THE OMAHA HAILY 1EE ! : I'MUDAY , AUGUST 19 , 18B2. SPEGIRL NOTICES. AIlVKUTIrtK-MKNTS KOIl TI1KHI ! COHTMNH will bo taken until Hu : p. m. fur the evening jind until f.3H p. in. lor the morning or Similar edi tion. tion.Allndv < lrtti mcnu In these rolumns m cents a rd lor llrnt Insertion nnd 1 eonl n word for each . . .HK'iiiienl Insertion , or II.JSO per line per mmnth. Ko ftilt trtlnotnont taken for less than ZJ cents for the Hrst jnsprtlon. Terms cash In advance. Initials lit.irs. njrmboli" . etc. , each count tin n word. All ndvnrtlfoiuonU mnst rim coiueoullvoljr. Adver tiser * , by reunestlnii numbered check , can have tlif Ipttemaddre , eO lo nnnnihorod loiter In care of THE llr.K. Answers so iiddre scl nlll bo rred on presentation of the cheek. blTUATIONS-WANTED. WAXTKI ) , 11Y LADY , POSITION. WIUT1NO. L roprlnis or olllco work , Address (1 C.S lice. 1119 * A POSITION WANTKIt 11V COMPKTKNT HTKS oitrapecr : reference Ktvcn , Address tza Knlton t. . Council Minns. l > 21 A-WANTKII. SITUATION AS IIKNKIIAL clerk , bookkeeper or correspondent lijr n yniinii num. In well educated , etpurlom'Bd nnil thor- oimhlycompetent. Hot of references Address Midi 31 * JWANTED-MALE ! > - 'WA"NTKl" ' . 8ALKSMKNN HALAllY OH COM- J'tnliisloti to linndlo tlui nnw patent cliomlcul Ink The nruatcit soiling novelty ever liniilucoil ; crnspa Ink thorotmlilf In two teooints ! no nhrnslon lit paper : SOJtii sou par ceail profit ; onu nin'Mt'n nnlnt amounted to WJJ In nix iluyn , ntiothor Ji3 : In two hours : wo want ono cnl-ruetlo ( . cnurnl IIKOIH In oaeh ntnlo nnd territory. Tor lernn nnd pnitlftiilars address Monroe ISrnivr Mf * . Co. , xSD l.nftousc. Win. 31I ) ItWANTKH. . A I'llAOTIOAL MAN WITH SO.MK J'cnpltnl to tftkon wntur mill. Address box { > . , Lincoln , Nob. & " IJ-WAXTKIMI. u. i.AiioitBiis KOII WYO.MI.MI J'nmlSonlll Dakota : ininil wiiKrui steady work ! free pins. AlbrUit I.nbur AUJncy , 112U frnrnam T > . -HALAIIY PAID WKKKLY TO -I Jinenl oxporlenco unnecessary nml permanent cmpliirinunt. Hlnaer olllco , 1510 Dough" . W ! 8 * IJWANTHl ) , HARNK8HMAKKHS STAY AWAY Jjfrom Kansas Cllys strike there. Mf-H S3' Tj WAXTI5 . " " * rKN f > f lT\'KRY COUNTY TO J'miinnfnctnro nnd sell our elder , ni'ido without pplPi , 1W ( per cent prollt. Address with ntamp. * Kt'W Process Cider l.'o. , Kansas < Hy , Mo. MtftT ID * IJ -WA.YTKII , A tsoon HARNKSS MAKKR , JJ ( ! prmnn preferred. Address II. Flshwood , Swan , Neb. 81K-1'J' B-IUO LAIlORnilS WA.NTUH AT FORT CROOK , 1 nillo west of llellurue , Nab. KeefeXMcliar Toy , contractors. MUIO Vl * > -WANTKI > . AT ONCK. CKMRMAKKR AT > AIllnnce , Neb. 101-21 WAXT15II. A KIKST-CLASa COOK AND Jwaltur at"03 Cumlni ; street. 116-18 * Tl-WANTKIl. AC.OJD 11UTCHKR AND MBAT J'cutter. Must Imvo reference as to sobriety from former employer. Address , box C13 , Osccula. Neb TJ-WANTED , A FIRST CLASS HHOK MAN ; NO JJotber need apply , llee Hlvu Hhoo Co. , bt. .loo lo ! , l.W-l'J TlWASTKI ) . A MAN WITH CITY IIHFKRHNCI a J to tnko care of horse nud cow and deliver conn's Apply , I7B ! DodRO street. 147-18 p-1 ! CANVASSKRS , 2 CATHOLICS. 4 FOR CAM -IJpnlunhookB.4 for the I'opuliirCliuutiuKiim desk , 2 ladles for cook book. j37 ItniiiKe liullillng. IM 18' 1 > WANTKII. IIAII.UDAII LAHOUKHH TOHNK- IJIirnska , town , South liiiknta anil Idohn. Wnisi'n 11.75 Hi SI W per day. Twuustei K , f i.UO per inimtli Vrrn fiiro. Uramur i. O'llearn , Labor Anonry. T Builth lltli street. Jl lBSZl' 'ivTsTLAuFoii roM.Mtssni.v PAID ouoir"so J'llcltors utanilnrd buuks. 311 .Mo"nKUubiillnln Al170O1 11 WANTIID. A QOOI ) 1I1IKAI ) llAKHIl , AT JJCvnoru , Nob. Hcliosaer A Kllnk. l l 111 * IV WANTHD. A L1VK HALKSMA N TO SKLL A JJpperhdty to grocery trade , one well ucqiiulntcd with Omnha tnnla preferred. Address , HtiittnK o - perlencu nnd nnlary wanted. II 42. Hue. 177 IS * WA"XTK . COUU ( ) nooic "AHKXTS. TI.MB TO wake n | > on vumpalun tixikx. Our three ereat IinokH leml. llepiilillenn book by Cen. Lew Wall-ice , llun. Murnt IlnlKtuail und lienilH of tbo creut lie- luiitnicntH. Deiiificratlo book by lion. W. I' , llon.-i'l , iitlnrnny general of I'cniiHf Ivnnhi. U , H. Snap Mints fur nil parties. A cc.mpleto political cycloiH'dln , 1'rlcoH low ; commlBslonB lurco ; valnahlo prcmliiM with every book. Our Indnreinents rannot liedunll- culed , llewaru ofunolllrlul ork . Outfit free on jeforenco. A live iiKont can pllo up monox with themi books. Address today Jubn K. IlnKtliiKrf , 47 Cornhlll , llo.'tun , Mass. M1W III * ] > WANTKD. LAHORKHS , WACKS fl.7fl I'KR - day , Apply at Wt Piixton block , Van Court & Lenilt' M1HI 21 _ _ _ -T } WANTKD , RAILltOAD LAHORKRS Jtnlon Pnclllo Ry. Co. between Cheyenne and flKdcn , Utah. Free fare. Kramer & O'J learn Labor AKvneyy SO ) South lltli St. MI83-SI * EMALE HELP. TKIi M US . J . M. COUNSMAN , avenue. aiaiil 20 * _ -WANTHDCOMPKTKNTfiIRLFORHNKRAL housework at 1UU ! ( 'eorKla avenue. tlWH 20' OI1IL KOlt UKNHIIAL -'work , 1117H.31st ' Direct. I02-1S * C-WANTKD , FIRST CLASS KXPKRlF.NCKD salesladies at The llostun Store , Omaha. 128 IH /7W-WANT15D , A ( HIIL FOR tlKNKRAL HOUSI5 Vork , Kood wnitex. liuiulro ' . ' 115.tones , between I.eavenworth and st , Mary's avenue. 11U-18 -JIRL WANTKD FOR UKNKRAL HOUSK- G ; lam Doiiulaa. 12.1 G-rWAATKD , OIIIL FOR fiKNKRAL HO1ISK work. Kood pay to wood Klrl. must be llrst-class , ( lerinan or Ifonemlan preferred. Apply mornlriKM street. US-la 0WANTJCD. . A ( J1RL FOR HOL'SKWORK IN A nelzhborlUK village. ( iood waxes und llslit work , liuiulro at ir.K ) N.zilh street. 14B-.ID' C -WANTifl > T 1UO KXI'KRIKN < 'KD s7llUT AND pants iniikois. Apply Immediately , Wooil X JliuiufacturlUK Co. , 3d and Julo sts , fat. Joseph.Mo , " / " -SALARY OR COMMISSION PAID ( SOOI ) S a V llcltors. Standard books. . 'Ill McCauun hulhllni ; . > li020'a 0-CIRL FOR ( iKNKRAL HOUSKWORK. 431S ( irunt street , Clifton Hill. 17J-1U' C-.WANTKD , VOUNC ( Hill. TO ASSIST IN licneral housework , No , 1113 Georgia nvo. lief- cronces. ' M18SS1 * FOR KENT-HOUSES. \-KlllST OLAbS HKH1DKNCM KLATS , 3 Oil 4 -'riiomii now block , lluniii U , 8b ) 8 , ' . " .M. 311 VKOlt UKNT , TWO IIOIHKB , 113 AND 113 H. 'Inili htreet. Very hiimly in linsliiuai. Modern invvnlenuos. II. T .Muiint , SU S. lltli nt. Ui : : II ti-ltlO.M ) HOUSi : , MODKIIX , CUNTIIAL TO J-'liuiiliienH , uooil repairs. Apply C. S. Ultftitter , llooni I , N. V. Llfu bnlldbiK. iVJ . . . ! , KLATH , DWULLINiiS AND COT- lallpartnof city. Kilkenny & Co. , Ciinll- ncntnl Llk ,17' ' , ' TV KOII HUNT , KIN"K IAIHK ! : DINING noon , X/kltrlien , prmtry , etc. Inqulru 201 South 21th nt. IV .MODKRN , M-\VlHtOM : ( ( 'OITAUIIS. RKADV J 'In few ilnya , In licaulldil stiinrnril cln-lu. Apply C. S. UKUltur , rAoin 4New Vurk l.llo bide. 711 B-IU-UOO.n 1IOUSIC. Cli.NTRALLY LOUATKDi rnrnnccunilnll inuilcrn Iniprurciuunla , Tin N , ISHiMHH't. 