Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 17, 1892, Page 5, Image 6

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ffhat ( hand Island is Doing for the State
Eormion. *
C\ory Coinreiilfliu'o ArruiiBcd for the Jfc-
lirnuku Votornni ProipecU lor ihnAp-
proarliliifr Knuimpmont How Omaha
Will rigtiro In the riognun.
OniNt ) ISLAND , Nob. , Aug. 10. [ Special to
TUB BEK. | Comparatively few people , If
ny outside of the managers , have anything
tike an adequate conception of the amount of
abor anu expense'necessary for the proper
intortolumout of a state reunion of the
Qrand'Army of the Kopuollo such as will
bo hold in this city the latter part of the
aioulb. For weens post the various commit'
leoi have boon bard at work on preliminaries
and a largo force of men are now actively en
gaged ou tuo grounds with compass and
chain laying out the camp and erecting
buildings , stands for speakers and scats for
the people.
TiiiBiR : correspondent visited tno grounds
loday through the courtesy of Secretary
Caldwell of the reunion committee and was
given a history of the undertaking from the
llrit by Quartermaster Harry Harrison , who
is also onu of the committee on grounds.
The city of Grand island untotcd into n
contract tincocars ago with the State de
partment , whereby this city was to entertain
the annual state reunion for five consecutive
.veai.t. Thu coming meeting will bo the third
of tbo surios. The reunion committee proper
consists ot Seth P. Mobloy.chairman ; Judge
George II. Caldwell , secretary ; George P.
Dcun , I. K. Altar , Brad P. Cook. C. F. Bei.t-
ley , Harry Harrison. George F. Uyuu , A. Al-
Juu. .1. H. Moaghor , Victor Vlf < iunln and C.
J. Dilworih.
li'rin * ol tin * Contract.
Thu citizens' Vommitteo is composed of
twonty-ono momuors , with James Cleary
Acting as president , A. H. B.ikor , vice presi
dent. S. N. Wolhach. scci'otnrv , and consti
tutes the guarantee commlttcoj The terms
of ttio contract rrqulro that the totnmittco
-shall pay 31 ( JO casb bonus to the Slaw de
partment , furnish 5UU)0 , ( ) tents , fifty tons of
bay , fifty tons of straw , lifly cords of wood ,
rcct stands for speakers and seals for
bearers ( two .stands and conpl'imcnt of soits
for 1,8'JO ' persons are now In course of con-
slructlon ) , furnish transportation for bauds ,
the necessary tables and chairs for depatt-
mcnt anil .stall officers ho.idijuartcrs , news
paper headquarters , and for ouch state de
partment , which is nUo to bo provided with
a 12x14 ti'iit , The department commander
and staff 1110 supplied with from twelve to
twenty hotscs free during the week.
Thu committee pays $1.50 for ench tent be
sides freight both ways to and from
Chicago. The grounds contain a
section of land , as level us a lloor. In
addition to the camp proper tbero is n cor-
roll , for the care of horses , hay , stinw , etc. ,
guarded by twenty-four mon under command
of u BOrccant , whore from ; ii)0 ) to 500 teams
are kept
Uooil Wntor lor .Man mill Iteuttl.
The con-nil has six wells each forty-three
feet deep , for watering stock. The cuir.i )
proper is provided with the host of water
from twonty-ono wells ench forty-throo foot
deep and will bo lighted by seven electric arc
lights. Up to date Quartermaster Harrison
bas received applications from 100 posts for
usslgmnriiitH to quarters , and nearly all In
clude Sons of Veterans , Daughters of Vete
rans and Hollof Carpi.
The Omaha Guards will bo hero and on
Priday of luunlou wok will glvo a forenoon
exhibition drill , and on afternoon Gatllug
gun fusllade.
The state militia will not bo present as an
organization this year , as they only go Into
camp on co in two yours ana there is nn appro
priation for that purpose this year. Thocity
- council ban already graded the streets lead
ing to the camp and will keep them sprinkled
tit the city's expense during the reunion
Othiir IillcroHllriK : I'oaturos.
The fact that Camp Sheridan is loss than
a mile distant from , and In plain sight of the
soldiers' homo , adds Interest to to the com
ing mootlni.- . Nearly all old soldiers have a
doslro to sco for themselves how the state
provides for her disabled vctoi-ons and will
embrace the opportunity to visit the borne
while tiero , while on the other bund the in
mates of tbo home , if uuablo to roach the
camp can look down upon the tented field and
dream of troublous times of war , when they
woroyoung and eager for the fra > .
Fuwcan toalizo the Herculean task sot be
fore the local committees , and in tbis con
nection it might bo well to remark tbat the
few posts scattered over the state , who nro
Inclined to protest If they do not line ovory.
thing exactly to. suit them , on going into
cnrnpshoulu romomborthatif avorythlng was
corono as a summer's morning the war days
would not ho very vividly recalled.Vliilo
no pains or expouso is spared , tbo hospitality
of Camp Sheridan Is furnished the boys at a
big loss every year , but with no disposition
. on tbo { .art of the committee to complain of a
hard bargain.
CUT err THK riti s KKI'OUT.
Ono oT the Inclilniitti of NowHp.ipur I , I To In
LINCOLN , Nob. , Aug. 1(1. ( [ Spscial to THE
Bii.J : The Dally Call jnado its appearance
last evening without the Associated Press
dispatches which usually ornament its first
pagoa. A petition asking the district court
to Issue an Injunction restraining the Western
orn Union Telegraph company from discon
tiuulug thosorvlco was Immediately pro
purod , Tno petition cites that tha proprie
tors of the newspaper had paid the sum of
.pj)00 ( ) for tbo privilege of receiving the after
noon dispatches , besides n monthly toll of
J'.C ) ; that the loss of the dispatches would
work an Irreparable Injury to the newspaper
and cause Its proprietors great nnd irrepara
ble damage. Judge Tlbbetts l sued u tempo
rary restraining order and will Hear thocuso
upon its merits Filday morning of this week.
f V 11 ml i ( I lii the Courtrooms.
