LG THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNIMY , AUGUST 28 , 1S92-SJXTEEN PAGES. THE LONDON COSTERMONGER Daily Life , Haunts and Amusement ! of a Characteristic Englhh Oitizon. A STRAIN OF GYPSY BLOOD SUGGESTED rcn-IMctiiroof the I.nnilnn Street Vrnilor n * llo M Kiinjr III lll tc > mo < tlo Itolatloni HM.Soul Cnnloroil on Pearl lliittoin Ills "Duniili" mill Her Dctlchti. ( Conrrlulitod 1SOJ. ) Losnox.AtiK. 1ft. [ SpsciilGorrospondonco of Tin : UKK.J There nro bolwoon 50- 000 ntid GO.OJ , ) coJtormongors in the oily of London , Their vociUlou is tbo sanio as that of tbo street hawker * of American cltloj , but these \vlio tmvo marlo the most c.iraful study of the tatter 0.111 fgnn no proper Idea of the fonrur without p.'tMonal acqualtiititica. There Is pooil roaion for iliU. Our street vender * of llsh , fruits unil voifotixblos com- prlsoun ovor-ohnnglnghost of widely vuryln < ? and unconifonini imtionnlltloj. A Uuwkor In our country , from whatever race ho has sprung , uovor remains n hawlior longer than necessity compi'ls. If ho is not successful In his ventures between markets and customers , ho shottly drops out. of the braying throng and engages vigorously In another vailing. If his voice , bis sway back steed unit his ram shackle wagon bring him profit , ho willmiilto the host bargain possible to another nsplrant for his belonging's ' route and " oed will , " Is .shortly found In possession of a market stall or grocery , and over after scorns tlio vyca- tlon aim associations which guvo Ulnvpros- pcrily. The great distinguishing difference be tween American hawkers and London cos- tormoneiTS , out of which the Interesting pe culiarities of the latter have grown , is the i.xtromo antiquity of costermongers as n dis tinct class or race. Indeed thay may with propriety bo considered asur.iue ; und I am not so sure but that in a more thorough ac- quulntanco wltb them than I have gained , It would ho found that they possess the ancient rotnany or cvpjy strain of blood. I have cer tainly noticed In them many rnco character istics of the gypsies ; and their originhistor ically considered , almost exactly corresponds with the ocrlod In which gypsies were llrst noticed In England. < iyp y Tr.ilts In Costormnnccrs. Some of the marked chaructcrU tics and customs I have found common to both pypslos nnd cbstormoiigors are noteworthy. Jiotu rsces are bitterly opposed to oooU linowlcd o , und not.1 } per cent of clthor , In EiiL'lniul , can read or write. 13oth are hered itarily roving In nature , and would pine and die if forced for any length of time Into In door Inlior. Both mate rather than mnrry ; and while remarkable for their lldoltty In this relation they hold in deep contempt re ligious or civil ir.nrrmgo rites. Doth are the most honorable aud honest people who live in all dealings among them selves , but bold It the height of wisdom and morality to "do" all others ifot of their UK. Both , however meet ; , humble and actually law-abUllntr in their daily lives , are heredi tarily the enemies of all law and law ofllcors : though both will make the most dosporuto of sacrillco to avoid becoming involved in any complications of the law. And both nro , ro- llplously. agnostics of such luinlnousncss and density as by comparison would put nil the llanilltons , Mansols und Spancer * to fervent blush and shiimo. The earliest rojord of London costermong- nr * rrles i * sniil tn bo In Lviliati'rt nnom of "London Lvckpony" In the tlmo or Henry V. , about 475 years ago. Shakespeare refers contemptuously to "thoso costermonger times ; " Bon Johnson makes his Morose mvoon If ho nears a costermongor's ' cry ; and Dr. .lohnson gives the derivation of 'Vonard- tnongcr" as originating in the street sale of apples or costards "round and bulky like the hcuii. " A imtlnctlvo 1'ooplo. So far as can bo traced in history and lit erature tneso fo'K wore i > r > jclsoly the same in modn of life , vocation and characteristics hundreds of years ago , as at the present tlmo. Like the ilshurmon of Now Haven und Galwuy , anil still like- the gypsies , they have scarcely over been known to In termarry with other elites. Tuo result is tbo costormongcrs ot the London of today form , almost a little realm of their own , ever changing in continos yet chungoloss In char acters and antiquity , with u purer stralu of blood of Us kind than that of halt of the Knglish nobility , and with ancient customs and'tradltlonn rcmainlnir Incxorablo laws of gulilanco to themselves all to a inoro marked dogrco than Is true of any equal aumbor of people lu any coraor of Eu rope ) . If all this were not true of the London costormongcr bo would still bo found a plu- tur quo