9 THE OMAHA DAILY BEEtiAtWEDNESDAY , AUGUST 24. 1892. FIGHTER SKELLY'S ' SORE JAW It ia Getting Well and Ho Has Commenced Training Work Again , JACK M'AULIFFE ' CLOSE TO WEIGHT Jlllly .Myor In 'Trnliilng llnrd nnil l Hat Talking .MuchVorhhiR I.IUii 11 Cnnl llonvcr 8:111 : rniliclM-o HporU oi ( Cilriintt. JUT ST. Louis , MIM. , Aup. 23. Billy Hey Holdi , the backer of Jnck Shelly , s&y * that Ills fight with Dlxon will never bo declared oft through him. Shorty Is much bettor. The swelling IISH nlmott dlsnppcnrad from liU fuco. llu can oat nnd sloop well , ana his erncral condition Is very good. Ilo wiw out on the roud today , nnd ivlll box thi ball nnd H > nr hn trainer tomorrow. Slwlly Is nt wclirtil , nnd could ilfht tomorrow us far as lOddltlou it concerned. iMeAullffo U lookuiR flno. Ho Is but very llttlo over wolght , und hcflus to look thin In tuo fuco. Andy Howon wants to moot Jlmmlo Car roll In case ho cnnuot got on a match with the winner of the Myor-McAullffo contest. Curroll Is looklnR well , mid tbo doctor says that ho can easily stand another glove con tort. llitljr'.Mynr'ft Work. STHEATOII , 111. , Au < r. 23.-\Vhllo Billy Myor Has bcon training Industriously in this city for several weeks for his approaching , llKht with .look McAulilTo. the llttlo uyulono hai bad lltllo to say lor publication. Ho has nitnpiy boon too busy to tulk very much. During the past few wooKi ho has done more hiird work than the moil Industrious coal lio.ivor Ho has two ots or traitilnu iiuiirtorii , ono In a hall in the renter of the city , the other at the driving park. In addition ho im < boon taking- long cross-country runs tinder the immediate supervision of his backer , Alt Kennedy. As a ruiult of this conscinntious work ho is today In tbo best possible physical nonunion and under the watchful cyo of Alf Kennedy ho will bo kept , BO until Iho nK'ht of the Hunt. Tnut he Is iicrfoetlv conllilont of bin nullity to whip AleAHlilTo Is ovluent not sb much from what he says but his manuor of paying it , Opliilnii * of Trlscn Sport * . Svx FIIVXOISCO. Aug. 2.1. Notwlthstand- the fact that San Francisco Is the place of Jim ( Jorbett's birth and Unit ho has tlio coed wlttios of a vast majority of the citizens of the city , when it comes down to u bolting pioiiositlon Sullivan is a favonto at odds of 10 to 7. Thov ) are some opinions from woll- linowii sporfing men in this vlcinltv : Duncan B I15rrison , Sullivan's fellow truiplan I houo Corbotl will knock tno big fellow's head elf , but I don't ooo how ho can do It. No man that 1 over heard of stands DIIV show with htm. i'uddy Kyan Yes , Corbott will land on Snlllv.iii , but ho can't hit John hard enough ( t ) nclher him uny. Sullivan only wonts ouo tiucle at "Pompadour Jim" aud that will sultle it. Uddio Groanoy , champion amateur licht- welulit of the const Corbott lias a good chance to win. Ho is oven cleverer than Chnrllc Mitchell , whom Sullivan failed to \\hlp.iumhasalongerroach. Ho can't hit lIUo Sullivan , but ho can duck and got away. Walter Watbon , Instructor at the Olympic club I honestly believe Corbott bus a goon chancu to win. Ho is undoubtedly the clovor- cst bin man alive. lr Sullivan does not whip Corbott In eight rouniis ho never will. John Dougherty , founder of the Pacific Athletic club Corbott Is a wonderfully clover man- but his hands lira not likely to stand the rocket. I think superior science In thin inutcn will not prevail against Sullivan's tern Ho onslaughts. President Hiram Cook of the California club Sullivan Is too powerful for Corbett , whether ho Is in ilrst-class trim or not. John L. will not race around worm a cent , and I would not hnsurprisudto'aooapoorflghtund the affair end In a row of some sort. Ed Fuy , the crack shot and cx-dlroctor ot the California club , thinlcs Sullivan's Waterloo lee will coma on the night of September 7. "Corbott Is the cleverest man In the coun try , " snld Fay. Mosc Guust has shifted around to tbo Sul livan stdo , but declares that the battle will last over twolro rounds. A big delegation will go to New Orleans to sou thu throO big llstic events , and as the hour of battle approaches betting becomes livelier. Tommy Ityiui netting riilgnty. Tbo California Athlatlo club Is trying to arrange a light between Tommy Hvnn of this cilv. the undefeated champion welterweight pugilist , and George Daw-son , the Austra lian who recently conq.uorod Danny Need- ham. The sporting editor of Tin : Bui : WPS informed by telegraph last night that tbo club would hang up A purse of $ HUOO for the match. Hyiin. however , will not consent to nmko the mutch for this money , Ilo says , and very correctly , too , tbtu ho is just us much of an .Attraction for the big clubs of the country as any pugilist in the business , und wants a purse commensurate with his importance as a card. If tno purse is raised to 15,1)00 ) Hyun will make the match immedi ately aud secure Danny Moodham as his trainer. Neodlmin lint already written Tommy. Informing him that this position will bo agreeable to him If the match Is made. i Last nlirhl n tolcgr.im was sent tb Arthur JjUmloy asking what sort of u purse thoConoy Island Athletic club would hung un fora light between Kyiiu and Dee O'Connell. but u yet no response has been nvolved. Hyati hits niado up his mind to nulto a match wttti EOinuonu of tbo top-sawvors for the ourly r.iiluihti months , either at Coney Island , New Orleans or San Francisco. Ho would bo only too well pleased to meet thu winner of the MeAulllTe-M.vor light , which comes off before the Olympic club at Now Orleans one vreuU from next Monday night , which desire will l > o imidi ) known to these two men at the rill pi I du on thu occasion alluded to. A Tt'li'Kniin Iriini .Jiirl ; Diivln. Siotu 111 TV , In. , Am. a. To thu .Sporting Kdlmr nfTiiK Urn : : 1 will lluhl Woocln nnur Oiiiiilm for any Mud of htuku within rutimm. Notify my b.u-Ucr. JACK DAVIS. Davis Is evidently mistaicon in the man. It IN not Hilly Woods of Denver wno wants the light , but California Billy Woods a total stranger in thusu parts. * U'llcy IVI : > IIM IxitiintH , \Viloy Evans , thu cluv.or colored middle- wulislit , vamoosol last evening , headed for Qulnry , 111 , Mike Doilcn , the old time boss ; J'addy Bronnan , Artie Film , California Woods und Jimmy uondon am still on ducK , but limy nro watching thu Into freights awfully tloao. llmiiKl lor I III. ( iiilf. Knill Brnndnis , | Lieutenant Arrowsmitb , Jiiclt Morrison , Tom Foley , Hugh Murphy , ( Jlmrllu Funning , Dan ilonln , Johnny and Jlmmv KilUcnny and the sporting editor of TIIK Hri ! will leave for New Orleans next Thursday afternoon. si'iii ; : III.NC , OnUliliTH In Iliittliii ; Won tint CaHli at Alcui- mould YfHlnriluy. MONMOI Til I'-iuic , N. J. , Aug. S3.The usual ptocram of rucoti , including two rich events , thu Privnto stuues and Iho Mon- muutli handlcnp , wore decided this nfuirnoon ever u fiiht track , under rloudcd sides nnd Iwforo ri.OOU Hpoclutors , Of the four starter * for the 1'rlvato Nwuepstakus of ; iouO each Buurlau , Taral up , ruled n consistent favor- llo througliout. Ho WAS boat-in , however , bv Mlnnuhaha , the extreme outsider at 8 to 1 , Lamplighter , Banquet anil Kecken wore the onlv starters for thu Monmoutb hanul- uip. 