Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Union Pacific Shopmen Ask for More Hours
at the 8amo Pay Per Hour.
Rcqtirftt of tin-.Mrn Will UoOrnntrd mi Soon
ai the I'orco linn llrcn Iteiluccil by
Nuturnt CacMnn to the Ho-
< iuircil Numtier.
Thn Union Pncino oniclnl1 * hnvo received
nnother committee of employes with n crlov-
nnco nnd soul Its members home with n sat
isfactory adjustment of the matters com
plained of. This tlmo it waj the machinists ,
bhckjmlths nnd boilcrmaKors la the com
pany's shops nil over Um ystom.
For some time unst these omployes have
l.ecn getting In only llfty hours a week , llvo
en Saturday and nine on each other work
day. They nskod the company to allow tnom
to work olght on Saturday nnd nlno cnch
other clay , a total ot llfty-throe , and to pny
them for llfty-four , It havtntr boon n custom
for many years to allcw shoumon to qulltm
hour earlier on Saturday mid yet pay thorn
fjr full tlmo.
At llrst the committee n ked the company
to rcduco Its force by discharge , in order to.
permit the Increased tlmo for thu remainder.
The oftleials called the committee's attention
to nn old agreement , under which , In the
event ol UcK of worlt , thu reduction was to
bo made In the hours of labor and not uy dU-
chnidng cmnloyus. After further < -oiifer-
cnco n very fmr and satisfactory solution of
the dillleuity was agreed upon.
Wlmt .Moil Are Olfurcd.
The Union Puciflo has about2WOemployes !
ih the thrco classes concerned , and if that
force were reduced -00 the work in baud
would give the lltty-throo hours em
ployment per week to the test of
the men. It was determined that the pres
ent status shall continue until the force Ii
reduced by causes sultlclentlv to pt > r-
mit the Increase in hours , when tl.o tlmo will
be increased nnd the men will ho alldwcd pay.
for the off hour on Saturday.
HU not Known definitely when this will
biIngnl-out the dcslroil change , but It will
probably bo within the next two or thrco
nonthi : , Men arc constantly diopplng out ,
nnd tlmro is nuito n largo class'which works
in the north during the hot months nnd goes
MHith for the winter. As soon us thcso mon
quit It Is thought the necessary reduction
win have boor : mado.
It was also agmoa that it wont becomes
dull , requiring a reduction from the nlno-
hour system , the tlmo bhall ho cut down
until It avcrazcs cicht hours par day , and if
thnt Is not sudlcifmt some of the men shall
thL-n be let out. It is not bollovcd that this
latter alternative will ho necessary , out It
was made for an emergency.
The machinists of the Union Pacific avor-
ego about il'J cants par hour and the bollor-
mukcrs about the san.o. There is n creator
variation In the wages of the blacksmiths.
Some of them get as high as ; ) ( ! cents an hour
ami others engaged at common worn got us
low ns 3J , hut Iho majority uro paid from 2
to : B.
In presenting their case to the ofllcmls they
Deserted that It had been the practice , when
men dropped out , to tilio others to 1111 tholr
places. This Itopt tbo force full and short
ened the hours. The committee nigucd thnt
this uns unfair to the stcudv omnloyes , uo-
cau-o tnov were made to suflcr for the bono-
111 of transients. The force of this argument
was conceded , ant ] tno onicluls leadily ns-
ccntcd to correct the alleged injustice as soon
as it can bo done without injury to these
now in the company's employ. '
Wluit tliu l.dciil hllopH Ate Doing- .
Omaha people bcrdly realize the splendid
\vorkhcingilonoatthoUnion Pacillu shops
under the ulructlon of Superintendent McConnell -
Connell of the motive power department ,
but railroad ' uion are keenly alive toll , and
Borne of thb'loadlng railroad Journals of the
cast are Illustrating and wrltmc-up the
products of these works us results note
worthy In the bu'slncbs.
Tfo mnmmoth locomotive , 1700 , which
weighs U. > IOJ ( ) pouncs with bur load ot coal
and water , has proven a great success , and
Is doing Iho work of two engines in hauling
passenger trains over the big hill wast of
Cheyenne. Plans hnvo boon made for 170o ,
Which will bo of the sumo pattern , butsorao-
what heavier.
In the past fourteen months the Union
rnclfiu has turned out eleven line locomotives
of nn Improved typo : No. b. > 0 , Hnishcd n fuw
days ago , Is doing splendid borvlco on the
fast mail run between Denver and Sterling :
fios. 811 auu S4'3 uro well under way uud ono
of them will bo out next week.
