Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 23, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    rm ? mirATTA PIATT.V nv.w * : r.TTcnAV : ATTnrr.QT 9Q 1009 1
JVnnual Pair and Speed Program to Bo
Given Next Week.
ttern U n 1,1st of thn Premiums for V
I'xIilliltuniHl Ciintr.sts thiit 1'romlso
In lln lllg Iri \rinc
The twelfth annual fair und exhibition of
the Douglas County Agricultural society will
cpon at the old fair grounds next Monday
and contlnuo tlvo days. The socloty offers
$ " 5,000 In premiums , Insuring parllculaily
praiseworthy exhibits In ovary department.
Reports received from various parts of the
county by Secretary John Bnumor indicate
an uvou greater interest than uiunl
in the fair tills year , and tbo vegetable ,
grain und llvo stock departments
will bo represented as hardly over
before , the splendid growing season having
undo It posstulo 'or tbo ambitious desires or
tba farmers In this direction to bo carrlod
out. Special attention will bo paid to the
Hiio urts department , the premiums ,
offered being of sufllclotit vuluo and
number to secttro the largest dlspluy of tbls
Ulna that has ever bcon n fouturo of the fair.
The entries In the speed department do not
close until tomorrow night , nnd while It is
positively Kiiown that there are a number of
horses yet to bo entciod It is cor-
Haiti that every ctuss will till , with
'pvorv ' probability of n largo Hold of starters
in each race. The exhibits have bcon divided
into seventeen departments , each in charge
of nn able superintendent who , according to
present Indications , \\lll have all that bo
cares to look after ,
W. N. Nason , secretary of the Board of
-Trade , will superintend class XlV.for which
-tho following premiums buvo boon offered :
Class XIV Special I'trimimi * .
W. N. Niuon , Superintendent ,
Tbo Union Stock Yard * company , South
TDmaha , offers special premiums for cattle ,
best bunch ot fat stodrs from four to Ion In
'Dumber ' , $ . ! U ; swine , best t > our of any ago or
breed , $10 , bnst sow of ny ago or breed , $10 ;
cheep , best ram of anv ago or breed , $5 , best
three or moru sheep , $ . " > .
Sutphon's line carriage repository-013 and
2020 Farnam street , otTcis special premium
to the lady under eighteen years of ngo , tbo
best driver of team of horses , ono handsome
phaeton cart , value $30.
The Nebraska Seed Company , 421 and 123
South Fifteenth street , Omaha , Nob. , ofTois
rpecial premiums for best and largest dis
play of different varieties of vegetables
Clown und exhibited bv any one market gur-
Ocnor , premium payable In heed selected by
[ ardonor from their 1MU seed catalogue. $15 ;
best nnd largest display of different varieties
Of oats , but ley , rye und wheat In the sheaf ,
exhibited by any ono farmer , momlum payu
1)1 o In seed selected by gardener from their
1802 seed catalogue , f5 ; best and largest dis
play of different varieties of Held corn , r > 0
oars cutb , grown and exhibited bv any ono
farmer , premium payublo In seed selected by
farmer fiom their 1MU seed catalogue , $5
Kllpatrlck , ICocb & Co. , Omaha , Nob.offer
special premium for hnndsowlng : Best and
largest display of hondsowlng by girl under
15. * . " > ; drawing : Best industrial , by pubil la
publlo school In Omaha , $10.
John I. Kcdick , Omaha , Nob. , offers spe
cial premium for painting : Best Herat de
sign painted by young lady under 18 , $10.
The Boston Store , corner Sixteenth and
Douglas , Omaha , Neb , offers special pro
mlums for best handmade calico dross by
jdrl ucuor 15 years , one tab'o ' scarf , value ,
$ ! ; best specimen of linen lace knit by a girl
under 18 ) ears , ono goldhondcd parasol ,
Value ft.
* Loo-Clark-Androcson Hardware company
offer special premium for best display of cut
Uowersone dozen silver plated teaspoons , $4.
Mmo. Hickmuu , millinery , Omaha , Neb. ,
odors special premium for art needleworlt :
best collection by one exhibitor , ono dress
bonnet , value 110.
Albert Cuhn , men's furnishsr , Omaha ,
iipb. , offers special premium for quilt : Best
patchwork , sllk.onosilk umbiulln , value 912.
H. O. Clark , agent Lfupont Powder com
pany , 1218 Harnoy street , Omaha. Nob.offers
upcclal premium for best display ot brooms
manufactured in Douglas county , $10.
W. A. L. Gibbon As Co. , butlers , Omahn ,
Neb. , offer special premium for best miluh
cow , bosi hat in their Store , ? 7.
S. A. Orchard , Omaha , Nob. , offers special
premium for best and laigcst display of pre
served fruit , rug , value $7.50.
Haydcu Bros. , dry goods und carpets. Six
teenth aireet , Omaha , Nob. , oflor special pre
miums tor best farmer's ' butter , a complete
glass water sot , vnluo $10 ; largest size
PUtnpkln , u ion-pound box log cabin mixed
candy , value ? 4. *
Diexol & Uoscnzwolg , 1419 Farnam street ,
Omaha , Neb , oflnr special premium for best
nnd largest display of vegetables giown and
exhibited by any ono person , ono puirot
Ytinttla ( Inn ahrtna trnlitii 5 *
Coitlnontnl Clothing House , N. E. Cor.
Fifteenth and Douglas , Omaha , Neb. , offer
special premium for map of Nebraska , best
drawn by boy under 10 , pupil of any
publlo rchool in Onmha , ono boy's ' suit , value
* 7.50.
Blliko , Bruce & Co. , 401 , 103 nnd 105 South
Tenth street , Omahn , Nob. , offer special pre
mium for best tlvo poUuus of butter inado by
a girl unacr 18 } oar < of ago , ono cut-glass
bottle of elegant perfume , $ J.50.
Hector & Wllhelmy Co. , 51'J. ' 521 and 52J
South Tenth street , Omaha , Nob. , offer
special premium for boat lol of short horn
cuttle , iiotloss than throe , ono tool chest and
sot of "cleat ) clipper" tools , vuluo $10.
Frank Cross ( _ ! un company , Omahn , Nob. ,
offtu-i special nrjnilum for best portrait In
crayon , tennis rni. rot , vnluo S7J50.
Sam Burns , crockery nnd glassware ,
Omaha , Neb , , otTeis special premium for
minting , best collection of water colors. Ono
lamp , value { 5 ,
I'axton A : Gallagher. Omaha , Neb , offer
special premium for bust display of fresh
/run giown In Douglus county. Ono cuso of
line canned goods , $5.
Fred Krug llrou'ingcoinpany offois special
premiums for best samulo of barley , not less
thitii ono half uushol. Two cases of quart
bottles export beer , $ . > ; second best , ono cuso
of quart bottles of ox port beer..50. .
