TUB OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNDAY , -AUGUST 23 , 1892--SIXTEEN PAGES , THE CONDITION OF TRADE Joblcfj and Manufacturers Doing a Good Business. COUNTRY COLLLCTIONS GENERALLY GOOD Tim Itctttll Tnxilo of Onmliii Continues Jtntliai ( Jnlct Seine of tlio Cnuici for thu Prevailing Cunilltloiii Noted. The trade conditions prevailing In Omahn nt the present tlmo supply n subject for fre quent discussions among business mon. That the Jobbing trade of the city should show a ijalu over all previous year * at a tlino when the rotnll busluost uf the city Is slack may Boom at llrst thought rather strange. Tbo fact Is , however , that tlio jobbers are obtain ing their business from the country merchants of Nebraska und the surrounding status , tbo Rules to the local retailer ! bolng compara tively small. The knowledge of this fact naturally sug gests the question why should the retail trailo bo uctlvo in the smaller cities of the utato and not In OmabnJ This Is the pbnso of the situation which business mcr. urojlis- cusslng and which tboy would like to see changed. Whllo tbero Is naturally a difference of opinion , still it Is generally admitted that the conditions prevailing In Om in i aw clue rather to u variety or n combination of causes than to any ono loading cause , though tboy may nil bo traced to tbo same source. It may not bo out ot place to look mow fully lute this mattor. It may bo taken as a soli evident faot that when the rotntl trade of any city Is dull It Is iluo to thu luck of sufllclnnt population to suyport the number of retail establishments in uxIsteiiLU or to n scarcity of mon ay among the people , 01 to both causes combined. In other words the retail trnuo of Omaha is dull bccpuso there are not enough man at work In thu city to maKe business uctlvo for all thi } retail stores. No great number of mon hare boon thrown out of employment at any ono time out tbo different brunches of business are so Inti mately connected and so dependent upon each other that the discharge of a few mon In ono plnco will eventually deprive u Rood many other men of work. The delay In publlo Improvements has kent a crcat many labortngmcn out of work and forced many to Inavo tbo city , or roauccd them to a condition where they have boon un- nolo to buy uiora than the bare necessities of Ufa. Ufa.Every tlmo a fnmlly IB foroea to move out of the city they leave behind them an empty house. Empty bouses doprc.ss rents , tbo low ering of routs discourages building opera- tious. The decrease In building deprives men ' employed In tbo building trades of work , and curpentorfl , masous , slono cutters , hodcnr- rleri und othur.s are lorcod to look clsowhcro for employment. This again leaves msro empty bouses , still further depresses routs and discourages building. The conation In building depresses the lumber business and the yards are forced to discharge a gooJ many of their employes , teamsters , yardmen , oftlco help , etc. , thus leaving 31111 more empty houses or families reduced to straightened circumstances for want of employment. The absence or Idleness of all tnoso pcoplor makes business unprolltable for the smart rotnll stores In tbo outlying additions of the city und forces them out of business , thus leaving empty store rooms and stopping the erection of that class of buildings. The decline In building operations also lulls the mill business. Tbo time was when thuro wcro a largo number of plaining mills running In Omaha and furnishing employ ment to n small army of workmen. Many of thcso mills have closed down and their employes ara scattered. Again the depression In rents making it unpiofltnblo for mun to buy and improve -property for renting purposes sups the Ufa of tbc real estate business mid depreciates all kinds of real property. Keul cstato Is low In Omaha , probably lower than it will otcrbe again , but speculators will not take bold of it KO long as improved property cannot bo rented to advantage. Hero again may bo observed tbo effect that depression In ono line has upon others. Tbo quiet prevailing In real estate circles discourages real estate agents and loads them to seek more inviting fields.Vh90 there wen ) not enough bouses lu the city to supply tbo demand aud a build ing could bo ranted as soon as the founda tions wcro laid , real estate was booming and several hundrca men found protltablo em ployment in connection with tbo real estate business. Examples almost wlthoutnumbcr might 00 btoughtup showing that the present , qulot nrovaillng it : almost all branches of purely focal business can bo traced to tbo absence of n hiifllclent number of working people to support , local enterprises already established. if this is the prlrca cnuso , and tboro can bo no mistake about It , the remedy Is to he found in the employment of moro men In tbo o ty , The lillir.g of the cmuty houses would slitTon rents , an advancu in rents , mnltlur the rental of property prolitable , would cause u renewal of building operations and bring back the men connected with the building trades. Thus thcro would bo a movement all along the line mid lor every hunurcd men given employ ment at lirst another hundrot would lit.d work In tbo different branches of trade benollttod. It docs not matter in what line the man are employed BO long as tboy receive good and Btcudy waccs. The question with business mon Is bow to furnlbli work for moro men than are now employed. A great many look to all manu facturing Industries for relief , and nrpuothat Omaha should cncourago the location of factories. A few largo factories or a greater number of small ones would bo a help to the city and would place the retail trade on a good and permanent foundation. Tbo ques tion Is how to gut those factories started. The manufacturers themselves are In a post- tion to bostunswersvch aqucstlon.andas thov uro personally Interested in the development of the manufacturing resources of tlio state they may bo able to suggest sorao new plan that will stimulate enterprise in that direc tion. It will talio time , however , to tncrcnso iho number of workmen In tbo factories and tlio commencement and rapid prosecution of publlo works has been suggested as the best means of affording a temporary relief. I'ho conditions at present prevail ing in Omaha cannot always con tinue and a change must to mo sooner or later. II nil the local Interests would units with and act vigorously and In har mony with the manufacturers wont could bo found In the factories for several hundred more men than nto now cmployod and the retail trade could bo uiado as flourishing as. tbo jobbing trade. AS HUN 8KKS IT. Omnhit'i Augimt Uimliiomi Unusiiiillv Ilrlsk linn I'rolltiibli' . U. . Dun & Co. , tbroujfh W. II. fioher- son tholr Ouitha manaccr , roferrlnp : to local trade nay ; 'August ' Is never a fairly representative month In tbovholR ; ito or retail trajo.be- cuuuo It Is botxvoon seasons und local dealers in well as many of tholr customers are la the bublt of regarilliij : it ns a vacation month. However , iho month bna been exceptionally octlvo lu niost whotcsalu linos. Tbo ucmutid at several houses -has boon no ercut that they have found It dlfllcult to huop up with their orders. The fall trade has set In early und tbcro has boon scarcely u lull since Juun 1. Collections bavo fallen off Hlltihtly iho latter hulf of the month , and city wholesale trade lias bnoti light. In lonio lines It has boon altogether InslKultluunt , but tlio titrmors have been stcadv buyers ull Bummur und tlio country trade but consequently quently been excellent. "In most part * of Nebraska seasonable , ralim have fullun , and unless we liavo vo.