THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : WEDNESDAY , AUGUST 17 , IS92. SPEG1RL NOTICES , KOH TI1H9H COLUMNS ADVKIXTI8KMKNT3 IJ:3J : p. in , for tlio ovpnlnic nfl unill 83 ; < ) p. in. for the mornlnii or Sunday edl- A" ! nrtvortlnomrnn In Ihcso column * IM cents a word for llrst Insertion and I cent nworil for papli nubiPfiiKMil Inii-rtlon. or JI.NI per line per month , jfoadvprtlsomdittakoii for loss linn 25 cents for tlirIlrsl ln ortlon , Terms ca h In advance. Initial * flffitroK , symbols , etc. , each rount as a word. All nnvertl'.fnienls must run conieeiillvoly. Ailvcr- tlsprs , by riniuostlnitn numbornil chuck , ran have the letters nudrossert lo n numbered letter In cnra of Till ! I'KK ' Answers so nddro'sed will bo deliv ered oi presentation nf the cht-ck , rTlTUATIONS-WAIITEIX WANTKI ) , IIV tiAtIV , POSITION. WHITISH. A copying or unico work , Address n lleo. _ _ A ' - tlimii : . ACKI ! > MAN AT IMIIISKST MAN- 'nirinit llio finances of nliiinso In llieHiv iinstrps nclmnifo about October 1. ( lood loisonsKlton for i leaving. 'Cprrespondoncosollcllc'd. AOilrnri II M , lleo. MUit 17 * 1'OtilTION WANTKI ) IIV COMl'KTKNT STK.V r ; reference Klvcn. Address SJJ .Fulton r.lurts. iiiS 2S - I'omloN AS IIOOKKKKPKIt Oil ASSISTANT or shopman In stori1 : hon slnnd obllitlnir. Ail , drcns .liimd.s FIctnlnK , .Mound City , Missouri. A -PC8TIION WANTIil ) ilV COMI'HTBNT J VilfuoKropbtr : younu innni present unlnry note o much nn object na pornmnnnt eltuntlon nnd clmncotodo bettor ; reference Klveii. Address II 35 , lien. .MI I-I7 * WAH TED-MALE HKLP. - ) . HAMMMICN ON SAI.AHV Oil CUM- B-WANTKI hnndlo the now patent chemical Ink crnslnit pencil. The iirontmt solllna novulty o i > r proilnceilor.ii | > c Ink thoroiulilr In two jocondsi no iibrnnlon of paporl Wlto NK. ' per emit prollt ; ana nccnfpi miles niiioiinioil to JliiO In six < my . nniithur .l21n twohour ! wo wnnt ono oiipruetlo Hcnornl nient'ln cuch uliito nnd territory. For terms nnd particular ! ) address Monroe l.'rnser Mlit. Co. . xil : ) J.a ( 'rosso , WIs , < U 7WANTKll. . A IMIACTIOAI. MA N WITH SOM K Jicnpllnl to taken water mill. Address box fi.i , Lincoln , Neb. KJ ! T > WANTKO.H. U. I.AnOitHHS KOIt WVOMINd i'anil South llnkotn : KOOI ! wntios : Bl < * Hilr works frco pass. Albrluht Labor Auoncy , 1120 Furnnm t.'il 3 E-8AI.AHY PAID WKKKI.V TO HNKKOKTIO monj experience iinnoco sary mill porniancnt omploymont. Hlnr olllce , lilii Doimlnt , Ml rt'l 13 WANTKI ) , A F1KST CLAH3 AST1IUAC1TK J Jconl salesman , familiar with the Jobbing Undo of .NVbraska and Kansas , to solicit the trade with lipadnuarlorii ntOmaha. Addri-nn application , BIT- littf oxperlenoo In thin business nnd proper Tofer- , lluoll , resilient nmnaiier , thu 1'hlla- dolphin .V UcndltiK Coal & Iron Co. , Milwaukee , WIs. 70S J-WANTKI ) , HAUNK3SSIAKEIIS STAY AWAY Jtrom Kansas City ; strike thenM733 B3 * TJ WANTKI ) . .MKN IN HVKHY COUNTY TO -limanufacturo nnd neil our elder , mnilo without npplns , 100 per rent profit. Address with stamp , NPW Process Cider Co. , Kansas I Ity. Mo. M757 I'J * fl-HOMGlTOUH TO 8KLL TIIK TUADK , AI.HD J'niicnts to handlu th'j best splllneKOOds manil * factured. C. M. I'rlor , room 437 Hanii'o bulldlnK. 772 1C J-WANTKI ) . A FIUST CLASS SOIIKIl TINNHIl Jwllh references. F. C. Malhor , Aurorn , Neb. TJ-WANTKD , A OOOI ) IIAUNKS3 MAKIIll , JjCorman preferred. Address II. Flshwood , Swan- ton , Neb. 892-l'J' T > -00 ! LAIIOIIKIH WANTKI ) AT FO11T CIIOOK , J > 1 mile west of llolluvue. Neb. ICeofo .V Mellnr- vcy , contractors. M94H 2J * 3TwA.vrKD \T oxen , OIGAUMAKKH AT > Alllanco , Neb. TV-WA.NTKD , CLOTIIINO SAI.KSMAN , MU.-T nn J'lihleto npi'nk ( iermiin , Ilohcmlan or Swedish. Addrosg Riving particulars , HiO : , lleo. VJI 17 fJ -WANTKD , A CO.MI'KTKNT 1IHICIC YAIlI ) J > firenmn und 5 or ( i tuoil laborers. Address 1131 , o. 103 17 B-WANTKI ) , HAILIIOAI ) LAllOlil'.HS FOIl NK- braskn. Iowa , South Dakota nnd Idaho. WDKPS H.76lofiOJ per day. TeamsterB. fiS.U. ) per month. Free faro. Kramer A O'llenrn , Labor Agency , 8U.1 Houth llth Btieet. inlU 17' B - ) . A FIHST-CLASS COOK AND walter at " 0:3 Ciimlni ; street. 115-18' T > WANTHI ) . A ( iOOI ) I1UTCIIKII AND MtfAT J Joiitter. Must have reference as to nobrlcty from former employer. Address , box H3 , Osceola. Neb. r.'O lu * 11 IF YOU AUK HMKKINO A Illdl OHADI ! Upnsltlon In any part of the United Slates wrlto to Western lluslnrss Agency , InclosliiK stamp , polls , Minn. B WANTKI ) . HA1LUOAD T.AIIOHIIHS FOIl Union I'acinc-Hy. Co. between Uheyennct anil ORdi'n , Utah. Free tare. Kramer .V O'llearn Labor AKOIicy.MSSoulh llth St. B-WANTKll A MAN TO TAKE AN OFFICE nnd-reprosvut a manufacturer ; $50 per week ; mall capital required. Addres . with stnmp , Man ufacturer , IIox 70 , West Acton. .Max. M II1-17 * WANTED-FEMALE HELP. C-WANTKI ) , OIHL IN SMALL FAMILY , IIOIIK- mlan or ( lermanprufurred. 3112 Woolworth avo. t W3 0-OIHL WANTED. MHS , J. M. COUNSMAN , Him Sherman avonuo. M'.UiiU' C-WANTED , COMl'F.TKNTdlHL FOIKiKNIIHAL housework at 11851 UeoiKla avenuo. M'.Hia 2U * ri-WANTED , AN U.Xl'KuTuNCKrTolllU 1CJI N. VM 22d vtropt , MW7I-IS4 p-WANTEI ) , ( illtL FOIl On.M'.UAL HOI.'SK Jnotk. 25IU ChlciiKO Btreet. M',174 p-WANTri ) , ( illlL FOIt CKNKHAL HOUSE. nork , HITS. 3Ut stroet. 1K-16- 0 -WANTED , FIHST CLASS KXl'EHIEN'CKI ) 'tuilesladlua , ul The lloston Store , Omaha. 128 18 F1WANTKI ) , A ( Hill , FOIl OKNEUAL HOUSK -C/nork. KOod W KVS , lniulrii 2115 Jones , between I avenuorth and St * Mary'H avouun. 110-18 C ! -iIIIL WANTED FOIl GKNEIIAL HOUSE- work. 10111 DouKlan. 12.1 0-WANTED , ( illlL FOIl GENEUAL HOUSE nork , Kood pay to iood Klrl , must bo HrHt-elass , German or lloliemliin preferred. Apply inornlnu * , qnly , ZiOlHlnilco Btreet. 12S-I8 FOR RENT-HOUSES. TFIIIM' CLAhH llKSIIiNCti ) : FLATS , 3 Oil 4 rouiiuij now block , lloom fi , SliJS. 2Jd. 311 T\r-FOH UEST , TWO HOUSES , 113 AND 115 S. J.'ISlh street. Very handy ( o bimlneBi. Modern convenience. . D. T Muiint , 213 S. llth Bt. ail DFllll HK'T , YOU MUnT AI'I'LY AT ONCE If you would sec me the lust hut llnest uf these beautiful l.afayetto I'lac-u liomuj , for. 41st nnd l.ikfuyelle nvo ( Nelson si. ) . Open for Inspecllon. Fidelity Tru l Co.,11114 Faniam. 3.11 n-8-HOOM , HOUSK , JlODlillN , C1INTIIAL TO J/busluoss , uood rvpalri. Apply C. S. Kluullcr , lloom 4 , N. Y. Life bulldlni ; . 4M 'VSTOIIH3. . FLATS , DWIJLLINiJS AND COT- .r/tncfi nllparlagf city. Kilkenny & Co. , Conll- nentiil Ilk nri > r\ - FOIl ItlINT , FINK LAIUSIC DININfl 1IOO.M , . JM kllchun , piutry , etc. Inquire ' . ' -uutn-'Uli t. . T'v-MODUllN , NKWO-UOOM roiTAKKd. IlKADY L-/II ) lavi duyn , In beautiful btanford circle. Apply C. S. I'.liiultur , room 4 , Now York l.lfo bhlK , 711 D-IO-IIOOJI HOUSK , OKNT11ALLY LOCATUD : fiirnaeuuiid all modern Improvumonls. 