Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 22, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Wheat Opened in Line with tha Prevailing
Closing Cubing UVrn U'nali. Hut Ilio M rlcot
llnd Airondy Antlcrput.-il tint mill
llrcovoroil Sonic Irnlii the
Iin 1'olnt.
CiiiCAon , 111. . Ans. n-Wlth tlio exception
of oats tlio iiKirKoti wuro all ulthor vorv wouk
or Iliiroly itoady. Tlio nrtlclu which con-
tinned weak to the en I w.ii who it , but oven
that w.m a sli ula ovjr Its low oil point for tlio
d.iy. Tlio UUor Irouh'o at HulT.ilo was the
clilt'f factor In producing l * prlcm. Wheat
oponud Inllno vrlth the u'cnor.tlly provallliu
vto iknn i und In thu cniirui ( if the llrst hour's
trading the price for Snplotnber h id ducllncil
to a point n * Inn aa had pruvloiMly boon soun
tnoo truclliu for th it ilu Ivory hud bonn ilouu
this so neil On July IU Hoplombnr whoiit Just
touched 7.Vc , s'nco thuii It ha § stlrt tis lihli HB
EOr , lint until tuiluy It h.ul not declined nsaln
to TSUc.
A linn with furolzn corrcMpondtmU con-
. .Rr.itlllutcd tluimvilvimm huliiK iiblo to buy
ted lyhuiit for May dnllvery nt OIJc. or 6'ic
over n lint flucainhor was solllnz for ut the
SMiiutlino. Tlioy lliiru I th it tlio .utual cot
Of enriyln : thu wheat for tholr furyUa uus-
totuor from December to Mny , reckoning oven
nt the pri'sunt low ratn of Into cost , would
nimmtiL to 1"tO pur liu. Tim forcl''n market !
wt'iu dull lit louur urlco" , accoidliu to the
en yuahlcs. Liverpool wusiiioto | < l i > t from
Vid to Id decline.
The reci'lpls wore still hrnvy atthowlntor innrhul * . M nni'iipolls nNo reported
111 urn I iccvlpiR of pr UK 'lliooxport
cIvurniiiTH from thu four pr.ncliml All uitlo
poits wuro flciHc upon II ) ' . ( Mi hn , In wlm it and
lldii r. llnidftticut'H report of thu xu-o N dual
mill's of whuat and Hour fioin ! > ' > h coasts was
il.'fi'.n ( I Ini. . against 4.IKU ( I hii. lust wVuU anil
B.Thl.OJO liu. on the vorrcipDnillirj day of last
year. Closing cables worn vtuak , hut tin ) nnr-
Ki'l hud iilruady antlclp tml tn it uml louov-
ori'd some from the low tolnt.
The corn iniirKct , cunslilcrlni ; the llmpiinss
in wheat , the ilhor.'imiitlnn In rut I load
tr.iiiMiortntlon rcsulllii ! ! ftom thu swltch-
mini's slnke nnil tlio iibsunco of buying orders
from c nth Id IN huld up runiiirUnbly. There
w.i" H shot t ncrloil of coiisldornh o
during the llrt half hour ( if tlio session , hut
thc.'io WITO InUof Imvcis who stood in wall for
the olTorcd t'hnncc. Tiario was largely of u
Bcnlplint diiloi. but thcro wns uopurlodof act
ual dullness during thu short cession Thuio
was n Kooil iloiil of talk ubout thu h.ickwird
crop uud drouth In virloui sections Light
ShnnurH full this inornliu. houevcr , income
portions of ICnns'is unj Nebraska. Corn W.IH
eold In HulTiilo for shipment , and this was ro-
gnnled us an Indlciitlon that the strike was
i Tin- provision market Is still laboring under
a plethorn of long stuff In weak hands , uh cli
IB covcloil by men of Inritcr means. I'horo was
Biititherconsldcrablo break In pork eailv. but
tnn larger poitum of the curly loss wns recov
ered before thu close. I'luctiintlnns In Inrd
And ribs were less matrrlnl , Closing prices
Bhnw deellnes In pork of 7iie and about 'Jlc In
ribs. Ijiiiil elose'l without chmigo from I'rl-
clny's resting prices. Hog receipts wcro light
nnd some ( if the ho.ivy trnderH were nctlng as
( f satisfied with the amount of the recent do-
' Intimated receipts for Mondny ; Who it , 000
cats ; coin , 400 cars ; oats , U > ! ) ears : hogs , l..OJO
liond ,
r Ial\o frelghtH wore steady on the basis of 2e
( or corn to llulTnlo.
| The leading futures nnio'l as fallows :
jumci.K.s. IIIUII
AViii AT No. 2
75 f r.M
i Kcplumbcr. . . 7.IM
I luci-mber . . . 7S 7SH 78M
.COIIV .Nn.2- 7SMJl
' AllKU't MJl ! 12
Puptombur. . . 12MM
Mny W > t > 'H
AllgUfct . am
Bcptumber. . . 3,1 li (
October. . . . 31'f ' 33 > {
BiipltMiibor. . 11 40 It 12W H'H
October . . . 11 17 T , IIM
Jnnunry 12 TO 12 W \l 60
I , A nn
Huptcmbar. . . 7 BO 780 7 75 77
October 7 BO 7 80 7 75 7 77H
January 7 U 7 16 7 1ZK 7 li
tin UT Ilins-
Beptambcr. . . T83 7 SO
uuuber 7 7.IK 7 ; 2' < 7(15 (
Jnnnary. . . . . 067H OM
Cash quotations were i.a follows :
FLOUH dish , cjuiet nnd unchanged : winter
pntfnls. J4.ll" S4.1.'u ; winter fitralts. U.50li.l.TJ ;
Jirlng patents. H.00@t50 ; spring Dut nts , J3.5J
WIIFAT No.sprin.7Jio : No. 3 spring , OS ®
tic ; No. ' . ' rod. 7iS i7.1Kc.
CIIIIN No. 2MJac ; o 3 cash. Me ; No. 4 ,
OATS Na 2 , iWUClWio ; No. "J white. KIIS ! >
83'4e ; No. a white. a.lJiJc. :
ItVB No. - ' , O-'e
llAiiiCT'-No. 2 , 03e ; No. 3 , 50a02o ; No. 4 , 31 ®
r'l.AX FKED No. 1. II.CO'J
TiuoTiir &KEII 1'rliiip , $1.91.
