Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 24, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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    BEE : WRDNT IUY , AUGUST 21 , 1802.
Everything Opened Lower on the- Board
of Trade Yesterday ,
llmr Factor ! Started the Market Lower ,
Hut Thrro Wiw Very MtUo for Sal
Itrp < irts of Crop
Hi the Nortlnrnst
OIIICAOO. Ill , AUR. 21 While nearly every-
thins opened lower on the Itourd of Trudo to
day tbero was nn absence of much tint wis
liii'lllsh In the way of news Tno fooling soon
turned strong ntid there was a gonoril ad-
* unco along tlio whole line. In whoit nearly
every thine In the w.iy of nowa favored lowu-
jirlces. Cables wore lower mid > orydull , but
the receipts were unoxpcctoJIy law t al !
other point * nnd the ht.itlstlcnl Information ,
was nnythhiR but bullish. The amount , on
oeom pissugu Increased 512,0.10 bit. , the iJim-
IMi visible Increased I'UOW ) bn. . und the
stock of whoixt iml Hour In the United King
dom was reported ut 601.481 bu. The uggro-
puto receipts it Chlcao. Su Louis nnd Toludu
wore 1,141,0 Obtl. . against 7J4 100 bu. Mr the
nniod iv lust year , and alt Information tended
toconllrm mevlous roporuof a hoivy winter
n heat crop. Thcsu bo ir factors did start the
iimrLoln trlllo lower , but there wai very llt-
llit for sale anil 1-0/rtti un > l Gtililu provnd RQO'l
liuyors mm the so ilptnc element dl.l not fci'l
disposed to sell mil h. Kven the uncortilnty
In the railroad situation at llulTuli ) UUI not
di tor buyers , and heavy purchasing or IOM
ncro received from Now Vtiru nnil bt. l.ouls.
I hen came rupoi ts of il.un ice lo the crop In
the northwest , tin I corn and oats miide i gooa
ndxiinvu. with which vvhoit qnlcklv svnipu-
thl/e.l. and there was a ! > to idy liiipmvoniunt
of 'ic. but It WIIH not nil hull ) , as the n.lvancu
c.iiisiMl frcn so ling nnd the mar.ot could not
tiikothaoircrltiRH without Knowing some do-
ellnc. I ho Eoueral suiutnliu up wan thil
wheat nns strong , ehlelly LCJUIISO of the
stioncth lucirn mid o-Us. Spptombct opened
" 60 lower at 71'iC nnd declined to 7.1Se In n
viry short time , then grow strong and , with
compiratlvulv insignificant loiLtlons , ad-
vancrd to 'it'ii' ' Iti > ult7liig on the advance
near the end c nisi d .1 ica tlon. an I the mar-
fcctclosed stuidy iilTui1.
Corn op'ncd uf-oniu dee Ino from yo-"tcr-
duy. but soon bog n todUpluv iiiiielistreiutli
mill gradually auv.mcod ne.irly le , tliou-'li all
the pain vas not held to the close. Nonn from
the Hold was rather conll otliu , HOIIIO dis-
ji.ilu lies repotting tiennrous ruins In the corn
toll , but others s ild that the tain h id been
local nd not Hiilllelcnt to do much good
U lion somebody discovered an Incipient cold
wa\o iiwnv up In Can northwest , anil
llslons of fiostcd corn wore conjured up
Bohwnrtr-Piipco had a tolii i mi from Sprln.-
lleld. III. kiivliu that the best fields arounil
tlioro would not produce dO per cent of lust
yo-tr , und there ere few once riglng ad
vices Irom anywhere , fco while prices started
n trifle lower til in list nUlit , there waa KOOI !
buying on nil tlio woik spots , and not much
belmr offered tne in irketsoon toshuw
rnuch strength and shorts covered freely ,
causing a ronsldorable advance , but p irt of
Jt was lost toward the oloso bepto nbcr
opened ' 10 lower iitiM'ji1. but advanced stead-
II v to 5Je. then reacted to Sl'io and closed at
Oats opono 1 Vo lower , advanced ' e , rototcd
J4o and closed unchanged compiired with
yesterday's last figures.
. Hog products were all moro aotlvo nd
Higher. The lhiildatlon | , which was the fea
ture yesterday , seomo 1 to bo over and Ar-
Jnourand Cudahy worn active buyers and
Btrongth was the rule after tliu Urst few min
utes of the opening The o slor feeling In
Jio s and the oirly weakness In gr'iln caused
f-eptcpibci poik to open 5c lower at S10,9" > , but
thoroiftcr the market advanced , wltli minor
reaction , to $11,40 , and the tloso was sto.uly at
fll.J' , an aduico for tlio day of .Me. I , ml
fn 17o no and rlhs > 7'ic. '
I.Btlmateu iccoipts for tomorrow : wneat ,
6S ) oar i corn , J7u cars ; oats , .UJ cars ; hogs
l iko f rolirhts were steady on the basis of 2o
for corn to IliilTalo
Ttie IcndliiK futures ratuocl a follows :
Cnnh quotations were r.s follows :
Vixiuit Dull and unchnnROd : winter
pntonts. f4.IOKti.20 ; winter Btr.ilt * . $3501 .175 ;
| t > rliKIatontB. ) ) (400(22450 ( , spring uulaulB , IJ.53
WIIKAT No 2Brlnc. | 70376'4cNo. 3 enrlng ,
f. ' JWoi ( No 2 reel. 7G < 370'c.
UOKN-No. 2 , 5'Bc\o ' ; J , cash , SO' cj No. 4 ,
OATS Na 2 , : il.144ai ! No. 2 white , 85Jie ;
No 3 white. : i4ffl e.
Hih No. v , ojije.
nAiit.iv--No 2. C.lHc ; No. 3 , f. o. b. . 4a3COo ;
No 4. f. o. u. . .h tT'C. '
KI.AX bEKI ) > O. I. fl.Ol.
TIMOTIM .ShKD I'rline , J1.15.
I'tillK .Mcso. per bbl. , SlI.iKViill , ' 15 ; lord , per
His. * 7 7i ( 7.75 ; bliort ribs sldCH ( loobo ) .
fin nj ; dry suited shoulders ( hoxoil ) , JO.W ®
.00. short elo-u sides Ihoxedl. W 20IS8.25.
WIIISKI Distillers' finished goods , per gal. ,
StifUii IJnolmneeil.
HccolptH nnd nlilpiiionlR today were ns fol
low * :
On the Produce oxoh.ingo today the butter
market w is higher : oreiimerlci , 17(3.50 ( : dai
ries , 15(3-7. ( Kgts , l.VSI5(4u. (
ht. l.iilll * .MurudlH.
ST LouiP.Mo. , Aur. 2J. ri.oun Unchnngod ;
jihtonts , } . ) .70Q3.HOi oxtr.i fiincy , H.33.i.45.