Mrs. Fodawu , executrix of the estate ol
her late buttlmnd , has appealed from the de
cision of the county court allowing the
claims ol W. H. Nell , F. B. Kichtor and .1.
L. McOonncll.
Judge Lansing was called upon today to
decide a aoinowhat Intrlcata question of law.
Somo.timu ago Joseph Epps borrowed enough
inonoy of t > . Sollgsohn to go into tbo saloon
bUHlncss , L'ivhur t be latter a chatllo mortirago
ou bin stock of liquors , After ho had curriea
on the business for several mouths un old-
tlmu creditor levied upon thu stock , claiming
that the original stock which had been marl-
gaged to Scllgeohu hud boon sold and that
the mortgugo did not bold ou the roploul lied
slock , Judpo Lniulug Is still discussing the
matter with himself , .
I'roin tint I'ollru Court.
Rudolph Burtzell was fined $10 nnd costs
/or malicious destruction of property. Ho
dollbernti'lv destroyed a line gurdtn belong
ing to Chailus Hcuilj , living near thu state
fair ground * .
C. A. llrlcu-s was lined $11.60 for assault-
In c F. L. Well * .
Furicll and Atkins , the younc follows nr-
roated early yesterday moinlhg In company
with two frail females , were vaoh lined
and costs. Tbo women were allowed to go
on their prouilbo to 1 ave the city ut onco.
llonrv Buldtvlil and Jotiu Dillon vvoro ouch
fined ( ID and co > ta for gambling.
Churlos Wubator was arrested npuln last
cven'.nir on couiplulut of his wife , who
churned him uith assault. This morning
oho withdraw the charge and Wobitor was
Hold Up | > y lllliv.i-iu | < ii ,
A UIIATIIKT , Nob. Aug. 10. [ Special Telegram
gram to THIS DIK. : ] A German farmer by
thu name of Frederick * wan hold up by a
couple of footpads last nlu-ht and robbed of
'JP fTiO , Twoyounir men sukpuctcd of the rob
bory voro iirrchtod , but on promise of tbo
restoration of moat of the moimv Fredericks
up reed not to pro ecuto. The suspects were
released.'dtrielts was very drunk whei
thu robbery occurred ,
Joe Alcove , the colored mau arrested for
running beer and wuukoy Joint at the race
track last week , wan given a hearing and dis
charged this afternoon.
The ChrUllan Kndoavor union of Llncoli
oud Beatrice will hold u plcnlo ut the Chau grouudi lu thU city tomorrow oveu
ing. A dulogatlon of 500 uro expected from
Hov. J. N. Mills , pastor of the First
'rosbytorian uhurch of this city , has ro-
olvod n call to ono of the leading Presby-
erlan churches of Chicago.
Thoucht Ho Had Itunn SwIiullPil ,
. Nob. , Aug. 10. [ Spoclal to Tun
lnn.1 V. Al. Jones , n cloth peddler from
. .Incoln , and two women were nrreitcd uoro
Sunday evening on the Elkhorn frolghtgolng
lorth on n telegram from Geneva. Jones has
several men and women.In his employ , audit
looms that an old Gorman farmer near Geneva
lad purchased n bill of goods amounting to
( VI , nnd afterwards , ooncludlne that he had
jeon swindled , hod the parties arrostod.
Tones consulted with County Attorney BIpgs ,
who loft boword Sunday night for Geneva
jv team to settle the matter for Jones , ro-
.urnlng yesterday evening accompanied by
; ho deputy shot 1ft of IMllmoro county , who
lad warrants for the man and two women ou
n similar charge , but by some nrranuomout
they were allowed to make their escape ,
after Jones had settled the first ease , which
cost him overf 100.
Iti'Milt ofu yimrrol lit Scrllmcr.
FIIRMOXT , Nob. , Aug. ID. [ Special Tolo-
grnm to THE Bun. | The preliminary exam
ination of Jumos Goltlor , charged with as
saulting John Lund with Intent to do great
bodily Injury , took place today before Judge
Hunter. This incident took place at Scrlb-
nor In Juno and the complaining witness Is
: > nly Just now able to appear against Golder ,
1'ho testimony showed that the two quar
reled and that durincr tno row Goldor
slashed Lund with a knife , cutting his arm
open from tbo shoulder almost to the olbow.
Golder was hold to tbo district court under
S8UO bonds. Ho is a wealthy and prominent
Ulnil at n dug Cnro l > liiblUhniout.
GUAM ) IUINII , Nob. , Auu. -Special (
Telocram to THK Bnu.J Charles Lutzon ar
rived ntn well known bichloride of gold Insti
tute Saturday last and dlod this evening at 7
o'clock. Ho had boon omployad by J.
L. Mosornull of Donlphaii and had buon
urlnklng hard for so mo time past. No
treatment , it is said , had been given by the
doctors in chargo. SheiilT Costello sum-
in on eu it Jury , which , after viewing the body ,
adjourned until morning. A post mortem
will probably oo held.
Itiincrort'H U'ntor Works.
BAXCKOIT , Nob. , Aup. Hi. [ Special to THE
Bii : : . ] The special election in this place ycs-
tonlav to decide the question of Issuing
bonds for the construction of a system of
water works passed olt quietly. A pretty
full votu was cast , which resulted favorably
for the water works by 07 to 13. Stops will
immediately bo taken for the erection of the
p'unt ' , so ns to nave the same completed before
fore cold weather.
Kltlocl u CoMxtiihlo.
