Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 28, 1892, Page 15, Image 15

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A Rhapsody on the Various Styles of Pedal
A < Jrnvo Hnrlnl I'rolilom Ciinslilrrcil Mnr-
\rloin r.Hlriiro of Mnthors Proper Cnro
ol rilnk ItiHitns Uimlp About
Women Tlio Latent
Oh , would llin Rods the glftlo Rio us , *
Jo see ourselves as otliun see lit.
This quotation Is a llltlo nnclant. porbnps ,
but It lilts into our mind qulto naturally
xvhenwu BOO hoiv some pooplotvalk. I won *
dor How many people ihoro nro wbo ever
give a thought to their st.vle of podcstriuti
Fashion's frown has lone forblcldon the
bablt of swinging the arms nnd yet , wbon wo
stop to lulnt ; of It , that Is the natural way to
help us walk. How very careful wo ere
when on amain street not to owing our arms.
T By keeping our mind upon thcso robolllous
inomburs wo do succeed in keeping thorn
till. But doii'i wu get awfully tired I Just
watch that Mvoll girl as she futicios herself
out of sight around -tho corner ou some un-
ttcqucntcd street ; down go the urms and
they swing naturally In unison with ibo
lou or extremities. Sno can walk fatter and
not bo half sotlrod us If the arms woroundor
Tbo limns uro llko the Rpokos of a wagon
Wheel trying to desuribo a circle.
it Is wonderfully amusing to r.oto tbo dlf-
fciont styles of gait In which BO many people -
plo carry tbcmsolvos. Tlicro Is the last unit ,
the Nlow gait , the graceful und tbo nwkwurd
Call , and two swinging on the guidon guto ,
whun It's not late und pa hns iono ; to ledge
and ma Is at prayer meeting anil Molly
bus her eve out. But wo digress
that Is not the unto wo contomplatu. Wo
were spoaktng of tlio walking gait. There is
the tall man with the Ions stride anu Ibo
tall girl with u likewise ; there Is the hort
man wbo holds himself so very straight , as ,
if to make you bollovo bo Is tailor than you
Bupi)0i ) > o'l ; his abort stops uro verv brisk nntl
two nro taken to ono long stride ot bis taller
brother. Wo often Wonder wbysomo people
wulk In a crooked line when on the street
and thus to mo In collision wltb some ono
who Is trying to kcop a "boo lino. " Uo some
ladles think It gntcotul to sway the form
trom sldo to sldo ; or do they novcr ulvo the
matter a tboughU The latter no doubt is
tbo fault , and tboy walk simply because they
nro going somewhere. Now that it Is no
longer tbo style to wear tight shoos ono can
balance moro easily upon the bill of the foot ,
which gives tlm nocuod clastic spring , nnci
the strength of tbo hcol Is not called Into
play us much as lu the bygone days , when
tbo'sboos were so short nnd tight that tbo
tons were hold us if In a vise.
The little mincing stop , ouco thought so
dejliablo. is rapidly going out. Too gliding
Hop is tbu ono to cultivate. It Is easier ana
so much moro graceful. As for the iirms , as
they scorn to DO Indispensable will
be necessary to cany them. To walk a lu
mbuo it Is correct to place the left arm
eUluibo , tbo hana rest I nir on the hip , and
If you uro wearing a diamond
kcop it In sight. Au imposing
fiont ls always desirable. In the right hand
carrv the umorolla or n gcntlomuu his walkIng -
Ing stick , for iu thcso days of parcel delivery
It Is not necessary for u lady or gcntlomau
( o make an oxprois wauon of theinsolvos bv
euro l"B " number of bundles , for the whole
oppression of n pretty drew or nobby suit
may bo ruined by a big brown parcel or a
package done un In newspaper. When wo
moot a person carrying a largo bundle wo
curiously wonder "what Is In it. "
Memory takes us back lo childhood's days
and wo remember that horrid tin bucket iu
winch mother put up our school luncb , and
bow wo did lot dare lo ojuiiy rebel
ngulnsl carrying a rcspoctabla tin "pall. "
But oil I how wo did hale it , and what humil
iation that innocent bucket aid uauso us
hurrying along trying to hide It under our
clock ; and our foolish liUla hoatt dreading to
meet u fashlonublo friend.
Necessity nud good sense may oftimos
compel a lady or gentleman to carry an arm
ful , so it would bo unjust to Judge the man
by the DUndlo. But it is not food form to
curry a package , and , girls , if vou want to
look pretty you can't , do It. Keep In mind
the ofi-repeatod ndvloo , "thoulder.i thrown
Daclt. " Walk In a straight lino. Ladies ,
Uocp stop with an escort , If you have one.
Hold up your bead , but no stargazing.
Don't try to loca o u "mnu in Mars" while
you walk on some poor mortal's toes.
Olrothor , please don't watch thnt pretty
lltllo girl across the wny so Intently that
yoii , qulto forgot to kojp in stop wltb the
good llttlo Vvlfo at your Mdo ,
The failure of young men to marry hns
compelled hundreds of thousands ot young
\vomon to earn un independent livingwrites
John Lambert I'ayno In tha September La-
0ios' Homo Journal. All honor to the girls
who walk ; but the Dlvlno plan was that
mun should bo the bicadeurnois nnd tbat
women should bo llio center of homes.
sy Whenever such a fundamental law of soeloly
63 this is violr.tcil retribution IK Inevitable.
