Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1892, Page 5, Image 5

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    THE OMAHA BAIL * BEE : TlftJllSDAY , AUGUST 18 , 1892.
His Efforts at Grand Island Produced
Nothing but Distrust.
.Atmo < | > lirrlc Condition * Could Not lie Over- ;
nitnn llnVnn Aiixloui to llnvc Moro
Time , lint thn 1'noplo Would
Nut lie Deceived Longer.
GIUND Isnsn , Nob. , AUR. 17. [ Special to
1'ilK Uir..J ; FrnnK Melbourne , tlio ulloRCd
rolu mukor , has failed and has very low
friends In this city. Ho throws up the
sponge and falls to explain why ho couldn't
tnal < u the heavens weop. Melbourne was
cr.ijoBod on Friday nftornoon last to cause
the fall of ono inch of rain up to Wednesday
noon. Up to 10 o'clock this morning the
aides were perfectly cloudless mid the rain
/ako has bunted with a very resonant boom.
When there were no Indications of rain
Whatever yestordar afternoon Melbourne's
agent , a man by the common naruo of Jones ,
souKlil the commlltoo. '
Ho tnndo the roquo l that the time on the
contract bo cxtonucd twclvo hours longer , or
until mldninht tonlRht , This the committee
failed to do , to the evident discomfort and
dltploiisuro ot Melbourne and his man Jones ,
.But Melbourne nrmly Kept his watoh In the
turret on the 1'nlmor house until tins morn-
Inir. When thu nklos were nsain n clear as
the Loril ever mudo thorn , not tlio sign of
the smallest cloud being visible , the rnln
vHzznrd pave up In disRUst , a fooling very
largely nharcd by the citizens.
Why Mvlhnitrnn I'litlrd.
Mr. Jones was accosted by Tun Dm : re
porter this morning as lo the reasons that
Melbourne failed , nssuinltif : that there were
reasons why ho should fair any moro than
ether Individuals who might muko tbo
"Thcro uro certain conditions in the atmosphere -
phoro bore , " said ftlr. Jones , ' 'which wo have
never founu olsowhoro. "
"What are those conditions ] "
"Mr. Molournudoesn'tsa.v | ) , " was the very
unsatisfactory tinim cr. "Ho believes the eon-
oral rains in the custom part of the state
followed on the next day oy nnottiar rain in
tbo wcstoi n | mrt , had u poo'd deal to do with
Ills failure. "
From the toner of the whole conversation
Tin : UIR correspondent is led to conclude
tlmt nejtlicr Mr. Melbourne nor Mr. Jones
Iniew why the rain did not come , and this
opinion is snuroil bv tlio. general public. . The
fpi'lhitf is that Melbourne is an out and out
i would uo ono to tar and feather that
man , " said a prominent business man this
rnornlnp , and the remark Is an indication of
thu love felt for the "rain maker. "
Melbourne loft this nftornoon for his homo
In Choyonno. Tlio sJ.OOO is still In Hall
county and it will very probably bo a long
tlmo before another "ruin maker" will be
b'evc-ntli Annual ItiMinlon llulni ; Celobratcd
lit Hiirily.
HMIDV , Nob. , Aug. 17. [ Special to THE
IKI : . ] Tnls city is at present full ot visitors
from different , counties in this ntato and Kan
sas attending Iho seventh annual statu line
reunion of the Huoublican valley soldiers
nncl sailors nt Camp Shorruan , n quarter of n
cillo east of tbo business portion of the town.
For seven years Hardy has annually drawn
B crowd from Kansas and Nebraska , and has
never failed to make her reunions both Inter
esting and profitable. Many fami
lies outside of the ranks of soldiers
and sailors pitch their tents on tbo
camp ground for u few Jays outing and to
enjoy tbo social features of tbo interstate
gatherings. On nip Sherman is nicely located
and through' the untiring efforts of I'rcsi-
- dent \V. II. Leigh and Quartermaster ( J. H.
Mcnacil , Is bettor equipped than ever before ,
for taking core of the campers. Sixty-soveu
touts , 12x14 , are occupied now und there is
room foR-all who may como , and these meetings / -
ings usually bring together irora U.OOO to
C.UUO people. A frame bowery , 40x ! > 0 feet ,
'covered with canvas has been orcutod in the
con tor of too parudo ground and supplied
with scale , while au addition on the sumo
plan has bcun orcctcd at ono end for thu
The Courtland ( ICfln. ) silver cornet bana
o fourteen pieces arrived last iilght and
awoke the camp with stirring music. The
Hardy Qleo club will do the vocal not. J , U.
Burton of Abilene , Kan. , candidate for con
gress from the Fifth Kansas district , will bo
bore tomorrow to address the nooplcr , and on
the following Jay Key. J. G. Tuto will do-
llvor the principal address. Hov. Jonas
Freet , a Pennsylvntia veteran who was onoo
carried out of Andersonvillo prison and
thrown on tbo dead heap , will also entertain
the reunion from the stund.
Down In Nenmliii County.
Auituiw , Nob. , Aug. 17. [ Special Tolo-
( rram lo Tin : BIR. | The southeastern Ne
braska district rfuinlon is being hold on the
- fair grounds nt Hut place and is proving a
great success. Ycslcrday was opening day
and was taken up with 'securing quarters.
handshaking and coiioral rejoicing. The
pnto registers showed tbo admission ot IUUU !
pcoplo to the grounds today. Tbo feature of
tbo day WBS the free dinner ut which ever
400 old soldiers sat down to the ' llrst tnblo.
