THE OMAHA DAILY BEISsULM ) NDAY , AUGUST 22 , 1892. PULSE OF WESTERN PROGRESS Tlio Golden Tints of the Black Hills Brought Out in Strong Colors. MILLIONS TAKEN OUT AND IN SIGHT A < ) llinpn of Utnli'ft Mntrrlnl Stride- The hlnclt ( Irmrliif ; lndintry of .Montana l'lintOErnihlii | | ; thn Cliiiinun Sum * iimry of NortliwuAt N ) > v . The current number of the Engineering Magazine contains a just and accurate sltatch of gold mining In the HI auk Hills , from the pen of Harry M. Hanson , Mr. Hanson pre faces his admirable article with the words of Marvin Hughttt , president of the Chicago & Northwestern railroad , to the affect that vho BInctc Hills was the richest apot of Illto dimensions on the face of the globe , nnd proceeds to demon strate the correctness of the assertion. "Tbo IJInck Itllls Interest. " ho writes , "bus been developed in tbo foco of obstacles nny ono of which would have boon the death-knelt to a country loss richly endowed with mineral wealth. In this region the last determined stand was mndo by the snvago aborigines ; the gold hunters risked their lives to roach the mine * , und It was j'onrs before tbo Hills bccamo a safe plnco lor cither living or 'prospecting. ' After the war-whoop had died from the hllU nnd val- lovs and hostilu bands had ceased to molest Immigrants on the plains adjoining the foot hills , the cost of transportation was so high as to provo utmost ns effectual in keeping away settlers ns the bullets of tlio Indians had bcon bororo. Now , however , two trunk line railroads have penetrated the Hills und two narrow gauge systems wind up the val leys anil ravines , cross the canons and climb the heights. "In 187a the dUcovory of placer-gold called attention to the hidden treasures lociiod in the Hills , but it was not \mtll 1874 that they were explored to an important extent , and not until 1870 that they were fairly open to settlement. The last federal census shows that In sixteen years the population has in creased Irom nothlnir , practically , to over 50,000 souls. Titus E. Corkhlll of Loud City , state mine inspector ot South Dakota , is authority for the statement that the average monthly output nnd clean up of this mine last vcar wns from MOO.OOO to SoUO.OOO. It has boon olllcially estimated that the total output ot the Black Hills has amounted in value to $10UUS : ) ( , Including * 3'.M2i,77il ' ; worth of gold and $9tTU02 worth of silver. "Tho method by which the ore it mined nnd bandied U what mnkos the HornostaKo Mining compiny such a remarkable success. Thej take advantage of nature's laws , par ticularly iho law of gravitation , nnd do all the work , so far us practicable , by means of machinery , avoiding the expense and delay atlcnolng" numerous handlings of material. For example , tbo lire vvood and lumber used In the various ongmo-rooms and mluo shafts are hauled by the narrow-gauge Black Hills & Furl Pierre railroad to a point from ; 100 to 500 feet above the plnco where it is to bo mod , and from there , by moans of what are known ns 'wood chutes' nnd the force of gravitation , it is transferred to the doilrod point without other handling than slaply throwing it from the cars. The same method is extended to the handling of ore. Cars nro filled with ore by moans of chutes from floors or lovoh aoovo , nnd when a car Is once lllled with ore , no mutter from what 'level' it may i be taken , the ore Is qvor after handled by , machinery , being transferred to the various at&mp mills and crushoa through the agency of Etoam or water. " StiitlHtlaitl Kovlow uf Utah. In a friendly article reviewing the malarial Browth of Utah ns n prerequisite to state hood , the Now York Sun presents an in structive if rou p of facts. Bv the census of 1890 Utah had n population 207,005 people , occupying an area or 81,070 square miles. It had ! I74,340 acres under cultivation. 310,750 irrigated and 203,805 under enclosure for pasture. Its assessed valuation , exclusive of mlnes'not taxed , was $121,140,048 last year. The valuation of the Incorporated towns and cities was about $35,505,000 , and their indebt edness less than $1,205.000. Tbo territory has ! t,000 miles of irrigation canals and from 10,000 to 15,000 of wnson roads. The dwell ings and business houses erected for Iho year proredlnji July 1 , 1801 , numbered 2,350 , valued at tinarly ? 0,000,000. During the census year there were In the territory 05 Industrial eslablishmenls , with plants worth $ . ' 1,509,071 , paying $3,050,801 in wogcs , on a llttlo moro than don bio that amount of capital , lo U/JOS hands , and turn ing out products worth JG0,4G'J. : ! ( ! In the sloros of the territory the Invested capital watO.OiU39. : . ud the sales were $45,029- 034. The agricultural products , as reported by tbo county assessors , were valued at $10- 218.G27 ; the live stock at $0.80',477. The value of the mining products , comoutluB gold and silver at their mint value , and other nioluls at their seaboard values , was $ HWi,783. ! ( As to the mining interest , the governor's la t report declares iho present to bo "a phenomenal period in the historyof mining in Utah. Now discoveries have been made In the old min ing camps of Park City , Yintic and Blngbum Canon , and at UuRway , Phh Springs , La Plata , and Ohio mlnlnt : district ! ) , und In other places. " Of ronl , over 8150,000 tons wore mined In 18X ! ) , nnd of suit , evaporated Irom the waters of Great Salt Lake , 118.000 tons. The territory also has iron , sulphur , nsphalt , nnd mineral wax. , , Utah has 1,187 miles of railroads and the freight truftlo is vnry diver.sillcd. It has forty-three banks which reported last your n capital of * .r > , l 18,232 and deposits of SS,3r > .r > , - 1)51. Suit Lake has sixty miles of oloctno street railway nnd with Ogden , Logan , t'arlt City and Piivson , it is lighted by electricity. The vnluo of bchool property in the territory is $ l,1)7r ! ) > 14 and the school commissioner reiforts that lost year there were 0StXK ( children of school ago In the terrllory , o whom 53,041 wcroof Morinonjind 12,01)5 ) non Mormon parentage. At Salt Lake I Dosoret university and at Logan is an agrl * cultural