6 Tirii OMAHA DAILY TUESDAY , AUGUST 23 , 1892 , THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Grains Advanosd and Ho ProduoU De clined Materially Yesterday. RECEIPTS OF WHEAT WERE QUITE LARGE IJutTlii'ic Win Mttlo for Siiln nntl n * the Crcnvil Win Short the JltiiM Soon bluincil ( JiiiiKlilpraliln Anxiety mill Untight I'rccly. OIIICAHO. 111. . AIIR. 83. Doallng * on the Hoird of'lr.ido todiiy resulted In tnodo'ato ttdvBticcsIti tlio vnlue of Br.iltis nnd furtlier declines In the orlcos of hex inoJtieU Wlillo tlio rccelplsof whoivt wuro lurjor thnn ex pected nnd fotoUn nirtrUeW lower iinrt weiik the pciiir.ilscnliniotit seemed to fntor hUlior Briers Httlieoponlnst. The crowd w.is short nnd UP ttiero wns llttlo for silo , tlio bents soon ihowed conslderiiDlo fitivioty iinil bought frcL'l/ . M'.irurn took a liirjro line of Soptoiu- bcr , nhllo l.o mi .t Clinplln bou.'ht frjuly of Dcioniticr. llolduts scoinod to b ivo Confl- dcnco u nil the oiroiltiRs were rnthur llKht Itli domestic tnaritr.is llrm. Among the bull Items of tmwsviii tlio report from I.otujon llnittbo Murlt fjitin Kxpro44 umllrmud the lire\lnnsly lepnrtrd dollelency In thu Itidhin wheat eiop , putting It uUiOOJ.OOJ bushels less tluin lust year. Ihoiounpts from that country were alio lljzht , and In some put is crops worn s ild to bo In a critical condition on account of rain. Another bullish Item was a ruporhid prospect of an o irly settlement of the rallro id iroiib es In the cu1Tlioru wn also a irron liu belief tliat thoe.iblo liuws 1ms bei-n so boirlshly UiiKoil ilurliu the past few duvt lli-it tboro whleh li-tl the short WHH.-I purposoln KOilolni : Inteiesl to protect ItM-lf Ti.ulo wn fall thiduuliounhediiv , but could not bo callotl tctlxu The llriiinc"s continued most of the 1'iv , but we iliontd towntd tlio close on the llliutiil Incri'.isu In thu vlillilisiuply , lower cablei and a tumor that troops b.ul licun or- diTi'd to llnihestcr S-i-ptembor opened 'io lilKlierat7'i" i-iold up with minor lluctua- tlous to "il'ic. re letuil to 73So and elo'o I u.isy at"l'e. ( nji inlvmica of ? su comp.iied with fanturd.iy's lln il Hiiirns. C'oiu Hliownl iimioililoilof .trcmth. . Influ- em.cd thlellv by the linn feullni ; which itiloil In wheat mint of the time. The iiscoipts o\- cu'deu expect itlons and theio * as a > rood | ) i < vuUtl\o demand and the tr.ulo scorns to f "l that the crop conditions are by no moans promising 'I bo marl.et , howover.oal.oned with who.il during the last hour. September oiionul Ue lowrr ntril' c on rilns In Iowa and Nut.iiis-Uu. wuh ptospeclsof wiiunerunthor , touched M'iC. ndvaliccil to ftt'Se , wo lUi'nod nnd closed titT Hc. an advance o\er batuiday ofc. . Oils rulol Rfions on cooil buying by shorls mid the sticujth Itiothet tnalni. Thooller- lnseio ino.leinlo The openlni forteplem- bet was 'nclovvci , at3tic , so.d up to )4u and closi-d nt.Il' ' c. A nerioils and unsettled fcelln : prevailed In box piodiictH. wltluiiilio a peed speciilallNO busliipss tr ins'ictiMl. The receipts tit ho s wcio larger th in uoner.illy ant clp.ited. and though no iniiilii'd cbanicsln prices occurred operators re aidcd the lucre ised supply as a weaU fenluru. and there was a cunotal In clination to sell duriiiR the early purl of the session , ulillo the ilom uid was only f.ilr. 10- iiiltliiIn qulto aNharo decline In prlcus for nil tinpiinclp il descriptions. At the decline there was a litt e morn dcslro to puicbaso In Eynii ) itiiv wltn the a trunk' th developed In thu crain iniirUetK , nnd pilees rallied to about mi diuin hunres. During the bitter pail of thu BC S DM n decidedly woilc feollni aiialn iro- vi l oil , olVerln sfiom all sonrcca buliu free Prices lecotled to Insldu lliuic , nnd the murk t In a ccner.il way closed rather easv fceplunibei pork opened 7'io lower iittll.-'i ) . iiiUanceil to { ll.-We. Inoku to$11 07'c. ad vanced to til.A ) , hroUo to flUU'i and closed at f ll.ll . n loss of ' . "he I.ard Is''Jc lower and ribs 'jrHc. Ksllnritcil loco pts for loinnrrow : Wheat , FUI cms , torn. BlJ cats , o.ils , ob."i ears ; ho's , , . ( ( I l bead IjiUo fieUhts were steady on Ino basis of 2c for corn to Hull'iilo 'J he Ic.idliiK futures riiuocl as follows : Cnsb ( ( uotatlons ueru.s follous : 1 lot'it b'e idv and unchanged : winter pati'iitK.H.o J4.VO : winter f.tnilts. $ .1 .VjJ7'i ; spring patents. { 400l&0 , spiliiK oiilijuis , W5) . Win AT No. t'spr'nj. 75' c : No. II spring , OOc ; No 8 rod. 7'i3c. ( COHN No. 8. 5."Jc : No II. cash. M c. UAT7o. . 8 , : r > lo. 2 white , 3V , c ; No : i white. IKif Hi K-Xo. " . Wic. HAIU.IV--NO. 8 , fi.o ! No. a , f. o. b. . 40S. > 3c ; No 4 , f. o u. , 4"l'e. TIMXM tn : > o. 1. $1.0014 TiMOTUVbl.i.D I'llme , tl.'W. I'tiitK Jless. per bbl , tll.OOj lard , per nn us. * 7.v ' ! i7.ti' : shoit rum sines ( loose ) , t7(5.TJ7.7il ( ! dry H ilted Hhouldors ( lioxud ) . tU.UOgfl 7.00 : short I'loir sides ( boed.Iiiiss.n ) ' \ \ IIISKDlstlileis' llnlshotl Kojds , per gal. , fl.in. him AH Uneliiinscd. Heeulpts und nlilpmunls today were as fol low B : On the I'ro.liico oxchaiiKO toJay the butter market WHH unchanged : eroamerles , 17 . Ic ; dalros. 1V3.M. I : L-S 17l7'io. > t' \orlt AliirUctR. Nnw YOIIK , A uir. ' " . I't.ouu Itccolnis. 