object to tbo casual observer. In the lir.it place his dross Is picturosquu. You nlll not flnil at ( JuUuiin , Alusslnu or Palermo In blcily more odd or colorful groupings than these crowds of costors at the maruots or at their evening and holiday resorts. Induod there Is a dash of the gypsy In tno dress of these folk that constantly recalls the romuny poplo , ( lull ) or the Colter. At his daily labors the coster .will hnvo on his hcud a small cloth cap wolf to ono sldo , with the visor either pointed to the sky or cawing ono idi < of his neck. Ho is never without his blauk or tlaUiHy colored slllt "klngsman" or heavy , loosely pathorod neck- nrchief , always tied In a sailor's knot und the ends , tuciccd In the folds of his i..iy woulon Hlilrt , the whole exposing n line , well corded and often hairy nock and chest. His walatcout is long , llltu n jockey's , with capu- rlous pockets and huge tabs , und always of corduroy or velveteen. His trousers are half Mexican In cut , of corduroy or coarse duckIng - Ing , uud their wide bottoms HUD over tbo best shoes worn by any lowly .men In Lon don. Added to this nro pearl or polished motnl buttons innumerable , lu the mutter of buttons their "best logs" for Sundays and holidays uro truly startling. Whether of inotiit or pearl , they uro from a half Inch to un Inch In dlamntcr and are sot ns thickly as they can be placed nround the cap band und visor edge , down the ouco of the waistcoat Irani thrcut to point , above every pocket , and along the odcos of all IdpoN , uuon the sleeves nearly from wrists to elbow , and along the wine plush bide itrlpes of the trousers , from Just below the Uneos tn the very pdgoof tha trousers log , so that the Ins't button clicks and patters thu pavement and the shoo. 'lli Cimtcr'H "Dmmli. " Tliu coster women are none the loss strik ing lu thuir garb nnd appearance. Llko the men , Ihoy nro all well shod , ami wear short course nemo piUUcoau , showing their ankles and suupely feet. These petticoats are as impious iiCladdugh llsbwlfo's. Tlielrwaists ro always low at , or uro loft open In , tbo neck , uud usuully the latter , as with the mm. Is adorned with a llashy silk necker chief , whllu a small woo'.en plaid or slllt lhawl covers the breast , where it is always fastened with a brooch uf hugn dimensions. But the hair uud the headgear nro most distinctive , l rnm these alone u castor trl IB anywhere recognizable. The hut Is of straw or felt , nnd always as largo as a coster's cart wheel. It protrudes alarmingly tn front , aud tbove this canopy waves u forest of ostrich plumev Coster girls belong to clubi for the purchase of those prized feathers , und tboro is no ordinary uaorlllca they will not make to posaon the largest plumas that can bo bought. The hair U bestowed bohlud in a largo braid. A "part" extends from this over ouch oar , and a heavy , straight tab lies igiiuut onen chunk. Above the forehead the huir falls straight almost to the brows , hut Is then frlizled und curled until it uuinJs up cvurd and outward Ilku monstrous tnattcil ehovaux de frlbo. As a cotter proudly ro- aiurUod to mo : "Our douubs ( irlrlt. swcet- toartt , womou ) 'at a style us u all their > wu. " Outllt of tlio CuXermongcr. The cojtorinontor's outtlt corocnsos either I bundbarrow , n spring cart on two ivhocU on which ho will load from SOO to a I.UUO pounds of fruit or vegetables and with tlio help of u boy or hit "donah" push the tuuio dozen mlloj in a day ; or a donkey am cart poitosiod by the more well-to-do. : have seen tb'o Utter loaded with from 1,200 ( o l.BOt ) pounds weight nt Covent Uarilen Diarket. Tbo women wbou hawking ulona ire ( ometlme * provided with donkey oarts or barrows , but oftonur with "shallows , " or iballow baskets which with their heavy content * nro carried on their heads. A curious * ort of butlnots has always been In' vogue owing to tbo Improvidence of tbo coster.Tioufc'ore as a class. This U the blrlnif out to tueui of baskotn. barrows and carts Out of the 60,00V or 00,000 oouoruioager pop ulntlon of London fully 15,000 are actunlly engaged In dally hawklnp , the remainder bolng old folk or children unable to work ave at odd times. Fully ono-tnlf of the dally workers own tnolt- own nhallows. bar rows and carts , The other half hlro them nt ruinously usurious rates.Tho donkey and cart are seldom hired , nearly all of these out * lu being owned by the costers. Hut tbo mndcarts or barrows are usuully hired at hrco ponce per dav or ono shilling for the veek , fora barrow originally costing loss hon 1. More than JC.'O.OOu or 8100.000 is annually paid In barrow und "shallow" hlro by tbo London costers. Umv They Are Set Cp. Quito recently coster provident