THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , AUGUST 28. 1892S1XTEEN PAGES. R1UR11YV08 \ -MOHELLO Ihotign tioVi the Eon of Eolus hews His Ecch to a Largo Fialdi COMPLICATIONS OVER THE COLT'S ' RIDER JUvo Jockey * Who Am Angry -tl the .Milliner In MlilehThcy < Treated rnllurn of the ( It-cut i\vnt unit Ituce. Snp.rraunU ) OAV UACI ; TIIACK , N. Y. , Aug. 27 , The great Futurity tins boon run and \voti oy a liorso that uiidor ordinary circum stances would not Imvo boon permitted to Itnvu bU stablo. Morcllo , tbti afternoon , beneath cloudy skies , before only 10,000 Bpcctators nnd over n track deep In mud , captured the great event by two lengths from August Bclmont's Liuly Vlolot. Wbllo the winner stood at the post , before the race had sturtPd , saliva flowed from his nostrils to tbo track In profus'o quantities , and tbo llfty or u hundred people that had journeyed to tbo post to . see the seven contestants - tostants for the Futurity struggle thought thut Fraluor Frank Vaunnss must bo crazy to send his colt to the post In such condition. They were astonished beyond description to loam on their return to the Judtros1 atana that the sumo colt had won. the 873,000 by two open lonetbs from Lady Vlolot. Morollo's victory demonstrates two start ling facts : ilrst , that ho is nn oxcoDtlonnll v gumo auttnal ; secondly , that this year's ' 2- yenr-olds tire worse than n bad lot. After u ton minutes' delay In getting the llcld bunched , Stnrter Itowo dropped hli line on a peed start with Lovclaco In first placo. lie was ouispccdcd In the opening sixteenth by 13ollaIonua ( colt , on which Hamilton was endeavoring to miilto a runaway race. At tbo bond into the homo stretch pro nor , or at the end of three furlongs , Morcllo xvas scon to bo breaking through fromtha bunch , whllo ut , the half ( into post ho was at tbo Belladonna - ' donna noil's ' ncc'k , mid Hamilton begun to whip Kceno's cell in n desperate but futlU effort to obtain Unit place. * Hilling lor thu Money , Noarlng tbo last furlong post Hay ward's fuel went up In the air and eamo down with vicious severity on Morollo's sidos. Ho then took a HLO in each hand and began to ride the game son of Eolus , who was right at homo In the mud his daddy loved BO well. From that point to the llrilflh It was no race at all , Morcllo outspt'oding his opponents mid winning , cased up In the last dozen strides , by two lengths In 1 ill ! 1-5 , corking ' gocd time , considering tbo heavy condition of iho track. Garrison rude ano nf his old tlmo llnishos on Ludy Vlolot , but she liua met her master nnd could only struggle In second , bcatinu the Belladonna cell a nock for second monoy. As n great , horse race it was n failure , all lho glory pomp to the winner for his gameness - ness in running such a ur.tnd race In the face nf his severe attack of itilluonzu. Two .loclu'j'H iii tlio ! > iimps. There were two vnry angry jockies at the track when the veteran rider , W. A. liny- wnrd , was lifted Into tlie lloral chairudori.ed with a horse's sboo bearing the letters "Futurity" In Dinks. They were Jockies Fltzpatrlek nnd Isaao Murphy. Fitzpatrick lins ridden Morollo In nearly all of bis races , mid It WRS his gicat desire to throw his leg over him and win the Futurity. Besides , ho was to receive a fee of $7,000 if Morcllo won. Gideon & Daly , who Imvo ilrat call on Fitz- putrlck , gave him to understand that ho could ride Iho colt , and ho know nothing to tlio contrary until this morning , when the lirm notlllcfl him that ho would huvo to remain - main on the ground , as they would start the Annlo colt and did not propose to allow Fitzpatrick to ride any other "hbrsa iu the race. Fitzpatrick was too heavy to iniiuo Annlo roll's weight nnd Simmi was given iho mount. This explains Fiirpatrick not , ilding Morullo. also his loss of if.OOU that buroly would have been his had Uidcon & Daly given him ticrimsilou to ride Morcllo to victory. The other nggrle\ort JocUoy is Isaac .Murphy. Murphy Is under contract to the lOhrut Htabln. which started two candidates in Sir Francis rn I Ludconvood. Mr. Enrol rnluscd to U-c Murphy ride cither one of thu colts an ] ulio declined to lot him ride Wnrollo. By this action Murphy lost all chimco * of receiving the $7,000. The trainer of Morollo was in u state of mind. Both Filzoatrlck and Murphy had promised to ride the colt , bui at I no last moment neither could obtain Iho necessary I ernilssic-j from their respective trulnori. Fortunn'o y Billy liny ward was disengaged mid ho accepted the mount , for winch ha Will receive the ? 7,000. The friends of Fiizoatrlck and Murphy are tonlfibl denouncing the Kbret and jjalv & Gideon people iu vert strong terms , whllo Fitzpatrlr.'c I'M ' lira raij clean through. It * .Vi.I ii linn liv. From unyor < iik in til Minuet the day wore n thrpatotiltiK iipponrancc and caused' fall ing off In I no oxp.-ctcd attendance of 1,010 to 10,000. Potomac , iho 7 to 10 luvnnto for Ihu opening live and a half furlong dashwon in u galloping style , after Icadine from the hiait. Mlnnolmba , Urid uhoico ntStoIi for the scond race , won under a pull from the i.5 to I chance , Lsdy Bclmont , nnd Tea Tray boat oil bis opponents in the Average stakes nnd won by half a dozen longthb at odds of 3 to 1. Kingston's 121 pound * and tno muddy track sottlsd f.U c.