VYII BAT Opened easy , but soon advanced
nnd althoiiKh unsettled was active and closed
hiDUo Above yesterday ; cash , 7oi$7lo ; bop-
ti.inbur oloslni ; nt 715 , o : October , 72Xo : IJo-
rembcr , 75iO75 ie.
r CoitN Advaneod ' { o and was firm until Just
bcforo the olnie , when prl"us broke and
closed SO e bolovr yentorduy. Oiish. 485648JJc :
September and October. 48ic ! : Dccombor and
OATH C'ish hUlier at 35tt.'l3'4o. ' Options
firm ; August , .ll' u : September May ,
KiR-Qulot ; now sold at03c.
IlltAN Ilasy ut OWWie on east traolc.
HAI Slomiy.
I , HADStuaitv , $1.93.
' Higher.
i Hotter ; erpamory , 2Xa2Jo ( ; dairy ,
i : < lHNMJ-Al-btoiidy ut .
WllihUV btoady at JI.KI for llnlshcd goods.
ItArmiNdQuiet at 0'4ajc. !
I'ltoviHiOMi-rirmor. but not iiuotably high
er : only a job lot trade done
KKChllTH rioiti , 4,000 bbls. ; wheat , 208,000
lit ; corn , . ' 4 , UJIni t oats , 27.00J bu.j rye , 1,1,00 ,
liu. : bar oy. 110110.
SlIII'MBNH I'lour , 1J.003 bbls : wheat , 6100)
lti , j corn. 3f > , oj0 bu ; outs. bu. ; rye , 2,000
bu , ! barley , none.
M > \nrl ( MiirUoti.
New YnitK , Auir. 2J. 1'i.ouit Hucoluts. 28,000
jikus. : exports , 4,4 HI huls. . J.1UI sickii ; dull ,
with buyers and hollurn ubout lOc tiiiarl ; uulos ,
H.Tuu bblH.
COIIMIUAIDiiil nnd steady ,
WIIKAT Iti'colpts , 141,0 Ubu ; oxporli , 179.000
1m , : sales. I.IVJ.iJJ bu. of futures. U7.000 hu.
01 spot , bpot. stuadlor nnd dull : No. 2 rod ,
M'to Inktoiu und elevator ; ol'iiC.S."io alloat :
h. lUKiSof. o. b ; No. : i red , 'h'io ' ; ungtaduil
Hid , 7lluK.u ; I northeiii. Ho o : No. 1 hard.
HiJiOi > < > . SiiDrtl.oni. WSWOJ.O ; No. 2 Chleauo ,
Me ; Na 2' . M c. OptlcinB were
inoiltTutoly active , openln t nnd declining
iaHho on InoroiKi'd rocelpts wott , forolgn
Belling. IneroiiHii In iho amount on pnsDiigo
und in thu KnglUh vlmblu ; advantud ' , > 4tSo
nn npoitBot cold wo ifer In thu northwest ,
Mall si met buy n : and louil covering , du-
ullni'd Uill4i'oii loall/ln and closed ttoiuly nt
ho u\vr iostenliiy : Ao , 2 led , August. M\U
hl\i' . ulimlngnt Sluu boptombor. HI'i4Wl | n.u | .
u ixliu at Hl'ji' : Octobei , b'7-HKictlliic. rlmln.-
nt Me : Drccmbor. b5 > 4 < itNU l-liic. closing ut
May. tKiiQ9l > ic. clusni'ill.HHc. | )
K-Kusloi und null ; Hi-stern , ( ilati'o
HAIII.KV .M d.T-Uulot : tworii\ved mate. TOO
7 o ; kU-ro ed stale , MXiOiOut Cunadu , 93tU
COIIN IleculptM. 47.MJJ nil ; exports. 61.000
bii.1 sales , , ! o ubu. of futures and 47ixiobu of
spot , llpot. iiiilet mill strong ! No. : , fllliiiMo
In tilovutor ; 07u noinlniil. nllouti untrradud
inlxtid , M < U07ct options very dull , opening ) o
ttutvn , iidviineed ! iito ; on ra'iu In the norlh-
west and ( Inner uabiun. ilecllnud HStUo und
cipsod Bt uud ) nt ' i'lBSo ' over yonterdiiy ; Aug-
urt. uVitWHc , closiu at U.V < ; boptemi or , 6'JH4i '
&J" D. uluslng rtt uioi October , & .snM > .Hc , cloning
lit 6h < ie : Dceoii'bor , 5.iitWf , closing ut 677iV !
Miiy. .vs > , a.vj'.c. ol-snu- .vj c.
OATb-ltecelut . JOS.400 bu.i ex ports , 437 bu.i
203.000 hu , of futures. .7,0X1 fin , of ipot.
Spots ncttvp. llrruor on white : options firmer
hut qulot ; Att nit , OVt September. .W'4
48400 , olotlnf at H9Hoi October. WSft-'W e.-'los *
Ing at .tOSo ; No. 2 opot , white. 4J'itlrC ! ml nod
western , tnicll'Jci while wcsturn , WWoi Na 2
Chicago. 4li- .
llAT-Stondy ind ijulot.
Hori Dull but steady : I'liolHo coast , 203
S4c. !
StiOAtt Itnw , firm , fair ilemind : snloi. 630
b IU-R ccntrlfu jnls OJ test ut. Pfie. ml 50) ) bas
tnolnsnos siunr , 69 test at 2ci ; roll not fairly
active nnd fir u.
Mot.A spfl I'orclgn , ; Now Orleans ,
steady but qulot.
HtCR Qulot
Knos < J.ulot but stojity ; receipts 9.0il pkgi.
llltixs Stendv but dull : wool actlvo and
firm ; domestic ilci-ce , 2i)5o ! t-'ttllcd. 2J < 8U20 ! , ivajli1.
PoitK Quiet but firmer : old moss $12.00(3 (
12Mi now mo44. SI27C@l1.2fl ; extra prune ,
} 12.7.V3irr - Out mo its , nuiet and easier ;
nales. 1.1.003 Hit bclllos at fci mlddloi , ijulot
but IIrmor : short clcir , $ < 52W Lard moder
ately active an I ht < her : \\cstorn stoiitn ulosod
at H II : s ilos , 8V ) tierces at $ < DOTW.Hl option
Bilr-s 713 tierces bfbteinbpr ats oj , elosltu at
SS.01 bid : 1.1)1 ) tierces Ootobor at $79J3.0J
elnslng tit' ir. bid
IlttTTUii-I.lfht donund , stcndy ,
Uiir.Ksl. Dull but s to idy : p irt. skims , 33
Pl'o Ittov-Dull : AtnorlJiin , i I.I. 10JM 1.50.