711 N. I'Jth klroel. aOJ . FLATS IN L1NTON 1ILOCIC. . il MII OII MrcetB. il rooms oncli , water nud , , , hiiutoi by. ituam , In ( food rtipalr , runt low. , (4ulro mMZ , In the block. John llumlln , ujent .M781 Triii-FOIl UK NT , 4 ANDi UIXIM COTI'A IK , f&l.S. J-'ITlb nremie , betwoun Jackson and I.onven- f-v-8-HOO.M 11HICK HOUS JIODK11N , WITH v ' , 'J1/"oiid burn. Omaha Itoal Kmatu and Trust Co. , . .It. 4. Ili-obldi. . MfOl hU irVr.FHIl HUNT , CHOICK FLATS IN TIIK 1' . K , J/lh'fblook , uor. Pith and Juckton sin , Thu Hum mer latu lor second and thlril lloor * Is Saj.uo v [ or luddo Hutu , moam hunt * IO UJ extra ; they anvil nil loiiveiilejii-es und are In llmt jjassrepair ) liclnucunlrallr locaDd and contain- 1 Inir nnly tbo very bo t of tinnnu makes them ile. i ilrnble , We Mill rent to families only. Call am . : HIP them ; I n i ) ill ro at Ml ! S. luth el. $ w -KOH llhNT. IlLKCANT NKW 1IIIICK HOUSK , I' ' ruiiuin. nil niodurn coiivonloncei. llronniiii A Co. , - ' . ' Kurbucli block. MU."J .M D FUIINIHIIKI ) 110UHK. KOUNTZK i'LACK. IMrittrrct.O roonii , mod rn , J , J. Olbion. : WT iTIrst National Hank bulldlnn , un ) - -MX-UOOM I'OTT. IK WITH 1IAIIN. LAIUJK , fliloly h doU lawn.- i-oare'JIS N , V. l.lfo buil' . r4-lfVIWIriH 5 | ) MIOOM FLAT COMl-LKTH * / < .jill after I v flock lint II , 2VJ.I Farnaui t. _ ; _ _ _ W'J SI D-nm iiKNT , A NICK coTi'AdK oiFTiv : rooum. No , tvU a Sblhitrct-t. Apply on tbo - UITTV-1-OIl IIKNT , NKAT LITTLK FOirit-UOOJJ X/oottiiiD , newly painted ami impured. city watur iml clslern , corner wib nml Doiliio ; to uood , lull itlmenaut.tig. UoBisAlllll. No , I41W F.iriiam. . . . ' _ _ _ _ : " 'ry-lUU.Sl ! NO. W 1-AIIK AVK. . MODKIIN"liT pruvmncntil upiilyiuu , nnU lotigla . lira Uforil. M VOX. HENT-jrUUNIBUED KOOM3. oil IIKNT , "i ho t , ml South Titb. _ I ? FUIINIBHKO UOOUBIX ) IIKNT WITHALI I wodtra cODTtnUncoi. BU IHiugln itnmt. 544 KKNT-FUUNI3HKD ROOMS. E-3 NICK 11OO.M9 FUIINISHKI ) FOIl HOU9M kccplnnon St. Mnrr's arenuft. Larzo l\wn ( hade , etc. O. F. Hulls , 220 South 17th t. , lice hldR f83i _ _ -FOtl ItKNT. KLiiJANTFUllN131UtI ) 110OM9 , XI38. 13th Btrcct. B37-1P _ -FOIl ItKNT KUIIMSHKI ) IIOO.MM 3IOS Douglaa nlrcel. MJ73 1B * _ _ _ _ E-3 Oil .1 HOOMS , HOUSKKKKl'INd. 2028 ST MAIlV'a. .M jn30. l -LAHOK , WKLL VKNTILATKI ) FUIINISIIKI ) Ijfrontroom. 2501 lllondo street. MS70 Iti -FmTTlKVr. JNICIJtjY FtlHNMSHKI ) FIIONT looms , toKcnllemon only. Inquire 2U10 Daven port street. MtuVl E--.1 IIOOMS FOH HOU-IKKKPINO ) : FOII MAN and wife ; rcnl lakon In board. 318 N. 17th si. -MODKHN CO.VVEN1KNCIW , IlKFKllHNflli IJlillN. 18th. 109 nli' -.N1CHLV FIIIIXISIIKI ) UOOMH. ALL CON vciilonce ! near llliili chooli 3U3 N. 22d m. -KllllNlSHEI ) HOOM3 roil HUNT , 10ll < So , FUItNISHED IIOODIS A.N J BO ARD. FDJAIt DAN I ) UOOMJ , 1011 DOUULAt ! . 02S S.V P-FIIHNIHHKI ) Oil UNFUIINISHKI ) WITH board , (124 ( So , 50th street. MHU ni ) HOO.M AND 1IOA11I ) . 17J ! < ? At'I- M , p-NIOKI.V FUIINISIIKI ) HOOM FOIHOIiNTLK- -i- men , Into Improvements , with board , $ .YO ( ) per week. Ml ; N. aid. 817 la * " " 1V"UOOMH WITH BOA HI ) . MIIS. IL A. Churchill , lli'Ju OoiiRlai st. Ml'JS .11 * F ONI5 OFTiuFINICSr HOOMS IN TIIK 01TY\ with llrst class nccommod.itlons. . ' > ' 'J N.3lil ; street. UM 1 * F rilONT IIOOM WITH 1IOAIIU. Illf. Chicago si. IfJI 21 * 17-rUHNiailKl ) HOOMS WITH IIOAIll ) ; IlKKKIl- 1 foronces SJII F.xrnnm. 1SI IV FOIl RENT-UNFUKNISHflD KOOMS. G- Oil 3 1IOOMS AT UOJ N. 13TH ST. 943 A50 * - UNFUHNISHKII ItOOMS FOIl HOtlSK- G-3 ; modern coavcnloncps ; steam bunt. IS21 Luarunvrorth. MliiJ-17 * FOR RENT-STORES AND OFFICES. r-FOIlUKNT , THU I-STOUY IIIUCIC IIUILDINO J aid Farnam t. The bulldhu has a llreproof c - inenlbaH.Miiuiit , complete 8ti > amheiitlnK llxturos : walor on all tlu lloors , uaa. etc. Apply ill the oillca uf The Boo. UI3 - FIHST CLASS OKNTHAL IlKTAlIi I.O I-A cation on motor lines to reliable parties. Address H a lleo. 8UG-W FOR RENT-MISCELLANEOUS. T-LAIIC.K I1AHN AT I4TII AND HOWAHD * ' slrcetn. room for S horse * . wagons , oto. i all ro n- vehlcnce < . Also houses and rooms. ( ! . F. Hutu , 230Soutli 17lh street , Mill Aai WANTED-TO RENT. K WANTKI ) , SMALL HOUSK Oil TIIIUIK OH four rooms , small family i tlrstnlassrulurenrcs. Address A. li. Hampton , 'M' < South iOtli nt. 107 17 * K 3HTHAM I1KATKI ) FU11N1SHK1) Oil UNFUll- nlshed rooms , 707 S. Illth alruet,3rd lloor. UENTAL AGENCIES. L-llHNTAIl AOKNT.OUO. J. 1'AUUllW.i FA UN AM s. . makes specialty of rontlnu honsi'a. stores nnd Hals .tearing for rental propurtloi. Tornn ruas'blo. IH ; n 2J1 STORAGE. M -IWY. CL1IAN i I'UIVATKI.Y STOIIKI ) FUll- iltiire.l''UT Douulas. Omaha Stovollepiilr works. M.V.3 r-STOUAOK CIII3AP , CLKAN. WKLL9 , 1111 LFarnam street. Mll- WANTED-TO BUY. ] J'-FUHNITUKE 1IOUOHT , SOLD , bTOUKD. Wells. 1111 Farnam st. ! ilti J-SKCOND-HAND I1OOK3 11OUOHT FOIl cash at AntluuarUn book stora , 15U Fiirnam st. MSHJ A 2b * N WANTKI ) TO UUV , A STOCK OF CLOTH INR for cash : sta'.o price and st/.o of stock , . \ddrcas H 1 , lloe. b04 17 AT-WANTED-A SKCONDIIAND FOOT-l'OWEH li lutho. Addrces II. C. Orlop , tor. 4th st , Fremont - mont , Nob. JHIW-n * r-WANTED , CHAMHKItS CYCLOl'DUIA , SKO * ond-liand. ' llobert HunnliiK , Atlantic , Iowa. 118 10 * FOR SALE-HORSES. WAGONS , ETC. 1Fim SAlTETATlXT7 rOLLAIl ) Vol * llUlioY , J. f or f 13.00. H. I,1. Cole , Continental block. 239 D-FOll SALE. A FAMILY HOUSE. 1NOUIHE 1 IMJ ) Fnrnam st. 6'J3 S2 1)-K01l SALE. FIX HOUSES , FOUH WAGONS and harness : no question ubout prleo ; coma and BCO. Fldclltv Loan ( iiiarantco Co. . corner 15th and llarucy sts. , Room 4 , Wlthnull llldi ; . , James East , Hianaccr , M573 | > -5125.0J WILL 1IUY YOUNG HOUSE , TOP 1 buixy and harness : half value. AUdreas G 51 , llee. M724 -HELIA1ILE FAMILY HOUSE , I'HAETON AND ) I2IJ Seventh avo. l 7 2I FOR SALE-MISCELLANEOUS. I - FOIl SALK , FAIIHIANK'S SCALES NO. 11. IN Kood condition. 1201 Douglas st. M72I 21 Q-LAltGE SIXK LKTI'Ell I'UESS AND STAND for sale rhoap. Address U 51 , lleo. M72I - SALE , 40 HEAD FULL 1II.UOI ) JKI1SKY rows and heifers from JJJ.I.H ) to $75.00 ; extra choice family cowa. Frank Dodson , Loican. la. i755 ! 21 > Q-FOH SALE , ALL TIIK FINE 1'IANOS IN .Mpliiburit'H Muslo Store , 109 North liitli street , nt Ivan than factory cost , e.ish or InatallmuntH , stock must ba closed out at OIICD. M7NJ -FOIl SALK AT A SACHIF1CE , A CUSHION- tire safety. Address G 3. lleo. M78J 17 * -FOIt SALE , A NICK Ul'lllGHT 1'IANO. 1511 Lcavcnworlh nlreut. Alb30 18 * QFOIISALK.AFIIESH COW AND CALF ; IN- qulro nt20l4CharleH8troot. 8 ! > i in * Q FIVK COWS AND MILK HO1ITK FOIt SALK : cheap. M. Snrunson , 4117 Patrick avu. W5 111 * Q-FUL1.