TIIK OMAHA DAILY BEE : THURSDAY , AUGUST 25 , 1892. THE OMAHA BEE. COUNCIL DI.UFFa OFIflCEj - NO. 12 PEAHL STREET Dcllvorca by ciurlerto nnr part of thp city 11.V. . T1I.TON. - MANAGER. . ri.tin-vfv.J HtK'nCRBOmcc . No 4.1 "I " " r"IoM-MNlKlit Editor . No23 iJ'lumblug Co. ( 'ouncll HlulTs Lumber Co. , OrccnslilclJ , Nlchohon & Co. , 021 Drond- w v , ronl cstnto and rental adonis. Largest list of protierty of any dcnlors In the city. Tlio Endeavor society of the Chrlulnn church will elvo nn Icecream social nt Mm. Frunoy's , In the ntincx of the Grand today. Mrs. Lease , tlio tomato orator of Kansas , will spo.ilc nt the Masonic templonoxt Thurs day night under the auspices of the people's party. . Marrlnpo llcotisuaworo Issued vostordnv to Andrew K. LoucUs and Anna Youne and to Henderson Lloyd and Martha M. Suoop , nil ' of Coutidl niul'ts. ' 1'bo Klflh Avcnuo MothodUt Episcopal Buiidiiv sclmol will glvo u concert this ovon- Ini : for the butioiltof the school , under the direction ol Miss Webb of Lincoln , Nob. I'alutors commenced the wotk of fro colntf the council cliunibor at the nlty bulldlnft yesterday. A trooit job Is beinc dono. nnd It will udd p-cully to the attractiveness of the pin co. Mrs. II. .f. Doorwcstcr died nt 11 o'clock ycstvutny tnoniltif ! of cancer , after a two jcntvi' slckncsx , aicd30 ycuw. The funeral will take place from the residence , .103 Uroau- way , nt n tl.uo to ho announced later. The Pomona Land nnd Trust company has Illod nrtlclos of incorporiitlon with the county recorder. The capital stock 13 fliJ- OJl ) . nmt the Incorporators nro f. J. Day , J. 1' . llossand Uharlo ? IConlffsmnohcr. Airinoinbe'vs of Abe Lincoln post and other ol I soldiers contamplutuiK golni ; to the tia- tiomil Hiicampmunt will meet at Grand Armv of the Ucpubilo hall tula evening nt 7:1)0 : ) o'clock. Albert P. Demon , n hold soldier boy from Fort Oinuhn. ami Mary E. Hoover of Omaha were milted In marriage yesterday by .lustico Hummer. The followinp Is the jury for the Septem ber turin of superior court : Joan NVntts , Au- yunt LiirsenV. . II. Ilobinson , O. II. Lucas , J. W. Crosslnnd.J. A. Churchill. ( I. H.Obb- iiioltzcr , Jerry Jolly und C. H. Gilmore. Tlio members of the Hazel camp No. 171 , Modern Woodmen nt America , hnvo accepted nn Invitation from the Omaha ledge to visit Lincoln today. All who intend to EO'should bo at the depot In Omahl at : 'M o'clock this ovenh'L' . The sosslon of district court which was announced to be held by Judge Deomor today has been postponed until Saturday , n loiter having been received by Clerk Camp bell from the judge staling that ho will bo utmblo to bo here. Alfred Clarke , a traveling man , died yesterday morning of typhoid fever , aged 37 years , uftor an lllnois ot two week' . Tbo deceased was nt 010 Mynstcr street when tnlton III. Tbo remains were ttilton tp Sterling , 111. , for Intcrmont. About sixty members of the Until ledge No. 1 and Golden Link ledge No. 113 , Inde pendent Order of Odd Fellows or Omaha , were guestb of Council ISIuffs ledge No. ! l Ttiesdav night. An informal reception was glvon them nnd r/Mreshmonts wcro served , H. .1. Joseph and Miss Anna H. Tucnor were married last. evening at the rosidcncuof tbo bride's sister , Mrs. C. C. Clifton , near tlio. corner of Fifteenth street anil Eighth avenue , Uov. C.V. . Brewer ofllcinling. A lurgo number of friends of the parties woio present. Notice has bcca posted on the bulletin boards at the court , house ol the sale of n lot of property situated In the notorious "Lafny- o'.lo adultiou , " tu the norlhwcst corner of the Missouri river. Tbo sale Is to tuko place September 1 ! ) to satisfy u judgment of SM0.20 in favor of E. Schuiv against F. H. Jerome of Omaha. Tbo members of the Grand army of this city , hctiripg thnt the Union Pacific Hallway company U Intending lo give the trco use of its coaches to the delegates from tbo western post ; who attend the national encampment in Washington , bavo decided to make an effort to secure the same sort of arrange ments for the Iowa delegates. Charles Watts was before Justice Hammer ycstcrory to answer to Iho charge of ussnult with Intent to commit murder. The prose cuting witness , C. H. Hovvo , was present , and the story of the trouble was gone through nt sotno lenu'th , when it was suddenly discov ered that Walls was a resident of Nebraska. and hud been paying taxes thcro for some time. Ho was immediately discharged. The Union depot company hold a meeting in the court bouso .last evening for the pur pose of talking over the results of the rail road mooting and devising ways and moans fur liquidating the indebtedness of the com pany. The treasurer was Instructed to prop - p ire n statement of the assets and liabilities nnd report lo the company nt tha next meet- Ing. Tbo trustees uoro authorised to tuko such measures ns they thought best to pay olT the indebtedness. The meeting then ad journed until September 15 , when another ineullni ; will bo held at the same placo. Jacob Shane , a wealthy farmer of Coon Ilupidx , started the ochoss going lust night nl.out 10 o'clock by wild criss that sounded In the dislaiico liito "murder. " Every police man in hearing rushed to the nlnco \vncncolho sounds came , but Oftlcer Kemp c.iUL-ht him nud took him to the police station , where ho claimed to