Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : : ! SATURDAY , AUGUST 27 , 1802.
' Hotzjl's Grocery Venturas Provo too Big
a Load to Garry.
One nr the Itrotliors ItuiiEht tlm Otlicr
Out anil tlm tirudltort llccitina Hui *
plcloin ItMcInc to Hccnra
At tIK'llllll'lltlt.
There was nllvo'.y hustle ot Omaha Jobber *
Thursday night and the result was tno clos
ing yesterday morning of tbn grocery stores
that have boon run by L. U. Hotzjl and Hot-
rcl Urotbarn , Including the Miimtnoth gro
cery , recently oDoned t tlu ? old Stonohlll
utitnd near the corner of Sixteenth nnd
Douglas streets and the store at tbo corner
of Twenty-fourth and Uumlng streets.
Tim Ural intimation of dlnlculty was given
Thursday nlglit , when Dun & Co. informed
tholr subscribers thutL. G. Ilotzoltmu given
n bill of sale of tbo Cutnlng street stoclt to P.
C. Kudo of Perry , In. , who hail In turn eold
tlio stoclt to F. J. Hotzol. The Jobbers took
the cloxv promptly and at once began a
pldnnhih to scnuro their claims. Paxton -
ton & Gallagher nnd McCord , Brady &
Co. pooled Issues mid got District Cleric
Moore * out of bed ntt o'clock yesterday
morning and secured tbn nccessiiry
papers. Tbo Citizen's bank ut Twenty-fourth
nud Cuining had u man out at the sumo tlmo
bunting for L. G. Hotzcl to got another
chattel mortgage to secure an overdraft of
118. ) . lie secured this and an attachment on
the stock was Issued yest-rdtiy morning ,
the creditor alleging that the sale of the
stock to Hotzol WOR fraudulent and for the
puruoso of defrauding the creditors ,
The claims filed so fur against the linn nro
ns follows :
I'lixtmifc GullnKhor 2.130
AlvCord , llrady & Co I.TOO
Cltl/.uns1 ImnK W * :
Uiiiiiliu Mlllljig ( ! ( > Ti )
\\llllnm Preston & lo ! T - * <
3. O. llotliiieycr&Cu - "
HOC.VO lltos 41
I.ue-1'liiib-AiiilrupHpn Co 70
Cons'illdated Culfeu CO
Mi-yerS I'anplio 87
I > . M. Sloulo Ac Co 4H
Klln-hhiuuii . .tOIH ( -KCi
Ainin'lciin II scent Co > ' > > !
Ilnineli & Co ' ! * >
AllunJItos 271
Total J U.O-.8
Tbo mammoth store was opened on Aueust
11 nnd did simply nn enormous business from
tuo start. Goods were sold nt astonishingly
low prices nnd tlo plueo was crowdoa from
morning till night , L. G. Hetzol was tbo
no m I n ill owner. Ho plnccd n stock In tbo
store at the start of 58,000nnd bought largely
from nearly every dealer In the city. Most
( Of the goods were purchased on thlrtv days
lime and none of the bills wcra really duo
when tlio suits wore commenced. This , action
was caused by the transfer of the Cumiug
street stock Thurstlnv.
L. ( J. Hotzol could not bo foundyesterday. ;
F..I. Heizel alleges that bo bought the Cuming
at reel stock from Kudo at a bargain. Uudc
having secured the goods trorn L. G. Hntzei
In a tnidc. Ho says that L. G. Itolzol will
probably meet nil his obligations , and would
not have bud any trouble nt all If some of bis
creditors bad not become alarmed without
reason and commenced suit for bills that
worn not duo.
The sheriff's deputies were kept busy
ye.siordiiy afternoon attending to the wnats
of the iletzcl creditors. It was alleged that
a quantity of the stock bad been carted away
and secreted Thursday night , nnd Deputy
Courtney was detailed'to Investigate. " He
Bcnri'bed Hetzcl's residence at Oi.'i North
Twvnty-llfth avenue , nnd also the residence
of his fnthcr-ln-law , but did not llnd a trace
of tbo missing goods.
L. G. Hotzcl could not b3 found last even
ing. It was stated at his residence that bo
bad not boon there during the day and all
knowledge of bis whereabouts was denied. )
When weaK. wonry and worn out , Hood's
Sarsuparillii is Just the medicine to restore
your strength and give you u good appetite.
A. Wronged Girl A : > nlt tlio Agutl Motlinr
of Her Ilptr.ijer. a
Mrs. Jobn O'Connor , 0) ) yours old , dressed
hi clylhcs which recall the photographs of
our grnndmothers , wcut into the nohca court
yesterday morninj asking fora warrant for
the uricst of a girl who had horse whipped
her , Thuro were rod welts across her
wrinkled face left bv the whip.