-ULOOI ) JKHSKY COW. 2S MONTHS old , fresh ; cheap i : bold at onco. Knqulro at 12.4S. Sl'th t. 131 17 * /"V-AN KLKOANT UI'IIUIHT I'lANO , ALMOST VVnew , wotthl.lVI.OO , only UHi-d a few months ; If buuubt th'9 ' week 1 will sell It for (185.00. Addruis 11 33 , Hey. 122 IS * CLAIRVOYANTS. S-AHHIYAL KXTIIAOHDINAUV ; WONDKUFUL revel itlous. ChnlloiiKes tbo world. Mrs. Dr M. lit'xruvo , dead Irancn clairvoyant , aitrologlst , palmist nndllfu reader ; tells your llfu from the cradlu to uravu ; mil tea thu separated ; rausos mar. rhino with the ono you lovuj lulls wheru you will succeed nnd In what bunlnosJ best adapted for ; has thu celebrated tCuyptlnn brouBtplato for luck nnd to destroy bud Immuneon ; euros tits , Intempernnco and all prlviilu uomplaluti with mamaKe. but hi and alrobol , Ireutuiuiit. Scud fl.OO , look of hair , numuumldato of birth ami receive accurate life chert : 2ieitt : | In itiuups lor circular ; ulvo Initials of one you will marry : also photos of smno. otlloo 417 toiith llth itrout , Ilrnt lloor ; lionrrf. Vo. m. to 0 p.m. Couiu6ne.uomQ } all , and bo convinced of this wonderful Oracle , o"-MHH. NANN'lE-V. WAUIliCN , CLAIUVOYANTi rullnblo builnu > muilluui , tlfth yuar at Hi ti luth 34'J MASSAGE , DATHS , ETC , 'I'-MAHSA(1 ( | THKATMKNT , KLKCTHO-THKIl. I inal balh . Boulpaml hair trentnieiit. manleuro anilclilropoillst. Mr . l'oit,3HliiS Ilitli.Wltlinutl blk 35U 'I--MADAM 8TOWK , MA8SEUSK KLIICTHICIAN 1 W."Jl'rjt | street. 837-1U * r-MADAMK SMITH 1121 DOUGLAS riTHKF.T. -L rooui7 , Htl lloor. Alcohol , sulphur and sea hiulu il 857 111 * . p-MME. LA HUE , MASSAGK. 41U SOUTH 15TII 1 lreel. third Hour. Hat 4. UJJ 16 * _ , ABTANP LANOUAOE. -JT F. ' OKLLKNIIKCKrilANJO TKACHETf with lloipii. or N.W. corner 13tli .tllarney , U MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. \y-HEAL ESTATE IRAN'S , IT ) 7 I'KIl CE.VT ' r no additional uharuus for commission or alter * ney'3 fuel. W. 11 , Mulklu , Flr > t National llauk bhhr. 35-j \ V7 i'rlll CENT MONKY-NKT TO IIOIIIIOW- ' ' > fr on Omaha city property. No uxlrn charKet of any kind , Why pay hlnh ratet ? .Money \ uheup , Youcanvot full bouuitt of low rales from Globe lAlun and Tnikt Co. , lUth und Dudne , 857 W-ANTHON Y IAJAN AND THUST CO. , fjjif N , V. Llfo , lends al InWriileii for choice H'curlty on KuUruikuor lena lurm.or Oniiha city prupurly. \\r-l'IIIVATK MONKY. IdT AND 3D MOUTQAGE loaui , luwr tu , Alex . \looro lleo bdx | nss \\f-OMAIlA SAVINGS 1IANIC MAKUS'LOANS ' * on real eitaloiit lowoit market rates. Loans undo In imallor Uruo puiusnndfor hortor lent Iliuo. Novoiumliiloulr cluriceil aud thu loaoi me not no Id In the ui lbul can alwa > bu found ut th * bank on lht > corner of UtU und lUuglni utreuH. 1 * BdO Wi -WONT FOHOKT THAT WK A It 15 MAK1NQ low rates on Improved Hid unimproved lo u on Ouiaii * nroporlV. No delay ud all builnvm tr ui ct d t thU otllo * . k'ldollty Truit company , 1 I4 Faruatu itrvft. Mil MONEY TO LOAN--KEAL ESTATE. Conflnufg. _ \\r-MOHTaAOK LOANS LKSSTUAN 7 I'KIl OT ' IncludlnKall cbnrues. Chas. W. Halnoy , Omaha Nat , bank lildn. 7GJ Ay-LOANd 0 0. WALLACK , 313 HllpWN 11LK. W-I'OANBO.V IMl'llOVKU AND UNIMIMIOVKU ' cltyproiortyJlOu | ; iud unwards.ilto 8 per cent. No delays , W < t' Smith A Co.jlh | and llnrup y , AV MONKV TO UAN ON IMIMIOVKI ) C1TV propcrlr ; , low ratu. A. 0. Krost , Douglas blk. W I-rilKAt'MONKV. SKIt U. W. 1' . COATIM 1614 Farnam. 774 C\r-ONK ANI > TWO YIUIl LOANS OX OMAHA lols or .Nebraska farm ! . Old moruaups noir rluotjolhor companion pxlondod and carried by UK ono or two years without no IT papers. Wrlto full particulars. He < Ml JkSolby , ! IJl Hoard Trade big \\r-C. F. U A IIHISO.V , 8IJ N. Y. I.U'K. - 854 W-CKXTIIAM.OA.V & TltUsTCO. , I1UR 11M ) ( ! W MONKV TO LOAN ON IMl'HOVKll Oil ON- Improved Omalia property at lotrcst rntes on short notlcu. Cash un hand. KlilelUy Trust com pany , 11)14 ) t'nrimm street , 3.YJ \\r-MONKY. LOWK3T HAl'l ' ! 1'AIJL , IlilN KAHN. ' ' M91.1 SI.V \\T WIC CAN IM.CAK AltOHT tMI.WO KOIl * ' Omaha people , In sunn from fftu.DO to $ .VKX.llO ) , on the choicest , nafost nnd bout llrst tnorlgauo rcui psiat' ; svcurlljr to he had In Nebraska , at 6H per cent , on ! ) to 5 years time , without n cent of n.x- pcn o to the lender. Tlipso loans will bo absolutely safe , hcnoo the low Interest. I'artles trlshlim to plnco their money will ploasu commiinlento with us an early asconvonloiit. llot'B3A 11111 , Itonl Kstnto , No. 1109 Knrnain i. 1,13 2.'i MOgKY TO LOAN-OHATrELS. X DO YOU WANT MONF.YT _ . . THE FIIHI,1TY LOAN ( lUAUANTHK CO. U om 4 Wllhncll block , cor 15th and llarnqy sts , Will loan you any sum From JIO.IW to f 10,000 On the day you nsk for It. Wn inako loans on furniture , pianos , liorses , wnnons , warehouse re ceipts and personal prop. erty of all kinds In any amount desired , At the lowest possible rates , without oubllclty or rumoral of property. You can pay the money hack | n any ainout yon wish and at any time , nnd each payment will reduce the cost of the loan ( n proportion , Till ! FIUKLITY LOATTaUAttANTIJH CO. CO.M978 M978 X It'1 YOU WANT MONKV ON PUIINITUIIU. PIANOS I1OHSKH. WAGONS , CAKH1AOK-J , KTC , CALT , AT TUB OKFICK OF OMAHA MOUTdAOB LOAN CO. AND (1ET TKHMS HKKOIIK DKALINf ] HLSUWHEUH. Loans made In amounts from f 10 to 19.03) at the lowest rates on very uort iiolleo without pub- llclty , and with th prlvlleKO of keeping your goods In your own possession. You can pay Iho money back In any amounts you wlxhandat any time , anil uaeh paynentio made will reduro the eost of thu loan In proportion. There will bu no cxponso or chaw kept out of tbo amount wanted , but you will receive thu full amount of the loan. OMAHA MOltTKAOK LOAN CO. , Hoomll , ( 'rotithton Illnck. 15th Ht. . outh nf PoitoiHco. Th * only Incorporated loan company In Omnha. 'Wt V WILL I/IAN MONKV ON ANY IClNl ) OK SK- -'Vrurlty ; strictly contldcntlat. A , K Harris , room I , Continental block. oii. > X 1'111TCHAHD,5I DOUGLAS UL1 { , lO.t DODOK. V fllATTKL LOANS MAOK ON Vpiniios , livestock , etc. , without publicity or re moval property nt the lowest rates anil thu easiest payment ! . Dull ( Ire-en , rooms S and 0 llarkur block. 307 X -SHOUT TIMK LOANS ON CHATTEL ; security , f03 N. Y. Life. 1)70 ) A21 * \r MONKV IS C1IKAP. ! 10 III' TO S10.0J3 Vioancd on any chattel security by W. ( ! . Wood , aitentfor Nebraska Loan cooipany , 13ID Douslas Btreet , up stain. 703 r-tMOUO TO LOAN ONCUATTKL SEfJUIllrV buslneasconlltlonllaL Itooin 404 Karb&ch block. 5S3 Sf X-LOANS ON CHATTKLS. HKASONAIILK IN- torpiit , partial I'aymants I to II months. W. H , Davis , U. ' . ' 0 Continental block. Elevator 15th nt. JI'J X -CHATTEL LOINS , ! K8 N. Y. LIFE. MOjllUS. . SC.HS14' BUaiNSSS OHANOE8. - ' \--SIIJIAT' ; " ' M AHKlIT"FOU " S A LE cil B , A l j llKST J location In city : dolnir cash business of $50 o day. Poor health cause of BOllliitf. Address O IS , llee ofllce. Council llluIU. MD37a1 ! ) y-COHHKSI'ONDENOK SOLICITED OF ACTIVE business man with $5.000 to 10tKW. Share man agement nf old eatabllshcd buslnuss. No bonus , and reasonable returns Eiiaranteed. Fnlllni ; to secure desirable partner , will divide the business at fair valuation. Address 113 Bo . 