Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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Hundreds of Nebraska and Kansas Oitizons
at Superior's Reunion.
Mnnngcru Ilnvn Much Dinicully In Acooin-
inodutlnc thn Vlnltora Arriingnmcnt *
In TliU Itomtcat Will o
.11 udo Today.
CAMP Ltxroi.s , Sornmon , Nob. , Aucr. 23.
-Special' ( to Tun BKK.J The Interstate
reunion was formally opened this afternoon ,
though for three days previous a constant
trlng of arrivals kept the officials on the
jump , assigning quarter * and enlarging
plans which wore supposed to bo ample , but
which proved to bo Inadequate for the
accommodation of tbo Immense crowds
Which have thronged the camp. The
managers planned everything on a largo
tcalo , but llnd themselves at n loss to fur
nish quarters for the unprecedented attend-
There Is no limit to the * izo of Camp Lln-
Boln , however , and additional tents have
been ordered , jo that the only disappoint
ment will bo that of n brlot delay. Tbo
tents are pitched on the level pralrio , adjoining -
joining a magnificent grove , in the shelter of
which Is located the spoukara' stand and all
omuscments , refreshment stands , dining
halls , etc. , of which there are enough to
form u llttlo city. Captain Murlln Is In
charge at headquarters acting as ald-do-
carnp to Commander Adams , and Adjutant
Felt l making himself felt nil along the lino.
Every courtesy Is being shown and ' no com
plaints is coming from ony quarter'
A moro jolly , eoodnntured lot thaa the
ofllcors of the Interstate association never
took command of a reunion , The tig cannons
from Fort Omaha tro on the grounds and
iftwoko the tired Boldlors this morning. The
following document will boot interest , as It
covers a point not tuought of by most people :
Orncc , tiiNCoi.N , Nob. . AIIIT. iM. Ulroular No.
2 : Thfl National Guards of Kansas or of nay
other Btnto nro lioroDy nuthorlrnd to enter the
ttnto of NuhraHku fully nriaud and oiillined lu
nltund thi ) Grand Army of thn Hepiiullo re
union ut Suiierlor In this Htnlo. lly order of
comnmndi > r-lii-ulilaf. VIUTOII VIKQUAIV.
Adjutant General and Chief of Staff.
The Kansas and Nebraska National guards
will reach Camp Lincoln tonight and will
bo escorted Into camp by a company of
mounted man under command of Cantatn J.
F. Kendall.
The weather is cool and pleasant , making
camp llfo a real pleasure. There nro a num
ber of "outfits" oero who drove in with
teams from points In Kansas , 200 or moro
miles distant. Everybody Is pleased with
the camp and have settled down to thor
oughly enjoy the big reunion of comrades of
two stales.
The opening address of McKolguan was
followed by a speech from W. E. Andrews ,
which was pronounced by nil soldiers and
citizens to bo the most mastoily nml learned
discussion on the history of the war , the
causes which led to it and Its effect upon
future history , over dnlivored at a soldiers'
reunion. His remarks were heartily ap-
Arrivals Todiiy.
Among today's arrivals was Mrs. Emma
B. Aldrlcb , ono of the forty original or
ganizers of the Woman's Roller corps. Mrs.
Aldrlch Is the present vlco president of the
organization and is also associate editor of
tbo Public Uucord , published at Cawkor
City , Kan.
Lieutenant Colonel bargont and forty men
of company A , Fourth regiment , Kansas
National guards , arrived at U p. m. Tbo
pfllcorsaro : Captain W. H. Parsons , Lieu
tenant W. B. Cranmer , and Lieutenant
Hardlnger of company F. The company
hails from Clyde , Kan.
The Bloomiugton uniformed band also ar
rived and furnished inusla for the day's exer
A telegram from George H. Hastings , re
ceived Commander by Adams this evening ,
dated Lincoln , nun ounces that on Thursday ,
tbo 25th , Judge Crouusu , Colonel Majors and
parly will bo hare , coming from McCooir.
Artillery and cavalry practice at G p. m ,
cave the camp a moro war-Ilka aspect. Dress
parade followed at 7 and the camp-
lire at 8. At tbu camptlro Fighting
Dan Brown of Concordla , Kan. , was
Introduced and { macln ono of bis
characteristic nonpolltical ( speeches that
caused the old boya to cheer themselves
hoarse. Ho was followed by Major Peav-
oian of Omaha in an eloquent speech , and by
ethers lu short addresses.
A. u. u. w. .MILT.
I'lrit Session of the Cram ! T.odgo of the
Mtnio ut Hustings.
HASTINGS , Nob. , Aug. 23. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : Bi'.H. | The first grand lodge of
the Uosroeof Honor , Ancient Order of United
"Workmen for Nebraska , was called to order
nt 10 o'clock this morning in the Grand
Army hall by Grand Master J. G. Tnto. The
report of the committee on credentials was
beard and adopted and a recess taken until "
p. m. At that time the election of ofllcors
was proceeded with , resulting as follows :
Past grand chief of honor , Mrs. J. C. Gra
ham , South Omaha ; grand chief of honor ,
J. G. Tuto. Hastings ; grand lady of honor ,
Mrs. Boyd , Pluttsmouth ; grand chief of cere
monies , Mrs. A. herding , Hebron ; grand
recorder , W. S. Housowortb , Lincoln ; grand
receiver , Mrs. Marquis , Hastings ; grand
ushers , Mrs. Summers of Platlsmouth and
Miss A. Johnson of Bloomlngton ; grand ad
visors to grand chief of honor , Mosdnmos
Dyer and Gumra and Mrs. Ilufford ; advisor
of ( fraud worthy lady of honor , Mrs.
Ilnnchln and Mrs. Waliuor. After electing
ofllcers Acting Hupromo Chief of Honor J.