hnvo been robbed on Stutsmun street. Ilonlso claimed to have been drugged while on Ninth street In Omaha. Ho had quito u numoor of valua ble papers lu his pockets und about S15 In cash. Captain W. A , Hayes put on his holiday clothes yesterday morning and started out to paint the eastern part of the city n bright carmine. Ho uushod aboutthostroots , jump ing six foot or less Into the air at every bound , nnd accompanied his gymnastic exhi bition with n succession nf Blood-curdling whoops nnd yells , and challenging nil the neighbor women to Hoop him quiet. It , vns onu of his ordinary tantrums , and It ended up In the sumo old way. Three , policemen cornered him and tool : him to the police station , whr-ro ho was booked with drunken ness nud disturbing tbo peace. , t I'AHtUllt.ll'US , Miss Mamo Oliver has returned from a visit to Col fax. Hon. L. T. Gonungof Hastings was In tbo city yesterday , Mr. and Mrs. C. T. Stewart left yesterday for un eastern trip. Mrs. J..I. Stork and daughter are spending a few days In Colfax. Miss Mlnnlo O'Connor of Galosbiirg , III. , Is In the city vUUIng the family of M. H. Tlnloy. W. D. Currotbors loft yesterday for Ores- ton , where ho will tano In the stulo bicycle lourunmcnt. Miss Stella Billiard aid Miss Elsie Butts returned yesterday from a visit with friends In MIlwnuiEce. C. 0. Homier nud sister of BuiiUor Hill , III. , are visiting their brother , T. U. Bonnor , 501 Fourth uvenuo. W. W. Alusworth of Dos Molnos , secre tary of the Stulo Hallway commission , was In iho city ycstor Juy , Dennis Uyan , n wealthy capitalist of St. Paul. U at the Grand hotel with bis three children , on his way homo from his ranch In Idaho. George T. Ilowier , general secretary of thu Cincinnati Yciyig Men's Christian asso ciation , Is In , the city. He vvu formerly a resident of Omaha. Mrs. A. Hotter , deputy grand chancellor of thu Pythian SUtorhood , U in Kansas City iiiti-iiulng llio biennial encampment of the Knights of 1'ylhlns. J. U Tomploton returned yesterday mornIng - Ing from St. Joseph , Mo. , wboro bo has been visiting hit biotber. Ho itl o took In the Kulghu of Pythian reunion ul Kansas City. Tnilns leave Mamiwu unlly tit 8 n ndlO n. in. , llim. , und 1 , " ' liilfu ' a. 8UI : ; ) , 4:80. : 5 , 6ii'o. : ; ! oasa 7. 7ao : , 'a , 830. ; 5 9:8 : , 10 , 10:80. : 11 nnd H.V5 : p. in. The 11:65 : train will make eonnootltm with the IttBtclcotrlo motor our for Onnthu. Summer suits for irontloinon ; cool , coinfortublo and uhoap. Uoltor. tlio tailor , UIO Broadway. Judaon , civil ongluoor , 823 Broadway. NEWS FROM COUNCIL BLUFFS Yesterday's Hosting of the Hallway Com mission Davoid of Gratifying Results. PRESENT OUTLOOK FOR A UNION DEPOF nmcunlim of tlio Priipoiltlnn from Three Different J'olntfl of Vlcw-Tho liultiliiiK 110 Nearer Coiniilrtlon Tliiui ItVn it Yu4r ARO. The Hallway coromUston has comp , hold Us meotlni ; nnd gene , nnd Council Uluffs hasn't nny union depot. The tract of land nt the corner of Ninth nvor.uo and Seventh street Is as barren and tr.ioKloss a waste as over , nordoos there seem to bo any percepti ble Improvement In the local depots. The sangulno people who expected to see all xvronfjs righted within twenty-four hours are considerably disappointed this morning. Wnon J. W. Luuo of Hampton , and Potcr A. Uoy of Iowa City , two of the inembnrs of tlio commission , arrived In the city they wont ntonco to the Grand hotel. Spencer smith , the third mom bur , wns theru already. At the hotel they were met yesterday morn. , iiff by the mayor , members of the council , stockholders In the Union Depot company and others interested , and taken to the court House , vvtivro llin mooting was to bo.hol.1. A short morning session was hold , It being occupied principally in nn Informal discus sion of too matters InvolvoJ in the contro versy. City Attorney Hn/.tntoi : States tlio Cn r. City Attorney llnzclton stated the object of the mooting. Ho roferroJ to the misor- nblo sheds that nro maintained by iho com panies In lieu of p\33engor : dcpot- < , and nsUcd the commissioners to takn stepj toward bi'lnBing the companies to a realization of the rlphlao ! the people ol Council DUlTs In the citso. With the union depot schcmo he bad nothing to do. The commissioners' aid had been Involtod ever u your ago , but at the earnest , solicitation of the representative ! , of the Union Depot company the uuilter was dropped for the tlmo balng for fear of Inter fering-with the prospects of securing the much.covetcd union depot , which just nt that time sconce ! to lake on a brighter hue. The people were uow protesting against any further delay. W. II. M. Pusoy appeared in behalf of the Union DL'DOI comnnnv. He said the com pany did not euro to jeopardize Its Inter sts by coming In and trying to nssm the council und the citizens in their efforts to secure local depots. Thar hold contracts , duly signed by the representatives of the railway companies , in which they npreed to build nnd maintain n union depot , and nothing less than a strict compliance with tbo terms cf this contract woul.l bo acceptable to the members of this company , who had In vested something like S3J.OUO In u site , which would bo ulmost worthless , except for the putuoso for which it was originally designed. Ho referred to the attitude of the Union Pa- clllc