Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 27, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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DeltToroil by catrlor to any part of the city
1' W. TII/TON. - MANAOEll.
HU'lllCM OITlCC , No4.1
Jf/JATlO.V. i
N Y. Plumbing Cof. *
Council Bluffs Lumber Co. ,
The Married Ladies society will moot this
afternoon ut'j o'clock ntlilT-UroadxxMy.
John Hanson and Li/.zlo Englo , both of
Omaha , xvero married by Justice Ilammor
last evening.
Tbu lunoral of the Infant son of Mr. and
Mrs. J. T. Pugh xvlll tnko place this after
noon nt 2i(0 : ( o'clock.
Urconshlcld , Nicholson & Co. , 021 Broad-
wax * , rout estate and rental agents. Largest
list of property of any dealcn In the city.
Mrs. Murv 13. L'jaio of Kansas xvlll ad-
dre s the people's party this evening at 7J : !
o'clock nl thu Masonic temple. A special In
vitation Is extended to ladies to bo present.
The work of removing the old Nortbxvcst-
cm passenger nnu freight depot to Its noxv
Rite on the roar of iho grounds has boon
commenced and will probably bo completed
"Judge Doomor xvlll bo In tbo city today
nud xvill hold a smilon of the district , court
for the purpose of clearing nip the docket of
the last term , preparatory to tno opening of
the August term next Tuesday.
Chief Nicholson of the lire department re
ceived a handsome present yesterday from
Chief Halo of iho Kansas City department
In the shape or u fine nickel-trimmed collar
iitui hatnus for the chief's buggy horso.
A special session of tlio district court xras
to have noon hold yesterday afternoon with
Judge Smith on the bench to bring in an
other section of thu Noolu saloon cases , but
It xvas decided to continue Iham until the
IIPM. Monday.
Thomas Pmjh , child of Mr. and Mrs. J. I.
Pugh , died of brain trouble jcsturdnv morn
ing nt 8 o'clock after an illness of thrco
months , ngod 1 year and U months. The
funeral xvlll take plnco today from Iho resi
dence , 1N5 Vine street.
The department commander of loxvn an
nounces that nil members of the loxvn deparl-
iiicut ol the Grand Army mutt bo In Chicago
en the morning of September IS In order to
reach Washington at noon on the lllth in
time for the parade. Ton special trains have
been chartered from the Baltimore & Ohio
for Joxva business.
Someone left'n boy baby about a tmnth
old at the residence of C. li. Wulto , corner
of Sixth street nnd Seventh avenue , last
evening about 9 o'clock. Mr. and MM. Wnlto
xvoro away from homo and 0:10 : xx'.u there
but the children , who did nil they could to
ninko Iho little ono enjoy Itself until txvo
nnltcomcn called to escort , it to the Cbristiu'n
James Moran , while xx'nlklng along Eighth
nvenuo xvith his Jug last night , tool ; a shot at
a couple of boys xvho sought to tie inqulsitvo.
Ho xvas locked up and * was booked xvith va
grancy , shooting within the city limits , ns-
cuult xvith intent to commit murder , carryIng -
Ing concealed weapons , drunkenness , nud
sox'eral othorcrimes. Tbo xvoapon xvith xxhloh
ho bud done iho shooting xvas n large 44-cali-
bcr revolver. ,
T. L. Do bio died at 11 o'clock Thursday
morning of typhoid fever at , hi.s residence on
Oak street , aged fityours. ) Ho leaves a xvire
and two children. IIn xvns u mcnber | of tha
celebrated regiment of tno First Minnesota
Volunteer infantry , xvhlch , on Iho second
day on thn historic Hold of the bittlo pf Got-
tvsburg , loU2J4 mon out of a total of 800.
The funeral took pluco yesterday afternoon
from the Seventh Day Advent church , of
which the deceased xvas n member.
1 M'KitHux.iL I'.iit.niie.ii'its.
S. S. Keller and family nro homo from
Col fax.
Mr. nnd Mrs. John Bennett are visiting
frlonds at Shenandoah.
Miss Mury McMillan returned yesterday
from n xx-eck's visit at Kansas Ully.
Mrs. Dr. Portorflold and dauirhtor of At
lantic uro visiting a. N. Portorlluld.
Miss Jcnnlo Ouittnr has returned from a
Visit xvlth relatives in Missouri Valley.
J. W. Morse und N. C. Phillips loft yester
day for Colorado and Wyoming on huslnesa.
SfLce Witter left , ycstcrduy for n visit xvlth
frlonds in DCS Moines , Oskuloosa aud other
loxvu towns.
Dr. J. II. Cleaver returned yesterday from
n tnree XVCOKS' trip to Portland , Ore. , und
other xvesturn places.
H. H. Fluid has ROIIO to Knoxvllle. Tcnn. ,
In response to a telepram unnounciiiK'thu
serious Illness of a relative.
B. J. Muhonoy and Miss Annla Mahonev
have gene to Jncksonxllle , 111 , , In rospouso tea
a announelnx the dangerous illness
of tholr father.
P. Allen , xvho has been spnndlnL'a couple
of months at his nlu homo In Kncl.iud , ts ex-
peetcd homo tomorroxv. He arrived at Now
York Thursday.
I'coplu Coinu Mllcnt
To witness tlio { jrctit slioo sale .it f > 21
13roadxvay. It ia not only the till It of
the town , but-of ihls on tire county , und
nil xvho pui-chtiso u. * , thia Palo are so well
pleased that they bond tholf rolutivos ,
neighbors uml frionda. Road these
prluos und bo convlncod that you cun
BIIVO bljj money :
Ladies' button shoes 7"ic , worth $1.60.
Ladles' kid button shoos OSc , worth
Ladlcs' doiigola kid shoos$1.23 , xvorth
( )
Ladles' oxtrtt do-ifrola kid hatid soxvod
rhoos $1.75 , xvoll worth 83.50.
L'ldies' EYonch donpohi kid hand
tui tied bhnos $2 50 , xvorth $5.00.
Choice of the lincst Imported French
Islil shoos hi liiuo and button , xvorth from
$550 to $7.00 , for $3.00.
. Ladles' ' oxford ties 69c , 73c. OSo , SI.25 ,
$1.50 , till xvorth ut lottst doublo.
Uuby slices lOc.
Men's xvorklno shoes 09c.
Mon's dross shoos OSc.
Men's li culf rong. or luco $1.25 , xvorth
< ? * ( * * -t ) .
Moil's extra calf shoes $1.50 , worth
Men's donuohi kid shoes $1.50 nnd
* 2.00 , xvorth $3.00 and $1.00.
