THE OMAHA DAILY BE&i. FRIDAY , AUGUST 19 , 1892. MUST NOT MAKE HIE SALE Tcrthtr Litigation Gonoeniing a Broken Bow Banking House. OMAHA PEOPLE MUCH INTERESTED inlRn Mntwnll IIMIPH n llRatraliiliig Order In tlin CIIAC One of tlio Fugitive Snu > llicix | 1'iitlriiln L'uiitiired Lincoln .Vcwn. LINCOLN , Neb. , Aug. 19. [ Special to TUB Br.K.J The Gloho Investment company of Omnha was made the party to a null In Iho eupromo court today , the plaintiff being U , VI.Goodoll , receiver for the banklne house of Klrman & Arnold at llrokcn How. Mr. Goodrll wns appointed receiver of Ibis bank on November U ) . ISO ) , and is still In charge of the Institution. The Ulobo Investment corapanyjjf Omaha secured from the district court In and for Ouster county an order of Attachment upon the property of the bank. Mr. Goodoll undertook to have it dis solved , but his motion wo * dented by the Ouster county clerk and the property duly .levied upon anil an order of sale issued by the court. The property was navorllscd for enlo Iho ! ) Jd lust. Mr. Goodcll yesterday ap plied to Chlof Justice Maxwell for a restrain ing order to prevent the nalo , representing to lilmthatlf the Omaha company worfipor- tnlttcii to take the property In question the boiiu lido creditors of the bank would bo In jured. Judge Maxwell therefore issued thn following order : "U siiilsfactorlly appearing from the po- titlon that the attachment In the case win in all probability wrongfully nnd unlawfully levied upon Iho property in question and that A sale thereunder would tend to defraud arodltors o t Iho banning house of Klomnn & Arnnln of their just dues , n restraining order la therefore granted against the defendants and each of thotn , enjoining thnm from soil ing or disposing of said property or any part thereof or otherwise interfering with the possession of the receiver in aid cause. Tlili order to continue In force until Sep tember U'J , 1893 , unless sooner modltlcd or revolted. " ' ' < lcml [ > t tlin tttii'.n House. \ Adjutant General Yifqunln returned today from Uo Witt , where , no wonl ycslerday lo attend a district soldiers reunion. The Dank of Monroe , located at Monroe , In Platte county , was Incorporated this fore noon with a paid up capital of SJo.OOJ. The case of VV. A. L. Gibbon against the American Dulldmg and Loan ns oclallon of Omaha was tiled In Iho stiUo supreme court ' 'today. The Uormin National bunlc ngalost Frank I W. Leonard Is the tltlo of Iho Adams county T case lllod with the clerk of thosuuromo court today. .AtllSt Ctlt DlMVII 1VX1IHOH. Under the exceedingly low assessment made this spring the city government of Lincoln llnds it necessary to cut down ex penses even nt the risk of crippling some of the departments. According to a statement of City Cleric Van Duyn it will bo necessary to very materially cut down the pollco forco. The present force consists of twenty-two patrolmen and It may bo necessary to re duce this number to fourteen. It" will also bo nosessary to reduce the membership of the flro department , which present con sists of twenty-nine mon. The now salary ordinance now pending provides for tbo ox- pcndlturo of about 310.000 niciro than will bo available for this purposo. Tbo nocosslly for Ihls rigid economy HOT enllroly in the low assessment of the city property. The levy will bo from 3S to 40 mills. llcllt U | > 1111(1 ItoblKMl. II. L. Cor.vorso , a I ) . & M. telocraph oper ator , had a somewhat exciting experience whllo returning to his homo from thn depot at about 1 o'clock tOls morning. When bo arrived at tho. corner of Fourteenth and Q _ .streets ho was coo fronted by two mon who thrust a couple of ugly lookinc revolvers in bis fnco ana commanded him to throw uo his hands. Ho was entirely unarmed nn.l compiled with their peremptory request wilh nlncrlty. They went through his pockets and took from him the sum of S4. all the money ho happened to have wilh him at the time. They 'then wished htm a ploasatii good evening und disappeared in the dark ness. Although ho reported the robbery lo Iho poltco ho was tumble lo give a doscrlp- tlnn nf nls n * mlnntu nnH Hm ti w Ihcir apprehension arc exceedingly romoto. tht ) ISurliur Out. Oniccr Bolts of the Lincoln pollco force at tempted to arrest H. C. Payne , a Mexican barber living In this city , shortly before mld- tilght , and came near losing bis llfo In con- ecquence. Tbo olllcer found the barber at the corner of Twenty-fourth and O 'streets In a drunken and quarrelsome condition and attempted to plaou him under arrost. Tbo man resisted and drew a long , ugly-looking knlfo. with which bo made a vicious lunge at the ofllccr. Tbo o Dicer is lomethlng of an expert with the billy Himself , and before the , drunken man could strike twlco bo was Urntclied out on tbo pavement In an uncon \ scious condition. Ho was then hauled to tbo Btatlpn in the patrol wagon and a cunrgo of assault with Intent to do great bodily injury lodged ngalnst him. l.lnciiIn'K Aiimml Hstlinutc . Tlia finance commlttco of the city council will submit the following estimate of the omouct of money it will require to run the city of Lincoln during the ensuing llscal your : Interest on bonds . $11,780 Library . fi.108 Buwnr . . . . . . ItWU ' 1'olleo . IXW3 1'lro department . .UrM t-'eliooN. . , . U. 1M ficnurul sularlus and city property . 