Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Douglas County's ' Delegation to the Repub
lican League Meeting Organized.
Object of tlm 1-enK" " Ilxplulncd The ( llory
of thn 1'nrty Sot forth mill Surccsu
1'rcilictoit Cliiilriiiuii nnil Sec
retary Clinton.
A meeting of tbo delegates elected by tbo
various republican club ) of Douglas county
to attend tbo convention of Kcnubllcnn
Lionguo clubs at Urand Island next VVcdnes-
any was held last evening t repillillcnn
hondquartors. There wore about sixty of
tha dolcgatos present , winch Is but
one-third of the totul delegation.
Tbo meeting was called to order by Brad
Slaughter , secretary of the Republican Sta'.o
league , who Introduced cx-Couprosstnan
Allen of Michigan , tmtlon l org.inlzor of iho
Hojiubllcan Leagun of the United States. Ho
sold :
" 1 need not snv thnt It elves mo pleasure
to look Nebraska republicans In the face ,
for wo toke credit up In Michigan
for having pructicnlly settled Nebraska.
I can always toll a republican crowd when I
see one , because republicans nro always In
favor of going ahead and doing something ,
while , on the contrary , democrats arc so
built that they nro moro comfortable slltlnc
Bllll. They might properly bo termed the hold-
Hack party. Still they have n mission to per
form. They tire u sort of necessary ovll.
Republicans are vary progressive and wo
might got too radical at UIIICH. The demo-
urals as individuals umv think as much of
our country as wo do. but the pnlloy or their
party liamport thorn and has n tendency to
crump their mind ? , and with them In power
fur any considerable length of tlmo the
country would have stagnntlon and n repeti
tion of the ante-bellum days , when thyy
demonstrated thnt they wore not progressive
and that the things tunt did for their grand-
lathers would answer for them.
Work ( if the Xiitlmml T. ' : ifiic.
The republican party was born n.nld the
throes of iho tnreatcned dissolution of the
union , when vho country was gradually
drifting to destruction. It took , hold when
the country wo * only a llfty years' experi
ment , and has mada it what it Is today ono
of tlio grcutoet und most respected nations
on the face of the globo. The unc
ross of republican Institutions In this
country depends on Individual effort and
that effort must bo concentrated.
'J'ho smallest part of politics Is Dotting Air
A. into oOlco or getting Mr. B. out. It is tit
carrying out principles that tno great good ,
conies to n country. This Is whore the Re
publican National league comes Into play.
That great organization Is not for the pur
pose or furtborlnir the Interests of any ono
man or set of men. It is simply to perpetuate
the principles of the republican party , be
lieving them to bo for tbo bait interests of
this great country.
"Tbo coming coventlon at Onind Island Is
a most Important ono. This grout state
ought to bo In the formost ranker republican
states. It. has been built' up by mon who
came here , for tbo most part , without a cent ,
and they made Its greatness under wise laws
put upon the staiuto books by a republican
congress and under n republican executive.
Not a foot of all those bro.ul acres would
huvo been given to homesteaders If the
democrats had had their way. law
was passed under Lincoln , of blessed mem
ory , alter it had boon vetoed by James 11 u-
cbanan , the last democratic president they
woio able to elect until they placed Grover
Cleveland l.i the executive mansion , and bo
was the last ono they over will see.
Triumph ut the Polls I'rojiIicHled.
"Now , then , is tulc. newer to bo allowed to
pass away from the republican party ! Every
EtL- -vote cast for Weaver is ono for Cleveland.
If the election , through tbo misguided
efforts of tlio people's party , is thrown Into
iho house what will DO"tho result ! It Is not
problematical. This prosontconirrcsj , which Is
democratic two to ono , will sctllo the mutter.
ThoPiIty-second congress will then nnmo
tha next president , and their selection would
bo Graver Cleveland beyond the slightest
doubt. It must ho apparent to any sensible
niun , nnti our republican voters wlio huvo
temporarily strayed uwuy wjll see it hoforo
the day of election dawns und return to their
llrst love , nnd carry this stuto for Harrison ,
for Hold , for the Union and for the princi
ples of the republican party.
"Our friends , the oncmy , cannct
point to a fiinplo act of this administration
thut hna not redounded to its credit. lUnii- ] :
uiin UnrrUon Is in point of uhillty the pcur
of any president this country hat over hud ,
with Iho posslulo exception of Lincoln. Ho
did not huinllluto a weak power lllo Chili ,
but compelled her to rccopiuzo our rights ,
nnd to proud Kn 'luiui suia , 'You must richt
mat wronp,1 His foreign policy hus lidded to
our standing among the nations ol tha
" ( juntlomen , when you RO to Grand Island
I only ask that you sand to the i.iitiomil con
vention at Buffalo mon uho are republicans ,
men of standing and ability , who will ropro-
eent this Btalo with credit , for they will
llioro como in contact with men Irom all
parts uf the country , and 1 say to you thut
the action tl.oro taken and tbo worlc result
ing from it will go lar toward settling the
coining election. "
Mr. Allen xvas boolcod to nddrost the
Council Bluffs Republican club , and was
compelled to cut short his address mid tulco
the motor to go across tha river. His remarks -
marks were received with applause , and ho
ivas cordially invltod to again address
Omuha republicans.
OrcnnlziiiG thu Delegation.
Mr. A. C. Troup was then olcctod chair
man of the meeting and Charles Unlit secre
tary.A call of the various clubs showed that a
totul of 1ST delegates hud been elected to go
to the Grand Islutiu convention.
The meeting proceeded to olcct n chairman
to head iho cntiro Douglas county delega
tion , and the names of T. 1C. Sudborougn and
liirhard Smith wore placed in nomination. .
Then nroso the question as to whether
Ihoao present should vota the absentees or
whcthnr only the votes of these present
should bo considered , and It was dually do-
clued to postpone tuo wbolo matter until
jnoro could bo on band , either at a subse
quent called uicotlng or after the dologutlon
KOI to Grand Island.
Judge Kllcr wanted a chairman olccted a
dav or two before sinning , us some of tbo
delegates might want to confer with him and
thorn were some arrangements to bo mado.
JIu thought another meeting should bo hold
Mondby night.
The matter was finally reconsidered and a
hallo * . ot those present was taken. It re
sulted : Smith M , butlboroufh'J'J , aud Smith
wai declared the duly elected chairman and
\vu-i called to the chair.
A coinmitteo consisting of the chairman
nnd Messrs. Sudborough , Dreoken-ldgu , Van
Dusen nnd Tun mo wus appointed to loolt
after ull nocoisury iirrunBomanU.
W. A. Mcsslck was elected secretary of
the delegation. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Talked About Unit Itulc.