'MJ B-KOR RK.NT , it KLATS IN LI.NTON RLOCK. I3ih mul MIIHUII Htrrut * , II ioiini ui > cli , watiir mul Ciiil. IIIMIIU I It ? etimnl , In KUinl ropalr , r nt loir , In qnlru nt'Ji ; In tliu block , John lluinlln , iixunt. TT\-II-ROO"M TnTTcK IIODSH , .MODIIR.V , ivrru -l-'ui'inl burn. Omiilia llcitl Untntu und Truit I'D. , R. 4. IU < ulilili. | _ _ ' _ .MKCI Ma T-\-l--Oll UIOT. ( 'HOICK KIiATS IX TIIK 1' . K J-'IkTbluck. cur. liitli uiiil.luc k > oii t . Tliu mini. ini'r rutu tor sci-onil anil tlilnl Hours l > f.JJ.LO fur Inilili ) tl.itn , utriini lioiit | IU UU rxtru ; they Imvo ull runviMilt'iU'Cif nnd uru In llr t cliiKitri'pnlr ; Imliitf cuntrnlly liu'iitdl nlid contain- Int ! ( inly HID vi'ry oftiMlMiils inillti'.i tliuin ilif rlriibln , Wii will ronito fnnnlli'H mily. Call nnil ootlivm ; liuiulro at fill ! S , lilth t. . W < l l I'XIR lll'.NT.'iLK\NT : ( X J KI nuium , nil moilcrn uunvunlonoes. llronnun .V Cnv'JiT Knrlmi'li blduk. M'J. .i .i.1) T\-riUNI ? HK UoUriK. KOUNTZB 1'LAl'H. J-\Vlrt ttrrvt , ti roonn. nioilorii. J. J. Ulbion. : < OT 11r ( Niitlonul Hunk bulltllnir. SU7 D -si.vituOM roiT.uii : WITH IIAIIN. L.UKU : , finely f Mmiloil lawn , t-oari , 'J.W N. V. Life Imllil- KL'tlNISUKII 7-lttXll ) KL.VT X'ptll after 1 o'clock Hut U , Wi ) Knrnuin st. _ _ _ _ " _ WJjil D l'tlll UKNT , A NIirK"cilTTAiilir"o7 i1lvr ninni * . Nu , J5 H. : tlmtruet. Apply on the | iru - - ' irun Mill KKtiT , NKAT LITTLK KOUH-ltOOV L/cottiinu. newly pulnluil and pape/nl , city wuicr n , | ritluin , i-oruur ? JiU nml | ) oil ; e ; to iiood , udl- ble temint. Ill ) , llotfxn * Hill , .N'u. HUJ Karnain. - I'AUIv AVK. prtiTnmentiapplr ; luili und luuila > illuiiL , M MU l i3-iioo.M iniilfrnrMnveiil ( iii'i.'A , un lieartrlu uve , I block frnui hiiooi railway. Apply iuumu : : , lice llnlldlui ; , . il. Mineral , rmilver , 111 uyt iinxr. Arr-inpAiiNAM HT. . A-V-IIUDM loujq In uuod rupalr und nil modern cunvi'n lunce. , At nilDudKuit. . on H-ruuin huiitovlieap. uf W. 0. Douuo , Oil N. V. l.Ku tiulldlnic , null ) CO'lTAtiB , 17IU WK1UTKUST , rt'oil UIWT. STOUK HOOM. J , ' . ( or- ) rouru > tl , l.K 10- room moilxru Uoute. 1015 ll | loitiei T-rooni pu.Joni home , his S. Itnlii 0 room Hat , tUfl N , Huh. Ijiriia lint of otbor bou o . U , I'tyOlark A fa. , liU Ilarwur ulu'cl. lUJil T\-IH-ADV : vuit UKNT HKITKSIJIIUI i , J-'UHck boinu > i ) C llforal truol , ID ruouii. nil modern , i w tcr clu gt . FOR RKNT-HOUSES. 1VHIlNlHIlKI ) IIDUHK. n ItOO.MS. COMI'f.KTK- ' ly and well fnrnlfhcil ; all moilcrn conrenlcnretj mrn : In best purl of elty ; half block from motor , I'osscftalon Immediately ; owner wooiailko Inboard n house. AildtcM H 43. lleo. SI189 3J * . fJ' -KOH IlKNT.S-HO' f.t HUUSl. . SS3 S , Mil HT J' MI'Jl 21 * FOR"B.5K4T FU11NI8HBIJ "ROOMS E-3 NICK IIOOMS Kt'HNIHIIKD KOIl IIOUSK kecplngun rit. ilnrf * av.'n.ia. Liria Itwn shade , etc. O , K. llutts , TJ-JSouttl 17th t. , lice bide E -roit UINT : , KUCHANTFUiiNidiitsi ) IIOOMS , 1. l.llb street. 887-li' Trt on s iiooMs , iiouHKKKiii'ixH. MM HT 1 ? liAllllK , WKI.l , VKNTIIiATKI ) KUHNIS1IKH Ijrront room. xtH Illondo ntri-ut. .M37U IU tXlH UKNT. 1 NlCKIiY KWilKIl FltONT Jjrootn ! " , tUKontlomon onlf. Inquire .MIC Dnvrn- jiort street. MsM _ E-TltOOitS KOIl IIOUSKKKKl'lMt Kill MAN nnawlfoircnttnkon In bonrd. 3111 N. IJtli t. ? ) tXINVKNUJSCKS UKWtllKNI'HS l--MlliUN ( : , IJfill.N. IStli. IWnZZ * KUIINISHKU UOO.MS. AI.Ii CON s nvnr HlKli scliopl ; 301 X. 22il l.MtIS Mt-IS * rj-KIJHNlSUKl ) HOOMS KOIl HUNT. 10U Ho. ljllhJH. | M137 2.1 * -llOo.MH KOIl UKNT. KUHNIMHKD Oil UN Jjfnrnlslieil , Bleamhual.ZJl Month mil. 3 E-NICK KOUN1SUKI ) IjAUUK KltONT ROOM , IM N. 17th l. .MT37 SS * E FIIRNIHIIKU ROOMS TO RUNT WITH AM. modern conri'iili-ncun. 'JI3 Donglns nlroat. .Ill E -NK\VljV KUUN1B1IHI ) ROOMS , 610N. 11ITH 8T UM H 6 l.ONK OR TWO MUKdY FL'RNISHKl ) FltONT llirooiin , 550 North IDth St. 1HIS1 W - ' ANT ROOMS FOR ( JKSTl.MMKN , low. ailT Karnnm St , 17H5U * 7FOR "RKNT. FURNISIIKD UOO.MS , RKK I'jrences. No. V 2j loil n st. MI8.1 FUKNISHED BOOMS AN J BOARD 1-IIOAU HAND ROJMi , 11)11 ) DOUIJL.U . L' * C3 ! S5 1/-FURN1SHKI ) ROOM AND HOARD , 172J CAl'I- rtolnvenue. MKM25 * 17-N1CKI.YFUUNIS1IKII ROOM FOR2INTLK- ! Lincn.lato Improvomuntii , with board , $ " .03 per week. 413 N. 2W. 817 18- F-ROOMS WITH HOARD. MRS. II. Churchill , IWJ Douglas st. MIOS 31 FRONT ROOM WITH HOARD. .11115 Chlcnxo St. IO1 SI * 17-FURN1SHK1) ROOMS WITH IlOARDi ItKFKIl- I1 fcrences ? 'U Farnam. 121 M' RENr-UNFURNISHUD KOO.MS. -1 OR 3 ROOMS AT CM N. 13T1I ST. G 913 AM' G-l'OR RUNT , UNFURNISHED ROOMS , MOI ) . ern Improvements , steam heat , 1711'wNlchoJas st , FOR KENT-STORES AND OFJTICE3. r FOR UKNT , THU 1-STORY I1I11CK 1IU1U1IN ( } J Dili Ftirnam si. Thu building llroproof co- inent b'lsimsut , complete stuamhe.itlni ! ilxtures ; wntornnnlltlia floors , mt. eto. Apply at the otlc3 : of The lice. Vli T-A FIIIST CLASS CUNTHAL UMI'.VIL LO J cutlon on motor HUM to reliable pirtlui. Address H II Hoc , _ FOR RUNT. FINK. LAlldK STORK ON Fiirnnm strict , near llith. Two years' IIMIU. Art- diessllli. llee. MI84 3l WANTED TO RENT. KDRKSy.MAKMR WANTS ' . ' OR 3 UNFURN Ished rooms , eentrnl and cheap. Address , 1123 I'nrlllf street. 178-18" WANl'TlD , A FAMILY TO FURNISH ROOM and board nnd taku earn of Invalid Kcutlcman. Apply 172.1 Dodca or 1.118 Farnam. l'iJ-'M KENTAL AOENCXES. I-RH.VT.YL ACKNT.CIKO. .1. PArUltiO * ) FARNAM Js. , makes specially of rontliri hon-u'- , , Htorcs nod Huts & caring for rental properlloi. Terms reiis'blo. SI OR AGE. M -IIIIY. CLHAN & I'UIVATKI.Y STOIIKI ) Ktlll- nltnru.iarr DouKlas. OnmlinStuv llupilr : works. M -STORAfiK CHKAP. CLKAN. WKLI.S , 111 Fnrnam street. MU2 WAN TED-TO BUY. N-FURNITURK I10UUHT , SOLD , SIORICI ) Wells. 1111 Farnnm ct. 311 ! J'-SKCOND-HAND MOOIC-i 1JOUUIIT. FOI1 cushat Antl'iu.irlan bookstora , 1JIJ Farnam st. MKsJ A 2S- WT WHO HAS SCHOOL LAND LKASF.S FOil .1 sale cheap ? I. C. Honham , Council Hlutls. 113 23 "Vf WANTKD , SF.COND HAND FIRKPltOOF lisafe. Must be clienp. State Inside measure ment. Address II 41. llee , .MIG7 VO * FOR SALE-HORSES. WAGONS , ETC. P-F < 7lTsAJ.K , A SIXTY-DOLLAR TOP IIUGCY , . forfii.W. H , K.Coio , Continent ll. block. ' ' ! > -FOR SALK. A FAMILY UURSrf. KNQU1RK -1 IJ05 Fiirnaui St. _ , _ 6''s S2 1J-FOH SALK. SIxllORSKS , FOUIl WAOONS J and harness : no question about price ; coma and sec. Fldelltr Loan liiiarauteu Co. , corner 15th unit Hartley sts. , Room 4 , Wlthnull HbU. , Jumcs Hast , manager. .M.'iTa I $12J.OJ WILL 11UY YOUNG HORSK , TOP and harness ; half value. Address ( t A4 , M724 P-RKL1ARLK FAMILY HORSK , PHAKTON AND -L harness ; Uiieventli : uve. VJ1 21 * 1)FOR SALK , TKAM , HARNKSS AFD CAR- rhiKU. A splendid fiunlly rlk' . Will soil cheap H. ( i , i.'lark A. Co. , 1218 Hartley street. 1MK' : ! FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. Q Kuudcoudltlun. law Oounlau lit. il7''l SI Q -LA1KJH Sl/.B IjKTl'KIl 1'llKSS AND STAND for sale clienp. Address U 31 , lleo. .M'-.M Q-FOR SALK , 40 HKAD FULL RLoOD JKIISKY cowHiinil heifers from U.0 to JT.'i.lO ; extra choice family cons. Frank Dodsou , Louan. la. M755 2J' -FOR SALK , ALL TIIK FINK PIANOS IN Melnbei-k'n Mime. More. HW North liilh street , nt less than factory cost , r.ish or Installments , stock must be closed out at once M7r < U Q -FlVK COWS AND MILK ROUTK KOIl SALK : cheap. M. Sorenson. 1117 Patrick ave. 11)5 ) I'J' Q AN KLHCJANT UPRKiHT PIANO , ALMOST new , north } : l.'iO.OO. only used a few month * ; If bonuht this week I will sell It for ildJ.Oi ) . Address Hlli. llee. Vtl 18' MISCELLANEOUS. -HAMILTON RIIOSX , CARPKNTKRS AM ) Vbiillders , palnthik' . plastorlni : , pnison work. Job- iiK , ete.,4l4Slblhst. Tel. I HI' . 15 2.1' CLAinVOYANTS. S-ARIHYAL KXTIIAORDINAUV : WONDKRFUL loveUtluns. Challenges the world , I/cunive. dead trance clairvoyant , nstroloulst , palmist unil life reader ; tolls your life from thu cradle to urave ; iinltus th separated ; causes mar- rhixe with the onu you love ; lulls where you will succeed and In what business best adapted for ; has thucolcbruled Kiyctlan breastplate for luck and to destroy bad liiUuuii''ps ; curci fits , Intuiuperanc } mid all private complaints with massuifu , balln nnil ulcouol ijeiitmunt , send tt.W. lock of hulr , name and dale of birth ami receive accurate llftf chfrt ! 