Attar the veterans wcro served the tables
were made free to all und 3,000 tvoro foil.
After dinner , which lasted tbrco hours ,
Judge Uur'vis S. Church delivered an ad
dress of welcome and was followed by Dr.
Scnonk of Kansas. Department Commander
Dllworth thou addressed the pnoplo in bis
happy style aim wus heartily applauded
ninny times. Among ether things , the gen
eral said : "Exctiso mo from n reunion of
the gray and the blue. The only combina
tion of tlmt Idnd that should bo toloratcd is
the blue suit of the union soldier and the
gray hairs above It. A man who travels in a
rebel uniform cannot march In tnv command.
'Wo march under no Hag except that of the
Uhitca States. ' *
Miss Lulu Berlin of Auburn , a charming
elocutionist , recltod "How Shorldau Camo. "
At tbi ) ovonlngoarapllro the amphitheater
wan filled. Mrs. S. A. Hunter of Pawnee
county and Mr . Wudo spoke on ibo subject
of the soldiers homo. Chaplain Stevenson ,
Kx-Uovornor Furnas , Dr. Urown and Hon.
Tboiuas Majors also delivered addresses dur
ing tbo cvoulng.
Iwo AilJuileiMt llmmo.
FAIIIIIUHV. Neb. , Aug. 17. [ Spo'clnl Tele
gram to THE lii.J Loula Golko , a Ucrmau ,
wu uiiludgod insane by tuo county board of
Insanily today , llu cuino hero from AliunaUeo
county , Iowa , and will bo roluruoa to friends
B. M , Qrlsnom , a well known farmer liv
ing nour I'on-ells , In Ibis coiintv , was also
before the board und will bu sent to the hos
pital at Lincoln. Ho was nont thuro two
.voais ago and wus supposed to have boon
cured and returned homo , tits trouble is at
tributed to n blow received in being thrown
from a tiorso twenty-three years ago.
ICi AIINKV , Nob. . Aug. 17. [ Sppflul Tolo-
cram to Tin : HKI : . ] lid Ci loins was dovlnrud
liuiino by thn coiuuilssloii toduy. Glolns has
a line liorao which hu suys tlio Lord sonthliu
to miiKo money with , und his four of losing
it hus unbulauccd his mind.
MiiHt X\v I'tty thn lllll.
BKATIUCK , Nob. , Aup. 17. iSpoclal Tele
gram to THIS BKK. | The city authorities
liaro placed two policeman in churgo or the
now water works plant In ardor to Uoep any
loose material from that vicinity bolni ; spir
ited away. Legal authorities uoreabou'.s
oluitn that the net of the city in putting
pollcoinen iu cburiro of the plant is a tucit
uoceptiuica of llio plant , and tbut the city Is
now bound to pay Contractors Godfrey &
Meats the full amount of their claim without
reference to the contract or wtiatovor fallurd
has buhorto prevented tbo acceptance ot the
work by thu city.
I'uunii Dmtii in iiiu Itoiitl.
CIIKICUTOX , Nob. , Aug. 17. ( Special Tclu-
CramloTiiK UKu.j-Charloi B. Toiiny , a
furmor living west of bore , was found doud
on tbo publtu bignway this morning. He
limi beau to the pojtoftlro tor bis mall , und
was loiuriilug noino , when ho mot his death.
Thu verdict of the Jury was tUiit Uo cuuiu to
liU death by fulllne off of u horse.
ixaiox , Neb , , Aug. 17 , fSpoclal Tel
to TUB Bttl-Autou Wcssull. a
farmer living about thirteen miles north of
thla city , met with n fatal accident onny this
morning. While drivlntr to Kt , Holnnn Ills
team becatuo unmanagnblo ana ran Into a
fence , causing Instant.death. His body was
found this mornlnc by farmers driving to this
city. Trtwo are the conclusions drawn by
the coroner.
Ills Trouble M Not Knilcd ,
Bp.\TnicR , Neb , , Aug. 17. [ Special Tolo-
grntn toTitR URR.J Joe Alton , tno colored
man who got Into Iron bio for running n
whisky and boor Joint at LtnJen Tree parit
during the races last week and who was released -
leased on a tochnlcalltv last ovonint ? , was rearrested -
arrested today at Cortland and brougbt back
hero on tbo sumo complaint sworn out by an
other witness , no was given n partial hearIng -
Ing this altornoon and a contlnuancn was
taken In the casa until Monday next. In the
mean while Joe will lie In the county Jail.
HnstliiRWill lln Itcprrspntcil.
Htsmns , Neb. , Aug. n. [ Spoclal Tele
gram to Tun Br.B.l A mooting of citizens
ot Hastings and Adams county was hold In
tlio council chamber last night to consider
.tlio advisability ot malting an exhibit upon
the advertising train No. 'J. It was do-
cldcd thiU ibo Queen city and fifth county
must bo represented and a committee was
appointed to rnlso sufllclont funds. The
progress made will bo reported on next
Monday night.
Olit HettliT * Will IMcnlc.