Men's French calf and Cordova hand
Lw ; 1 shoos in all styles nnd of the best
f kus , $3.00 a pilr , worth from $5.00 to
And thousands of other bargains. Bo
euro to got in the right place , as there
is only ono gonnlno bankrupt shoo salo.
Ml Uroadwuy , Council Ulutfs.
Trains leave Manuxviv dally at 8 n ndlO
n. m. , 12m. , and 1 , 2. 20 : ! ! , 3 , 8:31)-1 : ) ,
4:30 : , 5 , 6JO : ! , 0 , (1:30. ( : 7 , 7:30 : , 8 , 8:30 : , 0
9:80 : , 10 , 10:80 : , 11 and ll.J5p. : m. The
11:55 train xvill make connection xvlth
the lastoleotrio motor cur for Omaha.
XVIII C'ontlnmi tin ) ltliripiloc. |
Thocovernineiit has lot the contract for
' 11 lomo aduttloiial rlprapplnir on the north bunk
of the river , In continuation uf iho work that
xvan done n your USD. An appropriation of
titt.OOO has uocti madp , in udJItlon to the
appropriation of S.'as.OOO that UBS uireadv
bi-en expended , and this xvill bo suDicImit , it
Is thought , to oinco the ontlro mink lu proper
condition , fur enough bouth to conni-ct the
txxo pieces of rlprapplntr that hr.vo ulrcnily
broil done. Thn distance is about 1,800 feet.
\Voik is to bu communced at oice. :
The boat race Sunday will bo free for
nil. Hrlng ypur tub , ( Srand cash prize
lo the winner.
Gentlemen , the linostllne of mil goods
In the oily. Jiiat roculvod. Holler , the
tailor , 310 Hroudwuy ,
If yon xvnnt to buy u house see Green-
ihloldb , Nicholson & Co. , 021 Uroadwuy.
IfjOpooplo in this city use g.n stovoa
1l\o \ Gas Co. puts 'am lu at cost.
Big time at Munawa Sunday ,
Oity Council Looks Over llio Route of the
Propoaad Paul Railway.
Pcicrliitloii of tlio Tlioriutelifnrrii Ovcv
Uliluh Idulit uf Wity I * Askuil
Ililnloii5 | of .the CoiiiicUniPii
Anotlicr Meeting I'l-oinlsod.
The city council and jioxvspapcr
inbti mot nt the cltv building yoiterdav after
noon and took a drlvo In rarrlapcsto the part
of the city xvhenJ the Union Land and Im
provement company proposal to lay Its noxv
rallxvay truck. John W. Paul , ono of tuo
members of tbo company , furnished the car-
naees , and accompinlou the pirty to point
out the proposed route , In order that the
council might act intelligently when It conies
tocontlder thu ordlnanco for the rl litof
xvav xvhlch Is noxvpcndtni ; .
Prom Thirteenth avenue , xvhoro the new
road Is to connect xvlth the \\ubnsh road , to
Eighth , xvhero It xvlll moot tbo Union Pacific ,
Mr. Paul nsks for a ri ht of way over most
of tlio streets and Mloys In Fleming D.ivls"
addition , but ho does not propose to lay
tracks on thu streets oxcoiitlni ; so much as
may be necessary in connect with the other
roiuK In that distance live blocks ho xvill
obtain connections with the Union Pacllle ,
Northxx'o tein , Rocic Island , BuiliiiKion ,
Mllxvaukco and Wubasb.
At lOiutilli nvenilo the line xvlll strlue
nighteonth streut , and nucordltiK to preiont
plans xvlll occuuy that street us far north its
nvcnuo ( J. The property oxvnew on this
street raised n howl n foxv WOJKS ape xvhon
they learned that the grantlnt ; of the rlijht
of xx'av on the street xvas talked of , and the
council took particular pains to notice now
many houses there xvoro. So far n < could bo
seen , there xvcro not moro than half n dozen
houses. A number of tbo pcoplo who oxvn
property on the street have agreed not to
rulso any further objection.
Tbo council viewed all the land
as far north as the river. ' 1 hey then re
turned to thu city building , but It xvas too
late to take any notion. The matter is still
In the hands of the Judiciary committee , xvho
xvill draxv up a nexv ordinance containing
so mo provisions which tbo aldermen -havo
prone > cd , and tbo amended ordinance will
come up for consideration at the next moet-
itiB , xvhlch will probably bo September fi.
Another meeting of the committee of the
whole xvill bo held next Wednesday morning
at S o'clock , when the council will examine a
number of things which it xvas thu- intention
to look after yojtoruuv , but xvhich had to bo
skipped on account of lack ol lime.
Dlsoaso nex'er&ueeaniuiiy att-ico tha 17
omxvlth pure bloo.l. lj Witt's Sawap ti-UU
mukos'paro no.v ol3j 1 u 1 1 .iiruiM Jl l
T _ _
Diilboy'a cornet band hits boon on-
( jncrcd to furnish music for the tuy of
wur at Miunuva Sundiiy.
lloxv JXlrs. l.iirAoii'IIH KllliMl.
The coroner's Jury held an Inquest yester
day morning at the undertaking rooms ofV. .
C. EUep to investigate the causes of the
death ol Mrs. Carrie Lnrspu , xvho was killed
by the "Irish Afait" train Thursday morning
bctxvcon thn brldtjo und the transfer. The
faft. as brought out in the testimony xvoro
muinlv thu sumo us thcsu that appeared In
TIN : Bci : .
The story of John Spencer , the porter on
the tuiln , xvas of peculiar interest , ho being
tbo ono xvbo so bravely tried to rescue the
woman from apnroachlng death. When the
train xvas about 000 yards from the east end
of tbo uridco Spencer looked inrwntd and
BIUV the xvomuii picuing up coal on the other
track , ami suxv ut the sumo time another
train coming from the opposite direction on
the trnci xvhero Mr * . Lurson xvus stopping.
Mrs. Lmrsen noticed It also n moment Inter ,
nud stopped onto tbo track directly in front
of the "Irish Mull" xvith her back to the
enRino. Spencer Immediately throw on the
airbrakes , but aecmic that it would bo Im
possible to stop tlii jruln in time to save the
xvomun's life ho leu tied over the platform and
cauL-nt hold of her drob.s as the train reached
her. The dress tore , ho lost 1m hold and she
slipped under the xvhoels. The train xvas
stopped in about two car lengths. '
Besides Soeucor the folloxvlng witnesses
gave their version of the affair : Ed. Mc-
Murray , a ICunsas City brakomun ; John A.
