THE OMAHA PRRT ONE. PAGES 1 TO 8 , I I . IWENTY-SECOND YEAK. OMAHA , SUNDAY MORNING , AUGUST 21. ISOS-SIXTISEN VAGUS. NUMBER ( M. I \ % COAL CREEK TAKEN Qenoral Qnrnos nr.d His Forces Oapturo the Miners and Relieve Tort Anderson. TWO CITIZENS WERE KILLED IN A FIGHT Bushwhackers Attack a Posse from Knoxville - villo but Are Beaten Off V f REBELS ARE COMPLETELY SURPRISED Brink Movements of the Troopi anil Firm Demands Unnerve the Leaders. COURAGEOUS EFFORTS OF CITIZENS Kpt-nt the Night In n Mountain Storm With out food , Wnteror Mioltrr , and tlio Uiiy In righting Situation tn TOIIIICHSCO , R.NOXTH.t.ETonn. , Aug. 19. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tin : Bii.l : : In n decisive battle to- dny the minors who held Coal Creek were defeated and bnve suriendercd uncondi tionally , aho brunt of the llghllng fell on tbo citizens who responded tn the call of tbo sheriff and accompanied as a posse the stnto troops under General Curnos ns fur as Offutt. That station was rcacticd early last evening nnd there the posse loft the cars , intending to march on und attack the miners on the ( lank , while General Cainos pushed on with the train und engaged thu rebels from the front. After leaving tbo train the posse marched rapidly across tbo country nnd hills to the top of Wuldcn's rldco. On this mountain they \ % erolthln three-fourths of a mlle of Camp Anderson. Tnov reached thlspolnton the mountnln top about 10 p. m. Htro they halted and Iny on tholr nrms. Many of them had had nothing to cat since breakfast yesterday nnd tnero was not n drop of water to bo huJ , but with true couropo they waited to go to Fort Anderson. About ! i o'clock this morning a terrible rain Btonn cnmo up uliicb continued until noon. When this rain boxun to fall the men were lomcwhat refreshed. They had no blankets nor the least shelter nnd they were largely men of means and unused to bard labor. . Mrtlrlillifi- Tort Antlcrion. Just at the break of day the oflkors called their force into lino. The militiamen under the command of Colonel Woolfotd took the lead and the squad of business men of ICnoxvillo formed the rear and In the pouring rain they started to Camp Anderson by a circultcus route of two miles. This was done to nvold "n lurge body of miners who occupied the llt tlo narrow pass between them and the camp , nnd the force had n.urchod but a llttlo wajs when they were halted by a disturbance In the rear. Through the foe and ruin they suw from twcnty-fivo to soventy-llvo minors. These follows dodged behind trees nnd rocks and opened lire on the ICnoxvillo citizens' Equad. Kilted by Itiislinhaukors. Their lire was returned and bet shot was poured into the bnshwackers. In the flcht John Wulthull , u clerk in the East Tennessee railroad ofllco at IvnoxvlUe , was Killed. Ho was shot through the head and uiod in stantly. His homo was formerly In PulnskI , Tenn. Ho was n prominent Kuight of P > thiasand expected to goto Kansas City tomorrow to the national conclave. T. O. Catty , n prominent lawyer of this city , who was m the citizens squad , received ipamful wound in the shoulder. Ho con tlriucd on his feet nnd In tbo light. Bush Givens , a constable of ICnoxvlllc , vns also killed Instantly. Ho was about "JO fears of ngo. Wulthull wan about 35. Both Wore members of the citizens' squad. The Btalf force charged nnd the miners vero driven from their position. The troops nnd citizens continued their Charge and drove them from the mountain , ' ' 'our minors nro known to have been killed nd a number wounded. They got off with iholr dead , however. The btuto forces cap- lurcd nearly all the cuns of tbo miners. Dnmt Oil tlin JIlniTs ami Kutired. After driving bark the the force iguin sought to go to the fort. In the nar row valley between their position and the mountain there were nbout 500 armed miners. Tbo forces were worn out , so they decided to rotrcot back 11 vo miles to OlTutt to tbo railroad and telegraph ofllce. They hoped to communicate with other itato forces If there were any. They reached that point nbout noon. After n delay of some time they got In communication with Gen eral Carncs , who wad In possession of Coal L'ruok. Tbo general sent u train for thorn nnd took them to Coal Creek. When they reached there they were in so torrlblv exhausted a condition that they wcro not fit for duty nnd ho sent thoin back to ICnoxvillo , they arriving here ut T p. inith tha bodies of the dead. An Immense throng of cltl/onn met tno tram and the weary clluon soldiers pulled the \vanon bearing the bodies to un dertakers. ( lemtral CiiineH' .MmomrnlH. General Curnos1 force , which loft here last night at 7:10 : , rcachcil OtTutt during tlio night. Ho remained there until nftor day- light. Ho then ran his train near Coal Creek , disembarking his troops , prepared for battle nnd surrounded the town. Ho sent Colonel Sovlcr unarmed _ to the town and iqiiQht to make a compromise with the uiineru. They refuted. Ono man put his pistol to the colonel's head and threatened to shoot him. He gel back to tils troops. General Carnes then boat him uuck with in order to the miners to surrender uncon ditionally. Ho advanced his forces nnd sur rounded the minors , Tbu lawbreakers saw It was a tlino to surrender , so they did bo , A number were captured , but thu greater purl had llea. ( But General Carnes * , iad the situation. Ho demanded tuo return to htm of Captain ( Cellar Anderson , \\lio was DO treach erously captured \ostctduy. They told bun they would bilng him * by 1 o'clock. In the meantime the troops went on arrest ing miners. At 1 o'clock the minors' leaders did not bring In Auduison and said thov ditl bet