Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 25, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    r no T"l "V i TTf I Torn osr
Veterans at Superior Listen to a Kansas
Cyclone's Humorous Hum *
4lo Didn't Tnlk Politics > > t Im Pointed
- Out Hoinn .Mighty Iiitmostlni : 1'ncU
for tlin Old Holdlur * to Con-
flldrr llcfuro Voting ,
Nob. , Aug. 21. fSpoclal to TUB
lii.J A heavy rain yesterday mornlntr
tijaln Interfered with the reunion program ,
out before 1U o'clock the clouds had vanished
nod the rain left the air cool and pure and
the camp In good shape. Tboro can bo no
1 such thing as mud In Cnmp Lincoln , as It Is
Jocatodoa newly mowed pralrlo sod. The
ro-jlstor at headquarters U constantly sur
rounded by crowds of now arrivals. Addi
tional touts have bean pitched and so far all
arrivals Imvo boon uccommodatod with
( luartor * . Tao hotels In the city nrocrowdoJ
and scores who linvo sought accommodations
there Imvo boim turned uwnr. The largo
Dumber of ladies present oxoitos comtnant
and is looked upon by the vcscrans with
lutUiactlon and is taken ai nn indloatlon of
the over Increasing Interest In all mating *
of the Grand Army of iho Uopubll a
Colonel Sohulor announced from the platform -
form today that tlio noisy demonstrations of
o few boys and fakirs which made the ilrst
ulght In camp hideous should not bo re
pouted. Pol ice headquarters linvo been
established on the grounds und thocamp will
heicnftcrba guarded by nn ofllciont police
' n Oreiit Trent.
Last avonlng's cnrap lira wat a great trc-at
to the thousands who were tortumtto enough
to hour tbo speech of "tno irrepressible ,
fiehtlnj. ' Dan Brown of Concordln , Kun. , " us
ho wus introduced by Colonel Scbulor.
Brown is n largo , wide-out man , nnd almost
Ihn iirst thing bo Bald win that ho and
Colonel Schulorrworo living proofs thut the
people of Kansas are not starving. Said ho :
"I'll hot thuro Is not a man here who knows
my poilticH. IA volco : "Maybe you don't
know yourscll. " ! Yes I do. I am n black
republican , und 1 urn proud of It. Now , if
thntU nolltlus put It in your pipe and smoke
it. I wunt to say that I vole just us I shot.
It i& curious that speakers can go buck into
ancient history nd follow down to the revo
lutionary wiir and the Mexican war and
speak of the bravo deeds of the soldiers , but
when It comes to a reunion of the veterans
of the late unpleasantness If n speaker utters
o word about the crtmo of treason ho Is
accused of waving the bloody shirt.
'I was raised In Posoy county , Indiana ,
where men were honest und if any ono
among thorn did not tell the truth at all
tlinos ho was llablo to bo drummed out of
the country. I was taugnttu call things by
their light names , nnd I toll you that old
Dan Voorhcos nnd other * like htm , during the
war were lubds. Whenever the old soldier
boys nro forbidden to itpouk truthfully of
their friends iho enemy , then I am In favor
of blotting out the Fourth of July , and quit
celebrating our victory over tbo British.
Soldiers Know Mow to Vote.
"Now , wo have no politics in Kansas. As
a rule a soldier does not need to bo educated
in politics. Ha knows how to vote. But
ihero nro blftuk sheen In all llocka , and them
is now nud then a soldier who bus boon led
astray. Dojou know how I feel toward
sucnl I will toll you : I feel like saying
'Father , forgive them tbov know not wlmt
thej do..Thero Is such a thing as n calamity
howler. I heard ono of them say the otbor
day that there was not crop enough raised
in Nebraska this year to feed a
blue Jny. They say wo bavo
no corn In Kansas , but 1 wan
to tell you that calamity calves will starve
to doat'ti'down tboro this winter because t&o
nubbins will ba too lorco for them nnd the
owners too l.izy to break .them. Why. wo
have to haul our whcut over Into Indian Ter
ritory to thresh it , because there is not room
in tbo'llold.V'o nro In the midst of pros
perity , and when you hear something drop
next November you will roill/o that tno old
soldier's voieo is being heard In the land.
'Tu true that wo hnvo hud grasshoppers and
chinch bugs and drouth down In Kansas ,
but this year wo Imvo n now kind of u bug ,
However. I think the recent rains will Imvo
u luuuuuuy iu uiuwn ii < uui.
"Now , Kontlomon , I promised not to talk
politics and I have Itopt my word , ntid for
fcarl may say noinotbing which might bo
construed into politics I will quit , but l
want to say bororo I take my seat tbat the
men who saved tbo country ought to run it.
Iliri Point.
"Suppose a man has two Eons , and ono of
them ts a goad boy nud tbo other tries to cut
Uls father's throat at midnight ; which ono
suould the father trunU Supposebo should
punish the young reprobate , and the boy
auould say , after taking tbo licking , 'Well ' ,
you have whipped mo , but you haven't con
quered mo ; ' and then suppose the old man
should wuut ono of the bays to have a good
time on the fourth of July which ono should
ho tend ! For my part I "preforto keep this
government in tbo hands of thu men who
Buv'bd it , and if thut Is bloody shirt , all right.