5J,1i40 Judgments . . . . . 1I.SOJ Jtouds . J.100 Total . * J.'J.V.'H ' The ru'ourcos of the city , based upon the lust nssoasmont , urn Obtimu'ind at . ' ! " ! , 'J4 1. 01. Sold MortKiiKi'tl 1'ropcrty. Jacob Steinberg Is In trouble , all because bo wns thoughtless enough to dispose of a stock of elgnrs and tobaccos which had been mortgaged to almost their full value. Ho was tbo owner of a'clgar atoro at Thirteenth and O streets , and , becoming involved In " ilnnncUl dlflloultlos , sold out to W. U. I'om- "frut , a traveling salesman far Haymond I3ros. , In this city ; Ho claimed to J'omfrot that , Hlthougli ho had given a chattel mort gage upon the stock , Iho mortgaga had iibvor been recorded nnd was therefore not worth the papur It wns written upon. The mort gage was held by N. T Frlsbeo , who. us BOOH at ho learnnd that Steinberg had disposed of the Hloolc , swore out a warrant for bis arrest on the chnnro of disposing of mortgaged property. Ho was given n preliminary hear ing b fore Judge Drown and bound over to the district court In the sum of KJ.OVO. Ho furnUhcd the necessary bonds and was sot ut liberty. l.lnriiln Will Secretary Alki.'iaon of the Lincoln Board of Trudo this afternoon Usuod the following notli-o : "Tha inombcrs of the Hoard of Trade are earnestly roiueteil | to mcot ut the council chamber an Friday ovunlng , August 11) ) , ut 8 o'clock p. m. The mooting Is culled for the purpose of devising ways and means to have Lincoln und Lancaster county ropro- Rented on tlio advertising train that , will start soon for Hoiton. The mooting will uo a Joint onu of I lit ) Iluslnom MOD'S nsioclu- lion. Uoal Esluta exchange aud Hoard of Trad i' . lOuch member of tlio Hoard of Trnu > Is cordially and oarnoUly requested to bo lircsont , us tbo mooting will no onu of im portance to our city und county. " Lincoln' * Nuliiiol i\pniiiwii. : The following U thoujtlmatoof thonmount of money it will require to conduct thu pub lic school * of the city of Lincoln for tbo en suing Boliool your : Toucher * ' inidsiiporlntoiulunts' aularlost "t.h.'iO L Jiuiltori'u.iliirics . 7.501) i-'ut'l und Unlit * . . . 3. < wo Kiirnltiironiul unpnllos . , , . 0,71-0 lUmu rtiind u.irnof rounds , . . . . . 4.000 llinidlniiHund Hlti * . ; . HUM lulernil on lundi. . . . : iOOJ MUvollanuonn itoui * . . , . . . . . 7 , jo Total . 1I\4W The estimated receipts from nil sources for thu samti period uro divided us follows : Krani ' lltciKOi . , , . . . . . tlXCOJ J''lr.r mid | u > iiiltlu4 ! . , . . . . . . , . , )3OOJ fctato nPiMrtluniiiunt . , . 1\0JU ( Total . iVl.OOJ < I'rol , M.V. . lilchardton , recently of tha Ouiuba puollu chools. bai boon elected priu- ilpal of tbo Lincoln High school at n salary if JI.SOO per annum. Onu Fugitive Cuptnrml. ; The report that Kennedy nnd Hoed , the ugltivo smallpox patients , wore recaptured at Princeton nt 4 o'clock yostordsy after noon , proved to bo a mistake. When the county authorities reached that ploco they found that the two men apprehended were ft coupla of trnmpi who In no wise answered ' .ho description of the men. Late this oftcrnoon word was received tint Kimncdy , ona of the men , bad boon np- jirouctidcd at Crete. Jailor Litngdon ntonco wont to that city and fully identified the fol low. Ho found him much the wono for bis oscnpo and tmsly flight over the country. Tbo railroad company refuses to allow the sick man to bo brought to this city on the cars and none of tbo Hverymon of Crete will permit him to bo hauled In ono of their { conveyances , Mr. Ltingdon has telegraphed for a conveyance from this city and ho will bring his captive patient hero as soon as It arrives. In the meantime bo nnd tbo fugitive are camping out on tbo batiKs of the Uluo river. The physicians of Crete have examined the cnso and pronounced It a genuine cas'oof smallpox and consequently the man Is denied shelter an uvory hand. Hood In still at liberty and tha autnorltlos have as yet racolvod no word as to bis whereabouts. lilnroln In IlrlcC , The quarantine at tbo county Jail has boon raised. Q. M. Matthews' grocery store at A and Jrolsorn streets was burglarized some ttmo lust night. The thlovos secured entrance by romovlng a panel of the front iloor and cur ried away about $ T > 0 worth of goods. A special train brought lot ) excursionists from Syracuse to Lincoln today. The visi tors spout the day In sightseeing. F. li Foltz , a hardware merchant of this city , was thrown from n light wagon last evening and somuwhut severely Injured. Another case nf diphtheria has