POIIK MCB . per bbl , , -.71611.30 ; lard , per
ICO Ibs. t7.W'iiM-'i ' ; short ribs Hides ( loo'e ) ,
I'.I'MlH.lld ; dry a iltvd shoutdors ( boxo II , KT.'oa
7.U ) ; Mhort clciiir shies ( boxcill , .
' WJIISKV Distillers' llnlMliuil Kooils. pur gal. ,
Htm Ait Unchnnzcil.
t Receipts anil shliiii'tits | today worn ai fnl-
lows :
, On the I'ronuccexchango today the butter
mtirket was quiet ; uro.unerles , ITCClo ; dalies ,
WO'JI. ies : , llrmntlTc.
, Nt. l.onls .Mariunn.
ST. Louis , Mo. , Aug. 2J.-Fl.ouit-WoaUer ;
Jilt en Is. $ J.703.80 ; oxtr.i fjnoy , * au5 ® ) . ;
Otheis unchanged ,
WIIKATViisdemorall7ed today by the news
from all quaitors , closlni : , tt JiftVo down ;
ho ' 'roJ , until , lower at 7Ue ; Auaiist , 7i'o ' bid ;
fcopti'inbor , 7li i71iic , closing at 70i < a70 , ' c :
October , Tic : December , 7ft ! ® 7'i14c.
C'OIIN Went oown with wliuut : No. 2 , cash.
lowiT at 47'jc ; Au.-ust , 47'i" bid ; ScpteiubiT ,
ISitlb'ic , elos UK at , 4bjje ; October , 4S ? o bid ;
t/ccoiubpr. 4Cc ; Mhy , IHc.
OATH I'ltturt-s firm ; No. ' . ' , cnsh. lower at3lo
lud ; August. 3IU .i4o ! ; Seplombcr , 34Uo ;
October , Ilic ; Jlny , WJc.
llVR-No trading.
HAUI.15V No trailing ,
IlltiN Wuuk ; Clc ut mill.
lAV Quiet , iinchanscd.
l < 'i.AXHKKiUnch inged atflCo.
TIMOTIIV SBEII Illghur at(1.4331,51.
LKMi-ln modurtto demand nt * .W.
COIINMKAI-Lower at . ' .Ma255.
WlltHKY tl.10.
I'luwsioNB-lhill. I'ork-Stn-iUurd ines .
Ili'.S. lara-.VXtt7.7.S iiomliml. Dry suit
liioutB-Unulianuol : lee o blioulilcrc. K.'j.-i !
lonsr. IH.l-Oi shorts. KIR. HIIOOII ( JiiiihiuiL'od :
puclicil slioullnr , 9M.OO ; lenis nnd rlbH , fu.7,1 ;
. ItKCKIITH-Ploiir. 4,000 bills. ; wliout , 27D.03D
pu.i corn , ' 'O.i'OJbii.t ' outs , 4.UOJ bu.j rye , 2i/00 /
tin. ! bnrluy , none.
Hiiii'iiKNTd-Flmir , ' : i,000 hbls. : wheat. 1(11.003 (
PH. ; corn. U',0.0bti , ; outs. , ( WO bii. ; ryu , 2,009
uu , | burley , nono.
Oiimliu I'roiluoii Mnrlcnti.
I'EACiiEg-Cnllforiilii. Ji.50iJI.oij tuutucrn
JlllnoiUVatSu nor ImnKot.
l.l'.MOMS dUloaiUiO.
OiiA.sniH-Ciilloriiln : ( , out of market ; Ini-
ported , M.iHxaiw , .
llUACKIlBUItlf.3 t3.Ml. Source.
I'laiMS-Ottllforntn. .S < aOJ.
: HOIIIUI.TUWII. MUfiflj per dor.
S Wrtti-riiioloiis. cratuJ , „ ' ) ( .
s llurtlutt , MIX ) .
llurrKii-l'nukliiit Htouk. I2iiio ! : ; sniiill lots
li-li'ot dairy. UMlTc.
tUNfAi.oui'KS-l'orer.ito , W.5 ] | Joins , 75o nor
ll U'l.'OUNIA OlUI'KS 1'or on L . tl 09 ,
CucimiiKii8-ror doz. . ii-Vauue.
N r I1 TATOKS-tV.tx ) per bUI. ; In siclta , 1 ®
vJ.t..h-l'cr bbl. . W.OTO3.2S.
lli.tiuiKiiitiErt iO-ijt. boxus , JiOlJW.av
TOUATOKB-4 bnsUut crate * , tl.2J ; bu. boxes ,
( lilAl'EH-l' Imskot , O.VQ750.
1'I.UMS ' . ' 4-ilt. fllfif , MO Mft'1.21.
Al'l'l.KS-Uootl ' alumiliiK utooU io.irco ut tl.CS
I'oui.Tiiv Sprlnj ; diU-koui , tXi per
dctcni old hens , 7&3o pur Ib.
l.uus-lMl oo.
tivw Vuru .
New VnitK , A in : . 31'l.ouit locolta ( | , 1P.001
pVtB.1 ti ports , 8.UK ) bula. , 4.4UJ gjckrii oniv ,
llKUt dfiiiiind ; iiiles. 17.WO ; winter whuut , low
pi.ules. * iu ttJ.IUl ( iitr to fancy , U.U < i i.20 ;
M nnouilu cluur. JO.OiKii3.5J ; p.ilunta , H.i54i
4irA *
CoiiNURAU Qulot , ituudy : yellow western ,
I Mi 46.iVft > .