-r early lrou tbo corn crop will bu much larger than the lute planting foroihadowcd In ihoBjirliiB. Thu full wheat harvest was Junto in iho counties south of the I'lutto. and though wheat wus low lu prlco , the yield pur ucro WUM suRlclcnl to nmko It prolltablo. As a result farmers in that section have had moro thun the usual amount of ready monov lions buvo boon Digit , uud ronay sale , TbU liai helped to liuUo tluio * oa y all over Ibo -4-1 tate , aud wltli tbo llnu outlooU tor com - - ptioud wo too nothing to warrant iy fear as to business In general thl fall ana winter , tull trade is y ry qulot. it WM expected tbat August would ba dull , but prospects are not cerv oncournglng for early and m&rlod linprovcracnt , Tlio real cstato tnnrkut has boon flat most of the month. The dealers In necessities hnvo enjoyed a fair share of business , out in nil ether llnoa llttlo tins boon done. "At the banks It is nzrood that the demand has boon lljht and money continues very easy. The dopoilts. taken ns a whole , Indi cate no shrlnknrio , except that the balances of country bankers hnvo boon drawn upon rather raoro freely than for the nrocadliis month. Our bankers nil ngreo that no stringency Is Indicated , though moro activity In anticipated In September. "Spooking of the jobbing trade in detail it may bo said : Dry poods mon have never known n better season ; procors hnvo boon very busv : hats and cap ) better than a year opo by 2. ) per cant ; drugs In excellent de mand both In and outot the cltv ; shelf hard ware nil that could bo desired ; heavy hard ware salus largely Increased over lost year ; lumbar quiet In tbo city , bettor In South Omahn und rushing In thu Interior : leaf touacco bolter than n year ago ; mllllnory sllghtlv In advance of Inst year ; painters' supplies , el-us , eta dull ; saddlory nnd loatncr Rood ; tons and coffees Increased ever August , 1891 , In splto or .in average of 30 per cent reduction In prices ; llquori dull. "Tho only falturn ot any consequence Is that of L > . O. Ilotzol the grocer In Omaha. Claims against the defunct dealer will likolv foot up close to $ i. ) , ( ) ; ) . ) with assets of pur- hups $0,000 to $ S.OOO which may bo Increased If legal procoodtne Instituted to annul his sale of ona stock nra successful. The retail Krocors of the city who most keenly suffered from the style of competition Inaugurated by this party are neither surprised nor grieved nt his colliipio. His success In running up hoivv bills with coed housoi Is a marked Illustration of the cheapness of credit and should furnish another landmark : to guldo Jobbing bousos along the good , old- fashlonod road where fair protlts and honest dealing are tno boat passports to morcantlla sui-coss. "Paxton & Gallagher bnvo Just concluded their second August shipment of tons Im ported by them direct from Jnpan and China , making a totnl of 3,919 half chests , wolghlng U < ) . " > ,100 pounds. Omaha's Importance ns un Importing cantor Is not generally appreci ated. It will therefore bo a surprise lo many ruadors to loam that It Is estimated that Omahn will Import and distribute 10,000 pauk- ngos of ton withlu tbo twelve months expir ing next July. ' The commission men hnvo hnd n fair month notwithstanding the scarcity of fruit , especially apples. Prices have ruled high nud profits hnvo boeu fulr. The oyster sea son Is now about to open and the four bousos tn the city promise to push the blvalvo trade for nil It Is wortb , with some prospect of sharp competition. "At riouth Omaha the month tins boon wan tine in sensational features. The re ceipts of stock have been fairly satisfactory nud prices un best cattle fair , on hogs good and on shonp about all that could bo reason ably expected. The packers have been so busy with tholr building enterprises that none have \yorked to their full capacity and some have not bought moro thin half the number ordinarily bundled. Nevertheless tbo week's packing as reported by the Cin cinnati Price Currout shows that Omalm has held her own with Chicago and Kansas City in. the percentage of uro-wth as compared with ouo year azo , notwithstanding tbo unusual demand for hogs for eastern markets. Tbo receipts at the yards from Jnnuarv 1 to ITrldav night lust , shown pain of 10J.537 cnttlo ; I01.i0 : hog * ; 10,133 sheep and of 4,4j9 horses oy r tha corrosponuing parlod of 1891. This Is regarded ns a most satisfactory showing , and gives great encouragement to iho expect ation of the stock yard- ) people that Omaha wljl take second place ns a cittlo mur'uet within a comparatively short porlod. " NnilllASKA. ITACTOIIY > OTE9. What tlio Miiiiur.icturori Are Saying anil Doing. There Is said to bu a growing tendency among manufacturers to sell to the retail trade direct instead of through Jobbing bousos , A great many of the largest and most successful Omaha manufacturing iirms have tboir own men on the road to drum tbo retail trado. There Is only ono way that local Jobbers can discourage this method of doing business , and tbat Is by handling the goods mudo by the city factories in quanti ties largo enough to make It aomo object for tbo manufacturers to keep their mon oft from tha road. ThcO.naha basket factory reports that the grape crop tn this section will bo large and tbat the demand for tholr baskets Is active. ITlvo or six cars of excelsior are used in Omaha per week. The Omaha bubkot fac- torjMs looking Into the matter and If it will pay they will put in the machinery necessary for its manufacture. frank Kaspar , manager of the Western ' Button Manufacturing company'reports the pearl button business active In Omulm. Ho U putting In six new and Improved button machines which give promise of gooj rosults. The pearl button business is steadily grow ing in Omaha. Air. Cole of the Consolidated Coffee com pany snvs that their business has increased y.'i per cent since the homo patronage move- , mcnt was inaugurated. J. Shrlorman , manufacturer of mirrors , Omalm , has lllcd a cerlUlc.ilo of co-partnnr- shlp under the IIUIDU of thu Mirror Manufac tory. tory.Omalm Omalm being the center of distribution for a largo section of the wust It would euam as If this was a most advantageous point for a manufacturer to locate. It Is rcasonnblo to believe that In the near future numerous In dustries will bo started hero that now have a homo in the cast , and tbat they will prove dmlnoutlv successful. The manufacturers of Nebraska and tholr employes have ono common object of interest which should always bo kept IB viow. The manufacturers are Interested in increasing the demand for homo made goods because it civos them an opportunity to Increase their business. Tno laboring man Is anxious , to.BCD a good demand for goods of homo manufacture bocnuso It keeps iho factories running full force and Insures him steady employment. Tlio worklngmcn of the city and state ara In a position to help themselves in a most offeutivo mun nor. By alwiiya purchasing goods of homo manufac ture they will bu Increasing the demand for those goods aud hoip both themselves and their employers. The Omaha Carpet and Hug factory Is n comparatively now factory for Omahn. They wcavo rugs from old ingrain or Brussels car