22.010 pVts. : expoitc , : iU.i > bills. . V.siin Hickx : dull , wnnk , loner to sell ; Hiilos 800 bbls ; wlntur whi at , low trades , fr..ll G'H.IU : fair to fancy , MO ( ai.-'U. M'nnosotaeleiir. { J.lXkii.l.5j ; patents , ' . . ' " . 14 481 K" > UoiiNMiiAr , btoady : yellow western , $1.03 ® B.IH. B.IH.W'IKAT lieco'pts , fil.O Obii , ; uxporis. C8.IOOO bii.j sales. l,5Oiiiiu bu. of future * , HI.UJO hn of spot , bpot , llrmer and uitlel ; No. 2 red , Bti < In store und elovatiu ; nl'iCtMUu alloul ; 8ISJihl'\c f. o. b. ; No , II red. 77u : uiir.ulod ) red , 7.Hh.'u | ; 1 not thorn , hie ; No. 1 haul. Hlcio : No. - ' iiorthurn. fcliie ; No. 8 Chlu IL-O M.Pic ; Na 2 Milwaukee , hie ; No. J sprlni ; , , MO ; op- llons weru dccllnod early 'j'll o on eim ui cables forolvn selling , Inrii ro- celpts and Inereasu In slocks In sloro , nd- vanco.l ' . ( icPnC on free clearances , lilnhor west buy il. . ru.lucod crop c > stiiniites In the northwest and hotter woitiur aliro id. do * ollnc'il > u on lucre. IHO In Ihu visible and lou.il rciill/lii'- . elosuil steady nt 'oit'ilo over Siilui- dav'8 ; No. 8 lutl. August. MltiMUc. oloslnuat file ; boiemboi.hi ( | , 8 ; l-llb. closing ut Octobui , h.'i4fft8l 11tc. . tloslns at IL' Dee - cciiilier , aviisil o , elosln J .it b5iu ; May , closing at u .c. HVK Weal or , o.ulot ; western , niiiiasa blocks of ( jniln in store tin I allo.it 70 : \ \ hunt. 2 , ' > . ' 1.4I bu. : corn , ori57 bu o its , ( il7iv..l bu. ; rjo. 15.HsO bu. : b ir.oy. S bu. ; mult , ai , no bu , ; po is , U.1.VI bu. liAin.hr Nominal. IIAIII.I.V JlAi.T lulli two-row oil state. 70 7. ( i : sU-rowud state , buits5u ; Uuuadii , lX" > cii tl.utl. bi'OAlt Itaw , llrm , qulot ; rcflnod , fairdo- tniiiiili No. . 4il 7i4'oi No. 7 , 4'ic ' : No. 8. II l'i-li ) Ui I'lOu ; No U , .I'.Cclo ; No. 10. .1 Ill-Ill ® ) 15-liio ; No.ll , 3 ( g.lt < ci No 1. . : i It-lli ® : ! IIMbe. MOI < A > HKH New Urluans , uulet , llrm ; coin- iiiun to fancy , .5c < lliut : 1'nlidemand , firm ; dome < tla full to oxtrn , 4'iQout ' Japan , fi Uu. Kndh Mo uly ; western prime , 202Jc. ! I'miK Dull and wo ik ; old moss. t8.75 ! ; now inebK. H..WtUuu ; oxtrn nrliuu. H..7.V2UO > . Out moilR , dull , loner : pleklod bellies , < ij.2'i ; piekledhhoiilders , ! fab71i ; plek.cd IIIIIUH , JII.5J WU'.uj ; mlddlei. dull , wrnki uliort clear. H.vj. l.iirtl , dull , lower ; wustern HIOUIU eloaud at t".b'\'t \ < is.Wi Bull's , 4V ) tierces at J3.5) ) ; options Htoudy ; boptuiuber , olobod at (7.U ) . HUITBII Dull , ncau : woutorn , I4OOo | ; west ern eiuii.nory. 17 < Q 4loi western factory , 14O ' 'iROi'lo. I7 t hlutii. ( 'iu H-K Quiet , llrm ; purtaklius , n QVc. I'm liti Htoudy ; Ameriuan. ( l.l.5oitlJ.5i. coiTL'it Dull ! lake , fll r > i > ail no. LtiAti-l'Irin ; domestic. JI.OJ(31.10. ( TIN StroiiK lit t.iUu8J 50. b ) , luuU MurKUt * , BT. I.OUIK.MO. . AIIT. . PI.OUKUnsliaiiKod ; pilentsM.7Uiil.8luxtri ; f inoy. I.Lj'KilO. WIIHAT IMioiuul a khailuoir. then advnnoed IVif , but. full oir nnd o osml ye above .Satur day ; eiixh , "IM'O" > 4'i : buplumbur clmlir. ut "Hie ; Dutoiier , f.'yu : Dejumbui , 'AliC. JOHN Ali.ii oponud lower , but HOOII ad- vaiieed , then reacted mil uluied Uo abovu Sntiirdny , ( J.tHh , boMtuiulier ami October. HUuj ! liei'uinber mid your. 4il'.c ; M.ty. 4nUu. OATH III her and Ilrnn wish , DlUfflaSc ; Atu-iui , UV ) bid ; riuptumbur clo oj ut Ji4o ! ; Mxy , I'OSv. Hvi'-lliL-bcr , UlUOaic. llius I'Mrm ; V > u at milt nnd on oust track , I'wmmoNS Dull and cany. I'ork JobblnKi Lrcl-ftt , y at 17.1 7 , 5. DtJ alt mo tt Loose hottlder , K.lM ! lonss nnd ribs , shorii. | 01 ; tioxoil lots IM mure , llnoon bhoillders , * r.75 | lon s ami rlb , H.i.'l shorts. | i I2'J Ilalns-Si.rit.ir cured at tll.M. IRAiStc uly , ItU ) , rr < AX9KKD Ltiwor. OSc. , , lltiTTBit- Quiet : cro.imory , 10S24o ; dairy , linns Dull nt li'i. { JiinvMllAt.btoiitly nt $2 4MM4 > . \VlllflKV bteudy itttl.10 for finished Kr.cntfTs riour. 7,000 bbl . ; who it. liu. ; corn , 03 , t)3bu.i ) o.us. 7J.OOJ bu..ryo , OAOO bu. ; bnr.oy , none , , . , , HlltPMBsw-l.'lour , 0.001 bbls. ; who it. 8\001 oil. ; corn. 20.0M Ini ; outs , 5.0JO bu.i rye , 1OOJ bu. ; b.trlcy , none. Oiniili i I'niiluco Muiltnts , I'RVCiU'.s California. JI.r > oai.Oj ; southern Illlnoi" . OVJ17. > 0 per b.iskeu IiKMONS { H.nu.liO. ) OitASOKs-Callfornla , out o' market ) Im ported. JS.ncxas vi lli.ArKiiniutfs } ! " > " . Fcireo , I'l.UMs-Uallfornln. { . ' . 'uO I.OJ. llA.VA'.Aa-.1i < ii..7\ UAiniAOh Homo prown. MQlTOj per do * . MKI.D.NO Wiiterniolons. era to 1 , ' > o. I'i'Atia H'irtcttIOO ! HurThit Packlni ; stock. 121i5irJe : sm-ill lota select dairy , HiiJl7c. OANTAt.oui'ES I'ererato , 1351 ; Jems , "jo per banket. 'OAUKiitsiAOiiAi'ns-I'ercTic. tiOO. ii-ero7.c. , . _ New I1 TATOKJ J200 per bol. ; In sieks , 1 ® liiopcrlh. DNtovs-l'cr 1)1)1. , $3 01 ® 12' lit.UKiiKiiniis-lO-t. ( | uoxe- ! , ? 20i2.2'i TtiMATUi.8-4 basket cr.itc * . 11.35 ; bu boxes. JI.7.- . i OIIAI'KS 1'er O.lb li iskot , 0" > ffljo. NECTAIII.Nh < { I 7" > SJ.CO. 1HMSON Pl.UMs 2l-t ] ca C. flO OI2V Api'r.E--(7ootl ) ( shipping stock sciirco at II.S. > I'oui.Titv 'prlnsr chickens , JJ.OOiiJlM per dozen ; old nous , 7Sc per Ib. Lees IS ® bo. _ ICninin City M.ukcti. KtvaAs City. Mo. Aiu \Viin\T-Moro nctho and hlclTor : No J hard , old , Ole : now , O n.'Vte ; No. J n d , filSJire. t'ouv I'll mer and unngrallv lil lior ; No 2 mixed. 