WIIKAT KvcolptB , UOS.O'Obu.t oxporia. CLOOO
liu.i ni Its. 14JK'U ( ' bu. of futuron , U.UOO bu ,
ol ipot. Kpot , null , lower , cloalmr aionilyj
ho. a rod. SOVo 1" moru und uluvutor ; bl&u
) b2),4IB ) ) , o f. o. b.j No. U rod. 'fc o : No.
irtliern. W a W oi Na 1 hard. DIUUODioi
Put uortUeru , buiitt OHcs Na U Uhluuuu. US
\ oNo. \ . it illlwuukcc , WJJiasio , Optiotm
openort wonUon outercnlilo * . dollncil W'A'liJ
on roculpts. lib 'nil clo rnnce * . forp 1211
sollltiir. wu lTcitk nnd line uenliior ; nd-
vnncrd Ho tin covurlnz unit cloicd sto.idy
ftt 'ia euiiflcrycMarilnjr : No Z rod , August ,
- ' . Plosln nt ' ) > < c , Soptonibor. 815-10
elofliu nt SPio ; Octotior , M' ' * Sc. !
ut W cs Occcinner. eWitt"1. * . cunlni
t Mty. : IKvriWjjc. clixlht' nt I ) .c.
HVK Dull. WOHKI weitom.S ® 33c
IlAtU.uv Notnlnnl. Mu.T-Dnll : two rnncd stutc. 70O
7ic : < U-rowcd stnto. SJiftVio ; Uuiuidu , O'icJi
tl.r < a i
Colt.v Itccolntn. 4.nw bu. : oxiorl | , 10.030
tin. ! Hitlix , n bu. of fiittlrct und S.uoo Int. of
spot. Hpot ( Irmof , very ilullt No. y. ( Ilo In
olovnlori ti'o ulloitt mi r.-ttloJ nilxol. flics
ontlousery dull , " ® up , stoudyon lo"iil
covorlntr : Anirti t. n.c ) ; i-ontoini or. MliSiVj'to.
clixlnt : nt .ViUo ; UotoUor , 5S'435Syc ' , closniR nt
MUc : Miiv. rs'/i * .
Otrs Ucceltt ) .47.2o bu , ! exports , 48.r,9l bu. !
IIO.uuo bu. utruttires. il.U U tin. of - < pot.
flrni nn.l ilul , ; untlont stinneor nnl
! Attti lclMin. ( , H'iut Solituirtlii'iMIJ
, ole ln ntll'Joi October. ; n7-liflIIo ( ) , ) lo < -
Ini : ut : i'lel Mny nio ln : il 43u ; No. U spot
white. 4.'c : mixed wcntorn , IHHttlOo : wblto
wrstcrn. : iuat ct No ' . ' O'nloiao , 4lc.
HAY rirm ; shlppln. , $7OJj BOO I to choleo ,
IO.IIO1) ) . ' 0.
lloiM ( 'nlot , Btoadv ; stuo cotninun to
choice. S.KUriI'nclllo ; com , ar V-c.
SroAit Ituw , ( Inn nnl fmrly ncttvo ; fair
rullnlnir , 2' < o ; centr fuc il. liO test. UVi .ilo4.
n. : i n-W7Viii-ir,3 : ! No. is. .
: IS-I83I7-1H ; tiHiiild A , 4y4' < e ! Rtntiil.ini A ,
4T(6IVc ( ( I'uiifoutlonrrs A , 4'/i ' J'ioj , cut louf ,
ft I l-iiltft'i I.'i-Iilc ; orilshcd , f > 1.1a" > n-llic ! uow-
deied A , fi'6u ' ; Kriuillliitol , 4Jjiil'jc ; cubes , 4 'a
® Si' .
JliifAipr : Koroisti. noinlnnl ! ,10 toit , lOe ;
Now Llilu.tns , linn und quiet ; coininon to
f.uicy , ' . * > < ! . .
Itici : Klrin. nmlor.vto donrinl ! dO'noi < tlo
fulr to OTtr.i , 4'i'Slo : Jnpnii. fttflUo.
Knos hi fulr dun. am' ' and linn ; western.
prime. 2)iKJJo ) ) : luuluti. 4.SJ1 jilcci.
lining Sto.idy and ( jniut : \\i-t stltnd Now
Orlonn uloctt(1 ( , 45 to ( U 1 3. . ftS7c ; Te\us
lUlOUtdli M to LI ) llH. . fi O.
I'oilK Dull anil wotUi old IIIOM , $12.00 ®
12.30 ; now moss , 812.5MOUOJ ; extra prliuu ,
Cut MKATS-Sto.uljr but dull ; DlcUlol bel
lies Hf.ris u ! pluklod shouldisM , Il7.it7c ;
plck'cd hams , IPi"iol.'iu ' : nildUJes. iinlot ; short
cluiif , $ < .2'i. I.iid Dull , nominal ; uustern
nte nn tiloiud ut f t. U : option s.tli > s. nnno : hou-
tuinbur. oloied atj .12 ; October elo ud at J .07.
llUTTKit Moilcrntu dumunr ! . stoulv ; west
ern , I4inc ; nustorn ciea.i.ory. I7j24c ! ;
fnctory. I4rai7c ; l.luln. 2IW3J''lc.
u Wo ilc tuiil vury iitiloti pin skims ,
i'lo fitoN Quiet anil stu.idy ; Amorl'jitn ,
lCiinii : Oily .M
CITV. Mo. . Am 20 WIIHAT Woik
to lo lownr : No. 2 linrtl , iJOfflJIo : imw , ul&HIJio ;
Na 2 ted. ( iHatl'i'tU. '
COUN Klrni : .No. 2 mixed. 41c ; No 2wlilto. > l
OATS-KIrm ; No 2 mlxol , 2iJft23o ! ; No. 2
while , old. Die.
HVK Stondv ; No. 2. now. r,0c.
. .
BIIAN Strong ; sucUud , f ) ft 7c.
HAV Htroiu and uncliuniiud ; tlmot'.iy , $7.59
O'J.OO ' : ur.t'rlc , tA.UOQ7.tO
IIUTiEii Krm ; oruamory. IsaJJc ; dulry , 153
i'oos-Woik : nt JSo.
llECEii' , JO.OM bu. ; corn , none ;
outs. nono.
SiiirjiK.STs Wheat. 3I.OJO bu. ; corn , none ;
oats , nono.
Wool M.lrlift.
LONIION , Ann. 20. DiirliiR the pnst wpok
oiiBiness In the wool in.trkut has been ro-
stilctcd to u fuw transaction < with I'ronch
IniyorH. Tlio Imnorts for the week woru ;
Kroni NnwStiutll W.tloa. "i.iiii btlo < ; from Vic
toria. r . ' 0 li.ilesi ; from boutb Australl i , 2IS
bales ; fioin Wmt A u- ) trail t , r > bales : from
Now Xu.'il mil , G.172 b.iloi ; rom the O ipn of
Uood llnpo und Natal. : i. : > U b.iluc from t'or-
sla. 1,751 b.ilos , and from various other places.