. C. D. Woodvvorlh As Co. , saddlery und har
ness , 131(1 ( Farnam struct , Omaha , Neb. ,
offer special premium for second best ladv
rider. One English riding bridle , vnluo ( S. '
Max Mojcr A : Bro. . Jewelers , Sixteenth
and Farnam. streets , Omahn , Neb. , offer tbo
following special premiums : For the best
flvo varieties of jollies , inado bv young lady
under 18 , Urn premium , ono silver Pitcher ,
vnluo $12.50 ; second premium , ono Omaha
( lloiiid of Trade ) souvonlr silver spoon ,
Value | 4.
Lobeck Jk Linn , hardware , 1101 Douglas
trcot , Omaha , Nob. , offer special premium
for best bottle of domestto or homo-made
wino mndo from fruit grown in Douglas
county. Ono plush case embroidery und
toilet nloliel plated scissors- value $5.
Meyer it Kaapko , wholesale groceries , 1403
and 1405 Harnuy .street , Omaha , Neb , otter
special premium for best sugar boots raised
in Douglas county. Ono box of tea , $12.
Puillli , Orundorf & .Martin Co. . Ninth and
Jones streets , Omaha , Nob. , offer special
premium for best brood miiro colt raised In
Douglas county. Ono single liarncsn , value
Jeff W. Bedford , coal dealerote. . . 2J1
South Fourteenth street , Omaha , * ob.olfur
special premiums ns follows : For the bost50
cars of yellow dent corn grown iu Douglas
county , 1 Ion ot uoml-anthraclto coal , vuluo ,
$0 ; for the hoit sample of o.iLs , not Ios than
half bushel , 1 ton of ICxccUiorconl , f7.
Tbo Homo Sowing Macnlt.o company offurB
spocinl pntinlums on best and largest display
of niJicblno iicudl'iwork done and exhibited
by anv ono lady residing in Uouijlus county ,
ono No. 1 leitf
drop nnd cover kowlng ma-
c'hlnc , value < ( W ; dealyrsuml export * barred.
CiuahuTonl and * Atvnluz comoaiiy , 11)3 )
Farnam street , Omahuoffer special promlum
on best and laigest display of farm produce
exhibited mid grown in Douglas county , 1
tent , vnluo $15.
Churchill Pump company , wholesale-steam
end wnter supplies 1014-1010OouKlos street ,
ofTor special premium ou best und largest
display ot vonetublui grown bv ny ono por-
on In Douglas county , ono cLateru puwi ) und
pipe , value H ) .
Louock & Linn , hardware , 1404 Douglas
street , Omuha. Neb. , otfer spoolnl premium
on boat lot Hoistelu cattle , not loss than U , 1
ol corvini ; cutlery , f 10 ,
Walter llrnotiiCo.wholoaalo llquoraetc. ,
1KK1 ! Douglis street , offer spuclal promlum
on boat lot of grape * , not loss than U randies
nd 1'J tiunche * Iu ouuti lot , s uu rimst buvu
been grown by exhibitor In Douglas county ,
; 1 c.iso of wino , JfJ.
Ilnord * it Slovcr * , coal dealers , 303 South
Sixteenth utreof , Omaha , offer < po inl pro-
tntum on best sample of wheat , not loss than
half bushel , nnd grown In Douglas county , I
ton of Eureka coal , value t7.
Uewov St Stone Furniture company , HI5-
111" Parnam street , offer special premium on
best ornamental Ittco work , I rocker , value
Chase ft Eddy , stationery , etc. , 113 South
10th street , Omaha , Nob. , offer special pre
mium on bou painting on satin plush or
velvet , I album , value W.
Omaha Street Lighting company offer
special premium on best lot of Poland China
hogs not loss than 5,1 lawn lantern , value 17.
Columbus Huggv company , .113 South Six
teenth street , offer special premium for best
Ingle driving horse to buggy , 1 smglo har
ness , vnluo $ r > .
Omaha Hubhor company , 1513 rarnam
street , offer special premium for the best ox-
lilliitlon of I ) varieties of Mowers , GJ foot ilsh
brnna garden hose , value $10.
Farrall ft Co. , manufacturers and Jobbers
of preserves , jollies , sirups , molnssoj , ate. ,
217-218 South J iKhth street , Omaha , Nob. ,
offer special premium for t > best varieties of
jollies made in Douglas county , 100 pounds
mania iiicar , value f ifi.
OmMia Can Manufacturing company , 233
South Eighth street , Omaha , Nob. , offer
special .special premium for best sorghum
( sirup ) raised nnd made In Douglas county ,
ono Oil-gallon oil tank , value $12.
Nebraska Steam laundry , 1S23 Howard
street , Omaha , Neb. , offer special premium
for best lot of sheep , not loss than 1 , raised
In Doug as countv , half-dozan men's shirts ,
value $12.
Uatch & Laumnn , wholesale and retail
crockery , etc. , 1514-1510 l arnnm street , off < ; r
special premium ou best hand-painted china
by a Dnuglas countv lady , 1 toilet s t ,
vnluo $ "i.
Charles Shlvenelc & Co. , furniture , oto ,
1200 to 1210 Fnrnum itrcot , offer special pre
miums as follows : for best display of em
broidery work exhibited by latiy residing in
Douglas county , chair , value $ . ' 0 ; for best
looking baby girl under'J year * of ngo , on-
torlng thn npeclal tnoinlum department on
Thursday , 1st of September , notwoon the
hours of 1 to U o'clock in tbo afternoon , baby
carriage..valuo $5.
Mrs. J. Benson , fancy dry goods , 210-212
South Fifteenth street , offers special premium
on beat display of silk , wool and cotton knit
ting by lady residing in Douglas county , 1
table spread , value $12.
Morse-Coo Shoo company , manufacturers
of boots and shoes , llU'J ' Howard street , offer
specialDrnmiums as follows ; To thu boy
under 10 yeans of ago who will bilng to the
fair the best bushel of corn raised In Doug
las county , IS'.U ' , 1 imlr of shoos made at
their Onmha f ictory ; to the girl under 10
i cars ofige who will bring to the fair the
best --pound toll of butter , 1 pair of shoos
mndo at tbolr Omaha factory ; In cuso these
shoes don't lit they ran bo exchanged by anv
dealer who handles their shoos , or at "their
salesroom , 1101) ) ilouanl strcot ,
S. Jonnson , jeweler , 1311 Parnnm street ,
oTo ( 1-3 special premium for best < < hlrt , baud-
tnado , by laay residing in Douglas county , 1
eight-day clock , value , SO.
People's installment house , furniture , car
pets , stoves , etc. , special premium for best
portrait In oil , 1 toilet sot , value , Slfl.
Thompson , Ueldcn & Co. , dry goods , oto. ,
Sixteenth and Douglas streets , special pre
mium for best mid largest display of orna
mental lace work by ladv rosljlng In Doug-
1 ns county , 1 dress pattern , value , $ w.
W. K. Bennett company , general mer
chandise , 1512 Capitol uvonuo , otTer ppoolal
pietmum for best cole raiscu In Douglas
county , ago not loss than 1 your and not over
2 years , 1 single huinoss ( breast collar ) ,
vnluo , $15.