Then nroso tbo ijuostlon of unit rulo. Judge
Ellor didn't lAl'-jvo that o many delegates
could bo miidj to think alike , whllo Clli.ton
Puwcll hoped that for unco Douglas county
would turn ever a nnw leaf and vote solid nh
ovurylblng , Ho tald it would bo so novel
nnd no refreshing lo have such an experience
thai hu liopjcl It would oa dono. Ho said
Uouglna county hud consigned Ituolf tn
1''iiomlny In the eves of oil the roil of the
Btuto by its continued differences , und ho
prayed for a now departure.
An tboro were less than halt iho delegates
prohunt it wus dovinod inadvisable tn exact a
unit rulo.
Un motion of J. U. Hcovo it was declared
to bo Uio senseof the meeting that J. M.
Ihuritoa'a ' numo ue presented to the conven
tion as ono ot the dcleitaUwat-lorBO to the
U , H , Uoblson urged that the dele-
gallon stand together on all questions ,
mm called attention to what such
notion hud accoinplUhcd at the ttuto con
vention. Ho eald that Douglas county hud
not only secured the nomination of uorcun-
diuuto ( or governor ; but Had ul o hud n band
in every other nomination that wa made ,
although ono wbolu duy of the couventlou
hnd boon spout in nu attemptto bombard the
DiugUs county delegation to pieces.
Italuu Urcckourlugo called attention to the
fact thnt the hcndqunrtcri of the contrat
committee had been located In Lincoln. Ho
said that the republican league wna going to
bo M important a factor in the campaign n < t
tbo slate central committee , nnd ho thdugnt
thut the nropcr thing to do would bo 10 secure -
cure the location of Irnguo headquarters and
Iho president of the longuo for Omaha , This
suggestion mot with favor.
Tbo committee on arrangement * will announce -
nounco Monday when the delegation will
Mr. Slaughter called attention to the fact
that Lancastercounty was going to do tbo
thing up brown in the way of sending Ham-
beau clubs and man in uniform nnd sug
gested thut Douglas didn't want to bo loft.
Jiosiiioi the 15U Lancaster delegates , tbo
Voung Men's Republican club ot Lincoln to
the number of . ' ! ( M will io to Grand Island in
a body , accompanied by two Hum beau club ) ,
ono whllo and ono black.
Tno county delegation will beheaded
headed by the Ttmrslon drum corpi , und ar
rangements are being matin for the Fifth
Ward Flamocau cluti In uniform to go along.
llrpttbllcmn Mill Meet 111 Onmlm on Mon-
iliiy , September til.
The republican county central committee
mot yesterday afternoon to llx the tlmo for
h'jlOIng tin primaries and county conven
tions to select delegates to the Second dis-
drlct congressional convention that is to beheld
held In this city September and to the
convention that U to place in nomination
county odlror.H and a legislative ticket.
Thlrty-lhrcu of the members were presenter
or ropresontoa aud Chairman D. II. iMercor
Charles Unlit raovo-i that two primaries
und county convention ! ) ba hold , ono to select
delegates to the congressional convention
nnd another to nnmo a county ticket.
Jatnus Walsh thought that ono convention
was otiough , and suid thnt tlio convention
could adjourn niter naming its congressional
delegates in case it was deemed inadvisable
to select tuo county ticket nt that tlmo.
Cluirmaii Mercer thought thatouo conven
tion wus enough.
Mr. Cnrr moved that but ono primary beheld
held , uud that two seta ol delegates bu
selected nt that time. It was so ordered , and
the lime for holding thu primaries was llxod
for Friday , S'jptomber 10. and the convention
to select congressional delegates oa Monday ,
September 1 ! ) .
Thu caucuses will oo held'Friday night ,
September U. and petition tickets may bo
lllrd with tno cpntrul committee until thu
following Monday noon. Primaries in iho
country products will bo hold bo twees the
hours of 7 and 'J o'clock as usual.
Tno representative In each convention will
botbo iuuio us In othorconventions held cur-
lug the past year , allowing each ward n in o
delegates , South Omaha fourteen ana each
country precinct live , a total of 11)0. )
Tbn primaries will bo held in the following
places , and the caucuses at the same place
except where otherwise stated :
I'lrst Ward Eleventh nnd I'lorco.
Second Ward Sixteenth und William * , oau-
cus's hall.
Third Ward 1 u South Twelfth.
Fourth Ward Seventeenth nnd Dodge.
I'I fill Ward Sixteenth and Clark.
Sixth Ward Twenty-fourth unu Lake , cau
cus Twenty-sixth and Luke.
i-oventh Want Twenty-ninth and Popplu-
ton. eiiiicim U'12 I'urk uvenuu.
Klghth Want Nut yet selected.
Ninth Ward Twonly-olslith and Farnam.
South Omaha j wenty-llfth between N and
The county nominating convention will beheld
hold Saturday , October IB , ut 2 o'clock.
Tlio resignation ofV. . t > . Cook us ono of
the South Omaha mnmuors of the committee
wus accepted , and A. U. Powers was named
in hU place.
West Omaha had a little controversy that
It wanted settled by the committee. That
precinct Is seven miles long nnd four wide.
The bulk of iho population Is at the north
end. but iho majority of the republican
voters live ut the south cud. For nearly
two yenrs tneru has boon a controversy us to
where the caucuses and primaries should beheld
held , each end stubbornly contesting for the
location in order lo savn so much travel.
Tno committee was asked to pass upon it
nnd muko a fair settlement , nnd thus relieve
thu precinct catniniltcomen of the unpleasant
duty. Fair minded representatives said thut
Fortv-lifih nnd Gaming was about the center
of population , and suggested that choice.
Messrs. Sudborouch , Walsh nnd Crocker
were unpointed u committee to look into the
matter und report to tha chairman , wbo will
Issue an order In accordance therewith.
Mr. Silvers of Xew York baa a lot of cam
paign uniform samples on exhibition at re
publican headquarter * ! , and the mambats of
the committee were invited to inspect them
nnd get prices.
Organizer Allen of the republican icazuo
wns also present , uud met many of tbo mem
What DoiiuirriitH Aru Doing.
Tbo Juuksonlan club held a mectlnc- lust
night at the ciub headquarters , 1211 } Fur-
nam street , for ttia purpose of making some
amendments to thu constitution. Some m-
lonnul discussion ubou * . the political situa
tion In general was Indulged In but , no special
outburst of inthuslusin was manifested dur
ing the meeting.
The democrats of the Eighth ward ore not
n , lot of very cnthuUusiiu lellows. They
were billed lor a moating at Twenty-fourth
and Cumlng streets last night , whcro J. T.
Moriarity wan to expound homo .Incksonlan
doctrines. Thobpeukor wns on hand ns.vns
also .1. li. Sheean and four other members of
the party. Morlarty refused to uncord him
self Dotoro so few people. Sheean rotused to
call tno meeting to order nnd.aftsr resolving
to drum up a larger crowd for next Saturday
night , Iho six gentlemen with untorrilled
proclivities tunica off tbo gas and went out
Into Ibo night.
1'lltli U'uril Oulrgutns.