Ui.rssps , Nob. , Aug. 17. [ Special to Titu
IlKn. ] The old settlers of Butte , Saward ,
York and Polk counties will bold tuolr eighth
acnual picnic and rouulou In the grove of O.
W. Lord , In the southwest corner of Butte
county , August 24. The Fremont , KlKhnru
& Missouri Valley railroad runs past the
grove and have always made It one of their
stations on reunion dny a. Good musio and
goo\ > speakers will bo furnished. All are in
vited. _
.Sot Known to the Jury.
Gii\NlIsiVNiNoD. , Aug. 17. ( Special to
Tiu But : . ] The coroner's Jury hold
an Inquest , upon the boJy of Charles
Lystun , who died while being trout-
od In the bichloride of gold insti
tute of this city last night , and returned a
vent let to the affect that the deceased baa
como'tohis death from causes unKiiown 1
the Jury. _ .
I.OHt Itlsi runt While I'lourlng.
HAVTIXOS , Neb. , Aug. 17. [ Special to Tun
Br.3. ] Kearney Hart , a D-.voar-old boy liv
ing nine mllcssouthoastdf thucity , was plow
ing last night withngang plow , when in some
manner bo fell under tbo cutting disc , which
cut oft the lower part of his foot. An ampu
tation at the atiklo wus made by Coroner
_ _
1'ruf. HlgKHhy at Di-ll-dlt and Truf. I'ltz-
IHitrlok llollvor I.oiituroH.
Prof. Blgcaby ot Detroit lectured yester
day afternoon before tlio toauhers of Douglas
county. His subject was "Hugby and Ar
nold. " Ho said ho would take a hurried trip
to Kngland and invlto the teachers ot the in-
slituto to accompany him. The objective
point of tbo Journey was Winchester , "whnro
the soil Is rich in history. " A city of relics
all overgrown with Ivy.
"Hero wo lind cathedrals , " said Prof.
Biegsby , "that are , in the words of Uuskin ,
epic poems , ' in thu language of Longfellow ,
'dreams In stone , ' and when General Grant
saw the grandest structure \Yincacstor be
said , 'That Is frozen music. ' "
Prof. Blggsby dosnrlood the Interesting old
city in detail , dwelling particularly upon old
Huuby college. His description ot tbo little
lords during their first few days experience
In Hugby was particularly happy and captl-
vallug. ' He spoke of the Knglish Dago boy ,
"who seemed to have burst into an eruption
ot buttons from head to foot , " and made
some ludicrously sarcastic remarks about the
custom of keeping pngo boys. His picture of
the old Uugby garden and the schoolmaster's
house was graphic and elegant. Ono could
almost catch tlio odor of the roses anil sea
the ivy fairly smothered the house. 700
years old. Ho pictured the interior of ibo
master's house and sketched Ur. Somerville ,
the master.
Koforrinc to tbo practice of rich Ameri
cans sending their sons to Uugoy and other
English scDooU , Prof. Bigcsby said : ' -TUoso
rich Americans send their sons to these old
schools , not because they can secure bolter
educational advantages there , but because
they can say that their little nopefuls are at
school with my lords Topnoddy and Hlgli-
riaer and others of their class. "
Prof. Biggsby was nine years a { , Uugby
ami bo nppOiirs to know whereof he speaks.
Such a thing as appearing at recitation with
out having the lesson Is sure to bring asharp
rebuke and the student Is riven what is
Known as nu "imposition , " that is , ho has to
write ever many times the lines and words
ho failed to recite perfectly.
The teachers were completely convulsed
by tba recital of a scene at Ruggbv In
which Prof. Blggsby and tbo late General
Gordon ot the English army played loading
parts. They bad boon shut up In an old
library room as a punishment. Other boys
bud been coming to the koybolo and calling
all sorts of taunting things ut the prisouors.
Finally young Gordon got bold of a syringe
and waited patiently to nil the next eye or
oa'r with Ink that came up to the keyhole.
Presently tbero came a stop ncrocs the
hall and thoa an car was pressed
tc the koyholo. In an Instantyoung Gordon
thrust the syringe into tbo koybolo and lot
drlvo with all bis might. There was a great
shriek on the outside und the little prisotiori
fairly howled with delight. But their Joy
wus short lived. Presently n key was thrust
into the door and an instunt later In stopped
tba bead master , his baud and tbo collar of
bis shirt completely covered with Ink. The
young prisoners wcra soundly thrashed for
ihclr work with the syringe.
In closing Prof. Biggsby contrasted the
Ufa und work of Thomas Arnold ,
while headmaster at Hugby , with the
character and work of thosu who
preceded him. Arnold broke up tbo
old cast Iron rules und tbo Inhuman treat
ment ot the boys and cndcarod himself to
tbo hearts of the whole school , excepting the
other musters , who wore Jealous of his
popularity. Prof. Blggsby eulogized Mr.
Arnold In eloquent terms.
Superintendent Fltzpatrlck nddroscd the
eachers during the lorcuoon. His address
was upon the hundred and ono small things
thalbecumo a part of Unsuccessful teachers'
experience. The touchers were very highly
leased with the thoughts suggcstua by Mr.
E 'itzputnck.
Real Ealato Speculators Pound Mr. Pierce
a Handy Mnn to Enow.
As the MiirtRUReft Hoenme Una Mr , I'lorco
Found It Ncuc * nry to On South
for III * fulling Health Other
Court Kvonti.