-ancoj nnd made II a hard tftsk for Ui''j to beat Lopaulo a head for third money. After th.o Futurity h' < i bjon disposed of l eonuwcll uiillopcd away uom her uoninatl- tors In th . rifn race anil Trestle (7 ( to 1) ) Garrison up , looli iho race over the turf from Gloaming ( II to 1) ) , who was very badlv handled by Fitzp-itricli , wno had probably notyalrocoveicd his natural good humor -which was rulU-Ml by his Morullo experience Joclcor Jimmy McLmighlln's Key West car ried the hopes and Hollars of the talon * , in the bolting in thn Uit race , but ho was all nut at the end of llvo furlongs , and Klrkovor ( ft o 1) ) won clover ! i' in the List furlong Irom Tomplonnd Cynnuro. Summaries : j Jti-MiltH of tlio ! > , / . /-l'lrfirllicet ( ? ' , ( fllrl" "s : Potomac < 71olOl wfin. Gold Dollar ( I ! to II hoconil. Tiir- ttifcittorio toll third. Time : los.t-.1. : Second rave , flvu furlongs : Mlilnolinha (8 ( to Pi won , Lady lltilinoiii ( i'5 to II second , i'roohlu < : in I ) tnlrd. Tlmo : 1:0.13.0. : .Third rocu. the Avorazn stake , mile nnd tlm-o-Bmcuntlis : Tun I ray .l to l ) won KuoKori US to 1) ) huv , ,1U , Kingston (8 ( to 5) ) third , Fourth race , iho Kntnilty. nlunit t7. * > ,000 , I'n- tnrlty can run : Mnrullo , ll ( lluyw.irili , 11 to 1 won iiy two Inn tbs , driving ; La < ly Vlnlut. 117 ( ( iarrUon ) . 3 til ; I , second , by u nock.hlpnliu nnd Bimrrliu liolludonim ( foil , millamfltonl , 12 to . third. whipping Tlmo : ITJ : ! - - > . Annie nisi ) run. Klfth r.ioe. the Doliililn stakes , mlle and ( i furlong : Luonuuoll (4 ( to 1) ) won. Anna II uj to 1) ) second. Kntro HO to l ) third. Tlmo : 1W. : Blxth raoo. thu ( Irron HtiiUcs. oiiu mlle on turf : Trestle (7 ( to li utin , Uliiaiiitiiu IllUoni Ofcond , ITUU Tarul i5 to''i third. Tlmui liUI-5 Suvcnth rucu. seven fnrlmu-s : Klrkovnr is to II wiin , Tiiiuplo ( i to 1) ) second , ( Jynosuru ( l to o third. Tlinq : C''U. 6MivroU-N. y. , AUK. 17. The races wcto continued hero today. The track was soft. The wo-Hhcr was lit fill aud tuoro was u fair attendance. Summaries : L'lrslriie , llva and uuu-half furlonvsi Hllc Iviiliiht i7 tiv&l won Iu 1U" : | . Alnrnnurltu (0 ( to 5) ) M'cond. Mnail colt (5 ( lo 1) ) third. Ho'-oiid MOU. throo-fourtlis of u mlle : Tounn K toliwoiiiiilI7s. : ; Llzottu ( S to 1) ) suoond , i.tird Harry Utvon ) third. Third rauc. mlln mid ono-mxtut < nthi lllluon 17 to S ) won iu ) : .V , Iliulge tfii to li buoond , Dan IllnwC.'to ) third. I'onrlb ruoo , * ' > * ) nddcd , mllu mid three- tiiurti > rsi liunalddl toM won In ilr.'HJ , 611- lonlcit ( I to . ' ) Bucond. Hlu Urando ( ? ui l ) tnird. I'lfth nice. tifiiMinius | : l.uvlnli ( , i to I ) won Iu 1:11) : , Cottiiniido (14 ( to ! ) soconil , Titctluluu ( t > to ft ) third. _ _ _ lln lit ik l'iu r - na. H. D , A us. SI TO tlio Cport- lu.t Killtor uf TIIK IIBK : I'Joiuo unswur Iu biwiiAV HIK : : ( II lias J , I , C'asu nuiilo u n.iu- Inu horse ot J I 0 ? C.'j As u imeor what U liU lucord ? \V. T. KlNL'Atu. An * . ( t ) Yea. ( ' . ' ; 'J:00 : > / , made at ludu- liondencu Friday , Ijitmilii'ii Oi > uulnir Day , CINCINNATI , O. , Aug. ' . ' 7 , The weather ( or tbo llrst duy of Ibo full mooting of Jvitonla , ICcu. , jockey club was beautiful. Kvcent rnlns had lofi the track lumpy nnd n trlllo slow , About 4,000 people witnessed the sport , 1'lrit raco. for 3'TOtr-oldi ! nnd unwurd. ono tnlloi I'rotcctlun ( It to I ) won , Rolonu Dsncoiul , IIfirry Key tlilrd. Tlmo : li U. Hccoutl rnco , soiling , for il-yo'tr-olds nnd tiDwardi , six ftirlotitr * ! Ullnty O(3 ( tu 1) ) won , Illnponntf to 1) ) soconn , Klsln 9 (10 ( to 1) ) third. Tlhio ! lil'i'i. Tlilra rnoo. ralllnit , for 3-yoftr-olds nnd npwnrcKuiio rulloiind ono-slxtutintlil I'hllor.i ( S In A ) won , Mruld llowntd (7 ( to I ) sooonu , Hmoboy (1JU ( > 1) ) tlilrd. Tlmo : lifil-U- Fourth rnco , Morchnnts' stiiUoi , nil naos , ono mlle : KltiR t.oo W tofl ) won , Ida rickwlck mo I ) second , Ulilof justluo ( Stol ) tlilrd , Tlmoi ll2' ' { . . . 1'lftli rnco , 2-yoar-oUU , flvo fiiflonK'i : Mil dred (8 ( to 1) ) won , Shadow (2J ( lo II socumt , Vor- iliuiti ( : to 1) ) third. Tlmo : lOUj. : , Klxtli rnco , Fclllnc , 5-yoar-olds nnd up. six furlongs ; Montorldco ( i to 1) ) won. White Nuso ( Stol ) socond. Qunoral Mlloi (0 ( to I ) tblrdi Tlmo ! lllTJi. KOADSTKIt Cl.Ult UACKS. TrottliiB.IIutliici' nt the Truck Yen- tordity Afternoon. Tho'Omnhn.lWndsterolub Hold Us regular bl-wcoltly mntiQoo at tho. fair grounds yesterday - day nflornooiij tbo attondiitico bulug very largo. The Judges were D. T. Mount , d. U. Motcnlf ana Uicbard Smith j starter , G. W. Bwlpnrt , Tbo llrst event was the 3:15 : class , trotting and paolnp , which was won by Mr. Burkot in two straight boats. Summary : H. 1C. llurUet . - . 1 1 y. II. AloWhortor . . 2 - Wurron lours ! . . . . > , ' 11. 11. Mnrttii . 4 dr The froc-fof-nll puce was qulto exciting , Q. D. Edwards winning , after losing the llrst boat to Charles Keod. Summary : G. U Kdwivrcls . 3 1 1 Olmrlos Uocd , . 1 S a 11. UTurry. . . ? . S 3 a Tlmo : iSi : , ; iv2V4i : ! : - ' ( ! . ( J. U. Morroll had a coppor-rlvottod ciiicu on tho'JilU trot. Summary : 0.0. Morrcll . 