The Fifth Ward Republican club has
olccted the following delegates to tha Grand
Island , convention : C. M. Baeuman , James
ICyncr , John Jenkins , W. N. Nason and John
Wallicc. W. A. Saundcrs , tbo president of
the cluP , will not go and Secretary C. M.
B ataman goes in his stead.
It Will Ho I'ormully Opcnml Tuesday .Morn-
liiK lu Numoruuu Attractions.
Tbo Douglas County fair will bo formally
opened on Tuesday morning and promises to
be u greater success than it Das over been in
previous years. The farmers huvo taken
moro than usual interest In the fair tbU
year and have been very lavish lu entering
for exhibition all kinds of llvo block , grain ,
vegetables und fruits. From protont Indi
cations the boatd of managers is of the opin
ion that the exhibition bulls already erected
will not be sufficient to moot tbo needs of the
numerous exhibitors , und it may bo neces
sary to llx up u lot of tents tor the use of iho
later comers.
The secretary received word from farmers
uour Valley , in Ibo western part of the
county , to arrange for the recoptlon of llvo
carloads of thoroughbred stock , which will
reach the fair cruunds Mondav morning.
The grounds are already crowded with some
splendid specimens of Douglas county stock.
Great Interest lias boon manifested by the
Omuua tlorlsu uud other * In thu lloral de
partment. Thuro seotus lo ba a very com
mendable rivalry on the part of thoiu wbo
will make displays lu this department to
outdo each oilier , and tha result is the lloral
oxhlbiU IhU year will surpass anything over
noun before on the Douglas county fair
Thu art department has by no moans boon
neglected and some of thoexhlbils show that
In the mutter of ait culture Oinuhu is muk-
ing great progress. The merchants1 displays
will also bo qulto numerous aud will bo a
very attractive fauturq.
Tboro uro 15 J horses entered for the spaed
races , among which are some of the lluost
horses In thu country , and tboy como from
all parts of the United States.
Mr. . Wldslow's Soothing Syrup for cbll
drou luothlnir elvoi quiet , helpful rust. 25
cents a bottle.
Murrlagu l.louime * .
Tbo following mirriasro llooutua ware is
sued by Judge Ellor yesterday !
Numo nnd address. Age.
I l.mils II. Vn | < | iilit. Omaha ' 'I
I AIIIIII > ) DelUche , Omaha. . . 'M
I William AeKwitb. K.orunco , . . , aj
1 Miuul Sdiroedor , Klorenoo . l'j
lCharli' W , Illcus. Vnllfy. . . , ! U
IMiiKKiuK Mix. Vulloy a !
i ThoniuN W. 1'loti'her , Omuha in
( Louisa Ucrllui ; , Omuha. , ' 'I
Nugget ! Nuffgotl Nuggotl Buy Big
powder. tt'J o : . 23 cents.
Republicans , Democrats and Independents
Entertained ia Samdora County.
Lynn * ' Hiirrlftnn mill Held Club AddrrMoil
Hy'llov. C. Spiiiniit of I'onnsyl-
viiiiln Other Intcrnstlng l' -
lllicitl Mown Mutes.
FIIEMOXT , Nob. , Auir. 2" . [ Special to Tun
Dic. : | A blgjolnt. political rally ntid plcnlo
took place todav at Uaroy's grove In fciaun-
ders county , about eight miles south of this
city. W. II. Di.iUtr.son of Wahoo presided
over tbo meeting and th.9 ttmo was divided
boiwcetj spankers of all parties. J. E , Prick
and Judge Isaan Lansing of Lincoln sooko
for the republicans , lions. Albert Watkins
of Lincoln and T. V. Mjhonov of Omaha ex
pounded democracy , wbllo William Ucoh of
Saundcrs county und vV. K Greene of Kear
ney CL lightened the1 multitude ) on the princi
ples iidvocatad by the people's party. There
was un Immense attendance from Uodgo and
Saundcrs counties.
Hiiyd Out of I'olltlcs.
LINCOI V , Nob. , Aug. 27. [ Special to Tim
BRE. ] "When will Governor Boyd return t"
nuked o BBH reporter of Prlvnto Secretary
Morrisioy toil ay.
'I have just received n telegram from
Governor Boyil dated at Loa Angeles , Cal. ,
which Informs mo that no will bo in Salt
Lake City next Tuesday or Wednesday ,
where I expect to meet him. "
"Tnen the governor's oftlco will not bo
represented at the state convention , " ven
tured the roportor.
"Tho governor's ofllco , " replied Mr. Mor-
rissny , "is out of politics and has boon for
some tlmo I Invo known > stuco last April
ttiat Uovornor Bpyd was not u candidate for
rcnomlnalion or for any other oftlco ; par
ticularly , bo hub had onoueh of the govern
orship. What wi h campaign expanses ,
lawyers' fees and other oxponsot in defend
ing his citizenship , it would require live fig
ures to name the amount whicb ho Is out dur
ing his Incumbency of the gubernatorial
chair. "
"Well , who will the democrats nominate
next Tuesday ? "
"I don't know and will not bo hero to find
out , but I have a democrat's interest In bis
party and I hope to see our representatives
select n man who would be a credit to the
position and command tbo conlldenco and
support of the people. Governor Boyd is tuo
only democratic governor Nebraska has over
him uud I think all will ugroo that bis ad
ministration has boon clean , economical and
in ovorywlso characterized us up to a latch
standard. I would halo to sco that standard
lowered In the eyes of the peopln by the
nomination of an inferior man : and I bollovo
that iho nomination of a mnn loss eminently
qualified would result In driving a great
many uomocr.its to the support of either one
of the other candidates , both Urounso and
Van \Vyck being men of n high order of
ability and personal character. "
St. rani Veterans Turin u dull.
ST. PAUL. Nob. , Aug. SJT. [ Special Tele
gram to THC Buu.J The old soldiers' organ
ization known ns the Howard County Veteran
association mode Its club a permanent tiling
today. Sixty veterans are now members and
their influence will bo felt in ttiis campaign.
The club will uniform.
The people's party county central com
mittee met today but its work bus not been
heard of.
The democratic county convention
named Frank lams for representative and
James Baxter for commissioner. They
placid no candidate for county attorney on
the ticket. Colonel X. Piascclci was" en
dorsed ns a candidate for elector and named
his delegation us follows : J. G. P. Hlldo-
brand , C. V. Manntr , John Dobry , Ed Lar-
kowskl , Ed Lafrcnz , Jobn O'tiotloran and
X. Plasockl. Delegations wore named for
other conventions. Hon. S. N. Wolbacli was
endorsed for governor. An enthusiastic
crowd listened to a eood reuubllcan speech
delivered by Hon. O. Abbott of Grand
Independents lioninc Strength.
B LA lit. Nob. , Aug. 27. [ Sp.'clal to TIIK
Bii.J : The Independents attomptoJ to hold
a county convention Friday ut IConnard.
