvo not the slightest idea as to who will ba the lucky mau ; in fact , they are not qulto willing to ndmlt that the nominee will bo a luckv man at all. Tbo district Is strongly republican , nnd cvan a weak republican candidate would huvo a latino share of the chances on his sldo. But Judge Macy has already had o&o term and lias been ronomlimted by the republicans for ( second. Ho is popular throughout the dis trict with both republicans and democrats and il will have to' bo Fomotlilng oxtraord- liuiry to knock him out of tbo ring. A num ber of democrats have been olTcreda clianco to run against him , but they have declined with thanks. Tbo party leaders are consequently quently all at sea , and cannot tell what they will do until the convention meets. Entertainment , jug breaking and re freshment ? at Trinity M. E. church Thursday evening , Sept. 1 , 8 p. in. Ad mission l.3e ! , including refreshments. "Wanted Fireproof safe. E. G. Bartlett - lott , 7-11 Broadway. Couldn't Stuy Awny. About two months ago J.V. . Curvcll , a colored man , was arrested for stealing a pair of trousers from Hughes' stern on South Main street , and was given u thirty days' term in the county jail for thu offence. When ao had partially served out his tlmo ho mot with an accident , being caucht in the door way to bis cell and pinched badlv between the iron bars and ' the cylinder framework. Ho was pronounced to bo in a torrlblo con dition , and ho was ordered taken to the Woman's Christian Association hospital for treatment. On the way to the hospital Curvoll diagnosed his own case and on mo to tbo conclusion that ho was not so slclr as bo was cracked up to bo.Vbou the driver was not looking ho jumped out and toolc to his heels. Nothing more was seen of him from that time until yesterday morning , when Ofllccr Murphy ran across him In nn upper Broad way pawn ubop , where ho was trying to pawn n pair of sbocs. He ran the follow In on tbo charge of vagrancy. At the station ho gave his name as William Cooper , but ho pleaded guilty to being the same darlcuv who had gotten away from the driver of the wagon that tvas supposed to take him to thu hospital. Although ho was apparently as strong as anyone of bit. sl/o when bo got to the jail ho had not been oohlud the bars half mi. hour before no commenced to complain of his in juries that ho had rcroived by being pinched in the county jail cylinder. Ho claimed that the pressure had ciuscd a rupture , which a physician In Omaha told him would disaolo him for life. Ho also claimed tu Imvci con sulted an attorney , who told him that bo would have a good case against iho county or someone else for damages. When ho was asked about his experience oa Iho morning of his escape ho told a story that was ruthcr Interesting , oven ihouch it should not be true. Ho atntod that word was sent over to Terwilligor' * staple that a rig was wanted to take him to tbo hospital. Torwilllgor himself camnand arovo tbo rig. When they had gotten n couple of bloclts away from tlio'jall Toru'llHprcr said to him ; "You don't want to go to the hospital , you want to leave town. " Ho had no money nnd ho told the driver so. Tbo driver did not stop ut the hospital , however , but drove past it obco or twice , all the tlmo repeating bis sugges tion that Curvoll leave town. At last Cur vcll told him that if bo would furnish him the necessary money ho would go to Omaha. Torwllliger agreed to this , and took him to Broadway , wboro bo guvo him some money , just how much Curvoll could not remember , and told him to go to Omaha. Mo to6k the nnxt motor for the other sldo of tbo river , and has boon tbrro ever slnco , until Sundiv , wnon ho was drunk and got to Council Bluffs in some way or other. Ho claimed to have bought the shous be was trying to dUposo of , nnd iravo thorn to a girl hu knew , hut the girl refused to take thoin. Ho then