It Is assorted that the Union Pacific can
luanulaeturn those locomotives as chcaplv as
the factories cast and saves the pcicoutngo
which tno latter hnvo to add for interest on
their plant , because the railroad company
would have to maintain its plant in any event
for repair woik. Thu 1,71)0 ) , forcxamplo.wus
built for $2,000 lo s than it would have cost
Superintendent McConnell is recognized
ns 01.o of the ablest mun in his linn In the
country , und dcimonHtrnting Ii in many
way * . Among other notnblo achievements of
Ins is the discovery of a moans for altering
BOIIII ) of the QBbtorn made locomotives of his
roi\d in such n manner that their power will
bo Increased about ! . ' 0 per cent. The Union
Padlio has lUOof these engines , and they nro
being modlllcd us circumstances permit.
Thov nro being filled with driving wheels
which lower the weight , nnd with other at
tachments mat Increase their ktottinlug ca
Ihuo You Itr.ul
How Mr. W. D. Wontz of Geneva , N. Y. .
WHS cured of the severest form of uvspopsini
Ho miys everything ho iito seemed Ilko pour
ing molted load Into Ins alomach. Hood'n
Bitrouparllla offoctnd ti norloct cure. Full
particulars will bo sent if you wrilo C. 1.
llcod & Co. , Lowell , Mais.
The highest prftiso has econ won bv Hood's
1'IIU for their u.isy , yet elllclont action.
Spectacles ticcurutoly fitted ; refractive
o.xiiiiiiniition fti'o. Tudor Optical Co. ,
corner Furmun nnd 14th.
Onmhn Mf < , ' 0i > . , eimp ; Ugn tarolioa
Statement hliowlni ; tlio C.mli on limn In
tlio VurloiM l < 'niulb.
Comptroller Olson has prepared a state
ment showing the condition of the vuilous
city funds nn August 15.
The balances on hand und unexpended on"
thin date were us follows :
fiemiril fund JllO.J..S 01
l-'lrufuml Jil.710 ii )
I'olliudinu 4l.iit)5uo )
DIIrli , gutter nnd eleanliu- 7,1)o ) : uu
t-ewur inuliitalnliu , Il.TW II )
J.thr.iry aasi si
I'urk ; S1UII7M
JlldKlilunt U.WM fi'l '
I'liimbuiH maintaining 1,417 : M
Water lent 6V-M07
I'o leu pension B.7II Ul
I'liNliiK bond 6'J.fl'U 43
Om.ilm howor. 5i,0 t ill
I'liuK. 11. iiinul 40
Ulty hall fund Utn l 00
Hin-chil iluiuii'jo 1,5.1) ) : ci
'J until Ktiuut viaduct damage 'M'iM UO
Dtufiind ' . ' .Ul'Ul
lloiitd of lluulth , J/.18 f.7
LliihtliiK fund 15,1)03 ) 30
llaliinco January I , ISUJ ? 7.27fl V !
Iteuilved since 4WU7 : 07
Totnl fund nvutlablo flO'.Oirio
Expended by.warrants to AiunHt in.
IM $ .75.70170
Expended by fou * to Aumut 15 , IblC. to ) 7.
Itulunvoln fund J13I.C5J 71
LE\VIK\UIIITII , K , June 15 , ' 93
Mr. J , JJ. Mooroi Mv , Dour Sir 1 have
b ° on sutjoct to sick houdnchu all my life
Over two years ago I begun using "Moore'B
Trci ) of Life" for it and never had n of
tick heaaachu sluco. except whun Iho
medlcino was ntono cud of the road and I at
the other. ItU worth moro than money to
mo. I heartily recommend It to ull sufforur *
of uoadncaa Very truly yours ,
W. n. LII.C ,
PattorFirat Baptist Church.
I'lnpil Our , UUulutrKuil H'0 Ollior.
Pat Uookbud , "tho ( kipper,11 cot drunk
50lu nuU liad u real , yld-fusuloucd tlmo.
Ills fun coat him & ) and costs In police
court yc torUny morning.
Mi < > , Flnnnlgan WHS chanted with being
drunk nnd disturbing the pcaco on complaint
of Flromnn Ualloy. She had a coupln of
dozen witnesses with n line broeuo to proro
thnt 8ho was n nervous crcaturo nn had
taken two tracup * of beer. Her cloud of
witnesses was overwhelming and sbo was
discharged. _
Impaired aigcstion repaired by Dcochams
See pitcher sitlo at Hums' .
linprctor TliiiiiipMiu Tull * of Pr.iUi-n Ills
Siimpli'A llrrcUnil In Other MiirkcU.