know where ho was , liy 4 o'clock CarncB had muny prisoners. Ho said Andcr- ion bad to bo returned , and nt 4:20 : ho wus brought In safe and sound. Captain Amu-noil' * i : purlencc . Captain Anderson m > s but for three or four miners ho would hnvo been murdorcO last night by Lindsay's gunir. Those minors .protected him , and they nro men In A inter- ion's cinulov. Camp Anderson never surrendered. The men there lopuised tbo miners eiurv time ( boy cuuio iieur , It la not known here as jet with what loss to the minors. They wcro nfraid to come near that Untllnff gun. Late this afternoon , after Carncs had full control of the town nnd vnlloy , nr.d had some 200 pmonora , bo sent n detachment to the fort. I.OHS of I.lfu nt the I'ort. It was known at noon today that Private Smith of Hill City , Tonn. , bad been kilted -nsldo - thn fort. Private Wutterman of Memphis - phis was shot by the premature discharge of n gun. Ho will die , so says the report. Tboro are reports tonight tnat largo num bers of minors from Kentucky are on the way to Coal Greek to attack the troops to night , but uo ono bora believes tbo rumor. ui I > IAI > ANIJ WOUMIUD. Soldiers nnil Minors Searching the Tcn- ncsflpn Itnttlo Piold. CoALCiiKGK , Tenn , , Aug. 20. The Qrst action on tbo part of General Carncs this morning was to send out searching parties of fifty each to search for killed and wounded and see that the minors did not mass. Pnyotte Gentry , as ex-policeman nnd n bravo man of ICnoxvillo , was found near the scone of thu ambush lieht. Ho was hard hit In the hip and loft hand i > nd had lain on tbo moun tains twenty-four hours , six of thorn in a drenching rain. The minors nro also search ing for their dead under a Hag of truce. A detachment of 100 soldiers has Just gone up the alloy to scatter or capture 400 minors. ( iovcrnor llncliiin III'H Appeal. NASIIVII.MTonn. . , Aug. 20. An address to the public na'j been Issued hy Governor Buchanan. The proclamation is a history of tbo insurrection In the mining districts of Tennessee. The proclamation closes ns fol lows : "I have every reason to bellovo that the insurrection will bo quelled. To 'ondarthis result certain additional forces are bnlng sent as reinforcements as rapidly as they can bo assembled nnd transported. Some sheriffs nnd cltUcns have gallantly made voluntary offers of assistance und have been gladly received. It Is the purpose of the executive ' ecutive department to use' every power con ferred on It by the constitution and the laws to restore order and preserve ttio malnte- uam o of the laws. I therefore call on every patriotic citizen to bold himself in readiness in case his services should bo needed by the state. " Call Wooirord a C'ouard. N\SHVII.M : , Tonn. , Aug. 20 A special to the linnner sa.\s : The men who fought un der Major Oarpuntor yesterday morning say Colonel Woolford acted with great cow ardice. Ho Is denounced bv tbo members of the citizens' posso. Xo > ccd for .More Troops , CHATTANOOGA. Tonn. , Aug 20 AITnlrs at Coal Creole nro in such n condition now that all reinforcements have been stopped fiom rrolog to the front , and the volunteers fiom Chatianooga now hero leave for homo today. UU HY UNION .MKN. Sn > cre llcutlng Inlllutod Upon a Lake Shore Switchman. BUFFALO , N. Y. , Auir. 20. A Luke Shore engine with a crow of men was engaged ia switching cars of perishable property last night with Switchman Albert L. Uowcn on top of n car. As the car approached tbo Loblgh bridge at Hnmbuig street ono of tbo sulking switchmen climbed ou top of iho cor und uttuclced Bowou. Officer Muttison saw tbo nttucK and started to the rescue. Before ho reached tno cur Bowen hud driven the striker off the car. iiowon iccoivcd a severe cut on tbo hcud , hut proceeded on the car toward the freigtithouse , Ofllcer Mattl- son being on the engine. Bouon had occa sion to leave the train to attend to his work , when he was set upon by a mob in the vicin ity of Hairuurg street crossing. Oflicor Matlison returned to the classing und res cued Bowen , but not till nftor the hitter had received sovoio cuts nbout the head. Mutti son took Bowen to the dining par and tele phoned for the freight hospital ambulance. When the ambulance arrived Dr. Nenl ban daged Uowim's head und in company with Otllccr Mattlson started for the ambulance. They had scarcely left the dlnlmr car when ono of thu mob of tlio striker * struck Bowen n vicious blow in the faco. Olllcar Mattlson arrested the assailant nnd handed him over to a policeman who chanced to be near bv. AKI'KCTIMS NiYOKIt HUSINKSb. The btrlKu Cites II inUers. Merch int * and i\chinjeR Much Trnnlilc. NnYOHK , Aug. 20. The effect of ttio railioad strike on the wheels of business down town Is becoming moro marked every dnv. 'Iho banks are beginning to bo affected by reason of the practice of western shippers to forward drafts on thoircastotn consignees along with the bills of lading , which drafts aio payable through Now York banks , and nlso by virtue of the practice of lending money to cons'gnccs ' ou buch shipments. While the goods are tied up In Buffalo it Is sometimes dllllcult for the Now York mer chant to meet bis obligations. Tlio banks in most cnsos have given tiinlr customers time in meeting their notes and drafts. If tbo strike Is prolonged much longer , the banns will piobably cease to lend on such security , nnd will take some concerted action to meet all the cases which have so far nrisen. The falling ofT of grain shipments to tbo extent of 10 or SO per cent over the roads in volved in the strlko Is nlso having un in creased offoot on Iho business of the ox- cnnuiros , and by reason of tbo