Sun is the wife of a saloonkeeper at Tenth
nnd Dodge streets ,
The wicidcr of the whip Is Nellie Con-
noly , who lives at Tenth nnd Davenport and
Who lnu n child of whom Jobn O'Connor ad
mits that bo is the father. The girl has been
asking O'Connor for money and he agreed to
look after the support of tbo child if rho
wculd turn it over to him. It was finally
agreed to take it out to the Sisters nt Fif
teenth and Cnstcllur and ycstcrduv bo and
his wife drove out there iu tholr buggy to
rriuko"arrangcmcnts for tbo child's admission
into tbo Institution. Miss Connoly. was
there waiting for them and when they
alighted from their buggy she called O'Con
nor to ono side to speak to him.
"Don't say n word to the dirty thing.
Jobi.ny , " broke out ttio old lady , and the girl
snatched tbo whip from the buggy nnd
Btruck her three or four blows across tbo
face before the husband could Interfere.
A Traveling Muu'a Kxporicncu with Dliir-
I am n traveling man nnd have boim nf-
lllctcd with what is called ctnonlu diarrhoea
for some ten years. Last fall I was in west
ern Pennsylvania , ami accidentally was In
troduced to Cbumhoriatn's Colic , Cbolcrn
and DIurrluua remedy. I ventured to make
n trial nnd was wonderfully relieved. I
would Ilka now to Introduce It among my
friends. II. M. Lewis , 21 , Freomau street ,
Cleveland , O.
I.uluir DiiyXntod.
All JoJigr societies and otbnrs not yet re
porting as wanting to anticipate in Luboi
flay par.ido , September 5 , in Omiba , South'
Omaha and Council Uluffit , whether receiv
ing a formal Invitation or not , are rcoiicstod
to communicate with tbo secretary of the
Ccnttnl Labor union , II ox ! > 70 , Onmtm , on or
bolero Sunday next. "Slli insl , , at 10 a. in. ,
is program will bo made up then ,
Athletic sports , consisting of tug of war
contest and other events , will bo announced
with prizes next week. All tug-of-wnr men
nro requested to addrCbS tlio st'cretiiry of the
Central Labor union , Hex , f)70 , Omaha.
After the purado a iilcnlo will lie clvon nt
Syndicate park , admission free. Everybody
invited. Musicul concert , dancing , speak
ing. Labor dav bococh of thirty minutes ,
also speech on "Homo Industry" by a 1:011-
tloniDii selected hy iMunufHcturcrs ixnu Con
sumers iibsoclatian of Oniuba.
I3 st of order will bo preserved , and no
gambling devices or games of chance for
money allowed.
Committees and assistant marshal tire re
queued to meet Labor day comn.luco at 10
u. m. next Sunday at Gate City hull , Thir
teenth and Douglak , Omaha ,
'loi.ino. : Iowa , April 0 , IS'Jl.
Dr. J , U , Moore , Dear Slrt My wife has
used about lx bottles of your Trea of Llto
nnd thinks that ho nas received greater bon ,
cllt from It than any medicine she has ever
tultcn. yours truly , L. FI. HUI-KI.V.
Geii'l ' Agont.und Troas. West College ,
Blnco receiving tlio above testimonial , 1 ura
Inrecelut of a letter and chock from the Huv.
UH IJufUln of Toledo , Iow , April 2S. to
lend Huv. J , W. Kuawoi'thv , Crostllm , 1C an
iu , BIX bottle * of Moora'4 Tree of Llfj.
i < or sale by all druggists.
1IU iniiloyrr. : |
J , W. nmgbnor , n well drosscd , brlgbl
looklDC young follow , was lined $ ja am !
cobts In police court yesterday for stealing
rr from Mrs. C. M. Williams of 010 South
Thirteenth street Ho had been In the otn
P1 r > loy of Mrf . Williams nnd so learned tbo
.ocatiou of tbo money drawer. A colored
girl in tbn house beard the click of tbo
drawer and ran out and cauturcd tbo thief.
"Lftto to boa ona cany to mo will Uorton
tlio roail t * your lioir.o In the nUlui. iiut
curly to bud and "Lmlo K\rly ( lllsur."tiia
pill tliut iu < tU > j4 Ufa longer and bailer aul
Everything in the Entira Gluok Stock
'Opjuad nnd oa Sala Toky.
The IMirciisno ol OlucU'n Stock Was n
Froiik ol I'drtnno uiul u Strcnk of
1. licit as .Slirjtihir us It
U < lro' t.
DiIIolTmiin'a 81.00 health corsets ,
Dr. Warner's sutmnor corsets , 3c. ! )
II. & S. $1.20 cot-sots for oOo.
Thompson's glove ilt.ttnf ; corsets , G9c.