4ll4e : No \\hlte. . . " > Jc OATS-rirm ; No 8 mlxul , 2714a8So : No 2 white , old. Hi' KVK StPiidv ; No 2 , . - BIIAS Stronit atf > ' > 5J" 7c. . , II AV btuuly , timothy , 47.1oaDOO ; pralrlo , J5007Ml HurTKit I' rm ; cnnmory. ua2ic ; dairy , l > ffi 2ie Kms-Stc-idv atl'o. ItscriPTVlioat ; , 4. , ODObii. ; corn , 30301m ; oats , l.'iin ' bu SlilPMCNrs Wheat. 44.0J3 bu. ; corn , none : outs , none. _ ItrltUli Ci.iin Truln Itovlow. I.nsnoN. AIIB. 22. The Mtuk I , mo Express In Its weekly ruvlowof the lliltlsli trr..ln ti.ulo says ! The crops ha\o been bpiiolUed by the rain dnrliu the p ist wrok The now \\hnat crop has foinmetfcd soiling nt'Us per quarter Ss below Ilr t sali's of isill. I'oiolBii wheat bus Imppcd The tot il supply of wheat hold In Great llrl'all Is fis2llOO quarters aualnst I'llLOJOounrters at the oorrospondlur period In 1891. Itit'oy siivl oats ire nrm. Cord Is Jd cheaper At tod-iy's market now and old niullsh who it soltl t an a\priKi'of Ms , lid , I'oioliHi wheat was netrlected nnd Cd lower. I'loiir declined ( id Carluv was strouK. Corn ind oats were unch.in-ed. Colli-i ) Alurkct. N'K\vVntiic. An ; . 2J Oontr.iets nosed firm it unchuii'cd prices to Ir points ndv.ineo nltli i moderate trulp. more anxious buyers and sc irclty of sellois. Ilio IAVKIIIO Au. . 22 First ordinary. 11.100 rols per 10 kilos : coed Bocond 1 1 100 rels Ko- SAvum. Auir. S ) . ( Jood tneratio u.liw rois iorlikllo ) > Ilecoiptsdurlni the week. .V > . ( WO liatis ; puichnsps for Iho United btntcs , 5,001 ; shipments for the Un ted Ht ites , nonu : stoek , 100,000 buss Cult on Murlti t. Ni\y Otit.K VJ , fji. An' . ' " Ptoady : mid dling. 7e. low middling. r.'Je : coed ordln iry. dc : not and irioss rooolnts. l.'i I hales : o\norts to Ore it Britain. ' . ' . ' flbiluto the contlni'iit. flOlules : sahos r > l b lies , stock ( M..74 b lies Ni\v VOIIK. Aiu. 82 Contracts closed steady at''to.'l inlnls ath.ini'o on lljht sell ing ; btis'noss very dull. Oil M u-Urt. NEW YOIIK. AIIT. 2J liTitotitT Steady ; qnli't : United , no s lies. CorrONM'Kii On , Slowly. TAII oDull : steady. Kosts bli-.idy : quli-t. TUllt'ENil.sE-Sto uly , 2' Il\rriinol Miitlvrts , I.ivnttpoou Auz. 22. WIII-UT Dull , holders olti'r lieely ; No I 0 illfornl' . Cs 4di7kls ! 5d nor conl-il : rod western.springlis8'JiIOi3J4d ; No. 2 led wlnti'i.lis''d- ! ! , -Id. COII.N I'lriii ; demand Improving. XurMivvo4l jrnVhoit Stork. Altv.vnAi'OM" , Minn , AIIT. 22 Hepotts to the Xoitliwstrrii Mil or .ind the Market Uoe- ord show Hi it thu niirro. : ilu itnj'c of who it In Ihu norlhvvost Is 7.71H.UJI bu . or SOI."JO bu. leas than lust month. Tr.nlorH' r lk. CfiiiPAno. Ill. An : . 22 rounsoln.un & n ly to CocKroll llros CoiiintKilon toinniny : \Vhoit o | > oiic'd 'jt ! higher nnd iidvtineod Ir- ro.'iiliirlv another lu In the f.ico of very lictirUh niivvs. but lost nil but c to > , , ' o on rnill/liu MI thu clo-,0 Thu biivln IiipuKa ciinii ) from the yi'iiurul Ininie slon th it thu inovuniuiil fiom HiKt ban Ib hid reiched Its maximum nnd tint thu i.illroid strlKcs \voudhco-ottled this week. Corn nnd oits bulni : slionK thiunsulvoH nilllo I with vvhimt und o ( Nud " o higher. In both uiiirkul < i trudo vvus rest rift , ( ! by iho vvr uliei mill Unlit ollur IIKH Provisions \voro vury dull und ihoriH npp iiontlv iiiiidu a cou- ci'ntr.itud elfort to th.isu a lootl ijliiiuuroul of a IOIIK llnu of thu t-optu nbur uroduet. Oui pihatu oiilnlou Is that his line has alre idv been hedged by sales for ( Jetoliur and that the .Iniiuaiv futures are Kelt n iloun now to n ( Kilnt where thctu Is considerable ns In short stiles OlllCAno. 111. . All. . 22. P. G. Loz.tn St Co to Duncan. Ilolllu jor & . Uo. : bc'iitombuiVlio it opcui'd at 7"i' and TSye , soid tti | toTo'iu ' und closed at753ic Thuollerlngs o iriy weioaD- soibed by onu of our ulevatoi men , hut on the ndvancowas all losod The solilM , ' outof Ill's wheat c tused lliodocllnc. Thu central tone of thu m u1 et Is Improved and n lib i ny an iiiKcment such as foruUn buying an ad vance of a fuw cents could easily hi ] estab- llslicil. S-o fin woto irn of no domain ) for our now wlntei who.it Wudolook for a consider able fu.lltii ; oil In the receipts , as farmeisaro not thieshliitt fiom staek" Tlio mnvemcntof the spilui ; wheat may supply Ihu plueo of thu ulntur ciop. but It can't reach any of I ho u.isli'in in irkols until the latter part of Sop- tOmbei. Hetelpts for tomonow , b 0 ears , are liirjju uniiili ) to prevent any ndvanco purnia- nently Corn was stioni from the open ing to Ihu close. beplemljor opened at 5 * . sold up to .iP > nnd elos'd at52'i5"j. ' Ke elpts 1110 lU-htand the dumaml fair. This , with bid crop lupoits. add to thu stroiulli. Oils MM slioiu 'mil from all wo can loirn not likely to dpcllnit much If any. Thu liquidation In hoi ; product was hoa\v with p ic-kers wlllliu sellers of Oc tober. Until this liquidation Is over prices will not uo up. September porlc closed at i ; laid , I7/ ; rltn , * 7i > ) STOUKAM ) IIDNIM. All tlio Jniiiiirtiinl UoMMiionts ol tlio Uuy Wuro IIIH I'OH SrriirltliK. Nr.vv VOHK. AUK 81 Tha stoik market ted ty wns niriow. Read In.