805.17 * Y-1IU81NHSS CIIANCK. ONIM1ALF INTKUEST In abstract buslncsa for sale , leaaonablo ; Just the thing for ono wishing to start In business. Ad * dross lock box UI5 , llolso City , Idaho. 815 17 * V ELEV'ATOIl KOH SALB , LOCATED IN ONE Jof the best strain crowlntf dUtrlcts In the stato. Address ! ' O. box S" > , Illoomllvld , Nub. S'.U hi' \r-TO HK.NT. SALKOHTHADE.TO HOOM HOTEL , J. newly furnished , all modern Improvements , In the business portion of city. Address H. K. Allen A Son , St. , Mo. IUOO 21. Y-HAKEHY FOIl HUNT IN HASTINGS , Mill Will make favorable tcrmn to a ecod man. Ad- ilresH I' , u , box HC , HnstlUKs , Neb. 1IU-20 * -ONE OF THi : FINEST LOCATIONS IN Omaha for n butchor'a shop , will put In fixtures and rent for a term of years to nultablo party. Fred I ) . Harrln , 1510 Doduo str.'et. IW-W Y-1F YOU AUK HKKK1NO A HUSINESS Ol'l'OU- tunlty In any line of bunions wrlto tor our bill * Ictlu , Incloslnir Btamp. Woatorn Iluslncsa AKCHCV , Minneapolis , Minn , Y' I WANT A LOCATION IN GRAIN IIUSI- ness. Address , describing location , 1. N. O den , Murtlntbiirjr , Iowa , MISS lu * FOR EXCHANGE. Z CL15ANSTOCKOFUENEIIAL M'D'S'K : WILL take real cstate&monoy.Iiox'J'Jj ' , Frankfort , ln < I , 251 _ / - NEHHASKA FAHMS TO EXCHANGE FOIl / -/Clly property. I ) , J. Kendall , II. 40) ) , Hrown blk / - FLOUIllNO MILLS , O.N'K AT HAMl'TON , / Nubundonoat St. Paul. Nub. , both SJ-liarrel ; modnrn machinery ; no lueiimbrance ; will UikOKOoU lurui lamU ; owner over 70 yeari old , KOlnv out of business. J , J. ( ilbson , 1st National liauU bulldlnK. 301 Z FOIl E.\CHAN(1H. ( IIKAU'llFUL MODKHN homuun motor line forsloeic hardware orucn'l mdsp. land or city property. What havtiyun ? I * . O. Hox7M. ' MO-ll ! EyUIIM'KD LIYKHY : A llAIKiAINi 'JblK discount ; amall percenuiao cash , IIox 23 , Kt'iiinoyNob , bOO It ! * Z 100 HEAD OF HOIISCS , MT.VOHANOH FOIl land In NubrankaorBtock of clothing. Address. J. Sluhl , Nebraska City. Nob. .M7wJ 21' Z FOIl EXCHANGE. A STOCK OF CENEItAL merchandlHo for lands and cash. Address 11. W. Wutklns it Co. , FrunKtort.lnd. . Ma 10 * V 11)11 ) SALE Oil KXCIIANtlE-i'llAlKlAIN "AiKbony uprlKlit piano. Adarom O U5 , llou'olllco. M76I /-FOIl HALK Oil KXCHANriB ; COTTAUH / fronllni ! muith on Ciimlni ! street In CnrtliaKo ail- dltlon ; seven roonu , pantry , closota ; foreu pump , cistern , cesspool , cemented collar : well built and tlnlbhed hi hiird plnonnd oak. I'rloy , Ij.lOJ. Apply lo W. L. helby , 3II.Chamber Cpminercu , 4 w/J V FOIl THADK , LAND AND CLKAU LOTS FOIl fM'iur 7'room bouse and lot In Omaha ; will n - Humu some Incuiiibratico , Addrvva 2IKFianklln itreot , Omaba. 1U.1 13 V-WIIAT IIAVB YOU TO TllADE FOIl fl.OOO /Je < | ulty In vood iuurtur | suction ) AUdioss 1131 , llci * . M1W18 * FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. \\rANTKI ) . < ; oOIrWTAlK ) ( FOllW.iOO. ' Wanted vottaKO ni'ar West Farnaui cheap. Wanted house anil lot for ii,500 eu h. Wanted to leute fooil tmall store room , Wanted f.'Seottuuelor KOOI ! Icnaut. WniiU'd puruhnter for 8 per cent irtortiinuo. WuntL'il Kood > lx per cent uiortKauo. \VantiMl luiuao unil lot for 1'loar loll. C , F. Harrisoni > l N. Y. Llfu. 1W-I8 1 011 SALK AT A 1IAHOA1N , LOT Ifl. 1ILOCK 1 W , K Solby's First addition to South Omaha ; mall payment down , balanuo monthly If deilre.l. . Tt ciiuck. Omilba Jleu. . 3S1 l/Oll rIALK-rllY'l'HK OWNKll 10.0JJ ACHES (7 ? -L NuLnnka'H tliiosl farming land at a urcat nurrl- tlcp. li. II. Pft r on , 14U a | 3tli at.Omaba. 7Mij HOUSE AND LOT ON 1'AUK AVK.VUU Foil aloortrada for farm land. Oppoilto llanicom park. Finest location la tbo city , uliilit room houiuWllh all rauduru luiproroiuuno. lnuulroat IWJ lurk avenue. ila > l uls pLIFTON HlLl llAlir.AIN-KllUITY IN MIOOM V-A-ottRRui mint bu Kohl by Suptumber 1. Owuur leavlnicclty. I'lcaiant homo , near Motor and Hell lluu ; cltr wuter. Adilroit H V , Hco. , M'JU 2V 1JAIIM IN SAIll'Y COUNTV , 4S PKll ACIIK. L Furm In Otoe county IM per sere. Farm In Nuncu county tM per ucro , Farm In Valley county IIU iier acre. Farm In Thurstnii county | .U per Here. Farm In Duuvlas county , laU pvrucru. Farm In ( ; ai ounty. Hi per aero , C. F. llnrrliou , I'll N. Y , l.lfo. 1J3.1S ff 1ST VOUIl IlKAL KHTATH FOH ALK WITH -LiUoortu J , 1'nul. liKK > Fariiam 1MUSI Bia- rtOJTUU , SOUTHKABT COIlNKll KITH AND JACK- "tou. do look at It. Illit bnrv ln for MOIUU one. F. K. Darllru , lUrkur block , MUV1-18 1/011 WALK. A FNs IMl'JtOVKU ACIIK ' 1' farm IT uilln from Oicab * . I'rod U. Uarrli , 1618 Uodgo itreoU liijj * FOB SALE-KKAI. JE3TATE. FflaiO ) , choice roMdonco , V > l ham hill. f Hll 0 , rcldonco. ilb neajiK/irnnm. JIS.UOJ. bu lnvis properlywjth ; Koodrovcnuo. fi.VUU. ! attn fronllna on , t'ark. ' 4OOJ , SOarri'S SH inllcs'/rjrm r. O. . f.S.500 , oniall builni-KS prilliwiy cloio In. iO , line Dotmlnsi'troot-Jnuiiorty U. Imprnvcd HJtbst.l'rinrty. ! . .U , cholro Farnini street lot. C. F. llarrlnon , till N. Y. Llfo , . 199 13 OllSKS. COLTrt ANCATTiilSl cared for the year nlimn. 1 have S.V ) acres of uooil pa lnrc , la ncrc < RUOII ra s , 500 acre * of coed onti Ktublile.'nri nt the ntubble Is atnndlnn ripe oatti , nhlch jniikes the boat pantttro In the world. A iiood lamy. nlco froKh runnlna wnlcrnnd barn room forMKjnoftdlncasoof ntorni , 1 have the Inrgrit horao rnnfb In Dougla.i and Harpy ooiinty. I'loatocall nnd co tuy stable room ami fccdinc yardi nnd pa turo no you will bn atl < llod , 1 call for and deliver f ri-o of charito. Mr price on pasture Is fl.OO per month , and In winter feed hay , ( train , cut feed and gtrntr and 200 acrM "landlnit corn talkj. Kept In 6am nlshU , price from KI.UO per month tip , Two miles south of South Omaha , I mile from street caM. Address ( loo. ( I. < ! ans , r. O. box 130 , South Omaha , Nob. ! U-M4. LOST. IT 09T. iUHINl ) TIIK I'AUADK LAST KVKNINU , JJa tluer claws nnd maltese cross ponunnl. the Jewel of the Mystlii Slirlnp. Finder will be re- wanled by rrturdlnK the samoTo K. 9. Noedhani , of Moolah tdnitile , Bli I/ouls , at the Murrav. 127 li. TAKEN UP. fPAKKN 01' . AUllUSTT , FOUIl 11OUSKS , TWO Lhlneksi wnlVhl nbout l.