Uoi'fBii-Dull : Inke.-ill V3i&II H3.
LBAD Klrntt domestic. * l 01741 10.
rt.v-I'aslur : stralls , null's. ) la.
Oiuiili i rniiliirn M irknts ,
M California. SI. ; soutliorn
Illinois. flVO)75i' ) per buskot.
IJVID\H | i.S.llj&'Uil ' ) .
OitAMdt.s-Oillfornli , out of market ; im
ported , M fOIi.1D
I't'uvts Uallforiili.'w
1H.VA , AH-t.(5 ( > 4J'.7.1.
OAiuiAnti Homo jrrown. Mg.TOj . pordoz.
MBI.ONH Witor unions , crate I , ! Jto ,
IVAUH tlirtlott , MM ) .
HuTTUit I'aeklng Ntoek , l 'SQlla : sin ill lots
ncli-ct dairy. H < 8l7e.
OAvrALoUfrs-rercrito , $ .1.13 ! joins , 75o per
UAI U'nitMAOiiU'p's-l'orcase. JJOO.
Cut'ltviiiKMs 1'iTdor .atiillc ;
NKW I1 TATOK J-.oo per bbl. ; In sacks , 1 ®
! ' < porlh.
O.vt'iss I'er bbl , $ ) 00 ® 1.01
lll.UI iiKliltlLs fl.ijt. boxes , * J.01.2j.
TOMATOI a I biiil.ut cr.itos , ifl.2V ; bu boxes ,
Jl 75.
tiiiAi'M I'or D.lli h isKot , 0 > 3 > " " 'C.
NtlTAIIIM-H $ | .7V ! J UO.
DIM-ON I't.UMi 'Jl ( | t. ea c , fl.0 < & 13\
Ai'1' tiood 'thlppliu stu-'U so irco at 11.51
1'out.Titv Sprlnclilckois , $ iflO1.30 per
( loxun ; old bens. 7uVu ( pur Ib
l.'da > m iruet. He.
KniKim Cltj .VI irUets.
IfAVSAlClTV , MO . Atll 21 WlIRAT IjOWOT !
No 2 h ird , old , U e : nuw , p.r6l."ic : ( ; No. U red.
UOIIN rirmj No 2 mixed. 47c : No 2 white ,
M'4 5.'c
OATd-rirm ; No 2 mltol , 27Jia23c : No. 2
white , old , ) Ic.
ll n Stead v ; No. 2. CTe
I'LANhKLIl btt'.llly lit S7JJ11P.
HIIA.V troiis ; icKpd , 1157c.
HAI Stoidy mil unchanged ; timothy , ! 7.r > 0
® 't 00 : pr.ili le. ifl 00ffl7 DO.
llUTTbii If tm : eruamorjr , HISJJc : dairy , 15 ®
2t c.
c.KaasWoak : it1c. !
ItBCBtfTS Who it , 59,030 bu. ; corn , 4.030 bu ;
o its. none
Smi'MKNT-i Wheat. 20.0J3 bu. ; corn , none ;
o-its , 3.0UO bu.
llvnrpiiol Muikuti.
LIVEHPOOU Auz.21 Wiiivr-Quot. ! lioldors
offnr niodurntuly. Kecelpts of who it for past
three-days , 41oHJO cuntaU , Incliidliu 234.0JJ
Amcrlc in
COHN Quiet but steady ; mixed western * ,
5s Hid per cental Receipts of American corn
for past three d lys , 47,033 centals.
HACO.V Lonx clear , 41 Ibs . 4-'s per cwt.
LAHO Prime western. 40s perowt.
HuTifcu I'liited Mates finest , 97sOd per cwt :
United fat ites goo I , 8.'s Od.
C'cilti'o M irkel.
NEvr YOIIK. Au 21 Options firm and un-
ch in.'cd to 1' po'nts down : s lies , ln.OOJ bugs.
Including Au.-iist , turu ; Soutombor , $ U41 ®
1111 : Octobor. Ill MiJI tai : Deoumlicr. $ 3 2Vii
11 JO ; March , tl I I © J 11 ; May , { M Jl Spot Klo
llrm biitiiulot ; No 7 , fl4.r'4 ) '
Oil M irUet.
NEW YOIIK , An1 ? . 2) . COTTON SEED Oti-Qu let
but linn.
TAM oDull mid easy ; city ( W.OO for
pcUgs ) . 4'o.
Kosis Qulot and e isy.
K Dull but steady at23i9a !
Oottnii , v.lurkot.
' , La , Aug. 21 I'lrm : middling.
7o ; low middling. OSu ; good ordinary , Gu ; not
and gross reCelptH. 170 bales : exports to the
continent , 2,9 8 bales ; stock. ( U.4WJ bales.
BOSTON , Mass. , Aug. 21. The demand for
wool Is good and the sale for the week Is largo.
Prices are very llrm on all grades.
Xuvv York Dry Couds Murkot.
NEW YOUK. AUK. 2.L Nothing now was dis
covered In the any's demand for dry goods.
Traders' Talk.
OHICAOO. III. , An , ' . 2J Konnott. Hopkins &
Co. to S. A. McWhortor : Thu bearish feeling
has largely dls ippearoa nnd the number of
traders working on the lonj sldo has materi
ally Increased. Not that the outlook shows
any marked Imnrov onicnt , hut for the present
they beltovo tlio tendency will oo toward
higher price * HocolpU pour In hoiv-
Hy iinu the Koabourd rejiorts u sliick
export domain ! , but It Is thought there will
soon he a letup In deliveries , thus bringing
come relief to those carrying the load. Un-
lo s this occurs It would seem that
nothing beyond tomponuv rallies can bo
reasonably u\poctcu. Corn and oats
have boon llrm and ranecd hlshor.
The generous rains over the corn bolt and
some i ere favorable crop reports liavo not
weakened thu niarUot. borne rccelv Ing bouses
predict increased receipts next month IIH thov
now nro contracting moro freely ut eouuirv
stations. UoldcM of oitSHhow a disposition
to realise on hard spots I'orelgn inarket1 !
were much lowur and the hog m irkot caslei.
causing an easy opening In provisions but
good parties weru In thu market us liberal
buyers and prices Improved from the start.