'J hey ruled lint , ncconu nnd Ultra choices at 7 to C , 8 Io. < and.'llo I , HocKon won cnslly by two lengths. Tlrtt r.icu. BuvonurloiiKu : Ashuraft ( .1 to i. won , Annu 11 ii to I ) kooond , Stuluuttlo l7 lu S ) third Time ; It'.ti , ul. rioithu : I'rlvnto stuUox > 1\ fir- | Mlunnliuba (8 ( to I ) won , Si | irliin C > to 5 kci'ou , Annlo cult ( A to I ) ihlrd. Tlmui .ilili. 'Ililrd rHt'i' , thu Monmouth hiindlunp , ml'u nnd IIIIH half , Itui'kon c\to-'i svim , l.nmplltflitur i7 tut loi'ond , llairiuut iS to 5) third. Tlmo : "tll'Vi , 1 iinrili rnci * , nix furlonjs ! Laura Dnut PO t ii' in Iton I , Mnjrnu iulumu 'oven ) second , M nil it to Utliinl. Tlmo : IMI'i. I'lflli incu. one mile and n funoiu : I.cunn * wollt''Hi ' 11 won , l'lvkii'el ir V ) to 1) second , thiv Win ill to 1) ) tUIr I Tlmn. f.U. UiU ruco , il.x furloiik'H' O.rlccHio 1) ) won Nonmd ( I to 4) ) second , Sltnroclt (10 ( to 1) ) third. Tlmo : lillK. 1'nlnrn Itnccs , CIIKSTOX , la. , Atie. 23. [ Special Telegram toTilE E'ER. ] The blue' grass raoes corn- in on cod today. In the 2:35 pace wc.ro three very promUlapNobraskn bones , Bay Dan , Lyons , Nob. ; Dusty IlcoU , owned by J. Uuln , St. Edwards , Nob.j nnd Senator's Maid , owned byW. A. Pnxtoh , Omaha. In ho'JMO class paclne , King Priam , owned by t'otor Johnson of Lincoln , was talked of this morning ni a winner. Out of the untiro uu try of nearly 150 trotters , Nebraska has Lhlrtr-sovcn and Iowa forty-throe. The ilrst race on the program today was : ho U:35 : trot , with sovou starters , Big Pan ny Pangloix was the favorlto. loun by Com- jut , dam by Dictator , won In strnlgnt boats. CliKslur Allo.i second , Dustv Heels third , Hlc Pan fourth. Tiino- . The next event was the 2ttO class , pacing , with twelve starters. Lula O by Grnco Jli'iioo sold favorite. Ben Morgan by Clark's Hamblotonlnn won in straight heats. Tlmo : Sli'if ' , 2iov : : , a : : ) K. ' In the futurity stakes , 1SOJ , Electricity , by S'ltroiron , won , Culla Lily tcuond , Hlnegold and ClKtoii 11 distanced , Tl > no : . The fourth nnd finishing race was a half- inllo and repeat , running , and was won by Victor D , jr. , by Victor D. Tlir.o.Gl. : ,5'J. Over 4ODO pcdplb witnessed the ally's on- .orlalnment. Starter Gftorgd M. Swtgcrt of Jinuhii Is giving excellent satlsf.lotlon. It U raining tnnignt , and with the dust , laid the ' track will bo In Rood'condition. . lit Chicago. CIIIOKOO , III. , Aug. 23. Hawthorne races : Klr.it race , IIvo fiirloiiKflt Inland won , lohnotta second , Minnie B third. Tlmn : 1:01. : Second rtrc. ' six fiirlouusi Jnck Murray von , Wood pucker second , Union third. Tlmo : : * 7. Third race , six furlong , selling : Rxcluslon won. Iloraco l.uland soi-ond , Vanoluio third , rime : ll.F : > . Kourth nice , erie mile , selling : Chapman ivon. Fore at Kins second , Newcastle third. Tlmo : l:4 : ( . Kirth nice , hurdles , ono and ono-clchth nlles : Kover won , Itoh Tlionius seconu , La llhincho third , Tlmo : 'JM. Garllold park races : I-'iiHt raci1. slv furliinas. ( < olllng : Cora Tay- or Won. Virtue second , UuorjoV. . third , rimu : UlllJi. 1-ociiiid riuu. onu mlle and twenty yards : Top U.illunt second , Mormnic ! second. Audiuy thlcd. Time : ln. : Third lace , emi and oue-sl.xteunth inllos : lacoOln won , Upinan .second , lloroiills third , rime : l:4.i : ) . I'onrlli race , ono and onc-olshlh miles : Vallora won , Hndotuli second , Krnost Kucu third Time : l : : > l > i. Klfth race. Hlx furlonzs : Miss Knott won , 1'oni Johnson sucond , Joslu Wells third , rime : 1S14. Sixth race , s x furlo.iB : Llttln Crete won. Sis u'Luose.ond , IlutUo I'rather third. Time : HUH. Siirutncu Npurt.- . SAKVTOOA. N. Y. , Aug. 23. Tlio races wore continued here today. The attendance was good. The track was fast. first race , live furlongs : Ulval (1 ( to 1) ) won in 1:0- : . ' , Lord Harry (1 ( to 1) ) socond. Esparanza CJ to 1) ) third Second racu. live and one-half ftirlouin : Halcyon (4 ( to 1) ) won In ll : , llorthd li tllly ( Iff to Dsofond , UobiiHt ( H to I ) third Third race , mile and u quarter : Cup Hearer ' , ' to 1) ) won In iU ) , Versatile (3 ( to 1) ) second , llaylurilil to 1) ) third. I'Oiirth race , ono mlle : Santa Anna ( I to- ' ) won In ! :4J : , blrCatesbv (10 ( to 1) ) second , Lady Superior (3 ( to I ) third. Urth race , selling , stivi n furlongs : Climax a to ' 1) ) won In li : ; , Lliliberl (4 ( to 1) ) second , O'i''alcno (4 ( to I ) third. Itaulii itt HCUIMU'H I'air. BOOXE , la. , Aug. 2J. fSpocml Telegram toTiu : BCH.J The Ilrst day of the Boone district today drew n largo crowd. In the 2:40 trot Poduro 1C , owned by Hogg of Jo f- crson , won , tduing three out of five boats. Mogul , owned bv Herron Bros , of Klngsly , lu. , was second. Daisy C , owned by J. M. Crelur of DcsMolnes was third ; best lime 2 : ! } . Thu fourth trot was a dead heat be tween Mogul aud 1'uduro 1C. Thothreo-year- old was won by Suadoland Lamar , Bonnie Gcno , second : bcbt time :5fi : ) . The half mlle running rnce was won by ICotto Mouello lu two Btnilirht heats , Sally Slouch second ; best time 0:52' : < f. 31 ud at Jiiiluiuniliiire. ! , la. , Aug. 23. The second day's trotting carnival added an increase In attendance over yesterday. The rain last night left things a llttlo muddy and tbo track might have been a little faster. The Pro gressive stake for foals of IS'JJ , valued at ? 