consequent docicaso in exports. Is ulso threatening to affect the rates on foreign exchange. AITAIUS AT no.uisnAi > . Anothur htrlko 1'iobablo at the. Iniiieniiu .Mill In it IVu DiiJH. PiTranuiio , Pa. , Aug. 20. Another strlko may tuko place at Uuqucsno within the noxl few days. The Carni'clo compiny Is said to bo systematically discharging iho men who led the late strike , ns many as eight being thrown out ot employment in ono day. All those turned oil rejoin the Amalgamated association , and there Is a strong feeling In favor of instituting another strilto unless the discharged workmen uro re-employed by ibo company. Burgess MoLucltio , tbo executive of Homestead , whoso trip and utterances in the cast about Iho Homestead strike nave caused BO much comment , arrived homo yesterday. Ho said he secured ? lf > iX > for Homestead re lief in Boston alone. It Is now stated on good authority that the Plnkorton detective ngency has spotted the men who took the guns on thooveninv of iho riot at Homestead , and that qutto a number of arrests will boon bo mado. John Flclscnman , the man shot at the Union mill yesterday , In doing well and will recover. Thu mill Is running ubout ns usual , but without additions to the force ut work. ui\itv : ron inrrv. Ciand Army .Men Oiler Tlu-lr Sivrvhuj to PriMc'i-io Ordurat llnlfiln. Nr.\\ Yom ; , Aug. 20. G. U. Hundrlcbsnn , adjutant of post UIUTHos to tbo Press that 1,1,000 grand army men In New York , under Grand Mirsluil Samuel Collins are in rcaul- uoss to go to ttio front and usslst the authori ties In preserving oruor , If needed , ALIIASV , N. Y. , Aug. 20. Adjutant General - oral Porter loft heio this morning for Buf falo , where ba will assume command ot the troops. Xo Mrllui liy I'lroIIIIMI. iNnuyiroum J d. , Aug. 20. Giaud Mas ter Sargent , In un Interview this morning on the Tiuffalo strike situation , expressed iho belief that Grand MuitorSwocney had cause to order out the switchmen and bo hoped they would \\lii , Sarcout added , however , that the llromon had uo irrlovuuco nt Buffalo and there would bo uo tlriko of tbo men in In * order. SORE ON SALISBURY Conservatives'Disgusted with fto Ix-Pre- mior'a ' Distribution of Titular Favors. HE OVERLOOKED THE MOST DESERVING Men Who Had Claims on the Hoior Passed by in the Award. SOME EDITORS WERE MADE BARONETS dream of the Collection of Now Knights Ohoseii from Nowapapar Officoi. WHAF GLADSTONE IS DOING JUST NOW Arranging to hocuro Morlcj' * Ittiturn Other MlnUtum safe Trylnc to 1'acliy Lubuuulicre Iliinior * of u Now Homo Itule lllll. ( CopirltfhtpJ IS'.D by Jamoi Gordon Ilonnott. ] L.OSDOV , Aug. 20. INow York Herald Cable Special to Tuc UEI : . | Now It Is the turn of the conservatives to bo disappointed and disgusted , and in Lord Salisbury's final Itstol honors they find nmplo cause for com plaint. An outgoing prime minister usually rewards his chief followers on the rocognbod principle of giving good things to hard work ers or those who subscribed liberally to tbo party funds , but on what principle Salisbury acted now would puzzle the acutcst mind to discover , unless it was set to work to make ttio scramble for titles the subcl ] for sar donic humor. The persons selected for knighthood arc , wltu one or two exceptions , simply ludicrous oDjccls. Ashmoud Hartlott heads the list. Ho is a vulgar * platform spouter , a party hack , looked upon with so much contempt In the House of Commons that ho scarcely over ventures to open his mouth la It , Ho stumps the country Industriously , but nobody ever heard that ho did any good. That ho should bo now Sir Ellis Ashmoad Bartlett may ho said to have spread a broad grin over the face of all Enclaud. Til en comes the well known furniture maker , Dlundol Maple. It seems rather out of place to glvo a tradesman a tltlo , but Maple Is a good follow und a popular man , so people merely shrug their shoulders. Some I.lturarj IVllt-rx Kccognlznd. Then comes Dr. Smith , editor of the Quarterly llovlow and of well known dlo- tlonauos His long service to literature and politics fully deserved some worthier recog nition than to bo stuffed Into this menagerie of baronets. Wo have among thorn Hdward Lawson of the Daily Telegraph , who laboicd hard for ttio unionists. Another Journalist who re ceived the same honors is John .laffray , pro prietor ot the lilrmingham Post , the most powerful paper in the midland counties. Ho is n man of wealth and high character and a great friend and supporter of Chamber- , lain. Tlioie are the cream of the baronets. Prof. Huxley becomes right honorable by admission to the privy council. So does Jesse Callings , the faithful satellite of Chatn- borluln. Liberal unionists figure pretty well in the lists. Salisbury has been sparing with pacracos. Two representatives of very old English fam ilies , Sir Ualnaid Knightly und Mr. Leigti of LI lie , are cilled to the upper house , and half a dozsQ other gentlemen agnlnst whom there Is nothing to bo said. Salisbury docs not carry out his practical Jokes at the expense of the House of Lords. The people who have been loft out and who are going about vowing they received distinct promises of baronotclos or other honors nro loelon. So mo of thorn are well known to me , and I mubtconfobs their claims for reward were undeniably good. Salisbury does not give serious attention to those mat ters , but leaves the chief whip of tha party to arrange them , except the pzeragos , and tbo consequence Is the odd juciblo we see iu this marvelous list. Attaint In ( ilaiUtono'H Camp. Gladstonlan murmurs are subsiding simply because London is getting deserted. Politics will for the time bo blank , but a largo con tingent of radicals will nclthor forcot nor 'forgive Iho slights which have been cast upon them. As for Laboucucro , ho is qulto able to revoneo himself. Some Ulad tonmn organs are trying 10 divert his wrath irom Gladstone to thu queen , Insinuating that her majesty declined absolutely to accept him as a minister. The fact is Gladstone old not submit bis name , und nnvor had the least in tention of doing so. Labby being a thorn in bis side. Gladstone would sooner have asked the Father of Lies to Join bis ministry than ttio editor of Truth. Tboro will bu a hard fight for Morloy's scat. Eyen should ho bo defeated in New castle tip will have no occasion to regret It , for another und safer constituency will bo placed at his disposal. Two or throe offers have been made him already. The other ministers uro in no danger. They can have a comfortable six months with llttlo work and high pay. Gladstone is said to have a now homo rule bill all teady. Merely is tha only other man who knows all about it. The story goes that It will satisfy all tbo Irish except the ex treme Parnollltes , but It is too early in the day to believe that. A MKMIIEU or PAHI.UMENT. IMJI.ANI : > AND .tiouucco. \Vliy Mr Clmrlm livan Smltli'ri MHHOII | | to J' / VVnit u I'ulliiri' . LOSDO.V , Aug 20. A blue book has boon published containing further correspondence that passed botw'ccn Lord Salisbury and fair Charles Kvan bmith In relation to the lattur's mission to Fci. Lord Salisbury In his con cluding dispatch to Sir Charles protests that tlio advantages sought In the proposed treaty with Morocco would bo enjoyed equally by ull thu powers , but as the misconception had onsen that England aimed at self-aggrandise ment tt would be inexpedient to adopt tnuas- uios of monaco which , wbllo they might bo successful , would revive und appear to con- llnn these misconceptions. "riiorofore , " concludes Lord Sallsuury , "for thu present make no further uttoupt to induce the sultan to accept the treaty. " Tno Graphic , commenting on the corre spondence , say.s that tbo foregoing dispatch is kcarcoly satisfactory and that it will bo dlfllcult to porauado a foreigner tbat lotno subtle design does not underlie Lord Sail * . bury's ' amurlng forbearance. LOSDOS' , Aug. 2 < X A apodal to Iho Times from Calcutta avs that the government has Informed the Currency association tbut It Is unable to comply \\itn tun request of the as sociation tbut the government appoint a commission to Inquire- into the advisability of establishing n gold standard in India , and that In view of tha alarming condition of af fairs nnd tno dangers'Sf'n ' crisis the govern ment declares what stem It proposes to tnlto to allay the panto existing in the country. U'lmt I * lining Dnna by rinrwrlght * nnd Actor * Acron thu Wat r. LONDON , Au ? . 30. The phonomoual suc cess ot the musto halls dtirlne the past season is having an offoot upon London's theatrical nnd musical caterers. During the coming season qulto a Hood of now burlesque und comto operas nro promised , In audition to the conversion of the ll-jval English opera honso Into n music hnll , the Hoyaltr Olympic and probably the Saattojbury theater * in tend to forsake the serious linos. The now burlosquoi are too mimoroiH to mention , but as the provincial demand Is equal to that of London tlnro Is llttlo doubt that nil of thorn will got a trial. Mr. Uoosrt O. Buchanan , the playwright , will nmko his first attempt at comic opera this season , besides - sides tilling the commissions ho has In hand for plays for Messrs. Ii. S. Wlllard and Boor- bohm Ttoo. It Is thought Mlai Doclmi Moore will bo the horolno of tbo oomlo opera with which Mr. Lovlnson Intends to open the now Tra falgar Square t boa tor early In Soptombor. A throo-act comic opera by Howard Talbot has Just boon finished. It is called "The Mahattna" and Is said to bo brimful of charming music. The libretto Is by Mr. Edgar Leo und contains a very clover parody on Ihcosophy , which cannot help being moro amusing thun the real thing. After a run of three weeks .Mr. Charles Wyndham has withdrawn "Hasto to the Wedding" from the boards of the Criterion theater. The next feature nt the Oaloty theater will bo a burlesque serpentine quaarlllo danced by four girls attired in vnri-colorod silks. Tno sorpanttco dance , as exempli lied by Jenny Joyce , Is qulto the rage nt the Alhambrn , where there Is also a now ballot called "Up the lllvor" in preparation. This ballot will bo given with splendid Thames scenery , oo- plctlng house boats and other Incidents of river llfo Klleu Terry Whs the Atrnrtlon. Miss Ellen Terry , it will bo recalled , Is the sUtor-tn-law of Kt > v.V. . II. Wnardell , vicar of St. Giles church , Colchester. A fowdavs atro u buzar was held at Colonostor , the ob- Jcct being to procure funds to restore tbo church. Tbo bazar wa $ held utMiotv Trees , the beautiful residence of Ttlr. James Hounds , member of barlinmeni for the division of Esbex , and was opened by Lady BrooK. Miss Terry was in attendance and her pres ence drew to the bazar { an immouso crowd The affair was most successful , both socially nnd financially , and thb" money raised will go far toward putting od ) St. Giles into good lopatr again. At present Miss Terry Is staying at Wlnchollsoa , if. the cottage sno bought from Mr. Comyns Carrj She is living with ' her son , who Is known 'on the stage as Gor don Craig , and hcrilaliphtor , who , under the name ot Allsu Craig , lias several times up- poured in amateur tliealncals. Mr. Henry Abbay'hus arranged \vlth Imro Klralfy to prodUcd lo Now York the oper atic-dramatic spectacle "Venice , " which bus