tried to sell them. _ If you huvo n liquso to rent list it with Greonshiolds , Nicholson & Co. ICuuily to Move. The work on tbo uuw city building is being pushed ropldlv , und is now almost completed , The furniture Is in nil the onicoj , and noth ing rnnmtns but u few flnlsblng touches. The rooms now occupied by the , city onlclals in the Sapp building and olsowbero will bo plvon up Wednesday ovenlng , nnd the work of moving out will prnbablv bu commenced today. When il is ones commenced It will not tulco long to ilnlsh It , as thu oniclals novur settled down very hard. The council oham- bor IB not ijuito HnUbod , and Mono of the furnlturo has been notion into position yet. U will bo till ready , however , for the regular monthly mooting of the city council uott Monday evening. "Luto to boa ana early to nso will shorten the road lo your liurco lu tbo skies. But curly to bed and "Littlo Kurly IUier."tbo pill that maUoi life longer and bailer utU wiser. Injiirt-tl III * Trot tor. And now J. J. ( Jlbnon will sue tbo city. Ulbson Is iho owner of a horse which has a strain ot fast blood. Uo values the animal at (1,000 , or moro. Saturday night the trotter was being driven along north Twentieth street. At Grace , horse , bugvy and driver wont Into an open dltrli that was unprovided with signal light * . The borsovai ImJly cut mid uruUnJ , while the buggy was wreckod. in ) bin I In tlio Wreck. Cblis Olson of Wisnor IB In the city , and paid a short visit to Tim BKE. Ho suvs to was In the i > team or , City of Chicago" at thu tlino it was wrecked near Qucuustowu , on Juno UO. He describes tbo wuolo business as a disgraceful affair , and ay ho bcliovos the oQlcor lu cbar o of tbo vouul was drunk when the nccldant occurred , as itVOB a clear cnso of culpable negligence. Ho further ays a lot , of bis property nnd that of other passengers was ruined , for which there np- pears lo bo no nddtoss. Cook's ' Extra Dry Imperial Champagne 1 < naturally fermented ; there is nothing in it but the Juice of grapes. Try IL THE NEW OLUB HOUSE. The Directors of thn Oiiiihn Club nro Con * tillering Architect * ' 1'lnnn , The directors of the Omaha club on Sat urday considered the competitive plans for ho proposed olub houio nt Douglas and Twentieth street. When the club called for plans nnd spool- Icatlons four firms of architects responded , Van Brunt & llowo of ICansai City , John ' . .ntonsor , Fisher & Lawno nnd Cbarlos BclndorfT of Omahn. Tboro was no uniform ly In the plans , Kortunosquo , Italian ron- nalssunco , Queen Anne nnd early English giving the directors and members ot the ut > object lesson * in the various stylos. nro'j of the plans showed n foustory uilding. Latcnaer's sucgestcd a throe- story structure with un L for itilciicn nur- pcses. This suBncatton mot the oo.ird's np- liroval , although not within the terms upon which plans were invited , nnd the directors decided to roadvortiso with additional conditions. That the building should bo Italian ronnnissanco In style , three stories in noighl built upon u plat of ground G3xSl ) fcol. That thu billiard room should bo In the Pasomcnt and that elevators were not to bo taken into consideration. The architects mentioned abova submitted a second series of plant and tbo Omaha nrchltoutv plans aro" considered superior to those of the Kan- Has City gentlemen. It was upon tbo choice of ono of the plans submitted that the board of directors hold a prolonged spislon on Saturday , seventeen ballots being tnkon the board flnally nd- lournlng until 10 o'clock today when the con troversy Is to bo renewed. While the re sult of iho ballots could not bo learned , it Is thought by these who have followed closely the opinions of Iho board expressed during club hours , that Mshor & Law Ho were in the lead when the board adjourned. But nil this mav bo changed. According to a resolution