Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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E. D. Smith Draws flh Gnu t ) Shoot J , G.
P , Ilildttbrand ,
VrloniU Interfere Itoloro n Shot Could Ilo
1'lrcd I.lclitnlng'H 1'ittnl Work Nviir
Jtandolpli Other litturrs ting No-
brunkii Nnu Note * .
ST. PAUL , Nob. , Aug. la. [ Special Tclo-
prntn lu Tin : Br.n.1 This city has been
thrown Into a whirlpool of excitement today
over the attempt of Editor B. D. Smith of
the Press to shoot J. G. P. Hlldcbrand. It
appears from reports that an unsettled ac
count between ux-Edltor Hlldcbrand and
Mr. Smith brought on u controversy In which
firearms were used , Hlldnbrand , nftor read
ing nn article In iho Press which was not nt
nil complimentary to his honesty , mot Smith
in the hall adjoining his ofllca and culled fern
n retraction. Smith promptly drew n re
volver from lila pocket nnd but for the Inter
ference of tiystandort would huvo finished
HlideUrand's career ,
The affair Is dbplnrod by friends of each
ns the cuuso did not demand n settlement In
tlio manner Indicated. The matter In dlsputo
hits been finally submitted to arbitration.
wii.i. ori'iit : A ni\VAiii : > .
J'urtlirr Kll'orts Will hi ) Mndo to Detect
C < I | < ' 'H .Murderer.
lUfTixdH , Nob. , Aug. in. fSpoclal to Tin :
Bin : . ] Coroner ! { . J. Irwln today wrote to
- the governor , ns Is required bv l w , Inform
ing him of the result of iho Inquest held on
the body of Dolnvnn S. Cole , who was mur
dered on the night ot iho first InsVant. The
statutes provide that when the Jury finds
that , iho crlmo wns committed either by per
sons unknown , or when the person supposed
to bo guilly Is n ructtlvo from Justice , upon
proper crrtlllcntion of Ibis fact to Iho gov
ernor , n rownrd of $200 shall bo offered for
Ike arrest , of n poreou who Is afterwards con
Thu light between Jack Gortnnn of Hast
ings und Lewis , iho pugilist who challenged
anyone to light film nt 140 pounds for ? ( ) U ,
crime off this morning northwest of the city.
Gorman Is usually n good mun , bal It ) said
ttml ho hns been lushing too much lately for
him to keep up his reputation. Lewis won
easily , knocking his opponent out in the
nlxth or seventh round.
The much advertised third party picnic
wns hold according to schedule on Thursday
Insi. Probnoly 250 persons were present at
Lewis prove , where the picnic was hold , bul
of these n good 'number look In iho swings
end Ice cream stands , so tunt thonudiencu
of iho speakers did not exceed lT.ri. Con
gressman W. A. McKclghnn was the lending
feature of the duy , xponklng In Iho afternoon
Bs well U.H the evening. Ho predicted ibnt ho
Would carry the district by 10,000 majority
over Andrews , whom ho characterized ns u
inco "littlo follow ; " thut ho would curry his
own county by 2M ) moro than ho did" two
years ngo , nnd thai ho would carry Andrews'
own county.
Thu Hustings republican club Is preparing
to orgnnlzo n flambeau club for the campaign.
County Superintendent of Schools F. M.
Jlctteys was aarccnbly surprised when ho
was presented n gold-headed cano by the
teachers who nro intending the nnmiul insti
tute of the counly school" . The gift wus nil
the moro appreciated nsMr. Bettoys hns been
for yours pirtlallv paralyzed ns llio result of
injuries iccolvcd In the civil war.
On Thiirsdny cvenlnc , Miss Mutt I1 Myers
wus married lo Mr. Fred Fisher bv County
Judge W. H. Burton. Mr , Fisher is ono of
tbo proprietors of n largo bakery horo.
H. Carl Schroodi-r of Knntlolpli , Nub. , Jn-
Htimtly Klllftii.
KANDOUMT , Nob. , Aug. 13.- [ Special Tele
gram lo Tim BEU. ] Mrs. Curl Schroeder ,
living seven miles southwest ol this place ,
wns struck by lightning early this morning
nnd Instantly killed. She had gene upstairs
to get some Hour and whtlo there Iho bouso
wns slruck by lightning. Her husband and
the hired man In Iho room below barely felt
the shock , but noticing the shingles fly from
the roof they went upitnlrs nnd found Mrs.
Scbrocdcr lying near tlio Hour barrel dead.
Tbo house wus dnmuged but slightly. She
leaves n husband , but no children.
EI.KIIOIIN , Nob. , Aucr. lit. [ Special Toie-
pram to Tin : BIE. | The touso of Gcorgo
Frost , n fanner living four miles north of
this city , wus struck by lightning during the
Btcrm ttiH morntnir. Sovcrul members of the
family received slight shocks. The daniuzo
U covered by Insurance.