1 1 William Snyder. . - - Tlmo : Iran , lissx , The 3 : . * > l ) rnuo was nnothor good ono , J. E. Van Olldor taUtug the llrst boat and Uoorijo \VaUolluld the Jlnal two. Summary : Oeorco U'likudola . , . 211 Vim Olldor. . 1 - - Tlmo : 1 : 1 : 1:81) : ) . William Snydur nnd C. O. Morrolt wound up" lao program by a match hoiit , to deter mine who had the better nap , and Mr. Snyder got loft , Morroll innking thu bulf iu 1 : 1. Cleveland Takes Another , und at tlio Ex- IH-IISO of the Only llmliloclc. Ci.uvit.A.xu , O. , Aug. ! i7. The homo team Unocltcd tintdock ] out of tbo box in tlui socoucl inning and won with caso. Attutidanco 4,000. Score : Olovolsmd. . . . 0 5 0 0 'i 0 1 0 0 8 Hroulilyn 2 00010 12 U U lilts : Cleveland , i ; Ilrooklyn , n. Errors : Olovclnnd , I ) ; Itruoklyn , 1. Iv.irnud runs : Clovohind. , " > ; llrocUlyn. 2. lUttorlo : Olai-U- son iind/lmiiiur ; lUuliloulf and Klnslow. Uld Iliinin bwlpi'H the Kfiiiiturs Aj'iiln. CIIICAOO , 111 , Aug. Sr.-A pitchers1 battle nnd a "coined } ' of errors" on the Senators' part tolls the storv of today's gamo. Attend ance y.OOO. Score : "tVushlngton l Olilougo 0 0032000 0 fl lllls : V/ashlnston , 1 ; Chicago. . Errors : WasliliiKton , : i ; Uliluano. S. Karnod runs : NO.MO. Iliiltorlps : .Miieliin. Itergen und Mc- Quirc ; llnmliln-jon unil KlttiutUo. I'tdllor lio.itun Iiy u CttHttih" Louisvir.t.E , Ky. , Auu. 27 Vlau , the ox Louisville man , who signed today by IJos- ton , pitchuil the best ball and cimulcd thu Doanoatcrs to mnlt.o It two out of throo. Attendance , L ,500. Siioro : f.onlsvlllo 0'0 1 Uostou * 8 IIltd : Louisville. 0 ; Boston. 2. Errors : Louis ville , l : Boston , ; i. Kiiinecl runs : Boston. 1. Itattorles : truttou : uul .Menltt ; Vluu and Kolly. HriiwiiH I.puvo the Ucittonu ST. Lotus , Mo. . Aug. 27. Gloa ou was In good form and Rusia was not , ana consequently quently the Urowni had no trouble in win ning today'sc.iuio. . Attendance'J,2.jO. Score : St. Louis. 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 .1 2 5 Now Vork 1 0 II U 0 0 0 0 0 1 J1II8 : bt. LouN. 0 : Now York , 2. Errors : St , I.otiK I : Now yorl ; 3. Earned rum : St. Lonls. 2. It.ittorlos . : Gloti&on and llriggs : Kusio and Kim. ' ISo er Often DOCK It. PiTTSW'un , Pa. . Aue. " 7. In the ninth inning tou ; v. wltb Dolahantyon llrst , Roger Connor knocked out a bomo run , which won tbo gamo. AUonaanucOJJ. . Score : Pltisburs 2 0 0 1 0 I o o 1 n I'lillailolphlu 1 00000302-3 Hits 1'lttsliiirz. 10 ' . : : I'hllndolpsK.U. Errors : I'lttsburg , li IMilladolDliln. 5. Eiirnud runs : I'lttslini ! ! . 2 : Philadelphia. r > . llattorlos : Khretund Miller ; Ivci-fo , Oarsoy nnd Uovvso. Hot Work for Ono iiimn. CINCINNATI , O. , Aue. 27. The Reds won out in the ninth inning , the most hotly con tested cnmo of the joar ui Cincinnati. At- tor.dnncof2wO. : Score : Olnulnivitl 000010023-0 Halllmoro U-fl HUM ( . 'lnulnnatl.0 : Daltlnmic , 5. Eirors : Cincinnati. 4 : It iltimoro , ( ! . Uai nod runs : ( Jln- clnnail. 4 : Baltimore ; . 4. Hattuiltss : hulliv.ui uu.l Vaiilin ; : O'obb anil Uuiibun. htiinitin ( * l thi ) To.iius. \v. i. . P.C. w. i * P.O. Cleveland 37 10 7.1.0 13 ia ra.n riillnilulplihi..21 Id W S Cluelniiutl lain 100 Novr Vorlc 1915 M.'J Chicago 17 19 47 2 lltinton a ) HI .11.i llnltlmoro Hi I'J 4.1.7 I'ltUbnru I'J 17 ! > ! . & M. Unili 13 Si 'M.t Ilrooklyn 18 17 61.1 Wnslilnxloii..11 2li 2'J.7 < > rnysV lloiud | thu Sn.illurH. Sl'iitsoi'iEi.i ) , Nob. , Aug. 27. | Spooia 1 Tolosram to Tin : Bni ! . ] The Grays came bomo this morning from IJonlson , Ia. , look ing and fooling a llttlo worse for dropping both games to the prohibitionists , hut were able to wallop Lieutenant Wright's soldier boys this uftornoon by n score of 11 to 8. Bright and early next Mondav morning the Grays will tnUo ft now start and will move directly on Lomars , Ij. , but tboy haven't given out vet what tboy are going to do up thoro. Suoro : Orays . 4 0 l 0 l 5 o o -ll hci'onil Inf.iutry. . . . b llattorlus : llnrlan. Golst nn'd Hall ; Cody und Duhnrry. Enora : Gravs. 4 ; Sucund In fantry , 2. Struuk out : Iiy llnrlan , 2 : by Giust. 11 : hy Cody , 3. Hits : Gnys. 12 : hucond Infantry. .1. Twi-liaio ( hits : Golst , Htr.ittnn , llurlan. Peters 1'rlmly : Tniiiior | and Wil liamson. Tlirrii-h.ibo lilts : llnrlan , Htrattnn und Traupor. Tune of game : Two hours. Umpliu : Jim Morrison. hi'.viv.us1 \Vhroiinrn at Chlrao. . CHICAGO , 111. , Aug. 'J7. There was a largo attendance today at the second day of the tblrtoonth annual moot of the Chicago 'Cycling club. A laro numuor at ndors from this and olhor cllios are proinnt. Tlio track is in line condition and 11 brcaKlug nf reiiord.s is looked for. Tbo. racing begun ut 2:30 : p. m. The following are the results up to i p. in : 1'list raco. half intlo lianJIcni ) . : Davis won , Vansloklon suoond , ti.uiKur third. Tlmo : , . Second race , ono mile. IlsO'l class , llrsthuai : Btoul won , Uiirkus seuond , llrocn third , OnUloy ( oiirth , Tlmiii 3U ; 2-5. ocun boat : linlo won. Lcnnlmril second , liurtlnhard third. Tlmua : : S3-5. Jtl/Hfiti' Str.ingo Cnudiiot or 11 Mini lluuixl for Chl- iarto. JACKSON , Mich. , Aug. 27. George Burns , wbloon | nls way to Chicago from the east , was arraUud here tonight for creating a dis- turbaui'o In the dopot. When the Jail wai reached ho acted In .sucti an alarming