ol thu board , seven out of the nine votes lu the directory nro necessary tea a choice , and that practically moans un unanimous agreement. "But is thcro any need of such a club house at this tlmo , " said a well known club man as n representative of Tin : UKE was looking over the plans. "I hnvo great faith In tno ability of the mon who are at the bead of the club. Yet I think that they have neglected to consider nil phases of the question , [ u a club bouso , such as this is designed to bo , there will bo thrco times ns much outlay ns now. Tboro will bo taxes to pay , coal , water , rent , engineer * , firemen , janitor , besides Interest on the amount of money necessary to bo raised. If they keep the dining room open , us now proposed , until 12 o'clocic midnight there will bo an extra (100 for a COOK And thcso things must bo taken Into consideration. In our present quarters the luncheon hour brings together tbo largest number of men. Tboy piny , billiards nnd talio a class of wino , but there will bo no luncheon hour at Twentieth nnd Douglas streets. Men will not go there for their midday lunch mid the income derived from that source will be lost. Then , too , times nro dull ; wo nro moro conservative than wo used to bo about money matters ana I seri ously question whether wo nro doing the prop'cr thing in building at this tlmo. " I'ure ami Wholesome Quality Commends to public approval the California liquid laxative remedy. Syrup of Figs. It IB pleasant to the taste and by acting gently on tbo kidneys , llvor and boa-els to cleanse the system effectually , it promotes the health nnd comfort of all who use it , and with mil- ions It is the host and only romody. * BOBBED OF HIS WIPE. Nnthnii Clininlinrlalii WiintH Diimiigea from Ills \Vlfo * * rather. / The charge of stealing Nathan Chamber- Iain's wife Is laid at the door of Claud Potter , and the courts of Douglas county have been asked to stop in , hoar the testimony and than award the &ald Nathan Chamborlaln the sum of $30,000 damages. The story as told by the petition In ho case Is that on March 18 , 18SO , Nathau Chamberlain married Elizabeth Potter at Papillion , Sarpy county , ot the homo of her parents , Mr. nnd Mrs. Claud Potter. They lived as husband and wife until April. 169J. During thcso years three children blessed the union ana the parents of the wife moved to Omaha to become city people. Farm Ufa bocumo a drudgery from which Mrs. Chamberlain was anxious to oscapo. Aided und abotlcd by her pnronts she aban doned bor Sirpy county homo and cauio to Omaha. Then tbo husband tnod to cnro for bis llttlo ono * , but found it an uphill busi ness , as they needed a mother's attention' . Hoping to induce ibo wife of bis bosom to return to borTurnl homo , last May , with the children in iho farm wagon , Mr. Chamber lain visited the homo ot the Potters in this city , where his wife had tnkon up her per manent abode. Ho was Int into the houso. but refused a hearing. When bo got ready to go bn was shot out into the street and the children were prevented from accompanying him to his homo on the turm. Now the busband and father alleges that bis wife was stolen , bis homo brolccn up and his children taught to bate their father by tbo Potters , and moro especially by the de fendant , who is known as a spiritualist and a philosopher. On account of all of this trouolo Coauibcrlam alleges that tbo mcas- uro of damages should bo full. DsWltt's Sarsapanlla 13 rolianlo. G. I. PAMLE , M. D. The Good Samaritan. 