had such a long and successful run at the Olympic tn LonilonOno'of _ tbo last places ol amusement vlsitedrb.v the late duke of Clarcnco and his ( UtaV.cqp , Princess May , was the Olympic. They were accompanied by the pnnca ofVnios and ether mcmbars of the royal family. The whole panr 0:1- : tored gondolas and visited ovcry part of "Vontce. " Act * ol llrlKaiulry. BIIIISSEI.H , Aug 25. Lieutenant Toobak , n resident of the Consrp state , has repotted to tbo governor general of the country that al though Arabs havoTiodo hostile attacks thov are not In a general revolt , and that thcso disorders have consisted in mere acts of brlgandry , their sole motive being n desire for plunder. Tbo lust Arab attacks , reports Lieutenant Toobak , weio at Klvorivia. Several power ful chiefs , including Tlppao Tibb , remain faithful. Another revolt Is expected. Opposed to .Jewish Immigration. MoMiiciL , Aug. 20. Jewish immigration was attacked vigorously by Judge Dueas today. The Judge stated that in proportion to their population tbo JQWJ occupied moro of the attention of the couits thun any other nationality. Continuing , he said they wore the most undesirable class of Immi grants and tbat if their condition did not Improve ho would nsk iho government , to restrict strict this class of immigration , lefi > .itocl thu Arabs In u llloncly right. BHUSSCLS , Aug. 20 , A dispatch from the Congo state announces that a Congo force has defeated the Arabs on the San Koran river near the plaoo where Iho Holllstor ex pedition was mussacrod. Ton chiefs were killdd and 700 won captured by the troops. The governor does not think that the rising will spread. _ Long Marches In Intense HOMI ; , Aug. 20. Great Indignation is mani fested by the press over the long marches re quired of the troops during the present tropi cal boat. Fourteen , hundred men were ou tlTo toad from 2 In tiio morning until 4 In the afternoon. Fifteen were sunstruck and ono became delirious nnd shot himself , I'rotrutlng tlia ST. PETEIWIIURO , Aug. 20. A new law Just proclaimed makes It an offense tn purchase gram from peasants at ridiculously low pncoi. Offenders are made liable to six months' Imprisonment. Anuthnr Orcnn ItiTord Siniuhod. NEW YOIIK , Autr. 20t The steamship Urn- brla of tno Cuniird Hue has mudo the fastest time on record of any single screw vessel on the eastward trio frQm this port. A cable dlspatcn this afternoon reports that sbo nassea Urow Head at p. m , yesterday , male- ' Ing tno trip In live Uuy , twenty-two hours nnd forty-live nilnu'tos. The best eastern record for a single sc cw steamer heretofore was nix days , three hqura and four minutes. DIKTIMIHII In tllnltank Kosune. NEW VOKK , A'ug. JJO. Tno weekly bank statement tiow& tuoj reserve han decreased Ki'Jj,5T.Tho ) : , banta now hold * 12aTu,000 , Iu uxcojs of legal req' jromoats. " Muicmi'iiU of Ocean b I ram am/ " At Hlo Janeiro : Arrived Vlgllancio , from Santos for Now Yorlr. At Lizard ; Passed L Hourgogno , from Now VorU for Havre ; YVueaiand , from Now York for Antwerp. At Hamburg : Arrived Polynesia , from Now York. At Qiiooastowii ! Arrived Ohio , from Philadelphia for Liverpool. At New York : lArnvod lUrurla , from Liverpool ; Fuort Bismarck , from Hum- burg ; AmUerdutaj fiom Hotterd&m. WKATUKU t-'UUIW.tSrX. I'ulr Witithur , Rliftweri and Vnrlnhln Winds \\lll I'ruvaU In NelininUn Today , WA'BIIINOTO.T- . C. , Aug. 20. Forecast lor Sunday : For Neorusaa Fair , preceded by shatters In can portion ; wanner in north portion , variable vvltidn. Fur the Dakotus Fair , preceded by showor-i In east und South Dikolu ; ojolor In North Dakota , variable wmd . VON CAPM'S ' FAILOR His Proposad Now Military Bill Disap proved by the Euiparor. DEMANDS MADE FOR HIS RESIGNATION Progressists and National Papers Mill on Him to Stjp Down. ONE OF THE CHANCELLOR'S BLUNDERS His Unpopular Proposils ns to the Mannar of Mooting Inoroxsad Expanditures. TAXES THAT WOULD HAVE CAUSED RIOTS Imminent in thu C.i'i-ni in Cabinet lll'in iruk Takes Adk.intagnol tint Ko\v ( li'rin my Vton < Itli Alarm thu In- diu trial rrojii's * of Amurlci. [ Copyright 1S93 by the New York Ass oclntcd 1'rcns ] llriiMV , Aug. 2J. The ompotor'a declara tion at the banquet following tin rovlow of thogurdo du corps on Thursday that the covornmont did not Inland to adopt the pro- posut'for two year's military sorvloj Instead of ttiroo years , as at present , is not consid ered In olllcial circle ) to involve the Im mediate retirement of Chancellor von Ci- pnvi , who supports , and In faot , brought for ward the proposal. Ttio national liberal press insist that the chancellor ought to and must resign , In view of ttio omporor's de cision , but it has bean an opotf secret that before thu ampoior started on his recent whaling voyugo in the North sea ho set his face ngalnst the main proposals of ttio chan cellor's military bill. The estimates prnpared on the projected two-years' service bill showed that it would bo necessary to demand at the tha outset a refoimlngof tno army expenditure amount ing to 15J.OJJ.OO ) marks , with un a-inual ad dition to tno war budget of 2J.OJJ.OJJ mirks. The chancellor did not want inaudacltv In making ollluial proposals to moot the in creased expenditure ? . Taxes on beer , to bacco nnd brandy , under which the whole otnpiro would writhe , wjro suggested by the chancellor , who was seemingly rcckloss of how the Kochstag and the country would receive thorn. Within his own circle the emperor never coucu.iled the fact tnat ho was radically opposed to any shortening of the term of mllit.iry service. Sldi-il ulth the llmpiiror. Gcnoral Count von Wnldorseo held with the emperor