Sxx'obo , the conductor of the tram : I ? . II.
Chamberlain , passenger nucnt for the Union
Pacific at thotrnnsfer ; Edxvurd Hermes , xvho
lives northof the dump , n short distance from
the track ; Mr. and Mrs. John Anderson ;
Joseph Hay and William O'Mcara , englueor
and liromun of the train.
Mrs. L. It. P.ittun , UockforJ , III. , xvrit03 :
1 FroinuL'rsonal oxperioiico I can rucommoiid
IJoWltl's la , u curJ for Itnpui'd
blood und Ren oral debility. "
After a foxv days cool olT and rest ,
everything In running u-riiln nt Mnnlmt-
tnn beach as lively as over. All the
boats nro running1 , and the xvutcr Is de
If you want to sell your property libt
it xvlth Greonshiclds , Nicholson & Co.
rruslnittMl u Ouuitrdly Cur.
For some time past , a young Imitation of a
xvlld xvestorn coxvboy has boon promenading
the streets. Thursday night ho attempted a
piece of lawlessness that came near resulting
seriously for him. A young man sating on
porch near the corner of Third avonup nud
Tenth street about 10 o'clock , suxv a woman
L'O by on the other side or tbo street. A t the
sumo time thu coxvboy pasted close enough
so ho could bo easily recognized. When
the woman reached the corner of
Tenth street slio turned oil of Third
avenue and xvnnt south , and nt thosamo tirnu
the cowboy loft thn sulcxvatk and put uftor
her on the run. A moment later iho young
man on the porch hoard the xvoman acruam ,
and calling his dour ho stuted off in the
direction xvhoro the sound came from. At
the corner of Fourth avenue and Tontn
street tbo coxvboy bad seized tbo xvoman and
attempted to throw bordoxvu , but xvbon she
called for help ho took a hasty leave.
DoWltt's Sarsuparilla destroys such poi
sons as scrofula , skin dlsuasos , oczenu , rheu
matism. its tluiulv use nuv-31 many lives.
Don't fall to see tha tug of war nt
MuimwR Sunday.
If you have a house to rent list \i \ xvith
iJrooushloldti , Nicholson & Co.
Only u row , lint 13 ouch.
Cnptatu W. A. Hayoj had a trial In police
court yesterday on the charge of drunkcn-
nflsv aud' disturbing tbo peace. A whole
army of xvliuosscs was on baud , but
out of a deslro to cut doxvn the captuln'4 bill
of oxpontui to tbo lowoat figure co.i-
hlstcnt xvith a coed and. positive cinch , only
twenty-two xvltncsios xvcro called upon to
testify , The captain xvas mudo out
u man who liked nothing bolter
than n good , loud howl that
bout his nervous neighbors dibtractrd.
Ho wan lined (50 and cost * for his fun , urd
Hio xvltnojs fees , court crsts and all mudo
his bill run up to $ < W 'M. llo refused to pay ,
and Mild ho xvould appeal the case to the dis
' trict court. His hoiui xvas fixed at $100 , and
'ho xvas given a day In xvhlcb to secure the
DaWltt's arsaparllm cieansoi tlia blool ,
Increaies the upnutlto und tonns up the ays-
torn. It has bonotlttod many puoplu xvuo
have suiTorod frjia blood dUordur.1. It will
holp.vou. _
See Groonshlolds , NMuhotson it Co. ,
when you want to rent or buy u houuu
or iiuiko an oxuluinga
Judson , civil engineer , 328'Oroad\viiy. !
Jlvcutor Tuduy ,
The registration books uro to DO open today
lu the Fourth xvard so that/ all who have not
already douo so may rngUtor , preparatory to
tbo election xvhlch U to take place In that
wurJ r.cxt Tuesday. The registrars xvill bo
lu utteuxlauco from 0 o'clock a. m. until 8. p.
m , nt the following places : Fir t precinct ,
Morrlam block , 20(3 ( Main street ; Second precinct -
cinct , Uoorgo Beck's ' place , l'JJ3 South Sixth
Cn inn In
It is usually the ciso ; xvith every inor-
chant when taking inventory quantities
o ! odds and ends como to light.
Such is our cnso having just com
pleted oui- inventory , und in ortlor to
clean out stock before iiulting our fall
goods on s.ilo wo xvlll offer for ono
week's sale , beginning Saturday , Au
gust 27 , our entire stock of remnants
which amounts lo SGOO , the same to go
at half price , or In others words , rem
nants marked 8I.OD you buy for 60c ,
snino proportion all the way through
pur entire lot of remnants in every de
All trooile flgurod at original selling
price , and your price half what roni-
nanta are marked.
Being a little overstocked in wash
goods , wo xvill offer along with our rein-
mint sulo some special inducements in
this department.
Go India challlos UJo , 12c taffeta
cords , hulf jrioo. Oic. 8c seersucker
( stripes and plaids ) oc , 12c suiting , ; ! ( !
inch wide at 81c. Wo have over 6,000
remnants of wash goods , 2 , 000 wool dress
remnants , busidys muslin , ticks , Iliinnols ,
luce-1 , embroideries , otu , , etc. , all at half
pricoor half the price marked oti ticket.
Fothorlnghnm. Whltolaxv &Uo.i.Council
Bluffs , In.
Carpet weaving at 923 avenue R Work
called for and delivered. C. M. King.
Tlio lug of xvur at Mnnawa Sunday ,
Aug. 28 , commences at 4'M : p. in.
George Davis , drugs ana paints.
bourn oMin.i.
rl ltlx-ur riiikorsV11I Comliliii ) fur
The discrtmlimtlou In freight ratni against
the Missouri river packing contort may Do
brought to the attention of the Interstate
Commerce commission , although uo definite
plan of action has yet Inon agreed upon , and
in fact no preliminaries have been arranged.
The fact is roallzod. however , that there
must bo concerted action upon the part of
the packers If the grotvtu of the packing In
dustry in this region Is to .bo maintained and
its prosperity not diminished.
