THE OMA.HA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , AUGUST 23 , 1892. SPEGIRL NOTICES. . KOll TUB9H . COLUMN AnVKHTISB.MKNT3 13 : * ) p in for ihn arming nn < 1 until 8:3J : p m. for thoniornlnu or Sunday edl < A" | BdvartlsomontH In these column ! IU cants ft word for flrsl ln < erllon nnd I eant n word for each Djibsequeht Insertion , or ( I.M l > nr line per month , Ko ndTortlupmt-nl tflkon for Inti tlinn 25 cent ! for tlio lint insertion Tcrnn emli In ndvnnce. InlllnM figure * , symbols , etc , each count n n word. All nnvortlsoniontii must run connccutlvnly. Adver- tlspri , by reriiie < tln n tiunibcrcil check , con hnvo tliolollom nildrpMM to n numbered loiter In rare of TflK HnK , Ainwora no ndlri ed will bo dellv * rred on presentation of the check. 5iTUATioNs-w ANTED" - POSITION WANTI',1) HV COMPKTKNT STK.Vl APOSITION ovrnpppr : rofcronco Klwn , Address (20 Fulton ! . , Council Hlnni. CH-t 29 -W-ANTKI ) , I'CHITION HV VOUVO IiAllV < lt > noiriilior | , Rood reference * furnished. Ail- box N , Vnn Homo , loira , 217 Sfi' ' A-WANTKI ) , HV ( Mill. OK 13. WIM.1NU AND hnndy , homo III Christian family. Ad < ire J 10 , lice. .MJSJ A WANTKD. BITUATIUN AS rASIUKIt , AV A competent youiiK lady , Cnn furnish boil nf rpf- rrpnpo. J 15 , l.'eo. 377-84' A-SITUATION WANTED IIV YOUNO M AHIlini ) man In hnrdwaroor Kcnprnl sloro. uypnra'oi- perlenco n clerk. Address box 107 , Walnut. Jn. A--COMI > KTiNTnni:3SMAKKil : : WIUi DO SKW IIIK In fnmlly nfter hopt. 1st. AildroM Mary Ktijjene , 8MB Wrlntcrtt. 4iU4 YOONO MAN WANTS I'O ITIoN AS 8TI3NO- A Itrnnhcr. bookkeeper or otllco nssl tant. Ad- ari'iiBJ2l , lieu. M421.2S' -KIK8T CI.AKS COACHMAN. S YKAUS UXl'E. rlonco , bent of cltr rofrrcncts. wnntn fllimtlon t inee , Address J H , lice. M l ; . > WANTED-MALE HELP. in.N OX 8AlAliY OlfcOM- jminslon tohnmllo tlio now imtcnt chemical Ink prn lti ( ? pencil , 'lliii urost UBlllnu novelty over produced ; crnsc < Ink thoroujhly In two foconds : 110 nbraslon of paper : auto MO por. cent prullt ; ono nKPnt'K sales nmotiiuoil to W ) In nit dnys , nnother M2 in two hours ; wo mint ono enoruello RDiiernl nsent In enph Mate nnd territory Tor lunm nnd partlpulnrs address .Monroe Hrmcr MfK. Co. . x.ltl La Crosse , WIs. SID p WANTKtl. A 1'ItAtTICAI. MAN WITH SOS1K JJcapltnt to tnkea water mill. AdilreM bet fi'i , Uncoln , Nob. 61o R \VANTKD.H. It. I.AIlOilKUS I'OU WYOMINO iindBouth Dakota ; Rood wauoi : steady work : frco pass. AlbrUht Labor Aitoncy , 1121) ) rnrnnra Ml B.I n-HAI.AUY I'AII ) WI3KKI.Y TO ICNKHQKTIC J(5mon ( ! oxperlpiipo unneco < ary and perminent employnipnt. Binder olllco , I3l5louisla < . . > " > ! S ) BWANTED , HAUNKHSMAKKUS STAY AWAY : from Knnsns City ; strike there. M7JI S ) ' B-AflKNTS WANTUD FOH THK WATril CASE , selMlchtlim pocket limp : $2500 pOT week Kiinr- antccd. Particulars for stamp. Toledo Lamp Co. box 4II , Toledo , O. 20I-Z3' _ B -WATCHMAKETl WAN'IEDi ADDHES3 J KW- ; oler , Mllcy , Nob. , I'M 1 , Tj w ANTED IMMKDIATKI/V. A ni.ACKbMlTH -iJwho understands shoeing nnd plow work , by A , ! ' . Mebrnm , Davenport , Neh. 'JOI * -AOKNTSTO SBMj ADVKH'I'ISlNCl DKV1CK lo merchants nud olllce * . Steady work. Ilk 'pay. ArcJ Mfa. Co. , llnclno. WIs. M ffl 30 * -WANTJD , PIUNCIPAI.AND PIU.MAHY teachers for Campbell school. Addioss N. A , A ) res , dlr. . Cnmpbell. Not ) . JU2-27 * T > WANTKD. HAIUIOADIjMIOHKUS KOli JJUidon Pnclflo Hnllvrny Co. between Cheyemio Bud Ocden , IJ. T. 1'roo pnss. Kramer & o'llenrn , Labor AKCiicyTO bouth Hill street. MI13J.V WANTKD , HOTS I'llOM 14 TO 10 AT OMAHA box faclory nt 12ut Oiiiahn. 371 "H WANTKD , ON K FIUHT CLASH KIP SAWYKll JJniid otio misb and door hand ; npply at 10 ? ) B. 191h at. 374 2V -WANTKD , A CMl'KThNT MAN TO SKlAi clunrn ; InijUlru Muyar .V Itaiipko. 3)1i B ! - < ; oOD CANVASSRIlt ! AT ONCl' , III01IHST coiniiilsslou. U. M. Prior , 437 llamifo bldir. 33 ! 21 * TJ-WANTED , A HKLIAHLE YOUNG MAN TO i'otndy law In pooil olllco. Will pay Kood Btudents lalary to rlRbt man. Hoom 23 , U , S. Nat , Hank bldir. JI3SJ 30- -COMPHTKNT SIKN DESIHING GOOD PO-iI- tlon 111 ntroet rallnay nervier , ncldrofs with stamp for pnitltiilnrs , Hallway Huroaii , box 614 Kansas City , Mo. _ M335--.0' -WANTED , HAILHOAD L UIOHI'.HS ' FOll NEW Brndoon C. A N. W. It'y In lown. Wanes SiWI p erdny. 'lonmstcrsJ"OJ per month nnd board. ! lC rnnicr& o Hcarn Labor AKoncy , .Al.l bouth Jlth st , ' MIUOK * WANTED , AT ONCK , A FlltbT-CLASS blacksmith for spring WHEOII or' dray work , Hheldun liarrlane Works , Sheldon. Iowa. M427 31 WANTED-FEBrALE HELP. C A. C. VAN HA NT , AN rxi'KKlUNCKD leocher und prncllenl reporlur , will rccelvo ten or tirvlvo well educated yduiiK Indlet for private limtrucllon In ahorlhiuid nnd t ) rewriting. Hooiii 51.1 N , V. 1-1 fo MJI4 WANTKD , oiiti. roit r.icNniiAi , HOUSK- work. Mr . U A. Onrnor. 2127 Cnllfornla xtrcot JtZtO -WANTKD. YOUNG I.ADV BTKNORIIAI'Hint and trpoMrltor : steady work ; must furnish ma- thine. Address J 7. Hue. 31 j it C-OIKIj WANTKD FOll GUNBIlAh iiou i ; . work. 2DI'J ChleaKO Blreel. MIJ7 C-WANTKD. roMPIJ'lKNT CHlti TO DO O15N- era ! hoiiscnork. Dr. Vail Cuuip , i.'J N. 21)th ) Bt. 08I 25 * piAN IM'I.IIII.VCKD : : oiiti. FOH GKMJKAL Ohoiucwork ; uniall family , 2j.M I.ako st. 530 2S C NUIISI ! . NONU HUT COVPliTi.NT ; NKKD upply. 21IOChlcaKO M10.I 27 * C-WANTKD , A KIIIST-CI.ASS COUIC AND laundress. Apply lo ( i. tjpanclor at MrCord , Ilrndy fc ( . o. , 719 bouth l.ltli Btreot. ll.l'.K ) i8 -WANTKD , VO1INC ( ! 1KL TO ASSIST IN livnorul houseworlt. HU UrorKla avenue. JHOJ 30 * C WANTKD AT ONOK HKAMSTIIKSS. ONK iindor taiids coed ciillliiK mid IlltliiK , In a prl. vnlo fnmlly. lieferencos required. Mr . Walter Mol c , IXJ7 N.20th atreot. JUJ1 20 * -SHU , WANTKD Toll IIOUsKWOllK IN SM Altli family , iliia Charlea. SHUI ill * -WANTKD , (1IHI. FOll GKNKIIAI. HOUSK work , must bu experienced , 11,11 S. 3Uth st , 408 2 -WANTKI ) , A GIUL GENKUAI. HOIJSK- work , I'.U N. 20lh St. 413 2J GWANTKD , A llin.IAlIU : , COMPKTKNT COOK iHul huiiidrcnsnue' ; , S- > per week. Mrs. . ) , u. Jones , Iilltillnrnejr , 413 20 li-t'OH ItKNTrTWOi ? IOUrtKS. II i AND Tll"T. 'Ifttli streel. Very handy to tmkluesi. Moilorn tonvenlencoj. D , T Mount , VII H. lltll St. 31 ; D-S-HOOM HOUdK , .MODKIIN , CKNTIIAI , TO business , ttood lepalra. Apply t. . B. Kluiillur , Iloiiui4 , N. V. Ufobiilldln/ . ra -bTOIlKS. KI.ATS , DWKl.I.l.NJB AND < ' (7F- ( tuliea nil parln of ultv. Kilkenny & Co. , Conti nental Llk H7'j D-MODKIIN , NKWO-llOlijTcorTAOKS. IlKADV III fuvr dnya , In buniillful h tun font clrelo. Apply D. K Kltiuller , room I , ku Vor. . fu bldit. 711 -10-iioOM HOIMK , ClINTlfuibY I.OOATKD ; furiiiicouud all modurii liuprovoiujats. 7UI N. HII.II utriK't. :10J : - 170 , DWKI.U.NU. 2007 ST. MAUY'H AVK II IOOIUS. fa , dwidllni : , M4 bouth 2.M , 12 rooms. f.'O , duullliiK , ! ll ± i l'oi > pli < toii , ID rooms. f IS , duellluu , 18IU Lhleano , lu rnoiui , > 4J , dnl > lllii | . ' , 2401 Cam , IS rooms. f 15 , dwelling , &OI fouth 2ith 8troclt ) rooms. tl'i , dncllhu' , & 12 Houth Kbth > trtut , U roonx. t.L' , , dHOlllm ; , 2ioi ludk-o. ) lu rooiin. flU , duellliik' , 2418 Cum. 1C rooiiu. dm'lllni : , 2UII1 Kiiiiuoll Htrei't , I'rooms. ' tM > , tlnelllmr , oulh IDth , b looms. m.tlnullU 21111'lckiiey , DIOOIIIS. (18 , dvvi'llliii : , 1C.'I .North 2lsl nlieel.8 roouii. fl.l. Cataic WJ South lUtb. 4 rooms. f..40 , tint , lliii North 18th , U roums. IZ..Ml , llut. IBI4 Mcliolas , II rooiua. ( II , lliii. ld-H I.euvenworlh. II moms. * . it , .117 hoiitli 10th , ( I room * . ( il. rotlnuo , VuU Davunpurt , .1 rooms. in , flat. Hit t-out'i | 6th , & loouiK. MurcB , II nt nnd ilnulllnus In nil parts of the city. ( W , bCPlumber 15 , eleKiiut doublii dnclllni , ' , li rooms , nil modern lonvcnlondos , suitable tor Mrstolnns boindlng honsos iholco locallon .Nether- und J05 boiith Ulh stroot. W525 2d ThltOtnT HOUSK , ALL MllDrillN CONVEN- l lunoen. nnd barn..H.'l Culdwoll st. , ( . ' 300. J. II , Johnson. 