1'hora are today upwards ot 2,000,000 women
In the United Stales who make a living by
professional and personal services , such as
tbo practice of law mid medicine , the teach
ing of music nnd nit work , clerical service of
ono sort or another In government nnd other
ofllces , qulto apart from tbo army of young
women wbo serve in stores and toll at mo-
cbanlcal labor. No ono who can look back
over a generation of time has failed to ob
serve Iho extent to whloh women have become -
come independent broadearnors within com
paratively recent years , nnd particularly in
these avenues which education and rollncd
habits of life buvo opened up. It In , iu fact ,
ft grave social problem whom this thing will
It would scoin that this , among other
causes , is accomplishing the purpose which
Malthus aimed to teach ; for the inexorable
conclusions of llio statistician show that the
American uud Canadian family Is steadily
growing smaller. If the nvoraco number pur
fumlly bad been aj grtmt in Ib'Jj ' us In 1SGU,1
Hi ere would have boon 0.000,000 people In tbo
United Status und -IHO.OUO In Canada above
Swhut thu recent census rovealnd. This is
A fact of furroiichlng Importance , nnd up-
pllos Its force In other directions than the
iiiDjootof this article.
Is I hero-it remedy f Certainly there is none
which can bo easily and icadily applied. Two
hundred yours ugo , culded largely by tlio
Jesuits , the zealous Klni ; Louis ol franco
made stern laws far the government of this
young colony In respect to murrlago. Ho do-
orpod thnt every father huv Ing u son IS years
of ago , or a daughter of IS , should bo bold
accountable to the state If they were not
Was there ever anything so exhaustions as
a mother's p.uloncol asks tha Philadelphia
TiniHs. The pretty baby cries and squirms
nbout Just when everything | H being done for
lit comfort , yet she docs not , nt nn outsider
fools like dolnggivo It un omplintlu llttlo slap
or n pal that inlstil bo called u lnp If be
stowed by another. No , she bcurs wltb It ,
sings to It , murmurs swoct words Into thu
unheeding ours , und would think any ono ut
terly ridiculous who saw anything romaik-
itblo in her Increasing goodness. It must bo
n put t of motherhood , for it comes to tbo verv
young parent as well us to the woman wbo
-lias raised many children before this last
f lexuilous atom appeared.
'Iho society girl wbo looked positively
Mgbust when a bnby was brought In for her
Inspection and who would louvo n car If any
imull cioaluro coni'uenced to cry takes to her
own oaby us though brought up to the situa
tion from childhood. She does not got excited -
cited or Ill-totnporod when ho wriggles and
squirms , crlo < or nicks Sha tins learned
Iho Jurgou of tlio nursery and whispers and
ilnirs to the tearful baby until iba cries cousu
BUI ) the IHtIo Irresponsible bit of loveliness
decide * that ho was sleepy und cuddles down
yconicntcdly m Its mother's aims that have
been waning patiently for tills reiult all
along , bho wilt rUe ton time * In a night
without ono murmur avail wbeu eyes uru
heavy with sleep nud the weary limbs would
BO ( iiuch enjoy repo o. It Is to bo regrolled
that fathers as u rule do not possess an un
limited supply of pa.Uo.tico and growl fro-
quunlly at tbo demands of tlio 1 iicst arrival 1
in tlio famllv fatherhood U not motherhood
by u great deal , Wltb tbo latter cotnoi tuat
great well-spring of laro lu which abides nu
eodtirmc patlonco that to an outsider ( corns
positively angelic.
* *
The piopfr temperature of u sickroom It I
from 05 * to TV3 Vahrouholt , and the boat I
ihould not go muou below or much above '
these txjlnts , says Iho Now York Tribune.
Abunilnnco of fresh nir mid sunshine Is tbo
rule In nil cases , except whcro the order of
the physician prohibits the light. Thcro Is
far moro dancer of the ratlont boron-ling
enervated by close , foul nir thnn there Is from
ventilation. English physicians Insist that
on onon flro Is n necessity to the Draper von.
Illation of a sickroom , nnd nn oraincut nti-
thnrity on this subject snvs : "I do not con
sider nny room suitable for n pn'.iont to oc
cupy during n prolonRod lllmm where there
li not nn open nro burning on the hearth. In
order to sccura proper ventilation.11 A tltfht
steve or n funines resistor will not sorvoany
such purnoic. On the contrary , the steve
throws out n dry hent , which can only bo
partly counteracted by Keeping bolllni ? water
ou the itovo. It doe * not solve In auy vnv
the proolom of ventilation.
The furnnco rcBUter , too , often brings up
n current of foul nir from the cellar or the
kitchen , into which the cold ntr box opens.
Uiifoitiinnlcly It It quite the exception to
have tlio cola nir box open outdoors , as it
Nhould. Even where It so opans tbo furnnco
resistor does not assist materially in venti
lating tbo room.
Ono of the host methods of removing odors
Is to tnko a shovel of burning coil , spriuklo
It with colTooand pass It around the room.