E. Butler of Hastings selected the supreme
ofllccrs to assist him In Installing thoofilcers-
Aflor Installation committees on resolu
tions , finance and lavs were appointed with
J. E. Butler , Mrs. Thompson of Chester and
L. A. Payne of Grand Island chairmen , re-
Awaiting the final reports of the committee -
too on resolutions , an adjournment of the
grand ludgo was taken until Wednesday
morning , At 7 this evening n line of car
riages was driven to the Loplu hotel and all
\lsliingdolcgutustakon for an hour's drive
pvor the city. At 8 a raroptlon was tendered
pi I visiting delegates at the homo ot Mrs. II.
U. Morln on Burllnuton avenue. About 100
\vcro present and the evening was passed in
> pocuhmalcing and enjoying the delicacies of
Iho season.
Unit .Section of thn Stiito Wull Watered
In Otluir l.ocitlllli'S.
licNKKi.MtN , Nob. , Aug. 23. [ Special to
Tin : Bii.J : The line rain which fell over
| hls section Saturdny night insures the corn
crop and dispels all tears of drouth , Corn is
In splendid condition and Dundy county will
puvo an abundance , ' " 'ho wheat crop jj' turn
ing out very satisfactory and threshing has
been going on for two weeks. Four steam
threshers besides a .dozen or moro horse
power mnchinos are doing duty in this vicin
ity. Wheat Is averaging about llftoon or
eighteen buthels per aero. Two largo olo-
ViUors are in good repair her ? , oho at
Ivcs , ere at Halglur and ono ut
Max , this county , to handle the grain ,
Sriu.soriii.ii : , Nub , , Aug.'U. . [ Special to
[ Till : UiiK.J The recent rains and cool
rvcalhornro brltmlngcorn and potatoes out in
line shape In this county , Small grain in lu
) hu stack , but rutbnr poor : enough , bow-
> vcr , to Riipnly tbo county ,
lU'MiioMiT , Nob. , Aug. ' . ' 3. [ Special to
TUB UKE.I A heavy rain fell here yostorda\
from 10 o'clock to 1 , This insures a larger
irop of corn than lant year If frost docs not
lonio too early.
CurHToN , Neb. , Aug. 2a , [ Special to TIIL
pu. [ ) During a heavy oloctrlo storm yostvr
pay morning lightning struck the barn o
Aaron Ogan , killing H alalllon valued a *
11,000. There were eight or ton head of
ton > es and mules in the barn at the tituo
which wcra Injured.
Alton llulilml tlio Hum.
UKATIIIOI : , Noli. , Auu , 23. [ Special I'olo
r m to TIIK UKB.J JOO Alton , the colorct
Illegal dispenser of liquid refreshment * a
) ho races wock before last , was given hi
iecond trial today uml wm bound ever to
iho dlitno. court la tbo nuui of flUU , In do
'null of bail he was romanuod to the county
nil. Iho United States authorities have n
tvarrant In rcndlncsi tot Alton when the
state authorities got through wltn him.
The full returns of the special bond olec-
.Ions held In this oily yesterday bndly defeat
both funding nnd paving Intersection bond
propositions. The vote wus the lightest
polled In the city for years.
I'itt n Iliillrt TlirutiRh Hid Toot.
Sriit.voviKW , Neb , , Aug. 23. fSpcclal to
TUB BF.E.J The 3-yenr-old boy of K. A.
Oarton , residing nonr Menavlllo , shot u
2'J-rino ball through his foot Saturday mak
ing a serious wound ,
\V. T. Hall , n freighter rowing cloto to
this place , lost hii house nnd effects by Ilro
yesterday. Evcrythliic : burned except the
clothing on their baclts.
Ciiitiiln | .Morrison ItolRti * .
NititiiASKA CUT , Nob. , Aug. ! J3 , [ Special
Telegram to Tim Ici ) : , | Captain S. II , Mnr-
rlson of company C , Second regiment , Ne
braska JSntlounl guard , ha resinned. HI *
sucrcssor will probably bo FIMI Lieutenant
Wllllnni Wymnnd. Cnntnin Morrison will
bo Rfcatly mUsed , the company hnvlnc
roacla-u Its urcsout high almiulna through
bis cfTorto.
Two Driiaglnts Arrrntril.
Nounr.y , Nob. , Aug. 23. [ Special to Tun
Br.n.1-D. W. Beuttlo and B. F. Wood , two
druBglsts of this place , were arrested under
the Slocum law Saturday. Both waived
examination to the district court and fur
nished bonds in the sum of $500 each , whllo
all the witnesses In both cases were placed
under bonds of $203 each ,
Kllli-il Mix l.lttlo ( llrl.
UUSIIVIM.I : , Nob. , Aug. 23. [ Special Tele
gram to Tnr BiiK.J Yesterday whllo cutting
rraln near his house , A. D. Now , a farmer
ivlne four miles northwest of Hay Springs ,
accldontly run ever and Instantly killed bis
-year-old clrl. It is supposed tlio llttlo ono
vas asleep at the time. The parents are
icorly distracted.
Nugget ! Nuggotl Nugget ! Buv Big
ucgotbaking powder-Sa or. 25 cents.
See pitcher sale tit Burns' .
Omaha CmMf : Co.campatgn torches
l.lit'H .SWIIJI ,
Gllt-odccd wild lands ntSS.OO to $10.00
Dorncro instate of Nebraska , whoso crops
ast your ngRrogatod $100,000,000. Good
ots in the city of Omaha , whoso popula
tion increased from 30,000 in 1880 to 160- ,
000 in 1800 , Is good stuff to hold , don't
you think ?
As wo-tiro long1 on this class of prop
erty and short on cnsli , drop in.
During several years successful expe
rience in the real estate business I hnxo
established a reputation for handling1
nothing- but bargains.V. .
\V. G. ALimioiiT ,
621. 522 , 623 Now York Lifo building ; .
An Inspection ori'aviug ItcHiiltH Very Favor
ably for tlio Contractor.
No matter what Mr. Hugh Murphy's short
comings may be in other lines , It Is quito evi
dent that bo is not short on sand.
