8 THE OMAHA DAILY I3EK1 TUESDAY , AUGUST 23 , 1892. BOARD OF EDUCATION MEETS as to the Proper Length of the Next School Year. MR. GIBSON READS A I ITTLE SPRING POEM Contractor Mmniul' * ) H > r to Io Work Cnimcft Seine Ciiiiiivirlmint of 1'rlrm Contractor Jluj-o'n Tlntn nxtcnilril for I'liilftliliiK tlio Central Kcliool. The introduction of rc olutlon formed the opining chapter In the business of the Hoard of Education last nlstft , n the previous mealing hr.il boon discontinued at that point In the rozulnr proceedings. On resolution cf Mr. Klguttor the hoard decided to purchase U(1.10 ( copies of Do Unrmus' Inngungo boons , On rciolutloii of Mr. Smyth the board voted to Instruct the superintendent to transfer the pupils who attend the St. Bar nabas school to the Cuts school and to trans fer the seventh and eighth grade , pupils of the Central school to the St. Barnabas cliool , providing nlso that the o pupils who live near to thu Fitrnam school may go there Instead , it they so desire , until thu new Cen tral school l completed. Mr. W. N. Hancock , from the committee on rule' , to which Mr. Martin's resolution looking to the shortening of the school year hail been laformd , reported In favor of the resolution. Tlio mutter was discussed at some ItMiirlh. The resolution provided that the fall term should begin on the second Monday in September anil end on tto 24lu of December ; the winter term shoulu begin on Jnmmrv U and end on the lust. Friday tn April. ' The spring term should begin on tlio Monday fcllowlnir the llrsl Friday In April and end on the second Friday In Juno , or such date us to make tno lonulh of the school vour Ihiily-olght weeks In iho piaco of forty "wcclts , providing also that such change should not cause any reduction In salaries of the toucher * . Dr. Globs was opposed to the shortening echcmu. Mr. Gilwon was In favor of the resolution If It could , bo inline to Include u decrease in the salaries of the toucher * corresponding with ' .he shortened school year. Ho thought the uuchcr * should not bo paid for tlmo not Riven to teaching. ' Ono object of the change was to haws the school woik all over buforo the hoat.'il term bognn In June. The change as provided by the resolution would do away with the spring vacation. Mr. ( illlHOII ( irOUH INlCtlC. Mr. Gibson seized upon this opportunity to road a tprlng poem to the boanl. Ho hold that the children loved to get out "when the green got blacx in the troeses und the butterllles bathed in the breezes. " It woulil bo cruel to deny the littln ones this wcok of frolic and fun when all nnttiro seemed clad nnd gay. Mr. 1'olnts olTerod a substitute to make the school voar thirty-nine weeks Instead of Uilrty-cftrht. ending on the third Friday la Jur.o , one week later than provided In the Martin resolution. The vote on Mr. Point's substitute stood BIX for and live against. The chair decided that It was adopted. Mr. Morrison held that this meant , a change In tlio rules , aud It required a majority vote of tlio bouid. Ho was culled down by several members of thu board , who declared that ho wus out of order. Mr. Ginson took the floor and denounced the action ol the board as being Illegal , be cause a change in the rules had been made by only six incmuor-i. "Out of order ! " "Out of ordcrl" was the cry thai greeted his remarks and ho llnully QUVQ UD thu light. Mr. Murtln then moved that the shorten ing of thnt.cliool year should not rouucothe salary of the toachors. Mr.Vohrur amended the motion so ns to Civo the Janitors'full ten months. ' pay for . .thirty-nine week's work. Mr. Elguttor oflored a substitute to cut the t anchors' salary nno week. Ills substitute was -defeated nnd Mr. Martin's motion as amended biU'ohrer was adopted. Kid * Miiilo on Work. Bids were then opened for the erection of the now Windsor Place and tno Sur.Uoj u buildings. HIds for brick work , carpenter work nnd heating and ventilating apparatus In great number were opcnea. The bocrctary was authorized to tabulate the bids nnd they wens laid over for further tictlon until thitv evening , whoa they will bn tuUon up again by the board. A peculiar Icaiiire about the bids for heat ing and ventilation was the bid of Isaac Smcad & Co , tu put In their system In tlic o eight-room bulldlncs at § 1,070 each. The board imld the Bmead company about Sti.OUU for iiultlnar their system of homing und ventilation ii.to the Kcllom school u sixteen- room building. Mr. Morrison remarked that Mr. Smead hud either swindled the board lu thu ICcllom school contract or was becoming very rec.klo'3 In otlorlng to lit out un eight- room building for SI,070. Mr. Martin thtni presented a matter of Imperial.ej connected