pets which are cut up Into narrow strips and iho edges fringed. Tboy also wcavo old fashioned rag carpjts to ordor. On September HT of last voar THE BEB re viewed tbo condition of the furniture ana mattress factories In Omaha. It was shown at that tlmo that Murphy , Wasoy & Co. , the Omaha Mattress company , tbo Omaha Uu- houtorliig company , Billow & Doup , and K. M. Hulso company were employing IBS people. At the present time tboso same linns have In their employ 217 people , bolng a glib of thirty-nlno. The fall season bus hardly opened , nnd If the comparison was to bo made a month later , or at the same tlma as last your , the showing would undoubtedly bo much bcttnr. Mr. Murphy of Murphy. Wnsoy & Co. , U spending n few days at the linn's eustorn factory In Detroit. Tbo Omuha Mutross company Is turning out a full line of bed comforts , twenty-two styles. Too company Is putting In electric power and also a mucblno for picking ooiton or wool , which will save a great deal of hand work. They report a good local trudo. Billow & Doup say tbat thu demand for tholr mattresses , eta , has boon very lively In Wyoming , Utah Tcrrltorv and Idnho. Tbo Omaha Upholstering company U get ting rcauy to put their now fall stylus on tbo market. There has bcon a great cbanc-o lu the Ictiid of furniture In demand In the west , oven within the past two year . Tlioro U a call fora imicli bottorclajs of furnlturoand this demand is Increasing all tbo tlino. Tbo tieward corncob plpo factory bas put in un application for membership In iho Manufacturers association , With iho opening of full business tbo Man ufacturer * association proposes to Inaugurate an active campaign In favor of bomo made goods. The whole aim aud object ot the association IB to Induce Nubraskani to pur chase Nebraska made goods In pratnronco to others nud thus develop the manufacturing Industrie * . It has beuu nuggcstcd tnat tlio association might accomplish a good deal by employing a llrst-clats uiun to call upon tbe retail trudo In all bruucUoa and urgoupon merchants tha advantages of carrying homo iiiuilo goods in Block. Such a roan would be provided with a Hit ot the goods mudo by the members of tbo association. If ho called at a frocpry lore ho would luaru ivbm kludi otop , flour , starch , etc. , were carried In stock. If ho learned for ex- nmplo that the grocer was not handling Ne braska starch ho would inqulro as to the reason and urge him to no to , and ho would tncn notify the two stnrch factories that nro members ot tbo association of the result of hn Interview. The starch factories could then solicit nn order In the usual way. The represontltlvo of the association would not nttomnt to tnko orders , but. only urge upon tha trade that thcv handle homo made goods , leaving the dealer to buy from tbo manu facturers who would glvo him the best tormi nn the most satisfactory goods. This plan of oparattng has boon pronounced prac tical by n number of manufacturers , nnd If elaborated an'd worked out In nil Its details and then closely followed , It might bo pro ductive of a gruat deal of good. Its success would depend 41 good ccal upon the man who mtcht bo Boloctod to carry It out. W. H. WonwIcK has on exhibit In the basement ot 704 South Sixteenth street an Inrmbator manufactured in Omaha. It Is In actual operation and tbo chickens nro bolng hatched outovory any. Thi ) whole arraheo mnnt Is very simple and Is wollworth the trouble of n visit. Briefly described the in- cub Uor consists of n long box supported at a slight nnglo and n llttlo higher from ho floor than n table. The air in the Incubator is maintained nt nn even tomnsraturo by moans of water heated by n small gas stove , The sggs are placed In trays that ore long enough to roach the width of the Incubator and wldo enough to take In an egg the narrow wav. Kucu tray contains throe dozen eggs , E.ioh day the trays uro pushed toward the lower end of the incubator n sudlclont dis tance to mitko room for another ' .ray , Tbo length of the Incubator Is so graduated that n tray will roach the bottom of the Incu bator In tivonty-ono days , the tl mo required for hatching out chickens. As the chickens como from the Incubator they are placed in compartments or cages mndo of wlro uottlnir , were tboy npuoai * as lively nnd strong us uhickons hatched out in the ordtn- nrv wav. Mr. Worswick already has several dozen and says that ho.wlll keep them until they are lane enough for brollora. Uo claims that bv his method broilers can bo grown in eight weeks nt n cost of $1.00 per dozen , which nt the market prlco would make n very handsomu protlt for the grower. Mr. Worawiok hns planned to keep his Incu bator In operation all the tlmo for the pur- POJO of touching tnoso who mav wish to pur chase ono and go Into tbo business how to operate It successfully. The growing of broilers for the city markets hns boon qutto nrolltublo in the pastern cities nnil might bo made so hero. T lie re Is ono town in Now JOMOV which has boon built up nlmost en tirely" by thi ft Industry , the btoilors boinir ' sold'In Now York , Brooklyn aud neighbor ing cities. A Tmvolliiff Mun's Kxporlcnco with Dlar rhoi'ii. I am a traveling man nnd have been nf- fllctcd with what Is called chronic diarrhoea for some ton years. Last fall I was in wcst orn Pennsylvania , and accidentally was introduced - troducod to CnumbcrKln's Colic , Cholera nnd Diarrhoea lomidy. I ventured to make n trial ana was wonderfully relieved. I would Ilka now to introduce It among my friends , H. M. Lswls.Sl Frso.im stroacClovoland.O FIKEWORiCS DON'T OO OFF : Ur. Siivlilg , . Will Drop Some or tlio 1'ro- piuoil Camp-Hooting Trimming * . Some days ago Tin : BEU announced that Rev. C.V. . Sivldgo of the People's church was gointo hold a camp-mooting down In Sarpy county , and for the parposo of drawIng - Ing a crowd would have some balloon ascen sion specialities , and would give a grand demonstration of lliyworks iu the ovonlng. This part of the program b'is boon declared off , and Dr. Snvidco tolls the reason for the chance. "Thfiro was a very remaricablo man in ray meeting a few weeks ago , " sala Dr. Sav- idgo , "who determined to live a better life. Ho hud lived in sin for years , nnd in the past week ba hnd helped rco in my work 111 many W .VR. The other day ho said ho bud a lot of fireworks that he had boon accustomed to .use to atti'.ict crowds , nnd ho wanted to use those to get the crowds out to the camp- meo'lng. 1 agreed to the scheme at the time , thinking wo could get out n largo crowd and preach the Word to them. But I HCO that.lt won't do , nnd the fireworks part of the program to bo given at the grnvo near Suringlleld will bo dispensed with. The meetings will bo comtnuDced on September 1 , and wo expect glorious results. Mrs. L. U. Putton , Kocufor.1 , III. , wrltoj ; 'Frompersonal oxparlonco I cm recommoad DoWltl's Sarsapanlla. a euro for Impure ) blood and general debility. " AFPER DIRT HAULERS. Clradcrs "Must Comply with thu City Ordi- imnccH or llavu Trouble. The graders are rapidly learning that here after they must provide ) tight wagon boxes and tnko out permits if they expect to haul earth ever tbo paved streets of the city. In addition to this they have learned that they must deposit a bond with ibo Board of Pub lic \ . bo forfeited If tbuy do not clotin up t'lo earth splllnd. Yosterdry morning Chief Soavey read the ordinance to tlio day detail of [ ollco und in