1'J- THE OMA11A DAILY BEEUJUST 21 , 1892--S1XTEEN PAGES. 8PBOJHLJ < OT10B8. _ _ toll THFSI ! COLUMNS AUVBHTISKMKNT3 II p m for tlio ovcnlni ? nd until 8 Up in for tlio morning orbiind-ty cdl All advertisements In ( hoc columns 1U cents ft word for first Insertion nnd I cent a word for each subsequent Insertion , nr II RO per line per month. JNO advertisement taken for less than li cents for the llrstlupcrtlon 'Icrms cash In ndvnnci * . Initial * tlanrcs , symlols , etc. e .ch count ns u word All advertisements muni run consecutively Auvor Users , by requesting s nuniboreil check , inn have the letters addressed to n numbered loiter In c-iro of Till1 I FK Answers o nddrc scd will bo dellv rredon presentation of tlio Chech. "blTUATIONS-WANTED. - ' WANTKH IIY coMPKTKN-r STKN ogrnpeen ' reference given Address t2J I niton H. , ( nm'cll IllnlH _ IKSJi . . , MPUAIION AS ( iis'iitAt. : clerk , buokkcpticr or correspondent liy n ) oiinu innn Is well iilncntpil ptpurloniol und thor- otiBhly competent , llcst of references. Adtliesa JldO , Iico _ Mlw-2P _ -A OKHMAN OI'TKAUS I' .A wnnls position nn grain buyer Ill-it tif refer- CIICOB Address box I4j , Grand Island , Neb I nvluAiv , PostioN. juplng or olllca wofk Address ( I \.V1 Kl ) , POSITION IIY YOUSt LUn AW.V1 or , goo I rofomiccs 'urnlslii'd yl dross box N , Van Homo , low.i. 217 2j posiiiTuN wANTKDTiv A PA PA mi : MAN A of expc'rlonro In n law or loan olllco , references ' AddrcfSll.r.'i Hoe olllco. . "Jl 21 * t - AS liluTA'IBDliAIIV , GOOD M1' ICIAN , .Adi'slrrs poflllon us compiiiilon or poverties * In n I onio requiring n mothers cnre would bo found n advantage Adtruis H i.l , lice olllea. 2li 21 * KXPlTltllN'l'lHI"IAiT ! ( , CLOT HING1.IW man wants situation Has sorted largo houses Bober correct h iblt Address H fil Hec 271 JI * "i ( Tiri nTTr'ANi > Ti\pTitirNtTi ) oi-KICK J\ man de lres position In who'es ilo uiercanille or jiiaiiiifneluilng establishment Hrst chlsi icfer riicos Please nddiest 1161 , lice otllco M-iS 2 " -I'IKTI KN YKAHH l M'KHIKNCI ! HANK A nnd wliolisnlc olllco , unquustlon-iblereferences Address , ! 2. Hoc. ' " " WANTED-MALE HELP. IJ-TVAVI Kl ) SALKSMKN OX S U.AIIY O'l TOM a nil-Klon l ( > handle Iho now intent clionlcil Inlt erasing pencil 'Iho arcatii t selling novelty otcr incidiieed erases Ink tiorouuhly In two feninds , iio nbrnslon of paper 20Jto TO per con' prollt oin rgi ill's sales iimounlud to fii-'U In six d I ) s another VI In two hours , wewnnt ono cnerKttle gneril Bcnl In eich state and territory Hoi term un I rnrtlciilars nddrots Monroe Krasorlfg to. , x 111 1 a t iiissv \\its \ TnT"wAN1 Kl ) A PHACTirAL MAN \ \ 11II fcO.MK JJcnpllnl to take it water mill. Address box J\ Lincoln Neb _ _ _ _ _ _ _ > WA.N'IKD. It H LAHOllKHS HOH WYOMING ] 'and bouth Dakota ! good wages , steady worl. , free pass Albrltht Labor goney , HJJ liirnnm -SALAIIY PAID WKKKLY TO KNKKGKTIC men , experience iiunacossiry nud porm-tnent ' . . ! ' HI employment blnicr olllee , 1'iUJDoiul.n. 1WANTK.I > , HVHN'ICSSMAKKItS bTAY AWAY J ) fro in Knnsns Clt } , strike lliurc. M7J1 b3 > T - LAH , HiU : WANTKI ) AT I OUT CHOOK , 4i I mile west of Hollovuc , Neb Keofo ft Me'lnr- contractors. M01U 'J * J-WANiri ) AT ONCK. CIGAIlMAKHIl AT JAlllance , Neb. 10121 p-WANTI".1) , IIAILHOAI ) LAHOUI'.HS KHNi- : librnska lo n ' outh l.nkotn nnd Idaho Wages II 79 to J20J per dny 'Icimstjrn , 52'i OU per month Krco fnrc Kramer A. O'llearn , Lnbor AK I > C } WJ MIPS Jl * bouth llth street _ _ l > -WANlii ) LAItOHLUS , WAJiS : $171 Plllt JJ dny , Apply nt 001 Pntton bloci Vnn Court A. ilft Ml.'J 21 * ) . llAILIlOAIt LAIIOIIKUS l-Oll BWANIKI Hy Co between Cheyenne and Ogden , Ltah Irecfaru Kramer A O'lleirn Lnbor A/eiuy. U iboiith lltli SI. MIJ > T ) PAINTI H WA.N1III ) AND TAKK PA i IN J > hoiiserenl Park & Hoys , H 4 N Y Life "nAGI NIWANTKI ) i on THK WAT < n CA s K . 4/sclf lUlitlng pocitct limp. fSIOJpor wcekguitr nntced Paitlcnlars for -tittup 'loleiio Lamp I o box UI , Toledo , O IU 25 * TT NVATCIlVATcKH WAN I Kl > ; ADDHKSS JKW iJeler Mile ) Nub I'11 1 TJ-WANTED IMMIIDI VIILY. : A iiLAC J ) bo undcrstn-ids shoeing und plow work by A. y. hlebrass. Davenport , .Neb. 20 1 * T : IPOU Aim SEKK1NG A HIGH GHADE J position In nny part of tbu Unite I MnteS write lo Western Huslness Agency , Inclosing stamp , Minneapolis , Minn i > - MALI SMIN WAN i r.i > TO \IIIIY AS A 4'sldellne anew patentnil specialty , hells to pub lishers , stationers , toy lioiist.ii , hurdwuro dealers mid retail clothiers. Address Hull , 'jl lludsou trt-et , New \ork. M2lb-si * Tj"-WANTED , AOKNIS. MALE OH FKMALK Jming In country to tell my ten dollar lots. Write for terms C. P. Hcnjamln , 15 % UoiUo r-t. ' it7 Jl * TbOI.l ( I'lOH AM ) SALESMAN FOIl \\OHK J'In Hinall towns and country Permanent posi tion nnd location Guaranteed salary nnd com missions timcynnd stnplo goods sold by cntn loirue nud samples by reliable Hholesilors New lice ' . 'J. 21 * plan , tntilly hnndlcd. Address 11,07 -WANTKI ) , cojii'r.rn.NT DUUG CLEUK- Itifircncen required. Drug store Miermnn n\u DUO mid Corby Btiojt. 2Jo 21 * -I.OCAL ANN GEVKHAL AGENTS TO SF.LL J'wlillo enamel letters , en imollod Iron signs , etc Lowest i rleis In linlled Miitu Address Nen ork Mid Chlcnho Kn.imel Co , 40 b Clark st , Chicago 25J II * "BSAl.K MAN. KNllUGKrif , INTI'.LLIGK.NT man to Iravel and sell school Biipp Ij * Jlfll ) per ye irexpenses and additional comml-slons wortn t.'O loll , " per month more to gOd man U. O. > vansiiiniiiiger,1l5 Wabuoh ave , ( hlciuo. 252 'I * TT"Al.KN'IS. . tM MADK MONTHLY SKLLING JJour new cutler ) Fpednlty Wilto for teims ( laiibs bheur Co , lUlh and Walnut. Kansas City , Mo . ' 51 II * T ) WAM'FD , SALKSMAN" OV Till ? HO VI ) TO -K-i4Cll adtertlslng cards an t calendars on c omrals Idon illicet from the munufucturer Can iniiku J' > J 00 licrweek. Adtertlslng t-pcelulty Co , Ilulliilo , N % 253 21 1 > A H.W GKNILKMKV OK INTKLLIGIINCK JJiind line address capuhlu of selling Ihe very IdUusl class ot nit work to best people , c in Ilm ! it fcspi ctnhlc , prolltabloand permanent buiilness by addressing Unu Art Publishing to , Jaekion and tnnal sis , Chicago 'u' > . ' ! 1)-WANTUI-1\SO ) ( .001) 111(00.1 \IUS , 0 J'monlhs slcady oinploynn > nt W. H Hickus , Bupt Indian school , Genoa , Neb. ' 'i.J 'I P -WANTKI ) oVK GOOD bTON'iCUlTKH : 6TH J * ind Worlhliikton streets IIJ 11 \ ) - WA.NT1CI ) , GCODIt H CAMP COOh. WAGKS JJJM ) per month Also s ( cond cook nnd thinkers lucpiis Kramer , V O Hearn , labor iiKcnu ) , lei : B llth nt. 31. ' , 21 * _ 1WAM'II ) . HAL1I3MKN. SALAHV OH COM- J 'mission , to handle uraitojt novelty patented rxcluslvo territory hella at slKht Particulars free bamplo 50o Unity 1) C. Co , Dcpt , W Unity llulldhiK , ( .hlcai.0 24U2I * -wi : OK'III : Aiic.Nrd ( mo MO.NKV. IN KX ihiBho territory , Our now patent Bufesiellat lKht In city or country New lu-cnts llrst In Held ilmlly KcttlnKrlch Onoauent In one day cleared i-o i unyon Lataloiiuo free Alplno MifoC'o , .lwlJ71 ( larkbt. , llnclntiiill , O 2M 11 * -WAMIID , A PIHST-CLASS DHV ( iIOIS ( ) imlesiimn , onelhit has special ability In hand UHK drens Koods , cloukH and carpeU blnule man piolurrcd , None but tlioou that huvu beat of ref- bulletin as to Integrity and ability need