The C. 13. "u In spiritc , Imported
French form corsets Ole ) , regular price
In this stoolc were iihout COO llnost
luttlity fuel blnck Pronoh silicon corsets
.n nil the lending brands , which Bold In
Now York ut $2.60 tiplouo. They go to
day nt OSc.
$7.50 CORSETS FOR $1.03.
Choice of nil the French corsets In the
most , quality of silk mid siitins , mido : in
jluos. cfoivms mid whites , , wlilch sold in
Now York ui ) to $7.50 , go toaay nt
Odd lots , over 500 puliy tluit sold nt
15c go nt Co.
Ludlcs' soutnloss fust blnck hose , lOc ,
New York price 2flu.
Liidie's' imported full regular mndo
lioso , the very best brand Of fust black
goods , Hio } a pair.
All the line imported hose that sold at
60o and 75u , in fancies nnd fast blacks ,
go at 25o a pair.
Your choice of nil the $1.00 and SI.60
plain and funcv'lislo throixd hose forSOc.
Gluck UroS. entire stock of the finest
liigh grade imported | ) uro silk hand
embroidered roul chilTon laces , in every
shade nnd color , that bold up to 60c ,
goes nt 19o a yard today.
Gluck Bros , entire line of finest point
d'lrlnndo htces that sold for $1.00 go lit
2oc ti yard.
Gluek's black pure silk chantilly laces
go at lOc. 15c , llo ) , worth up to 75o.
Gluolc'd entire line of finest cream
chantilly lares go today at 16c , 19o
and 2oc. a yard , wortli up to 80e.
Tn this stock werp about 100 dozen
fancy silk embroidered chiffon hand
kerchiefs that bold in New York for 75c ,
$1.00 nnd $1.50. They go on sale tomor
row nt 2o ciiuh ; any one in the lot. 25c.
These were bought for the coming
: iolidny trade.
They ; ire simply handsome. Embroid
ered , drawn thread , hemstitched , largo
scallops , in fact till tha very latest styles
uul imported to sell at 50c and 75e.
riilco your choice tomorrow at 12c.
Open until 10 tonight.
N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas.
Omaha Can Mfg Co . .cainp.iign torches
* j&
Fresh milch cows , steers and heifers
springers. Dr. Jeffries , Grace & 7th-Sts.
Spectacles accurately fitted ; refractive
examination free. Tudor Optical Co. ,
corner Farnnm and
Gil't-edged wild lands at35.00 to S10.00
per aei'o in state of Nebraska , whoso crops
last year aggregated $100,000,000. Good
lots in the city of Omaha , whoso popula
tion increased from . ' { (1,000 ( in 1S80 to 150- .
000 in 1890 , Is good stuff to hold , don't
you think ?
As wo' are long on this class of prop
erty and short on cash , drop in.
During several yours successful expe
rience in the real estate business I haxo
established n reputation for handling
nothing but bargains.W. .
W. G. ArmiGHT ,
621. 622 , 523 Now York Lifo building.
It Adds to Your I njo3iitcnt.
When you go east , if you take the
Pennsylvania Short Lines from Chicago.
Past throiiL'h trains over these lines run
to all principal cities in the east nnd
ailord every facility for a pleasant trip.
The equipment represents the standard
for America. Address Luce , 2,48 Clark
street , Chicago.
AMollttI Foiinillini ; Hospltiil.
The liigecst b.iby farm in the world Is the
one at Moscow. It. costs $ , " > 00,000 u year to
run it anil bas an annual crop of 14,000 babies.
Jt also has a branch farm at St. Petersburg ,
winch turns out a 3-oarly harvest of 8,01)0 )
more , and since Its fonnd.tllon lias received
within its walls upwards ot ' , ' ,000.000 babies.
See "Carp's" letter ui Sunday's Bne.
A Iti'oommumliimm rein Illinois.
WII.MIXOTOX , III. , Annl 11 , 1801. I
would suv that I can recommend Chamber
lain's Remedies as a number oue sot of
family medicines such as every homo should
bo provided with. You can rely upon tholr
being ns near what they are recommended as
nny inodleitio sold in this part of the country.
Especially would I roeoir.tnoml Cbambor-
laln'u Ubollc , Cholera and Umrrbcoa Ho-nedy
as having no equal fur choloru morbus , colio
or dlnrrhcon. HuvliiL- used tlioso moalcinoi
mosnlf and sold tbo.ii for several voarfl , I
know their vuluo nnd have on liusltnncy in
recommending ttiotn. Luvi n. DULL.
rrrx'itliiK tliu City Hull.
Henry Lolnnann who bas the contract for
frosvolng the city ball council chamber-has
nine men at work upon tha job. Those
men mo putting < ip the scaffolding and got-
tlnc ready for the painters.