Sl'iiiNoviuw , Nob. , Aug. 10. ( .Special
Telegram to THK BKI : . | James Honsolllt , a
constable of McGuire precinct. Keyn Paha
county , was shot and killed at Nordon yos-
tcrday by A. Lilvely. A coroner's jury was
summoned anu Lively was found guilty of
criminal carelessness 'and put under arrest.
The dond man was burled , and the parties
selling the liquor which caused the accident
put under arrest.
rc'iiiiuixxl'.s Ciinip .Mooting.
GiicKxwooi ) , Nob. Aug. 10. [ Special Telegram
ogram to Tin : BKK.J A camp mootlcir is no-
ing on in ' .he bountiful rove half u mlle from
town , conducted by Hov. Mr. Powers of
( J mail a. At 10 a. m. today there was proach-
tnc by the minister ; at 1:31) p. m. , a child
ren's meeting , led by Mrs. Roberts of Lin
coln ; at 3 p. m. , sermon by Hev. Mr. Guild of
Cro'.c , and at 7 p. m. , preaching.
Vulloy Coinity'rt Tmtchnra.
Oiin. Nob. , Aug. 10. [ Special to THE
BEK.J Tbo Valley County Toaohors Instl-
tuto opened hero today for a session of two
weous. Prof. J. H. Jennings , county super
intendent , is conductor , assisted by Profs.
Emma Gillosplo , J. 1C. Campbell , J. F. Kuto
and J. F. Nicholson. There is a largo at-
tondanca of teachers onu students.
1'iUully lnjimxt ut Co/ml.
COZAP , Nob. , Aug. 10. [ Special Telegram
to Tun BIE. : ] This afternoon about" o'clock
A. C. Clark , a prominent citizen of this
place , was thrown from bis buggy , sustain
ing fatal Injuries. His collar bouo was
broken in two places and bis head badly
bruised. Ho is still in a semi-conscious con
< ! ontl Cropri Aflsurotl.
LANIIAM , Nob. , Aug. 10. [ Special to THE
BKI : . ] There was a line rain hero Saturday
which Insures a fair crop of corn. Oats is a
two-third crop ; hay Is good and wheat ls tbo
llneit crop over raised and will average
from thirty to fifty bushels.
Hot ut llyiimila.
IIvAN.vis , , Noo. , Aug. 10. [ Special Tele
gram to TUB BUB.J The mercury reached
10i ! ° this afternoon. This Is the hottest It
has boon hero this summer.
Sufl'uroil n ISrokrn Lof ; .
GUAM ) ISIANB , Nob. . Aug. 10. [ Special
Telegram to THE Ben. I Albert Menoko bad
his right leg broken by being thrown from a
borso today. _
Nugpotl NuggotI Nuggotl Buy Big
Nugget baking powder. ! ij oz. 25 cents.
A No IT York HxclmliL. " Hepurturo.
NEW YOKK , Aug. 10. Tno Chicago Board
of Trade grain prices were posted at the
Consolidated Stock and Petroleum oxcbaugo
yesterday for the first time. Should tno
postinir bo favorably received by the mem
bers , the exchange will deckle in favor of
listing grain. Thorn was an active trade in
grain at the nxchuugo , over -1)0,000 bushels
of wheat and corn changing hands. Gram
as well as pork will bo bandied througn tuo
clearing house under the head of petroleum ,
the deliveries boliiK made through ware
house receipts ut Chicago , or at some uojig-
natod place , atlbo time of the transaction.
Do Witt's Saraapartlia ciuansoj tha blood
lleutrlvo I'aator Ciilloilto Chicago.
CHICAGO , III : , Aug. 10. [ Special Telegram
to THE BKK. ] At a mooting of the congrega
tion of tbo South Evanston Presbyterian
church last evening Hev. Dr. John M. Mills
of Beatrice , Nob. , was called to 1111 the pul
pit loft vacant bv the death of tbo former
pastor , Itov. vVllllnm Smith. Dr. Mills
graduated ut the McCormlclc seminary of
Chicago and the Union Theological seminary
of Now Vork city. Ho was also admitted to
the Chicago bar , but chose the ministry. Ho
hold a pastorate ut Colorado Springs five
veers and this Is his sixth year at Beatrice ,
Shot uu Unknown Itiirtrlar.
Sl'iiiNoriEi.D , O , , Aug. 10. Officer Hints
at mldnifht last plight shot un unknown
burglar who was trying , with two compan
ions , to escape from us tore. Ho will dlo nnd
ono of hla companions was arrested. Thov
cannot bo Iduntlllod.
Colored I'ont Admit tod.
ALHANV. N , V , , Aug. 10. Captain John
Palmer , coiiimander-ln-eliief of thu Grand
Army , said that tno department of MUsls-
Hlppl and Louisiana had organized und the
colored uosts have been admitted to full
_ _
Huttlotlcnr * Arro < U il nt I.iiHt.
Diii.vimtitK , N. J , , Aug. 10 , Miss Hattie
Akors of Crosco , Pa , who shot Patrick
Qulnu , the night operator nt Delaware , N.
J , , last Tuesday ulijbt , bus boon nrreated ,
Work on Omaha's Public Building MayBe
Bo Further Delayed.
pH80 I.lKcly to lln Largely Inoroitscit
by the iiRht Hour Mcnstiro-N'our
.liny bo Mocmtury for
the Local 1'ostonico ,
Wisni.voToy Buntuuop Trie DEB ,
D1U FouiminNTit STIIRBT ,
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aug. 10.
Before his departure for the west tonight
Supervising Archltoot Edbrooko told TUB
BKK correspondent that the operation of the
.now eight-hour law might malia a serious
( lifforonco in the plans for the Omaha
building. When the law went , Into tffoct n
number of bids for building contracts wore
pending in the office and Mr. Edbrooko sent
thorn with a copy of the now law so that
they might bo raised to conform with it.