structed his men to arrest all parties hauling dirt without a permit und without tbu regu lation wngonhox. As a rcbult of tlic c instructions the secre tary of iho Board of Public Wonts has boon kept busv today issuing thcso permits. Tbo permit costs luo grndor nothing only a llttlo tlino in going to the cltv bull. DoWltt'sSaw.ip.inu i ou.1 nit tin A Vorri'i'tlun. The Central L'ibor union Labor day com mittee authorize tbo following statement In behalf of organised labor : No intoxicating liquor of any kind will bo sold un the Syndicate park picnic grounds during Labor day celebration. The members make this statement as a correction of the report port that liquor will bo sold on the grounds. Tboy are sorry uny such rumor was circu lated. Ono of Iho conditions on whlcu thov procured the park from Mr. Kouutzo was tnat no Intoxicating liquor was to bo sold , given away or drunk on the picnic grounds , A committee agreement and contract to that effect was signed. Any statement to the contrary 1s false. Disease never suoooi-ifuiiy altts'ci tha sy omwitu pure b < ojj. DaWitt's makes PJM no.vjbjl ill Clllnufii I.ugUliUloii. Chung Tal Cbou and Chung Ilin of San Francisco , members of the Chinese legation , were In tha city today , guosls of Dr. 'C. Oco Wo. The two gentleman are on their way to Washington , where tboy go hoping to secure some modifications of the Cblnoso registra tion till ! passed at the last session of con gress. They state that It wll | work a great Injustice to their countrymen if lu pro visions uro carried out. DeWltt's araaparlliu cieansat the blool , Increases the upootlto and tones up the sys tem. It has benoilttod many people who have suffered from blooJ disorders. It will holpyou. _ _ TI1I1 HIv'Al.TV .ll.YKKIVr. TNSTHU.MKNT3 placed on record August 27 , WAtlllANTV DKKDS. Fidelity Trust lompiny to John Todd , lot IS. block 8 , Aviiiid lo pirk J 1'JOO Hamo to Delta McUul.ojk , lot in. sume . . 4.00J J V llulln and wlfu to U A W Join-soil , lot B-1. bliuriiuiji add j H 1 > llruwstt-r and wlfo to MM Lizzie A rout , \'t \ acre In no so Ill'lfi-U. , , 150 Warden * and vestrymen of tit John's church to UOOMO Wortlilii.ton , lots IU und 14. blou' < 10 , I'arkur's add l R luu M lllekn and husband to J W Thompson , u ii of w 100 ft lots IU and 14. bloauT. llunseoiii plneu 7WO 0 N Illcks and wlfu to samtn lot 4 , block 01. houth Umalm J coo 1'ruil Iliinzlkur anil wlfo to I ) ivldllullur , lota 1 and - . block 4 , 1'ollur & ( John's second addition to South UniiiliH 23,000 1'rod liunzlhur and wlfu to David Holler , wuatuacres of uant 5 acres of nw o 0-14-1J 4,500 QUIT CIU > ( IlKKllS. W T Kcuman and wlfo tooltyof Oni-ihii south I'O feet of lot II , block 4 , I'urk ulucu , i H U Clark and wife to city ot Umnhu , \\ost 414 foot of lotlT titowurl place , . . . ] . V V Klnkeiidull and wlfo to oily of Omuhu , M feet oir south aide of lot 1 , bojk4. : 1'urk place . . . . . . . 1 B A yionmn to Miry Hehouz , umUJ of oust fit fuel of lut 1 , Armstrong' * MUU- division i J K 1'ctty and wlfo to A U Ohnrilon , loll5 und 0 , blocks , Collier plucu 8,100 Total amouut of transfers. ; , , M5iiM THE SPECULA ! MARKETS < r rm Little Ohango from r. Tlmrsday'a ' Prices Made in Oliiftgo. ENGLISH CABLES CAMt IN STRONGER Itcports Tlutt Uront lltltriln Ilnd lined Against All Ve&cli from the Continent Ilnil a , ityoil linjirct- ilon on Uolderinf Urntn. ClliCAno , III. , Aug. ST. The usual Saturday short session of tlio Ho ml of Trailo was un- ovcntftil and the prices of nil articles tradud Inclosed without mar'xud change from those which ruled nt the close ycstor lav. With the execution of corn , everything shows souio Im provement In vntuo. The oliolora so irn It loMng Its Inflncneo nnd this In connection with aomo bullish news Im parted u butter tone to wno.it. EiulUh cables citinu In stronger , tlio exports for the wcok proved unexpectedly large , bolng 4.40VJOO bu. In who it niidnoiirfroni both coasts , miking 11'iOD.ODO bu. durliu the past four weeks and nil the news from South Dakota wont to show that the crop there WHS seriously injured by the Intonsn lio.it of u few weeks ii.-o. There woronlso Imlluitlons that the predictions of nn early falling oir In f irmcra dullvcry were well founded and this wus considered u strong factor. llosldcs there w.is a report In circulation that England h'ld qn ir intlnoJ against all vessels from Russia and this was eotistruoJ to ino.in that Croat lirltlauvould bo more do- poudont thin over on .shipments from America. In view of this there was a inora cnnlldcnt foulliu. with moro disposition to buy an I less soiling pressure. As the marL'ot biuan to show nriiinussshoi'tsboiMmoalarmod and covuro I freely , this buying having an inio | ) tixnt boar MX nn the mlv.uico Septem ber opened iinuh.iiio I at 75ic. ; sold up with BOIIIO fluctuations U ) Tsyc. eased oir some toward tlio eloso anil closed IInn at T.Vic. Corn was weUlc and lower. The Uno weather ovotywhoruaiid the Incro.ialng favorablcncss of crop reports wcro tlio vlilof causes for the weakness , us tlioy discounted tlio lonss and prompted lliiuldiitlon whllo thcro was only u muagor demand and then only to cover shorts and socuio profits. llaldvvlii-l'arnuiii , Schwart/-Dupeo and Congdou wore the load- Ins sellers , with the crowd cenerally bearish. optumbcr opened uncliiiti.'cd at Bljfc , which proVed thu toji II riiro of the day ) wortcU on" to'iiiSc. then ronotod on purchases by shorts to t'llto profits , ctosliu at 5jjUo. a loss of ? ic , compaicd with yesterday. U.its woru llrm with lluctuatlons confined tea a ; < o range , closing at the top utUUSc , an nd > vancu of ' c. Ho. ! products wore stronger early , but caned oil later , llo.'s at the yards were higher and the liquidation of long property was appar ently about over. September uork opened lee hUher nt I10..V ) , sold to * 10.57S ! , raiioted to $10.40. rallied an I closed stonily at HO.M. Lard Is ' . ' ! Jc and HusUSiO to5u higher. l.unc freights are unchanged. Estimated reeu pts for Monday : Wheat , 700 ears : corn , 45) cars ; oats , " 03 curs : hogs , 1D.OOJ bond. Tlio leading futures rinsed as follows : AIITICI.ES. mun. i u\v. CI.USK. \VIIKAT NO. 2 August * UK J 75 September. . . Tt i 75S ? December. . . . 7S 78)1 78 COH.N % ll.2 AimiiBt 78M SO-M St'iilcmbur. . . MSft May M ) OATS u ' . ' MSftMi August . . 31 Mi 34 i-cilciiibor. | . . Cctobur. Mv > s I'oilK Scito ; liber. . . 1053 10 57M 10 10 10 DO October. Ip.iS , l < j n. } I067H Jnniiary. . . . . 12 i > 5 I.AIIII September. . . 7 r > ' 7 77lj ( Ylober 7 Ji 7 : ; 't ' January. . . . ll ! U/ 700 Siiuin Kins ' Scplcmbor. . . 7-0 7 CO October. J7 M ) 7 40 7 47 Jnniiiiry II : < : Cush Quotations wcruj.s * follows : U sprin ; , Cfrffl - - . - , . - , . No. 3 , yellow , 50Ji i ; NIK : t. cash. 48 ? c. > OATS No. 9 , : "ic ; > fo. ' 9 white , 3Ui53a : No. ; i white. : (4 > ic. Hvn No. ' . ' . ( E.Je. ! IJAUI.EV--NO. a , KJe ; No. 3 , no sales ; No. 4 , f. o. b. . iJlXSKoi l''rAX SEED No. 1. f 1.02V. TIMOTHY SEED Prime , 81.51 1'oiiic .Mess , per bhl. , * li.5'IO.OJj ( ; ; lard , nor HO Ibs. J7.75 : short ribs sides ( loose ) . J7.G05J7.1 ! . ' ) : dry s ilted shoulders ( boxed ) , ( OVJO ® 7.00 : short cleir sides ( boxed ) , J7.lijftS.CO. WHISKY Distillers' linUhcd goods , per gal. , Huh All Unchnnscil. Itccclpts und bhlpments today were ns fol lows : On the Produce oschaiuo tol.iy tbo butter market wis : llrra and uiiehaiuo.J . : oieamerlos 17Q.XJU ; dairies , luj. i ; s , l7'S17je ! , Now Vllrlr.Ul r.tut . Nnw YOUK , Alt i. 27. l-'f.ouit Rccelnts. 