Whom there Is Infectious disease n deodoriz
ing solution should bo obtained from the
physician and used In the water In which the
utcnsiUof the room , the bedding and clota-
Ine of tbo patient nro washed.
Mrs. Allen Promnn Prtlmor , advisory
dran of the woman's department of Chicago
university , was anludontiu Michigan uni
versity nn a afterwards a teacher thcro and at
Oonovn Lake. For two years she held the
ohnlr of history at VVollejloy nnd for six
years was president of the college , which of-
llco she resigned to marry Prof. I'nlmor of
Harvard. Miss Bulkloy , thodcan of the uni
versity , liar boon for many years of
the High school In Flainlleld , N. J. . and is
nn educator of wide romitatlon. Under her
discipline Iho Plalnllala school has been ele
vated to ttrnt extent that Its graduates are
received by colleges on its certificates with
out examination.
, Oregon has n girl nvalt carrier , Mlis Minnie
. Weston , a bravo , spirited and Doautlful girl.
Just out of her teens. Her route Is through
n rough and lonely country where wild boasts
frequently dispute passage with her , nnd
tramps sometimes appear , only to bo warned
away by the Hash of her revolver , bto rides
a small , llthopony nnd covers the route four
or five times each week.
'jt Mirror.
Verv strong efforts have been made to
bring that vorv handsome material , Irish
poplin , baok Into favor , and in these days of
roppcd and corded fabricsit Is Quito likely to
Collars at the moment are of the low , turn
down variety or nonexistent nnd an arrange
ment of lace , chiffon or embroidered silk
muslin , llko a priest' * rabotappears , ou many
of the fashionable gowns.
Uropon , which has proved so popular a
material through the spring and summer , Is
prominent nmoncr the autumn goods. It Is
In , heavier weight than tbo summer cropon
and in some now designs.
A very handsome Venetian ooonworlt em
broidery in shaded silk of dura color and
bronze-gold , or copper metal cords will bo
used in the autumn for trimming cloth , cashmere -
moro und vlgogno drosses.
Tbo much derided solferlno and raaconta
shades come again to tbo fora after many
seasons of retirement , nnd rochristoncd the
"dahlia shades" they bid fair to rank umung
the highly favored dyes of autumn.
Small smocked skirts exactly llko a
countryman's smocit are worn by llttlo boys
ol 3 In short trousers. Thor are arranged
with n fullness , falling over thn waist belt ,
and have round , turned down collars.
Any slender woman who wishes to arrange
her dress skirt In paniorstvlo about her hips ,
or to wear draperies of loco or net from her
shoulders or her bolt , can do so with the
knowledge that her gown will bo strictly cm
Fillets and coronets of sine or velvet rib
bon are worn In the hair. The portion that
bands tbo hair Is n flat bias piece or is softly
braided. A smart little upstanding bow at
the top , n little to tbo left btdo , finishes this
bit of fancy head decoration.
The nowest'nbbon bolts fasten to the left
sldo.vitli a lift upstanding ribbon Dews. The
long waist buckle } heretofore used to clasp
bread sashes nro tow : placed diagonally , and
threaded through with turbo or moro rows
of mchwldo velvet or other ribbon.
Thcro is a revival of fancy for the full-
basqucd coat , that of the Louis XVI. typo.
It is sometimes fusbionod with a seam round
the waist , and tbo bisque cut like the gored
skirts , plaited or pothered beneath a belt ,
which Is of black sutin with appllquo of Jot.
Some ot the cotton gowns worn at tbo sum
mer resorts this season are marvels of doll-
cnto beauty. The India muslins , printed with
sbaoowy designs In pnla pink , mauve , nnd
tender green , are mttdo up over sheath skirts
of pink shot with greou , or lilac witti silver ,
Grenadine , cnuzo and barege are all fash-
lonaolu nnd effective summer materials The
Bouost of these grenadines bavo n small
raised rib on n clear ground In a different
color , and among the daintiest of these are
these with a cord ot while ou n cromo
Tartans of all clans and tartans of none
will bo highly fashionable this fall. Slclrts
of these plaids will bo trimmed variously with
narrow bias frills , with bias pipings or folds ,
with deep reverse boms ot tho' goods , with
niches , or black velvet ribbon or black gimp
In rows.
A fact worth noting In connection with
this saaton's wools are that many of tbo
hanJsomcst arc imported from Germany.
The German chovlot nnd rep goods nro
varied and bjiutlful , tbo latter having a
satiny llnish not soon In either the Scotch or
English fabrics.
Capos are now Iho fad as watering place
wraps. Ited capo * of cloth , made full , with
high collar and reaching almost to Iho knees
nro much uffectod by the fasblonablo woman.
These are found comfortable ever the light
organdies and batistes , and are proof against
spa air exposure.
A iothor pretty wedding dross U of whlto
duchcsso satin with n wide glrdlo of silver
gulpuro with lover.- ) ' knots of orange blossoms
to fusion It. A band of silver lace trims tbo
bottom of the skirt , boaacd with the orange
blossoms and leaves , and several lurco bows
of wldo whlto satin ribbon adorn the Hat
srjuaro triln.