They came baci : increased by 10,12 and 15
per cent.
Basing bis estimator on these increases
Mr. Edbrooko says that bo believes the
now law will make the government
pay 12 nor cent moro than it has boon paying
for its building work The government
spends about $ riUUJ,000 ( a yoat on public
So the economic democratic congress which
would not spend a cant for now buildings
this year has passed a law which will make
them hereafter cost thogovorninont ? 3,000,000
more than formerly. The now bill will work
a hardship In places wliero nn appropriation
has boon made unless congress dons some
thing to change the conditions. Under Mr.
Eubrookes's estlirato the Omnha building ns
planned will cost nearly 815U.OOU loss than tbo
estimates. Unless the congress will appro
priate this additional amount the plain wilt
bo changed and the building will bo made
much loss ornamental.
Mr. Edbrookn will recommend that con-
cress make the additional appropriation ,
Mr. Kdbrooko says that ho is going to
Omaha by wav " of Chicago on a general tour
of Inspection. Ho says that bis reports from
Omaha nro mat tha work ou tbo building
there is progressing favorably.
Clmfriimii Curtur Actively lit Work.
Chairman Cartorof the republican national
committee spent the day In Washington. Ho
talked politics , was prosontea with a gold
watch and chain by the employes of the gen
eral land olllco ai.d saw a num
ber of men who arc moro or
loss Interesting in the campaign. Ono
interview of considerable significance was
that with General \V. W. Dudley , who was
treasurer of the campaign committee in 1SSS.
rhero huvo been d&rl < hints that Mr. Dudley
would not help with bis political knowledge
in the coming campaign , Uecauso ho was not
satisfied with the way in which President
Harrison had treated him. After his talk
with Dudley , Mr. Carter said that it could
bo safely stated that Dudley would do all ho
could for the republican ticket. Ho wai
ready to work with the chairman to that cod.
Mr. Carter says that the situation is all
that could bo deslrca. There In no break
in the republican lines and ho
expects succosi. He added : "In tno north
west where the democrats have been fond of
chasing rainbows , wn foci perfectly assured
of Carrying every stato. Wo have Informa
tion that there is some dlsatTection nmonir
tbo Swedes in Minnesota who were not en
tirely satUtlcd wltn the nomination Of Judge
Nelson for governor , and that the democrats
and farmers alliance party are trying to
make some capital out of it. vVo understand
they are not mooting with any great success.
Third Party Movements.
"So faras the third party movomentgoes It
will not render doubtful any of the north
western states , with the possible exception
of Nebraska , where they uro making a deter
mined flght. Our information is that the
democrats have practically abondonod their
cause in Nebraska , and if they turn tholr
full vote over to tbo farmers ulllanco they
may make some trouble for us , Ou the other
band , where the democrat abandoned their
party in Kansas , everything Is looking bright
uod cheerful find tboro is no doubt about
carrying that state. "
From time to time Chairman Carter has
boon represented as being''all broke up"
over tbo management of the campaign , and
the statement has been made tbat ho was not
able to cope with tbo executive responsibili
ties. His appearance hellos these state
ments and his conversation shows tbat ho is
managing the campaign very much as he has
conducted the general laud office and ot&er
public positions which ho bas occupied , and
that ho is running tbo campaign upon a suc
cessful basis. Ho says that the details are
being rapidly arranged and tbat within a
weak or ten days all the work will bo par
celed out to the men who nave been doslg-
uatod to toke charge of different divisions
and sections.
Although no definite word has boon re
ceived from the president on the subject it is
understood that his loiter of acceptance will
bo ready about Aucust 25. It will bo clvon
to the press at Washington. It will bo
rather long , for in It the president will hate
his only opportunity to approach political is
sues as acanuidatc. The dignity of bib olllco
makes it Impossible that bo should make any
political speeches during tbo campaign. Ho-
publlcHii leaders uro waiting for tbo presi
dent to sound the keynote before opening
the campaign actively.
L. T. Normuu has boon appointed nostmas-
tor lUTagstail , vice A. Holmborg , rojlgnod.
P. S. II.
U'cmtorn reunion * .
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aug. 1C. fSpeclal
Telegram to TUB Bun. ] Tbo following list
of pensions granted is reported by Tim BEE
and Examiner Bureau of Claims :
Nebraska ; Original Frank Sanderson ,
William H. Booze , Darius York , James T.
KobertH. Additional Clifton Nowkirk ,
William A. Dluhl. Increase August Clalr.
UeisHuu Hunry T. Uowor.
Iowa : Original John W. Alford , Boallo
W. Brooke , Caleb Bunu. Alphaus D. I'belps ,
Peter A.Y heeler , Hobcrt H. Scott , Frank
Seeloy , Joe Johnson , William H. Pace , John
Al. i'atton.
Additional Allen Bush , Joduthan P.
Kendall , Lewis Buttorhcld. Restoration
and Holbsuo CQarlos M. Brood. Increase.
Isaiah Hall , James McCartney , Ivor O.
Myhor , Hymen M , Howard. Original wi
dews Melissa Polst.
South Dakota : Original Hoborti'ayno ,
Hoary A. Sargent. .
Complete LUt of ( HmiiKi'x In the
borvlcc ,
WAKIILVCITON' , D. C. , Aug. 10. [ Special
Telegram to Tut BEE.J The following army
orders were issued toduv :
Lcavo of nbionco grunted Captain Marcus
E. Taylor , assistant sun/eon , U extended
four months on surgeon's certificate of disa
bility. Capuln Francis K , Pierce , First in-
Inn try , now ut his homo awaiting orders ,
will proceed to Join bis company. By direc
tion ol the acting secretary uf war Lieuten
ant Colonel Edwin V. Summer , Eightb cav
alry , is aotull'ju ' as a member of the oxuniin-
luir board convened'ut David'a Island , N. V. ,
vleo Major James W. Powell , Jr. , Twouty-
llrst Infantry , hereby rcllovcd to take olluol
upou the completion of the cases now before
the board. Ho will repair to and tulto sta
tion at Now Yolk city.