Mr. Lehman suvs that by next Tuosduy
night bo will have the canvas and one coat
of paint on the celling utid bldat oftbn room ,
The scalTold will bo supporied by twoutv
uprlpbts diitrlbuud about the room. It will
ho covered with canvas in such a manner
tlnit the work of froscomt : will not interfere
with tbo UKO ot the room by the council ,
Hot Toll t tun I I'
U i claimed BO strongly by each party
that tbo coming presidential election moans
victory , that it would appear that strenuous
exertions \vlll bo madu In too struggle.
Lenders of local political clubs who tire con
sidering where to purchase campaign coed *
will do well to correspond with O , F. Foster
Sun & Co. , who lire one of tbo largest dealer *
in tbo coun ry in baunur-i , IU 'i , regalia , etc.
Sweden uiul thoftumlva.
Tin : Hun will publish on Sunday a letter
rom tbo pen of Councilman John Steel , who
ccently returned from an extensive tour
through Sweden , iu which will bo found
some exceedingly interesting details regard
ing tbo habits nnd customs of tbo natives of
Europe's northern Vcnico
Qluok Bros" " . Entire Stock of frno Yarns Go
on Sole Today ,
3 discs I.iullca' I'.irly Tall Underwear , 3
CIIAUS .Moil' * Medium tVelght Under
wear nnil All Men' * Summer Uu-
dcnvcar Closed Out Tod. y.
Wo shnll sell nt Son skein nil kinds of
ynrns , Gorinntitown , StnrllKht , B.'ixony ,
I Spanish Worsted , fairy Floss , in fact ,
I every kind of yarn nt 3o n skoln.
! Think of it , n quarter of n pound of
fine yarn for He. All colora , worth up
to asc.
Gluoit's entire stock , single , split nnd
double zephyrs , in every known shade ,
ill 3Jc nn oiincy.
Imported knitting yarn , in the finest
grades , go at Ifle n skoln , or Too a pound.
Til rough the fortunnte purchnso of
this immense stock wo have the llnost
variety and lurgost stock of yarns in
1 assorted o.iso of Indies' natural , gray
and bnlbriggmi jersey riohod underwear ,
high'ncolc and longslooves , at lOeworth
1 case of very fine grade Imported bal-
briggun indies' undewonr , long sleeve
and embroidered neuk 3oe , worth $1.00.
An itntnonso lot of men's very flno
whtto merino undorwonr , just the thing
for ourly fall wear , Sloe.
500 dozen men's camel's hair , natural
gray , Tuxedo stripes , Vicuna , English
browns and numerous other styles of
men's underwear that sold ! n Now York
for $1.00 go today at 35c.
3,000 odd lots of gents' fine underwear ,
consisting of gauze , merino , French and
English balbriggan nnd lisle thread un
derwear , in shirts and drawers , go at
l c , l5c ! , H9c untl 4Se. Everything at
about a quarter of its real value.
An immense line of single portiere eur-
tnina nt OSc each sold in New Yorlc at
$3.98 a pair.
All the ( incest odd chenille curtains in
this stock , worth up to $8.50 a pair , go
at SI. 98 apiece.
All the chenille curtains in pairs in
the stock that sold in New York for
up to $9.00 , will bo sold at $4.98 a pair
tomorrow. Come early. There's bound
to bo a rush for these bargains.
N. W. cor. IGth nnd Douglas.
lliiydrn'H Itnttcr uiul Cliorxo Department.
Country butter Me and IGc.
Creamery 18c , "Oc nnd 22e.
Separator creamery -4c.
Remember wo sell only the pure pro
ducts of Nebraska dairies nnd creamer
ies tit our butter department.
Cheese department.
The vary finest young America full
cream cheese 12c.
Wisconsin full cream lOc.
Eastern process full cream 12jc and
Imported Swiss 15c and 17ic. Brick
cheese 12Jc nnd 14c.
The finest limborgcr choose 12c.
Promoters of homo industry }
OT t
3 Harvest Kxcurxlons huuth viatho , AVi
On August 30. September 27 nnd Oc
tober 2-3 the Wabash will sell round
trip tickets at half fnro to points in Ala
bama , Mississippi , Louisiana. Tennes
see , Arkansas , Tuxns and Indian Terri
tory. Excursion train will leave
Omaha 4:00 : and Council Bluffs 4:40 : p.
in. on above dates. For rates , tickets
and descriptive land pamphlets call at
Wnbtisk ottico , 1502 Fnrnain strout , or
write G. N. CLAYTON ,
N. W. P. agent , Omaha , Nob.
Ilnrvcftt i\cufKioiiH ; West.
On August 30. September 27 nnd Oc
tober 25 , the Rock Island will sell
tickets at half faro for the round trip
with privilege of stopover on going trip
to all points in Kansas , Nobra&Tfa , Colorado
rado , Utah , Wyoming , Idano nnd Mon
tana. Ticket oflieo 1002 Fa-mum street.