compntiv , which scoms to bo the only company "that Is anxious to annul the con tract , and said tli.it It now had possession or Union avenue , which cost the city f 140,000 In cool cash. Spnkun Iiy tliu Uallrcmds' Attorney. John N. .Baldwin , the attorney for tno rail- rondH , wns the next spanker. Ho thought the1 only question baforo the commission was the adequacy Of of the terminal facilities now ulTordud by the railway companies. Ho would admit that the commission hid juris diction of this question , nnd llio companies ho represented would abide by any order that might ho mudc. But wuen It came to making any order with reference to n union depot , or uven connlderin ? such u question , no contended that the commission was ex ceeding Us jurisdiction. No paper had been Hied by the complainants showing that the union depot question would l > 3 broached at Ibid maoting. UP and his clients were nc- cordlncly taken by surprise and were not ready for un Investigation of that question. The contract wnlch was referred to by Pusoy , ho suld , was not n contract that could bo enforced , but only an executory oontract that did not go into effect until it had been presented to the directories of the various companies for their signature. Tlio tight thus became a threo-corncrcd one , and it was evident that unless some agreement could bo reached Dv the two fac tions of the city the whole depot question would fall down in the middle. An adjourn ment wns taken nnd the commissioners spent an Hour drlvinc about the cit.y for the pur pose of renewing acquaintances with the depots. At the Afternoon .SuMtitcin. At " : DO o'clock in tbo afternoon the corn- mission came together again. The audiunco In the morning had uccn large , but that of the afternoon wns even larcer. Considerable delay took Dlaco in gutting down to business , mi J wticn at lost tno meeting was called lo order nothing new was duvolopsd. Speeches were maue tiy the same men who hud occupied the morning session , nnd the sumo argu ments , in much the sama form , wcro brought forward on ooth sides. Puscy and 11 n/.el ton nnd Uio parties they represented had hocn unable to arrivn nt nny agreement , and n .lltllo good naturcd bulldozing between Pusey und Baldwin was the only thing that hap pened to give a variety to the utter mouot- oiv : of the proceedings. Baldwin renewed his pica as to the Jjrls- dictiou of tuc commission and to the surprise ho hud bnen subjected to when ho saw tlio union depot question staring him in the face , and , wanted tlio hearing adjourned until Oc tober 1. u lion Messrs. Amos und Clark of the Union Paclllo rojtd bo prcjcut , und in the meantime ho wanted the Uulou Depot com pany to put Its demands In proper legal form , HO that ho migut know what they were going to do. After n long discussion it was lin ally decided to postpone the hearing of the case until Tuesday , Boptombor'JT. Itoiimlncd Silent. One of tbo noticeable things about the meeting wns the sllanca that was manifested by ( Joorgo F. Wright. He has been consid ered ono of the foremost workers In the union depot fctieme , but yesterday the silence of a clam biitupnn his lips. He wns in u somewhat cmbatrusslng position , from I ho fact that his Inw partner was tbo man whom ho was supposed to bo llgbtlug , tooth and tocnall. Ho accordingly snl as near the mldulo of the room us possible , kept us quiet as possible , und la this way preserved as neutral u position us possible. The following railway representatives wcro present : Union Paelllo E. Dmkou- son. assistant general manager ; W. H. Kelly of Omaha , assistant attorney. Chicago cage , Burlington & Qulney Uoncnu Super intendent Hosier , Superintendent Levey of the Iowa lines , J. II. Duggnn , division superintendent , und W. J. Davenport , divis ion trolght and passenger agent. Chicago. Milvmukoo 4& Kt. Puut Division Superin tendent Uoodenougb. Chicago , Uock Island & Paclllo A. Kimball , ntshtant to the pres ident , Chicago & Norlhwo-ttorn M. ,1. Al- worth , general agent of this city. IVul ( iroutly Ijncoiiragvil. At the close of the session n private con sultation was hold between the leaders of Union Depot company and the n.llroud olll- clul * . \ \ hen the consultation was over these who were on the insldo toolt no pains to con ceal the natlsfactlou they full over the result of 'ho Interview. ' Tno union depot scncimo never looked BO oncouruglQg us U docs this afternoon , " mtid oiiu of thorn. "It U the llrst tlmo wo huvo ever had o mun.i of I ho ofllcluU together , nnd wo poured hot shot into them to the bast of our ability , nuu with considerable effect. Wo explained tha liunuclul condition our company was In nud called their atten tion to the fuel Unit wo had invested our money In tboio grounds with thuiuncior- standing Unit they would time them oil our hands. They anmlttnd that they had slguoa n contract by which they agreed to build the union depot , and llnully , to cap the climax , they all with ono voice garo u * nisuraucob that the money to pay for the erounds would bo In our bund * by Hoptomoor 15. " So the mutter now stands. The stock holders iu the depot feel encouraged , noionly because they tbluk they aland n food chance of gomuu their money baeu , but also because when OIIUQ the railways got possession of the grounds U Is only a question