F.timiunr , Nob. , Aug. III. [ Special Telo-
rnm to Tin : Bnu.l A good ruin fell hero
today , doing grout peed to the corn. During
tlio storm n barn on tbo farm of Charles
Kovhlcr , nbnut thrco miles from the citywas
Mruuk by liphlnltig und consumed. Thirteen
hundred bushels of corn and thrco horso.s
wcro birncl with the bullalng.
BcATiucit , Nob.Auc - . lit. [ Special Tele-
prnm to Tun Bii : : . | A grand rain foil hero
for about two hours Just before noon today.
The Btorm came directly from the north nnd
wus accompanied with much Ihundir und
llirhtnlng nnd preceded by n heavy wind. No
diimngo occurred from oUbr wind or light
Cni.UMiii ! ? . Nob. , Aug. 10. [ Speclnl to Tin :
HKI : . ] A good rain fell hero tbU over.inir.
Crops were not suffering , bul tlio rain will
jiruvo beneficial to puslurcs and cuueo an in-
jre.iscd yield of corn.
Half tlio IIiilIillncH on Ono Shlo of Main
Street Destroyed.
Mii.ronn , Nob. , Aug. 13. Fira , which
started In ( dockland's windmill wnro-
liouso nt 10 o'clock last night , swept
away moro than naif tbo buildings
on the north sldo of Main street ,
between Walnut nvonuo und A street. The
buildings consumed nrs Cooklnnd's windmill
warehouse ' house Gun-
, Shump's Implement , -
ucll's blacksmith nnd wugon shop and part
of Englchardl's ' old lumber yard. The total
lots in citlmatcd at ) , r > 00 , with Insurance ol
(1,400. A bucket brigade wus fnrmod anil
did efficient service , saving three buildings
in the block In splto of thu high winds prn-
Vnlllng. Milford people bavo llttlo doubt
but that tbo 11 ni was of Incendiary origin.
The tire was entirely under control at mid-
Nerved tlui Ituco Coiirfiii I'atrnnn.
BKATKU-U , Neb. . Aug. 13. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun Ur.i : . ] Joe Alcaro , a negro , wns
urrcstcd ut the race course last nltrht for
running a boor and whisky Joint under the
grand stand. His Bluff was labeled ginger
beer and hn did a thriving ousmsss. Alcaro
Is supposed to bavo been merely a barkeeper
for oilier parties , whoso names do not llguro
, n thu transaction. A largo quantity of
'boor bottles , some of them filled with
the Ronulnu vintage of ( iambrlnui , was
cupturod with Alcare , The acnusod was
given n hearing before Judge Colllsou this
nfternoon nud , being found guilty , wus bound
ever to the district court In she sum of $ . ' 00.
At soon as llio state authorities are through
with him Alc.iro will rccoivo the attention of
Iho United Slates authorities for violating
tbo revenue laws.
At a special meeting ol the city council
( Ills morning to dlncu.s the badly mixed up
city WIIUT supply question , n proposition to
buy additional ground near thu Paddock pas-
tuiu water works plant for thu purpose of
linking moro wells , wns not received very
rncourielugly , and the mutter wont ever
without action until the regular meeting
Tuesday evunlng next ,
s : Hoy. G.V. . Crofts of Council Hluill has.
niTopteu a call lo ibo First Coiu-romUloaal
church pulpit of Uih city , muao viicaut by
tha resltiimtion of ilov. K. S. Smith. Uev.
Crofts will enter upon his pastorate SJP-
hold Miilun .Meut.
SKV.-AUP , Neb , . Aue. 1H. [ Spociul to TUB
BKB ] A young man named Henry Darnell ,
living in A township , came to Sowurd u fuw
day * afro nnil opened u meat market In a small
building uwuy from the ouslncss part of
town , kclluif beuf at such a low price that
trudo was going his wuy at such'a rate us to
i ulurui UUIOUK the other butcher * . But
t was discovered thnt ho wns stealing his
iccf , nnd ho WAS arroated on the charge of
: olng Into the pasture of a farmer nef.r town
md killing n steer. Ho was taken before
bounty Judge Miner lor a hearing , when ho
pleaded guilty to thn chargo. Tha Judge de
creed thnt he should mnko restitution to the
armor In double the vnluo of Iho steer , and
Incd him { 20 nnd cosis. the whole amounting
oKX.4.p ) > . The profits of iho business not
being enough to onnblo him to pay that
imount , ho was placed in Jail until some of
Us frtonds como to his relief.
Welcomed Their 1'nstnr.