Chlof Oniln Insnoctor Thompson took ad-
van to go oj n temporary lull In the movement
of grain at Oinahii to visit the loading grain
markets of tlio country. Ho npont n day In j
Kaiuns City , three days In St. Louis nnd two j
days In Chicago , and carried wltn him
snmploi of wheat , oats , rye nnd bnrloy of the
Nebraska crop of IS'Ji which ho oxUlultoU
on I ho various hoards of trade.
At Kansas City liu found the market brisk
for the quality of winter wheat raised in
IS ! ) . ! In Nobruska. Mr. Thoinpiou , ipouklug
of his tilp , said :
"Kansas Ulty. through Its so'ithern con
nections , has u'ovolopod Into ono of the very
hast markets In the west , nnii uurltig my
stay wus l } ( cents butter than St. Louis on
hard winter whoat.
"By n combined effort nmonc the eraln
miiil ill Kansas City thov hnvo secured such
railroad rates as Omalm wanted , nnd hiivo
built up n line sample and commission trndo.
Kansas Cliy will bo n comnotttor for Ne
braska wheat. All of the commission men
were surprised and highly complimentary of
the quality of tno winter wheat raised In
Nebraska as compared with the stuff grown
in previous vonrs , ana they thought No-
broskn farmers must bavo prolltod from ex
"Tho Information which I trnthcrcd from
talks with the boat commission mun was
tnnt the Turkish hard winter wheat Is the
coming wheat In this country. It Is hardy , a
superior milling grain where the machinery
n adapted to It , and li growinc in demand
for export. There have even been Inquiries
for seed from Missouri points , where they
have never grown anything but the Amber
or Fulz varieties.
"Tnuio is ono objection found bj mlllors to
Hit ! quality of hard winter wheat that we
have in Nebraska and tbut Is tno red. plump
Russian hurry thai predominates In this
wheat. This Russian berry was brought
hero ubont tlfiecn years ago by n colony of
Hussiun Monnonltos and I bavo seen It pure
in car lots. I would Ilko to Impress upon the
farmois the Importance of securing for their
next year's seed the long , dark , flinty berrv
which is the Turkish variety pure and avoid
nt fur as possible the Russian mixture. By
giowlng n crop freer ot the rod berry the
wheat will be moro desirable in the marlcnt.
"Tho Missouri crop of Fulz wheat Is of n
verv inferior quality and ns spring wheat
and hard winter wheat are neither specula
tive stock at bt. Louis wo nra not in touch
with the market in wheat , although ono of
the largest exporters on the Hoar told mo
that ho was gottin ? In shape to handle great
quantities or the Nebraska crop.
' St. Louis looks to Nebraska almost ex
clusively for Its oats supply and the two
days that I was on tno Iloor Nebraska oats
constituted almost thaontiio receipts.
"The grain men were nil surprised at the
excellent quality of OUT now rye crop. They
have a verv stringent inspection on rye at
St. Louis. There was no bnrloy trudo at all
iVhilo I was theio. I exhibited a sample of
No. 3 fall barley , hut there was absolutely 110
sdlo for It.
"J. found the Inspection of grain nt Chicago
the most tegular , clVcienluml uniform of any
place I visited. I went onto the floor nnd
examined 10U samples of Inspection of all the
cereals. The great trouble with the Inspec
tion of train is the lade of uniformity.
Where so many mon do so much work nnd
the different grades morco HO close to each
other It is rattier remaritabld that they hnvo
such cfllcitint Inspaclion in Chicago. In
spection there Is freer from parsonal and
political Influence thuu at any other market
in the world. "
S.urU HU Clilia'H LICo.
A. N. Dilforbough , York , Nob. , says :
"Tho otbor day I came home nnd found my
little boy down with cholera morbun , my
wlfo scared , not Knowing xvtiiit to do. I went
straightway und got a L'j-cont bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Dlarrhooa
Uoincdy and gave It according to directions.
You uo'vcr saw sucn a change In n child.
His limbs und body wcro cold. I rubbed his
llmbi nnd bo ly with mv hands , and after I
had invon him the second dose hu wont to
sloop , nnd , us iuy wlfo says , 'from n death
bed be win up plaviiiir in thrco hours.1 It
saved mo a doctor bill of about $3 , nnd what
Is bolter , It saved my child. I can recom
mend it with a cluar'conscionuj. "
iilbrt ; tn Shorten Ititt Not i'roiiirly Sup
ported and lroM | Thrnci Ii.