An urmy retiring board , having found Cap-
talu WillUra W. Duughuriy , Twenty
second infantry , Incapacitated toe u'c-
Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report
tlvo service , ho Is.arantcd leave of
ua until furlbcr 'brocr * on nccount of
disability. Lonvo of itubncn for ono month
on ticeou'nt of slaKuoo , Ifrcrnntoil John An >
derson , Eighth infantry , to tnko effect on the
jxmrntlon of tbo oriHhary lonvo granted
SklrmMiliii : t llottnvup.
DEIXBVUR KIFI.R lUtraB , Nob. , Aim. 10.
[ Special Telegram to Tun Hnr..J Today the
cavnlr.vmon compatod \ skirmishers. The
weather was clear np toraporato , with a
ilsutull wind , The result of the runs made a
deulileil difference In 'the standing of the
intirKsinon. The rocortl'for the two davs Is :
Nsraea , Hank , Troop
W , u. Carroll , tpt. , ll.Ctli
(1. .1 , llnnson , pvt. . ll.Slli
J. Cahlll , | ivt. , 1C , nth
A. t'nromnn , new. , K. Itli
W. A. Voor'n.cor. , < l , th
U.O. I'crkliig.norR. , It.lUli
J. W. .McCor'citt.Il. < Hli
C. A. Htodiunn. cnpt. , Oth ,
A. K. I npron , tern , . I ) . Ith
. ) . M. 1'rlcn , Born. . IC.Otli , , 34
T. C. Anil'non , cor , ( I , < Uli
H. I'lumuior , torg , , I ) . 'Jill
A. W. Mrollior.l. o. , F.lltli
J. liluroril. cor. , IInth. .
( J. II. rroMon.M It. , mil.
.1. ( iarrtinl.cniit. , yth I Hal llnl lotll ln | 25l | zn
J. K. Jnck'n , cr . , O.Btli.l in l nl 6(1 ( % ! 2J | 8n
Second Day lit l.onvoiiuorth ,
LuwnxwoiiTiT , Kan. , Aug. 10. [ Spoclal
Toloernm to Tin : Bun. ] The firing today In
the target shooting at Fort Leavonworth
ranee was at known distances of 200 , 300 ,
GOO nnd 000 yards. Following nro the ag
gregate scores of the twelve hlehost for the
two days !
Anxious to I'urchnsu n Halo Wntor Tower
'Minor Ucpnrtninnt Muttum.
The plans for furniture for thn Mro and po-
llco board rooms as furnished by the
Kotcham Pnrnltiiro company , were adopted
utlast nlgbt's meeting of the commission.
Officer Cory was glvou five days leave and
Officer Burr ten days.
Cbtof George Halo of the Kansas City flro
donarttnout appeared before the board and
explained the workings of the Halo water
tower , which Chief Ualltehn had asked thu
board to purchase. The Halo tower is built
on the toloicopo plan , and an apparatus
standing on Seventeenth street could throw
n stream of water down onto the roof of TIIR
Bin building , or lowered so as to Hood any
floor ol any tall building.
Ono'of tbo Halo machines suitable for
work in this city would co-it § 4,500 , and Mr.
Harlman was strongly in favor of ordering
ono at once. Commissioner Co Burn read u
statement of the flro fund llnances and
showed that the flro fubd would have a bal-
auco of S3"i'0 at tbo ouu of the year provld-
mg no now apparatus or hose was purchased.
Mr. Gilbert thoupht'the balance too small
to Incur the expansei because emergencies
might nriso which would.nccossltato the Im
mediate expenditure of money for uoxv hose ,
etc. "
Filially a motion was -passed recommend
ing that the council autborizo the board to
purchase tbo tower.
Mr. Coburn offered * rf resolution recom
mending tbat firemen and policemen bo per
mitted to allow tholr toil days annual leave
accumulate for two or throe years and then
take the time off. ThTs'tvai laid over for ono
wook. , ,
A. Satterfiold , druggist , was granted a removal -
moval permit from 1718 Leavonworth street
to 720 bouth Sixteenth street.
I'ostiil Clorkri Convention.
A meeting of tbo Postotllce Clerks associa
tion was hold last evening to eleot a delegate
to tbo national couvontionot postofllco clerks
to bo held in St. Louis September 12. Mr.
A. J. Latoy was chosen.
The convention will talto what action it
sees fit toward botturlng tbo condition of the
postofllco clones. Omaha's , delegate was in
structed to hustle for Omaha and endeavor
to have the next convention , which will Co
held in 1800 , hold in this city.
Irish nnd American rings Only Displayed l > y
Hibernians lu Camilla.
HAMILTON , Ont , Aug. 10. The Ancient
Order of Hibernians of Hamilton naa Tor
onto , with representatives from Buffalo ,
Rocbcstor , N. Y. , and otbor places , hold a
big demonstration and parade yesterday.
The most notable feature ot the procession
and ono that caused much comment on tbo
streets was the fact that no British or
Canadian flags wore displayed , the proces
sion being headed by the Jrlsh flag , with
several moro nf the same kind and about a
dozen American flags scattered thiough the
procession. It was explained that the
omission of the British or Canadian fiac was
puioly accidental , but it at least created a
vnry unfavorable impression and might bavo
precipitated n riot. Near the corner of John
and King streets a bystander asked one of
the marshals : " \Vboro is your union jock ! "
und tbo reply was : "To hell with it. "
trim ix
National C'axh Ito lHlor Company After n
Nnw York Conoorn.