of time when tbo depot will bo built , for it ilooi not not stand to reason thnt they will Invest fcW.OOO In land and then allow the laud to run to wusto from year to year. The pur- cuaia of the mud may not put uu cud to the nccimlty for olub-wloldtnif on the cart of iho citizens , but It will put another club Into llio hands of the men who want lo sco the depot erected. _ STtu , nitt'in : CUTS. I'utl ( ion < i Arriving Iiy tlio C.irlnul. Wnih goods must jjo. Hoston Store , Cottticll UlufTs , In. 2CO pieces dark , lifflit und medium colored uUiilllos , siiltivblo [ or dress nnd would bo very sitltitblo for comforters , only -Us u yard. "Cosmos , " ti nlco light wash fabric , only 0c. Denial tissue , the lightest weight wash fabric shown this season , while it lasts , SJc. Sliutitong ptingco , 8Jc , Ohlli.in cloths , Sic. Cronons , Sjc. Talteta cords , 8c. } Plno.ipplo lisstio , SJa The above tire till goods that sold at ] ! lo and Ifin. Beautiful rtvngo of pat terns still left. l'2jc souraucUors for 8lc , or 12 yards for 81.00. Hosiery In endless variety In l.ullcs' ' , misses'and children * , from thochonp Go hose to the finest silk ; all at out- well known loxv prices. Gouts outing llannol shirts , the best value in the land ; a 60c shirt for H3o. HOSTON STOUH , FOTHKHIN'aUAM\VHlTKLAW .t CO. . Council UltilYs.Iiu See Gi'oenshioht ! ' , Nicholson ft Co. , when you want to renter or buy a , houjp or nmko an exchange. \VII1 llnvLMi Stiii-ngo Homo. Hiclmrd Green has doclilud to go Into the cold storage business on his own hook , and the prospects uro nt present thnt the farmers of this vicinity will have n cold storairo warehouse In sulto of their repeated efforts and failures lo combine in to an association for tno purpose of carrying on the business by means of n stock company. ( Jrcon's packing house , which has Ueon lying Idlu for about n year and n half , has been Thoroughly renovated nnd Iced and will bo thrown open in n very sbotl llni" . ' It will havn n tendency to rcgulnto the vnluu of fruits , and so will prove n grout boncllt to ttio farmer * , who have horotofuro boon compelled almost to give their crops nway m good years to pre vent it from spoiling on their hands. In speaking of the fruit outlook , L. A. Cuspcr , who is probably ni well Informed on thu subject us anyone , snU yesterday that ho did not bcllovn the reports that had been sent out by certain parties to the effect that there would bo a failure of the grupo crop were well founded. "Soma of the farmers , " ho continued , Imagine often that their crops are much smaller than they nrc. For the past throe years the grape crop * bavo boon tremendous. This year it Is not so largo , nnd the growers begin to cry crop failure. If they would compare it with un nvorago crop instead of with tbo crops of the last few yours they would Und , 1 thliiK , that It Is about un nvorago year. " Carpet weaving at ! ) : JS avenue F. Work called for and delivered. C. M. Iving. If yo u want to buy ii house see Green- shields , Nicholson & Co. , 021 Ijroadway. Thu U'roni : .Man Cot It. Nick Smith , the Omaha man who bad so narrow an escape from the insane hospital last week while rocovi ring from an attactf of delirium tromeus , ciimo to light yesterday \\ithun information which ho swore to In .lustico Cones' oftli'o charging Fred Nusbaum , the proprietor of the Mergou hotel , with ' stealfnu a watch. About a week'ugo ho pawned a watch to Nusbaum f'jr if 1.50. A few days later a man appeared at the olllco wish SI..M ) und asked for the watch. Nus baum asked no questions , but took it for granted that the man was the owner of the watch , nnd gava it to him. It wns not until after tha owner No. 2 hud disappeared and owner No. 1 bad turned up thnt ho found that he hud boon the victim of a sharp tncit. Nusbaum was clvcn a trial at once aid was discharged , Uioro being no evidence to show that his version of tha story was not true. loOpaoplo in this city use gis stoves The G.tsCo. puts 'otn in at C03t. Will Not ISo n Cunilldiitc. The people's party of the Ninth congres sional district will no'ld their convention to day in Atlantic for tbo purpose of nominating n candidate for congress. Au evening paper is authority for the statement that Fluloy lUirUo is a candidate for the nom ination , with a good showing of being the lucky man. When questioned about this Mr. Uurlto statou that ho was not n member of the pcoplo' * party , and had never thought of being n candidate for the position. The report doubtless arose from u mistake In names. Ambrnsu Burke is u member of thu party , and has bcou mentioned as u passible cauJidute. _ _ _ _ _ _ If you have n house to rent list it with Grccnbhielils , Nicholson & Co. IloriiutliluioH at Work , Bland Uishton lost a iluo hoi-bu and bugcy Sunday ulgbt from hU residence , corner of Hroadwny and Twcnlv-tlrst street. The rig was standing In the barn , but tbo thieves pried the door from its hinges , harnessed the horsu to the buggy and drove off. Tbo theft was reported to thu police , but so far no clew has turned up. Charles Vounkormau also lost n line team of horses during the night acid at llrst sup posed that they had been stolen. It was afterwards learned that they hnd gotten loose and hnd been scon nt 4 o'clock In the Morning on lower Broadway. If you want to sell your property list it with Grconshiolds , Nicholson & Co. George Davis , drugs ana paints , a von Jim .nun : Complutu 1.1st of CliuiiKo * In the I Stu'vluu. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aug. 24. [ Spocal Telegram to Tun Uiu.l The following army orders were issued yesterday : Lieutenant Molzar C. Hlehards , retired , Is relieved from further duty us superintendent of iho Parish Union school nud Military Academy puristi , New York. Second Lieu tenant Richmond' MuA. Scholleld , Fourtli cavalry , will report in person to the major geucr.il commanding tbo urmv for duty In this city. First Lieutenant Edward Burr , corps of engineers , is detailed as secretary of the bourd of engineers , to consider and report upon certain obstructions In tlio Columbia river. Leave of absento for twenty days Is granted Colonel David B. Gordon , Sixth cavalry. First Lieutenant Wllllum F. Martin , Flfih infantry , is trans- icrred from company A to com pan v G , Fifth Infantry , vine First Lieutenant Michael J. O'Brien , Fifth infantry , who Is transferred from company G to company A of that roglmont. On the expiration of bis present leave of nbscnco. Lieutenant Mailln \\illjoln the company to which bo Is thus transferred. Lcavo of absouco granted First Llouton- ant Leonard A. Lowering , Fourth Infantry , is extended fifteen days. Thu following assignments In regiments of ofllcers recently promoted uro ordered : Cavalry arin < Colonel Ansou Mills , promoted from lieu tenant colonel , Fourth cavalry , to the Third cavalry , lo duto from Aut'uat 10 , vice Morrow , retired ; Lluutanant Colonel Samuel B. M , Young , promoted from major , Third oavalrv , to tha Fourth cavalry , to date from August 10 , vice Mills , promoted ; Mujor Henrv W. Wet > Bolls , j.r. , proaioted from captain , Third cavalry , to the Third cavalry , to duto from August 11) ) . vice .Young , promoted. He will report by loiter to the commanding general , UoDurtmcut of Tux as , for uisltrnmont to a station nml will join tbo station to which ho mav bo assigned ; Captain James N , Allison , promoted from Urn lieutenant , Second cav alry , to Second cavalry , troop M , to date from August 1.1. vice f'iamiltoa , retired ; Captain William D. Beach , promoted from llrst lieutenant. Third cavalry , to the Third cavalry , troop II , to duto from August 10 , vice \Vo < Hells , promoted ; First Lieutenant Floyd F. Harris , promoted from second lieutenant , Fourth cavalry , to Second cav alry , troop 13 , to datu from August 15 , vice AllUon , promoted ; First Lieutenant John T , Nance , promoted from sucoud Uoutouant , Second ravnlrv , to lha/Slxth cnvnlrv , tro p H , to dnto from August 15 , vice Glass. ( ! censed ; first Lieutenant. Charles C.Vnl - cott , jr. , promoted from second Ueutoiunt , Klchth cavalry , to Thlstljfcnvnlry , troop A , to date from August" 1(1 ( , vice Beach , pro moted. " ! ' " ' i ni Tintt row / ? . i s jvs. Cool. Southern Wlu.uKkKl ! lllow Tailny la WASHINGTON , D. C. , Auj. 24. Forecast forThundny : For Nebraska Fair , cooler ; winds shlfttntr to Boutlm'cst , For lown Fstlr , warmer In eastern portion tion ; wltidt shifting to oulhoiist , For the Dakotas Fair , except showers In northern North Dakota ; cooler by Thursdny night ; south winds I. oral Itrrord , Omen op THE WruTiinu Btmtut' , OMMIA , Aug.'I. . Omaha record of tempera turo anil rainfall compared with corresponding day of post four years : 1 < W. IfiOI. 1MH ifW. Maximum temperature. . . . 78 = 7J13 ' 4 = S7 ° Minimum tmnnor.ituro . . . fill3 4S = 011 = Hi"1 Average to'nporiittiro. . . . 7J ° 00 = (183 ( 7P ( Precipitation . .02 Statement showing the condition of tnnipor- aturo nud prcclpttntioa nt Omaha for thediy and slnco M.u-eli 1 , IS'-U , a comp.irod with the general average : Normal tumper.ituro . . . . . . 7. ° liolleloncy fortliodiiy . 1 = Delle oney slnro M treli 1 . ! ! 9(1 ( = Normal pruclpltitloii . II Inch Deficiency furthodily . II liu-h Kxcess slnon Mureli 1 . Silnuh y. S. ltAmi.iit. : Local Korconst Olllolal. Hcroril. WcATitcu Duitcvv , O.MVIIA , Nob. Au ? 25. 1SU2. Tbo chief of the weather bureau directs the publication of the following datn , compiled from the record of observations for the month of September , taken at this sta tion during n period of twenty-one ycnrj. It is bullevod that the facts thus sot forth wlllprovoof Interest to the public , as well as iho special student , showing ns they do the uvur.ico and extreme conditions of the more Important inoteornloglc.il elements nnd the range within which such variations may booxprotod to keep during nuy correspond ing month. Tcmporautra : Moan or normal tempera- tur < ; , li.)3. The warmest .September was tint of ISfll , with an nvorairo of T0 = > . The coluest September was that of 1871) ) , with anavcrago of 00s. The highest temperature during nny September wa lS ) ) = , on 4 , 1831. The lowest temperature during any Soptoin bcr was HO0 , on0 , ISiU. Average dnto on which llrst "killing" frost occurred , Sop toin bcr 'JO. Precipitation ( rain nnd molted snow ) : Averngo for the month , 0.14 inches. Average - ago number of ilays with .01 of uu Inch or more , 8. The greatest monthly precipita tion was 8. ait inches in IbSl" Th.i least monthly precipitation was 0.24 inches in IbSS. The greatest amount of precipitation recorded In any twenty-four consecutive hours was3.r ( ! on thu2'.lth , 1SSI. Clouds and Weather : Average number of cloudless days , 12. Average number of partly cloudy days , 11. Average number of cloudy days. 7. Wind : The prevailing winds have been from the south. The highest velocity ot tbo wind during any September wns 42 miles on thoSUtb , 1SS1. S. S. liAtsmi , ' Observer Weather Bureau. Sidney's .N'cu' ' Hunk. Ncr. Nob. , Aug. 21. [ Special Tologrnm to Tin : Bir.l The Bnrikof Nebraska opened its doors for business tjils morning. Milton Ahrens is cashier. Thp bank will prove ono of the solid institution * of Sidney and quite u necessary adjunct toxins vicinity. 