The Omaha public schools will open this
fall as usual on the lirst Tuesday in Septum-
bor.not withstanding the resolution passed by
tno board last Monday night to open tno
schools on tbo second Tuesday in September.
The trouble with the losolution Is that it
was passed by uu alllrmattvo vnto of only
nit members and ns It invotvca a change in
the rules > It required n twc-thlrds vote of all
the mom hers of the board to make It local.
Mr. Gibson called President Spaldlng's
attention to thin fact at Iho time the resolu
tion was dcclaied adopted , but Mr. Spaldincr
held that u majority vote of a quorum
present was sulllcient. President Spuldlng
has looked Into the mattur moro carofullv
since and now sees his mistake. Ho will
announce at the next meeting of the board
that tbo resolution was not adopted , recall
ing his former decision upon Iho question.
It Is now so near the time wbon the schools
muslopon and us several members of the board
arc opposed to the proposed change it Is
hurdly proba'jlo that any further citort will bo
mudo to shorten the school yoar.
Tbo touchois are being Informed that
school will bouln as usual on the lirst Tues
day in September
A Kin'ommeml.itum roiu 111111011.
Wll.MlNflTOX , III. , April 11 , 1801. I
would suv that I can recommend Chnmbor-
laln's Homcdlos ns n number ono sot of
family medicines suoh us ovary homo should
bo provided with. You can rely upon their
being as near what they nru recommended ns
any medlcino sold In this part of the country.
Ksprclally would I rocotr.moml Chnmbor-
laln's Chollc , Chulor.uind Dmrtbcua Uonody
ns having no oqunl for cholera morbus. collu
ordlarrhuu. Having uod thoio
mosnifund sold thorn for several voars , 1
know their value anU have un lioiltanoy iii
rocoinmondlngt'iom. LBVI B. DULL.
' KlHIIHMIi Uriel * .
H. II. Lehman , a Lincoln gtocory dealer ,
baa sold out.
T. A. Ferguson , Lyons , has given n bill of
sale covering his hardware stock.
iJ'Allumand Bros. , Implement dealers , tinvo
removed from Arapahoc to Trenton.
Mrs. E. C. Banner , in the milllnerv busi
ness at Lincoln , has been succeeded bv L''lsh
& Cram ) .
Smith & Jordan , proprietor * of n general
store at St. Paul , uro closliu ; out nnd will retire -
tire from nusinoss.
Poycko Bros. , Omaha produoo commission
dealer * , hnvo decided to erect a bullitlne on
Farmim street belueen Ninth nnd Tenth
streets opposite the old Br.i ; buildlnir , which
thov will occupy with their business. The
new building will bo 4U1U2 fuel.
David Cole nnd UJwurd Fearon have as-
socialud tluunsulvos together under the firm
numo of Uivld Cole & Co. for thu purpose
of doing a wholosulo oyster business. Thov
hnvo nrranguil to hunalo tbo product of tb'o
Baltimore beds on a largo scale.
Qluck'a Entire Stcok Gossamers , Raincoats ,
Mackintoshes Must Bo OlosjtlOut Today.
This Gltick Stack ol Dross flnnits nnd
Silk * U Without Doubt the I'lnvst
la Oiniilm I'rlcrn Are Mm-
| ilyVoiiterIul. .
Gluolc's ontlro stouk of ludlus' oluctrlo
gossiunors , nil line olugiuit uooJs tliul
sold In Now York as high us $12.00.
Your uhotco toilnv * , 49c.
Your choice of Gluuk's entire Btouk of
Indies' elegant lon citpo iniickintoslios ,
in line pUiiils , that sold in Yow York for
So.OO , { jo todny nt $1.60 onch.
All the silicic fold line wool dress
goods ill plulils , serges nnd mohnlrs , thut
wore iniirkud to soil in the city ot Now
York tit S2oc tivo sold by us tit 80 per
40'inoh wool ulald bottclo cloth nnd
double fold wool Ihtnnola , Gluck's price
'J5o , fjo lit loc tit 'J'ho Hoston Store ,
Double fold plnid wool soreos , Chicle's
price 50c , 0:1 : sale ut The Boston Store
Storm serpes In navy blues , bluck ,
browns nnd frt-con , Gluck'a 76c quality ,
out1 price 39c.