college. Moiitunii .Stork IntiiriiHts , The Montana State Board of Equalization * has prepared tables of tbo number , assess ment per head nnd total value of sheep , hogs stock cattle und horses In tbo diffcrcn 0 counties of the stato. i'lio stock cattle aoos not Include cows , thoroughbreds or bulls oud the horses do not include thoroughbreds. All the counties liavo sent in their returns except Chotcau , and the board , after wnltlnc n reasonable time , decided to give out the utatcmcnt without the missing county. ' The total number of stock catllo last yoai \vas 021,747 ; this year , oxcluslvo of Uhotcau countv , it IB 575.715. Estimating Unit Cho tcau has the same number ns lust year , 113,0-11 , the totul for tlio state would bo OSD,0 : > 0. In 1SOI the tola number of sheep roporled wns 1,517- 753. This year , even ostlnmiiut , Chotoau to have no moro than last , the nuui bcr should bo 1,778,648. The number of horses rrportnd In IbOl was 101,311. Allow ing CJholouu only the saino as then , tbo lota this vear should bo 10S.200. Last year there were 0,002 hogs ; Including Chotoau at the same number us last , there should ba this year 7,040. The chances are that Chotoau has Kept pace with thu Increase in other parts of tha stuto , did thuall the totals this year should bo tomuwlmt larger. The board equalized tba value of sheep ut 43.60 per head this year , horses $33 , fiO and hogs ut ? .1 ; tt.o average value of cuttlo being $12.75 , in returned , whereas tlio board only made it $12.50 last yoar. There was no occasion to equalize values on thU class of llvo stock. " ' CnliJiiinpii. The Geary Chluoso nxclusion law enacted by requires that uvory Moncollai bo photographed und a cabinet slio picture bo placed Iu each ccrtltlcato entitling the holder to remain Iu the country. The law is a reproduction production of the California tagging system which proved n failure. How ibo plan wll furo at tha bands of iho national ( 'overumon remains to bo aeon. Preparations ni-o being mudo to put the law tu operation , Certificate * are being for warded to Internal rovunuo collectors.Vhon tilled out the corllllenU'3 will show the name nco. buslncM. height , complexion , residence- nnd other marks possessed by each China roan. It is estimated by tholntorual rovunuo bureau that there are from 120,009 to 150,000 Vlitaeto la tbo country wbojo Uuicrlptlons I vltl ba necessary to get. The government oca nbt propose to put itself to any unnecos- ary trouble to search out these men and rag them lo the photographer's camera. It entirely voluntary on the part of the Chinamen , II they do not complv with ill ho retaliations arid nro caught after May 5 icxt in this country they will bo arrested and mstlod on board the flrt vessel going oward China. The Chinaman must upply three photographs. They must bo good pictures , too. Tintypes will not bo ac cepted , Thev must bo taken full face and ho picture of the face must bo at least ono nnd one-half Inches lont' . Ono ot the three ilcturos will bo pasted on the application vhlch each Chlnaninj is required to make for a certificate permitting htm to remain in tbo United States. If the application Is in goo-1 form n ccrtlllcato will bo Issued to the applicant and the second of the pictures will bo attached to It as a sort of passport. The .bird picture will bo retained lu the odlco of the local collector of Internal revenue by whom the applicant was registered. An lilnlin ) * | rmln. The sheriff of Alturns county , Idaho , is searching the hills and valleys for a young man named D. Cooper , who U ono ot the most do'spornto and successful thieves who over operated in that stato. On tbo 14th Inst. ho walked into the ofllco of the Idaho sampling worits at Halley , where ho had previously icon employed , calmly turned the combina- .Ion of the vault , opened the uoor nnd stole -1,00 ! ) in negotiable securities. While ho did this Mr. Uriniths , superintendent of the sampling works , was standing not over ten 'oet away around n corner. Cooper walked icross the street , sold $1,500 worth of county jonds to on attorney and then fled , leaving ils wlfo and a 1-weok-old baby behind , Three mouths ago Cooper , who wns then employed In the sampling works , arranged a iluu by which ho swindled both the works and the First National banit of Ilalloy out of $2,000. Ho secured a quantity of poor ore , tailed n sample and had it sent to thn mill , f ho sample was assayed , a great showing of wealth being made , and Cooper readily In duced the bank to purchasa for $1,000 the lot of ere from which the salted pro had been .alcon. noon discovering thn'swindlo , the junk induced tbo sampling company to stand lalf tbo loss. Coopnr was suspected , and 10 was discharged from the works and kept inder surveillance. Ho would soon huvo joon arrested for fraud had ho not ut that .lino bcon a\vnv. Ho Is nrmod , and ha said before ho left that he ( would kill uuyono who ittomptod lo capture him. Cooper came to Idaho from Iowa. War to the Knlfo. Only those who wore iu the forofrontof the 11 elit against railroad domination and ex orbitant rates in Nebraska in the later sev enties can rcalizo the Intensity of ttio battle being waged by local merchants of San Fran cisco and the Southern Pacific railroad. It is war to the knife. The heavy cut made on clipper ship freights between San Francisco nud Now York has been mot by the railroad , which has cut down nearly ono-hnlf the rates on 11 dozen commodities that are not perish able. Included in this list nro wine , canned goods and beans , of which the yearly shipment is very heavy. The railroad company has gone further , and Is understood to bo backing John Kosonfold , ono of tbo larcest ship brokers of tlio city , in his light azalnst the association of merchants behind the clipper rates. Jiosonfeld has slashed rates to New York so savagely that George . McNoar , the grain king , has been forced to load iho big clipper Sbcnandoah for Liverpool Instead of Now York , as ho llrst proposed. What the outcome of the light will bo depends largely upon tbo action of the association. If the present compact with the Pucillo Mail comuany is not re newed , then there will bo merry war all- round , for tbo steamship company will ba bound to muko a lively bid for freight. Thn Nurtliwoxt U'licut Crop. The latest advices in regard to tbo season's wheat crop of the northwest shows that the output of the Willamette vnlloy in Oregon will bo about the same as last year and of a superior quality. East of the mountains tboro will bo considerable shrunken wheat , some of it not marketable , but although the standard of Walla Walla wheat will have to bo lower than that of last year in order to carry a lot of wheat which will be marketed , the report of damage to the crop has boon ex aggerated. Wheat in Pulouso countv is as good us it was last year , but south of the tinako river much has boon blighted. The surplus of tbo northwest will ba about the same as last year. I'orthuict'i Itlic Depot. Work is about to bo resumed on the mag nificent union passenger depot at Portland , Oro. Owing to the change In tha manage ment of iho Union P.icidc nearly two years ao , work was suspended. Arrangements have lately been porfoolod for pushing con struction work ft lib all possible npoed. As soon as tbo foundation is up work will bo begun on the superstructure , which is to beef of brick and a to no , three stories Inch , 500 feet long , with a handsome lower. The mod ifications mudo in those plans affect only tbo style of tbo architecture , and the station is to bo the llnost west of Chicago , as at first intended. Wyoming Oil. Casper papers report considerable aotivlty in the oil region In that vicinity. Well No. 1 , owned by a Pennsylvania company , is ( lowing oil worth $10 a barrel. The company is arranging to place the product on tbo mar- not. The oil is to be hauled by wagon to Casper temporarily , as tbo company intends building u pipe llnu from the well to the rail road. Considerable work Is being done on the property of other companies. Ni'lmisUn. Thaycrcounty has bought six road gra- dors. dors.Two Two 12-voar-old burglars have boon oper ating at Mlllord. A Prosoytoriuu church society U to bo or- gauUod at Randolph. A ICtilghts of Pythias lodge has boon In stituted ut Humphrey. F. Clmnuor's market at Oscoola was en tirely destroyed by llro. A. K. Ovondcn bus hacomo part oxvnor ol the ElK Creek Sentinel. tH. . Barrow bus Htartod tba Nuwa at Bennett , Lancaster county , The Logan Valley fair will bo hold at Wakoflold September 8 to 10. Tno State Bohemian Turners association will moot at Wilbur August 23. The Custor county nlltunco expects to build a farmers' elevator ut Broken Bow , A beautiful now cburoh building Is being erected by tbo Methodists at Goring , Two of the horses that took part In the Friend races died from ovor-cxortion. BonKolinau wants iv flouring mill to take caru of the Immense now crop of wheat. Bancroft taxpayer ) have voted to Issue bonds lo build a system of water works. The now Baptist college at Grand Island will open Sep'.euibor 13 with olch' , instruc tors. tors.A A Haslings man with a well improved farm and $000 ut inu'rest is advertising for u wife. Lewis Fellers , a prominent citizen of TB- blo Itock , was aovorely Injured by u runaway loam , While Gus Salisbury was Intoxicated at Louisville u negro slugged him pud then robbed him of $35. Burulnra entered B. F , Farley's ' residence ut York , but they failed to secure any largo amount of plunder. Phil Bauch , after living In retirement for nlno veuri , Inn again bccomo tbo editor ol the MudUou Chronicle. George Illff of York took an ovurdoio of morphlno to quiet pain und onlv the prompt ucllon of iwo doctors saved bis Ufa , Albert Jucitson , n 11-year-old boy of Loomls , fell flora a load of wheat and was run over. Ho died lu u few minutes. Flro dostrovod all thu wood work In the engine house ot the Tecumseh mill , but the main building was saved by tbo tiiomon. Joa Bushel , aB. & M. machinist at Platts mouth , la minus two llngurs and u thumb which bo lost lu the co s of his tnacbiuo , Ora Wallace of Boon waller , Pawnee county , IB minus an o-o as the rojull o Bbowlng her mother how to clay mumble-do pop- popTbo AUIanco Sun , published at Lyons , has changed Its name und Its politic * . It U now republican und is called tbo Logan Vallo ; Slur. of B. J. Morris farmer A 10-year-old son . , a living near Wostoru , while riding a pony wiu thrown , and his foot remaining ( a th llrrup be was stamped to death. A child ot | nether farmer wai also seriously Injured by irlng run over by i heavy trratn wa on. While playing on a riding plow the 0-yoar- Id nephew of Andrew Fiddler ol Juanitn ad his foot entirely cut off with the rolling OUltCH. Incondlatioi fired a oar ot baled hay at Schuyler , but the flames were discovered und subdued before they could spread tether ther property. The B. & M. depot ut Culbertson was en- Iroly destroyed by lire , supposed to have > eon started by a spark from an cnglno. The otal loss amounts to $ ,000. The program of the Washington county air , to bo bold at Blair September 21 , 22 and .23 , has boon Issued , There are $1,500 inures > uros offered for speed contests. John MoCawloy of Grant county , while being hoisted to untangle the ropes of a hay- stacker , had n spllntor a quarter of an Inch n diameter run through tils arm. The Jefferson county fair will bo hold at Falrbury on Tuesday , Wednesday , Thurs day and Friday , September 13 , 14 , 15 and 10. A good program has boon arranged. Thlovos outerod the house of Thomas Uob- > lns near Peru wbilo the family were nway rom home and carried oft everything port able , from the bodclolhing and provisions lo ho silverware. The Hartlngton Driving and Fair nssocla- ion has purchased a forty aero tract of land 'or fair grounds. Work has already coin- noticed on the trncic nnd fair buildings. The association was Ju t orgnnlrcd during the iut throe weeks , as the old fair association tad become financially embarrassed. About 1,000 has already been raised and some good races are cxpcctod this full , as liberal mrsos will bo oltorod. * > The barn and granary of H. E. Hndon , a armor living near Fairmont , were entirely destroyed by flro. Tbo barn contained a span of' colts valued at $350 and a