- , Now England Kouk Island und AtoliUoii monmioli/liu thoKroator p iriof the business union , ; rail- ro id blmrus und lo.id and BIU ir In tliu' Indus- trl.ils , vvhllo all thu Important inovuiiicnts ot thu day weru In thojo Btouks. Thu market this morning Hhovvud considerable stioiulh and conflduncu ut tlio opunliu which wns muilu ut prices from U * o 't ' par cent butler th in tliosu of S.ilurduy 111 u rule , whllosiiMr vv.is up 1'4 | ier colit , The Ijuurs wuro iicthu und us.jru'.slvo In Now Kn liuul , hovvovor , and u droti of l1 pur cent In'that stock uldud by f l i'ii ro illz itlons lusiuar und a corresponding lull uliueKud ihu jidv.im liu tendency In tliu liunur.il HH | and xiniill fr.ictloii'il concussions iimikud tliu ttullnr for the llru Imlf hour. Thu inbuilt doinind to ciivur shorts In lliu ( t.in JITS , hovvuvur , hunt Kajk Isliuul tin about I fie i cant mid thu inunlpuliitlon of loud whluii sunt its prlcu up uboiiti : per cunt buforu the close , turned thu eour u of prices , mid nn iiuvvai I movement w.is IIMUKUI itud hoon after thu opunlii , which met with noru.il i > ntli > uu diirin : the iuit of the busalun. All lliu coiili n Hindu Hubgtuulliil iidvanoos , IhoiiKU Kuidlnir wax the only one showing any activity. The decision iinulnst tlio Tuxns railKHi'l ' coiiimlt > lMiers served to btlninlutu u bliiirp iipvviird moveiiiont In the I'oxus I'.inltlo Keciu it IDS lu tin ) liml lioui and uldud thu nun- iii.il udvunvo HI iho siuuu ilmu. thu marxot tlnally o osln t aotlv o and strung ut about iho ton II.MIio . Thu triidtiiK readied 24\i75 lUU'd , of whluh Ituullui ; furnlxlied W.7'0 und U'.Ul unlisted , of which loud contributed ingl. ( Uuverninunt bonds have boon null and blond v Mulct bonds have bueii dull und hlo.nl y , Tim I'list s iy § : AH thu day iidviiui'eil ihu marUct coiitluuol nctlve uuu striin.1. Adv - v Ices from ihu sjiit of thu laLor troubles fore- bhudowud thuli Hiioudy turiuliiiitlou , and ihu Hto.'UH of thu rallroiiiiH ulfnutud lellccted the fa v era b u reports in cicu ur btienjtli and lluiiiK'hi. bllvur lliu tuuleil In a htr.uuely tin- c'urtiiln way. duullnliiK from thu oponlntt price , but Mibke < ] iiently ruvororliu. un the vrholo , thu iiiurKui VVIIH uioiu oncourauinK limn It hut * buun fur iiritiy u ilny. ThuroVIIH iipiJiiiUiu uMunsluu of opuratlnnB ouUldo thu Induhtilulu. Thuro VVIIK no doubt of u cons.dcr iblo eoverliu of short InterebtJ. but uuviinces generally vvvro rallouiil mid based on uomethluj ii'oru ' lun llilo th in the prod lo tions of lusldu triules Thla WHH iisneclally thu oiiso with thu riillvvuy shnroa. ' 'lliumur * Kutoloiodnl uuurly the lop price of the duy. - - - - iingquotatlcu Xo * the le idlnc stocks on the Now Vcrk Sleek exchange - change ted iv : t dskccl 'bid. The to * il s lie * of stocl < ted \y wore iliate Including ; AtchUon 17-MO : IlolattniP. hncbnwiiiiniiA tern. Il , r > U , l > lo. ll.'jirr. Mis souri l'.ieille 4S'iJ ! .Now Knitlan i. " .V'40 : Ho.id- Imr. tl7,70J | Texas I'aellk'.D.'JJO ! Wuatoru Un.on , Nn Yorl < .Miinuy Maiknt. oitK , AII 5J MtiNKV ov OAt.r nt I'i to 1 per cent ; lu t loin , " per cent ; closed ulTotod at 2 per cent. I'uiMd MKIICAN.II.I : IUt-iu CtJt'i'i pbr cent. iTKiii.ivu KxriiAsaK-Cjulat , but sto'idv at Sf.SI } for s xty day bills , and $ l. lfor do- n'and. The closlti3 ( iiiotitlona on bond < ! ui I'rniifNci ) Mhilni ; OuntiiUotil. S\N PitANCtjCO. Oil. . Aus 2. , The onicl.il eloslny ntiot itlous for mlnln ? stoa > s tuday wuro as follows : Now Voile .Mining Ijuutiitloi.H. New Yoitu. AIIS. 2i Tlio follow 1.1 * thueloslnz inlnlni ; stoolc quotations : a kcd. st. IMils Mining Mocks. BT Louis. Mo. . Aiu. 2J. The mining alecK exeli.iu-'e eontl'ities dull , ( iiiot ulons : titotu iiliF A ! block. llld. Askrd Am .settlo. . . . " > 0 ( iraulto Mtn. 4U 15 iil/iibelti. . . . to I'at Murpli ) . . London 1 liiiinuiul UOMOW. [ CoujrlKhled , I8J. , hj Jii'ius Gordon Itein3tt. ) LOMION. AiiR.22 [ Now Yoilc Ilor.ild O iblo Special to Tin. Hi.i : | The markets as u whole | insunte I a ni'iiu or less fa\orablo apoear- anco in the Sl'icU e\chan4u today. Ojn = ols lnipro\cd 'n per cent for the money account. Sll\cr Is.l-lli per cent hi lier. 1'orel n gov- erniuent securities elo-jo tolerably siroin for Intern itional descriptions , linnnoss holni ; re ported on all continental lion MI'S An lin- l > ro\cnicnt was established In ltill : in. I'oitu- Kiicse , Hp inl li. Uieel ; and Huveial Tuillah Issues llra/tllin bonds are substant ally hUherowlnR to tlio advance In exchange , but Argentine I8MS. ditto fun loJ U lower , the pre mium ou void liivln ; advanced. Hume i.ill- .iys close llrm .is a whole , uspuu- ially Orent Nottlicrn , Sliedluld deferred and Chatham , which 1110 matetlilly higher , several other- , are also butter , boutheistern deferred , honevor. uro 'k per cent lo ci. Gio it Kistern and North llrltlsli are a trllle o islcr Amcrleau h is IICLMI favoi- nbly Inlliieucuil bymoio roisuiliu ad > lcu- > resai.llni strikeDoillnjs , hjmovor. lm\o been LTD itly icstil.