bton quar antined at Thirtieth and l'\ur streets. Three houses are now quarantined In that locality. The republicans of the buvonth ward uro preparing for a grand rally next Saturday ovontng. The speakers will bo A. 10. Cndy. temporary chairman of tha a into central committee ; \ . U. Humphrey , commissioner of public lands and buildings , and W. S. Summers , assistant attorney general , I'Voin the 1'ollra Court , Ofllcer O'Shoo captured an escaped patient from the state Insane hospital this afternoon. A boy about 10 years old attorn nted to pass a fo'rgudcheek upon Mayor Uroa. this fore noon. Ho hid signed the named of N. Z , jSuoll , county attorney , to the chock , but the forgery was so clumsy thnt U was at once detected. Ho was apparently of unsound mind and was released with a ropromand. .1. P. Wilson , n B. & M. switchman , re ported to the pollco authorities this morning the ttioft of u suit of clothes from bis room nt Mrs. Unrow's boarding house. Charles Murray nnd Frame Dovlno were this morning sentenced to thu county Jail for thirty days for stealing a pair of pants. WOIIH ol tlin UYIistur Tamlly. Mrs. Nancy J. Wobitor of Lancaster county made her quarterly appcaranco In the district court today. For the fourth thno Mho commenced n suit for divorce from her husband Charles. On tbo three other oc casions sbo withdrew tbo suit after the papers had bean tiled. In her petition tiled today shn alleges that she was married on Juno 18 , 1890 , ut Waboo and that her hus band commoi.ccd a scries of persecutions al most Immediately nftcr their marriage. Among the many acts of cruelty alleged , she states that bo bus frequently bitten her uoso and thumbs , pulled Her around thu house by bar hair and chased her over tbo farm with a cultlu whip , She alleges , moreover , that ho is a gambler and a habitual drunkard. As ho is well fixed financially sbo asks for a liberal alimony. ilcnrd In the Court Itoomi. The sultof C. C. Burr against L. C. Burr has been settled out of court. In the attachment case brought by L. Meyer against Mary Shocdy on a note for $1,500 , the dotonso today moved that tha case bo dismissed , alleging that the court had oo Jurisdiction. The Hock Island has commenced condem nation suits against Charles Undo and Thomas Bonacum , both of whom own prop erty along its right of way. Judiro Lansing's time was cniton up today with the hearing of tho'troublo between w. J. Marshal und William Brockalmvor , over tbo rent of tbo building nt Ninth and N streets. "Lain to bed ana oany 10 rise will shorten the road to your homo in tbo skies. But early to bad and "Littlo Early HUer."tho pill that miikoj Ufa longer und bettor and wiser. TIN IN THE BLACK HILLS. Enough of thuVhlto Mnttil to Supply tlio \Vorld' DciniiiuU. DKAI > WOOD , S. U. , Aug. 15. To Iho Mltor of TUB BKE : Wo are of ton asked , COD Ibo Untied States produce enough tin to ustify tbo present tariff on that article ? Wo answer , yes ; there is enough tin lu tbo Black Hills alone to supply the world. The Black Hills are situated ia Iho western part of South Dakota und eastern Wyoming. They cover qulto an area of couatry aud tin ere is found in many places throughout the whole , but the lodes or ledges that have bean most t extensively prospected are In the neighbor hood of Hill Oily , Pcnnlngton counly , S. D. The Harnuy Poalt Tin Mining company , com posed of American and English capitalists , is operating there. The English stock holders are men who have large tin Interests In other parts of the world , and consequently have hud a great deal ol practical experience in the production of tin. and they uro fully sultstled that the mines of Iho Black Hills can bo made to pay reasonable interest on their capital or It Is not at all likely that they would have Invested several millions of dollars In Iho enterprise. They brought an export from Cornwall , England , to ox- umlno and report on the mines. Ho mudo a thorough examination , nnd 1 under stand that ho was highly pleased , und said that they show as well , If not bettor , than the celebrated Dolcouth tin mlno of Cornwall did at thu aamo depth. The Hur- ney 1'nalc company owns something like 1,100 claims , and u claim comprises about twonly acres. They have sunk shafts on sov.n-nl of thotn to thu depth of-100 to 000 feet and the lodges are improving tn size aud the quality of tbo oto Is Also improving as they go down. The company has built re duction works with u capacity of " 50 tons per day and will have them In operation In a short time. Plenty of ere Is on the dump at the mines , but ns the mines are several miles from the reduction works thu ere will ba talKin from the mines to the wonts by rail roads which Iho I ) . & M. has agreed to build ; thai is , U will nut In spurs or switches from Us main lino. Tno ono to the works ( about two miles ) Is completed nnd the ottiers will ba soon. If nothing baopcns the company will probably bo producing