-HXJ ! ono sorrel nnd one bay colt. N. Mourltson , 4Mh nnd .1 Blrccls. South Omaha. ' nlu-17-2l-3ls7 * MONEY WANTED. T WANT TO DOIlltOWtl ; . Foil ONH YF.AHO.N i a lot worth $ % 0 J wilt pity 8 par rant and f..VOO cash commission , Addrcxs (1 15 lleooDlco 7.H3 REWT IN C TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange. BEST in the WORLD ! MEGBATH STATIONERY CO. , 1:104 : Karnam Street , Omaha. RRILWHYT1MEGH-RD Leaves ICHICAUO IIIJIlLtNUroN A g. I A Omaha. I Djpol 10th tin I Minou atl. I Om h Lenvoi IllUHLlNIJTON A MO. UlVICIl. I Arrlvoi Omaha. I Depot 10th and Mason ats. | Omaha. lu.'i : n m . . .Denver VoUlbulo Limited. . 4.05 p m 10.15am . .Deadwnod Kxpross 4.03 p m 4.40 p m Denver Kxpruis VM a m 4,10 p m Denser Kx os s 11.40p m ( Uflp m Hastings Local 0.37 p m 8.15 a in . .Llneolg LocsKKxceptdun.l. . 11.3J a m Leaves I RTo. . S1' . J. A 0. l . I Arrl lv o Omaha , i Depot Utli nnl Maon HH I Out 'ia ! ' ,5) ) a m I. . . . Kansas City Day Hxpros > . . . . | ( lix ) p m 9.45 p mK. | O. Nl lit Kxp via U. 1' . Tram I ii.43 a m CIIIOAtiO. It. I. .V I'AOIFIC. I I From Kast. [ Union llppot 10th A Marcy 3ts. | Kast. Oolng I CIHOAOO , II. I , & I'ACIFIU. , Froai West. I Union Depot 10th and Marcy Sts. I West t.'JUpm ! Uonvur l.loiltu.t 4.VJ p m 1.03 a m Fast Uxpntis -MIJ a in 9.03 a in 1..Kansas CityKxcypt ( Sunday ) . , ' 1.30 p in Loavoi I UNION 1'ACLVIU , Arrlvjl Omaha. | Union Depot 10th and Marcy Sts. Omi \ \ . 7.5'i a m lloatrleo tixpross O.i'J ' p m 9.53 a m Denver Kxpross 4.03 p m 2.15 p m Overlanarlyer 7.0) p m p m Iuu-JpVi AStrniH&i-Kxut ( Sun ) 12 3) p ra 6.10 p m I'aclllc I xproii. . . . . . . . . 10.10 a m 0.30 p m . . . .Denver Fa t Mail 4.2) ) p m eaves ICIIICAUO , M1U & ST. 1'AUL Arrive Omahao | U. I' , depot nnfl Marov Sts. Omahi 7.05 p m Chlcaxo Kxnruis. . * .l.3 > a in 11,30 A m ClilCBgd lixprois. . 4.20 p m Leaves SIOUX CITY * I'ACIFIl1. Arrives Omaha Depot. IQIli and Marcy Sta. Omahi T.2U a ml Sioux City I'nulieniiHr. IIP Sup in 635 p ml St. Paul fc.yiircss lluOQam SIOIJ.X OU'Y A I'ACIFIU Arrives Depot. 1Mb and Welutjr t Omahn JIB p.m | Hi. I 1.Hulled I" Si n m Leaves I F. , K. & MO.CVAljLi ! Y. I Arrives Omalial Dopo-t. 15th a'idlW.ebslorjJti. jOmalia Leaves .0.-bT. 1' . , St. a O. ( Arrives Omalial Dopot.'l5th and Webster 3ls. I Omaba Leaves I CHICAtiO & NOIlTliWKSTtfllMlArrtvoi Otnalia ) U. I' , depot. 10th and Marcy Sts I CHIOAUU& NOHTHWKSTKIIN Arrival Transfer Union Depot. Council Ilium. I Transfer 4. P ljl | _ . .St. Louis Cannon Hall Laves I MISSOUllI PACIFIC. I Arrlvot Omaha I Doot | 15111 and WebitorHli. | Omaha lO.oO a n. I at. l.ouli Kxpress. | 0.30 u m ilJO pin | St. Louli Kxpross. . 6.10 p in Loaves lUlllCADO , HUKL'N-A yUINOY.I Arrlv M Traiisferl Union Depot , Council lllug < rfraniti leaves UM All A A T. Arrlvos Transfer ] Union Depot. Council Illutti. Transfer 4.4U i in | Ht. Louis Canon Hall ll..IJ p m leaves I blOU.X CITY i 1'ACIFIO. lArrlvos Trans for | Union Depot , Council lilurM. [ Transfer 7,4 1 a ml .Sioux City Accommodation..I10.UU p m 6.50 p ra I Ut. I'aul Kxprs * * I ' . ' .Ui m UnlttMl Htiiti1 * ) Jlnritliiil'u .Siilc. Dooltot , No. 201 0 In the circuit court ot the Unltml atntos for thu dUtrlot of Nuhruskn. The I-'Irst Nutlonul bank of Omulm vs J. T. Orllllnut : il. I'ubllu notice Is henby nlvcii that In pnrsn- nia'o und hy vlrtno of a writ of oxucutlon lu- sui'd out of nkovo nuinod eoiirt'.ln above cn- tltlud cause , mid bunrliiK thu ( Into of Auziist 10 , A.I ) . IS'-.1. ' ) I. Itnid D. Sliiu htor. Unltod Status murslml for thu district of Nebraska , will , on tbu I'tn day of Suptoinbor. A. I ) . Isu ? . nt thu hour of 11 o'clock In tlio forenoon of mild day , 'nt the niirtliiionr , of tlio United .Status uonrUiotthu und po.stullleo Inillillnj ; , In the city of Oniiilia , Douglas county , slalu and district of Nebraska , Hull at public auction aa thu law dlruutD to thu highest utid bust bjddor thu 11 to Interest'of ' tlio'dufandant heroin. .1. A. Urlllln , In and to thu .following dcscrlbod proporty. to-wlt : i All that lot , ploco or naruol of lund bnlm a portion of tliuvoMt6.U 7rTf/jJToot / of the nw ! . ( of sw ' of KU > 4 section 3'.4lt < iivijdlilp 15. ruiiKO l.t , as follows : Itoulniitiiu' .W. ? ! foot , noiitli of tlio coiitur of section ; itbeiWyj ( Mist tUI 7-10 feet , thoncu south : ii : | feet to'10-ucro cDrnurou half Hoctloii II.le , thuncu wu > t STil T-IU ( not. Ihunco north uil : foot to llbjjliiiilns ; belnjr tlio hotitli ( inaitorof west i'H-IU iiciua of nw h of flit Ji of Raid section ' . ( ! . Odlitiilnln 0 47 lj-100 noies , moro or Jeaa. At > f > buL'liiiin | .t/.i.'l feet south of the center of Beutlon : , township 15. raiiKO KI. thoncu wnst"f.ttlO foot to lliu wust llnu of said suotion , tbertc < rs < iutliiil ; : f cot to 40- ncru corner , thence "Imnl. a.OlO feet to half 'section line , ' "thbiico nortli ! iU foot to be liinlup , > nliolni : tliu H ! i of ni ! of aw quitrlor of in1/ ! suction ' ? ! . beini : twunty acres moro or leas.- Also a portion ot tux lot 4 , in w } { of noJtnot Nuutlon ono ( II , township 14 , ranuo 1'J , us-iollows : lluxinnlnt ; > foot north ofiiipuntur of Bcotion 1 , ithunco north lU'.KKA fcoL-tliuncu east 675 fout to Llttlo 1'apllllon crV'l , ' { thoncu southerly alonK aiilil crock to u poult east nf bonliuiln ; . ' , thuncn wust Si'H tout u > - < ilacu of bojlnnlni * , buliiK tlio nortli I'.r..tttAqcuut ' of siild tax lot ; conlainlnu'J ucros tnofiihrlosa. been liur.'lofuro levied upon hy vjr- tnu of said writ of execution to natUfy n jiidRiiient of said court obtained ut Its Mpy turin 1870 In favurof the I'lrst National hunk of Omaha una uKUlnst ttlu salil J. A. Urlllln , iiHAD i ) . HiAiJiirnii. ; : Unltod Ktutea Marshal , District of n'ttlirufekn , W , A , KKIIICK , Attorney , fornlalntllf , _ All . 17.i4.UI. Haul. 7. 14. NOTICE TO PROPKRTV OWNERS. Von uru hereby notlllyd that the following hunuuf mirth orf loin U and 4 In blouk no oily , liuvo buondvclurod uyordlnanoo . UUilto | bo -nuiHiincoii hy ruiiuoii of baiiKnof uurth oxlatlng thereon , . , You nro liuroby notllled lonoiitosald nnl- eanculiy KradlitRunid buikjo : ( o rtli down to ubout. the In vul ( if the mlrroiinUni ' atreotn or alloys un or before thu utli ( lily uf Botilonihor , IB ! ) : ! , orauld nulsuncui will tu. nhaluu by the city utlthorltlus , itntl the oxiomu | thuroof lov led an ttuoclul tax nxuln t thu property on which afd iiulsancu * exist. Dated thl J3th day of Au'Xttit ' , ISO. , ( Oh&irmun of tho' Don rd of 1'ubllo WoVlcn. aU 15 10 1713 GRADK ORDINANCE NO. 181. An ordinance changing the pr.ulo of 75th ntroei from Hoc.i street to I'nrlflo str iot , nnd I'ncllln slrout from L'lth street tn'J.ith itvonno. In the city of Omaha , nnd repealing sn much of tlradn Urdinnneos Nog , ins unit 201 , und to much of nil ordinances In conlllut herewith : llo It ordained hy the city council of the city of Umaha : Section I. Whorons. It hiw liopn declared lu'ctsonry to chiuio ! the Kratlo of 2,1th stront from Hoci street to I'aelllu street and I'aelflu streetfroin''llh street to'J.ith avenue ; And whereas , thrco