The portrait of John A. Logau is Just as deal-
to mo today us It wus twenty years ago , nnd
I don't propose to turn it toward tbo wall. I
wont to gn down to my grave loval , and
xvhon Uubriol calls mo up tor the last roilcall
1 want to co mo up just as 1 am now , lu my
old blue blouse , nnd niibwor Hero. '
'I understand that the ottlumity howlers la
Nobrnsxa are saying that thu country Is
going to tbo domnltlon bow-wows utid tbo
people starving , but I must say it don't look
like it to mo. I know some straugo things
are colng on. You have some fuiui.v
fellows up lierf , same as wo have in
Kaunas. Ono of them I used to know when
ho wns In the United States uonato , though
ho looks Ullloront now wears u different
eultof clotnos. But if tha poopio do their
duty ho will bo olectcd to stuv at home and
wear his mask in private. When f was a
boy wo used to llsh for bullheads with frogs
for colt and no hook. Wo tied the frog on
the end of a Hiring and throw It lu und tbo
bullbends would grab U and bang on until
wo lauded them In Ibo boat. Well , wo bavo
OHIO men who are bullheads , und some of
thorn have swallowed the halt , nnd unless
they let up they will bo landed in tuo enemy's
Whom to Trust In Oltlco.
"I bollevo in patriots , not for ofllco , but
real live patriots. Wo have plenty of patri
ots for ofllco in Kansas. 1 Know somb of
thorn lioto in Nebraska and they remind me
of suckers In n at r emu. First tbov go up ,
then down stream , and then slray oft into u
SUTeront stream altogether. Lot us go on in
Iho fnl'.h wo started lu on. Were you right
in 161)11 ) If you were , when did you get
tvronc and thu other follow right ! It won't '
do to clcot tbo follows who went wrong , to
olllco. Suppose tlio pcopla of tills county bad
oleotril n treasurer twenty years ago und bo
had stolen all the money ihero wus in iho
tmasury und got awuy with it , court house
and all would you want to trust him now )
Ob , but ho would bay that wus a long tlmo
ngoj Just elect mn now und see whut a nlco
honest fellow I will be : Of courxo you
Would elect nlm. Yes , I sue you fulling ever
uuch other to vote for him. Now , I want to
lay to you that for tbo next four years the
tame old itinu who never vntocd a pension
bill will remain ut the white house. The
people will not take kindly to u certain fat
eld gentleman who vetoed .V.'l pension bills
without shcdlng a tear. Ho can go lisbing
on Memorial day next If ho lines bo
will have nothing else to do. Now , I'm not
tulKlug politics nor about ( J rover Cleveland.
I'vo ' not said a word about either. Now
comrade , before you cast u ballot next No
vember , lot mo uslc you to look up into
beavtiii and bco iho faces of Grunt , Lincoln ,
Uurflcld , Levin and olliors , nnd then vote as
you please , and I will bo satUllod with the
result , "
Brown closed nmld o storm of npplauso
nud wai > warmly congratulated by hundreds
as fast a they could clasp bisi hand. Ho had
struck the ympuihotio choid which vlbrutoj
in the broant of every true vctoruu. Noarlv
every goutouco of the tpoeoh wus applauded.
WOMK.V MAI ) Till : DAV.
Ciim | > Lincoln 'litravd Over tit the I.iiillu *
\Vlio Kiiturtuliiiiil Ilumliomuly.
Sui'Kiuoii , Nob. , Aug. "M. fSpoolul Tolo.
jr ram to Tim Uim.j Today hu boon Ho-
llof Corps day ut Camp Lluoola , For tuo
first tlmo In the history of the Dopsrtmont
if Nebraska the ladies of the Woman's He
lot Carpi occupied the entire day. At ) UTO :
,1m morning Colonel Scliulor Introduced
Mrs. Emma B. Knight of Itmvalo , president
ot the district organization , and the camp
was turned ever to the ladlos. The choir
sang "Hall to Our Country's Defenders. "
nnd the nudlanco repeated tlio Lord'.i prayer.
Mrs. Addle M. Hllllnjs. the brilliant
woman lawyer of Oonova , delivered tbo ad
dress of welcome , spooking oxtemporano-
ouily , She was followed by n most eloquent
and patriotic address by Mrs Drama B.
Aldrlch of Cawuer City , Kan. , vlco president
of the district Womnn's Hellof corps. A
glco club of Sons nnd Daughters of Veterans
sang "llally Hound the flag. " Mrs. Wood
of Burr Oak , ICnn. , requested that all Kansas
members npponr at the afternoon meeting
wearing .mnllowers that they might bo roc-
ognlrcd as coming from the Sunflower stnto.
Nohra4ka ladles were the goldenrod , iho na
tional flower.
The afternoon session was opened by the
Soni of Veterans unlfoniicd band of Hod
Cloud playing nn overture. The secretory
rend a telegram ns follows ;
DKN.MRON. la. , Aug.M. . Mrs. Kintnn Knight.
1'rusldont Woman's Itellof .Uor | > , Superior.
Neil ) . : 1'lonso uonvov uroutlnK to Noliniikii
and ICiitisiis Woiitrm' * Knllof Oorps and ( Irand
Arinv of the Uupnbllc. May thu lillh bo the
brlihtcst und best day of the lonnlnn. Fra
ternally yours , MAIITSEAIIS McllKNiiv ,
1'us } Niitlonul I'rosldunt. '
( lot H llciiullliil ring.