with the Central"school. . Mr , Mayo , to who'ji the contract for the carpenter work hud been awarded , bad rofnsod to sign tno contract because It called fur me completion of the woric by January 1 , IblKI. He said it would bo impossible for him to complete the work In ttiU time. The uilllctilty lay , ha said , In getting certain lingo limbers , needed nt an early stage in the work , ° ixlJ ! ( and " 8 feet long. Thuro were no such limbers kept In stock , ha snla , and they would huvo to bo procured by special order , which would require several months time. The hoaru llnally decided to extend the time to March 1. Ulds for Iho erection of the now slxtccn- room Hartman building were opened. Mr. Bincnd had in u old for Heating and ycnlilH- tion. Ha offered to Jit up the build ing in line hhnpc , with his dry closets , etc. , for the sum ot f3S. > 0. Thu ICcllom school of exactly tlio same slzo was btipnltoil with the Smcnd svstem nt. a cost of f.1,000. Thu Traulinrx' Training School. Tlio bccrttury was requested to road n peti tion , spoken of In Tin : llni : lust .Sunday , signed by thirty-nine unuiuntns of the High school and about llfly clll/"ns of Omaha , iiMdng the board to ii'con ider Its action bv which It was decided tu dUcotitlnuo the teachers' training school and reopen the school for beginning classoi nt thu opuulng of tlio school yimr next month. Mr. W. N. liiibcocli moved that the poll- tlcu bo referred to u commlttcii to bu re ported at thu next mealing. Mr. Smyth ' moved ns a biibstitutj ihai the putltlon' bo laid on the tublo. The s > u Intitule wus lost and Mr , Hancock's motion wns carried , MussrUibooek , Martin , Elgulior and Polult wort ) appolutud us the comniliico to take action upon thu petition. Thu board adjourned to meet this evening. I'uro \VhiiliiMimo Oii.illty Cotpmcnds to public approval the California liquid laxative remedy , Syrup of Flg-i. His pleasant to the laslo and by actlnu' gently on the lildnoyfllvor and bowels to cloiiiuo Iho tyslom cfTuolunllv , U promotes the health hud comfort of all who use It , und with mil- Ions it is the bout and only remedy , t > uurn o.it.i/j.i , Mrrtlni ; nf till' Oily CoiinMl .ITitah lluii- nitmi Tnuuantril , llefnro convening In ruL'iilar uesslon lust evening the council mot us u ooard of oquul- Izutlon to equallio the special ussossmcnts levied to p.iv tne cost ot sloping banks on Twentieth fir cot from K to Q btreots. No fitomplalnts wcio tvceivoil and iho board ad- lourned MHO dlo. Tlio comiultteo on water reported that the Water Worlcs company refused to put In a , hydrant nt Nineteenth and M streets , owing to there being no malm within ( ftO foot of Iho locution. The cliy attorney was instructed to draft an ordinance ordering water hydrants plncod nt Twcuiy-savonttt ana H nnd Twenty , toventh aud J strooit. An ordlnnnco was In. troJucod locating hydrants nl Twentieth aud M moots nnd Nineteenth and M streets. An ordinance wtu Introduced providing for the Issuance of grudlntr bond * , andio ' fcrrrd. Bondb in the sum of ; 7iHK ) will be Ihiucd for illstncl No. II , ? lSJd for No.'J \ , p.'T5 for S'o. II , ami # TWXI for No. 15 , a toial Jf ? ltU T5 , * A lUt of i'lrut ward cltlivus inked to Uuvo electric lights 'placed on Twonty-fourlh street , nt H , F nnd D streets. The petition was rofiirrod to the committee on tmblia llchts , Wood from Iho commlltco moved that the lights bo plncod , but finally changed It to uno light nl Twonty-fourtn nnd F a'roots , Or. J. J , Solomon asked Iho council to pass aa ordlnanco compelling physicians to report to the cltv authorities all births and dcattu , and providing n penalty for violation. The communication xvns referred to the attorney. Chlut Smith reported that ho had ap pointed Charles L. I'ortor captain of flro company No. 1 , nnu the council confirmed * appointment , * Potltlons asking that the grndo bo ostab- llshod on O street from Twonty-socond to Twonty-lotirth streotAnd on the alloy from N to O streets , between Twcaty-thlrd and Twenty.fourth streets , were referred to the committed on streets. Chief Ucukolt ruparted that ho had Inter viewed tho.saloon tnon who had not plld the occtinatlon tax nnd they all stated they would pay wlltiln a few days. 