man- nur that n ptiyslcian will called to oxamlno him. Tbo doctor fouud that his lumrthon the wrong bide , but boats rogularlv ; that sdveral small bones of log are missing ; that Ills right kueo cap had boon romovcd ; that a ulx-incli sljver nlut-j hud been kot in thU Uiioo. and that three of his rim aromlss * ing , bonldcs othur peculiarttloi. Yet , Burns appears to bu u well muu. Ho U 00 years old uuu from hU conduct appears to bo do- inentod , 1'apers found on hU porsoti show lhat ho was au engineer of Iho yunlioat Essex during thu war , do bus boon detained , pend- luff ibo arrival of frlunos , Why Thuy LONIION , Aug. 87. Tno Timoi' corro- itpuqdentat LUboa tay * that tbo Kusponslon of tha Portuguese Hoyal Mall Steamship company Is duo to the refusal of further bolp by the Portuguese government and is regarded as a heavy blow to Portuguese murchuut thljiplng mtoreiu. KNOCKED OIJC HIS PARTNER Jim Oorbalt Unwhaly I'uh His Sparring Partner , Jim Daly , to Sleep. BEING SEVERELY CRITICISED FOR IT Mtiny People Dotiouiico thu Hit us llrutnl , IVlilIa Otlicrj ( Jlnlin It Wnsnit Arcl- ( lout Special Train Acn.immoila * tlnin for tlio Truvolors , Niw YOIIK , Aug. 27. About the only thing the average sporting man considers ot any importance ut present Is the great nrlzo tight. The unfortunate occurrence of Thursday night at Asbury park , the knocking out by Corbottof his sparring partner , Jim Daly , was tbo talk of the towu todny. Many seemed to think It was brutal nnd entirely unnecessary. The majority of the people , however , itro moro liberal In tholr views , and ara willing to accept Corbott's ' apology that It was an unintentional blow. Daly was put to sloop nnd had to bo carried off the stugo tu a dazed condition , Corbott says Daly will cdmo around nil right In a day or so. Different people view tbo Knock out iu different lights. Whllo It has raised Corbott in the estimation of some people , It has had lust Iho opposite offoot With others. Jim's udinlrora assort lhat ho Is In such inarnlllcont condition that bo'doos not know his own straugth nnd could not hnva real ized the force of the blow that put Daly to slocp. UIMV thi ) Uliullntor * Will Co. The tlmo for the light Is drawing so pour that It Is unlikely cither Sullivan or Corbott will bavo much further use for bis training quarters , bulllvun will leave Good Ground on Monday , and utter bis banollt entertain ment Iu tbo evening will prepare for his journey to Now Orleans iu the special which will convov the Sullivan party and will leave the West Shorostallon In Woohawkou al 5:15 : p. m. on September 1. The train will bo composed entirely of sleeping cars and will carry about 30J passengers. The round trip , including sleeping accommoda tions , will bo ? ; 1S.5 ( ) . The parly will no via the West Shore to Buffalo to Cincinnati , and tlio Buoon & Crescent to Now Orleans. As the Corbcti uarty will take iho shortest and quickest route to Now Orleans , t.ho Richmond & Danville railroad ( Piedmont air line ) , they will not leave this citv until 450 ! p. m. , September 3. 'hoy will make the trip in forty hours and arrive in tbo ( . .resceni fltv on Monday morning. Owing to the ad vantage of the gain of two days tlmo ut the end of the line the tickets for the Corbott special train nro In aomilnd , and there is some talk of making these excursion tickets good on the regular trains In order to accommodate those wbo had -mado their av- raiiKoinonlt to go down on th'o 1st and 2nd. Alexander S. Ttuvoatt , tbo eastern agent of this road , has secured sleeping apartments In private residences for passengers wbo have requested him to do so. Other Specials , Independent of these two trains , carrying the pugilists and respeclivo admirers , three othrr special trains will run to the Croseoni City for , in addition to the Uecordi-r Irain and the ono of tbo Baltimore A Ohio , bear ing tbo Manhattan Athletic club party , there will bo a train run from Boston under the direction of Captain Cook of the Police Nows. It is estimated that those trains com bined will carry closoon to 2,000 people. The Sullivon-Corbott light calls forth to much attention that the MuAuliffe-Moyer nnd Dixson-Skolly battles nro scarcely 're ceiving any notino from the general public. Tbo bolting has not been very brisk becausi ) of Sullivan , McAullffo nnd Dlxon being such strong favotiies , but if the other mon show up strong in the ring , It is oxpcutod that an immense amount of money will changO hands. While the betting is apparently dc id uow , . it will suioly bo llvelynnodga after the tlm round or so , when'u rough Jdoa can bo formed of the chances of the other three , , Nona of Iho favnrilos have a "omcb. " and it will hardly do to go Into ihe ring wilb any such foolish Idea. FOIl 1'OllTV liljOOMV HOUNDS. South Onmlia 1'iigillsU Huvo n Midnight Allll Oviir In Siirpv County. A bloody light took placa Friday night at Sarpy Mills between Wulltor , a packing bousoemploy , and McCoy , a graucr. The light was tea flnlsh and wai witnessed bv uboul yoo sporti from ibo Iwo' towns. The winner was to receive a purse of $50 aud cute receipts. The two rnon entered the nng at about 11 o'clock and n bloody and llorco battle was waged. At the end of the fortieth round thu light was called a