A beautiful llnp v\hlch had be on provided
for a gift to thu corps having tba
number of members iiresont wns wait by
Parson Brownlow Corp No. 02 , Chester ,
Nob. , with thirty-two monitor * present
ont , There uro llfty-ono corps In
the district , twouty-livo In Kansas
nnd twonty-slx in Nebraska. Tbo
corps having next highest number present
wns James A. Unrllcld , No. 14 , with twantv-
sovcn members present. Mrs. Emtmi It ,
Manchester of Lincoln , pnst natlonnl senior
vice proslrlont , also past department presi
dent , presented the flag iu n short but elo-
n.uunt sptioch , while tbo members of tha suc
cessful corps stood in line la front of tbo
speaker's siaml. Many of thu old mothers of
corps wiped nway the unbidden tour during
tbo presentation speech.
Mrs. Alinlru Phillips , president of Pnrson
Brownlow corps , responded In n feeling
manner. Thou the glee club sang "We'll
Hnliv 'Hound ' the ITing , " which ended a most
pleasing ccrotnony.
Mrs. Anna Hunter of Nebraska City , pres
ident ot .the Woman's Hullof Corps homo
committee , made nn eloquent npnoalforthc
homo. There nro y'JJii members of the
Womnn's Hollof Corps In Nebraska , and
there was distributed by the organization
last your S3,437.0'J. Mrs. Hunter Is a sweet ,
motherly looking woman and will succcoJ in
cst.ibltshln ? the homo.
Miss Ashbrook of Geneva , senior vlco pros-
idonf of tbo Department of Nobra ku , de
livered a sbort address and was followed by
Mrs. Wood flf Burr Quit , Kan. , in a recita
tion entitled "I'm Only a Woman. "
Kansas AVonmu lor PrcHldrnt.
Mrs. Clary Jelllsou of Kansas , a member
of the corps at Chester , Nob. , brought the
house down in n handsome speech , in which
sbo made an appeal for the right of franchise
for women. Suld she : "I ones heard a man
say that women Imvo not bruins enough to
volo. I will venture there is not a woman
present who bus not more Drains than ho
had. If tboro Is any ono thing moro certain
than another it is that n Kansas woman will
bo the lirst presidentess of tbo United
States. "
Mrs. Kato Judson of Hod Cloud addressed
the meeting. Mrs. Miller , also of Hod Cloud ,
representing the Daughters of Votornns ,
made ono of Iho best speeches ot the day.
Her subject wns certainly inspiring and she
handled It well. There arc sixteen organ-
ired camps of the Daughters In Nebraska ,
with headquarters nt David City. Tbo Sons
and Daughters club sane "HodVntto aud
Blue. "
Mrs. Manchester bv request spoke of the
eligibility of candidates for membership In
the Woman's Hollof corps , and showed that
the doors are thrown wldo open to nil loyal
women , whether connected with soldiers or
This ended the program. A vote or thanks
was given the lady speakers , the glee club
aud Woman's Hohof corps.
AiiiiiMincnmcntH Mucto.
Colonel Schuylor then stated that if any1-
ono on the outskirts of Iho immense club had
neon unable lo hoar all that hud been said.
Tin : BEE would have full reports which they
could read tomorrow.
Commander Andrews announced that to
morrow wo would hnvo with us J. Warren
IColfor , ex-speaker of tbo national bouse of
representatives , Loronzo Urounso , Lieuten
ant Governor Majors , Atloruey General
Hastings and others.
Vctoritua ut ? Crimp Lincoln .linking the Molt
of the Keiinlon.
SLTEIUOII , Nob. , Aug. 24. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BEE.J Prof. Kirkondnll
and his bulloon wont up iu tbo presence of
10.00U people ut Camp Lincoln this ovonliic
and the professor still lives to repeat the
operation tomorrow.
Tno camp fire this evening had the largest
attendance so far and was made a joint
affair , tbo comrades dividing the time with
the Indies. A recitation by Mrs. Flood , a
son ? by William Adams of Hooks county ,
Kansas , and recitations by two llttlo misres ,
Chrlsaio ICintilo ot Uurr Oak und Grncio Jor
dan , entitled , "I Am a Vutnran's Daughter
und Pupa is Ouo of the Boys , " u song b.v
J''oxwortliy of Liucolu and a humorous
spcucti Dy ( Jbapluin Cole of Blootnlugtoa
were enjoyed und received with applause.
Comrade Cole said the calamity howl was
a uontompttblo lie , aud for proof ho referred
to the fact thut men of all nations were com
ing to America to totter tbolr condition.
Mrs. Billings of Geneva wns called and ex
plained that in making the presentation flag
speech she did not talk politics , but that if
slio spolio tonight she would bo compelled to
deliver a full grown republican spooch. She
tool : up in turn the UirlfT , free silver , the
"force" bill and tlio pension question nod
handled u.ich iu an abla manner. Toward
tbo close of her speech , when speaklnn of
Cleveland's pension record and of Sloven-
son's war record , u few Independents ou tbo
outskirts of tlio crowd attempted to bowl her
down. Mlllor of Hod Cloud oamn to tno
front of the platform and ut tempted to pro
test against political speeches. His
sentence wus that ttaoro were probably as
many Independent soldiers Present ns repub
licans , but that was as fur us ho over Rot. A
cyclouo of 1101 convinced bi > n of his mistake
and hu retired gracefully.