'J'ho bond of S. O. Hunter and the contract for grading the alloy from Missouri avenue to M street , between Eluhtoonth and Twen tieth streets , wcrfc approved , The street commissioner was Instructed to till lot 2 , block ! ! , In Missouri Avomio park and the cost bo placed nculnst Iho propartr. Wood Introduced a resolution Instructing thn inspector of buildings toordorthoownor * of bulldlnes to pliico iron combs upon all railways urotcctlng nroawnyi on Iho streets in the cltv. A motion prevailed that In the future the tronsuier pay no warrants hold by parties who ere delinquent on their personal or oc cupation taxes , and paymaut ha withheld until they pay Iho taxes. Itlds for doinc the city advertising for the ensuing year were opsnou. The Stockman bid 10 cents per square , Drovers' Journal 15 coats and Tribune - " > cents. Thu printing committee recommended that In view of the L'o bid that the contract , bn awarded to the Drovers' Journal. The vote on the adoption of the committee's report was voted down , Bulla. Sohnrx , Wood and Walters voting In Lho alllmatiyo and Uowloy , B-uco nnd Haley In tlio negative. Hnwloy and liruco changed their votoi to the nflirinatlvc , but the vote Having been announced the mayor declared tlio cnnugo out of oruor. On motion the [ irlnlingconiimUco was Instructed to road- vortlso lor bid * . Tlio mayor appointed Thomas Emlngor as a patiolman , to succeed Charles Hathaway. A W. Adams was appointed poundmasti'r , to-Uicceed John I'litlliiis , who has loft tbo city. Both appointmants were conilrmca. An ordinance ordcrini : L street , from Twenty-fourth to Twonty-sovcnth streets , | ) iivo.l with vltrillcd brick was passed. Also aa ordlnanco louitlng water hydrants lu the First and Th'rd. ' Tlio council went Into commlttoo of the whole. Acor.imlttoo from Iho Central Labor union was nrosont. and asked permission to sell liquor at Syndicate park on Labor day. L ) . .laltlor , the brewer , has .sovural llconsos to soil liquor , und the council was asked to translcr 0:10 : of the licenses so that liquor inny be sold at Nineteenth and O streets , iluli-y moved thautho privilege bo granted the Central Labor union to transfer any saloon Itcensu in the First ward to Syndicate | iark on Labor day. Clerk Dll7on was allowed nnotbor assist ant In his olnco at S4J per montb. Couldn't \Vhlp 'Kin All. Frank Emm Is a thorn In the sldo of his family , and several attempts have been made lately to put , a quietus upoa the old man. Ktnm and family roaldo in West Albright , nnd pcnco Is an unknown Itam in the house hold. Saturday night n disturbance arose , and Emm was soundly belabored by his wife with a spiudlo. Ho stood punishment well , und cumoout. of the contest ns froih as a daisy. Emm's son conceived the Idea Sun day that ho could llx the father , and liurlod bricks at him , but without much of- feet. feet.A A council of war was bold .vlthln the family circle and a plan agreed upon whereby the old man was to bo given a thorough drub bing ani1 Otto Schulz , his brothor-in-law , was chosen to do the work. When Emm thowod up Schtilr wont at him hammer and tongs , nnd brought to hU assistance u 2x4. When tlmo was called Emm was badly worsted and the services of u physician were needed to perform a trepin operation upon the skull , which was badly fractured , and to sew up half a dozen baa scalp wounds. Vest onlay ho mnuo complaint against Sohulz , who will bo arrested. NotcH mill I'lTHOimls. B. F. Carpenter has returned from Colorado rado Springs. Sheriff Llsco of Chappoll , Dauol county. was in iho city yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. F.pss Cory returned yester day from a short visit at. North Bund. ' Hey nnd Louis Houch nro enjoying a visit from Ihoir father mid mother , Mr. and Mrs. U. G. Hough of Cuicigo. George .Towitt of iho Hammond Packing company has returned from a trip through Montana nnu Idaho. Mrs. M. Schlepol bas returned to I'latts- mouth after paying a visit to her son , Aiox Schlogel , of this city. Denny McClure will have the hugo doors of a prison cjll close on him bafora nightfall , and bi'causa Jobaiiua Ben keen charges him with assault. The weapon used was u bucket IHlcd with foaming bocr. John llacloy was fined # 3 and costs bv Judge Fowler yesterday for assault upon CJeorgo William ? . Bugley swore out a com- plalut against Williams charging him with carrying concealed weapons , Extonslvo preparations nro bainp made for the grand rally to bo hold Saturday cvanlng. The rally is given under the auspices of the Young Men's KopuDlican cluu. and the open- lug gun of the campaign In South Omaha will bo lived at that time. Mrs. M. A. Bucknor uas sworn out a com plaint against Mrs. Wlmlen , whom she charges with attompllni : to kill her son , Fred Hucknor , with a knlfo. Both families rosldo M Twenty-sixth and P streets , and Ihooutcomo K the result of u uoigtiborly quarrel. Thomas Thompson lilted up on Sunday closlnir liquor and started for home at a lute hour Sunday night. Ho endeavored to uct into the wrong house on M street , bo- twcoa Twenty-sixth and Twenty-seventh streets , and whoa , ho had kicked down a screen