Nuw YOIIIC , AUB. 10. ( Special Telegram
to Tins Bii.J ! : Suit was brought In tbo
United States court bore today against tbo
Kruso Cash Kogtstor company of New York ,
manufacturers of tha Kruso and alt > o of the
Droyfus cash registers for infringements
of patents owned by the National Cash Keg-
istor company of Dayton , O.
llrutul OiltrilK" by Hoodlums.
BLOOMi'iEi.1) , Ind. , Aug. 10. Word has
boon received of a , most brutal outrage -
rage upon the family of Levl Owen ,
near Swltz City. Six or eight hood
lums wont to his house Sunday
uight , forced nu entrance and dragged his
wife nnd 12-ycur-old dauchtoroutsldo , where
the females were shockingly assaulted in
splto of all the nffortsuPf Owen to protect
thorn. A man named Crown 1ms been ar-
roiled and officers are ji pursuit of others.
Fur every one who lias'blood trouble , no matter
In what Hliapo. or linw lout ; standing , jinnhled
none nf tlio tal organa lijue licun so far 1m-
liulrcdostu icmlur a ciiro Impossible , H , B. H.
KOCH to the root of the dPcaso , and ri'inntvH the
cause , hy cxiicllliiK the phl m from tlio lioily , nnd
at tlioB.imutlnio Is u tonloiotho wlmlo Hjulom.
However bad ) our case uuy ho , thvro in hone
Cured mooCininost malignant typo
of chronlo bHxxl trouhlu , forMhleh
1 had nBi'iliViirlcmn otlivr rcmedlei
without rtrcrt , My weKUt ( IncrvaHcd. and my
hu.ilth Imiinnuil lnu\ery.liy. ) ; 1 conblcJerH.8.H ,
thu Itest toulu 1 uCT usoife '
"H. A. WlliOiiT , Midway , da. "
Treatise u Mood , bkln and contaulous lilood
polaoii mailed ( rco. B\V11T Bl'KCIKlC CO. ,
Atlanta , ( Jo.
Our Writing-paper and Envelopes ; Wedding
Invitations ; Reception Cards arc sent ,
at reasonable prices , anywhere in the
United States. Send for samples.
( Ute CoW Utrarjr Co. )
136Vabasli Ave. , Chicago.
Qovjrnniont Bulletin Eoports Tell Good
Tidings of Timely lliins.
Ornlu Itnrtrst XrnrlnR SnecoMfnl Com
pletion Inspiring llcpnrt from
I Ncbnukn Kxcons ii
gonnl Itiilnrntli
WASHINCIOX , D. C. , Aug. 10. The follow
ing Is the wpoltly woijthor crop bulletin
Issued by the Department of Agricultures
In the sotuihorn states nearly normal torn-
poraturo has prevailed. There Is a very
light OXC013 nonr the Atlantlo coast , while to
the westward a slight dollclouoy oxtstod
over the lower Mississippi , Arkansas and
lied Hlvor valleys. Ovir the plateau dis
tricts 'and in California , except along the
northern coast , It was Imuch cooler than
usual , especially In the Sacramento valley
and In southern California. The week was
warmer than usual overall northern and cen
tral districts eastward of the Rocky moun
tains , the oxooss In temperature being great
est In Nebraska and thcnco northward over
the Onkotas and Minnesota , where the overage -
ago dally temperature ranged from 5 ° to 5 °
nuovo the normal.
Koports Indicate that the wool : has been
exceptionally favorable for the growth and
development of corn In the principal corn
producing states. General rains would ,
however , bo bcnollctal In general , while in
northern and central Illinois and In tha
middle A tlnntia status sorn la suffering from
the effects of dry woathor.
The weather of the past week bas decreased -
creased the seasonal iiollclonov In tempera
ture in ihcso districts where the departures
have boon greatest , viz. : Over the region
from the upper Mississippi to tbo Uocky
mountain ! ) , but the cool weather on the Pa-
clflo coast has increased the seasonal defi
ciency in that region.
Itulnritll In Kxct'HH of the Average.
More than the usual amount of rain has
fallen In tbo gulf states , Now England , the
lower lake region , over limited areas In the
upper Mississippi , Ohio and Hod Hivcrof tbo
North valleys and upper lake region , Prom
the lower Missouri and central Mississippi
valleys , eastward to the middle Atlautlu
coast , the rainfall has been vorv light , and
over a considerable area of the Virginias and
Carol Inns no ram fell during the woeK.
Drouth of moro or loss severity now pre
vails on the Atlantlo coast from Maryland to
South Carolina and also over portions of
Illinois , southern Michigan , Montana and
Kentucky. Except along the south Atlantlo
and guli coasts the seasonal rainfall from
March 1 Is In excess of the average , the por-
oontagn of excess being greatest In tbo lake
region and upper Mississippi valley , where
from 2.'i to 00 per cent moro than the usual
amount of rain bas fallen.
.Special State Itopnrtu ,
Missouri Weather proves detrimental to
crops , late corn especially ; plowing retarded ,
but all other worlc progressing favorably ,
Iowa homo damage to grain in northwest
section by ball and wind.
North Dakota Serious aatnago to wheat
by heavy rain and hall In southeast sections ;
oarlv wheat harvest general ; cooler weather
badly needed.
South Dakota Thrashing has bosun.
Nebraska Corn greatly Improved through
out the stato.
Kansas Corn , apples and pasture much
Oklahoma Grass and forage abundant ;
farmers plowing for wheat and mauln ? bay.
Montana ( jr.iss drying up rapidly on
stock ran cos ; weather favorable for haying.
Wyoming Good weather for harvesting ;
too dry for grass. ,
Colorado Grain harvest generally uoarlng
completion ; corn carine ; potatoes doing well.
New Mexico Fruits of all kinds being
shipped rapidly ; good yield reported.