YOIIK , Neb. , Aug. 13 tSoeolnl to Tun
Dec. ) Last night nt Ibo spacious rosldenco
of JudRo George W. ' 'ost , iho members of
: ho First Prosoytorlnn church hold n rcccp-
.Ion In honor of Itov. J. D. Countermine ,
D. D. , nnd wife. Tlio occcasion was the ro-
lurn of Mr. ana Mrs. Countermine from
their vacation. There were -00 people nro-
sor.t to woloomo the return of iholr pastor.
The welcome address was delivered by
Judge Montgomery , in whlcll ho told how
glad Iho pcoplo ' .vcro to welcome their pastor
and wife. Ho then on behalf of Iho oidcrs
presented Hev. Countormlno with n shop-
word's crook , statins that tlioy recognized
: ilm as their shcpnord and with this crook ho
was to gunrd his shcop. Itov , Mr. Counter
mine rc.'ipondcd wltn some fitllngTomai-ks ,
In which ho tlinnkod ihcm for this recog
nition but.snd ! only as God's agent was ho
tliolr shepherd.
Light rofroslunciHs were served and all re
turned homo feeling they had enjoyed Ihe
Frontier Uonniy Ten < ihor .
STOCKVIU.K , Nob. , Aug. 13. [ Special lo
Tim Br.i,1 : The Frontier County Tonchers'
institute commenced Inst WOOK nnd will con-
llnuo Ihls wean. MM. A. K. Gaudy , nsslsl-
nnt stnto superintendent , delivered n lecture
uoforo tlio inn-hen. Prof. W. E. Andrews
will deliver an cducntlonul lecture Mondny
evening. Mrs. E. W. NIchoH nf Omaha is
ono ot the Instructors thls'yonr.
GIIUIONNcb.jAug. . 1 ! ) . [ Sp.'cuil to TUP.
liGi.J : One ot Iho best nnd most successful
institutes over hfld m BtiiTlilo county closed
yesterday nt thlsplnco. The Inrgo nttond-
nnco shows iho Interest the leachcrs have
tnkcn In thulr work and nlso tbo fnct that
thu condition of the schools of the county U
crowing butter. The Instructors were W.
H. Skinner of Crete , J. F. Moroy ot Kearney
and U. S. Conn of Gibbon. j
York County Wliout Vleld.
VOUK , Nob. , Autr. 1,1. fSpualal to Tun
BHK.J York county's wheat crop was never
known to bo better thnn Ihls yonr. The
largest yield reported 1s that raised on the
farm of A. B. Test of this county. Mr. Test
threshed from thlrly-olpht acres Iilil5 )
tiusheU , making un nvorngo yield of flfiy-ono
nnd Ihroo-fourths bushels per aero. Several
farmers bavo Ihroshod fifty bushels per
acre.Gmiiov , INob. . Aug. 13. [ Special to TUB
BEK. ] The eroutcr amount ofheut nnd
oats is cut. The oats will not bo quito so
( rood In Buffalo county as last your , but the
wheat is much bettor , nnd Ibo indications nro
fr.vorabio for u good corn c'op. If ono moro
good ran falls in duo season ttiero will bo a
yield of corn much above iho average.
Old Settle Picnic.
HfMiioi.PT , Nob. , Aue. 13. fSpoclal lo
Tin : BRI : . | Ycilorday closed Ihe Iwo days
of Iho seventh annual picnic of Iho Old Set
tlers association of this county. This is ni :
occasion that has become a gain day for all ,
und the pcoplo for miles around tnk-j ad
vantage of ll und attend. Thu crowd wus
Inrcor thuu on previous occasions ana lha
program more varied and lutoro.uinir.
A light occurred on iho grounds Wodncs-
dus night. The parti.ripauts were Hugh
O'Grudy nnd Pious Smith. A dlsputo arose ,
when Smith struck O'Grady ever the head
with a bar of iron , culling n deep gush.
Smith wus arrested and fined $10 and costs.
Itoslsteil Nchraslm City ( Illlueri.
NKIWASKA Crrv , Nob. , Aug. 13. ( Special
Telegram to Tun BBB.J Two men and a
woman were arrested tonight by Officers
Mcllrcnoy nnd Bauer nnd lodged In the
calaboose. The party had been in cnmp on
the outskirts nf the city since yestordny and
became drunk and disorderly. Tno poltco
succeeded In lodging Ihem In jail only niter a
severe struggle , lUo woman particularly
llch'tng Ilko a llger , striKtng right and loft
with tolllncr effect. Several head of horses
wcro In their possession , whlcll inclines many
to believe that the arrest may provo an Im
portant one.
Violent Hentli of an Old Mini.