1.22(1 ( bales.
A.vrwKiii' . AUR. 20 A series of wool snlns
will bo ln hero on Tuesday nnd will lust four
liiys. Thoio uro .ivitll il ) o for the sorlu ? . .i'JS '
bales of river I'iutto uoos. : 200 b.iles of
Spanish , 47 lulus of Australian unJ 2J7
of miscellaneous Kinds.
Oil H.l.'KJt.
NEW Voit'c. AUT. 2i. I'r.ntOMsuM M irkot
iliilot , rite idy ; criido In b.trrols , I'.irUor's. 510 ;
crude In bulk. * J.Oi ; Washington. J'i.05Vash ; -
instnn , In bilk..55 ; United closed at . flu for
SeutiMiibor ; rullnod New Vork , $1 10 ; Phila
delphia null lluHlmnre. Jil.ll' . ; I'hlludolphl.i
nnn Hiilllinoro In bulk , i.J.V > © : i il > .
COITON.-IUBII OiL-1'lrin , cjulet ; crude , 20 ©
27c : yellow , : ilc.
, stonily ; city ( K.OO for pnck-
Kosix K.ilr deiunnd , steady ; strained ,
common to Kood. $ l.2u.27i. !
Tuiti'BNTiNK-Bte.idy. iiulot ; SS'JWOc. '
jjONiioN. Aug. 20. CALCUTTA LINSEUO 39a
ItKflNEDl'ETHOI.EU.M-lJi'ai d pjr gal.
Cotton Market.
aAr.vnsTO.v.Tox. . Auc.20. Stoadv ; middling ,
015-inc ; low middling , ( Ic : court ordinary ,
5 l"i-IOu ; nut and L-ro-,1 receipts , 771 hales. In-
cluilliiK715 bnlus new croii ; sales , 21U ;
s too If , lU.S ( ) bales.
NK\V OHNEAN4 , Iji.iAui. 20. Steady : mid
dling. 7u ; low middling. O'iJ ; stud ordinary ,
Go ; net and urnss roceluts. 1JJ bales : exports
coastwise. 075 bales ; sales. 45J bales ; stouk ,
07..41 lilies. _
Colluii AlnrUuc.
NEW YOIIK. Aus. 20. Options opened bnrely
steady , 5 to 10 points down ; ciosod ale tdy nnd
iinch.iiucd to 10 points down S.ilos , 10 , 00
baKB , Inclndlni ; Soploinbor. $ I-I.4IJ.45 ) | ; O to-
bor , 11.12 UBU.2.i : liucombur , $ | ! l lii'JU : : J.m-
nary. $1:11:1 : ; Maruh , ifl I loroiill'i : spot Uo ! ,
( lUiettind steady ; No. 7 , $14.25314 W.J.
Liverpool Markets.
TjivKiironr , Aup. 23 WIIKTDemand poor ;
holders pro-s sales ; < J.lifornh , His Uld per
cental ; lul western , spring , ( Is 3JUi 4d ; rod
western , winter , ( is 2 ! i44is ! 'li-Jil.
Coii.v K.iBy ; demand poor ; new mixed
nestorn , 5s per cental.
CliarJe Ktlneu'Oalnet In I'MlatlclpJit i rr .
The boat \vaa a more wisp of the thin
nest cedar and wavoiod like a loaf aa I
hold it.
"Stop lightly to the center , " I snld ,
gassing upon hop through the faint ,
witching starlight , "and then "
"And then , " Hho cried mockingly.
"Oh , yes ; walk steadily to the bow and
Boat mysolf. Of COUMO. Don't I know
it at ! ? "
"By heart ? " said I.
"Yog , by htnrt , " a bo ivlinlttol softly ,
"ovory word tlia't you eve ? spoke to rao.
And how else should [ stop but 'lightly , '
you fussy , uncomplimentary lever and
my lord and king , " she concluded in a
breathless whispar.
Wo wore but nine days married , Maago
and I. Wo could not boar aa yet the
rude Bturo of the world , and like birds
wo had Mown to the depths of the forest
Eccentric ! What cared woV reveling
amid woods and waters adoring each
other , liapny beyond boliof. Jt was the
fiiUllliuont of our dreams , Itself how
dreamlike !
The painter lay at her foot. Stooping ,
she caught it up. "Before I stop at
all"Blioannouncod.linporiously , " ! shall
tie a good trird knot in this rnpo. See
how the end is frayod. I can't .vllow
any such slovenly housekeeping In our
boat. "
"Oh , hurry ! " I muttered , with n and-
don thrill of impiitlonco. ' 'It will ba
broad light bjforo wo got under way ,
anu there'll bo no chance of door. "
How slight a matter. Yet She
stopped and -lucked at mo ; I know that
her oyollds trembled , hat to that moment -
mont no suoh tone laid over jarred upon
her oar from mo. The knot waa half
tied , but the cora dropped from her
hand ; she entered the skill without n
How quickly things over to bo remem
bered seem to bo lo-gotten ! I dipped
my paddle in the dark wntor , and as wo
glldod from the deep nhado of the over
hanging wood and came under the
sparkling sky of the open river all shad
ows boomodjoft bohind.
She twined her Hngora around the not
uniiunlllar stock of a light rlllo. "It
seems d oidful to shoot at thorn , " she
Buld , "but I'll try. "
It was the last hour of night , but as
yet no star had wnriod. On the walor all
WMB dim ; the shore was n bolt of dark
ness ; the voices of the forest were sunk
toawhlspoi' . An export with the paddle
dlo , I loved my urU The cauoo , under
my dollghtud touch , slipped onward ,
hiiiootli and still. I could hoar n faint
rlpplo from the prow as It cut the wavelets -
lots ; I could hoar the low rustle of my
clothing at every motion ; I could alimat
hcr.r the soft breathing of my loved ono.
If n lily pad had brushed bonoith the
keel the sound broke like a crash on the
Rllonco. But the koon. thin blade of
the paddle waa mute ; not oven when I
lot my hand lave with It In the warm
guh that swelled along the sldo did
any gurgle rlto ftotn Its eddying stroke.