The weather is delightful , no dust and no
mud. At least SOU teams were tlod iu tbo
corral today and 10,000 people were hero.
Tomorrow Is to bo tbn big day and tomorrow
night tbo greatest camp tiro.
A district organization , of tbo Army of the
Potoraau was effected this evening.
DoWltt's arsaparlltn ciciinsej the blooJ ,
Increases the apnetlto and tonoa up tbo sys
tem. It has bonotlttod many people who
bavo suffered from blooJ disorders. It will
iml tin * Coiiforolico.
The members of tbo council committee on
viaducts and railways , the oftlclals of the
Union depot company nnd tbo railway com
panies ware to have hold u mooting today for
tbo purpose of putttrg the union depot pro-
] vut upon lu feet again. Owing to the fuef
that ( J.V. . iioldrego of thu depot company
will bo absent from thu oltv , the muetlntrlias
been postponed until Saturday afternoon ut
"o'clock. At that tima tbo ofllcials named
will meet In the may or' * ofllco iu the city hull
and discuss the proposition ,
Mr * . L. K. 1'atton
, Uocitford , III. , wrlto ) :
' From personal axporlonco I can recommend
UoVViU's SaMJpitnlla , a euro for linpuro
blood und general debility. "
York Entertain Sixteen Oamps of the Order
in t-o Fourth District ,
Time of tliu Vliltor * Jiiiitic < l In I'l
, itciiminl : Election
of Ofllcurs-Othor Nn
Nutvx Notes.
YOUK , Neb , Aug. 24. [ Special Tologrum
to TUB BEE. ] Although the weather looked
very unsettled ttils morning tlio first annual
plonlo of tlio MoilcrnVooclraon or America
of tbO'Fourth congressional district of Ne
braska was bold today and was n grand suc
cess. Sixteen camps were roprosontcd , as
follows ; mockham. Exeter , McCool , Fair
mont , Osccola , Thayor. Coidova , Uradshaw ,
Aurora , Benedict , iloudcrson , Utlca , Lush-
ton , Uraftou , Stromsburg nnd York. A
rmrnila wns tnado at 11 a. in. , led by the York ,
Fairmont aad Shelby bands ,
A Business mooting was hold and Mr.
Chldcstar of Aurora olectea president nnd
Mr. rCichols of Strorasburg secretary of the
picnic association. An executive committed
was appointed , consisting of one member
from each camp represented. The next
plculn will bo hold at McCool August 24 ,
iblK ) . The audross 6f wolcoir.o was dollvorod
by Ueorgo F. Corcoran of the York Demo
crat. Speeches were made by W. A. North-
colt , huud counsel , of Ureonvillo , 111. ; Dr.
Frank Swallow , head physician , of Vnlloy
Falls , ICun. , and D. , houd banker ,
Uriuul Istanu. These speeches were very in
teresting niid well received by their brotncr
WooUiucn and friends.
Will JIcui lit ( luuotii Next \ciir.
HASTINGS , Nob. , Aug. LM. fSpncial Tele
gram to Tnu UKB. ] The lirst nui.ual moot
ing of tbo dogi'oo ot honor of the
Nubraska Ancient OrOor of United
Workman concluded Its bossions today , the
business being transacted in tlio Grand
Army-hall. The committee- the ensuing
year were clotted as follows : On finance ,
Mrs. Thompson , MM. J. J3. Butler nud tr. )
Ilolvoko ; luws , L. A. Payne , Mrs. H. O.
Morin nndV. . S. Housuvvorth. For the
ollluo of grand medical ( ucamlnur , Dr. J. U.
Mosshourt wns nnmud. Geneva will enter
tain the next gruna loage on the lirst Tues
day in Ootobar , 1SU3 , I'lans have boon made
for the foundation of a separate bouo-
llciary system rasembllng that of the
Ancient "Order of United Workmen
but restricted to the member of the degree
of Honor , $1,000 being Guaranteed Instead of
SJ.UUO. The delegates and visitors are en
thusiastic over their treatment in Hustings ,
nnd gave tlio cltUcns nnd the ledge which
has entertained tbo body a vote of thautts for
the hospitality and kindness shown.
Crop Omirftlim bt-ttloil.
DUNCAN , Nob. , Aug. 21. [ Special to Tun
Bui : . ] The question of crops \a \ settled In
this vicinity. There has been rain every
day since lust Friday aud a heavy rep of
corn is nsiured. timull grain Is all'stacucd
In line condition. Haying is Doing pushed
lorwaru as fast as possible.
IXAVAMt , Nob. , Aug. iM. | Special Tolo-
cram to TUB Bii.J : A rain of about one-half
inch fell hero this morning , doing touch good
to corn and pastures. Threshing Is pretty
well over with around hero and tbo results
are much bettor than were expected.
Wlllmra Ulnkloti , a Gorman fo'rmer living
two miles north of town , threshed 1,580
bushels of oats from twonty-flvo acres of
ground. At Gruhon another farmer threshed
outnplcco of fall whuat that yielded fllty-
ono bushels per acre.
Colchr.itn at Superior.