PcxpEit , Nob. , Aug. 13. [ Special Tele
gram lo TUB Bnrj , ] J. D. Tuhr , n German
farmer about 70 years old , hung himself this
afternoon nt the residence of his son-in-law ,
Herman Helno.iiun , residing nbnut live
miles west of hero. Ho wns found banging
in Iho cowshed by some children. Tnoro
buliiR i.o coroner in this county Sheriff Mul-
lln wus notified. He Immediately summoned
n jury und went out. lo hold an inquest. No
cuuso Is known for the hanging.
> : irro\v ICHcupu of Commercial .Mini.
FAIIIMOXT , Nob. , Aug. lit. [ Spcolul to Tin :
Br.i : . ] A rlllo bullet wns fired into n- coach
Frldav night shortly after the passsngor loft
Fairmont by some unknown person. The
bnllol passed through a window. Mr. M. G.
Grebe , the well knoivn traveling man of
Lincoln , wns sluing on thoopposite sldo of
the car nnd iho bullcl toro u plu'jo from tbo
order book from which ho was writing at the
tlmo and jiasbcd out of the open window.
llorrlhlo ICxpcrlunre of u ISoy.
SVIIACL-SB , Neb , , Aug. 18. [ Special to THE
Bin. ; ] Yesterday afternoon , while hanging
up a quarter of hoof , Orrln Au.lrows , u
butcher's son , slipped from the chair on
which bo wns standing and caucht his wrist
on n moat hook. Ho remained suspended
until bl younger brothnr could sccuro help
lo latco him down.
aixxit.u. auxx'si AUICIUK.
Causes Assigned fur tlio Katm Act A I'nrt
of His Ufo'ii Story.
DRNVKII , Colo. , Aug. 13. General N. Qano
Dunn , formerly of New York-Cily , who
shot ntrnsclf In tbo head last night In nn at
tempt to commit suicide , died this afternoon
at St. Luko's hospital , The cnnso of his act
still remains somewhat of a mystery , as ibo
goporal refused to make any statement before
fore dying. Ho loft n few lines in a note
addressed to "Fanny 13 , " In whlcll bo
talks of disappointed love , etc. This Is
thought to have boon thn product of u par
tially diseased mind , as no was not known to
bo n ludy's man , and "Funny B.'s" identity
cannot bo established. General Dunn was
witnout money , nnd being of a proud dispo
sition would nnt work nl manual labor. Ho
made a protcnso of associating with Iho
upper Ion nnd It is claimed that having run
out of funds nnd bulni ; unnblu to keep bis
uncial btundlng , ho ended his trouble by
taking his own Ufa. Ho was about UO years
ot uge und Is said to have a wifu and two
ons In Nuw Yorli.
NEW YOIIK , Aue. 13. Gonorai G. Gano
Dunn , who killed himself ut Danvor , wns
well known to the national guard of this
city , bavins been novorul years commander of
the Eighth regiment , and later being gen
eral nnd chief engineer on thu staff of John
A. Dlx. He wus the son of Prof. Nathaniel
Dunn , the friend and elusumuto of
Longfellow , the pool. The general
wus born nt Hompbtoad , Long Island
In 184A. Ho graduated from Columbia college -
lego and law school and boforn the close ol
the war unlisted nnd wool to tbo Iront , tak
ing part In the final battles of the rebellion.
Gonorai Dunn wus the youngest member of
thu famous committee of kovuuty which un-
earthad the notorious Tweed frauds. As a
lawyer ho bundled only Insurance and
will cases and hli ( ecu , which sometimes
reached ns high as f OOO , soon made him
wealthy. Ho lived In food atylo near the
purk on Thirty-sixth street. About tlvo
yor ago bu seyarutod from tils family , and
hl disappearance was so sudden and mys
terious that some of his former friends wore
Igiiorunt. nf hU wnorcubouta until the an
nouncement of his eulcldo dliclosod It.
General Dunn was well known nt the
Union League club and was years
ago u companion of Cnauncay M. Dopow
and Vice 1'roildcut Levi P.Morton , ifo was
a member of the Thirteen club and of the
Old Guard , His wlfo aud family , who oc
cupy u costly Hal at No. ! ! 33 Central park
west , did not learn of the siltcldo until tnln
afternoon , Thou his eldest son , G , S. Dunn ,
telegraphed lo the Denver police for full par
ticulars. Toe body will bo brought hero for
burial. Mrs. Dunn declined to i > peak about
tbe separation , but Irlcndu of the family say
It tviu wholly owing to tbo general's ' wllduoss ,
There is in Store a Trus Western Reception
for tha Pythian Knights.
Unbounded Iluxpltiillty Will lln the Order
of the So < * lnu WcfU-1'uttliiK the Chi
lli Onln Atllrc I'roRrum of
tlio Knights.