2 cents In stamps 1'or circular : clvu Initial ! of ,1110 ) on will marryt nUo ( diotosnf same , oniuo 417 couth IUh street , llrst Hoer ; hours , Uu. m. to u p.m. Come one. rome all , and bo convlnmul of this Miindorful iiraele , u 4 i-r > I * O-MRsT"NANNIK V. WARRrfN , CLAIHVOYANT , reliable busliuos medium , ilflh yuur at H'J N llith MASBAQB , DATH3. ETC. ' " SIAS'AtiK"TiVlCATMKX'lV KLKtrntO-TIIKIt- I nnil bith * . > iulpnnd hair Ireatiiiunt , muidcnro undclilrupodUI. .Mm. I'o.i.aiW r * lith\VIUmell blk ' ( -MADAM STOWK. MAasKUSK KLKtri'ltK'l.VN 13U'"J 1'rntt trcol. IU'-l'J' M riMlTH 1131 DlllKJLAS 6TRKFT , 1- room 7 , iidlloor , Aluohol , sulphur nnd sea Inulu , M BJ7 IU' f | l-5l. MK. LA RUK , MAKSAdK , 4ID SOUTH 11TI ! -1 street , third Hoer , Hat 4 , W IS * MUSIC , All.T AND LANbTUAGK. V-J. T. TIKI.T.K.N'IIKCK , HANJO"T"KACHK.II , > nllh Iln i'e , or.V.W , ournor Uth .Mlarney , Vtt \\r-HKAL K-iTATK I.OANr , 'ITi 7 I'KIt CK.ST i T no additional cliuriieii fur vuiuml * lun or.ultur * iiujr'n fue4. W. 11. Alulklo , Hr tKtitloiuil llank bldv , 1153 \\r--rUlVATK MuXliY , 1ST AND 3D .MOltTliAlii : ' loum , low mtin. Aim .Mooro HBO bldtt \\r oM A 11 A ri A vTx iTTTt A ! < I c M'A'K wFTbAN ? i' on rvaleituteut lutrutt market rului. Lonni nuUu lu < uiull or l rx lUuiiHudfur i'lort ' or loois limn. Nucuuimliiuali cb rgod urt tlioloani ar not ell In th oml.but van alwajri bu funnil at tbu bunk un I tin rumor uf 131U and Duujlun itreoti. W-TI'KKCKNT MONKY NKT TO IIORROW- or ou Ouiaba city property. No extra chumi's iif auy Kind. Why pay tiliih rates ? Money Is cheap You can nut full benorttof low rates from tilobe Lgan und Trust Co. , lUlU and DgJgB. fJ' MONET TO LOAN-BE ALLSTATE. 1S Life - , lends at low rates for cbolco e nrltr on Xebrrukn or town farms or OmUmcltjr property. 355 _ Yy-C. i F. IIAllllISON , OIJ N. Y. LIFIC. JAN A TIlUsTCO. , 1IKK HLDll. T -MONKY TO LOAN ON IMl'UOVKtl Oil UN- Imptoted Omaha property nt lunest rates on short ntillce. Onsli on lnimU Flnollly Trust eom- strcat. -Tl1 panr , 1011 Karnam AY r-MONKV. I.OWKST UATK 1'AUU 1 MM'A UN. 'T ciiKAi'MosBV. SKI : o. w. r. COAT us \ \ 10U I'nrlmm. " * r-DON'T KOIK1KT THAT WK AHI ! MAKINfl V low rales on ImpTOved nnd unimproved loans on Omnlia property. No daisy nnd nil business transacted nt this oillca. Flilelltr Trust company , Hill Knrnnm utrout , S.1-1 \\r-MlRTIJAHK LOANS LKSS THAN ? I'KR CT ' IncllulliiKBll clmrncn. _ Cliur W. Hulncy , Omniia Nnt. Inink bldK. 7R ) \ \ Lr-lOANS U 0. WALIiACK , 312 11ROWN Ht.K. V\ r-IX/NSON IMl'HOVKt ) AND UNI > irilO\'Mll ' city property , ! UWJ nnd upwanl < .0to S l > pr e nt. odulayj. W.b > ttriMiurimItIiCo.l3tliand llnrnuy. MON1CV TO LOAN ON IMIMIOVKI ) C1TV \v protiortr. low rato. A. C. Frost , DotiKliis Idk. -O AND TWO VKAR LOANS ON OMAHA loU orNcliraski farmt. Old mortit.vjes now duotjotlicr compualot extended nnd carried liy us olio or two < without now" papers. Wrlto full particulars , lluad ASelby , Sll Hoard Triulo bU " JfK CAN 1'I.CAi : A1IOUT CUU,000 FOR ' I Orontm people. In sums from Ji.iO.00 to t.ri.KU.W ( , on thn , satVut mid best llrst uiortunKO real cslnt'j senirlly to belind In Ncbrnnkn , nl .i1 * per rout , on ii to 6 rears tlino , wltliont n cent of uv- pcnsito tlio lender. 'I'lieio loans will be nbsoliitely snfu. Iionrti the low Interest. I'nrtles WIIIK | to plncu tliolr inonoy will plcnio coiniiiiinleatu with us us onrly imeonvenleiil. liOKl ! ' A. Hill , Runt Kstntc , No. ! 1IW Fnrniiui St. ! -5 MONKY TO LOAN-CHAITELS. "V 1)O YOU WANT -MONKV ? TUt : FIDUI.ITV LOAN OUARANTKE CO. II om < Wltlinolt block , cor Ifitli and Hnrnoy ti , Will loan yon any mini from S10.0U to $10,000 On the day you nsk ( or It. Wo mnka lonns on furniture , plnnoi , luirhu. ' , wnKons , wnrchonso re ceipts and personal prop erty ot nil kinds In liny amount deiilred , At the lowest possible rntes. without publicity or removal of property. Ton can pay tin ) money Imcic in any nniout yon wish and at any time , unit each payment will reduce the cost of the loan In proportion. Till ! FIDKL1TV LtUjToUARANTHK CO. - YOU WANT MONKY X-1F ON PIIRNITURK. IMANOS IIOIISKS. WAtiONS , CARIlIAIil' , KTC. , CALL AT TIIK OFFICH OF OMAHA MORTOAOK LOAN CO. AND OKT TKKMM K H , IJf | > , , , .SIWIIRIII , Loans made In amounts from JIO to $ H.0)J ) at the lowest rates on very short notice without pub licity , and with th3 privilege ot keeping your woods In your own possession , You can pay the money back In any nraounta.yoii wlxh ami nt any time , and each payment so made will reduce tlio cost of the loan In proportion. ' 1 hero will bo no expense or ohiirKii kept out of the amount wanted , but you will receive the full amount of the loan. OMAHA MORTOAOK LOAN CO. . Room 11 , CrelL'hton Illock. 1Mb t > ti South of 1'ostoillco. The only Incorporated loan company In Omaha. V-W1LL LOAN .MOXKY ON ANY KtN | ) Ob1 SH- Aciirlly ; utrlctly confidential. A. I ! llnrrli , room l.Contlnentnl block. Bl i X --l > inTCHARI,5l DOUULAS ULIC , llii DOIX8K. 0:10 : L LOANS MADIi ON FtSllNITURIS. planes , IlvuNtock , etc. . wltlinnt puhllclty or re moval property nt tlio lowest rates unit thu easiest payment * . Dull Uruon , rooms 3 and U Darker block. 1UJ7 X-SHORT T1MK LOANS ON CHATTKL security , Wtt N. V. Life. WO AS1 V MONKY IS CI1KAP. J15 Ul > TO flO.OJ ) vloaned on any chattel Haciirlty by W. C. Wood , agent for Nebraska Loan company , lilii Douzlai street , up stnlre. 7i > 3 X _ CJU.UOU TO LOAN ON GHATTKI , SKOURITY buslucs confidential. Rooiu 401 Uarbach bloofc - ON CHATTKLS. RKASONAHLn INterest - X-LOANS terest , partial Payment : ! I to li months. W. It , Davis , R.1) ) Continental block. Klovator 15th Bt. ' -CHATTKL LONS , V.-i N. Y. I.I KB. MORRIS. V KMSI4 * BUSINESS CHANCES. V MUAT MARKKT FOR ISALH CHHAP : IIKST J location In city : doing casli business of $ JOu day. I'oor health causa of selling. Address O IS , Hco onice , Council lilutfs. MX'Tal'J V TO RUNT. 8 A I.K OR Til AUK 30 ROOM IIOTKL. J newly furnished , all modern Improvements , In tlm business portion of city. Address R , K. Allen , \ . Son , St. Joseph , Mo. 1000-21. -HAKKRY1-OR RKNT IN HASTINGS , KKlt Will moke favorable terms to a ucod man. Ad- ilress P. L' . box in ) , Hastings , Neb. 1111-20' Y-O.NK OF TIIK FINEST LOCATIONS IN Omalin fur a butcher's shop , will put In lUlures and rent for a term of yeais to sultublo party. Fred I ) . Harris , lili ) Uoilxx street. , Uii-2 ' \r I WANT A LOCATION IN CHAIN 1IUSI- J-liens. Address , describing location , I. N. Oiiilcn , MnrlliiHtmrit , Iowa , Ml ; 111 * V l'"OH SALK. TIIK FINKST AND IIKST PAY- JIniirestaurant In Omuha ; ifocd reason for sell. IniC. Must Hell at once. 11. O. Clark A Co. , 1218 Har tley st. 150 SJ Y-FOR SALK , fl5.000.00 ' 1O J3.000.00 STOCK OF boots and shoes In u city of 10.0UO. A uood chance to Ket Into business. Address H 3'J. care of llee. . .MID. 21i | \ - FOR SALK , ONK OF TIIK IIKST F1TTKD 1 meat markets In thu city , doing a Kood busi ness. Will sell cheap or trade for real n slate. 80.1 Park avenue. M172 21' Y-FOR SALK , AN KSTAHLISHKD ( JROCKIIY. One of best locations In city. No trado. Ad dress N 40 , Hco M1C1 \rZT.-OR SALK , HARHKIt SHOP AND HATH 1-rooms In Sioux City For particulars address John Peterson , Kvaus block , Sioux City , In. ISI ! 