apply. L , * \e Ml , Nebraska ( .Uy , Neb. 8:0 21 -TIIK GUKKLICV-IIUUNHAM GI1OCLMI COM- puny ( established IHiO ) want a KOllInu audit for tbclr Uoo-Nan tea , the niott aalnblo packaico Ua 4 > t er put on thu n.arket , and for other Bpeclalllt'H In iver ) tonn of 1,000 or more population In nil nest trn. routhern und northwestern slut ' Good com piMKiitlon for Intelllueut and fiilthful workers Address hpeclalty Depnrtiueiit drojley llurnham Urocurlo , M , 1 ouli , Mo ilJ.'b 11-W A N ' 1 Kll.i LOrilLNG HA1.HHMK.N WHOL'AN peak German , fcnedlsh , Danish or Hubeiulun. Address 11 , SO , Hoe. Ait 'I * BKLJj AllVKHlIblNG DKVICK Jto iniieliants and u Ilium bleady work IIK : pay. AicJ illK. Co , Huclne. Wli MitDJO * ' | ) -WA Tl l)1 TWO VOUMI MICK OK tire > AI > JJilrms ! tplendld opportunity for rlkht party Addrets J 0 , Hoe. .MJl'J ti * T A C4 MPKI HNT UHKAl ) AND OAKK IIAKKH 4 wanud ! stiady wurk nil the year Address John P. llroUlliik' , I reiuunt , Neb , M8.'i U * B WA .NTKD A GOOD HLACKHSUIH. bTliADV eiuployuie-ut. llcllly A Oir , ouiorlor , Neb WANTED-FEMAliE HELP. fl WANTED. 100 KAPUIUhNt Kll hllllll' AND Wp tints makers , Apply Imme'dlitely , Wood I'.unufuctuilngCo , 3d and Julusls , bt. Joseph , Mo. I4H 1-1 _ | < \VANlr.ll. GIIIL .MU T UK A ( iOOD COOK v/audiienrrul houseworker , lanllyoflwu Mrs. 1' J , Uumio , 18JI liuvenporl street. ll'l ' 21 / " -I. iu wrn GKNKIIAL V work and help to take euro of baby ; good W.IKCBI call at at ones , IJ11 bouih'th ' st.V4 u * 0 - wVNTKD. ( illlli oil olbMWUUK t. M2.W2 * WANThD. A GOOD COOK , \lH. W.V V/Alarsb , Ll | > bth und Pine st , east of Urnwiiell hull ? UIOV4' _ -WANTHD , GOOD lllttL AT1IH DOUULAb hj' C ] i4i ! _ _ /-i-WANTKD-Gillli tXlt GUMtllAL V/work. VOOttDuveupurl street , ClA. . U. VAN bANr ! > N i\PKItU.NC'K : | ) toueberand practical reporter , will receive tei or twelve well kduiuttd young ladles for private tnslructlou Iu sliotlUauU aud tyvvwiUlug , Itiioiu WANED-FEMALE HELP. nwANEllJNGGli TO .VS31T IN wgonoralhousjwork , No. 1113 Georgia live Itef- crci/ccs / Ml * . ' , 21 * _ _ n VVAsTKI ) COMPETENT GIHL l-OIl GI'N- v eral housework nt 5W south 25th nvenne 2112. * _ n-WAlTUK S KOH VALKNTINK , Mill , Wl v man nnd wife , trlvnlo family , Chadron , flOi vonun cooks for Hebron , lekiimah nnd Itlnlr , 'ares all paid , for city. D cooks for private families , : " lot ? n weoki 10 glils , general work \Millos h.mploymcnt olllco HilN llth street. _ 283 21 * ri-oxi * until rou SKTOND WOIIK , ONM : roit V./lilp In kitchen undone to ho'p In laundry llrowncllllnll JlWJ li - . . ) , IJM'I'Uin.SCKI ) 1'AN'IO. OVUll- C-WA.NTI.I nil nud nhlit nrnkirn Apply nt M I ) , bmlth .V Co , cor lltli nnd llowurd struct oOl 81 * p-A IAI > V OF ( JOOI ) AlMMIAHA.SCi : AND vypi'c'.Mnir ' niniifiprfl to tnko orders ; iiroforonco to ononho linn been slnillnrl ) ' cmnlojred bolero lore ; ll'jornl ronnincrnllon to responsible 1'i'f'V Appl ) nfirr IU .Monday , superintendent n olllcc , room ll i rilglitnn block 531 21 * WAMii > jith toii iiKNKiiAti uoisi : work Mrs I , A darner. 3527 Calllornln utreut ri 5oo I'Kii cK.sr PUOKIT ouAii\NTnii : > Vyliullen wlllliiB to deroto xpnro time distributing our clounnt Kuodn Addrct-t wit i stnmpid envelope Jollol'lolletCo .loll-t III 80 ! Jl * _ rim\'l7KAl7n I IY. AM ) NIC AT. MlDDI.i : Adlll ) V > wMow AB lioiaokeeper , bj widower. Must hn\o l-'ood nfuroncps Addros ( ciro of bnndnUli .MfK ( o Council Ilhilli lotrit. Ml \ \ ' WAN run. niMiiiATiu.Y : ) , ( jooi ) PLAIN look : id o illnlnir room nmlil Apply Mrs ICd HuriHlt llouie , Wnllice , Neb 2iiT21 * TOR RENT-HOUSES. T CI.A-S UR. llKN'lrt I'l.X'Iri , J 0114 rooms i nen block Itoom ( , , 81(1 S 'd JH D-IOH UIINT , 1'WO 1IOIMKS. IMAM ) 1T > 8 IFlh strcit Vcr > hnndy to business Modern tonvenlcnto . I ) I1 Mount.MM lU'i t 31. n-S-UOOM IIOUSK , .MODIIUV , CKNIUAL TO -L'bunlnLSN , good rupilrs Apply C. b. l.lgutlcr , Hoom t , .N \ Llfo bulldln 4UO _ D-bTOHKS , PLATS , DWI'LTilN-ilS AND COT- tan sail parts of elf. Kilkenny A. Co , Conti nental elk il'll D-KOIt HK.NT , FIVi:17\IIOB : DINING HOOM , kitchen , pantry , etc. Inquire 201 South 24lhst. DT.MOOHtN , NKWfi HO ) M COITAGIN IlKADY In few ill } s In beuutlful tanforJ circle Apply CS l.lguller , room 4 , New York Llfo bldg. ill -10 UOOM IIOUSK , OKN'lHUiLV LOOATKI ) ; furnaccand all modern Improvemonts. "Oil N I'tih stre t. ! > 03 -KOit HK.NT. 1 KLA'IS IN LINTON HLOCIC , llth ami .Mason streets , d rooms each , water and gas lietloJ by ste tin In good reptlr , rjnt low In- qulro at HI" In the block , John Hamlln , iu'ont. _ -1'Olt HK.NT , A MOK COTl'AGK OK 1'IVK rooms NO 8J5 f 2sthstreet Apply on the premises 117-22 * -h\lt HKNT.N1CK KH.HT-HOOM HHICK , NO 1142 South I2dst Gee N Hicks , 30. ) N. i Life 1V8 21 -I'Oll HK.NT , NKAT LITTLK KOUH HOOM cottige , newly painted and pipe-red , city water nnd clslern , corner "ith unit Dodge ; lo good , rell- nblo tenant , $10 Hogja & Hill , N'o 1403 larnam MH42J D-KOP. HK.NT , TWO IJ HOOM HOUSKo , ALL modern convciilenees , on Georgia ave , I bloelc from st oct railway Apply room < t5. ' , Ueo Uulldlng , J M , blmernl , lecetver , 151 D. I-I OK 11KNT. Till : HKAU'lIKUL CmTAGK , No o2lti Poppleton avc ; all conveniences lt > 8 21 D.D D 3 IIOOM COFTAGK , 1711 ! WEBoTEH ST. _ 151 -toil UI.NT , hloltK IIOOM 14lo DOUGLAS ; otoro room H.l > N Kill , 10 room inod-rii house , 1015 Hodge. 7 room modern house , SI1 - llth , ( mom lint 'OSN llth Large IM of other houses 11 ( . Clurk A. Co , lilS llnrney street. IM l _ - \ Full lU'.NT SEPTUM IBil I , 1S92 DUKADFull brick house 2J2I Cnllfornln street , 10 rooms all modern , water closets. IdO 2J * Toit uiTvi'T c i ioicr. FLAPS IN TUB i * i : D Her block cor loth mid Mckun ts Iho sum mer rite for ni-con I mid third lloors Is $ .10 0 for Inside lints steam lioat SiO OU cxtri , they lm\o nil convinlenccs nnd are In llr t il lesn-pnlr ; being centrnllv locit"d and contain Ing only the M ry best of tell Hits maUes them do Mrible , Wowlllrentto fam'lles ' only Call and southern ; Imiulro at 5IC S. loth st. b % -tUUNIMILiloUSK KOUMV.n PLACI ! \Mrthtrct 'I rooms , modern J J. ( ilbson. . ! U7 ' 'Irst National Hunk building 047 _ -H'HM'-lini ' ) IIOUSK 0 HOOMS , COMPLETEly - ly and well furnished , all modern conveniences ; barn , In best purt of city ; hulf bh ck from motor. Possession lmiucdlatel > , onncr would like to bonrd 111 bouse. Address II 4J. lice M1&3 2j D ton HUNr , & IIOOM iiou&e.&us 210sr ; lai KJ * - UHICK HOUSi : . A10DKHN' , WITH D-OHOOM good barn Omaha Heal Estate nnd 'Irnst Co , It. 4. lleebldg Mfclil fll D -IOHUENT , ELKJAN P I1HII K HOUsi : , NO , , . .HU Popplcton a\ecornjr Unncl Popplcton 118 21 rilUNlblini ) 7 UOOM 1 LAT COMI'LEIU D I Call after I o e ock Hit D , "Qli lurnaui st ' . 21 D-$70 , DWELLING , 2J07 ST. MAIIY'S AVEN'UK 11 rooms r > 0 , dwelling , 114 Smith 22d , 12 rooms t'iO , dwelling , .112 Poppleton , 10 rooms. $4' > , dnelllnj , 1611 , Chic i.'o , 10 rooms $45 , dwelling , . ' 401 Cuss , I.I rooms $45 , dwelling , 501 fcouth Jsth strt et.il rooms $4" > , dwelling . ' > ! 