dlslntcrc trd freehold ers hnvo been appointed uy thu mayor and conllrmed hy ihnulty connull to iipprklxu the ( latnaKOs arlslni ; hv roisoti : of the oliiuiRO uf Rrailo lierolnnftcr inontlonod ; nnd Wtii'icns. s.ild nliraUur. | ) < i nftor duly quali fying accorillnir to law and oxiuiilnliu the property nireclcd hy said chanijo , liavemiulo their report nnd the city council liasnunrovcd thn sunn. Therefore , thu cr.ulo of said purti ot "Hh slrout nnd I'aclllc street N hereby dimmed nnd established flu that the ulovatlunsalmlk ho as follouM. the niilo between thu points cited bolnn tinirorm strnhzlit linns ! Section U. Oradoofl.'Mh stri'ot Klevntlon Kiovntlon of Wnst of Kint Curb. Curb. South curb nf Hcos strout , as established III..OJ 1,1 00 Noil.h curbof I'acinestrcot.iiil.OJ : 1'JO.OJ Oradoof I'aclllc struut Elovntlnn Klovatlon otHoutb of North Curb. Curb. Last curb of 3.1th avenue , us eslaoll.shcd I.'I.OO 151.00 West curb of anh street lllftOi ) W'1.00 ' Kiistcnrhof 3 > th street limotl liUHH ) Wt'.stonrbof ' 'Ith street as established Section ! ! . Urdlnanco No and so much of alt otliKrordltmnrcs ilollnliiK vhe itnidos of thu iibovu "treets , us conlllctsVlth the provuloiiHof thlsordlnanco. Is hereby repealed. Section 4. This ordinance shall take i-iroct and bo lu force from and after Its liassaitu. Passed August Oth , 18'J'J. ' 18'J'J.JOHN JOHN OfJOVKP , C'ltv Olork. 0. U CIlAl'l-'KK. Aotlnit I'rosldent Oily Council. Auurovod August I Ith , 1M ) . ' . OEO. L' . 11KMIS. 11KMIS.Mayor Mayor ORDINANCE NO. 3203. An ordinance ordcrlnc the Improving of 3rd street from Pierce street to William streat. In street. Improvement district No. 4'ri ( , said Improving to conslH of pavlnr with white Colorado sandstone , and dlructlni : thu board of uubllo worlts to titUo the necessary Htopa to cause such work to bo dona Wlicroas , > the mayor and city- council ot the "y of Oiimlm hnvu ordnrud the linpruvliit ; of I street from Plurcostruut to Wllllani slroot , In street ImprovutnQntdlstriut. No. livi. by pav Ing the same , and allowed thirty days to the property ownorn In which to duslinatu and de termine thu maturlul desired to ho tntcd for such paving , nnd Whurc.'ia thu suld thirty days have expired and the propurty owners owning thu majority of the frontage In said Improvumcnt district have petitioned for the invlni of said street In said district witb white Colorado sandstone andWhoroas Whereas , In addition to such desk-nation of matt-rial hy snld owners the mayor and olty council of said city do hereby determine upon thu material so spcclllml as the material to bo used for such pavlir/ . therefore , lie It ordained by the city council of the elty of Omaha : Section 1. Thntthat part ofllrd street from I'lerco street to William street. In strout Im provement district No. 4K1. l.o and thu same Is hereby ordered Improved , .said Improvement toconslstof paving with white Colorado sand stone. according to the Ions on 111 em Ihuonicoof thu board of public works. Section V. That the board of public works Is hereby ordered to cause said work to be done nnd in ontur Into contract for thu sumo with the lowest responsible bidder under the speci fications on Illo In thu oflleii of said ho'trd. .Section 'I. That this ordinance take cflect and bo In forcu from nnd after Hs'pasjUKu. Passed August 9tb , lsiJ. ) * JOHN GKOVK3 , Oltv Olork. C. L. OIIAKKKK , ActhiB President Olty Council Approved August llth , 189 : . ' . OKO. I' . ItKMIS Mayor. ORDINANCE NO. 3201. An orillmuiceonlorliu the Improving of I'leroo street from : ird street to 4th street. In street lmurovemeni.llstrlct ( No. 411 , snld Improving to consist of paving with whlto Colorado Hinulstone. and dlieetlii-4 thu board of public worUs to take the necessary stops to cause such u'ork to be dnnu. Whereas , thu mayor and cltv council of the olty of Orn'iha Itavu ordered the Iniprovlni * of Pierce street from 3rd street , to4th street , In street linprovbiimnt d | > tvlot No. 4IU , by pavlnR the same and ullowud thirty days to property owners in which to designate und determine the material desired to be used for snuh piv- : IML' . and Wneroas , the said thirty days have sxplred nnd the property owners ownin : the m njorlty or the frontaco In said Imnrovomunt district have petitioned for the puvlni ; of s.ild street In said district with whlto Colorado sandstone , andWhereas Whereas , In addition lo such itoslKnatlon of material by said owners , the mayor and city council of said city do hereby determine upon the material so specified as the material to bo used for such paving , therefore. Dottnrdnlnoa i > y tbo city council of tlio olty of Omaha : Section 1. That that pirt/of Plorco street from 3rd street to 4th ft tree I , In street Im provement district No. 4G4 , bo ami Iho same Is hereby ordered Improved , said Improvement to consist of paving with white Colorado .sand stone. accord ti : ; to the spculfl ntluns on fl lu In the ofliuo of Mie board of nubile works , Section - . That the board of nubile work's Is hereby ordered to cause said work to bo done nnd to enter Into contract for tne samei with the lowest responsible bidder under the suucl- llMll ns on Illo In the olHco of nalil board. Section .1 That this ordinance UIKO effect and bo In force from and af tor Its passage. Passed AuKustOtb , 1807. 1807.JOHN anovis. : CllvOlork. 0. I ; . OIIAFI KR , Actlns President Oily Council. Approved August llth , IKflJ. OliO. P. HEM IS. IS.Mayor. . NOTICE OP ASSESSMENT OF DAM AGES FOR RECONSTRUCTING THE SIXTEENTH STREET VIADUCT. To thoownersof nil lots ana parts of lots and real estate nloni ; the Sixteenth strcul via duct. iinH the approaches thereto. Von are horuby nollllod that tha nndor- slcned , three disinterested freeholders of the city of Omaha , have been dulv appointed by thu mayor , with tbo approval of thu city coun cil of siild city , to assess thu cltnago to the owners rosDoutlvoly of the prof jrty uffuuted by the construction and reconstruction of tbo Sixteenth street viaduct In thu city of Omaha us declared necessary by ordinance No. S977 , unil as proposed by plans duly approved by tlio mayor and council of said city. Von ate further nnclllod , that Imvlnuao - coptcd suld appointment , and duly ( | iinllfluil as rcuuircd by law wo will , on Monday , the Z''nd day of August , A. D. , IS'X' ' , at the hour of U o'clock In thu torcnoon , at the directors' room of thu ( , 'ommoreiil : Nntlnnal bank , within the corporate limits nf ssld oily , moot for tbo purpose of conslderlni ; and mnldir , ' thu nsiHsinient of ( Inmasu to the owners re spectively ot s-id | property , nireulcd by sahl rcconstriietloii.of said vsadnct anil Its ap- proaclics , tuklninto consideration special huiiollls. If any. . Von are notllled to bo present at