door and was going in ho received a well dealt blow upon his dead. An occupant of the house had u club lu his hand and ho illcil It ' ' . ' ' [ in jUci'lmlna'.U'cly upon Tuompjon'a head. Thompson vvus arrostod. l Up Ity tin ; Ijirtli. Svs Fmxaisco , Cal. , Aug. ! ij. The stcainor Oatillo brings the latelligenco that an imiuonso cave-In occur roil in the hills between - tweon Arayra and Hnrumorl , swallowing up HJJ houses and 100 [ uoplo. The Hivor Naka wus tilled up and a lake formed , cutting oft' nassago to various villages , nnd the lumblings of the ground threatened further disaster any mlnuto. Splits have lakon plncc la the ground in many places In culti vated hunt et Ikuno i\iura , ICntsunra Gun mid occasional rumblings aru hoard , und on the day of the cave-in the village otToinioka wus lloodoJ. l.L-t'H SVllp. . Gllt-oducd wild lands atS'i.OO to S10.00 jioracroiiiHtatoof Nobraska. wlioso crops last your iiffgraffiilod ilOO.ODD.OUO. Oootl lots In the city of Omaha , wlioso popula tion Increased from IiO.000 in 1880 to 1/J'J- / 000 in 18 ! ) ( ) , is t'o J &UIU" to hold , don't you thlnltV As wo nro lotifj on this ) clans of prop erty and short on cash , drop in. During Huvurul yoara Biiccoaaful oxpn- rionco in the real ostatu husinoss 1 iiaxo ostaliliiihcd u roputntion for liandling' nothing but bargains.W. . W. G. Ai.immuT. 6 1 , 022 , fiiia Now York Llfo building. Onialin C.in MfgCo.canip ilgn torohas CEMENT PIPS BY MACHINERY JofFW. BQdforJ , After Six Years' ' Experi menting , is Successful. HE NOW MAKES SEWER PIPE BY MACHINERY An Oiimtm IliMMltlnn Which Will Hrvolu- lloiurn tlio I'rcKoiit Wny of Mnnufnotur- Ing Sou or ripe Will llo Miulo lit Onmlm. These nro days of progress , surely , und Oiiu\lni keeps pace with the innorf. Among the most umphivtlo evidences of this fact la u cement pipe machine tlmt must l.o rated as 0110 ot tlio most useful inventions of tlio iigo mid Is bouti'd to revolutionize tlio present way of making Bowur pipe. This machine Is thy result of the combined worlf of four Inventors ) , whoso labors , trhils , 'tests , experiments nnd lucubrations cover ti period of nix yours before reaching the standard of perfection which lias nt lust been at- tiilncd. The chief spirit and proprietor of tlio enterprise Is Jolt Hertford , the' well Known loth street coal dealer , who in the porioil mentioned lias expended nearly $ GOOUO to encom pass tlio achievement which has at last so fully crowned his long1 and persistent effort. But few can comprehend the field which exists for the work of just ouch an invention , and an abundant harvest certainly awaits the man who has spent those long voara , and a snug little for tune , in Its successful completion. TOvery city of 5,000 inhabitanta-or more , in this country , and the most tidvatlcou of the foreign nations , tire putting1 lii | boworago systems in which clay and cement pipe is the one and only factor of construction. The subject of irriga tion by storage reservoirs which agitates the whole of the great immeasurable west , and which was recently taken up in congress , when the plans of government lawmakers , reach fruition , the demand for pipe will bo one of incalculable magnitude. Pipe must bo used in carrying the water to the fields from the reservoirs. Already , notwithstanding the present slow rate of manufacture , California , lias put down thousands of miles of piping and the work is but in its commencement , tlio industry in its infancy. Tlio IJcdford machine is as certain to revolutionize , as I said in the outset , the present mode and manner of sowor-pipo manufacture as electricity is in time to bo the motor power of the whole uni verse. Already Mr. Bedford is flooded with fetters of inquiry from all pirts of the United States and many parts of Europe. The machine is so constructed that it will make any si/.o pipe from four to thirty inches in diameter and from two and a half to three foot in length , with cither the boll or flange sh.tpcd end ; or the round , oval or egg- shaped with Hat base , just , as suits the consumer's ideas of what ho wants. Heretofore this work has all been ac complished by hand , the results being blow and tedious and entailing an immense - monso outlay of money , of course. With the Bedford machine it is different. The ramming of the cement and sand into piping is done by steam , each ram mer making from six to seven hundred strikes to the minute. The construc tion of the whole machine being simple and automatic , it is almost impossible for it to break or got seriously out of order. It works so rapidly that it will make pipe in 2i feet lengths in fifteen seconds to one and one-half minutes , according to the