't-onlh Shth street , b rooms. f ) 'i , ilnelllng , 'Mil Do Ige 10 rooms HO. dwelling , . ' 118 Cass , 1C rooms f.W dnelllng , 'Jlii Emmi-tt strc.'t , ' ) rooms f , U. dwelling , 841outh pith. 3 looms $ . ' 5 duelling . ' 111 Plckney , 8 rooms Us. dwelling , \Ul \ Norlh1st street 8 rooms $11. cottage 8.11 South P.'th. 4 rooms $21VI , lint , llll'i North Ibth , G rooms Hi M 11 it , 1314 Nicholas. I , rooms $ 11. Hat. Id l Leuvenworth li rooms SUM Hat , < I7 ' onlli loth h rooms $ < i cottage , 2I I3 Da\enpi rt , J rooms. $1. , Hat , ! 'J ! bout'i Ihth , j rooms Mores , Mats and dwellings In all pirts of the city. t.'i'i , September 15. elegant doublu dwelling 2S rooms , nil modern convcnlenclcs , sultible for llrstclass bonrdln houHO. cholco location Nether- ton Hull , WI and KJ31fouth Ulh street MJij li D-tOH HK.N I1 ! UKNISHKI ) , MY III SIDKN ( II , 418 N 21st stree-t , potssslon given Immedltitol ) Apply room 17 , Darker block Henry iilbson D-8-HOOM HOUiK , ALL MODIIHN CONVEN- lences , and bnin.i > )4 ) Caldnell st , t.'JWI. .1 H Jolinson S\i N. Y Life 241 2ii D-fel'EAAl HEAT , ALL MODEHN' 7 UOOM house , two corner Haiti , Heard block , 2lrd nnd Ia\enport. M Oj 27 * D-PLAT. 7 UOOM * , 21) 1 LOOH , HANGE AND nil other convunlunieii ; 11 good condition , $ .1000 George Homer , store , 701 b loth slrcot. 27U 21 * 11-HOUHrB Kll HUNT NHAH HANSI OM J-'pirk lleiiitlful cottngo , No Ulfl Poiipleton avenue1 , eight rooms all conveniences l.liKUlit brlci housn , No J.M. Popleton nvonuo el.'ht looms hardnood Hnlsh , etc Nice brick houvo. N'o 1144 Houth Jd street , btth , fiirn ice , splendid brick cel lar , etc l.eo. N. lllokB. , Hj ) New \orkl.llo. 3S32I D SIX UOOM COTTAGE , Oll'Y WATBH , CHEAP to denlrablo pirty 'I'M Pierce at. Apply to Owner , J btiel , 2501 Pierce SI mJjU 'J D -CO'ITAGK OK 3 HOOMS IN HKAH OK 1215 Chicago street ; city water MJSI37 * D-bhVK.N UOOMUKblDKN'CKPUUNIBIIKDKOIt liousckcoplng. Including plauo , ono block from motor line NMlhout children preferred Gentle man will take bourd and room on rent , Address II 65. Ill f. m.'ttil 11" n -Hh.VKHAL COTTAGES. Ilomi.S AND H.AfS J- ' all parts city. Garvln,2J8 sheely blk. Tel 1UO D -l'UUMSHKI ) IIOUSK , B HOOMGOODLO callon , all conveniences Address J I , Her. MJ1U 25 * FOR RENT-FURNISHED ROOMS. keeping jn st diiv.i iirjnii Lirfj Itwi shade , etc. G K. Hulls , ' . ' 'Ojoutli 17th it , lieu bldg | * -20U IIOOMS , HOUSUKKKPING. 2J.M SI' ! < MAlt > 'S. ] 7-KtH ) HK.NT. 2N1CKLY KUUVISHKI ) KHOM' -Ijroemii , to gentli-iucn uuly. 010 Dat en- port stieet. albdO Eai JTllOOMS KOIt HOUIKICCKPIM1 toil MAN nd wife ; rent taken In bo ird 3PJ ft. 17th st 454 E-SIOIIHHN CONVINIH.NCKS : , HKKICUKNCKS oil N. loth. IWar. IT-UJltMsllUD ItOOMS 1011 111 ! .NT 101llj ( So , 1-Jllthbt. MU7 2J * E-NICK HUH.NISIIK1) LAlKiH I'llONT IIOOM , 12 ; N , 17th st .M7J' . ' bb * -MlllMhllKD HOOMS TO HK.NT WITH ALL IJuiodoru couvL'Uliinces. V\i \ Douglas slroot 44 _ E-NKWLY rUUNlSHKD IIOOMS , 5IUN 111 III SI' U1J S 5 * TB .Toil UK.NT , HUMS I IK I ) HOOMsi ItKK- I' rences No J > lioltfj tl. MI8J _ nItOdMH 1-Ull HK.ST , HJH.N'lHllKl ) , S1UAM J Jlie-al , .Ml BouthUh. U2I 17-NlC'K MHINIbllKI ) IdOMi ( > , bl.NGLK OU UN IVsullo. HU llarnoy strut M/2721 * KOlT iiKN"T. llfiiKH".NIt'KI.V FUHNItliTru ! rooms with or without board : all modern cuu , veiile-nces , third tloor , 7JI iNurlli IMU st 211 t * -'HMb ' 1 Kl ) HUOJIH. WITH Oil WITHOUT jbusrd. House supplied KltU all modern Im prciveiueut * . 310 S , Ailb st , lleudrlx place No tard Iu the window , Ml : i * E HOOMS , MODKItN CON Vf.MKNCKH. IJ. 110 ua III. IU N. IVth str ul. 11917 K * FURNISHED ROOMB AN 3 BOARD. 1-UO AltDTvMj'lltTo.MS. till DOUOhAS. I : C23 B5 l-FOUMSItii : > IIOOM AND UOAIll ) , 1TM CAl'I- L tel 35 f-HOOMS WITH 110 VIII ) . MltS. II. A. Churchill , 1WI Douglas si , M10331 * jv KUHNisilrirt- : UOOM WITH HOAHI ) . , st. ' . 'II 2 ! * 17 1 L'UMSUKI ) DOOMS WITH IIOAUDi I A fcrences nil Kiirnmn. 181 ! M' _ 1 ? NR'KtjV I lltSHIlii ) : ) ItOOM FOIl I (1HMI.K ( L nun , Into Improvements , with bcmnl , f > CM per noek MI.N aid M iHI * _ 17-11 ANIWOMB ItJiri ! OFOUTII ( HOOMS JL1 with tirst clnaa bonnl Hoforencus IRJJChlcnuo tlrcpt. _ M31I-JI' " ' FORKBNT-3raE9 AND OF" toiKN "r , 'iu < vUY ) "irii < JK J I'll ' ! l'iumm it Tuo bull lint ln < tiro-proof cs mont b njiiunt. conpleto staninlioitliiii HxturiMj wntcr on all tlutljjrj , ms ute Apply nt thu otllaj of ' 1 halloo ilia _ 1-A 1 lllsr ciTISs OUSTUAI. UKl'Att. I.O J cation on motor lines to rollnblo parties Addren Hdlleo 8JO-3i _ * T KUll IlKS'T , KINK , IiVURK UTOHM ON -Irnrnnm Klr ot , neirlbth Two yeirs' lone Ad drcMlUI , Bee MISI31' _ _ WANTBD-TO RjBNT. _ _ K a f xTioo i ircoTi'A ( Vi 2 w irn M o 1 1 > wit N co T vt'nlcnces IVmllyof two. Btnte price nnd lo KK . AcMrc.'S I14U Iico 207 21 * K -WI.STII : : ) OH < : MAM. FAMILY KUU.SHIIUD rooms nlth or without Ixmrd or n furnlnhcdcnt- n vicinity of IIUli ecliuul. Addrusn II 47 , Iico M2I2 2f -WVNTKII , IIOOM IIY YOtJNO MAN IIOWN lo n or northern pnrt of city , with or without bonnl do not euro to Hike room ninto , must Innn pliicu for blnclo ; best references , stnto iibout nlial price U IS , lice 2IM2I' _ K- ( I5NTLKMAN AND WIKH WISH A SUIT K of rooms vltli nouthcino < cpoauro , must be flrat class , board not ncccssur ) . Address H 67 * Uio KWANTKI ) , ' 1O' 11KNT HMALb HOU n AND burn on ono to tliroa nrres of land Must bo ncnrUuiiihn or Council lllulfs. Ada V. O llox 2 "i. .101 ! ! WANTI3I ) , IIY MAN AND WII'K , IIY < 1' ! ' tember lllrstclnss bonnl In liimlly uhoro thcru arc hut few or no other boiirders , woulil like lo furnish own loom : ndditaswlth location nnd tormn Aiilrc ! 3 11 , Vi , lieu A , ' SI * K WAN I KlCli OIil UNFtlllM-llKl ) IIOOMS for liotiHclEeenlnK , nil modern ( nvenlencLK ; ncnr ichool nnd Lliolcelouitlou. Addro J 4 , lieu. ItEHTAL AOENCIES. L uKvrALAuu.Nr.dtco i 1'AtiuinuirAiiNAM 8 , mikes Kpeobilty of r.iiUlii : houses stoic' and Hats \ciirliif for rental propertloi Turin * nus'blo SI OR AGE. M -DIIY , OLICAN i P1UVATI5LY S1OIIHI ) FOIl- nlturu.l-'UT Douiilas. Oiunhnblovoltcpnlr works M5U CUIIAP. CLEAN. WELLS. 1111 Mr tnrnatu street. WANTED-TO BUY. V KUHN1TUHK HOUGHT , SOLI ) , b'lOHKI ) > Wells 1111 tiirimmst. 84(1 ( N -SKCOND-HANI ) 1100K3 HOOMH1' 1 Oil cuahnt ; Antlil.irlnn ( | boo * atorJ , 151J I'nriuinist. M."X ) A 23 * -WHO UAb hUHOOL LAND LKA&KS s anle chenpv 1. C. Uonlimn , Council Htutls 141 22 AT WAN ri'I ) , ABOUT ISO YAUD3 OF DIHT I > neiir Muplound ith street Address with price. lr C W llnjca , Luke , near . " 'I Btreet M2 l 21 * AJ WANTIII ) , A&trCON'IHANI STiSAM KADI lintor for hentlntr Inrgo room ; nddresa J W. Hush , Ilntlle Creek , Neb. 2u3 11' J-WAN1KI ) , 'IO HL'SKCO.ND HAN'I ) SAKK , scurtiiln nnd high desk , truck nnd tloor scales and letterpress Address II 04 , Hie otlieu .11 JI * AT WAN 1 El ) , HOllSi : AND IllJflIN ; IC.\ is chnnco for cishnnd 2 shares tock AmorUin Lonn A. Iruat Co , lopcka. Address 11 iU , Ueo olllce 271 'I * ATWANTIII ) To IILY UI'.TAIL CONFEC- 1 ' tlonerj htock Inn N'ubrnskn or Io n tonn Ad dress II. &J live SU71 ii' AT WANTKI ) , A ' UIllllIY Oil A LKJHT , OM3- i.s horse t irrlniru If At nnd a bargain Address or cill on Divls j.u.N Ifith street l.'l . ' ! FOR SALE , FUH.N'irUHE OP A 10-HOOM OiTcSALE house , cheap at 1513 Ohio st M2U fi < - 1-OH SALE , T1IK CONTENTS Of KIVK O1OH room cottngo cheap for cash ; sickness the reason Can rent the cottigc , three blocks from po Address H OS , Ileo olllco. .M.iUi . ' . ! FOB3ALE-HRSES. WAGONS , ETC. - VOU Af.i : . A SIrYOLLAU forVOU for $ ! 