Ever slnco the winter sot in last fall and
, he public work was shut oil there have been
rumors afloat to the effect that under all ernest
nest of the Colorado sandstone pavomoat
jut dowu last year by Mr. Murphy in
Jmnlia ho bad put only from
.hroo to five Inches of eand
nstoad of six inches as the
contracts specified. Several parlies openly
asserted that if mi investigation was Insti
tuted it would reveal the fact that the city
lad been mercilessly swindled on this matter
of sand base for stone pavement.
It was stated to various council men time
md again that the stone pavement laid by
Mr. Murphv ought to bo torn up for the
3urposo of investigating the sand base ,
1'hu manor linally attracted suflloient
attention to got Into the council in the form
of a resolution ordering an investigation.
This took place last spi'iuir ' , but on account of
the absence in Europe of Councilman Steel ,
who was r.nairman ol the committee , Iho
matter drifted aloi.g without investigation
until today.
This morning Councilmen Steel and
Jacobson and City Engineer Kasowatcr
accompanied by Hugh Murphy and a Ben
reporter siartod out to Inspect ovary street
| > ived with stone last yoir by Mr. Murphy.
A couple of workman with crowbars and
picks wcut along to take out the stone where
the investigations were desired.
The first pavement inspected was on Fif
teenth street between Jackson and Leaven-
worth. Four stones were taken un at dlftor-
ont points along the street and under
tbroo of them the sand was full
six Inches deep while the base tinder Iho
other fell bhort a quarter of an inch.
Tbo committee tnon passed around to Jones
street and pulled up thrao stones between
Thirteenth and Sixteenth. Some or thnm
ran ever six Inches of sand and oho fell short
nearly an Inch. The average was a llttlo
ever live and a half Inches. The city engi
neer urid the two councilman were well
pleased with the pavement , expressing thorn-
solves as thoroughly satisfied with the depth
of tbo sand , slnco it measured almost six
inches after having boon packed under the
trafllo of a year.
Mr. Murphy made no suggestions as to
whcra thn stones should bo tuUun up. Ho
maintained tils usual bland and complacent
exterior and scorned to enjoy the Investiga
tion moro than any ono in the party.
The next f.trcct struck with the pick and
crowbar under the direction of iho
committed was Twanty-sucoud between
Loavonwortb and St , Mary's avonuo. Hero
thov removed three stouos ubout 100 yards
npiirt and lound fully six Inches of" sand
under every 0:10 : of them. Tno stones were
measured iii every ease as well as the sand
and the combined depth of both sand aud
Btono was found to uvorogo over a foot In
Pacltlc street from Twonty-nlntn ntroot
to Twenty-ninth avenue wai also
tested. Here the committed toolc up iivo
stonos. The sand under them fell short
about ono inch , but In the others It ran full
six inches. The average was live and
ona-lmlf inchoi of sand base under that block
of hillside pavement.
Eicuth street from Worthmgton to tbo
alloy northPino street from Eighth to Park ,
Wild avenue and Seventh avenue between
Pine and Williams were all carefully in
spected. In no case did the sund tall short moro
than half an Inch and iho committee tocumo
thoroughly convinced that they were not
going to run against a maro's nest anywuoro
under Iho pavement as hail boon predicted.
To nmko the Investigation complete , however -
over , tbo committee viiilod the only two re
maining districts paved by Mr. Murphy last
year. They went to the north mid of
Sherman avenue , loading In a diagonal
direction ncrotts tbo northwest corner at
the fair grounds. There they found plenty
of eand ; in fact. It was a llttlo ever six inches
In places ,
The lust street visited was Eleventh , both
north and south of Grace , where Mr. Murphy
paved half n doion blocks. The sumocondi
tions ruut the committee bora as In other
places inspected , rtnd so far as tbo committee
was able to son the pavement had boon laid
in compliance with iho contract.
A Traveling Mau'u ivioriuuuo : | with Dlur-
I am a traveling man and hav'o boon af-
Dieted with what la called ohronio diarrhoea
for some tun yearJ. Last fall I was in west
ern Pennsylvania , and accidentally was In
troduced to Chamberlain's Cnllc , Cholera
and Diarrhoea remedy. I ventured to nmko
a trial and wav wonderfully relieved. I
would llltu now to Introduce It among my
friends. H. M. Lewis , 21 , Freeman t > troot ,
Cleveland. O.
Several Honsss Visited in DifTorent Portions
tions of the Oity.
Mltlo of Vulilo Secured by tlio Thlovoi
Heard In the Courts Lincoln' * Union'
Veteran Club \V11I VUlt
Urniid Inlnntl.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Aug. 23. [ Special to Tun
HUB. ] The usual number of burRlnrlos woto
repotted nt the pence station this mornlne.
First caino a nolincntlon that tbo residence
ol Edward llurlbut at 1701 U Btreot had boon
entered during tlio nltrht by somebody , who
forced an oniranca through a liltclion win
dow. Mr. llurlbul's desk was prlod open
and tbo rooms on the lower floor rausackod.
A watch , a child's ' bank and several small
articles were inlsslntf. Dan Uaablan , a negro
suspected of being an accomplice of Orcon
GiifTnoy In tbo murder of. Charles Thomas
lnt May , was arrested on suspicion. Mo
wits formerly a coachman In the employ of
Mr. llurlbut.
C. M. Tally , who lives at 1G')7 ) Ii street , re
ported that ( luiltip the night homoono rallied
access to Ills residence by prying coon ono of
the Day windows , Ho was frightened nwuy
bolero ho bad secured anything but n uroast-
pin belonging to the Indies.
W. A. SolllcU's house at 1023 G street was
also luviiclcd by someone who effected an
entrance through the lutchon window. Mr.
Uolllcl : Is the loser to tbo extent of two gold
watches aud $17 in cash.
llriird In tllii Court Itoonn.
The Missouri Paclflo lllod its answer to the
suit for damages instltutod by Mrs. Sarah E.
Cobarly , mother of the young lad Itllled on u
switch engine nt West Lincoln lust Juno.