size. It can bo changed from one size to another , and from round to egg-shaped in four minutes. By the present hand process of making pipe four men will m ike from CO to 70 feet per day of the larger pipe , while the Bedford machine vith eight men will inuKo 1.00(1 ( feet nor day , or eqal- lingthe work of sixty men at the present process , and at the same time iirilco a botto' ' and harder pipe , the com pres sure by the rammers being the same in all parts , and not varying as it does by hand maidng. The machine weighs a.bout six tons , and can bo run " with a common threshing" machine en gine. The proportions of the material used in the Bedford pipe is ono part cement and four parts wand and gravel. It im proves witn ago , lias boon amply dem onstrated , water and moisture being its natural elements. Some pipe of those materials was recently taken up in Eng land that was lain ever 100 years ago. It was in an almost thorough state of crystalizution , attesting indisputably that the longer it remains in the ground the btrongor and hat-dor it becomes. Mr. Bedford is yet undecided as to whether Omaha would bothe best city in which to organize a homo stock com pany for the United States or to go to Boston or Now York. evolution of AruivTraiMportiitloii , 18'Jl TirosnmD tramp along dust roads , through bnuh and streams hard tack and bonus ; hard ground to sloop pn , no covering but the sky. 18)2 ! for the G. A. R. National encamp ment. luxurious trains via Pennsyl vania lines from Chicago ; palatable cuisine of Pullman vestibule dining cars , inviting sleeping cars. Side trip to historic Gettysburg if desired. Reduced ' duced rates. 'Address Goo. Jenkins , traveling passenger agent , Dubuque , la. Arroxs tint AlliiKl'unlrN hy I.iyllilit. ' Around the famed Horseshoe Curve and through scenes of mountain and pastoral grandeur , are delights experi enced on a trip to the east via Pennsyl vania Short Lines. Vestibule trains that are marvels of the car-builders' art run ever this roeic-ballasted bhort route. Address Luce , "IS Clark street , Chicago. initriii , . 'C'H of Jlvs Hnet or leu uniler till * hi id , fifty ' tcli iiiliIfM'imil llnet MeOA VVll K V A ilaiiKlilur to Mr , uiiU Mrs. Owtin McUunmy. 1AWH r A BOII to Mr. ami Mis. F. V : Kolist. bTOIty A daujlitor to .Mr. utul Mrs. ( Jotliob Stor/ . v I'ltlOlt A iliiim-litor toMr. und Mr * . 1'rlor. Sl'ODDAItU-Ailmiglitur to Mr. and Mi 8. II. W. Slnddiird. LKUNAKD A ilnujlitur to Mr. and Mis. J. It. l.uoiuir.l. Mtmt'll V A duuglitar to Mr. timl .Mis. " M. J. Muiiiliy. 1'IVl'inthON-A bon to Mr. anil' Mrs. Loren 1'otorsnu. _ ' ntlctn nf flee line * or lt t tin Inthlt lie i t.Jtftu cent * ; e icli ti I tttloii tl line ten c'.ntn. I'ASAOI Mary 1'iisiel. August Si iTjjo 7 WUOllN. MJKICV 1'atrloU Leery , August 2S. ugu 2T yuars. Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard M. F. BorenkJtho Well Known Union PaclCui Employe Tolls His Experience. Incipient Consumn'lan ' Cured. Ono of the bosUlcnown tnon in Council BltilTs is M. F. Borun , of the car dopnrl- inont , U.P. railroad service , rcsidonco nt 1112 , 18th nvonnoT ilo is n native of I'oltnwiutamlo county , his father set tling there nt th'a tlmo of the Mor mon immigration. . . Referring to his recent - cent roslorutlon to health ho speaks as follows : si. v. iiosnis "I hive linen nllllctcit with citnrrh : I n my hunil niul hroiit loryonr At times I hud nn Intcnip lioiid- nchu. My nii o"w.n nlwnyn Mopped up. I iilwny clt ni If ix lienvr wrliflit wns prosilnu upon my irc itnn I ilull im'ns ' nroiuul my hcnrl and In my nnitt , nml I ni constantly nplttlni ; n j'elluw , thick ililciim. My Hipolllo | bjcnmu per un.ll vint woik mil thin. My ri-st nt nlvlil WIM very pour , nnd 1 cmilit nrnrccly vhnnitu my clothe * n Itliont InkliiB cold nnd Imrlnin notviittnck of licailnslio. Soon 1 begun i > linvo n linc'icliiK uoiuh , wllh norenoss ull tliroiiKh ny elicit. My wlfo iui.1 ncUlihora thought 1 Dud tlio coniunptlon , nnl to tell the truth all tlio signs iolntu.1 tlmt way to mi * . 1 to n ductnrHv nnd trlud niiiiy romodlOH but nlt'i no bnolt. ! At this tlinj a rlond nilvlsu-l ma to consillt l > r . Copvliuul and hcpard. I did so | In four week * after bi'Klnlnit liulrtroatm nt my coiiRh u.n ontlroly uono und my ioau n iia clo.i-m It over wn . 