Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 18, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Delivered by cm rler to nny pnrt of the city'
V Y. i'lumblnp Co.
* . Council muffs Lumber Co. .
Urcenshtcld , NlchoUon ft Co. , 021 Broad-
way. real eUntu ntid rontnl npoius. largest
list of. property of any denier * In the city.
Ucitular mooting of Council Hluffs Ledge
ot Perfection. Ancient and Accepted h-cot-
Huh Hltc , nt their hull Fridny evening. Uy
oitlcr of T. P. O.M.
Hnwony clmptor No. ! ! 5. Order Enitern
Blur , will moot In roRUlnr session this oven.
IliaMotnb'jri nnd visiting members In-
vltrd. By order of W. M.
Thomns KIMiton complained nt tlio pollco
station ycstcrdny tlmt n boy nnmcd Crlppln.
vvlio Is visiting nt hlB house , \vns severely
lilltcn by ndoc belonging to W. H. Lopwn.
1 , Herbert Yountr , the switehmnn who nndo
on Indecent nssnult on n lady nt Mnnnwn
lot Sunday ovonlnir , pleaded B""l.V to tlio
cluiiTo of nssnult ntid was lined * J3 and costs
by Mnjor Heed.
Thn Misses Jo'Rlo nnd Almn Pontius oij-
tcrlnincd n numbrr of tlicir voimit frlonds
025 Im
yrstei-dtw altcrnoon nt their home ,
tivonuo. ' Thov wore assisted in ontcrtnlnlnK
by the Misses Portia Cnrnca nnd Clurabell
A picnlo will bo hold tomorrow In Full--
mount park bv the Woodmen of the World
of this city and Oiimhn. In honor of the an-
jilveraury of the founding of the order. A
biisltot dinner will bo served , ana n general
good time will bo the order of the day.
Tlio Lndlos Aid society of St. John's Eng
lish Lutheran church meets this nttornoon
nt'i.hc residence of Mrs. N. J. SIVIUIBOII , fill )
Franklin nvcnuo , nna tlio Utlla Ditlul society
of the same church moots this evening at the
residence of Mr. Tovnlt Soffert , : jj(5 ( Eleventh
Tomorrow will ho the last dny on which
petitions can bo fllod for trial nt the August
term of district oourt. The pnpors have been
uomltiR Into the clerk's ofllco rapidly for the
last few days , nnd tno prospect is that it will
bo n lively term of court. The term optms
on the ! ! 0th.
A suit wns commenced In the district
court vesterdny by Chnrlos U. Hannan , ns
L-jr- receiver of tho" Klthball , Clmmp InvcsMneul
company , to recover from tloorRo E..Ongo ,
the roprosontntlvo of the eastern stock
holders in the company. $ $ , 'J ( > 0 worth of
securities which it Is nllegctl he has misap
A vounir tnhn named FraRor , who worlcs In
MltiiilBhl'H saloon near the corner of Urond-
way and Ilryanl street , slipped and fell
yesterday afternoon while trylne to board a
niovlnn motor nt. the corncrof IJroadwny and
Sixth strco ; . Ho struck his head violently
upon the pavement nnd the sharp stouo cut
n deep pash. lie was picked up uud carried
into the Ooern liouso saloon , where ho soon
rn-overo d.
.Tames Tracy was to huvo had n prelimin
ary examination yesterday inornmc In police
court , on the charge- assault with Intent to
com mil murder , but Allnnlo Dixon , the
vomnn ho stubbed , was unable to bo present
nnd her phvstcinn stntcd that she could not
nptienr nfjalnst him for several dnys at least.
The c.iso wns accordlncly continued In
definitely , nnd Tracy wns tikon to the county
Jail in the meantime. J. E. Mnlono , who
was hold as n witness over since the nicht
when the affray toolt placo. was discharged.
1' ! tit.Kin.iriin.
P. n. Olson of Avoea wns in the city yes
Dr. P. T. Soybcrt will leave tonlpht for
Miss Jctinlo Gultlar is visiting friends n
MUsourl Valley.
J. W. Tomploton returned yesterday from
n visit with menus In Glen wood.
Mr. nndi Mrs. Vic JennltiRs nnd Mr. nnd
Mrs , O. W. Ltpo have returned from Den
ver.Miss Eva Ninon has returned from a visit
Tvltb friends in Davenport , MaquoUcta nnd
other Iowa points.
H. E. Grimm. Thomas Bowman und Irn F.
Hendricks loft last occnitiR for Davenport to
attend the democratic convention.
Mrs. E. A. lltdor nnd Miss Dora left on
the Uock Island yesterday morning to visit
relatives nnd friends in the east.
John" Glttlnps , who was injured whlln
working on the motor bridge a couple of
vecks ago. is reported to bo Improving rap-
Mr. nnd Mrs. H. J. Mo.vor left yestenlny
nftcrnoon for DufTato , N. V. , in response ) to
n toleprum nnnouRcliiK the suvoro illness of
their father , J.V. . A. Moyur.
It. V. Innes hus bei-n nppointod deputy
city clerk , nnd will huva the duties of the
superior court In addition to those he now
performs as clerk of special assessment * ,
llo will taltu his now place on the lii-st of
next month.
W. C. Shoemaker , ropresontlne the Balti
more & Ohio of C'hleiiKo , S. P. Jones the Chi-
ca oA ; Northwestern of ( Jhlcaeo nnd Charles
Kennedy the Hock Island of Omnhn , worn in
the city yesterday making urratiRemi'iits for
the trailiportntlon of the delegatcn to the
national ( irand Army oncitinpniont txt
ItiRton next month.
Judson , civil cnyincor , . ' ! 2S Rroadway.
Summer suits for contloinon ; cool ,
cotnl'orttiblo nnil choap. Helter , the
tailor , U1U Broadwny.