20 Tears' Experience. XUSADEH OF DISEASES OF MEN AND WOMEN. I'KOPllIETOK OV TUB IIKRIIAL DISl'EN- OF MEDICINE. I treat the following Diseases : Catarrh of the Head , Throat , nnd tungs : W1 oases of the Eye and Kar.Fltsond Apopl yllo rt DlBwiue , I.Wer Complaint. Kidney Complaint , Nervous Debility , Mental Depres sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal Weakness , Diabetes , BrlBhfg Dljcaso , Et.Vitus' Dance , HEcmliatlsm. I'ttraljeU. White Swelling. Bcrouila , Fever Bores , Cancers , Tumors and Fistula In ano removed without the knlfo or drawing a drop of blood. Woman with her delicate or ' .ns restored - stored to health. Dropsy cured without tapping. Special Attention given to private and Venereal Diseases of all kinds. 86O to SBOOforf6" fur " > y Venereal Dis ease I cannot euro without moroury. Tajw Worms removed In two or three hours , or no pay. Hemorrhoids or 1'llcs cured. THOSE WHO AUK AFl'MCTED Will cave Ufa and hundreds of dollars by calling on or using OR , G. W. PANGLE'S ' HERBAL MEDICINES. The only I'hy l clan ivlto can toll what alia a i > vrion without anUliii ; a < juctlon. All correapoodenco ulrlclly confldentlaL Ucdlotna cent by exproa. Addrcu all letter * to G , W , Pangle , M , D BBB - Broad-way , Council Bluffs , Iowa THE SOUTH WICK BALINS PRESS. A ! 9.Tnne a.Haw MnohlnontnlO-Tons-n-Day Price. il lMUIia a liaj Onr w rr litr nlth Each Machine. ThonoiithxvlcUllnllnirrr. . l n2-bor0fulMrelp jnacbluo. It has the trKO t feed opening of cnr Contlmious-ltMIn Iff ! Doublo-Stroko rrces In tbo World. B lcstlBht | draftllchfi Copncltyl Cnn ( rnctlon | Dnrntitllty-ntt Ilio JtKST. SANDWICH MANUFACTURING CO.Council UlufTs Iowa In startingrone press recently we baled nine tons in fiv6 hours with new hands. ABSOLUTELY PURE - JUST-TRY IT. ft. CO. KAN3AS CITV.MO. _ /ft MPiK 5p ! } : V-w ( Twin City Steam Dye "Works UA. SOFIOKDS VOIC , PR , JPBIBTOB. DYEING , GLEANING AND REFINISHING OP GOODS OP EVERY DESCRIPTION. Omaha Office , 1521 Farnarn St. ; Telephone 1621. Council Blulls OITico and Works Cor. Avo. A and 20th St. ; Telephone 310. Send for circulars and price list. I Every BIAIf can lie STRONG and VIG OROUS iu all reipccts _ l by using SPANISH NKRVINB , the great Spanish Remedy. YOUNG MEN OR OLD suflerine from NERVOUS HIJBILITY , LOST or FAILING MANHOOD , tiiKlitlyciiiissions.comulsions , nervous prostrationcnusrd by theuse of opium , tobacco or alcoholwake- fulness , menial depression , loss of power in cither sex , spermator DEFHORK AND AFTKR UbE , rhoea caused by self abuse and over mcluIgencR or an > personal weak' ness can bo restored to perfect healtli and tlio NOBLE VITALITY OF STRONG MUN. We give a written gujVantcovitb G boxes to cure any case or refund the money , $ i a box0 boxes { 5 For'Sals la Omaha by Snow , Lund & Co. D It. B.C. WK3'S KBHV15AND nilAINTKUVP UKNT.a pooiaororlIy torla. Ulzzlnoii , KICi , Noit ralfflo , lleudaelio , Ncrroui Hrostraton causuil b/ Icohoior tobacco , WakofulnoisManUl Uooroi- lonBoltnpsiof tlio Uraln.ojiiilnilojanUr , mlsorr decirdoatti , 1'romatura Old ARO , Uurronen. tMis of i'ovror In cither BOX , Irapotuncy , l.oucorrhoi and all Kemalo WeilcnatgW , Inruluntarr Lo o > , Spur- matorrhc.1 caused by oror-oxortlon ot taj brain bolfabuaoovorlndulffonc& ' * A month * * tr atuiant mill , WogutrunteoMx boxes to ourj Kncu onto for u bo to i. irltli ( ) will sand wrlttan Kuarantceto rafundlf notcurod. Uunr.-intoe liiual only by Theodore , V. Louis druggist , solo nxon' outhoast corner lotb and farnam ets. Omaha Tutt'HTlnyl'lIIitnctaslcInillyon tlio chllil , the dollcato fi-inulo or Inllrin / > old ngo ua upon tlio vigorous mini. ® irlvo t uio niul strpiiKlli to the vcak Btiiiuiich , bo el . UldiutyH unil bladder QOAIL BRAND HEALTH FOODS Parched Rolled Oats , Unequalled in Flavor. Corn Gritz , Sold only in 2& pound packages. Velvet Meal , For mulllns and gorni. IS WPBST Sold bf all nr. t.Clas3 ( Srocnr . INSTITUTE. licit fiicllltloi. npparatntanil romodlot forinrcoiafu tro itmviit ol uvtry lonii of < ll einu requlr- liiK medical or-surtfluiil tra iltuunt. W tods for piltlunH , bour.l mil iitton.Hnco. Holt K3 coiuudutlfmi In Iliu we t. Wrlta for circular ! tin ilufuriultlci niul brnce , trtn- oi , club fuot , curvatures of pln , pilot , tumori , cancer - cor , cittnrrli , bronchitis , Inhalntlun , olocirlcltr , imr- uljilK , uplluhiy , klilnoy , lila < ( dur , ujo , uar , akiu und blood ami till aurultal oporntloil * . DISEASES OF WOMEN U SiirS \ VoinetiKlllClvVoliaTulutcljrudduJn Ifliu-lu department - partmont for women ilurliu connnctnont , itrlctly private. Onlr Itcllablo iledlcal Initltute making K Bpeclaltyof RI8EASKS All lllood Dlieaici ucce fulljr troatod. Brplillltlo roltoni rumurud from tut ) ajTBtuni wlttioul uiurcurjr , Now llcstomtlTO Treatiueut for ! / ) of VITAIi 1'OWKII. 