It was an hour of ecstacy how can I
to'.l ItV Wo were lovers in a world eo
now and fresh and sweet , flouting alone
In the tremulous glonm , and ns for the
future , or whither this tr.tnqtill stream
was bparltig tis wjiithor does every
sticam boar every llfoV
The banks that wcro sldrtod first were
high and stoop and gave little hope of
game. Then the river wldonoil , the
uhoro was low and marshy , and the
light frin go of lily ponds broadened to
undulating meadows that rouched far
out over rod * of pond like shullinva. The
forest was waning now , and the air
full of noises , crashings In thu b.'ush ,
splashings among the roods , wood cries
of every sort just before us , almost at
the water's mlgo a weird sight nlw.iy.s
and stvjctr tl in that light : i grove
of dead timber stretched up with gaunt ,
blanched arms as If In warning. 1 saw
that Madge dropped her glnnco. All
over the surface of the w tor chill
shreds of mist were scudding , and the
familiar oxunnso loomed out like an un
known so.t. A H'.ight shiver sent Its
tremor through thoskilT.
"Ilavo wo not come a long way ? " she
Again I was betrayed.
"Oh , bo hlill. This is the very place
for game. "
The hasty whisnor loft my lins with
an arrowy hiss. She gave ' a. little gtsp
its if an arrow Indeed had'struc'c hor.
"Dearest , " I cried aloud , for the hunt
was forgotten. She turned with a bright
look , but her eyes shone with toi : d. " 1
didn't mean to , " she said simply. "I
didn't see any , and I didn't think they'd
scare , I was just a little bit afraid my
solf. "
I burned with remorse. But for the
prudish hunt wo should hnvo had a spt-
tlomcnt then and thoto , but cedar skills
are sensitive in matters of decorum and
over threaten indiscretion with the
ducking stool. Chocked In my loverly
Impulse by a rostlvo lurch the words
that were in my heart foil back
"Wo have boon moving very slowly , "
I explained , with guidoliko fluency ,
"and the Shannoro can bo hoard more
than n mlle away. Beside , at the head
of the rapids they say there is a small ,
biiro inland , just where the suck sots in
and the ripples begin to play. Keep
above that and with n good boat and a
steady arm there isn't a shadow of dan-
gor. " She turned imploringly , but was
sl.unt ; soon she resumed her wonted
"I it's " she
biinposo really chiou.noir ,
mused. "Almost everything boonn to
have started French up hero , but it
hasn't stayed French. And of course
there's a creepy legend about somebody
that this dreadful beast has swallowed.
Oh , don't , don't let us go near him !
we're just the ones that these black
death dogs raven after wo that are so
happy , dear. "
"We'll turn back at the first sound of
his bark. And now look sharp for
venison ; it is now or nevor. "
"I can fancy that I ho ir him this
minute. But I'll bo still and watch.
Oh ! what is that ? " bho cried.
I followed her gaze.
"It looks like a dead bough floating. "
"But why , " urged she excitedly ,
"does it keep moving out into the
river ? "
I looked moro closely. "It is n door
swimming Ilio rarest chance" I
shouted , ana drove forward the wallow
ing boat with all my force.
Wo are the children of a predatory
race , and the sight of escaping g.tmo
rouses uncontrollable instincts. My
gentle Madgo was as wild as I , crouch
ing in the bow , p.inting with cagornoss ,
her chcoki ) outllaming to the dawn for
the moment she was but a beautiful
boast of prey.
Our laboring victim was now within
easy range , but the long line of his back
and head , just level with the water ,
mule a dillicult aim. "Try him ! " I
cried , and the quick rifle rang out , but
the bullet splashed a foot beyond its
marlc. The animal was nearing a low
sandbar in mldchanncl. I had thought
to run him down before ho roiohod it ,
but a sudden eddy swerved us abide , and
already us ho began to emerge wo had
passed below him.Watt ! wait ! " I
cried , "for a full ll.-xnk. "
Madce , in tumultuousoxcitomont , had
risen to her foot. The deer for ono in
stant paused to shake olT the incumbor-
ing drip. The moment had como ; with
paddle tight gripped ana rigid I steadied
the fr.iil craft ; again the rillo pnalod.
The deer , with a spasm of pain and ef
fort , bounded high and felt headlong in
the stream beyond. .
"See ! see ! " she screamed , "he's hit ;
ho struggles ; ho can't swim. Look ,
how the current whirls him. "
"Oh , Madgo , sit down , " I entreated ,
and as I spoke the froir/.y loft mo.
I turned a quick glance bohind. From
the head of the narrow , now fall
ing swiftly astern , two long , low , diverg
ent billows stretched down , enfolding us
as they rolled and swayed like the
arms of some hideous dovil-flsh. From
the flush of the chase to the gates of
death. The revulsion waa horrible.
"My God ! My God ! " I walled , "wo are
in the rapida of Shannoro. ' ' It was
neither oath nor prayer it was a cry
out of Tophot , hopeless. And Madgo
She lifted from her lap the little rillo
and dropped ID in the stream. "I'll
never shoot again , " uho said. Turning
upon the ioit : she faced mo , palo and
still already with the white , unearthly
beauty of an angel.
Then with mad energy I plied the
paddle ; for ono second tlio prow touched
shortMy heart gave a throb ,
but the driving current swept round the
storu and bore us on. For a moment
longer , by frantic endeavor , I hold my
own. Then aa my strength failed , wo
were whirled away to plunge amid the
ewlft , thronging waves that ever press
in tumult down the gorge. For now on
either stdo rose dark will la of dripping
ouk , and tno spray-drenched gusts that
oat against us were vibrant with the
oa"8 < > baying of Shannoro.
Surely the end was near. Wo were
flying at racehorse speed ever a billowy
swell. At every awing th boatseoinod
sinking from beneath us. Yet thus far
it had borne tu in safety ; > tlttod at. each
end with an air-tight chamber of copper -
per , unless it was daahod in plocoa it
would not sink. Madge's strange bodIng -
Ing words sang in my para ; I wag
startled with a desperate hopo. Not
with gun but with boat might she not
still by ono miruclo shoot this llorco
The brink was in sight. I would
drive over at utmost speed.