20.824 Okies. : exports l.nsi hols. . 4t.7JJs.cks ; dull. easv : low extras. JiOO © ) . no : winter ttlic.it , low Kr.ides. < . ' .o.@VO : fulr to f.inoy , $ .IOOS4.0J ; ot.i clo.ir , tJ. 00 © 1.51 : p.itoiits (1.2.134 80. Dull , steady : yellow uostorn. . WHEAT Receipts , 2.10,400 bu , : exports. 128.000 bu. ; silcs. 41i.wo bu. of futures , ( i,0)0 bu. of spot. Sot | ) riulot but firmer : No. 2 red , Kee , oOc ; Na 9 Chle.iL-o , b.l'/c. Options wuio dull and Irro u ar. closluz steadv ; ouciilng J-iO down , advanced ? < < lie ! \\ltli tr.idlng outlruly local : Na U led , August , 83'iu : Hopiombor. EOiiQSOiiB. closing at 8'ISJo ; October , UlUQfUc. closing at 8'e ; November. 8HiOSIiJe , closing ntBJSic ; December. 84 JJliJWc. closing at two ; May , W ' < ii9Jac , closing at i ijsc. KYI : Dull , weak : western , UliiOSc. lUiti.r.v Nominal. ItAiil.uv MU.T Dull : Canada. Oie3I.OO. Coitx ItceolntM. 8'Oa on. ; exports , 21,241 un. : saluf.'JOS.OU ) bu. of futiiicsand 4l.uoObu. of spot. Hpot dull and lower ; No. B. GOo In elevator ; UOc alloati on.-r.idoJ mixed , 5354 ® 5S4c : options aru ? < ? iJo ! lower on only montlis. with Into months Jjc up. The wuiik- ncss was on freer offerings , but Hading dull : Aueust , Cle : Koptomlor. 574 ! ® " > 78C , closing at Miju : October. 57 a57Jic , closing nt 57',4c ; Di-cyn'ber , 'I'Uii'if'jo , closln' ut ri7 ? o : Slay , 583 ; < a Vi'c. closing at 5S 'o. OATS UccolptH. 78.50 bu. : exports. 0)3 bti.i sales. 10.WJO bu. of fiilurcs and 41,0,0 bu. ot spol. Hpols dull and teady ; ontfons ( julot . , , . - , - - - - ( Jhlo.igo. aoyc. MAY I'Iriii , qulut ; uhlppln ? , 70c : good to choice. OJilitic. llot'j Woalc nnd dull ; state , common to choice , SMtSSei 1'nclllo co iRt , 2oar4e. HuriAlt-Mtaw. quiet hut firm : fair loflnlni. 2 0 bid ; contilfiigal , OJIU41io \ bid ; rotlnud fitci crannliitod , 4iTWq ; cubes , 4V44JC. MOI.ASHKS I'orolun , * nominal ; 50 test , lOc ; Now Orleans , ijulot but steady ; common to fancy , Bio. Hiuii Klrmand In goad demand ; domestic , fair to extra , 4ilOc ! : JApiui , . " > ttue. ; io : s Qulut but bteiiUy ; weiturn prime , 10Jj [ 4t"0o ; poor , per case. VK4ia51. HIIIKS Hlu.idy ; siltfd Now Orleans , sol- ccti'd , 45 to 011IJ , 5u > ut J ox us , suloutcd , 50 lo u i ibs. . r > a7c. t ; . , I'ltovisioNS I'ork dull and weak : old mess , JII..VjJU'.OI ; 1now | mess. Ji2.ja ( l..5i ; extra iirlnic.iijUU'.f.o Unt moats dull and ojsv ; ( uPlnklod holllos. SO b4c ! | plcklud bhonldors(27o ) ( ! piclclud hams , llUIIHc. Middles , unloLsteady ! uhorteluUr , LAKH Dull. nomlmUjVostorii slunin closed nt W.u7i ! ; s-ilus , none ; 'option ' Hiilos , ' "to t crcus October at ! Auu ; Hoilnlnbar | closed ntfJOi. IliTTiii ) Light dumnnd , stu.uly ; western , 14 CilUu ; westarn oro.imory , Utt'JIjJo ; western factory. I4i6i7c ; IllKln"-Dift'-'li1. ju.ut , ousy ; part s Id in a. Uf 4)11 JlurKet. NKW YOUK. AIIT. 27. I'KTitni.KUU Dull hut ktoudyt crude In buls , I'ariur'x , W.5.1 ; urudo In hulk. 1'arkoi's , $ .L0.1t rollnoJ , Now k'ork , * 4UI : I'lillndolplilnnnd llaltimoru , $ X03 ; 1'hlla- dolphin H tui llaltlmoro In bulk , . . CDTTONAKKD On.tu.uly but dull ; crude. M 4W7c ; yellow. Ulc. TAII.OW Firm ; city 02 0 } for pkgs ) 4 1-lCo. Hosis Qulot hut ( Inn ; stru.nud , common to pood. ( l.iSVii.97H. ! TtlUl'liNTlNii-Qiilot but steady lit 28) ) < ® 38J4o : , Collnu .Murliot. NKW YOUK. Aus. ST. Options opened steady 5 points up to & put nti down ; closed baro.y stoiKJv unit uiiclMiigiid 15 points down : miles , Rfi-W biiKS. Inoludliu tioptombar , Kt.7ViiUbl ; October , 113.55 : Novumbor. tlXU ; Ducuinbor , ( 3.4 ( 13.41 ; March. fU20 1d.a > . tiuol Klo llrmur. nuletjNo. 7. < K.7i@l5.lio. Ht. L.uul aiuruuii. Br. Louis , Mo.tAuic.it7 , KLOUO Moro aotlvo but price nro unjlinncodt pttonts , (3.70IL.SJ : ! oxtn f.inov , MiV76i.4V : WHEAT Oootiod a shade hlRhnr. llrm and closed > { rtSo above vosterday , V ish , 7i'4 ( ® 7tJc ) ; Soptumber , closed , "J.Vc : October , 72UC ; December , 7.1Uc. CORN Itiilodi-nsy. declining mottof thos'n- iilon. but closed stronRor nt nbout ycstor.lav's ncuros for futures ; cash declined to 47ai714'o : Bcptombor close I , 47irtl1 < oi October. 4Sjc ! ; December andyonr. 45Vc ; May. 4'J'i ' . OATS Irfiwor ; cash and Aiisnst , .it o ; September - tombor , closodi2o ; : Ootobor. W ft 'ic : May , 3fl c. Urn-Quiet ut Olc. IlAnt.r.v The nrst of the season from Kan sas sold at Ale. ItttAV Qutot lit Olc on east track. MAY Dull and unohrnjod. ; Lrui-lllijlior ut S.KH , but generally held nt M 03. Ki.AVBr.Eii-Qulctnt OSc. ilUTTHii Unchanged. Kods UnceniiKod. CdtiNMKAlQiilot at (3.3.VH2.40. WHISKY Steady at (1.10 for niiUhco RooJs. I'ltovisioNs-Dull und unchauo I. with only n small Job trido. I'ork. Jolibliri , (11.60. Iinrd , fivl7.(0. : Dry salt mo.it ( loojo lots ) shouldoM , JT.OOi longs and Tibs. $7.70 ; sliorlB. (7 , 5 ; boxed lots 15o moro : hiicon , shonldori , (7.7.1 ; longs and ribs , ( i.Tfi : shorts , ( i.rfl. HUK'ir-iMired ' hams ( ll..V > au.50. HKCKIPTS riour , 0,000 bbls ; who it. 17S.010 bu. ; corn , I7oobu.t oats , 43.001) bu. ; eye , 5.000) ) bar'oy. none. Silli'MRNM Klour , 10,001 buls. : wheat , fil.OOO bu , ; corn. 4OoO bu. ; oats , 0,000 bu. : rye and barley , none. Umalm 1'roilucn Alurkoti" , PCAOIIKS California. (1.30ai.u > ; snuthorii Illinois. 010750 per basket , I.KMON3 Mooauio. O.tANOia-0.illtornIa , out o' mnrkott Im ported. $3.i)0@i50. ) It \CKnniiu IKS W.Vi. Soirco. 1'MJMS Onllforuln. Ji5)aiO ) . OAliliAnc Homo prown. 50iJ10j per doz. MKMINS W.itcrniolons. cruto.l , 2io. I'CAIIS llurilott , $ .IOi ) . KUTTRH 1'iickln ? stock , l BHUs : small lots select dairy , ll17c. CANT A t.ou PIS I'oror.ito , W.33 ; Jems , 7oj per basket. OAt.trotiNiAOit\pi-M I'orcise , ( iOO. OiroiIMliE'is I'ur t\or. \ , 2.HB3)o. ) NKW I'uTATOEj J2.00 par bbl. ; In sacks , 1 ® l.Uc porlb. ONIONS Per bbl. . M.0ll.ai. liNUKncillllG ) 10-qt , boxes , N.01@2.23. TOMATOES 1 baskut crates , ( t.2 > ; bu. boxes , o'iiApns-1'er O.lh tviskot , 05O7JO. NKCTAIIINKI } l.7' > OJ.l)0. ) DAMSON 1't.UMs 24-qt. case , $ .1.0 © ' 1.21 , APPLES Good shlppliu slojk so irco at (1.2 © 711. iooGoncral : ra-irlot. ; lie. I'ouiAitiOld hens , 7',4a8o ' ( ; chickens , $2.00 ® 3.23. _ Knimns Cl y Markets. KANSAS CITY. Mo. . Am. 27 WIIP.AT lllnlior and In demand ; No. 2 bard , old , 53o : now. ( > 2r.J4c ! : No. 2 red. GVaMie. COIIN The m'irkot w.rs lower anrt sold steady at , tbo decline ; No. 2 white. 50Q10ic } ; No. 2 inlMid , 4"c , OATS-We'ik : No. 2 mt.xoJ , 27Ua2So : No. 2 while , old. 31J13 > C. KYE Stoiny ; now. 59J4c. KIAXSUFII Stead v : lt 7(30c. ( } Bn AN Strong nt Gift I to. HAY Steady nnd unchanged ; timothy , S7.50 © 000 ! pralrlo , t5.007.uO. HUTTCH Weak to lower ; croimory , 13a23c ; dairy , 1'ifilSc. Kens Dull nnd very weak at3c. KECKIPTS Wheat , G..OOO bu. ; corn , 10,000 bu. ; oats , none. SHIPMENTS Wheat , 6S.ODO bu. ; corn , none ; oats , nono. Wool Mnrluu. LONDON , Anp. 27. Durlne the wcok busi ness In the wool market Ii is boon slow. The transactions , which wcro few In number , wuro on thn liaslsof the last transactions. Sales of skins TuursJuv nt "which lO SI b'llos were offered. Sales hsld on Krlday , the olTcrlnss comurlslnv 4dO hales of skins and llii.OOi Cipo of tiood Hope and Natil skins. The quality of the offerings craved iooil. Merinos sold mostly on a par with the prices lit tlio lust s los. thoiizh oc- caslonallv they went at a reduction. Tlio Im ports for the week wore : Krom South Wales , 2.207 bales ; fiopi Vl.torla. .VJO biliM : from Soutli Auslriilla , 04) ) bales : from Now X.o.i- liuidI.OM bales ; from China , 805 bales , and fr.im various other p aces , 512 b ilos. The nr- rlvals for the next soricg of s lies , which opens beptombcr 13 , number 318.904 bales. l.UcrpoolIiirltots. \ . Livr.iipoor , Aue. 27. WIIK\T Firm , de- in. ind poor : holders olTer mo loratoly. No 1 , California. 