500 H K Cole , Contlnantil block j-Foii SALE , A IAMILY noitsr : . 16051 arimm at. 6.3 Hi -ioil SALE ? ItOHSE' ! , 1-OIJIl WAGOVS nnd hirness. no question abjilt price ; coma nnd see h Idelltv Lo in Guinnti'O Co , cornc'r lth and llarneysts , Itojm 4 , WUImoll Hid , ; , Jani3s Eiat , m inniier. M > 7J T > -5U > OJ WILL HUY YOUNG llOH-sE , 1OP L buggy and harness , h ilf value. Addrcsi G 64 , Uee M7J4 I > -HELI\I1LE FAMILY HOUSE , PHAL'ION AM ) -L harness ; Ulltuvuuth a\o 1117 11 * 1 ) -Voil SALE , TKAM , HAH.NKSS AH ) TAH- rlnKO. A splendid fumlly rli ; \\lll sell cheap H. G. ( lark \ t o. , UI3 Hume ) street. ISO 'J T > -l-01tSALE CHEAP , 1 INK HLACK PONY AND 1 curt nt 21. N. 15th st. .il t 'I * 1lOIl hAI.i : , VEHY CHEAP A GOOD HOUsC , L. hnrii3sa and phaeton , good lady s rig Atldress II , b > Lee M.'S'J 'J' I- FOIl SALE CHEAP , i PONIES , MNGLE. -Ldonbloor riding , team el ht , U5i I IH'JJontb ' 2ijth utrpet. fall bund iy. M2M . ' ; P-MCU wuLii youitEL iioitsi : , GOOD DHIY- 1 er , IICH li irness , fair open buggy. HlK bargain , $70 Hoom IMS , N Y Life .110 . ' ! FOR SALE-MISCELLAWEOUS. Q ' -1 OU hAL I , I A1HHNK -5 SOALKS .NO II. IN iood condition 1AI ) DotiKlas st M7.il 21 -LAUGH bl/CI ! LV.rriSIl PUKbJ AND bl'A.N'n Q for nile ( he.ii | Address O 51 , Uee. M72I Q-bOH BALK , 10 HIUDPULL 1II.UOI ) 110 lib-11V conannd hollers from J-'ofJ to f7i CO , extra choice family cons 1 rank Uodson , LOK in la .M755 11 > Q-lOll b\LK , ALL THK KI.NK PIANOS l.V Mclnborjt' " MiulBitoro , IJJ Vortli loth street , nt lenathun factory cost , cish or Installments stock mubt be closed out at once .M' 0 Q -t-OllSALK , A NICK UPHIGHT PIANO i6H Loavenworth st. Al.282b < QQ Q lOil BALU , PNKUMA'IIOHAFKIVIIICVOLK. Harry Hharp , in S llth street. M ii U * AIISOELliANEOUS. T-I1AMIL'1ON HUOS , ( . .HHPrfNTKHAM ) -LVbullders palntlnn , plastering , nuson work , Job- blni ? , elc,4Ha loth st. 'lei. I I'll. I5li .M * 1)WAN1 KD-ritKK-KHIJK-A JI50 CUUIIHB OK -IVseleutlllo dress culling lessons will be given to every lady that hooks her name as n schol ir In the School ot the Wonderful World's Champion bclen title Tailor system within the next tlilrtj rlvo days Wo leach you how lo cut seamless Princess dresses without one Inch of seam In them , either In linings or Koods , not even In the shouldjr , Seamless Princess llojals , seamless basques hrench dartiess ba < iiies , no darts In linings or goods trei eh tea gowns , thirty styles of slojvoJ. thirty styles of ladle * collars , ( oats , cloaks , blaiers , skirts , and , In I net , everything known to flvedlsllnct trades. Address .Madam Aberly , representing Prof De In Morton of Paris , Inincu HeprosentatUeB wanted everywhere. Hoom3UI , M tluor , N Y Life.MIU .MIU 22 * R WANIHI > . LVKllVONK 'IO CUT ' 1HIS N'O- tlee out and send It to us nnd we will send you by express C O.I ) , subject to examination , our tl'icet full cngr.i\ed hunting gents' or Indies II- karat , stem wind , t ) year guaranteed gold filled case and line full jeweled , solid nlckle , patent reg ulator adjust > d Wulthiim -prlngHuld nuneiiient , n regular fdixj watch u can luamlnu It nt the express otllco , and , If found perfectly satisfactory , pay the express agent f 13 63 nnd take the watch , iitherwlkeihm t pay a cent nnd the agent will ro turn It at our expense Bond today nils notice will never appear again Address A 0 Itnebuck Corporation , Minneapolis , Minn 271121 * 0-hKM > roiT i-JLAT OF O MA11A'H LATK&7 J-\uililltlun , lying between Omaha and new ; Kort Omaha where 1 am selling lots for 110 each No mortgage on this property , and 110 Is payment in full for u lot. Charles P Uenjiimln , solo igtnt' 150JDutkurt ( ! "in 2\ \ ' R-HAVK ITIlhADY. CUIll-H IN 20 'IO 40 .MIN- utes and bus saved Ilioiis inds fro u t'le grave Dlurrlui'U reclpu.&J cents If not us represented money refunded Dlarrluua Cure , .No oil W 7th st Unctnnutl , O. 250 } | * -IIAIUDIIKHSI.N'C AND MAMCUUK , WI I'l I V Uniii , .Norris' dreibiuiklni ; parloia Itourn JIO It mike blk j | i f\ \ * CLAIRVOYANTS. S-AltlllVAL hXUlAOHDl.NAIlY. WONIiKHKUL revel tllons. Challenges the worl 1. Mrs \ > i M. I jrriive , deul Iranej e-lalrroyaut. astrologlst , palmist uudllfu readers tell your life from tlM cradle to grave , unites the sopjrilod , rauso * mar riage with the one you love ; t IU wher < you will tuccted and In what buslnujt bust adapted for , hai the oalobruted K-yi .Ian bre slplatu for luok and to destroy bad Intlueniosi cures Ills , Intuuiporaucj l > nd all private tomplaluts with massage , bitllii and alcohol Ireilruunt t-eml JJ'XI , luck of hair , name and date of birth anl reuulro accurate llfii ehurli t cents In sUmps for tlrouUri give Inlllals ofonu you will mirry , also photos of sanu. oniuu 417 Miuth lltb street , drst doer ; hours , 'Ju. in to U p.m. Coiuuoui > . tomoall , and be couvlncod of this wonderful oracle , u 450 hi1 SMHSNANMK V. WAIlUrfN , \lUVOVAVrT reliable bailuun uvdluui , tlflh yuur MI H'J N loth , VU _ MASSAOJ ; , BATH9. ETC. _ rp MA"-f AlT ( : TlHAV KST. KLKCrrilO-THI'.ll- I nisi baths , scnln Hti ) hs.lr trcatmont , manlcnro nnd chiropodist. .Mr4d > ) il'j | . - * Ibth.Wltbnell hlk l1 MADAMH SMITH 1121 DOUGLAS STIIKKT , - room7 , ild floor. Alcohol , Biilpluir..ind set bnihi I * MADAM SfOWB , MA8SKUSH KLKtTlllClA.V 1 3oa Pratt street. 2J1 in * rp-MMK. 1 A Hl'K , Mj\S-SAGi : , 4I ( , SOUTH i. Jtrccl , third Hour ; Dal 4. MSU PHK30NAI. . U1NI-OIIMATIOM WANTKI ) . IIICIIAIIDHODI ) , laid traveling salesman lor Mo srs Tootle , Mnnl \ Co. . uiualia , Is reiiuested to commun calo with Ids family. Any line giving Inforinitlon ns to his death will bo rutmrded on supplying sumo to undersigned James Uoild , btraltord untnrlo , Canala. 2i < i21 * " -M M.-THK $10 LOTS I HOUGH 1' Alll ! IN blocks 14 and 18i If you cannot get more llioro buy Y red's In block 21 ; Kiiimt will bo In Oninlm Tuesday nnd select for herself George M 28721' U-A S0lllil : INDUSTItiOUS YOUNG MAN WITH n pleas ml honio wishes the acqualntnnce ofn young lady , object matrimony Address 111. . ' , Hoc. MUSIC , ART AND LANGUAGE. XT' 3 K. 7TiciT.K"Nini HANjb THAUUtcT wllb Hospo , or N W corner 15th .VHarnay OU M3NEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. \V-7PKUCUNl' MJNKY NKP 'IO 1IOUUOW- ers on Omaha clt ) property. No extra c'inrgos ' of nny kind Why pa ) hlih rales ? Monjy Is chetp \oiiciingetfullbenetlloflow rates from Globe Loan and 'trust Co , Hith and Dodiio , U7 \\r DON'T rOHGK.r THAT WK AUK MAKING * * low rates on Improved an I unimproved loans on Omaha pioperty No delay and all business transacted at t.ils olilco Kldellty Irnst company , 11,141 nriiam street A > 'J Tir MOlllGAGn LOANS LK3S ' 1HAN7 PKIl CT ' Including nil charges thus. W Halney , Omiiliii Nat. bank bldg 7GT \y LOANSG G. WALLACK , 112 ilUJW.V HI.K * I W ANTHONY LO VN AND THUS 1' CO , 113 N Y Llfo lends nt low rates tt > r cholco securlly on Nebraska or lutvu farms or Omabn clly property \y-C. ! ' UAKIltSON , 012 N Y. r.94 Ay-CKNl'llALLOAN & . 