tin In about twenty days. 1 Why do wu want a tariff on tint Simply because wo uro sutlsllrd thai there Is plenty of tin ut homo to Bupjily thohomoconsumers , and because In the hills the company has to pay from $ . ' .50 to $ l.f > 0 per hand for daily lubot * , whllo Ibo labor on the lor- cigu production Is fully two-thirds less. Since farm produce cannot bo raised with in many mllas of hero everything has to ho freighted In , hence nil articles are much higher tbun elsewhere out of a mountainous country. Those wagu * , however , wo think will meet the necessities and allow each man , In tune , tn sunuro for himself and family a nice homo and tbo comforts of life. There are minors who have labored faithfully hero for years pasi and now unjoy cheer ful and COAX homes in Hill City. But with out ibis tariff wages must necessarily bo lower. The miner's llfo is so hard und peril ous that the labor part , If not all , of it is shorter tban lu most other branch ) of labor nnd ono needs pay enough to provide a homo in the cnrlv part of llfo lest ho become an object of charity later on. Honca It is honed thai the American people at the coming presidential election will bo llhural enough to vole for the parly that will givu us pro- tealiou on tin for a few years , at least , until wo can got our American mines on a paying basis and when the cost of our production ia fully dutorminud. Then they can reduce the tariff If necessary. Should congress repeal UioMcKinloy bill I am satisfied It would have a serious and damaging effect on thu Ua Industry of this country. It would simply kill it In lu Infancy ; ut least , that Is the writer's opinion. N. Mrs. WInslow's soothing syrup for clill- dren teething relieves tlio child from pain , uUS cents a battle. FORTIFIED THE PREMISES Water Works Contractors nnd Beatrice Officials Have Trouble. ONE WAY OF SECURING A Mittoriitl'I UnilfrojMm I Daly tlio 1'ollco Authority * nnd I'rcpurn to Ilnmoto tlio Mittoriitl from the I'nililovk IMstiiro Com- inlsslunor lluwklns Objects. , Nob. , Aug. 18. [ Special Tele gram to TUG Ben. | Considerable of a breeze was created la municipal circles lhl § nflor- noon by the report that Godfrey & Meal , the water works contraclors , were hauling away all the movable material from the Paddock pasture waler works plant In defi ance of the Iwo policemen stationed thnro. In the absence of Mayor Phillips and Acting Mayor Saunders tboro were no city authori ties present competent to deal with the matter. WaterCommlsslonor Watklns fortl- lied Ibo oily water committee's house and camped on the grounds to prevent the removal - moval of the articles lu question. They con sist of well boring tools , hammers , stallon- ary engine , lesl pump , etc. Mutters remain In this condition ton'ght und will so remain until Mayor Phillips or Acting Mayor Siuudors can bo found. How Ilmixllk Wan Killed. NORDRN , Nob. , Aug. IS , [ Special to Tin : BKE. ] At 13 o'clock Tuesday a farmer by ho name of A. U. L'voly. who lives eight miles north of this place , bcc-imo intoxicated whllo In town and among other places /isttod the harness sbop belonging to James lonzllk. Wbilo bragging about shooting , 10 aimed and tired at n small lea cream roczcr , putling n ball through the wood and In Thn proprietor turned from his work and stooped to see what had been done , when ively shot him in tlio head , Just aoovo Iho zar. Hunzlllc fell .vlthout a word , dying In about two hours , About one-half ounce of bruins oozed from the wound. The culprit 's now In Iho custody of the sheriff. , ' FHIMOXT , Web. , Aug. 18. [ Special to TUB BKE. ] Henry Uoggonthuln , an old settler of Saunders county , living about four miles south of Fremont , was burled today. The manner of Mr. Uofirentlioin'j death was somewhat peculiar. Nearly three years n u ho was billon by u horse which Hftonvards gave evidence of being mad , and died In a faw days from Iho date of the attack upon Is owner. At Iho lime of Iho incident Air. Itoggcnlhoin had some misgiving. ' ) about the mutter aud went to Lincoln to consult a madstono. Tbo xvound inflicted upon him never healed and recently Iho injured mem ber began lo pain him und "the poison in it permeated his system and caused his death. Iturjjhirs ut Ahlilunil. ASIII.AXU , Neb. , Aug. 18. ( Special to THE BEI-.J The residence of George Magreo was entered by burglars last night. They nin- suckcd the promises , but failed to receive anything of value. Two other houses were robbed during iho night , ut ono place a gold watch nnd chain and other valuables to thn amount of $100 being taken , and In Iho.'otber about $ . " > 0 worth of clothing was nil that they got. rso clew . bo found , but irom the rapidity with which they are "doing" tbo town it is sup posed thnro must be u well organized gang under tbo direction of some onu hero in town who is well act ) u aimed with the location. ( Jxcil HIM dun l/rccly. AsnijAXD , Nob. , Aug. 18. [ Special Telegram - gram to TIIK BEK. ] The coutilry north of hnro is considerably excited over a shooting cffalr which occurred some live miles north of hero today. _ Henry Heed , a farmer , with a young man by the notno Hall , attended the Grand Army of the Republic reunion at Greenwood lust week. A day or two later Hall told Mrs. Heed thai bor husband hud been to Greenwood flirting with some girls. Mrs. Uoed told her busbznd , who swore that bo would shoot Hall. Today as Hall was pass ing his house Uoed shot three times at him , nouo taking ortcct. Hall came to town at once and started ofllcers after Hoed. I'mntlRiil Country Ituuil Making. FHBMONT , Neb. , Aug. 18. [ Special to THE BEE. ] Elkboru township , this county , which some time azo voted bonds for Iho purpose of road improvement , has just awarded the contract for the work to J. M. Morris & Co. of Grand Island. The contractors take Ibo t.1,000 bonds ul par for their work and will grade up the roads of that township at the rule of B cents a square yard , doing the work under the supervision of the town board. Elkhorn is one of ttib first townships In tbo stale lo move in Iho direction of practical roud Improvement , Iho vote for the project being almost unanimous among the farmers , Threu Serious Accidents. FAIIIUUKY , Neb. , Aug. 18. [ Special Tele gram to THE BER.I Today tho'15-yoar-old son of George Devoro , a farmer living near the city , bad his right haad lacerated In a threshing machine so badly tnut the thumb und three lingers had to bo amputated. Later John Johnson , living near Holvor elation , lose a thumb and Iwo lingers from his right nand In another threshing machine. Guorgo Vlskius , n farmer , this morning slipped from a hay slack , falling upon u pitchfork , the tines of which penetrated bis thigh and side , inflicting serious wounds. Narrowly KnviipiMl ilL-aih , Biaiu. Neb. , Aug. 18. [ Special to Tun Bin : . ] Robert Newell , u student under a local dentist hero , came near being blown into atoms yesterday evening. He was using the vulcanzer in preparing plates1 when it ex ploded , landing him In the opposite part of the room , blowing parts of the vulcunzor Ibrough tbo luth and piaster. Ho was u tough looking case for a while but is not dangerously hurt. Ills oyei are bloodshot and his face badly buruod. ] tmlii ril-iaHtl ; . SBWAIIII , NOD. , Aug. 18. [ Special to THE BKE.J11. . A. Bralnord , odilorof the Mil ford Nebraskan , was married lo Miss. Clara Cas tle at the residence of the bride's parents , near Seward , at noon yesterday , Kov. J , C. Gllkorsoii ofllciullng. IttRO County 1'loniiorii' I'lcnlc. BKATIUCK , Nob. Aug. lu. [ Special Tele gram to TIIK BIJK.J The Gage county pioneer plctilo will bo hold at tbo Cbautauqua grounds in this city September 10. A line program Is being arranged for the gathering , Knimoiit rirtmiim Will I'lcnic. FIIBMONT , Nob. , Aug. 18. [ Special to i'liis Biu. : | The Fremont Uro department ut a mooting held last night decided to huvo n day's ouilng und will go to Waterloo on Sun day , August 3 , for that purposo. Will llocln Work Toilny. GIUKD ISMNII , Nub. , Aug. IS. ( Special to Tin : Biu.J : The cunning factory will begin the work of catmint/ corn tomorrow. The output , Ilia expected , will bo 1,000,0JO cans or over. rKTMt.ixti vif ni'u br.iTKs. Superior's Approac-hlng Kminloii Will Ho I.uruuly Attuiulitil. SuTumou , Neb. , Aug. 18. [ Special to THE BUB. ] Lincoln park , Superior , in which Camp Lincoln ia situated , is a natural grove , 100 ucrcs In extent , with a natural fort over * p IJ > looking It from the PtXth. Next Monday , Auguil 22 , the Nebraska and Kansas vet er. * * ill take posscsSteN of Camp Lincoln and iho fort In the nmnq.of the fourth an nual lulcrstato reunion of the voleran soldiers : and sailors of'Ti'dbraska and Kansas. The countlex from which iho assembly will 'Id draw Its participant uro Gage , Thaver , Jefferson , Nuckolts , Webster , Franklin , Ilarlnn , Funms , Roil Willow , Frontier Gosper , Pholns , BuITnIo. Adams , Clay , Fll- moro und Saline in Nebraska , nnd Clay , Cloud , Washington. 'Hepubllo , Mitchell. Juwol , Osboriio , Sirflllij Uoops , Philips , Graham , Ucealur , Norton und Sherman tln Kansas. I Two hundred and five posts lit Ne i braska nnd 150 In Kansas have already notified the local' ' fmnnagoniont that , | they will bo on , liunit in full force wltn their Sous and Daughlers of Veterans nnd Relief corps. The laltor organizations of both states have already boon assigned quarters 1 In answer to priviito letters ; In fact , nil arrangements with organizations , speakers J ' ers and bands , have been mado. Governor Ic Boyd of Nebraska , and Governor Humphrey It Kansas will bo here nnd wilt probably re t peat : the conversation which took place be tween the governors of the Iwo Carolina * . Two companies of Kansas National guards are coming , ono trom Clydo nnd ono from Minneapolis , under command of Colonel