clubs have boon formed. These by a trilling weekly payment from members Insura the oppor- unlty of hiring borrows at reduced rales , and of purchasing donkeys and carts on the nstallmont plan. But as u rule they like ho old way best. The old way with Lon don costors Is. as n rule , after a night's dlssl- mtlon nt drink or gambling , for nil coster * vithnut exception nro hard drinkers and in- vetcrato gamblers tn a small way , to borrow ho day's "stock money" nt n sixpence or n shilling Interest , secure the hand barroxv at hrco oenco biro , the sciijos or measures at another outlay of twopence , and trust to icnvy pushing , loud calling and guinblo customer. ! to rotrlovo thuir fallen fortunes , I'hoy nro scrupulously honest In repayment of loans , and a harder working people do nol llvo. But they nro Irredoeranblo in their hrlftlojinoss , nnd with all their good quail- los and tralU considering their associations nyd Ignorance , nro hopeless slaves of the usurers and taprooms. Any ono desiring a superficial observation of this class can find umplo studies of costors nt the chief London markets. Daily 5,000 come to Covent Garden market ; nbaut-1,000 couro lish at Bllllngstralo ; fully 2.03J are nt Spitalllelds ; perhaps 50J each will ba found at Boiough and Lcadenhull ; and fully 8,003 nrodtnrlbutcd unnng the lessor city nnd u bur ban markets. boon at Covent Tliird3ii. Covent garden Is the most Interesting place o visit , not only for Its historic associations mt for its greatest throngs of costers. From ho opening ato'clock la the morning until 8 or U o'clock , from : iOM , to 4.0JO coUer carts vlil have como and gone. The remainder n attendance wait until afternoon to dicker vlth the "hogclor.s"orspeculators , who have lought unsold loads from farmers "In the ump. " In these morning hours Interest will not only center In the costers but in their donkeys .and carts. Hundreds upon hun dreds nro packed m u corner of tbo open matkut waiting to load , for which privilege they nro taxed 1 penny uach. Every manner of rude ingenuity bus been exorcised In tno > atcbing up of donkey carts and the con struction of donkey harness. Hope , rushes and rugs are good enough for some. Neck erchiefs and corduroys are transformed into saddle pads for others. Many are resplend ent In brass ornaments all together of half tbo donkey's weight. And still others have seen nobler uses and disclose bits of old cnr- riiiffo harness bedecked with coronets in gold and silver platp. I would write of the coster's homo life , but 10 nns nono. Thu gypsy , even the poor Lon don gypsv of the loathsome van , Is vastly his superior In this respect. In the past three oaVs I have visited more than a thousand : ester ' haunts nud habitations. In them all I lava not found n dozen genulno homes. Tbo icnrost approach to tha homo Is whore the coster Is fairly well-to-do , nnd owns the donkey nnd cart or a couple or throe. In these extremely rare Instances you will often ind the coster , his wife or mate , their chil dren and the donkeys In ono basement room together. But thi character of the man's and the woman's work keep them upon the struct. They out it cheap chophouscs and coffee stalls. ' Their evenings nro passed at the taproom , the "penny gaff " shows , the rat pit and the cheap niuslo halls. Kimy Oomcfttlc Customs. lioys and girls lenvo their parents and unto at from H to 10 years. Thov take 'urnlshea rooms in the coster districts of Leather Lane , Drury Lauo , Snoredttch , Old Street ] , toml , Murylobono Lane , Dockbcnd , Bothnia Oroon , Whltechapol , Camborwcll a > id , the like , und are at once full-Hedged costers. Children are born to them , and are "minded" for the lirst year or two. Then they tnko their chance' , for life nnd educa tion in the slums. At. 0 or 7 they accompany their parents or hlro out to other costers , lu u few years more some fancied slight or too sovnro n boating , or tno coster youth or lass buvo met ibolr nfllnlty , and they nro uway for themselves without partings or ro- . grots. However luck may go with the coster folk they uro sticklers lor their amusements and holidays. Kvery evening will Und them nt the music hall , the rat-pit or Lhetr taproom haunts. There are morn than 1100 of ttie latter exclusively patronized by * coster men nnd women. In nearly tdl of those are rude grills where the men may cook their own food ; all uro provided with cards nnd other gumes for their amusement ; nnd with each Is a backvaid or shed well protect ed from the eyes of the police , where rat and dog lighting , of which thov are extremely fond , may bo indulged in , and where bnxing nnd prize' lighting nro eagerly cultivated. On Sunday they will