I'1 ro In ii l.niindry.
Yesterday morning nt nbout 1 o'clock an
nlarm of llro wits sent In nt the engine house
on Nortli Main street. A blnzo had started
In the roar of the City Steam laundry , owned
by BiQ'llor ft Blcdlcr , and was threatening
to demolish not only the launary but n num
ber of houses on cither side. The lire wns
burning briskly when the men arrived , but
niter some hard and effective work the
Humes were extinguished. The entire roar
p.irt of the laundry bulldlnc was destroyed ,
together with the machinery It contained ,
nnd the dumago is estimated nt fiJOU. Nona
of the goods In the establishment were in
jured. It Is covered by ? 1,000 insurance.
U'ho houses of Justice C. A , Hummer und
Dr. J. U , Cleaver , which stand next door to
thu laundry , were badly scorched , but the
lire was prevented from talcing them away.
Best linlr mattresses inntlo to order ,
nnd old ones runovntud nt Council Ltlulls
Cut-pat Blnro.
li"Uooplo | in thin city 1193 gvs stoves
Iho ( jasCo. | > uts 'inn in ut oojt.
I.iurn un Arm ,
L. D. Howard , a well Known roslJen' of
lliincock , I'oltnwaltamlo county , hut jcn
lutTciIng for 80 , o time past with n cancer
on his loft wrist. Ho was brought to the
Woman's Christian association hoipltnl unu
Dr. Mncrao , after oxamlnliiL' the moinuer ,
'Qrcldid that tlin only way ol Ravlng his lifo
Mits by amputating' the arm between the
wrist and the elbow. The operation was
performed Tuesday und yesterday Mr.
bt-wurd staled that bo blept two hours uur-
Ini ; the niviit , a thing ho has not been able to
do.lief . on ) for many months. Tbo physician
itnioR that there now seems to bo consider-
Ma chance for his rouavsry.
Pull Htoolc of curiH < U iirriyl'ip ' dully
bold nt tlio lowoHt prlccri. Council
Llu > TH Cut-put L'oiiipiiny.
Sniiiiiil Will Opun.
Cirou ars have been HOUI out by Supnrln-
tcndi nl itothert of the lowu sihool for thu
dent nnno inclne that the npxt term of school
will open on Wcd'nekday , September 14 , and
tbutt-laitct u 111 uu formed on that day as
ut-unl. 'J lie oupilh ant expeeled to arrive on
tlm diiy bi-foiQ , Tto burnlngof the laundry ,
cnulnecr'a shop , mucliliii'iy hnll onrt cold
nioru.Mi bulldl a , It IB nniiuunivd , ulll make
nu dulay In tbn opening , and the auuiuco will
nil be repaired l < oforo the Uth.
There can bo nothing more tempting or ilc-
HO'OUH ' to servo your iue&ti with tbuu CuoU's
Extra Dry Uuumpaguu.
Gcorjo Davis , drugs ana paiuts.
Daputy Marshal Bejmi Allows a Prisoner
to Escapo.
Arrested for Violating tlio Itevrnno l.nw , O.
'A. I'rmton Takes Ailviinlixfo of tlib Olll-
ccr'HiConlldliitr Niituro anil isvapM :
I ricliuol ICfi
O. A. Preston , ft man from Ilnrlnn , In. ,
who has boon In the business for some time
past of soiling Intoxicating liquors without
a government stamp , is missing , and there Is
n largo Aap at the government building lu
the place where ho should bo. Deputy Mar
shal Hecms of Dos Molncs arrested dim ut
Ilnrlnn nnd brought him to the city Monday
night for a preliminary hearing before Cleric
Stcadtt.un of the United States court. The
two men took supper together nt the .
house , nnd after supper Preston begged the
marshal to lot him go away a few minutes
according to ono story to buy n hat , accord-
inc to another to got u drlnlc. Atoll events
ho left his keeper for a few miiutos , nml
rlthur the ono drink lengthened out into n
prolonged debauch , or Preston had con
siderable trouble In Uniting u hat that would
suit htm. for Ue hasn't been seen bjt once
lmo. : That vena yesterday morning , when
he nppeai-cd nt the fi-ono door of n saloon on
Broadway for n few seconds and then disap
peared , without going to the covornmont
building or the hotel lo llnd out whether
Deems had lolt any word for him. Deems
has gene back to Dos Molncs , nnd soinu of
the pollco have been looking In vain for
Ptoston over slnco his disappearance. If he
had stayed and gone through his trial , he
would prohnbly have received n light sen
tence. Hut when ho Is recaptured , as ho Is
sure to br > , the probabilities nro that ho will
bo Riven the limit of punishment sot down in
tlio code for otTouccs ot this class.
N STOUi : ,
Council llluIVs , In.
Just botwcon soitsons , but wo have n
number of suinnior n ° PJs th'U ' wo must
ulonr , with t-our uiil , and the prices cut
lo itiiiiiru speedy sales , think wo will bo
bo uhlo to clear thorn till out in the next
week or two in order to iniiko room for
our immense stock of full goods that is
( in-lying dully.
"Cosmos , " a , nice light summer goods ,
while it lasts for 0c.
Bongul tissue , ono of tlio lightest
weight goods on the market , in dark
colors only , Sic a yard.
Shontong pongnos , Chilian cloths ,
Tallotu cords , cropons , pineapple tis
sues , nil in at Sic a yard.
Bedford cords in iv nice range of pat
terns and colored figures , with plain
grounds , for f-'io a yard.
12Jc seersucker stripes for 8ic or 12
yards for $1.00.
Best light calicoes , 60. a yard.
An immense line of dark and medium
colored challics for Je while they last.
Half wool challies , 12er }
All wool challies in light and dark
colors for 3c. ! )
Extra quality fast black sateens , 12ic ,
loc , 1'Jc and 2oc.