The South Omaha packers are allvo to the
fact that there U ( i common interest in the
strudplo , and iho Missouri river packers
should realize it. The freight rate discrim
ination h as much against otio point as nn-
other , and hivs the appearance of bolng es
pecially engendered In the interest of Chicago
cage , and an attempt to crlpplo thn packing
Industries on the Missouri river. The Chicago
cage people realize lhat the live slock In
dustry is trax'ollng xvest and are making every
effort in their poxver to prevent it. The
poxverful influence they have brought to boar
hud its effect xvitb tbo rallxvays and traftlo
associations , and all attempts lo secure a re
adjustment of freight rates upon an equita
ble basis huvo been denied upon some very
flimsy pretexts , lu the future , hoxvox'or , If
the plans do not iniscnrry , the Missouri river
iiitoi'CJts xvlll bo thoroughly organized and
bring such n force to boar that the trafllc as
sociations xvlll como lo the realization of the
fact that the Chicago industries are not the
only ones In tbo country that must receive
Since the refusal a foxv xveeks ago by the
VVosturu Traflli ! association to raise the rate
on packing house products to the Pat-llle
coast , there has boon some correspondence
between the Oinnha , < Kansas Citv and
Sioux City packers , looking to an
organization nf Inturoift , and the formulation
of sonio-plan to sonuro relief from the dis
crimination. Several plans have boon suggested
gosted , but none have oeon nereed upon. A
proposition to lay the mailer before tno Inter
state commerce commission has been sug
gested. but has gene uo farther. An organ-
i/alion of the paeuors of Omaha , Kansas
City anil Sioux City xvill probably booITectod
at an o.irly day , and in mat muiflior it is
hoped to' bring about a readjustment of
froiuhtates. .
The freight rate discrimination against the
Missouri river packing centers have been re
ferred to in TUB Bnn. The Chicago puckers
are the profilers and are afforded all the pro
tection ft is possible for the traflla associa
tion to give. A car of p icking house product
can bo shippnd from Chicago to tbo Pacillo
coast at the same rale us from Omaha , not-
xvlthatanding the difference in distance of
300 miles. But when it comes 'o shipping to
the eastern seaboards , the Omaha packers
are compelled to pay u differential rate , and
Chlcaco reaps another bonolit as the result
of the discrimination. An example Is shown
by the rate to Richmond. The ntto on pro
ducts to that city from Chicago Is 85 cents ,
and from the Missouri rix'erjn coins. This
example is not tno only discrimination , boxv-
ovor. Tno same is to bosaid of the rate from
both points to Noxv York , Boston and , in
fnct , to all the eastern cities in xvhlcb thu
Missouri river pacncrs lli.d an extensive
market and a grout demand for their products.
The raising of the ruto on fresh meal
products from the Missouri river packing
centers to Minneapolis wus uncalled for and
a clear injustice. The commissioners of the
Western Trafllc association plainly shoxvod
their dusiro for discrimination xvhon Ihoy did
so , Minneapolis is nut n packing conlor and
never xvill bo , and the plea of giving thorn
protection xvas a very flimsy excuse for the
action the corainis loiiors took.
Thorough organization und a determined
light upon the part of ihe Missouri river
packers xvill eventually secure an equitable
lurilf tthuol und place them in the matter
upon n more equal footing with tholr eastern
competitors. Tbo Omaha packers believe
hiich an organization xvill bo perfected and a
great deal of good accomplished.
No Kt'imlilii'uiiH Worn
A evening calamity sheet makes the
startling announcement that a meeting xvns
called In thd Third xvafd Thursday ovonlng
for iho purpose of organizing a Harrison
club and lhat a change of heart xvas experi
enced by thno present nud u people's party
club formed instead. Such a state
ment Is misleading and carries an Im
pression that Is false. There xvas not a re
publican present at the meeting und U was
not called bv republicans , nor did any of
them know that such u mooting xvas to bo
held. Tha republicans in the Third xvard
are loyal members of the clubs already in
oxUtcnco in this city and are not to bo
snared by any sclioin.'i of iho Wtiavoritos.
I'nutpnniHl the M
The rally which xvns to have been given
this evening nt Pivonka's hall by the Ynung
Men's Hopublicuu club has boon postponed
until Thursday evening nt Knights nf
Pythlus hall. This postponement is made
necessary because of a misunderstanding In
rorurd to securing Plvonku's hull , it having
been engaged for another purpose xvithout
the Kiioxvlcdgo of iho committee ,
The club has leased the Knights of Pythias
hall for each Thursday night , from now until
after the November election and xvlll hold
weekly meetings , unless the South Ouinha
Republican club concludes lo take iho hall
for txvo meetings each month.
XoK'H mill IVrHiinnlH.
Prof. A. A. Monroe returned yesterday
froci a trip lo Wichita , Kan.
A xvoll attended uunco xvus given nt the
homo of C. A. Evans , Txvonty-eiijhtU and It
streets , Tbumluy evening.
Kd Fitzgerald hud his loft leg badly
crushed at Cuduhy's ' packing house yester
day nftornoon by a lulling Umber.
N. I ) . Mead , munugnr of tbo Western
Union nt the Exchange building , Is homo
from a txvo weeis' outing in Colorado.
Mrs. J. A. Hui'Ub'Jift of Lincoln , accom
panied by her children , xvcro in the city
yesterday Mri. Uuckstafl's sister ,
Mrs , C. J. .luysox.
The Pythian xvho huvo boon attending the
encampment til Kaimu City uro returning
homo , und the last of thu South Omaha con
tingent will bu In to Jay ,
Chlof Beckett Is in iccolpt of a Idtter from
Hugh J. Campbell of Newport , It. 1. , xvho Is
anxious tolearn tbo xvlicreatiuutsof bli uncle ,
Huith McCain , xvho xvax In this vicinity nil a
jeuru ago and xvas u much owner.
Several hundred tlcknts have been dh-
poicd lu this city for the excursion lo C l-
hnuu today , given by the Ancient Orilor i f
United Workmen. A largo di'lcgaiion will
go , louvlug at 8 o'clock in iho mornlutr.
Slok uoadacuol Buuuhuin' * Pills will ro
fcoKTixunn FIIOM ffnar rion. |
otlior places In Austria rthir Hungary , Cora-
plota preparations to inbot iho disease are
evorvxvhcro boluc madri. '
I'rocrona < > ( thu I > l4ni nt llmrc.
HAVHC , ADR. 20. The official figures show
that on Wednesday there .were elchtcon now
cases of ctoloi-a anil nine deaths from the
disease hore. Yesterday .thoro were forty-
eiRht now cases and seventeen deaths.
I.iimloil it Ciire'it ut ling * .
NEW HAVENConn , , 'Mlg. 20. The Italian
bark , Olusepho Cnstnglloln nrrlvcil hero this
mornlu ? , lul days from Alexandria , Etryt.
She wa.4 Riven a clean bill of health and per
mitted to land her raps. *
Will Not Curry IttiHShin t
Bur.Mr.sAug. . 20. The North Uonnnn-
Lloyd Steamship company uns announced
thai Its vessels will currv no steerage pas
sers who como from Kussia during the
cholera epidemic. _
No Cliolm-i ( ill tliu It iilln.