bo found in great nuin- bor.s at Battcrsea Field * , Haaipsteud Heath and Epplng Forest ; but the great yearly London outing for costors is at the Derby. Mom than a thousand carts , each contain' ing fron : four to six cosier womou and men , sot out from the Seven Dials and Whlta- chnncl. The donkeys are all bedecked with paper tlowors , their faces grotesquely paint ed nnd bung with tow whiskers , and their lugs encased either in the trouser-i of tno men or the bifurcutod gutnionts of the women. Then with great stores of food und liquor , und hundreds of horns and concertinas , nfler n grand procession through the aristocratic West End , "to show the nebs how swell ccators can Co" on occasion , as a coster proudly confessed to mo , this outlandish cuynlcauc , with wild cojtor music , shouts and laughter , sots out lu a merry scramble , for breuzy Epjoui Downs. Eon.vu L. WAKEMAN. A SUCCESSFUL , EXPHES3 COMPANY 1'iictn niul I'icuro * Itugirilluu : tlio Origin of Wulls , i'urr ; < > & Compiiny. In Murch , 1S.V7 , Henry \Volls , Willium C. Fargo , in conjunction with several other gentleman mot together In Now York city and effected nu organization for the purpose of transacting nu express , oxcbango und banking bushiest , , under the name of Wells , Fargo & Company. The company sprung into oxlstanco Mln- orvn-llkc , fully equipped for service nnd at once engaged upon Its long inKsion of trust and responsibility. The Held ot Its opera tions extended from the Atlantic to the Pa cific coasts and It soon established agencies in thu Important cities of Europe. In 1SSS a ncqulrod the Erlu system , con- ' tenng'ln Now Yoric with uxtenslvu aux iliary Hues , thus scouring its own direct through lines to New Yoru , Boston and ull other luriro commercial centerj. At the present time the company operates nearly 40,000 miles of lines by railway , stauo and steamer ; over . ' 1,00'J ugenclos and morcuhun ( V-00 employes ; transacts millions of dollars worth of business annually m its express and bun King department , Its nccumuaU'd capital und deposits amount to over Sll,5'JOOJO. Tno main olllco of tbo company In Now York city Is nt 03 Broadway , ' but Its headquarters proper , or general accounting ofllco , is in Bun Francisco. It win Wells , Fargo & Company that origi nated In IBC4) ) , the fatuous "Pony express" for the most rapid conveyance then possible of Important mull i matter across tbo Ameri can continent. Thu biicvess of the under taking demonstrated other possibilities of meeting the requirements ol tbo ago. The narrow trail of tun "Ponv express" may bite to have marked out tbo coursu soar ultorwurds followed by the cupiulous inal and pussongercauchoi , along with the tele graph wires , und In no ios quick tiucccsslnu that of tuo railroad track unu locomotive , Iluiu.ivir K , n. April , -I. fill. Dr. J. U. Moore Dear Bin Huvo bean troubled with catarrh In my head mid faoj for throe years at tlmoj vtusunublo to hour bud a constant ringing lu my oars and tor two yearn wis almost deaf. Have tried sev eral so-called remedies aud boon trjtUod by regular physicians and noted specialists , bu failed to got any relief. I tried ono bottle o Moorn's Tree of Life Catarrh Cure. It gave Immediate relief and affootod a permanent euro. 1 heartily recommend it to ull suffer era of this disouio and will cheerfully glv < any further Information on being addressed at my homo , No. ! ! ! Sweeney uvu. , Burllng- ou , la. For sala by utl druggists. Hespcctfullly , it. L. KEIU. For ale by all drucelsts. OBSERVATIONS IN SWEDEN Councilman Stool Tolls of What Ho Noted During a Brief Trip. FEATURES OF EUROPE'S ' NORTHERN VENICE ( nllrontl , Telegraph nnil Telephone Serv ice * Uunurp.i < 9cil anil All Under ( lovorn- incnt Control Wlioro Dishnnoity uml Vagrancy nro Unknown. Slnco my return from my brlof trip to Sweden , I urn dully asked to give my imprcs- Ion of Sweden and the Swedes. I landed nt the port ot Mnlmo , where my luggage was examined clojor than nt any ono of the seven custom houses I wont through , spent a few days InSmalandwhoro I found ( eon | enjoyment In studying the natural beauty of the country. Tbo climate , I found nlondld , with almost perpetual day at mld- uminor , the thermometer avoruglnj 00 ° Fahrenheit , with loss than 5 = variation bo- ween night and day , with probably tbo rich- sttloruto bo found anywhere. Children vould go out a few hours aud come back with baskets full of the Illy of the valley nnd other wild floworn-botb frairrant nnd beautl- ul. What strikes ono very forcibly U tbo rustic attlro and frugal simplicity of the icasantry , tbo difference between the people n tbo country and thoto in the cities or owns bdlng no great