Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 21, 1892, Page 9, Image 9

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Monday and all this week we will sell Muslins and Sheetings at net cost.
Housekeeping Linens of all kinds , Dress Goods , Silks , Hosiery , Underwear , Gloves , Notions -
tions , Cloaks and Suits , Upholstery Goods , in fact almost every line in our store
will be represented in this Great Cash Reduction Sale. We will make this the
greatest clearing sale we have ever held. Be 011 hand early Monday morning for
bargains go fast ,
- Our out of town friends who live ted far to attend this sale , will find their mail
f "
orders attended to with the greatest precision. ' N. B. FALCONER.
Great Cash Clearing
Sale of Colored Dress
Greatest sale of fine imported robe
patterns ever held In Omaha.
For one week wn olTer all our high
grade imported dross patterns at a frac
tion above cost ,
To fai'ililato the sale of tlu'so goods
X wo plaro them In four (1) ( ) lots , as under :
' * ' Lot 1 High grade novelty suits which
Bold up to * 12.50 , forll.OR.
Lot 2 Hiirh nouvoauto suits which
Bold up to $18 , for $7.8 ! ) .
Lot 3 Kino imported robes which
Bold up 1022.50 , forS.97.
Lot -Some 1 of the linust dress robes
imported Into the country , worth up to
$30 , for W.7S.
lUMiiombor , this is only for 0110 wo ok ,
nnd you cannot tuiy before or utter at
the prices quoted.
Aipo , a line of now colorings in cropon
ef foots , at $1 per yard.
Also , a beautiful assortment of new
cloths , warrantrd the best in the mar
ket , for $1.50.
Also , a superb line of now corkscrew
diagonal weaves , sold by all reputable
dealers at $2. for $1.75.
Now fall goods opunod every day , so
you cannot inits It , ( 'omo right in , and
via will bo pleased to show > ou through
our enormous stock.
.lust think of this bargain : 38-inch
black silk warp honriclta , logular $1
quality , this week , ( i5o.
All wool black ottoman oioth , 10-Inch ,
and wet th ovcr any counter , 8-5c , this
\vcek , 680.
All wool , 5t-inch ( broadcloth , others
ndvortlbo it for$1.2o , our price for this
week , $1.
All wool , -ID-inch Imported eiHnnoro.
oxtta value for 85c , for this weoKOOc.
Great Cash Clearing
Sale of Wash Goods.
Such as Pokin Crepe , Oriental Crepe ,
Organdies , Pineapple Tissue , Chullls ,
Ik'dford Cord , French Uaiiste , French
Batine , etc. , oto.
The Indian Challis at TH' , worth lOo
the best mutorlul for comforts.
The Pol jn oropo , 30 inolios wldo , at
7jc , worth 16u.
The Indian Organdies,30 Inches wldo ,
nt "Jo , worth 15c.
The pincapilo | tissue , 30 inches wldo ,
nt 7jc , worth 15a
All of the above in very doslrablo
styles , are in light , medium ami dark
tjiound9jind a grout bargain.
The oriental crepe tit file , worth 15c :
very attractive and suitable matorlui
for early full dresses or wrappers. In all
fancy mixtures , stripes , plaids and
checks ,
The novelty bedford cord nl Mo ; reg
I./ ular I5c. This material Is the newest
for drosB goods , Cornea in fancy figures ,
/ polka dots , u'.i ; ,
. The French batiste at 15c , regulur J55o
* nunlity , in u great vurioty of designs ,
light , medium and dark.
The Froneh satino ut 16o , worth 25o
and 3-5c ; black ground whitoand colored
The Madras cloth atHe , worth 8jc ,
comes in fancy stripes for wrappers.
The outing llannol at 6c , worth lOc , in
fani'y stripe- * , checks and plaids.
Indigo organdies at OJc , worth loc , in
cbeoks and plaids , fast colors.
The Armenian serge at lOc , regular
15c , 30-inch material for the full trudo ;
a grott : variety.
Great Cash Clearing
Sale of Laces.
0-inch point do Trflande lace , regular
price oOc , Monday loc.
12-inch point do Irolande luceregular
price " -ic , Monday , 1.5c.