1'ttnoniunable to vlilt 111 majr bo truuted at liuiuu br oorrumiuudcnu ) . All coniuiuiilcatlonn conntlentlal. Midlclnu < urln > trntuentiBiintby mall r oxprrti , > ucurely packed , no mark * to Indicate con- lentiur srniler. Una pertunal Intervloir prelorrui ) . Call and consult ui or feeud hUtury of your cusu , ftnd wo will icud lu plain wj-jnpur , our Ol/i/A / U III till , c | , | or nervous ll ea oi ItapotencyKypbllli , tileat and Varloucvle , wltU quoi IJracvi'Appliances for Deformltloi and Truisei Only munufactory lu tbu iresl u ( DEKOHMITV AI'IM.IANCKS , THUHSKS , liLKCT- . . . i , . . . a , ANJ imufx. Onialia Medical and Surgical Institute * 20th and Broadway , Council Bluffd. Ten ralntuei rid * from center of Omalia oa auJ Uiuull uiutTi ulvctrlo mulor 11 uj. Columbia Now , solid nnd cushion tire , 1601 wheels , never boon out of the block. To close out Mnf (1 ( Awny below cost , or WILL TRADE. Boys , this Is your opportunity to cot the best wheel In the world at the greatest bar gain you ever hoard of. and If you llvo Ml miles from Council 1 1 lull's It will pay you to write. Garland Heaters. After a rrsldenca and a business ovporlcnco In Comic 1 IlliilTs of over 3) ) yu irs. uo huvu found that theru Is no hoitor HO suitable for this clhiKito as the cotubr.ited Art ilarlanil , combining beauty , utility und economy. Pf TloirffcT W Hroadway. . V - UeVlPJLl , CounelllJIulTs Of Council lllulTs. Capital stock § 150,000 Surplus mill I'l-ollts 80,000 Net capital nnd surplus $2:10,001) : ) Dlroctors-.I. I ) . Kdtnumlson. II. I. . Shut-art , K. 1) aiosnnn , K. H. Hurt , I. A. Miller , .1 , Vi illnclirimn nnd Ulinrlcs H. Hniinnn. Tnui iict k'encrul bunk , , IUK tuHne < . l.arKest cupltiil ami surplus ot any bunk In boutUwostorn lotva lNTEIliSrroN TIMIS DEPOSITS. W. C. ESTEP , Funeral Director , Enibalmsri 14 N. Main Street , COUNCIL , PERMANENT SIDEWALK RESOLU TION. COUNCIL CIIAMIIKII. OMAiiA.Nob. . August loth , IfiUi Ho It resolved by the cllv council ot tin ) city of Oniiiha , the mayor concnrrliu : Tluit purnmnunt sldowalka bu consiriicto'l In tlio city of Om'tha us designated bolo , within live days nftor the puhllcutloii of this resolution , or the norsomil service thereof , IIH by ordinunco IB iuitliorl/rd und roqulrod ; HiR'h fdowulka to ho luid to the permanent vr.ido ns ektubtUhed on the pavi'd streets Hpcelfied herein und to bo constructed of stonu , nrtlll- alulHtono , brick or tlllnu' , iiccordlim to 8inul- | HcationB on file In the olllcoof thu Hoard of 1'ubllo Works und unilor Its , Hiipurvlxlon , to- wlt : South sUioof T.oavunworth street , lots 1 and 2 block IB , West Unmhit , uoiiniinunt crude , ( i feutldu. . fioiith Bldo of I.oavonwortli street , loin 1 to" Inuluslvo blook 17 , hliuitoii'b bub , permunent' , I ) f cot wide. ijnuth sldo of I/oiv(3iiwortli : street , lots 1 to 7 Inclusive , blou.c 17 , llllllnxs , sub , permanent ( jr.ulu , U feet \\lde. bontliHldoof I.oavcriworth lrcot , lot Ilbloolc 10 , l.ouionwortli Huslnctj I'lucu , poruiiinent Krudo. 