'V TAILOR IllISINKSS FOR SALK CI1KAP ON 1 in-connt of slcknc's. O. Lundeen , Fullerlon.Ncb , V-FIRST CLASS IIUTCIIKR RUS1NKSS FOR Lnale ; ublnhlltdicd , ' > years , ( iood reasons for Bellini ; ( Jood tinrKuhi. 'JI2J Franklin st MHi ! 31 * FOR EXCHANGE. CLKANHTOl'KOFliKNKRAL M'D'S'K : WILL /Jtakorcal estate mynay.Uox2JJ , Frankfort , In I. -31 ( / -FLOHUINU MILLS , ONK AT HAMPTON , /JNcb. . and onu at si. Paul , Neb. , both Si-barrel i modern machinery ; no Inciimbrauco ; will take uood farmlands : owner over 7 > J yean old. uolii * out of business , J , J , ( ilbion , 1st National Hunk building. 3.H rIU UKAI ) OF HOIISKS , K.XCHANOK FOR /-/land In Nebraska or stock of clothing. Address , J. Slchl. Nebraska City , Hull. M7btf at' ' y-FOR KXCHANliK , A STOCK OK CKNKRAL 11 inerchnnillse for lands and cash , Address II , W. Wutklns A Co. , Frankfort , Ind. MffiiS-slO' r/ FOR SALK OR KXCH A.NI1KII A IUJA"IN"- / Kbony uprlnht piano. Address U tiJlenolllco. ' M7HI y"-FOR SALK OR KXCllANCK , COTTAOJ7 /Jfruntlnu- south on Ciimlnic street In Carthaio ad dition ! seven rooms , pantry , closets ; force pump , cistern , cesspool , cemented collar : well built and finished In hard pine and oak. Prlca , f-YWJ. Apply to W. I * telby , 311 Chamber Commerce. f/i V FOR TRADK , LAND AND L'LKAR LOTS FOR 'Mat 7-room house and lot In Omaha : will as sume some Inouiiibranca. Address 'JIM Ffntiklln street , Omaha , iu ; 18 y-FARM Tp TIIADK FOR OIUiAKH , PIANOS ' -Jand bicycles. Aditress John Moslerllutte , Neb. IJ5 & > Z MODKRN 10-ROOM IK ITS II , liOOD IIAIt.V corner lot 100x121 , street paved , uood noliihhar. hood , for aiallor house or unimproved property Address , H 37 Hoe. 15T- & ' rC10OD KAII.M LAND AMCITY I'llOI'HllTY f-Ha irnilo. What have you to oltor' Wentora lixchunuu I'o. , L'ulunibni , Nob. ' .MJS7 W SALE-KKAL ESTATE. \\rANTKi ) . . . i Wunlvil cuttuxu near Went r'urnuui clump. \Vuntoil IUIIIHO ana lot fur fl.W cu > li. Wniiluil lo leuiu Kooj uinll ituro room. Wnntotl ( JJonttncurur komt li'imnt. WuntiMl puntU4 > ur fertl per cunt ino \Vunti > J KIIUII U pt-r cunt mortxftKH. Wanti'il Imuiu ami lot for clear lots. C. r Ilarrlsun , 1114.'N , V , Llfo. \fO\l \ \ BALK AT A II.VIKJAI.V , LOT IU. IILOC'IC I W. U Hi'lhjr'n I'lrnt mlillllon lu rioutll Oiiutui uiall payini'iit donrn. Ijahinco uiualhly If ciujlrnj lniUbuU. | II. Toclmck , Unmlm HOD. Ml I OIl HALKIIV Till ! OWNKIl Itf.OW ACIUIS TK -L .Nubruiku't tlnuit fnruiliiK luuil nt a urcot > uur | , U c . U , 11. 1'utvrion , UlSBUtli nuUmulia , 7JMIM OJ25.0K1. CUMI'LKTK ItKblDKNCK CI.USH IN. PmtiOO , chulcu rvililuncu. Kuriiam bill. f PI.OUU , railduncu , 'M\ \ > near farnatn. lsunj. builn property with Kuod rorcnua. S.VUUU. Mint I ruutliiii uu Park. I..UUf ) Beret rutlea from 1' . O. li..VxJ , imall builnt > property clonu In , I1&JXJU. lluo Douulai .treot prupurty , xo. W. Inipruvetl liillitt , prunvrlr. ta.SOU , chulutf Karuaia lreet lot. C. V UarrUou , 1I N. r. Lift ) , W 13 FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. CVnna/ii ) ! ( ( . .l/OIl HALK. . -I fnrni 17 miles from OmnJia ; . Fred I ) , lliirrls. I.M9 lloiuro Blreet. _ T- . _ ! * lOll SALK , CIIKAl' , 3.1 4'HttT O.V DAVVNI'OKT -L Bt. , JH blocks from nnw * > nstotnco. flood 7-ruora house anil barn. This Is nilurKaln , 0 , ! . ( Irean , ruum , Darker blk. uj , MIG43I * ril.lrTON -nAnUA'tSr-KQUITV IN7-IMXMI V cottnurt ! nnul boiobl liteplnnilir ; < r 1. Owner Ipnvlnurltr. l'lca. nnt hlfrm i npnr Motor ami Melt line ; cltjr water. Ailitron 'W1 * , lice. .M li 8s' ' lST YOim llEAL K8rATI'rKOH AIK WITH UeoreeJ , I'nul , inx < rnrnani u M'.n'J SIS' I AHM IN SAUI'Y CODNTV. til VKll AC1U5. Kami In Otoo counljr * " > U PIT ncro. Knrm III Nance county f i per ncro. Knrm In Valley rniinty fit ) per acre. Farm In Tlinrstun connty M. > per aero. Kami In Duimlns county , l-tl per ncro. Knrm In Ca munty , US per nsro. U K , llnrrlsoii , 111 ! N. V , Llfo. . ltt-13 RENT-PA8TURE3. OltSKd. COLTS ANII CATTLK "KKl'.I ) AN ) cnrcd fur the yenr roiiinl , I Imvo 7.V ) ncros of BOdil imstnro. M ncre mioil urim , IW nrres of itooil unt Hn bide. I'art nt tliu ntnliblo l.i ntalntlnit rlpo oats , wlilrli innkps thn bnt pasture In the world. A Riiml fence , nlca fresh riinnlnit wntrrnnil burn room foriVHJ hend Incase of storm. 1 have the loruest horse Tnnpli hi DoimliK nmt Snrpr cnnntyk I'leavac.nnd ! ! * Qo my ntablo room nml feeding ami pnsturo " yon will bo untuncil , 1 call fur anil iloll er free of clmrxu. My prlcoon pasture b ll.W per month , ami In winter feed hay , itraln , cut fecit unit straw nml aw ncrru ntnnillnd corn stnlkt. Kept In Imrn nluhti , price from ? 1W pur innntli up. Two miles Runlh of Honlh Omalm , 1 mile frum slreot cars. AililroM licoT I ! , ( fiun. I' . U. box ISC. , youth Umnlia , Neb. ir.U-sll. LOST. - HUM OF MOiJISY ON TUKSIIAY KV- LOST-A LMiliut. probably liplwucn Oinnlm nnd Council lllutlii. Kinder will obtain description nmt reward at llee olllco. I5'-13 _ IMT-WIJIlXIwnAY , L.MV'S fiOLt ) WATCH , Ipi'lween 1'llh nnd Davenport nml Western Union Telecriipb Co. , ur 15th nml l > oimlns ; 3 banitle lit- tachcil to chain , Hi-wnnl If returned to life oiliro. JIIR'J ' ' 'O * 3VIONEY WANTED. T \VANT i"O HOllitOW $ IMO KOJt ONK YHAIt ON' J n lot worth $1,1)00 ) will pay H. per cant timl ? . ' . ' > .W cashcouimtsslon , Aildrossd tj lloounico 734 REM I N C TYPEWRITERS TON For Safe , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! MEGrEATH STATIONERY CO. , 11104 I'arnam Street , Omaha. RR1LWRYTIMEGHRD "ic ii. . si' . J. i T ; . " I Arrive Dopat Uth nil MMTIin Omia J.frJ a nil..Knnns City Diy IJxprnss. . . . O.UO p in B.4. ) n mlK. < X Nlnht Kt\i'jrl\ \ I' . Tram I ii.4 ] n in ( loins I CHlOAliO. R. .tA : PACIFIC. I From Kajt. | Union depot IQtl ) , ft Marcy Sts.l Knst. 1U.IM n m 4.35 p m f'.M p m 2.05 n in _ Oolna : , CHtOAdO , It. ! ; * PACIFIC. From West , I Union Depot 10 tit o nil Murey Sts. I West. Lcnvof I UNION l'A ll''IU. I Arrlvoi Omaha. | Union Dupot IQlli , nilj | Marof Sts.l Oialln , 7.V * a m . . . Uaitrlce , , ljxt > n > s j ij.lU p m 'J..i3 a m Denver ( Jxprojs 4.03 p m 2.15 p m .Overland Hyar. . 7.0J p m 4.1. . p m ' 133) p m 6.10 p m . . . . Pacific -,5xiiron. ; 10. < J a m U. : > 0 p m ' . . .Denver J''jtjt. ' . ' > titli : . 4.'J p'm Leaves lUilCAUO. ' MiU ! Add'l' PAUJj Arrive OraaUalt 'U.iP. ' depot anqAlargr Sit t Omah > p inU.Chlcaxo ICkproas i. . ' . . , " . ' ' . ' .31 n m il.W ! A tn-f . . . .JChlcaco Eipreu : . . . , . . . . 4.2U p m Leaves SIOUX CJTY .t PAt'lFU 77 ! Arrives- Omaha Depot.lOlli nnd Mnrcy Stt'.1" I Onnli\ 7.3) a . . . . . : , ' niior , lUiWp m 635 p ml St. Paul Express . liUOUn m HIOU.X ( UTV'A I'AClFlUi I Arnvas DoDOt. 15tb and Webstar sts , Om\h- Mi p m | St. I 'il ' l.lmlliid. Ixmvcs I F. , K. A MO. VAI.LtOY. lArrlvai Omalial Dopot. 15th anil Webster Sti. Omaha leaves I ' U , ST. P. , M. , t O. Arrives OnuilmI _ Depot , 15th and Webster ats. I Omaha F.1U a m . .Slcux City Accommodation. . j.Oj p m 7.15 p in Sioux City Kxpross ( Kx. Sund'y ) ! . ' . ) p m fi.45 p m St. Paul Limited : > . ! ' > a m 6.1J p m Hancroft Pais3ngorKx. ( Snnd'y ) 8.1) a in 1-cavoa ICHICAOO A NORTllWUSTKltN I Arrlvoi OiuHliiilU. P. depot. 10th and Marcy Sts I Ouiaha Leaves Cll K.AUO , V NORTH W KS VK UN Arrive i Transfer Union Depot , Council Hlutts. | Tran far Leaves I OMAHA A ST. LOUIS. ( Arrival ( ynalml U. P. depot. 10th nnd Marcy Sts. [ Omaha . m | 81. LouU Cannon Hall | l'.iipm Lnvos MiaSOUHI I'AOIKIC. Arrlvoi Omahal Depot IStl ) and Websturati. I Omalil lo. : j u n. I . .St , Lunli ISxprusi. , U. : J am pm | . . .St. Loul5 Kipreai. . 