Arizona Crops doinc well where sufficient
water can bo had for irrigation ; range grass
much in need of rain.
Utuh All grain nearly cut , and In eomo
sections it has never been harvested.
Iowa's Crop liulletlii .Slinwj the Mont Fa
vorable Condition * for I'armon * .
Dns MOIXES , la. , Aug. 10. The weekly
crop bulletin snvs the weather for the past
week , with temperature and suu hlne slightly
above tbo normal , bas been all any farmer
coul'd doslro for rapidly pushing growing
corn. Wltblato frosts the corn crop seems as
sured , bui the total output will fall materially
below tbo average. Tbo rainfall has boon
somewhat local in its character , yet enough
has fallou for all growing crops except m ono
It is a wonderful soap
ihat takes hold quick and
does no harm.
No harm ! It leaves the
skin soft like a baby's ; no
alkali in it , nothing but soap.
The harm" is done by al
kali. Still more harm is done ,
by not washing. So , bad
soap is better than none.
What is bad soap ? Imper
fectly made ; the fat and al
kali not well balanced or hot
What is good soap ?
Pears' .
All sorts of stores sell it ,
especially druggists ; all sorts
of people use it.
Save Your Eyesight
yoto to1 tree hyin fiXPB IT OPTICIAN
I'orttiot adjiistmunt. Superior IOIHIH. Norv-
oushoailaeho enroll by usln : ( our dnout'iole *
and Kyeilassoi 1'rlcoj luw for Unt claji
114 S. lothSU.Crolirlitoii Qlook.
Ur. Bailey , $ r
The Loiidlnu
Dentist ,
'Ihlid Floor. I'Axtna Illouli.
Telephone 1085. Hllh mill Fnrnam Sis.
A lull a of U-etli on rubber lor 15. l'i > r/uct > ot
Tcvtli wltliout plnti'n or ramovalilu brliliiu work
jutt tlio tlilnii lor elugura or nubllu apoiiKtirs , uuvur
Quid Illllni : at ruimoii'ihlu ' r.ttux. All work
wurruutud. Cut thU out ( or u tfiuilu.
or two counties , where pasture and corn are
needing rain. Homo uamacu to small grain
is reported from the northwest portion of
the tnto by hall and wind. Harv-stlnR has
boon nearly completed In the northern part
of the state and threshing has bcon begun.
Nolirnnkn'8 I'rospvcM.
CnntB , Nob. , Auff. 10.-Spocml [ to THR
Hr.G.J Weather crop bulletin No. 10 , of tuo
Nebraska weather service , Issued from Iho
central oflleo , Hoswcll observatory , Doano
college , Crete , for the week ending Tuesday ,
August 10 , says :
"Durlnc the onttro wonk copious rains foil
In many sections of the state , uro.itly Improving -
proving the outlook for growlnc crops.
"Tho tomuonUtiro hns avoraRAd about the
normal for the' state , bolnp about ono degree
below In the southern sections and the SB mo
above In the onstorn ami yorlliQrn.
"Tho rain the past week has vifrlod from a
llcht fall In the southern sections to frequent
copious showers In other parts of the state.
Moro than thrco Inohos fell In Cherry county
and two Inches are reported from Uundy
nnd Cumlngr counties ; over ono Inch from
Washington , Holt , Stunton , Dodge , Cedar ,
Madison nnd Lancaster counties. Many
other sections report , about n half Inch.
"Corn has douo well lu all sections of the
htato , and iu those parts favored with show
ers during the week tboro Is prpspoot nf a
good crop , \V1U1 hay toportod n good crop
and pastures , vet In fair condition , " rni : v.uis.
IVoulliir Acolilunt ItcaiillltiK In tlio Dentil of
C. ILSpi-nccirul Urlnnoll.
CoLonxno SrniNos , Colo. , Aug. 10.
[ Special Telegram to Tun BKI : . ] C. H.
Spencer of Grinnoll , Io. , was killed nt the
Hto G ran do depot shortly after 7 o'clock last
oven In p. The dceensou , who Is about 70
years of ago , arrived uoro Just ouo week ago
with tils wife. They wont to Mam-
tou , where n cottage was rented ,
a nd then wrote for their daughter to join
them. The daughter was expected to come
In ou the Hock Inland last evening and Mr.
Spencer wont to the depot to meet her , but
on account of the large crowd failed to do so.
ThoKock Island train hud been standing in the
depot about live minutes when the Denver
& Hto Urando train from Denver came
dashing in and strueir a bairgago truck
which had born standing on the track. The
truck was thrown to onu sldo nnd tuo handle ,
strlldnir the old gontlcman , dashed him
tinner the bnggaee car ot the Hock Island
train. Five rios on the right sldo were
broken , and the muscles of the right thumb
wcro torn out nnd the thumb brokon.
Tbe deceased has a son who Is cashier of
the Urlnnell bank , and also another at
Uoatrlco , Nub.
Both the -method nnd results when
Syrup of Figs is taken ; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste , nnd acts
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys ,
Liver and Bowels , cleanses the sys
tem effectually , dispels colds , head
aches and fevers nnd cures habitual
constipation. Syrup of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever proi
duced , pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach , prompt in
its action nnd truly beneficial in ita
effects , prepared only from the most
healthy nnd agreeable substances , its
many excellentquali ties commendit
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 75c
bottles by all lending druggists.
Any reliable druggist who may not
have it on hand will procure it
promptly for any one who wishes
to try it. Manufactured only by tha
Will euro You , Is n true statement of tlio
action of AYEU'S Sarsaparllla , when
taken for dlscn.ieit originating In linpuro
blood j but , while thU assertion Is trtio ol
AYEH'S Sarsaparllln , as thousands can
attest , It cannot bo truthfully applied to
ottior preparations , wlileh unftlnclplcil
doalnrs will recommend , ami try to im
pose upon you. , ni "just as good ns
Ayor's. " Tnko Aycr's Sarsapntllla and
Aycr's only , It you need n blood-purltler
nndvoiild bo bcncntctl permanently.