thu lime. and place aforesaid and maku any objections' to or statements concerning said assessment of damages as yon mav consider proper. WILLIAM II. I.IAMS , ADOLPII MI-VI < : K. ALKHii : ) MILLAKI ) . . Omaha-AiiRiist 10. lfcU > . AlldlOr. PROPOSALS FOR GRADING. Scaled proposals will be received by the un dersigned until liiH ) o'clock p. in , , September ' 'nd , 1ST.1 , for itrndlns street from VIA street to 451 h street ; the alloy In block 5 , Improvement Association addition from 10th ntrcet to0th street , thu nl- luy rinnilns east nnd west , adjolnliis lots : IO to 40 Inclusive , blook 4 , Oampboll's addition , from Wth street to lM t street : und the alley between Diipont and O.istollar stieetu from VUth street to thu west line of Htipont Plncu in the cltj * of Omnha , In aeeoriliuico with plans and specifications on Illo In tbo olllco of the Hoard of Public Works. lllds will bu made 'on printed blanks fur- nlshod by tbo board , and to lo nceompanleJ with a certified check In the sum of 8in'j. payable - able to the city of Omaha , us an evidence of ' Itood faith. The bo ltd reserves the Hsht 16 reject any or all bids and to witlvo detects. P. W. HIKKHAUBKH. Chnlrman of thu Hoard of I'libllc Omaha , Nub. . August 10th. I Mr,1. Mr,1.uus 10. 17 ; 21 , 21 , ORDINANCE NO. 32ia ! An ordlnitnco locntliii ; certain additional 'water bydrnnls In Iho city of Omaha. Hoit ordained by the Olty Council nf thu city of Oinulm ; Section I. 'Dint the American Water Works Company bo and the game Is hereby ordered to place additional water hydrants In the city of Omaha , an follows : DUO ut thu corner of Ulth and Spnu-uo streets , Onu lit thu corner of 3'Jrd and lloyd streets. Onu tit the coriitir of Ulth and lloyd streets , Seutlon 2. That this ordinance ttha.ll tuko uiruot und bu In foroo from and titter III pun- AotltiK President Clly Council. Approved August llth , Is'/A ana i1. UEH18. Mayor EXCELSIOR SPRINGS. MO.Is Is 25 miles N.-K. ot Kansas Clly , on the C. , M. & St. ! ' . Hallway , THE * "ELMS Is the most charming nll-j' resort In America. CAPACITY. 500 QUESTS. SITUATED IN THE MIDST OP A PICTURESQUE WOODED CSTATB or 1,000 ACRES. SPLENDID MUSIC , DANCINO , DOWLINQ AND DILLIARDS. PERFECT TENNIS COURTS. PICTURESQUE WALKS , BRlDLB PATHS AND DRIVES. SUPERD OATHS. AN IMMENSE SALT-SULPHUR SWIMMING POOL. MARVELOUS TONIC WATERS. ABSOLUTELY NO MALARIA. NO MO3QUITOB. Write for Illustrated Pamphlet. Address EXCELSIOR SPRINGS CO. , ExcelsiorSpringSjMo. ae ooeooaoe > lllchardson Drug Co. , Agis , Oraalia , Neb ARE YOU SUFFER .M.V . rno.\i Weakness , Catarrh or Chronic , Nervous or Private Diseases , IP SO , CALLi ON Dr. Searles & Searles Consultation Free. Acknowlodecd to bo the most succesfnl specialist In lilt I'lllVATE , III.OOI ) , NEHV017.4 , SK1.V AM ) UHIX- AllV DISEASES. ( onorrhma lit from .1 to f > clays. Syphilis cured wlthout.Mcrciiry. All stages for life. STIUCTUIIK purmnnuiitly cured , removal com plete , without outline c.liutlo cir dilatation , euro atTectudat homa by patlunt without a moment's pain or annoyance. 1'ILKS , FISTULA AND IlKlTAIi ULCKIIS cured without pain or detention from bu lnu s. HYDIUK-KLi : ANO VAIIK'OI'KLM permanently and successfully curod. Method nun-and unfailing. WEAK MEN ( VITALITY WI1AKI , Madjsoby too clo , n nppll- cntlon to biiiiliiiiss or study ; Hovoro montil strainer or Brief ; SKXL'AL U.K33K3 < In nilddlo life , or Irom llio ellocli of youlhful follloi. WKAK MKN AHU VICTIMS TO N15IIVOU3 1)15- niHTVor KXHAUSTIO.V , WASTING WKAKNNSS 1NVOLUNTAUY LOdHKd with KAIlljY DKUAV In YOUNd mid MIDDLM AOKUi hick of vim , vl or , nuil ulroncth , with soxuul ootnin Imp.ilrud ami weakencned prematurely In npproachlntt old aao. All Tlold readily to onr now treatment for load of vital power. Cull on or addrms with ulamp for circulars , free book nml receipts. Dr. Searles & Searles.Il8 Nox I'ostOfllco. HEALTHFUL , AGREEABLE , CLEANSING. For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics , A PERFECT SOAP FOR ALKALI WATER. Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns , Etc. A Delightful Shampoo. WHITE RUSSIAN SOAP. Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water St. Bernard P Out of "Modjoskn , " by"3iilTot' ( ] , " ho by ChainpHnliinnon. "SitlTord" is littoi * brotlior to tlio lui'tfost def ; qvor raised in Ainoricn. J''uU ' ' poilisi'oo ; of pups on upplieatlon. Ad dross , GEO , A , JOSLYN , 511 South 12th Street , , Oinuliu , Nob. THU SilOHTKST LINK TO CHICAGO s via the Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul R'y , as represented onthis map. Electric Lighted , Steam Heat ed Vestibuled trains leave Omaha daily at 7105 p. m. , ar riving at Chicago at 9:30 : a. m. City Ticket Office : 1501 Far nam St. , Omaha. F. A. NASH. Gen'l Agent. JOSEPH GILLOTT'S ' STEEL PENS. GOLD MEDAL , PARIS EXPOSITION , 1889 , _ _ JHE MOST PERFECT OF PENS- 'rhtrliu.trr'11 Kii Illaiuunil Mul Hi , < Tlnly 4)n.uii. i ; . rcll.H. . L Di , k Ullltlil ( or CUtHiiltr'i taflUll Htl- nw J flraii.4 la Hcil > nd UtU ni < ull ! < twin. l l > 4 llh llul rll'lwii. Tuko floalWr. A//Vi danff.rouilul filu. Itnattfd ( ulull.i , , . iPrujllllorilDil4o. lo tuup. Itr | .ullcutrl ) , ( . .UwbiiUli u4 "It.lltr far r-mtttf , " i MM. Ij r.lura IJ II. 10.1100 Tuttuviil.U. Htlu- Vbtiulutl < Ai. , Southern Summer Resorts Oflbr Tempting Inducements. CHEAPER THAN STAYING AT HOME llciiM tin Wlint "My lltiiliintl > " - inoHlIn Virtuns Hint Al\rii.rn U'lii A Cnloliy ll.ttlilnp ; Suit Nolcs nnil Oinslp , The tlonrth of young mom nt the stlinmor roaorls lm baqu rocoRinzed In tin nmuslfis way by some of the hololkoopor.i tills sea son. Olio of thoin , the owner of n resort on thohojapoal } < o& Ohio roiul , nilvorttara > ' ( u Wasblugtoii that ho will Klvo"apoolnl tcrmi" to .young inoii. Ono of the big railroads running out of the has tlono uvon bettor. It has in.ulo n rate from \Yintiliij- ( ton ton an in m 01- rosen whluh It ownsln , < eluding 11 journey of nearly 1TA mtloa nu'l board for llvo ilaya nt ono of the bent , hololi In the country , nt a not cost of * 10. It U almost cheaper than stit.vlnt ? In WnshlnRtoti. Hut thu nito is for youtiR nion ouly. Mar- rlod nion iinu the foinnlo uuunbor of tliuir fumlllOA tire not Included In it. TluVso spuclal rnlos uro Intotulod to bring out .101110 of the army of tlmidn ynuni ; nion in the departments ut \ Vuslilnitoiwho ! cmniot nIToril to Uiko oxponstvii vauallon trips and who hnvo boon Kolng every summer to tba Vlrglnlii summer roiorls not Inr from Wash. ltiptun. ; Kvury ono in Ylrtflnlu Is poor nnd they fcol thoroughly nt homotboro. Behind that Innocent , phruso , "my husband says , " lurlts a vast amount of fuminino plo- lurosquoness , writes llolon .Iny In Uarpur's lin/ar. Wlitit nstonlslimcnt , not unmixed with dhiuny , would 