Suit was brought In the district court yesterday -
day , by which J. P. Thompson and II. W.
Koss , executors of thoostatoof Uoubcn Uoss ,
docoaaod , sued to foracloio mortgaROs executed -
cutod by W. E. B. Plcrco ou property In
Moyno plaoo and aggregating f37,900.
The mortgages baardato Oetobsr 2.2 , 1893.
They are In favor of the Byron Uoed com
pany assigned without recourse and the
notes are endorsed by E. Uerioa , who Is
tnadb A party to the suit In ease there should
be a deficiency judgment after the sale under
foreclosure Is made ,
In this parllculnr Instance there are eight
mortgages , all duo and payable on the saino
There Is nothing to show that In thli
case the transaction was not straight.
thoiiRh It brines to llcht the fact
that \V. E. B. Plorco , while ho resided In
Omaha , stood as a straw man for parlies who
had worthless property which they wore
anxious to workott upon unsuspecting spocti-
I'lcrco came from Plorro , S. D. , some flvo
years ugo , making the trip on a llatnuat.
For some months after his arrival , with his
family , ho lived In a gnrrot near Twentieth
and Urnco streets , whcra frequently ho did
not even have bread to oat. Later on in his
career ho moved into bettor quarters and
put In some of his time at the
curnontor's trade. But last fall bo again
took to the river and started forNowOrloans
on a llatboat.
Regarding 1'lorco's standing as a straw
man for * real estate dealers , the facU
and the plans by which bo
operated wore those. For Instance Jobti
Smith owned n lot in some outlying addition.
It was poor property and In the market
would not , sell for moro than $500. Smith
would see Pierce and the next thing that
huuponod thcro would bo n deed recorded
showlnc that Plerco had bought
the lot for $ J,000 paid half
cash and had given a mortgage for $1,500 ,
Uuo in Hvo \ cars. Plcrco would got all the
way from $ lu to $33 , wbilo Smith would sell
his notes and mortgage at n slight discount ,
receiving In ninny cases from two to three
times na much as tbo lots which wera
covered by the mortgatro worn worth.
Not having any property of his own Plorco
had no hcsiluncy In executing the mortgages
and the notes for such amounts as his prin
cipals saw lit to ask. Not only dirt he act
in this capacity for one , but
there nro today in Omaha a dozen
or moro real oslnlo ngonts who used W. E.
B. Pierce for a straw man. In this capacity
ho continued to labor until about the time
some of the notes were due , and thonhe
quietly slid down the rlvor.
And now Thomas Murray has brought suit
against the Crauo Bros. Manufacturing
company and in bis petition ho avers that
ho Is entitled to recover 51,3(17.53 ( , with in
terest since 1.8S8. During that year ho al
leges that ho was constructing a hotel in the
city of Omaha , and that no purchased
plumbing and other material from the de
fendants amounting to K,493.0S. This sum
ho paid and now ho has learned that the
$1,807.53 was an overcharge which ho should
not have paid.
Thomas Broun tin has sued Thomas Murray.
Ho alleges that tbo sum of $ C > G8.54 remains
due upon a promissory note executed four
years ago.
Timothy J. Phelps asks to bo divorced
from his wife , Margaret. Ho allcgns that
Margaret , without Just cause or provocation ,
lias loft his boil and board.
Ulara Williams proposes to convince the
court that stio has boon cheated and De
frauded by Fred King and Joseph 1' . " Mail-
ondcr. To prcvo this she has illod her
petition which states that on February 1 ,
1S1U , she was the owner of a lot in faouth
Omaha. About that tlmo , she avers that the
defendants conspired to defraud hor. They
roprpscutod that Kln was the owner In foe
simple of ( JIO acres of land In Presidio
county , Texas , which bo would trudo for
the South Omaha lot. Buliovinc thcso rep
resentations she made the trade , to learn
later that ho never owned any land in Texas.
Now she Icels tbatsho should recover $ l'J80 ,
which she alleges Is the value of tlio prop
erty she tracleu a way.
Once Wealthy Ancunt Itunron Mow nil In
mate of the I'oorhouse.
The doorj of the county poor farm yesterday
closed oehind August Boazon. Bcroft of for
tune and shattered in mind ho became a
charge at that institution.
A few years ago Benzon was one of the
wealthy citizens of the oily , owning lauds ,
lots and Humorous lonomont houses. Family
difficulties led him to strong'drink , which in
turn led him to the poornouso.
Mnrrkagn i.icen 0 * .
Tbo following uiarriaeo llconsoj were Is
sued by Judge Ellor yesterday :
Nameund address. ARO.
I C. M , A. ICriiKO , Douglas county 32
1 Ciulierlnu li. GiHtburti , Millanl
I James A. Hell , l < rctnont sg
1 Mury K. Hays , Norton , hu , ! M
I Fi.inU Sullivan , Oiiinnu . , LT
I I't-'nor.i ( ilnsco , Oinaliu IS
j Antono ICnslal Smith Omaha US
I Ilarbiira Voulovu , boulhOmulm M
I AndruwI , Hulling , South Oinnlia " 4
1 Alma liOiiKslroin , oulh Unillliu -T
A Dogirubln Ciiiiililiiiitlon for u Trip to
\Vuitlilnitoii ,
For the trip to llio G. A. R. Nntionnt
Encnmiinoiit nt Washington in September -
bor iv direct route , rapid and comfortable
transit mid low rules will bo jirlino
irmttorB for contidurution. The i'eiui-
sylvunirl Lines ofTor this dostrnblo com
bination. The connecting link between
Chicago n nil the Nuliomil Capital. Side
trip to historic Gettysburg if desired.