11-inch point do Irelando laceregular
price $1 , Mond-iy , loo.
9-inch point do gcno lace , regular
price GOo , Monday. 1.5o.
12-inch point do Gone lace , regular-
price 8-5c , Monday , loo.
M-incli point do gone lace , regular
price $1.10 , Monday , loo.
10-iiich silk drapery net lace , regular
price $1.3-5 , Monday , 79c.
lO-inch silk dranory not lace , regular
price $1.50 , Monday , l)8e. )
Ill-Inch silk dranory not lace , regular
price $2 , Monday , $ l'l-5.
10-inch silk draporv not lace , regular
price } 2.-10 , Monday , $1.0J.
Great Cash Clearing/
Sale of Silks.
Plain China silks in ornain and a few
fancy shades , ISc. worth-HUs.
Plain China bilks , surahs , gros-gruin ,
brocudes , etc. . silks that are worth up
to $1.00 per yard , all at one price , 8o. ! )
Imported China Bilks in fancy figures
and wo-th 91.23 , at 5'Ju.
Your cholco of all our plain nnd. fig
ured India and China bilks , our regulur
$1.00 , $1.25 qualities ut 79c.
Wo also make u big lent In black nnd
colored dress silks , crepe do chnnos ,
fancy brocades etc. . and short lengths ,
will go ut leas than i tegular price.
Great Cash Clearing
Sale of Infants' Wear.
Children's Inco trimmed embroidery
cups , oc each , vuluo up to 50c.
Touriot caps worth up to $1.00 , go at
15o oach.
infants' bibs , Infants' bands , long
drosMis , short drosseH , llannol nnd cam-
brio bklrts , tlannel robes , knit and Hun-
nol jackets , every article pertulnlng to
nn Infant's wardrobe , will be subject to
n dlticount of 20 per cent. Wu will in
clude while dresses for chlldron from 2
to 6 yearn old This is the bent olTor on
infanta' wear wo have ever m ido. 20
per cent will b < j ta'oii olT the foot of
ovc.'y purchase.
Great Cash Clearing
Sale of Linens.
We have a ( Trent many odds and ends
in thit department that wo must oloao
All our bleached uamask that wo sold
at Soc , OOc ana $1 , will be closed out at
7oc.All our bleached dnmask that wo sold
at $1.10 and $1.25 , will bo sold at OOc.
All our Sic , OOc and Goo damask will
bo closed out at15c. .
All our 70c and 7oc damask will bo
closed out at il5c.
Wo will oll'or five pieces 72 inch extra
heavy damask at $1 per yard : was $1.25
and $1.35.
25 dozen 5-8 napkins ut $1.05. worth $2
20 do/.on 3-1 tmtikins will be closed out
at $2.2.5 , $2.50 , f2.7o , $3 , $1 , $1.50 , worth
25 per cent moro.
18 pairs 2JX-J hemstitched linen
shoots that we have sold at $3 pair will
bo closed out at $0.2-5 per p ilr. Plcaso
remember those goods tire all hem
stitched by hand.
Our stock of hemstitched pillow cases
is far too largo and wo must reduce
prices .lust look at our pillow casqs
wo will olTor for $1.1-5 , $1.50 , $1.7.5 , $1.85
per pair. You can buy sotno very line
goods at $2. $1 , $1 and upwards.
You will llnd wo are headquarters on
towels of nil kinds , .lust look at our
towels at 12jo , 15o and lOc.
At 2.5c.
You all know what our 25o towels nro.
Just look at our huck ana damask tow
el * that wo will olTor yon at that prioii-
Thnio is only a few do/.on of uiuih kind
and cannot bo duplicated when once
Hold out.
At G5c ,
Wo will olTor you the biggest value
you over had In your life. Among tills
lot will bo 85c and $1 towels and they
will go at ( I5c.
Special prices will Iw made on all bet
tor lowols during thU salo.
Wo have a great iniiny odd table
cloths , in all si/on from 2to 1 yards long
which you will llnd worth buying.
It Is the universal verdict of every . ,
good hiiiiiukoopor tliut we soil bed ?
spreads dumper than any ono oleo in A
Omaha. The loubon iabiinply this ; Wo *
buy them direct from the mills.