5.10pm Leaves I.'IUUAIIO , It. I. , t 1'AUIKIU. Arrlvji Trnnnfor Union licpot.Council lllurri. Transfur 6.5"i p in NlKbt Ksproii 8.3'J ' a m 10.VO a la Atlnntlo Hrprjis. . . . . . . . 5.55 p m 4.55 p m Vasllbulo Limited 12.50 t > m leaves I K. . . ST. JOK A O. II. I Arrlvoi Transfer ! Union Depot. Council lllnlTs. iTransfor lOUOn m . . .Kansas City Day Kxprusi p m 10.15 pm | . .Kansas Cltv NlKht Kxprjti. , a m Leaves CHICAGO. HURL N A ( jUINOY Arrlvii Transfer Union Depot. Council Illuffi TrnaiCi VM n in . . . . . . . Chicago Kxprusi 5.40 p ni 10 00 p m Chicago Kxprots ii.2.i u m 7.03 p m ( 'reiton Local . 7.1S n m leaves I OMAHA AST. LOUId. ( Arrlvoi Transfer Union Depot. Council Hlurts. iTransfor 4.40 ) m | Hi. Louis Canon Hall | U.I1 p m Leaves I blOUX CITY * PACIFIC. lArrlvut Transfer ! Union Dopot. Council HlulTs. ( Transfer T.45 u m 1. tiloux City Accommodation. IIU.W p ra 6.50 p in | . St. Paul Kxprsss. , 'J. U-i in THE SHORTEST. LINE TO CHICAGO s via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'yias represented onthis map. ft JIT lf.l J Electric Lightec&i Jteam Heat ed Vestibuled'fJ trains leave Omaha daily aljb5 p. m. , ar riving at Chicago jat 9:30 : a. ra. City Ticket Ofllc' 1501 Far- J r ? . / - \ i < IBD nam St. , Omah , jUl F. A. NASIU jGen'l IHAYER , STROUSE& C . MFRS.4I2 BWAY , N.Y. | NOTICE. Notlco U lioroby plvcn , imrmiant to taw , tlmt nt n election hnlil on tlio lath ilny ot.hinu , 18C : tlio legnl vnturs of tlio city of Oninliti , Donrjlns county , Neliniikn , ncceotcil nnil mloptoil tlio followlnc proim-illlDU of the Ni-tiruskii Central Itallwny Company t Tito nniontlcd proiiosltlDti of tlio Nchrnska Conlrnl Knllwuy Company to tlio City uf Oimilin , Neb. To the Mnynr nnil City Council of the Olty of Oiniiliu , Nob. Tno umluraliiiuxl , thn obr.isKa Hiillwny conipnnv , iiroposci to nconlru nnil ttiko possussloii of , tor mllwiiy pitrposiM , that cerium trnclof Innd Incnton iflllitu the dis trict liouniloil hr I'iftountli si rent , Chluaiio Hlroot , Elovunih street , fnllfornln ilri-et , und thu rlithi of way of the Onuilia Holt Knllwuy colnpnny , ( uxvopt tliu south hnlt of IHII-JK > n. lotstnnil : 4 , block SS , lot L und north onc-hnlt of loli a und a. lilocit 271 ! u ill to erect tlii'ii'Dn n union piis < onsor ilupoton tha lornorof I'ir- toontli nnd Cliluuca struuts. to cost. lntliullnt ; tbu ether railway liniirovoimints on - < riil Ki-ninuN. not > os4 tlinn ta.\y hiriurcil ilol iii-Hi$4wUijt ) < ) : I'rovliit'il. the city of Onialia , In . rotinty , Ni'br.iHkii. will ilonnti ; to thfl'jttld No br.islci Central Rail t. Ay < - / < rnp.iny two linn- < | | M"I | nii'l lifttliimviti I l'.i jr < * 'ii. ' .iinf Its fnnr ( I ) per cent hnnilf flAMMO tlnin-o f to bo 'ilntiiil .Innuiiry S , IMH. nnd lUVUlJj thnnif to lie Inti-il .Innnnry I , IS'M , lo liocinno illiu and nay- nlilo twiinty jours from their ri > pi''tlvuunlos , with Interest payable .siMiil-annuiilly , nil pay- ililn nt. thi ! llscnl airi'iioy of thu tate ot ? io- jraaku In thu ulty of Now Vork. nnnl bonus u > liu ut I'uo ilL-noiiiln.itlon of one hnipie/iil iloliaratO.u ) ) oicli : , and oaoh tticru * of t rjfJtu : "T.ilt bdt.J J < / < r r ? a surlos of twn liundrod nnil llfty < ! ! ) ! > * i5Pi'f llkcnnionnl and tonor. nhlrhnru Is f A ! y tbo ully ofUnia.iii , In luiiiliiBtPUDif. ! ' rtrjuk'i. to thn Nubrusk.i Central rtiihvHyt inpany.toiiid It In aciiilrlnc | land In tin ) ulty .if Unnlui f r union ilopo' r > ml ti'rnilnal piirnnscs , nnd In the i.'onsti of n union railway passcnicorilunot upon sild Kioiind , * nihl Its railway tr.iukx , sldo iraclM , turnou s , swItcliDs anil appro.iL'i-.od loudlri ; thorotn. nnd otliur r.illway imu'vt . incuts tlinri'U-lth ronnvutu I. " Paid ImniU to bo cxocntod nnd roKlsturutl at or linniudlatuly ixftur thu ilutu-i thuroof and Iiinnudlatoly thuniafluf dolIviMii.l to tno I'hst National It. ink of Uniilii. ! : Nob. , trustee , t. ) lie bold In trust for delivery to the Nebraska Cent nil Itiillwiir uoiuuHiiy , Its siu'co HM or ii-Mljtiu. by Hiild truslco. In iiistallinenn us horulnafu * provided. Tliosald Nobraflkiv Cot.trnl Hallway con puny plans to construct , or cause to bn con Btrnotiul , a linu of r.illway In tluislato a Iowa , not loss than 100 nillus In cxtont , frott the oasl approach ot a bridge , wnlch thn said Nubra.nka Central Uallwny ooniniiny hui uUo pliinnnd to construct over the .Missouri river. inturscotliiii or cunnoctlng with , or reacliliiK tlio lines of two or inoro ot the following rail way corporations , viz : Tlio Illinois Hallway company , the Wlnona .V Sonthwustoin Hallway company , thu .Minneapolis &St , Louis Hallway company , the GhloaKo. St. I'aul & Kansus City Hallway coinpanv , the Chlc.ino. Kort Mndlion ft Dua Molnci Kullwny company. Iho Atchison , To- pnkn fi Santa Fo Hiillwny compuny. thn Haiti- moro& Ohio Hallway company , Uio Ohio ft Mississippi Hiillwny company , tlio ICeokuk A IVoatorn Hallway company tliu Oulub . On-ahr & Kanmis Cltv Hallway company and tint Iowa Cuntral Hallway company. One hum'.tutl thniis.uid dollars iflOO.OOO ) of said bonds shall bo delivered by nald trtistuo to salrt Nebraska Contra ! Hullway company. It snccossorsorassiuns , when It or thny shall have nciiilrid [ ! and liiknn po < i's < toii of that , certain tract of land located within the dls- tilut boiindcd by I'lftciintli stroct. Chleaco stteit , Klevunth strcot , California stn-ot and the rlulitof way of tliu Onialui Unit Hallway i-ompany. ( uxit : > pt the south half ot block IIS. lot il anil I. blocks , lot I , and the north half of lots 2 and 3 , block -T. I'litvlUed , that tnu said ono hundred thou- iiinil dollars lilUlXO O ] of said honila shall not tiodiillfered until after the said Nebraska Central Hallway company , Its succos'iors or njGlKus , Hhull have eonstrtictivi tlui said line of railway In tlm state of Iowa , One hundred and tlfty thousand dollars lil.'ifl.nuoi of sale l > ends shall bo dollvcrod by sulil trustee to salil Nubraika Central Hallway company. Its successor ! or assigns , wliL'ii It or they shall haw i-omplotod tno Miroctlon of a union pas-en < er depot upun said trxol. of land above ilosurihed. to cost. Inolullni ; the other railway Impiovumcntson said troiimls , not less than four hundrud thousand dollars .ilOO.OOJ ) : proof of .such cost to bo maon by the jwora stalomontof the president and treas- urorof said railway coinpanv. Hied with the clerk of Omaha , uoc imp inlcd by eortlll- cat < a. Hlirnt'd by the oltv attorney anil city on- -Ineer , that In tbolr opinion .inch amount has acttmllr been expended. Provided , that if the said Nebraska Central Hallway company , its successors or asslmts. shall fall to acquire and tal.