Arthur H. Brigcs , hatter , 210 South Four-
tcontu strnot , offers special premium for best
sample of early Irish potatoes , not loss than
one-half bushel and raised in Douglas
countv , 1 bat , value , * 5.00.
C. B. Connor & Co. , wholesale liquor , etc. ,
1409 Douglas street , offer special premium
for best sample of wila praps wino , not loss
than 1 quart and made in Douglas county , 1
case ot-wlno , value. 37.
Anhouscr-Busch Brewing company offer
sperla ] premium for best sample of burley
iu sheaf , not loss than 10 Inches In diameter ,
exhibited and grown In Douglas county , 1
cask of Anbouser-Uusch bottled boor , value
* 10.
Milton Rogers & Son , stoves , oto. , 1321
mid 132J Farnam street , offer special pre
mium for boat pair of fantall pigeons , 1
brass bird cage , vnluo Si.
The Singer Sowing Machine company olTor
special premiums on handsomest baby dros.i
made by lady of Douglas Couutv on u Singer
sowing machine. 0-drawer oak , vlbratinp-
shuttle sowing machine , value $75 ; dealers
nnd exports barred.
liennlson Brother ? , dry goods , etc. , 1519
aim 1521 Douglas strcot , offer special pie-
mium on best pair of pillow shams , drawn
work , 1 library lamp , value $5.
A. Hospo , jr. , pianos , organi , art goods ,
oic. , 1513 Douglas street , offers special pre
mium for best landscape iu pencil , 1 picture ,
value $ . > .
William Week bach , wholesale cigars , 1314
Plorco street , offers special premium on best
tobacco exhibited and grown in Douglas
county , 100 cigars , value S5.
D. M. Stooio & Co. , Twelfth and Jones
streets , offer tbo following special prnmtums
for the best loaf of broad made from Pills-
bury's Best Flour :
Exhibitors can use boo yeast , milk raising ,
salt raising or any other yeast or method
they may prefer , tbo only conditions being
that they shall use only Pillsbury's Best
l < 'lour and the broad to bo "light baked" in
common square broad tins. The premiums
will bon'vaidea bv n committee of three Indies ,
to bo appointed by tbo ofllcors of tbo Douglas
County Agricultural society , neltberof whom
will bo n competitor , directly or Indltcctly ,
and who will award the premiums without
knowing the names of tbo competitors. Tbo
exhibitors must enter by numbers only , and
their nutno nnd ad u res ? must bo placed In n
scaled envelope , marked uith their number
on outside , and securely attached to the loaf
of bread to bo exhibited , nnd each competitor
is reuiilrcd also to incloso in tlio envelope a
written statpmout that they Imvo usca Pills-
burv's Host l-'lour. und none other , in wak
ing that loaf of broad , und signed with tbclr
full name ana place of leslnonco. These en
velopes will be opened after the pioiuiums
are awarded , und tbo prizes sum to that ad
dress. All the competing loaves will bo the
property of D. M. Steclo & Co. after the
premiums are awarded und will bo by thorn
distributed to the chariiiiblo Institutions of
this citr. This contest to bo on Thursday ,
September 1 , IbO. . The premiums ure :
Ivor tbo best loaf , $10 In gold ; for tbo second
end best loaf. 1 bariel Plllstmry'a Best ,
worth $0 ; for the third bust loaf , ono 10J-
pound sack Pillsbury's Best , worth $ . ' ( ; for
the fourth bnst loaf , ono 50-pound sack Pills
bury's Best , worth $1,50 ; total value $ 0.50.
E. D. Moadlmbor , carnage manufacturer ,
1513 Chicago street , offers special premium
for best and largeit 5 stalks of corn , 1 wagon
umbrella , value $ .5.50.
William Gentleman , grocer , fXU and 503
North Sixteenth street , offers rpcclal
premium for best 0 heads of cauliflower , 0
B talks ot celery and 0 musk melons , 1 hang
ing lamp , value M.
A. L. Root , grocer , offers special premium
on best exhibit of pears nnd plums raised in
Douglus county , 1 case California peaches ,
vnluo $ . * i 50.
Mrs. Culdwoll K. Moody , china , glassware
and lumps , ! ll > - Noilh Sixteenth stieet , otters
special premium for Host eroclioU'd skirt , 1
lump , value $0. ,
Vnncott Jewelry companv , 1334 Rmmm
stroct.oflors spcuul premium for best bouquet
of llowors by umuteilr , Hewers must bnvo
been grown by exhibitor in Douglas county ,
1 silver vase , value $10 ,
John S. Caullleld , books und stationery ,
lUOt Farnam street , oilers special premium
for best plccoof woodwork exhibited and
mudo by boy under 18 yearn of ago roaldlng
In Douglas county , I sot of Dickons' work * ,
value $7.50.
John B. Kouny , 3121 Maple street , offers
special premium for iho best assortment of
oakoa exhibited and mudo by lady residing iu
Douglas county , cash $10.
J. F , MuArulv , Mlllurd , Nob. , offers special
premium for bvst this year's colt borvod by
Btalllon Dude und raised In Douglas county ,
cash 110.
I'hlllp Stlmi-iel , wholosnlo soeilj , b'nder '
twine , Implmnants , etc. , Ull Jonoi street ,
offers special premium on lurgost and best
nxblblt of upplos , 1 older mill , value $33.
Omaha Honk and Stationery company , 117
North Sixteouth atroot.ofltr special premium
io < host assay on any rollfloun topic , Heather
cover Kilt edge bible , vnluo $7.50.
W. A. Puce Soup company , 115-1'- ; ) Hick
ory street , offer the following special pro-
iblums : For the bnst bandmuda ctiumlso , 1
box Union soup , value , $5 ; for the belt baud-
tuado calico drois , 1 * box hard water soap ,
value tU.
East Oumtia Land company , 1001 Farnam
at i out , offer special premium on best gallon
of rhubarb wino mudo Iu Douglas county ,
cash $ ia
Uulou Life Iiuuraaco company , 407 J. J.
Brown block , offjr spo lal premium for the
best cssav In favor of patronizing homo llfo
Insurance comnnnlas , not leu than three
competitors , gold $ J. > .
C. ( J. Sherwood , iadia-.1 clothing , Now
York Llfo Insurance building , offer * sporial
premium for best crocheted tidy by girl
under 14 years ot ge , 1 Jupanoso hanging
rose jar , vnluo $ J.50.
Itnby Department.
Joseph A. Connor , room 40 Board of Trade
building , superintendent ,
Joseph A. Connor oilers special premiums
IM follows ! For the handsomest pilr of
twins under'J years of ape , cash $10 ; for the
handsomest babv under 3 years of ago ,
e.i h $ . > .
Entries must bo mndo to Mr. Joseph A.
Connor , room 40 Board ot Trade building.
Bublos must bo on exhibition on YVodnosany ,
August 3i , at 11 o'clock in tbo forenoon , at
the fair grounds , grand stand.
r > prclnl 1'ri'inltims.