1 huvo not had a dnvlotii'iidncho since. I feel llr t rate better than 'or slv years My appetite anil stronKth are ox- ellcnt , and I rcn'lro that I am aiiroly c c.iilmj | Unit Iron I fill milndy coiKiimptlon. ll lll nlfcud mo ilo iMiroto iiaraonully verify this stiitcmcutto anyone ono oajlntf on mv. 1 ha\o no lieMlutkm In cxprons' my belief tlmt lrs. ) Copo'iinit undSliepard are \ory skillful lu the treatment nf chronic dUeas . " MAIL onios fronf the H ist. West , North nn-l Soutl' . butrlni ; testimony of tlio snuoossfiil troat- nuntof Irs. Ojpolaiul and Sliup irJ by mull' lilantt Sent to All Applicant * . $5 A MONTH. OATAHHH THKVTED AT TUB UNIPOIIM HATK Ot' ' * > A MONTH MKDIOINRa I-'UH- N'tSIIKt ) KltEi : . KOIt MAi OrilKIl DIS- nASEiJ THE HATES WILL , HK LOW AND UMl'OItM ANI ) In PKOl'OllTION TO TUB ACTUAL COST OF MUD1OINE 1NO. OMAHA. II. w. ii. coi > J5rjAND , . D. C. S. SlIlCl'AUD , M. D. C.it'irrh , Asthma , Uronclil- Ills , Nervous Dlseasei. lllood Dlso.ises , Ithoii inntlsin , ConsiimuMon. und all clironlo nlTec- of the Throit , Lungs , Htomuoh , Liver and Kidneys Olllcu liourHr-O to II a.m. " to 5 p.m. , 7 to 8 P.III. Sunday. ID a.m. to liiui , MANHOOD f'-6AUAT1VO , " the Wonclorful Hpi-nUh lli'tfinly. In Mild nltli a Written Cuaranten tocuru ull Ncivous Dla * toss * , eucli ns Weak 'McUHiry , Ixici Lf Drain 1'ower , Headache. XYjLUcCulnOES , Lost Man lioOOrJf en onsne d , Jju- sltiulc , all ctialnu nnd Before &Aftar Uso. Insi of pmtcr of Ilia riiotoRranhcd from Ufc. Gcncratlvo Organs In cither ccx , caii-cd liy orri-t-Kcrtloii , > niitliful Indlccrrtioiiiior tlie I-XCP | VJ asjof ( nl.iuTo . , nimiiii.nr filninlanl" , which iiltlinnlrly li-iul to Inflriiiltv , O > Maaiii | > llnii nnd Iiimiilly. I'm up Incuntciilent fonn In carrv In tlnMrst poikil. 1'ilcc f 1 n pnclviice. or ( . \Vltlic\viytiunlri ni-Klien written guarantee ) to euro or rofumj the mono/ , sent hy mull to nnv mldriM. C'licnlnr fiee Ini'lulliciucloi'C. Alcntlon thisi.ii | | Audius , MAD.tIO CHEMICAL CO. , Iirniich onkcfoi D.H.A. 353 Dcnilinni Str.-ct , CIIK-'AOO. ILU FOR SALE IN OMAHA. NEB. , BY Ruhr & Co. , Co.r UtU A Dounlns StB. * A rnllcr&Co..Cor-Htb&louslosSte. Slorptilno Iliil. . currala COto-JOUo.il Hapa7tlllcniil.D&.J.CI riIEHK.Labanii HUAUTHFUL , AOREHABLG , CLEANSING. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics. A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Charing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. Specially Adapted { or Use in Hard Water St Bernard Pups SALE. Out of " .Modjosltu , " by"3HTo.-il ! , ho by OhampHuUiniioa. "Sullord" Is litter brother to the Iunn'o3t doff ever nilscd in Auiorioa. Full poaigroo of imps on uppllciitlon. Address , 611 South 12th Sfoot , Ouuih i , Nub. ADT Our new fall stock is coming in very rapidly and is be ing stored in the second and third stories of our building. It will be ready for sale September 1st. As to the balance of the Hellman sfock , we need hardly tell you that we mean to. get rid of every article on hand , as the prices on the display in our. windows will 'amply testify. Those who have bought know full well the immense .bargains we are giving. There is but a small quantity left and the sizes are Very rnuch- " broken. Those we have the most of arc i in 4 fft * ff\ * I ff $10,00 suits for 15,1 $16,50 suits for. . 1,25 $12,50 suits for. $18,00 suits for. ,00 suits for 17 , ! suits for. This is positively the last week at these Hellman bargains as we open up on the 1st day of September with all brand new goods. B ( Nunc ant nun quam. ) ( Successors to M , Hellman & Co. ) Oor13th arict F arnam- SPECIAL ORDINANCE NO , 1715. An ordinance levying u special ta\ and as sessment iiiion cert iln lots , parts of lois and ical estate In the city of Omaha , for the eon- Btrnellon mill icpulrs of wooden sldownlUs. WhoreaR.tlicownors.rosticetlvelyi of the lots uarts of lots and real estate hereinafter de scribed , have failed to construct or lep.ilr slilowall < s with n the tlmo allowed by oidln- aiico. after duo and nropur nolleoso to do , and Whereas , such sldonalks have been duly consiruetod or repaired by J. 1 Knowles , tlio vautraetor tolioin w is awarded the eon- trnet for constructing und repairing hide- walks , aud Whereas , the several lots , parts of lots and real est.itu have unoh bei-ti specially lienelltted to the full amount of the tuui'lal tux and uv- i.esstiient heroin levied , by reason of such liu- univeini'iilopposlto the same , lo-ipactlvoly ; Theiofoie. for thu pui)0- | of covur.iiB and paying thocott of miuli liupiovutnent : He It ordained by the city counullof the city of Omaha : So'tlonl , Tliatthchovcr.il sums set oppo- slto the lots , parts of lots and real estate huio- inafierdfsorlbed , he and the same are heiuby respectively levied andass'jsso.l iiuoti uaeli of said lots. Halts or lots and rual o tato.ns shown by the Konor.illy ii'co iu/uil map or thu ciiy of Omaha iSii' ! : . lllho nipliu.l and published by Ceo. 1' . Iluiuls. ns folou ! , 10 wit : Isaac K Iliinllck do HhlK4 " 1 M > .liilins II Tremalno Its blk 4 " 1 ' " 7 0 L