Sargent. The Geneva comp.iny of Nebraska guards Is also coming , and n battery of artillery from Fort Omaha. Military bands from Friend , Bloomlngton nnd Hod Cloud in Nebraska and from Iowa nnd Kansas have engaged quarters und more uro expected. Sonic of the Speaker * . Amoug the speakers who have already boon engaged lire Congressman McKuighau , . who speaks on tbo opening day , end on the following day Sonalor Paudook , W. E. An drews , candidate for congress , and Judge W. . H. ' Morris will speak. The 21th will bo Ho- llof Corps dny. wilh an elaborate program nnd complement of speakers of both sexes. On Thursday , tboMln , the speakers an nounced arc ox-Congressman Louis Hunbauk , tc ex-Governor Gooriro F. Anthony and Lieu tenant Governor Felt of Kansas , Victor Vlf- quain , General Ullworth , Judge Lorenzo Crounso , John M. Thurstou aud Air. E. Hose- water of Nebraska. On the "Oth Governor Tbayor , 1'at O'Hawes. Hon. J. B. Strode , W. J. O'Brien , Ctuireb Howe , U. H. Van Wyck , Senator Mnndorsou nnd others will address the people. A mounted torco of eighty men In uniform will act ns escort end body guard to Com mander Adams and his staff. A prize drill by thu National guards and buttery und a sham battle , which It is oxpootod will bo moro ' Hue the real thing lhan has yet been produced in Nebraska , will tnko place during the encampment. An extensive display of flroworlts is among the attractions. A union depot platform less than flighty rods from Iho speakers' stand has been built by iho B. & M. , Missouri Pacific , Chicago & Northwest ern and Alchison , Topeka and Santa Fo rail roads for the convenience of visitor * . The Western Union Telegraph company has strung a wlro to the grounds and will open at' ofllco tboro for the convenience-of news paper correspondents and the general public. The camp Is supplied with city water from numerous hydrants In different portions of Iho ( 'rounds and u uittro taim for Ice water is conveniently arranged. All unmp supplies nro free , including 450 tents for soldiers and their I'rlcnds and a largo pavillloti with n capacity for 3,000 persons. Department Commander Tim McCarthy of Kansas und his staff , General Ullworth , de partment , commander df Nebraska and his stuff , Governor Boyd and his staff , and Gov ernor Humuhroy nnds.talT , will bo on hand. The place of meeting is so oloasant und all arrangements so comp''oto ' that the thousands vvno attend will enjoy 'n.restful as well as exciting reunion und , ho favored whllo at cnso lu tbo shade , lo hear Iho loading orators of two B laics. ' Superior Is a town of 2,000 Inhabitants , nnd has live good hotels. Meals on the grounds will bo served ht'25 cents each. No gambling-devices of any'description will bo allowed on tbo grounds. All games of chance uro strictly prohibited and no fakirs or daylight robbers will b'o tolerated. I.nrgfl C'rmril'v ut Auburn. Auiifit.v , Nob. , Auir. Is. [ Special Telo- gruui lo TIIK Bii.J : ; Ycslorduy's crowd at iho reunion camp was .increased today. An excellent program .was'rendered. The Nc- braska'opys IOOK tub camp'In tbo forenoon , but It , wus recnpturodtattor dinner by the district , association , Mrs. Belle Haunders , president of thu Hollof Corps of Brovvnville , was the llrst to address the assembly and she wns followed by Captain Henry In n leuetby but very interesting speech. John A. Goss was the next speaker and took for bis subject Iho Grand Army of Iho Hopublio organization. Promptly ut 8 in the evening the camp Uro was replenished and an address mudo by Davis of Pawnee , Brown nnd Williams and again by Captain Henry , who made an np- poul that tno Soldiers home ho tukcn out of politics. The speeches were Interspersed with songs by Chaplain Stevenson and Corn- rude Foxworthy. Tbo mooting is in many respects the most interesting of any district reunion over held in the state. Tbo largo number present and the enthusiasm manifested is certainly in .tho lead of previous meetings of like char acter. Much of tbo success is duo to tbo fact that two or tbreo gentlemen , with Church Howe at the head , talio the lead und guarantee all expenses , without depending .upon tbo uncertain aatiau of cumbersome committees. Commander , Howe , Adjutant Wort and Quartermaster Loruuca , seem to never tire. The First and Second district "Nebraska veterans are bore holding their reunion jointly with the district meeting. Amoug the notables present are ex-Gov- ornor Furnas , Lieutenant Governor Majors , General Dilworth , department commander ; Assistant Adjutant General Bowen , Atlornoy General" Hastings , Land Commissioner Humphrey nnd others. Fllty tents nro occupied by soldiers and Iboir families , besides ibo race track stalls huvo boon renovated and supplied wilh clean , bright slraw and are now serving us tem porary homos for families. The usual camp appurtenances , refreshment stands , side shows , swings and catch-penny devices uro bore