1111 the soul of the good man If ho could'hoar ihooxtraordlniuy statements - monts his wlfo put ) In his lipsl For instanuo , aho tolls her friends very curncstly that her buaband sny.s ho prefers sleeves that nra shirred diagonally nnd th cmUroldcrcd. ratlior ihnn those that nro cmbroulerod nnd thun gathered Into u plain culT. That < ls the runson the protly UtUo spcnkur gives for iba fashion of her own garment. The truth Is that her husband does not Unow what shirring means. Men with nn almost tnorold horror of personalities nra reported - ported ns warning ttiolr wives nsiilnst certain pooplo. When n drive Is proposed distaste ful to the vomit : wlfo , she nlmosl nutomutl- cally declares that her husband says ho It nfruld to have her got Into n carriage. You cannot carry on u conversation of llvo min utes' length with some people without tlio In- " troductlon of this phrase , cither us an excuse or un argument. There Is no volunlnry falsehood ubout the matter whatever. It Is simply n habit , prnlsoworthy from some points of view , who dot's not numlro the wives who , sinca thu days of Elizabeth and her X.iuhariah , have Intornrotud dumb husbandsi They may be wpduod unto clownsbin Into the lips of these sumo clowns they jtit tholr own nobility of thought , and suoech. There ara many lilto Mrs. Wllltlns , who quoted hoi meek llttlo 'Lisha , nnd so hedged him In with wifely loyalty that nil llitonurs felt like apologizing for n disparaging thought. 1'orhaps thorc Is no surer revolution ol character than the munnor In which t > wife uses her husband's nama in con variation , \Vo nave some respect for Mr. Pawcott's hcroiiiD , who closed her oycs whan her hus band staggered into sight , and declared that "Manhattan hnd ono of Ills headaches , for ho novcr dr.inlc. ' ' Il is hard , however , to pardon tlio woman who conlldcs to every ono she moots the shortcomings of the man whoso honor Is In nor keeping. Hetlconca requires moro culture and braiu power than criticism. There nro wives who ariruc , with slirirp- tongued Mrs. 1'oysor , .lmt "Cod ! inudu iho women silly to match the men"and with hot nro ready to slay n sister umtiiug the satna statemnnt \Vo question If womoii arc qulto flttod to occupy posltlous of public trust until they have lournou to guard moro zealously tha secrets of tbo Homo. "Do Mowers talk ? the Iittlo ono asks , As she ullinli to her papa's knou ; "Ij ) they slug awuct siinss an the rrtrdlos do. Do they oat and live Illio wo ? t often vrondir. papa duur , If they bear whnt uhlldren HIV ; ; Do they ttloep out thuro In the dark tonight ? When the sun shines do they pluy ? " Yes. I've hoard the rose whisper tnlos of lore To the llttlo pink , I've soon thu clover nod Us head And the pansy both eye ; wink. And the dandollon toss Its golden curls In thu hroe/.o at Iho hroilc : of day. Ann soun them drink of thu inui-niiis dew And wntuhod thuin nt tholr piny. Ybs , I'm snro they llvo In tholr humhlo way the sumo H uhlldron < lo. That they oat anil sloop and laugh and play Ami often lubor , tuu. For thu Oed tliut wutolies over us ( Jure * for thu violets blue , And loves ouch tinnier little plant AH he truly lovolh you. Umuha , August I : . IS'J , . J. U. v. American girls in search of foreign titles must , now look to tholr laurels , for iho Aus tralian beauties nro beginning to attract ttio ( mention of titled Kngllshmcn. Miss Maud Wilson , whoso engagement to the ourl of Huntingdon ban boon recently unnounced. Is said to bo the llrst Australian glrlwoooJ and WQ" by nn Englishman of title In England , though other marriages and engagements have occurred in Australia. TIIK HKAI/TV AIAKKhT. INSTUUMKNT8 placed on record August id , 181) ) 1 WA11IIANTV IIKI'DS. U Y llutesund wlfo to A K Itatus , lots 1 , HiiilZ blodk I" , Wlleux's Unit udil . $ 1,00) . ) I' 1'nllk and wlfo to StL-phon Hwohoda , lot 13 , block 4. Arbor plac-o . 1,55'J ' Joseph WuodrnlT to I ! .1 Kendall , H I''O foot lot 4 , ( 'liollnmn'H mid to llydo liailc . 7.0 Aaron I'utur.son to sainu , n ! ' , lot I' , blnuk 111. Mlllird : place . 4,003 MeUavocik .t O'Kuufu to Wuii-jli Sc Woi- trllidd. ! lot ID , Liloelc 4. AlcUuvock itD'Keefo'Hronliit . 000 William O'llnllnrun to .Mury ICelley , inlddh > r > u\luu feel In lots 1 nnd 2 , blook 4 , .Icttur's add . 1'JOO M I ) Williams anil hiiHb.ind to \ , Al imiKu nnil wlfo , lot Zl , bloelt 15 , Hun- > Hcoin place . e 3 30 A II Samlor and wife In 1'odur 1'cdor- fon. lotli. A II t-uiidor'H add . , . . . , , 1 Jnne lliilihvln to Andruw Johnson , lots ? Ill and 14. block 4W. lots 1 to 4. block m lots ID. II and IV , blook 441 , lot ? -ID tou'0 , nlook4ill , lots 4 to 7 , block 4ll'lot ( r " in. 11 and I' ' , bloolr 174 , loin I li > 4 , litunk 4"H , lots 1 and - ' , blook lll ! , Urundvluw. . 600 Jacnb Wllklns to K W HnKur nt ill,1 lot ' > , ' . blook htl. Unialiii . . . ' . ' ] ' ,1 F K. Smith to < J II Vuiizhan , lots AM iiiul : 'i , block B , linker plauo . . . „ , ' "Aw Total umuuiii. of transfers . $ 15,4,33 , WOODBURY'fc ' FACSAL SOAP . . . . The remit uf Ju )0 t * ' cr.hcrlnicolo . nl l < , orruuij | > ' mall far inA h 1 l uf N < | i n , 1 1 ISiita \ , lik nn PIT. . , Ulon.l IH.o.iMiH Aim llln lliuniolill Ilka UlrllniMrkl , llnlai , WniJu.lmUa > 'l 1'nwuir lUikf rfl- .Nnllcn ill AXMMHimml , , , i/ . . . , , . „ , u , . , c ( iliilliKv nt ( illlde. To tliu ownorM of nil lots unil pnrlx ( if loll unil nnil culiitu uloiiu Tlilrly-nlntli HtriMit fiDiu I'nwliir .ivoiiuu lu Ames n viiiiuo ; Vim uru hereby nollfloU Unit thu iiiiilur- Hteiifil , tlircu ( HsIiitornKtud freehiJlikirnot thu olty of ( Jiiuihii , hnvo IHIUII dulv iippolntuil by Iho innyor , wltbtho nppnivnl ( if thoultyoouh- ell of hiilfl olty. to im e- , tlio ( iHinu''ii t" rim ownurii nupi't-'tlvoly of the proputty nll'ooto by lliii eluuiu'i ) of u'rudoot mild Hireol , ( hirccl nuec'siiiry by onliiiiinuu No. 1x7 , lJiily iUth ! , IMU , iipiirovi'd Julv 'JMth , IhDJ. Von tire uutliur notllleil that linvini ; na- enpteil Hiihl npiiiiliiliiieiit uinl duly ( iimlliltd im rciinriil | ( hy luw wo will , on tlidJtli iluy ot August. A , I ) . IM/A ul Iho hdiirot : i o'ulnak In thu uftcriiDon , ut the ollluo of U. W. Ulbson. JIU Nnvr Vork I.lfu bullillny , within the cor- por.ito Ilinlu ( if Hull ) olty , moot fur the pur- ] ) Oi > o of cinisldorliiir HIM ! imtldiiK llto umoMt tniiiit. of iliiimiuf to thu owners re pu ( tlvoly ot Hiihl pniliurty itlTucled by * said clianxo o ( itrude , tulilnu lnUi voimldorutluii nuunlul liunu * 111 * . If uny , Vuu uru iiollflecl to bu | ire ent nt tdo tlma and plnco nforovHld und imtku any objuotlou * to or ttuUmiimlH coiicornliiif niiUf nsscnaiuoui of diuiiiiKOii ii yon may coniulur uropur H. W , OUJSON. T. II. Mc.UULLOOir , JOHN U. UCUVR OuiaUa , Nob. , Auguiil Utu , VNt.