Vim Uatiip ot ill It 0 bllv 4 " li Ul M Donovan It 1 bib 1 M Donovan's sub 1 . ' ilo It 2bl It I : 1' ilu HJIblUl ' " ! ! > do It 4 blk 1 " JJ 5T do ItflblUl . . j ; 3 " hS do HOhllc 1 IS Martin Klt/patrluh ot al It 7 blk 1 " ! * * Isaac S llusuall It K blk I " ! ' do Itllb.lcl " ! . ' * Chas CJor.ild H 10 b k 1 " " b3 JamosM Douslioily Itllhlkl " IS h8 John A CrclKhton H li blk I " IS fci M Dnnovan It III blk 1 " } § Waller llrcon It U blKl " i * M Donovan It 14 blk a " . ' , , , ' , ir „ Kll/ii .1 r.vnns It 4 Hvans' wld 10 81 "co ' ' sU'IJltMlI ' blk 2 Win lliigodorn's add 41 01 I'aull'aulsonltrJblka " 01 M do it milk' ' ' 1 h Torossa Kotiiii'ily It II blkS ' 1 H MiuoiiMUiti'i It ISblk 2 ' 1 lac .lolinson ni ! It ! . " > blk 3 . ' AuimUI'niiNunlt III blk 2 ' Krijil Mattliluslt 1" 1)1 bS H" Miii'rIs'iVuroiimiin it"ib blk S " 1 do It ID blk U " 1 - - 15 8S ir , M do ItS-JIUkS 1(1 ( 111 KlJ/.aliulh llrld.'o it labile : i Jl ' .II do Hill hlk a JS 41) ) Anna < I'nulson .t II lilk 3 JS 41) ) .lininiel' M ihim It IX blk U 18K \ ) Jot ) A r.dson u Hi blk a JK or John /.liiiinurninn It Iblk J I'r-nili M i.oulslt Illblkb 15 hS Jnlinlluw It - ' ) blk : i . . J. } US f I < HJ | JO " " " - . . - ( "lu bikTIIa/olToiraeo U u."i do iiTftltaiilk ? " H7 , o nSiftH8Ulk7 ' l 7 ilo ItllblkT ' ID HI HIfl /fl / A S HIIIIU28 It lUblkti baral , Puulim , . ) ) ] | { JS I-ano & gMona BlJ | | : , „ oil Uallou u 7 ijik la. ; . : ii > tile t ilo llHblk IS " 4 JU GeiiwoTlliluiiltftnlk 10 " : i ui : ArtliurLI'ur.lnitltiimkin - 2 f.U icoisoKMiuburlt7lilblU ! do It 8blk ID a us Joseph l < els w'i It 1 Lois I laoo 2. 22 do Wilts JS h7 I'liIllpMihmldletul It a 1.1 t > 7 Jo uiili l.els II 4 15 b.7 do Hf > 1SH7 John hchmldt It 0 16 H7 JiHunh l.uisit 7 ' IS h7 Win Law ton It 47 Ltiko& Tumploton'Hadd 10 HI Klla r. Johnson it 4b " 11)711 ) do H4'J ' 1072 do It 50 " I'D 71 S K Johnson ot al ItO blk I Mayno 1'laco S7 Mi Win (1 ( Wnltmoiuunil It7 hlk 1 " 10 BJ Wni WJIoiitJii lib bit ; 1 " 1UM UK Mouoa-'SUIt 10 blk I " 5 K8 Winter llii'onul nl lill blk 1 -4 Oraru II Wilbur It 12 Hlk 1 U 2 L < II fchaoliolfoM lUUblk I a U LevlnlaTll lanihltl blkS " a UJ A Lltui-dll2b.lt 8 , t" 1 7d ItHWIiltm-inutallt blka . ; \tjl bU do ltflblK8 " I'm do uobiky 4 na ClirUt It-uiiiUH.oii lib Oak 11111 No , 1 h 4J Tliuil'L'otrtDVltU " 4 , { OakUN , . , , > 2. | t , m , . , Omilm | yow | g „ ChoHMutzutulml'MOftU I blkl. " 40 Andy I1 < irammn41ftlt I blk 18 " 1040 O.iir tlhlo ot al It 21 blk IS - t'5 - 0 llonry HOHIIIIII It I blk It Orchard Hill 3J 22 1'iilrlok La ihy It 8 blk il . 15 M tli'oriu U Marker It ! l blk 11 15 H , Jacob LJaeobbOd H 4lkU | 15 M Anna LN rbeu Itftblkll " 1J W Jiimi > aL 1'iuli Itliblk II " 15 BS W M MurruujhuluflltTblklt " a 18 John L Miles It Oblk It " IS S3 no It 10 hlk il " 15 H7 Itenj Arnold It II blk 11 " IS b7 Joseph T Hopkins It 12 Ink It " IB b" tloot o K llaiKer It III blk II " IB b7 do It II blk 11 " IS h7 1,0 HIS blk 11 " H HT do It 1 blk It " 13 87 Hans I' Hi ! nun nuns4 ! o < i it 33 lilkS 1'iirk Place 7 17 Mlcliaol Cronlii s'J ' w'.5 o1liiO : b 2 . * 7 IJ Martin Ilondrit-Ksoii s'-J ' 5 lli0 ! W 7 111 A J I'oppleton It 1 blk 1 I'oupletbu 1'ark 43 40 Mlnnlo A Qn st ard s2 ft HI blk II I'ortland I'luco 0 Kl r P Klrkcn'lnll ot al It 1 WA Kedle'js add IS Cb J U I Iowa r Jet at wii : ft It 1 blk 2 Heed's 4th add 5 21 Ethan 0 Wolcott 118 Kuinlnjton'sHub lu Gibe's add 14 20 do It ! ) " ' 14 L" ) do It 10 " 14 2J do It 11 " " 211 ilo H 14 " " : H 71 KobocciiSumnUltlllblkSI Walnut Hill 41)1 ) do It.'Ublkai " 042 SI ) Murrorltfflli k21 4 117 Jimi-s : MeOollonsh It 20 blk 24 fa ( il ( J K Tii irart n'/i blk 2 % .17 'II John Llpps etnl 112 Washlnjton Fiiuaro 67 Chas W I'utrlduo Itillk2ii : ) Wills sub In Walnut Hill : i1 B.'l CluisK Kmoiy otul IH blk2il " li" > hS do It 5 blk 20 " JS SS W W Orecu It B blk 21 J * . h7 WS llouell It 7 blk S3 " JS Mr ( ieo II I'.ivnu ItH Illlc ' - ' , ! JU l > 5 Kstatu of llyron Kcud nlS ft tavlKU hootlon lO-li-l ! ! . 'M W .Nl I'oslor s''IO ft Ii2)8 ft tax It 4' ) suc tion lO-lS-ll . B 81 Ann K Campbell tax li 4'l .scutUm 10-lS-K ! . 10 II Itnur Estate tav HSSsoutlon 10-1S-I.I S fc ! ) Itallov & Olson that p.irt north of Cali fornia st fix ItiUbUCtlon IU-n-ii : ( ! 3 SO I'ra'nk Muiphy that part north of ( J.ill- fornlii st ta\ -I beet on IO-l.j-1) ) M VJ Klli'ii M Whltu tax U Iauction ! ! 17-11-1:1. : 111. 41 James O'Connor tlio sl.TJ ft of 0)1 ) ( I ft of wSH ft nWiofsw'i sectlonlMISM.'il IB WA Ho HclvHli tux It Sil section "l-l.'i-l I. " ' > bJ aims tiiiiicn tixitissectionai-i.via. . . . nu in I'elurMerges fax It 53becttun3l-l5-ia. . . 07 ' . 