Collins & Morrison , harness and snddlorv
haidwaro , 1310 Douglas street , Omaha , Neb. ,
offers special premium for best lady rldor ,
ono lady's saddle , $ J3.
Ilussoy & Dav company , plumbers nnd gas
litters , 411 South Fifteenth street , Omahn ,
Nob. , offer special premium for best collec
tion of drlod fruit , Douglas county product ,
one lamp. $15.
Browniiiff , King ft Coi , pontv furnishing
goods , offer special premium for second best
collection of dried fruit , Douglas county pro
duct , ono umbrella , $12.
Home Fire Insurance company , Now York
Llfo building. Omaha , Nob. , olfors Rpecial
premium for best boy horseback rldor 10 to
15 vears of ago , $10.
II. F. Cndy Lumber companv , 201 South
Ninth street , Omaha , Nob. , offers special
premium for best landscape painting , onn
plcturo easel , $15 ,
II. Hardy As Co. , Ole itoro , Omaha , Nob. ,
olTuM special premium for second boit land-
BCUDO painting , ono Indv'a work stand , $10.
Wm. Fleming ft , Co. , grocers , 1401 DougUs
street , Omana , Nob. , offers special premium
for bo3t homo made plcklos. 1 dozen quirt
bottler Mnnltoil table water , 2.
Richardson Drug company , corner Ninth
and Jackson streets , Omaha , Nob. , offers
special ptomlum for best drawing ot plans
for n six-room cottage by n pupil of High
school , ono gent's toilet ease , $5.
Horrlblo 1'ato ot n Workmnii Who Foil
Asleep VVhllo on Duty.
Vinv.VA , Aug. 22. A workman named
Pakor mo * with a horrlolo fate at Warburg
a few days ago. The man had boon engaged
in repairing n furnace at thq Vogel Iron
works nnd It Is supposed had fallen asleep
while at work Inside a Hue. Some fellow
workmen , not knowing that Pakor was in
side , bricked up thu lluo nnd soon after flro
was started In tbo furnace. Two days
elapsed and the relatives of the missing man
began to malto Inquiries. As he had last
been seen nt work in the furnace , it was de
cided to make a search there. When the
lluu was reopened the man's remains woto
at once found , blistered and charicd beyond
recognition. Many or the furnace bricks
had been dislodged from their places , show
ing that tbo poor follow had made desperate
efforts to escape.
Mmiy Douths unit Accidents Ciiusoct by tlio
I'o.irfully Hot Wuiithor.
LONDON , Aug. 22 , Tbo Paris correspon
dent of the Standard says : The hoot
snapped a rail at the Bourgot station
today , causing tbo telescoping of n train.
The driver ana stoker of the engine were
crushed to dentil.
The Standard's Vlcnra correspondent snvs
that the boat has caused numerous for
est ilres and has injured Hold cropj ,
especially in Hungary , though the vintage
prospects are vary lino.
A dispatch to tbo Times from Lucerne
says : The heat has caused a fall of ice from
the alaclar in the valley of the Tarvisb ,
which almost destroyed tbo village of Tasch ,
near Zcrmatt. A torrent has destroyed portions
tions of the Vloijo-Zarmatt rallwav. There
nro various indications of the expansion of
the upper snow fields by the beat. Climbers
shoula bo warned of oxtron.o danger ( rom
VKNIOB , Aug. 22. An Infantry regiment
niarchiia- from Monsclllco today suffered
dreadfully from the heat. Over 100 ox-
baustod soldiers werolofl dying by the road
side , and twenty wcro put In the hospital In
Dolo. Tno whole of northern Italy Is suffer
ing from a protracted period of unusual beat ,
the maximum readings of the thermometer
ranging UDOVO 90 ° with unusually high mln-
imums. Thoioisno prospect of a change
yet. Many sunstrokes have occutrod among
the tr ops , but owing to excellent precau
tions tbo cases are rarely fatal.
PAHIS , Aug. 22. During the maneuvers
two soldiers died from tbo effects of boat ,
and 2,200 bad to bo sent to hospitals.
I'eiirful Death Itoll of tlio Clioleru In
ami I'orsln.
Lovnov , Aug. 22. A dispatch to the Times
from Teheran says : Cholera is decreasing
rapidly iu Tabris , where the number of
deaths has fallen to sixty dally. Tbo epi
demic is still severe in tbo neighborhood of
lonaran. The governor , and his wife alod
today. Several Europeans have died. The
only trustwoity independent estimate is that
tbo deaths number from SOU to 1IJO daily.
The Standard's Berlin coriospoudcut says
that since tlio hot spell numerous cases of
cholera have appeared in vailous parts in
Germany and several persons have died of
the discaso in Ilamuuig , but no cast's of
AsiatEa cholera have bean roportod.
ST. Pr.ramiUKO , Aug. 2' . The cholera ro-
tuins for all Hussia show that 0,510 now
cases and 3.077 deaths have been reported in
tbu last twenty-four hours.
BiiL'SHKi.s , Aug. 2J. An opidomlc of cholera
prevails In tbo town of Jiima , three miles
from Churloroy. Many persons buvo boon
attacked since yesterday morning und two
have died of tbo disease.
citAM.iNiii : : ) TIII ; \\KO.\K MAN.
A Cicriunn Llmitniuuit Kills Ono Artltit and
xiviiriilyViiuiils Aiiiithnr.
NHW YOHK , Aug. 22. A Berlin cable to a
morning paper says : Lieutenant Hooborn
had trouble early last WOOK with Herr Trati-
li-jU , a sculptor , and * ' Herr Portz , a painter.
The differences between tbo oflicer and tbo
artists were cuusea by tbo former's slighting
remarks concerning iho members of a olub
to which Pertz nnd Traubolz belonged , nnd
were aggravated by tbo lieutenant's rulloa-
ttons upon women of tbo various artists' ' ac
quaintance. Eventually Hoobern brought
matters to a bead by Insulting both men In
publlo. Tboy challenged him nnd both duels
were fought with pistols on Thursday. In
tbo ili-st dual Traubolr was severely
wounded ; In the second Perlz wa.s shot
dead , Hooborn is under military arrest.
M \VorkrrH Sot Fire to u Mill nnd Several
Are Killml liy the Solillum ,
Sr. PiiTi'iisiiuito , Aup. 23.-A serious labor
riot occurred yesterday at Ekatrlnslav ,
Workman employed In Mr , Hughes' stool
rail factory not lira to a number of workman's
dwellings , plundered the factories nnd baa
bognn to demolish the furnaces , when the
military detachment which had boon sum
moned arrived ou the scene. A sharp en
counter took place between tbo troops and
the workmen and several persons were
killed ana a l&rpn number wounded before
the riot was suppressed , Tbo damage denote
to the property Is sop real that it will take
three months to effect repairs ,
Mi'lhoiiriiu' * Itrokva Hunk.