Chnrlos Kennedy , general northwestern
passenger agent.
Iliihy I'ariiKi.
It may not be generally known , but never
theless it U a fact that Russia bis the larg
est foundling asyluln , or baby farm , on the
face of the earth. In his delightful letter
from Mospow , which will appear In THR
SUNDAY BEB , Frank O. Carpenter says ho
saw upwards of 1,000 babies Doing fed at one
time by as many foster mothers , in oroau
daylight , under the brightest of slilos.
Stvml : HlK Child's t.\c. \
A. N. Dilforbougb , York , Nob. , says :
"Tbo other day I came homo and found my
little bov down with cholera morbus , my
wife scared , not knowing what to do. I wont
straight way nnd got a ! i5-cont bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Diarrhroa
Hemcdy and gave It according to directions.
You never saw such a change iu a child.
His limbs and body were cold. I rubbed his
limbs and body with my bands , nnd after I
had given him the second doio bo wont to
sleep , and , as my wife says , 'from a death
bed no was up playing in throe hours.1 It
saved me n doctor bill ot about } 3 , and what
Is better , it saved my child. I can recom
mend it with a clear conseionci. "
Scientific ! lluliy liioiili.itlon.
While Kussia is 'way ' behind us in most
things It is cortaioly ahead of us In ono and
that ism Its motbods of incubation of In
fants. Frank O. Carpenter , who is now In
Moscow , gives n detailed account of bow
Kusslan babies are scientifically incubated ,
in next Sunday's Ign. Don't fall to read bis
letter. _
UoWltt's Sarsaparilia is renanlo.
A'olfcfs nf flv lltici nr lens uniler Hits head , fifty
eentneacli ; wlilitlnmtntiiet-ncentt. _
OAKl'KNTElt daughter to Mr. and Sirs.
James A. Uarnnnter.
SIIANAIIAN-A daughter to Mr. and .Mrs.
I'CTnilSUN A son to Mr. nnd lirs. Ohrlbto-
lihor I'otersun ,
IIAKItlH-A son to Mr. nnd Mrs. J. II. Harris ,
B.i3 South -M ! utruut on Au . ' ( I ( > fJli'cllHCnr Ust unilir thttlit l-l.Ji/ta
ctntm each mlllttnn'tniiii ten centt >
COl'VEE O.ithfirlno , August Si , aio 03 years.
llOM.INS-llaby. AuumtW.
1IAMANX Cliur'otto , wifoof Henry Iliuniinn.
a'iu - ' > venra. Kunenil fioin rosldunuu.Mil )
North 'i'lftoonth street , Sunday , Au nist " , ' ,
at - u. m , , to Foreal InnYn. Friends of family
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
Us oil Evorjtlilnfr Flvo Motiiln. I
Three Weeks * * * n Scar or I'lmplc.
Curefllhj Cntlciirn .
baby wMtUirco months old lili
nnil foretienU Le/nn trtbronk out with wliHoplmiilns
on ret ) BUHUCO. In allow ilnys Itchlnn comtncnccil.
him m terrible. MItcr ho wonlil rub It , mnltcr
would ooiu from tlio
polntii In n abort tlmo It
iprcnd over the top of hti
hoiul. thsn scabs teen
fnrnioit On liead nhil fnoa ,
Wo eil croryihliiK o
could la'nr ( it fur nonrlr
II vo montln. It row wor n
nil the tlmo. 1 nw ro\ir
nilvi'Mhcmcnt of llu Oo-
TlCt'llV HEMEIIIKS lit tlio
"Chlcajo Wo'kly. " 'Wo
mirclm'oit OUT to nil A
ItEMKlilhHnnil cnnitncnroit
Iholruso. In thrco vrookV
tlmo tlicro was not a pore
or pimple. not oven n near ,
on hold or fncn. Ha | i nineteen months nil now iinil
lm no stuns of t'iu < 1l m < o. Ill * scalp li henlthv inn !
ho has n bo.iutirul lirnrt of hilr. ( 00 portrait liero-
wllh. ) Jilts OJUAlt JA.MH3. Wooilatun , Kan.
My Infnnt , ol litoaii month * old , wai nllllctad with
Bklti eruption * on Ills hlpl. Had oorut on meon ether
parts. All remedies failed until I procured 1'IITI-
CUUA , Cured 11 year nnd no return of the illsomo.
.11 IIS. A. M. WALKKIt , Cnrsonvlllo , U. % .