-te 1. btlll an advauco of "a per cent U ostibllshed In Aich son and Louisvl le &NusUvlllo.an percent In Krle anu Union i * tulle , \ \ percent In Chic 11:0 \ . Alll- \ \ ai.kcu and 'o to H pur cunt In sovci ul others , 1'hil idu phi i , Ituadln and II.IKU tohor alone shonln. : a small decline. C.iii.idlan has huen stion from oiienlii to u osts an adv inco of Ute to Ja nor cent lo iii cstablKhed In U innil.in Pacific tirand Trunk IssueIliictuatod to some cMuiit. but thu only tosiilton thu < lay U 'i per eiiiit In second preference. Monov has been almost un'cndablo. Short loans uoro frcoly nlluioil at ' per cent. The discount mm kul continued Hun. tno three mouths bills bulm ; ijuotcd at l' nor cent. 1'illiincial .Notes. KANSAS CITY , Mo , Au. ; . 22 Clo irings , 81- T.H.- ) . I'AUI , Aiu. 21- ' . Three per cent rentes 10 f Tic foi the account. bAS Pit \Miibin , Oal , An ? . 2. . Draftfe. sight , lOe ; lelc.'inplile , l'-C. Nr.vv VOHK , Aiu'i Cloarlns , J7I.814- 711 ; balances. J4.4t(1.HI. ( Ilti.riMnur. Sid. , Au ; . 2. , Olo.irlnirs , $2,031- 515 , balances f.'IS.Oo" , IttituG put cunt. HAVANA , Auir. - bti.iulsh sold. JJ.l'j'S ' ® a.VJi. ) feudal bhovvs un upwiird tunduney. I'liii.AiirMMMA , I'll , Aiu ? . ' Cle.ulnrs. $0- liJl , ' . " . ' . ' ; biiuincos tljiJ-'JJ. ( Money 2 ! ® 1 pur cent. MUMIMK * . Tonii. AUK. 23. Now York ox- clmuK.i > MJ IliuutJI.W. ( Jlo.irlius , tJii,2l7i btil- ttncui , t.7 , ( > 4'i. I.OMIOV. Aiu. 2J. Tlio amount ot bullion jrouo Into the It ink of Kiio'html on balance to day N i"UuOJ. C'l.-sciNN.Vll , O , Aus 2. ' . Money , 4SG per com. Now Voilco\chaiiKu Wo ) dlB otint. Uluut- ln s. i.Msl.ViO. Ntvv Uiii.HtttI.n , Auir. 21. Clo.irlnsb , ? n"7,48J. Now York oxch injie. commcruliil , $ l.f > ; bunk , SJu pur { I.OOJ prumliiin. HUSTON , Jl.isi. AIU. 2i 0 u.irlnss , JIl.'DJ- : r > j ; balances fl.iSi.Ui2i monev i pur cunt ; ux- cliau e on New Vork lUtillJu dlseount , bl. 1/ouis , Mo. . Au . U Olu.trlii g , 11.75- ! 1 % ; liul.inceu. $ i.l ( , ' > S ) . Money ijulut nt (1ST ( per cunt , lixchiiujo on Now York , 7Vj ulscoiint , NKVV VOHK. AUK. 2. . lSojel.il TtiloxNin to Tllilfci ! : -Ilxelninsu 1 was iiuotod us follows today : Uhlo IKO , TAc dlseoitnl ; Huston , 15o to lOudUcount , bl. l.ouls. 7. > c ; dUcotint. CiiiCAno. Ill , , AUK. ' " . Money , steady and iinclmnKud ! ) per cent for call and 5purcent for lime loins. II ink elu irln . (13'IIU.UJ. . Now Voric i\cliiiiin'e ! , Too dUcouut. taturlluK ox- elmnsc , noiiiln il. 1.1 VK bTOCK MAUKKTS. Ileef Cut I In Stc-inlj Uchnrs Lower HOK I'alily Aetlvn unit Sic.uly. CJM\IIA , Auir , 2. . 'Iho week sliuts out with liberal reeuiptsof cutllu und sheep und u llKht inn of lioi. . Tueie vvuro 111 oaiH of oaitlo on sulu , tvyleo as main' a wuru hcru last .Monday. Duly three lo.ds of cornfed cattle wuro Included In ihu teeeliits , iho dpiiiiiiu foi ihusa was brisk , anu they bold at fully stonily prices , onu bunuh nuljluiu l.S * ) Histiiln Inc fl.8. > , und Ihuolhui , wuiKh nf 1.14 Ibs. . brinulni : tl.Uj , \\'estern % mudu up thu blK bulk of the otfur- 1 us , und they woroK'oiierully rather common , \.ry fuvv of thuiii fill unoiiKh for huuf , llusi- ni'as dittKKed and salesmen wore calling the inlirkut in fiom 100 to Iftolovvur thiiUMtturduy , billet vvuro at from t0to Jl.'S. Tlioru wuru buvurtil loudu btlll unsold ut the olose. DCS r.iblo eoivs unu holtoru so d at fully bit-any pr.crs , but with all of sixty loads of COVVK and mi.\e < l block un * ale a decline of . > u to lOu was noted on thi < common and tnfuilor trriutes > uen | of poor to vorKood COVVH and hulfuii , vvc-ruut fiom tl tot..TX Hulls and HIIIUH vvuro Ki'iier lly uiicluuncd at from li.Ou to f./a : C'iilve were atuudy to sttont ; ut fiom J. uu lot ! ( > J , Thu vtoukor and feeder trade wns moderately .icllvu with prices ijiiotubly-btronu , Ihu lenu- lar dealers beliiufreu btiyura of Die fresli of- foriiiKb at fiom JJ.40 to io4 Hepieaeiitutlvu DIIKSBUl ) 1IEEK , No. Av. 1'r. No. Av. I'r. Na Av. 1'r. 1 , . fftl ( I 21 18. 1U ) tl 05 - . ' .1USJ $1 \ - > 2..1.-J5 U : J5 1..1J1U 415 3D.W \ 48) COVYd. 30 . b7& 1 W W W8 3 15 VV fcHTtllN CATTI.B. No. Av. 1'r. No. AT. I'r. Scowa. , . . USJ JJ 5J DIcovTS. , , , . 7W II OJ l 1UJ ii63 COVM. . . , , fcW 3UO SOUTH DAKOTA CATTLE. Scalvos ,410 201 2stics . . .1183 250 licalves .271 4 DO Slcows OiS 20) ) 21 feedeis , U11 U 03 2 cows 1013 150 CUVES ' 1. . 21) : t OD 1. . ,18J .13) 1. . 22J 400 1. . 210 323 2. 2ij 375 1. . U5 45 } HULLS. ,1543 , 1 03 I..KIW 1 03 1..1103 173 on 1 ' 'I STOCKKIIS AM ) HEIElt3 2 lOTi 2 03 5 770 2 10 31 10J5 2 * 0 03 OV1 2 „ " ' , ' 21 0'iJ 240 1 .010 . ' ' J lions The rather tnodost supply vv.is nuulo up litirftily of vurv common hojs. Thnro vv.n u fair shipping duuuind but the Imiulry from lee il houses w.is Indllloront , Trading vv is slow thioiiKliout nnd theto were elosu to 4JO Ii07stnllrjth-intls.it the close. The nuuo WHS from Jj 10 tofv.ri IK ilnstjl J ) to tl UO .Sit- urd.iy , but the bull.of thu ho s sold at pretlr no ir S ituraiiy's prLes , and thu averauo of prices p ild vv.is about the s line The feulliiK vv.i very vvc.ilc. S ilt-q wore luriely at from K > JO tojl.40. ncalnst * l.'r. to J5.41 Saturday. The general av or mo of prleus p ild was } 1 11J Siturdiy und $ j.5l'i ( 1-ist Mon- rins AND iiouan. 