0 foul wlilo. And , bo U further resolved : Thut the Ilonrd of I'ubllo Works bu. nnd Is hereby uutliorUod uud dlreuted to eauso u copy of this resolution to bo published In thn olllulal paper of the city for ono wouU. or bo served on Uioownoraof said loin , nnd thutnn- leus such ownorH bliull within llvo days uftor the publication or korrlco of such cojiy con- itruet said slduwalkn in herein required , tliut the lioard of I'ubllo Works ciinuo the HIIUIO to bo done , timeout of conbtruetlne said nldo- witlkH reupc'otlroly to bu assessed u uln > .t the real oHtnto , lot or part of lot In ( rout of and abutting such sidewalks. i'aasoo August 10th. 1B92. 1'rcslilent of tlio ( Joiinoll , Attcstl JOHN UHOVI > . Oily Olork. Approved : OKO. 1' . IIUMIH. Mayor , NOTICE TO CONHTItUOT HIDBWALKH. To the owners of tlio lota , parts of lots nnd real cstuto uoxurlbud In the nbovo resolution : Vou and oaoh of you are hereby notllled to construct permanent sidewalks as reiju'red ' by u resolution of the elty council und mayor of thu city of Umaha , of which the ahovo is a , copy. 1 > . W. lUKKUAUbKIC , Chairman Hoard of 1'uullo Works. OUAIIA , Nut ) . . AuifustSOth , Ib'J. ' . SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. AGENTS WANTUD-To soil Iho best nimbo | roastlnc nnd bukln ; pin In the mnrUnu Steady work. Cnti prove lo Imvo agents who innUo oxer 134 u week rpfcularly. Address Charles Scliultnol < . Council I'l ifK W'ANTKD I.iulv or gontloimin to board by n prlr.ito fAtiiily. Address U 12 , HOP. STKNOOHAI'IIKU nnd bookkcopor wanted. Hlvo reference. Address .XX'JJ , Hue , Cotiu- cll llhilTi. \\f ANTED-Oooil Rlrl for Riniornl bouto- TT work ixt.t'l 1'lntnorgtroct. BljAClC driving linrsp , Intcpy niul l.ixrncss fors.'tio clicap. Nu. 018 Ninth iivem.o. \\7"ANTni > fotniietcnt ulrl for totonil > lilacc. Apply uotn pen N nnd 0 o'cJrck n , in. ntu.ll lllulT street. Mrs. John T , Stownrt. WANTIIH ttlrl for liousowork nt 70\bth tlri-ot. MM. K. M. Uault. "IV A cootl niirso irl. Mrs. Jacob i ' fclmi , 111(11'liitnur ( "ttroot. \\rANTKD--An uxporlcncetl onnvimsor. with ' mitlstnettiry rpfcronec * . to work torn building nnd loan s < JOoltitloii In lowtu Ail- drcas A. II. , caio llcoolllto. vt JANTIJD Olrl for general housework. In quire at No. H.'j 1'lorco bt. S A Id' Horse , b n csv nnd lnrnu t nt JL' blcHiierllloni gcoiluntllti k'ood vnbred \ \ rend horse. Must sell , U. 11. l.owls. l'J 1'eurl street $ .r > , COO < liok of merchandise Invcntern [ own , well looitted , doing com ) buslncso , fur sale or tr.ulc. U. U. llsrlli'tt , 721 liroiuhvny. Ol hond of young horses for trade ) Itnnrnvpd JproDorty or In nd. K. 0 , Iliiitiott , 741 llroiul- wiiy , Council Illuirs , > l.l)00 ) woith of dry goods nnd notions forux- i : . O. llartlett , 741 llronilwny. WOIl SAl liK OooJ U-ronin dwelling near U. JL ? I * , tran sfer. I'rleo * . ' ,0 iu. Will ftko horsus ii nd entile In part uay. K M. Slioafu. "IjAOH .SALr.-Cri'iiinory. located In NoL - -L briisUu. doing goou bnslnojs. Will take artn or or suit entlto Ijuslness at n bargain E. H. Shcafo. FOlt HALE Improved 40aero stoolt farm In western lowii , til ; lSJ-icro : fiirni , i.'O ; TJJ- ncrcs , S-'li. Johnston ft Van 1'attcn. MOXl'Y loaned tit fl nor cent on Council lllnirs i eslduneo propet ty. 1 II. She ifo T71OK SAIjH , I'lorida oraiue trove ; will -L trade for Oounell HlulVa or Umaha prou- rty. I ! II. t-liotfo . _ Ull.N'T. the nisimun residence , Illl 1'nrk uvo ; In good ruptlr : und nil modern con- . HuntlloJ. K. 11 , bheafe. II aril warn stock In central Nob. WllllnvolctiH'iOJ. EllSlioiifoj _ FOIt SAljE Clioicost farm In 1'oitnwntta- 111 iu Co. , 4KI ncros , well loc tied and Im proved. Price $10 un nero. K. 11. Shcafo. 1.AAKM nnd city lo ins at lo\ost rutos. J-1 ustato 'or sale. Dwollinu unU business rontils. Kloncy loiuiiid for local investors , 2J1 1'oarl stront. I.ousoo & Towlo. 