They bold a mass convention und succeeded
in rallying out thirty-seven voters. They
hud two ofllces to till county attorney and1
county representative. They nominated
Gcorgo . Ncff for toprosonlativo and found
they had no material for county attorney.
NolY don't care to muko the race when there
n such u sure chance of defeat , but a few of
the leaders nro u ruing nltn to stay in the
raca so as to keep up thu organization in
Washington county. Tbo independents are
losing strength every day and their only
hope now Is to nave soruo ono run merely to
ho organlzition.
Ail'IntKHuil Lyons' Republican Club.
LYONS , Nob. , Aug. 27 ; - [ dpoeial to TIIR
Bun 1 Hov. C. Spannuot of Plltsoure , Pa. ,
spoilt ) last night before the Harrison and
Held club on tbo Honieitoud strike. Tbo
speech was free from any partlsanism. The
Tbn speaker did not l.iy ttio blaine on either
sldo. Ho said the men wlio struck wore get
ting from $20 to ? 3 per duy. Tlioso wore the
men who struck. He said thorn were n few
day laborers who were getting $1.40 per day ,
but tbo chance m wastes dla not ntfcct the
latter class. The company claimed the now
machinery just put in was such un improve
ment over the old that tua skilled laborers
wore bettor abio to make moro tban the con
templated reduction of wages , Tbo speech
was cheerfully accepted by nil classes.
or Viillny County Deinncruti ) .
Oni ) , Nob. , Aug. -Special ( Telegram to
Tin : BBE. ] Tbo democrats of this county
met in muss convention today. The commit-
tea on resolutions arraigned tbo republican
leaders and "robber tariff" and favored a
straight democratic ticket for Uaio and con
gressional ofllcors. The following uro the
delegates elected : State Albert W. Jack
son , James D. Falrbanb , Stephen A. Parks.
Congressional Jonu S. Boauuhatcp , Albert
T. Jacksju and Robert , Mills. Tbu delegates
to the congressional convention wore em
powered to act as delegates to the senatorial
convention. W. P. Everlnghatn w.s nomi
nated for the legislature and John Leo Mc-
Dououqh for county attornoy.
Choypiino Uomoorati Demoralized.
SIDNEY. Nob. , Aug. 27. | Special Telegram
to TMI : BBE. ] Tbo democratic ! county con
vention today was thu biggebt lizzie that
over took place ho re. Out of tha forty-two
delegates In the county but eleven responded
und nlno of them were from Sidney. The
democrats In Choyrnno county are in bad
stiopo und need u Turkish butb to demise
their impurities.
Itopulillciin KntliunliiHin at blclney.
Siiixi'.v , Nob. , Aug. 27. [ Special Telegram
to Tin : BISK , ] The republican clubs of Choy-
oniio county held a ratification meeting and
torchlight procession tonight. At tbo court
house an immense audlonco ItUunod to ublo
addresses delivered by Judge Church of
North I'latto and Captain Blauchard of
Sidney. _
In Cumins Uoiinty.
WKST POINT , Nob. , Aug. 27. [ Special
Telegram to Titu Bsu.J Felix Guons wo *
nominated for representative this afternoon
from Cuming. ounty. Tba delegation to thu
Sixteenth representative district Is for H. H.
McGulre. The state delegation Is Instructed
for J' , F. O'riulllvan for stuto auditor.
rinttimonth Democrat x ,
PlATT3MOUT"i Nob. , Aug. 27. [ Spoclal
Telegram to Tin : BEE. ] The democrats beld
their primaries for delegates to the county
convention tonight. A bitter fight occurred
between tbo Cuablng and Goring factions ,
and the indications are that Goring U on top
in the city.
_ _
ISriullto Univlmyi.
"I lintl an experience with a lot of
cowuoya sonio yours njjo Unit I did not
enjoy even a llltlo bit , " uuld Alfred M.
Dlrlcod to U writer in the Globe-Demo
crat. "I had just loft college , my
health was bud , und I concluded to tro
out wobt ami rough It ( or u few mouths ,
toholn dijTvo a herd ot cnttlo
from northern Toxnp1 into Kansas , nnd
made thu usual mistrlKo of supposing
that I was the only Vntffi in the party
who know n sylloglsrifffotn a personal
pronoun. For thrco Successive evenings
I nlrod my college lUJrnlng whllo in
companions sat in "hlj circle around
mo und chewed 't'bugh ' bocf or
smoked plug tobncco. Then they con
cluded that they had had about enough
of Aristophanes , Pyth'agorns , nnd the
philosophy of the PoVipntotlcs. arid they
proposed to wind mo up. The next
morning the boss gave my orders in
Greek , the cook nsked me in choice
Latin whether I wrMlld take 'sap' or
sirup on my slapjacks , and n cow-
liunchor with a big revolver sticking
out of his bootleg besought mo in Per
sian to reserve my kindergarten learn
ing for the babes of civilization. Ono
hnd been a professor in Yale und the
others were Oxonian * . I have not slnco
nttomutod to dazzle the simple children
of the frontier with a display of my
learning. "
Viaduct l.ilK Again Imlulgod In A 1'otl-
tlmi Circulated.
Viaduct talk has again boon revived nnd
thcro is a prospect that it will assume some
thing llko tangible shape this lime. For the
past year the question has bean talked of
again und tigulti , and all sorts of schemes
linvo been suggottcd , but none have been
acted upon. Tnoro are these who want a
viaduct ever the railway tr.iclo on N street ,
others think a foot bridge the proper thing ,
and an underground tunnel has its cham
pions. Tnoy nil vlo with each other that the
trucks should bo bridged In some way or an
other , and when Iho conflicting interests get
together uud agree upon ono of the thrco
propositions something will bo douo , und
proo.ioly not uatll then.
Cusblor Bostwlck of the South Omaha
National bank has IntoicUcd himself In the
matter und yesterday started out with a
petition among the property owners on N
street west of Twenty-sixth street. The
petition asks tbo council to toke stops to
construct a viaduct over the tracks on N
street , starting at n point west of Iho nlley
botwcon Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh
streets nnd landing on the property of the
Union stcck yards on the west of the trucks.
Some tlmn ago , City Engineer IClnc pre
pared nn oslimuto of the cost of construct
ing an overhead foot brtdgo over the tracks
at the request of tlio council , nnd ho also
pronounced the scheme impracticable , bo-
cuuso the span would bo lee long. lie also
prepared an estimate of tbo cost of nn
underground passairc. which will east ubout
$3,000. Both estimates were kindly re
ceived and tenderly consigned to the care
of the city clerk , where they nro resting
todav , and will probably tboro remain ,
If Me. Bostwluk meets wltb any success
la securing signers to his petition. It is
probable that the council will taku linmcdl-
nto action and a viaduct will ho constructed
ever the tracks on N street beloro another
year has come and gone.
Grow Violently Jnxnno.