A brown sailor hat shown by cno of the
fashlouaLlo huttors , nnd after received
fashion as fur us Its sb.lpo is concerned , is
mudo odd by having a stilt band of green and
blue plaid ribbon about it. It acorns llko a
combination of tlio sailor and the bagpipes ,
and it looks as If It ought not to go , it Is BO
A vary swell girl ourls her hair on silver
curling tongs that bavo handles after the
Louis Qulnza doilgn , which are very elaborate
rate and wiry troublesome to keep clean ; but
when it comes to u question of the silver on
her dressing onso , she will go to any trouble ,
nnd will , If she can not no ono also to do It ,
polish It herself until it Is as bright as her
own hair.
Serges appear In all the varieties , from tbo
fine camel's hair serge to the heavy storm
soreo , with tbo whipcord serge and novelty
lines in between , Tweeds nro moro doslrablo
thnn usual , belnir tluer and less wolghty-
looking. The chavlots show some excellent
qualities in mixed coloring t'mt ' is now in
this fabric. They will iiialto handsome
traveling gowns for ( all.
The military cloak of last year Is hero
iiRiiln , which Is to bo expected when remem
bering the un.iiciieo blocks of this garment
with which most of the merchants closed tbo
winter sales lait sprlnn. Whlto some of the
capes roiuoln tbo saino length , many are
shortened noticeably , Tlio dlreotoiro capo
roillngoio Is revived , usually wlih the ttuce-
layer , or , us It of ton will bo called , the triple
Smoking gowns are tbo latest nddttlon to
the wardrobe of tlio popular woman who Is
beloved by ber follo.v man. They are of tbo
rich warm brown of the tobacco Itself , or of
the faint cruy blue of tbo rings and clouds of
smoko. They are of softly clinging and
noiseless fabrics , frlllaa with yellow laoos ,
which only dcopou tbolr tint In tbo smoko-
liiden ntmospboro , and the woman of the
poriot ] U us proud of a woll-porfumod smok
ing Kown as U a man of a woll-oolorod moor-
About Women.
Tbo Hojton grl | l now overhauling her
Latin to Hud out whohor ! or not tbo plural
of "gallu " In unlit.
Bt Loul * Is proud because It has tbo first
"lady advertising agent. " It U said that the
can "scoop In business" qulto as wall a * a
Kontloman amortising agent ,
Mr * . Kllzaboth I'laakintoo ot Milwaukee
ha olTorod to build and f urn lib \vorklug
sirlt boarding uouio for tbo Women' * ChrU-
tlan friendly Soctolv In. thnt city if the
organization will maintain It.
Kosa Ilolub , who shared the dangerous
experiences ot her hnsbind'a expedition to
Central Africa , has boon honored by tbo
emperor of Austria with a special modal in
recognition of her services and bravery ,
Mrs Harriet M. Plumb of Now York has
Mtcntcd an Invention to keep cars supplied
with fresh air without the annoyance of cin
ders , which has been In USD on tbo looal
irnins bntwcon Snn FrauclscO and Oakland
Tor several weeks and Is pinctlcal and satis
Too wlfo of Congressman Springer is a
writer of versos , n volume of which has boon
printed , She has sweet , gonllo manners ,
nnd Is noted for her habit of wearing gray
gowns that hnrmonlza with her handsome
gray hair nnd darn ovos. It Is a fashion that
[ > lenses her artistic frlonds.
Mrs. Kllon Harris of Philadelphia , who
organized the first Indies' aid society In the
country , soon after Fort bumtor was flicd
ou , is living at Florence , Italy , nt nn na-
vanccd ago. Until prevented by infirmity it
was her custom1 to observe all the American
national festivals and to Invlto n largo party
of American friends to a grand Thanksgiving
dinner every year.
A company of llva woman has boon Incor
porated In Demorost , Ua. , for the purpose of
manufacturiug spokes , handles , and all kinds
of uood work , nnd to carry on a general tnor-
cantilo business. Tbosoutborn women are
coming well to the front In the woman move
ment. According to a southern writer , "In
stead of agonizing over their fnll bonnets
they are gutting ready to adjust their liberty
raps. "
Queen Amollo of Portugal hns nt last received -
coivod the goldnn rose given by the pope to
good llttlo quaons und dutiful daughters of
the churoh. The ceremony has been long
delayed , but took place tun days ago .vltb
inticb pomp and ceremony. Queen Aircllo
looked rndluntlv beautiful and worn n wblta
robe trimmed with bluo. Her ladles were
white mantillas , Spanish fashion , and the
king was imposing In a general's full uni
Mrs. Boarloy of Cnmdon , N. .f. , Is the orig
inator of several improvements In itltchon
utensils , a barrel making machine nnd a
llfosavlng raft. Her Intost scheme Is to shoot
grain from Chicago to Now York nnd on
board vessels , at tbo rate of twelve miles an
hour , through iron pipes , without friction.
She reasoned that oil can bo piped long dis
tances and so could grain. She estimates a
line from Buffalo to Now York will cost tUO-
French I'rovurh * About \Vomon.
What woman wills Uod wills.
Ho who takes a wlfo finds a master.
A foolish woman Is known by her finery.
A melon and a woman are bard to choose.
Ho that hath a wlfo is always sure ot strife.