1 ! ' YOU have aaythlnic for silo or trido SOB K , II. Slioifo , llro.idwixy und .Mini stnmt , irOKHUNT Uwolllnis In all parts of the -L1 city. 11 II , Slioufo. Hroadwny and Muln. WANTI2D Eastern Nebraska lands In o\- clianco for Council HluiTi proporty. IX IL Blioafu. Urov.hTay und Main stroot. _ Tj OH PALE On small payments , fruit and -L CardLMi InnJ near Council llliilTd li. II- Shoufo , Itroadway und Muln stroot. TT1OK SALE-Alblon Keller mills on lloono JL' river. Nub. ; Unust water power In the stite dovoloplni ? li > horse power water ontlro ye tr : dully capacity , 10U barrels : machinery und nppnrtcnnncos eompleteln every dot ill.Ooj I frumore liloiieoH ; ucrosot luii'l. title Dcrrejt , price. J15.0JO ; will tuko luilmjirovo I eastern N'cnrabku , land. R U. Sheafo. FOIt BALE Oloan stoeic hur.lwuro , well es- tiibllshod trrdo , Invoice nbont tl'.OJJ. Good cason for hulling. Terms cash. E. II , Hlionfe. fTlOK SAI.K OR Un T-Oood conl yard with L ? bcnlcs. oto. ( iruunahlnhH Nicholson He Oo. TflUKNISIinn liouso for rent ; nil modurn -L1 Improvements : stoum ; 8 rooms. K. n. s FOR SALC Unrdworo sleeK , will Invoice &I.OOU ; located In nn active Nobruskn town of 1T > 00 poiiulatlon : business old cstubllshou ; will bour uloso Invest iRiitlon. K. 11. Hlioafo. FOIl EXOHANaC Ilotol and rbst.uirnnt locntoU nt Sliuljort , Nob. , und in lots In Danvur , Colo. : will o.\oliaiin-o for clear No- braeUa land. IX II. tilioafc. $ : i,000 will buy 7-rooiu cottaso with Glxno ft. lot on ortll Sovontu stroiu ; u bur aln. K. H. Shcafo. A OKI' fnrm with Improvements , llvo llca north of Council ItlulTd ; JJJnu ncro ; u snap barKiiln. K II , Slicifo , WANTHD Nu1 raslca land In cxohango for good work horsus. C. II. tihoafe. m rpnliin Ilnli.t I > ntlru to Contractor * . Bo.iled nroposita will bo rucolvuil at the of- coofJ P. Ilurrott. city ck-rkof tliu cltv of tcrllir. . 111. , up Kido'eiofk p. m. . of Monday , optainbar r > , ibO.1. for ftiriilslilnir tiiuturl.ilB nnd doin ] tlio work of pitvlns Third Htreot In said city of StunliiK from Tlilrd uvuiinu to nvoniio. The work will comprise approxi mately the follnwlns : l'.8rjwimro | yards brick paving ( moro or nss l 4.4001lnoil : foptof curbing ( moro orlosi ) TAO cubic yuids of stone rotulnlnic wiillainiro ( , Suwor. Rns und water connections to all lots whf ro such connections ) mo not already been m n do. The whole of the work to bo completed on or before November I , Iffil- . Specifications and blank forms for bids oan bo obtained upon application to. I. K llarrntt city dork , and plans muy bo seen at the olllo , of W. 1' . I'ltlmor. Miiperlnteniluntof streets. Knch hid muat bo accompanied bv n eertl- fiocl check for the HUIII of SoOO , payable to the order of Hon. A , H , IIoiHhoy. mayor , whlcii cheek will bo forfeited to tlin city of Sterling In the event that any bidder , or 1) HI dors , Khali fall lo OXC3UIU properly a contrnet , with irood and BUinolcnt sureties , If awarded the con tract ; otherwise to bn icturniid to the bidder. I'.iyiuont for the woric will bo made partly Inscilp. bearing U per cent Interest , after Oc tober I. 1SIW. , , , , , Tno bids will bo opened nnd rend publicly nt tlio mcetlnt ; of the elty council at H o'clock p. m. , BoDtemborfi. 18W , und the council ro- Borves the right to reject unv or all bid * for any reason It may ( loom antllclont. Hy Older of iho city round ! of the elty of Sterling , III. JAMK Rl'i.ATT. Chairman bticuls and Alleys Com .i.Nn , III. , Auir. 10.1BJa'Utfaj a I PERMANENT SIDEWALK HliSO- LUTION. Council Chamber , Oniulin. Nob. , August IfltH lbA ! ) Ho It resolved by the city council of the city otOniiiha , the Mayor concurring : That put niftnon tHIdowal Us bo constructed In the city of Umaha n designated below , within llvo 'lays af UT the publication of thin resolu tion , or the personal sorvlro thereof , as by or dinance In niithoil/ed and required ; such sldoivalks to bo laid to the permanent gr.ido as established on the pavrd Htruuts spct'I- tied huruln and to bo constructed of stone or htonn. accordliu toHicclllcallonti ) on lllo In tl-o olllcoof the board of publlo works , und under Its hiiporvlslon , to-wlt : West bldo of ' . ' ( itliRti eel , lots 1 and a block 2. Capitol IUII addition , peimuncnt grade , I ) feet wide , Hast sldo of 17th street. lot ! i block UO , oily , Iiermanont grade. Ill feet wide. North biclu of Capitol uvonuc. lots B , 7. 