Gooreo F. Nuwman , a wnll known citizen ,
living ai'j'ivcuty-lirst "and G streets , has become -
como violently insane. Ho llrst showed the
symptoms of it'sanity Friday , and as the day
were on ho grow worso. fln the oveninc ho
became violent and securing a hatchet made
un attempt to annihilate- the whole family.
He was pacified and removed to St.Joseph's
hospital for treatment , . Ho crew violent
there yesterday and the South Omaha
authorities were notttidtl thnt ho was unman
ageable und should bJ taken to u place of
safctv. His case will DC'called to the inten
tion of thu commissioners and they will bo
urged to send him to the hospital for the In-
The cause of Mr. Newman's derangement
Is attributed to worrying ever a fourtoen-
foot out iiia'do in front of , bls property when
Twcnty-llrat slrqot was graded this your.
Ho has been a resido'nt of. South Omaha nnd
un employe of the HamirTond Packing com
pany for a riumoe'r of years. " "
Oiveni Cuolco.
Cards bnvo been received announcing the
marriage of John O. Owens and Miss Emma
Cooke , which took place at Turner , III. ,
Thursday , the 25th. Mr. Owens is the popu
lar secretary lo Manager Babcock of the
Union stock yards , ana has a host of friends
In this citv who will bo pleasantly surprised
to learn of his marriage. The bride Is an ac
complished youni ; lady of Turner , 111. , and
will receive u welcome to Soutb Omutm so
Mr. and MM. Owens will return to South
Omuhnaftora short trip ta Colorado , und
will bo at homo after September 25 , ut 009
North Twenty-second street.
Attempted AssiisHlimtiun.
Jerri' Dunn , n saloon keeper ut Thirty-sec
end und K streets , was scared out of consid
erable growth last evening , Ho stepped out
of the back door of his suloon ubout 10
o'clock nnd bo had hardly reached the open
air before a liroann was discharged , nnd u
bullet whizzed in close proximity to his bead.
The bullet imbedded itself In a wlndo\v case
ment near where ho stood. There Is no sus
picion us to who llred the shot.
Notes und I'ur
Mrs. Dr. W. J. Bell of Bcllevuo has joined
her husband in tbls r.lty , and they are making
their bdiUB at the Rsud hotel.
City Kngincor King has just completed tbo
survey for the proposed chono In the switch
ing trucks of the B. & M. and Missouri
PnniUr. The proposed change is for better
convciiicucj in gelling into tbo yards of thu
Union Stock Yards Hallway company.
A. party of Nebraska Central surveyors
were working ycstordav northwest of the
city along the line or the B. & M. railway.
J. F. Cornish is homo from Kansas City.
J. S. Mullen has notlllad Citv Clerk Dlt-
zen to withdraw bis numo from tbo bond of
James Callahan , the Allbrlght saloonkeeper.
Tliomas Flynn left last ovcnmir for Chicago
cage on businois , to ba gone ono week.
Tom Ilogau , u switchman , bad tbo fingers
on his loft band badly crushed yesterday
afternoon while making a coupling.
Tno ladles of Alpha lodge , Daughters of
Hobeccu , will ? 'vo ' a social and entertain
ment at their Unit over tbo South Omaha
National bank , Friday evening.
Miss Clara Davis , a teacher In tbo public
schools , bus returned from her Colorado
The Misses Tybo entertained a small narty
of friends last evening at their homo , Twen
ty-fifth and I streats.
Nels Purlnton and Harry Carpenter have
returned from a two weeks' outing in tbo
Black Hills. '
Ed Johnson returno'd1 'homo last evening
from his trip to Idaho. >
Frank Vasak , a bal/6 was arrested last
evening. Tbo complainant it Mrs. Clark
Frozen , who alleges thnti ho throw missiles
through n window , striking aud injuring her
young son on the bead , , , The principles in
the case reside In tha Citvan building at
Twenty-sixth and M attests. '
Miss Maud Hibbard of Irvington is visit
ing Miss Blanche Kdeoron. |
Hey * ami ( illIn.
The yem of greatest growth In boys ,
ticcoiUlng to the British Medical Jour the 17th ; in gU-U.tho i4th. While
girls roacu full hqigjit in their loth
year they ucquiro t\\weight \ \ at the ago
of 20. Boys are stronger than girls from
birth to the llth yem- ; then girls ho-
corao superior physically to tlio 17th
your , when the tables are turned and
remain so. From November to April
children grow very slowly and gain no
weight ; from April to July tlioy gain in
height but lese in weight , und from
July to November they Increase greatly
in weight , but not in height.
The drawing of street curs is not the
only employment In which horses tir-
bomg suporeedo'l by electricity. Com
punies uro now being formed for the
purpose of providing eara In size und
shiipo like ordinary cars , but which nro
in reality largo reservoirs. Tlio water
is diffused ever the ) road by moans of u
horizontal pipe , pierced with hols ,
llxoil underneath tlio cur , and at right
ungloa to It.
Socking Surcease from Onra in the Sub
urbs of the Hub.
limitation from the Center Put on.Ice by
Hay Itrcrzot UllniiMon uTtliu Harbor
from 1'uvnrccl Hrrathlnir Spot *
Light and Simile.
BOSTON , Aue. IT. Boston has long pos
sessed an excellent reputation tu > a summer ro-
sortand western people tiavo sung Iho praises
of its coot cllmato In a manner Unit has uo-
lighted whllo It has at times astonished
their eastern cousins. ThU summer , low-
ever , has rather withered Boston's ' laurels in
this respect ; for with the uurcury in the
nineties for several successive divs , to say
nothing of a stickiness that is excessive oven
for August , It might seem a little diftlcult to
make good Boston's claim to comfortable
It is only in the narrower sense of Boston
thnt there Is any real difllculty In upholding
Its claims ns a summer city. Washington
street may bo red hot und the frog pond on
Boston common nil but slzzlo , and yet there
may bo places within the delivery district of
the Boston pojtofllco where the mercury will
register six to cleat dugrcos lower than m
Boston proper place * where the wind comes
cool und strong ncrois the water , nnd
blankets nro comfortable o'nights. Boston
Is justly proud of her suburbs , und beautiful
as uro Longwood und Broolttlno und thu breathing space of Franklin park ,
these are nil on the inland side of the city.
It Is to nor bar > or that Boston turns for
comfort during a heated term , and It Is sel
dom , very seldom , that she turns in vain.