draw bv the roferco. Both mon were completely exhausted and could not oven stnUo u blow. Both were badly punished. McCoy had slightly the best of the contest. Ho broke it oono in the wrist of his right arm near the close of the fight. Another match may bo arranged and the supremacy of ono or iho'othor established. right Tlnit J'lillcd. HASTINGS , Nob. , Aug. " 37. [ Special Tolo- grom to TUB UEE.I A pmo light which bad boon arranged bnlweon Jack Gorman of Hasilncs and Charles Trlostor of Junlatn , to tnko place this morning near this city , did not occur according to expectations. LUCK of interest and of purse money and a general - oral impro-sion lhal the affair might end in a liuseo is responsible for the failure. c SHE WANTED A NEGLIGEE SHIRT. Hut MmMIUuUu : IH to tlio Slra rinhbcr- RiKtrd u Dujiptir l.ittlo Cirri ; . She was n btyliah-looklujj girl ; the word aristocrat scomod to bo indelibly utarapcd upon every line of hoi- classic fuco ttnd soumcd to fairly stick out irorn every bOJiin of her Paris mtido " ; own as she Hwung into ono of the Inrgost ary goods osttiblishmontH on Fulton strcot , Brooklyn , suys the Enplo , ono hot day lust week nnd inquired in u lofty , I'm- to-spoiiklng-to-ono.-ol-your- - class way of the floorwalker near the dour the direction to the IUOII'H fixings department. The lloorwulkor prcuodod her to the counter doatrod and , calling out "Forward ono , " loft her in chat-fro of a dttppor Httlo cloi-k , who twisted his bao ball mil'stasuho in u wny which was inoant to simply paralyxo'tho young woman , but which only served to annoy her. her."I "I would Ilka to sco some of tha latest thincs in nogllgco shirts , " she said In nnd Icy tone , which sent a shiver down the buck of the dapper little clorlc and mndo him feel as though the mercury hud taken a middon drop of about 2(1 ( to 80 uofjreos. "What si/.o , ploasoV" ho inquired In a deferential tono. "Lot mp sco , " mused the aristocratic young woman , "I think about thirty- six will do. " "What ? " oxclnlrnod the dapper olork forgetting to twist bib mustitoho in his excitement. "I said thirty-six , " replied the young woman in a decided tone , which was meant to crush the dapper llttlo clerk completely. "But or , there are no shirts mndo as largo as that , miss , " said the clone , apologetically ; "do you want thorn for a very largo many" "what business is it of yours for whom I want thom'f1" roplled the stylish girl , qulokly. "You are paid to "wait on customers and not to ask impertinent questions. " The .itmosphoro about the dapper Ht tlo clerk seemed to got. very close , and the thermometer resumed business at thu old stand , as the stylish glrl glurod at him after her remark. . "I am very 'sorry , but there must bo some mistake , " said the warm-looking little salesman : "tho largest size In the uogllgeoshirts is nlnotoon Inches. " "Very well , " said the uristocratio- looklng girl IqJJJly , "uorhnps there ia some tniatnkoLril ascertain and will bo back again Injfjr , She wont iinuio/lintoly / to" the woman's parlor , ana taKliur otttii lapo measure , stood In frotilLpT a looking-glass , and running tho'j. , tno" carefully around under her antes' and over her well- rounded bo om looked at it and frowned , as flho ; rainnrkod to horoolfi "Tho ImptulouBOt of that inonkoy. I know It was cocractund.thoy must have jhlrts of that , stio ; . gracious , I'm not nearly as big 1 aktlpupa. and ho wears those kind. Down she VYfitiJ ; 1 triumph to tha mon'a llxlngs ( , 'And qncountorcd the small-sized clnrlf. who.'hna resumed his smirk and muslncho twistlngbutstoppcd it as soon us ho saw the young woman approaching. "I know I was correct , " she S'lid doli- antlyf "thirty-six is the slzo and you must have thom. " "Well , " said the llttlo clorit in des peration , "I will nno\v y u the largest slv.o wo have In slock , " aiid ho laid down a box of ID-inch shirts , which would lit Graver Cleveland , und spread ono of thom on the cuutitor before the young woman who looked nt , him in tuniizo- mont. "Oh , I'm riUro Hint's too big"sho said , pettishly , pouting up her lovely lipand drawing forth the tape measure she laid it ayross the bo3oinwhilotho Hinnrt little clorlc smilotl a knowing smllo to himself as ho caught on. The tape measure showed that , the shirt measured forty-eight inches around Iho chest and the young lady looked at the olork In a dazed way. " \Vhatdld.voumoan by saying that nlnotoon inches \V'HB the largest size you kopt'r Why , this shirt is almost fifty inches. " "Ilut , " responded the .clerk in his mostsimvo ' 'thntisnot the manner , way shirts are measured , miss ; they are al ways sold by the size of the collar. " A warm Hush spread ever the stylish girl's ' face as she realized her mistake , and she oven condescended to smile upon the clerk , who was by this time feolinjj on very good terms with himsolf. "Oh , I must have gotten my shopping list mixed , " she said , sweetly , "and I think a about 14 } will bo about the size. You may send mo three of the prettiest patterns you Imvo , and be sure and send them tonight , as ray brother is going away to the country"tomorrow. " CRIPPLE CREEK'S NERVY MARSHAL Ilo Uollcil tlio Angry Crowil That U'imtoil to Lynch 111"1- If there was nhy' proof required at this