'iho funeral of Mrs , ,1. W. Myers , nco O&slc Klckcttf , occurred * hero this morning fi-otn the Kpiscopal church , Kov. McDonald of North Platte ulllqiatjn ? . A hirgo concourse - course of sorrowing ifrlends followed the funeral cortege to Forest , Lawn Cf motcry. The deceased was S3 yeais of age and bus re sided hero during the nasv thirteen years. Southern Kailviij ; Muiuigors .licet. ATIANTA , Ga. , Aug. 24. Every line wns represented lit the Southern Uillway und Steamship association tiibStlng hero touay. The purpose of the meeting ' ! ! to sign an ' agreement to continue jt'bo association an other year from Soptcmber 1. At the Now Yorif mooting n few weeks ngo nil the princi pal lines cxcent the Richmond & Danville , the Central Georgia , the EastTcuncssca and Alabama Great Southern signed the agree ment. Todiy the Central of Georgia nnd Rust Tennessee and Alabama Great South ern jlgnod tbo agreement. < > rrotliia of Song. The Swedish ladies quartet of tbo Ole Oloson company wero. pleasantly serenaded at tbo Paxton hotel after the close of the performance last evening. The Swedish Singing society , under the leadership of Prof. Ernest Nordon , marched into the rotunda und snug some of its most pleasing soletiotis , being repeatedly encored by the Indies qup.rtot , seated on the balcony. Tbo ladies returned the compliment by singing several selections which were en thusiastically received. Hooking Up Mill llaccH. Dr. George L. Miller , George E. Barker. Guy C. Burton , Frank Murphy , Ucorgo W. lloldrcgcV. . V. Morse , Henry \V. Yntos , S. L.Viley , Herman Ivounlzo and Engineer Howell will depart lor Kenrnoy nt 8 o'clock this morning , where they will examine into the water power which runs from the Plaits- mouth river mid tbrougli the canal , furnish ing the motive power for the ICearnoy cotton mills. The gentlemen go in Mr. Holilrogu's private car and will return Friday evening. u'Ji Slmicglor. POUT TOWN-SEND , Wash. , Aug. 24. The famous smuggling schooner Halcyon sailed from Victoria lost night with 2,500 pounds of opium and sixty Chinese. Oiders have been Issued by the Treasury department notilylnp till revenue - onuo oflicers on the Pacific coast to bo on the olort to Intercept Iho vessel. Tbo sup posed destination of the vessel Is Oregon or California ecus t. Advanced U'ugtM. IxniAN.U'ous , Ind. , Aug. 20. The Van- dntla railroad has adopted a now scale for its telegraph operators. The minimum bus been tixud at 15 par month , nud nil salaries have been advanced about $10 pjr month , making the average auout ? * i5. WitnmH. BUOOKIUVE.V , Miss. , Aug. 21. A negro man , who was u witness In the trial of whlto- caps at this place some woeki ago , was shot and Killed Monday evening while returning bomo from work. No ttrrcsts have been made , but parlies are under suspicion , JMoviiinontH ol Ocean StviimurH. At Rotterdam Arrived Maasdum , from Now York. j At Now York A yed Nevada , from Liverpool ; Havel , fro/n" . Broniou ; City of Purls , irom Liverpool ; Strubo , from Santos ; Nordland , from Antweri ) . A Atllllun In f'o'l ' | for IZnrope. NEW YOUK , Aug. Sl'.TL. . Von Hotfmau & Co. bavo ordered $1.030,000 In gold coin for shipment to Europa tomorrow by tbo steam' ship Fuerst Blsuiurck. DoWltt's Sarsapartlla-ts ruilanla. Full of trouble the ordinary pill. Trouble when you tulro It , nnd trouble wbcit you've ' cot it down. Plenty of iinplonnnntncBB , but mighty little good.With With Doctor 'I'Icrco's ' Pleasant Pellets , tbero'H 110 trouble. They're made to prevent it. They're the original little Liver Tills , tiny , sugarcoated - coated iinti-liillons granules , purely vcgcUi- tie. perfectly hannjois , the hinalk , t , easiest mid lni > t to take. They clcunt > o nnd regulate the whole system , lu a natural mil ( easy way mildly und genlly , lint thoroughly and vfTectlvely. Ono , lituo Pellet for a lax ative three for a cathartic. Sick Hciulaclio , Ulllous Headochu , Coustliwtlon , ludlgobtion , Bilious Attacku , and all derangements of tbo liver , btomach und bowels uro provcuUxl , relieved und cured. They're the chcanei.t pill you con buy , for thoy'ru guaruntefu to glvu batUfaction , or your money Is returned. You ] iay only for the value received , Cau you ask inoro t FOR IT WAS STOOD TO T05T , rm soflps "OuRGinLs"/mv / IRBANR3llis THE BEST. SMELL 5W CTOU/J iltyEN 5H MOUSE iSCLEftM AMB BR1CMT WONDER EiRBflNtt'sSAMTA CLAW FILLS WOUSEMfllDS WW &U ! GHT , CHICflCO. Twin City Steam Dye Works a A. surr > so-ivo c , P.I > pur.KL\ . AND REFINISHIETG OP GOODS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. Omaha Oflleo , 1521 Farnatn St. ; Tolcphono 1321. Council BluUs Olllco nnd