span of miles , which owing to the rapid progress of the llamos were consumed. The granary , containing 150 bushels of shelled corn and a slack of onts were also burned. The lire Is supposed to bo lucoudir.ry. Tbo loss Is ostl- natcd ut $1,000 , partly covered by insurance. The Seventh Day Advontlsts of Nebraska yill hold their annual camp moating and con ' at Seward , August 30 to September 0. The camp will bo pitched in Schafer's grove , ono nud one-half miles southeast of tbo city on the banks of the Big Blue. Prominent speakers of the denomination will be in at tendance. Meetings for youth and children vilt bo bold dally In separate tents pitched and sealed for this purpose. A dining hall will bo on the ground , where refreshments yill bo served to all who douro. Pasturage , oud and grain will ba furnished lor horjos at u moderate price. The death lost wooic of Mrs. Anna Barnett osidlng near Table Keck , recalls a sud story. She was married three years ago to Gnrrott A. Barnott. Within three or four months after their marriage , young Barnett trav elled ostensibly ns a commercial man. At Chicago , ho purchased , with forged drafts , goods to bo .shipped to Canon City , to n firm of which ho represented himself to bo the senior member , taking cure , in each : aso. to have a goodly amount return- ng to him In currency. No such tlrm existed. Afler vlclltuizing the Chicago - cage firms ho loft for Philadelphia , Pa , , where ho repeated thu game , was caught , and sonloncud to the state prison of Pennsyl vania for three years. A short time after a child was born to them which still lives. Barnott's tlmo will bootit within the next few months , when ho will bo arrested and taken to Cbicaco to answer to the charge offer for ory. The trouble is supposed to have been iho primary cause of Mrs. Barnott's sickness and death. \Vynmllier. The tramp nuisance bus become acute along tbo Union Paclllc. Chovonno taxpayers rejoiced over the re duction of the law frnm 1'2 < I tn 10.5 on the dollar. The state republican couvention will beheld hold at Laramla September 14. The total representation is 10. ) . Four hundred and fifty Chinamen nro em ployed in uiiil around the Union Pacillo coal mines at Hock Springs. Saratoga people propose to build an oloo- trio railway from their town to Wolcott , tbo nearest station on the Union Pacific. Tbo state firomou's tournament opens in Hawlins today. Ono thousand dollars lu nrizcs will be contested for , with rao- ing on tbo sldo. Cilonrock coal mlr.os have a largo force of carpenters nnd tracklayers at work repairing the mlnos and placing thorn in first-class con dition for the winter trade. Work Is being pushed vigorously on the whole line of the Burlington extension from Powder river to Sheridan , and it is thought that trains can bo run in bora by about tbo 1st of November. The ininoi at ROCK Springs produced 944 moro carloads of coal during July than dur ing tb'j same month last year. The incruaso In railroad business at that point for the month amounted to $38,000. Mike McDonald , a liveryman at Chadron , Nob. , and Miss Allca Chase , daughter of a well-to-do farmer In Dawos county , Ne braska , eloped and were married at Suggs , Wyo. , recontlv. They wore subsequently arrested. McDonald Is on tbo shady sldo of 40 ; tbo brldo is under 10. The terminus of the Burlington & Missouri - souri railroad will romuln at Powder river about ono month. It is expected to have the bridge over Powder river completed and the track laid to Clear crook by September 1. From there west work is not'noarly as heavy and progress will bo faster. Johnstown Is the Infant of Wyoming towns. It is on the Sivootwuter ut the sodu fields , ilfty miles north of Hawlins , which Is the railroad point. A flow York syndicate has Invested $50,000 in making tests with the soda. If experiments are successful u largo plant will bo placed and an industrial center will take life. The Big Horn County Hustler takes a poop at lha big crops in the Basin and cheerily bids farewell to poverty : "Tho hay crop is ' simply immense big stacks of it ; 'the oats crop , as It stands , coloring in a double sense , to a golden tint , promises yields of from sixty to ninety bushels per aero , and other cereals equally abundant. Beans , corn , potatoes and otlior vegetables of all kinds , yea and fruit , too are growing In a way that would causa ya granger from iho worn out soil of the ovor-bakod east to doubt bis senses. " ( South llnkutii. Yankton boasts of a democratic club with 300 members. A rich strike of gold and. silver Is reported on Spring croak In the vicinity of Header's sawmill. The boot round-up Is on In the northern bills. It is estimated 150,000 head of steen will bo shipped from that , section this year. "Wheat llvo foot high , forty stalks to the stool , heads llvo inches long ! " This is a fair sample of the reports from tha Holds , says tbo Huroulto. The Black Hills Mineral Bolt Eloctrio Hallway company is tbo tltlo of , u now corporation which proposes connecting Doudwood , Coiilrul , Terravillo , Load and Bald Mountain with an oleotrio road , about II f teen miles long. It Is said $300.000 has been subscribed to the enterprise. The farm implement doalora of Aberdeen have sold 6ovonty-slx carloads of mixed farm machinery uud seventeen carloads of binding twlno this season. In addition tn * this ilftv threshing out Ills hnvo boon disposed of. It is estimated that over 1,000 threshing ma chines ore now at work lu Brown county. The wheat crop In the northern part ot the Btato U surpassing nil xpoctations. it is aald that forty bushels to the acre will bo no unusual occurrence , and heavier yields than even those uro confidently expoctcd , AloiiCiiim. Some practical joker dubs Butte " the Paru ot Montana. " The light for the capital location Is at pros- cnt coutinod to Helena , Bozo man uud Butte with Great Falls adi Mhsoula posing as umpires. tin In ten years the Hcfclmmlno paid $1,800,003 In dividends nnd $7,50 0 } . ) for labor. Forty thousand dollar * worth of property was destroyed by flrd n' MlssouU last wook. The lotal asscssmon't ( ii Silver Bow county * Is MI mills. The totab