A woman unemployed Is busy in mischief.
A woman conceals what she does not know.
Never a looking glass told a woman oho was
A woman who looks much In the gloss
spins llttlo.
A tender bonrtod inotbor makes a shabby
A deaf husband and a blind wife make a
happy couple.
With nn old husband's hldo a widow buys
n young man.
Wontbor , wind nnd women's minds chnngo
llko tbo moon.
Widows weep for the lack of a husband ,
noi for the loss of ono.
Ho who la married or trios to loud an ass
is never free from plaguo.
Millions have drank and parlsod Cook's
Extra Dry Imperial Champagne la the last
forty years. .r -
UDDH .1A1) USD9.
The famous $300 sword presented to Gen
eral B. M. Prontlss , the "horo of Shlloh , "
was aocontly discovered in a Now York
pawnshop , and purchased for $55.
On tbo top of a church tower la Utica , N.
Y. , a mountain ash is growing. It is now
auoulllfteon years old , nnd Is seven foot
high. It has rooted In tbo cracks and crevices
of the masonworlf.
The exact physical center of the United
States is a gravestone In a cemetery at Fort
Uiloy , ICnn. fao that , however much move
ment there may bo in the rest of the country ,
its center is at rest.
According to a published guide of the rail
roads of tbo United States there are , or
Infol/ wore , ( .ovontoen dlfToront gauges In
tbo country , varying from two to live feet
seven inches in width.
Tramps should bo exceedingly careful bow
they attack women and children down In
Texas. Ono tramp Is dead because ho did
not know that tbo 14 year-old orotbor of a
llltlo Texas girl waf loaded.
In n recent appropriation of nearly $3,000-
000 for an Indian tribe , attorneys , claim
ng nts , etc. , get $700,000. In nn appropria
tion of ? jO,000 to pay another tribe , at
torneys , claim agents , etc. , got (07.000.
Four cities in Euro pa stand wholly or In
part on islands. Venice Is the best known
on account of its historical past ; next comes
St. Petersburg , the capital of Russia , and
the two last are tbo cities of Ghent and Am
sterdam , situated respectively In Belgium
and Holland ,
Oflleial fctattstics show thnt during the
special revenue year ended April 30 last the
production of beer in this country was 31-
lT."i,5iy barrel ; , cue' an average of half n bar
rel for every uiun , womou and child In tbo
country. Beer is rapidly becoming the na
tional bovorago.
A presidential elector receives for his
services the sum of $15 per day for oaoh day
In attendance at the capital , together with
" 10 cents per milo each way from bis place
of residence , by tbo most traveled route tn
tbo place of mooting. " Ton cents a mile
leaves a margin of profit , for no railroad is
permitted to charge moro than 3 coats a
Tbo body of Russell Benedict , who died
in Austria July 23 , reached Dan burr , Conn. ,
In u solid silver casket elaborately embel
lished with gold. On the top is a gold
crucifix two foot long. Tbo casket Is car
ried by moans of eight gold Dandles and is
supported by six lions' logs. Festoons of
gold Dowers are draped around it. On each
of the corners is a gold angel six inches
high. It is not known bow muoh tbo casket
cost. Mr. Benedict was a very wealthy man
who lived many years In Austria. Ho was
born in Daubury.
Atlanta Constitution : "I bavo a word to
Bay , " snld the preacher. "Aro all the broth-
ran In church ! "
"All horo. sir. " '
"Well , I may as well toll you that you
must cease to bring your politics to meeting.
You can't discuss politics and religion at tbo
same timo. Vote for mo for sheriff and lot
politics alonol"
Now Yoric HornldT * Uov. Plmk Plunk
Wy wuzn't ya to chu'ch las' Suuduy , Bruu-
dor Fountain ]
Bruddor Fountain Well , to toll do truf , I
went to do Subyurban , plavod a hoodooed
boss , an' dldn1 git back till Sunday obonln' .
Elder Berry Joblots has a scheme for fillIng -
Ing the church tboso hot Sundays.
Dr. Thirdly What Is IH
Kldor Berry Ho wants to take out the
puws aud pu < > ln harnmocus.
Cobwlggor They say bo Is a fighting par
Brown I wouldn't bo surprised. I'vo '
known him put persons to sleep.
Chicago Tribune : M > s. Fourtlily HuS' '
band , are you atlll roadlug about these dis
gusting pnzo fighters tbat are to moot in
Now Orleans ! YOU surprise und shook nio ,
mv dour.
The Hov. Dr. Fourthly ( looking severely
at her ever his spectacles ) Curoliue , I uui
preparing to preach n powerful and convinc
ing discourse on tbo ovits of prlzo fighting I
| Pick's up the paper again. ]
The Jjilxip Ouratlon ,
Lifo : Servant ( in Intolligcnco ofllco
How many in fumlly'/
Iluaband Throe.
Servant What do you pay ?
Husband Five dolliird
Servant Where do you HvoV
Husband Oh , dou/t bother about
that ; we'll move anywhere you wish.