Nr.w YOUK , Auif. iJ. ! The steamship Italia ,
whlcli urrtvoil from Stettin niul was detained
at quarantine , xvas released and proceeded to
her docks. Noavldonc.3 of cholera was found
Itiiltniiy Triillla Orilorod SKipncil.
liEnux , Auir. 20. Orders have boon Uslted
to stop railway traftlc witn Kussia at every
point on the frontier of east 1'iussia , oxcop.t
Eyduuhcn and Proatltcn ,
Mr. Duke Murray , advance nccnt for Mil
ton Nobler , arrived In the city yesterday.
Mr. Nohles nnil his nxccllotit company an-
pear at Uoyd's now theater on September i1 !
y and 4 , In the followla ? repertoire : Friday
evening , "A Son of Tliospn ; " Saturday
otroninir , "For Revenue Only ; " Sunday even
ing , "i'Voui Slro to Son. "
Frank Daniels and company xvill close
their prasnnt engagement ut Boyd's theater
on Saturday evening In "Little Puclc. "
There will bo no mitinoo performanco.
The Gorman dialect comedian , Oicorgo C.
Staloy , In his successful comedy drama , "A
Uoynl Puss , " will innko his Jirst appearance
tbf * season nt the Farnam Street theater
Sumlnx matinee , AUttUHt ! 2S.
"A Hoynl Pass" Is a pure olay of a high
order of merit , full of the most delightful
comedy , and containing n strong clement of
hourttinturost. Eauh part , rcqult'os an artist
of the first class , and Mr. Parker , Mr.
Staloy's munugor , has made a careful and
priilsowortby selection. A prominent fouturo
Is the musical part of the ontertatn.nont , and
Mr. Staley has some now songs , chief of
them being ono entitled "Watching the Chil-
Uron Play. " The locomotive race In the
third act of the play js ono of the most excit
ing railroad scones on the stniro , The en
gines are equipped 'with all duo appliances.
Tbo hollers are rtpablo ? of carrying 123
pounds of steam.
OrvlTlo M. Romincton , n former newspaper
man of Providence , R. I. , Is in the city ar
ranging for the engagement of the Do Lane-
Rising Comedy company in "Tangled Up , "
which will begin ut the Farnam street theater
next Thursday evening.
I.IISH til u Xexv York I'li-ntiiro rarly In
< irorglu liny.
UocriKSTcit , N. y. , Aug. 20. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bii.1 : : The SiDloy party left
here a wccic ago for a rplcusura trip on the
lakes on Mr Sloloy's yacht Wnpilo. No
nexTs was received from them until tonight
when the announcement was made that they
were all drowned in Georgia bay. Hiram
Watson Sibloy , xvhilo a shroxyd and success-
man , and xvns obielly conspicuous as
the son of his father. The cldor
Sibloy xvas a poor Massachusetts boy vho In
oarlv life xvorlscd as a iU'v laborer. Ho died
n mauy tlmas inlllioijairp xvlth thp added
distinction of having contributed' much if-
not moro to the development of tbo Ameri
can telegraph than any ono man. ' 'Tho bulk
of his fortune was loft to his son Hiram
Watson Sibloy. Tno youncor sou looked
carefully after the 03 Into after his father's
death. The only oflleo lip over held xvas
park commissioner of this city. Ills wlfo
xvas the daughter of ono of the Harpers of
Noxv York citj.
Mr. Sibloy was In middle Ufa and loft
sovural small children , The party consisted
of Mr. . Hiram Siblov , u daughter 10 years
old , Harper Sluley , n son of 12 years ; Miss Durbin of Now York , a cousin of
Mrs. Sibloy ; Miss Mane Pond of Rochester ,
and the nurse , Miss May Hall of Rochester.
The narty loft hero three xvoeks ago. The
lust message received by the relatives of
Mr. Sibloy was datou 'at Colllngxvood ,
Ont. . yesterday. The Sibloy estate is
estimated nt $10.000,000. Mr. Slbley xvas
tbo cxocutor of the c.itato and chief heir.
Alw. Sloloy before her marriage xvns Miss
Mntgarot Harper , daughter of the late
Flotcber Harper of Now York. Mrs. Slbley
tx'as a charitably disposed xvomnii. especially
in the homeopathic hospital of this city.
i\ciir4liiii Mink.
UNIOXTOXVX , lju. , Aug. 20. Last night the
boat Jolly Brothers , with over 1UU excur
sionists on board struck n rock in Cheat
river. Tlio boat xvas headed to sboro and all
passengers safely luiidod. The boat sank.
s/j.vr TIII : .III.VKHS TO .
I'rulunlnnry Hxiurilimtluii or tlio Tonncssco
ISIotiM-H llcgiin ut Clinton.
NASIIVIU.E , Tenn. . Aug. 20. Tbo trials of
tun riotlue miners en mo to a sudden tcrmlnn
tlon today at Clinton. The casn of the state
against D. B. Monrco xvus resumed and
several xvltncssos examined , thu burden of
their testimony bolng that Monroe xvas
the "chlof ; " that they also regarded him
and his actions and orders indicated that ho
felt that ho xvus In control. His testimony
xvhilo on the htunu seeming to sustain his
story that ho only Joined the minors to pro
tect property xvas not sustained. The chief
contention xvas xvhothor ho would Po i.d-
, mittcdto ball , and the magistrate houtid him
over for trial in the criminal court without
ball1 Ho xvas sent to Jail In Knoxville for
safe Hooping.
After this decision by the trial magistrate
the others under arrest lost huart nnu sub
mitted their cases xvithout tiial. They were
bound over and bonds in some cases xvero
given , in u majority of cases vvero not , and
those miners will have to go to Juil to await
the session of the 'trial ' court As fust as
miners under arrest submit and c'vo bond
they xvlll bo rcloajed.
Bud Lindsay auomlttcd and was bound
ox'er and puvo 'bond , ilo was then placed on
a train and started for'KnoKvlllo. ' While en
route nemo of the soldiers took him from iho
train , bold him prisoner xvlth threats of
lynching. General Carnes , hoxvovor , sent a
guard to his rollof Uiidttlio Intoat special to
iho American savs huAvill bo protected. Tbo
miners In and around Coal Creole still remain
* '
quint. _ _
inil ol thu OiiiiM'tltl\o | Drill.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , 2J. The competi
tive drills xxora completed this afternoon.