Nob. , Aug. 24. Special Tele
gram to TUB Buc.J This has boon n red-
letter day for Imperial. Oyor 9,000 people
Lave been celebrating the advent of the rail
road to this place. .Tudgo Crounso , Lieu
tenant Governor Majors , Treasurer Hill ,
Commissioner Humphreys , Prof. Andrews ,
Judge Cochruno , Secretary Koontz aud other
stuto ofllcials were present and delivered ad
dresses to the people. A special tram
brought hundreds from McG'ook and other
points. Base ball , foot races and borso rac
ing were some of the afternoon amusements ,
n crnnnrnl irnnil tlinn ivn had Tmnnrinl nnnrlft
erecting to the railroad world.
Lout : t I'ocit nn the Hull.
NoiiFOUf , Nob. , Aug. 24. [ Special Telo-
grain to THE Bii.J : A tramp giving the
name of John H , Haitian , from Tacoma ,
Wash. , was picked up this morning from the
Elkhorn right of way with ono foot mashed
off. Ho was riding in a box car , and as tbo
train slowed up for tbo Union Pacitiot cross
ing jumped off' falling unjor the train , i Ho
wus found and brought to Iowa by a farmer.
Medical aid was summoned and tbo log
amputated oolow tbo kneo.
Honey Creek Thieve * Discovered.
PEUU. Nob. , Aug. ? 4. [ Special Telegram
to TUB BUB. ] The thloves who stele the
household goods on the 17th icst. In the
Honey Crook settlement , a few miles below
Porn , .voro arrested to Jay. They proved
to be mombora of a family by the .namo ot
Suinner , living in the neighborhood instead
of the unknown men as was lirst thought.
Two tiiun and two women were arrested.
They were taken to the Auburn jail this
Ciinlil Mot Mipptirt tint Alliance.
' LYONS , Nob. , Aug. 24. [ Spoclul to TUB
B'HH.J The Alllnnco Sun , ono of the leading
organs of the people's party , came outlast
weak for the entire republican ticket. Mr. Car
ter , thu editor , savs ho cannot indorse- the
principle * of the now party. The principles of
the republican puny , savs Mr. Carter , uavo
built up this uatlou's prosperity.
] 'ir In n liny .Muck.
IlAitVAiti ) , Neb. , Auir. 21. [ Spoclul Tele
gram to TUB BKB. | Fire was discovered in
a hay stack near Kunzalman's barn this
afternoon. The lire company was called out
and soon put out iho blaze. It was started
by some children in play. .
Road these ItttioU lines. Buy Cook's Extra
Dry Imperial Champagne If you wont a line
and delicious drink.
bOVTJl OM.llt.L.
During Deed of n Hold Illglmiiymnii nt
tlio itock Island Uopot.
J. L. KUodoj was hold up by an unknown ,
highwayman Tuesday ulght at 12:80 : o'clock ,
and at tbn point of a revolver was compelled
to hand over his purse containing { 30.
Ktioclos is a stranger in tbo cltaud was
onrouto to his homo la David City from a
visit to Iowa. Ho was awaiting the arrival
of the Rock Island train , on which ho was
going to Lincoln. Ho was lulsuroly walking
down tbo platform south of tbo depot , when
a man stopped from between a siring of cars
standing on the track on the oust.
The stranger Inquired of Hhodca
where ho was going , and a few commonplace
remarks passed butweon the in.
Wlion Uhodos turned bis head to glnncoup
the track tno stranger took udvuiitugo of It
and shoved a revolver in the former's ' face
and ordered him to turn over hU valuables.
Rhodes lost no tlmo In complying with the
request and the robber lost less time in dis-
afpouring botwcon tbo cars. The robbery was
a during ouo us there were several people In
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
i iho depot not moro t i ) 100 foot distant , nnd
ait ou cry from Hnode % would Imvo brought
tbiiu to his nssUtahdoV1 '
The affair wus qulolilw reported to the po-
Ice but tbo robber had ipadn his escape nnd
could not bo found. .Uhodos is at the police
8tntlo" < ' '
- .
U'nnls I'nv l > f HlK I'lnm.
Architect . .f.V. . Bollo'ftu is nftor the city
council nnd120 is tha1 amount of money bo
claims Is duo him. About ono year ago tbo
council was dolnir a great deal of talking
about erecting n c\ly \ hall and Councilman
Uaugherty had the architect prepare pinna
for a brick structure- , The city ball question
wns talked of some bftdr the plans had been
submitted , but soon ; idled nwav , and Mr.
Bollcau's plans Vfqro pigeonholed nnd
forgotten , When the POV ? council had
organized last spring Iho city ball
question wns revived ana Architect Decker
secured to propuro plans for a frame struc
ture. To this procedure Mr. Bollonu objects
and wantst to know where his pluns are nnd
whether or not ho Is to rocelvo any compen
sation for preparing thorn. Ho wants the
council to pay him for his labor , but ho will
probably want in vain. When Councilman
ihiughorty bad thosoplans prepared ho acted
upon his own responsibility and without any
Instructions from the council. Mr. Dough
erty has removed Irom the city , and it is
probnblo that Mr. Bniloau will not receive
aiiytbiug for the work ho did ,
School Opening ,
The city schools will open tor the fall term
Tuesday , September 0. The prospects for an
increased enrollment ever the opening days
of last year are very good , and the buildings
will all bo taxed to uccommodaUi the pupils.
Ono room each In the Third ward , Brown
Park und Albright schools bavo boon or
dered lilted up and that loaves no unoccu-
ylad rooms in tboso buildings. The Board
of Education has leased tba store room at
Twenty-fourth and I streets , nnd nro lilting
It up for school purpoans. This room will
ha > 'o a seating capacity for about- forty
scholars. Thlrty-twn Instructors and teach
ers Lave boon ongnaod lor the year's work.