The answer denies that Mrs. Coborly hm
any authority to inatltuto a suit for damages
for the reason that she hat never been
legally appointed administratrix cf the es
tate of the dead boy ; that the boy's death
was the result of his own carelessness and
the nogllgonco of his parents ; and that at the
time ol' his dcatli ho was u trespasser on tbo
company's right-of-way.
Tne Hock Island has begun condemnation
proceedings to secure an aero of the piece of
ground known as the M street ball park.
J , II. Hoxlo asks for an attachment In the
sum of WO ncnlnst W. A. Alosdorf , who , ho
claims' , Is his creditor to that amount.
The sale of tbo Hall Kango and Furnace
works was confirmed by Judge Tibbotts this
Will Go to ( iraiid Inland.
At a mooting of the Nebraska Union Vet
eran Republican club last night the following
delegates to the Grand Island convention
were elected : J. E. Hill. J. B. titrode , L.
W. Billingsloy , John Burundi , \ \ . J. Bebout ,
Joseph Barwick , H. A. Babcock. J. T. Cochran -
ran , Amnsa Cobb , Brad P. Cook , Ed. A.
Churcb , Sam Arbucklo , A. M. Trimble. Alternates -
ternates C. H. ariflltb , n. H. Giaham , Job
Hathawav , .1. D. Moore , Sam McClay , C. M ,
Parker , F. W. Kodford , James Stevenson , C.
H. Gere. Alexander Sctilagcl , II. II. Short ,
B. D. Catllii.
From t\io \ 1'ollco Court.
John Smith who today completed a term in
the penitentiary was at once rearrested on
the charge of robbery by Deputy Sheriff Lll-
lard of Sarpy county.
Charles Do Savior is under arrest for as
saulting Fritz Lange with a brick at the
corner of Eleventh and A streets last night
about 11 o'clock.
Susan Johnson was sentenced to two weeks'
Imprisonment in the county jail for assault
ing Mrs. Smith with a ball bat.
Nathan Mansllcld was fined ? 0.20 for
peddling without a license.
S. S. Shotts was flnea 5.70 for assaulting
a fruit dealer at the corner of Eleventh and
N streets.
Harry Ferguson , the youth who attempted
to steal a watch at O'Neill & Gardner's store ,
yesterday , was given thirty days la the
county juil.
Lincoln in IJrlcf.
II. M. itico , the long missing councilman ,
returned homo last evening after an absence
of nearly a year.
C. J. Ernst and family returned from
thcir.Europcan tcur at noon today. They
were given a reception bv some fifty or sixty
of their friends at the residence of. L. P.
Ludaen this afternoon.
The Lincoln Camera club , an organization
of amateur photographers , was organized at
Huffman's store last evening. C. A. Wick-
crsnntn was elected president ; F. S. Kelly ,
vice president ; M. 11. Baldwin , secretary ,
and \V. S. HulTman , treasurer. An outing
will bo hold at Lincoln nark Friday.
Another mysterious disappearance is re
ported. Frank Ferns , a well known barber ,
who runs a shop near Thirteenth and O
streets , loft his homo , 9110 South Thirteenth
atrcnt , Friday morning , ostensibly to go to
work , since which time ho has not been
scon or heard of. His debts were not press
ing and bo had no domestic troubles , as far
as knowu. Ho loft bis wife with but SI , and
she says bo has twice before loft homo in a
similar way , returning after a short ubsrnco.
s TOLEDO , Iowa , April 0 , 1891.
Dr. J. B. Moore , Dear Sir : My wife ha ,
used about six bottloi of your Tree of Life
and thinks that she has recoivoj greater ben
olit from it than any medicine she has over
taken. Yours truly , L. II. BUI-KIN.
Gen'l Aitont and Treas. West College.
SInce receiving the above testimonial , 1 um
Inrecolnt of a letter and chock from the Rev.
L..II Bufkln of Toledo , Iowa , April 3. " > . to
send Uov. J. W. Kouworthy , Cranlluo , ICaa
sas. six bottles of Mooro's Tree of Lifts.
i ( or sale by all druggists.
- * . .
A Itiinlil Ailvunco to Washington ,
Past trains via Pennsylvania lines
will transport persons to the G. A. R.
national encampment in September with
all desirable spooil. Train service
marks the highest , conception of railway
equipment. Hodueod rates and every
facility for n pleasant journey. Direct
from Chicago. Side trip to historic
Gettysburg if desired. Address Goorpo
Jenkins , traveling passenger agent ,
Dubuque , In. _ _
3 Harvest Ktuiirslons hmitli via tlio Wiibuli
I. Inc.
On August 30 , September 27 and Oc
tober 25 tlio Wubash will sell round
trip tickets at half faro to points in Ala
bama , Mississippi , Louisiana. Tonnes-
BOO , Arkansas , To.xas and Indian Torri-
tory. Excut'tilon train will leave
Omaha 4:00 : and Council Bluffs 4:10 : p.
m. on above datos. For rates , tickets
and dodcritivo | ) land pamphlet * * call at
Wubash ollice , 1502 Farniim struct , or
write G. N. CI.A.YTO.V ,
N. W. P. agent , Omaha , Nob.
( iivrn Hull ,
Paul Flanth , the Unmhit strata florist ,
charged with criminally assaulting Sadie
White , the Ho wor girl , was yesterday released
under $ J,500 bonds furnished by Dr. S. D ,
Mcruer. Ho will have bis trial itt the uoxt
term of tbo district court.
Nuccotl Nuggoll Nuirgot ! Buy Big
Nuirgot baking powder. ! iJ oz. S3 couts.
( iriind < ) rKi il/.ur KiKtnn'i Worlc ,
Lust spring Harry B. 10wton , wno for
years was ono of the most trusty and com
petent machinist' , in the Union Paclllo shops ,
xvas appoiutod grand orguulzur of the Jntor-
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
national Asoosihllon of MachinUts. Mr.