Not to speak of the more distant shores of
Nantasketnud Cohnssot on the ono side , nor
ofNahant and Swnmpscott on the otuor ;
right hero ( -'hero' bjlng CottaijA park ,
Wintbrop Center ) , with nil Boston's water
front in plain sight nnd the now pier In the
South Boston Marino nark Just oppoiite , one
can bo comfortable while the dog-star Is in
the ascendant and ut the same tlmo luvo
one's mall delivered by a Boston letter
carrier 1
It is , roughlv speaking , twenty minutes
from tee Boston , Lynn & Hovero Beach
railway station on Atlantic uvcuuo , to Wlii-
tbrop Center , and the lirst stage of the short
Journey Is by ferryboat across ono of the
most Interesting portions of Boston inner
harbor , running close lo the great warships
of the \Vhlto Stiuadron when they happen lo
bo In port , and swinging into iho ferry-
Blip with the great Cunurders lying
at tbo docks scarcely moro lhnn
a stono's-throw ' away. The Httlo narrow
gauge railway keeps the naroor well In
a Ight , and the stations h.w hat indescriba
ble summery air , as though lifo hud sud
denly become eco grand picnic as , in truth ,
U does vorv largely In about Boston during
the summer months , tbanks to "early
closing" with its shortened hours. From
the station to Iho park Is only n short dls-
tnnuo , and a barge is tno moans of convey
ance. Now , u "bargo" elsewhere than in
Now England is a boat. Hereabouts , how
ever , it is a "bus ; " not drawn ns ono might
fancy by a sea-horse , hut , by the ordinary
quadruped nnd t-o is ordinary , as u rule.
Cottage park und Burtlctt park uro under
thu same management , and only a linn of
cottages sepjrates them. Tbo Bar'lott house ,
which is used for chambers and for some of
the entertainments , stands facing the sea ,
while the Jawn In front of it Is laid out for
tennis , a grove of tall trees shading it ull
through the long summer afternoons. A
litilu to the right of the Burtlott house is the
Cottage Park house , whore the occupants of
both houses and the neighboring cottages
take their meals , and on Saturday nights the
tables are cleared away for tbo "bop , " that
being tbo name for the somewhat informal
dances that have come to bo u matter-of-
course at New England summer resorts on
the last night of the wcott.
Cottage park , which is lalfl out In a more
formal manner , has tbroo neat little cottatros
on each side , the cottages facing each other
being practically the same , though the Blurt
cottage bus u largo square room with a pi
azza , both of which command a line view of
the harbor. Grussplats and flowerbeds ,
with smaller trees than these of Barllott
park , udorn the gentle slope in the center ,
while a ( light ot steps lead down to the pier
that runs out frow the pebbly bathing
So much for the moro detail the setting
oi the stage , the frame for the picture that
skv und air and sea provide. Done to death
us "ull descriptive writing has boon , to speak
of this place and not to suy something ubout
tbo most beautiful part of it , is to pluy
"Hamlet" and omit tuo pnnco. The broad
ocean under summer's sun is beautiful , but
the harbor view that onu has here is moro
picturesque. Islands lead tuo eye across the
water , emphasizing the distance ; boats of
many kinds , from the great ocean "linera"
to iho little sailboats and dories
tnough the dory belongs as a
typo rather moro to Swamp cott and Uloti-
ceHlor pass und rqpass between tbo islands ;
little flaws nnd clnudshadows turn long
reaches of water into strungo greens and
blues and purulcs , while fur off to the distant
horizon Boston outer light stands white or
gray In the daylight or " waxes and wanes ,
boinc a revolving light"by t Ight. Wholher
the water is glittering in the Bunsnlno or
showing darlc and threatening unoer
heavy stormclouds , or gloaming in
silvery stretches under the full
moon from the orange lights of the llgbt-
houses to Iho cast , around to the electric
lUhls , clear and cold , of Boston's water
front on the west. It is always .something to
watch ; capable of sudden effects in
light uud shadow that are novel and
striking to Its most careful observers.
Once in a while n midnight thunder-storm
comes along , nnd the sea is lit up by a violet
radiance that blinds the eye to thu lights of
Hotel Pemberton. which lies further down
the hurbor ut Hull , while the after Hush
glimmers faintly on the distant clouds across
thu bay. Even when the tide gees out ns
all tides must , alas ! there is no disaim > o-
able odor , nor anything worsu than great
patches of eel-t/russ for tbo eye to rest upon ;
and beyond tula is the great harbor channel
leading out to Iho blue of thu dUtuut sou ,
and across the channel , the blue hills
of Milton rlso azainst the borUon ,
It Is quiet aud restful hero with tbls com
bination of country and seashore. The sou
ulr is always sootblng , and sound sleep has
been the rue * ) , wbllo twenty minutes away
the Inhabitants of Boston have sweltered
tbroueh nights of broken and feverish slum
ber when they huvo slept at ull. This maybe
bo due in part to tbo construction of a largo
proportion of the cottages , which aru nmro
watertight shells of wood , many-gabled ,
pierced by numerous doors nnd windows ,
roofs that ail-
with high-peaked give largo
spaces to tbo breezy chambers. Mr. O , F.
Belcher , the proprietor nnu landlord , planned
these building * with special roforenca to se
curing breezes from all quarters' and the
nooks , corners and gables that resulted add
much to the plciurosquoncss a well us to
the comfort of the place.
For these who do not care for water ex
cursions , thcro uro pleasant walks and drives.
Tbo old town of SVlutbrop lies just across
the railway with Us churches , Its buildings
of iho older colonial style u pleasant con
trast to the moro modern architecture ot iho
newer portion. Or ono may start cityward
In the later twilight , and watch thu lights of
Boston town as they make brilliant points In
the dark mass that rises , a trlllo grimly ,
against the western sky , wbllu the
wind comes cool across the water
though there u very little of that
dampness ( barring Iho inevitable dog-dav
stickiness ) that takes so much from iho
plousurn of many out-of-town resorts. Then ,
again tbls time to the ojst ono may go put
on the long pier and have almost the eunsa-
lion of being utlout , without the danger of
an upset or tbu risk of sea nlelcnuss. The
bathing is sufo , the beach sloping gradually' '
and the water conilne up rjulotly , lapping
gently upon the si oro.
For these who desire to find a comfortable
place within cu y reach of Boston and yet
away from the dubt , noise and boat of tha
city , Cottage Park may well provo jutrnot-
ivo ; the moro 10 that the great crowd of tbo
unwashed that have practically ruined tbo
best of Nautasket beach , avoid It llko the
Took Cliarti ) of tlm ( ! liirf.
GIIKE.NWOOP , Nob. , AUR,27. ( Special Tele
gram to Tun IttJ This afternoon while
the United States inspector was having n lot
of cigars stamped , ono Avcry gathered up
some 400 of them nnd made off. lie ran into
ono of the business houses and hid the
cigars. Ho Is now under arrest for stealing
thorn. Tbo probabilities nro thut it will bo
qillto an interesting vase uoforo It Is do no
with. Search warrants ere the order of the
Vanilla Of porfoot purity.
Lemon Of great strength.
Almond Economy In tholr use
Rose etc.
Flavor as dollcntoly
and dollolously na the 1'roch fruit
The Original ami 6eRuin
lmr rts the mewl dollcloua laslo and zest >
TI.EMAN nt Mad
ias. to Mil brother FISH ,
LEA At PEItniNS * flIEAT.S ,
that their MUCO la
bltrhly esteemed la GAItIK ,
India , and It In mr
opinion , the inos * . WEI.HH-
ralatalilo. as well
nn the most nhole- pJiKEliH S ,
some iuco that 1 *
juatlo. " Are.