At tbo concluding lajslon of the rogoats
convocation of tbo University of tbo State
of Ncir York at Albany on Thursday the
prlzo of (100 for the best cisay o.i ' Too Ko-
latlun of UnivaniUy Extoasioa to Local
Libraries' " was awarded to Mlu lCatheriu.0
Sharp of Chicago.
nft Offered tyfUlionl Of.leor.i nnd
Touchers qi ifeiirnakn.
The following suggestions , plans nnd di
rections tor the gutdnaQo of the school
o nicer s nnd teachers IffUho preparation of
the material of exhibit for
Nebraska are respectfully submitted :
Whtlo Intended in the main to bo suggestive
BO far as actual inntcriAl'Is concerned. Ills
desired thnt careful ntjqji'jlon bo paid to tha
forms agreed upou. An jaUrnctlvo , represen
tative ) and successful' ' ' bxblblt is possible
only by careful lUtoutlqtf'jlo tboso details.
It Is botoivod tnnt thoio as boon left sufll-
olont room lor oxcrcisoiaCHbo individual in
genuity of the tcacberV'ifcAlch will result in
sufllclcnt variety In raaWVlHl presented.
A confident npp.'al is mndo to the splendid
body of Nebraska tonchors for tholr cordlnl
nnd tMilhuslnHtu co-operation. Such nil op
portunity hns ncvor before boon presented
us for showing what the schools ot the stnta
are dolnc ; nnd it Is probable thnt such an
other opportunity for Ncoraskn fo do herself -
self hodor and 'rrmlto A reputation abroad
will not prcsontltsclf for many yoirs tocomo.
It matters nothow | goOd Uur schools may bo ,
the World Will Judge our system vorv largely
by what It sees nt Chicago. Tnoroforo lot
no lint-class school fall to mnko an exhibit.
Ittsbolclvod that tha efforts along the
proposed lines will give to the schools nn
impetus , the benefits ot which will bo far-
roanhlng nnd lasting , nnd that In moro ways
than ono tbo results will moro than repay
for tbo time and labor expanded. Noornska
is preparing to rival nny of tier sis tor states
In tbo exposition of h6r material rosouices.
Lot her not fnll to hold n place In tbo front
rank la educational matters , to which she Is
It is proposed thnt , In order to stimulate
the efforts of the schools of the state In the
preparation of a superior educational ex
hibit nt the World's fair , n call bo mndo for
a compotitlvo exhibition duiing the State
Teachers' association to bo hold in Lincoln ,
holiday wnok. The university authorities
havo.klndly placed at our disposal for this
purpose Grant , Memorial hall.
In order to place tha competing schools as
nearly as practicable on nn equal aud Just
footing , tbo following grouping has boon
mndo :
First , these schools in cities having a pop
ulation of 10,000 or moro.
Second , these schools lu cltios nnd towns
having loss than. 10,000 inhabitnnts , the
schools Including moro thnn six departments.
Third , all village schools having loss than
six departments.
Fourth , ru'al schools.
Fifth , academies and private schools.
A commiltoo prooorly chosen will select
from each croup the host representative ox-
blblt , showing the work of nvory depart
ment of the entire school. These solootod
exhibits will bo Installed at Chicago. In ad
dition to the above mentioned representative
exhibits , the committee will solcct a definite
number of Individual pieces ot work in each
subject to bo sent to the World's fair. A
caution in regard to sending an unnecessarily
largo amount of material and n useless repeti
tion ot similar things mav not be ntrlss.
Let your work uxcol In quality rather than
Normal Schools , Colleges , nnd Universi
ties : Provision hns been raado by the chief
of the department of liberal arts for allow
ing higher institutions of learning to
pinko individual exhibits representing the
peculiar characteristics6 of ench. While
these Institutions will notbo , / entirely inde
pendent of the state ooclilblt , they will bo
given considerable latitude In the propars-
tion of their work tov fijj presented. The
outlines given fnr ttio pdbllo schools will
servo as n suggestion details. It Is
desirable tbat each of the higher institutions
of tbo state mnko a creditable showing of its
history and work. n v
Kach of the followIneHlassos ! of Institu
tions will make a collective exhibit at the
World's fair , and space-fan them is not In-
eluded In the stAtooxhlblt : Roman Cnthollo
schools and colleges ; klndorgartoni , manual
training schools , etc. , not operated as part of
n public school system ; schoolsof technology
nnd nrt ; schools for the blind , the deaf and
the feoblo-mlnded ,
it Is tnrnostly dcslrod that each tonchor ,
superintendent , nnd school executive care
fully consider this matter nnd commence
work with the beginning of school In Sep
tember lu the preparation of work along the
lines indicated above , to the end that Neb -
b rusk a may do borsoll Justice educationally
In the presentation nt Chlcaco of nn exhibit
second to that of no state In the union.
Moro oxpllcltdotallcd Information concern
ing the preparation for educational work can
bo had addressing the undersigned , Very
respectfullv , FIIANK A. MMITOV ,
Superintendent Educational Department ,
Lincoln , Nob.
Omaha has five publlo parks.
Omaha has slxty-tlvo miles of paved
Omaha has ninety-two miles ot sowers.
There nro sixty publlo schools , employing
DOS teachers.
Thcro are twonty-two church and private
schools , employing 15 ] tonohors.
The sottool census shows ever 80,050 chil
dren of school ago ,
Omaha is a city of churches , having 115
houses of religious worship.