0 100 5 to Siir.ht' Uccolpls were quttollbcral , fourteen IDuK nud moblly westerns The marKetwas < : to iiy uud the bulk of ihu offurlnKs < haiiKcd hands it Rood pi lees. Tulr to Kood natives. $ J.7534 50 ; fnlr to good westerns , fJ5jl.5a ; common and stook she to , { J.5)i.r ) : j-ooil lo choleo 40 to Uj-lb. lambs | -5Jfl53. Itep- resenlatho hales : No . Av. I'r.- 7 n iltvo culls 87 H 00 47ntitlvo mlxutl . . . .77 4 to iG ! native liimbs 54 423 Ui-cclpts mill DiMiiisltl ill of Stock , Oniulul recolpts ind disposition of stock as shown by the books ot lliu Union block Yards comp my 'or Iho tn'outv-four hours cuJliu at 5 o'clock p. m. , Auu3t2. . 18JJ : HtCHI-TS. OISl'UUITIUV. List AVceU's 1'iirchiinos. -ncMoeic .M.irlrot. , III. , Aiii , 22. Lf-pscI ilTelosr.im to Tim BBKl There was , i \ ei y Hat u.arkct for eatt.o toJtiy. With v5uu < l ho id In the yard It could not wo 1 liavu been otherwise , nut oiiiy wcru Iho iceolplb , which \\ero 21U7' > , about ihu lar osto\ei known , ( they ha\obcen eiiialled only yuko before ) but Iho oxeiwlieliu- liiK bull , of them were of the com mon an.I mo.Hum sorts .Not inuru thin one c irlo id In twenty would Ki'tdo about , moil. und whl o e\lia dry-fed sluor weru quolud around * ' > 40 there ere exceedingly fuw iradcs it better than $1 The s-reator put of thu nitics changed h inds at f 10111 $ i.i > 5 to $ . ' . .r > foi cows and bulls and jit fiom JJ3I to &I..10 for steers' . The raniiurs , of which thuioeru about , > , uuu westerns and 7.000 Tcxuiis , weio quotoJ nt fiom t'.l'Jto ' $1.15 for tlio former anil at from $1 J5 to ! . ( ' . ' . " for Iho latter. The m-irUut closed dull iita ( U'l'lino In common to good nut \es of from 15e to2Jo and In TUMIIIS and westerns of from lOe to 15c pjr HID lUs Oholeo niillvesleurs wore about stu uly. the limited number of such An sale making It unneces sary for holdcis to sacrlllco. Tlio e ilf market was over supplied and remained weak. btojkets and feeders were Inaeilvo and nomi nally lo.ver. Kucoipts of hos , voro 23/03. no irly double the arrivals of the coriosuondlui ; Hay uiht wi'Ok. but the marl'et openuJllli u line and acllvodumina for all K'-o.l ' Krade shipping and paeklnv lies , and the biipply of Htieli was re idily abfeorbod at batutday's best prices. The supply of commoner grades whlen Included ast i u xtock of A. OJ head oft fiom lust week proved excessive , however and the nmi Let for this lower Kradu Mult tilled diiil and heavy ttiiouRhotit. The bulk of the fresn supply found > mlu bcforo the mar ket closed , but ihu tlalo stock was tint little reduced , l/'iiolco to prime shtpp nurados , -vj'H chlolly at from $ .S ) to $5. o , best llu-nt soit up lo $ ) ) , fair nilxoil and p icklnir from I j.V to J"75iiud Infotloi miiiits of lUht ami lou -h paukliiK at from { 3.10 to J.Vftd. 'Inure was a quiet niatkot fur sheep and limbs. Receipts , 7'ioO. Prices woio without any Important chuiiKlu . iiinKln fiom i.'uu tote to $0.0 > for thu former and lanibh suilint ; on u basU of from J I . ' 5 to tU.VJ for poor to choice. J'hu Cvenln ; Jonriiul rjpjris : OATTM : Hecelpls , 25UOO ; shipments. 3.000 , market steady ; Ilrnteliiea iiiitUcs and Texans steady , all oihurs 103l" > o lower : uxlriprlmu stoJis , * " ) .O.a5.J5 ; others. SI.'ltiQI 85j btooxors $ J.Oii.75 ) : Toxiins. $ X'i.iii.5Ji ransors , t.L5 ! ! ® 4.01 ; COWB. J..7Aa t.8X , Hods Uccoipls , .0,000 ; shipments , 8,000 ; mar ket steady to htronjt rotmh packer * , Jl.'aiO 64) ) : mixed , 5.co < aS.7ri ; prime heavy and liutohornalxlitstS.8nUtL 0 ; nssortod Unlit , J5.75 ® 5.bO ; other llfht , e.\u/K3 40 , srassots. JU52) ) 4.75. * * SIIF.KI' Hecolpts. ' "T/OTO / ; shipments. 2.0JO ; mitrket brisk , with lUnibs 'J" > 3" > u hUher and khuuii a trlllo lowurjijUioUers , * l,5 Q l U"i ; owes , $ .1.7 ( ! ( .4. ' > 0 : mixed uwua null wolhers , jl.uoiitl.Tl ; wuthers. ( .t.UJtfXSit wust ns , tl J ; lamb.- . , t.lDJ ® 0 00. _ St. I.nuU I.'tvfi at 10 1 < Alarknt. ST. UlI3 , JIo , AUiJ. -OATTIB Kocolpti. ; i.ci3 : ; shipments , I'UJ | .nurkotstondy on good nulho uiuuib , l.-ioVIoyur on Texas n.itlvu ulcers. M tOtol.'Si Tejcpus and Indian . d. ? l.OKiiili. ( Hois Itecelpts , l.nS'i shlpmontB , 3,300 ; mar ket stonily ; heavy BC&oai.To ; mixed lfJ.SOOS.05 ; c .U 70. , < ( . bllKisp Ueei'tpts , 4J ) ; shlpmoiUs , 2,100 ; mur- liot Bioady ; teed ' N v Vurk l.lvu rittiu. < .Markets. NKW VOHK. Auj. IlKisvEs-ltecolpts , 7,482 hoad. ino.u4ins forty ons fo ? sale ; Mr. ff O. Jones , of rulton , 'eajeofjj ' "About ten jcars OKO I con- traded a cetera case of blood pot * Eon , Ix.'aillMf'I'liJHiclaus ' prescribed incdlclno after incdlclno , which I took without nny relief. I ulsd tried mercurial and potash rcineiliea , nitlt unsuccoagful icsultf , butulilch bronulit on an attack of mercurial rheumatism that made my life one of ngouy. After gulferlni ; four jcara I gave up all remedies and began using B , 8.8. After taking funeral bottles I vraa entirely cured nnd able to resume work. la the greatest medlclno for blood s.ss : ; poUonlng to-day ou the market. " Treatise on Illooil And Bkln Dlieanci mailed nv. BWUT et'iXU'W CO. , AtUuU , Go. stccr , } l,5tlU.50 ! To.tnni nnd Colorado' . 