3,1-10 , was postponed until tomorrow : 2-vear-old pace. JI.OUO stake : To Order won , Vldla second , liiidy U third. Host time : 21 : { . Tho-'l : cliiHs had tun good starters. The race was iinllnishcd and goes over until to morrow. .Mattlo 11 won two heats. Myrtle second , So LUIII ; third , llesltlmu : M6fi. \MII lluviiu ( iuid Truulc. . WILCOX , Nob. , Aug. 23. ISpcelal to TUB Bcii.J At a meeting of the directors of the Wilcox District Fair association held today , the contract for the crudinc of an east and west mile kilo track was lot to D. H. Ludlng- ton of Kearney , Nub. , whoso experience in track work assures to lovers and owners of line hordes a track that will rank among the Ilrst If not the best In the state. The grading will cominencu this wcok. Tliu ItoiulHters Niixt The regular soml-montbly matluoo of the Gnntleuion's Roadster club will tauo place next Saturday afternoon , with an exception ally interesting card. Tbo meeting last Sat urday was not the regular matlnoo , but a sort of nn impromptu affair gotten up after Jupiter Pluvttis had burred nib gates. 1'iislponccl lur Itiiln. BHATHIUI : , Nob. , Aug. 23. iSpeclal Tele gram to Tin : Beit. ] On account of a heavy rain prevailing here today the Beatrice Driv ing association races at Linden Tree park Imvo been postponed ono day. ( ionu to thu Itucrn. Chat Uodick und Charles Sutphon loll last night to take in the races at Independ ence , la. Quito n delegation of Omaha horse lovers will lollow dutlng the week. NATIONAL I.I.MUI : : . llojiou nnil St. I. mil * int rtilii I.urgo Oniwili nt KIIIIHIIS Cliy. ICVXSNS CITY , Mo. , Aug. 2.J. By mutual consent two of the games of thu present St. Louis-Boston series wnro transferred to this city through the efforts of President Speas ot tbo Kansas City llmo Bull association , for tlio entertainment of the visiting Knights of Pythias , Ono of the uamci scheduled for \uitorduy was postponed on uccouut of rain , anil butU gamus wuro played today. Kid Nichols aud Short Slop Long of tun Ho-Uon team , who madu tluir debut on thu diamond in Kansas City unitoniH , wore given guneroiiu ovations when tliuv iippeuruu on the Held tgday , und other favorites re ceived hearty aiinluusu. The morning gamin ' was dull iindunlnteroitlng , lioiton takln'g an early lead and keeping It thioughout. Nich ols pitched un almost perfect gamu. the Browns securing only four scattering hits. ThuulloruDou gaimi was u pretty one , boiny close und It toiustiiiK , Ht , Louis tied thu scoru In thu ulghili Inning nnd won it in the ninth all by hiuluy's ' wlluuess. Thu attendance - anco in the morning gamu was D , US und at the afternoon gninu lb'JT. The weather was perfect. Sooru ; Kt Louis . o y lioiio . u a t o o o o o i s llimiod inns : HIMIOII. L' . Hits : Ht. LouU4t llosion H. ICrrors : Si , lainU , " ; llonlcm , I' . llalli'rlcsi tiluasun aud Ituukluy : Nluliola and Kelly. Afttirnouiit.'aniu ; Ht. Louts . Huston . 0 3 Cimiod runs ; St. LouU , S ; lloslon , 'J. llltu : Kt. LouU , u : Huston , 0. Errors : St. Louis , I ; llotflnn , a. ll.ttttirivii Caruthers and lluck luyjtilaloy und Uiuirol. Tiottiul u Dmiit llnut , O. , Aut' . 23. The B mo bc- twoon Cincinnati und Wushingtou wns cjtlled at thu end of the tenth inning" us- count of ilailuiess with u tlu score. Atton- ilanco 1,0(10. ( Scoroi Olnclnnntl . ' 0 Illtut Cincinnati. } \Vahlnston | ; , li. Kr- roni Uliiulnmiti. 4 ; Washington , - Kurnod runs : Clnulnnatl. 7 | Wushliik'ton , U. llut- tirlo : Uhiiiuburlitlii und Muionoyi | 'Abboy. lvll.cn uud MoUuliu. ( splilum itiiund invin , PiKVii\xi > , O. , Auif. 2J. The gume was ole < ol > uoniwite'lauu uxcltltiK , Iho Cleveland club winning in the eleventh Inning with nn onrnod run , Mtondnnco 1,700 , Score : Cleveland 4 I'hlladuluhla. . . . . - . . . 101100000-a Hits : Ulovoland , < : I'htlndolphlii , 0. Krrors : riovcland , 0 ! I'lllladolphla , 2. Karnntl runsl Clovcland , } ; riilludolphla. 3. llattorlosi Young und /.Iniinor : Kcofo nnd Dowso. Vlckcr3'Vhool 8tlll Itovnlvo. LOUISVIU.K , Ky. , Atif. 23. Kain stopped Lodny's gnmo aftorLouisvlllo had taken their iinlf of the flMt inning nnd scored three runs , itrntton nnd VIckory were the pitchers. Vlckory was very wild , giving two nioh bases on balls nnd making two wild pitches. Pirrsiitmo , Pa. , Aug 23. The Plttsbunt- Brooklyn bail game postponed on account of rain , Colt * Won In thn Ninth. CIIKHOO , III. , Au ? . 23. TUo Colts wont to the bat In the ninth with a score of 7 to 4 ignlnst thorn and won out nftor they had [ irnctlcally lost Iho ijatno. A base on balls , Qurko's c'oHly mil If , a Mncio nnd Dahloti's .orrlllc drive to center for four bases , ended : ho game with but two out. Attendance , 1,000. Score : NowVork 0 1 7 Chicago - 8 Hits ! Now York. 0 : Chicago. II. Errors : Now York , 3 : Chicago , 1 , Mantling ot tlfo TO.UIM. \r. i. i-.c. w. r. p.c. lorclnnrt 24 ti 727 Mnltimoro 1ft In 10.0 Ni'ir York 18 III M.I i.onisviiin. . . . . . in in w.u llronklrn 17 in &I.7 I'lucliumtl , 14 IB , j.ltB I'lilinilulpliln. . . 15 AI. & l.'lilcnui ) 14 hi 4. . I llonlon 17 IS 5.1.1 Wniliineton. . . . ! ! VI : < l.4 rittsliurK , .17 15 W.I St , l.oills..i.i 11) ) 21 liO.3 AMUNO TIIK AMATUUItS. Sprlngllnlirs C'rnck Toiun doing On n Star ring Tour. Nob. , Aug. 23. [ Special Telegram to Tun Bcu.l The Grays take the road tomorrow inortiltic nnd will raako their Ilrst appearance at Tabor , la. , tor ono gamo. From there they co to Donlson , la. , for two camcvs , Thursday and Friday , returning liomo Saturday In time to moot Iho Second Infantry nine of Fort Omaha , and on Mon day , Tuesday and Wednesday of next week they will try tholr hands with Lornars , IB. Muuagor Harlan expects to got back some ot the Havdons cash from Damson and leave them the oxporlenco. The Grays tire loaded for big game and will make It mighty lively for any of the prohibition state's teams. Kcimliiy Dnloiitg Houmnoi : , Nob. , Aug. 23. [ Sni'dal Tolo- cram to Tin : BBE.J An interesting game ol bull was played hero today between the Kearney and Holdrogo teams , rcjiiltin ? In Kearney , 8 ; Holdrogo , 5. Buttorlos : ICenr- ncy , Black und Pickering : Iloldrcgo , Water man and Kosuttor. Another game will bo played tomorrow. SI'AUICS Ol'1 STOUT. Tlio Cull Olulm Alnlco n Tin. Tno Bcmls Park Gun clue nnd the Hay- moud Gun club collided in n match team ahooton the grounds across the river