100 Uo/.on cliildren's ribbed vests , I0e
each or I ! for 2oc.
leO dozen ladies' shaped vests , 12ic
200 doxon ladies' extra quality fast
black hose , lOc and 12Jc.
Ask to see our ladies' 25e fust black
hosiery , the finest in tlio latid.
In children's fast black wo show nl-
mo ! t everything from the cheapest to
the finest.
In gents' neckties wo show the best
quarter necktie in the west.
Gents' suspenders at lOc , 23c. 33o and
50c.Vo show an immense line , the
best value over otTerod.
In outing llannol shirts nt lOc , 25c and
33c wo show great valuo.
Council Bluffs , la.
ri\\Tiio-.l IlU l\-l onus * Valuable * .
A young man nanu'd Ashby F. Neal , ' well
known in Council Bluffs social circloj , hai
caused u number of bis youn ? lady friends
some trouble by his novel way of troatlnc
their articles of Jewelry nnd other vnluaolcs
that they loaned hlr.i. llu loft for Denver
several weeks ago and is now clerking in a
hat store there. Ueforo ho loft , howovor. It
Is alleged that ho pawned : i & ! gold bracelet
belonging to a young lady who lives on
Slutsman strcLt and pocketed the proceeds.
A watch and olrilu which another young
lady had given him to tnlto to the jowuiry
store to bo mended was treated in the same
way. A friend of his put up the pneo of the
watch nnd chain in order to avoid n scandal.
Tim bracelet rasotiis reported to the police
end has been found. Some trouble Is prom
ised the yoiuiL' man tiv the parties in whoso
possession tbo bracelet now is unless ho
maucs the mutter right.
Saved Ills Clilhl'H l.lfo.
A. N. DilferbouKb , York , Nob. , says :
"Tho ether day I came homo and found my
littla Ooy down with cholera morbus , my
wife scared , not knowing what to do. I went
straight way and got n ' . . ' .Veuut bottle of
Chamberlain's Colic , Cholera and Lftarrhtcii
Remedy mid gave it according lo directions.
You never saw BiicU a change in a child.
His limbs and body wora cold. 1 rubbed his
limbs and body with my hands , and after I
had uivon him the second dose ha went to
and wife 'from u deathbed
sleep , , ns my says ,
bed ho was up playing in thrca hours.1 U
saved mo a doctor bill of about $3 , and what
Is butter , It saved my child. I can reccm-
tiiiind It with u clcnr'consciencc. "
Trains leave Manawa dailv al 8 a ndlO
n. m. , 12m. , and 1 , U , 2:30 : , 3,3:30,4 : ,
1:30 : , 5 , 0:30 : , 0 , 0:30. : 7 , 7:30 : , 8 , 8:30 : , 0 ,
9:30 : , 10 , 100 : ! , 11 and 11 : p. m. The
11:55 : train will make connection with
the last electric motor cur for Omaha.
Oriililictl tin ) \VutcH.
Edward Hodi > n , a young farmer living
cast of the city , is m trouul'j booauso ho
tried to makn a trade uucorJlng to rules
which are not laid down in the books. Ho
wanted some money , and Ben Uobinsou ,
another farmer , offered to loan him { 5 on a
watch lloden had , 'I ho latter agreed to the
terms , but an BOOH as ho got hold of the
money , and before ho had let go of the
watuh , ho made u wild break lor * omo ether
pluco. Ho did not show up for nearly u
week , but ho was arrested yesterday after
noon on lower Main street and charged with
larceny froui.tho iiurson. He gnvu bonds for
his appearance this moniln ; ' , when ho will
have an examination.
A Itullnblo .Mini.
M. J. Orlnor , n justice of the pcuco nt
Print , Mloh. , says ono bottle ot Chamber-
lam's Colic , ( Iholcru and Diarrhcui Homedy
unveil hii life. Ho had been down with
bloody llux for three weeks when he com
menced using this medlclno. It boon cured
him nnd ho bcllovos saved bis life. Ho also
says It saved tlio lives of ttireo railroad men
In that vjcnilty. 'Squire Udiur Is u rcllablo
and conscientious muii , and whatever ho
cuu bo dopcndeil upon.
Iliul l"orlviiH' * fur III * WlTa Only.
Ira Jones , who llvoi at Koala , tiled un In.
formation several days ngo In Justice Ham
mer's court , charging another Njola man ,
Frank Cooocr by uanio. with committing
adultery with tils Iff , Mrs , A , JJ. Jones.
Cooper was arrested uud brought Into court
ycsunlny iiiornlnt' . Ho "gavo bonds and
wud rtloasud , to appear a wcou from uuxt
baturuay. Mr. unu Mrs. Jone were ooth In
court \/heii Cooper came In. ' Jones atutcd
that his wlfo had mailo u confession and that
ho luij fnrgivun her , but hisforgiveness did
not lucludo Coo per by any tiioaua.
Olil Ki'ttliTJ * Uoiiiilnn.
Tbo annual reunion of the old settlers of
southwestern Iowa will be hold next
, Wcdneiday at Tttbor. Among the features
ot thotlnv's celebration will bo speeches by
Hev. William llroous of Tabor , G.V. . Por-
klr.s , Jndgo W. I. Siclth nnd others. Tbo
old settlers ot Pottnwaltamlo , Mills nnd Fre
mont counties will participate In the cele
bration , A basket dinner will bo served In
the park , n gnmo of ball will bo plnvcd bfl-
tw eon the "Ornys'"of Springfield , Nob. , nntl
the Southwestern Iowa club. A concert will
bo given In the evening ,
Flno upholsto'lne at the lowest prices
U Council BlulTt Carpet company's.