On center counter in dress poods
All of Gluck's 79e double fold till wool
French sorgoi. all wool pin cheek , plain
nnd plaid brilliantliies and all wool
canieU hair plaids , choice of the en
tire taolc , U9c a yard.
Fifty-four ineli broadcloth In tans ,
blue , brown and black , worth $1.25 per
yard , pees on salont69c.
Gluck's evening shades in 40-inch glo-
rins in Wght blues , c oain , pink , hivon-
dor and tans and browns , Now York
price $1.75 , our price 8o ! ) , op $4.45 for
material for complete auit.
Fancy weaves in plain coloroJ fine
dress goods in all now fall shades.
Clucks had them marked $2.2-5 per yard ,
out * price on this lot OSc. Ali these
goods imported for this full.
N. W. Cor. 10th and Douglas.
Gilt-odged wild lands at$3.00 to $10.00
per aero in state of Nebraska , whoso crops
last year aggregated $100,000,000. Good
lots in the city of Omaha , whoso popula
tion increased from HO.OOO in 1880 to 150.-
000 in 1890 , Is good stulT to hold , don't
you think:1
As wo are long on this class of prop
erty and short on cush , drop in.
During several years successful oxpfi-
rionco in the real estate business' ! haxo
established n reputation for handling
nothing but bargains.W. .
521. 522 , 523 Now York Lifebuilding. .
A | > | ill < M to O. A. 1C. Votur.uis mill AUOther * .
While the special low rate to Wash
ington for the national G. A. R. encamp
ment in September was made especially
for the veterans by the Pennsylvania
lines , all other persons who , desire to
visit the nation's capital can take nd-
vuntnge of the reduced rutos over this
direct route from Chicago. Side trip to
historic Gettysburg if desired. Address
Guorgo Jenkins , traveling passenger
agent. Dubuauc. la.
n Harvest i : uirslcmj south Mil the W.ibmh
On August 30 , Sar > tumbu' : 27 nnd Oc
tober 25 the VVubiish will soil round
trip tickets at half faro to points in Ala
bama , Mississippi , Louisiana. Tonnes-
sec , Arkansas , Texas and Indian Terri
tory. Excu-sion train will leave
Omaha 4:00 : and Council Bluffs 4:40 : p.
tn , on above dates. For rates , tickets
and descriptive land pamphlets call ut
Wubash olllco , 1502 Pnrnam street , or
write G. N. CLAYTON ,
N. W. P. agent , Omaha , Nob.
r.tinoim Idillitiiy Trains.
The Pennsylvania Limited and Keystone -
stone Express are famous ideal railway
trains. Both are vestibuled from eligino
to roiir car and carry Pullman sleeping ,
dining , smoking and parlor cars through
to the east from Chicago via Ponnsvl-
vaniii She t Lines. The Limited tie-
parts from Chicago tit 5 p. in. , the Key-
btono oxurcfaB at 1U:45 : a. tn. Both run
daily. Address Luce , IMS Clark street ,
_ _
CaHtullur H I'lculc.
Tne Cnstollar Probbytoiiau Sunday school
picnic , after being iwico postponed , came off
Tuesday. The clouds lifted lone enough
to prophesy n Rood day and lot the children
get to llnnscom park , then tbo rain came ,
nnd such Hoods of rain. But the pavilion
furnished a safe retreat.
At 2 o'clock the panics Uetrnn nnd embraced
the tiniest youngster mid the oldest veteran.
Tbo smaller children toox part tn throwing
croquet balls and racing , The books pro
vided by Mr. U. E. Copson , the superintend
ent , canned fruit oy Fred Armbrust , a pan-
kntfo by C. Knecnt & Co. , nnd bottles or
petfuraory by John 13. Oonto formed the
lu the running high Jump Herbert Dunn
secured the year's subscription to the Young
Men's Journal ; in the tug of war nnd the
spelline match the winning sides donated
the gas shuuos. given by Kussell Pratt &
Co. , to the church for the auditorium ; In the
young ladles' wnllclng contest Dct > slo Dunn
\vonthcdroisimuirn nfToroJ by Thompson
& lieluon and Minnlo Koonman the cabinet
photo by Iho parlc photographer ; in the
ladles' and gentlemen's ' wallclug match C. D.
Wilson carried oiT the laprobo given bv the
Drummond Carrlairo company. Many "woro
kept away by the rain , hut never had plc-
tiickcrs a merrier tlmo.