yester day afternoon. There were eight men to eacli team , twontv-llve birds to the man , and the race ended in u tie , the score standing 153 kills oaub. Another match will bo ar ranged to s tittle the question of superiority within u few days. Uiimunnho Illll XViUit.i to Sprint. William Chapman , alms Comimcho Bill , the self-styled champion of Canada at a sovunty-llvo yards sprint , wants a match with any runner in this vicinity fora stake of from $ ' 00 to > 00. Man and money can bo had nt this ofllco. Chapman says ho has done the distance in seven and one-fifth seconds. g NiitiiK. Dalrymnlo did not jump Spokane , ns ho stated wnilo hero a week neo. Ho was II rod bodily ns an old stiff. Ilo should go back on the farm. Milwaukee parties have boon trying' hard , but vainly , to luduco the Chicago club to play some of Its championship games in the Cream City. President ItocKwoll of the Pacific- North west league is uu old ball player , and was thu man who Ilrst brought MuPhco Into prominence. The Washington club has given Outfielder DulTce ton days' notice of release and bus siBiied Lurry" Twltcboll , late of the Mil waukee team. GeorgcfcShock's broken arm will probably kcop bun on the boneh for the rest ol tbo season , but he will remain ou the Baltimore club's payroll Anson now admits that ho made a mis take when ho released Stein , but blames the Chicago papers for nagging him Into letting thu promising yount : pitcher go. Frank Seleo didn't keep Catcher Lake very long. Soleo says that when Pittsuurg trap- tied Joe Kelley the Western league was rob'iud of about all Its good players. "Vy you miss dot lly " nsltod Von dor Abe of Crooks last Thursday. "Oh , " said the noisy man , "I was watching for Mars and got lost. " "Veil , don't led dot follow fool you again , " said Chris. Stivotls of Boston Is the only Icagu pitcher who tias so far this season shut out n team without n hit. The feat is doubly ro- murkablo in that It was achieved against Brooklyn , tbo hardest hitting team in thn league. Tim Hurst , the prize-lighting umpire , ha * ut last boon chased by Nick Young. His pugnacious piociivitios woroswollingat suoh frightful rate the league had to got rid of l.im , or bring the game down to a twenty- four-foot ring. Put Tobeau , In whoso generalship the Clovolunds undoubtedly owe their present stuudlnc , bus not played slnco July - > . Davis , one of the host all-round Uoldors in tbo country , Is taking good care of third biiiO In Patsy's ubsonco. When the Western league was In Its lost throes , Atlanta oiTcrcdMamigorGu&Schmotz u good berth there , but ho refused to desert tlio old ship ana wont down with the wreclc. There is u man whom cjuilo n number of bli : league clubs would llnd most useful. Captain Comisiccy has not been playing ball all these voaM for his health. . Ho is not a miser , but ho is provident , antl has never used up tils salary. Every year ho has put away a nice little slice for the proverbial ratuv dav. Ho U now worth something like 10.000. The woods nro full of idle ball players , ' ready now to sign at any figure. Muuy' well known star * nro still waiting for infers that do not materialize. Erratic ; habits , Inflated salary ideas and loafurlsh manners Imvo landed many of the undesirable swellhead players umid the debris outsldo of the breastworks. Hx-PHcher Norman L. Baker acted as utn- plio during thu closing days of the Western league. His work gave 'universal HiUUfac- tlon nnd ho wus conunuly accorded the palm us tlio Dost umpiru in the west. Porlmpj it would not bu a bud Idea for Pretidoiu Young to keen Baker In mind , llo is now manag ing the Now Hampton , In. , team. " l.UU.IJ , John \V. ( Jorlov , J. B. Dodgo. J. T. Prim rose. W. D. Childross , W. D. Leaper and WlHKNoal , comprising Corps NO. 1 , Ht. Louis Kopubiiu traveling representatives , cumo in lust night over thu Burllugtou from Denver. Mrs. M. Moncrlof was arrested on e. war rant , yesterday afternoon charging her with Keeping u disorderly house at Twenty-fourth aud Cuinlng streets. Alter spoudlng'an hour or so in jail ho WAS released tu appear before - fore Judge Ilurka today , The Fifth Ward Republican club will meet nt its club room , corner of Sherman ayunuo uud Clark sliuct , Wiulnusuny evening , August 24 , at 6 o'clock p. in. , for the purpoiu of urgniil/dng n flambouu club , and ulso for the transaction of other business. "Sleepy" Hewitt , who was recently dis. charged from Jail und ordered to lenvO town , uus tulton into custody ngnln by thu'police last night , S loopy has put in so much time at thu jail that ho feels nt homo there aud kicked last night because Jullorllavoy would not give him his old room. Yeitorduy atternoon , Mr * . Clara Tojaln , who lives near Sixteenth and .Ohio streets , reported to the police that bur former hus- baud from whom she hug been divorced throe years , onlorod her bouo and abducted her 0-ycur-old son , AH tiu complaint was tiled tbo police had nothing to worn on , but promised.to look Into the matter today. About iaW : ! o'clock last night a highway man hold up Juinoi Hccord In the bouth Omaha railroad yurds nnd at tup point of n pistol compelled him to dUgorgu f.10. The robber grubbed the money nnd started dnwn " the track toward Omaha" . A description of the thief was telephoned to tbo police station and Captain Coruiauk sent several of hU men from the vicinity of Sheoly station dev > n the rallwuy roadway to watch for the man. STRIKERS SllffC , BY SOLDIERS fit' am ' Militiamen Eospo dTFa Volley of Stones . by a Volley * tlftiuilots. ONE MAN IS DAU OUSLY WOUNDED I.nclouvanim SwItdMiinn Oo Out Strikers Adgikiilt NonmilouMui Arrest of Hov- ornl Itlntors Snrcnoy JColusca to Tnlk liicIdoiitK of the Strikes. I I a BUPFALO , N. Y. , Aug. 23. Thomas J. Mannhor , who was' formerly n Lohlgh swltohinnn , late this atcrno6n was ono of the four men who were throwing stones at the picket line of the Twenty-second regi ment on the Lohlgh tracks of the Lake Shore. The men woVe llrod upon , nnd the ono referred to fell dangerously wounded. Tbo Injured man was token to the Emer gency hospital and the cbrdnur has beoif notl- Hod to bo In rrmdlnoss ( to take the man's anto-mortoin statement sh&uld signs of death occur. - * The ether throO men \oro nrrosto-.l by 'Iho police of the Seventh precinct' nnil' charged with vIotniR , The pjrivuto , who dhtth8 shoot ing I was also detained bytho ppllco , the ou- tire party being talcon to , the Seventh pro duct station houso. The ofllcor of tbo com pany to which the detained private belonged protested against the urrost of his subor dinate aud demanded his release , aud the authorities complied with Iho request. Iludly lloiiton by Strikers. Thomas U.