The Judge * of inspection , Captain Wilson
and Lloutonunt Rouillyxvill Buhrait. their
reports to Major General Carnahun at 10
o'clock tomorrow morning , attor xvhlch the
awards of prizes will IJo'j'nado and the win-
mni ! divisions prosoinbd xvlth the jirlzo
awarded them. ' ' '
' < it
They are blind who will
oot try a box of
( or the dliorderi which
.nroMOUt . ol Impaired
I Ulaaiiliin. For u
I IVeuUHtomiic'iC'uu.
| itlpntloulll > ui-ilcr < l
Jl.lvvr , Nlcli llrnU-
; nrlic , ur n u V Illlloiii
C ii nil Xcrrnu * iillniriiU , they take the
i place o | an entire medicine cheit.
Of all drucrelsti. Price 2S cenU a box ,
New Yotk Depot , ] 6 < Canal St.
l9.Tnn fl.rtav MaohlnontnlO-Tono-a-Dny Price.
l IUIIdauaj Otr jViirrmitjr floe with F.nth MacMnr.
ThoSmif hxvlrk Ilnllnc Vrcnn Is n2-horo , fall-clrclo runclilno.
It ha < the inntc.'t tocil opening of
ntiy Contlmiou'-HnlliiB ,
IXmtilp-Stroko rress la
tbo World.
Bales tltthll draft light.
Cnpucltyt Contlructlnnt Dni-nlitllty- Iho IlKHT.
In starting one press recently we baled nine
tons in five hours with new hands.
approach nearest the
IO3 Main St. ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Through nil the broad border , and
through the wldo unst of all duo
Pianos , The
, livery MAN can l
j OROUS In all rgtpcru
* r _ „ _ _ . „ , „ „ _ _ Jby usmt ! SPA VISE
NURVINn.tliegreat btmnlnh Remeily. YOUNO M15h
Oil OI/H sutlerinc from NIJRVOUS I5E3II.ITY , XrOST 01
PAIIylNQ MANHOOD. nichtlyci.nssloMS , convulsions , ncivom
v prostration , c u3d by thuuse of opiiim , tobacco or alcohol , w.ikc-
' _ _ _ _ _ ' fulness , menial ilepreulon , loss of power m eitlicr sex , spermalor-
F p'noRK AND AFTER usK , tlicEH caused by self abnso anil over intlulRcnco or any jieisonnl weak1
nosscaji bo restored to perfect health nnd the NO I ) 1,15 VITALITY OP STRONG MEN.
We giva a written guarantee xvith 6 boxes to cure an ) case or refund the money. StJ1 boi'0 boxes $5
For Sala la Omnha by Snow , Lund & Co.
Out of "Modjeslm , " by"3alTord , " ho by
Chainplintimnon. "SulTord" is 'litter
brother to the litrgost do ox'or raised
in America. l < 'ull pedigree of pups on
application. Address ,
511 South 12th Street , Oraahtt , Nob.
DUE.C. WES'3 KIIVI ! AND IlllAt.V Til j ! V p
MENT.a aiiojlilc for Uyjtjrlv DUiliun. nti , .NJ l
rulitU , lloadicliu , Norvoiu 1'ruitrutun ciujjl u/
alcohol or ublcoJ , XV.ikjfuluon , .Maatll DJJT.II-
ilon.Soltnoiiof the llrjtn. oiiiilii.'liunlty , inltjtr
dccay.dcat'.i , 1'ramituro Ut.l A < < a , llarrunuii , J.ou
of 1'owur In cither JOT , ImpotentMuourrli ) i niul
alt KoiiKilo XVoakiujJis. Inroluntirr I UJi , Spur-
matorrlio.iei 11 Jl orururjrtl3n of in briln
boir-aliuiaJ7iMnlulKnij , A mont'i'i nnu
fl.G mill , XVouu vr.intj3 U uatji ( . ' > c.irt
Kntlior do for , ; liJicji. wllll ii will njll wrlttii
gunrnntcut.o ratlin t If note ml. On ir.uito ) Uij } |
onlr by Tlieoduro. V , I.oivls dnu' ht. nulu luouu
t cornur lutli nnd Karnnin uti. Omilia
Anoir anl Comnloto Troatnant. conilitlni nf
Suppotltorlai. Olntmont la ilipiutai. ulio In lUv
uiull'llU : a I'oiltlvo Cure for I5xti'riul. Infjriiil
blinder Ulooitliu Itcliliu. Uliraatc , Ituojntor llorjlt-
Urr I'lloj. Tills Hume ly hn novar Inon known to
fall , tl per box. t ! for j ; aunt by m ill. XVhy nulfur fr ) in
tlihtorrlblu ill ua a irha.i 11 wrlttin uuirintJi U
iiomtlvolyKlron irltlifl lutot or rofinid tliumunjr If
noteurod Suinl gtamp for frJJ tiaiiiplu. ( luir.intaa
lisuecl byKulin iCo. , HtuxuMt , Solu Avanti.eurnar
lith nnil Douinaj ktroou. Omalu. Null.
Ot Council
t'lipltnl stock $150,031)
Kiirplus and P.-nllts 8lOUO )
Net cniiltal nnil Mirpltn * 2i ; ( ) , ( ) ( )
IlrectorH-.l. I ) . ICdiiiunilron , K. U Shuiiiut , ! ' I )
aicnMin. K. K. ilart , I. A. Miller , J , V. Illncliiutn
uinl Clmrles II. Iliiiiiiiin. Tran > .ict Kononil UiiiiU-
nv liuslneiu. UlrKOl' tupltill uuu urpln $ Ot nny
bunk In Sontliweaieni limit
Ka'li ON TIMI ! DlSOSU'd.
Ur. Bailey , Sr
The Loadln
Third I'loor , I'.ixton Illoo'i.
Telephone 1085. lOthuul Farimi SU.
A full ot of teeth on rutibor for IJ. I'orfoa'
Ti'i'tli wJtioMt | pl tu or r uiornblu brliUo worlc
Jmt tliu thlug ( ur ulajd-n or imtilla upoukurj , nuvur
drop ilown.
Oolil flllliiir ut roiuonahlo rates. All work
warranted. Cut thUouVfor uuuldo ,
National Bank.
Ciipllal . . $103,003
Sui-nliis . . . $0
Officers nm ] Ilrc < .lor Henry XYnton , preililent
II. r. Cushlnir , vlco prosliluni , i : . S. MAiirtco XV. V
Morac. John < , Collliu J. N. II. I'ntrtc * , Loivls A ,
Heed , caslilor.