"Mitdgol Madgo ! Catoh by the
palntor and hold fasti" I cried. But
she , before obeying , loaned toward me
and whispered throe words ; often I had
hoard them ; through all the din of the
cataract 1 know them , nnu oven ns she
spoke the bout , flung broadside on u
hidden reck , was gone like a bubble.
* * *
Roudor you who sltatonao and drink
in quiet of the HUtumor air what power
of mine can bring to you a conception of
what followed ? Had you oyor a night
mare dream of Ju-Uegllng ngony in n
dark undorworluYi'ttf raving walorsV
The change waT absolutely with
out Interval. I 'had ' sat in light
with my loved'Mo ' , thrilled with n
suddoii hope , 'listening ' to swotitesl
words. I was loit , _ I know not how , I
know not where , sightlosj , helpless In
a chaos of overwhelming forcoa , sounds ,
sensations , too confounding for thought.
Something my hjitijl , not I. had clutched
ami held with convulsive grip. A great
surge bore mo tin ; l.cuught ono Hashing
gllmpso of light und ky , and the sama
Instant I was sinking , all was sinking ,
with swooning swoop , and a bellowing
and pounding as of a descending aval-
nnuho. Down , down , driven by stunning
violotir-o , I sank , deep in a black abyss1
and watery mountains thundered over
mo.I was drowning ; the cataract's crush'
Ing foot was upon my cheat ; my soul was
blank. Then through the darlcnesj and
falntness I hoard something plucking.
Something yes , a rope was dragging
through my grasp , and ns It slid a loose
knot drew beneath my fingora and
slipped , and tlghtonod and hold fast.
Kcollection waked. Madgol Wns she
illVood forgotten ? Again i'saw her
sslndlng In translucent btarlight. with
quivering lashes. The rope still tugged ,
and stolidly clinging Ic'uno at last with
bursting expiration to the surface ; once
moro the day' beamed in my eye * aud
sweet b.'oath was In my nostrils.
Slowly , trembling with weakness , I
mivlo my way through the uneasy surf ,
hund ever hand along the ropa tow ird
the skill. Incredible It seems , but so
profound was my bewilderment that I
thought of Madgo as still within ; I won-
do ed with querulous Imbecility why she
did not help 1113. The bo it , as It drift
ed , churned heavily , and the gunnel
sagged low ; with half petulant expecta
tion I raised myself and looked in. Ex
cept weltering water , nothing. Then ,
with a frightful pitng , reason returned ,
and I comprehended. Of all the cruel
anguish of that day this awakening was
the wo.-st. I sank back with a strug
gling sob , and but that the skill was
already boating upon the shore I had
sunk with no rising. As it waa my foot
just touched on the shelving bottom and
struggling forward I stumbled upon the
bank and lay unconscious. *
O M idgo ! could you see mo thorol
How many precious minutes Hod ivhilo
thy strength wnnod and thy spirit faint
ed and thy lever lay unheeding.
The sun grow hot on my chcok : its
fire balls gleamed bono ith my eyelids.
I roused and sat upright. The knotted
cord lay under mo ; the skiff was still
grinding on the beach. Instinctively I
sought to draw it toward tno , but the
rope , lashed in the ring with but a sin
gle turn , and already pulled almost to
the o id , at the first wrench slipped from
its fastening. The cord hung in my
hand. My knot had loosened , hers held
firm ; but she who had tied it I raised
my e.vos. Its sunlit column wreathed in
weaving lacework of ill my foam , Shan
nero stood resplendent. Wlrit vision
sends my blood in fierce , hot pul os ?
What wild hope drives mo in blind
leaps toward the cliff ? Only a spock of
gray , dim in the rainbow mists above
the pill ; but it is Madgo.
The ascent was } rtfggod. Breathless I
mounted the summit. In the midst of
the fall a ro'jlcy islet rojo likj a pier.
Beyond poured the main torrent , but
the channel next mn was comp trailvoly
shallow , brawling among great bould
ers. Leaping , wading in deadly peril
for throe unsteady ptops I pressed
across. And there in the main
channel , almost at the verge of sheer
descent , on a low Ibdgo ever which the
surges ov9f broke , with foot brjicod in a
crevice and straining arma flung around
a horn of rock , pallid and spout , but
breathing and not qurte beyond the hope
of rescue , clung my Madgo my beauti
ful , bravo Madgo. I crept to the watoT-'s
cdgo. She was hardly six foot"awaybut
through the deep sluice between a black
tide rac d and swirled , and its swell
lapped nt my feet as I reached toward
hor. Surely she could clasp my hand ;
oh , how I longed to fool that touch. But
she mot my look with eyes distressed
and downcast. Was she 'blinded with
spray ? Was she dazeu with fear ? Could
she not understand ? Alas ! eho only was
sane. I had offered her but the clasp of
death. Even wliilo I persisted my
treacherous footing failed ; terror
writhed on her face , but I Uaggored
backward. What could I do ?
How dull is terror. Absorbed in a
single thought , mad with dread , it was
only now , aa I clenched my hands in im-
pitienco.that I hcedod the knotted cord
still in my grasp. Bo it Providence ,
instinct , chance utterly without
thought I had borne it through all tills
foveroa haste that else had boon in vain ,
and by it she , too , should bo aavi'd.
Taking a firmer at'tnd I caat the end
close by who-o she lay. But again she
druopod her oyea and"clung the tighter.
1 saw that slio dare not slacken her fast-
failing clutch. Or was it rather that
she saw too well that my plan was sul-
cido instead of rescue , that had she com
plied the roslstlosa draught of the tor
rent would have swept mo like a pebble
from the slippery shale ? Full well I
know Its potency. I was in despair.
What trilloa turn our fates to life or
death ! There arose in my mind a mem
ory of childhood of sailing shingle-
boats ii > the rapid croelc. With long
line attached I would toss thorn out 'n
the stream , and I recalled my vexation
because , as I hold the twine on the bank ,
my ship ; would not stand off and float
free , but constantly towed to shoro. And
now if only I could fasten a rope somewhere -
where above ! In th0 vorv spot grew a
scrubby beech with awllko roots pro
truding , but the co was short. Then
a ragged branch stretching ever the
water caught my sight.