Into day thntCripuio Creek , fol. ! , is a model of good order it could bo : ur- nished by an incident afo'v , nights ago. The camp was excited , there is no doubt about it. Everybody was on the street , and everybodyIniil an opinion to ox- proas , but notwithstanding all those ab normal conditi pp ; the acting marshal of Iho camp WHS given tlio alternative of leaving the towji within twelve hours by tbo stngo or boesont across the range by the ropf route1.9 Could anything bo move satisfactory or fair to nil piir-lios ? Such an incident jqf logical application of native jurisprudence tit a trying mo ment is without' Miarnllol since Blackstone - stone wrote umjjtjie Cbdo Napoleon wont into oll'oct. It is hardly stao that the town was duiftfbunded , bamboozled , .paralyzed rtnd'.sonSolosH.whofrboth prop- ' o3itionsJwoileYo'lail/gd "Tho marshal ia still in , , town , jyiUnfn'o'.tVpoplo'uro trying to recover froriwlho shook.j s Two minors \verfl desirous of settling the timeworn : , grudgo.ywith nature's wenponsriiud were retiring . p a suita ble spot when the marshal stopped up and arrested ono of thom. Ho objected to the dogredution to thooamp that ' would ensue from such a s'cono. The east might hoar of .an encounter in a Colorado mining camp without six- shooters , and withdraw Mnvestmnnts. The marshal was. . somewhat rough with his prisoner and struck him with a revolver in the face. Friends of the man interfered and .threatened to tiiko the prisoner away. ho marshal drew his gun. The people-foil buolc and no ono attempted to argue with the acting representative of law , if not of order. A.block further on , and the marshal , for some reason , found it necessaryto assort his right to the prisoner's jawbone again. Things began to look serious and the crowd , which was quickly increasing , began to hoot and hiss und yell at the marshal , who made a forced march to the jail , a little log cabin. On his return uptown the marshal was followed by the throng , which was still increasing. IIo stopped opposite the Continental hotel and addressed his onomios. IIo challenged anyone to como for- ward'und light hirau laQuoonsborry or a la Mlllbnnk , and if the would-bo lighter had noi a revolver for the latter style ho would gladly furnish ono. This was pretty strong to a'crowd of 1,000 people , but there were no takers. The marshal scomod to own the town. Ho marched up and down thu streets and into all the "tough joints" in town , looking for a scrap. Ho had his gun handy , while at M respectable distance tbo ciowd jeered and hibsed. There was nothing else talked of about town all night , and the moro the iifluir was talked of the moro did the crowd got excited. Something hud to bo dono. A gathering was held at the Flagstall ut 10:120 : p. m. Several mining men of Importance were in attendance. Tlio action of the marshal was dealt with in scathing terms. "Lot's lynch him ! " shouted a tenderfeet - foot from u distance. "Ye * , lynch UijVi ; hang Kim ! " came from a hund'od throats. Don't dq unyUiing . . _ that . would . , * reflect . on the ( ) , " . # ) Captaiil Farrish. "Send a deputation to give him notice to lonvo the towji / , bo hanged. " This wiser counso } partially prevailed , but somehow ac n > ; nittco could not be got together to uptirouuh the marshal. In the moantlmui the moro oxcltod and dotorinlned'HlrYrioaring were getting ready for fiupromtPftctlon. ' 'Bridle Hill' hail boon glvinff'oxSiibltions ' by lassoing an urchin paid fir Tw lassoed , near at hand , and his rJj/o. / was secured. The lusaoor was only too glad to give It up , although his borfffiis stuck lull of pis tols. > J tols."Hero's the rdfie ! Hero's the rope ! Lot's hang hltnelol'tho flagpole ! " cried the loaders of thW 'tiliichmont. A roar wont ull.ihnt could bo hoard on Mount Pisgalr. ' itUV it began to look dark for the iimralfnl.The moro jioaco- ably inclined hoped that ho coulu not bo found. > "Who's the blatikoty blanked blank , blank that's speaking of lynching ? " demanded the marshal , as'ho walked up to the center , the crowd clouting a wide passageway , IIo had u slxshooter in each hunil. "Now , como and Jmlrg IUO' J'ou ronrod the olilcor , us ho brandished the revolvers. The crowd cons.uUo/1 a very short tlmo , and it was annouq < ; oA thut a lynch ing boo would not , Vo beneficial to the town , und fu.rthorlkilmtilti was not hos pitable to inslst-upon an immediate departure - parturo from any QUO in a now town. Hood's barsnparllla U nn honest modlclue , houeatly ndvortlsod for ttioio dUoiJOi wtiloll t honestly sail absolutely euros. OUT OF THEIR LIVING TOMB Thirty-nino Minors Rescind From the Pnrkslip Pit in Wales. VOLUNTEER SEARCHERS DIG THEM OUT Jiic ! < rrlb'tula ficenm ni the alon Step to the Hurfiico nnd'Orcot Tluilr I.ovail OncH-Still Scnrotilne for Uthor Uiifortun\to . LONDONAug. . 