while most of the other high military authorities sided with the chancel lor In favor of short servhu. No'v that tbo ompcror hai puollcly spoUon out , the po litical opponents of the chancellor treat the imperial delivery as something altogether now and as altering thochaicallor's position. Tno omporor's ' public rejection of the project does not alter tils relations with the chancel lor , taough it do33 coal the fata of his army bill , The Kclchstag might have granted a largo portion of the propoied additional war budget if it was accompanied with shoilar service , but it would never ucjodu to the extraordinary grabs without it. No great army bill will therefore bo placed baforo the IWehsttisnt tno coming session. Another result of the imperial declaration will bo a regrouping of the parties. Prince Bismarck , with u keen eve to the political transformation , has adopted a tuo year's principle. The national liberals , the froissiunlgos and free conservatives , every party , except the extreme coasorvatlvo , sup ports tbo short term , whlcti will become ttio main question on which tbu next elections will turn. If tuo prosunt government sur vives an earlier coilllctwlll occur on tha question with tbo present relchstug. Von Knlitnliurg Will rri'Hunt till ) Hill. Chancellor You Caprivi , tnough n submis sive servant of tbo emperor , will never face tbo Koic stai : with un army bill asking money without conceding a itioitor term of service. Count Yon liiutcaborg , president of the Prussian ministerial CDuncll and Pius- sian mlnlstor of the Interior will da so , and when the emperor dooms thu opportunity fuvorablo some tlino next year Count Yon Caprivi will bo replaced by a cUuucollor 'ready to carry out the imperial will. The immediate consolation attenJiug the abandonment of the army bill is the with drawal of the threatened increase in luxa tion. It is reported that tha government wilt withhold from the Kelclmug the law for tno tupprosslou of drunkenness. The measura which has boon In operation slnca July 1 , ro tating to Sunday repose , ic causing universal discontent , and Its ropojl will bu ugltatod in the Hjluhstag. The probuolo fate of this law manes the minors name- with other measures on the sumo line , JntuiiMuly Warm \Vu.itliur. Tbo weather Is intensely hot-throughout Gariudiiy and fatal sunstrokes tuo occurring ouory where in the omplro. Ttio hospitals hero recorded only a slight increase In cbol- orlno and other dlionios aggravated by the deal. Work In many shop ) and factories is suspended during tbo hottest part of the day. The thermometer has registered 104 do ruet In the shade. The dioutli which prevails is Injuring the cattle and iho crops and iu many districts the rivers are very low. Viimud With Alarm. The Togblott , In announcing the conclu sion of the commercial treaties between Uor- many und Iluytl und Ycno/uulu , rejoices In iSu assumption that American Inllunnon In Spanish America will thus receive u chock. The Frankfort Hjlluus , ( radical ) in mak ing a similar announcement , nay * : The rapid development of the material power of the United States menaces the continuation of economic and Intellectual supremacy of Uu- roue. Thu transatlantic giant tree threatens thu old world ? It of _ to overihudow , depvlug 'light and air. The peaceful contest of agri cultural supremacy , which has lasted for many years , is succeeded by un Industrial contest which Is causing tbo destruction ot thu outposts of the German export trade. Par-icclng observers prophecy that within a reasonable tlrao Europe will sustain ovou heavier defeats Iu the arts and sciences , " Lieutenant Kvuna , tbo now military attache ot Iho American legation , has ar rived here , Mr. J , M. Comstocl : ot the United States customs department and Marshall KamsdcU of Washington , I ) . C. , are now In this olty. llldirfll'M Acunmilic Itrhiatcd , LONDO.X , Aug. 10. MucDouald and Hill , who were accomplice ! of Did well Iu the Dank of England forgeries , hitvo been re leased on condition that they leave the coun try never to return. Doth started for America on being released , lllll in u snowy- haired , harmleis Idiot , the roiullol his Ion ? Imprisonment. MuuUoauld told tbo story of his Ufa Iu = = = THE BEE BULLET ! \ M'talhrr fur Omaha mi I rielntt'i i 1. Mow Cnnl Crook Via * Captitreil. ( 'import. it lOH Sore. on Salisbury , One of ( 'aprlil'it failure * , I.ibor Tumbles Agitating rrnnco. 2. .Iliii Unit Whips Toil I'rltrlmrd. a. Tun .Mm Kllloil by Lightning , Itolatliilloii on t'liniiilu Announced , Nolimskii I.orul 1'olltle * , Whltuluu Iti'ltl at llli Old Homo. 4 , IMItorliU and Comment , Heath'ViiililiiRton Letter. 0 , I.lnroln Local Xo . Knights of 1'j thin * at Kmnas City. Veteran * nt ( Iranil Inland. fli NCIUK fie m Council Illulls. 7. Last Week In Hoelely. \Vlion tlio Missouri Win XaUgalile. Some Clinroh Statistic * . 8. German Society Xnui > 10. Wages In Kiiglmul and America Com pared. ilapan'H Substitute Tor Saratoga. 11. Omaha' * Trade llovlnued. JSeltraftKa I'aetory * uitos. drain , I'rm lilou * anil I.Uo Stock * 1J. ! Itural l.lln In Ittusta. v. At tint Tliuateis. 111. rmeeaitH of the righta. in. Wakeman on Antlqno Winchester. I. Ho ol a shotgun Memciiifrr. 