0.110 continued growtn or tuo city uas ren
dered tbo soliool facilities Inadequate , and n
great deal of dlflloully will bo experienced
this winter in caring for the pupils. If some
of the applicants for admission to tbo schools
are not turned nway because of tholr crowded
condition , it will bo a happy disappointment
to the members of the board.
IColibod Ills KIIOIII Mnto.
.Too McGlmpsey , nn employe of tboCuduhy
Packing company , Is looking for his former
room mate , Gus. Shell. McGlmpsoy says
Snoll broke Into his trunk and stele a gold
watch aud revolver yesterday aftornuan.
The two bavo boon occupying the same room
in a boarding house nt Twenty-sixth nnd P
streets , and Shell entered tbo room and
broke open the trunk during bis companion's
abjonco and took the articles , valued at $100 ,
Shell has been employed at Swift's packing
house , nud resigned his position lucre Tues
day , and has probably loft the city , us no
trace of him can bo found.
Nnrrouly 12ncuped Dentil.
William Tanner , a furmor living west of , came near being run down with a
north bound Union Pacific freight train , at
Savage's crossing , yesterday afternoon. Tanner
nor was intoxicated and thought ho could
cross the track boforo'thb train reached him ,
but the train bowled along very lively nnd
tbo head of ono of thd horses driven by him
came In contact with a car. The bridle was
torn off and the animal's head badly cut.
The horses were badly frlgutenod and a gen
tleman noaV secured the"them by the head
and prevented further diimagu being dono.
At the llorjc ) . Aim hot.
Tbo auction sales at tlio horao market at
tbo Union stock yards yesterday brought
out a largo numbar o'f eastern und local
buyers , and with the visitors present the
largo pavilion was Ull9ddurlng tbo progress
of the snlo. About sovonty-flvo norsos were
put up und sold. Satisfactory prices wore
realized on all desirable offerings , und if tbo
supply bad been three times as cront good
horses would have sola , easily , iiud ut good
figures.I'ho market' is" very stronp nnd
healthy , cTmsldoriug'thotimo of year.
Notes unit J'orHoimls.
J. C. Stevenson of Greenwood was In the
city yesterday.
D. F. Morgan is back from n visit with his
parents at Koarnoy.
E. Schorf of Milwaukee , \Vl3. . was in the
city yesterday on business. ,
Ex-Councilman and Mrs. Rowley returned
yesterday from tbolr Chicago trip.
Misses Lizzio and Alice Elkouborrv of
Plattimouth are visiting with friends In the
Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Evors have gone to In-
dopendoncoIato , visit and attend the racing
Emit Strauss of tbo Cudahy packing com
pany loft Tuesday for Colorado on a pleas
ure trip.
Captain Pater Caokroll has taken out a
permit to erect two cottages at Twenty-first
and I streets.
D. A. Pearce will loavonoxt week for Now
Orleans to witness attractions before the
Olympic club.
Michael Cudahy , president of the Cudahy
Packing company , returned yesterday from
his Chicago trip.
Peter Young has commenced the con
struction of a new residence at Twenty-
seventh and J streets.
Chief Justlco Maxwell of the supreme
court of Nebraska wn.t in the city yesterday
visiting his brother , R. T. Maxwell.
The guests of tbo Leo hotel gave asoclil
party nnd dancent the hotel last evening.
These present enjoyed themselves eroatly ,
and tbo evening passed pleasantly tuvtiy.
William Burns has complained to tlio police
that Otto Routber and Harry Windier bavo
left his boarding house at Forty-fifth nnd L
streets , aud that they fulled to settle before
doing so.
U. F. Millar , a brakomnn , was sentenced
to thirty days in tbo county jail by Judge
Fowler yesterday. Mlllor was drunk Mon
day afternoon and throw his arms around a
lady's waist nt Twenty-fifth and N streets.
South Otntthn will send a big delegation to
Lincoln today on tbo excursion given by the
Modern Woodmen ot America. The trolu
leaves hero at 8 o'clock this morning and
will atop at the switch near tbo Q street via-
Dislodge Bile
, . ,
iStir up the Liver ,
:0ure : Siok-H&dache ,
i Female Ailments ,
Eemovo Disease and
Promote Good Health , i
; I Covered with a Tiutetcts & Soluble Coating , , '
; ! Famous the World over.
1 Ask ( or neectiam'i nod take no others. '
2 Of all druffRisli. I'licc. ,25 cents a box ,
S , New , Vorlc . . Pepott tf , Canal St. i
tfrfk * i l w jV. .4k ' & & { VAAAAA * l KI
W will forid you the marTrloui
Xrrnrb 1'ruraratlon CALTHOS
I'rvc. nil A Itvfttl Kunrunter Ilial
I'AI/IHO.-fVlM Itr.lorc your
llrullli.Mrniulli uuU Vigor.
Hie tl anil fa v i/salisjitit.
Hil. Im.rUM IfMU , Cbfliilll. Oklo.
Dr. Bailey , S r
The Loading
Third Floor , I'axton liloolc.
Telephone 1085. 10th uml l-'arnam Sis.