8U N. Y. Life. Jll 2il. " -F)7l ) Ur.vlvS' . ATri IN THi'nJN HLOCK ISIh and Mason streets , U rooms each , water nnd lias , lieutu I by Bteuiii , In uood rotmlr , rant low. In iliilruutVITIn Ihubluck. John ILimlln , auoiit. auoiit..M'31 1"V > * H > H UKNI'TWO 13 HOOM I1O1ISKS , ALL 4 Simuicrnoonvunlencos , on Georgia nvi > , I block from Blf ol rnllwny. Apply roam. I5j , Una Uulldlug , J. M , cimi'rnl , receiver , 151 CO'ITAGK ' , 1TIU lit I irr/1 1.15 ' " ' a HWUMrt IN UKAH KOatre < ) tt clt > wilier. D ron IIKNT , I/INK i.\iiK ] IHNIND noon , kill hen , imntr ) , vto. ) nqulr Ml rtout.liltli tt , tJI " T ) IH'0 ° M IIIIICK 11I4L-HK. MOIIKUN. WITH .l Kood barn. Omaha Itoul K.lulo nun Truil Co , . It , I. llpoblilg. MW1SIJ B--rXl ) IIK.NT , CII01CK KUATS IN THK P. IT llvrlilock , cor loth and Jackion > ( . Tha suiii- nicr ralo for second unit thlul Hours Is fuuj tor luildo rlaU , tenm hcut ( lU UJ ultra ; they hitvu all courunleuccs and uru In lint flan rppalri b lu veutrallr loin toil and contain Inniiulf the \orr bottoMenauKi nmki > ' Ilium da < ilrablo , Wu will runt to fiunlllut uuly. Call uud " " " " ' 518a . 'lnqulr t lull t. M \ FOB RENT-HOUSES. Cnnltnncil D-r'UllNISIIKIl HuUSK , KOUNTZK IM.ACB. Wlrl * trcct 1) room * , raodnrn. J.J. Gibson. < W ilrsl NMIonul Hank building , 017 D-KI'HNISMKl ) HOU9K. l > 1IOO.MS. COMIT.KTi ; . IT and wull furnlihcdjall modern conveniences ; burn ; in best part of cttjri half block from motor. I'OKnemlon ImmMlntplr : owner would llko to bonril Inhoiifto Address 114J , lleo M185 2i * D-STIA.M : IIBAT. \ \ . \ , MODKHN' T-HOOJI Inline , two corner Hats , Tltard block. 31nl nnd Davenport. AIMS 27 * D-8 UOOM 1IOUHK AND 11AHN , 818 SOU I'll IStli Mreot , " -room homo and barn , 1311 N 27th strojt. 6 room home unit burn , .11)1 Knrnim street , 11,400. 3 room lioniMinml burn , . ) ! . ' ! H..dth street , t > ! KX ) S room house anil barn , II. ! a. 3th ! otrcot , 11,1)00. ) 5 room hoit'o nnd uiun,3.itM I.onvcnworlh ttroct , chenp toKooil tenant. 6 roonn over 1711t Mnrf'n nvomio , 'llio nliovnnrnnll In Rood oM r nnd hnvo oily water , Hugh ( J. ulnrk , U1S Humor ulroot M369 27 D-KOIl HUNT. KtiKflA.VT 8-IIOOM COTTAJK ( ooir Hanscom pirk , IIMW llrlck house , H riionii , noir M and Foppleton nvo , nil molern hii | > rovemonH , fiooi ) . I'.leitntit brick hmi e , corner 3M nnd I'opplcton nve , f plondlilly flnWiecl , nil Imiirovomenlv S 51)0. ) lllcks , BOJ N , V , I.lfo. Keys nt ll.W H. Jlst nftor ( I p. in. 89-1 27 - HKNT , 2 S-IIOOM IIOU6KS , CASS D-hOll iilreot , between 2Hh ftnd 2t > th. Hi T. Clarke , 31V llonrd of Trade , Phone 11W. 410 t Oil HKNT , NICK 8-UOOM .MODKIIN lllllCK house , 1817 Jnckson st. M42J 23 * HORRENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. E-3 NICII ItUOMS KlfllNldllKD roll HOtHK kcopliigon - < t. ilfirfu nvJni ) . lir * > Itwn shadetie. U. P. llutli , 2JJ3oulh 17lh st , lion M\g \ E-2 011.1 IIOOMS , HOUSP.ICNKPINO. 2JJI 81' .MAltVB. .Ml.'j n 3. ) . E-KOll HUNT. 2 NICIU.Y KUHSlSIlIll ) TIIONT rooiiis , to uentlomou only. ZOIO lnen ) - port street. M Ci T7-NICI ! KUHN1S1IKD LAHOI2 KJIONT IIOOM , IJ422 N. 17th t. JITiJ S3' E-ruuNismi : > IIOOMH TO HKNTWU'II ALL modern conveniences. iU2 Douiilns street. lit B-NKWI.Y rUltNlSIlKD IIOOJIS , S1DN. I11TH ST (05 8 6 E roil UKNT , KUIlNISIIIill UOO.MS , HIJr- rences. No. 2421 Dodge st. Ml3.1 E-IIOOMS roil HKNT. I-'UHNISHKD , STKAM heal , .Ml Soulh 2llh t24 ! E-LVlKli : rilONT HOOM AND I'llONF HUD- room ensulte. for 2 gentlemen : strain heat nnd all modern conveniences. 1817 Leavenworth street. MMlJitt' E-MCKLYI'UP.NISHKD LAltGI ! FIIONTHOOM , south front , with nlcovo , No. M' < S. 2tJth street. | UIJ.-.11' E ! DKMltlAIII.n FUHNI9HKD HOOM , HOUSE modern , 2017 llnrnoy stroat. Ileferoncoa. 37920' E -FUltNISHKl ) ItOOMS WITH IIATII WOO h , I'.iO'.l I'arimm. 370 E -ONK LAHOE FHONT HOOM WITH ALCOVK : also n leu room on ground floor. Ccntlumcn only. 201 ! ) llnrnojr. -M3' ' E-NICKLYFUHNI < IIKI ) IIOOMS , ALL MODKHN conveniences , with or without board fi07 N. 20th street. Mau2C * E-MNGLKOHKN SUITE , FUHN1SHED OH UN- furnlshpd rooms 2UIO llnrnoy. 40730i FURNISHED ROOMS A ND BOARD. HOJ.M3 , lilll DJUJIjAJ . C23 S5 IT'-KUIINISIUII ' ) HOOM AND 1IOAUD , l CAPI- i toliivenne. M3.'J2j * "Ij'-HOOMS WITH HOAHD. MHS. II. A. -I ChurLhlll , 1WJ DoiiKlas st. M103 31 * T/-THK DOLAN , 20J211 NOHTII 18TII STIIKK1. 1 has holuK refitted and i-li'itniitly furnlsheil. Will bo ready forunests beiitPinber I. Hooms furnished or unfurulshed can nuw be neon. MJJ5 ' 'i' 1-HANISOMiSUITK : OF SOUTH HOOMS WITH -I board : rofeiencos. ISM Chlrnco st. JI1SI 28 * FOR RENT-STORES AND OFJTICE3. r FoHHKNi1 , THI : I-STOIIY ititicic HUILDINO J Dili Farnam st. Tiio bulldlnl Iris it fireproof co- mentbasjmeiit , complete ateamhoatlntf llvtiires ; watoronnll tliu Hours , Has. etc Apply at the olllco ofThullee UI8 I A FIHST CLASS OKNTHAL HE TAIL LO cation on motor lines to rellablu parties. Address II3 lice. StXi- . ' ) * FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. T PIANO tOK HI2NT. S. 11ANIC. 114 S. 10th at. ' M.I'JU 20 WANTED-TO RENT. K-3 UNFUHNJSII1CD HOOMS FOll LIGHT housek eplnt ; , with hent ; no chlldron. Address J 17 , Hoe. 403 21i K YOUNG COUPLK DKSIHK HOOM , UNFUH nlshed preferred , and board' with use of barn In private tamlly , references. Cull room 4 , lleo bhlK 415 2G K WANTED TO HF..V1' 2 HOOMS Wl'lH KIllfrT clnts board forKCiitlemnn nnd wife. Address J U. lee. yi4ii STORAGE. M-DHY. CLEAN & PHIVATKLY STOHKI ) FUH- nlture.1207 Uouulaa. Omaha btovoltepalr works. M -b'lOHAGK CHEAP , CLEAN. WELLS , 1111 Farnam street. M1I2 WANTED-TO BUY. V KUHNITUIUS 110UOHT , SOU ) , b'lOHKD. > Wells. 1111 1'uruam at. 3 < i ! V" SKCOND-1IAND 1JOOIW HOUOllT KOll i cash at Antiquarian book atorJ , 151J Knrriiimat. JI21H ) A 2i N- WANTED TO I1UY OH 8TAUT A SALOON In n Kood llvo town. Address J II , lleo office. SMI J4 FOR SALE-HORSES. WAGONS , ETC. -i u s P for ? liUJ II. E. Com , Continental block. 2J'J ' p-FOll SALE , A FAMILY HOHSU. INQUIUK JI50 > Furnam St. 6Jl S2 I-mOJ WILL HUY YOUNG HOUSE , TOP buggy and harness ; half value. Address G 51 , Uee. M7-4 1FOll SALK. l-CMIll HOUSES , FOUH WAGONS and harness : your own prlco : $ M ) for all ; como nnd nee. Fldolltv Loin Gnnriinteo Co. , coiner 15th and llarney sts. , lloom 4 , Wllhnoll UhU. .M57J FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Q - ! HliCi : LKl'I'KH PIlKsi AND bl'AND for sale cheap. Address Gal , Hoe. Q-fOll SALK , ALL THK FINK PIANOS IN Mclnbcrii's Music Store , IOJ North tilth Btreot. at lestfthiin factory cost , 12.1111 or Installmuuts , Block must bo closed out nt once. M7HJ Q -rOltbALK. A NICE UPHIGIIT PIANO. 1511 Loavenwoi 111 Bt. Mr.'S 2U * QKNGl.lSll MAhTH'ri'Ul'o FOH .SALK. HEST .stock In America , out of llotallno .No. ' . ' 1,1.18 , by Kuiol.ii Hero ; full pedhinui fnrulelied. 