10. Wldn MVho Don't Mind It. MoTenchem Ar Tialncd , prison. Ho said that for some months nftor the boplnmng of Ills sentence ho ( oil stunnoil utul du/ed I'ticn ho rosolvcil to Etiomit to everything nnd onru tin oiirly tolcaso. Tliroo years Inter , being forced by a warder to lift a hcavv loud , no Injured hunsulf internally and was In tied for u year. Ho then liccnmo reckless. Ho occupied Ills spare tlino trans lating foreign Ittoruture. His sister catno to Knglnnd ciirlv In the summer with luttors to the duke of Norfolk and ArchuUhop Vaughn , nnd stio woikoil incossuntly for his release. MacOonuld said ho had seen and conversed with a number of famous criminals In prUon. Ho bald the prison system is calculated to rimlco men tnauinon or biutos. Ho was o tie reel ten years olt his sentence if ho would divulge tno method of splitting bank notes. Ho says bo refused because ho did not know the method. T.lio bant ; ofllcinls persist In baying ho did it. Wllllt tint I'opo IK llnlllg. HOMI : , Aus 1 ! ' . Tno pope has appointed Mgr. C. Szucka piofoctof archives in the vatiuan and coadjutor to Mgr. Porslco , soerotary to the propaganda. The prelate Is a relative of Cardinal Kunpolla. The pope has ordered icscurchos to bo made In all the documents bearing upon the relations con cerning the reunion of the eastern and west ern churches. Ho is preparing a document whlclt will announca to the world the Initia tive program for this reconciliation. The Vatican has been pained to Hud I Hut the triple alliance powers are opposed to the ac complishment of the reunion. By agreement between the pope and the Ulng of Belgium the Jesuits have bean chat god with the uorkof Introducing civili zation Into Control Africa. \\oiniMi llclppd at tlin I'lro. Lovnov , Aug. 2J. A dispatch to the Times from Intcrlakcn says : There are -00 English and A mot lean visitors at the Boar hotel in Grindolwalu. All escaped. The people are louu in praise of the uravory of the English and American wo.iion , who as sisted in passlnc the lirn buckets anil doing other work , which prevented the lire from spreading. The duraueo is estimated nt 2,0)0OUO ( ) Irancs. The proprietor of the hotel thinks th tt a sparlc carried by the wind bet II ro to the roof. Tr.illl Held Dp lj ISrlgnndH. KOMB , Aug. 20. A band of brigands at tacked u mall currier uetwcon Uavo and Palcjstrinu yesterday. All the passengers weio robbed of their money and Joivolry. Tn the mull car several letters wi-ro lost. Ono passenger who attempted to defend himself was seriously injured. Troops uavo been ecnt In pursuit of the urlgunds. Ainli Iteliel * Defeated. BiiLSsi'i.o , Aug. " 0.A dispatch from Con go states that the Congo State force has de feated the Arabs on the Linkcrlun river. Tun chiefs were killed and a hundred men captuicd. CIinlera'H IliivugfS In ifilHKlil. ST. Pi.Ti.HdiiLun , Aug. 20. According to the ofllclal return * there were 7b7 now cases of cholera throughoutHussla yesterday nnd H.-IS'J deaths. Deadly Unit In Vluiina. YiCNVt , Aug. 20. Five deaths duo to the heat occurred hero tojay , and many persons were uiudUiincd. Ilitllilliig t' ' | > l.onmrH , LEMVU , la , Aug. 20. [ Special Telegram to Tin : IJu : J Lomais capitalists In con nection with Charles Stlckncy of the iJsnor Shoo company of Sioux City have purchased the plant of the Lynn Shoo company und have removed it to Lemars. ' 1 ho Lcsner plant will bo icmoved 1o Lomnr.s und united ulth the Lvnn. The slock and machinery of the Lynn plant wcro received In Lemurs today , consisting of four nnd one half cats. The plant had a capacity of 1,00(1 ( shoes per day. diaries Stlcknoy will bo the manager of the Lomars Shoo company. ( runted I , i'ii \ ii of AlMenra. WABIIINOTOV , D. C. Aug. 20. Acting Sec retary Spalding yestciday authorized the col lector of customs , under the direction of the troasuior , to grant leavoof absence to all par sons under their immediate Jurisdiction who served in the army or navy dutlng the wnrof the rebellion for thu purpose of attending lua Washington encampment September noxl. A I.UHt ICiisorl Hi' Ciuouio , 111. , Aug. 20 , Secrotar > Sitnsrot of the switchmen's union has received u toln- gram Irom Grand Master Sweeney saying that if the ralhoads succoednd In moving their ttains in the east he would order out all the men on thin end of the line. This measure , however , will not bo adopted save ns a lust resort. _ ( ondnvtoiH U'lll .Not Strlldi , Ciiu : Hu'lDi , Ju , Ally. 20. In an inter view K. 13 Clark , grand chlof of the Order of Hallway Conductors , BaiJ that the conduc- toisof the Now York loiuJs on which u strlko exists will not join in a btrlko unless /cijuirud to do the work of sti liters. hliinx C'ltj'rt I'lrii. Sioux Cir.V. la. , Aug -Spouial [ tola- gram to Tin : Hii.J : : The factory buildings , machinery and stock of tno' Sioux City vinegar - gar and plcullng woi'Uu weio ( mtliuly con sumed by llru thin morning. Lois , $50,000 ; insurance , fJl.fiOO. . Donbla 'MiirdriiTr.inn PISNIII.UTOV , Oro. , Aug. 20 , Fiedorick /Corn was hanged yesterday for the murder of his wlfonnd mothor-In-law last October. Xorn db | > laod romurkublu composure to the lab' and died without ttio least sign of fear , Ouriiuin Vuiuran * In Ncnidoii , CITV , Mo. , Aug. 20. The twelfth annual reunion of the krlofor of the Corinan ICrlogorbund , which ls an ussocla- tlon of veterans of the German unity , begun hero today. Aurrud on u htule , YOUSOSTOWN , O. , Aug. 20. The Amalga mated asiorlntion agreed on u sculo last night. Over 1OUO moil In the valley will re turn to work at ouco. .Mnrdiirer Torrm Jtvpurtud Iynrlied. Sv.v DIEOO , Cal. , Aug. 20. It in reported that Torres , who murdered the formnan of the Modjoska ranch at Mania Ana , has boon lynched there. La Hello Paris Threatened with a Gemral Tioup of Oabi and Oinnibusos. SOME CHANCE FOR A SETTLEMENT Mon nnd Owners Fool That They Can Oomo to an Understanding , QUEER COMPLICATIONS AT THE MINES Results of Socialistic Success nt the Elec tions is Becoming Painfully Apparent. DISCHARGE OF THE MAYOR OF TARN One .Mnvo or a Minn .Managor