'IHUsl'CO , HKK 1ILDO MONKY'1O LOAN OV 1MPHOYKI ) Oil UNImproved - Improved Omili t property at lowest riles on short notice Cash on hand Hdellty Trust coii- puny , 10141 iirnim street 3jJ 1\r MONKY LOWKbTHATK PAUL. 11/n KAHN. -Mn.'l S1V \ \ TCIIKAPMONKY SKU G W. P. COATKS 1014 I'nrmtu 774 VJr-IXJA NS 0V IMPHOVKt ) AND UN1S1PUOVKD ' city proper.MOUJ mil npwinlsii to b P3r cant N'odohiys W Karnamomlth A Co , lotli ud H irnuy. III ! AI < USTATrt LOAN' ' , 0 T3 7 1'Kll CB. > T no uddlllonal clmrues for commUslon or nttor- ney'sfoes. W. 1 ! Melklo , tlrst Nntlounl Hank bldn Mi AVi PIllVATK JlONl1ST : AND 21) MOHrGAGB loans , low rates Alex \looro loa bid. ; SAYINGS HANK MAKES LOAN'S < > on reul estate nt lowest mnrk t rntos Loins made In sin .ill or laruo an us nnd for short or loiu time. N'o commission Is charged nnd the lotns nro not hold In tha cist b it can nlwu\a bo found at the bunk on the corner of l.tth und Uouglus streets. MONKY 'IO LOA.N ON 1MPHOVKI ) CITY property , low rate. A. C , I-rost , Douglas blk CTf-ONK AND TWO YKAH LO V.N'S ON OMAHA v ? lots or Ncbruskii farms Old mortgages now diiotJOtlur companies oxtandel und carried by us one or two jears without now pipers Write fullpnrtlculirs Hoqd XSclby , UI Uotrd lrtdobl < \ITWK C\N PLCAK A110UT 200 000 Kilt ' Oninln p-ople In NUIIII from ? /i9.UU to fJOOOOO , on Ihe choicest , safest and best llrst mortgage renl CB nt1 securlt ) to be had In Nebraska , at fix per cent , on J lo ' > ) oars time , without n cent of e-x- ppnselu the lender 'Hit so loans will be absolutely safe him u the low lute-rent Parties wishing to place their mono ) will please communicate with us ai > earl ) as convenient Hoggs A , Hill , lle.il I tin to , No 1403 I'll mini st ! > - 25 1-\r CITY AND KAHM IlKAL PbTATK LOANS 1 ? ill lowest rales , eon ult us before barring K. C GarUnA. Co,20JHitcly block. 210 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. Till : FIDELITY LOAN GUAUANTEE CO. II ODI 4 Wlthucll block , cor 15th and llarncy sis , Will loan you any sum Froui1000tolOOOa On the da ) you ask for It. Wo make loans on furnlturo planet , horses wugous , warehouse re ceipts and personal prop erty of all kinds In any amount desired , At the lowest possible rates , without onbllclty or removal of property. You cm piy the money back In any amout you wish und nt any time , and each payment will reduce tlio cost of the lonn In proportion Till ! HDEL1TY LOAN GUAHANTIIE COX IFOU WAN 1' MONtY X ON FIWNHL'HK. PIANOS HOHbLiWAfJON'S , ( 'AiiHiAGiiITC : , CALL AT THE OFI'ICE ( IK OMAHA MOIITGAGK LOAN CO. AND GET 'IBUMS UKrOIti : DEALING KLSEWHKHE Loans mido In amounts from $10 to E1J OJ1 at the lowest rates on very thort notice without pub llclty , and with tin prlvlkua of keeping your goods In your on n possession \oucnn pay tlio money b > ek In any nmounts you wish nud lit nny time and eicli payiiuntso mido will reduce the cost of tlio loan In proportion ' 1 hero will bo no otp'USB or charge kept out of the amount wanted , but ) ou will reeelvu tha full uuiouut of the loan OMAHA MOIirOAGE LOW CO , Hoom 11 Crolgbton Hlock. l.'ithht t-outh of Postolllco The only Incorporntsd loan company In Omilia. Siil V WILL LOAN MONBl ON' ANY Kl OOF bll- Acurlty , strictly conlldontlal. A. IS Harris , room 1 , Continental block obi - ' . DOUGLAS ULK , IDA. DODfJU X-PHl'lCUAHD.Sl | Cli X-CHATTEL LAN > MADE OV FUKN'l 1'UHH pianos , lt\ostoek , elo nlthout p ihllclty or ro movnl property nt the lowest rates nnd the enslust PDiucnts DniT ( irujn , roons 3 an U Uarkor block X -SHOUT T1MK LOANS ON CII V1TKL security'HUN. Y IJfA 970 A21 * MONin is OiiBvp $ n UP10 X loaned on any ch.ittul sjourlty by W. O. Wool , acentfor .NebniBlti Loan company , UI I Douglas Direct , up stalre 7li5 -f20,000 TO LOVN O.VOIIAfTUL SHOUIUrV biisluussconUduntlaL Hoom 40.1 Kurbach block. 6bJ 81 * - \ ON OHATIKLS HHASONAHLK IN X-LO\NS P.iymunts I to d months W. U Davis , H 20 Contlno it.il block Klevalor 15th nt 'Jill _ _ _ _ X-CHATUL : LO iN ? , IB. x v. LIKE MOHHIS. if l-i bl 4 * _ V-MONKV AT LOW IIATK8 ON ANY KIND OF -Asi'curlty KcyUono Jltk'O. C'o ,20J Hheely block 240 BUSINESS CHANCES. ' - ' HK.NT. HAJ.UOHTHADK.W IIOOM norisj , , Y'-'io newlyfiirnlshed , all modern Improvements , In the business portion ot city. Address it , K. Allen A Hon , fct. Jofoph , .Mi ) . IOOJ H. _ -O.N H OK THH K1NBST LOOAT1ON8 IN Omalut for u butcher s shop , will put In llxturcs und rent for a tonn , ( if jcnrs to miltablu purt ) 1 red I ) , llairls , I51U iloilitJ stri-ot. 1.02 * _ V-10U BALK , TUB 1INKST AND HEbl PAV- i In restauianl ln.0milm. Kocd reason for sell I ilk.Must sell at once 11 G Clark & Co , UIB liar- ney st. I'UU _ -i < ou HAM : , ruomoo 'io 0,00000 STOCK o. ' boots and shoealiu it city of 10,000 A uood chance to not Into business Address H JJ , care of llee - - .Mlli.21'Jl _ _ V-rOU HALB , ONK'OP THK HKST H1TUD 1 meat marknts In the city , doliu a Kood bus ! ness Will neil chuap or trade for real estate SOJ Park avenue t gpi MI72 21 * _ _ V-hOlt HA1.K , AN HHrAHLISHKIJ ( 1 One of best locnllous Iu city. No trade Ad' dro.s N 4J , Ileo MIOI _ V-Kll HALK , HAUIIHU HI10P AM ) IIA'III 1 rooms In bloux ( Uy lor particulars addrens John Peterton , fcvun block , MouzClty , Iu l l 23 * _ _ _ _ _ _ V-TAJUJIl HUhlN'KKS KJIl BALIJ CIIICAP ON J- account of nlckncBs O Lundceii , 1 ulU'rlonNiib 170.M7 * _ V-WANTKI ) , LADV 'IO OPKN .MII.l.lNhlt V 1 and rtrepsiniikliif parlors In a lonn of 1,200 I n- habitants ; line rooms and low runt. Address 1145 , II BO. tel 2 _ -toil BALK , A WI3LL KbTAIILI'MIISII S1AN- iiracturlin : plant , tiiuroiubly eijulpped with all kinds of. Iron and wood worklnu maclilnurr At prtKimtruunliiK on n patented specialty shipped to all purls nf the country and un which there U a larnuiuarKlnof prullt. Also maktt all kinds or boxm , uhlpplni ; takes , IK'U hltcs , wntdilnk' ma chines. etc which biiBbiui-ii can bo largely In creased \\lll nell at a sacrifice the eutlro plant or machinery and patent nopnralely If preferred , ror lull partlciiliirs address .Manufacturer , MS to 617 WtslMh strnet , Davenport. li . _ M'.M VI V-nusr c LAPH ill licHL'ii IIUHINKHI 1-011 I salei established t years Good reasons for sellhiK Good bartJln 2111 Franklin it Ml 0 81 * Y-OLl ) KhrAIILISinJDCOALHUblNKSS , VA III ) btds , tcsk's. oultlt complete llest location Ior BUSINESS CHANCES. V Ht' lNE'-g AUV WITH HWO 'I O H 00 J- wanted to join me In landing n bankrupt Mock llleclinncc. Address H 31 , iico .M.B.I H * V FVOU AHKSUr.KING A IIIIMVIISS OPPOH- J limit } In any line of bin In write for our bin lotln , Incloslui ! stamp \\cstcrnlluslncs9 ABCIICV , Minneapolis , .Minn V -WH SAliK , HAIimVAUB 8TOMM. GOOD IO 1 cation intnn trudJ Address Lock llox F'i7. Llu coin , Neb 210 23 y-WA.NTii ) , MAN TO GO TO T1II5 PAt'lHO -1 const nnd take charco of ) > ermaiienl branch for larto Clilcniio house , will pay all running evponscs nnd snlnri off-iou per month , and nllow n perojnt- nifo on all the business dona ! live or ten years eon- tract If dcslrcdi must Invest fldOOJ en h In ( . ' ( " 'ds and men lundl'e , curled there In stock , nnd must Klui entirealtvntloi to the business Henry Vernon - non , ( Oj lion o Insurance building , I hlcu'U , III 21S21 * V 11IIL1JAIIS(1 : ) fATKIltVO HAKKIIY , CON 1 fecllonery and Ice croim business It Is the most procresshc city of.liOJJ people In the United states Hverjthluit