'Ihenu pups are be.iiitlfully marked. William Hoborts , Green wood , Neb. M43J 27 * CLAIRVOYANTS. C-MUS. NANNIK V. WAItlUN , CLAIHVOYANT Orulhiblo business medium , fifth year at 110 N Itith 3I'J ' S AHHIVAL EXTHAOHDINAHY : WONDEHFUL rovclitlons , Challonuoj the world , Mrs. Dr. 51. Uitrnve , do id tranou clairvoyant , nstroloitlst , palmist und life reader ; tolls your life from the tradlo to grave ; unites tliu aoparatod : causu ) war- rljge with the bno you lova ; tolls where you will nucct'oj nnd Hi what buslnuis best adapted for ; ha * thecelobruiud liiiyii'.l'in broastplam for luck and to destroy bad IUIIUUIIPOS : curu * tits , Intoiupornnoj uudiill privutu complatuts with uiaaguiro , bathi und alcohol treatment , bund * 'OU , lock of hair , nnnunndduto of birth nnd iccolva uccurntu Hfa ilixrii 2cent In stamps for circular : glvo Initials otonu you will marryi also photos of sauij , Olllao 417 South llth ( trout , first floor : IIOUM , V n. in. to o p.m. Come. uue. como all , and bo convlnood of this woudorf ul ornclu. si 431) ) SI1 MA8BAOK , UATH3. ETO. rl mill ballis , Hoalimiid hair treatment , manlanro and chiropodist. Mrs. I'oit , 31 M lith.Wltlinell hlk toJ _ 'P-MADAMK SMITH IIS1 UDUGLAS bTHKKl\ JL room 7 , Jdtloor , Alcohol , sulphur and SIM biulu M 20J 20 * 'P-MADAM STOWK , MASSEUSE KLKCTHICIAN l.'uai Pratt street. ta-M' PERSONAL. i r A OOODHOMI : ( QUA ( iiiu.TK.N TO i-oni- * Jti'on yearn uldi iiddruo J V. lleo. 3)0 ) 24 * U-WANTKD , HOOMMATK. HV VOtINO MAN. ttwuournphur , have u uood room , food locution , bint u occupation. Aildrtw J W , Hoe , MII72J < Un i : si AMPS iiuuniiT AND BOLD , urry Uruwn , HUM luth t. ( UlUSIC , AHT AND LANQUAQK. YvT . I' . ( lKI.I < KNIIl'll { , "llANJO nllh , Ilunpu , or N W corner lith Aliurney. nil M IncludlnKHll charuo. . Clm . W. Huluoy , Omaha Nat. bunk bldir , , OJ \ VT I'ltll CBNT MONKV-NMT TO HOUHDW- * era on Oinaba oily property. No oxlra clmruua of nny kind , Why pay hUh ruled .Menu ) U cheap. Youcau K t full lieiiofit of law rnlei from Oloba Loan uiiU Tnut Co. , Itllli and Dodno. aij \v 0 0. WAU4ACK , J13 11UOWN IH.K. _ _ " W-A"NTHONV LOAN AND TIUJST CO.,318 N. Y. , i.lfo. leuJj ut lo\r , ruto for otiolc teourlly on rtebratk * or lutra farms or Omtua city proparty. MONEY TO LOANREAlESTATE. . Cnnttnutili r-C. V , IIAUIIISON , 912 N , V 1.1KK. \\r CKNTHAI.I.OAN A TUUarCO , , lIKIt III.1KJ. .Til r-MONKY , I.OWKST HATH PAUU I 3S FAHN. M 1 SIS' ir-CHKAPMONKY. SISK O. W. P. COATK3 ' 1014 tnrnnm. 774 Vtr 1XAN8ON IMlMtOVRI ) AND UNIM1M1OVKI ) ' city proporty.fl.U'W and npwnnHOta s per cant. Nodolayj , W.t'arnauiSmltli.V Uo.nthand llnrnsy. \\r HKAI.l5SrATIJl.OANrt.1TJ 7 I'KIl CK.ST ' ' noadillttunalcharKCs for commission or nttor- ncy's feus. W. II. .Molklo , PIMt Nntlonnl Dank bid * 85J ir-I'HtVATK MONKY. 1ST AND2D MOUTOAUK > leans , low rules. Alot Moore Dee UUU \\r-OMAIIAHAVlNU3 HANK MARKS LOANS * on real c tntoat lowest tmrkot rate Loans made In small or laruo sunisandfor short or long time. No commission Is churioM nnd Hie loans nro not sold In tlio cm Unit uan iilwnvs bu found at the bank on the corner oC Uth and Dontlnsstreats , 30J \ \ r-MO.NKV TO LOAN ON 1M1MIOVKD C1TV ' property , low rnto. A. 0. t'rost , Douulns blk. W WH CAN I'l.CAK A11OUT J20U.OOO Kll Omaha ppopln. In niiin ] from fttQOU to (5,000 UO , on Iho choicest , sstest and best IIrat tnortgnKO reiil cstntasecurlly to bohad In Ncbrnskn , at M per cent , on J to 5 ( pars lime , nlthout n conl of or- IIPIIJO to the lender. The-n' loans will bo absolutely n.ife , lutnco the low Interest , Parties wlshlni ; to placa their money will please cominiinlcato ultli us n early as convenient , lloites ft Hill , Itonl ) : stnle , .No 140S Kuril mil st. 133 35 T.\T CITY AND 1'AUM UKAT. KSTATK LOANS 't ntloneslinles ; ron nlt us luforo borrlne K. C. ( Jarvln A. Co , 20i Slu-ely block. 210 \\r-ONK ANI1TWO YHAH LOANS ON CITY AND ' fiirm morlKagos. Itccd .V ijclby , 311 , Hoard Trnilo. "W W CITY AND PAltM 1IKA1. KSTATi : LOANS nt lowest rates : consult us before borrow 1 UK. i : . C. tiiin In X Co.'US rihecly block. 2IU ir-MO.SKY TO LOAN. KIDKHTY TUUST CO. , > H1I4 Fnrnnm st. 40 MONEY TO LOAN-aHATl'ELS. DO YOO WANT MON1IY ? X THK FIDELITY LOAN OUAHANTRK CO. U om 1 Wlthnall block , cor 15th and Ilarnoy ats , Will lonn you any sum FioniflOOOto JIO.OOO On the day yon ask for It. Wemako loans on lurntturo. planoi , liorsus. niicoiis , narehouso re ceipts nuil personal prop- ity of all kinds In any amount desired , At the lowest po 3lllo ratc , without nubllclty or removal oC property , Yon can pny thn mnnoy bnck in any nmotit yon wish nnd nt nny Umo. and ouch piiymont will reduce the cost of the loan In proportion , T1IU K1DKL1TY LOAN QUAIlANTKi : CO X U' YOU WANT MONKY ON FU1IN1TUIIK. PIANOS UOHSKS. WAGONS , CAIIIUAUBd , KTG , CALL AT Till ! OFI'ICK "F OMAHA MOItrUAOIS LOAN CO. AND OKT TUKMd UBro UBro1NO KLSnWIlKuV Loans made In nmounU trom $10 to $13UJ nt tlio lowest lates oil very short notlco without pub licity , nnd with the privilege of keeplnifiour goods In your own possc slon. You Pin pay the money bnck In nny amounts you wish and at any tlmo. nnd cich payment 4 < T miido will reilnco the cost of the loan In proportion. , 'I hero nlll bo no cvpanso or clmrxo kept rtttt of the amount wanted , but you will recclvu the full amount of the loan , OMAHA MOIITOAOK LOAN CO. . lloomll , Crelifhton lllock , I5th St. bonth of Postoillco. The only Incorporated loan company In Omiha. V-W1LL LOANMONHYON ANY ICl D OF SII- jVciirlty ; strictly conlldentlal. A. 15 Harris , room 1 , Continental block 3 < X-I'llTCIIAltl,3l ! DOUGLAS 1ILK , lui , DODGK. OJJ "V-CH\TTIL : LOANS MADK ON -iVpianosllvostocketc , without publicity or re moval property at the lowest rates and the o islust pnmerits IJulf Green , rooms8 and ! ) lUrker block. V MONKY IS (3II13AP. JIO Ul * TO Vlo.uied on any chattel sooiirlty by W. < : . Wood , ngentfor Nebraska l.oau couipiiuy , 13M Doinzlai Btreot , up stairs. 705 D20.000 TO LOAN ON CIIATTKIi SIJCUItlTIf" businesscontldoutlaL Uoom40J Karbach block. 5 5S9 Sf LOANS ON CIIATTHLS IIKASONA1IL15 IN- X tprcst , partial Payments 1 to months. W. ll. Duvls , It. 20 Continental block. Klovator 15th st. V CHATT15I. LOVNS , U2J N. Y. LIFE. MOItlllS. A. S1VJ814' MONKY AT LOW HATES ON ANY KINI OF X security. Kej nlono Mtuo. Co. , 203 Shcoly block. BUSINESS CHANCES. Y FOH SALE. AN KSTAIILISHKU GltnCEHY. One of best locations In city , No trade. Ad- dr.ossN40lleo M'OI ' TAILOH HUS1NESS FOlt frALK CHKAP ON Y ntcount of ulckuess. O. Lundeon , Fullorton.Ncb. 17b SI7 * Y rillST CLAbS HUTCHEH HUSINESS 1'OH sale ; established 5 years Good roisons for sellliiK Good bargain.'I. . ' . ' Franklin st. .Mlbli Jl * Y-OLD USTAHI.ISHED COAL HUSINESS.Y.AHD Micds , uc'ilun. ' outfit complete. Ilcst , location. Good reasons for selling. It K. Harris , ! * JJ.NY. . Llfo Hide. M2,25 ! | * \r FOH SALi : , HAHDWAHE STOHE , GOOD LO- cation. Komi trade. Address Lock llox 857 , Lin coln , Nob. 2Ji ( 20 CANADIAN KMPLOMKNT OFFICE. EbTAII- Y ll'hod IJ jenr" best paying bilsliiHss In Omaha lniUlro | at room 1 , 1500 I'uruoin street. MJJ7 aid r-STOCK OF STOVES FOH SALK AT tti.'l HOWL - L nrd street , M. F. MuDonald. lll'J 24 * A OHKAT CHANCE FOH A DHUflOIbT. T1IK Y undernlKiied will xcll the stork of drnns and tlx- lures now running In the Kelt hotel bulldlne , Coun cil lllutls , Iowa , the bent drug store location In the city at u ment nacrlllco. J-cu William llardln , jiKent , on the iircmlsca. or nddress the advertiser. Union Stock Yards National Hank , bouth Omaha , Nub. Ml-li 2d ' WANTKD , AN 1NTKHVIKW WITH bOMIJ Y' one nho will furnish money to patent anil Intro duce n reliable btrect car iipplluiuo. Addrcs Ex pert , J 19 , lleo. .M4J027 * FOR EXCHANGE. r/-CL15ANSTOCKOFGKNiilAL : M'D'S'E : WILL /Jtakoreal ustatoJ.monuy.lloic 'JJ ! Frankfort , Ind. r/-IOH SALK OH EXCHANGE-llAltGAIN / Ebony uprlcht piano , Address G i5 ! , lloo olllca. y roil SALE on EXCHANGE , cori'AGK A frontlnif south on CuiuliiK street In Carthage ad dition : seven rooms , pantry , closets : force immp , cistern , cesspool , collar : well built and llnlshed In hard plnoand oak. Prloo. f 1'Ml. Apply to W. L. t-olby , 3J1 Chamber Commerco. fi ( < 5 FLOUHING MILLS , ONE AT HAMPTON , /JNob.iindonoatSt. I'nnl , Neb , both BO barrel : modern machinery ; no Incumbruiico : will takouood farm lands : owner over 70 year * old , K.lnv out of bualuosa. J. J. Glbaou , 1st National Uank bulldlnii. r1KT8 SWAP. GILT-KDOKO WILD LAN 1)8 /VutfJWto 110 00 per ncio In nluto of NebrntkH wluiBO crops last > ear nuureiiatod flOJ.VJJ.Oa ; . Good lots In the city of Omaha , whosw population Increased - creased iromlXJ.OOO In 18oO to I51IIXJ ) in 18'JJ , Is oed Btult to hold , don't jou think ? Aiiwoaro lonit on this class of property nnd nhort on cash , drop In. Diirluu several years succoisful oiperlonuo In tbu renl ustnto business I liavootl.ibllihcd a reputation for handlliiK nothlnx but barKiilns. W. G. Albrlitbt , Ml , WJ , &U Now York Llfo biilliilint. M270 27 UIMPHOVKD FAHM8IN THK WHEAT AND /Jcoru belt , Rood eoll , 12 to 125 ncrnii cultivated on each iiuurtor. Owner Is u micreHnful incrcliuiit , turn will locate In Omnhn If ho can exchnnxo for busi ness property oru KOOI ! resldencu of 10 or 12 roouiu. What huvo jou to otter , K. V. Hlngor , 1510 Fnrnam. - - r/-FOH KXCHANGK , A STOCK OF GKNKHAI. 