0 Madge , was it not weary waiting ?
1 climbed far out on the bough , and as
it bent reaching still further forward
made fast the ropo. "This time it shall
hold , " I thought grimly ; and swung my
self down in the uaotbintr flood until it
drew tno close boaldo my beloved. At
last , at last , her dear nrma were locked
about mo , and all'U/o dashing turmoil of
Shannoro could ij'ot.drown my gladness.
Under the .double strain the tough
bough sprung'like Itn angler's rod , but
it was stiffer than I' ' had thought ; wo
swayed out to where the flumollko rush
was lloreo.H and tuui'o hung. How long
could weary anna hnduro ? There was
but ono remedy , iuqatroasmuat bo mudo
yet sharper. It , wjas no time fo ? hesita
tion , I plunged luy ho id beneath the
drift of foam andubrought to boar the
full brunt of the uYllng current. The
waters roared und/tugged. With every
nerve and sinew' i resisted. Sweet
Madgo , borne under unwarned , dcomod
that the end had'c6mo. . But the crroat
limb cracked and .writhed and yielded
and as wo lifted up our faces wo were
swept in ng.iinst the shore. Still , for
ono quakiog inst nit , all lay at hazard
then the Bolld rock was under us. We
woi o saved.
Happy ! Wo were us weak as is a newborn -
born babe , but our joy was like the joy
of tbo mother who fins borne it joy that
they only may know who after stark
death agony are brought back to the
caroaa of love.
ToUl l u > o ( ClTiCSi
couNrieo , SCHOOL
C rr ipor > den ollcit l.
' " '
.yw.rra'rai .
rosuuvt * .
shocks nml wcakcni your system.
Tflko BomothliiR Unit's better.
Dr. 1'iorce's Pleasmit Pellets ilo
cootl thnt last * . They ivgutatf
the system , as well na clcnuso ntul
rcnovnto It ; mildly nml pently ,
Imt thoroughly nml cITcctlvcly
no grlpiiiR , no violence , They're
the smallest , nlul the c.islcst to
tnlcc , jiurcly vegetable , l < crfcctlT
liarinlcss , mul the best liver pill
i over known. Only ono little
ll'cllet for n Inxntlvc thrco for
la cathartic. 8lck or Bilious
JHcadnchp , Constipation , IntHgcs-
'lion , Dillons Attacks , nn.l nil do-
rnnscuients of the liver , stomach
mul bowels nro prevented , ro-
lioveil nnd curcil.
They're the cheapest pHU vo
I can buy , for they're guaranteed
to glvo satlsfnction , or your
money is returned. Yon pay
only for the peed yon pot.
Cnii you nsk better proof of th
superiority tit UICM little pllU
South 1-Hh St. , N R. . ( Jornor Hth nnd
Douglas Sis. , Omaha. Nob.
mi.K.C. WKS'S NKHVK AND IlllAI.V TllK V t'
JlKNT.aapoclrto for Hyjtorli. DUiliujj , fit ) , Neil
rulKlii , lloidacuj , Norroua I'ronmtoa etuwj u/
alcohol or ubiuciVu < ofulno < 9 , .Meatil DJIITJI-
elon. rfoftnesjot tlio Hr iln. c.iu ilu ; In i.mltr , ml u.v
dcCHy.iloath. I'ro.iiiture DM Auo , ll.irronuti. 1,013
ofl'owLTln either sol , Impotuncl3iiorrbj4 inI
nil Fem \Vo.iknus3.-n Involunurr l.o ui. Spur-
raatorrhc'i cauial by ovor-oierlloti ut tuiinln
t-clt-iibusoovor-lo InlBjnco. A nionth'j trjitnjnt
tl.o for < - " > , u > in \VucuirinteoHlzliOT09tocjri
iach : order for i" lut.T. with fi will soil written
Kunruntoto rofnnil If note ml ( luiruntue l iual
only by I'lifOiluio \ Lonia ilrn uht , BOO | a ont ,
outheast cornur Htli nnil t-'anuun clit Onrihn
Anew an I Complolo Troafnont , conilitlnz o [
Bupnoilturloi. Olntmont la Cipiuloi , iilso lu Hot
anUl'llli ; .1 I'ooltlro Cure for lixtvrnil. Internal
bllndor UleottliiKltchlni ; Chronic , Hocontor llcrj II-
taryl'lloi. T.ili ItoniDlr liu never ujen known to
fall. 11 per box U furlj ; sjiuuy la.ill. Wbr sunorfrom
lliln torrlblu ilju.nj | lui n wilttjn KU r.intja Is
numtlTolyKl'on wltlit ! boxo < orrafunl iliomonoy K
notcureil-on 1 Btnnui for frtio Hninplu. ( iiuraiHoo
Issued by ICuhn A Co , Driist'UH , Hole Aifunti , corner
litl' unil Doimms utruoM. Uiualu. No'j
Locks with small keys are
countless most of them are
worthless. ir
The word "Yale" , or this
maik ( Y&T ) on lock or key
will enable you to discrimi
Vale fit Towne Mfg. Co.
Union Stock Yards Company
Kent c&tUo , hog am ! sheep market In the west
run UAI > IKJ. :
I Writs to this houi3 for corM -
- " - ' . M rkat Koporti.
Wood Brothers ,
touth Omalm Telephone lt > 7. - Chloaso
J. . IAII8\IAN. I . ,
W. K , WOOD , f > l n uor .
MnrUot reports by mall nn 1 wlru cheerfully
furnUhed upon p.llo itlon. _
- TH.B
Campbell Commission Co.
Ohlcauo , K'istSt. Louis , IvaninsOlty , South
Umahu. rlguxCltv. Kort Worth.
A. D. Boyer & Company ,
A3 and M P.xolmnjco llulldlnj ,
Correipondenco sollcttol nnd uromptlr nn
bpoclal nltentlou to ordorj for tockor i f
KitablliUcd , IWl . . . InoorporiUJ , Hit
Capital fullr paid , fWW ) .
Waggoner Birney Company
Wrlluurwlro ui for prompt nail rellubla markjt
Perry Brothers < x Co mpany ,
. Live Bleak UoromUiloa.
Itoo i 61 Ezabanzo IlulldlnHouth Omaha
TwuipUouu 1707.