mo lorn and complete Ail- diess M. I ) , Hoom K , 7 Clark drool , Chlcauo 251 21 * Y-KSTAIILISHTCI ) GUOCIIUY AND Ml N'S furnlslilnit business llutchlnson V Wead 1S2I DoiiKlns , 2 < 7 21 D Y " -\\lLli UXCItANdK A SH-K l7ij"\'l L IIUIL1) IIIK lot lylni ! between ( imahn and .Sew 1 ort Omaha , tree and clear from morlKaxo fur n flO hill , hero Is jour only chinuo to own n homo for exactly 110 , cml postaio tor plat nnd full Infoiinn tlon. Kilo all Ibis neek Chis P. llcnjnmln , sole nuent. IWJi ! Dodife street 237 21 * V WANTKD TOSKLLTHI.ULMt ( ! IMIAllMA I cist , ono-hr.lf or the nholotlno nandrimntore Unu looitlon Address II M llee M JO ) ! * Y AN orncu Assibi'ANr WHO \\N IOAN 1 employer fHJO ( nhlch will bo secured ) will oh lain a steady position nnd onolnnhlch he inn > nil vance prolltnbly. Address'J J , " llee , Omaha , Neb [ .108 ! ! ! * Y-CANADIAN HMPLOMUNT Ol'l ICII I STA1I IMieil 13 yearns bcttpijlni ; luulncsa In Omaha Inquire1 at room 1 , 1500 1 lunnni street .MM" n."l V-1I1O HAHOAIN WULL 1 QU1PPKI ) .MHAT I market , line \\lllrentpitrtofllxturcs , MOO will handle It A snap DUi .N \ Life .JO1 ! 21 * V-A CH.NCK TO GIT iiirn-oNcn IN A J mini s llfi time. If he will enl > try It ho IMS n chince , non try this Mnd for mv ( Ircnlar , It will plcnxc ) oii. ihitrlcs Plummor , 'Iremont house , thlciiKO 311 21 * 1-OR EXCHANGE. r/ L NS OCICOPGKSliu < -Jlnkorual esliitoX money llox Jj , I ran'u'ort , Inl 2d KLOUHING MILLS , ON'I5 AT HAMPTON' , /-JN'cb , nnd ona ntt 1 anl. Neb , both SJ barrel , modern m ichlnery.no Incjmbriuco : will takoitood farm l-imls , owner over 70 ye irs old , itUnt out of biislnctia. J. J Gibson , 1st .S.illon il U ink bulldlnu I/-1C3 HKAD OP IIOHbl'S i\CIIANOK 1 OH /-Jland In Nebraska or stocU of clothing Address. J. Mi hi , Nebraska City , Neb. M780'I1 V POH KXCHANGK , A blOCK OP GKNIIIIAL * J morchnndlso for lands nnd cash Address 11 W W itklns A Co , KrutikJort , Ind Mii'iS sip' y 11)11 SAL13 OU KVC.I VNGK-HAllG.UN /-JKbony upright piano Address G o1) , lloo olllco y KOH bALK OH KXCHANGK , CO1 1'AliK ' - fronting south on Cninlnu- street In Carlhasonl dltlon , seven rooms , pantry , closets' force pump , cistern , cesspool , ce ne.ited ce'lir , well bnllU.and finished Inh ird pine nnd oax. Prlc3 SI , ® } Apply loW L vulby , ill 111 imber Commerce ( i05 y KAUM TO THADK POH OHGAN" . PIANOS fJnnti bicycles. Address John .MasterHutto. Neb 155 U * rMODKIIN 10 HOOM HorSK , GOOD' HA UN "corner lot IJOvl.M , etreol pnted. . good neighbor hood , lor smaller house or unimproved property Address , 11,17 Hco 157 21' I/ GOOD * Alni LAND AND CITY PUOPKUTY ' * { < ) trade What hate ) ou to oilerVeatern Kxchungc Co , Columbus , Neb MIS" 2J * / 1MHCI1ANGK , i JO ACHKS OK GOOD 'Ju nd 1 mile from a\ngc. In Antelope count ) , to exchange for liiBb'u ' Omaha property \\lll pa ) cash dlllerence or IIBBUIIIO encumbrance Hoom ! 5 , Douglas bljci. M2IS 21 y A CLTs-uTf OT HIST NOH I'll OP KOUN'I/.K /Jplnceiis pirt puiucnt on tnoiottii.es In south ern part of city. W H , dates , room 02,1 N \ Life 21222 y--l.il.TS SWAP GlLT-hDGKI ) WILD LANDS / > nt $ " > UOto flOOOuor acre In state of Nebraska whose crops last yeir iiggregited IIOJ.OOOOOJ Good lots In the city of Omahn who o population In creased 'rom 0000 In IsbO lo 1 0,100 In IVPJ. Is good stuir to holddon t ) ou think' Aswcaro limit on this class of propert ) and short on cash drop In During several ) oira successful experience In the rent cstiita bnslncn I havee-lablldhed n re pulalhin for handling nothing but b irgilns WG Albright , 621 , 522 , 52J Now \ork Life building M270 27 FOII AN\riIIN ( ! OK VALUK ONII 8-KI Y Z Ivory top flute , ono C clarinet , one coed guitar ono telcarapli ke ) and b ittery Largo amount of folios and sheet music , 'irndo nil or part Ad dress H IJ. Hco office. 27J 21 * TWO GOOD NKIIHA'-KV KAHMS KOH Z trade , price f 0) each quarter. What h ivo you to offer ? Chas P UenJ imln. I5J ( ! Dodge treeL _ r/-KOHSALKOHKXCHAN'K 1 OH MKHCHAN- Aillso a\aluablupatei Address drawer 2 ( ! nf Ion. Neb 1 < 21 * r/-IIJ ACHKS LAN'I ) iT ) K.XCHANGi : KOH Aildcycles , typewriters or anything eluo Address 1114) ) . llee y.821 * rtoil bALK OH K.XCH ANGr ! /J Huslness prope-ty , corner 'I wcntlcth nnd Yin ton streets , splendid point for block of stores and Huts , price , f ( .WO , Incumbrnncu $ . ' 101 , li per cent Alfo business property , 121 feet front igo on Ciunlng and Vista streets with line two story double store building nnd Mats ; will rent for $71OJ per month , nnd room on lot for two more build lugs Price J8.4JO. Incumbr.ince S.'OOJ , 8 per cent Want first clnss Iowa or Nobras ia faim Gee N. Hicks , azent , W5 .N Y. Life 0.1.121 rIK lOU lIAVi : A.N\TIHNG YOU WANT TO A > gct rid of write , Address II fl , Il ( o 2b.'l * IIJJ ACIIKS GOOD LAND 'I O h\Cll/NjK I OU Z drltlngtcim und carriage Address U . " > Hie f.Sll * r/-CLKAHOMAHAltKALKBrATK I O It MDSK /Jnctilal Milunllon Monc'j to loan Uox5l8 , Omaha V-IOH hALK Oil i\CHANGK : , 43 NICK LOIS /Jnenr Hiifer a hotel , \SebtOiiuha , price ( 'S.bOO , clearof Incumbrnnei' , will KCll or trndo for KOOd farmland. Gee N. Hicks , . ,03 N. Y. Life bldg 3 M 2\ \ ry ton aiiADK AIIOUT uvm IIAUI\SAHI : /J Block and about ilK ( Om ilia loin for KOOd , clear NubrusUa farm land. Hot J4i , Oakland .Nob ' JOB SALE-B AL ESTATE. 17011 bALK AT A HVIKiAIN , LOI' II. 1ILO 'li X W. Ij. Solby'a 1 Irst ad Illlon to bonth Om tilt small pijmunt down , btliinco monthly If d slrol Imiuirud H I'/schuclc , Ora ilm Uoj .Wl l Oll hALK A KINK IMPUOVKI ) 210 Af'HK J farm 17 miles from Omaha. Iredl ) Hurrls I'd'J Dodceatrcet. US . ' 2 * \OUH UK All KSrVTB I OH BALI ! Wl I'll LIST J. Paul. 1W5 Kurnam Bt MUi ! blJ * 17011 SALK-HYTHK OWSKIt 10 OM ACHKS OK -L Ncbraiiku's finest farming 1 mil at a great sucrl- tlce G 11 Peterson I4IJ S Uth sUOmali I "JUsj - - niLIr-UAIlGAIN-KinJlTY IN 7 HOOM CLII--10N uuiHt ba sold by Heptimtujr 1 , Owner leaving city , Pleaiant homo near Motor and Hull line , city water Ad lieis H il. lice MJUM * lOll bALK , CHKAP. . II KHItl' O.v DAYIINPOUI' " bt. , Hi blocks from now postolllce Good 7 r.om houMiandbirn ' 1 his Is a bargain G. L dreon , room 48 , Darker blk M1C4 H * TO DUNDV COU.NTV. NKII. CIIKAP COMJJ for sale or Irado. Wrlto to lowln 1 ! Wuliier , llenkelman , Neb. M2I5 2 * 17011 BALKNKWMOI1KIIV IIOUSK , KULL LOI' , -L decant location Price I7.1JO Terms. tiOO cash balance M pel month. Ames , IW7 nirnani itJ5 * J5 21 WANTTO (10 KAIIMI.NG ? DOVOU for sale tlio 25 year school land leases on a section of good level land In Holt county No bruskn. 'Iwo inlH'ti from tbu Klkhorn railroad lour miles froji ono ritllroiil town and 7 miles from nnolher Honlal only f48 per year Uno mendowon south half of section , fnrnlsbln nn abundance of hay luu ran put all your Im provemeutson 40n'Tusof this land and buy the same from the state for tita and gut clear deed and hate the rest of section to use during the lci.t > u and tan buy It or any part of It at any time by paying one tenth cae'i , balance In 20 years at U per cent and no taxes 'I his Is Ihe finest chance yet oirured to get control for a long term of years of n whole section of lundatalow rental of less than (50 per year , with prl\ liege of buying In ut nn > lime If snapped up nt once will take tl 25 per ucrn for loupes Itental nil pnld up to January llblU , MA Upton Co , llee building _ 275 U UY A TUN DOLLAIl LOl'-HALK ALL 'IIIIS week at 150(1 ( Dodge street Chus. P. llcnjaniln , fcolo Agent , M 'I * r/-KM HAI,1C. IcO AUHICS GOOD LAND IN i- southwestern Nebraska. 