-Man' * i : | inrluiioo with Dlur-
I am a traveling man nnd have boon nf-
lllcted with what Is called chronic diarrhoea
for some ton year * . Last fall I was in wont-
cm Pennsylvania , and accidontully was In
troduced to Chnmhoriuln's Cnllc , Cholera
und Dlarrhiu.i romciiy. I ventured to malto
u trial and was wonderfully relieved. 1
would Ilko now to introduce It among my
friends. II. M. LowU , Ul , Freeman street ,
Cleveland. O. _ _
Oilililui C-Ht to llu T < - tnl.
Uns Inspector Gilbert Is rnyidly gottiug
bcU'.od In his notv qunrtora In the city hull ,
Today hi * put in a tnachlno which , ho thlnlts ,
will glvo him the "doudwood" on tbo gas
company. This machine Is not larger than
one's list , but It will roglntor the candle
power of the ; as thuttho company furnishes.
I'o opjrato It the Inspector taps tlio cas
main , pipes It to the olllro In the city hull ,
when the little register does the rest.
Do Wilt's Sarsaparllia uosiroya SUCQ pal-
sons nnsurafiilii , skin dlsuasoa , eczema , rhuu
mutism. Us llinuly use RUVJJ many
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard.
HnrrlKDiuAdv-inro OtmnH.
The colored rcpubUcnii club , the Harrison
Artvnnco Uunrds , hhld nn onthumstta meet
ing Tuosdaj nlghlnt tholr hnllon ITourleenlh
strcot. Tlicro WBTO sovcrnl nblo speeches
mnilo by both colortxl und whlto speakers.
Phil Winters , .lohrn Kelly. A. B. Unrnotte , .1.
U. Ucove , Put LX'Ilawo and others ad
dressed the tnoctinn.
"Lnto to boa nnnieiiny to rise will shorten
thoronil to youroh&mo In the sUlos. But
early to bea anil i"Ltttlo linrlv lllser."tho
pill that , tauKtu Hid longer aad bailer uni
Altcntlun , IlLMnocnitiit
Ml domocrnls 'ot the Fifth ward are re.
quested to nttcnd a mealing on Friday ovon-
Ine , August 20 , nt llfill Sherman nvonuo ,
for the [ nirpO'io ' of oloctinp ofUcors nnd reor-
Uio Fifth \viird club. Bv orttor of
Give Them a
. Trial
VORING EXTRACTS a trial , and if
they please you , recommend
them to your neighbor ; if not ,
return them and have your
money refunded. Nofears
of your not being satisfied , as
their perfect purity and excel
lent quality are so decided.
Nice delicacies arc never
spoiled by their use , as they
impart the sweet and natural
fruit flavors.
Dr. Price's Vanilla , Lemon
and Orange can not be
The checker
board of 1 Je Is
strewn with the
debris ol many a
disastrous move
on thepirtol mis
guided players.
Many are reck
less players , With
but Uttla thouobt
and still loss carf
Q3 to the arr-n'
prizes to be won.
Defeat comes In
the Jorm ol phys
ical afflictions
which. If not
checked In time ,
lead to certain
The Ills known
EASES are a-
mona the most
disastrous effects
Svphllls. Goner
rhoea , Gleet. Sem
inal Weakness.
Strlc ura , Hydro-
celo Varlcocele ,
all Sexual Dis
Piles , Fistula ,
Rectal Ulcers.
BUod ana Skin
Diseases t h o s o
are a few of the
forms of these
maladies ,
But these and ail
kindred ills , we
peodlly cute.
Sand 4 centi for
our Illustrated
rww book of ISO
pages , of Interest
to all.
free. Call upon ,
r address wltu
South Mth. St. , 1 ti Ji'u'llii .a 1
Douglns Sis. , Oiuiilia , Nob.
"SAHATIVO , " tte
Wonderful Bipnlsli |
Upnicdy , Is roldnltli a
Written Guarantee
t'icuii ) all NCIVOIU lilt'
eases. euUi ns Went
Memory , I > oss of Ilialu
Tower , Headache ,
\Val.efuliiCB3 , l.oBtMun.
hooJ. Xcrrousnc < j , IAS *
Eltiide , all drains and
Before & After Use. ( MI of i > nncr nf tha
rbotORraphea from life. ( ipncratha Oa-ana In
cither eex , caused tiy
vii- i-itlii ( , joiitlifiil lndl"-ietlimior HIP rxccwlve
iteoftnbairo.0iuinor | | fllniillituti , which uUlinntrly
lend to Inlliinlty , CniiKUinptlon nnd liKiuill ) , I'm up
In unit rnlcnt fin in to carri In tlicMH piKkit. I'llcu
tl npnckiiEF , 01 UfnrCi.vllli m-ry Sioidir wcuUea
written Buornnteo to euro or refund the
money , wilt liy innlt to nn > Hddrers. Clnnlur net
In I'loln cm eloj'e. Mrnllon this | i | cr. AuJicsn-
MADRID CHEMICAL CO. . IJrnnch onicu fo : u. R. A.