Easton nt oncoe > Tntlgncd his position In the
shops and slatted Into his now flcld of
labors. Slnno Uron ho hat been absent from
Omaha , only toMoturn this wcok to welcome
to his homo a llulo girl baby.
Slr.oo lonvlncvOmahn Mr. Easton has de
voted his wholainlino and attention to the
interest ! ) of thwcordor which ho rourcscnts.
Ho hQS traveled extensively through the
south , whcro he.'has organized thirteen now
lodges and vtsltM thirty-four which were
organized boforeiha wont Into the field.
Mrs. Wlnslow's ' Soothing Syrup for chil
dren Teething Softens the gums and allays
all pain , 2T coats u bottle.
Sltttluco Today.
Don't fail to bring the children to see
Ole Olson and his babies at the matlnoo
at the Farnam street theater. Any seat
in the house lie cents.
"Olo Olson" Is a play which has a strong
human In to rest for all classes , besides intro
ducing a character never before soon on the
American stage. The plav has had a phe
nomenal success , and at tfrrj Farnam Street
theater the house has been p.icKod. It has
boon "standing room only , " a rare occurrence
In Omaha , and that Is ono of tbo best tests of
popular favor. Ole will remain in Omnhn
today , appearing at the theater this evening
as well as this afternoon.
The return to us of that clever comedian ,
Frank Daniels , is an nvont of much gratitl-
natlon among a numerous class of our thea
ter-goers. Frank Daniels is u muster of de
lightful drollery. Ho has aqualntncss about
him possessed by no other comedian cncntrod
In farcical work at the present time. Ho Is
nt all times Irresistibly fuunv , and certainly
Is inimitable in his special line of comedy
characterization. Ho has quietly and good-
naturedly wormed himself into the affections
of this big fun-lovlne and quick-wilted na
tion , and , as Intimated above , the announce
ment of his return will bo welcomed. Ho
will prcser.t at Boyd's now theater the latter
half of this wcok that fantastically ludicrous
piece , "Ltttlo Puck , " which has been fresh
ened up this season with a lut of now music ,
songs and dancine. The company Is almost
entirely now. Miss Bcssio Sanson still
heads the bevy of pretty and clover girls Mr.
Daniels has In his company. The company
this season numbers over twenty-five people.
A Itollablo .Man.
M. J. Grlnor , a justlcn of the peace at
Print , Mich. , sayi ono bottle of Chamber-
lam's Colio , Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemcdy
saved hi } lifo. Ho had been down with
bloody flux for three weeks when he com
menced using this medicine. It soon cured
him and ho believes saved bis life. Ho also
says it saved the lives of three railroad men
In that vicinity. 'Squlro Grinor is a reliable
and conscientious man , and whatever ho says
can DO depended upon.o
Children Tree.
Admission tickets for children to the
Douglas County fair can bo hud'in the
Gorman Savings bank from August 24
to August 28 on application. Ilonry
Bolln , treasurer Douglas County Agri
cultural society.
Lincoln mid Itoturn SI. 10.
The Rock Island soccial train for the
Modern Woodmen's picnic to Lincoln
Thursday , August 25 , will leave Omaha
Union donot at 7:30 : n. m. aharp. Re
turning leave Lincoln at 0:30 : p. m.
Tickets $1.10 for the round trip ; for sale
nt Rock Island oflico , 1002 Farnnm
street , union depot or by the committed.
Moved for 1'riiiloiitlnl Jlonnong.
The license Inspector has moved , and Is
now at homo on the fourth floor of the city
ball , southeast corner. Formerly ho haa
rooms on the third floor , just north of the
mayor's ottlco.
Owing to the proximity of the two oUces ,
hucksters , fakirs and peddlers who wanted to
do business with tbo license inspector inva
riably dropped lute the mayor's oftlce , where
they deposited their frames In the up
holstered chairs and their tobacco Julco on
the Wilton oarpou To avoid this the move
was made. _
"Lato to bed ana cany to rise will shorten
the read to your homo in the skies. But
early to bed and "Littlo Early Ulser."tho
pill that malms llfo longer and batter and
Fnvor * llrlck 1'or 1'iivlng.
Councilman A. K. Eawards has returned
from his trip to Illinois where ho was ac-
. . .
The reialt of Id jam' experience la
rcatlu iklndlicuBoi. FarkuloliTftrur-
Mi , arseutbjr mall for : ur. Aba i.l |
ktorSoip nnJ 1 u ime book on J > cr-
illlulrotoJou Lln. calp..vcr\ouiinJ
\ Blood Dluaici Alto nuflzmcmenti
) Ilka nirthmirki , llotoi , IVarti , ludln
Ink and Powder Mirks ; Scan , nt-
tlrifti , Kodn sa of Note , Supwiflnous
llfilrtPlmple racttlnevclnpment.etc.
Ctfaiullallwa firi , Ml bCIre or by Irllrf.
J3HN H. VYOGn3U3Y , D.I. , 125 W. " .Zd SI , New York Cily.
The checker
board of lifo Is
strewn with the
debris of many a
disastrous move
on the part of mis
guided players.
Many nro reel-
less players , with
but Hula thouoht
and still less care
aa to tbo great
prlzea to bo won.
Dotoat comes In
the form of phys
ical afflictions
which , If not
checked in time ,
lead to certain
Tna 1113 known
OH HO ft 1C nntt
EASES nro o-
mono the -rooat
disastrous elfecto
Syphilis. Conor-
rlicoa , Gleot , Senv
Inal Weakness ,
Strlc'ure. Hydro *
celo Varlcocole ,
nil Sexual Dis
eases ,
Plloa. FlBtUla ,
Heotal Ulcers.
Bl = oa ona kin
Dlaoaso'i thoeo
nro a tow of rttno
forms of
maladies ,
But these and ail
kindred ills , wo
npootl'lly euro.