CiitOACo , 111. . Aug. si Coiinioltbuii .V Day
to Cookroll llros. Conimlxslon conipuny :
NowHpuporcolumns and speculators' pockets
are pudued with statistics showing just why
75o wheat should soil lower. It Is the oxnct
counterpart of ono your ago toiHy , when De
cember wheat was { 1 01 and ! l.Oii and the world
WHS bulling It. The minority had nerve to
sell lit then , A still smaller percentage ot
opnratorH are buying It now. In both Instances
the majority have overlooked a very
Important factor In speculation , the orlccn ,
The undent rule Unit tlio llrst fruits of all
ciops uro the best. In quality and yield. Is
likely to be oinphnsirod this SOJHOII when
priced Hhall liavoudviincod on decreased ro-
i-olpts und poor ruturns from Into harvests
r.voiyboih's hlnJsl.-ht Mill be und
reasons abundant to account far the action of
the market. Whuut tallied and oloted llrinor
on lighter receipts at country points and good
exports. Corn was Irruxular und closed
a shiido lower on raliiB In the
southwest and rumored extension of
the strike at Buffalo. Outs worn higher and
closed strong. Provisions advanced an bull
tactics directed ngulnst the short Interest.
At the close thu bulge wtts wall supported
and it will probably take n little further ad
vance to corral the hoars.
CiilCAdi ) , 111. , AII.T. 2.I. 1' 0. Loean & Oo. to
Duncan , llollliuer & Uo. : AVe Imvo hud u
steady wheat market today , September
opened nt 7"i ? f , sold up to ? ( Uie and closed at
7l)37ii8U. ) ! Tlio report of the yloU from the
northwosturn crops are disappointing both as
to yield and nuailtr. Cables uomo h gnor
both from ( hu continent und England Thu de
mand for our dally receipts keep up
All that Is reiiulrod to establish
n few cents advance Is a little
foreign ( lemund Thu weather In Knland Is
reported unsettled. The tone of this ninrKut
IB toward somu advanoo Coinhiis boenuotlvo
and strong from thoopenlng until tlio close.
September openoil at oj' e , told up to MJ e ,
und closed atA-'tc ' , The
- curly buying was for
account of a prominent local operator for
thu null r future. Uo belluvo ptiichasea
on declines will p ly. Our opinion on
o its thuHumu as on corn. Provisions opened
ut thu lowest point of the day : bopt'imbei
pork. * IO U3 : Inril , * 7 , ' . . ' : ribs , f7.57VulooK
for all hog product to sell higher. The olos-
IIILprleo Is : beptumber pork , 811 , UJ : lard ,
7.70 ; ribs , J7.87.
hlOCKh AM ) 1IO.MH.
UpHiiril 'Moviiincnt liiiiiigunuoil Tiicsdiiy
ICvrnlni ; Contlniieil.
NKJV Voitic. Aug. 2l.-Tho stook ranrkot
today uontlnuud the upward movement In
augurated last ovonln , ; . Thodoalslon In the
TUXUH was regarded us the most Im
portant rallioad duo slon rendered fora long
time , unit Its Influence upon thu prloos of rull-
reid BtouUu was most potent In thu advances
Directed today. There were rumors of a eon-
toit f or eiiii trul In Wiihush , but thoontlru Hut
of southncttorn stocks was conspluiious for
strength , owing to thu decision , and Missouri
Piicllluoncu moru beuiimu onu of the loading
stoeUH In duilliuti. The strike situation U
now regarded u ith comparative ludiirurence ,
nnrl the spoeily sottlcmunt of thu dlllioulty U
looked for
Thu murUut opened with unusual animation ,
and at very Irregular changes from lust
night's iirlces , but Itoudliu was the only spot
In the Hit whleli afterwards partially recov
ered , The gritngci tool < s beeamu the strong
features , but the grangers were prominent
for strength when the whole list was on the
upward movement. Now Knglund. howurer ,
uiialn vhowid wouknesv when thu first spurt
was ever , und lutor In the day the bears found
it iiu'iiln , drltln : II iluvvn over t per cent. The
ludustrluU , which ut Urit wvru very yuiut ,
were brought up Mg iln by the spurt In Chlca/o
OIIM. hut they In the lain iloilln.s , when
ru lllration * were In orJor , ylelilod to pros-
Bit nv nnd sumo of them were mntorlnlly He-
pressed. The martutullgnvo w y towar.I the
closo. und , thoiuli most stocks still showed
fraction a gains for the day the m irkct
closed active nnd heavy to wo.ik ut the con-
sessions ,
Oovornnipnt bonds hive boon dull nnd
steady. State bonds dull and to iturolcss.
Tno Post says Thcro unpaired to bo no
diminution ot .veal oh thu pin of the bulls In
tmluy's tu.iruet. To Hy's opoiiliu wai llrm
nnd although Hllghtly Irrczul ir , gonorallr on
n level with yontorifir'ri closing quotations.
The uice In Uoadlng has been tooripld , and
so when there was n riisli to roall'Q at the
opening , thu prlcu fell off almost n full uolnt.
'Hie report that coil prli-ns noulil bo ad
vanced for tuptombcr delivery was Indus-
trlntiily c rcul itcd , hut Its CITeet on the co it
stoo < s was not particularly oiifour.iglng
Lickiwnnna oponoJ fnctlumilly higher , but
J 'Uorl < MOMKV Murlicl.
NtnvVouic , AIIR. SJ MONKF ov OAt.t , Kasr
at li ! to pur emit ; last loin , Z per coin ;
closed olTored at 2 per cent.
I'uiMB MKW Avrtr.r I'Ai-nn i@W | ) or cent.
STCHMSO nxciiANcic-Qtilot. hut steady at
? < 803i' for sixty day bills , and $1 8SH for ilo-
The closing ( jiiotttlons on bonds :
ISoiton Muck Oiuitiitloii4.
HOSTON. Muss , AUK. 21 The followltiR are
the closing stojlc ( ] iiotitlons :
J.lltluKOCIt AFt VJ laumrncK . . . IIU
31 1131 Cuntinl 10 Amilxloii Land Co 23
Mu.v ton com . 15H West End Land Co . IS
N Y A N Knii . 32H Hell 'telephone . . 201
Win Can pfd .
Xrn Voik Mining Uuutatlor.x.
YOIIK. Aup. 21. The follow 115 are
thocloslni : lolului ; stock nuotatlons :
Cliolnr < C Oplilr . . . . 'JU
Lrownl'olnt 45 I'lymoiitli 25
Con Cnl A Vn . . . M > "lurrn Novadn W
Ueadnrood 915 Maudnrd 145
Gould A Curry . . . . LO Union Con fcCI
UaleANorcross . . . 45 Vcllow Jacket 40
Homeitako 1403 Iron ' liver CJ
.Moxlrnn 1UJ Quicksilver Z'M
Xortli star UiU do preferred 170J
Ontario 3)00 ! ) Ilulnor JO
' nskoil.
Sun I'nuirltco .Milling Onutiitloin.