2M Dmrliorn Flu-ct. CIIIUAOO , II.U
Rune & Co. , Co.r 13tU & Dnuclnn Sta
* A Fuller 4 Co. . Con Jltb ii Uuuitlaii 3t <
I I I I I H I Ml I I I I I I I I i i i i ;
: ; A Good Name
makes a good note.
1 lie name "Yale" or
this mark ( Y&t ) , clis-
tinguiblies the genuine
"Yale" Locks.
Elastic Sto cf rts
Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
Water Bottles ,
Syringes , ,
Atomizers ,
Medic a I Supplies.
114S. 15th St. ,
Kcst to Postolltce.
If you are In posito ! n to t
advantage of the laws re
lating ; to
you have taken up T p'.2 3 5
If you have made'an invention
on which you desire to
secure a
. 10
You should communicate
with the
Bee Bureau of Claims
The object of this bureau Is to give
every person holdinp u logitiinuto claim
against the Government the tvdvantage
0:1 residence In Washington , whether
ho llvo in Texas or Alaska. It does ,
moro than that. Nino-tenths of the
population of Washington would bo
helpless if asked how to go to worlc to
secure their rights through the depart
ments. THE Biu Burcnu of C.nims
gives the advnntngo , not only of por-
sonnl residence , but of thorough famil
iarity with till the machinery of the
government. It offera
Absolute Security.
You do not Unojv whether the average
Washington claim agent will cheat yo
or not , although on general principles
you would naturally biipposo that ho
would. But you know that the San
Francisco Examiner , the St. Paul Pioneer
neer press and the Omaha But : cannot
afford to cheat you. They guarantee
this Buruuu , ana their reputation is
staked upon the honesty und ability of
its mnniigcmont
The huro.iu employes attorneys who
Expert Specialists
for each of its departments.
Its Indian depredation cases are caro-
ully worked un , with all the evidence
required by law , and argued hcforo the
court of claims in such a manner as to
bring out most favorably all tlio essential
tial points.
its land cases are handled in strict no-
cordancn with the rules of the Gonontl
Ltmd Olllco , so that no delays or com
plications ensue in the orderly bottle-
mcnt of the claims.
Its patent cases are so managed ns t
insure the utmost possible honellt to the
nve'ntor. hy giving him tlio broudodt
protection his ideas will justify.
Its pension cases are disposed of with
the least possible delay and expense to
the votciuna.
Don't i of ruin from consulting thn
bureau because you are afraid of the cost.
Its costs nothing to got information.
Ask as many questions as you please ,
und they will bo answered promptly
cheerfully nnd accurately , without
Bee Bureau of Claims
Room 220 , Bee Build
ing , Omaha , Neb ,
to an idea. Don't make up your mind that there's only ono '
man that can make your clothes , or one make of shirt that/ ' -
fit you , or one doctor that can cure you , or one man that's Tit
to be President of the United States. There's more than ono
good tailor , more than one good make of shirt , more than one
good doctor , and there's a "whole lot of us" that would make
good presidential timber. Some men get it into their heads
that in order to get a decent pair of shoes they must go to
some swell shoe store and pay from seven to eight dollars.
Is there any reason why we can't sell'just as good a shoe as A.
anybody ? Not that anybody knows of. We've shown a
whole lot of men the ' 'error of their ways" about shoes. Have
you Idarncd yet ? We sell you for four dollars and fifty cents
a pair of either hand welt French kangaroo , or French cordo
van shoes , in any of the new fall shapes , in any toe , plain or
tipped , in any size. These shoes we will guarantee to be as
good as any shoe you can buy outside of our store for six fifty
or seven dollars. In a few "very katosh" places they even
reach eight dollars , For two dollars and seventy-five cents ,
we will sell you a genuine Goodyear welt shoe , made of kan
garoo calf ( with the grain outside ) . These shoes we guarantee
in every way. We guarantee the price a dollar and a quarter
under the shoe man's ; we guarantee the stock perfect ; the
stitching not to rip ; the hanger not to pull out , and our guar
antee means new shoes free or your money back if the shoes' *
don't wear as they should. Our full lines of fall shoes are here
now , from the well known dollar twenty-five shoe to the hand
made five fifty French calf. It's a good time to try "Nebras
ka's" shoes.