Ssnd 4 cent-j for
our Illustrated
n w book of 12O
pages , of Interest
to all.
free. . Call upon ,
or address with
South I Uh S * . , N R Uj'ii'W'i
Hs Sta. , Omuha , Nolx
corannnlod by Ills fnmHyvhllo absent Mr.
Edwards mudo somoiblnc of n study ot the
oarliig brick question , Ho now reiurnn to
Omaha fully convinced tlmt vltrltlod brlcK
Is the pnvomont for alt streets outslilo of the
wholesale dlxtrtcts ntul whcro the trnftlo U
unusually honvy. Mr. Edward * visited
Galcsburg nnd there ptiw brlok which hnd
boon down upon the streets ( or
nlno.vcnrs. They showed but llttlo effects
of wear mid were In good condition. To
tnako the pavement still better the city hnd
ordered the brick taken up nnd roluld. In
UalcsburK brlok on brick with n four-Inch
bnsoofBnnd cos * . $1.45 per siiinra yard. Ho
nine Is ot the opinion that the Nobrnsim brick
nro superior to the Ualosburg. They nro
moro solid , have n raator tcmicity and show
a less disposition to cbtu.
PcopiowhoRlvo Hood's ' Snrsnpnrllla ft fair
trial rcallzo Us prcat merit and nro plad to
sny n good word for It. Have you tried HI
Fresh milch cows , steers nnd heifers
springers. Dr. .TolTrlos , Gruoo & 7th Sts.
Nobrrnk'i nl tlm Wiirlil'd F.ilr.
Commissioner Genornl Gnrncau reports
the Nobrnsko World's fair building as progressing -
grossing llnoly and It will bo completed
within twenty days , On account ot the lim
ited appropriation ho will mnlco no olTort at n
state dlsolny for the dedicatory exorcises In
October. Tlio superintendents hnvo already
gathered about four carloads of exhibits ,
mostly grain , which Is stored at Lincoln , but
they nro counting on the state and uouatv
fuUs to furnish plenty of material.
Uioil Krrrj'Uiliig Five Mtui'li's. ' lu
Three Wcelis mil u Sear or LMinnle.
Cured liy Cntieiini.
when my bnby wns tlin'o montln old lili cliooks
nml tiiroiiuiiil boxnn to liroak out n Ith whlto plmploi
otiruU nilrrucc. In u foudn > s ItehliiK cotnmenccil ,
Ytlilcli xm tuirlblo. After ho MUUM rub It , matter
woiihl ooio from the
I'olntx. In n aluirt time It
Bpri'iul o\cr the top of his
hotul. lli'jn fcnln HOOII
formed on hcml nml fnco.
\Vo uniMl ori-rytliltiK wo
could hi-nr of for nonrly
Iivo month * , It crow worao
nil tlio time. 1 nw your
nclvcrll umont of the Ct-
TicriiA Ur.Minm.H In tlio
"Cldcniro Woclily. " Wo
niirclm cd uuTictritA
HKMtniis : : nnd commenced
their inc. In three wcokV
time thcro nna not n nero
or plmplo. not orcn n > cnr ,
en head or face. Uo Is nlnctco.'i tnonthi oM now nml
hnano sluns of thodUoise. llln Bcilp (4 ( ht > 'ilthv nnd
ho has a bo.iiitlCul of hair. ( Sou portrait horo-
Wltll. ) .Mils O3CAU JAMES , Wooilatoll , Klin.
My Infnnt , olflitoon months old , wm mulcted with
ekln eruptions on his hlpi. Ilnil noros cnmp on ether
parti. All rcmodlcH fulled until 1 procurud L'UTI-
CUIIA. Cured a rear nml no return of the disease.
Jilts. A , M. WA1.KKK , Cnmoiivlllo , Ua.
Cuticura Resolvent
The now hlool purifier. Internally ( In clcanso
the blood of all Impurities and poisonous ele
ments ) , and ODTICUHA , the uruat .skin euro ,
and OUTIGUIU SoAl' . an ovqubltu sMn lieantl-
flcr , e.xtvrnnlly ( to clcur the skin and scalp
nml restore the hnlrl , have cured thousands of
eases whoio thoslieddlnz of scalc.s mo siircd u
quart dnlly , the sklii LT.ickt'd , uli > cdlnir. Imrn-
Ine and Iiuhlim almost beyond cniluraiiL-e.
linlr lifeless or nil ( time , hiilVerlnir torrlulu.
Whnt other romodles have nmilo such mnrvul-
ous cures ?
Sold everywhere. 1'rlco. CtiTicuitA.riDc. ; SOAP
" "iL1. : liKsor.vnNT. Ji. l'ropirud : nv tlio I'OTTEH
UllUn ANUCllEMtrAI. tldltfOIIATION , HnstUll.
f3y Sciid for "How to Curoriklii Olsonses. "
01 pages. Si illustrations , and IOU tt-stlnmnluls.
R A B V QSEln anil Scalp purllled and beautllluU
DiiDl UliyUuricuuv Snvp. Abolutoiy pure.
11 Ip , Kidney , mid Uterine I'a'ns and
Weaknesses 111:1,11 : vin : IN ONKMIXIITK
by the firricuiiA ANTI-PAIN 1'r.AS-
. . _ TUII. the llrat null only
Bogus White Lead and
adulterated paints would
have no sale did they not
afford dealers a larger
profit than
strictly '
Pure White Lead
The man v/ho best guards
his own interests is never per
suaded to buy paint that is
said to be "just as good , " or
"better , " fchan Strictly Pure
White Lead. The following
brands are standard , manufac
tured by the "Old Dutch"
process , and always strictly
pure :
"SOUTHERN" * " r
Pure * White Lead
Tinting Colors.
The National Lead Co. man
ufacture a line of colors to
color strictly pure White Lead
any shade wanted. They are
put up in small packages ; one
pound being sufficient to tint
twenty-five pounds of Lead. By
using these colors and strictly
pure White Lead you know
that you have pure paint , which
you can not know when buying
"mixed" or "prepared" paints.
For sale by the best dealers In faints.