S\N rilAVCISCO. Oil. . Aus 33 The olllelll
oloslnpcinot itlons for mining xtosUs today
were as follous :
Alto Nnvnjo
liulwcr. 1'otosl i)5
Must A HolcliBr . . . .
llodlo Consolidated. -Icrrn N'cvQ'ln . 95
Chollar Union I onsolldatcd. . 95
Crown 1'olnt Utnli . 115
KurcknCou Vcllow Jacket . . . 40
Ilnlo ANorcross . . . Co uxonwenlth . . . 10
Mexican V Q _ 1U
M. IMils Mining stucKH.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Aus.I. . JIlnliiR qnotatloiiB
today :
London l-'lnillirllil llnilo\v.
rf 1SJ2 byJainas ( lordon Itunnolt.l
I > OMO.v , Aitc 21 [ Now Vorlc llor.ild Oablo
Special to Tiu. HKU 1 Although not nctlvc.
biialncsa on the block oxchaiu-o hits shown
morn iinliniitlon , nnd will' few executions the
course of the imulccts 1ms been favorable.
Consols Improved > a per cent. btcrllriK loans
art ) up ! to ! per cent 1'orol n coveruinent
securities hit MI boon neglected and moved
only bjlxhtly , though llrinness hits been re
ported on bourses. A fractional
Improvcmicnt Is established In KtrypUuns ,
It.illiin , Ilusslan and 1'ortii ueso. whllo bpm-
, sh Is J-IO pur cunt easier. Art-untlno storllnK
opened lovvor but closed unchanged. Home
railways inulllh a good deal of attention ,
especially routho.istcrn defuired and Chat-
hum , on the lovHal of fusion rumors
The former hue advanced lqi per cent
mid the latter 'i per cent. A ilho Is established
In .Midland of ? j percent , and London &North-
uestern and 'B to 'i per cent In most others.
IlrUhton dofeired. however , loaves elf ' < per
' . ontlonei nftur bavin ? nhown a aia.ill ilso.
Amerleans h.ivo been more or le > linn nil day
owliu to leiihonablo advices ro .trdln ; the
slrlkos. Allliou-'li the nnhllu docs not appear
toliavo responded much , there h is been a fair
amount of buy Ins arnoiiK tnsldo operators
who had sold MiorU Nearly a K > ' eral advance
Jias taUen jilaco InoludliiK 1'4 nor cent In
Wabu h proteenci' ) , JU In I'lilludulphlaJ : itoad-
IUK. Northern I'aclllo prefcronco und Union
I'aelflc , ! i pur tout In Atchlson , Uhlo uo \ .
Alllwatilcee. LakeShore and .Mlssinirl , Kansas
A. Toxus , and ' 4 to J * percent In most others
With regard to Cinadlan lines the Ur.iml
Trunk IhsucH ojiened and lower on tralllc
statement but ijulukly recovurid und hate
been quite buoyant , preferences closing at iin
advance of ! i to 1 per cent. Canadian I'uolllo
Is also \ \ ' per cent bettor. Mexican first prefer :
once closes 1 percent lower , wnllo the second
preference rises / per cent. Tlioro has
seurcoly boon riiiv demand In money , bliurt
loiinb buvo been freely ollorcd. The discount
murkiit has been easier , two and three months
b Its buliiK quoted nt 1 per ( .out.
KASSAS Onv , Mo , Au.2J. . Oloarttigs , f I-
Ntw OIU < EANB , La , Aug. 2J. Oloarlngs ,
1'AitiB , Au ? 2' ) Three per cent rentes lOOf
12o for the account ,
NEW Vdltic , AUJC 2.1 Oloarltm , 1100,11,7-
14S ; hnliincus712,7I8 ,
IlAi.TiMiiiu : , Mil , Au - . 2X OlonrliiRs , 12,717-
238 ; balanieu , { . ' .IT.uWi rate 0 per cent.
I'lin.uiKt.i'MiA , I'll , Ausc 2J. Clearings , 113-
ll.t.220i balances , (1.9.'I,707 ; mouoy 2H4W pur
MKMi'itlB , Tonn. . AIIB. 21. Now York ox-
chau isollln.'at(1.53 ; cleurln/s , (141,45) ; bul-
uuuuk , $ JOUI7.
HOST ON , Atass. , AUK , 22 , Oluarlnes , II4.4M-
47-'i balances , JI.blt.4IS ; monov .Kittl per conti
eicliiiuge on Now \ ark lOitlftu discount ,
br. Louis. Mo. . Au . 21 Oluarlngii. I093.-
140 : balances , J I Ml , II. . Money ( jiilol ut Oit7 per
cent. Kxthanxoon Now York , 75o discount.
HAVANA , AUK. 2a SpanUh gold. JJl 'j ®
2.0) . l.xchaimo rjuiot but llrmi on the Unltod
btutts short sliilit gold , lei uremluiui.on Lun-
don , 21 prvinlum.
NKW YOIIK. Aug. 23. [ Sucelal Telegram to
TllKlliE.1 KxchanKO was iiuotoil ns follows
tacitiy : Chlouiio.H 10 discount : lloston , 15o to
lOodlscoiint , bt. I.ouls. 75o discount.
OIIIOAOO. 111. , Aug. XL Money , easy and
iinuliuiifuil. Hank iloarliiKh. (10,212,009. New
VorK uxchuiiKO. 7Uo discount. HtoilhiK ox-
ohunzc , tlull at II.87M for sixty-day bills uud
II b8 forfclfbtdnittii.
i.ivi : HTOOK
Cuttle Trillin 1'ulrly hteudy llogi Unsettled
und I.uwur.
OMAHA , Antr. 2:1 : Kocolpu of oil kinds were
( air , muklnif for the two days 5.008 eattlo , H-i.7
hotfs nnd 2.07 bht'up ugulnst 4.515 cuttle , 0,150
hoisi uud 1,07B nhcuji the llrst two days uf last
'llioro was not much olianxo to the ctiiientl
cuttiu trade. Uu anything decent lu thu buut
stcor line ( ho mnrket was active nnd firmer.
Bund to cholco MVJ hi 1'liu-llj'nloors iellliu nt
from tl.OJ totl IK.Vii the prneral run of half
tut and niillnlshccTStOir trmllni ; wni ntnw nnd
the foo.lnv "OMiowliiU Mailer , snloi wore Ht
from $3.41) to ( I in. gearcely nnr of thn west-
rrmi WPIO Rood onoiiKh for bcof. A fulr olonr-
nncoof nil dcslrnhiololTorinx W.IK ofTcctcd
although thu tnulii was not what could ba
called lively uxcoitf pcrhniii on llic rliht ; good
llntclicr stock nail i-nnnors wore llkobncf
flliers. netlvo itnil steady on good to cholcu
cows ) slow and ostler on common and onnnlng
grades , S UPS word at from 11,10 to $1.09 , the
nulk at from JI.TO to f-5) ) . Hulls oxen and
Klnvs were dull bubnbottt steady at from it.V )
lo.V . CalM s nero steady tostroni on Rood
to cholco veils , at from1 JI.UO to $1 7S : slow on
rointuon tulT nnd joarlltui ftt from fJ.5) to
btockorsntid feodUrs woreiiilto | freely traded
In anil prices were fully stotdy. the hulknf
ttio fair to uootl stook solllu ? nt from I..Id to
J2.71. with ext romn v ilos at from 11.75 to M 05.