Beware of Imitations
eee that you got Lea & Peirinn' '
Blgtialnrooneverr liotf.oof Orltrlnit & Genuine
Unlike tiie Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chciuicjils
are used In the
preparation of
\BreaMastdflcoa \
\ehlch is absolutely
pure nittZ solttbtc *
Itliaimoretluir-thrce times
the strength ut Cocoa mixed
: J/J I rLl with Starch , Arrowroot or
V2y3M SiiRar , and is far moro cco-
ni.nlu.l , coitlmj less than ono cent a nip.
It U delicious , nourishing , and UAMLV
DIUE5TKD.Sold IjjrGrorcrs.cierjrirhcre.
W. BAKER & CO. , Doi-ohester. MP
HUM' '
triumph of Scientific Medicine.
Nothing has ever been produced to
equal or compare with it as a CURATIVE
used over 40 years , and always affords
relief and always gives satisfaction.
For Piles External or Internal , Blinder
or HleeditiK ; Fistula in Ano ; Itching or
Illceding of the Rectum. The relief is
immediate-the cure certain.
For Burns , Scalds and Ulccralion and
Contraction from Hnrns. Tlieielicfisinstanf
Ihe healing wonderful and unequaled.
For Boils , rfot Tumors , Ulcers , Fistulas
Old Sores , Jtching Eitiplions , Chafiiij ( or
cald Head. It is Infallible.
For Inflamed or Caked Bi casts and S.orc
Nipples , It is invaluable.
Price , 50 Cents. Trial sJ7e , 25 Cents.
Soltl Ljr Prucclilt , or eent poel' | < Hll nn ltcv ! | t nf pi Ire.
s' , , mi minihoisi. . , M.IVMIIK.
at Low Prices.
Stock and Design
The Latest and Best.
Send us S1. O and we'll send you too engraved
cards Irom a new copjicr plate.
Send us UO cts , and your present plate ( to lie held
and registered ) and we'll tend you 100 cil-
graved cards.
We pay express charges.
( Late Oobb'i Mln nry Co. )
136 Wnbash Avc. , Chicago.
lvlu , .14 ; I'D i' iiraclioil
enco w HU .ill kiM v dlionoi , Trent 1 njaaiiifiillr
ullchronlacHji ulrjii u ; > hy nthar iljctdrt U.ill
nnil tia him or vrrltu for qujitlon hliuK. Da nat
think your onolioiulo n bjaiu j year 0 )0tor tIH
you no , hut try tha Chlnoia dastur wlt'i lil n J r in I
wonderful roiioilles , nndrj3lvo mvr haiohti nil
pornianentauro-wliitotlrjr ilocon oinmit ilr > .
llurlin , llooti and rinnti r.'ttiirj'g rjaiatlliH-hli
mcdlelnei. Th3 world hl "I trios i. On } li < > < mnl
tt'illinonltili In tlirjii yeir ' priotlo ) , No Inlurloni
decoctkinj , no narcotic. ) , no polu.i. lUllantl
tro.tuacnt nni pernmnsnt cnrj.
KollonlniC.iio uoai > ( ullr I atl1 nnl curJl.
given up by nlhor doctoril
Thot , CouKhlln. 4111 Humor itreot , chronic rliaa.
rtintliimli yearn , kldnojrnml llvor troiiblui.
Thos. Culvert , 12th unit Knrnitn otreati , fionuril
dotilllty , In.lUJJllon , lo of truiulU and viullt/ .
Took uiuiilclns furjuim hut not nu r llof ,
.M. l > . AnJurion. IIU Cu nlru tri3t. oitirrX
OBllimannJ bronchitis ot Httujn yovrj suinJI.i ; .
Jim ferule the ro > u3dli nt
H.U ) nkultlu lx bottloi fur fi.'W , for tin euro oC
Aitlimii , Catarrh , hlok llua'liolio , IndUiiillui
lllood I'olionliu. llho'.imttton , l' ' milu Wotknoii.
Kidney and I.Ucr Complaint. No nirunln. HoU
only by Clilnoia Modlclnu Co , Capital , f IUJ.JU
Office , 16lh aal Cilirouh Sti , Omi'u , No
We will icnd ) ou Ihe marrdoui
Frrnrh rii-pimUon CALTHOb
trvv. unit * Ireal Kuaniiltr ( hat
DAli'l'IIUH will Itrkloro your
Ileullli , Ntreiivlli uJ Vl or.
( fit Hand fay f/tatii/tJ.
Bolt i .rUu i | U , ttoel d , OtU.
nnd Onl * ) rnnln .
rr. > i t. rrll M . i o *
ironln f r mtkfiliri JTiicIIH fl/t
nnn4ffranJln II nl nj Oo
hMr. , icjlM lih bl . MbUn 1'nkc
nontnnr.Wrfa p
ll'.nt nd fmff ( l ni. At t
IQ tump * ror oularl. uiltraroUli
"Itellff for , " ( n ! , t > t r lnm
V AMull InonOTnllmMUU. ' n9tn >
" I Chlphciiterriicmlrnt Co.M itUan Nantnt
noUbrklllx > ottUry lct < . I'htUda. . T * .
"BANATIVO , " 111 *
Wontlorfiil Bpunliiti
Itrnirdv , In f M wllh ft
Written Qunranteo
ncure all Ncivous li -
rant , tudi us Wfik
Mtmcry , Ixi ( .f Drain
1'owor , llcnrtuchc.
\VAlOtlllllfM , l.OSt M n-
htiOil , Nf rvotitnr w , I JJ-
dtudr , nil ilinln * And
Doforo& After Uso. Ion of ] < ontr of tha
rhotoeraphci from lite. ( Icticr.itlvo Oifoni In
, . i i. . . > _ iiiiiJ cither ten , caiKtd by
ovei Motion , jonllinil liullrcllmi , or llic n ilr
asvoftnlmno , oilniii | , or MlmulniiM , which tiUlniMrljr
Ivii.l tn Inllrnilly , C\in uin.tlun | nnil tmniiltt. 1'nt < tp
Inciiiivnilrniriitm tn rnrrv In tlif Mt t | > CKt , 1'ilrn
II n 1'nckHEf , 01 OforJJVlth c\clj fOoidn nrRhen
tvrltton nunrnntoo to euro or rotund tha
monoy. srnt l > v tnnll lo nn > mlilr-i" < . t'lnidar frea
In I'lidu onrclope. Mention llil IHIHT. AilJiru ,
MADillO CHEMICAL CO. , nraiicli onto : foi 11. a. A.
SM IVarlmni ! < lr vt , CllIfARO , It.I.
roll 8AI.K IN OX'AIIA , KEB. , BY
Kiihr A Co. , Co.r 15tti A toiiKU Sto
, A fuller A Co. . Cor' 14tb f Do-iatai atl.