Cuticura Resolvent
Tlio now bloo I imrlllcr. Internally ( to cleanse
tlio blooil of nil Impurities nnil poisonous ulo-
nicnls ) , uiul OUTICUIU , the uroat skin euro ,
nntl OUTICUHV SOAP. nil oxqiilslto skin benutl-
flor , oMerniilly ( to clour the skin nnd scaln
nnd restore Clio Imlrl , have ciiruil UioilHiimls of
cast's wliuro tlioslioddln t of scales measured u
quar t dully , tliu Bklti cracked , bleed Iirburn -
Init nnd Itching almost beyond endurance.
hnlr llfoloss nr nil pone , stilTorlnir terrible.
What other remedies have nuido such marvel
ous cures ?
Eolfl everywhere1. I'rlco , CUTicu A.ri3c. ! SOAP
2.RllcBOt.vKNT ; , ? 1. I'raparoil by the I'OTTRK
DltUd AND ClIKMICAti Uoltl'URATION , HoslOll ,
taySonil for "How to Ouro Sltln Olso.isos , "
04 lingo6J Illustrations. and 10U U'stliuqnliils.
Scln anil Scalp purilloil nnd bemitltluil
by UuricuiiA. SOAP. Absolutely puro.
Hip , Kidney , nnd Uterine I'ulns nnd
Weaknesses iict.m VEU IN ONI : MINUTK
by the C'nncoiiA ANTI-PAIN 1't.AS-
. _ TEII. the Hrst and only pjlti-lcllllng
For Partners , Miners and Mechanics.
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns ,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Hard Water
"SANATIVO , " the
.Wonderful Hppnleh
Remedy , ia nold with a
to cure all Nervous Dis
eases , eucli as Weak
Memory , Lois c.f Brain
1'owo ; , Headache ,
Walteruuieaa , Lust Man.
hfioil. Nervousness , Las-
Bltnile , nit dmD3 ) and
Before &Aftor Uso. los ) of power of the
Photographed from life. Generative Oifans In
either sci. caused by
over-exeitlon , youthful IndlsTrtlonior the oxcewilva
QS < > oCtoliaivo. opium , or ntlmulnnls , nlilcli uUiinntely
lend ti > Inllrmlty , OiiisciDptlnn nnd Imaiilty. 1'itt up
inconvenient lorni to cnirvln tlieTtst pooka. 1'ilca
| l a pnckiiL'e , or 0 for 15. With e\eiy fi outer e Rive a
written guarantee to euro or. refund tlio
monoyv Sent by mull to any nddreeg. Clioiilar nee
Ujilnlu envelope. Mention this paper. AuJires ,
HAO'.IIO CHEMIWL CO. . Branch Onicsfoi U.S.A.
. SM ppaiborn Str t , CIIIUAGO , II.U
Kutic A Co. , Co.r 1MH & Douzlan Sa.
.A. Fuller 4 Co. . Cor 14th tIo' ) lc82t .
Wo will Bend you the. marrelou *
French Preparation CALTHOS
. . . ME , t'i c. nnil u local KUHraiitcc llml
V xf _ . 10ALTHOS llT RvHtoi-p jour
itfTBE' f Health , Strensrtli uud Vigor.
NM'll * f-i Use it and fay if satisfied.
V llA Addroas VON MOHL CO. .
> V i BJ'e iacrlcaa Igrnts Unelaaatl. Oblo.
The choclcor-
board of 1 fe Is
strewn with the
debrla ot many n
disastrous move
on thepart of mis
guided playew.
Many are recU-
1033 players , with
but llttlj thought
and still less care
as to the oreat
prizes to be won.
Defeat comes In
the term of phys
ical afflictions
which. If not
checked In time ,
lend to certain
The 1113 known
aa NT.nVOUB.
KA8ES ure a-
moncr the most
disastrous cltecta
Bvphllls. Conor-
rhooa , Gleet. Sem
inal Wcalrnesi ,
Strlc'uro , Hydro-
cole Varlcocelo ,
all Sexual Die-
eases ,
Piles , PlstUla ,
Rectal Ulcers ,
Blood ona BKin
Dlsoases these
nro afow of the
( orms of these
maladies ,
But these nnd nl !
Kindred Ills , we
ipoodily euro.
Band 4 centi for
our Illustrated
rww book of 120
pages , of interest
io all.
free. Call upon ,
or address with
AM )
South lUUSi.N 15. Ou'ftjr lUh.vti d
Douglas Bts. , Ouiniia , NoU
If you are In position fj I
advantage'of the laws re
lating to
you have taken upa piece >
If you have made an invention
on which you desire to
secure a
You should communicate
with the
Bee' Bureau of Claims
The object of this huroau 1& to give
every pot-son holding u legitimate cliiim
agtiinst Iho covernmont the advantage
oa residence in Washington , \rhothor
ho live In Texas op Alaska. It does
more than that. Nino-tenths of the
population of Washington would be
helpless if asked how to go to work to
sccuro their rights through the depart
ments. THE Bun Bureau of Ciitims
gives the advantage , not only of per
sonal residence , but of thorough famil
iarity with all the machinery of the
government. It oilers
Absolute Security.