8nSs , lid per cent il. COIIN Qulot ; mixed western , 4s ! { d per cental. I'KAS O.iniidinn. 5s , 8J per cental. HACON Lon and slioit clear , i'JJ , 41s per cwt , OIL 10s. Od per cwt. AIlnncnpollHVllont MINNEAPOLIS. Minn. , Aup. 27. September wheat opened 71 'ic ; advanced slowly to close of 7Jlc. Trndlng llrht. Cisli monopoll/ed r.iost of attention. No. 1 Northern about 7rc : now about 7- < ' . Coarse grains steady. Close : A n 'list. 7.1o : September. 7/iC. On track : No. 1 hnnl. 7ll'ic ' ; Na 1 Northern , 78c ; No. 2 North ern , OSS7JC , _ Flillnilclplilii ijr.ilu Market. PHILADELPHIA. Pa. , Ana. ' . " . WIIKAT A sh.ido llrmcr ; No. S rod , September , 7i ( ! 'ft ' COIIN Futures ncgloctcd , wliolly nominal ; No. 2 mixed. Septoirbor.SO'/Jc. OATS Haroly btcady ; No. 2 white , 4.'c. New York Dry Ilo ui Alarkct. NEW Yr.HK , Auz. 27. The dry Roods market continues to present a strong front , with full activity of jobbers now at hand , Jobbers had a fair week. bu. the ensuing Is \pecto.l to bu bo much moro active. The print cloth market continues Him. _ Cotton .Iliu lirt. NKW OIILEANJ , La. , Aus. 27. Quiet ; mid dling. 7c ; low middling. Olic ; coed ordinary , Oc ; not and cross rociMuts. 1.03. bales : exports to Uieat Hrltnlii , 1.837 bales : to the conti nent , 101 bales ; sales , i > 00 bales ; stock , OJ,182 balca. _ Tr.ulors' 1'alk. ClliCAno , III. . Auz. 27. I' . O. Loian & Co. to Duncan , llolllnzcr & Co. : Wu have hud a ijiilut whoiit inarUut today. September opened at 7' > ? ie , Ho'd ' us liUli as 75 e , unil closed nt 75J4o. December c osod at 78Jio scll- ors. Thu active tr.ulo Is now In December. Our opinion of values in tbo ftituro is un changed. Wheat Is cho ip and should do bol ter , Unless wo have n moro nc- tlvo foiolirn demand wo look for f Hither blii-lnlc.i-'o. Corn will do to buy under 5Do for October. O.its kuot ) stron ? mil look Ilko Koloj ; higher. The liquidation In hog product , wo think. U al'outovor. Thu re ceipts liu\o bean-hoary , but the promise Is they will lut uu. With lighter receipts iho wliolo list Is a purchase. ClliCAno. III. . An. . 27. IConnott. Hopkins & Co. lo S. A. McWhorlor : The ninruet was tle- piossod vcsturday on direful predictions that the mornlni ; p ipi rs showed to bo unfounded. and very naturally shorts were anxious to not b.ick thulr wheat today. C.iblos were llrmor and there were inllcatlons of a lot-up In ro- colpls at primary markets. It looks as If the worst was over and better prices are likely lo provall shortly. In corn thu ol > anK- itiRovorof a blKlino of Ion ; Soutsmbor Into October made a soft m.irkot all day. I'roba- bly some ether S ptcmbor lines will be chan tid ovur nuxt wock. but when this Is out of the w.iy the m irkot should do better , and wo bolluvu corn bought on thu llttlo bruiks will pay a good scalp 11 ; profit. Oats hold their own and were largely lionalit on ovury Jtc ducllno by BooJ houses. The trade was llitht In provisions , mostly of an ovuniiu up chnractur and lluctuat'ona small. CIIICAOO , III. . AUR. 27. Co mi sol n , an & Day to Cockroll liros. Commission cnmuany : hnr.'O receipts of low grades of now wheat. thu hindrance of slilpmonts by strikers an 1 the domorall atioii lu Kuropo owln ( to chol era would certainly have conspired to pro duce u nanlo In grain IIH well as pork If re ceipts had boon .similarly Inflated by ovor- spuciilatlon. The moder.ilo declines were forced prlnoluiilly by professional riUdlnc. hut prices have reacted quickly on ovury attempt of bhorts to cover. Wo consider wheat very low , owln to llbural Bupplloi In B | jlit. but think that tinners will bu ruluotant sellers at present URIIIOS and that thu market will Iniprovo nuxt wcok. Corn and oats are not low , owing to llu'lit stoekn and prospoollvo short ere pi and | iuiu- : latlon became H.IV.IUO oniui upward toiidouov , A frost scare In the nuxt two wuoks would cause a sensational bulge In corn. Tbo cholura KC.iro has been uso.l to frlRhtcn country holders out of thulr pork at a loss of J.1 DJ to.O ) per bbl. . puttln ; It below thu cost of matiufnctiiio and Increasing thu demand from' consumers. Holdings hive now gone back Into thu handuof packum and Bhlppora und all lee < for pork lo advance to u partly \vltli IIO.JH. Lard and rlus are in light supply and well hold by professionals , both packers and speculators , but now trade Is source ami holdurii are Inollnod to lut ea on uvory good advunca Wo advUu our friends to tradu In January pork on now orduru and vuiy especially In puruhasui of lurd and ribs. STOCKS AND HOMH. Ill Only n 1'uiv l.lnoiVm Tlioro Any Mnvo- inuiil Ymtnrday , Nr.w VOIIK , Aug. 27. Thu fctock pinrkot today was ot the usual half holiday charactur and the barren wublos of Iho general list wcro enlivened by u few stooKa which showed some activity or made ubat tiitlnl movuiiionts. Among rullroud shares , Heading still hold the preferred position In point uf activity , hut tlioro was u murUod ubsunco of yesterday's prusauro to Boll , and this nlouk was hold Btcady throughout. On the ether hand tlioio wuru fiou realizations In Wunturn Union In tbo curly dealings which knocked It down 1 per cent , only u portion of which was uflcr- wnrd ro alnvd , but all ether railroad ehuroi. with the slnulo exception of Mlnnu- npolli & Ht. LouU profurrod , were held quite vrlthlu uarrow llialtii , MluuuupolU & bU I/ouls also showed the ofTact of realizations nt tlrstdroDpliitt from 4.'o to 333 , but the loss was also recovered Inter In the session. Consider ing the amount attending thn dealings In siizar nt iho oucnlnr , the sailing had loid to ndeslroon thn part of tlio lo-nls to soil und R loss of Uo wnscorc ; J before the olook received support enough to rally IU .which was done In n most Hiibitanttal mitmicr. The rest of the market rcmnlnol utterly featureless , but the close was llrm though dull gcnorally at slight fracllonal gains for the day. the only mnrko I exception tolnx cotton oil , which suld down 1 percent. - UovcrnmaiU bonds have uoon dull nnd stnady. iHato boiuM have boon nojlec.ed Thi ) Post savm The fnol thixt nearly ono- hilf of Udav's business was In sugar cortltl- cnlus and Keadliu Indicates sulllcluntly well thu nature of trnlnln. . Tliu statement of thn Kundln ; road for July will bo vlouod with considerable disappointment. It shown n do- cruaso lu not o.minus ot some m itilludo It was L'oncr.illy unlorstood that the report would bo untilvnrnhlo nnd BO the elTcct on the strike today was not appreciable. The following nre the closlua mirtntlctis tor tha lo iillng stocks on the Now York Sleek ox- chnn otod ivs , Atchlson .Nnilonal _ Attains Impress. . . , , Nat. t'or.liurapril Alton , T. II N. J. Cuntrni . . . . 