for the county nnd Butio Is 2 : ) mills. , , , Nearly 3OJO,000 pounds of wool have been shipped from Billings' ibis season over the Northern Pacific. The Iron Mouutaintwompauy has declared a dividend of $100,03i > , 3 cents a share , pay able August 12. It hiirobailo that another dividend will bo declared thn month. Butto's now llbrurj'bulldlnK will cover an urea of 70x104 foot. , H will bo three stories In help hi , with n sovonty-tivo foot towor. Tbo materials will bo pressed brick nnd .tone. At Shorldan , Madison county , David Me- Cranor and others are wonting a group of mlnos with gratifying success. The ere Is free milling gold that assays from $35 to $500 per ton. The Adler Gulch output this year will bo unusually largo. About sixty men are em ployed in the placer * . Waiorhas been abun dant nnd the clean-up will exceed nny for the past ton years. Tbo now oil Holds north of Flathead lake are creating considerable comment among mining mon. It Is thought the fields extend tor fifty miles north and south nnd twenty miles east nrd west. The oil oozes out through the gravel , and tha indications are that a largo supply can bo secured. The largest satnplo of gold quartz over mined in Montana was taken out of the Mo- Itityro lode , the property of the Whillatch- Unlon and Mclntyro Gold Mining company's property , and placed on exhibition In Helena. Its weight wa given at 1.785 pouuds. There are other largo samples from the same prop erty exhibited. All are destined for exhibi tion at the World's fair. The quartz Is opoti and coarse-grained , which Is sure to run well In gold. In the OO's Confederate Gulch was discov ered with its tributary gulohos on the norlh and south. Some of the bars were very con spicuous In some of tbo af'.or days , and es pecially Montana bar , lying west of the mouth of Montana Gulch. A team of ten mules , escorted by armed men , look away from the bar nil the dust it was possible to haul , and quite a number wore wonting there besides. After years of profitable action James King of Holonn bought what they supposed the leavings and worked It for a number of years. Last year's work revealed to his gaze $00,000 in three cleanings , nnd this year ho did not wait but sold for f IOO.OJO. ( Ut-uh und Idaho. Fourteen prisoners have nscapcd from the Utah penitentiary in two yonrs. The strike in the Peruvian mluo at Alia , Utah , improves nswork progresses. The assessed valuation of Salt Lalco county is $18,800,000 , or about $10,000,000 less than last year. Moroton Frowon , the ox-cattio baron of Wyoming , IB booming the Deep Crook min eral district of Utah. Tha assessment role of Elraoro county , Idaho , for 1802 sums up $1,133,120 , upon which tha taxes will amount to $37,302.05. The roll shows a falling oil of $50,000 on last year's valuation. Tba Ogden Standard continues to boom the Laplata district. Tbis camp was discovered about ono year ago and has bad an astonish ing growth , considering that the ere Is prin cipally galena and the Ideation is high up In the mountains where the snow falls too dcop to work any of the witftqr. A party of engineers are at work running a line for a ditch to bp.takon out of Snake river about llftccu miles above sVaitor's Ferry , Idaho. The object is to secure newer " enough to run an olecVrip light plant. "If this can bo done tho'power ' will bo convoy oil to DcLamar to be used at'tho mines instead of steam. a * J. Sobomcrorn , lhef ( obIogUt and mineralo gist who is working in the interest of Ida ho's exhibit at the World's fair , discovered an Immense glacial fleld.1ln central Idaho , bo- neatb which Is a series of glacial lakes. Tbo glaciers nro .located about twonty-livo miles nouthwost of Sboup , 'amid a number of high peaks not down on tl n map. Messrs. . C. Carlson and AH. , , Qorgman wuro up the * south.fork of tbo , Big Cottonwood - wood on Sunday and inspected the slriko recently made by Will Grlflllb. 'Mr. Carlson describes it'as one of the biggest things ho over saw , says the Salt Lake Tribune. They had sunk to a depth of ten feet and had a vein thirty inches wldo and throwing wider. The ere was carbonate , chloride of silver and sleel galena. The Nell gold mining district , twenty miles east of Bolso , is attracting many pros'- rectors just now. The district has for years boon regarded as u very rich ono , but only the placer claims have bcou workqd. Now iho quartz claims are being developed. Dr. B. Powers of BoUo has struck a vein of clear milling ere that runs $80 to tba ton , and for ever < a hundred fuel the vein Is pierced by a thirtoon-incb stroalt that runs $170 to tbo ton. A man named Sloano has discover ed a lodge which runs $170 to the ton. An eastern syndicate Is making prepara tions to construct a broad gauge railroad from WoUo , on the Oregon short line of the Union Pad tie system , to the Seven Devils region of Idaho , a distance of ninety miles. Later on the line will bo extended to Lewis- ton. The Union Pupifio Is hoi loved to bo the controlling spirit of the syndicate , ono of Us confidential employes having boon at work on the Bchotno for many months. It is claimed that ere shipments from the Seven Devils region nlono will moro than pay tbo construction expense of the now line , which will bo known as tbo Woisor & Northern. Alonff tliu Count. Spokane county , Washington , reports 0,559 school children. Hogular trains are now running on the Grout Northern to Spokano. A hungry bear tore tbo sldo out of a cabin In the Urecnhorn mining district of Oregon and feasted on 150 pounds of bacon. Hazel ICoycs , a balloonoss , attempted to ascend near Seattle. She was dumped in a neighboring lake and picked up , unconscious , by a boat. Work has commenced on an irrigation canal which , when completed , will add 80- 000 ucros to the cultivable area of Kiltitas valley , Washington. California U getting to bo a pretty solid stato. Governor Markham , m a published Interview , says that , with a population of about 1,250,000 , there IB in tbo savings banks of the state nearly $120OCO,000 , two-thirds or which belongs to tbo wage-camera of the state. Ono of tbo richest gold discoveries ever made In eastern