Address Goo. JonkliiH , Traveling1
Agoiit , Dubuque , In.
Indigestion , Dyspepsia
Symptoms. Distress or oppression after eating , acid erup
tions , belching up of gns or acid , loss of appetite and
strength , nausea , headache , palpitation , sallow complexion ,
depressed spirits , hideous dreams , and n multitude of other
miseries too \vell known to the average American.
To. us science has never given a remedy for this
distressing disorder , but Nature has given to the
untutored Indian a never-failing remedy. It is un
deniable that Nature provides for every want of man
and beast ; and , through the noble Kickapoo tribe of
Indians , she has given us a vegetable compound of
herbs , roots , barks , and flowers , called
Kickapoo Indian Sagwa
which is unfailing in its cure of
all digestive and blood disor
ders. Indigestion and Dyspep
sia are frequently caused by
impure blood. Sagwa is Na
ture's own blood purifier and
regulator of the human system.
" Deputy Sktrlff OROWA Y ,
cf fpplnj. N. It. , myii "I liana uied your Sagwa for
lang-atanjlnj Outptpilu ultli unqualiJuJ lucctn. I
uouldnatbuiltltoutlt. "
tl.OOalioltle. All druRgliti.
Kickapoo Indian Oil PRINCESS KICKAPOO ,
kilU ] > .iin iiikUntly , and cure * Inflam " Pure Blood , Perfect Health. '
matory diMM e < . Jj ccnu.
> * * * * * * * * * * '
St. Helens ,
England , Is
the teat of
a great bus-
are P > ade there , They
nrci , specific for all
NcVvouw nnrt nil-
Ions ninordtm uUlne from \Vonk
Stomach , impaired Pipe itlonni -
nrilorcd Liver flrtd nit 1'ciimle
Of all druggists. Price 2R centra box.
New York Depot , > ? Canal St.
Weakness ,
Catarrh or
Rlicumatssra ,
Chronic ,
Nervous or
Diseases ,
Dr. Searles & Searies
Consultation Free.
Acknowledged to bo the moBtfluccosful npoclallnt la
III ! I'lllVATK. 111.0011 , NlllVUUB , SlUX ANI > UllIK-
( lOiiorrluunln from 3 to 0 rtujrs. Syphilis cured
without.Mercury. All stngcn for life.
bTIUCTlJUU iionunnentlr ouroil. removal coui-
lilcto , wltliulitcutlliiK. ciuttlo or itltiuullnn. 'uro
ntTL'clod nl houiu by pntlcut without a momont'd
| mln or utiMOyrUH'C.
I'lliKS. FBTUliA AND 11UCTAI , 111.011 US cured
wllliout pulii or detention from builiKMi.
11VDUUJK1.K AN'O VAUlCOCKliK pornmnentlr
und suci'essf ally cured Method now find unfalllntf.
( V1TAUTY WKAK ) , Miiiljsobr too closi appli
cation to business or tudr : RBforo mental strainer
or grief ; SKXUAIj KXCKSSlli In mlctdlo life , or
from tlio crtects of youthful tolllo * .
YOUNO niul Mmni.i : AUUDI Inck of vim , vigor ,
anil strength , wltli "OJtunl oritans Impnlrad and
wenkuneneil hrnmnturolr la nppro ichlnz old nuo.
All rlold rvadtlr to our now treatment for loss of
vltnl power. Cull on or n < lrtr.m wllh etamp for
clrcuinrs , free hook nnd rucclit .
Dr. Searles & Scirles , llA8litilI2t5ilIt.root' , !
Nox 1'ostOnice.
For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics ,
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns ,
Etc , A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adopted for Use in Hard Water
Out of " " " ] " ho
"Modjoslca , by"Saffon , by
Champlinlimnon. "SixfTord" la litter
brother to tlio largest dog ever raised
in America. Full pedigree of pups on
application. Address ,
Oil Soutli 12th Street , Omaha , Nob.
To the owners of all lots and parts of loti
and real estate alone the Sixteenth street vla-
duut and the approachon thereto.
Von are hereby notified that the under-
alKiiod , threellRlntorostod freeholders of tbo
olty of Omaha , have boon clulr appointed by
the mayor , with the approval of tuu olty coun
cil of said olty. to umoss the cf iiuiRo to the
owners respectively of the proj > rty aflToctod
by the construction and rccoimtruutlon of the
yixtountli street vladuut In the olty of Omuha
us declared necessary by ordluaiico No. 2077 ,
nnd aa proposed by plans duly approved by
tlio mayor und council of said olty.