'J merchnndlBO fur lands unit cash , Address II W. Wutklni A. Co. , Jfrnnkfort , Ind. MIM 10 Z-CLKAHOMAIinTKALKbTATI1 : FOH MUSK , actual valuation. Money to loan. 110x518 , Omaha. Md27 I/-IWANT TO DISPOSE OF A CI/KAIl QUAH- / tvr section of land Who wants It and what will you Kilo In nodi ) ? Address J 8 , Jleo olllco , 311 . HAHDWAHK STOCK AND 15 GOOD /JOnmliii lot * fi'.OOOnub tofi.OJO on the lot ) , for land and cn > h , E. ! ' , lUnifor , 15IU turuum St. 378 23 * _ / A1IUSINKBSTHAT WILL NUT fJCOOJ PKIl /Jwcok , want cuahund real estate. K , K Hlnter , lilll 1-iininuiM. rTO KXCIIANOK , A GOOD TOP HUGGY FOIt A /-/irood IlKht delliery wimon. 401J N. ilth t. ( . ' . C. Mtllctlcht. 411 V5- 8 ALB-RE ALEBTATE. t > aero West Albrluht , ll,7iW. , t aero KvniliiKton , f..UJO. 10 acres I'lernun'i tub , J..MX ) . 10 acre near new fair Krounds , 11,000. C. F llari Uon , IM'J N , Y. Life. 275 21 Y IN 7-HOOM Wi'ottnio ; muit bo sola by Soptuiubur I , Owner leavlui ; city. PJuatant houio. near llotor nnd Holt Jlnoi city wntur. AdJro II V , Kou. MilJ 23 * T ; < AHM NKAH NKH. CITY , isoou PKH ACIIK. i. Fiirm In Nanco county , fiO.uu per aero. Kurm In 'Ihur.tou cuunty , lit ) W per acre Farm In harpy covnty , (1500 pur aero. Farm In Valley county , IIU 00 pur aero. Farm In Ullmurocounty , iwiwpor aero. U F lltrrlion , V13 N. Y. Llfo , 374 U FOR SALE ESTATE. 1ST YOUl lKAL KSTATH xtSALK WlTl JJaenrBO I Paul , ICtti FafiUjj St. _ MOM SIS * ir > OH SALK. CIIOICK > I/AU.MS IK NICHHASKA , low niturcs , onsy termi nicks. 3Ki N. Y. Life. For dale , several modern built houses near Hans com park , lllcks , 305 N. , Jjlfo. 333-27 " " nritK onn IO.DJJ ACHKS OF J Nebraska's finest fnrmlni land at n uroat sncrl- II co. G. H. Peterson , MU iMth BUOmahn. 7UlsS T AHtlK FIVH HOOM rtlfyAGE , NKAH HANS- Jcom park , oist front , rltj wnter , clslntn , brick cellar , on grade , Knnfllit ( jrnpes , trull trees , will bo sold Tory low ( tormO'ensy , 7 per cent. Ad dress Owner , room 328 , Chnilaior of Commerce. _ , yi ; / _ 3CS23 BIO HAHGAIN. THHHK < HEAUTIFLJHESl - deuce lots near Ilnn coW | ) nrk , aoweraKO , water , Kas , splendid shndu trees , -nttf. If sold tovcthcr can luakon very low prlco. lllcks , 303 N , Y , Life. _ _ _ _ _ _ m _ _ _ 3S.127 " \\rA.STKD.llOUSIS FOll l'I.KA U UTS. ' Wnnled. M ectlon land , f IS M per ncro , Wanted , f section land InSarpy county. Wanted , farm land for brick houso. Wanted , city property for farm Wanted , pleco or business property. Wanted , store , Milted tr/ilry hoods business , Wnnted , f.1.500 plno for cjish. Wniiti-d , choice U per cent lonn. C. F. N. V. Ufa , 817-21 _ COM ) ! Tf DUNItY COIfNTV. NKU. CHKAP farms for sale or trndo. Wrlto to Ixiwls E. Walker , Dclikelman , Nob. M3I5 2 * 17011 SALiJ. KLKOANT DOUIILE HKSIDENCK , -L Nos. 1123 nnd 113'J ' South ; ilat , Inrgo grounds , barn , shndo trees , etc , will Inko good farm Innd or vncnnt property In pnrt pa > ment. Hicks , 601 N.Y. Life. 38327 _ $4,000 HOME ON POPPLKTON AVK. $1,500 cholco property on tlcorula nvo. 1 1.400 line property on Lowe nve. ft.WO modern cottuKO Lone avo. ? l l )0 ) cotlaue Clifton Hill. f-.ini full lot with cottaKonenr pnrk. B.iiiiO full lot , paved street near park. flWWcorncr on paved street ueni Mr. Yntoo. S2uo Blxhtly lot on Lowe avc. $1.800 full lot on 1-owoiivn M'rX ( ) full lot on Fiirnniu nnd 39th. t' . P. Harrison , 012 I > . Y. Llfo. 317 21 1/011 SALK. CHOICi : TEN ACHE THACT. CLOSK i to city , with Biunll cottnco , etc. , n Bplcndld bar- irnln , cin tnko farm or good lot as first payment , lllcks , SOi N. Y. Llfo. 38.1 27 I7ill SALK , 1IOUSU AND LOT , u IIOOMS. 1 PAN- try , 4 closets , baths I4.20J.OO. 1)11 ) South .Mth st. 40"o : * FOR RENT-FASTURES. oisKs. con's ; AND CATTLK rmco ANI > cared for the year round. I hnvo 2JO acres of irood pasture , 60 acres uood Krass , 200 acrca of Rood oats Htubblc Part of the Htubbia Is Btnndlne rlpo oats , which makes the best pasture In the world. A itood fence , nl co fresh running water nnd barn room for 500 head In ease of storm. I have the Inriiest hone ranch In Douglas and Sarpy county , Pleaocall nnd BOO my stable room and fccdmgyurdsnnd pajtuio BO you will bo satisfied , Icallforand deliver freoof tlinrgo. My price on pasture Is 11.00 par month , nnd In winter food hay , Kraln , cut feed and Btrtw nnd 20J acres standing cornstalks. Kept In barn nUhts , price from W. 00 per month up. Two mlles xouthof South Omaha , I mlle from street cars. Addrois Goo. U. Gans , P. O. box Mil , South Omaha. Neb ! IJO-sl4. LOST. LOST. SMALL , WHITE. FHKNCH POODLK. COl N. ITlh St. Liberal reward. 41027 * LOST , LADY'S GOLD DOW PINj SUlTAHLi : UK- ward. U2I S. liHh Bt , , lint P. M4I8 27 * REEVI I N C TON FOE. Sale , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! MBGEATH STATIONERY CO. , I.W4 F.irnam Slrcpt , Onuiliu. RHILWHYT1MEOHRD Loaves IllUULlMi TON .V MO. H1VU1UI Arrival Omaha. | Depot 10th nnit'Mnson bts | Oniah i. eaves ICHIOAGO , MIL. & ST. PAULIAnlve Omnlian | U. P. depot and Mnrav fats. I Omnli * 70'i p ml Chlcnk'0K.viroas I'J.'li n m 11 id a m | . .Chicago Express | 4 20 p m Leaves | SIOUX CITY A PAOIHC. lArrlvos Oniahal Depot. 10th nnd Mnrcy Sts. I Omihj 720 anil SlouxCttyl 'ussongar. . . . . . . 1102J * p m 635 p m | . .St. Paul Sxpress | lt)00-i m Leaves I SIOUX CITY A PACIFIC. { Arrives Oiuahnl Depot , 15lh nnd Websnr sts. I Omahi 145 p m | SU Paul Limited | ' .i.'Jj a m Loaves ( CHICAGO iNOltl'liWKSTKUNIArrlvoi OmalmlU. P. depot. 10th and Marcy Sts I Omahs. Leaves I OMAHA A. ST. LOUIS. Arrlvui OiiiohoU. | P. depot. 10th and Marey fits.Omaha [ 4. p m | bl. Louis Cannon Hall. . . . . | l2.i. > p m 4.40 | , , . , , , . Louis Caridn Unit | I.M. ) p m TUB SHORTEST IjISB TO CHICAGO s via. the Chicagcft Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , & represented onthis map. ? i rfiSoxciTFT ; GC "CEDAR RAPIDS , lectric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled 'ttrains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. " m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. R A. NArlu. Ggn'i Agent. rropomtU for llio furnlililui ; < if Htuiiia Coal fur tlin Use of tlm City Hull. Sonlud bids will liu rq ? lvoJ at tlio olllco of tliu oily conuitrollur , Uiuuliii , Neb. , up to 4 u , in. Au imtUj , ibW. fur tliu rurnUliiiiK of tttoiiin oonl fur tliu use nf tlio Ulty Hall , Kiuh bladur to furnluh u certlllod olivulc of * JO.O'J. Tlio nirht Is lOiwrvec ] to uooopt or reject any or ull bIJa. TiirouoitK Oi-aiN , Comptrollor. AZi Dot NOTICE. Notlco Is horohy Riven , ptiratmnt to lnw , that nt a ippclttlclcctlon holil on the Idtli ilav ot .Imiu. IS'.iJ ' , the lofcnt voters of the city nf Omnlin , UaiiKlusPouiity , Nohnitkn , nccnutcd mill udoplcd tliu following proposition of the Neliriiskn Cuiitrnl llnllwiiy Uoinpany ) The nnicndcU proposition of tlio NobrAika Oantrnl