'U Total . PJ.7I7 8 { Section 2 Tnat. thu upclal taxed nnd IIHSUVI- inuntx levied and assos-ul as aforesaid , shall bo duulmmuillntttlv upon t'lo ' pmsagj nn.l up- lirovnl of thts nrdlnaiKv. and H mil bjoonm ilo- iiiKinont If nutp ild within llfty ilaytt t boreal ter ; unit Ihurenpou Inti-roit slu'l ' bu added at the rate of onu pi/r cunt a mouth , payable In ail- viuue fniiii tlie tluio said taxes bccomu eo du- llnijncnt. ho tlonrt. ThatthU ordlninco shall tnko ef fect and bo In f < ice from iitiil ufU-r Its Oily ( J uric. 01 , OIIAlTi : ! : . Actlir.- President , City Counell. Atirovcd , Auiciidt llth , l-.i. . Uio. : P. tIKMIS. Miivor. The above tax IB now duo nu 1 payable at the oIlHoul' the city Iruasurer aud ulll bocotnu do. liuiiient and bi'ar InlL-iuil after ( x-'tcilicr 1st , JKC. as seen m so 'tluu ! of utiorn orilln in o IIIiNKV IIOI.LN. ( "ltv'rroa iiro" III Larrcnt. Foiteit nnfl Flnmt lit tlie WorWi rmncOKirnccomiida.loni unvirillcil. _ _ . . . HEW YORK. lONDONDERRY AND GLASHOW. NUW VOKIC , < illlh\ai"l'lKU'nml NAl'IES , Atrruulnr Intcrvnlii. SALOON , SECOND-OLA5S AND STEERAQE noon on lowest tormii to nnrt fruinlhn prlnclplo DCOIC3. EKJLWn , WIDIt S AW C5 II K AL rOIHi'O. Eicurolontlckelj malUlilwtiiitturn li > - cltlii'rlliorl tuii' iuc Clvdo A : No'lh nf IrfUiul or N l > le "tlin lu r iintu tl licco ? OrJcts i'.t Ar ; Assttt it Lcvtit JUtlJ. PDlr to any nf our iociil Accntsortu UiMUEU ONnKOTUiUS. _ . ' " ' ALLAN LINE KOVAh MAIfSTKAMSIIIW , MONTKI'Aljun I ( JI'iilKO ' : * To unitllV mi I M VKKl'OOf , CA1I1N , IU to 1111. Aucoiilltu t > .Huaiao nml looatlonof HI itoroum. liituriuudl ititiinilritonr.iuo 'it low r.ituj. NU CATTl.i : ( U Kill Kl ) . ) SIKVIOI : : OK bTATt f ALLAN LINE u.sn ) si'r.AMaiiii's NHW yOUK'iiul ' MI < AHUUW. VliiLondondurry , uvcry I'urtuulH. Aup. Illh . SI'ATK OK NKVADA . noon Auic.Zilli . nTATK 111MKIIUAHKA. . . . . nu-on Bl'lit. kill . . .bTATK OP CAI.H'Ult.vlA. II A. il 1 lubln.fll , Cetond Ciihln * IJ , rUniinfo Aiiplv tel Al.r ANC ( ) , I'lilcii/i ) II. 15 Al JUIltt , 11IJ llnwunl M. Din ill 11 . . i. , , . . , . , Ibc vtuituu. ' ! 1 i r 'ic uowt-1 pill \ ifr iLaliiiud , uivMfe uadnli > clualii I tlia IK M IJM die Inr Lnovi n ( ur I'll I'ji. J u. coiuUiAilun. . . . ) ) > ] tltv , intuul ili'i rc , itlnfuli UcUI ! < 'n , i'lirrl-i. ' ul i .tnliti * { Jl.aimre Woe' c e f llnrel > ) die noirrrli. llrcrirli. "I Ivvlluet IQvtfoiMntlrproperfunllonji Jirfni , im.Timo-J , I'.lrc lt , miUlruM.I/i ; iniu lliu 'S Z I.l.'ii ICIIiMfl < AI < lk > . .l k | > iiic bt. > owyorV 2 V r > - > < fc * - % T - . DR. C. GEE WO. Thoonljr i'uvHr Kril.itH Chlmio ph KlKlit jrc.iri * stnJjr TUT yuiri praclmil OKpar'- cncn with nil km in dliiiui 'I'roin uco9ifullr iillolironloo'i33 ilr3n tii by nthor ductorj ( Jill mill 1120 him or wrll ) for qmstliin til ink. Do nab think your oiia hop da h MUHJ your > ! 3Ctort'jlM 3OU8O , but try tliK'hln no ilanur wltli Idi now tint irontlorfnlro'rmilloi , an Iro3jlro IIOA haaotll ntnl i\ | ioriimiiGiitaiiru-wli it ul'ur ' ituouiM oinnol lrj. llorlj.i. ItooH nml I'lii -r.iluro'.i ramodlos * inctllclnoa Tliuvnrl I his wllnoii , Ono thoiMin 1 ic-HtliMDiiluU In tlir.M yo in' pr.ictlcA. No liijiirloin ik-c'uctliiiji , no liuM'llH ; , no puhoa. llullouvl Iru.tliuont uii'l iiorniiiiu-tit curj. i nu'osufally trditoa nnl carol. j.rlrrn up by nthor doclnr-i : Tlio : Coiiuhlln , < ll ! Ilirnay atrant , ciironlorliou- iniitlnnilliunra , kill i y nii.l llvur trouhlix. Tltoi. CuWort , l'4th an I l'arn iiu t4trJ9ti , ifnnor\t itulilllty. In lluoiUun , ID-II uf ilruiutll und vlUllly , Took mudlrliiD for yo ir hut Kot nu rjlldf , M. 1 Andorion , I lit i"n nlm ntrjot , oitirrX nbtlini.i und bronchitis of Ufiaia yo in Htuiidln/ Ilm for flilo the folio vim prop ire I ronioltoi fit ( I.UUuhottlo nlr botllm forfi'JO ' , for the euro of Anthill i. CaUrrh , Slut Hand lolio , IndUuillon , lllnotl I'oUonlni ; . llhotimitlim , 1'imiiloVoilcnuii , Klilnay and Mror Coinpliilnt. No niiuntn. SoIJ only hy Clilnoiu Madlelnj Co , CnUil | : , JIUJ.UJ1 OiUjfl , ICth anJ Californii Sli. Oinaii ! , No QUAIL BRAND HEALTH FOODS Parched Rolled Oats , Unequalled in Flavor. Corn Gritz , Sold only in 2 } pound Velvet Meal , For niullliiH and Till ? ] HINT R Sold by all FlrU-Chsa Save Your Eyesight I yostosto-l fros by , in HXl'R ID fI > PIOtA.N rorfuot adjustment. Hnporlor UMHOI. Norr- i onbhuiidtiulio cured hy usln ; ! our Hnoatiolci and KyoiliissuH 1'tlcui low fur llrdt clu HE ALOE & PENFOLD CO. 1US. l5tUSt.CrolrhtOi ! ! lllosk. YOURSELF ! Ailc your UniKKUt ( or a tiottlo ( inil J. 'J lie only , tiuii-uuiinuf rvmuilyforall ( li ucukncM ] > cullttr to uumi'ti. It curei In a levt ila } a without tlie aid or iiulilti-lly ol u doctor. TA * l-wrnul American Cure Mmiufuilnrtil CINCINIMTI , o U , B , A