-o possession of sala lanrj , ILsliull not be entitled to rocclvo any part of said one hundred thonsanddollars JIOO.iM'J ' ) Installment of bonds : and. further nro'vldod , that none of said one hundred and Vty thousand Hollars < tl30,00'J ) Installmmit of Inids shall bo delivered until at loastono rail way I'oinnany In addition to the Nubr.islca /'ontral Hallway company shall bo actually iislntTHald union depot ; and. 1'rovldod further. That the mayor and the city council shall , by resolution , upon iho full performance of the undertakings on tbo part of said railway comp.tuv heroin enntat.ned. order the delivery of said bonds at the times Aforesaid ; and , 1'rovldod f Hither , That all matured coupons hall bo removed and cancelled by * ald trustee betoro delivery of the bonds to whluh they are attached ; nnd , 1'rovlded further. That the mayor and elty 1 council of the elty of Omaha shall cause to bo ovled on thn taxable prouurty of ink ! cli V an iiinnal tax Hiilllelent for the paym iit of tha Interest on said coupon bonds as it boci < ' : it" . due. Miitl after the expiration of ten ( IU ) yoar. frcai the ilate of uald bonds the mayor ana Ity eouncll of sid : [ city shall cause to Iv aveil ! In addition to nil other taxes on the taxable property of said eity an amount of tav M ) indent , to create u sinking fund for the payment at maturity of said bonds , ( Ilia nmiiitut. of tax to be levied for said sinking fund not to exceed twenty-live thousand dollars lars ( tt.i.OJJ.00) ) In any ono year ) ; said tax to bu continued fioni year to year until the said bonds are fully paid. The ac < | nlremenUof the said lands and Im provements herein contemplated Including the said railroad In Iowa , shall bo ! : o 'iiu w'thln one year from May 1. IS'J. ' , ant bo pnstied to completion without unneceas-iry lolay : and slinll lo completed within three fi-rtrs from the 1st day of July , IS'.U. ' In case any of the terms , limitations , couill flops or provisions proposed heroin i'latlMr to the bu lnnln ; , progress and completion of 'aid Improvements are not compiled w tb , .unless delay IK directly and necessarily i.iused by Injunction or other judicial pro- ei'dliik's. or by iin.ivoIJuble aceldent or act if Providence ) , thn.iiid company shall not bo ntltlod to recolvn nald bonds or any thereof. vun tbonu'li tbo electors of said city of Omaha latthavn by tholr vote uiitliorlzuil the In- i 'nnco of said bonus : but all rlpht tosald uonils. shall by such default and without any mJIclal dotcrmtnatuin become forfoito ; ! . 1'rovlded , however. Hint If thobe lnnln ? , proisres * or completion of said Improvements dial ) be dcli < ed orobstructod by iinyo * < ! : c iforesald eauses , the time1 ! herein allowed 'or 'lie proirrusi and completion of said Improve- L-.i'qts Hhall b extended to thu extent ol such lulayor obstruction ; and wlionld a dispute .irlso between the mild elty ot Omaha and the tald .NebrasKii Central H.lllway .comp.iny with resnect to tbeoaiisoorextentof any sncli delay , the same at the uleetlon of said Ne- liraskn Central Hallway comiiany , shall be referred for determination to n oo.ird ui ar bitrators , to bo appointed an hiruluafior pro vided , In consideration of tno proposed subsidy the NebrusKii Central Hal. way com pany a trous to allow all railway companies Iho following rlzhts : The rlvht to run their locomnllyos.pusaoiiKur and freight trains pver Us main and patslnc tracts wlihln thu elty of Omuha ; and over Its proposed bridge and approaches > preaches , the rliht ' .ounoHiiuh ixntlon of Its terminal grounds , dupots and faelllt os a may ' H neee"Harv nnil nropHi * for the eonduct of the butdnrtij of such roads ; Innluu'.n any enlaritumcnt of UB depot and demit ground * : the rlRht to Imvo their curs Hwltehud anil nellverei ! by the Nu- br.isua Cuntral K ill 'ay co npany iiiion all ui Its switch tracks : tliu rlaht to connect their roiidH at any point within one hundred HUOi miles of said oily of Onnilia with an.-r line of railway wlilun the Nebraska Central Hallway company , or Its HIICCOSSOIS or nssl'-i.s , may roitstrilct or cnuro'to bu constructed t'list ol the Mlhso'irl rlvur , and to run thvlr locimu- tlvon , pahsoti''er and freight trains ovei tin main unit jiusslni : traulti ot said railro. d ; It boln ' hereby aurued that In ca'e the Nnbruska Central Hallway com pany shall construct Its proposed line east of the Mbuourl river , through thunttonuy of any ethel , corporation or nu'rty. It will cause such corporation or party to oxeouto and deliver tc.c/ioclty of Omaha u Rood and sulllclent Instruinont blndlni ; It or him to nhido by thu 'n/ms , conditions and jirovUloai of this propDiltton. the name as the said Nubrayka Ce"Vtl Hallway eoinpanv wouln have been bound If It had built tbu name. lufornlellvery of thoaforoiHld onu hundred thousand dollars iflQO.OOO ) Installment of bonds. I'ruyldud , that the use ami enjoyment by eli rallW ay companlus of uieh 11111 every of said rl litaUiall bo upon just anduiinal ( emu and thoiiayiiient of Just > ; nd fair eonipunsa- tlnn to tno Mubraska Contra I H.lllway con - pany , Its succoKkors or usalirns , und Hubjeet to mieli opurntlni ; ruins > iml rutilatlons of the Nebraska Central Hallway eompanv. Us HIIU- ceSsorxor asslKns , as bhall bq neeessury and proper , just and rnasonublu , And the snM Nebraska Central Hallway company will submit any dlsputo arUlne be- twuun ft anil such oilier compHiiy orcom- punjus as to the use und onjoyinuutof any rliihtH undur this propovltlou , or as to tlio terms , compensation , opur.itlnn rulcn and rexulntlons , relating thereto , to u board of arbitrators , to bu made up of tlireu pernons who uro judgui of the mate district court , or Its sueeoksor , of thu district embracing the county of loii ) lan , to bo selected by a two- third * votu of all the persons who aru district indues ofHuld court. Provided that any null railway company otliur tban mid Nourunka Central Hallway company. Us uuccessor * or ussUui , shall have thn election to f.ulmilt nny such dispute to arbitration or to pursue nny ether remedy. Wherever nrbllrntion In provided for bj thin proposition , the party dnslrlnt to submit any matter lo nrhltrntlon shall cnuso to be torvnl upon thnolhur party n written notlco which slmll sot out the mutter lu dispute to bo submitted , and the tlmo proiO < eiI for the linarlnK , which shnll not bo less than thirty ( Mi ) ilny s ntlor the time of servleot nml there- ipnn thn adverse nirtv shall within twenty .an ilnys nftcr such service upon It , serve Its answer , If nny It h.ivo. upon the p.irty do- : nand nil the arbitration , The Hoard of Arbitrators , when , hall Imvo ponor to MX thollmoof ho.irlnv ; mil to uil.lnnrn tho.snnio from tlmo to time , mil to make nil no 'ossarv rules tin I regula tions for the proiluotloti of testimony lu thu ; MHsesson | ( if either p.irtr , nmt otherwise to conipell a falrjnnd trial : the decision of n majority ot thu ho.ird shall control mid the Una ) iluternilniition of the board slrilt bu llnal nml conclusive upon thn turtles , uf ail matters - tors submitted ami decided. \Vhoiovor nrtillrnt on shall ho resorted to > ueh ar.iltrathm shall bolhuiiMiliHlvo remedy of thu partloi ( u\eopt us herein olscwhure pro- vl loil ) . as to the matters anil things Involved m I ilouhloil therein , tiiilit Nebraska Central U-ithvay company. Its iucressors unit assigns , shall transport frelirht Including transfer ot frulttht unit nil charges Incidental to said transportation ) over any Ji-Idiio nnil upuronchet , 111 well as ovuruuy railway It shall construct within olio DO ) miles of thu Missouri river within Iho statu of Nebraska , for just an.I rrwsiinahh' rates or chaises , anil In ovsoof ill Iterance as to what constitutes just nnd reasonable rates or c.lmrjns under this iiiiraurnph thu niuyor anil oily council or said railway company tuny sifbmlt thn same to arbitration In tlio manner anil to the arbitrator ! * above provided for , but this pir.igraph ruspoi'tliiv froluhl. diaries shall not hocomo operative or In fori'o until llvo years from thn dntn of thn delivery of the last Installment of