CITV , Mo. , Aug. 13. The city coun
cil hns passed nn ordinance which the mayor
stgnca today , appropriating a goodly sum for
the Illumination of tlio city during the
Knights of Pythias encampment. The
Priests of Pallas Illuminating plant has boon
offered to the city , and the illuminations
promise to bo very flno. The principal busi
ness streets will bo decorated with arches of
Incandescent lletits and trees nnd nrchos of
gns lights. Everything Is progrosMng rapidly
to a close nnd by next Saturday the prepara
tions will nil bo completed.
TLo committee on accommodations has al
ready secured lodctng for n larger number
than are cxpeetod , nnd the wont continues
every day.
The commlttco on program will soon bo
rcndy to multo n report. The tnombers of the
supreme lodco are to bo In session In Scottish
Kite hull every day for two weens nnd pro
visions for their onturtatnnnnt will not bo
mndo until the oncnmpinent Is ovor.
The PythLin Slstors nro making elaborate )
preparations for the otitcrtahiinont uf lady
visitors to tha encampment , but tbo commit
tea has not yet decided to Include their plans
in the ofllclal program of the encampment.
Very llttlo work remains to bo dor.o nt the
camp to In.vo everything In rondlnoss for the
The merchants have agreed to plnco bar
rels contain Ing ice water all along the routoto
bo gene over by the parado. the water to be
supplied to the marching knights by car
riers. The citizens will bo provided with
distinctive badges so that visitors may dis
tinguish them for information should tlioy
require it.
TliomniMls Will Ho Ktitortiitncd.
The last wnok before thu encampment will
bo a busy ono for everybody concerned. The
finishing touches will bo put on all prelimi
naries , and there will bo hurry nnd bustlu
nil along the line to got everything in shape
for the invasion of tbo mighty host. It Is
now certain that the influx of strangers 'to
the city will greatly exceed original esti
mates on account of the great rate war being
waged by the railroads , making it possible to
como to the city from all ever tha countrj
for n ridiculously low faro. With nil our
packing houses and commission houses there
Is no doubt of the city's ability to feed all the
people who can be brought within her gates.
The only question Is where all the people nro
to bo fed.
The committee appointed for the purpose
of Inducing the owners ol tbe various vacant
storerooms to rent them during the encamp
ment ut n reasonable llguro made n favor
able report last night , nnd they bavo been
offered Iho u.o of many vacant storerooms
at n low llu'uro , which can bo utilized by
church societies nrd others for tbo purpose
of serving meals. Several vacailt bulluiuirs
have ulsu been secured. In which cots can bo
placed ana rented at the rate of $1 each per
If the crowd coming to the encampment
should bo lee ble for tbo city to take care of ,
which is doubtful , recourse can bo had to
tbo hospitality of our sister cities , which nro
In close proxirulty. ICnnsns City , Kan. , Wy-
nndotto and Armourdalo are only twenty
minutes distant by cable cars , 'and they
could undoubtedly care for several thousands
of tbo overflow.
ICitllroud Accommodations ,
The oxcosslvo switching charge estab
lished by tha Bolt line hns awakened the
Alton to the necessity of action and It has
mudo arrangement * by which all its passen
gers with tboir baggage will bo landed at
the camp ground at"a nominal rate. En
campment passengers on the Alton will bo
unloaded at the Grand nveuuo depot and
will bo transferred directly to Grand avenue
cublo cars and taken out to tno camp.
Trailers will bo attached , to tlio train to
carry baggage.
All tbo professional decorators who made
Denver so handsome during the templar
conclave will pack up oil their effects and
corao to this city Monday , prepared to take
n hand In the Pythian decoraliona. The ad
vent of these rivals is not feared in the
least by local decorators , ns tbev nntlcipato
there will bo plenty uf work for all. Kansas
City Is to bo decorated us she never has been
buforc , and ono prominent decorating firm
announces that areadv ] it has made as many
contracts as itc.iu fulfill.
The work of preparing the camp for the
reception of thn army of knights proceeds
steadily nnd incessantly. Day bv day new
rowa of tents roar their white walls and
penkud roofs In unvarying similitude nnd tbo
question presents itself , it belated Sir
Knights will not occasionally mistakethen -
proper quarters. Some will have straw
ticks to Ilo upon and others will repose in
luxury on cots , so mistakes will bo of llttlo
moment unless intruders pro-ompt the cots.
Program lor the Wuuk.
The program commlttco Is hard at work.
As proposed at present , the week of
festivity , spectacle and amusement which Is
to dawn on Kansas City with the advent of
the Uniform rank Is as follows : Commenc
ing Saturday , August ' . ' 0 , and continuing
until tno following Monday night , the various
divisions of the Uniform rank will nrnvo In
the city nnd will Immediately t'O into camp.
The Missouri and Kansas brigades have
been ordered Into camp on August 'JO and
many others will report on tbo sumo day of
their own volition.