Wolf Bros. 4 Co.
Tent . nwnlnm , tarpnii-
Fine' , lininnnicks. oil nml IIK | , Cdvern of nil kliuli.
rubber clothlnu. Semi tlDKS , banner * , etc. .spn 1
forvnt'Kite. 1IIJ for ctlilogiio.Tin rt. IClli
DcinisOnialiaBa Co
nck. , burln | . twine.
M. 0. Daxon ,
johl on monthly
> n > mcnts. t-O.V. 15th t
Morse-Coo ii Shoe Co.
UK ) How.u.l Stroct.
Inctorrcornor lltli a'nl loiuK ( tr 3t .
Monrpin'illniclo < u | irloo < to un'i ' b.iyors. nnl nro
vlaia of mioili whlcii li very s.ileablo
nllh mcrclnmts.
Steven Crccdon.
Mnnnfftctiiror' " nnont. Icnniupply you with ovpry-
llilnx In hot > i .men' * , wu nan > unit clillilV it
i.1.1'1 fllclor > ' prlcei.iniiaiioaunls. I.Uoal it > lcs.
I4UI I'nrniuii street. Itoom IS. *
Kiikendall Jones & Co. Amcr.llaiulScwcilSIiocCo
Hoots , alines , rntibcM *
Hojton Ullhtior . ' hoot'o
llU. .llui-lluaUnrni foil iroodi. ISO ) UIO
- > y-a
Blolcky & Cohen
Clnthlnir.notlon furnlih-
IIIKV ( ilru us n trlitl.
nrc < , 111.1 Hnrnoy.
OinahaCoalCokc < &LiinCc & Eagle Cornice Works
Mfr * . Knlvnnlrcd Iron
Hunt ' . . .
nml soft con' P. K.
cornice , window ,
cor. ICth nnd Uoun ls inetnllo skyllulits. cnpn etc.
incuts , 11 III , 11121)0lxe.Bt.
M. E. Smith & Co , Kilpalrick - Koch
Dry ( foods , notions , fur- Dry ( leeds Co. Notlo.i ,
nlablni ; Kouil" . Cornar Rents' furnlstilni ; uoo li
lllh n'ld llovrnrd btn. Cor. lltli ai 1 llow-ir.l.
Omalia Ujiliolslering Co. Hcebc i llunyan
p liolstcrcil furniture , rurnltiiru Co. , Grace nn
IIU 2 llUl.Nlcliolai street Mill ntroot.
\V hulo.ilc only.
D. M. Steels SCO. IIILiKc , Brace & Co
1201-I1.'OJ Jones -treat , 10th ami Unruly sir
Hector & Wilhclmj Co. I/bcck ) & Linn.
Corner 10th unit Jnokion DnMcru In linrtlwnro nnd
ilrecti. niPclmnlcM' tools.
1401 DoimUs etroot.
Clias. 11 Leo. Jolin ,1 , WakcRclil.
llnrrtwoml lumber , wool Imporleil.Amcrlrnn Fort *
cnrpets nn.l parquit Innileoiucnt. Mllnaukoa
flooring , lie omnont nJ
tth anil lloimUj. nhlto llaio.
Kiick & Herbert
\Vliolcnil < liquor
lUOl rarnamaU
J. ObcrftlJer & Co.
Importers mul Jobbers of
mllllnocjnotions. . Mall
enters uroinlit.
Carpenter Paper Co. standard Oil Co.
Curry n full itock of
lirlntliiK. wrapping nnd ItuHnod nnil lubrlcntlnz
wrltlnu pnper , card pn- oils , nxlo tircnie , oto.
licr , etc.
Kin & Smcad.
Mfr of ' 'K A 8" pnnti
slilrts nntl overalls , etc.
OH13 South llth st.
Kitnbllshoa 1973. Brancli & Co.
Whitney & Co ,
t'roiluco , fruit * of alt
lluttcr , PERI rmd poultry. klntls. oystori.
311'South 13th st.
Jas. A. Clark & Co.
llutter , ohoeso.
poultry ttndKnia.
317 South Idth st.
'Its '
Etovorepnlrs mil wnler
nttncbmonts for nuy
kliul or store nmilo.
1W7 Doiuliis.
M.A.Disbrow&Co. II. Hardy & Co.
Sluiiiifnctorors of 111)1 ) , Toys. ilolK niliiimi ,
iloori. blluils mil 1 iini'y izooJd , homo f nr
mouldings. Brnnch of * nlsliliiK Koodi , ohll-
lice , 12th and Ixanl sts. dren's cnrrlTses.
I3IU Farn.un it
"His Experience
His Skill
Have been proven by more than 17 years of untiring success which
has never been surpassed in the medical profession , while his re
sources and facilities for traating Private Diseases are practically
unlimited. " Such is the universal testimony of thousands who hav
suffered and been cured by
DR. T. E. McGREW ,
. The Specialist.
WUh Q practice of 17 years' standing Is It any wonder that hla
skill in the treatment of P/Mvato Diseases Is toJay unquestioned
During ull these years Dr. McGrew has gradually perfected all tha
ittle details Incident to the treatment of Private Diseases until it lane
no longer u practice with him , but
A Science.
He substantiates every statement nnd fulfills every prom loe. He Is
reliable , reasonable , skillful and fair , and Is the mostsucce3sful _ spe
cialist In the entire west in the"treatment of Private Diseases and all
Diseases of Youth and Manhood. Those who placs themselves In
his care can safely rely upon him , as every cass Is regarded in tno
strictest confidence and treated in the most skillful manner ,
aioetundall auno/lnz discharges ; Htrloturo. or diniuulty'or piiln In rellavlnir the Illaddori
y plilliB and ull dUonnnj rf the Iliool ant faklni Nervonnnuiii , Ooaorul Dublllty , lot of Mun-
eel unil Ambition , \Vnnt of Ufa and Vita Uf , Dad Memory. lu ponduiit , DliuouruKod , Ito-
of ohtitlned without lei of tlmu from bunlnets The moit iioworful romcdle * kuutrii to
modern solcnco for thu treutiuunlof the uUovo dUoases. Wilto forclrculari undquoitlon 11JU
14tli and Faruaui Sbs. , OMAHA , NEB ,