There are sixtv-llvo hotels.
There nro thirteen trunk lines of railway ,
covorlns JH.333 miles of rend operated from
Omaha. Ono hundred and thirty passenger
trains nrrlvo dally.
Omaha has tua largust nmnltor in the
Omabn hns the largest llnsood oil works in
.tho United States.
Omaha Is the third largest packing center
In tbo world. Last year the stock rocolpu
were : CHttlo , S.D'JS.TOaj hogs , 7,100,803 , ;
sheep , 733.SIV5.
Omabn hns the largest distillery in the
world nnd tbroo of the largest broworlos In
tbo United States.
Omaha has the largest whlto loud works
in the world.
Aside from the packing houses Omaha has
ICO manufacturing enterprises with n com
bined capital of $ b,93S.OOO. Last year tholr
products amounted to $33.000,031 ; .
The principal shops of the Union Pacific
railway are located In Omahn. They cover
fifty acres of ground and represent , nn. out
lay of $ 'J.500,000. Thov furnish employment
to 1,200 skilled mechanics and SOJ day labor
During the year 1S91 the real estate trans
fers amounted to $15-.1SJ1. ! )
Tbo actual real estate valuation Is $353,003 ,
000 , while tbo asiossmont for taxation is
based on aouo-teath valuation.
Omaha has twenty bantts , ot which nine
are national , olght savings and thrco are
state banks.
During 1S91 the clearings were $231,133-
The poUoOloa receipts for the roar were
$20I,5S3.-J9. This department cave employ
ment to forty-six clerks and sixty-six car
Omaha hns ono of the most complete water
works systems In the wet Id. Tbo plant cost
$7,000,000 and has 170 mlles of mains. The
pumping capacity is S5JiOJO ( ) ) gallons dally.
There nro nlnoty-livo mlles of street rail
way , mainly elootrlo. The system employs
COO man and operates 275 cars. Tbo monthly
pay ooll Is 10,000. ,
Population In 1850 1.8B1
Population lu IfcOO N..03.1
Population In 1SSJ IIVUS
Population In 185 01S.n
Population 111 189J 14J.4W
The "No. 9" Wheeler & Wilson makes a
perfect stitch with all kinds of thread on all
classes of material. It Is always tcady. Sold
bv Goo. W. Lancaster & Co. , D14 S. 10th
"His Experience
nun * * -
. ' us ahxi in
His Skill
Have been proven by more than 17 years of untiring success which
has never been surpassed in the medical profession , while his re
sources and facilities" for treating Private Diseases are practically
unlimited. " Such Is the universal testimony of thousands who have
suffered and been cured by
. J. . ,
The Specialist.
% * L
With a practloeof 17 years' standing is it nny wonder that hi
skill In the treatjr jjnt of Private'Diseases Is today unquestionods
During all these y ars Dr. McGre w has gradually perfected all the
little details incldejitto the treatment ot Private Diseases until It Is
no longer a practice with him , but
Ho substantiates every statement and fulfills every promise. Ho Is
reliable , reasonaBjJK skillful and fair , and Is the most successful spe
cialist In the entlre"Jwest In the treatment of Private Diseases and all
Diseases of Youth-and Manhood. Those who place thepisolves In
his care can safelyjjfely upon him , as every case Is regarded in tno
strictest confidence.and treated in the most skillful manner.
Gleet und all annoylutnllsolinraes TAU ; Stricture , or dlflloulty or pain In rollmlnp tbo Illaddari
ByuhlllsiinU all dldousniirf.ilm Illoo4 .uui bklti ; Norvouunoss. Ounural Doblllty , I.ois of Miiu-
hoon and Ambition , Want at Llfonnd Vitality. Had Mumory. Despondent , Ulauounivud. Ko-
lluf obtained without loii of tlmu from buslnuss Tito inou noworful romodlcs Icnown to
in odor u sclonco for the treatment of the ubovo diseases. U'rlto for circulars und question I13U
14th ttnd Parnam Sts. , OMAHA , NEB.
KCO , KANSAS cirv.Ma
" "
SOflP "OuBGfflks"/iAVE / WEB
' " AHE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver and
A bowels , purify the blood , are pleasant to take , safe and
always effectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness , Blotches
on the Face , Bright's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation ,
Chronic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered
Stomach , Dizziness , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence ,
Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives ,
Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of A'ppctitc ,
Mental Depression , Nausea , Nettle Hash ,
Painful Digestion , Pim- pies , Rush of Blood to
the Head , Sallow Cora- plexion , Salt Rheum ,
Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin
Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling ,
Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every
other symptom or dis- ease that results from
impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of their
functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given
to over-eating are benefited by taking one tabule after each
meal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabulcs is the suicst
cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be
injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross § 2 , sample bottle
15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid.
S.E. ConJg fi
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , N.eb.