Monday will lo recaption day for the Uni
form rank , and will bo 1C Ights of Pythias
day ntTroost pane , whera lomo special fea
tures In the entertainment line will bo pre
Tuesday morning , August 23 , a grand re
ception iv111 bo tendered the members of the
bupromo ledge at tbo Grand opera houso.
Mayor Cowberd , Governor D. U. Francis
and Major William Warner will uollvor addresses -
dresses of welcome and responses will bo
Hindu by Supreme Chancellor George B.
Shaw nid other distinguished members of
the supreme lodge. Tuesday afternoon , at 4
o'clock , the praud parade of the Uniform
rank will -tako plnco. Nearly 15,000 sir
knights in full uniform and about seventy-
tlvo bands are expected to participate In the
parade , which will Do the most magnificent
military spectacle ever scon In thu west.
Tuesday night , at Exposition driving park ,
will bo glvon the first of two elaborate pyrotechnic
technic displays , In which nearly fi',000
worth of fireworks will bo consumed to delight -
light the spectators. _ _
I'rUu Drill nnd Iimpoctlnn ,
Wednesday morning the prlzo drills , for
which $7tiOO in cash has been placed in a
local bunk , will bo given at tbo bate bull
park. Wednesday afternoon the Held in
spection aud grand rtvlow of all the tlr
knights in uniform will tuku place at 4 o'clock
on Knst Fifteenth street , between Campbell
street , and the camp ground. tVedncitlay
will ba Knights of Pythias day at Washing
ton park and thu management is making ox-
tousivo preparations to provide something
novel and extraordinary In tbo way of cntor-
talnmont for the visitors.
Thursday the prize drill will bo continued
at the base ball park , and in tbo evening thu
second of the fireworks exhibitions will bo
given at Exposition driving park.
Friday will bo Knights of Pythias day at
Cuseubnry Springs , and besides the prlzo
drills arrangements nro boinir toaao for a
sham battle and fancy drills , to bo glvou at
Exposition driving park In thu evening by
companies of the Third regiment nud tbo
uniform rank.
Saturday , If possible , the nrlza drills will
bo concluded and the award * made by Iho
United States arm ; officers , who are to act
us Judgoi. Saturday night the camp will bo
broken up nnd thu blounUl encampment of
the Uniform ruiiK lor Ib'JJ will bo ondod.
The majority of ttau member * of Monumental
mental coinmundory No. 8of Baltimore , Md , ,
spent today in making excursion * to points
of Interest l'i tbo stato. The commandery
returned tonight and will leave early In tbo
morning ( or homo. A great many Ciuolu-
nntl knights toft for thihHplaco at 0 o'clock
LcadTlllo entertained * about 3,000 knight *
today nnd will probnblvjccctvo visits from
mnny moro before thby < lnavo Iho city.
O.hnr towns In Colorftdoijo [ nlso being flllod
wltu visiting sightseers ,
Colorado comtnander.r No. 1 was the last
ono to close Us headquarters , which It did
tonight. _ n
I'nrurm DlMntUflud wllli'Aio Action of the
\Vcnlcrn TriUllo1l'Uoclntlon. !
The notion of the cb'ti/mlssloiiers / of the
vVostcrn Truffle association In refusing to
ndvanco the westbound transcontinental
rates on packing house products from nil
points cast ot tbo Missouri river Is n disap
pointment to tha South Omaha packers. The
proposition was n fair one , nnd Iho action of
iho commissioners Is a. clear discrimination
In favor of Chicago.
John S. Knox , 'trnflla manager for the
Cudahy Packing company , appeared before
the commissioners and notwithstanding his
logical and unanswerable presentation ot the
case from the standpoint of the packers west
of tno Missouri river the proposition was
voted down. The commissioners give their
reasons in being that Iho price of hogs U
hlghur In Cnlcaco that' In Omaha or other
Missouri river packing centers , and oy
rcuso.i of this tha Mississippi river firms nro
entitled to better rates. A cnr of picking
house product can bo shipped from Chicago
to the Pacific coast nt the snmo rnto ns from
Omaha , notwithstanding the difference in
distance of GOO miles. On the other hand ,
however , a car of packing house product
from Omnha connot bo shipped tJ the At
lantic coast us cheap ns from Chicago , be
cause of thn differential rate , and the dlllor-
cnco in distance is no greater n 5'JO miles
than it is from Cblcaeo to Omnlia. Out an
association commissioner docs not see It In
tliat Ilk-lit , and ngaln the Chicago p.ickors
must have the best of It.
If Omaha could receive the snma benefits
In cnstbound business ns Chicago docs in
westbound by the continuation ot the present
rato.s , the discrimination would not bo KO
glaringly apparent. The South Omaha
packers will keep poirglng nwuy , however ,
nnd ono of thcso days will secure a fair ad
justment of freight rates.