as to scorn tuoro llko going from ono nation Into another. From Smolund I went to btoeldiolra , tbo capital of Sweden , from which point I trmdo numerous excursion * for pleasure and ob- ervntlon. Pleasure steamers run In all di rections between the Islands in the narrow traits , the banks lined with villas and gardens ; olng as far north as ( Josalu , the Swedish eat of letters and art. Hero Is located the utnous university , which ranks as oao of the oromost seats ol Iramlng lu Europe ; it wns . established ' ' ' nnd has at over l.OJ'J years a''o , irjtont 2,000 students. A magnlllcont Ibrury Is bore , ana tbo museum is rich in vorks of art , curios und relics ot tun oldun lines , when Sweden ranked high among the lutioas of Europo. Or Sweden's Cnpltiil. Stockholm is seventy-two miles Inland on an arm of tbo Baltic sea , nnd Is ono of the u'lnclpal seaports of the country. It Is vhat might be culled the Vonlcb of the lorth , boinc built on numerous islands , formerly there wuro uo bridges nnd com munication between the different islands vns had by moans of bouts. Now , however , ull Stockholm Is connected by n mugniticent ystora of bridges , spanning tbo city in every direction. Tbo great industries of Swollen ire iron , copper and lumber. Tbo Immense orests furnish lumber for nearly every por- Ion of Europo. Then all along the coast are ho cod , herring and salmou fish ines , the greatest in the world. Lho rivers furbish vast quantities cf almon for the markets of England and olher European countries. Sweden , too , Is famed or its dairy interests ; its butter and cheese uro undoubtedly the finest In the world , jrcat quantities ot these products are ox- lortud every year , and support a large por- Ion of the population of the interior. Ono ot the ploasantcst journeys which I ock wns from Stockholm westwa'rd through .ho interior of tbo country to Gottenburcr. Pbo distance is nbout : WO miles , aou tbe method of transportation was by moans of canals. I took a steamer nt Stockholm and paddled slowly through the canals , which ut quite frequent Intervals open out into imall lakes. There are hundreds of those icautiful little sheets of water and two qulto largo lakes. The country wo passed through was cultivated like a garden , nnd stretching back from the banks ot the canal .ho scene was most picturesquely pastoral ; .bo peasants In their quaint attire , .he Holds of grain , tboorchards.tho meadows , the verdancy presented a pluluro of rural life such as 1 could have feasted my eyes on forever. I spent two days on this trip , nnd the recollections of it will remain with mo always. Wo wont through many ocks : nt the famous Trollbattnn falls , our } oal climbed over a hill seventy llvo foot ileh. Tbo scenery nround and below these falls Is , perhaps , the granJcst and most nalostlc I over saw. Government ItallroniU unit Telegraphs , Most of the railroads of Sweden are owned jy the government , and are managed in n systematic and businesslike manner. The roadbed is , I think , somewhat better than ours , but the cquipmontuud rolling stock uro not quite up to our standard. Passengers have the privilege of riding cither llrst , second or third class. It ( s a common saying over thora that onlv nn American or u fool rides lirst class. Why ? Well , I suppose be cause traveling second class is quito as com fortable and pleasat.t , and is somowhnt cheaper. Traveling flrot class only means that you desire to bo a little more exclusive nnd stylish. The third class coaches nrd for tbo common people. The fare is abou' . half a ' cent u mile , and'the cars are almost bare of nil comforts or conveniences. Second class faro is about lj cents , nud the apartments uro upholstered nnd quito comfortable nnd pleasant for the ordinary traveler. If you travel lirst class you secure u compartment something like u coupe , which holds four people , nnd by so doing gain a little moro of elegance und Hulsb nnd uioro Rxclisivcnoss. For this you pay "Yt oents a mile. Tbo telegraph and telephone systems nro nlso under control of the government , nnd , i-o tar as the latter service is concerned , it is perfect. When talking about telephone sys tems , I wnnt to soy omphaffcally that the United States Is not In It. The government's th'ory is that the telephone is a public ne cessity , llko the postal service , consequently It Is run by the govurmront for the bencllt ot the people , not for the corporations , ns in this country , Tno service is superb , and ono cannot thoroughly uppreciato It unless they have hud an oxpa- rlenco with our execrable system. Incivility und inattention uro not tolerated for uu In stant , and If the girl nt the exchange \vora not prompt