You are further notified , that burins ac
cepted m.ld aiiDolntmoiit. und duly qualified
as i oil iu red by law wo. will , nil Monday , the
Kml dny of August , A' . f > . , 180'J , at the hour of u
o'clock In the lorenoont at the director * ! '
ronin of the Coiiiniqruuil National bank ,
within tliu corporate limits of mid olty. meet
for the purpose of cpnhlUorliig and iniikliii ;
the assessment of ilama o to tie | owners ro-
apeetlvely of s > ild propntly. iifTcctcd by suld
recunstriictlon of mild-vitudilct and its up-
proai'hei. t UliiK Into consideration special
bonoflts. If nny. HI
You are notlllod to bo present at tlio tlmo
and place afnroHuld mid inulto any objections
to orutatoiiii'iits concurnl'JK H.ilU iwjussinunt
of Uiiiiuixoi aa you mav consider proper.
Omalia , AuRUst 10. ItttJ.Jj AlldlOt
Niitlcu of A c ninenf of Diimugcii Tor
L'H < if" < ini.le.
To the ownorM of alltors and jmrlH , of lots
und rciil estate iilonnJI'lilrty-iilnlli street
from 1'owlur .ivenuo to Am us avenue ;
You are hereby notiH d tlmt the under-
Rtitntd , three dUlnton'Hted freeholders of tbo
city of Uuiiibu , huvo been duly appointed by
thu mayor , with the approval of the ulty coun
cil of said city , to nssoas tlni uitmnuo to the
ownnrii rnspectlvoly of the proiierty nlTeoted
by the clicuigu of urado of said Htroot , aoelnrud
nocvssnry by orclinnnoo No. 187. passed July
JBth. J 'r. ' ' . opuroveU July lth , 1 9J.
You iini fiiithor notlUiul tlmt liaviim ac
cepted a.ild iippolntinont and duly iiuallfled
ns re < iuired hy law wb will , on the lAltli day of
Auguit , A , 1 > . IB'/J , tit tlio hour of U o'clock In
the ufturnoon , at the olllco of It. W , Olbaon ,
JIU New York l.lfe building , within the cor
porate limits of mild city , meet for the pur-
pojo of consluorlnp nnu mukliiK tbu usooss-
inent of llu mime to the owner * rovpu tl voly of
s.tlil property nlTecled by said chaniio of
crude , takliii ; IntooonsluoriitIon upoclal bono-
Ills. It any.
You are notified to bo preient at the tlmo
and place ufonunld and uiako any objections
to or ntutuinonts conoornliiK sulu nascasiuout
of damages as you may consider proper
T. 11. McOUhLOOH ,
Omaha , NebH Aujust UtU , 1SW.
In the history of the clothing business will you be able to secure such
sincere bargains as you can obtainat the
Closing Out
of Hellman's Stock !
Every Suit in this stock goes at Just Half the Admin
istrator's Price.
$ 6.0O is what the administrator go for a nice suit , : : : : : We get only $ 3.00
$ 7.50 is what the * for a nice suitWe : : : : : get only $ 3.75
$ 9.5O is what the administrator got fora nice suit , : . : : : . We get only $ 4.75
$1O.OO is what the administrator got fora nice suit , : fWe : : : geF only $ 5.00
, $11.OO is what the administrator got for a nice suit , : : : : : : We get only $ 5.50
$12.OO is what the administrator got for a nice suit--/ ; ; We get only $ 6.00
$12.SO is what the administrator got for a nice suit ; ; ; ; ; ; We get only $ 6.25
$14.00 is what the adminstrator got for a nice suitWe ; ; ; ; ; ; get only $ 7.OO
$15 OO is what the administrator got for a nice suit ; ; ; ; ; ; We get only $ 7-50
$16.50 is what the administrator got for a nice suitWe ; ; ; ; ; ; get only $ 8.25
$18.00 is what the administrator got for a nice suitWe ; ; ; ; ; ; get only $ 9OO
$20.OO is what the administrator got for a nice suitWe ; ; ; ; ; ; get only JJJ1O.OO
$22.50 is what the administrator got for a nice suitWe ; ; ; ; ; _ get only $11.25
* o
Hellman's price was lots more than twice as much as we get for them ,
The sale lasts only a few weeks yet.
Columbia Clothing Co. ?
Corner IStli aiici
Successors to M. Hellman & Co.
An ordlnnnco ortlorlnn tlio jrmdlnz of tlio
nlloy between IJupont and Dastollnr street
from iflth street to the west llnoot Dupont
1'liice , und clIrootlnK the lo.ird ) of puollo
works to take the necessary steps to c.iuso
said work to lie ilono :
Ho It ordulnoil by tlio clcy council of the city
ofOmuiiu : , ,
Section I. Whereas , permanent f-radeshavo
boon pstafollslicd upon , and appraisers have
boon duly appointed by law. to appraise the
duniucoi paused by thu Kriulln ; . ' nf the alley
between Dupont and Onstollnr strcom from
Slltli street to the west line of Dupont 1'laeo
and have reported no damages to the city
council , which Una. fornm'ly ' adopted the
same : and , whereas , property owners , repro-
sontlne moro than tin eo-llf ths of tlio property
on Balil portions of the alloy above specified.
baVe petitioned the oily council to have said
alley graded to the prusont established prude.
without oharito to the city , and tlml the cost
bo in ail o payable In ten Installments ,
therefore , the alley between Dupont and Cna-
tollar streets from Mill street to the west line
of Dunont Pliice , be and hereby Is ordered
graded to thn present established Krudo.
bootlonS. That thoboird of publlo works bo
and hereby Is directed to tal > o llio nocossury
stops to causa said work to bo done.
iiootlonil. Tin * ordlnnnco shall tukoofToot
and bo in force from and uftor Its passage.