Uopreseiitiithc sales : '
DitBssnt ) HREF.
No Av. Pr. No. , Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr.
Il < iisi fi oa N ) .120 ! )
949 : i M S4 1IS2 405 IM 12.11
n.ks : i ro IS .1025 4 Id 40 1-.05 4M
10J7 3 Oo IC.I IIU 450 Vd .llbU 4 05
1 810 1 10 10 . 7'I7 1 N ) 21 8 < W 220
I 10 4 uro i si 24 DM 220
7H1) ) 1 2 } 4S OH 1 1110 221
rat 1 25 11 76.1 1 03 2 1015 221
2.10 1 2 27 10(4 ( 1 W 25. S4il 221
MO 1 25 17 nio 1 93 II 102.1 23.1
051 i : w 12 nil 1 UJ II 1011) ) 231
7. ' , ) 1 4) 15 83J 1 U > 2 IBi 241)
siii 1 40 15U bW ! 2 1)0 ) B. . 85J 24) )
75) ) 1 50 21) ) M9 2 00 3. V07 241
1 50 1 II * 2 no 4 Ibl 240
(15(1 ( ( 1 ( fl 2 10 H 2 ( X ) 1. 1I70 > 243
815 1 03 79 * 2 00 JO. . Oil ! 40
3. H < < 0 1 l > 0 23 . 801 2 II > 10 K3 240
2 .100J 1 GO 2 700 2 03 2. 10UU 24)
22 S3) ) 1 00 : 2i i 112.1 2 05 11) ) . U77 2 45
19 TM ) 1 70 23 . r > ! 4 2 01 2J . KOI 25 ]
20. 7TJ 1 70 5 2 tr > 1..I1.IJ 25)
S. ' Ri2 1 7" 20fl 2 10 I. lO-'O 275
3. . 9.17 i r fl HOT 2 r. IB .1055 271
3 . 807 1 80 27 B7J 2 15 4. 11J7 300
8 7SU 1 61)
3. 440 1 10 1 400 1 15 7. . 407 130
200 251 9. . 221 3 50 2. . 271 425
.147 2 fl' 2. 2-0 4 00 2. 241 421
2 05 200 4 00 11. . 275 425
3S1 3 00 11 219 4 00 1. . 220 4 V )
272 : i 50 1. 100 4 00 7. . 2J1 47i
3. SCO 3 CO 0 212 4 00
1 . BIO 1 60 1 ,12V ) 1 7 : 1. . 700 203
2 1JOJ 1 1,5 1 1170 1 75 1 .1710 200
1 1070 1 75 2 1405 1 U.5 1..110J 20J
1 11DJ 1 75
1 1003 1 75 1 1JIO 2 00
1. 1010 1 75 2 17V ) 2 5)
HK 1 75 , U . 7'J 2 .10 12 ,1002 , 270
440 2 00 J ) . 78J 2 35 2.1 . bl 2 75
eiiO 2 10 2. . BIO 2 40 17 , 900 280
ICO 2 25 II 070 2 50 2 1.120 2 W
770 2 2" ) 5 . 970 2 53 40 1030 2 95
840 2 2- > 1 803 2 ( .ri 21 1111,1 305
GJ8 2 2 > 97. . 9S3 2 05 11 .1031 305
, 8JO S 2o
No. Av. 1'r. No. AT. Pr.
2 cows. . . fW 2 CO C feeders. 1015 225
40 cows . . 8,12 2 B5 81 cows . .1017 255
0 steers..1204 3 15 83 feeders llil 275
10 cows . . . UOJ l 85 25 steers .1100 325
4 feeders 1311 2 25 67 cows . . 934 255
39 feeders 1105 300 1 cow. . .10(0 ( 265
lions The sellers hud decidedly the worst
of the situation Receipts were liberal , there no Improvement or enl.irKcmont In the
shipping demand , eastern advices were doold-
odly boirlsli and provisions opened weak
Trade wass ow and prices ruled fie to l > o lower
from start to finish Shippers sorted good
regardless ot xuilght at $ > .J3 to $111 and bought
some as low as Jt.'l Local buyers had every
thing their own way and took uommon , light
unn mixed stull at from $5 05 to i > 23 , largely
nt $3r > to $ 'i2J It was a epliltless tr.ulo
thiouchout , hut Qourly everything llnnlly
chnngod liands , the hulk selling at i\-0 to
Si 31. against fl t ) to f3'11 Monday. The gon- aver igo of prices [ ) ald was $ " > 2P4 , against
J5 ) > > , Monday and } 3.57 > i last Tuesday Uep-
rcsent.itlvo s ilei.
KcoolptK uiul l > lsOHltlnll | ot Hturlt.
Ofllelitl rocnlpts nnil ( INpoiltlon of itoclc as
shown by the books ot the Union block Yunls
conip.iny for tlui twenty-four hours endlnu at
5 o'clock J ) . ui. , August 2.1 , IbJJ :
Cbleagii Live Stock .Marlfot.
CniOAno , III. , AUK-2J l&pecliil Telegram to
THE IIEB.1 I'ho cattle tl ado had u very dull
opening and thu close was little bettor. He-
celpts , 9,000. The stale and fresh receipts
combined laado u larger supply than Is ofieii
scon In the yards ou a Tuesday , fully 15,000
head bolng on Biilo. AH one-half Unit number
would have been able to satisfy requirements ,
seller ! found It Impossible to maku clearances
without u fill tlinr nhadlng of prlcos. Thin ap
plies to all grade * bulnir cholco. That the
lutto were saloabii ) Vslo'ul ' > 'l'rlco ' w"s Ijo-
OIIUBO ot the limited number of that sort on
sale rather than of any activity In the demand.
London advices were anything but oneoiirag-
Inittouxportcrs.therboJtAmencunstoerxbelni ;
way down and the margin between Chicago
and Now York prices bdliiK too small to stimu
late shippers to activity , but the otrurlngs of
good dry-fud oaltio were BO small Unit
holders were not rotHired to IIIHKO any prleo
concessions. Thofrinh arrivals consisted of
about 4,001) natives aiidfrOOO rangers , the lutt r
consisting of Texans nnd weitorns In about
cauul p irts. Natives woio quoted at from
U.IK ) to t ) J5 for coniuiun to extra steers and at
from J 1.00 tot 100 for Inferior to choice cows.
Textins wore llrm ut from fl,40 to $2.15 for COWB
und at from $ i l to f.i.l3 ! for steers , vrhllo salcn
of westerns were on a busts of from SI. " > 0 to * I CO.