Hnlhviiy Uonipan ; to tlio Ulty of Omnlin , N'ob. To the Muyornntl City Council of the Otty of ( Jinnlia , Nob. rim umlurMgtiuo : , the MobraHKn Uuntrnr Hulhvny ooinpHtiy , iiroposci to iicitilro | nnil tuko noiaessloti of , tor r.illwny piirpoius , that certnln trnctot litnil losntoil within llio UN * trlot bounded by f.'ifleonlli strcat. OhluiiKo street , Klovontli street , Uiillfornln dtroct , und Iho rlislit of way of tlio Unitiiiu Holt Uullvvuv company , ( oxoopt Ilia south halt of blook ia , lots.lniul 4 , block SS , lot I , und north otio-hnlt of lots a iinda , blook 271 ! aud to erect thoieon u titiloii pniionRordopoton tba jornorof 1'lf- ti-otith n nil OlilctiRO strcois , to uoit , Inuliitllnz tlio otlior rnllwny Ingirovotnonts oil tmiii grounds , not lots tluui bt/iiiirctl thuii ani dolnirn ( } litoio ) ) : Provided , the city of Oinahn , In Douglas cntinty , Nobr.iskn , nil ) donitto to tho'Jiitd No- liriifkii ltillAV : ( V'jnpitiiy two him- drod nnd llfty tliotlMintl ddlliiM ( $ A ,0i'l ( ) of Its four (4) ( ) per cent bowii 1100,000 thereof to bo tliitod Jtinuitry 2 , IWH , nnd $150,03) thorof to bo dutod .Innfiitry 1 , IR94 , to bocotno duo nnd uny- ublo twnnly jruurs from tholr respective tltitoi , wltb Intorcst pa.vabloscnil-nnnually. nil imy- ublo at the flsunl a ottoy of the stall ) of Ne braska lu the olty of Now York. bald bunua to lie of tlio dcnonilnitloti of ono il dolliii-s lix ) ) oncli , mid oiult ; thereof - of ti rjnitnl v "Tiili bor.ri UIB rt n sorlos of two hundred und llfty iUUrulijisf ! ) llko iitnonnt and tonor. which nro Is /-/I > y the olty of Oina in. In DoiislnsucninbJlirnslo. . to llio Nobnmka Contr.LlriiihtnyiN.nipaiiy.tonlalllnncqulrlus land In the city of Oninlia for Union dopoi , And tomilnal pnruusos , nnd In tlio construct , on ot a u n lou rnllwny pnbsoniorilopot noon silJ moiiiid , nnil Its railway tr.iuks aldo tr.iclij , turnon s , swltuhci and uppro.iuhorf luiidlru tborolo. nnd otlior r. ill way itntr < * vo' inonts tlmrou Itli ronncoto I , " Said bonds to bo executed nnd roslstorcd nt or tmmodlatnly nftor the dutos tliotoof nnil Itmucdlulolv inurcultcr ( IrjIlMiiuJ to inu Fhst iMitioiuu 11 ink of Oiiinbn , Nob. , trustee , tn bo hold In tiuat fordollvory to the Nobr.isk.t Central Italhuivuomp my , Its bttecossDM or assleni. by said Irnstoo , la Inst.illmonts : is liorolnuft * ' piovjdod , Thos.tld Nobrnska Central Hnllwoy con liaiiy plans to const met. or o.iuso to bo con struutiul , a line ot railway In tlio stivto o lown not lust lliuii 100 miles In oxtout , froit. the east npbroaoh of n bridge , which the anIU Kallway conin my has also plannud 10 construct ever the Missouri river. Intersection or connecting with , or rcnclilng tbo lines of two or moro ot the following rail- " \viiv corporations , viz : Tlio Illinois Uontral Hull way company , the Wlnona & Honthwostoin llallwiiy company , llio Minneapolis ilSt , Louis Hallway company , tlio ChlonRo , 8t. 1'iitil & ICnnsas Olty Railway company , the Uhlc.iio , Fort Mntllson & Dca MolnoM Hallway uoinpany , the Atolilson , Topeka - peka .t Santa I'o Hallway company , tbo Ilaltl- inoro& Ohio H-illwnv uonip.inr. 'ho Ohio & Mississippi Hallway company , the ICookuk li t'/mtorii Ii.tllw.iv company tliu Uuliny. Onmlia & Kansas Cltr Railway eonipany and the Iowa Central H.illway comp.iny. Ono hundred thotts itid dollars ( fino.030) ) of said bonds nil all bo delivered by said trustee tosald Nebraska Contra ) Hallway company. It succussors or nssltrns , when It or they shall have acquired mid taken possession ot that certain tract of land located within the dls- ttlut bounded by fifteenth street , Chlcauo street , Klovontli street , Uallfornla street and tlio rluhtof way of the Omaha Holt Hnllwnv company , ( o\copt tlio south linlf of block 38. lot 3 nnd 4. Ulock 28. lot 1 , and the north half of lots 2 and a. block 27. 1'iov hlod , that tno s.ild ono hundred thoti- > .iuil dollus ; lilliiX'lJO ] of g.tld bonds shall not no delivered mil II after the said Nobr.isk.i Cenlrnl Hallway company. Its successors ! or fia"tiijs , sluill hnvo construoto J thn a ild line of railway In tin ) state of Iowa. Ono hundred mid fifty thousnnd dollars ISI. > 0"CO | of snlJ 'jonds shall bo delivered by KiM trustee to salrt Nebraska Central Kallw.iy comuauy. Its successors or assl ! > ii4 , when it or they shall hnvo roiuplolcd tno otoctlon of a union pasun < 4cr depot upon said trr.ctof land niiovo described , to cost , InoluJIng the other railway Improvements on s.ild grounds , not loss than four hundred thousnnd dollars 1$1CO.OOJ ) ; proof of such cost to bo uinrtn by the sworn statement of the president nnd tteas- urorof r.illway coinpuiiv. Ilicd with the city clurk of Omaha , uoo imp inlod by cortlfl- cita : slL'ned by the eltr attorney and oltv en- Rlnoor. that In their opinion auch amount has nt'tually boon expended. 1'rovldod , that if the said Nebraska Central Hallway company , Its successors or nsslens. shall fall to ncrjuiro and take possession of silo Jnnd. Itshnll not bfl ontltlcd to rocolve tiny part of said ono Jinndrod tlions.uid dollars iSIUO.iiiJi ) ) Jiist'illiueiit ot bonds : and. further Kroyldcd , that none of nald ono Inmdrod nnd \ty thousand dollars ( J150.000) ) liistiilliiinnt of imds shall bo dellvnrod until nt ono r.ill- r.iy company In addition to the Nobr.iskn /ontral Hnllwny company shall bo actually iisliiK s.ild union depot ; nnd , 1'rovlded further , the mayor and the city council shall , by icsolutlon , upon the full per for in mice of the undertakings on the pnrt of said railway comp.uiv horeln contained , order the delivery of said bonds at the times Aforesaid : nnd , Provided fuithor , That all matured coupons hall bo removed and cancelled by nalil trustee bolero delivery ot the bonus to which they nro attached ; nnd , Provided further. Thut the mayor nnd city council of the city of Omaha shall oauso to bo ovled on the taxab'.o ptonorty of eal'i ciiy an iinnal tax Hiilllolent for the pnym-iic of th Interest on said eou'jon bonus as it bocuuti * duo. nnd after the expiration of ton (10) ( year > from the d.ito nt uuld honds the mayor ant ? : lty comicll of Hildelty shall cause lo be ve ! < i In nddltlon to nil other taxes on the taxable property of said city t n amount of tax sulllclont to crcato a sinking fund for t\\o \ \ ii.fmunl at maturity or Ham uonns , due : uiioint : of tax to bo levied for said sinking fund not to exceed twonty-llvo thousand dollars lars ( ) In nny ono year ) ; said ta c to bo continued from year to year until thosiUl bonds .110 fully paid. The acquirement ot the s.ild lands and Im provements heroin contemplated Including tlm Bald railroad In Iowa , shall bo bagun iv'thln one year from May 1. 