Works Cor. Avc. A and 20th St. ; Telephone 310. Send for circulars und price list. ABSOLUTELY PORE - F.F.JAQ.UEi & . CO. KANSAS CITY.MO- MachlnoatalO-Tons-a-Day Price. Our Warranty oc with Each Machine. Tlio fiouth\vlelt Tiallnir Pi-em U u2-uor5C , full-clrclo machluo. H Ima tlio largest locd opculugol Bales tlKhtl draftllght. Capacity ; Conotriictlont Dnrnlilllty nil tlio JIEST. SANDWICH W3AWUFACTURNC ! COTCouncil : niulFi , Iowa In starting one press recently we baled nine tons in five hours with new hands. THEGREAT LIVER and STOMACH REMEDY Hire.'nil disonlcrs of Iho Slonnc'i , Liver , Itoivcls , Kl.'oiyi , Kl.il.ljr , Ncrvon : lIsnsc.s , Low of AHClit3 [ , llca'lnclip. Constlpatl m , CosUvi > : iu , Inliaitl ii ; , It- l-'eier , I'ilcsEl ? , , anil ren'oti tin Kystniu lc5 H\bln : to coitiuct : tlhon ; . DYSPRPBIA. IlAnWAY'S IMLLS are euro for thU cotnp'ialnt. They tone up the Internal secretion' * to healthy ac.tton. nHloiostreiuth tollo htoiu.ioli. and un-iblo It to iiurforin Its fu net loin. l'rlcn'J\ua box. Sold by all dru uUU , or mailed by ltAlWAV& ( JJ. . M Wurroit Street. New Yurie , on receipt of price. INSTITUTE. INFIRMARY FQH. TREATMENT -OP ALL- licit facilities , npparutui nnd reinodlot for sii troitiiicntni'uyi.ry form of illio 110 ro.inlr- liu medlc.il or * uriluil Uu itinent. ft'JtieJs forimtlonU , tJOirl aii'l ' attou liiuo. | i0t no ciiiiKHliUldin In tliu noit. Wrlto forclrculurn nn dur rniltloi nud bnicoi , trm- on , flub feet , ciirvnturoiof npino , plloi. tuinnH , fun- ci-r , t-ntarrli , brunrtiHH , Inlniliitlon , uluolrlclty , pir- uljriln , ii > llP y. klilnujr , bladder , ore , car , BJUI un 1 blood undid ! Burulial ii | > nrutluii9. DISB&SeS OF VOMBN Women HtKIC. V Imvu liuely udilo I a lyliij-ln ilo * imrtiiient for ivomtm ilurlnK conllneiniiiit , strictly jir.vtitu. Did ) llcllublo llullcJl liul.lutu nuiliu u bpoclultyof inilVATIS DISEASES All Illooil Dlnnnca succosifully Iro-ilo.l. tijrplillltlo l'ili.on ruiiiuvud from tliu y lmn wlilioul muruirjr , Nuw llfntunillvu Tru.itiinint fur l/ ) i of VITAIt roWlIII , rur n iumblB to vUlt in limy bo truutul at liotiio br correnpoiidenco. All uuuimuiilailloiii cnnlldontlul. Mo llcliKU ( > rlii triiuimU : ont l y midl ur uiir | , . u'fiircly imckul , no inurkB lu IndleiUu coi * teiinior nuiiiler. Unu | iur < n nl Inturvlu.v i > ruurru I. Cull nnd i'cin ull iu or und history of your iiue , ui.l wu will neil J In plain wr.iMiiur , our RnnK Tf ) MEN "KKi Upon I'rlvnto Hpo. DUUPt I U IHC.I1 , cll , or jjorvoin Dlsunui Impnliiiioy , H/plillli , Uloi-l uml Vurt3Julu , wltii quui lirncei/Apphunroi for Dc-formltlo * nn I Trumei niKiiiifiicKjry In tliu tretloi DKl-'OUMITV , AI'l'LIANOKH , TIIUSSHH. ULKCT- 1110 HATTKIUKS ANO IlKkTd. Omaha Medical and Sunjic.il Inslltutc- 26th and Broadway , Ojunoll Tun mlntuoi rldo from center of Omaha on mrJ Uiuull Illurr. vluctrlu uiutor lluu. I'uuiiduruti-r'ii Nutlno , Taken iii. Onu Kray iiiiiro , havlus one ere h nd lo. . If not rudi-eiuud It will bo Hold at publlo auction bepteiubvr 1st , at 10 o'oloul ; . a. iu. , at ' . ' 115 l.ouvenworlh strnol. uVSa.t JOHN Hl'OIUtL , I'ouudwuttcr. SCRIBHBR'S For September , Tim r.iidt i rtii iiniruio. < ; ionK ! MI.I. : . lIliiBtniloil. Tim Tllili'ii TniMt Mbrai-y : U'liilt .Shall It lltt ? Joil.v llicu-.ow. lllimtrutcMl. Tim N'mHlcy I'roKpi-ld. lHAiiEr. K. IlAi'fioon In lliu avrlua "Ur.-al Mrc'oU ot tliu World. " Illua Iniluil. A CiiHii In I'olnt. Hiory. CEouni : A. IIiiuiAia ) . I'riiili Art I. Clnmlcul I'nlntlnK. W. C. Hliowjf. 1:1.1. : . llliutnitoil. Storli-H iifu UVitiirn Tciwn-ir. Tlio Knca of 1 nlluro. utTAVii TJiA.NKr. llliulrnlud tir A , II. Kroit. Tim Indian Who In Not Poor. C. V. I.ITMMIB. llliutnitoil. Tli Kdncatian of tli llllnd , MII.H. I'uin- : DIIH'K U , JOXKS. llluslr.ilcil. llUlorlo loiiii-ntx ! The Attainment of tlio IllKliust .North. I ) . 1. . lIKAI.VAlili , l.luutuiuint U. H. Army. Th.i I'olnl of VImv , I'oi-iiis , < > tr. , etc. NEXT MONTH. Tlio 'Millilll- "f till ) \Vlil ! < ! Oily. ( Tlio Wnrlil'a Knlr. ) ly ! 11 , 0. DtlNNKH , lllu lnitjil by W. T tiilKM.KV. PUIOK , r 013NTH. OHARLB3 BOBIDNHIV3 SONS. NEBRASKA National Bank. u , P , rErosiTogy - - OMAHA , NEB Cnjillal . $103,003 Stii-pliis Onicortnnil IMroU-jn Henry W. Vntoi. proildunt II. C. CnilitiiK , vice pruililunl , c. H. .Muurlco W V. Mor > e , John j. CollliK J. .V. II. 1'utrluK , l.uwl A , Heed , ciuhlor. Tl-llfl IKON BANK. RIP AN St T A R U L E 8 mutate { Ify tliaUoud , iitiiafu uftil trri ! lull if I'.bo lft innjlrlne knowufur lilllotit. ! SPECIAL NOTICES. COUNCIL BLUFFS. AOKXTS WANTKHTo soil tlio best double roasting mid ImkliiR pun In the market , Stoutly work. Unit prove to liuvo iiKonts wha mnkn over fJI n wock regularly. ACdr Chrules tjcmilthem , ( 'ouncll IN ifK _ SAMO GooJ ( j-ronm duelling near U. 1' . transfer. I'rlco tOK ! ) . Will Mlto horsot nndeallloln jmrl uny. 11 II , Slioufc. T710U sTMJlT-CrcnnicryV well 'lo.-ntnl In No- - * - brnslci. dolnu cnuif luiilncss. Will titka nrtn or or soil ontlro business nt K. II. "I71OU SAMS Improved 40)-nt-rc ) > Mock ( nnn -L' In western IOITII , lit ; 180-ncio fiirni , 8W | | ! M Mores. t.U ,1 oh in ton .V Van I'iiUun. MONKY loaned nt 0 per cent on Coiinoll HliirN rcsldoneo property. 1 II. Shonfii 13UU ) SAliK. 