If you are eolne to paint , It will pay you to
eend to us for n book containing Information
that may save you many n dollar ; It will
only cost you a postal card to do BO.
St. Louis Branch ,
Clark Avenue and Tenth Street ,
St. Louis , Mo.
Elastic Stockings ,
Trusses ,
Crutches ,
Batteries ,
Water Bottles ,
Syringes ,
Atomizers ,
Medica I Supplies.
IMS. IStllSL ,
Next to I'oslofficc. '
ley Itoiiubll-
Cllll U II III -
it IK'n C'np
l tlio Icaillnc
intirt bin , ; cap
lor this cum-
unlgii , Thin
cut nliows U
AB It IB , with
tin buiul and
vltor. ( Amur
loan tin , niul American olulli folU to
clubs tor 7Jo otiuli , for onu or a UiousiuiU. lly
ilenllng ill root vtlth tlio inuiiufiicturer , tlio
nlioloiulor'sund rotullcr'a prlci-s nronvoMocl
All onlorH should bb iiudreiii'd to tlio I'HO-
1'ANV , 103 Qrooii Street , New York Olty , or
O. M. COl'l * . On.Mm. Nebraska , Huiul lu or
ders un uurly u
TnmI u no longer nny need ot expensive , tiresome trip * to far-away
resorts ; RXCII.SIOR Srmwos , Mo. , ono hour's ride from Kanias City ,
offers all the attractions Iho treker for pleasure or health can desire
TUB ELUS , capacity 500'RUCSIS , Is an Ideal resort hotel , situated
In ( ho intdtl ol n picturesque wooded estate ot 1000 acres.
"tnn-tr , in a teng career at a traveler in many t.tniit , unit nutter nnn/iti" ,
fount u rtit/ul and Jtlifktful , to ttcMt-Mtt a ifet at tht te.iuljf l "AYwt/.1' '
ST. Louis , Mo. prsnk L. jR'mcB ' , Ph. D. , M. D.
Location healthy , no malaria , no mosquttos , Immense swimming pool of Sulpho-Sallna water ,
M cool and refreshing as the ocean. Tennis , billiards , bowling , good saddle horses , orchestra ,
dancing , and nit sports at command. Why not enjoy these advantage * , renew your health by drinking
the famous Kefent nnd Sutfht-Sitllnt waters nnd nt the _ _ , .
same time snvo your money ? Charges moderate. LXCClSlOt *
rcspondenco solicited. For Illustrated pamphlet , terms , pilfer
etc. , nddrcs * KXCKLSIOR SPRINGS COMPANY , TAiatllliJ Water , ,
UIOHARDSON ntlUG CO. , AGEN TS , Omahn , Nebraska.
. - . FOR SEPTEMBER . - .
Fox.HuntlnR In the Qencsce Volley , lly I'D- Among the Sand Hills. Written ami Illustrated
WARD S. MARTIN. Illustrations by It , K , Zou- Ly lluw.Mii ) 1' ,
HAl'M. The Aryan Mnrli ! A Ncw-Knclnnil Town
A Collection of Death.Masks , lly LAURIINCB Meeting , lly ANNA C. UKACKRTT , 9 Illustra
HUTTON. 19 Illustrations. tions by A. H. I'KOST.
Lot No , jig. A Story , lly A. CONAN DOVLB. Llteinry I'nrls. Scconil I'.ipcr. lly TmtoDonn
6 lllustr.-nlons by W. T. SMUULnv. CHILD. With 13 Portrait ! .
WnahlnRton : the Evergreen Stnte. Hy JUL Chapman , lly JAMTS Uu ntL Lowiau.
IASHALI'lt. . Jane Flcld. Ily MARY K. WIIKINS. Part V.
Those Souvenir Spoons. A Story , lly MAR- a Illustrations by W. T. SMBIII nv.
OARRT StllNKV , , Poems hy TIICIMA * llAll.nv AuiRlcn , THOMAS
The World of Chance , lly W.I ) . HOV.RLLS. Dt'NN ' I'NOIIMI , I.OUKM CIIANDUIK Moui.TitJ ,
tiifiter's Kits } ' Cfi.u'r : GnoRr.K Wil HAM CUKTK , ZV/Vur'j jltmtf : CilAmiw Iunn > v
' * Draner ! THOMAS NII.SON VMM. Litentry A'tlett I.AUHIINI.B HUTTON
August 29 , 30,31 , and Sept , i and 2 *
Will be tlie best fair ever held by the Douglas
County Agricultural Society. In connection
with the fairthe
Will be held Aug. 30-31 and Sept. l-2 <
$6,400 in Speed Purses.
For Premium List write to Booth Privileges for sale by
1314 Farnam Street , Omaha. 15th and Howard Sts. , Omaha
a * t * "Is sold
with iv xvflt i
leu annran'1-o to euro All niTrou * ill-easco. such an SVniik Memory.
IIUKB or llrnln 1'uirur , H"Kdnclio.Vakoflllnos , I/oM Mnnhuon , Nlulitlf llmli.
slond. Norvowsncss , Lassltudo.nlldntlna i\ncl loss of power of the Ocncratlrn
Orcnns In either nor cauao I hy over uxor lion , joutlifnl rrriir , or pxcc lvr
' , tuodf tolincco. npliim or Ftlmulcnts which venn lend to Inllrinity. Con uuij > -
UlonnudIn anlty. riittipconvpnlniijtocarry Invest pocket. Wl periiacw *
'nROl'ynniilOfir$5. ; With on-ryi'Vorilprwn nlrtawnttm intiranUt toeun
KCioiiRjiKDiirTEncsixa. or rejumltltt money. Circular true. AddruMaJN'urvuS-jodc' , ! . , C'Hcaso , 111.
F6r stlo : in Omaha by Sherman & McCoimoll , 1C13 Dotlffo street.
DK. W. C. MAXWELL , Prest.
Graduate of lloljovno Hospital Medical College. Now Voik City. Glass of J874 ,
16th and Howard Streets , - - Omaha , Nebraska.