LONDON , Aug. 22. Tbo committee of Mel
bourne rhareholdors of the Mercantile Bunk
of Australia reports that tbo bank has been
insolvent slnco lb3D. It nUo reports that Sir
Matthew Uuvies , the chairman of the direc
torate , mudo advances to various companies
ho promoted , losing 500,000 In such outlays.
It Is probable that thu shareholders will bo
obliged to moot a delicti of 475,000. , London
shuroholdors largely bought issues at a
ptomlum. Throats of criminal prosecution
are made against tba chairman and directors.
Arruitcul un Amurloan Oniditl.
MAUIIIU , Aug. til' . The police of Sauzbas-
tlan on Friday night urroHod by inlstako the
American charpo d'affaires al Madrid who
has been staying at Sanzbastian In ardor to
confer with tbo minister of Iho colonies on
tnu Cuban commercial treaty. When bis
identity was mudo known'ho was Immedi
ately liberated with profuse apologies which
wcro occupied by iho charge.
Etkhorn Officials Rf.qufntid to Explain
In Olio lintnnron DMniioa of 1'our Mtlm
Mnko < t u IHITproiicf at rorty Cents
Per Ton i In
LINCOLN , Nob. , Aup. 22. ( Spooial to THE
BEIS.J It bos been sonio tlmo slnco the sec
retaries of the State Boardot Transportation
Invo hud nn Important case to work upon.
But ono was tiled today which will glvo ttiom
something to do for some tlmo. It Is a com-
ulnlnt of dlsorlmlaatlon ngaliuttbo Fremont ,
Etkhorn & Missouri Volley Kallrond com
pany. It may bo bast stated by giving a copy
of the complaint itself :
Wo , tlio umlenlenod coal do.ilcrs of I'lcrco ,
Pl'ilnvlanr. Urolglitou nnd Vordlitro , on tl-o
Norfolk ft Uraliclitou brunch uf tbo i < 'rotnout.
nikliorn ft Missouri Viilluy null-Old , would
most ro4ui'tfillly | ) cull your munition to the
following illscriiiilnitton : In nito-t on Itock
SurliiRs co it uolwet'ii 4tho ubovo named towns
mid towns on tlio initln IImi of sutd roud us
follows s il'l rates bo In. ; In favor of tlio nmlii
line towns :
Taking Norfolk us n starting point , tbo rate
to Ndlull on tlio nmln linn west H II.-5. Vat
from Norfolk tu 1'lorco. lit teen in 11 us. It Is ? ! : n ;
Norfolk to L'ostor , twenty-two inllos , It Is ft 4" > i
Norfolk to 1'liitnvlow. thirty in lies , it Is (151 ;
Norfolk to OrulKliton , forty-two inllus. It Is
SIM : Norfolk to Vcidlgro , fifty-four tnllos. It
* l ' > \
Muklnc u dlffercnco In favor of Nollsh and
. Kiilnst CroU'htoM , which Is only four mlles
lonKur liiulI , of 4D cents nor ton.
Thurcforo wo ur.iy your lionornblo body to
cnuroUo tlio uowor ImjMHoU In you by law to
rullovo us from this ilnjiHt discrimination.
A. 1) . NOMIUOOK , Orol.-liton.
GolthUj llno-i , uroUhtun.
HAMILTON , V McL'ov , Uroighton.
llumi lines , CrulKhton.
HAMILTON .t UITON , 1'lorco.
11. 11. Mniin , I'lcrco
Coitut.i. HIIOH , I'lulnvlaw.
O. 11. WMITZ& , Co. . I'liilnvlow.
l11. . IIoiiTUN. Vordlcra.
Cl < 9l | > nt the Stntu House.
Land Commissioner Humphrey gave notice
too a v tnat i9DGO ! acres of school Innds in
Grant county would bo put on the market on
Soptcmbor IT. Tbo sale will talio place at
HyaunlE , the county scat.
Acting Governor Majors today issued a
warrant on u requisition of Governor Flfor
of Illinois for tbo urrcst of Lovt L. JL'rotzol ,
\vbo stands indicted for tbo crliao of larceny
in Cook county , Illinois. Pretzel is now
under arrest at Crete for somn minor oltoaso.
Tbo cuso of the Kaatoilv llurvodting com
pany ucuiust Wesley and I'aris Pringlo was
Hied in tbo supreme court this morning. It
comas from Funras county.
Another ease lllod iu the supiomo court
today is entitled E. \Vonaorliob at al
against Fmimo C , Walker. It is a
county case.
Music nt tlio State Fair.
Tbo prospects for something now and
original in the way of inusio at tbo state fair
are excellent. Secretary Furnas of the state
board states that so far twanty-ono bands
have slnilleu their liitcntkm to bo present
during fair week. Tboso bauds ore as fol
lows :
Louisville , twenty pieces r ; Douglas , seventeen -
teen pieces ; IConnara , ' slxtoeu plooos ; Au
rora , eighteen pieces ) ' Madison , sovontnon
pieces ; Ovorton , llftoqn pieces ; Genoa , fif
teen pieces ; -St. Paul , eighteen pieces ;
Wcston , slxtoeu pianos1 ; Beaver Ulty , four
teen pieces ; Hemlngford , sovoutoon pieces ;
Holdrogo , fourteen pieces ; Archer , seven
teen pieces ; Tobias , seventeen pieces ; Hum-
boldt' , seventeen DIOCOS ; 'WaDash , fourteen
pieces ; Unadilla , Boventoon pieces ; Colum
bus , seventeen plecas ; Mead , fourteen
pieces ; Indlanola , nineteen pieces ; Fullerton -
ton , seventeen pieces1 Ample accommoda
tions will bo furnished for all bandtnon who
come , and it is expected that at least ton and
perhaps jipads will bo present
In addition to those enumerated above. A.
number of valuable prizes , inrludinc prize
band instruments and cash , will bo limit ; up
for competition.
SmuUiod a JIoHO Chrt.
Ilojo cart No , 2 was badly used up last
evening while making a run to a lira at
Eleventh and V streets. When the corner
of Sixteenth and O streets was reached the
driver inado n short turn. The puvoinent
was very slippery from the rain which had
fallen several Hours previously and ino cart
overtuincd. The men were thrown violently
from their seats , but with tbo exception of a
fo.v bruises all cscapca unhurt. Tbo flio to
which the won were poinp ; proved to oo in a
small unoccupied frame dwelling house. It
had undoubtedly oeou started by tramps , a
largo number of whom are raauing Lincoln
their slopping place at the present timo.
1'roin tlio i'ollco Court.
Harry Kbodes , a younc man about 22 roars
old , is under arrest at the police station for
the crime of burglary. Ho is charged with
entering tbo rosidonc- Mr. Wllflams at
Ii0 ! South Sovoutnonth street at about U
o'clock Sunday morning. He gained an
entrance to tbo dining room by prying open
a window and then proceeded to search the
house for money or valuables. Ho was dis
covered by Mrs.Vllliums , who obtained a
good view of his fuco as bo lighted a match
and peered Into nor room.