Minneapolis has scored n point for Its
packers and the rate on packing Uouso pro
ducts to that city will bo raised 5 cents.
That town desires to build up nu extensive
packing Industry with nothing In fact to
build it on. Six months of the year tlioy are
compelled lo go lo the Missouri river stocK
centers to sccuro cnltlo for slaughtering and
thu other six months they rccolvo a small
supply of stuff from the territory west of
thorn. .
Cotio With a Hnmlsomor Man.
Louis Armbrustor'a Joys and sorrows in
llfn have been shared durlng'tho past seven
years by a hotter-half , but all Is changed
slnco Fred Kruso put In an appearance.
Armbruster's wife has eloped with Kruse ,
taking with her two bright llttlo children
who were a source of happiness to tbo father
and wronged husband ,
Armbrustor nnd his wife were married
seven years ngo and have rcsldod in Omaha
a greater portion of the tlmo. They came to
South Omaha a few weeks ago and ho * se
cured employment in ' 0116 of the packing
houses. The family lived at the Wisconsin
house on Twonty-iixth street nnd appar
ently all was ponce and Joy with
them. It was here Mrs. Armbruster
met Fred Kruso , for \yhom she evinced a
strong affection-mid ho roclprocatod with all
ardor of a man who was 'bont ' upon destroy
ing the bnppmoss of a family. The husband
had perfect confidence in bis wlfo's fidelity
and never suspected her treachery nor that
of Krusc , wno ho rognrjod ns n mend.
Ono day' last weak Krii'sq and Mrs. Arm
brustor suddonlv nnd , 'mvsterlously ' disap
peared and there wheraatlouts bavo nol as
yet been ascertained. Tno'forsaken husband
is causing a complete search to bo made for
them nnd snys as soon as tlioy are located tin
will have tuo pair returned to Omaha and
prosecuted. . .10 .
Mrs. Armbrustor , tho.runaway , wife. Is a
comely'brunette. ' 20 year * of use. vvtlv | blue
American-woman . 'Kruso Is
eves , and is an ,
a German nnd Is Mr * . Armbrustor's senior
by n few years. Tho'iwo lit'.lq girls taken
by their mothoraro need 0 and 4 years. The
police are or. their. , track and expect to locate
them In a small Iowa town.
Young Mcn'n l ( publiciit Club.
The Young Men's Republican club held a
mcotlnir last evening nt Pivonka's hall , the
attendance being largo. The club took the
necessary stops to secure a membership in
the stale league and elected the following
delegates to tbo Grand Island convention :
Mayor C. P. Miller , J. H. Vim Duson ,
Philip Brayton , A. H. Murdock , W. M.
Wood , James Wilson , Mark Boukal and N.
A. Lundtfron.
Iho club decided to have a grand ratifica-
lion meeting Saturday evening , August 27 ,
and appointed J. H. Van Dusen , W. S Cook
and Alex ciohlcgcl a committee to secure
speakers nnd make all arrangements.
B. E. Wllcox ana A. C. Powers were jip-
pointed to secure permanent quarters for tno
\Vrouj. , UH Uuuil.
The Cudnhy Paclung company continues to
ono7 ] a large business abroad and the de
mand for iholr goods increases. But when
the World-Horald itntos that the company
shipped sixty-four caw of mout Friday con
signed direct to Great Britain points , il
makes an assertion which lacks truthfulness.
Inquiry nl Ihoofllco of the Cudnhy company
rovcujs Iho fact that notblng Is known ttiero
of nny such shipment being mado. The expert -
port shipment by thut firm on Friday
amounted to three cars , which Is not above
the average.
Notes nnil roritoimlH.
E. Truchott has" returned from Chicago.
W. Scott King , city engineer , has ruturnod
from Denver.
A. W. Habcoek has returned from n visit
at Davenport , la.
J. G. Phillips hai been called to ML Carroll ,
III. , by the death of his father.
Miss Kato Gllmoro of Sioux City , la. , Is
visiting friends In the city.
A largo delegation of South Omaha people
attended the Scottish ptcnlo at Calhoun
Slnco Juno 1 the Cudahy Packing company
has received 5,000 head of Toxuus purchased
ut Kansas City. _
Thoraus O. Murphy of Swift nnd Co.'s
ofllco force returned lost evening from bis
Colorado outing ,
Michael Cudahy ban gene to Chicago. Ho
will take an outing of several weeks at some
of the pleasure resorts omtho lakes.
M. J. Stephens , formerly of this city , but
now a resident ol Mdrrls , 111. , was In Ibe
city yesterday on bis retu'rn homo from Den
ver. "
Several members of'r no people's party
went out to Gllmoni inft'bvonlng 10 attend a
rally. Samuel P , Brigh.a/n / nnd George A.