FunBral Direclor ,
14 N. Main Street ,
„ TAfclULtS nvi-iu
.tlio btumoch.l/tor / aiitJ boweU , luui
Ify tbo blcod.artt safe nnJ MUchmJ
Hue bcrt iufMlclr.ekno\\ni'orlliouf ] >
' 'jrcuth , mnuiichcs heart I'lini ' , fci ° o of
) ) K'tlto , mental dc | region , r oluful
dl eUio.i. plu-plCH , t allow onii'lcx- '
ion , find ever/uLifase result itip from
pure bloc \r * c failure by tno Ftoiimch , liicrer li :
linen to jietfoim thtlr proper functions. J'c i-t-ons
' iiirnri to m t cfirt nff ai c bcueillcil 'iy ' InV-lur oncaftci
ifiabiiine * ] . rrlcr ty matl , J tfroBsi ! | impTr-i.ip.
? H 3 Ol M I CO. , nt'pnitOibt..VMv ( Vork
( L W. PAKGLE , M. D.
The Coed Samaiitan. 20 Years' Experience.
I treat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Head , Throat , and Limits : Dli.
caeca of tlio ICycaml K r , Kits and Ajiopluxy , llcurt
D ! ease , I.Ivor Conijilulnt , Kidney Ccinpliilnt ,
Norvotis Debility , Mental Depres
sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal
Weakness. Plabete * . Wright's nl'caso.Et Vltus'
Janco , KhouiimtUui , I'aralxnia , White flwelllng ,
Ecrofuia , Fever oru9 , Cancers , Tumors
and Fistula In ano removed without
the knlfo or drawing a drop of
blood. Women xvlth her delicate restored -
stored to health. Drojay cured xvithout tapping.
Spool nl Attention given to prlvato
and Venereal Diseases of all Idnds.
85O to Stioo forfeit for any yonoroal Dls
ease I cannot euro without mercury.
Tape Worms removed In txvo or thrco hours , or uo
jay. Jit luorrholds or I'lles cured.
Will eave life and hundrcdB of dollars by calliarj
on or wing
Tlio only I'liyilclan ivlio can tell irliut nlta
a person xvltliout imkliip ; n qiiOHtloiu
All corroHpoti'terice slrlctlvconlidenllal. Mcdlotno
vunt hy uxpruaa. Address all Ictten to
i , W , Pangle , M , D
BB8 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
A OEM'S WANTED-To sell Iho host dmibt |
f VronitlnR niul baking pun In the innrUol
Stuntr ) work. Unit proro to hnvo ncontt xvhl
nm'tn oxer fcJI n xrock rujtitnrly. ACtlreu
Charles Pcliultliclss Council l'i HTs.
SAt < I { OooJ 0-room duelllne near U.
I' , transfer. I'rluo J..oio. Will tnko horsol
niul cattle In part uay. 11 II , Shoafo.
TpOU PA -Creamery , xxoll Inratrd In N'o
-L' brixsldi , lining Booil IiiulnoM. Will tuk
artn IT or mil entire business m u bargain
I ? . II. H
FOlt SAIj ; Improved ja'-acro ttCk ) f.\rm
In xvestern Inwu. 4il ; ISO-iicru farm , * JO ! iaj-
Hcre . J.'a Jdliintoii & Vim I'uttcii.
MONKY Inannd ut 6 Dor cent on Council
Uluifsroildcnco property. ! II. Shoitfo.
FOU SALE. Klorldn orninu trrovoi will
trailo for Ootincll HluiU orUmahu prop-
rty. K II. Sho.ifo.
14'1'K KE.XT. the Els min : residence , till 1'nrU
* nvu : Inpoo.l ropalr und nil modem con-
vi-nioncus. Kent gdOJ. } " . , U , Micufc.
W ANTUD I.ady orpnntloinun to board bj
a private fain ly. Addiuss 0 I' . ' , Hoc.
I/.011 HAtiK Hotel , 2J room * , located In
* southern Nob. , duliu a thriving hiiilne * *
f..UOhuvs build ng and tuiii.tuto. . Will trails
for iiulso. K. II , Sluiafo.
FOUSAlii : Hardware stojlf In ct' Noo.
Will lnvolcut.1.V13. K. H .Shoafo.
"If OK yAI.E Choicest farm lu 1'nttaxvntt.v
J- lulu Co. . 41,1 aoro1 * , xvoll located and Im-
proxwl. I'lli-oSIOuu.iiero , U II. Sii ( < : ifo.
Ij AKM nnd elty loins at loxvuit riitoj.
* ustulo for sale.
I\xellln4 \ un I huslnoss rent iU.
Mpnuy In.uioil for locitl Invo&tor ,
_ Ji I'o.irl stroat , I.UIUVQ .V Toxvlo.
11'VOU huvo anything fomlu or trntlo so
r. II , Shoifo , llm.uhviiy. un.l .M un stront.
; OKUKNl' Dwollliu'sln till p.irti of the
cliy. li II , Bhuafo. Uru.ulxr.iy and Main ,
- Nabraik.i lauds In or-
< ' can i ! for Uouncll lllutTi | irnurty. | ) & IL
Slioafo. Uro ti\Tiy ; : and M ila street ,
FOR SAMS On small payments , fruit and
garden land ne.xr Uouncll lllulTs. U , li.
Shuafe. llroixdw.iy and .Main street.
TTOIJ HAf < K-Alhlon Holler hillls on llnono
- - river. Nub. j finest water power In the stuto
developing I.- ) horse power xv.itnr oiitlro year :
dully oipaulty , lOU barrels ; maehlncrv and
nppurtciiHiiccs complete In every dut Ul.Ooal
fiamoreslduncoiS aerosot laivl. tltlo perfojt.-
price , J ! . " > . Ki ; xvlll take nnImprove.I o utorii
XohrasUn land. U II. Shoafo.
POK SAf.K low.i farms In I'nitaxvnttainlo
and adjoining counties. K. II , Shoafo.
SAhE 83 aorosof gen 1 land mil now
cottage , xrlth fouraero < laud In Wurnow-
vlllo , Noh. : all moilaru Ininruvainaots : xvllt
cM'haiuofor a pleasant cotluo free of tn-
cumbrancn In Oounoll Dluir-i or Oinuhiu
K. II. ah oaf o. ,
_ _
JjlOU s-AI.E < SD-acro ranch lu Chorrv Go.
-L Nob. Good buy land , splendid ranzo for
cattle. IMIce cottiiRO , stable unit out Iniltd-
Ings In coed rop.ilr , plenty water. Dust Inni
In the comity ; will soil cheap.Vrlto fordo-
tallK. E. IL Shoafo.