27. All night long volun teer parties kept up the work nt the 1'ark- slip pit , tbo scene of Iho dlsustroui explo sion inValos yesterday. At ( ) o'clock this morning they bad penetrated 000 yards Into the main shaft , ' In alt this dlsttinco'not n sign of ilto had boon dtscovcrca , Hero and there wiu the body of a miner , but tbo Dttltudo invariably showed that death had coma suddenly , tiomo of the men had dlod In tha vary aot of using tholr pick ) . Ton bodies were recovered ol mon who did not Imvo a second's wntnlng of tholr Jato. Trto bodies of two men wcro dis covered , however , who had apparently nmdo a frantic attempt to escape. At noon , whllo the band of rescuers were working In the pit , n sound was hoard which caused the mon to auduonly suspend. Soon n repetition ol the sound was hoard , low and wo.iif | but indicating a Ilfo beyond the great wall of rooic mill dobrU. Tho'work of rescue - cue was now nroiscd with herculean onorfrv , and nt hnlf-iut 1 this .afternoon Iho drift was llually penetrated and thlrty-nluo im prisoned miner. ; rescued. Tbo scene when thov reached the surface was Indescribable.Vlvos , sweethearts , sisters - tors , brothers , ami in xomo cases fathers nnd mothers , were In waiting , frantic to see If tboir loved ones woio among the saved. The work of clearing the galleries Is still bolni : pushed In the liopo of saving bomo others. One of the rescued minors said : "A crowd of us got tocotbor In the level alter the ex plosion. Wo could hear the llani.cs roaring through the nilno. After n tlmn wo tried to got out but were drlvon back bv the sulphur fumes.JTbron men sought to rush through , but lost tholr lives , dying where they fell , as it was Impossible for us to save thom. " Late this afternoon another rescuing prtrtv saved eight moro imprisoned minors. The volunteer rescuers stale they have signaled another parly of imprisoned mon , who by striking on the wall signaled ; there were fourteen of thorn waiting to bo dug out. .K nvKi , / . County CommtRRlminr lloupll ol Hisilalo Ivtllpil Ity Mf\tciuiN. DEI. NOU'TI : , Colo. , Aug. 27. Additional particulars have boon received of tbo shoot ing affray which occurred at the hond of the San Juan rivor-yesteniay. It was at llrst re ported that a man named * Ilotvoll hud boon killnd ana that another one , Juan Dies Mon- toya , was wounded. Instead of the dead man being n Mexican il transpires lhat. County Commissioner Uowoll of Ilisdalo county was the victim , ho having bcon snot Through tbo huart. Onoof his opponents , a Mexican herder , was slightly wounded. The trouble arose over Montoya and another Mexican driving their herd of sheep upon the land of Howoll. Howell , togothur with hh brother , shot several of the sheep , when tbo herder came up and a fourbundcd light ensued , the Mexicans eventually Hoeing. Ono of them \\Jioio name is unknown Is nt present at Vaosa Springs receiving medical aid and Is strongly guarded by bis friends , as there Is talk of lynching him. i ir.r Clever Sclmmo to Onntrol the Iron Hull liinilK ill Chlrugo. CnicTAno. 111. , Aup. 27. If the ofllcials of tbo supreme sitting Order of the Iron Hall at Indianapolis got their lingers on 1 cent of the ruservo fund of , . , Iho Chicago branches they will have to bo protly sprv. The ofll cors of many of Iho local lodges are prepar ing to put u clever scheme Into uvecutioti , which will distribute the money to whom it rightfully belonirs , namely the paying mem ber * . Ttio president , secretary and cashier will resign , so that when the receiver ai Indianapolis comes to pounce on everything uncuardcd there will bo nothing for him to solzo and ho ono to hold responsible for the reserve fund. Each of those ledges and sisterhood branchc.s in Chicago has in its possession a rcsorvo fuud ranging from $800 to S1,5UU. TIIisrrr.itn \ AUJC inionxnn. lltnim Sll > loy' 1'iirty S ifo-A Story .Stiirloil by a DlsolmrKod CooK. KociiESTint. N. Y. , Aug. 27. The Union jus a bulletin from Hiram W. SIbloy saying 10 is sal'o. The telegram says the whole story of tbo wreck of the Wapiti Is a canard. The entire party Is safe and will join tbo , 'ucht Monday. A dispatch from Toronto says. , ho whole report of the wreck lnjeorgian b.iv s a wicked canard. Tbo yacht Is now .safely ut anchor in Collingwood harbor and has mc't with no accident of any kind. It is under stood the report of the loss of tbo yacht , was nallclously circulated by the cool ; , who had Boon discharged. THIS ! > . V Farmer Shot Ttricu lluuiiusu JIu Komovcil OiMtrurtloiiH from tlio Truck. PiTTsnt'wi , Pa. . Aug. 27. An attempt was made to wreck the Chlcaso and Now York imltod on the Pennsylvania railway uoar Ciion , 1'a. , this morning. Several tics and ileccs of iron wcro found tied to the track 3y n farmer , who began removing thorn. While ho ongagoil ho was shot twine , one bullet entering hh hip and the other lodging n tbo calf of his lo ? . lie succeeded , hoiv- over , in clearing the track nnd the train passed safely. cauirit thn N.tsuviLi.K , Tonn. , Aug. 27. A dispatch from Trenton , the county seat of Dado couniv , Georgia , In which is situated iho convict cnini ) at Cell City , says the warden and other officers of the camp nro fosicssQd of informailon'jusiifylng all the proujtiiions so far tnkun ucalnst an nttnck bv iho miner * from \Vblleslde , Tonn. tihorilt Hyrd and IOSSQ are sllli ut iho scene of threatened .rouble. ii , ( in. , Suiirohiid , i , Gar , Aug. 27. A dostruclivo llro which broke out bora early tbU morning to tally destroyed the Augusta Chronicle ofllco and ilvo business housoa.Tho total loss Is SIOU.OUJ. The ontlro morning odliion of the Chronlclo was worked off while the oilldfug was In llamus. The ( lies of the paper from 80a 10 datu nnd the books wcro saved. The usuranco was about $100,000. Dunlnl Ioil iiA , Pa. , Aug. 27. Donlol iJoughorly , the celebrated lawyer and era- or , Is lying in n very critical condition at his 10 mo in this city. The attending physlcianif nfurmod his son , D. Wabitor Douifhorty .oday that there was hardly n pojbibilliy of ils father's recovery , In tlui Hunk Ituxorvv. New XOIIK , Aug. 27. The wuekly bank statement shows the rcsorvo has decreased $3,401,000. The bunks now hold i'J.SSS.OJO . iu uxcois of legal rcqtfiromcnU , Till ) Ui'Htli Itoll. BAI.TI.MOIIH , Miltj Aug. 27 , Judge William A. Stuart of the n'uuroino bunoh of Baltlmoro city dlod at his homo in this city , aiod U7. ATKIKSO.V , Nob. , Aug. 27. [ Special to Tin : llBU.J Arch Hoxsoy , one of Atkinson's prominent citizens , died yesterday of con sumption , Ho wa formerly uri extensive grain dealer at Stanton , 111 , lo came to At- kllison about four years uiro and purchased tbo Atkloson roller mills , which bo operated for two yoara , slnuo wblcti ttmo ho has bouu traveling for the Walter A. Wood Machlaa company. Ho leaves a wlfo and ono child hero aud a married daughter at Pusaddtm , Cal. , together with u largo number of frlouds , Tbo remains will be burled In Atkinson com- otcrv tomorrow by the I'reo Muiona and Moueiu vVoodtnau lougos , of wblohbowas au uctlvoand prominent inouioor. 'T'HE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver and * bowels , purify the blood , tire pleasant to take , safe nnd always effectual. A reliable remedy for JJiliousncss , Blotches on the Face , Bright's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation , Chronic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered Stomach , Dizziress , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Ecacma , Flatulence , Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives , Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite , Mental Depression , Nausea , Nettle Rash , Painful Digestion , Piin- pics , Rush of Blood to thc Head , Sallow Com- plcxion , Salt Rheum , Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling , Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every other symptom or dis- case that results from impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of. their functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating arc benefited by taking one tabulo after each meal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabulcs is the 'surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross $2 , sample bottle 15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY , New York. The UNPRECEDENTED SUCCESS that the Behr BCOS. & Go's. PI ANO Have attained , nnd ilio hl lt prnlso ( hey have clicllcil from the world's MOST UK NOU'NEl ) AKTISTS. from tlic press niul from n public long prrjtiilicoil In favor of dcr makes , UN „ aft ) to assume Ihnt tlio instrument mint bo imssasiul of UNCOJI MON ATTKIIJUTES , MAX MEYER & BRO. CO. . Sole Agents , Omaha , Nebraska. Established iS66 > OSffll U'IMi ' THE OLDEST AND LARGEST WHOLESALE AND RETAIL House iii tlie West. Goods and prices to please ovoryono. Chamber Suits from $10 to $1,000. Newest Styles , Largest Stock , LowestJPr-ices. ' Sficchll | designs nnd estimates given on ' . . Ti N Our stock contains alt the latest novelties as well as the most sta pic goods In tl ) furniture lino. Call before buying. 1115-1117 Farnam Street. Every Smoker's Nose- knows when it is pleased. It is always pleased with tlic fragrant and peculiar aroma of of's OfiiflS Smoking Tobacco WhVj lia : > bee 'f 311 lore than a quarter cf ,1 cert""v t'is desire and delight of ccmf * rt 1 \c s ( .vey where. It strikes the la-la of manustldlous smokers. Fry it. Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co. , DURHAM. N. c. IJvtry } . n lie Via- OROUS.iall : _ _ _ _ , Ihegtent bp tilnli Iteineilv. VOUKO UUN OH Oldlcutferiiii ! Jioin OTIIIVOUS KlJllILITY , I/OH.1 ot FAIIvINO MANHOOD , l.Uhtlyi Missions , cuiiviiUionsntrVoui | ) ro lraiionCHiiii il byiluiuse of opium , tobacco or nlcoliol , wnUo- fiiluubii , luuntat deprciibioiii loss of puwttr in eiilicr cex , t > perniator * KK AND APTEU-UHH , flioia cauieil Iiy sclfabntn anil over indulgence or ii > | > i rcomilwenk * nesscnii to restored to perfect lie.iili | Ilio NO II 1/12 VITALITY OF 3TUONO IBN. We Eiva a written KUTanteo wall Gliox s to euro any cakeor rctiin : ! hr i" > n 'v , " * v Jjrsjj For Sala la Omah.1 by Snonv , l-untl ' ' . Oi CmciiEsrcii'S ttouai. nca cnoss ' + * iifi V I'ft VcJ Vi B'4 ILtt rT" THE OnlCINAL AND CENUIIIC , lh , , nlj Hiifi' . MilrtMnlnKatdrl'l furn ! , . .Jlillc a. Mk Dnigilit for Chlctieiter t KngUih JtiaMoiitl ; / . unj In Jrl n , I tjtttj lupltlllo b vci eiilc < l wlili blur r bton , T ( . ' J no ullii'r Llnd. lltjvtt Fuiifttttilloni atiit Imitatt All pllUlninileboard Lutelink , flniitfprnu ritunlcrr II . , . > nfl , wrappersur * * * AtlJrufifilii.r I4 nt 3i'.lD lUm , ) . f r i > nrtleilirilMilliiiouUUntiil 'Iti-llcr IIIP Lnilliii/ tttttr * ' rilurn AlnlU . Itnnr , Cn CHtMir. t OO. . H.-riu by all Ivrlil UruitLli'M. riliLVlllA. . t'A , S.E. Gat > JGTl 1 .PERCENT INTEREST mt | PAID ON OAVINCS Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report . , * PURE