0. S hloi'k 7'J , city , permanent gradeD tout wide. Wchthlduof Ilth slreet , lot 1 bioulc 01 , city , pprmunent grado. IU fuel wide. Wobihldoof Illh street , lot 8 block 01 , city. pnimancnt grade , IS feet uldo , And. liu It further resolved ! That the board of public workH be , nnd Is hereby authorized linU directed to c uiso u copy of this resolution to bo published In the ollldiil paper of the oily for ono week. 01 bo served on thu owners of bald lots , and that unless Huch owiuirs h ill within llvo iluyH uf tor the puhl cation or service of such copy con struct Bald slduwulk as herein miulruduthat the board of publlo works cuimo the siimp to ho done , the cost of constrnctini ; bitld < lde- wulksreHpuutlvely to be asbussed agulnut thu real CHtato , lot or part of lot In front of and ahuttlnir uch sidewalks. 1'assod , August IDth. IbOi. Ii 1' . DAVIS. 1'reslrfunt of the CounolU Attest : JOHN . City Clerk. Approvodi OHO. I' . KMIB , . Mayor. NOTIOi : TC CON6TUUOT HIUKWAhKH. To tlio owners of the lots , parts of lots und real estate described In the aboVe ronoln- Vou'nnd o.ioh of you are horeuy nollllod to construct pcrmuiiont hUlowalUn anreiulrcd | by 11 resolution of the city council und mayor of thoelty of Uiimhu , of which the ubovo Is u cooy. l . W. I lKICIIAU8iiL ; Chulrmun Hoard of 1'nbllu Works. Omalm , Neb. , Auxunt UJtli. ISO. . - - IP YOU EVER SUFFERED Ml- Indian Depredations If you are In position to takq advantage of the lows re lating to you have taken up a piece o { Public Land. , If you have made an Invention on which you desire to secure a You should communicate with the Bee. Bureau of Claims1 The object of thla bureau Is to glv every person holding n legitimate claim ! ngninat the crovornmont the udvftntaffttj oa residence in "vVubliinjjton , whotlier ho live in Texas or Alaslca. It clpoa moro than that. Nine-tenths ot the population of Washington would bo helpless if as Iced how to go to wortt to secure their rights through the depart ments. THIJ : Bii5 Bureau of Claims gives the advantage , not only of per sonal residence , but of thorough famil iarity with all the machinery of th government. It offora Absolute Security. ; You do not know whether the avorugn Washington claim ngont will cheat yo or not , although on general principles you would naturally suppose that hot would. But you know that the San' ' Francisco Examiner , the St. Paul Pio' ' noer press and the Omaha BKR cannot ! afford to cheat you. They guarantee ' this Bureau , ana their reputation is staked upon the honesty and ability ot its management , The bureau employes attorneys who are Expert Specialists for each of Its tlopartraonts. Its Indian depredation CUBOS are care ully worked un , with all tli3 ovldonoo required by law , and argued before the court of claims in euoh a manner as to bring out most favorably all the osaon tial points. Its land caBOB are handled in strict ao- cord mien with the rules ot the General Land Olllco , BO that no delays or com plications ensue in the orderly settlement - mont of the claims. Its patent cases are so managed ns o insuio thu ulintm podululu Dunullt lo thu nvontor , by giving him the broudodt protcution his IdoiiB will justify. Its pension CMHOS are Jldposod of with the least possible doluy und expense to thu votcraiiB. Don't tafraln from consulting the bui'oau bocuuBe you uro afraid of the cost. Its costs nothing to gut information. Ask as many quostiona us you pluaso , and they will bu answered promptly cheerfully uud uuouratoly , without charge. THE Bee Bureau of Claims Room 22O , Bee Build- in # , Omaha. Neb.