the bunds hereinbefore re ferred to. It Is further proposed that sahl bonds shall ' ; j delivered to thu Nebraska , Central railway comp my. Its successors or assigns , only upon thu e.vumltlon by the Bald Nebraska Central rillway coinDiny or IU successors , and deliv ery to thu ulty of Omnha of an uinlertttkliu In writing lo the oll'ect that the principal depot of said railway eompany.lts general nlllees and prlnslpal machine shops when built , shall he located ami malul-ilncd within the corporate limits of the city of Omaha , an I that u viola tion uf thn terms of said undortaklnK by the said Nebraska Central railway company or Its successors or assigns , shall render thu said Nebraska Central railway company , or Its successors , Indebted to thosald elty of Omaha lu the full amount ot rtald bonds , and Interest thoreon. This proposition shall , after lielnK duly acknowledged by the Nebraska Central Kail- way company , be recorded In Iho otllce of the register of deeds of Douxlnscounty.Nubraska , and lor a period of twenty C.'i ) years from and after tills date , shall be referred to by Riving thu bonk und pa so wherein the same Is re corded In any mortgage , dcoJ of trust , deed of conveyance , or lease of said depot and dunot grounds , with the statement that the said Ne braska Central railway comiiany. Its succes sors and as.sljns , arc bound by the terms.limi tations , provisions and conditions of this proposition which nro hereby made Its cove nants that attach to ami run with thosald property Into whosoever bauds It may come. Provided , that the elty council ot the city ol Omaha , ( the mayor approving In duo form ) Hhall unauta certain ordinance ( which at the date hereof. Is pending eons'.doratlon before mild oounoll ) , entitled. "An ordinance grant' u e permission and authority to the Nebraska Central Kallwav company , Its successors and assigns , to construct railroad tracks along. ucmsH , over and under certain streets and al leys In the city of Omaha , subject to curtain conditions , nnd to vncato parts of cert.iln streets and alloys lu the city ot Omaha , upon compliance with certain other conditions. Anil It Is also provided , That If said No- br.iska Central Hallway company shall not , within forty-llvo (4. ( dayn of being notified by the city cmrk of the adopt Ion of this proposi tion at ihb election bold to votn njiun the sumo. Mlo with thu said city clerk Its written rntlllcation of this proposition under Its cor porate seal , none of .said bonds shall he lt > suoil , und all the terms and provisloiioot this propo sition shall bo held for naught The Nebraska Central ttnllway company agrees before an election being nailed to sub mit to the voters of the elty of Omaha tbH proposition , that It will o.xoeuto und deliver lo.sald eltv a bond with Rood ami sulllulonl sureties In thu sum ot llvo thousand dollars 1(5,0,10) ) . ' and live thousand dollars ( It , ) ' ' ( > ) Cash conditioned upon thu payment of the ex penses of said election. This proposition tiud the ncccutanco tUero- of by thu city of Oiraha , and the ratlll.iatlon of this proposition by said Nebraska , Central railway comp my , or its succusiors or assigns , as herein provided , shall be ronstruod and understood to constitute a coutrict between the said Nebraska Central railway company , Its successors or assigns , anil the said city ol Omaha , anil all of the termsconditions , agree ments and provisions made on the part of the Nebraska Central railway company In this proposition contained are horony made thu covenants of the mild Nebraska 'Juutral rail way company. Its successors un 1 nsslgns , which shall attach to and run with all of 111 s-ild property and binding upon any party Into whoso hands It or nny of It may comu In witness whereof thosald Nebraska Con tra ! Railway company has caused thti-so pres ents to bo executed this llith day of .May , A. 1) . . isirt. NKllllASKA CENTUAIUAILWAV CO. . Hy .1. II. DII.MO NT Vice President. Attest : JOHN L. JIcCAOUK. Secretary. WUness : ALEX. G. OIlAHI/rON. State of Nebraska. I , . , Douglas County , l On Mils llith day of May. A. IX. IS03 , boforj mo , a notaiy puldlc In and for said county , personally appeared the above named .1. 11. IinniDiit and John L. McCaguc. who aru to me perbonally known to bu the Identical persons whoslcned the foregoing Instrument , as vice president and secretary of the Nebraska Cen tral Itallway coinp.invi they aeknowlodiro the said Instrument to bo thy voluntary act. nnd deed of the said Nebraska Central Hallway comiiany and their voluntary net and deed as such vice president and secretary of said comiiany. Witness my hand and notarial seal the date lastafoi-Ufaid. AI.ICX. (1. CHAHI.TUN. IKK A i.l Notary Public. This done by order of the city council of the city of Omaha thlslL'th day of .Inly. birj. JOHN UHOVES. City Clerk of the City of Omaha AlOHtdSCHENCK'S MANDRAKE PILLS Purely Vegetable and Strictly Reliable. . They act DIRECTLY and PROMPTLY on the Liver and Stoinitub , rostorlrur tlio constipated organs to huulthy activity , and iiro a POSITIVE and PKKl-M CTLY SAKB CURB for CONSTIPATION , LIVBR COMPLAINT , SICK IIKAU- ACIIE , BILIOUSNESS , mid all ether discuses arising from a diwordorol con dition of tlio Livoi' and Stomaoh , Tlioy tire tlio Only Itollblo Vogntiiblo Mvor I'lll ' Hotel ; They uro 1'orfu aly ll.irmiu-n ; Tin iiiul'iiroly Vmotubloi TryThum. IIt. Hc'lioinl ; > Hll33'c Oaniii'itpllon , I.Ivor Uuinplnlnt mul DrHnoutilrk .Sunt I'rou. J. H. HOHKNOK &HON. 1'hllailul nlila Artistic CHICAGO ENGRAVING at Low Prices. Stock and Design The Latest and Best. Send 413 81.0 and we'll send you 100 engraved cards from a new copper plate. Senil us UI ) cts. and your preien t plate ( lo be held and rceUtirrtd ) and we'll tend you luo co- graved cards. We pay express charges. METCALT ? STATIONERY COMPANY , ( Late Col > b' Library Co. ) 136 Wubusli Ave. , Chicago , llrlnl * . O. C , Cuinpboll of ttiuCnsoy botul , Omuba Is reported to bavo cold out to Merrill , Kotilunl : . H. L. Brunor , Itnnlomont daalur n l ooinU , has boon succoodoJ by Jiruncr LinUor. Hroclecky & Zustord , proprietors of a con orul store at llowol * , buvo bean succccdui byastord & Kunlmrt. Tlinmlna & Mooro. liar'lwnro Uoalurs n WiUonvillo , bavo sold out to 0. M. IChicaldo Dlsoaso never uccoasully nttocm tbo ; om wltli pure blooil , DoWllt'a Sarsapurlllu tuaUoa pure , now blonJ utiU onrlubo ) 'SLEEPY" ' HEWITT IS IN TOWN An Old Friend of the Police Qots in Trouble Once Mora. VAS CAUGHT ROBBING A CASH DRAWER lurlit 1'ntil I.mill tilmrgpil With llntlne Ansanlleil IIttlu Mir.ili U'hlte mill Admits I'.irt of Ilin s ei Inns Ao- tuatlo i Is True. Uurlnc ; the mlmiuliUnUlon of Tom Cum- nines ns city marshal ono of the most fro- uotit liiiniitcs oT the city Jail was "Sloopy" loivltt , u rather bright young follow who vim always In trouble- account of sneak- hiovlne iirocllvittcs. The vnluo of the nrtl- lo or UH usefulness cut no 11 euro with 'Sleepy. " Ho stele scrap Iron nnil rare hot louse plnnts without iiUcmnltmtloti. llo vas ilmilly nut to work nrounil the pollco tnilon to Itoop him out of tiouhlo. Housed to Drii\k the nlK'lit Jailor * Imml- oino hnuiiunts of plunta that were very nuch nppi-ecliueil until the illscovorv wus nnilo thnt thu oxotloi were Oelni ? Illuhoil rum n lloi-lst , whose place of btislncssvai vithln : i block of thn pollco stutloii. Thou 'Sloopi' " wns watched mul wi\ * not nllowoil out of Iho ] nll without u Kiinvd. This llfo vns very Irltsomo to him mm no rollovoil the nonotony ono ilny h.v unpiilii ( ( ; the nnrshnl n a conversation nnil nipping his line \vntoh nnil chiiln from the nmniluil'fl vest pocket , . 