nnd polite oft would go her ofli- clal houd. Every little town In Sweden Is connected by telephone. The system is not exactly llko our * , us they tmvo the Erlckson patent , Invented by an ofllcor In the Swedish army , which was bought by the government. To show what n splendid svstom they hnvo , I mention nn Instance. Having occasion , while in Stockholm , to communicate with a banker at Mnlmo , I was told to use the tolo- phono. Although the distance was liS. ) miles I did not have Uio.BlighU'stdifllcuIty In bearIng - Ing or inukltig myself understood. The con versation was as clear at though 1 were in the name room. And tboro were no vexa tious delays , no bu/zlng ; it wns ull perfectly satisfactory , und for u throo-ininuto talk for that distance I was chargoJ I ) cents. Tele phone Instruments rent ut very reasonable rates. Large business bouses pay $10 a'year , others fo , and private dwelling * Q\ \ . Now , I don't wnut to express myself radically on the subject , but In comparing tbo telephone systems ot Sweden and the United States , ono Is- * forcibly Impressed with the superiority of their sys tem , und the question .naturally suggests Itself whether aftar all the Institution is nol conduotcdtm u plan moro bonellclal to the puollu good by tbo government than by a private corporutlon. All the elites and towns of Sweden nro lighted by tbo eloctrlo system , and the dungors incident to IhU motooJ uro largely nvoldud by bubtvnys , tbo wires all balng buried. The electric plants , ga * nnd water worm , nnd most other similar concerns which are of n public character are owned by the municipalities , which Insures iho maximum of good service ut the mlul'num of cost. 1'oatul SuvlncH lliinlm a Siicctm. The postal servlco of Sweden Is , I think , somowbut Inferior to that of the United States , but ono feature which I noticed was very interesting and seemed to bo very bcne- llciul. This was the system of savings bunks established by the government. I'orsgns de siring to deposit their money with the government could do so , receiving thereon 'J per cent. Great numbers of people tpok advantUKO of this , the gororamoul receiving any amount from a penny up. They system U qulto popular nnd Inculcated habits of thrift and economy among the people. Tbo people as a class uro thrifty ana frugal aud uro perfectly honorable and upright nud honest in their dealings. Thuy bollovuln the Uoldou Hulo , and follow that precept in daily Ufa and U nil their business transactions , Ouo llttii Incident will Indicate this strong nation * . chunicterUtio. I had occasion tp tuko a meal ut a railroad. Italian aatiait hguiu ouo day. I wont In , mod , M Is the custom , pro ceeded to n largocmttor table on which were plucod dishes containing whnlovor n person might uosiro to ecro I helped myself nnd taking whntovorlxtoslrrd sat down to n sldo table nnd onoyo3onry ] dinner , for ovnr there you are given hnlfmb hour for uionli. After online I dlscovcroJ/iin'vromnn over In ono corner to whom 3 tnld what I had onten , Shu figured It up ttnH Informed mo whnt my bill was. CoulUwnda n plan bo operated in Omnhnt Hardly. Tno restaurant man who would try It wnnU go broke In n month. But In bwndon thurrcstnuratits nro usually carried on on that tilnn , nnd no one thinks of noting dmUftnestly. Men would abhor such a potty meanness. So universal is till * foolln ; ot con fidence , trust nnd'honor that locks nnd bars nro nlmoHi unknown. I'coplo do not fcnr thieves , because they are very scarce. Va grants and tramps nro unknown , At the hotels guests do not lock their doors , and In the morning n porter comes In on tlptoo n&d takes your shoos nnd clothes , llrst emptyIng - Ing every packet , laying the contents on tbo table , retires nnd "soon returns with them nicely brushed nnd dusted. Neither Plutocrat * Nor rntipor * In Sweden. There Is plenty of work for thosa who de- Mro it , but wages nro vorv low and the laborer - borer must oxerclso the gfontost economy to make both ends meet. The dishonest man , Lho man who gains n reputation for cheat ing , overreaching , sharp practice or anything llko that might ns well move out of the coun try. Ho Is shunned und despised by ull classes In the community ; dishonesty Is tbo ono crime there which will not bo counte nanced tn any form. As n matter of fact Sweden Is n poor coun try. It Is poor in money , ns one of her pools once said , but rich In the recollections of n glorious past. Still , I cannot say that this has boon detrimental 10 her pros'poniy. If Sweden has no vury rich men , on the other band she has no very poor people. Pluto crats nnd paupers are "loth unknown. I could lad uo trace ot discontent or political agita tion. Socialism can find no foothold tboro. I'hoy have a king to bo sure , but the tlouso of Commons rules the government , Oscar II being a mere ligurohoad. But the people love the old gentleman. 