\\fANTEO-IIardwaro stock In south-
VT xvesiorn loxva for soot c.tsh. K. II. Shuufo
FOK 8AfE Glenn stoou hunlwuio , xvoll cs-
tahll-huil trrdo , Invoice Uiout J.i.iui. Cooil
ciison for soiling. Turnis u isli. B. II. Bhuafo.
WANTED Good residence iirimorty In
Council It ullH In cxchan.'o for Rood No-
hriiska land. E. II. Shotfo. ;
WANTED A yimnir iiriu to work nl out
house and sttihlo. Apply .it olllco uf
I.conaicl I'.vorutU
SALE OK UENT-Oiiod coal yard xvltli
lt" > . etc. OrcutHlilnliU. Nlcliolsoii k Oo.
STENOliKAIMIEIt and hookkccpor xvnntud.
Olvo refuronco. Address XX J.i.llec , Coun
cil Illnirs.
W ANTED Good irlrl for K""ural houso-
\\oik at ll'l 1'latncr street.
BI.ACIC driving horse. hucKX and hurncsa
for H.I lo cheap. No. GI8 Mnth ax-cnuo.
\\7"ANTfCD Hoard for innn and xvlfc In
' btrlctly prlvato family for tlio winter.
Stnto nr to nnd location , 1) . 24 Hee olluo.
\ \ 7 ANTED Olrl for noubOXTorlc.
.Mrs. O. Gro.ory. K'4 lllulTHtreet.
\\7ANTI2D Competent slrl for Hocond
' ' place. Apply uetxvcen S und U o'clock a.
in. ; uii : ( lllnir street. Jlr-i. John T , Stoxvnrt.
G UOD qlrl for cencral lionsoworl ; : small
family. Call , with roferciice.5l55th iivcnuoi
iH Eye 16 E
' 1
Ili'itt.McllltU'4 , npnarnluinnil romnilloi for
tru itiui-nt nt ortry form nf illro i o requir
ing iiicillciil or anri.'lciil Uo itinont.
SJLcJs forpatloiiti. lioitrl 11111 ntlo.iil injj , Hott no
conmilutlonti hi the uest.
XX'rltn for clrcnluni on ilofuruililos iiinl brncov trnv
o , club loot , ciirviiturojnf ; ) ln < i , rllui , tiiiiinri , am-
cer , cal.irrli , lironulillls , luliiilntton , cleclrlclty , pur-
iibhlK.uiillciiiy , ktilnuy , blitililur , ojo , , akin and
ulnoil iintlnll tiiir lcal operation * .
XX'iimun hUi | ; ; . tVolmvulati'lr uillolii lylii-ln ilo-
purtmuut for Women ctiirlnu L'li.ittni'niont , xtrlctly
pr.vnto. Onlr Uollublo Inst.tute mtUliu tt
specialty of
All Ilhind ll ) cii os aucaotifiilly To itoil. Hyiilillltla
| 'II | UIIHremove ! from tliu nyittuni witlioiil inuroiiry ,
Now Itfttonillvu TreuMiurit for I/JH of VITAI.
I'OWHII. I'urionsiinntile to vlult 119 milbo troutuil
lit liontu by corrunpouttunco. All euiiiiuiinloitloni
eonililontliil , Mo llclaoaorlmtrn nuntsnuntby mull or
oxprihHcociirely packo.l , no m irks lo Imllcttu con-
li'iitHor humlur. ono poraoiul lntervluv prolorruil.
Cull mill rotiau'.t m or * oml blttory of your ease , and
wu will Hen I In plain Wrippor , our
Rnnif Tfl MPN ' "K ! Upon I'rlvato Hpo-
ouun i u men , cM or Nt.rvo. , , msm , , , , ,
liuio'i | > ncy , rirplillla , Oloot ami Vurluujule , wltli riuui
llruien , Appliances for Di'foniiltloi nn I Trussol
Duly munufnctory In tliu went of
Omaha Medical and Surgical Institute'
26th and Broadway , Ounoll
Ton mlntuoi rl lo from cantor of Oiniilm on
nirJ tounll Jllutf * ulcutrla motor llnu.
IS'otlru to Contractor * .
ticnlod projKis IM ! will bo rooulvud ut the r > f-
cunf.1 I' . Itarictt. olty clerk of the city of
tcrlln ; . ' , 111. , up to U o'clock p. in. , uf Monday.
fceptomlior o , ito > . for furulhlilir.mulvrlam
( ml iloliu the work of p.ivlir. 'Ihlrd Htrcotlu
Btild city of btiTiltie from Third 'ivonno to li
nvenuo , Thu ivorlc xvlll coniprlso iipproil-
niiitily thu folldxvlnei
JV.SiaBijuuro yards bilck pavlnt ( muro or
4.4-0 lineal feet of curhln ; ( moro nrlcsn. )
V.vjeuhluyaidsof BIOIIO rutiiliilni : wullbfinoro
01 lust. )
FIHU.T , gnu und xvu'ur connoctloim to all lotn
wlii'to hucli conncot Ions have not ulru.uly houa
III Mill ) .
Tlio whole of tlio worlt lo lie completed on
or I efoio November I , ItW.
f-tfcllk-ntloim and liliink foiniH for hliU cun
bo obtained unou uiiplluuttiin to J. K , llnrrntt.
rlly cloilc , and plium iniiy l.'o ' seen 11 : thu olllco
of W. 1 * . I'nl in or , Biiporlntendnutof btiL-ots.
10.M h hid niuu Lu iiuuiini.inlud | hv u certi
fied check for the NIUU of * Vo , payuhlo to thu
order of lion. A , II. llumhey , miiyor. whlur.
chtcU xvlll ho forfultod to thu cltv of btorllnu
In tluiovmit thittuiiy hldilur , or hidden , uhall
fall tu o\u3iuu properly u contract , with uood
nnd NUiriclcntaurolIvs , If iiw.irdtd the con *
trnut ; olhurwlbo to ) ) < > retuinml to the Iilddor.
I'iiyingnt for iho work will lie mudo partly
In kc'i'lp. haurlnKO per cent 1'iturust , after Oc
tober i. bW. , . . ,
Tliu hliU will ho opened anil read pnollulj
nt tlio ineetliu of thu city council nt V o olucu
p. m. , Buuteinhur6. IkW , mid the council 10-
kervcb Uio n lit to reject imyor all bids foi
liny ruuson It miiy uoum lulllcluut ,
lly onler of Uio oily council of thu olty ol
BterJInir , III. JAMBS IM'f.ATT.
Clmlrinnn fclroetu mid Allcva Coin.
BTBIIUNO , I1L , A.UU. il , WJi niw-w-w n