ron pi lie' a harvest. A notable feature is the largo number of ladies present nnd they listen lo Iho .speaking wilh much Inter est , applauding heartily when m eloquent words tbo bravo old boys are honored , Each duv Iho Interest nnd the crowd In creases und tnls has been a record breaker in reunion annuls. Tomorrow promises to bo iho best duy of all , ihnughitis the closing day. In Hurt County. Nob. , Aug. 18. [ Special Tele gram to TIIK BEE.J The Grand Army of the Hopubllu reunion 'of Burt county veterans hold at this plncn Is ono of the largest and most successful gatherings nf Its Kind In the history of Burt county. The duy bus been end of moro 'than usual Interest , lion , George D. Molkiojohn and Mrs. A. H Ulcharas addressed a largo and uDprccIatlvi uudiouoo at the fair grounds , wbiob was followed by a sham battle , in which company II , Nebraska National guards , ongagi > d tb old veterans , who wdro supported by the heavy artillery. Appropriate muslovu : furnished by tbo L > adios Cornet band o Tckamab. A Traveling .MnuM I'ltnorlonco with Dlur I r'i" ' ° .lit I am a traveling man 'and have boon at - Dieted with what Is called chronlo diarrhooi for some ten years. Lust fall i was in west - ern Pennsylvania , and , .accidentally was itn - troduccd lo Chamberlain's ' Colic , Cholori und Uiarrlioja remedy , ] I ventured to mak o u trial and wan wonderfully relieved , I would like now to introduce It among my > friends. H. M. LowUj/y-l Freeman street ' , Cleveland , O. IllKV What Iowa Cltlicim'AVo Iolii ( ; In thl Direction , DBS MOI.VKS , la. , Aug. 18. The Iowa goo roadti' convention udjoiirnod yesterday. Chair man Wallace of tbo committee on porinunou association reported that tbo following d Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report Powder PI/RE rectors , who nro to select thn president , vlco prusidont nnd other officers , and announce them later : William Stoyh , Burlington ; Peter A. Day , Iowa City : J. N. Munc.ov , Josiup ; William Larrabo , Clormont ; Jamo * Youlli. CddarHapidsJ C. F. HUkf.Ottiimwa : J. G. Borryhill , Dos Molnos : ' A. O. JMltcholl , Corn I lie : J , C. McCnbo , Lotrnn ; G. L. Tro- maine , Htimboldt ; H. C. Wheeler , OdobolU Kx-Governor Gear of the committee on reso lutions reported u lonr series of resolutions , which were unanimously adopted. After listening lo the rending of n number of pa- pen , the convention adjourned sine dlo. UoWIlt's SarsiipnrlUft destroys such poi sons us scrofula , skin diseases , oczom.i , rheu matism. Us timely usa .savot many lives. SHOUT. Cnvnlry ConipctUloii for the Yrnr at Itcllo- viio Uiingn M ICiulcil. BEi.LBVtin Uirt.E KANOK , Nob. , Aug. 18. [ Special Telegram to TIIK BKK.J Today closed tbo fourth annual carbine competition of the departments of the East , Platte nnd California. The day's firing was nt skir mishing nnd wiw not marked by any par ticular dcirreo of excellence. In fact , the record1 of the competitors this year has not been up to tha standard. The scores of the first ton men uro1 Thu quota for the army team , lo lake part In the general competition at Fort Sheridan , Is : J. ( inrrnril".cnpt. . Vth I SMI lOai so _ . . . . . K. Jnck'ii , HTJ..J1. Hill.I 31)i | | 4n' ' Ifcli 7s | 4.1 lulaiitry Kcnrrn at l.unvomvortli. LKAVKNWOHTH , Kan. , A up. IS. [ Special Telegram to Tin : BBC. ] The work of the army marksmen at the Fort Loavenworih target range todny was confined to skirmish shooting by the infantry team. Morning and afternoon runs were made. During the afternoon firing qutto n strong wind blow , but notwithstanding fair scores wcro mado. The aggregate scoras of tbo twelve highest infantry competitors for tbo three days contest - test is as follows : Hank , Nninc unit Regiment. . Scorn. J.kMllemmt t'oatur , 1'Jth Hi2 Suruunnt llnylian. liitli i2 1'rlvnte Myers , 1Mb 4ll Scwant Murphy , lltli l ! < 3 tiBwmnt Tltns , Mil 457 Private Sullivan , luill . . < il feruijiint bhnllti. lotli tt 431 Corporal u'Uourko , IMh 451 l.ltlltormnt I.asslKiiu , Till 413 tjcreunnt Lydotr. loth 415 Corporal Donald. 14th 4 < U UeutcliBlit O'llrlen , Sth 437 Orders from WimhliiKton. WASHINGTON" , D. C. , Aug. 18. ( Special Telegram to TUB BKB.J Second Lieutenant Juinos II. Heovos , Fourth cavalry. Is trans ferred from Iroop M to troop G of that regi ment. Leave of absence for ono month and ton days , to take effect October 1 , Is granted First Lieutenant John J. Hadeu , Eighth In fantry. DoWltt's Sarsaparilla cleanses tbo blood Confoigoil to tlio Ilorilen .Iliirdor. FALL KIVEU , Mass. , Aug. 18. Charles H. Pockham of Central Village surrendered to the poltco this morning , declaring be killed Mr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Borden. Ho said 'ho ' did Iho deed out of pure love for blood. Packbam wus locked up whllo Iho pollco are making Investigation as to the truth of bis btory. Ho is a former U'J years old. Nugirotl NuggoU Nugget ! Buy Big baking powder. S3 01. 