Thh nioillclne , for nearly fifty ycnis ,
lini enjoyed n reputation , anil inndo o ,
record for cures , that lias never boon
equaled by othur preparations. AYBU'S
Sarsapaiilla enuliontcs the taint of ho-
rodltary scrofula niul other blood ills *
oases from the nyHtoiu , and It lias , desor
vcdly , tbe conflilonco of tlio people.
J % 1 i * * SF If *
"I cannot forbi-nr to express tny Joy nt
tbo relief I have obtained from tbo UHO
of AYEIl'S Sarsuparllla. 1 was ullllctcd
with Itlilnoy tiotiblcH for nliont six
months , suffering grontly \ \ Itb pains In
the small ( if my back. In addition to
this ; my body was coveted with pimply
eruptions. The ii'inedli's proscribed
failed to help mo. I thun begun to ( alto
AYEIl'S Sarsnparlllu , nnd , In n short
tlmu , the pains ceased and tbo pimples
disappeared. I advise ovuiy youngnmn
or woman , In case of sickness result
ing from Impute blood , no matter how
long standing the rase may bo , to tnko
AYER'SSarsaparilla. " ir-L.tlnrmann ,
33 Wllltiiin St. , Now York City.
Prepared by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Co. , Lowell , Mass.
The Original and Genuine
Imparts the moat delicious tatto and rest
rat. to hi * brother I'ISII ,
May , 1651. HOT it CUM )
that their canco la
hlKlily o-tocmetl la GAillE ,
ludia , ami la In ray
opinion , the moa' .
palatable , aa well 'J ' ?
UB tlie iiioet wholesome - > * > * rtAKEDITS , .
some Kauco tnat U
made. " Arc.
Beware of Imitations ;
III I III | | | Br r- I Illllll II
eee that you get Loa & Perrins'
Blgnatnrooneverr botf.oof Orbdnal & Ganulno.
Or ( lie I.Iquoillndlt l > o lllti < ly Cured
IJJT nilniliilxlnliitr lir. lliilum *
< ; < iliK'it .SIMM-HI * ' .
It can bo Riven io a cup of colleo or te . or In food ,
without the knowledge oftho patient. It In absolutely
harmlca3 , and will effect a permanent and speedy
cure , whether the pattout lo a moderate drinker or
an alooholla wrcolc. It has bcon elven In thousand !
of cooer , nnd lu every Instance a perfect onrehaafol.
lowed. It tirrer TnllA. ThoftyatemoncAlmprfgnaled
with the pcolflett bcconita an utter Impossibility
Tor the liquor appotlto to exist.
UOI.IIKN M'KCII'IO CO. . Prop'ra. riliflnnoll. O.
48-P3EO book or DorllcuUra free. To b had of
KnlinA Oo. . t3thandDou ln : Sts. . 18th anl
CiiiuliiK ls Wholoialo. ItlaUe. llriico & Co
and Klelnirason Urn ; ; Oa.Omalin. Nob.
W < TOI <
DH , . W. C. MAXWELL.Prest.
Graduate of llollovne Hospital Mudloul C' < llogo. Nutr York City. Ulnsi of 18t
16th and Howard Streets , - - Omaha , Nebraska.
Chronic , Private and Nervous Diseases ,
Male or female , by co nputent phyblo ons who hav/i mnd n apoclal study oftho above
olasfiof dlsenssfl , not only to trout , but ( juar int a a euro In all uaini undortilcoa.
TUB SANITARIUM IB the most oomp'nte nini tin hast ociutjjriocl institution of Its IdtJ
in the < mtiro west. ItcoutaliiB IHty loonu for the noommodatlon of patlunts who may
require the constant attention of oxpsrloiuud phywlalam und iiurJ9-i.
13OAIIDINQ will bo furnlshod at reasonnblo ratja.Vrltu for book on dligaiii , matUJ
free , to any nddross on appllcatloa. Persons unable to vlult us may bo tro itod at hunu
by correspondence. All communtoatloua Htrletly oonlldontlil. On Ijitsr
view prolorroil , whonuvei co ivenlont for patlunt ,
VniT.FOR : QUESTION DJJ A.NICS to atato the history of your caio Mo Jlolnu uo u o'.y
packed and sent by mall or express. Address ,
Or. W. O. Maxwell. Prooldtmt. Omaha , Nobrailii
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Tli * eminent iperlallit In nervous. cl > ronr , i rlv l . tilooJ , tkln ml unnnrr ilUemai. A rec Mr nij
rogliCeroJ gradu l ID rauiloloe , HI illplomm nnil ferilduitlus cluiif. Ii gull trcallnir with thu yrvaluil luciuil
cutarrli , puriiiHlurrlioo , Ion inanliooil , mlDftl w nknu < > , nlvbt lo o , lin | itenur , iirpUlli * , trlcluro. uo .
oriltova , Klicit , THrlcoivlv.cto , Nomorturr u il. Nun truntmunl tor Ion of vltnl IIUWIT , I'arlla * unnblo M
Tltit inu umr tia Iroale I l honiu bjr eorruipumlvnce , HcJUln * or Initrunifott > uut til mall ( iraipron ID. ui rki to luulcntu conlonH oriunUcr. Ono pvrional Interrltf * prtiHirud. Coniulmdo *
Ir. Corr.ipoiiJun < u ilrlctly prl nto. Hook ( M/llcrlM oj LU ) l u | ! < . Ufilou Uour < V > , W. M tl p. uk urn. ttcuu imuju lor r i > ur >