Oregon was recently made near Olive lake. Grant county , by Jack Coyio an l B. H. Bennett. They bad run two tunnels In only B short distance , whoa assays were made , showing up * $11-1 ere in the upper tunnel and $3,457 ere intbo * lower. " ' The work of ohqh"p'ing the Sun Diego street car system toah , , electric system Is rapidly progressing , , and very soon tbo entire - tire force of workmen will bo taken across the bay , when the steam motor line running from the ferry wharf 'to the Hotel del Coronado - nado will bo changpaVo that electricity can bo used. The overhojw 'trolley ' wire is being ' ' used. , H.lvoil I1U CliUd'H IAIo. A. N. Dllforbough ; , York , Nob. , says : "Tho oiher duy I came home nnd found my little boy down with cholera morbus , my wife scared , not Knowing What to do , I wont straight way and got 0 25-cont bot'.lo of Chamberlain's Colic , Clfolora nud Dlarrhtua Humody and gave It according to directions. You never saw such , , change lu a child. His limbs und body vyfjr.o cold. 1 rubbed bis limbs and body witb ) ny . bands , and uftor I had aivou him tbo noco d dose bo went to sloop , and , an my wlfo f&ys , 'from a death bed bo wa up pluylufr .In throe hours , ' It eavod mo u doctor bill of about til , and what is butter , It saved my child. I can recom mend it with a clear conscience. " Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report CHARACTER IN THE EYES Rules nnd Regulations for Annlyzlng "tho Windows of the Soul. " TRUSTY , SYMPATHETIC AND DECEPTIVE Slenlflentico of the "Shining , Uncnsr Olnnro" A I'nnious Iliunmor Thtit llorriil , Nvnr lglitoil .linn Gossip About \Vomon Useful liiluriuntlon. If we only know It , wo nro rovchlmg un consciously all ibo frhllo to outsiders the in ner workings of our nature througti iho sign manual of hair , eyes , hands oud mouths. Kond ono or all , and guldod by the warnings thus bold out wo can steer clour of trouble and tlo fast to that which Is good without over giving nny reason other than Inclina tion , yet guldrd by signposts that loom up straight anil clear before eyes not too blind to soo. A few days ago , says the Pblla- dolphin Times , wo gave our readers the bints about the hair , ana today coma rules governing the reading of tlio eyes that may prove of vnluo. Ouo cau always trust the erav , full orb that looic clonrly out from under lasbos long and straight. The gray eye with curling hishos 1 * a certain sign of a frivolous tmturovhllu , a small , oval , brown optic , with Hecks of contrasting color near tlio pupil. Indicates a highly nervous torn- poramout wltti literary tendencies. This eye is ulways overshadowed by saduossvlion in repose , and is such mi ono as many pools and painters bnvo possessed. Largo liquid black eyes denote n sympa- thotto nature , ousily moved , but with no great doptn of feeling. Byes of wlmtovor tnio , If sot close together , toll to tlio world that their owner is not lo bo trusted. Beware - ware of tho- shifting glance it threatens clangor. A full , dork oluo eye U the very typo of honest Intentions und resolute pur pose , yet a light watery ono betrays n weak vacillating nature , easily inlluonccd for Rood or evil , but moro often toward the latter rather than tbo former course. The eye of Itoon perception and rave ability Is the dcop brown , with no mellowness , but a look on Us surface as of high polish. This eye roads you through and through and is the index of a nature calculating , cold and bard iu business dealing , yet stanch and true in Us friendships. No matter of what color , beware the eyes that have tie dostro to look you full in the face. Thorc is something wrong behind the shitting , uneasy glauco , and the owner of sunn optics wilt provo unworthy of trust. Head well the Minis. lor if actions sneak louder than words , eyes speak oven louder than actions , and to bo forowarud is to bo forearmed. The writer miiiht liavo nddod. and truth fully too , lhat the eyes of rascals and ruf- llnns would stare an honest man out of coun tenance. The "shifting , uneasy glanco" is not a true indication ol untrustworthiness or inherent wickedness. The design for thai much-talked-ot ham mer with which Mrs. Potter Palmer is to drive tbo last nail In the Woman's building at the World's fair has bcon fixed upon. To determine what the hummer should bo like has bcou the work of maity months by the women of Nebraska , but they have succeeded - od at last and tuo precious implement Is being executed by an Omaha jeweler. No hammer of the Hko of this ono has over pounded a nail. The handle will bo com posed of light and dor * woods alternating and encircled by a broad band of void on which will bo engraved : "From the Woman of Nebraska. " The bead of the hammer will be of solid silver. On the face of tbo head will bo the seal of No bras it a in gold re lief. Draping the hammer and handle will ba tbo Hag of the union wrought in gold. For each stuto in the union there will bo a diamond star , and the flagstaff will be of pearl , surmounted by a golden oaglo. The idea of the hammer originated after the women of Montana had proposed a de sign for the last nail. This last nail is to bo manufactured of gold , silver nnd copper , the most prominent native minerals of the stato. The lieau of the nail will consist of a repre sentation of the seal of the stato. This seal happens to contain mountain , rivers and val leys , us well as the sky. To properly repre sent those features diamonds and sapphires will be used. Mrs. Eliza J. Uickards Is tbo originator of the nail idea. After the nail story had boon circulated the Nebraska women took up tbo hammer idea. Liast come the women of Colorado They aiu not want to fall in doing somotbnig on the line of finishing the Woman's build ing , so they will present the casket in which the hammer and nail are to bo kept. This casket will bo a mlntaturo model in precious metals of tbo Pueblo Mineral palaco. There was a very angry man at tbo Stock ton last nlgnt , an exceedingly embarrassed younp widow , and a chuculng practical joker of the fcmlnlno gender. It all came about throiigh a harmless bow of ribbon , writes a Capo May correspondent. The