Disease never .successfully attack * the sy
cm with pure blood. Do Wilt's Sarsnparllln
makes pure , now blooil anJ onrtcbc < i blooi
.Mcotlne of tlio llo.trtl of Kitnrntloii In
hpeclnl Session ,
The DoarJ of Hducntlon hold an adjournnd
mooting last evening and rondo an
unsuccessful effort to purchase a number of
desks for the Brown park , Third word nnd
Albright schools. Two nionts for school
furniture houses xvoro present , ono from Bat
tle Creek , Mich. , nnd ono from Hlunchostor ,
U. , and nlthough they both h d in bids
nation wns deferred and the committee on
supplies Instructed to purchase the desks
wherever thov could secure them nt the most
reasonable llguro. The bids of both agents
were rejected , because they appeared too
ingh , nnd the members ol the board thought
there was an understanding between tbo
ngonts nnd competition was thereby pre
vented. "
A blackboard wns ordered placed In the
now schoolroom nt Tiventv-fourth nnd I
Htreots. This building his boon leased lor
scnool purposes for ten months , the Increased
nitomlnnco demanding additional room.
The proper committee wnt instructed to
Investigate the advisability of putting lu n
water main to the Drown park school. If
this bo done It will require the Inyiug of
three blocks of pipe , that being the tiunrost
connection to the water mains of h i water
works company. Water was ordoroJ placed
In the Fourth ward school building.
A communication from County Superin
tendent Hill stated that Ihcio is duo South
Omaha from the school appropriation ? ' - ! , -
1M11.13 , nod ulso $310.63 from special tuxes.
The secretary was Instructed to draw upon
the county treasurer for the amount.
A committee , consisting of ISulla , Jones
and Pearl , was appointed lo watt upon
County Attorney Mnhoney relative to the
levy for school purpoios.
The board adjourned until Friday evening ,
August 20.
Vusterdiiy'H Auction Rale.
Yostordiiv's auction sale at the stock mar
ket nt the Union Stock Vurds attracted a
largo number of local and eastern but ors ,
the largo pavllllon being filled during the
progressof the sale. All good hor.sos sold at
satisfactory prices , but some of tbo offerings
were very poor and made trade somewhat
dull. About sixty horses were In nil sold.
Good drafters , drivers nnd chunks were
freely taken by the eastern buyers , and the
local purchasers also purchased some of the
best animals. Tbo borso market continues
to grow and is one of the best In the country.
S.iloon Men Will Organize.
A meeting ot saloon men was called for
yesterday afternoon ut 3 o'clock at Durxo's
hand ball court on Q street , but in only n
very few put In un nppaarancj the mooting
was not hold. The saloon men nro desirous
of orcunlzing for bettor self-protection. Thov
state that they nro c.irapollod to pay moro lor
beer than any city In the country , and also
that they are charged oxhorbltunt prices for
Ice. They hope ny organization to secure
bettor prices on everything thov purchase.
A meeting will bj hold in a few days and an
organization perfected.
\VI1I Co to Kiinxns City.
All arraneements have boon perfected for
the nttondauco of Lily division , Wo. 8 , nt the
ICnighls of Pythias encampment at Kansas
City. The division will so with thirty-five
men and leaves Suriduv evening ut U o'clock
over Burlington in two special coaches.
The boys have been doing H great deal of
hard work for many weeks past nnd will un
doubtedly home some of the numerous
Kicked liy u * > tucr.
Herman Oswald , traveling representative
for Clay , Robinson & Co. , returned yoster
clay from Wyoming and U under the euro of
n surgeon. Mr. Oswald was assisting In
loading onto cars n numucr of cattle , when
one of them kicked him in the face. His
chin was badly out ana several tooth were
knocked out.
Notes mill l'o-1onll .
Uov. W. P. Murray of HOT Is In the city.
Mrs. M. bchlegel of PUttsmoutb. is visit
ing her smi , Alex Schlegol.
Tbo inspector of buildings yesterday Is
sued six permits , aggregating a total of
Dr. T. H. Ensor returned yesterday from
Pi-orni , III. , where ho bus bcou for some
time on business.
A. Binckstone and daughter of Craig nnd
Miss Hultio Blackstonn of Kansas are visit
ing with Mr. and Mrs. J. l < \ Cornish
A man walked un in fro'it of Diamond's
clottilng etorj on N street ynsterday after
noon and picked up u pair of'shoes and a cap
and darted down the alloy. Pursuit was
given and the thief , being hardly pressed by
tno pursuers , dropped the can , but made his
escape with the shoos. '
Mrs. Winslow's soothing syrup for chil
dren IC'jlhlni : relieves the child from pain.
2. ) cents a bottle.
Is It worth locUng at all t
Then lock it with a "Yale" .
Thete arc a hundred imita
tions. The word "Yale11 ,
or this mark ( ygjj ) tells
the genuine. * * - *
Ilscasy nhcn j Ml know.
Anew nil Co m pi en o Trent nont , consisting ot
Supnoiltorlai. OliUnijiit In i.i | > iuloi , ul o lu llo
uiul I'lIU ; n I'uiltlvo Cure tar Kilpriul. IrHornil
bllndor Ulooilliiif Itoliliu. illtrunlc , llecomor lluro II-
tarr I'lloj. T.ils lluiiioty lut nuver IK-OII known to
fall , ( I per box M fuMii utu'jr m ill , Wlijriullorfrora
tills tvrrltilu illioita w'ui vulttji iu ir.i'itaj In
I'osltlvoly ul on with U DJVOI orrofcin I Uiomonay If
noiuuri'ilhoii 1 Htauip for froa tJiunplo. ( iuuriuitoa
Usuoil by Kulm , vc'u. , Dnw MtJ. tfuli * Auont3 , corner
litl' uncl Duuttiai ilroeu. Oiu.iln , Null.