40 acres Inclosed , about 75 acres brokun up one third down , balance ono and t n years Address for & du > s H M , care Omahn llfi' . ' 7 2J _ Tj'IGH'J'i ACHl'.H CLO-K * 'IO OMAHA I'ltlCltfl'iO Ijncr acre Owner will take one hulf or two thirds In improved properly. Hicks , i > 05 N. i. Life Itldtf JJo 21 iriHI TTIIK TKN-DOLLAU LOT HALK AT r.0fl YDndkObt , All this week , thus P. llunjamln , Bole AL. _ . 2 ; | * OUhKS rOUHAliK , 1 1IAVK 'IIIUI'K VKIIV nice modern built houses fur sale In llanscuiu Place , near 'llilrly stcond street and Poppleton ' 1 lit se houses are now and modern built with all conveniences. Including handsome balhroums , tur ntuo. tplendld brick cellar , elo iu-lghborhood Is all Hint cm be desired , and Ihe locution Is uiie of the must pleasant and healthy In In ord'er to effect a quick tale 1 will otler these huusui ut u very low ll/uru for the nuxt tun days. Cullal my ollloi ) , AJ3N. Y. Llfo building , Keys may uUu be obtained at 1130 South 'Ihlrty first stroiit , oculngfroiuO tuB. Uuo. H , llKks , 805 N Y , TOR SAIiE-REAE ESTATE. Continued. \VI lTi : KOH PLAT AND HILL INHIHMATION ' concerning lots 1 nm selllnit for ten ddllirs each , lying between Onith and now l-ort Oniaht Aou will wnnt one JIO is fuiipajmcnt for n lot free from mortgage up to n certain number. \ \ o will jell thesti lots alflOcach Clmi P Hcnjamln > olo.\Kt I5od Dodge M. w ? 8 | * OH ifLlGANl' DOUIILK , J new and modern built , with spidous grounds on ono of the lln st residence streets in this city Nice turn , splendid shide trees , oto. Price , { IMW \\lll take pan putchifo prlco In good fnrm land I1KO N. HICK * , dJj N Y Life llulldlng 170HSALK , IKN ON'KIMli : 'IHACM IN' \ \ I.-T I Oninlm , f 175 per acre , fAJOJ cish bilanco long time Gee N Hicks in N Y Llfo bhU 3U 21 IjMH 8AI.R OH i\CH : VN'GII .520 ACUKS OK A land In I uslcrcomily , Neb Address llov 7(0 ( Parsons , Kan 2ti2l * SHOOM IIOI'SK NHAH lIANbXM PAHK , 40acresesl Dodge street , sU-hll } . $12,000. 40 acres \\esl Dodge street , ft.lrO Collage , one mile northwest fiM ) Iholco llalucom place lot , tUM' 1 acres neir Dundco place , each 1-1,000 , Hutcblnson Aoad , li.'l Douglas. 2W 21 i/oit SAM : , nu ACUKS IN HOIIUTI K COUNT \ I entrn choice uuirter , only f(0j per ncre- Gee N Hicks , jJj.N V 1 | fo building. 3B 21 niG HAUGAIN'-l IllVi : JUST HAD PLAC.T.O In my hands for sale ncSiolce 40ncrolrict live miles from the poste nice nud tin on miles Irom the binlnessr nicr of.onth Oiunlii liinil In the Im im dhitolclnlty Is hiMd nil the wn ) from $ IVI lo MM per ncrc 1 can oiler this tract for f.'IJper acre If 5011 dc-lro to make n nrst cliss Invo'tmenl will buglnd to hoar fiom ) ou Gco N Illiki , . " > N Y. Life .13141 ijio itv'io ' UNS 'inuri : OK THK i INKST Dlots noir Unworn pirk , ole inlly luctlMl for grade , wllh tine shade and fruit trees IhusMols nrceheapiit flOJOeach but In ord'rto m ike n quick sale If I can sell Iwo or llirco together ctn onVrfcir C2VU , f lOUt-isli , htltnco longtime ( , eoN N HlckJ , , I05N Y Llfj bldg 311 'I nvniMAL"K 'IIIKNOHTH > < niinios 2 < iirii' ( ! 2 ( > acres Howard count ) splendl I plccoof fnim h'lul ju * 5J nor acre liuo X , Hicks , oO. 1 Ifo llldg , 3J.I21 nAltd UNS IN ACHU PUOPKHTY \VOPHcil for s ilc-i nice 10 acre trait with small cottage Justoutsldethcelt ) Ilm ti Will t ikoiicuiit lot good land orcotlige a id lol for first in ) lie it Inl inn1 long time An ) one w tntlngn nice home and phuolori ; r lonlnir will do well lo c ill and sic me dee N HUhs , aUi.V Y l.lle bldg 3J121 FOR RENT-PASTURES. H(1USPS COuC'AVD C VlTLirTKKTi ANT ) c-ired for the > oir lonnd I haxo Hi nctot of good p isturc , , "iO acres goo I grass , at ) acres of good outs stubble Put of thu slulililit Is sttimlliurlpe oats which makes Iho bust p isturu In the world A goo I fi'tiro nho fresh running walerniid barn room for iOO bead Incise of storm I hn\e the largest horjo riitieh In Dougl is and .iirn | ( ounly Pleisjc.ill nnt see my st itiluroom and feeding y.irds and pisluro so ) ou will bu sntlsllod lenll for and deliver frouof clnrg' Mypricjon pasture Is fl 00 p-r tnonlli an 1 In winter fee I Iny , grain ctll feed mil slrtw mil 'JJ iicroi slandlng corn st ilks Kept In h-irn nUlits. price from fl 0) per month up Two miles south of bouth Oinitlin , 1 mllu from street curs Address Gee G Gins P O box 11(1outli ( Omnha Neb "IIJsli LOST , A CltANUK TO 1IUY A NICH lltllLI ) IHK lot lylnw between Omihi nnd No > fort ( niiilm for only ton dollars. i.nU'-'S ) on \ Islt tlio Krcnt$10 lot snle , IVtl Dodan street , this cik. \N rlto for pint. 0. P. Hcnjamln , solo iiKent.2B1 2B1 21 * f OST-O.NH DAHK 11UOW.VTALL10N ; HAD 1-lon pnrt of hurncss when lout I.lbernl rewurd will bo pnldlf rctjrned to Ma l.ci\emvorth street 'Ivlcphono4lli MIDI 22 % Lt ) > T SMALL HDDIIUbll mcrTKll DOJ 1,111 irnl reward for his return Uinrlod K JohinneH ( .17 N 41st n\e -J77 21 * FOUND. T70UND-A PLKCi : AT r > 0 < . DODCH ST WIIKIIK - 1I c in bu ) a nice bulldlnu lot oed enouuh for nnybotl ) H horn" , fteu ind clear from inortttaKC , for uxiiLtly fill No iuortii.'U on thlv propprt ) ! ! < tttccn I'nnlii und new bortOainhn enil for pint. Charles P. llcnjnmln , solo nKCnt , ISJb DodKU "t 5S7 SI * MONEY WANTED I WANT TO liOllttOW $1,7X1 1 Oil ONI ? YIJAIl ON' In lot ( i-tliIOUJ will piyS pjr < ont und $ ; 'iK ( ) cnshcom nlislon Address i ! (5 Ileoolllco 7IS REM I N C TOPJ For Sale , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! MEGBATH STATIONERY CO. , 1W4 Painaia Street , Omilu , Itlds tor HeutlliK il Vuiilllntldii. Poilcd proposals Will bo TIM en oil by the Secret uv of the Ho inl of 11 luc itlon , until 4 o'clock p in MonJiiy , Au.-ust 'JJntl , lit. ' , for liojtlii the II irt'n in school liulkln ! _ ' u Itii lint nlr or slo.tni. In ac"onlmice with nlmih uuil Hpoclllc.itlonii on ( He In trni olllco of John I.ut- rinor , 'irdiltect , HooiuUJ'i MorolKuu Nutlon- : il II.ink Hull Ilir ' . 