5nm3t.nd ! bulls nndco\\ ? , ft.7ufl.19i ! drciscd beef itcadv nt TO'isjo | n < r Ib. hlimcnls | today , ioo beoieM tomorrow , 100 beeves and l.vaj quarter * of hcct. CALVKS ItccoluK. ' . ' .374 head ! tnnrkot dull and lowur ; voa's , MOU97.tt Rris-or , S..Wia , . . > . fciiFin Kccclptt , 2nt1 head ! m-irkot slow ind lovvors ihoep , ? l.lH)35ro ) per 103 ibn.s lniiib , JI.7.V37.UU ! droised nitittoni low at i-TclOo pei1 Ib ; dtcosLil lambs lower at 10 ® intu. lions Hccclnl ) . C.OJ1 hoid. Inoltldln : thron cari for snlci lunrUot llrm at ( J.75QD U tier IOJ Ibs. City I.IVP Stock. City , Mo. A\\s. 22. lUTTt.F. He- coltits. 7.110s sliliitnonta,80flisloors wcro weak .u iiiSino lower at it.l'00.4 W ) | cows steady at ! l.'i' > a. ' 4U [ Texas and Indian steers liSWic ovvtT at t.M05J'J.ri ! stocUurj and feeders BliMdy at tJ.na.MX ) . llooa Uerulpto , S.OOO ! shltinicnt , l.FOl ! the mnrKot wn iiuletnna stonily to. to lower ; all Kr uk"i. H 7i i > r.'is bulk. f > lOBJ RJ' { . SlitKl'-Kecoliit.A , 1,1101 shliiucnl8. | .10) ) : the nnrUet vvas ijuiot and stu.idy ; muttons , ! 1.75 ; lambs , t ) , ! > . , V Itncniiimcnil.itlon rnni Illlnolv , WII.MISOTOV , 111. , Annl H , 1391. I would suv that I can recommend Chnmbor- Inln's Honiedlos as a number one sot of family modlcinos such ns ovary home should bo provided with You can rely upon their being as nrar what they nro rocommoudod ns nny medicine sold in tlili part of thouountry. Especially would I rocoir.moiid Chamber- Iain's Chollc , Cholera anil Dwrrlum Koiiody ns havinp no equal for cholera morbus , cello or dinrrhui. HovliiR used these modlcir.oi mosnlf nntl sold thom for several voir , I know their vnluo ntid hive uo hoilitncy in rocommcndlnpthem. Lr.vi B. DCLL. Moro About Th it Uohbrry. OmiAUR. , . aa. To the HJltor of TUB BEB ! A few davs ago the World- Herald statoti lhat the Ciinio lo company collucls pt-0'.octlou of f5S2 por" ton on stool bllleK Lot us suo\ho truth of ttU stnto- mont : 1 hnvo n Into Issue of the Iron Ape bcfoto me urn ! notlco that steel billets soil lu London at 1 fid , which , ns near ns I can make It out , would bo about $ . ! ( ) US a ton. H It woio true that Iho manufacturer of n protected Industry adds the duly lo tho' foreign DiIco of n homo mauufncturad article , steel billets tHotild bo selling in the American market for ut least SlJiri ) a ton not allowing anything for transportation But turning to the 1'lttsburg markets I observe servo that thav soil nt t2t.5'J to S21 n ton. or about as much aa tbo English billets could bo laid down for. That disposes effectively of the oft-ropcntcd dcmocrullu cnmc.iign lie that the Drotoctlfo duty Is paid by the con sumer and pocketed by the itiniiufuctiuor. PllOTLCTlOX. A ItolliililiMun. . M. J. Orlnor. a Justlcn of the pence at t'rint , Mich. , s-ivs ono bottle of Chamber lain's Colic , Cholera nnd Dlarrhcni Hemodv saved hli life. Ilo had boon down with bloody llttx for three vxoeks when h > com menced using this modiclno. It soon cured him nnd ho bcltovcs saved hts IIfo. Ho also says It saved the lives of three railroad mou ! u that vicinity. 'Squlro G finer Is a rollablo und consclontious man , and whatever ho says can DO depended upon. Trim liiind 1'lrnlc. Over 8,000 people attended the annual pic nic of the Trou Bund at Toutoula park Hun- day. Peter I'onnor , the president , di rected the affair and kept everyone good natured - tured nua happy. The win Inter fered with some of the games on the pro gram but lulled to scatter the crowd. In the gentlemen's bowling contest Henry Martin won llrst prize , a line r.im ; John Ficdoricn , second , n big , black sheep , ncd Jnko Ktosler , third , nn old-countrv pipe * . Mrs. Itoliworvon Iho earrings put ns Hist prio on the ladles' bowling contest ; Miss Uoullcr won second , a lamb ; Mr * . Limburc got third , uti ulbum , utid Mrs. Kumpf louth a work box. In the boys' sack race Gorman was fitst , Shitrto second and Ilolztnan third. Harry Wilko was llrst in the boys' foot race , Dledrich second und Oldonnan third. In the girls' topfsctilimon Miss bpangcn- borg was fir-.t , Miss Trattner second and Miss Frlck third. WP.CPINO WATnit , Woo. . OoU 23. ' 03. Dr. Moore : Mv Dear Sir I hnvo just bought the third bottle ot your Trco of Llfo. It Is indeed a "Tree of Life. " Doctor , when you so kindly gave mo that first bottle mv right bide was so lame nnd sorn and my liver en larged so much that t could not lie upon my right side at all. There was a soronos ? over mv kidneys all of the titno , but now that troubio is all over. I sloop just as well ou ono side as on the other , and my.leep tests ana refreshes mo , and I fool the bust 1'vo foil In fifteen years.nuil I know th it , it U all dU3 loyour Tree of Lifo. Yours very truly , D. P. Uuui.ur. For sale by all drugplsts. Il lliiricst i\cumloiis vjiith it > tlio Wall isli l.lnr. On August 30 , Sotitumbpr 27 and Oc tober - " > tbo VViibnsh will soil round trip tickets nt half faro to points in Ala bama , Mississippi , Louisiana. Tennessee - see , Arkansas , TOMIS and Indian Torrl tory. Excuiiion train will leave Omaha -1.00 and Council Blulld 1:10 : p. in. on above dates. For rates , tickets and descriptive land pamphlets call at Wi.bash olllco , lo'J2 K.irnam