Olty ( JlorU.
Actlns 1'rcsldoiit City Council.
Approved AUBu.tlltQhfejMftBEMia
> > BEMia >
BEMiaMayor. .
An ordlnanco ordoritiK the Riatllnz of 4th
Htntut from Woolworth nvcnnu lo I'opploton
avenue , and dlructliiK the boirdof publlo
works to tuko the necessary steps to uanso
said work U > bo none.
Ho It ordained by the city council of the city
of Omaha :
Auction 1. Whereas , poriiianont Krados have
been established upon , und appraisers hnvo
been duly appointed by law , to appraise the
( liunu'-'fa caused b > the Rr.idlns of Jth Htroot
from Woolworth avenue to I'opu'uton avenue ,
und have reported no Uuimw * to the
city council , which has formally adopted the
Kunio ; und , Whurons , propuity ownois. rupro-
sentlii ! ; inoio than threo-IIfthsof the proper
ty abuttlnc on said portions of thu struct
alovosoi'lllucl.hivo ) | potlllonod the city conn-
to have said Htroot graded to the present
estahJIbhoil grade without charge to the city ,
a nil that the cost bo mudo payable in tea
emial Installments , thoroforc. 4lh htruotfrom
Woolworth avenue to I'oppleton avenue ,
bo and hereby Is ordered graded to the pres
ent ust-ibllshi'd pradc.
Huctlon- . That the board ! of public works
In hereby directed to take the nocossarv
steps tocausosald work to no done.
Hectlon It That thlsjmllnanco Hhnll ttiko
olTooCandboln force from und utter Us PASJ-
{ o
President Olty OounolL
i > HEMiSi
Mavor ,
An ordlnanco chunKln ? the curl ) lines of 2. > th
street from Decatur street to Dlondo street ,
hi the city of Otmiha , and roiealln | HO much
of all aruiniinct'sl'i conlllet herewith.
Ho It ordained by the city council of the city
of Omahu :
Section 1. That the curb lines of : : ith street
from Deoatur Htreet to ( Hondo street , bound
the sumo uro hnroby chunged to a uniform
width of 15 feet on each sldo of thu center line
of said street.
tioctlou - That an much of all ordinances in
conlllet with tbo movlsloim of thlsordlnunco ,
be , and the fame lire hereby repealed ,
Hectlon U. That this ordinance hlmll take
effect/ and bo In force from und uftor Its puss-
City Olork
ActlnK I'ruHldunlClty Council
Approved August lOU.l , . .
( .iiiMif. :
Mayor ,
Sealed proposals will lie received by the
undnralgnod until l'Vo'olookp : ) in , AutfustSUth
1KU. for curbing with white Colorado uuud-
stnne , red Colorado sandstone and lloroa
siinclstono , aoconling'tospcolflvatlo'isi
Juekson ktruot from -7tn street to Mth street
comprised In atr.oot Improvement dUtrlct No.
4l > 3.
3.Kuili bid to specify a prlco per lineal foot
for the curbing complete on the Btroou
Work to bo donu In uucordunno with plant
and soeollloutlonaon llio In the olllie nf the
Ixmrd of publlo works.
I'ropcixals to bo made on printed blanks
furnUhed by thu board , und these accom
panied with i certified uhuok In the mini of
& > 0o , payable to the city of Omuhu , us un ovl
dcnco of good fultli ,
Thu board reserves the rlitlit to rojoot any
or all bids und to wulvudofeetH.
Ohulrman Hoard of 1'ubllo Worki.
Omaha , August lltlu IBW. all
DK , . W. C. MAXW.EZ.I , , Prest.
Qraduato of llolloviio Hospital Medical College , Now York Olty. Class of 1874
16th and Howard Streets , - - Omaha , Nebraska.
Chronic , Private and Nervous Diseases ,
Slalo or female , by competent phynlolans who have made a special study of the aborj
class of dlsoasos , not only to treat , but guir.mfjo a euro iu all cainj undortikon.
THE SANITARIUM Is the most complete and tha best etjulii od Institution of Its Ultd
In the entire west. It contains fifty rooms for the accommodation of patients who may
require the constant attention of experienced physician's and nuraes ,
BOARDING-will bo furnished at reasonable rates. Wrlto for book on diieasas. mailed
free , to any address on application . Persons unable to visit us may bo troitod at homn
by correspondence. All communications strictly confidential. Ono personal later
view preferred , whenever convenient for patient.
WRITE FOB QUESTION BLANKS to state the history of your case. Mo-llclno sosuraly
packed and sent by mall or ozpress. Address ,
Dr. W. C. Maxwell. Preoldont. Omaha , Nebraska
AAY. AUG. 19 and 20.
Howrltten and rovNoJ for season of ' 0.03 ,
with Hiitnu Kroat eoinpany.
11 ox shoots opcnThumday at regular prices.
Commen ting Sunday , August 21.
Jacob I.lttand Tlioa. II. Dnrls'TrodlKlousaDd 1'ow-
orful rrotlustk'ii of William llnworlli'i Uruat
und ( Jlorlom Nautical 1'lay ,
With all Us Mighty , Musilvu. MnKnlllront nnd I'lo-
turc ( | uubconlo Kiulpnicnti ] , IniludliiK
"TliuNtupunilous Juublu.luok Hunio ou thu U. B.