Ot Ciiuncll Illutr * .
Capital stock $150,010
Surplus iiti.l IVnllt ; Sl,000 )
Noti-npltal nd Kiirpli : , $ 2(0,00 ; ( ( )
Ilroctnf-J. ) I ) . Kd iiuiUro.i. K. U Bhliunrt , K. 1) .
( jIuniMiii , K. K. llnrl. I. A. Mlllitr , .1 , V. Uliicliiiiitii ,
ml C'lnirlo U. lliiiiimn. Trummi'l tionvml bunk-
Inu ljii rii'H . ljucc . cniiltiil auU nurplui ot unr
LuuL In fcoiitliwuilorn luwu
The dyspeptic , the iikllltllntoitnliclli - i
cr from OTCOM of .lyor't ' of mind or
liixly nr cximsnro Innmlnrlnl regions ,
wIll rimlTntf * rills tlin most Kmliil
rciitonit Ivo rvrr nfTcrnl Itin Intnllil.
DR.K.C. Vt'KS's NKUVUA.NO mtAiNTiiiCvr
MKNT. sioclle | : for Itystqrlv IMiilniM ) , Kit ) , Nun
ralKla , Iloit'lncli3 , Norvom I'rostrnton cima I b.f
alcohol or lubicc'J. W.tkutulnotj , Montil Donro ) .
lon.Soltnosjor the llr.Un.c.itnlii.jlin.iiiUr , mlajcr
dccijr.ilo.ith. I' Oil A .to , ll rr < .Miuii , 1,0111
ol Power In cither set , Irapotaney , l.uiicorrliai nml
nil Komalo Woiknoisjs , IntrolunUrr Iio ioi , Hpcr-
mntorrhpn caused by ovor-oiortlon of fu br.iln
tolt.iibU9ooTor-lnlulionce. A month'i traut-nsnt
tl.Cfor fby m.\ll , Wogiurnntceslt botoi to ciiri
Kach enter fortf butni , with II will MII | irrllton
nuarantt'oto rodmil If not curj.l ( lutnmloa iJiual
only by Tlicodoro , K. Irf > wl ilruculst , ole nitont ,
outhcast corner lotli anil furnnm sts. Umnba
8ANATIVO , " tin
Wonderful Sn > ni8h
Hemcily , In Fold ttllli a
Written Cunrnntoo
ncuroKll- tin-
rnscg. euili ttVe t
Memory , Ixira .f Ilinln
1'oncf , llcnilachc ,
Wakcf ulncBC , l.oit Ainu
liwiil , Ktrrousncmjit *
ffltndc , all ihitlns nnil
Doforo&Aftor Uso. losi of pnwcr of the
rhotocraplicd from life. Generative Dream In
. . . . . . -sJ . CAIISCI ! liy
.1 p.jJ.JJ -Tw - clllior ecCAIISCI
o\ci > pxerllnii , niitlifnl the pxcrfiMvd
uv1 nrtnl < nrc < > . niiiiiu | , 01 Mlimilinit' , uliltli ultlinnttly
Uul : lo liiilitnltyCi'M'Uliip'.lim niul lii'nullr. Tin up
In cnlivoiilelit fiiini tii curry In tlip\i"t piKkil. 1'iltr
91 n pncUncc , or ti Tor f ft. with c\piy * i nitlcre U n
written /nmrntiteo to euro or refund tlin
mono ] ' . scnt liy mull In niiy n.lilrc-9. Clmilitr fic <
In | ' ] iilntn\flo'C. | .Mi'iillun tills | i.i'r. | AuJli'pj ,
MAD1IID CHEMICAL CO. , Ilrnncli onicc foi U. 3. t
y& ppmlmrn Ftr.-'ct. CHICAfiO , II.U
Kllhu & Co , , Co.r IStn A Douslaft SU
* .A Fuller & Co..Cor' lltb i UauebuSU.
. W. PANKLE , M. D.
The Good Samaritan. 20 Tears1 Experience.
; N '
/treat the following Diseases :
Cntarrh of the Head , Throat , and I.unss : DI -
eases of the Eye and Enr , Fits and Apoplexy , tlanrt
Disease , l.lvcr Complaint. Kidney Complaint ,
Nervous Debility , Mental Depres
sion , Loss of Manhood , Seminal
Wnnkness. Diabetes , Bright a Disease , t Vltus1
Dance ? ItEeuinatlsm , I'aralysla. White Swelling ,
Bcrofuia , Fever Sores , Cancers , Tumors
and Fistula In ano removed without
the knife or drawlne a drop of
blood. Woman with hcrdellcate orpr.ns re
stored to health. Dropsy cured without tapping.
Special Attention gUon to private
and V6norcal Diseases of all kinds.
85O to SHOO forfeit for any Venereal Dis
ease I cannot cure without mercury.
Tape Worms removed In two or three- hours , or nq
pay. llimorrholils or rlles'eurcd.
WHUavo Ufa nnd hundreds of dollars by calling
on or using
TlmnnlvI'livslcinn who cnn tell trhnt alia
a pcrMin ttithuut asking a question.
All correspondence strictly confidential. Mcdicino
seut by express. Address all letters to
G , W , Pangle , M , D
BBS Broad-way ,
Council Bluffs , lo.wa
Scaled proposals will ho received by tic * un-
durliiiL > il until lii : : > o'clock p. in , . An n fJ Hi.
If-'J1 , fur the following kliuKof p.ivin iniito-
rlni. vl/ :
Sheet iisplialtiiin.
Hlonx Knlla or other -runHo.
Colorado saliilttoin- .
\VooilrnlT. KilnsIH , , nnd
Vltr.lled DriuU.
All uucnrdiin ; to speulfleiitlons.