man is very nearsighted , and when being taken to bis apartment upon arrival was appalled at the endless vista of hod- room doors which met his astonished vision. It is Impossible for him to decipher numbers after nightfall , and the knowledge of this caused him some llttlo concern , tor no feared Soap What is wanted of soap for the skin is to wash it clean and not hurt it. Pure soap does that. This is why we want pure soap ; and , when we say pure , we mean without alkali. Pears' is pure ; no al kali in it ; no free alkali. There are a thousand virtues of soap ; this one is enough. You can trust a soap that has no biting alkali in it. All sorts of stores sell It , especially druggists ; ill sorts of people use it. for Iho Huln of I.uiul liy Ilcitxou of tlio Viicutlng of Ulllli Ht. , Ili-tmtun John 1 , Hi'dlck'n SiilMltvUiiui anil fiirniiiii Htrcet. Boalod propo xlH will bo rocolvud at the city comptrullor'b oltluo , ulty of Onmhti. to 4 p. in , , AuKimtUiltli , JH'JJ ' , for the Halo or the following imrcoU of land ; Two plot-os of bU by 1-1 foot , boluoun Kitrnam und llnrnuy btrcots ; and ono jiloi-o of BU liy I7CH5 tool , Dutwoen Harnuy and Half Howard , lllds will bu rcculvod on ouch or all nieces HH may bo dotlrod , Kach bidder to undone certified uhock or * ; jn. The right Is reserved to reject or accept any or nil hluu. 1'lat anil description of the land on die luthUolllco. TlliO , OLSF.N , alToot Comptroller , ccanUpaUou , dy ! > rpUoulZ jreath , brulaclie , Wrtlmrn , Ibu of , that if ho should KO downstairs bo would not bo able to llnd his loom npnln. In this dllomma bis troubled eyes toll upon atlnyltnot of ribbon lyltiR lit the corner , loft by some fair predecessor. Taking n pin ho t icned the bow on the oulfltdo door-framo and wont on his way rrjolclnp. A .voiinp nnd giddy girl from Chicago witnessed iho act and hurriedly innvod the bndgo to the next door. About midnight the nearsighted man , after n pleasant ovenlnp , came slowlv up stairs. With Inuard satisfaction nt his brill iant Idea , ho scanned the doors until ho de tected thorlubou , t'orthvlth ho turned the knob and pro- coodcd to cuter , only lo bo confronted with a flood of llpht and n highly startled joung widow In n state of deshabille. Ho llod down the corridor and the lady , with rare acumen , instead of screaming nud raising a sensation , slammed nnd locltod the door. An hour later the unfortunate man sneaked up to bed in tow of n boll boy. Miss Marie Adelaide Dolloc has a pair ot dimples that she found useful In overcoming the continental prejudice to interviewers , for Miss Itolloo U an Kr.pllsh literary woman who began her career by securing for the 1'all Mall Uazolto some very valuable interviews - views from prominent European statesmen whoso oxcluslvcnoss , Invulnerable to niaeou- line inquiry molted before Miss Bolloo's eracoful questioning. Although Miss Bolloo rejoices In a "career , " she is but just past 20. Still a sly maturity creeps Into the short storloi that she fre quently contributes to Murray's Magazine , the Kovlow of Hovluws and other periodical ical- . . icalMiss Miss Uolloo possesses nu advantage over most writers in that she Is equally at homo in both French and English ; in fact , some of her best stories , those of a piquancy moro appreciated in Franco than In England , have appeared In 1'urlsian magazines. This linguistic oxcolloncu shn owes tn Iho faot that her parents were ono English , the ether French. At a recent religious convention In Con necticut Uuv.V. . II. Walker said ho bad no money lo contribute , but would consecrate his daugntor lo the work. Miss Walker , a bcauliful girl of 1' ' , Is not of the material that consecrates successfully. She is preparing - paring for the stage , preferring short skirts and the footlights to the seclusion of the cloister. The Alliance Israelite Unlvorsollo has do- tormlucd to be an exhibitor at the World's Columbian exposition. The AUlauoo will show specimens of Iho work performed by tbo pupils In all Its schools , photographs of the school buildings , products of thu agri cultural school at.I attix and of the technical school at Jerusalem , and of its boy and girl apprentices in workshops. The collective exhibit will give an idea of tbo results ob tained by the society since Us foundation In the domain of elementary and technical edu cation. Bpth the method and results whoa Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant and refreshing to the taste , and acts gently yet promptly on the Kidneys , Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys tem effectually , dispels colds , head aches and fevera and cures habitual constipation. Syrup of Figs is the only remedy of its kind ever proi duced , pleasing to the taste and ac ceptable to the stomach , prompt in its action and truly beneficial in its effects , prepared only from the most healthy and agreeable substances , its many excellent qualities commend it to all and have made it the most popular remedy known. Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75o bottles by ill leading druggists. Any reliable druggist who may not have it on hana will procure it promptly for any one wno wishes to try it. Manufactured only by the CALIFORNIA FIG SYRUP CO , , 8AM FKA.NOISOO , OAZi. i .ouiavmjs. KY. NEW YORK. N. f. NOTICE OF ASSESSMENT OL1 DA M AGES FOR RECONSTRUCTING THE SIXTEENTH STREET VIADUCT. To thoownors of all H > U nnd purls of lots and real estate along tlio Sixteenth street via duct ami the appro. iches thereto. Vou are hereby notllluii that the under * slKnod , three disinterested freeholders of the city of Oinuha. huvo been duly unpointed by thn mayor , with the approval of the city coun cil of siilil city , to iis-oss tlioclIII.IRO to tlio owners rujoeotlvuly of the proj srty iiiroctod hv the construction nnd rceonulruutlon of the Sixtonnth street vladnut In thu city of Omaha u declared nucosvary l > y ordinance No. 2'JT" ' , nnd us proposed by plans duly unproved by the mayor nnd council of H.ild ulty. You are further not. Hod , that h ivlnjj 110- coplcd suld uiiDolntinunt. und duly qualified Hsruiiulrcd hy law wo will , on Mondiiy , the Kind duy