1 4 > < ilo iiroforrpil Norfolk A , West , | ifd Amorlcnn Kxpross.t North Ampr. IM . , , llnltlmorcX-iililo. . . Norlhorn 1'nclllo. . . . Cnnnila I'ncltle U. 1 * . Uen. Aiulf. . . Cnnnilfi oiilhe.rn. . Norlhn-oitarn , , , . . . . Contrnl IMclllo do pf.l > Clips. * Uhlo . , N. V. Contrnl rhlcnuo .t Alton . . . Now York A N Knit riilo. llHr..VQiilnoy. S" Ontario , V Weiteru. Chicago ( Ins , On'ROa Iniproro . . . CoincilUlnto.l Has. . . Oregon Nnv. . . IM'.C , AM. Ij O. H. I. . , t U. N Colorado Conl A I , , S7J < 1'nrlllo MnM CotloiiitllCortlllo'i I' . . Dee X K Del. & lluilion I'lttsburg 151 I'ullmnn t'lluco. . . . . IH7 1) . , V It < i. llftl ItOAlllMk1 D..VG R Co I3H Itlchmoiul Tenn. . . . IH7"J Kmt'l'eim ilo | ifil Klo ( iriMHl Western. ilo | ifl ilo pM "JM * Fort \Vnyno. . l.'il Uoek tnlnntl. . . M Oro.it .Vortliorn nfil. 140 t I. .VS. P. Ill prof 714 ClilcnitoA.1 : . III. pM 140W -t. I'un I sm llocklnit Vnltoy . . . . 41 iloifil \ 1211 Illlnola Ccntrnl 27 St. Putil.V. Oinnlia. . . M. I'nul.t Diiliitti , . " Knnaa A Tovns pM Soutiii-ni Pncltlo. . . . I.nko KrloVe l. . . Simnr llotlnory ll.'Ji do pM Icmi. Coal X Iron. . LnkoShoro Tet/ls 1'nclllo IISI l.cnil T runt ? Int. X O. ( . ' . lifil. . . . SI Louisville X Nnnli. , a Union I'aclllc S'.l IrfmlsvlUo.l \ . A. . ta II. 8. KtprcM twS * .MnnhiittnaOori . . no Wnbnsli , dt UXI' . . 11 MiMnphhi \ Clinr. . * . do pfit. . . 254 .MIclil anVntril. . . Wells Knrno Kv 111 Missouri 1'nclllc. . . . Western Union Molillo , V Ohio Wlicolln X I. . K . . . 8 Niuhvlllo Cunt do pfil bid The totnl silcs of stoctc today worn 0'i.OTO shares , Inciudlii ) ; : 'Atchlson. a oi : I.ack.i- atina , I.GO'J ; Krlu..400 : Ml sour ) raolHc. 4.10) ) : New Fn''land , 'J.78I : Heading , 10,8.0 ; at , 1'aul , 4,3)0 ) ! Western Union , 3.-.OX New York .Money Alarkot , NnwYonK , Aim. 27. MOSEV ON CAM. Ensv at S pur cent : 1'ist lo.in , 15 } per cent ; closed olTurod at- per cent. I'ltiMis SlKitnAMrn.i : I'Ai-nii 4UO per cent. yrBiu.i.vi KxciiANnu-Qulot. butstoidy at ? I.SHS for sixty day bills , und JI.H7 for do- mand. The eloslnc rjuotitlons on bonds : Hnstou MlocIt yn HOSTOS , M-i s. , Aus. 27. Tlio following are Iliocloslnt stol < quot itlons : Sin FriinclHCn MliiliiKT Qiintuttons. SAN KIIANCI CO. C.il. . AUR. 27. Tlio odlclal elos ns ciuolatlons for nilnln ; ntoo.o , today woru as follows : Aim 25 Mexican I'M Hulnor. 40 Mono 10 lU-Bt A. llelcher 125 Ophlr 2.M lloillo Oonsollilntocl. 21 1'otosl B'J Chollnr 45 -nva o 7J Con. Cnl. * Vn S30 -lorra Novndn UO Crown Point ta Union CoiuollilntoJ. . 110 OouliKt Curry 65 Utah 211 Halo iNorero.-s 1.1) Vcllovr Jnckot. . . . M Now York Jtlliilni ; Onotnttor.H. NEW YORK. Auz. 27. The follow i. ? thucloslui ; mining stoo ( quotations : Hiinil U a lyiuoutli 2.M ) Cronn 1'olnt 3.0 ijlcrrn Ncvniln Ill ) Con. Cnl. . < t Vn 214 btniulnril IIJ Dcailnood 70 Union Con 1UO Homctilnko HO ) Vellow Jnckot..r K .Mexican 110 Iron Mirer ( i ) 'J..r Ontario > Quicksilver 375 Ophlr 20) ilo profom'il 170J J'llKllicllll Nurm. KANSAS CITV , Mo. . Ails. 27. Oearlns ! , 81,517,485. , NRWOiiiBAN , Lu : , Aujr. 27. Clearings to day , * SW.48- ( > . 1'Aitis. Aiu. 27. Three per cent rentes 0)f 52o for tlionccoiint. II M.TIJIOIII : . Md. . Auj. 27. Cluarlnirs. (1,17.1- f.W ( : biilunuos. ! 1S.,077. .Monov , Ii per riMit. McMi'ius , Tenn. AIIR. 27. Now York o\- chuiRCse.lliiRatl.XX ! Clearings. J'GS.tilb ; bal- ancoj. $7Vil. ! ) UHI 'Ado , III. , AIIT. 27. Money , steady , un changed. Hiinlc cluarlngs , { 15,4B1.2IH ! ; fir tiio nook , 8U.lUI.b01. I'Mir.Aiir.MMiiA , I'a . AIII S7. Clearlnis , } 0- OTAOW : balances. 8l.4i.8 ! ! ) : for the week , clo r- lnb , $ ail ,5J2 : balances , S.OSJIUI ; money 2 per cent. HOSTON. Jlass. Auz. 27. Oloarlnsjs. $12.301.- 237 ; balances , f I.47.VJ , ) ! ) . Moncv ; ; per cent ; oxcliiiiiRoon Now Vork .ITtl j discount. 1'or the wcok , clu.irlniH , J77.1'l.'ill ) : biilinccs. 80.117,282 ; for the corresponding week last yuar , cluarliiRS , { 75,70r.7.i3 ; ualancos , $7,701.011. ST. LOUH. .Mo. , Anu' . 27. Hank cloarlnxs $ ) . : ti7ni : ( : balances. Jl'ltJ ) UlearliiKS tbU week. 8.'lr.l4.4 . ' : ba'ancos. ' JJ.440.520. Ulear- Inm lust wuuk. } 2.2i8.407 ; b'll.inccs last wook. f J,7.JD'i.l d O.o.irlius . correspond In : week last year. SJ'.S'i ' .170 : U.ilmicus. S 1.0110. 7.'iO. .Money ( inlet at ( ill 7 per cent. Exchange ou Now York , 50u dlsaoiint. Nuw YoitKuu. : . 27. CloarliiTS. J91,2)5- ! ) 47. : balnncns. J4. 110.31 1 Tor Iho week : Clour- Inps , J.111.5.7,81I ! : b ilancos. S 0,510.3) ) ! ) . Thu experts - ports of specie fro'n the port ot Nnw York last week amounted to $ J.liH7 ! > $ l,5i.O.K ( ) ) was void and $ < lli.87.1sllvcr. : Ot the total exports (1.590.0)0 Kold and iOJl."i ) ) silver went to Ilnrono airl * 7.2.1 hllvor wont to Houtli Amorlui. The im ports of HDoelo amounted to 1 1 1.Bit 13,8 J8 wag cold and ( J.317 silver. MV1 ! STOCK . Curcriil llovluir of tlio Cnttlo Tniilo llogj Still r.owur. OMAHA , Auz. 27. Kocolpu of all kinds have boon r.ither liberal all week. Compared with last wcok and ono yo.ir aico they in.iko a very fuvorablo showliij ; . The record Is us follows : Cuttle. Hoj-'s Hlieop. This week UU7J 24.077 6.7H ) Week previous 0.141 24.1U1 l.Hil OnoyoariiRU 11,507 15,059 Ht8J NotwIthstiindliiK an Increase In supplies compared with last weoli of Hourly 5.0J ) hoatl of o > ittlo there has huuu little notlcoablo clianuo In values either ono way or tbo other , The bulk of this Inoroaso In receipts have boon nutlvouiittlo as the raiuo season Is hardly open yut. and this Incruaso IH iho moro rutnarKtihlo. and nt the Hitmotllno ; : ratifying from the fact th it a year nt-o diippllos were almost untlroly wcstorn cuttle. Tlio ran urs will not KOt fairly btartod till Hotnotlmn nuxt month , and then from all Indication * previous records will bo In danger ot lielnu' broken. With a contliiucil scarcity of rlpo beet steers prices on those tirades have boon well maintained , lu fact have scorud gome ad vance. The lilc bulk of Ilia offerings have been common imri Inferior stun" , and prlcns have nitluirHliadod downward. thoiiKb not In any \ory miirkoj do ico. The wurmnd up cattle , not soud enouixli for beef and too Ku < > d fet focdurs , lniyo been hav ing a hard tlmo of It all wcnli. Uutchurs stock and o inners have boon In ratlier llborul supply. neirlvA ) purcuntof tliooirurlni ; bolnic made til ) of COWH and mUud itnck. Naturally prices li.tvo o.itoil oir nomowhat , ultliouah toward tlio close of the week there wuHtomu Improvement. . hostoukur and feeder trade Inn picked up conslderab y the pitst wuok. and tlioro has been a vurv ftuo movumuiit nt hotter prices tliun li.ivo provulluil for suvornl wuuks , There U umiuoiittonaUly uoln to bu lots of boft corn and ih s Is brlnvliiK u good many country buyers now wno had Mrcudy decided to null tliolrcoru Instuid of foudliu It. Thu wuuk cloiod with thu llxlitost run of the week. Thuro wuro only 47 curs uf cattle ro- eolvcd , but ttioy wuro all , or rmarly all. 1111- tlvos , bomo of thuiii very good , Tlioro was no outsldo ( U'liiiind. bhlppurs mid exporters claim thcro Is no mnrt-'in for Ilium at urusunt prleus , but local , lioo u were all iood buy era. Thuy wuiitod tliocuttlo and bouzbt thum up < iulckly at prices ruling from strong to 5o to Uo IiUlior than 1'rlday , Fair to very food 1U.V ) to 14 iu lu. ( teurs Htuuri brought ( rum II.W ) to (1.7.1 , and little of any uoiigciiirnco had to fcoll at under II.to. KvurytlilnK told , Ttivru win u bolter tone to the trade la Initellers' stun and uanuorv , and tirkos ruled steady to niton * , 1'oor to uood cow * and Jiolformold lUfrom 11.00 to tllK ) , thu bulk of thu fair to good stock boiling ut from (1.83 to * } .4J , nur . o\on and itats worn a , trlflo dull and slow nt from d.M to I2.N ) . Pair to Rood veil calve * liroixhl from J1.73 toll.S ) , and common nnil roar.lm from II.V ) to M 1. The trndo In s lookers und feeder * lacked thi ncllvlly ih'iluhHr.ictcrlrcd Friday's but.nos * . but the fcoltiu wns flrm In pltoot the ab- once of outsldo buyer * Uo u ur dotlcrt took the iiioaser frovh oirorlusat fullr stoidy prices. KoDrosontntlvo sutoii nilKSSKI ) IlEf.l' , No Av. I' No. Av , I'r. No. Av. I r. ! l .1217 M ai R3..K3I ft ; M .1047 (150 n. mi & 50 17..1 n 4 13 US I18J 4 ( VO 11 11.11 4 0) . . 