A full eel of tcctli on rubber for 15. I'erfect * ol
Teclli nltliout jilatoj or rauigritbla brMifo work
Juet tliu tliluu for ulnimri or liubllo | ) CnkorJ , uoror
drupdoirn ,
Gold fllllnz at ro isou'vblo rntos. All work
wurruutod. Cut this out foraifuldo.
Itict The excursion. ROO.I ever the Hock
ilnnd. The South Omaha camp will hnvo a
nrpo dologatlon ,
DoWltt's SavaapnrlUa cii > iaa3i th3 0103 !
Work Tlmt M llrlnc Iono fur fnlloii Hut
ItcpnntiinlVtiincn. .
At the beginning of the pros out year a few
jcnovotontly disposed ponoiif mof" together
'or the purpaeo of orKiuiUlug nn association ,
the object of which should bo the rescuing of
orrlnp , but ropontntit , women. In pursuance
of this arrangement articles of incorporation
of the "Itosouo Homo for Woruon" were
Hod with the secretary ot stnto on January
8 , although the association w < u not able to
bcglu Its work until the following March.
The Homo li pleasantly situated In tbo
southeast portion of the city , nt 403-103 Dan-
croft street , and the use ot tha promisor and
laud on which they atntul Is sonorously
donated by Mr. N. J. Smith. The main
uuildlnij Is n two-story frame structure , eon-
lalnltiir ulna rooms , besides n pantry and
bathroom , with a good cellar tinder the entire -
tire balldln . In adilltlon to this thcro Is
another suuill ilwolllne near b.v which Is also
used by the Homo. Both house ? are fitted
up with Uuo rogara to tbo comforts of the
inrunto * nud nro furnished with city watur.
The grounds nro covered with shade trees
nnd there Is a wall kept lawn ID front of the
houses ,
At present the Institution Is In a nourish
ing condition and has already done some
splendid work In the reclaiming of young
women from u Ufa of shame. If nosslblo the
orrlucr ones nro restored to tholr parents or
friends , or If that bo Imposilblo efforts nro
made to place them lu suitable positions
where they can honestly earn tboir own live
The ofllcors of the Homo , who perform
tholr duties without pay , state the people of
Omaha have been most qnnorouj In donating
household furniture , provisions and fuel aud
In helping the good cttuso In n number ot
The following are the ofllcora : President ,
Mrs. Elizabeth Wnlann ; secretary , Mrs , Ada
Flalbush ; suporlntondont , Mrs. Lydla A.
Nowborr.v ; treasurer , Mrs. Susanna Smith ;
matron , Mrs , May li. Drnua ; board ot trus
tees , Mrs , Martua Leo , Messrs. Horace J.
Nowborry and Newton J. Smith , nil of
whom are residents of Omaha , also Messrs.
Thomas M. U'right of Kounara and Thomas
U. Holman of La I'latto.
Thursday of each week is visiting cinv , bo-
twcou 9:30"o. : ai. and 4:30 p. m. , when the
superintendent , who rosldos at the Homo ,
will bo plnd to show these Interested In the
work over the Insttttition.
Dlsoaio never ucco5 fully altaoka thosy
omwllh pure blood. Do Wilt's S rsapirlll
makes pure uo\v ol-n 1 . onrluhot
The Gorman dtalcol-comoilinn , Ocorgo C.
Staloy , In "A Uoynl 1'ftss. " commoncci an
ongapomont at the Prtrnnm Street theater
Sunday nmtliico. Kxchangc sneak of Mr.
Stnloy In a most laudatory manner , ills
acting nnd singing aro' both snlil to bootn
superior order. His play , "A Hoyal Pass , "
Is described as an interesting creation , con
taining a woll-wovon story , brightened by a
great deal of uiusio and comody. Ouo of the
most vomlorful plooos of stage realism is Iho
locmuotlvo race In the thlrJ aot. Two real
working engines , running on Iron tracks , nt
a spcrd you believe Imposstblo ; the onglncors
and Iliomon nt their posts , sparks Hying ,
steam escaping , whistles shrieking nnrt bolls
ringing. This is undoubtedly ono of the
greatest sensational sconus of the ago , and
Mr. Stnloy can sufely say that ho has capped
all olhor efforts made lu tnis direction.
Prank Daniels , the inimitable comedian ,
who Is coming to the Hoya tonight
for tliroo nights with hU most successful
ploco , "Llttlo Puck , " lias this season the
Inrpoit tnrco company on the road. Itnum-
bora ever twcntv-ilvo poopto of known stand
ing and acknowledged ability In the nmuso-
incut world. Mr. U.iutols , although of course
the central llguro of the porformunco , does
not boltovo iu "giving iho whole show him-
solf. " Ho has therefore scoured the elovor-
est pcoplo posslblo for this , the sixth year of
"Litllo Puok. " Honding the biipiiorttng
company 1 that painstaking and attractive
bit of sweat femininity , Miss liosslo Sntison ,
who has been Mr. Daniels1 co-laborer ever
slnco the company was lirst produced. Miss
Hilda Thomas , the woll-l < uowtiprma | ! dounn ,
now plavs Clara and with her are the Misses
AnottaColno , Nolllo UucKloy , Minnie Mlllor ,
Lllllo Fording , May Campooll nnd Or.tco
Hussoli , Among the comedians are Tony
\Vllll. ms , D. L. Don , Hubert Evans , John
Canllold , George Campbell and W. S. Ilalli-
nap. The sale of seats commenced yostor-
dny morning nnd was qtllto Inrgcly patron
ized ,
Kollowlng Paank Daniels nt Boyd's Now
thcntor coinos Milton nnd Dolly Xoblos la anew
now play.