Harrv Ferguson was arrested this fore
noon lor attempting tojstoal u silver wat3h
from the store of O'Neill & Gardner on O
street. Ho walked Into tbo store and uskod
to look at some watches. While oogaeliiK
the clerk in conversation bo slipped ono of
the time pleas into his coat pocket. His
notion was observed by the clerk who quietly
dispatched a motsonger for a policeman' .
When the ofllcor came Ferguson was
searched and the watoh found In his pockot.
The police nro in aoarcb of a couple of
footpads who held upJ. P. Wagner shortly
after midnight Sunday. Wagner lives a't
3W South Twentieth street , and was holu
up bv two man when within a block of his
Mrs. Loose , a well known character , is
under arrest for collecting money under
false pretenses. S no was discovered solicit
ing funds for tbo Christian church , and an
oflicer , knowing BUO had no connection with
that church , unless she bad reformed very
recently , took tier in.
Tbo case against ex-Poliooman LIstor for
using profane and abusive language to a bill
collector was continuod.
JJick Itlchardsoa paid a flno of $0,30 for
disturbing the peace.
Lincoln Iu Ilrlof.
The now boulevard from Lincoln to Bur
lington beach was opouod to tbo publlo to
The society paper known as the Hosurro
has boon sold to u syndicate representing tbo
Irisb-Amorican noclotVU
Tbo funeral of the ittlb J , B. Imuoff will
tabo place from bis lato'rcsldonco tomorrow
aftoruoou ,
Tbo Keen Island appraisers have awarded
S. \Vo3torllola the srim of $1,000 damages
to bis property by reason of the faot that
that company will rentitre forty-four foot
from the rear of bis lot for right-of-way
purposes. *
Jailor Laugdon was1 taken 111 this morning
ana tbo report gained currency that ho had
boon taken with the smallpox. It proved to
bo nothing worse than an attack of bilious
fovor. ' " " '
John Siilllvan , the man'wuoaisaultod John
Munn at Lincoln park "oiio day last week ,
was lined II aud costu oy'Judgo Urown this
morning. °
Cnrrlo C. Miller todar'comtnoncod suit fern
n divorce from her htiibunu on the ground
that ho is an habitual drunkard.
Frank Graut , n 10-year-old boy living at
Twentieth and 1C streets , had the mUfortuna
to Bovor an artery in Ins foot today , and lit
nearly bled to death before a phj-Hlulau could
bo senurod , .
Walter Smith Lincoln's
, 7-yoar-old horse
thief , wan gathered In by tbo police this
morning as ho was trying to neil u Shetland
Itony which bo hdd stolen from the stable of
Gun States at Sixteenth and A streets. The
authorities at Lincoln tuvo Anally become
tfrcd of his caper , ana will Bond him to the
reform school at dnoo.
John Uenton's house was entered by bur - :
laru aurlnir tba nbjonco ot the family , but
nothing of yalue is ropariod
Noo. , Aug. 3-3. [ Special Telegram
to Tun UBIS. ] Cbarlei Walls , a painter of
tbls city , was accidentally shot yesterday by
ono of ul companions while hunting a few
tnilos west of Wayne. Ho was slitlnc m the
buegy and his companion was standing on
the ground loading hh gun , which , ( Hi
breeching , was ncclaontallv discharged. Tim
full load of shot nntorod Wol ' right breast
Just below the shoulder , miiRlnc n terrible
and nrobnbly fatal wouud. 1'horo Is some
chtinco of his recovery ,
.SU.NIIAY .Nlltlll'S 8TOUM.
Nohrn kn Vliltod liv u ( Icnrrnl ttnln Sonm
D.iiiiuco Uopnrtrd.
OiiAsn IstAND , Nob. , Aug. 23. [ Special to
TUB UKC.J A two-Inch rain fool hero during
the nlijht. It Insures n corn crop nnd was
worth thousands to tbo fanners of this
countv. The storm was accompanied by so-
vcro lightning. No damage U reported.
BKVTMCK , Nob. , Aug. ' "J. ( Special Tele
gram to TUB BKB. I This county was vis-
itcd with n flno rain this morning. The pro-
clpltution was seventy-seven hundredths ot
nn inch. Tlioro is every Indication of an
other rainfall tonight.
SBWVIID , Neb , , Aug. t3. ! ( Special Telegram -
gram tuTue BBS. | This locality was visited
bv a heavy ram Um morning , and n bU crop
of corn Is assured. Tbo farmers are making
preparations to put In a big crop of winter
wheat aud this fain vlll place iho ground iu
splendid shape for plowing.
The winter wheat crop in Seward county
is turning out much bettor than was ex
pected. Most of it U going from forty to
llfty busbols per nerd nnd is of very line
quailtv , much of It testing from sixty-three
to sixty-live pounds tier bushel. Outs Is also
turning out hotter than was o.vpoctcd ,
Ourliif the rain storm the house of Night
I'ollcemanuck Snodgr.iss was struck by
llghtnlnc , badly wrecking the building. Mr.
Snodgrass w.xs up In bed. The current
struck the chlmnoy , passing down to a stovi-
pipe hole and across the bed on which bo
wus lying , setting tbo bed clothes and bis
Clothing on lira. Ills daughter hoard him
cry for help , ran up stairs and extinguished
the tiro. A nhvslcian was called nt once ,
and Mr. Snodgrass was found to bo baaly
burned on ono arm and all nlong ono sido.
Although sufforlnir great pain , his physician
reports that ho will recover.
HOUIIIKOK , Nob. , Aup. 21 , ( Special Toio-
gram to Tin : BKH.J A destructive hailstorm
passed over the northern part of this county
this morning , doing n great amount of dam
age to iho stock and corn crop. The extent
of tbo storm could not bo learned , but at
Phclps Center postodlco , where the greatest
dnmngo was done that has boon reported ,
the path was two mlles wtdo , going in a
northeasterly dircotion. The bo-xvlest loss
reported is of John W. Morris , who hud bis
horses badly cut by being driven , into a wire
Coitniion : , Nob. , Aue , 2.2 ( Special Tele
gram to TUB BIK. ; 1 A tarritlc thunder
storm visltod this snction this morning.
Water fell In torrents without interruption
for four hours. Although this ruin is too
late to bo of service to potatoes and small
grain with the exception of tlax , yet it will
do a vast amount of good , will help late llax
some and in tbo absence of an early frost In-
sura n large crop of corn.
YOHK , Nob. , Aug. 23. ( Special Telegram
to Tan BBK.J This morning ibis countv was
visited bv u two hour's rum. Ono Inch of
water fell at this place. This puts n bright
look on the face ? of the farmers , for tbo late
corn was needing raiu.
Cint 11 I.lRlit Vote.
BEATIIICH , Nob. , Aug. 22. [ Special Tolo-
grara to THE BEE. ] At tbo special election
held hero todnv to vote on the $20,000 fund
ing bonds and $20OCO paving intersections
proposition , n very light rote was polled. It
Is barely possible that both propositions are
defeated , especially the funding bonds propo
sition , as it requires , a two-thirds vote to
carry a proposition of that nature. It will
require the crucial count to determine which ,
if either , is carried.