Kor ii-ivlng Jiiel.Boiislri'L't fioin 27th si reel to
'Bth Mruut. In thorlty of Uiuiili i. compri-uil In
street ItnpiovoiiiiMit dKtrlut No. 4U > , ordered
liniirovud by urclliiunciili : .
ICach 1)1(1 ) ( to specify : i pr cu per sqinuo ynrd
for the pavlnzcomplete In the btiuut.
Woik to be done In accordance with n'nns
nnd Bjn'i'ltle.itluiis on Illo In the olllie of the
Ijininl of piihllu worKs.
Kiivh iirniioAul to by made nn printed blanks
Furnished l-lUi > bo'ird nnd tobeaccoini ) uiloil
liy it eertlllcd eliork In the snin ( if if'i 'J. p.iy-
nblo to tbo city of Oiiiuha , as un ovldeneo of
KOOll fllltll.
The board will nwiuil the contract for tin-
illll'orcnt kinds of inutfrliil. Miujui-t to the
( oluctlon of the material by the piopetty oun-
ur . or tlie mayor niut city council ,
The board reserves tlio flu-lit to lojcot uny
or all bide , aim to waive ilofccls.
1' . W. ItlKKIIAUSKIt ,
Clialrmaii Ilour.l of I'ublleorks. .
Onmha. Neb. . August nth. IS. ) , ' . ull-r.-lH-ia
Unltcil ntuti-4 laiHliul's Mil < - .
In the Circuit Court of the United States for
the Dlhtrlctof Nobraski ,
TheKlriitN-illonalllankof I'latisuurgh. No
York , vs. Mutual 'I rust uump.iny uml thu
Nebraska MortguKoauil Invustiiicntcompany.
N . It'll ! u.
I'ubllc notice Is hereby ulvcn llmt In pnr-
suunco with and by vlrtno of n writ of venlil
exponns Issued out of above named con it , hi
nbovo ent tied cmtsf , nnd bearing diito of
July W. 1M ) . ' , J. Ilrnd I ) . H.uiiglitor. United
States marshal for the District of Nebraska ,
will , on the second Uny or Beptcmlii'r , A. I ) ,
Ifiy. . uttho hour of eleven o'ulock In the fore-
iioon of hnld dny , uttho north door of the
United HtntCH court liouso ami jioslolllce
building In the ( Jlty < { if Omaha , Doiu-.iik
county , Htato nnd lMrct ] of Nobra'.kii , soil nt
publiu unction us Ihu'ltur directs , to the
highest u i id best tmlfler , the fol. owing
described properly , to-wlt :
l.ot U nnd lUIn bloetrhiln McCormlck' < i second
end nddltlon to the cltr.rif Oniiihiii lot 4 , block
, UiinnliiKliain & llroutun's nddltlon to thu
lot 15 , block ! l , llvoluini-n'l'lacd addltlcin ; lut 4
In lloiiBon HiiljillvUlon ot lotn 0 and -7. iJliclc
WJl iof.7. b'oeklli. AiiKlitlit'H iiiinoY niUIUon
nnd lotG , UouU.iT. Alb/'l-ilit'H oholco addtlon
all In thu elty of Hoifth Oinnlii : , allot tlio
uliovu Di-upjrty boinr locnted In DiniKliiH
counly , Btrttu and district of Nohrnsku , ant
hiivliu beun huretoforljllbrlod upon bv virtue
of a writ of oxi'cntion ' iMiwd out of nuHl cour
In said entitled ciuuo IOiHt8f | ! v n Judgment o
court , obtained at Its No\oinlicr term
. In favor nf till ) Jtlrst Niitlonnl bun I
cf I'lattNliurKh. Now V"drk. null ag.i list the
Mutual Trunt uoiui'illiy and the Nebraska
MoiUnKO nnd Inver.tir.'n t eompiiny.
, , , IIUAI > U. tshAUUIITEH.
United btutos Marnhal , District ot Ncibrnskn ,
UKOIUIKB. I'r.tchott. . Attorney for I'Ulntlir.
. Aug. 4 , II , IS , 25 , IJopt. 1.
MnohlnontnlO-Tons-n-Dny Price.
A 12-Tons- Our Vurrnnly with J'.atU Mndilue.
The Soiithwlck lliillnic Pi-e U u2-Uono , Jull-clrclo machine.
it tint the lurirott Ii'i'ci opculug ul
uny Cuiillniioiis-llulliii ; ,
Bales tluUt | draft light.
Cuimcltyt t'ontlructloni Dnrnlitlltj nil the JUtT. :
76 Presses sold in our territory sinc.eAug. 1st
One agency alone sold 8.
Bull Durham
Has been popular with smokers everywhere for over twenfy-tivc years.
It is Just as Good Now as Ever
Its FLAVOR , FRAGRANCE and PURITY have contributed largely to the
growing popularity which pipe smoking enjoys. Pipe smoking is
growing in favor because finer , sweeter and better tobacco c.n be had
in this form and at much less cost than in cigars.
\ DURHAM , N. C.
Have for sale a number of splendid acre tracts
close to city. 33 acres , 22 acres , 2O acres , IS
acres. 1O acres , B acres , 2j acres. Some can ,
be divided into tracts to suit purchaser.
Don't forget that property in and atounct Council Bluffs
will never be as low as today. Buy now and make money. We
lave for sale residences of all sixes , in all parts of city , for casher
or on payments. 500 vacant lots for sale. All bargains.