Youth's shoes , 10 to 2 , Soc. Boys' shoes z4 to 5 , 900.
They'll wear.
During July and August we close at 6:3O : p. m.
Saturdays , 1O p. m.
* - *
Oldest Military School In Mo. Wo challenged nil the leading Military Schools In the State to
competitive drill l.ut sitslon , nnil they declined to meet us. Infantry , Artillery nnil Cavnlrj Dilll.
Ali inodcrn uinvt-iiicncis. litciitivc ! iuinruvcincnU now belli ; ; made. Uoaru , Tuition nnd Wath *
lni ; jiio , per cikilun.
ft Ir. JAMKS A Qium m , nf Watlilnclnn nnd tlnlvcriltr. Vn , Buy/is / "No oilier Arailcmy In
ihp I'lillru ciiunliy Inih inuilHliLro inorumlinlrulilu retunlus Miown liy llu < nucctsti ul tliu Btuilent *
lirep.iruil l < y It lor tills liiktltiillnn , four ol whom liuvulu Hie put four } earn taken lour cliolur lili > .
lour inediilsund tIirt'udfKri'i . " n tt
i'or Illustrated catalogue and full hiformrillon addreti UAJOR S. SELLERS Lexington , Mo.
V .
Jincnt. of UiiriralHtnilr/nuo
year. AddreM E. I' . UU.LAIl ! > , 'ttii * l. J .kLun"ili "l"lU
IHimillMI lUtb , ( lliat.d. Alllininiljmnf Muilc.Kli )
ciiilon. | ) i iKorii. 1 01 lylnmniitiim. Notnmjdtpartmint
rnrieuclirii. rii iiipii nilnilniiilni."i'i' . l-nllci nn hitrln ,
K-lil.1 , Htiiiiruriaialounv. J. J. IllTlHrillir. Ulncic *
cull Dl'CAridNrl
_ . . . C.IRLSMd YOUNO
OJril Snuuii Sflit Uh A'lilieM Ur'F. . ! !
ulluu. A. ll.i I'rMlilcnl , Leilngtou , ilU.ourl.
Un urpaiitdrjiull'nifnl , Oare ulMor Und
H.coltr | liuntfi jiiMwrm fur Iluilnru ami
fur tny Collcuo. t-'ti ntlllo H. heel i.r Unlri r
fit ) i .i w ( l iunnMnmi Wood wor liiE nil
M''iUry In III i lllRhoit tmtlmonlaUi lOili
y rinunilier llioilcili lll J ' l'J'l' lo , VI
uddreis I'lln. N. SIlVill : , A , 31. ,
A lliorouuh netiool. j'rii" - f r tollere or
UuslncM. WUlilii JinllrH ifht I. UK * . Ad If/
OOL. WILLI8 HltOWH , Oupoclr.tsnc , . ,
Theater. PJUCJSS.
Wvdnctdny Matlnco.
Tlio Knrorlte riorinnn Dlitlcct Coniorilnn.Mr , OI'.O.
C. STALKY , III ) il biicci'iaful Coinoily-Druiua ,
Ilnctor tlio innnaKomuut of llonry Joel 1'nrkor. Sea
tlio ( iruul Locomotive Unco. 3 Ut' l Working lln-
The Hut SnrIu'K ( of America ,
Hut HjirlUKS 8 , I ) .
llncit lloiort Uolol In the Welt , Htrktlr Klr l
11 > . Lnmo lloouin , Hlnnlii or Jlninlte , No IT
Upon. All .Modern liuprovmnunli , 'J'nblo u HINU
chilly. Uoni'iimhlo llutui for Ilnlnricoof Huuiiiu.
( irchtotrttnnd llunoltiKl livonlnulii thu .Mu
bio Hull. Klnott I'liiiiio ; flalli In Iho United
htule * . lloaullful .Muuntuln Hcunrry , Hplondlil
Cllnmto. lool Nluht . .No Moi'iultUD. D.UOU Kixil
nuuvulhanen. 'Iho Houtli U/tkotn Hut bprlng *
nruattractlnK mtontlon nil over thu world , and
trucurliiK u l rttur | n rcuiilPiie limn niij iprlnkt
In thu U , 8. Kor r.ito * , billu , via. nnd other \t\ \
luruiutlun , addrun , 0. H. MAIIDKN ,
> llfi I S.ivlnt' * Uriltt1l IJnkOtB *