-.blo , a nonunion niau , while working in the Lohlgh yard's nt East Buffalo \vas set upon by four strikers and badly In jured. Two of the strikers Jumped on his stomach while their companions held him down. The Injured niaif Is at the Emergency hospital. No arrests bavo boon mudo In the luttur caso. Scattering shots were ilred by pickets m various yards tonight , but up to 1030 to night there has boon reported no organized assault by the strikers , uor liny concerted movement by troops upon these who hang nlong the plckot lines , causing such nniioy- nnco ns thoy" can , with safety to tnomsulvos. I.iuilmuiiinm Swllclimnn On Out. The day has witnessed the making of llttlo history. This is a season of waiting. The siuto board of uroitrators have , to bo sure , announced that thay w.ould tomorrow Insti tute n hearing Into the circumstances nnd causes of quitting work by the men who were until recently sw'ltcntnon In the railroad - road yards horo. No lively Interest is evinced in the inquiry though. " the evidence may bo ol a greater Interest than antici pated , * Ono hundred nnd fourteen switchmen struck In the yards of the Lnckawannu and the Buffalo , Uochcstor & Plttsburg. In two weeks past switchmen have struck in all the yards centered hen- . The men who wont out have been roplacodi by others who are now doing the work la all the yards , so there is now actually no ptiiko of switchmen In any Buffalo yards , except ono where forty men struck yesterdAy and the two where ttio workmen quit todntf. The Luckawanna was temporarily cMp'plod , althougti she is said to have near ut-haud recruits enough to niim her switches , u TIjP roads whoso mon went out yesterday today resumed work with two crows. , Too , Lohlgh aud Eno equulod yesterday's . ( ranio and the Central and West Shore , , jyhk new business , ex ceeded their movements yesterday. The Lulto Shore haudlud its business * and tbo Nlckol Plato was uorly.normal. Wouldn't lliiiiH'i ( ) fcrnb Freight. Throughout the roco"r.ttrlko | history here the Luckawunna m'6n have been vowlnor al legiance to the road. All their demands' bad boon erantod , nud tliyy.Mvo aflinnod thnt they would light lor Iho rba'd aud would not leave it. Today n-truinload of western freight wast shunted'tnto < the Lackawaunn yards from the Lnltoi8horafrigutynrds. It was scab freight , undaho switchmen refusou to inovo it aud the ptllceri of the road dis- cbnrgod them. JChoy number 120. Trains were running as usual nn hour after the strike. r All this was about 2 p. in. and two hours later for similar reasons , it is said , the switchmen in the Buffalo , Rochester & Pittsburg road went out adding fifteen more to the idle'switchmen. Suocnoy UxuouilliiKly Tiicltnrii. Master Workman Sweeney is gaining a record for taciturnity not equaled among strike leaders , ills own followers nro com pletely in the dark as to what his policy Is , ono of the members of his executive commit tee having stated us much to the stuto board of arbitration. Today Messrs. Donovan , Purcell nnd Hobortson nttomnted to learn from tbo grand master of the switchmen wtieu , if over , bo was going to order out the switcbmen now working in tbo jurisdiction affected by the strike. Mr. Swconoy posi tively rotusod to Klvo the arbitrators nuy In formation. 11OUM ) J'OK IIUI'PALO. Grand Clklch of tlio Conductors nnil Train , ill mi J'usn Tlirouuli Ulilraeo. CHICAGO , III. , Aug. ' 23. E. E. Clarlc of Codur Hapids , la.grand master of the Order of Hallway Conductors , arrived lu this city this morning. "I nm on the way to Buffalo , " said he , "In rtsponso to nn invitation of Grand Master Sweonoy of the Switchmen's union. " lie said that HO far as ho know his order had no crlevancc to right , flo thought the demands of the switchmen were Just , but strongly couUamnud the recent lawlessness. Clnrk was joined here by U rand Master \Yilklnsnn of the 'Order of Hallway Trainman of Galosburgand both loft for Buffalo at 0 o'clock. DunilliMl 11 > ) < ! . Mini u Trulll. .v BIIIDOK , N. Y. , Aug. 23. At about 'J o'clock ' lust night some ono pulled u switch ut the junction of the Buffalo branch of the cantilever brldgo. In consequence a West Shore freight train bound for Buffalo was mirtly derailed. The oiiclno uud three cars passed on the Huffulo track , thu fourth und fifth wuro donillad und the rest of the train took the tiao'c for Ibo uridqo. Gatomnn Follows was slightly Injured in attempting to opou the gate. The accident happened near the strikers' headquarters , After the wreck n nwltchn.an had his lan tern kicked out of his baud by a bystander. The collision of the train with the gate might have resulted lu its precipitation off the bridge approach , llnycott Cafinrnjii ralluro. PiTTsnuuo. Pa. , AucufWriio boycott in stituted by Homi.Ml ia striker * against tradesmen who sotO Uo Cnrnoglo Stool company resulted today in the failure of Adolph Doerr , ono pfothoi principal provision dealers In that borOuch.-nDoorr's loss by the boycott is f 10,000. od i \VIII JLIil'ifably Strike. PiTTitiiuiio , Pa. , AuiiJitti.-- river coal 'operators at n mcatliltf dculdod to reduce the wages of tholr minorfc tb)3 cents per bushel. Jt Is expected the inl/iont / , who number 10- UOO , will stnko. . . , , . , WORKING hiiclnly of tint Youtii I'AlkK of the Uultud The second scssldH'tff thQ Young Pooplo'a Christian Union of jtho united Presbyterian church was hold last evening at the United Presbyterian church , Park avenue and Jack son street. This Is the district convention and is composed of about 10J delegates from tlio unions lu NpbrasUa , Kansas , Iowa and Dakota. Last evening Prof. J. II. McNultan ad dressed the delegates and gavoa very in structive talk ou the progress of thu youug people's Christian work. Alter the address u social followed , and tbo largo number present who came from other unions were warmly welcomed. The program for the entire session follows ; Wednesday. Otf'J o'clock , doyotloiiol oxor- client blblu study , llov. I , 0. Itunkln , Ular- Inda , Itk ! past mid future of younic ijuonlo's work , Kov. .1. A. Thompson. U.I ) . , TurUlo , Ma : cnnfcioneo ! reports from ttnoiclloiii 2:0 : o'clf-k , blblo rending ! bible study. Hey. I. 0. UuiiUlii. Oliirinda. lu.i uuontlun box : nilkslunury committed work , Mrs. M. B. McUlullan , Kansas Ujty. Mo. ; conference : leiiipurancu oouunlUeo work , U , Oi Wallace. Omaha : conference , 8 o'uloen r > in. ) pralsosorvloo ? "Our UUtlnotlve I'rlncl- Ples , " I'palmody , J. II , McCulloch. Oinnlmt Sc.ctarlanlsui. Ifoy. J. V. Uoss , South Umahai Close Communion , J , E. > ovln , Oirtalml eon- foronco. Thursday. 