Jffa'o or foma'.o , by co.npotont physo.nn9 ! wio havi ) mndo a sposlat study of the above
class of dlsoases , not only to trasit , but guiMntaa a euro In all caini un.lortikoi.
THE SANITARIUM Is the most co'np'.ota anl tli3 best oqulppad Institution of Us Ult'J
in the ontlra west. It contains Afty roams for the acoimmodatlon of patients who may
require the constant attention of oxparlon ph yslclans nnd nursoa.
BOARDING will bo furnls' roasa.iablo rntjs. "Wrlto for book on dlssasgi , milled
free , to any itddross o.i nppHoatloa. Persons unable to visit usmiy b3 troitoJ at homt
by correspDndouoe. All comuunlcatlona utrlotly oJu'.Uo.itl U. O.i < i parJO ill lu tar
vlowprelbrra.l , whenever cojvonlont for patient.
WRITS FOR , QUESTION BL A.NIC3 to state the history of your caso. Meaiolno soouroly
paclced and Eont by mall or express. Address ,
Or. W. U , Maxwell. 1'roslilunt Omvhn : , Nebraska
Kor the lilKhi-i uml J.ilirrul > .ilui.utluii of ( tlrll
Amiouiif ? Hoineii. h > | > i'rliiltif' : .Muitlc , Art , Klo.
ciilloii , rhytlciil Tralnlnir. Hlcani hot , ( 'old
uml hot wntrr , hnth rnomH. otr . on each lloor.
21th Nun ion lid-Inn M > pt , ) > lli. | h')2. ) I'or CnluloKUU
Hiiporlur ailrnntnci1 ! ! for ciliic&tlng
. ' VOIIIK ladlrt , Cuuripof etuJy tlior-
outfit ; Mtulcal ninlrt tl pArtiiientfl liiKhtnt urdei * ti'iiihrriiof thn Lout American
oi Inrgunnd licniitlfiil crounJn ; mm Iniil.Hum , rnomi well
d , llshtid by Bui1. Opciii Si'iitcinlii'r 7th. Knr cnlnluEue inMrcmi
ov , T. w. iiAititirrT , I' CN. CULUHIIIA , BIO ,
' . 'i' ' j , ilo. Y.ftrc * iu4
M lnri TI II l ill. . f ir- 11 Tin II rI I r | I ml I , I I I Ti i I KUItllT flirul.lirJ , ICOOIIU
wrll triilllatol , tiilli wllr , Kit 1 cillluif * liUti , ) | iaml nirounboul nlilt t itin. llulitul c l 1 utter tiu I ltli room * ouetirj
Hixir l.lftiliH | iy luP4U l oiul rlrclrlo ll hla. l , rr , wvll Kultwl | | | n.rlnliK > lul High i t tirnlllifitl lirf ; ltoii , ruur rH or clujj
lilfill. liitt * fvulir. , nuil Art < 1rp rlmlill < ir hlilircl crHlr. l.vr - ttnMW | ( lnM )1 ) lli < * Mfii. NVir ttMtlur. at etift
SivmuUrl , 16VJ. Bcn.l for CuUiloriif. AJdr. . . I' . i.Mi'/i : : : : . I'rotilciit , I.IIIKItTV. U
Nitiinc-it'M HOAIim.NO AM ) DAV
KOIIOOI. fur KlrU Hpjuhvl fi Ijciti iilmlUut
II WfMlIKtli Stri'iil. N w Vorlt.
0. J. WriKht , H. S. , A.M. . Oornwnll , N.Y
&i < \ Meat' . VrtMtoiMOrV , ColleU ( to , lluulo AIIIJiio | Art
runi > > ft 'tUfcr Wrl'mcy ' h-iutfoi tllumiuUttc
K. T * UUtLAUU. A. M.I I'll" * Jckwu > illu , ill.
l , Literary , flclrntlflc Cnurre * ( i
fnnlrr mill Art llW drill nJ arluij Cnvilrr.
Olilrit BJIIIlH Mrtiool In Hit. CnttloKuc.
ni\ur U Ul , M.A. , Jvcxlnifturi , Kit.
Somlnury for Young Luilloa.
MobniaUn ,
Bishop Worthngton ! , Visitor.
Rev Robert Dohcrty , S. T. I ) . Rector
Fall orm Biglna WodnBday , Sept
For CnUlozuo and luii-UcuUrB , npply to
the rector ,
47Jiinil < 8I Dcarlmni Avo. CMic.uiu , 11,1 , .
Kcvi-iitiiciitli jcar bfulnn Kept. II. IloitrrtlnK an4
Day BUiuul fur Viniiiu Ijullcn uml Cl.llJri'ii.
HOTK'i'dintTNI'UINCH , V\ .
' ' r VIIIIIIB I , mill n. Own * Kept. 14 , JKtt Mil ymr.
HOmcunniidTnuhon. ' - -
I'l-i-iuirnlurt , Ciillimlitir ,
I III I p hi i-ii I. and I.Hrniry lli'iun tiiliiiiu !
I iiimcrtiiliir.'i ' CiMmii'lii ,1liuli' , , tr ami I'lii "ill
lI'mhrliiHil. H utlfullyntunt dliiV lloyoVlrihii ;
Inft..t n.It.iiuM'ItiuiioKv . ( JIuiitHiiiuncollod I Ic
Rial K'lulinnont.Vrlt9 < ur Il/mtiatud / caUlacuo tu
C'llAH. Jt'OUKi ; , niivt , , Unltlm. . T. .
nt Low Prlcca , *
Stock and Design
The Latest and Best.
Send us 81.30 * nd we'll tend you 100 engraved
c.iiJi doin a new copper pblc.
5end us DO eta. niiil yourprewnl plate ( to be held ,
liud icgitlcrcd ) and we'll tend you ice con
graved c.ii'Ji. > J *
We poy expreia charge ! .
't IJbiury Cu. )
Avc , |