189.J , unL bo pushed to completion without unnecessary Jplay : and ahall be completed within thrco * bnrs from the 1st day of July , 1SU. ! In case any of the terms , limitations , oonill clous or pi ovlslons proposed hurnln rtlatliu to the boxlnnliii ; , progress and romnletlon of s.ild Inijirovenients nro not compiled w Hi , ( unless delay H directly nnd necessarily 8 HI seel by Injunction or other judicial pro- iurdlims , or by unavoidable accident or act if Providence ) , the and company shall not bo ntltlod to recoh o s.ild bonds or any thereof , von tliouch thoelectorsofsuld city of Omaha .lallbivo by tholr vote authon/ud the Is- t unco of said bonds ; but all rlnht tosald 'lauds shall by such default nnd without any luJIclal dutormlnation bucomo forfeited. Provided , howovoc. Hint If the boslnnln- , pro iL" > or completion of snld Improvement' ihall bo deln < fd or obstructed by any or 'be iforosald causes , the times herein allowed tnr /ho orozrcss and coinnlotloii of said Improvo- r.o-.t.s bball \ > i extended to the extent of such joluyor olisl i notion ; nnd slionld a dlsunte irUe between the xald city of Omaha and the iaid Nebraska Uuntral Hallway compiny ivltli rnsuuct to tliuc.uiHoorextent of iinr.sncli ilolny. thesumu nl the election of null ) No- I rasKa Central H.illway coniU'iny , shall lb referred for dolennlrintlorj to u lio.ird oX nr- bltrntors , to bo uuuolntcd nj. hereinafter pro vided. In consideration of receiving tno proposed < itbsldy the NobratKii Central Haliway com- oany u roes to allow .ill rnllwny companies tlio following rights : The rlilitio run tholr lot'omotlvos.p.isaeiiKoritiiil freight trains over its main and passing tracts wlUiIu tliu city of Omaha ; and over Its proposed brldco and ap * proauhcb , tbo rlalit ' .o use such poitloii of Its terminal Kroundo.dopots and faolllt os ; in j , , , . , . . . , , . , , rv , , ni n-i.r fr | | ) n , . ( > . | ihi'i ( may nt tlio business of suoli roads ; Including nny unlnrKonioiit of Its depot nnd dooot ( 'rounds : the rlslit to have tholr curs switched and aollvercd by the No- uii Ki Cuntml 1C ill * , iy co npany upon all of Its switch trucks ; tlio.rlirht , to uonnuct thulr ro.ida at nny point within ono liti.'idrod ( UO ) miles of hald olty of Omaha with an ? line of railway wiitoli the ' { allwaj company , or Its succossoty or n&slgi.s , inuy roiistriiotoronut-o to bo constructed oust of the Missouri river , nnd to run their losimo- tlvos , pas > , ont.'or and frelIit | trains ovoi tti multi and piissliiK trucks ot Bald rallro.'d ; It bolni ; liateby airrond that in OH-'B the Nobrnaka Central Hnllwny com pany shall construct Its promised line. east of tlm Missouri river , throuK'h thoiiKonuy of nny othei- corporation or nirty , ' It will caiiHOsuoli corporation or purty to oxuonto and deliver tc e/ioolty of Onmlia u wood and Biilllolent Instrument blndlnx It or him to libido by the > nnns , conditions nnd provision * of this proposition , tliu nanio nt , the said Nubrnnka Ci < r V l Hallway company would have been bound If It had built , tlio HUMID , l oforn delivery of thnufnrosnld one lintidrcd thousand dollars (7103,00 ( ! ) ) Installment o bonds. I'ruvldod , that the USD nnd enjoyment , ttj mioli railway eompanles of o icli and every of said rlKlitd Bliull bo upon Just and equal torma and the nay mont of just und fair comuoiHa- tlon to tno Nebraska Uontral Hnlhvuy con - uany , lu succonborii or nsslens , nnd subject to such operating rules und ruaulutloiiH of the Nebraska Uenttnl Hnllwny company. HH suo- cossors or usslKnii , its khull bo noeesiary uud proper , tint and reasonable. And the fluid NubtuHka Central Hallway company will submit nny dlsputo urUInx hut twuutt ft and auch otlior compiiny or com- punlua na to the use mid onjoyniont of any rights under tlila proposition , or a * to the terms , compensation , oporattnR rules and roKitlatlnns , rulatlnz thereto , to n board of arbitrator ! , to bo in ado up of thrco purvoiu who nro judgoinf thoitalo district court , or Its successor , of tlio dUtrlot umbrnolng tlio county of Douglua , to bo solootod by u two- tltlrda vote of all tno persons who nro district judK s of Hald court. Provided that unyuoh railway company other tlmn uld Nebriulov Ciuilr.l ( Hillwity I'nmpiinr , ltnnut0 ! HOMir nsslvnu. nhull h ivn the election to submit nny such dlaputo to arbltrutlouor lo pursuoany otliur romudy , Wherever arbitration N provided for by this proposition , the party doslrltu to submit nny matter lo arbitration shall cause to bo lorvo I upon the other party n wrltton notlco which shall ot out thfl mnttcr In tll puto lo bo snlimlttcd , nnd the tlmo proiuuo.l tor the ( marine , which ahull not. bo less thnn thirty Fll ) dnj's after the tlmo of service ; and thereupon - upon the adverse party shtll within twenty ( Xil days nflor such service upon It , servo Its answor. If any It hnvo , itpju the party dom - m tntl tK llio arbitration. The llonrd of Arbllr ttors , when organized , ih.tll have power to IIx thutlnuiof hovrlnn nnd to adjourn the sixmo from tlmo to tlmo , ind to makoall iiOv-oss.irv rules mil regula tions for lli < > produotlon of Untlmonr In the possession u ( olthor pirty , nnd otherwise to compulht fnlrjaud trial ! of n majority of the ho.ird shall control and the Html determination of llio boat d sit ill bo llnal and vonoluslvo upon the n irtlos , of nil mat * tors submitted and decided. " > Vhorovor on slmll bo resorted to tucii arbitration sl\ \ ill bo the oxoltlslvo remedy of the parties ( except as heroin olsuwhoro pro- vliled ) . as to the mattura nnd things Involved and decided therein , Said Nebraska Uontral K-xtlway company. Hi successors nnd assigns , shall transport f rale lit ( Includlnz transtor of freight and ull chariot Inuldcntnl to said transportation ) over nny brldpo nnd nnproarlios , as well ns ever nny r illway It shall construct within ono hundred (100) ( ) mflos ot tlio Missouri rivorwlihln the stall ) of NiOtrisk i. for Just -HI. ! riusnnahln rates or cbarBos , nnd In cisoof dllTeroncons to wliatconstllutosjustnnd reason able rates or ohnrjos undnr this paragraph the mayor and olty council or said railway company may snomit the s uue to aroitr.umii , n t iu mitiiuui nnd lo the arbitrators iihova provided tot , but this pir.iir.raph respoatlnc trolcht charges Rhnll not Ijocomu oporat Iva or In force until llvo yours from the dutn of the deliver ) ' ot the last Installment of the bonds hereinbefore re ferred to. Ills further proposed that said bonds shall uo delivered to the Nebraska Central railway comp my. Its sticcoHots or asslcns , only upon thoK.xeontlon by the said Nebraska Central railway conunnv or Us sitccossuis. and dollv- ory to llio city of Omaha ot an nmlnrtukliu In , wrltlne to the elfoct th it the principal depot , of fluid railway companyltscanoral olllces and principal m lohlnu shops when built , slrill bo located ana tiialnt lined within the corporate limits of the city of Omaha , an I thut a viola tion of the terms of siild undcrlaklue by the said Nebraska Central railway company or Its successors or asslcns , shall rondur the said Nebraska Central railway com unity < or Its successors , Indebted to tliusald city of Omalfti In the full amount of said bonds , nnd Interest thereon , Tills proposition shall , nftor being duly acknowledged by Ilia Nebraska Central Hull" way company , bo recorded In the olllco of the register ot dcods ot Uouitlnscounly.Nubraska , and for a period of twenty ( - ' years from and after tliH date , sh-ill bo referred to by irlvlnc ; the book and IIRO ; wherein the same Is ro- lorded In nny iiiort.'iiRedool of trust , deed of conveyance , or louse of said depot nnd donot grounds , with the stntumont that the sild Ne braska Central railway company , Its succos- Hors nnd , are bound by Die termsllinl- * tattons , provisions nnd conditions ot tnls proposition which nro hereby mndo Its cove nants thnt attach to ana run with the Hald property Into whosoever hands It may come. Provided , that the city council ot the city o ( Omaha , ( the mayor approving In duo form ) shall onaet a certain ordinance ( which nt the date hereof. Is pimdliiK cons.deration before said council ) , entitled. "An ordinance grant- . / > t permission nnd authority to the NoDr.iskK Central Hallwnv company , Us Hiircossera and assiKfis. to construct railroad trucks aloni ; , actois , over and under certain slreots and al- luys In the city of Omaha , subject to certain conditions , and to vuo.ito purls of certilti streets and alloys In the city of Omaha , upon eompllatico with certain other coiidtlons.'r ! Anl It Is also provided , Thut If said No- br.iska Central Hallway company shall not , within forty-flvo ( n days of bolus notlllod by the city ciorkof