The hog marUut was ubout us good as lion-
duy around the oponlnE this morning but 1 > Y
the mlddlo of the forenoon it was air fully lOo
per 10J Iba Uoculpts 15,000. No reason for the
break can bo unsigned , the rocelpts holuK
small and the decline tauluir place before ro-
ToUl U.un of Cll ! 8.
ports from on 'clmnzo hr.(1 been recolvoli
while ihori- was u littleotrly tradlnz nt from
MH ) to MO.V equally good hoys sold Inter In
the Oay at from t3fQ to iMrt and nt the close
It would have In-on ( llfTicult tn trot moro thin
fj fa lot nnythlne In the shape of a hog. Clns-
In tiiotatlons | were from M.OO tof.V70 for tight
nnd from f.1.10 toJXVSifor heavy Most of the
day's work was done at from W.I3 to 1,175. The
close was extremely dull and we ik ,
There was a goo I demand for shpeii nil the
marknl vrus ( Inn at from M 2.1 to SI 50 for poor
to modliim , and at from Jl 75 to 14.01 for good
tn cholco. Koeelpts. 0,0)0.i imba also Hold
Rtrong-uuotod at turn M.M to Mil ) . Ruppllcs
\veroagalnlUhtnnd nit thn olTarlngsero
bought up early , the markrt closing strong ,
Thon\enlnr Journal raportsi
OATTMS llcculpts , 00(10 ( ! uhlpmonts. .1.000 :
mnrkot slow but uto-idv ! otlri steers , J.XOO ®
5 10 ! others , J.IMlIJI.'W ! Toxans. J-.IIKBJOO !
nngors. tiMcai.tts stookcrs , $2.1.Vit.l.l5 , cons ,
- .
II otw Uccolpts , 11.000 ! shlpmonts. f.OOV. mar
ket opened strong , broke to lOo lonon rough
to common , * I VKiJuvv. prime heavy nnd hutcli-
ers wolshtsiM71it1S1 { assorti'd Ik-lit weights ,
* - > 7Vmo , ; other llfdits. IS.lJ5t\ROs grassers.
{ f t ) n ft 1 , 11.
ltiiKi' liocolpts. r..nOO : shlpmrnts. l.OJO !
miirUot nctlvo ! sheep stmdv , lambs hlglirr !
stockers , $ I r OJ ais owes. } ) . ' ) CM. " > ' > ; mixed ,
Jl 4)541.71 ) ! wcthi'is. J1U.1fJ.'loOi fornfod Tovnns ,
J4.50it4 ( 7.1 ! Hoaterns , tl.Uj liimbs. tl'"V3H3I.
Ni'W York l.lio Stuelc Miirkrts.
YOIIK , Aug. 21.Itiii.vm UvcoluK
1,4 17 bond , ill for nvportcrs nnd sluughtorors :
no traillni und fooling \vonk t ilrcssod beef
slow at 7 < 8' > c per Ib : shipments today , 700
beeves nnd I I0i nuurtcrs of bcofi tomorrow ,
.102 beeves nn I : MI < > ) iiunrtors.
OvLVKS Itncolpts 2" ( > heads market slow !
voals..9)ii7.on per lODIbs. ' . gris-iorj , Jl.1.1.
Plllilll' Hi'ct'lpts , 8.7H head ! mirUet slow
hut stead v ! shoep. SlixiBI'JS per Itn Ibs , !
lnmbs , 5.r1(1.2l ! ( ! dressed muttons steady at
OaiOlic per Ib.i drcsse.l lambs dull at lOSll'ia
per III
Ilods-Uecolnti. 4,112:1 : hoid , Inatudln ? nlht
oars for sale ; market llrm at 5uxaouo POP
105 Ibs.
UIUIKIIS City I , u n Stork ,
K ANst * C'lTV , Mo. Aur. 2.I. OA.TTI.R Ito-
colpts , 8,700 ! shipments. 4..100 : thumiitkut nnH
generally sloiKlv ; cows steady to lOo lower !
steers , (1'IOQXSOt cows. $1.1 > ® 1. 10 ! To\au and
Indian utoots $ .40 ; stockers and feeders ,
Hods Uccolntu , 0,000 : shipments , none : the
market opened ntuidy to strong and closed
weak tolo lowur : all grulus , $4 HVIM.70 ! bulk.
Himsi'-ltecohiK : slilnmnntH. 4m ; the
market was fulrly actlvu und Btoady ; Inmbs.
St. r.nuls I.Uo itnek .lltulcot.
ST Louts , Mo. . Aug. 2.1. CVTTI.V Uocolpti.
n.SI'i ; shipments , 75.1 ; mnrkot slow on natives :
fair to cholco natlvo steers. If L00ff4 SO : Texans
and Indl in steers , S. ' . 1 5.i , ' ) . " ) : cinneis , 1110 ®
Iloas Ilccolpls. 2.310 ; shlpmpiits. fil7 : mar
ket oiislor : hu ivy Jj.WS5.70j mixed J" ) 201 05 :
lights. ' . 40fflS Ul
Sunn' Ui'cnlpts 700 : slilpmonts. fAI : mar
ket steady ; fair to cholco nutlvu muttons , $ j.0t )
O4 80.
_ _
Mrs. I * K. P.ittun , IlockforJ , III. , writes :
1 From personal oxporlonco I cm rocorainond
DoWitt'8 Sarsaparilla. a euro for impure
blood and gonarul aobility. "
Tlmt Hum Nuisance.
"vVho Is the funny man on your paporl"
Inquired good-natured Joan Schonos of n Bui :
representative. Ho was told that when
necessary ulmost nny member of the staff
could get oft a funny paragraph or two.
"Well.1' continued Mr. Schonos. "tho man
who wrote the paragraph In this tnornniK's
paper about mv havitiR a barn in the vicinity
of o.U South Thirtieth street , which is nn
eyesore to the neighborhood , Is gifted \\lth
nn Kll i'orklns kind of humor.Vhv , it's
quite the other wny. For months anu
months bavo I striven to Imvo a nuisance in
the shape of n stinliinfj barn abated and
have ovou called in the nld of the Board of
Health , who wont so fnr as to have the then
occ'ipaut ot the barn prosecuted , but the
nulsnnco Is still allowed to exist. It's nn
outrage on the neighborhood and 1 hnvo done
all I could to get it romovod. "
DoWitt's Sarsaparllla destroys suou. poi
sons us scrofula , skin diseases , oczonu , rheu
matism. Its timely use savoi many lives.