You do not know whether the average
Washington claim agent will choa t yo
or not , although on general principles
you would naturally suppose that ho
would. Hut you know that the San
Francisco Examiner , the St. Paul Pioneer
neer press and tlio Omaha BUR cannot
nlTord to cheat you. They guarantee
this Bureau , ana their reputation is
staked upon the honesty and ability of
its mnnugoment.
The bureau employes attorneys who
Expert Specialists
for each of Its departments.
Its Indian depredation cases are caro-
ully worked un , with all tha evidence
required by law , and argued before Iho
court of claims in such a manner as to
bring out most fuvor.tbly all the osson
tinl points.
Its land cases nro handled in strict ao-
cordnncn with the rules of the Con oral
Lund Ollico , BO that no dolayn or com
plications ensue in the orderly settle
ment of the claim ? .
Its patent cases are so manage ! as t
insure the utmost uoislblo bonolil to the
nvontor , by giving him the broadest
protection his ideas will justify.
Its pension cases are disposed of with
the least posalhlo delay and expense to
the veterans.
Don't t of rain from consulting the
but onu because you are afraid of tha cost.
Its costs nothing to get information.
Ask as many questions us you plonso ,
nnd they will bo answered promptly
cheerfully and accurately , without
Bee Bureau of Claims
Room" 22O , Bee Build
ing , Omaha , Neb.
to an idea. Don't make up your mind that there's only ono
man that can make your clothes , or one make of shirt that will
fit you , or one doctor that can cure you , or one man that's fit
to be President of the United States. There's more than one
good tailor , more than one good make of shirt , more than one
good doctor , and there's a "whole lot of us" that would make
good presidential timber. Some men get it into their heads
that in order to get a decent pair of shoes they must go to
some swell shoe store and pay from ssven to eight dollars.
Is therc , any reason why we can't soil just as good a shoe ail *
anybody ? Not that anybody knows of. We've shown a
whole lot of men the ' 'error of their ways" about shoes. Have
you learned yet ? We sell you for four dollars and fifty cents
a pair of either hand welt French kangaroo , or French cordo
van shoes , in any of the new fall shapes , in any toe , plain or
tipped , in any size. These shoes we will guarantee to be as
good as any shoe you can buy outside of our store for six fifty. ,
or seven dollars. In a few "very katosh" places they even
reach eight dollars , For two dollars and seventy-five cents ,
we will sell you a genuine Goodyear welt shoa , made of kan
garoo calf ( with the. grain outside ) . These shoes we guarantee *
in every way. We guarantee the price a dollar and a quarter
under the shoe man's ; we guarantee' the stock perfect ; the
stitching not to rip ; the hanger not to pull out , and our guafc
antee means new shoes free or your money back if the shoes
don't wear as they should. Our full lines of fall shoes arc hero
now , from the well known dollar twenty-five shoe to the hand
made five fifty French calf. It's a good time to try "Nebras
ka's" shoes.
Youth's shoes , io to 2 , Soc. Boys' shoes 2 to 5 , 900.
They'll wear.
During July and August we close at 6:3O : p. mi
Saturdays , IO p. m. ,
DR. W. C. MAXWELL , Prest.
Graduate of llolloviie Hospital Medical College , Now York City. Class of J8r
16th and Howard Streets , - - Omaha , Nebraska.
Ciironic , Private and Nervous Diseases.
Male or female , by competent physicians who have made a special study of the above
. ? ] " ? VT ° < ? : ll5f to treatl bn'.EUiMntsa a cure in all ca u undertake i.
rr. w A w
lq the
must c-iiip'.ota an 1 tha bast ociulppaJ Institution of Its Iclti
in the entire west. It contains lifty roDin * for the aoo3mmodatlon of patloats who mi/
r'ST 10 attention ofoiparlsn physloiani and nur.i3J.
BOARDING will ba turnis'.iaa at. roisanble . Writs fo.bDo't ' o.i dluiiii , mall *
free , to any address o j npplloitloi. Parsans uiabla to visit ui 11117 bitraital at nan
uyoorrespDndenoe. All com irwlo itiom st.-lotty oj.iiao.isiu. Oao jjf 13 nt i.itj
view prelerred , whenever coriva.iient-for patient.
ifl FOR QUESTION BLANKS to st.its ths history of yn caia. HeJIolna soaura'
paclted and seat by in.ill or express. Address , Jour
Dr.V. . U , Mnxwoil , I'rostdunt Omahii , Nebraska
Oldest Mllllary School In Mo. Wo challenged all tlic leading Military Schools In the State to
ccmpetltlve drill Utt tfksion , mid they declined u > meet us. Infantry , Artillery anil Cavalry Drill.