When you want to buy , sell or exchange anything , or rent a
louse , go to the men who will hustle for you. We are ready
show . Correspondence solicited.
at all times to property.
fireensliielfe fMolson 1 Bo , ,
621 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
fJrcntost uuvlco knutrii for piiut-nllni ; imd controlling the horse. W'ttrntitteil lo prevent
nnil i-nro hordes and colts from Idcklne. bm-li n , ' . i irln ' , bnckln . rnnnliiK. stumbllii - . tiirn-
inr.fnll n . lu'Klni , nruikln/shitfls cheeU ic us : l uisy on tlinlr tiiinillu : dooi not Interfere
wltli thclrtrivu Inir. and initUcs them perfectly sifo for n child to drive. It Is Invaluable In
broiUln : and col.tsyoun liorsoi nnd stal Ions , and can bo used on tiiiok , roud mid
work horses .it ad times
Warranted to be tlio best Inlt'T in pxlstcnco nn 1 to pravunt an d euro linltcr pullers ; t
browIcn colt lo lo.ui In ton inlnntiK : tiilinndlo n htnlllon , and to break n balky horse.
rorHuleonlv by < J/fl.s. 1'ieitllSTl , ! ' , cuntTiil imunt nnd manufnetiircrof line liarncsBO
nnd denier In nil turf ( 'oods. 215 Ilroadway , Council IllnllK. In.
Twin City Steam Dye Works
a A suiroKD-j.voic ,
Oinithii Ollko , 1C21 Fnrniun SU ; Tolopliono 1621. Council HlultB Olllco nml Works
Cor. Avc. A and iiOtli St. ; Tolonhono 1)10. ) Bend for circulars und prluo huU
ui t > in nn 111.iin sou mo best donbto
- IrofistlnR nnil buklns pun In the market.
Steady work. Can prore to hiivo ncontu who
innkn over Kl n week regularly , Addreil
Charles Schultliolts Council limits.
"IjlOIt SAIiK Good 0-rooin dwelling npnr U.
I ? I' , transfer. I'rlco J..Om. will tiiko horsei
mill cattle In part nay. K. ll.Slu'afe.
"IJIOK S.\l < ECrcnmcryNcll located In No-
JL ; lirafikn. doing Rootf lnnlnp < s. Will tnki
tirtn ur or sull entire business nt a buroali
Ij. H. Pho'ifo. _ _ 1 _
"I710U SA1 K Improved Kiacro "ttoek fnrrs
X1 Incstorn town , IJi ; 190-ncro fiinn , ( J0 | ISO *
iicroM. f''H _ .Uihniton . < : Van 1'ntton.
MON'IIV lonnod nt B nor cent on Council
Itlnlfi re lilpncoiroj2orly. 1C. II , Slioif\ :
lilOll SAlilJ , i''iornf7i oriinvo cro\o ! wTH
tviiilu for Council Illuiln orOninlin prop-
rly . R U. Shoiifo ,
Itr.NT , tlio Kidman rcMdmico. iil : I'urli
IiVJuvti ; In K neil rnp&lr nuil nil modem con
cnlunces. UunttOaJ. K. 11. Slionto.
\\7ANT15ti I.ntly or pentlnninn lo board bj
> i n utlviito fninlly. Addroas U IV. lino.
Tj'HB SAlin lloloi , "ill ronnn. locntcd in
X1 southern Nnb. . dolnt n thrlvltiz builnesi.
J..MiO Imvs hulliiaiK nnd fitrnlturo. Will trade
for intNiii K. II. Sluiiifo.
'iru > it SAIiKliTinlwiiro stock In'centrnl Nob.
XMVIII InvolcuUMM. K. 11 Slioiifo. .
Ifoil SAIjK-Choicest fnrm In I'ottawatta-
in n Co. , I III ncro4 , well lociitud nnd liu-
provoiL _ I'llcoSIO nn acre , IX II. SliUiifo.
IJ AUM nnd city lonni nt lonoit rutoi.
i. usliitu fof sate.
Dwelling im I tinalnuss rontit < i.
Moiioy lu.inu'l for local Investor' ' ,
VTJ'i I'o.irl stjTJnt. I.oii8uo Si Towle.
11' YOU hnvo nnythlnit for ilo or trndo so
10. II. Bho > fo. llro.tilwav nnil Main strt-nt.
1/OltltlCNT l ) ollln In nit pirti of tlio
_ _ cMy. ! i jl. Slioafo. llro.uhy.iv nnil Main.
NobrasUa lands In ox-
> < ctiniiKti for Uounoll UluiN iiruporty. R U.
ilu'iifo. ltra > f way anil M iln atrouu
" 13'OK HAMS On small payments , fruit nnd
JL1 Burden Inn I nnir Council ItlnlTs U. II ,
ic.'ifc. Uroadw.iy qnd.Miilu street ,
? Albion Uolier mills on lloono
river , Nob. ; finest water piwor In the state
lovoloplni ; lhorsu power w.iter entire :
lally c.ipneliy , tui ) h.trroU ; machinery and
urpnrton.uiL'cs complete In ovury dot ill.UooJ
frame residence : 8 acres or laii'I. title licrfoot :
irlce , S.'i.lUU ; will tiiko mil nprove I eastern
' Iniid. R H.
Ij'OIl SAIiK Tow.i farms In I'ntt.iwnttutnlo
tand iiiljolnliig coiuitli.'i. K. 11. Hhunto.
171OK SAMJ f3 ! noro-jnf goo ! 1'iiul nnl now
JL1 cott.igo. with four aurui litiul In Wnrnora-
vllle , Neb. : nil modern Improvements : will
p.xchniue for u ploiuant cell mo freu of In-
tinibrnnco lu Ouunall IllulTj or Omiha.
bAI.K 491-aero ranch In Cliorrv Oo.
Neb. ( ! oed hay land. splondUl ran o for
cattle. Nice cottage , stalilu nnd out uulld-
tn s In coed repair , plenty w.itor. Host land
In the county : will sell cheap , Wrlto for do-
tnlK 10. U. Shoafu.