0:3) : o'clock , devotional exorcises ; lllblo Study , Kov. I. u. llnnkln , Uarlnda , la.i iiieinbunililp'commlttco work , illssjjlz * zlo w. Johnson , South Oinnlri ! conforcnrp ) prayer mooting committee work , J. O. Irwln , I'.iWliOn lltv ; conforonuo ! so-slal cotnmlttoo work. Miss Junnlo Morrison , Lincoln. 2 o'clock 1'ralso sorvlcof nildrcss. Hoy. M. O. Kyle , general secretary of Uniahn Vniinit 1'ooplo's UhrUtlan unlonl buslnuss ! Impri'sslons of the convention , .8 o'clock p. m. Pevotloinll ux crelsosi co-bpcr.itloii , W. M. Curry. Norton- vlllo. Knn.t question boxi ways and means of wurklns. Itov , C , ! ' . Crooks , AtlMitlc , lik. ! con ference. Delegates were arriving all day yesterday andmstovonlnR. Below will bo found n list of the delegates In iittondnnco nt last night's session : WE. Nichol , Minden ; Miss Edith Ful ton , Mission Creeks Clark Erlon , Pawnee City ; J. A. Glllcspiu , Stimmerllold. Kan. ; I. A' . McClunnlian , Clcarllold , In. ; Ida Pars ley , College Springs ; Hanforn Wright , Coin , Ia. Itov. I. O Hinkm , Clurlnda , la : S. M. MoConnoll. Major * , Nob. ; Nannie. Dawson , Atlantic ; Key , Robert Hood , Blnnchard ; Miss.-Cook and Lunndcr Novln of thu First PresbytQriau , Omaliu ; Jennie Porter , W. G. Henderson , William Matthews nnd Zolii Cnmpuoll of the Park uvenuo Presbyterian chit re U. Sa.r.a.Flnloy and Mary Elgin of tbo Con. traljChurch. ' , , , LizzieVi Jflhusom Mary Wi LIttoll.jMiss Hripd.Louis Ktukoad , of South Omaha , and Prof. I. H. McMillan of Monmouth. III. Henry S. Wcstfirook , Dunbnr , Nob. ; Mary Wright , Pngo , Jo. ; llov. M. M. Gllohnst , Trenton , la..Uov. : CJ. C. ICylo , Majors , Nob. ; Dr. J. A. Thompson , Tnrklo , Mo. , nnd Belle Mo Connol ) , Clarence Uullllngor , Nntinlo Ma- CroaMars I3ooboutof Omaha. " Cninp ,1Ii > ntliii\vlth Trimmings. Dr. Savidgo of the People's church Is going to carry the war into the onomy's camp , nua is arranging for a big camp mooting to bo commenced ntAuson's grove , near Spring field , In Sarpy county , on Thursday , Septem ber I. The meeting wilt bo decidedly out of the usual order , and will bo coupled with at tractions thnt will draw the people from ether than pious motives. For Instance , thuro will bo a balloou ascension In tbo mottl ing of the opening day nnd n grand display of iiroworks In the evening. Hoy. Dr. Savidco has secured the co operation of a noted evangelist , who Is an artist , nnd will draw pictures illustrating the sermon while Mr. Savldo Is preaching. Tlio artist Is said to bo remarkably line nnd to furni'h yory striking Illustrations. Next Sunday morning Kev. Dr. Savidgo will preach on "Tho Prodigal Son , " and In the evening on "Tho Dovil's Old Men , " botn sermons being Illustrated by bis unknown chalk nrtisi , rironmn nnil U'litclumin Uoiuliinnil. It is a settled fact that there will bo a night watchman In the city hall , but as tbo selection ot the man is loft with Superintend ent Mntbioson ho will hnvo to bo a compe tent II re man as well as a watchman. Mr. Matuioson nnld that It would bo an extravagant expenditure of money to omnloy both a night watchman and a night fireman und that If it was loft to him ho should o in ploy a man who could look after tbo building and the fires. City Hull Illumiimtlon. The contractors , Kussoll , Pratt & Co. of this city , who will supply the now city hall with gas nnd olcctrio light fixtures have re ceived word from the factory that the entire outfit would bo shipped yostorday. Tbov expect to complete the wiring and have the lamps , lights and chandeliers ready for use within sixty days. Their contract lirlco with tbo city is f 10,000 and of this amount $3,000 will bo expended in wiring. Criminals on Their Coed Iloliuvlor. Since its occupancy the oounty jail has never bean entirely depopulated , but at this time there are loss people In that bastilo than ever boloro. During the past five years the avcrnga has been 110 prisoners per day. Now there are only sixty-live'persons behind the bars. Jailor Miller accounts for this by maintain ing that Omaha is on its good bohuvior. Unxtanlly Attempt lit Truln Wrecking. READING , Pa. , Aug. 23. A dastardly attempt - tempt was made to wreck the express on the Pennsylvania railroad , duo m this city from Philadelphia at 8 o'clock , last night. The train dt > shed into four timbers placed across the track. Fortunately only the roar wheels of the locomotive jumped the track. The lives of a hundred passengers were im periled. Do Witt's Sarsaparilla cieansoj tlio oioii X.lI I'.Ht.Uilt.lI'lIS. N. O. Alberts of Sutton Is nt the Dollono. .T. M. Murdockof Lincoln is nt thoMtllard. W. E. PcoDlos of Ponder is nt the Morcor. H. W.Scott of Holdrogo is at the Murray. J. D. Br&yton of Bassott is at the Arcade. Z. T. Leftwlch of St , Paul is at thu Mor cor. cor.D. . Nicholson or West Point Is at the Del- lone , J. II. Beobo of Lincoln is registered at the Dollono. M. D. Welch of Lincoln was at the Murray yostorday. George W. Vrooman of North Platte is at the Arcade. D. P. Ashburn of Gibbon is registered at the Paxton , George M. Mastln of ICenrnoy is a guest nt the Millurd. T. W. Miller of Fremont Is registered nt the Mlliaid. C. W. Stevenson of Fremont li registered at the Mercer. H. B. Wahlqulst of Hastings was at the Pnxton yesterday , A. H. Raymond of Dos Molnos , ia. , Is a gunst at the Arc.ido. H.'S. Rollins and N. D. Jackson of Nollgh are guests ut the Paxton. D. C. Wallace of Tekamuh was among the arrivals at the Dollono yostorday. W. E. Bugnoll and family of York ore among the guests at the Arcade. 