1'lorliln oran.'u erovo ; will -U trarto for Council HlulTs orOiuithn jirou rty. R II. Shoafo. Vioil ItKXT. the KI < iiinnro * < iiuMico. iiri : ttri | * - uvu ; In ituoil repair nn I ult nuiilorn cou < vi'iilencos. UonttWJ. K. IK Shonfc1. V\7ANTKI"I.ady or sontloniiin lo hoard by : i mlvato family. Address 0 I' ' . Hoe. IJ-OU SAl.K Hotel. 81 room * , looiitort hi Jmmtliurit Nob. . ttoln t H thrlvlnt tiusliios * . J.V'iOObuvs lull Id i\y \ nnd film turo Will tr.ulo for nid-io. 1C. II. Hlioafo. 17K > USAI.K Hardwurn stn3l In contr.il Nob. 1 ? Will lnvolounvu , R H Shoafo. li'Oll SM.K Oliolcost farm In I'ottuvruUa- Jinlo Co. . 413 noros well located niul Im proved. I'l-lco JWan ncro. K , II. i-li l/tAltM nml ulty lo ins at lowest r.ituj. -L Iti-.il est.ito foi .vilo. Ownlllni ; nn I busluon rent ils. .Money Untied for local InvotlDM. ! Kll I'o.irl stroot. 1,011400 ft Tourlo. IK YOU luivo anything for s ilo or truito aa E. II. Shoifo , Hrn.ulwiiy an. ) , \l un stroot. Jj 01C HUNT Dwollln.Mln nil | fi rli o f 7h7 L. eliy. 11 II. Slio.ifu. llriviilw.iy anl Muln. YVANTIvD-Kastern NoliraiUa landi In ox- > > change for ( 'ounoll UUUTs property. li l H. Shea ftllro id way un-l M ilnmJJt , "ITOU SAIjK Onnmall payments , fruit and L garilon Inn 1 notr Council ninth K. 11. fi ! . llroailwiiy and Mala street. F OH HA IK Albion Roller mills on llounu river. Nub. ; llnost watorpjtt'oi- llio stuo developing ! . ' . > horio power w.tlor ontlro yo in dully oipaclty , 100 u-irroU : ina-ih nury.aml . : ippurtciimecs : complain In every djt ill.CJ l fr.'ituu rosliloncu ; 8 ncrosot Inn I. title parfo Hi price , ? .VUG ; wilt tuko unl-iiprovo I omtora N'obi-ahkn land. R II , Slioife. 17011 SAIjK Iowa farms In I'oltnwntt : . - - ' and adjoining counties. R 11 , Shunfo. I71O11 KAIjl ! 8) noros of son I litnil nn 1 now -U collide , with foirnoro ; < Uml In WarnoM- vlllc , Nuh. : all inodorn luiijr.n'oiiiDnts : will cM.'liui--o : for a , plo.uant cnltno free of In- oiiinhraucu In Oouncll Illultj or Omah u K. II. .Shcnfo. SALE 4M-iicru ) ration In Chorrr Oo. Nuh. Oood liny liu.d. snlendld ranio for cattle. Men cottaKo , alublo uiul out UUllil- ! n 9 In cnod rop.xlr. plenty water , llust lun I In thu county : will sell ehe.ip. Wrlto fordo- talU 1C. U. shoiifo. JASTED Hnnlwnro sioolc In sontli- vv western IOWA for auotc.ish. U. Slionfo _ SALIC Clean stocK lianlwaio , well established FOR tablished trnlo , Invoice about * : ' , UJ. ) Uoocl uason for sollliv ; . Terms o-isli. K. II. Shuafc. \\7ANTKI ) Rood resldom-o iiroporty In ' Council II urTs In ovcliuncu fur good Ne braska Innd. R II , ijhoafe. PAIjB Garden and fiult land , choao FOH on long time. O. b. I.ulTorts , Room 31 , llaldwln blojK- , Council lllnlls. In. \ \ AXTED A yuunsc nvin to work a' outi ' f honso and stable. Apply .it olllco of Loonaid l.verett. SAM3 OH HRNT-Good coal yard wltU U boalt'S. etc. Uruuiifliliilds Meliulbun & Co , and book Keeper wanted" STHNOOHArilEK Olvn rt-ferenvo. Address XX'Slice , Conn- cUlliilV.s. _ ) " > \\7"ANTKI , ) Oootl Rlrl ft > r Kt-neral houao- miiUittil'l l'litntTBlrout. : t BIjACIC driving horse. bupKy and haruosg for sii'.o cheap. No. BI8 Mnlh uveiuio. WANTED llo.ird for limn nnd wife. In > sir ctly private family for the winter. St.itu pr.co und location. I ) . ' . ' 1 Ilee O'llcc. Ot Council Capital stock $150,039 Surplus ' "id IN-ollts 80,000 Net cnpUnl nnditirpliu $2:10,000 : Dlrecton- ! I ) . Bdiiunlnm , 1' . ! . Sliiipnrt , F. 1) . niciisnn , K. K. llnrt , I. A. Mlllur , .1 , V Ulnciimnn , nml ClinrlcH It. lluiiiiiin. TrHii9iit KOiu-rul Inuik- IIIK liuslnesj. l.i > r uf c.iillul | mm isurpluj ot unr bunk In Southwestern lonii INTKIIKaT ON TIMi : tKOSIT3. W. C. ESTEP , Funeral Director , Embalnnr 14 N. Main Street , COUNCIL : , u I--KK Tko Good Samaritan. 20 Years' Experience. HEADER OF DISEASES or MEH AND 1VOSIEN. I'KOPltlETOll OK TUB \VO11I < IVS 1IKH1JAIDISl'EM - 8AJIY OF MEDICINE. Hrea ( iho following Diteases : Catarrh of the Head , Throat , and T.unga : Di eases of the Kyeand Car , flu end Aioplexy , lleurt Disease , I.lver Complaint. Kidney Complaint , Nervous Doblllty , Mental Depres sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal Weakness , Diabetes. DrlKhfB ni'caso , St.Vltus' Iwneo , HhcuiiiatlBUj , 1' ralysii , White Swelling , Bcrofnlu , Fever Bores , Cnncors , Tumors and KlRtula In ano removed without the Unlfo or drawlnc a drop of blood. Woman with her delicate cw.iia re- BlorcU to health. Droiay cured without tfippliiB. Special Attention given to private and Venereal Diseases of all kinds. 83O to SBOO forfeit for any Venereal Dlc- onso i cannot euro without moroury. Tape Wonni removed In two or three hours , or 119. pay. Hiinorrholdii or 1'llcu cured , THOSE WHO AIIU APJXTCTKD Will eavollfo and hundreds of dollars by calling on or m-liif OR. G. W. PANGLE'S ' HERBAL MEDICINES. The only 1'liyalclaiivlio can toll trliut [ ill * a iiurmin ivitliuut u klii | ; a < jiie lloii. All cnrrCHpondeuce ulrlctlyconfldentlal. Mcdlolna cent by exprc-ga. Address all IctUn to G , W , Pangle , M , D BB8 Broadway , Council Bluffs Iowa 'n .S'oilui * . The fdllowlna dogs huvo been Impounded , U llnlldoL-M. U Illavli und Tan. 2 t-t-dU-li Torrlur * . 2 Irish tiutturu. 1 .NeMfoiiinlli 1 Kox lion nil , 11'ottuh Doi. i Wli tu I'oodlon. D Water dpanlels. If not mlooniucl wltbla Idayi they will b Jrownel. J. Bl'OIJUf , . Vex 1'ouudkuupgr *