Full I'i/oil crochet , bed bproads at 02o ,
worth $1 2-5.
Full si/.od ctouhetbod apr.mdd at $1.15 "
woru $1.50. 4
Full til/.od Marseilles bud spreads at
$1.4ti , were f2.
Full sized Martieilloj bed spreads at
SI. Hi , woru $ J.
Fall sized Marseilles bed spreads at
S2.03 , were $1.
See our llnor poods at $15.50 , $1 , $5 , $0 ,
$7 , $8 and $ ! ) .
Wo will guarantee to save you at
least 25 per cent on the o goods and bo-
bides , you get the biggest assortment
that is to bo found anywhere.
The fnnoy linens consist of pluin and
stumped tray cloths , bureau scarfs and
doylies. An elegant line of tidies and
splashers at prices that will surprise
During this sale our entire stock of
muslins mid sheeting will bo sold at
Great Cash Clearing
Sale of Notions.
Spool cotton at IJc.
20c noodle cases at oc.
Silk bjlts , in black , white and navy ,
worth 35c and 50c , all at 2Ao.
Leather bolts , in black and tans , at
25c , regular price , 59c.
Leather bolts and girdles , In black
and tii'is , nt llc. ) worth 85o to $1.2-5.
Bolts worth $1.50 and $1.7.5 at Soc.
"Windsor tics , in all silk , hemstitched ,
plain and fancy colors , at lOo.
( i-5c garterswith gilt and silvorclasps ,
ntWe. .
fijo garters , bent silk olastle , with gilt
and silver clasps , at 53c.
Varnlshod whale bones , in 18-inch
lengths , ut 8Ju.
Leather gooJs.such as purses , pocketbooks -
books , card cases traveling b.igs and
grips at half their usuul price.
Great Cash Clearing
Sale in Oui Cloak Dept
Ladies' imported chullio wrappers ,
lined throughout , made with silk front ,
usual price $13.50 ; for this cash bale only
$5 each.
Lmlloa * fancy Jisrsy wnlats , suitable
for fall wear , inudo of extra fine cloth ,
in tan , black , navy and myrllo croon ;
our regular retail price was 83.50 to $ > .
Beginning Monday , wo will sell them
all iit $1.98 ouoh.
Children's ready made suits at just
one liaif prico.
Our $5 suits , npw $2/50. /
Our $7.50 suits now tl.
Our $ ! ) suits , now $1.7' .
Our $10 suits , now i5 ,
Ladles' fall jackets , inudo of flno im
ported worsted male-rial , 32 Inohos long , '
skeleton faced , price V7.0. * 0. IOIO and
$12.fill ; some of the o jackets are worth
Great Cash Clearing
Sale of Embroidery.
Wo will close out n liii'i of umbroidory
at half price. Great reductions on all
luces , ciuuroldoi'los , art goods , etc.
Great Cash Clearing
Sale of Hosiery and
P.2 doxon Indies' lisle thread fancy
striped seamless hose at 19c , worth ; i"c. .
50 dozen ladies' natural gray Swiss
ribbed cotton drawers , regular price 50o
all go at 2c > a pair.
V ) do/.on Indies' high nock long slcevo
jersey ribbed vests , nil sixes , go at 23u
each , worth 40c.
110 do on ladles' low nock sleeveless
combination suits , in ecru and white ,
worth $1.50. sale pi-ice Me.
(10 ( do/on ladles' black onyx dye jersey
ribbed low neck blouvoloss vests , regu
lar value liflc ; sale price 37jo each.
110 do/.on ladies'lino ( i-throul balbriggan -
gan combination suits for 71)c ) each ,
worth 81.50.
10 do/.on Indies' pink and blue low
neck sleeveless voatsfor lOSe o.ich , reg
ular value 25c.
30 dozen ladies' low nock slcovoleas
vests with tape at Sic each , worth ISo.
2i ( do/.on boys' shirts and drawers , in
natural gray , all si/os , worth loc , sale
price 12.50 each.