Intorfnrofl with llnrglarn.
NKHUASKA. CITY , Nob. , Aug. 22. [ Special
Telegram to TUB BEE. I Burglars attempting
to enter the residence of Charles Gerber , Jr. ,
aroused Mr. Goroer. Ho procured a re
volver , throw open the door , just In tlmo to
see tbom disappear around the corner of the
bouse. Ho nursuoa ana tired three shots at
the retreating founs. Tno burglars escaped ,
but blood was found on the sidewalk this
tirnml Iiliind's Jail Delivery.
GIIAXU ISIAXO , Nob. , Aug. 23. ( Special to
THK Bui : , J Three jail birds broke the lock
to the city jail yostordny ntternoou , and
after thus gaining entrance from the jail into
tbo court room , smashed tbo transom of tbo
door loading to tbo atrcot and made good
their escape.
burnt Ills Clitld'H f.lfo.
A. N. Dilforbougb , York , Nob. , says :
"Tho other day I caina homo and found my
little 1 boy down with choloia morbu * , my
wlfo scared , not knowing what to do. I wont
straight way and got a 25-cont bot'.lo of
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera ana Diarrhoea
Uornody nnd gave It according to directions.
You never saw such n change in a child.
His limbs und body uoro cold. I rubbed his
limbs 1 and body with my bunds , nnd after I
had given htm the second dose bo wont to
sloop , and , as my wlfo says , 'from a death
bed ho was up plavincr In tbroo hours. ' It
saved mo a doctor bill of about { 3 , and what
Is better , It saved my child. I can recom
mend it with a clear conscience. "
Omaha' * 1'ramlsuil roatolllcn.
Supervising Architect Edbrooko of WashIngton -
Ington Is in the city looking over the work
on the now postofllcj building. Mr. Ed
brooke oxpro'sos satisfaction at the progress
of the work. Ho says that no trouble from
water is now nntbip.ito.l . und bo knows of no
reason why tbo wont should not proceed
rapidly. Compared with other eovornmont
buildings commenced about the sumo tlmo
the work on the Omaha building hut pro
ceeded qulto ns fast , nnd Mr. LMurooko
thinks that tbo building will bo ready for
occupancy in ubout two ynars.
ng I'orinlts.
The following permits were issued by the
superintendent of buildings yesterday :
Motz llroj , two-story brlok hull ,
Twenty-sixth und Walnut Htruoti . . I10.C09
August Kraft , omi-story In lok and f riiinu
dwelling. Stt ! Clin street . 1,500
Motz llros. , two-stoiy frame addition to
tmlo'in , Twenty-sixth nnd Walnut
ptroetH . , . 1,000
MotBros. . , two-storv frame residence ,
Twenty-sixth and Walnut streets . . . . 1,001) )
Henry Kiinokur , ono-Htory frame cot-
tngo. Ninth und Hornerstroots . fJOO
Two minor penults . 150
Total . { 14.151
A Traveling Mini's Hxporlonco with Dlnr-
rlioeu ,
I am a traveling man and have boon af
flicted with what Is called chioalc diarrhoea
for ' some ten ycara. Last fall I was in west
ern Pennsylvania , and accidentally was In
troduced to Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera
undDIarrtuua remedy. I ventured to make
u trial and was wonderfully relieved. I
would like now to introduoo It among my
friends. II. M. Lewis , 21 Freeman street ,
Cleveland , O.
Nothing1 to Be
Every Flavor made by Dr.
Price has the peculiar taste
characteristic of the fruit from
which it'is obtained , and im
parts to cakes , puddings ,
sauces or creams such a
' delicious and grateful flavor
that their use really leaves
nothing to be desired. We
have yet to see the housewife
who has used Dr. Price's
Delicious Flavoring Extracts
of Lemon , Orange , Nectarine
or Vanilla , who was not de
lighted with them , THE PURITY
dorsed by the leading chem
ists and heads of the great
universities of this continent.
to an idea. Don't make up your mind that there's only one
man that can make your clothes , or one make of shirt thai will
fit you , or one doctor that can cure you , or one man that's fit
to be President of the United States. There's more than one
good tailor , more than one good make of shirt , more than one
good doctor , and there's a "whole lot of us" that would make
good presidential timber. Some men get it into their heacla
that in order to get a decent pair of shoes they must go to
some swell shoe store and pay from seven to eight dollars.
Is there any reason why we can't sell just as good a shoe as
anybody ? Not that anybody knows of. We've shown a
whole lot of men the ' 'error of their ways" about shoes. I lava
you learned yet ? We sell you for four dollars and fifty cents
a pair of either hand welt French kangaroo , or French cordo
van shoes , in any of the new fall shapes , in any toe , plain or
tipped , in any size. These shoes we will guarantee to be as
good as any shoe you can buy outside o/ our store for six fifry
or seven dollars. In a few "very katosh" places they even
reach eight dollars. For two dollars and seventy-five cents ,
we will sell you a genuine Goodyear welt shoe , made of kan
garoo calf ( with the grain outside ) . These shoes we guarantee
in every way. We guarantee the price a dollar and a quarter
under the shoe man's ; we guarantee the stock perfect ; the
stitching not to rip ; the hanger not to pull out , and our guar
antee means new shoes free or your money back if the shoes
don't wear as they should. Our full lines of fall shots arc hero
now , from the well known dollar twenty-five shoe to the hand
made five fifty French calf. It's a good time to try "Nebras
ka's"shoes. .
Youth's shoes , 10 to 2 , Soc. Boys' shoes 2 to 5 , 900.
They'll wear.
During July and August we close at 6:3O : p. m.
Saturdays , 1O p. m.
Anew nnl Comntoto Trontmont , comlitlii ? ot
SupposltorlO' . Olntmont la ( Vipsiilui , alto In Dot
nmll'llli , n I'ailtlro Cura fur liUvrnal. Intarnal
bllndorlilooilliiKltoliliuOlirunlc , Itoocntor Itoroll-
larjr IMIus. Tnlti UomoJy hit nuvur bjou known to
fall SIpirtior ifor5 : suntby \VlirauiTurfrom
this turriulu ( llsouo vrliau n wiltton Is
nualtlvolrKl'on with C noxoi or refund tlio money If
iiolcaretl Sonc ] ulanip for frao Hamplo ( Iiiurintoa
Issued by Kulni ,4 Co , DniL'k'Hti , Solo Agunt ) , turner
lltl > nnil Do lulls stl-L'OU UiuJlil Noli
MKNT.aapecllla far lljratorlii. Dlzilnun , flti , Nan
mlKlii , tlaiulactio , Nurroua I'rostraton cuunoJ by
alcohol or lubacoo , U'nkofulinns. .Montal Ujiru -
flon.Soltnessofthollraln cauiliixliuniiltr , mlaorr
decnr.iloatli. I'roniaturo Old A no. UarroiiUK. l.uis
of Power In either ser , Impotence , I.oucorrliol anil
nil 1 emuloVoakn39f08 ! , luvoluntftry 1.03901 , Spur *
nmtorrhua ciuiod ( if ever uxortlun of l'\3 brain
holf'iiliusoovor-lniliilaenco. A month' ! trontmant
ft , ( Ifor $3by mill , VVoKunrnntoasIx buxos to cur ]
Kach or de foru boxtii , with $ } will aonit written
uunrontooto rofunil If not curjd Uuarantoa Isauol
only by 'lln-oiloro , K Ixiwla ( IniSKlst , eulo niiont ,
ouihoaJt corner Ibtli and I'unmm an. Umnhn
The checker
board of 1 lo la
strewn with the
debris of many a
disastrous move
on the part of mis
guided playera.