1'rlKiitu. Hun Jnclnto.1
"A Vliiw nf Iliivoun Harbor hy > Ioonll l\t. "
"Tho I'nuldoiifB Library ut the Whlto lluiuo. "
' "Jho bpur Dock of tlio Krhiate , San Jiitlnto. "
Farnam St , Theatre
"One of tlie Bravest. "
Supported by the great and only
Itoullatlc riro Komioi , lx Arabian llormui , Tno
Jlrlgbt ( 'hlldruii , I'luuslnu Novultluj.
jr nitnniu f > ti | iiuiuuii.
Four Nlithts of bollil run. oouiinonolnz
Matlnoos Suncluy and Wnilniuauy.
Ensagomont of the Kroatust Comedy Novelty
produced In yearn.
With HKN IIKVniUOKri In the title role.
Hoar the SwedlHh Lady ( Juurtot from Stock
helm ,
I'ropusnl for the Halo of I.niul liy Itrnson of
thu ViiciUliiK of MUth Ht. , IliUwi'on John 1 ,
Kndluk' * Subdivision unit I'nrimni Htrniit.
Bcalod proposal ! ) will bo renolved at the city
comptroller's olllco , olty of Ouialin , to 4 p. in. ,
Annual Mth , 181) ) . ' , for the Halo of tlio following
parcel * ot land ! Two pieces of W by HI fout ,
between Kuril am and llurnoy streets ; and
onupleuoof i by 170 foot , uutwoun Harney
and Half Howard , lllds will bo rucolvod on
ouch or all pieces nu may bo deslrod. Kucii
bidder to onuloso certified uhuck of K'jn. Tlio
rlKbtlx reserved to rejecter accept any or all
bid * . 1'litt aud description of the laiiil on Ulo
lutlilaollloo. THKO. OLHKN ,
< a7UCt Oomptroller.
Thoonljr lajillr ( irtlimtjl Clilnon iilirilol i
itlRht jruarV 5tiiJr Ton practical oxi > 8r' .
cncewHh nil known clljonoa. Treats suoojsifullf
ullchronlocajosKlrun up l > f otliifr doctors Call
anil sen him or wrlto for quoitlon hlank. no not
llilnkjourcaiuhopjlaii tisoiuicj jrour cloctortolH
yon no , buttrr tlio Chllm o doctor wltli till now aut
wonilorlul roiuodlui , niutr.ioelvu nuir lioaeDts anil a
pcrnmnuntctiro wlititetliur ilnctori oinnot ulru.
llerbi. Uootn and I'lnntb-niitiiro's ramcdlus-bU
medicines. The world lilt wlttion. Unu tUouinn : !
leBltmonlnls III thriiu yo\rt' pr.ictlco. No Injiirloui
( lecoctlom , no nurcotloj , no polioa. lUtlonit
troatmunt un < l permanent euro.
Following caios imccoanfullr treated and curd
KlTt'n up by nthor doctorJt
Tlioj. CxiUKlilIn , 4IIJ Ilarnof ntroot'chronic rlieu-
inntlmu 8 jonrii. kldno/nnil llrur troub | .
Thoa , Culvurl , 13th nnd l' ' rinni htrooli. KonnrM
ilubllltr. IndlKosttiin , lm < of utruiuth Dl vltalltf.
Took lacillclno fur yuars but not no rolliif ,
M. It. Anrtorion , 11J1 Cum leu itroaU oUirra ,
nHthma and broachltU of tltluon
Has for unlo tlio foliowlnii propiroil romadlat nl
fI.U ) a liottlo. sir liottlos for JMJU , for tbo auro of
Asthma , ( 'utsrrli , Hick lloailicho , Imlhiuittoi ,
lllooil I'oUonliiK , Itliuiimntlini , KuaiiloVuiknoii ,
KMnoy nnd I.lvor Coinplnliit. No nconU. Hold
only by Cblnusu Mmtlclnu Co , Capital , lllO ) ) .
Office , IGlh aod Califoraii Sis. , Omaha , No
Save Your Eyesight
yes toatod free bynn HXl'E'lT OPTICIAN
1'erfuct adjustment. Kuperlor lonsoi. Norv-
oiiBlioadacho uurod by lulu ; ; our Huoutaolei
and Kyoi'laHioi 1'rluoi low for IIrat ulun
114 8. lCthSt.Oroi'htoa Block.
'RP \ A H"S VAB U'LE'B "ijvulatj I
Uttt htniii&cjjfijvur KUU uuwilM , purl * ?
fytlio blood , /uitao uml tavcluuli !
lUivUua HH Jklnskiio > utur l.lllou- !
nuwi. cooftlpatluii , dy it prla. foulZ
' ; r lli , bcmUctr , liuu Ilium , low of I
SPlirUt * * , lutMiUl nuf lei-ni ju. fialuful t
, ullow
: 1,3 pure Woe 1.0" c failure l < y fUo ttoiiuu"lijltcr OrTu
Uwlluf * to ! * ! form tbclr proper fun-t loin
A.uint > v. I'j1r br mall. 1 uruta. tiiitnupTu.TlTi. \ . * ? " " '
IIII'AI S CIIKMfUAL , OO.Tltlfpruoubt , Nuw Vork.