25 cents. Cures Others Will euro You , is a true statement of tlio action of AVER'S Sjirsaparilla , when taken for diseases originaling-in iinpuro blood ; but , while this assertion is true of AVER'S Sarsapnrllla , as thousand.1) can attest , it cannot uo truthfully applied to other preparations , which unjtiiiclplcd : dealers will recommend , and try to im pose upon yon , ns "just as good as Ayer's. " Take Ayor's Sarsaparilla and Ayor's only , If you need a blood-purifier and would ho benefited permanently. This medicine , for nearly llfty years , IIUH enjoyed a reputation , and made a record for cures , that has never been equaled by other preparations. AVAR'S Sursaparillu eradicates thu taint of he reditary scrofula and other blood dis eases from tlio .system , and It has , deser vedly , the confidence of the people , AVER'S Sarsaparilla "I cannot forbear to express my joy at the relief I have obtained from the use of AVER'S Barsuparilla. I was mulcted with kidney troubles for about six months , suffering greatly with pains in the .small of my buck. In addition to this , my body was covorrd with pimply eruptions. The remedies prescribed failed to help mo. I tliun begun to tnko AVER'S Snrsnparilln , and , in a short time , tlio pains ceased und the pimples disappeared. I ad vise every young man or woman , In case of sickness rcstilt- ' Ing from impure blood , no matter how long standing tlio case may bo , to take AVEH'SSnrBtipnrlllu. " H.L.Janimiiu , M William at. , Now York City. Will Cure You Prepared by Dr. J , C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Maag. Save Your Eyesight yestostal free byan RXI'K'IT OPTICIAN 1'orfeat adjustment. Superior lonsoi. Nurv- oushoailaolio cured by ualnir our ijpootuale * and Kyojjlubsoi I'rlcoi low for drat elm * goods. THE ALOE & PENF8LQ GO , IMS. IStUSt.Crolghton Block. BAKING ABSOLUTELY PURE JusrkYlT F.r.JApUEi AGO. KANSAS CITV.NO. WELL BRED.SOONWED" GIRLS WHO USE SAPOLIO Are Quickly Married. Try it on your next House-Cleaning. "His Experience His Skill Hnvo been proven by moro than 17 years of untiring success which has never been surpassed In the medical profession , whllo his re sources and facilities for treating Private Diseases are practically unlimited. " Such is the universal testimony orthotisixnds who have suffered and been cured by DR. E. McGREW . J. . , The Specialist. With a practice of 17 years' standing is it any wonder that skill in the treatment of Private Diseases Is today unquestioned During all these years Dr. McGrew has gradually perfected all tha little details incident to the treatment of Private Diseases until It ia no longer u practice with him , but A Science. He substantiates every statement and fulfills every promise. He la reliable , reasonable , skillful and fair , and is the most successful spe cialist in the entire west in the treatment of Private Diseases and all Diseases of Youth and Manhood. Those who place themselves in his care can safely rely upon hlmj as every case Is regarded in tne strictest confidence and treated in the most skillful manner. Gleet und all imnoylns discharges ; fitrloturo. or dlllluiilty or piln : In rnllovln ? the Illnddor ; yuhllls und nil dlsousos rf tlin HlooJ .ind Skins Norvomnoss. Gunurul Uohllltv , Loss of Miin- eel nnd Anihltlnn , Wiintof I lfo niul Vitality. Hud Moinnry. Duspomlmit , Dhrountsod. Ho of ohtnlnud without loss of thno from business Tlio rnont noworfiil niniudloM linown to luodurn soloiico for the treatment of the above discuses. Wrllo for circulars and ( jiit'stlon II'IU 14th aud Farnam Sts. , OMAHA , NEB. NTEftNATIONIlL SANITARIUM DR. W. C. MAXWELL , Prest. Graduate of llollovno Hospital College , Now Voi-k City. ( Jluss of 1871. 16th and Howard Streets , - - Omaha , Nebraska. FOR THE SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OK ALL Chronic , Private and Nervous Diseases. Male or fomulo , by competent physicians who have made a upoclal Httidy of the uljova claat ) of diseases , not only to treat , but guarautqa u euro In all uaim iindort xlcoa. THE SANITARIUM Is the most cotnplolo and th ? beat equipped Institution of Its 1(1 tJ in the ontlru wost. It contains llfty roams for thu aco3inmodatlon of patlonts who may requln ) the constant nttontlon of exporieru > 3d phydloians and unr.-Jj.i. BOARDING will 1)0 furnlahod at reaaonahlo rates. Wrlto for book on UUoaioi. mailed free , to any iiUdren.H on application . Forsonx ttnabla to visit ua may bo tro ted at honiu by corrospDndonce. All communications strictly OnQpordo.ial inter vlow preferred , whenever convenient for patient. WRITS FOR QUESXIOK BLANKS to scato the history of your caio. MoJIolno soouroly packed and bunt by mall or express. Address , INTERNATIONAL SANITARIUM , Dr. W. C. Maxwell. Pruoldunt. Omaha , Nebraska "TELL.U5 hOW MANY FACES YQU5EE 111 THIS ADV. AMD WE. WILL SEND YOU A BEAUTirUL PICTUREZOXZ5 FORfRAHING. MAR5HALCCHEMICAL MANUFACTURIHG ( ? > KAHJASClTYfl9