the adoption of tills proposi tion at the election held lo vote upon the same , ( lie with the s.ild city cleric Its written ratification of this prom > sltfin under its cor * porato so il. none of s ild bonds shall bo IssuoJ , and nil the terms and provisions of this propo sition shall bo hold for naught The Nebraska Central Itullway company agrees before an election belli ; ; called to sub' iilt to the voters ot tlio olty ot Omaha thU urouosltlon , that It will u\ceuto mid deliver to slid city a bond with good and sulllclonl sureties In the sum ot live thousand dollars | 3 > .IVO ) , anil llvo thousand dollars ( $ \ , i.O ) Uasli conditioned upon the payment of ti.n ox- ponsosof said election. This proposition and the acceptance there of by the city of On-nhii. and the r.itlflontlou of this proposition by said Nebraska Central railway compiny , or its successors or assUns , as horeln provided , slitll bo constrnoil and umlerslood to constitute a contriut between tbo sild Nebraska Uenlral railway company , Its successors or nsslnns. nnu the said city oil Omaha , nnd all of the tat IMS.conditions , auroo- monts and provisions made on the pat t of the Nebraska raliw.iy comp.iny in this pioposltlon contained are heraiiy made thu covenants of the said Nobr isl > a Central r ill. way comany. ) its sui-cosiors unl : isslKH\ u'nlcli shal ! attach to and run with all of lit sild property and binding upon any p irty Into whoso Ivinds II or liny of II n'iy comu In witness whereof the said Nebraska Central tral Hallway comp my has caused these pres ents to bo executed this Kith day of May , A. 1) . . IS'12. ' NKIWASKA CENTRAr , HAIMVAY CO. , lly J. II. DUMO.NT Vice President. Attest : JOHN L. McOAGIin. Secretary. IhtlAUl Witness : AU5X. G. CIIARI/rON. Stutoof NobrHska , I „ „ inty. f On Oils 10th day of May , A. D. , 1892 , befora 10 , n not'iiy public In nnd for said county , personally appeared the above named J. 11. hiimuntaud John U .MuCaune. who are to mo personally known to Do the identical persons who signed the foregoing Insti nnient , as vlco president and socrotaiy ot the Nebraska Cen tral Hallway company ; they acknowledge the said Instrument to be Ihu voluntary act and deed of the said Nebraska Central Hallway company und their voluntary act and deed as such vlco piosldent and secretary of said company. Witness my hand and notarial seal t ho date InstnfoiOP.ild. AMX. : G. UIIAHI/1'ON. [ HUAl.l Notary Public. This dona by order of the city council of the ciiy of Omaha this 1'Jth day of July. lh' ' > . ' . JOHN UHOVES , City Clerk of the City of Omaha. A1914td Unit < l fttutos lliiiHtint'ii halt * . Tn the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Nobraslc i. The first National Hank of PlattsDurgh , Now York , vs. Mutual ' 1 rust company and thu Nebraska Mortgaxound Invcstmentcompany. No , IWfl O. Public notice Is hereby given that In pur suance with nnd by vlrtuo of n writ of vcnld exponns Issued out of above named court In above entitled can so , and hearing ( Into of .Inly 20 , IbOJ , I , Ilrad I ) . Slaughter , United Flutes marshal for the Dlntrlct of Nebraska , will , on the second day of Keplembur , A. I ) . 1602 , at the hour of eleven o'clock In the foro- iioon of Bald day , nt the north door of the United States court house nnd postolllcn building In the Ulty of Omaha , Uonzlnt , county , rilnto and District ot Nebraska , sell at public auction us the law directs , lo the highest nnd best bidder , the following described prooorty. to-wlt : Lots 15 and lillnlilock H In McCormlck's second end addition to tbo city of Omnlin ; loll , block 4 , Cunningham .V's addition to the city ofOiuahn ; lot 11 , Pluck D , Auburn lilll subdivision of blook 6 , ( Jnnnlngimm .t Hren- nnn's nddltlon to Oiniiha : lots I , 2 , 111 nnd 14 , blncicf > , In .letter's addition ; lots ! ) nnd 7 nnd lot I" > , block : i , Ilxohnnun Plnco addition ; lot 4 In llonsou subdivision of lots ( i nnd 27 , block bill lot 2" . blook 10. Albright's annex ndlltlon and lot II , lilock J7 , Alll.'lit'.s ] choice adiltlon all In the city of South Oinnlri , nil of Hit ) above pi opart y uotntr located In Douglnn county , Htato nnd dltitilct of NobniHka , and havhu boon lioretofoin lovlod upon bv vlrtuo of a writ of execution Issued out of said court In said entitled cause ton ttlsfy n judgment of said court obtained nt ( tt > Novombur term. It'll , In favor ot the Mist Nntlonnl bank cf PlnttHburgli , Now York , nnd against thu Mutual Tinst company and the Nebraska Moitxngo nnd Invostinvnt compnny. 11HAU . Hl.AUUIITnH. Utiltcd Plates Marshnl , Dlsttlot ot Nebraska. UKOIKIK K. Prltchutt , Attorney for Plaintiff , July si Aug. I , II , 18 , 21 , Sept. 1. Unluxl htatos .Marxliul's Kali ) . Ill the Circuit Court of the United States for the District of Nebraska. PDrlsmoiith .Savlngg Hank vs. Kvn M. Piusli t , ul. No. 15 P , Publlu notice U hornby given tiint In IIIIMII- nncoand by vlrtuo of n writ otuxooutlon Is sued nut of tlio nbovo named court In above entitled cause nnd bearing dale ot August. I'llrd. A. 1 > . 1802. I have lovlod upon nnd taken nil the right , title mid Inturestot tlio above named dofondniils , Kya M Prugh and Walter li. Priigli In nnd to Ihu following described lundfl and tonotnonts , to-wlt : Lot two (2) ( ) In block two ( > ) , In Inko Vlow ad dition to the city of Oini'lia , Donu'Iasconnty NobriiskA , all of which I will expose fur HI ! 1 at public auction as the law directs and bo o the name to the highest and best hlddnron thr ; wth day of September. A. 1 > . ItiO'J , at the lion nf 11 o'clock In the forenoon of said day at Hip north door of Iho Hutted Slutim couit house and postollico building In the city of Oinahn , DuugUH county , state nnd district of NubniK- Huld snlo Is to satisfy judgment of said court obtained at Its Slav term , 18'JJ ' , In favor of Portsmouth Savlugx bunk , und against the Km M , Prugh and \Vnltnr 11. Prugli , jiifAi ) D. mAiioimiF : United Slates Marshal. JoimW. LVTI.I : , Plulnlla's Attoinoy. ' _ _ _ _ _ _ Nntlco tu i'DiilriiftoK. Notlco Is horuby clvun thut Healed bids will bo received by thobchool Hoard otdUtrlut Na 42 , Plurco county , Neb , nt Osmond , Neb , , until Thursday , September 1 , IMJ , for Iho con- Btruotlon of u brick Achool building , UJxOI , two stoilos hlifh. Kucn bid to bo uccompaulod with n bond In double the amount of thu bid. Plans uud , sJuolUcutloni | may bo icon at the olllco of thu moderator , or nt Architect lliown's otllco | u yioux Olty , la , , on und nftor Angus 127 , l 02. The board reserve the rl lil to rojoot any or all bld . J , K , KlHHlNnBll , Mod , D. G , HnCKWKM * Dlrtiutor. n 21-3-5-7 J , A. II AU.AjiiVMi , Troaa. AT HIS MOTHER'S GRAVE. A I'ormnr Omnlin Newspaper .11 an Pound In n Demented tondlllini. Another of tho-otd-limo iiowsrwpor men ot Omaha Itns turned lu hU Inst copy. Many of the onrly residents of the city to- niomboc John M. Hay , bolter known ns Johnny. It was In 1ST ! tunl ho strucK tha town nnd nt oneo found employ men t upon the Republican , now doconseil , but which then wns under the gutdnncu ot St. A. D. Hnlcombo. John M. liny wits n bright young fellow , n great nowsualhcior , nnd made many friends. Ho rotmiinod in Ouinha two years and then wont to Mln tionpolis to nccopt tin editorial position on ono of the papers of thnt city. Recollections of the VOUIIR' man drifted out ot the minds of his Onmhu friends nnil no was soon forpollun. Now. however , John M. Kay stands upon the brink of the uravo , atul the lollovvlng Irani an Inalnnnpolls , Jnd , , paper of August 3J , tells of the irinls und tribulations thnt have besot the pathway of the ouco brilliant writer ; About 0 o'clock last ovcnliiR the roportounl force of ono ot tno loeil uows- papers