1 saw him ono day on tbo streets of Stockholm. Us is a tali , aandsomo , venerable gentlemen , -with n kindly benevolent countenance and a picas- nnt srailo for the humblest passerby. Ho Is said to bo a retired , qulH man of scholarly Imbits , and of considerable lltorury ability. I think that Sweden loses nothing by her condition. But why do the people emigrate , vou askl Well , human nature is the same. .There Is the restless desire for ihango , the ambition to muko money and a lundred other causes which stir the human heart. Du Chulllu , the great explorer , was once askad by a young Swcdo whether ho should emigrate to tbo United States. Du 3ha\llu \ replied : "If you want to make nonoy try America ; 'if you desire to bo happy remain at homo. " Civil Service Incivility Unknown , Of course , in many thlncs Sweden ha not advanced ns rapidly as wo ; iu fact she is far behind the ago in tbo work of im- Hovcmont , Invention and enterprise. Even n Stockholm , although the public streets are lit with electricity , the private houses still use Ibo tallow dipsnnd the carpets of the oynli k lace made mo blush. It is an absolute 'act ' that there are moro square yards of caret - ) ot m use In Omaha today than in the whole Kingdom of Sweden. A verv p'.ensant'foaturo is the politeness and readiness to serve you by ofllcials of all dnds. Tbo rnllroad'ofllclals treated us ns If .hoy bad been our servants and wo had bad the power to discharge them if they did not ileaso us. The policemen would walk a ilockwith us to give the information asked for. for.Tho public school svstom has not , 1 bollovo , asuporior In any nountry. la connection wltb the public school are a gymnasium , manual training 'shops ' nnd bathhouses , where school children not having baths at lomo , nnd very fowth < wo , are compelled to jathe once a week. 'Two-thirds of the edu cated and-inulJle classes and the tradespeo ple in the cities speak Euglish and Gorman luontly. 'Iho liquor traffic ils handled by the muni cipal government In'n manner I hat coranels admiration , nno drunkenoss iu Ibo Swedish cities h&s materially decreased in the lust twouty years. < r itoiiN STKCI , . Skin blemishes , like foul teeth , are the more offensive because they are mostly voluntary. The pores are closed. One cannot open them in a minute ; he may in a month. Try plenty of soap , give it plenty of time , and often ; excess of good soap will do no harm. Use Pears' no alkali in it ; nothing but soap. All sorts of stores sell it , especially druggists ; all sorts of people are using it DR. SNYDER , THE SUCCESSFUL OBCSITV SPECIALIST Mrs.Alice Mni'lu.Ojvuon.Mo. Wclclit-lUforo treat- ; ttertrfalmcutiialtid. The following personi liaro lakon treatment of Dr. flnrilor. will ) lowof welitht ns irlvon bnlow. Tlioy will cheerfully mnnwer all [ Inquiries If Btmupi uro iucluiod. , , , , , . Wright Weight llufuro. Afur Loss , Hits. llAruii. : f.Jiinwsox , I'uclllcJunction , Iowa KJIbf. UTlbs. 178 lb > Slus , AMCUMAI-I.K , , urceun , Mo. . . 3M " IC3" B. H. Cure. Oiuru. Wl . . . . . . . .3IJ ( " SOJ 1:15 : BIMUUV VAX \V1.SitIJi Franklin , 111 121" 233" HUH. ( iCOlUlK KllUKUAX , It. llluwoll. Cnl 278' 100' Mils. HAHAII lUllNtll , 1311 ( ro. KlfHi-it. . * J.uuTomvorlli , Km 276 " 70" 105' PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. NoKnrrlnK , no Inrnnrruleucu , linrmleM And no bad miDcU , Strictlycoiiluli-iitlul , 1'urclrculon aaute tluiouiali addroii with Cc. In * tini | , DR. O. W. F. SNYDER. Bldrj. , Chlcaao. Ill ALLAN LINE KOVAf , MAII STKAMSIIll'3 , CAUIN , l.1 to MHU , Aceordlu , ' to jtuuiuo mid location ut atiitoroom. IntoriiiudliHuiinil htuor.iuo at low rutoi STATE j. ALLAN LINE LINE J STKAMSHU'S. NKW VOllKuud GIAH'JO\Y. ' \ Vlal-onilunJerrr. ovcrr FortnliiUt. AUK , lltti HTATB OF NISVADA..noon AuJ iitli . . . . .BTATK 0V NKIIUASKA. , . . . .uouu b "t. bin. . .8TATIJ OK CALIFOHN1A. U A , M , Cabin , III ) , hocond Cabin JJ. bluerajo.lU. Apply to AU.AN A CO. , Cblcago. 11. M. MOOllB. 