They fire blind xvho will
not try a box of
( or tha disorder ! which
grow out ol Impaired
I ) I ff c f I o n , For n
\ViMikM > nmciC'nn. ;
ff.\vvr. \ Nil It lleud-
itrhts < ii * iiuy Xilltntifl
Juncl \crvoun nllmftit * . they take the
> place of an entlro madicfne chest.
Of nil ilruraists. Price SCI ccnti n box.
New York Depot , i6 C.innl St.
Dutch Process
No Alkalies
Other Chemicals
arc used In tha
preparation of
which is absolutely pure
and soluble.
It has more than three times the strength
of Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot
or Sugar , nnd is fnr more economical ,
costing less than one cent n cup. It
is delicious , nourishing , a'.ul KASILT
Sold by Crocuro everywhere.
W. Baker & Co , , BoroiBstQrMass ! ,
Tooth-Food ,
This medicine for babies prevents and
cures pains of teething and resulting
diseases , not by putting children to sleep
with an opiate , for it contains no harmful
dings , but by supplying the teeth-forming
ingredients which ate lacking in most
mothers' milk and all ailificinl foods.
It is sweet and babies like it. $1.00 a
bottle , at all druggists. Send for pam-
nhlcl , "Teething Made Easy. "
Dr. lliiniplircy > i'Sircl1lr | im > scientifically nnd
o rcfully prepared Kvmvilka , upud for jcarn In
jrivnto prnctfoo and for otcr thirty yearn by the
pcoplo with L'litlru Kuccroft. Kvcry eluglo Specula
u siK-'clal cure for thu illsfasu ntimcd.
lliey euro without drugging. imiKliiK or reducing
tl.chjxli'inandaro In fnct uud deed tlio taoirrulgu
oflliu World.
tlir ir rni > ciriUNos. enure. i
1 1'uvevs , Congcr.tlom , InflumnaUong , .
1U tVorniN , V.'orm Fever , Worm Colic. . . . .US
3 TeL'tlilnin ColicCrjliig , Wilcofuliiuca .25
1 Diarrhea , of Children or Adults .35
7 CatialiH , Colds , IlrouchltLi > .45
7S Nonrulirla , Toothache , Fnevacho
lleudnchew , Kick.llendnchu , Vertigo. .
1U IffHpopHln , IlllouHue ) 8 , Constipation.
11 Hiis > S > rcHNed orl'ninlul 1'erlodH. . . . 15
l > i V.'nlleH , Too 1'rofuGO Periods. . . , .US
1'l -Crnnp , Ijiirynultlp , Hoarseness .35
14 Salt Itlionni , ErjK ! | > Inn , Eruptlouo. , .25
J5 umnllHiii , Jlhcuraatlj 1'alna . , , . . .25
li Mulitrln. Clillla , 1'erer anil Ague .25
17 -PllcN , llilnd or Illeedlns .25
J ! ) Ciitarrh , Influenza , Coldln tluITcJid. .25
U'liooplnn Coach .25
U7 -Hlilnoy DlKciiHUM .25
20 -Nr.-vons Debility 1.00
30 U/lnary M'fiiltncHB , 'Wcttlnff Kcd. . .25
BoM 17 Pruictrtiti , or lent pratpftld on rrrtl | > t of Jllc * .
r . Ill-arHkEtl' tUnulL ( HI pajn , ) XAILKIP r > .
1 nrn. ro. , 11 i < ii MiitiimPi.K.wTutk.
Many Years. All Manner nf Moil lei no
nuil Doclurj Fall. Curo.I In Ono
Month by Cntienra.
In 18& " > I hail nn eruption eomo out on my nkln , nnd
whllo nt Unit It did not iiinomit to much , It urew to ho
very iiKcrnvntlnK nnd nt times iriuofinihlu. The kln
wouldKollmrilInllnmcd , nn I peel off Iruvlnx nn en
tire now f kin , uclliiK Kuinu nay for wcuka ut u tlmo.
ulwuya worno ut nUlit ) . Il.ivo trie I ull munner ol
mudlclneH un.llmd dnctori procrlbj to no effect. I
houKhtnhoxofcuriruiiA UKUUDII : ] und uioaOL-TI-
ct'liA ltt.HOl.VKNr for m/ > inn fully cured ,
nnd In lean tnunu monl tnniiruvutlnic
nklndhem ? , nnd now I nnd coin-
fnrt. 1 hurt ) hal untold ) onu trylnit
CinictniA tlKSicnicscaiinotliolp rrlvu Ixinellt.
Anyoi , nwrlllni ; mo will rerelvu an imswur and iny
ndvkotot'lve your UKMIIIIEutiUI. .
MunUKvr 1'oitnl Telivr iili | 0 ihlo Co. ,
( InrJcn City ,
Doctor Uses Cuticura-
Wo huvo nponoil n druit utiirii nt thin plucu und ur *
ImvliiK u vplondld ulu oil I'lII IfllKA HIIIMIIH. : |
which we keep u fullrtockof. 1 woul I not t o without
your Ui'Tlfi'lu ' UKHiii.Vf.Nr , I'I'TiriiiiA und OUTI.
ui'HA ' KIIAI * for ( .vu , jukt lur thu hoimllt U dlil my lltllu
hey , Whenho wu Klx niontliHiilil , hU Inco wuti rev
urod with iictemn , mid Oi'TU'riu ' ltir.iKiilisi-urod : It.
Un In now Ihreu yvurn ulil. W Mill IHU thoCl'TK.'liiiA.
HMP. ( und wnith him ocen'tloirt'ly with It , lo prevent
hlii kln f rum uuillim riiunri. Wu huvo hnnlful your
medlclneii for llvo yoirit , mil never huarJ n eoiii *
pluint MKUInul them , but ubiln ln'it , p'U' < u Wo nolil
niir ilmu torn In Human , und nlll luntlnuu lu tlio
druz huilnetn hoio.
C.TAICdAII.M. I ) . .
llullor city , BnuliuuiUt Co. , \ \ u miitton.
Cuticura Remedies.
Aru tnlil everywhere. 1'rlci , , Ci'Tll'Diu , tliorent
. Hklu Curu , Wc.i ( li'TiciTUA ' tldAi' . un ui < iiil ltu Hilu
"j'urltler tuil lluuutlfor , 'i'n.i criici'itA ICKIUI.VKNI' .
t'ui now Illnnt ! I'urlllur. II I'rvparuil hy Iliu 1'orrcu
! irHendfor 'Mow to Curu rlkln Il u o , " 01 | i go
Ulllluilrutluin , aiidlLUtmlliiioiibili. _
PI M l'l KH , hlACk.heaiU , rvd.rniiKli , ch | ipodnd
i J ML oily tkln cured by CmiL'UUA Ho * I' , _ * *
" " "
AchlnicHlduiMiiil llact. lllp , Uldnuy , ant
llterlno I'uliin. und IlliuuinutU.ii HUI.I
INONK illNUri ! by Uio < UHOI'UA '