'his resulted In "Slocpy'-n" b\nhhniLMii : from ho Jnll nnil hovu4 ilmilly ohasuil out of the city by an over vlRllnnl polico. llowltt recently roturneil to Oinnlm anil ho polli-o hnvo him now. Ho wont into tils * Mnttlco's drug store at KiijIUotmtU nnil Clark streets U'oilneailay al'tovnoon with u iriHcriptbn nnil whllo.tho clerk wna IHlliiR t "S.'ucpy" topped the money dm war unit ocureil $ r > 0 in cash ami waa IOIIVUIR Iho toro when Miss Matttco Intorcoiited him mil compelled him to RIVO up tlio inonoy. lo was arrested on the cluu'guof Ulluipniiig. ON A siitim.s : : OIIAIICI : . I'aul I.until Accused of OntritlnR l.lttte Surah White , n Flowiir ( ilrl. Paul Lautb , the 11 orlst , who lias charge o ( n geonUouse nt Thirty-ninth anil Cumlng streets , was locked up and charged with criminally assaulting Itttlo Sadlo White , tba llower girl. Siullc lias boon n fnmllinr Ilguro about tbo streets and hotel rotundns for the past year or moro. A slight , dullcately-fcnturod , blue- eyed , black-haired gin about 10 yours old , with afclnuulnrly composed nnd wninunltUa manner. Tbo money she makes by selling buttonhole bouquets assists in the supperl of her widowed mothnr nnd younger sisters , who llvo at Fourteenth and Jackson. $ Wednesday , according to her story , she wont to Dr. Mercer's greenhouse with a i-ycar-old sister to purchase cut ( lowers. autu told the little ono to wait in tbo oOlco nnd accompanied Sadln into tlio gri'.otiliouscs. When out ot sight ho grasped lior around the waist and throw her to the ground. She undo a struggle ind scroumcd for help , butler lor assailant smothered hoi1 orlos with bis itind and succeeded hi accomplishing bis mrposo. When released the little cirl went directly to Lauth's lioubb and told Ida mull's wife what bud occurred , but Mrs. L-.iutli refused .0 credit her story. When she returned homo SaJlo told nor TiotUor , who at onuo took bor lo Dr. Soraors' ottlco for examination. A complaint was lied and OTiIcer Ivoysor made tbo arrest. Lautb Is about its years old ana iho father of lour young children. Hu 1ms ill way a berne 11 irooil ropiitatlon and ins employers ind friouds place no faith In the trlrl's story , though Lautb admits that ho "fooled a lit- tlo" wltb hor. "Tired All Iho Time , " , s the complaint of inuny poor mortals , who now not wlioro to llru rolluf. Hood's Saria- nrillu possesses just these olouiunts of trongth which you so earnestly oravo , it will build you up , give you an uppotUo strengthen your stomach and nerves. Try It Hood's Pills act especially upon tbo liver ouslng it from torpidity to its natural duties , uro constipation and assist digestion. ICpU'orth League .Ueetlnc. The regular bi-monthly meeting of the Trl- City Union Epworth league of Omaha , South Omaha nnd Council Bluffs met Tuesday evening at Seward street MotUodist Episco pal church , Omaha. Alter a short business mooting and devo tional exorcises u report of tlio recent state convotitlon wns civen by Hov. P. \ \ ' . Brass , followed l > y an address by John M. Ilazol- ton of First church and a paper by TIP. . Sturiris.3 of Soxvard street , both ot which wore short , clear , earnest and practical. The social was the oharactorlstic Trl-City Union social , ono whoso ctmr.ictnr does not belie Its nnmo. A recitation by Miss Lilian Hulf of Trlnltv , Council Blurts , was thoroughly un- joyud by all. Olio of tbo finest features of the program was a solo by Prof. Leo Kr.itz , accompaniud by Oscar Goodman , organist ot ICounUo Mo- morml church. Hoi Traveler , take Beaoliams Pills with yo u. TIII5 ItUAI/l'V .UAICKKT. INSTRUMENTS placed on record Auzust 18 , 181)1 ) ! WAHIIASTV IIKI111S , Henry Krausound wlfo to A O U W .Mul- lor , lot ( i , block t , Arbor place $ llntllo Thomas and husband to McCanuo Invoslmont comiiany , s 4U4 ! foot of lot US. Nelson's add 1,400 A J Smith lo Mathilda Appulgrun , lot 10 , block 11. Hosu Hill 400 Inaau Douglas to M K Overall , lot.r . lilo k. > , Hartford place , low Hand 15 , block' ' . l-'orman'ssiibillv 1,309 H W ( Jiirtis and wife toV I' ' Htout/.ol , lot 1 ? and H 10 feet of lot 14 , block 1 , Alamo I'la/.a 5.0)0 0 li Todd und husband to A C I'cnimuk , o > ' , of loin , block II. Heed' * 1st add . . . 11,000 0 A Itlco to .M A ( 'luary , w G'J ' fuut of o > / oflut4llaitluU'riadd 10,003 Kato Molla and husband to W W Philips , iiudlv 'i of lot" , block ' 'J- . Omaha 4,000 Mary H Truman and husband to Name , undlv'iHiinio , 4,000 South Omaha L-ind company to I * H Philbln , mldiilo'Ju fuel of lot lu , block 7(1. ( South Omaha MM M D Dnnmlro and hush ind lo Melon H Clnr. ( , lot IU , block I. Lake View 00) ) N 11 Apnln to A O 1'Yost ' , lot ft , blncU ( * , I'lalnviow ' 4W > 0 K 8 lluoil and wifu to Midway Investment - ' ment company , lotri. block in , Cuntral park ; loli , block K. Kllby plnco ; lot 7 , iilouk 4. Mayno place ; lots A lo 1) ) , block : i. lots 4 , . " > , M to 111. blouk I ) , lots , H. li. IU , block ft. lots 1 lo I , block 11. lots 1 to K. block f ) , 'riioninton tt ( loos' mill : loin I toi. : ' , Valuntlna Terrace ; lol 14 , block U , WestAlbrkbt aJ.OOO [ inietohiinin. lots 1 to 111. ill to 23 , .U VJ , : iu , bloeki : , Ashland purl. ; IiusTaml H , block V , lots r > . I' . . T niidU'.l , blovli it. lotI ) I , : \ i& nnd 111. block I. lot , 111 , block 5. Hits I , L1 , 5. II , I ? and Irt. bliiDli II. I'oltur ft Colil/H add to South Omuha ; lots 1,7 to U' , 1.1 li > . block I. Ion H In 11 , III , 10 and - . ' - . block : . ' , lots : i to 7 and Jl , nlouk 7 , I'ottcr iV Cobb'M ' 'd add lo South Omanii ; lot 11. block II , .South Omiiha : tux lot 11 , In lO-ll-III 47,030 Saniii to same , lot PI. Iilouk : r ) . lol tj nnd u. block : M. lot < i , p ) , L'l. . ; ) . u'l. blouk . ' ! ! , Alhr Khl'schnlci' . loin I. " , I. 5. 7 lo I'l ' , 1,1 to Ir > . block : i. lot-t I to D , I'.1 lo III. IH. bloJK 4. lotN I toil. II to IS. block- > . lot < 11. 1 \ . : i , block U , lots 1 , ' „ ' , : i , 14 , l\ 111 , block 7. Albright's hub of lotiio. Albrlirbl's Clinlei' , loir. I to I , H , . It' , Diddle I , lou n , li , in , u. i : : to 17 , blouk : * , lots 5 , r. * , n. : . ' . ' , : : : i. block : i. lots ; ' . H , I' ' . I' . 17 , ' 'U , lihiek I , lou II. r. , IX If. hloek.\ lot - " . llliV-X . ( i. luis n , 11 , II. 1.1. l . . ' , block T. Juts II niid . ' 1 , blouk H. lots 1 and ' - . block 1) ) . | iii < .1 , 8. - . ' ) , 'A block II , ioT > V. 4. ft. 7 , ' 'I ) , i'L4. . bloi'k I'-1 , loth : i. I , , i. l ( , 1,1. , 22 to v.V.7 , block 1:1. :'H Annex , fi000 Unlnn Moidi t'liidsci'ii' .Mlclinul Cuilahy , ITil I acres iidjolnlnu n shin lax lol II lu J-ll-1:1 : , and a strip t-x.-l ) feut adjulnlu- snlu tat iiil I.I lit I- ( .vt > t tn n.i , T ( JV aver to Anulu-Aiuvrluiiii Mort BIU-II mill Trust itiiniiany , lutt'buiiU-J , ( ir.iddy'-i ub . . . . - . . . * l \V H Ailiiiiu to llubcci-a. U.ivys , lot. .1 Hulvnlvro add . . . . . I. 100 U A'llvniiftt. slicrln , lo P. S Hood , Intv 1 to jc. lu t M , ' 'I * , . ' . ! . 'J' ' . liloi'i ' ; ; t , Akhliinil natk . . . . . . . . , . . , . . , / . 1,110 Saiiio toOnuiha National btink ; o ! i ii-13- 11 . . , . . 5.000 J K Tulbut , nui'ulnl manor , to K U foil I J , icil'.l , block : i , I'ortlaml ( i.uru . . . . . . . . . . . 801 Total amount of