1S1V UawarU Bt. UiuaUa. & &M & & OVERBOARD \ Some people don't believe in doing things by halves , but we do. We are doing something by 'halves now that seems to be the proper capar if the amount of our sales is any criterion. We're selling y .the rest of Hellman's suits by halves ; that is , Half 7 Price. They won't last but a few days now. = 7 School Boys. = 77 . -7 j Boys who are betiveen 4 and 14 years old can get an all wool suit of us now for $2.O.O. Ms an elegant gray cassimcrc in tivo pieces. * Boys elegant worsted 2-piece suit , in plaids and stripes , ages 4 to 14 , for $3.5O , worth $6. = 7 Boys' 3-piece suits , ages 12 to IS , loiig pants , wool mix = 7 tures , in three shades , go al$3.0Oi worth fully $5. .Boys' 3-piece suits , long pants , all ivool cassimere , dark i effects , 5 different styles , ages 12 to iS , worth $10 , Boys' . single Knee. Pants and Long Pants , in all sizes , * styles and prices. These lines must be closed out within the next few d.iys , as we must have the room they occupy for OUR NEW FALL ARRIVALS , Columbia Glothin Company , Corner 13th and Farnam Streets , Omaha ! Successors to M. Hellman & Co. : TF f f > ? FILLED WITHOUT PAIN At Last We Have ft. . The Most Sensitive Tooih Filled , Without Pain , by a HEW PROCESS. No of losing any decayed tooth. All can bo saved-bv this wonderful process of filling which works lilto mar/ie" IB necessity now fop the patent and siraplo and harmless us w.-Uor. 3y this PAINLESS PROCESS wo mount bountiful Po&inttmal Crowns W roots ot front tooth. By this NEW PROCESS wo attach mire gold crowns on the bicuspid and mnlir roots wit limit Dliin. Bv this wonderful proco33 wo restore by contour gold lilling tlio original shupo of a broken or do- < " tooth. DCN ? < 5i' DELAY these Important orBans. Have ovcry tooth preserved THINK A MINUTE. The beauty of the raouth nnd face. The sweetness of the breath. The comfort in masticating food , and your health demands that you care for your mouth and tooth. To these who have lost their natural teeth , or part of them , \\Q call attention to our method of making TEETH WITHOUT PLATES. Fixed and Removable - movable Bridge Work. Cull and sue the Morris Thin Elastic Dental Plato , as thin as paper , elastic as whalobono. tough us leather. With this kind of a plate wo onn successfully lit mouths that have failed to get , a lit from any other method. These plates uro pleasant to wear , fooling soft and agreeable to gums and tonguo. Co-st no more than other kinds. A FULL SET of Teeth on Hard Rubber , PERFECT FIT GUARANTEED. Tectli extracted without pain by means of our wonderful local anaisthotic. Nitro oxide or laughing gas and vital- i/.cd air kept constantly on hand , aud administered without danger. Remember name and location. W. BAILEY DENTIST DR. R. . , - - Office , Third Floor Paxton Block , 16tli and Farnam Streets. Eritranco on Slxtconth Btroot , Klovtvtoror Stairway. Telephone 1035. Cut thin out for a guldo. HOME INDUSTRIES By Purchasing Goods I\Iade \ at the Following Nebraska Factories. If you cannot find what you want , communicate with the manufacturers as to what dealers handle their goods. AWNINGS. OMAHA TKNT AWNINO Co. Flok'i , hammocks , ollnml riibburalolhlnic. Henilfor U.iulouui' . UU I'nrnum PUKDlCllUOBllKW- OMAHA 1NO CO. ASSOCIATION : Our bottled cabinet bo9r aunrantood to equal out- delivered to anjr part Ide bratiji. Vloniu ol thooltir , Kxiiort buttloil bojr , luUTJuckionSlrajU ilellreraJ Li taiulllaj. J30XE3. OM AHA BOX FAC TOKV. Nailed nud dorolallO'l boioi. Capacltr AXJa dur , Kait Uiualm Tel ill. I' , O. bortUJ. OVERALLS. PRINTERS. Hiii ) Jou Pnisr Co. CO. 1NQ . , 292-t Uouilai atroot. llco CIQARS. SMOKI : BLUK II. BliSliMX. CIUAK. Special brand * luudo to orddr. Omnlm .Maniifnctiiro Factory KlWIMIrlcIc TO JucobJuikuluk. btoroSW North IDtli. DYE WORKS ClIA'S. SltlVJCUICMC OMAHA STKAM & CO. , JJYK WOltKS. Clonnlnir utid dyuliu of Furniture , Carpoti and . evcrr ilajcrl'lloi ( ) liranarlu . * liil Honnri 12UJ Furnaiu , FLOUR. & P. Glf.MAX. OMAHAMlfIIXUCO 10IM&-UN. IDtU. Ulllcuniid mill , C. K. Illnct , 3lanior. : UU.Nortli Itilli IRON WORKS. I'AXTON fc VlBU- IKON WOUKB. \Vronuht und out Iron Mfif. and roimlrliiKi all bulldltiK.work , u kl.idi luudilnor , 711 ti. bran wurk , etc. lllhtit. Till. UU. OMAHA SAI--K AKI > I ICON Woitics. Bafei , Ttulti , J&ll work Iron ihutteri ftnd tlrj rioapiti. U. Androjn , llth Una Jac * a MATTRESSES. WHITE LEAD. , " 'IIK OMAHA MAT- CAKTKU WIIITJS TIIKS8 CO. LnAi ) Co. Mnttroindi , feathar pi Jowtf nnd comforter * . ITo I- Corrodon anil Kiittor To trade only. Htrlctlr iniri wlilto leaA Iin-K-lt ) Ilarner St. Knit Ouinln . J RUHHER QOOD3. SADDLERY. OMAHA RujuniitCo M Allies Buos' SADDLISItY CO. Manufacturlnit anil Joli- bun u ( nil klnli uf Block taddloi und Unlit rubber "FHIi llriiini" ImrneiiaipvclaUj' . ItUf liooch. liWKnrimm BL Humor itreel. SASU , UOJR3 , BLINDS. II. P. CADY Lux MouhllnKB , elalr mill , unit Co. nvHil > , baluiton.icroll Onico nnd bank wurk work , ulo. ToleplionoVJ iimcl ltr. aN.'JtU \ liihiiml Mnroy alt , SYRUi' . SOAP. 1'AOB SOAl1 CO. , olllof , I'roiervas , Mlnoj Miuufaeturen of Uoloa Muatand Apple Jlutler , Uoap. bjrrupi , Molatet. ill Hi Ulckorjr itreet. UoutuUeroutbBI.