'iho lioirdrosor\es the right to reject any or nil bids Uy order or tlio Ho inl of Diuuitlon. CIIAl Ms : OO.NOYKU. bi-crct.irv. Oinnlia , A u i : . l.lth. 180' . ulilt t RHILWHYT1MBOHRD I11TLS I . [ Jninhtil D epot. 15th nn 1 Wobatir sti Onnlii YOUNQ WOMAN'S HOME , An iirort : Mndo to Contlniio flip \Vortliy Aid of the U'lirUins tllrln. At n mcotlPK of tlio Womcu'a Christian M- aoclntlon , hold AiiRitst 'J , it wnt ilochUni to suspend for the jirosont the Youni ; Woman's homo , for the reason that the Income \\ni tiotsuniclcnt to moot the oxpon os , nnd the n soclntlon did not fool justified In cnrr.vlns on the homo nhon the future looked RO dnrk. AInnv UioiiRht , too , Hint the > ounp women did uttureclnlQ the comforts nnd prlvtlogoa \\lilcli the homo plvc1 * . Tlmt the homo Is tlolnR n peed work Is shown fiom the "ncttilon" pwontod to tha board of trustees J'ucvlnv , Auu. 10 Uccausa of this petition , nnd the Interest In the voutiR women now under the cnto of the nssocln tlon , the motion to close the Young Womnn'a homo September 1 WM rescinded. Thowomon of tlio nnsoclntlon do not sea their wn.v nny clearer thnn they did bnloro , but hopa their friends will help thorn solva the problem. Will not some ono build us n homo or pre sent the ground for such n building ) If \ \ could got ild of the rctit , wo fool Unit the burdou xvould bo lifted 'ttto present homo , 10l ! South Sovontconth street\\ only nccorn- inoauta txvonty-t\\o younn ; women , but it must have that nuinbor to inulto it self- supporting. The ussocUtion would Ilka lo uo nblo to nllow cnclt youtiij wotnnn to Imvo n room to herself , which cannot bo dona us wo nro now situ- utod. utod.Tuo Tuo potltlon rofiirred to wns as follows ! Wo , thoyounp ; Indloi of the homo , potltlon the Lndiov Christ Inn nssnclntion to recon sider the decision In regard to suspending our homo. Wo fully appreciate nnd feel the necessity of the homo. O.ir salaries nro not Inrgo.Vo cnnnot DIV the enormous pilco the proplo of the city scorn called upon to nsU us. Wo llnd tnblo bom d lit 65 per wool : nnd loom rontnt $10 orfl'J per month. Now.vvhon you tnlte Into consideration the largest wnucs nald nn\oiio In the homo Is f 10 DOT month , and the lowest the tnoro plttnnoo of W a wool : , wo leave It to our mnthornntknl fuonds totrll us how wo can meet the do- inatuls of the boiirJIng house people.vo simply cannot do It. Jn view of thee facts wo earnestly nsu you to loscind your dodsltm and help us to keep up the homo. Wo \ \ 111 pledge outsolvoi to do nil In nur power to talk up the home , and utvo our fellow laborers to como nnd ihut'o IU privileges with us. Furthermore , wo patl'.lon that the present superintendent bo retilncd. Vours truly. KKSIDPSTS or Tin : HOME. OMUII , AuBiist 15 , 1SJ. ! ) DoWltt's' arsapiirluucicanso ] the blool , Increases the npuctlto nnd tones up the sys tem. It has b'onollttod many people waa lm\o suffered from blooJ dliordors. It will holp.ou. . Slmlliir In Nuino Only. OUAIU , Nob. , Aug. 20 , To the Editor of TUB I3iK : Your Lincoln correspondent In vestorday's tssuo refers to n suit pending In the supreme court Inlnclitlio Globe In- vostniput companv of Omaha Is plaintiff nnd iho roLelver of iho banning house ol Klo'iuui & Arnold. Diokcn I3o\v , defendant. This Is a mistake. Theto Is no such com. puny in Omaha. 'Ibo Ulobo Loan & Trust comnanv of Omaha is iho only ono of that nnmo and it has not now nnd never had any basilicas relation with the Urokon Bow bank. It Is possible- that the Globe Investment company referred to is lojitod in Boston. It has uoon doing business in this state. In Justlio to our company nlciso make the cor rection. Very tiuly yours , THE GLOUR L.OKN & 1'itusT COMIHVV II. O. Duvrles , prooldent. Mr * . L R. I'.uton , HJOitforJ , III. , writes ! 1 rromner-iiinnl oxparlonuo 1 can rocommonj OoWltt's SmapardU , a UUIM for impUM blood nud general dobillty. " < ; h irci-d with soiiinir UOKII G. S. Wagner Is the imini * under which i bright looking commercial traveler Is rogls- loied at the pollco station. Ho U hold for obtaining goods under false protcnsos , and L. 13. Williams of the Bull Ojpurtmont Store is the complainlnc : witness. C. O. D. Brown , Ilivduu Bros. , George Ilencrod and othcis nro nmon | the victims. Tlio prisoner has been tutting orders for bluing , which , wlion de livered , proved to bo wortnloss. The Boll store reported the case to the poltco court this forenoon and In an hour or two JJateo- tlvn Vlzird ran him down. Ho had been pitd In cish by Hayden Bros , and by the Bell Department btoro. TOE SIIORfEST LL\E TO CHICAGO s via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , as represented onthis map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibule J trains leave Omaha daily at 7:05 : p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Oflice : 1501 Far- nam St. , Omaha. F. A NASH. Gan'l Agent. rroposiU lor hcliool Benlod prouos ils will bo roeehuil by the BO rot try of the bo ml of education , until d o' ( loulc u m , Monil ly. Aiiiiist 'J'lid. IS1) ) . ' , fur thucoiisiruatlon of u two-story HUteon-rooni brick biillilnu on the II irtiiiiin suhool Hltu , In ncuordiiiico wlih p' ' IIH nnil spo Mile itlonu on Illolnlho olllco of John L ituinui , iiruhltoct , loom ( i ) " > Mureli.ints Niitlon il It ink llu Idliu. Sopar.ilo bhU will bo ro uUudfoi u.iri > enter uork Including nil oil < iindc-r uirpenlor six'ullle.itions. nnil for iniisun work Inc-liidlnj axu.iviitliu , c'oncrullni nnd uutHlono wor ! ( , llhls for lio.itliu "Hit bet ulror sto.un will bo rucolvod. I'.iuh bl I must bo iicrompinlud by u cortl- llo.i chock foi JMOIKI The boird reserves the rl Jit to rojojt any or nil bldH Hy ordur of the Ho inl of iMuo itlon. uiiAULirf : coNovnii. albdct becrotiiry. _ Notlfu t ContriittiirN , N'otlco Is hereby cl\en tliat xonled bids will bo received by the bohool lloanl of district No. 4. . I'lor o county , Neb , ut ( JHinond. Neb , . until Tburslny , beptomber 1 , IMr. ' , for thu con- Htiucl Ion of u brick fiuhool bu lilln . .t.'xlil , two stoilcs liUli. IJicn bid to bo iicouinp.inlod with u 1/oiul In ( Iciublu thu iiiiuniMt of the bid. 1'lniis und speotUcutloiii in.ty be neon ut thu olllvo of the motion tor , or ut Architect llronn's olllco In HIoux Ulty , la. , on mid uftur Aii-'H3l27 , 189- ' , Tlio board rcservo the rlwlit to rojnct nny or nil bids. .1. K KibMiNdim , Mod , I ) ( J , It CKWKI.I. , DlruHtor. n 81-3 5-7 J. A HAI.I.ANTV.NI : , Trom. ' ItliU lor Piiiiiililni ; . fouled iiroposiilt. will bn rccolvocl by tlio eo- ruti.rvof tbu board ofudiiuiitlon until 4 o'clock : p in Mon.liiy , Au.'iist 'J' , 1M ) . ' , for uliiiiib ni and lun' ' < elosutH to bo ulna d In the l/untrnl HCliool bulldliu In urciird.incu with p iinu iincl Hpoulllcullonb oil Illo In thu ollluo of John I < ul- pnsur , iirchlloct , room bO > Murcluuiti National Hunk bulldliiK. Tlio boirJ rcsor\04 thu rl lit to rojoot any or nil hlds. llv ordur of tlio lloirl of I ) liu-iilloii UII.VULKS UONOVCIl , uMllOt _ beciuury. PltOPOSALS POll Git A DING. Sealed proponnU will bo rueolvud by the seo- rolary of iliu board of udncatlon nnllUo'uloeik p m .Monday , Aiuust L'J , ih'r. , for K'nullntf the rninkllii solionl blto , nccor Iliu lo tlio nrolllu on Illo In tbu nllUu of John \ tensor , itroliltiut. room ! ! ' ' > Murjh nits National II ink bnlldln/ , und unilur Iho InmrnotloiiH of the iiichltuct. Thu boird rusurvos thi ) rUnt to roluotiiny oritllbldM. llv order of llin lie ir.l ofoJuuu * llun. UIIAHLKH UUNUVKU , Koorolnry itl. 'd lot , _ rropo * il lor Hiihnol Hlto. Hoplud propotuU will bu rJciilvn.l by tlio son- \ roiury of the lioirJ of Kduciillon , ( hniiliu , \ Nub. , iinlll 4 o'o ojk p in. Mimil iy , Aiuunt li , 4 > Ih'i.1 , for n Biiliubii ; bohool Hltu In tliu vlelnilT of"illiund I'r inklln struon. The bourd roiorven the rl/ht to roji'flt any or nil bldx. Uy order of tlio Hoard of rMnoatlon. UIIAUhid : UU.NOVRR. al'ld lot _ ' _ hucrotury. Notlio to ( Irinlom. llldn will bo ruuolvud until Monday noon , AiiKtut J'l , at thu olllco of the iindnmlznud , for bloDlnn mid tutruL'ln ; uurlli bank vornor IJtu nnd Vliiion itreolK , uccordliu to platiH to bo found ut ollloo of U. b , K flitter , Uo un 4 Novr York Llfo llullUluf. O. a , iLUIJl"i'lU. : ! lean _ -