2-5 dozen men's blue gray shirts ana"
drawers , a modlum weight b.ilbriggan
for fall wear , world S5u , to close 50o
All our oOc and ( I5c plain colorad nnd
fancy bulbrlggiui shirts and drawers go
at 3'o ' ) each.
Mon's fancv colored half Itiundorol
] > urcale .shirts , good pitto.'iis , at Too
each , worth $1.25.
Men's flno quality blue ! : silk shirts ,
worth fti.iiO , u lie price $2 each.
100 do/en mun's light and dark color
ed lock and four-iu-hand ties for l ! jo.
All now fall goods ,
50 doioti bays' fancy percale waists for
lOo each.
20 do/.on lioavy oxford cheviot and
percale waists , a 50c qu.ility , Mile price
37 je.
100 doion campaign handkerchiefs forCe
Co each.
Men's line French lisle thread solid
colored underwear at 08u ; worth , is 1.50 ,
50 do/.en mun's fancy striped lisle
thread half huso at lOjc. regular pi-lco
Great Cash Clearing
Sale in Millinery De
A rare ohanco for the ladios.
Evarything in summer m'lllnory gem
at a great sucrlllco.
Choice of nny fancy bnild h it In our
en tire stock , colored or hi ick , for ! ) > o.
A fuw do/.eti fancy Hhupos , In colors
and black , choice ( or 50c.
All trimmed h it-i In throe lot ) .
Lot 1. Hits that were $8.50 to $15.00 ,
choice for $ .5.00.
Lot 'i Hats that were to 00 to W.O'J ,
cholco for * 3.0X (
Lot3. TIats thut were &I.60 to $5.00 ,
choice for $2.0J.
Wo are showing a fuw full novelties.
Great Cash Clearing
Sale of Draperies.
$1,5.00 and $18.00 silk curtuins at
810.2-5 pair.
$2-5.00 satin derby portieres at 810.60
per pair.
Odd chenille portieres nt $2.00 oach.
] yard chenille covers at $2.16 each.
11 yard dorbv covers at $2.83 each.
Embroidered table scarfs nt12o each.
Heavy silk fringes at 60e yard.
Kug fringe at lOc yard.
12 Inch plush lambrequin nt 33e yard.
Imitation China si'k ' at lOc yard.
Plain opaque shades at 12jc oach.
Hordorod opaque shades at 17o each ,
Silver and bron/.o curtain poles com *
ploto 18c.
Striped scrim at Do yard.
Plain China silk at 55o vard.
Plain crepe at 7.'ic yard.
Fancy colored scrim at Ole yard.
All snado orders taken this week at
20 per cent loss than the regular price.
Great Cash Clearing
Sale in Art Dept.
Goods in this department will bo
literally given away.
Heat quilily of I3orlin zephyr , all
shades , 3Jc per o/ .
( Jcrmuntown yarns that were 20c , now
10l ! .
Starlight saxony that was 20c , now
12c. }
Gorman knitting yarn , that was 83o ,
now 28" .
$1.00 tassels now f 0c.
7.5o tasjols no.v 39c.
fiOo tassels no.v27o.
2-io plush nails now 13c.
lee pluih balls now lOe.
THsol b.UU lo each.
Tinted squares at half prico. Everything -
thing in this department In like propor.
Great Cash Clearing
Sale cF Ribbons at
Half Their Value.
All silk satin and gros grain ribbons
No * . 3 and 5 , for ; ! c.
All silk satin and gro ? grain ribbons ,
No-i. 7 , 0 , 12 , for 7c.
/ All silk satin and gros grain ribbons ,
NOH. 12 , H ) , 22 , for
All silk moire , plain edge , Noa. 12 ,
10 , 22. for 13c.
ESn&h ribbons , 7 Inches wldo , for 48c.
Sush ribbons , 0 inohos wide , for 680.
Great Cash Clearing
Sale of Umbrellas.
2i-lnch ( gloria umbrella , was 81.29 ,
now ! )0c. )
2t-inch ( malostlo umbrella , was $8.00 ,
now $2.J8. !
Id-Inch Puritan umbrella , was 64.60.
now $2.00.
2(1 ( and 28-inch Puritan umbrellas.wera
SfiiiinUll , now30H.
These uro guaruntcod good , and pnra
gen frames ,