1' . T. Birchard of Norfolk was among the arrivals at the Murray ycstorday. L , E. Skinner and S. 1C. Davis of Boatrlco are among the guests at the Mercer. Dr. V. T. M'Gillycuddy ' of Rapid City , S. D , , 13 at the Paxton , onrouto to St. Louis. William Wallace , cashier of the Omaha National , returned from II vo weeks nt Lake Okobojl. His family will drive back. NHW YOHK. Aug. 2J. [ Special Telegram to Tim Unu.j Omaha : Miss Uuwoy , Miss Orchard , Hotel Savoy ; H. B. Smith , AI- bomarlo hotel ; J. Risk , buyer for Kilpatrlok- ICoch Dry Goods company , Wostmlimtur ; F , W. Lukis. G. B. Luke , 3. II , Lake , West- mUiBtor ; T. K. MuMullcn , Miss R. Pbllllppi , Metropolitan hotel ; S. A , Orchard , buying goods , PI oza. Kails City , Nob. : W , Uroon- wald , Metropolitan. Lincoln : C. Mayor , bujor for Mayer Bros. , Hotel Savoy , Miss U. PnllllppI of Omaha U hero nt the Vic toria 'with M. Saxmuu und daughter of Latrobe , Pa. , on n pleasure trip. II KA'fllJ'.lt fU Warm , Southern llronznii , HIM ! Minwurii'riir Js'il ) nnku Toiliiy. WABHINOTOX , D. C. , Aug. 23. Forecast lor Wednesday : For Nobrnsitn Fair , pro- co Jed by showers In western portions ; warmer , winds shifting to ftouth. For Iowa Showers ; cooler Wednesday , warmer Thursday night ; north , shifting to southeast , \ylnds. For the Dakotas Fair , preceded by show ers In custom South Dakota ; warmer , south winds. Oniulut Local llrcord. OP TUB WlSATIIIill BUIIKAU , OMAHA , Aug. 23. Omaha record of tonijioraturo aim rainfall compared with corresponding day of past four yearn : 1802. 1601. l&M. idio. Maximum temperature. . . . 7. ° 01 = tw ° 8 > = Minimum tumuornturo . . . Ca 41 ° 03 ° Cl" Averuiro temperature . ( HP j | = ill0 74 = > 1'reclptlatlon . 6J .41 Statement showing tbo condition of torn por- nturo und precipitation at Omulm for the day und sluco March 1 , IbW , ui compared with the go a oral average i Normal tompurnturo . V7I ° Duilulimuy for the day , . , . . , Sa Delloienoy slnco March 1 . , , , , , , . , . U0i = Normal proolpltulou. . . . 11 Inch xcets for tlinduy. . , , , . . , . , , , . 72 Inch blnou llurch L , . , . 37 Inch B , a UASSLEII , Loual I'oroouU OOlalHl , WHERE HARRISON IS STRONG Will Not Only Onrry the North but Many SoutherJ Status. FOSTER REVIEWS THE SITUATION Trim McniiltiR of thn I'.xltloir of the Dnino- oorats on tlio Turin yiientlon Anything - thing to llnnkrupt the ( icncr.il Uiivornmont. TON nuitRvuor Tun BRB , 1 fili ! FooutmiXTir StiinRT , > WASIII.SOTO.V , D. C. , Aug. 23. ) Secretary Charles Foster tulkod very freely about the political situation today. "I thliiK the general situation Is about as favor able for the republican party as It cotthl bo , " hu said. "Mr , Harrison's election , I think , Is assured. It Is my candid opinion thiit hu will not only carry the northern status , but two or three of the southern states as well. The general issue of thb campaign Is thotarlft , Tho.domoorals Imvq taken the position repressing utl customs revenue , even though necessary to the support of the government. That Is the trite meaning of tholr declaration. They have drawn thorn- solves up in line In opposition to any protec tion , great or llttlo , incidental or otherwise , declaring It ull unconstitutional. Anything fur the Ofcnslon. "Thoy cannot got nway from that. They have lulu a great deal to say of the bankrupt treasury. The treasury Is not bankrupt , \Vo are meeting our obligations. The government is goinc along all right and the treasury Is In n good condition. But if they honestly bo- Hove that the treasury was bankrupt how do they oxplntn tbeircondunt during the session of congress , justalosodl The house did not out down expenditures , they did not try to devlso any moans of Increasing the revenue which they have said was not noeeasary to meet thu expenditures. On the contrary , the house passed a bill to reduce thn revenue $ .10,000,000 n year. It looks us if they were determined to make sure of It and bank rupt the treasury If It were not so. Bankruptcy sooais to bo what they wanted. They will tirobably not make much out of that cry. Tholr loaders nro saying that they are as sound on the sliver question as wo are , but everybody knows that the party be lieves In the ftco coinage of silver nnd they will sclzo the first opportunity they can got to enact n free coinage law. Their prutonsos on that point are ( also. They are trying to make a 'force bill' issue , but they are not succeeding. The life Is all out of that. Re publicans have been hearing so much about breaking uu the solid south that they have got tired of it to a great extent , and Imvo no faith in it , but I fcol confident now that it Is going to bo broken up. This time I think it is gone. This will settle Itself and the 'foroo bill' issue is without lifo. I think you can depend upon it that whatever Mr. Harrison has to say ou that subject lu his letter will be wise and will bo well said , for all bo writes and says Isvlso and well put. " Will Commit ulth Candidates. Tbo Nebraska senators are determined to do everything in their power to strengthen thu canvass of the republican candidates for concross in Nebraska. Senator Paddock saya there are not likely to bo any appoint ments made m Nebraska except in cases where offices are made vacant by death , resignation or otherwise , and Immediate action is required , until the republican mem bers of the house of representatives , who are expected to bo selected In November , are ou buna to participate in recommendations to the president , Ilo also says that Senator Mandorsoii agrees with him , that all cases whore appointments are to bo made which , under the rule that members of thu house , who uro frieuds of the appointing power , might properly unite in thu recommenda tions , will bo referred to the several repub lican candidates for an expression of their views the same as If actually members. Senator Paddock says tbat In no case so far as ho Is concerned In the South Platte country , whore he has jurisdiction , will ho recommend the appointment of any post master without first submitting the case to the ropuollc'an candidate for the district In which the office Is located , for his advice. MlHUClIllMUOtlX. Captain Meredith , chief of the bureau of engraving nnd printing , has laid before Secretary - rotary Foster his proposition for a treasury note with t'ao head of Columbus. The secre tary has not authorized it yet , but ho is pleased with the