Mrs. Wlnslow's Soothing Syrup for chil
dren Teething Softens the gums uud allays
all pain. " 5 cents n bottle.
Sept. 15.1893
Durham , N. C
Gentlemen :
We have Smoked up
all the Tobacco at the World's
Fair , and have unanimously
awarded the Gold Medal
for Smoking Tobacco to
Bull Durham
Congratulating you on your success ,
we remain Yours truly ,
Blackwell's Bull Durham
Has been the recognized standard of Smoking Tobacco
for over 25 years. Uniformly good and uniformly
first. Bright , sweet and fragant we invite the
most fastidious to test its peculiar excellence.
Blackwell's Durham Tobacco Co. , Durham , N. C.
I Every MAN can be
BE 3'.rRONO and VIQ-
I OROUS in all > -eipecl3
_ Jty using SPANISH
, thegrcnt Spanish Remedy. VOUNO MUN
OR OLD siiflrriiic from NBRVOUS J > BBIIITY , IOST or
KAIIINO MANnoODliiclllyenilssioiicomulsions ( , nervous
" , prostrationcnustd hytucuse of opium , tobacco or alcohol , wako-
"St'yPr ! S "aJr5iSS3S5' ! ' fulness ,
depression , loss of power m cillicr sex , spermator-
DppnoRK AND AfTLR USE , rliooa
caUErd byself abuse and over indulgence or anjrpcrsonal wtak'
ness can ba rcsiorrd to perfect health and the NOI1IU VITAI.ITV OF 3TRONO MEN.
We give a written guarantee wnli 6 boxes to cure any case or refund the money. Si a box ; 0 boxes f j
For Sals la Omahaby Snow , Lund&Co.
To Preserve
The rlclmc.'s , color , nml bounty of thu
hair , the greatest rare Is ncco.ssary ,
much harm being done by the luo ol
vrorlhle.03 dressings. To bo sure ot li.iv *
Ing n first-class article , nsk your ilrug *
gist or perfumer for Aycr's llulr Vlgop.
It is absolutely superior to any othoi
preparation ot the kind. It restores tba
original color nnd tullnoss tolinlr wlilcH
has become thin , faded , or prny. It
keeps the scalp cool , moist , and frco
from dandruff. It lienls Itclilngliumorg ,
prevents baldness , nml Imparts to
n silken texture nnd lasting fragrnnco ,
No tollat can bo cotistdcroil compluta
without this most popular and elegant
of all hair-dressings.
"My Imlr began turning gray nml fal !
Ing out when I was nboul 2,1 years ol
ngo. I Imvo lately been using Ayor's
Hnlr Vigor , nml It Is causing n no\r
growth of hair of the natural color. "
It , Ji Lowry , .Tones 1'rnlrlo , Texas ,
"Ovorn year ago 1 hat ! n snvero fever ,
and when I'rocovercil , my hair began to
fall out , nnd what llttlo lomnlncd turned
gray. I tried various lomcdios , bill
without success , till nt last I begun to
Ayor's Hnlr Vigor , nml now my hair la
growing rapidly nml Is restored to 1U
oiiglnnl color. " JIM. Annlo Collins ,
pigliton , Muss.
"I IIBV.O nscil Ayor's Hnlr Vigor for
nearly IIvo years , nml my hair Is moist ,
glossy , nml In nn excellent state of proa-
urvntlon. I nm forty 'years old , nml
Imvo ridden the plains for twonty-flvo
years. " Win. Henry Ott , a//as / / "Mus
tang B1U , " Newcastle , Wyo.
Hair Vigor
I'rcpareil byDr. J. C. Aycr& Co. , I.owcllMogt ,
Bold by DruggUta Kvcrywlicro.
Parched Rolled Oats ,
Unequalled in Flavor.
Corn Gritz ,
Sold only in 2 } pound paolcagjoi
Velvet Meal ,
For nidlllns nnd go ins.
Soli ! bf nil I' Hrocor * .
This medicine for babies prevents and
cures pains of teething and resulting
diseases , not by putting children to sleep
with an opiate , for it contains no harmful
drugs , but by supplying the teeth-forming
ingredients which aie lacking _ in most
mothers' milk and all artificial foods.
It is sweet and babies like it. $1.00 a
bottle , at all druggists. Send for pam
phlet , "Teething Made Easy. "
Our new fall stock is coming in very rapidly and' is be
ing stored in the second and third stories of our building. It will be
ready for sale September 1st. As to the balance of the Hellman stock ,
we need hardly tell you that we mean to get rid of every article on
hand , as the prices on the display in our windows will amply testify.
Those who have bought know full well the immense bargains we are
giving , There is but a small quantity left and the 'sizes are very much
broken. Those we' have the most of are
$10,00 suits for $5,00 $16,50 suits for $8,25
$12,50 suits for $6,25 $18,00 suits for $9,00
$15,00 suits for $7,50 $20,00 suits for $10,00
This is positively the last week at these Hellman bargains as wo
open up on the 1st day of September with all brand new goods.
Now or ever
/ ' JTtl11SJ4I \ + flit/Till \
' v 'Successors to M. Hellman & Co. )
Oor13th and Karnam-