ot AiiRUst. A. I ) . , 18'J' ' ' , at the hour of ! ) o'clock In the loicnoon. at thu illruotoia' i ouni of the Cuiimioicixl National bank. within the coruornto limits of mid city , incut for the purpose of consldorliiE and making the nssussiiient of daiim.'o to tlio owners re spectively of S'lid property , affected by said reconstruction of said vsaduct nnd Its ap proaches. tukltiK Into consideration special bonollts. If any. Vou are notltlud to bo present at the time und place aforesaid nnd uutko nny objections to or statements concornl > ix said assiMsmont of dauittKOS as you " AU > 'KKI ) Omalm , August 10. ibiU. AlldlOC To Preserve Tlio rlchnrsi , color , nnd beauty of the Imir , the greatest earn Is necessary , much Imtra being < lone by the use ol worthless dressings. To bo sure of hav ing a Urst-clim nrtlclo , nsk your drug * plst or perfumer for Ayor's Ilulr Vigor. It Is nbtolutcly superior to nny otlior prcp.iration of the kind. It rcsioics the original color niijl fullness to hnlr which Inn Itocomo thin , faded , or gray , It Isccpi the sculi ) < oo1 , moist , nnil frca from itnnilrniT , It heals Itchllighuinors , prevents baldness , nnd imparts to THE HAIR a silken tosturo and lasting fragrance. No toilet can bo considered conipleto without this most popular nnd elegant of all halr-dro.sslngs , "My hair begun turning gray nnd fallIng - Ing out when I was about 23 years ol age. 1 liavo lately bcon using Ayer's Hair Vigor , and It Is causing a now growth of hair of the natural color. " R. J. Lovrry , Jones 1'ralrlo , Texas. "Overa year ago I had a severe fever , nnd when I recovered , my hair began to fall out , nml what llttlo rcmalned'turncd gray. I tried various remedies , but without success , till at last I began to USE Ayor'a Hair Vigor , and now my hair Is growing rapidly and Is restored to its original color. " Mrs. Aunlo Collins , Dish ton , Mass , "I liavo used Ayor'a Hair Vigor for nearly llvo years , and my hair Is moist , glossy , and in an excellent state of pres ervation. I nm forty years old , and have ridden the plains for twonty-llvo years. " Wm. Henry Oil , alias "Mug. tang Bill , " Newcastle , Wyo. Ayer's Hair Vigor Prepared bj-Dr..T C. Ayerfc Co. , LowellMs ยง . Bold by Druggl'la Kvirywlicrc. NEW THREE THEATRE. NIGHTS. Commencing Sunday , August 21. AN KVltNT I'OSlTIVKIiY OVKH-SHAIKMVINQ ANYl'HKVmtia IMIIMUNTATION OK AMKIIIOAN IIKAMA. Jacob LIU nnd Tlios. 11. llnvls' l'roill li > iia nnd 1'otr- orful I'roitiiMlon or Wllllum llnnorth'a firoiU iinil ( ilorluii * Niiullcil 1'l.iy , THE ENSIGN With nil Hi Mlitlity , Mii lro. Mnimltlront and I'lo- turo-tquuSconlo Kiinlimiont * . Including "Tho Stupendous Double-Duck Scene on llio U. 8. Krlttnto. Mnn .Inclntii , " "A View of Havana llnrbor by Moonlight" "Tho I'ro-lileiit's l.llirnry nt the Whlto llouso. " "Tho Spur Dock or the Frluntu. San Jaclnto. " FARM .ST. THEATER.I'OI'UljAll Four Nlelitf of .Solid Ktin. commencing ; SUNDAY. AUGUST -Jlst. Matinees Sund-iy nti'l ' Wodnosyav. Engagement of the greatest Comedy Novelty produced In voartt. OLE OLESON. With URN lIKVlMUOKri In the tltlo rnlo Hoar the Swedish Lady Quartet from Stuck * helm THE EVANS , The Hot Springs of A me rim , Hot SirliiL ] % S , l > . Klnest Ile-ort llotol In tlio West , Strlctlr First Clatts. l.arKO Itooni * , BliiKlo or Knsulto , Now Upon * All MotUTn Improvement * , Tnhlo n Spo- clultf. UoiiKonublu Itntus for llalnnroiif Hoaiuu. Orclic'itniniHl Dniu-lMK K\ory KvunlMKln tlio Mu ute llnll. nnuit 1'luriKO Until In tlio United btntux. Uciiutlful .Mountain bcuncry , hplcndlil Lllmato , Cool Nlidits , Nu Muiiiultui ) . ll.UUO l-'fet ntinvp the Son. Tlio Houth Uakom Hot SprlnKs uro uttnictlnx attention nil over tlio world , and rrocuring a IHTKLT parcpnliiKO tlinn 11117 niirlnm In tlio U. 8. Kor rnto * , bittis , etc. nnrt other In formation , address , U , 8. MAHDKN. Hot Springs , South Dnkutn. Save Your Eyesight ycitested free by.m BXPE'IT Ol'UOtAN i'orfcot adjustment. Superior lonaoi. Norv- oiishoadauho cured by usln ; ; our Siioctaolej nnd Eyozlubso-1 1'rlco * low for lint clan goods. THE ALOE & PENFOLD GO , HIS. 15thSt.Cfoiffhton Blosk. Or tlie lilquor Habit INmHIvrly Cured by uilniliil-lrrliiir I > r. llnlut-ft * 'Joliloii Miifi-IIl" . It aan bo elven la a cup of cotleo or ten , or In food , without tbo knovlcdgo ot the patlont. It absolutely liarraleoa. and will effect permanent and speedy euro , whether the patient ! a moderate drinker or an aloohollo wreck. It baa been alven In thousand * of case * , and In every jnatanoo n perfect cure lias fo ) . lowed. Jtufvrr Full * . ThanystrmoncolmpreKnatod nlth the Epeoino. tt becomes an utter Imposnlblllty for the liquor apnotlte to exist , UOI.ItKN MI'KOIFIG CO. . I'rop'rs. Cln-timcll , O. 48-r > aue book of particulars froo. To tw bad of Kuhn&Oo , . UthandDouglai Sit. . 18th and UumlnKHtn. Wholesale ) . HluUu. llrnco , &Uo. and Ulahardfion Drun Uo.Omaha. Neb INTEulUTIONnl DR , W. C. MAXWELL , Prest , Graduate of llollovuu Hospital Modloal College. Now Voi U Olty. Olusi of I8T4 16th and Howard Streets , - - Omaha , Nebraska. POU TJIK SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OP ALL Chronic , Private and Nervous Diseases , Mule or female , by competent phyololans who liav.i . made a Hpoclal study of the abova class of dlseasos , not only to treat , but guarantao a euro in all caini undortiuo.i. and the bout equipped institution of its Id til THE S ANITAItlUM Is tha moat complete in the entire west. It contains fifty rooms for thti acoa wmodatlon of patlonts who may require the constant attention of oxpurlonosd , physicians and nunon. BO AKDINa will ba furnlshod at roasenablo rat-s. Writs for book on dUeai-H , mail'd free , to any uddrosj o.i application . Persons unable to visit ua miy bo troUod at homo bycorrespDndonoo. All communications strictly oonfUoutlil. la tr view preiurrod , whenever convenient for patient. WIUT3 FOB QUESTION BLANKS to state the hlator/ofyour case MoJIolnoBosurjly pJolied and sent by mall or oxpros * . Address , INTERNATIONAL SANITARIUM , Dr. W. O. Maxwell. P.'ueldtmt. Omaha. Nobra&ka Dr.DQWNS 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.