17.11 4 S ) 31 ll03 ! 4 7S 43. . 1070 4 IH ) 3. . 030 4 53 2J .13)1 ) 4 75 li..lJ < J3 4 23 COWS 1. 019 1 01 is. , a-fl i M 10 , . M ? 22S 3. SI I 1 25 8 , . 777 1 Ifl 2 , . 50J 32S 17. ( III 1 40 3..10 6 1 IU 3d , snj 2" % KM 1 40 1. , 5.1) 2 0 ( ) 10 , . W17 240 4 ] 810 1 50 14 , . on a oo 83. M > 3 245. ( I , 518 1 5J . , 832 2 05 83.I I , 80 2 A ) 2 , l d 1 m 2..10JO 2 10 4 l.W 28T. . . 1 75 I ) . . Oil 2 15 1 1111 aw .Ki'iO 1 7\ 25. . 071 2 20 17. 850 aw .00 I 85 > . . 010 2 M 1. . 51) 1 ! > 3. . 577 I 83 8. . 57J 1 85 a. . 685 I 2J CALVES. 5. . 170 1 SI S . 210 350 1 , . 16J 4t5 I. . 251 1 n a. . 3J.I 3 75 4V , .0d 425 10. . aill B 0.1 0. . 2rJ 4 15 5 , . 11)0 ) 450 8. . HIS ; | V2J YEAItt , N IS. a Kit 3SJ niU.r.9. : 2.1700 as5 1""r' ° 2SO , 200 RTOCKKIIS AND FBEDKIt ! * . S"'WO 2 3" ° 4T 2 % 5 Sl 10M 3t ° TTKSTEHN CATTl.K. No. AT. I'r. No. Av. I'r. 8)cows. . . O.K ) { . ' 40 10 cows KU (200 30 steors. . . . Ol 8 43 1 steer. . . . . 800 2M 1 hull 870 1 10 steers. , , . 8.2 ! 250 HoiH Tlioro has been a bid break In bo : . I'rii'os are about 50o lower than last Satur.luy. and the prediction made In snino quarter * that hops would soil at 5.00 or under before i-cptembor 1 has boon vorlllod. 1'iovMons have sold oir and as the opo Inijoftlio puok- liiB season approachns packers become moro and moro Uo.irish. The lit ; falllne elf lu the Bhlpp iiKdoin&nd has boon very favor.iulo to tliiilr pl.1119 and , ImvliiR the markiit nlim > s on- tlroly to thuniSDivos. prlot-s h ivohad lonulTor 1 or a Saturday the run w.u about up to tlio avoraco. There were 4.43 ho s on lalo , or 2\l.ODO for the week. an increase over lust week of no.irly NOOO IIOBI ' " ' ' "yorthoHuiuo week last yoirof noarfy 1.1,00) MOBS. Tlioro was no shlpplnit dooianu wliatuvor. and two packers did tbo blc bulk of thu Ir.idlnr. and at prices that averaged a bin 1.10 luwor tliiin Krlday. Saloj wrro all tbo way f rom IPo to 200 lower thin Krlday. Fair locood hosof nil wcluhls wont largely nt from jl.SI to $1.0) . with the hotter medium and hnayy loads ntf.0f ) and (4.1)1. ) and onn prlmo lu id lit M.TKL Uommon to Inferior ll ht and mixed stuff wont us low us JJ.75 and (1.80. Iluslnoss was rather brisk at tlio decline , nud tlio pens were praotlo-illy cloirod by ibo mld- dlooi tlio forenoon , the bulk sulllug at from 4 8. . to J4.0J. aculnst at from (5.00 to JJ.OJ Krl- d iy. Die Kenorul average of prices paid wns 4 8 , ) { . against 5.0I Krlday and J3.35 last Sat urday. Representative sales : 01 405 405 70 . . 218 i''O 4115 C2 . . . .251 43 401 < C2Ti . . .2.11 120 405 - C2 . . ' - 85 120 50) j' T here were no liosh receipts of sheep Somu very common stulT that hnd been hold hero In Iho yards sevurnl days .sold. Good millions continue In active demand with pr.'ccs nominally iiiichan.'cu. Pair to poou natives. { ,17 Jiil.D J ; fair to KOOC ! westerns. 11. JO QI.5U : common nnd stock sheep. J..WSW.Wi good to choice 40 to 00-1 b. lambs , Jl.00 < 35.r > 0. No. Av. I'r. US culls 70 tl 50 ( it nailvo owes 1)4 373 1'vcnlptii anil Hi | ioHltli > ii of Stuck. Oflluliil rocolpts and disposition ot stock as shown by the books ot Iho Union btoolc Yards company for the twontv-fonr hours ending at 5o'clock p. m. , AugustsISJJ : IIECCIPTS. nispoaiTiov. OillCAor ) . III. . Aug. 27. [ Special Toloir.-un to Tin : ltKi.l : Ihero was but llttlo trading 111 cattlu today. Most of the linvois had i.ll tlio Rtoi'k llioy wanted and thov wurc nut Inclined to m.iku additional purchases except nt prices of tholr oivn ini'clnr. : ' I heio was a llulit busi ness on thu bants of from fi.OO to $ .1UO for In fo lor to oxtru mitlvoH , $ .53 to (100 for wcstormi and from (1.33 lo M.21 for Tcxans. The turn wan slightly In sollors' favor In hogs , lluycrsdld not take bold as though llioy wuro In urgent , nei-d of stock , but tlio small receipts auu the belief that next wouk'a run will show a very pronounced decrease In duced n llrmcr fcollnir nil around. Bales wuro at from ( I HI to 9\M for poor to prlnio lUlit and at from (1.80 to $1.45 for poor lo funoy heavy , with the bulk nt from $3,00 to (5.30 , In dicating an adviinco In yesterday's prices of froin5otolc. ) 'Ihomaiuut Is still fully SOo lower than at the close of lust wuok , whun the best sorts fotcliod from i' > W to i5U1. Sales of slioop wcro were nt qultn as Rood nrlocH as provallo I o.irlter In the wcok , quota- tloim raiulng from (1.2.1 to $1.75 for poor to choicequalities. . Lambs also remained llrm at J-l.f'O to 1150. Tlio supply barely equaled the demand , the week's receipts being about the lightest of the year. KcculpU : Cuttle , 3,0JO ; ho s , 12,00) ; shcop , 2.00D. Kansas City l.ivo htoelc. KANSAS CITY , Mo , Am. 27 , OATxr.E Ho- cnlpts , 8.3)0 ) ; Hlilpmunts , 1,500 ; stoeru were dull and steady to 15o lower , ( .J.I5il.7il ; COIVB. lOu lounr. ( l.502.25 ; Texas ntoors , dull and lower , $ J..I3.C5 ; stookera und fucdcrs , quiet. I2.4W3 i.r.0. 11 oils UocolntR , 3.HOO : BlilpmentR , 1,00) : the miirkot W.IB 5O100 lower ; nil Krados , JJ.OOii3.bOj built. tfMwawi. . ' . SHKKP ItccoiptN , 610 ; shipments , ] ,00) ; the murkut was uncliiingod. Ht. Louis I.lvo ritoclc .llnrknt. ST. Louis Mo. . Aug. 27.-OArri.K-KocolpU , l.UOj ; slilpmonts , 2,10) ; market Btundyt natlvo B I corf. SUSai.CO ; Texas and Indlun Htccrs , ( M5LOn : ; ounnors. * l.lL&'J.Ir > . llnos-Uocolpti. 1,4 iO no id ; shlpniontn , 1,309 head ; marl.ot closed .Vdl 10 hUhui ; boavy , (3.40&.1.U ) : paoUIng , ( I.0)i1.50 ( ( ! light , 53.luaH.lX SHEKP llocolpti , 250 head ; slilumcntH.I.UJO bond : ma'rkot Htroiuuttl.50iil.OJ for native * and e.J.Outtl.M for Toxnns , DoWltt's Sarsapanlla is ronanlo. , IIU.II.O , WUH'd NKUVBANl ) 1IUAINTIIUA.F MKNT.mpjjido ( or llril'J.-lv. IMKliuii , flu , Nan ruliflu , Ho.wJaouo. Norvout I'ruiirutuii caunuJ b/ alcohol or louioooVuk Culiiui , Jlontit Duuroi- lon.bollnaiiof tlioUr.ilci. ujuiln lninultjr , inliurr duuur.iloitli , rromatura DM AKU , llnrrunon , lx > ot Tower In ollhor iox , Impolunor , Louoorrhaa anil nil KeinuluVujknonji. . Inroluuurr JMXUI , bpur- uiatorrhaioAUuJ Or ovdr-utjrtluu or til > brain holf.uljutuciror'InilulKjaej. A muntti'i triiluiint 11,1 ! for { ' > . bjr mjll. Wunu irautuoiU biut to our t Kucti orde lorouuioc. ullii II will mil wrllUn ( runrniiteeto rafuaillf not our jl. Uuiranta li onlr Ur Theodore. K , I-ofl druuidsu nilu n auibuait cornur Illth nail furnam U. Ouiuti * URE FrVOURSELF ! ' , r Ailc your DruntfUt for a , w bottle o ( Ms < l. The only , / neil iwlionoui remedy for all i 1 tbe unnatural dlichargti and I nrlYoio dlce jes of men and Iho I debilitating \rrakncu peculiar 1 lo women. H curet In a I vr I days without the aid or \ publicity of a doctor. \ . Thi Unit trial American Cure. Manufactured by I Tbo KT&BI Chtmicil O.1 L CINCINNATI , O. U. B. A.