idea and tbo designers nro busy selecting a head of Columbus for the design. P. S. H. OU WAMIUItKL ) A WAV. I'hu IIIili'lL Son ol rriMlorlrk Wlnos , tin ) Ilomlrliln i.Xiiu-t : | , Plsappriiix. WASIIIXOTO.V , D. C. , Aug. 23. Mr. Freder ick Wines , the special commissioner of the eleventh census , whoso recent bulletin on homicide in 1801 has attracted so much at tention , has sustained n very heavy blow in the loss of hU oldest son. The young man , Arthur Frederick Wines , who was Jusi 21 years of ago , was ono of the brightest and most promising members of the junior class at Cornell university. Ho disappeared last Thursday morning. The police have boon making a quiet search for him , but no trace has yet been discovered. It is believed tbat ho was overtaken by n sudden fit of despond ency and that ho bus either committed Mil- cldo or gene in search of work in the country , for which ho is not physically ublo nor fitted by his previous lifo. DoWltt's Sarsap.inlia is reliable. KIIIIHUH U All Klght. Mr. A. D. Morse of this city has received n letter from Ellsworth , Ivan , , indicating thnt crops down there are lu good condition. Thu wheat crop is the largest ever harvested in the state , and lu Ellsworth county most of the corn Is very line , thuro being an occa sional niece on high ground that will not bu up to the uverago. This is duo us much to shiftless farming us to drouth. Both the method and results wlion Syrup of Fips is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste , and acts gently yet promptly on thoKidnoys , Liver and JJowols , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches nnd fevers and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever proi duccd , pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the etomachj prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its clTccts , prepared only from the most healthy und agreeable substances , its manvoxcellontqualities commend it to all and havu inudo it the most popular remedy known. fiyrup of Figs is for sale in 75o Tattles by rll leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not hnvo it on hand will procure it promptly for any one wno Wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO. , BAN FBANOJBUO , OAL. f , X. V. UK W YOHK , N. Y. Sutherland Knlnnuizoo , Mich. , h.ul sclllngs In the nock , or\ - . , riomlierlOth - - . , _ . - „ Goitre jcar , causing 40 Years grcatsulli'ilug. Wlivusliocnughtcolit could not walk two blocks \\llhout fainting. She took Hood's Sarsapariila * And 13 now fieo fiom It nil. She has urgqd iniiny others to take Hood's S.irjaparlll.i und tlfoy have nlso been cm od. Itl ldo \ \ you good. HOOD'S PILLS Euro all liver lilt , Jauuillce , lick lioadacho , bllloujiiou , our stomach , imuioa. HUMPHREYS5 This PRFCIOUS OINTMENT is tlio triumph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used over 40 years , and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. For Piles External or Internal , Hlind or Hleccling ; Fistula in Ano ; Itching or Weeding of the Hcctum. The iclief ia immediate thu cuic certain. For Burns , Scalds and Ulcrration and Contraction from Burns. The relief isinstnnf the healing wonderful and unequalcd. For Boils , Hot Tumors , Ulcers , Fistulas , Old , Sorcs , Itching Eruptions , Chafing or { JcaKl Head. It is Infallible. For Inflamed or Caked Bicasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. Price , 50 Cents. Trial size , 35 Cents. BoM l'rI ' rniulMi , or gtnt r wlt-l"'l'l on rectlpt of prlc . ianriini\s' ! nt 11. ro. , 11 u 11 a nniiam HI. , M.wOIIK. . Act gently vei prompt ' ly on tbo UVrff , Kill- DR , HOBB'S NK1S aud BOH ELS , dla- polling Headaches , Fev- era and Colds , thorough LITTLE ly cleansing the system of disease , and cures Vegetable habitual constipation Tliey are sugar coated , do nut gripe , very small , easy to take , and pnrclj TOtetablo , 45 pills In each vial. Perfout digestion follows tbclruso. They absolutely euro elrk licna- aclin. and nn ) recommend ed l > j Icadihn physicians. For sale by loading druKKistsor.soutbyruu ; : ; 25ct-i. ailol. Address HOBB'S ' MEDICINE CO. , Props. , San Francisco or Chicago , KOll SALU IN OMAHA. NED. . BIT Kuha A Co. , Co.r 15th & Douglas SU. J .A Fuller A Co , Cor. 14th ft DouRl AU Foster & Co. . Council UlufTa. la Thousands ot testimonials. Sfio Dr. JIIle ' lioolr. Now and HtartlliiK Fficle. FJOO at drug- gleta. DR. MILES Two Yearn KEtT Shortness ol Breath , Fain HEART 1 n S i d o o , CURE. Fluttering. Smothering Spollo , cured byonobottlo. HATH. ALLISOU , ( ilon Hod ; , J'a , The most relia ble euro for all Heart CosltlTf furt for Drop : ? , lilliiim , At Diseases. DO , . MilJSS MEDICAL O Elldjart , Ind. For Sale by Kiihn ACo. , Iith&loii'la4 ! ) ! Sis HEALTHFUL , AdRnEABLB , CLEANSING. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics , A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Uurns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water Ur. Bailey , Sr The Leading Dentist. Third l-'loor , l > .kxtoii Jtloolc. Tclcjilioiio IOS5. Kill ) anil I'aniuiii SU. A full nut of lentil uii rul'liur for > V I'orfoct aot Ti'clli wltUoiit | iluli ! < or ramovfttilu brliUu irork JUKI thu tliluu fur ulnt'Ora or imlillo | )0utfori , nuror drop ilunij , TKETH IXTKA : TID WITHOUT I-AIN Gold llllliiL' ut ro isnimhlit ratoi. All work warrantud , Uut tliNont for u Kiiidu. PARNAM. 8LTHEATER.fgTgjg ] Tonight , Last Performance , Kiigugomunt of thn itroatost Uouiody Nuvulty produced In years. OLE OLESON. With 1IKN IIIIMWIOKS lii tlm til lo rule Hoar the Swedish I/udy Quurlut from Ktouk- helm Matlnoo todny Vrt ci'iiU any aoat. THE EVANS , Tliu Hut Spring of Aniorlca , Hut Hprlnu's R- " flnoit Iliifort Hotel In the W it , Htrlttlr I'lrik riiini. iMtsv lluumi , Bliialu or KniuUo , Nuw Opun , All .MdJfrn ' ' luiiitovuirionn , 'J'aDlil u Hm- clultr lloiiioniiblp Itnlo for llulnncour .Seiuun. Urcliuilrriaiiil HaticInK livery Itvunlnnlii tUu llu lo Hull. Kliivil I'luuxii lialli In Il > o lfnlt > 4 Hlultx. llenullful Mnuntaln ruiunvry , Sultrulld ( lluinto , Coul NlKtiU , Nu tloi'iulliii. 8UW Kv t fttiuru the f n Dm Houlti l > toi Hot Hvtlnui urn nllmctliu ulloull'in nil uvvr Itif world , ana iirururlnv n UrMtr i > i'rc ut ua tlmu our mtluk * In Iliu U rl Fur rutu , Imtln , t'lo. ami oltiei In- ruriumlonuddroii , U.K. MAIIIIKN.