Wlilrh Una CJlion Illsn to u Singular Slntn at AITalM-AII I'arU U JntoroMod , [ CopjrlRhtuil IKU t > r Jnmo < ( lonlon llennott ] Puns Auir. 20. [ Now York Herald Cabla Special to Tin : n i.e. | The most important incident of the wcok In Franco \ the revival of the strltto movement in different purls of the country. The cibmon on the Feast ot the Assumption , August 15 , made a pretense of striking. The syndicate which hires out the vehicles stood llrm , refusing to grant the demands of the men. The dlssailsllod , ones have not boon able to got nil tholr col leagues to Join them. Ail during the sum mer the hours of work have boon reduced for these "fancy whips , " and they appear to ho onjoylng tholr repose today. Decidedly , there will not bo u general strlko of the cab men. men.Tlio Tlio difficulties between the managers of the omnibus compmiy nnd tholr employes continues. The men have hold numerous meetings. Tney declare they will do every thing in their power to prc\ont matters coming to n crisis , nnd that tho.v will not decide on n general strike , but only ns a last retort , if nrbltiation should provo frultlosB , then a gonernl stiiito will bo ordeiod. The omnibus dlflleulty hangs Una the sword of Damascus o\or the heads of the Parisians. .Manager IMsrliiu ( 'rd the .Major. Hero and there wo como across other labor Incidents which may turn out to ho very serious. In the mining districts the situa tion is complicated. The company in Iho Department of Tarn discharged u workman and declined to tack him back upon the demand - mand of his follow miners. Now the minors threaten to kill the gcnoral manairor , but ho need havn no fear of the throat being carried out. It will bo asked whv does not the goncral munapor ask for the protection of the public , why does ho not-spck the advice of the town nnd demand pollco protection ! Why I Simply because tbo dismissed workman IB the mayor , in the recent communal elections ho was elected to that high ofllco by his comrades , who are In a socialistic district. Theioforo it Is impossible for the general manager to look * for protection In th-xt direc tion. ' In the lust municipal elections n number of socialists wore elected In tbo municipalities of that stupe , and the chosen ones wuro workmen. Naturally , if the workmen strlko work , tlioro will bo n condition of affairs amounting to u municipal Insurrection. They bnvc their own organs , which , of course , will not oppose anything tha muv bo done. What will bo the oatcomol The events in Tarn occunv the attention of tha whole political world. It Is loured that the movement thuio will soon spread to neigh boring districts. J itjuis : S r. Cnitc. .MUSI' I'NJHT ACIAI.V. Allalrs In Ytmo/nola Itapldly Appinarhinn a CiUlH [ Cnpyrlirldcil Ife'Uli ) .lumen < ; onlon Dennett. ] CuiunnV. . I. ( via Clalvoston , Tex. ) , Aug. 20. [ By Mexican Cubic to the Now York Herald Special Telegram to Tun Hi.F.l Affairs are rapidly coming to a crisis In Vene/uola and in n few days the question will bo decided whether or not Crospo shall enter Caracas and take charge of the govern ment. General Yhnrru , who Is In command ol Iho military forces In the capital , IB plantIng - Ing Heavy batteries on the occalvono and other stralurflo points and Is making ovary possible effort to organl/o the local defenses. A council of war mat with the cabinet In the Casa Anna villa last nluht. I could not learn Just the course decided upon. Addi tional troops wont to the trent this morning , and every Indication points to u determina tion on the part of the government to light to the bitter end. The latest advlco from the revolutionary camp is that ( Jonotal Crcbpo hai decided on an Immediate advance on the capital. General - oral Crospo , himself , did not bollovo that the time ivas ilpo for the advance , out Uonorals Uucrra , Koarlgucz , Quli.tann , Vlgas and others Insisted , however , that It was Ocst to tuko advantage of the ubsonco of Monag.iH and the present weak ness of the defense of Catncas , and C'ro.spo acquiesced , Monagas having ro-estab- llsbed his authority In Carupano , and Camatio Is now on his way back to Hurcolonu. Ho may return to I < a Uuayia any day. Ariuttod Srnor C'riHninl. The American consular agent ntC'arupano , Senor Crlsslni , has boon arrested and sent to Jull by MonuL'as' men. General Ynguaracuto Garcia Gonioz , provincial president or the stulo of Los Audcs , Is In Caracas , Ho pro tests Htrongly against General Urdunotu's attitude In forming the confnderutlon of tbu west. There Is considerable sickness among ColIna'H troops at Coro. Murcelllno Giitlor- rev. , Colin a1 s chief of artillery , is said to bo at tno point of death from yellow fover. General Soma has arrived at Carupano from Maru'ilto , hut could not effect u landing of his troops , General Orelign leaving the ddfoimo of the Uland thoroughly under guard. It Is reported here that President Villogas hat ordeiud the nrrost of Senor Uustomenla and other members of congress. Great ext cllomcnt exists In conscquuuco tn revolu tionary clrcloj , Consul Hanna Is qulto SICK , Gonorm ( juorra ls reported as having boon seriously wounded In the last duy'a battle mound VIoi torla und Cre/ipo U again Uiualtig the force In portion. A Fi'onch man-of-war has gouo to Cnrupano to effect the release of the French consul there. There lit still no quorum of congress. Gnirllsh , American , Gorman and Spanish war ships are at Layuard awaiting dovolopmuuts. IIDj-iiittiul ! u llrewcry. HAMIIUUU , Aug. 20 , On account of a 10 , clalut boycott of the Wariiibook brewery , the inastors of this city have dlsmlsiod 1,20Q worxmon until the boycott U removed.