All modern conveniences. Kxtcnsivtj iinuruvuincntB now being made. Uuatil , Tuition iuid Wadi-
iiH ; ? zSo , per cccslun.
Dr. JAME.I A QtTAiu.KS , of WnshlnBton nnd I.oo University , VA , imy : "Nn oilier Academy In
tin * pntlru cointlry IIUH UIUIH | lierti u IIIUIM ndmliatiln ri'eoril HI Hliowa Uy Die MICCI-MI ol llio Biudenta
picp iri'd by II lor Ilils liiHlltntloii , four ot wliuni liuvo la lae post Jour yt'ura taUeii fuur BclmlHriiUlps.
lour miMtalaand llirvudierrtii. " o fi
J'ot iltuctratcil ratilnuo : ; and full information ndJreso MAIOR 8. SELLERS , Lexington , Ua ,
lllllkEHIMI HIM , IIIICK.II , Allbrancllt'Bor Mllflc.iii : > -
cut Ion , I'L'Iccttlt ' * . 1'uity liHtmicloiH , ullll.llll < rp lltll' . llt
rnrii'iidiocB. l'inni'ii ' tclnUviuilmn1'iillti iinUi'lnt
Sent. 7. btnil lurtuulutfim.jJ. J. lurfBfiV.ur. Uiivtu. .
" "
MlH * KiiPiiPti'ri | | | > , \ IH"N AND DAV
SCIIOtM/ fo ? lrl Hoi3lnl ntit I jiiti l
0Vott IHth Slruiit , Ninv Viirh. "
IBoiitli.rtnictlonlnall. . . . . . .
IinentH Ot MuhiculEtnily , 1 Ino
Ait , Ktrt KMlinltillilaiirulut
year. AddrouE. 1".HUI.LAItH.Hm t. Jud.Mmvljlu.jlj.
_ _ t YOUHIJ
\vuMl-H U3rtl bc , l"ll Sfl.l Olll Ail-l - ! { ' ! ' IVirtuu
\Vultuu. A. II. , I're Uiiii , Ltilii ) ; ( ' " ' . 4IU oilrl.
bpoclnl. tolU'Kluto. university-piOiiHrivtory
- r ur cs. Hno muMcftl qeiiBrtmont.
Gist-irrndmito for vUlilnir tlm World's Hilr for
etudy wltli comjiotpnt tciichcrn. Kof'circular ' uiliS.
MRS , t. M. WIISOH , ITIU..41UU Urexut Blvd. . CHIi-iitn.
. . . .
ncl'jol * viii wiiiQ'iwi * * * vt *
m nnd < 8t Dearborn Ave. ClllOMin. Ii.u
BoTfiiU'Ontli > 'iir bi-nlim Bept II. 'Jimrrtlnir and
Day Bcliool for Yoiinit Ijidlcs anil C ) > .Mrun.
irp MMl r'ulmcnt | | iCarcful Moral an < l
l tiuliuuui p.'tparuii.fur limit" ' ' " nJ
for nuy Colltjl , JH-lAiUllo Kt heel i r Unlvcr
cltyi new ( lyiimn'luiiii Wowl-wori l"B ' " >
Jlllltary Drllli lllKl > e > t tovtlmonlfllii 10th
utldrens 1'rlii. H. I , . STIViil : , A.
lor tliu riiriiUlilnjf of Htoum
tor tlm t' ' o of tliu City Hull.
Kealod bids will bo ro ulvod at tlioolllcoof
tlio city coinptinllar , Umnlui , Nub. , up to 4 p ,
in. Auuunt m , WJi. for tliu fiu-nUliiti * ot Hlumii
coiil for tlio nsu nf tlio City Hall. K.ioli LilttUor
to ( urnlili a curtUloU vlivuk ot i-W.OJ. Tlio riu-lit
U ruiorvcd to uuoopt or rojout uuy or nil bldu.
AW l)0t '
- '
Elastic Stockings ,
Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
Water Bottles ,
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medical Supplies.
IMS. 15111 SL ,
Next to Postoffica
JloriifOno Ilnlni
> ,
Ilie taraeit , Fatlttt on.l Fluc'.l In Ilia WotlO.
1 AcicnfttT tuTC > inGtlfi loi3 uncxccliocu
K ry Saturday , _
NEW YOUK , miilMI/riSIt und NAPI.B3 ,
Atroeular Intcrrala ,
ratoionloHOtttvruiito Had from the prloclpla
Bjoien. r 3U5n , intm 4 OJOTIHJUTAI , ronno.
K curtlon ticket ! available toioturn by llbiu-tlMplo *
turuviue Clcilo ft Korlli or IrnUnd or Ka | < l A OltralUl
tffift nt Hj-17 Olltri (91 ( ill AKCUt ( t LOVIlt lttl ,
Applr to any of our local Af ntaorto