' \\TANTHD II arrtwaro stocl : In outh-
TT western Iowa for anot caali. U II. Bhonfa
FOKSAIjK-Karin , lit ) acres , IS miles from
Council HlnfTs , ? i acres nmlur cultivation ,
: u ncros more aan bo cultivated , ( .iood 1m-
provGinonH ; pine waters cash for tMjuIty ;
(1.000 Invumur.itico. i35 1'oarl street , Longoo
& Towle.
Girl forsocoirl work , fl n week ,
WANTED Kverolt's , iiecond avcnuo nnd
KlRlith Hlreota ,
Iljlj buy a three-room cottiieo In
IIWII'H itdd. payments. Orooni
shields , Nlcholpon & _ Co. _ _ _ _ _ _ _
/"l"XA\VIIjIj buy n nice live-room IIOIIRO
, V JJ\vllli good harn. lot 4l.\r.M. near
bchoul liouso nnd chitruh. Ureonalilclds ,
Nicholson & Oo.
tl1 orrrt\VIMj buv n slv-room Irxi i1 , pond
pJLj JV/tot , three blocUa from piHtodlce.
A hnup. ( ireonslilulds. NlchoVon A : Uo.
\ , VrANTEI ) An e-xpcrlfnccd kltrlien Klrl.
T > Mis Jacob blrns , : iin I'nitnnrKtruut , _
J * 1 rrnA\VIMj lniy n ilvn-room { Ottnuo
pl. , JV/Jnenr Mnillson street , lar o lot ,
lice bhade trees. Uiecnshlcl Is , Nicholson &
Uo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
5 > f ) OTAWIIjU buy Rood six-room cottnso
M/-JS ' ' ' ' on Stutsman streut ; n.odern lin-
irovt'iiuintB. ( iroonnhlelilB. Njoholbon A : Co.
ijo , TAA\VlliIj buy now suvcnr.yiu \ house
POjOUv/oii Madison stieet : nil inojern liu-
irovenicnls. ( irconslilolds , .Nicholson & Oo.
"Ijioll E. OIIANOE Unoof the nicest nonsi-a
Jon motor line ; clear of Inciimhrani'os , for
S'olirnskii land. Orocnsli'uids. ' Nloliolson & go.
1T\OII \ iTAMO Cloun stocic hardware , well e.s-
X1 tnbltshoil trrdo , Invoice ittont Kii.DOO. Good
re iison for Belling. Turing o.iBli. E. U. Sliento.
TATANTKD ( iood residence property In
VV Oonncll ItlulTs In cxchaiuo for ( -ood No-
irnskitland. E. II. Shoifo. ;
Funeral Director ,
14 N. Main Street ,
The WhippIeS
I'AT KK 11.23 , UBJ.
Miinurnctiircit br
Council IllulTs , la.
Wnrrnnli-il ICi lnk un
Inch huli > , 2 feet 8 Indies , In ono
inlniito ,
Hln unciiinle | < l br any nllior
In rnpldlty , llulitnp * ' of opera
tion. coHiploluiioanof conntruc-
tton un I clica | > nc'B3.
Ills ciinctuloil l > r "U to bo i\ \
ninrrul for rnplilltr of cxuo u
tlon nnJ uaiu ot operation.
Something New
Circiil'r - and - Price
Omaha Mefal and Surgical
Eye & Enr
licit fftcllltlpi , Hpnarntus nnil rumrillo * fur micccsifu
tro itinenl or every fnriii nf dl > o i o rvqulr *
liu medical or miritluitl Ifualnieiit.
r.'JIicdn formtlntilinarl | and ntlua.linco. Host an
cumodutlon * In tlm wo t.
\VrlloforclrculiiMondofiiriiiltlosaiiit hnic < i , trin-
CKcluh foot , oirvnturoiof uplnn , pllui , tuino , can-
fi-r. intirrli , broncliltlii , liilinlatlini , ulco rlclly , par-
iily l , uiilluiiiir. kldnoy , hlmlilur , cjo , uur , skin and
blniul un I nil surulc al iiiinillun |
Wiiincn HHKIC. rt'i liavu lulelmlJo I IxliU-ln < '
purtinent fur Womi-n ilurlnu cunllmiiiibnt , trlctlr
IT rulu. ( ml ) ' llollublo ilcdlcul Intt.tutu umklntf
t-i > i'ciiilty of
All Illiiod l > Uoiiiie iuco3 ifullr Iruatud. Hyiilillltlo
I'oUoiu ruiuovt'U from the HyMuiu wlthoul inurciiry ,
NIIW ItuDtunitlro Trcatinoiil fur I. of VITAIi
riJWltll. I'lirioniuimblo in vl H IK nniy bo t rented
ut lioinu by corroaiMinJuneo. All coiiiiuuiiluillons
eijiiHile-itliil. MuJklnut or Innlrii'iiunti Html Iti mull or
oxiirtxn.fucuruly imckod , no iinirkH to Indlnito uiin *
ti'iim or romlur. One purtnuiil Intorvlo v prulurrod.
Lull niul commit in or * uii < l lilHinry ut your CMUU , und
wn will nun I In iilnln wruiijiur , our
' Th MPtJ ' "KKl I'l'Oi ' I'rlriito Hpo.
i I U lrlp.ll , ttt | | , ) r Nurvout ll oino
liiilioirncy , riyplillli , Oloot and Vurluoculo , with quu
11(111 ll t. . . . . . . . . . . .
llrui'ut , AmilUnfei for DcformlUoi nnd Trimos.
Only uiunufactory lu tlio vrcit ut
1110 IIA'lTKItll'.H AND lll'l/l'ri.
Oinaliii Medical and Surgical Institute
2Oth uzd Broadwuy , O.unoll Bluffa.
Ten inlntuei rid * from center of Omauu ou OuiulK
airlCouull lllulli < il culaiuuturllua.