was slnrllod by the iippoiu'anco of n in tin about 15 years of npo , hntloss , sbooloss , out of breath , and nppni'ontlv Inbormi ? under n icrnblo montnl strum , 'i'ho ' vlsltof stated tUnt ho had just boon robbed of his gold wntoh and onnln , ? J7 > 0 In tnouoy , nnd his lint nnd shoes , Ha had tone , ho snld , to Urcon Lnwn cemetery to plnco llowen bit the qrave of his mother , und \vhllo encnRcd lu this act of llllnl devotion hud bocn sot Uuon by n baud of thlovos , Ho had made n tlespcrato light , knocked a hnlf dozen of Ills assailants down , killing two or ihroo , but In the end was overpowered nnd despoiled ol his possessions. Ho wanted the polled force called out , to overhaul iho roobors and ho wnntod thn story pflntcd In doublo-londod tyno with clnrlng head Huns. The man wits In earnest find It was appar ent thnt ho sincerely believed what ho told. It wns evident thnt Just previous to the ro- oltnl ho hnd run nil the wny from Green Lnwn cometury , n dlslnnco of tmllo. . Ha was Idontlllod iu John M Kay , brought to thu britnc of his rulu throuch Itidulgctico of his passion tor drink. Ho is of Illustrious parontiigo ntid honorable antecedents , belnts n son of John Drown Hiy , who wns uctluij fe'ovcrtior of Indlutm for n abort period In 182,1 , , nnd who wns elected to the otllco ol governor In 182. , and again In IS'JS , whan tno term wns but thrco yours. As n boy ha showed talents tind ( jutilities of remnrliaulo brilliance and promiso. Ho wns educated nt llurvnra cell ego , where ho graduated wlto bft-'li honors. Ho wns the privnto secrotnry to Governor Morton for ton yonrs , Including the lutlor' term ns United States senator , uud whlU employed nt Wusulncton bcuttmo ongugod to thodnughtor of n cabinet olllcor. Ho had , ho > vovcr..ucqulrod u taslo for liquor and champagne suppers , which stnrto I him upon the puce that kills , tlo lost his situation nnd his ilancco broke oil their engagement. Hay mndo several attempts to rofot-n , hut without success nnd for several years he has eked out nn cxlsteuca ns n tramp printer. Hay's devotion to tbo memory of his mother has boon truly pathotlo. Hnviug died many yours ngo , her remains were Intorrocl , In Green Lawn comotcry , which in lutcr years became crowded , then encroached upon , nnd recently has been largely abandoned and tins fnlton into disuse. Hay hns never forgotten thnt lonely spot where his mother's ashes moldcr , und many nro the times he ignored hunger nnd thirst and spent his Inst quarter for llowcrs to plnco on her crave. In his sober moments he Is still the gallant and polished ponllomnn , nnd , listening to him , ono might well bo convinced thnt ho is conversing with n ncblonmn in rugs. Tha theory of his escapade or tonlcht is that Hay wont to visit his mother's grnvo nftcr durk , that ho may hnvo imbibed on iho way , and that while lingcting among the tombstones ho wns solved with delirium trnmons. Tonight - night ho was turned over to wealthy find Inllucntlul friends , who will cither soctiro his admission to some institution or else nmko suitable provision for the foiv days that ro- inatn to him , A llullahln .Mnn. M. J. Grlnor , a justlcn of the pcuoo nt Print , Mich. , s.ivs one bottle of Chamber- Iain's Colto , Clholera nnd Dlnrrhcon Homody saved hi } lifo. Ho hnd boon down with bloody flux for three weeks whou he com menced using this modlclno. It soon cured him ntid ho believes saved his llfo. Ho nlso says it saved the lives of three railroad men in thnt vicinity. 'Squlro Griuur Is a roliabla and conscientious mun , nnd whatever ho bays can 00 depended upon. THE E ACES. Program uCllio .Speed Contests at the Dims- Ins Comity 1'iur. Following is u list of thn races and purset c ( Tared for the fair next week ; Klrst Day , Tuesday , August SO Stake No. 1 , foals ot Ib'M , trotting half-mllo heats , Dost two In three , added S''iu : cntianco W .May 1 , $ j Au gust I , I.VJ. ; purse No. - ' . 2:1" : ) clnss. trottlnir , $ . ' > UO ; purse Nu. ! l. - : ' . * ' > cliihs Hotting , J-VJ'i ' ; pume No. 4 , niiinlnK , half-mile and repeat , $ 'ua. Second Day. Wednesday. August III Stake No. B , foals of INK ) , trottlnir. eligible to 3:0(1 : ( class , mile ho'its , best two In three , added ifJ'JU ' : entrance , * 7.r 'i ' May I , $ " , r > 0 Augtist I , IbO.'i purse No. II , 2 : , " > ) class , trolling , & ° > OU ; Diirso No , 7 , sU : ! class , Hotting , t 0j ; purse No. a , running , one-mile dash , f.'U ) . 'I bird Day Thursday , September 1 Stake Ho. 1) ) . fo ils of 18M ) , trotting , eligible to 2f : > d class , mile heats , best three in llvo , added JJtO : entrance. fr.MMuy I. * 7."i ) August I , 1MU : jitrsc No 10 , as''Oolass , t tot tin. . Jil ) ) ) : purse No. 11 , 2-.y > clubs , iiai'lii. . iri > JJ ; purse No. 1' ' , running , h.ilf-nillu and repeat , IJ U Tourth D.iy , Krlday , Soptetnber L' I'urso No. III. 2:4U class , trottliu , * V)0 ; UUT-.O No. 14 , 2ij ; : class , paelng , $ U ; pure No. Ifi'r.T ) oUisa , trotting. tJOU ; puiso No. 10 , running , linlf-mllu uash , JlUJ. _ Mng.TH at tlm Kiilr. , To mnko tbo coming fair an Interesting ono , tbo hoard of managers tins secured tba services of the Swedish Singing Society Nordon who took pnzo at the mutlo festival which was hold at Sioux Fulls last month. The Nordon Singing society u toduv the best glee club In the wost. 'JliDy : will blng during intervals between IMCO.I. The Nordcn received u very linmlsomo ban ner Irom tlio Ir.dlos of Sioux Falls whic will ho on exhibition dtirlnc the coming fnlr nt iho Art. hull. The banner is u very line picco of workmanship. I'mii \VlioloHiniKi Oiuillty Commends to public approval the California liquid laxative remedy , Svrttp of Figs. Ills pleasant to the tnsto nnd by acllntr gently on the kidno.vti , liver and bovvols to clonnso"tha system effectually. It promotes the health nnd comfort of all who use It , and with mil- tons it Is tbo host und only roinody , There nro n number of forged checks ID circulation in _ thu city. Ueloellvo Bnvngi has ono which Is drawn on the Morch&nti National bank In favor ot Goer o Thoinni und signed by Hugh Murphy , It is for&3.r > 0. ffiitlcenliu I/MM / or tin * timler thta / iejiJlftu / nlttcaih Htlillttntittl line tin cent * . niI < rV A BOH. to Mr. and Mrs. Ilonry llod- loy. August VJ , ItfJi I'ObTIIK A daughter , to Mr , und Jlrd. Jumoi Koster , Auisust'il , inn. JtllCII. " t iitlittnf Jlvelliut i > rle n tinilrr Ihlt lie < nlfljtu cento ; each ti.litltlnniil line ten cfntn. flKIJ-U. ( ( HOIK , Augusts. 1602 , agocl 8 months. yUllll'P-I.ena Schlpp , August 'J.1 , IB'/ . ' , n od M yours , _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I.NSTKUMCNTiiiilaaodon record Aueust 2) , 1KD.I WAIIIIANTI * IIIIKIIS. W J filnto and wlfo lo 0 M Kanford , w 25 fret lot U , block C , Jettur'/indd / toHontli Omaha. . , . S CSt Kannlo ( irmly to Patrick Itowluy , u li lot 16 , McL'iinillish Place , . I A J Hunt to W D Vest , o lot U nnd w ' , ' lot Id , block ' . ' .Van Hnrcn Heights . U59 Lottln llniwn and hUHbiinil lo Mrs Ktnlly HuHiicler , w H lot 12 , block 4. Hor- badi'n'Jd add . 3,501 H A MuKauhrou to II K .Siiululun , n / of n CO tout of lota 11 and 12 , blue it O , l-owo'Hudd . . . 2,10 < M A C'ono and wife to Ohurlus llulltl , lot. ) , blouk (0. ( Ooiiilut llolvhti . Oil W M J Wylio and wife to O A Hlarr. s } ( lot II ) . blouk I , ArmHtrong'u lut add. . . . 1,701 H II II OlarU und wife to Pauline Hoedur , lots 7 und S , block 1 , Kuolld place . B.70 Total amount of tranufurs. . , . ( 15,51 PonniliiiiiHtiir'it Notice , ' Impoiindod. ono horse nnd ono mule. If not redeemed , will bo Hold tit publlo auction , Aug < list-Till , at 10 o'clock u. m. , nt ' 'll.'i I.envem worth ritroot. JOHN Hl'OKUU uSJd t. Poundiuautor ,