Ftrout , or write G. N. CLAYTON , N. W. P. agent , Omaha , Neb. Saved the IL'o that is fight'nig r tion. Only act 2S5 = 5g-S ! * Pri 'ufihrf , and iV " " = : : ; " -C _ nothmx can ta\o - = - - - _ L- : _ you. Hut , Jf talc- cn in time , Dr. Picrco's Golden Medical Dibcovcry will cer tainly euro. It mtibt Ixj done through Iho blood nnd the "Discovery" Is the most potent blood- clcan&er , btrength-ipstorer , and flesh-builder that's knoun to mcdlcnl BCienco. ThoM-Tof- ulous affection of tlio lungs that's called Consumption , and o\cry foi in of Scrofula nnd blood-taints , all j icld I * it For Weak Lungs , BpitliiiR of UltSbd , liionchltis , Asth ma , and ell Eo\cro , lingering coughs , it's an uneualcd ) lemedy. It's the onfj/ ono that'3 tiwirantecd. If it doesn't Ixjnellt or euro , ui every case , you have your money back. Can anything clso , at any price , bo ically as cheap i You pay only for value received. Something clso , that pays the denier Iwt- tcr , may bo offered as "just as pood. Per haps it is , for him , but It can't bo , for you. SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. Dent cattle , hoi ; and sheep m irkot In the west COMMISSION HOUSES. CEO. BURKE & H1AZISR LIVE BTOOIC COMMlbSlON , TIM : MAi > nu3. ( NHll'l lWflt9 | to thts 1 > ° " for oor- .UU.ll V I Are3t | Marltet Heporti. Wood Brothers , routh Omaha Telophouo 11 > 7 , - Chicago Market reports by mall aul vvlro cboorf ully furiilbbcd upon np.ilto illon. TMB Campbell Commission Co. C'hlciiEo. nnstBt. I.ouls , ICaiiHinOlty. Sojth Um.ihj , abux Olty. I ort Worth. A. D. Boyer & Company , 63an < l-V ) Hxolmnzo llulldliuSouth Omiihi. Corrciponitenco nollcltuJ and umaiptlr bpocml intention to of.le lumturkura X fmitor . cd , I8SJ. . . . IncorporiUJil , UJ1 Cupltnlfiillr pMd. IW.WJ Waggoner birney Company Wrllourwlro u for prompt uuil reiutjo luarkas report * . Perry Brothers & Company , o LlvoStm'x Uommlvslon. Uoom M Uxcliuueo Ilulldlux , Boutb. Omaha U'cfvpuoug 1707. OMAHA 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. P 3 iM5\Y \ THREE THEATRE Co mm encing Sunday , August 21. AN UVIINT i-nsirivri.v OV.IU.SIIADOWIXO A.N\ I'ttl.V.OLs IMtllSlI.N'IATlON 01 AMHUICA.S DliAM \ . ,1'icoli Llttnnd " hoc 11 li\s ) | I'rodUIoinntd Pow erful I'ruiln tlonut Wltllim llainiilh's tiro-it und f.lorl mi S.iiulcil I'll ) . THE ENSIGM With all lU Mighty , Mnsil\e Mnunltlcenl and 1'lc- lute < qti'5i.enlo I qiilnnient' Includliu "Tlie'-lupinloiiH Donblu-Dcclt M.UIIO on the U. S 1 rlRHtiHin Inclnto " "A Vlu of Minimi lliirbor b , Moo-illiiht" "Iho I'ruililunfa I Ilir-iryut the Wlilto llouso" lliobpnr Deck of DM rrUulo ban Jiiclato " Bond's New Theatre. Grcal ( boil Fun Billows ol l/bs ( Laiiglilcr. Forever. Thursdav , Priioy , Sa urday AUGUST 25 , 26 , 27. SIXTH ANNUAL EDITION OF Sliouls. Yells. Screams. Hoars. Tour NlirhlH of fcolld run. eommono nx MJNUAV. AUCJDbP'Iht , Matliieusfeiiudiy an I Wniliiosiiiy. nn ageincnt of the uruatust C'omody Novelty produced In joars. OLE OLESON. With HiN : lIUMJHtUICs in the llllo lolu Hour Iho Swedish 1/ady Quurlol from block- helm THE EVANS , Unfit Itoiorl UotuI In the W t , MrlUIr rjrit Chim l.nruu lluouii , hliiKlo or hmullii. Now Dpc-n All Moili-rn hiiiirovuinonla , 'Inblo iiSpo chilly Honsonablu liutui for llnluncoor nuanuii Uiclicitrii niut Dunc'nu I'.vury Kvoiilnuln the Mil Ic Hull Hnu > t I'lunxo llntli ta tliu llnltuil L'tulfs llunulUnl .Mountain Mcncr ) ' , Hpleiullil Lllnintu , toJl NUIit , ho MiKUUltix .I.UJJIoct iiliove thu fvu 'Iho riouth liakotii Hot prlnu * nronttrnctliu nltontlan nil OUT tha world , and crdcurlnKii lurvor purtoaUio than imr Piln In tlio U S her rituj , bitlu , otc. nml other In- ormMlon.uadre. . , , O. J. MAUIIKN. Hot arlm | ! , houlh Daltolit. Elastic Stocking Trusses , Crutches , Batteries , Water Bottles , a Syringes , Atomizers , Medic a' ' Supplies. ALOE & PE8FOLD , 114S. 15111 St. , Next lo I'ostolfice. ' llr. Bailey , Sr The Loading Beiiti s t. Third L'loor , I'axton llloo'c. Telephone 108" . IBUi nnil ranttti : : Sis. A full not of teeth on rubber Inr 81 I'orfocl not Teeth without platen or removable urliluo worfc JiiH thu thing for alniturs or public spankers , no or ilrup ilovvn. THIVi'M EXTIIACTHD WITHOUT I'AIN Gold nillnsr ut ro ison iblo raten. All work warranted. Cut this out. for a culdu. NEBRASKA National Bank. U , P. DEPOSIT03Y - - OMAHA , MEB Capitol 1 $100,009 Sin-plus $05,001) omcor nnrt Dlrcrtorn Uonry W. Vnto < , president II. c , CiiBhlnit , vlcouroililunl , i' . H. MnurloeV. . V Morse. John i. Collliu J. .S. IL 1'atrlux , l.o li A l , c.nhlur. TM01 IRON I3A.NK. Tooth-Food * Thib medicine for babies prevents and cures pains of teething und resulting diseases , not by pulling children to sleep with nn opiate , for it cpntains no harmful drugs , but by supplying the tccth-forining ingredients which aie lacking in most motlicis' milk nnd all aitificial foods. It is sweet and babies like it. $1,00 a bottle , at all druggists. Send for pain- nhlct , "Teething Made Easy. " \ THE REYNOLDS MFG. CO. , CINCINNATI. O. "OO T1IOW NOA BVOJPPV 'PJifil"ift tof / " " " / / < " / / MO | A. P0 IU U4JfW 'lUJI | JlioX iuowu III * HOIII'IVll | U < j nll | * | o pu - * nwa uo | ilaJJ J UI t | | UOi | IU