nn : KKAI.TY
INSTRUMKNTS placed on rccoid August 2J ,
18U. :
WAIIHASTV fibrils :
Anton Kostol nnd wlfo to Mary Dnlc/ol ,
lots SJ nnd 34 , block 3 , W I , bolby's llrst
add to bouth OmaliH. u 23 feet of o 7.1
feet tot U , block 7U. Houtli Omaha , and
lot 12 , block 1U , llrst add to bouth
Omaha JG.OOO
Frank Murphv to r C llailcy. all tax lot
! 4 In 10-15-13 lying north ot Uillforiila
street and west of Tnenty-sovunth
avenue . . 3 COO
Caroline Teuton nnd husbiml to 1'eler
Wllg , lot 11 , block 4 , Wlsoil ! "H mid . 1,000
South Omaha Land coinpuiy to I'tter
Cockroll. lot 10. block .LI. bouth Omaha E50
Peter Cockroll to A T Wllg and wlfo ,
noutli3J feet lot 10. S'imo 610
W T faeamin and wife to HA Hyrne ,
west .11 foot of 01 st 154 feet of north Si
block "II , " Shlnn's add . . . . 3,000
Windsor IMuco Itulld ng association to 1C
Jl iills , lot \\lndsor ilucoiixfc . . 803
W fi Andrews ot ul to W V Morse , north
88 feet lot 4 , block 15.1 , Omaha 25,030
QITIT OAivt ni.hiis.
FT Murphy to m Italloy. all tix lots
22 uno 24. In IG-I1-1I. lying north of
California street and west of Twenty-
seventh avennu . . 1
Cltv of Oiniilm to A O I.olines. feet
on w sldo lot 4 , hlock2ix , Omaha 0.1
J r Itoyd. shrrllT. to.lohinnu IMt/zei ild ,
lot 2S. b oo k 21. Walnut Mill 350
G A llennett , hlierlir , to siime , lot 6 ,
1'iuyd'rt subdlv in lot .11 , Mlllard A.
O'sadd 1.500
Total amount.of transfers 143.061
The shadows
that fill your
lifo , It you'ro a
feeble , suffering
vvomnii , can betaken
taken out of it.
The chronic
wonknossos ,
functional do-
rangenynta , nnd
luiinful ihbonlera
peculiar to your sox , cnn uo taken away.
The one unfiillinR icmaly for them is Dr.
I'icrco's Fiivorito Prescription.
It con eels , cures , and builds you tin. It
Improves digestion , anricltw the lilocni , dis
pels aches and pains , melancholy and nerv
ousness , brings refreshing klcep nnd refetorra
health nnd stiongtli. Tor j > ciio < llfal jinins ,
internal inflninmation und ulccrntlon , weak
back , IcilcoithcA , and all kindred uIImcntH ,
it's a positive epetillc ono that is guaran
It it falls to RVO ! sntisfnctlon , in nny case ,
the money paid for it is returned.
A little book , on "Woman nnd Her Dis
eases , " sent to liny ndiliosH , tented fiom < > b-
senatlon , on receipt of Urn tenta for post-
ago.AdilreKs , Wet Id's Dispensary Jfodioftl As-
BOciatlon , UG3 Main Btteet , liulfalo , N. Y.
Union Stock Yards Company
Ilest cattle , ho. ; and sheep mnrkut In the west
A fHAlAWrit | | | | to HUB housa for cor-
| Market Iluporn.
Wood Brothers ,
South Omaha Telephone Ili7. - Uhleago
W. K. WOOD fJI ni Bors.
Market reports by mall and wire cheerfully
furuUhud upon application. _
Campbell Commission Co.
Ohlcago , HiistHt , Ixiuls , Kansas Olty , bouth
Omuhu , nloux Oltv , I'ort Worth.
A. D. Boyer & Company ,
68 and 59 I xohango Ilulldliu.South OiiialiT.
Corrosiionilonco solltltuil and nroinptlr uiuworjj
bpucfal attention to orders for mockers i. I pudur * .
Eitabllibed , IB8 > X . . . InoorpumUJ , lilt
Capital f ulljr paid , 120,1X1)
Waggoner Hirney Company
Write or "Iro us for prompt and relUblo uiarkut
Perry Brothers ( Company ,
Llvofitoak OommUalon.
Uoom M l xclmnRO llulldlng , bouth Omaha
'luluuhoue 1707 ,
Manufacturers' ' J
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. -1
Th eminent specialist In nervoni , clironlr , private Wool , gkln and nnnnry dl oasei A rcrulir nl
registered graduate In meilclno. ns illplomas and cc riltlcnti > n nliixr. Is still trc-ulni : with tlin tirentoit nucceii
caiarrli , sperra > torrboe . lost manhooil , seminal WLaknois , nltht IOISPS. linpntuncy , ) plillli. stricture , ton.
orrhoea , Rleot , Tarlcorule.ctc. No mercury u eJ. cn trentinent tor loss of vltul powir , lYartHs unablu U
Tlilt mama ; betr ntet at home by correspondence. Medicine or Initrumpnts sent by inallorexpresi !
purely packed , no marks to Indlcnto contents or t nior. Ono pvrional Intwrvlow preleired. Coniultnloi
[ reo. Correipondenro strictly prlTnto. Monk ( MysUrlM ot Ufa ) Hat tra. Offiou hour . ra. * o . m.
B ) U in. bend stamp lor feoa-
"His Experience
Have been proven by m 3i'c than 17 ycnrs of untiring success which
has never been surpassed in the medical profession , while his re
sources nnd facilities for treating Private Diseases nre practically
unlimited. " Such is the universal testimony of thousands who hav j-
suffered and been cured by
DR. J. E. McGREW ,
The Specialist
With a prnctico of 17 ycnrs' standing Is it any wonder that hi
skill In the treatment of Private Diseases Is today unquostlonods
During all these years Dr. McGrow has gradtuilly perfected all the
little details Incident to the treatment of Private Diseases until It 18
no longer u practice with him , but
A Science.
He substantiates every statement nnd fulfills every promise. Ho Is
reliable , reasonable , skillful and lair , and Is the most successful spe-
clallst In the entire west In the treatment of Private Diseases nnd al |
Diseases of Youth and Manhood. Those who placa themselves In
his care can safely rely upon him , as every cnss is regarded In the
strictest confidence and treated In the most skillful manner.
Gloat and all annoying dlKehiir os ; Stricture , or dlllioulty or pain In rollmlng tlio Illadiler :
yphllU and all dlsuusus rf the lllooJ and bkln ; NorvonsnusH , Uoneral Dobllltv , Lots of Mmi-
liooil and Ambition , Want of Llfo and Vitality , Had Memory. Despondent , DUniura ed , ! tu-
llof obtained without loss of tlmu from business The mou ntiworful rumudloii known to
modem vuloucu for thu treatment of the above dlsonxe.s. Wilto for circulars and question ilJU
14th and Parnam Sfcs. , OMAHA , KTEB.