Many are reck
less players , with
but Httl3 thouoht
ana still less care
as to the great
prizes to ba won.
Defeat comes In
the form of phys
ical afflictions
which , if not
checked in time ,
lend to certain
Th3 Ills known
EASES are a-
menu the most
Syphilis , Conor-
rhooa , Gleet , Sem
inal Weakness ,
Stricture , Hydro-
cole Varlcocolo ,
all Sexual Dis
eases ,
Piles. Fistula ,
Rectal Ulcers ,
nicocl ana Ukln
Dlseasos t h o a o
are a low of the
forms of tlaoso
maladies ,
But thcso and nil
kindred ills , wo
ipoodlly euro.
Sand 4 ccnti for
our illustrated
n-iW book of 120
pacesof intercut
lo all.
froo. Call upon ,
or nddres > 3 wltU
otatno ,
Saath lltti at , N 10 Uofnurlitlinnd
Douglus Su. , Omiilm , Nab.
I Ikwt hint ruction In all ilcrnrt-
lin t of Musical study , > lno
Art , I to. CMiinlli'mlnnm Ins !
year. Aildru E. F.BUf.LAHD. bui'l. Jai.l ouTlll < i , 111.
AIhranchoitnrMuHlctiti | : >
cut iun , iKlMattc , l-oity tniirticloiti orTmflfml | tmcnl
forlt iclu'iH. Unhiiij " * < il nd vn n 1 11 m * ' * tallirrnilufcliu
Bujpt. 7. bciidlorcaUluk'Ui. J. J. IUT1hrA\-.tT , Uhvcun
_ _
\SOMKN 3 Irrt * i5ivtin Srm wii A Wtrst Itrr.'l. l'i Jtu
\Vcltun. A. 11. , I'rc.l.knt . , IcA lnBlon , illxourl.
Unsurpassed KqulpmcntsCareful Moral and
Hod ill trnlmnK. i > .tuiii'n 'or lluilneii ami
for any Callcco , Sell ntlflo School or Unlter
pltTt now Uyinnniiliiiiii Wood working and
illnUrr Drill ; lllchoBt tcatllnonlali : 10th
Toirnumlif r llmlti'.li Illuktrntnl cutnlOKuet
iddr 5 JTIii. f > . / . vriVKU , A. 31. ,
riiiM"L. . ILL.
A thorough pcliool. l'rc [ < irc for Collcce or
llusincis. WltlrlnJD niilcsorst I.ouls. Addre
s via the Chicago , Milwaukee
& St. Paul R'y , as represented
onthis map.
Electric Lighted , Steam Heat
ed Vestibuled trains leave
Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar
riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m.
City Ticket Oflice : 1501 Far
nam St. , Omaha.
F. A. NASH. Gen'l Agent.
? iotl < ' to Coutr.intorn.
tinalod proiHHilH will bo received at the nf-
nice of J. 1liurrott. . eltv clerk of tbo ally ol
( Hurling. 111. , up tnu o'clock p. in , , of Monday ,
Koptoiiilior r > , 11dfor furnlshliu iiinturliilH
mid iloliu the work of p ivliu Third Htroul In
said city of blurting from Third uvoniio to II
avenuo. Thu work will comprise upproxl-
mut.'ly the following :
l',8l'Jsuaro ( | yaids brlok pavlnz ( more or
oss i
4.400 lineal foot of curbing ( more or loa-i. )
TSU enhlo yards of sumo rutulnlnir wiilludnoro
01 less. )
.Sewer , gas nnd wu'.or eonnoctlonn to nil lots
whiiio such connoot Ions hau not alre.idy heen
Thu whole of thn work tu bo coinplotud on
or liufuru Novonibcr I , IB'/ ' ' .
bpeclllcntlonH unit bliink forms for bids can
bo obtained upon application U > . ! , K , Itarrcitt ,
city clerk , and plntit may bo NUUII at thu olllcii
of W. 1' . I'uliiKii.Hiipiirlntciiili-iitdf NtioetH.
Hach bid iniut tu ncuotnimiilud liv u corll-
flml cliuok forilioHiiin of IHJO , purulilo to thu
order of lion , A. U. Iluruhoy , inayoi. wliiei.
vlivulc will be forfulted to tlio city of htenlnir
In thu uriiiittliiitiiny blddur , or hlddern. xlmll
fall tu nxoviitu propurly u contract. M ith uood
mid Hiiinelenl Hiirollcs , If iiwirdud the eon-
Iraut ; ( > lliurwl u to bn ruturnml to tbu blildor ,
I'nymunt for thu worn will Ijo Hindu partly
in scrip , bnuilititU percent InluruNt , after Ou-
tolit-r I , IvJi.
The bhU will bo opened and rend publicly
nt thu meeting of thu city oounoll nth o'clock
p. in. , HjntemliorO , Ib'.rj , und thu uouiiull tu-
vurves tbu right torujuot unv or nil hldn for
uny ru won It m ly duiim sullloiuiit.
lly order of iho elty council of tbu. elty of
BtOrllllJf. HI- JAMK8 I' . 1'I.ATT. .
Uhalriiinn htruuts und Alluys Oom.
BTKIU.INO. III. . Aim. IP. IHJJ. u/J--'f-J ) HI
rroposul lor tlin Hulu of I.anil l > y Itrunou of
thu Vuuiitlni ; of ( > th Hi , , llntwouti .Itiliu I.
Idiillok't hiiliillvimon und I'liriiuin Mrrnt.
Healed prnpos ils will bu ruoulvoil lit thu eltv
coiiiiitroliur'bollliio , ulty of Oman i. tu J p. in , .
AiiKUHt.Wtn , Ih'J. ' , for thu Hjloof tbu following
paiuolsof Und : Two iil m * of hO by ill tout ,
uutwuun ruiiiiiin und lltirnuy htruuM : iinil
onn nluceof Ml by 1'OH feet , Uulwoen llurnoy
nnd Half Howard. IIIdH will liu ruuuivud ou
o.iuh or ull ploco-i UM may ho duulrud , Kuvli
Ulddurtounu onouurtlllud uhui-k ot til * . Tbu
right U rcsui vod to rojoet or uecepi any or all
blim. 1'lut und dosorli/tl'in / ot tlio liiml on ( Ho
lulliUollluo. TI1KU , ( Jl,8iN. ;
ultatlt Oomyirollur.