Tb * eminent sporlMUt In nervous , chronic , iirlrnlo. blood , akin nnd annnrr rtl en a . A recnlar ana
registered wrtduttu In muUclne , ns UlplomM nnd curllllCHlii.i nliow. li itlll treating wllli lliu greatest uuccoif
cnturrb.apermntorrboGS , lost mnnhooulemlnal wonknuo. nlxhl loasot , lm ] > otciicy , rphllls. ilrlcturo. iton-
orrhoon , duet , vnrlcoceloetc. Nomorcury uied. No IT truntment forlonof vital power , 1'iirllCM imnUlu to
visit mo may be truntoil at liotno by correspondence. Meilltlne or InstruniPntt Hont by mallororprtiu s
curDly packed , no inarki to Indicate conlouta or nendur. Ono m > rional luturTlow preierrud. Consultation
( rco. Correspomltmro itrlctly prlrnto. Hook ( JlnterlM tit Lilt ) lent frttt. Offloo hour * Da. m. K . in.
Sundaji 10 a. in. to 12m. Bund lUunpfor ronur.
Tills Institution nlTorils ovury facility tor obtnlnlnR n tliorousli ,
Classical , Scientific aucl English Education.
tiltniitcu on u bountiful knoll about II f teen minutes rldo by oloctrlo line from Dunvur , It ro-
colvoa tlio full oonollt of tlio liuilthftil mid llfo-xlvln. brouzm iliut Imvu niiiUu Colorado tlio
stinltirlum of tlio Unltod St.itos. ' The Krounds covur an upland tr.iut of ( Uty auros , anil the
prospect Is ono of Inlcas nnd rnoiintnlns nnU mondowa Hspuclal nttuntlonU fvon lo the pliVBl-
cal uovuloiiomont of tliostudonlB. Catiloeuuaiont free on application
This institution , under the direction of the Snored Hourt , is situated on the
corner of St. Miiry'd Ave and S. 27th Htreot. Tlio oourso of iiihtruction pursued
develops the jnontal , inorul and physical powoi-9 of the youn Indies. Special at
tention is also given to the cultivation of graceful mannorH nnd refined tastes.
Music , Painting und Drawing , receive special iittontion , whihit French nnd Oor-
ronn are included in the uuriculum free of extra charge. The iicndoinv ifl pleas
antly located , with all modern improvement ! ) , und easily roaohod by tho" motor on
Lciivonworth at. Tor terms and further pnrticulara apply to the L-idy Superior.
Yo iiiiLadics
Conducted by the Sisters of Jloroy.
This llourdlnit Hchool U nltualud n xhnrt dls-
tatico from ( Jrcoly Center , u MourlBlilii ) ! town
un thu II , .V M. railroad. The Convunt Is nn
delightful Hlto ainonK tlio O'Connor hills. The
usual : | | | briinuhusi inUrtlc , vocal und In
strumental ; atxlu Hpuulal oonrso of lltoratuor
are KM on. , . .
Tornisln advance. IW n your MO immtlii
wnslilnK Included. The school will opentU
( Irstof Bontoinbor ;
1'or f nrthar p irtluulan addros < i.
15th unrt OiiHtollnrHt. .
A thorough Hchool. 1'rcriitcn for College or
- ' ' ' " '
Adilret *
N , M , RUDDY ,
210 South 1Mb 6u , ruriiamSL Thuatar.
Olutsoi I'lttoJ to remedy all defect * of oy -
nlKht. Hteol Byootaoloj of uuaratituuU quality
Hand up.
Solidd'ulJ Bpootioliil mil Iyo ! liU3l , ? l
and upwirJ. Oooutlit' proiorlptlom for
gtuiio * tilled correctly nmo duy u < rojulrol
( Jlnln IliiUilltiK. )
VUKHtAY , fcKl'T. Ofll.
ClOBilcn. I/flltor , Hi Icinrn. l.niv , Civil anil Mnchnnl-
en I MnKlncorlcic. 'IlioroiiHli 1'irimruturr
mill Cuminurilul l4jiir ) > .
hT , KDWAIin'HII U.I. . for burn iinik'r 13. ) unlqtio
In tlio CDNiplctanoni of Un niul | | > uinuiiU A lUullinl
iiiimtur ( if rniiilldnlui fur lliu ou-luiliigtlcul Btato
will l > a rocilruil nt ipoUiil rulo.
CatnlUKUi'i iiuiit fruiMin np | > llrullon to
IIKV , 'JIlOilAHK WAUJH , I' . 8. C. ,
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ NllTIIK I A IK , HlllAVAj
Tlio 75th Aeniliunlii Term Will Opm Moa
day , Kept , 5lli.
Th0 Acadeailc Conno li tliuroiuih la the l'rrpar
torHunolr anil Cln lial ( Jrudoi. iluulo IJupnrt-
merit , un tbo plan of tlio t > t t'ontervntorluf of
Kuroov , In iiivlvr chart u of u oompluta oorui ot
tencheri. HtuJlo luotlulod on lliu urcat Arl Hcuoolt
of Kurope. lr wlngnii'J I'Hlutlnu from Ufa und the
uutl'iuo , pliunoxraiilix and Tjri > wrlllntf ( aught
HullJlnif uulpiUI | wllli flro uimpoi A aui > urat
( Uptrtiuo'it fur ulilldrvn uuilor 13. Applf fur c t
Io4ti to JJlrectrux of the Acndomf ,
Nutre Uauto 1 * . U. , tit. JonuyU Co. , Ia4