Mngnny wcro
P. J. Klrby nnd Johu'.Murpuy will contest
wl'.U Patrick Cublll and James Murphy In a
tramo of hand ball at. vQurko'a court on Q
treat this afternoon. Tbq winners will como
into posseision of Iwo silk hats.
J. P. Lyman of DotroU'Mloh. _ , and H. O.
Tllllugbast of Chlcagb'aro In the city visitIng -
Ing Manager Noyos of tjhd"Hammond Pack
ing company. Both ' ontlomon are con
nected with that compa'jiy " In their respective
> 3'
Forty-seven saloon. 17)90 , have paid tbo { $100
occupation tux Into tho. city treasury , leaving
twcnty-llvo delinquent. Monday U tno last
day , and unless the delinquents como up ana
settle tbo council wtlMaKo otno very offect-
iv < etopi to force tbo payment of tbo tax.
A unall contribution box was recently
hung up In DOHOV Bros. & Clifton's ofllce at
the Exchange and about (5 In money bad
been dropped Into It. Some aiioak thief
opened iho box and donated the money to
himself. A nickel was dropped la and was
stolen also.
Tbo gypuy social glvpc. by tbo ladies of tbo
First Presbyterian oburca at tbo residence
of W. A. Terry , Twunty-third and I streets ,
was a great success. Tbe entertainment was
n novel one and Included a regulation gypsy
camp , with dancing girls and plenty of good
music. The ladles netted nearly f 100 from
iho receipt * .
Want Colonul h'tmutor Dlimliiml ,
lumimiuiio , Pa. , Aug , 18. Governor Pat-
tlson has received a petition from citizens of
Nantlcoko askln * the dlauilsial of Colonel
Strealor ou account ot Ilia luun matter.
John M. Thurston Emphatioilly De.nioi a
Third Party Falsehood.
Ilo U Trno to tlio Urnnil OU1 Party nnil
Its r'rlnclples lln HIM Not mid
Will Nut .loin tlio Independents
1'iilltlciil Note * .
A telegram sent out from St , Louts ycstor-
dny , supposed to huvo originated at the bend-
quarters of thtt national committee of tlio
people's party , to the offset that lion. John
M. Thurston of this city would soon take the
stump in the Interests of the people's party ,
crctitcil n ripple of surprise nud considerable
comment when It roachoJ Omaha. The ru
mor wns generally discredited by these who
Know Mr. Tburston , but the moro credulous
appeared to think there might bo some truth
In it.
it.Mr. . Thurston wns seen by n Ben reporter
last ovonlnir with reforoncc to the rumor. ' 'I
never heard of the tnnltcr until n very fuw
inumto3 ngo , " said Mr. Thurston. "You
wish to know , I suppose , whether or not it Is
truo. I will nnswor vour Inquiry by simply
stntmg tbixt t huvo two dates In the neiir fit-
turo upon which 1 nm to deliver republican
speeches. 1 have boon engaged to ncltlrosi
the republican leagues of Wisconsin at Mil-
wuukeo on Aunust'J4 , mid on September 1 I
urn to speak at n Brand rally In Buffalo , N.
Y , , wbera the nntlonnl republicnn
league will meet. I will. If I huvo my health ,
mnko several republican speeches this fall ,
nnd 1 don't expect to maKe any otbor kind.
1 have always boon In the habit or doing my
poht'cnl ' cussingbofor'otho nominations wcro
inudo , when the courao of the party was not
what I thought It ought to be , and after the
nominations have booh made ( nm nlwnys a
republican , If I have any crow to eat I
buckle up my bolt n few notclics nnd oat it
quietly nnd In nrlvnto. The success of the
republican party to mo Is of much
greater tmportnnco than the nltnln-
menl of any personal dtsiros cither
of myself or anybody clso. I nm
convinced through nnd through that the
principles of the reoubllcnn party are right
nnd tnat they oucht to triumph , nnd I be-
llovo that they will triumph at tlio coining
election. It seems to mo that wo hnvcAi
vorv fair chnnco to carry Noxv Yorlt , nnd
that will , I think , win the day for the re
publican party. In Nebraska our only
danger Is the possibility that the democrats
may vote for the people's party electors , but
I hardly think thov will ilo that. In a
straight" , threo-cornered fight I believe the
republican ticket In Nebraska will wlu wlln
a t'ond round Majority. "
As the ronortor xv'os taking his lenvo Mr.
Tbuwton suid : "I only hope that the rumor
which Is floating about to the effect that
Judge Gresham Is going to tnko tne stump
for the people's party has no tnoro founda
tion than this foolish rumor about myself. "
Thurston Will Sjivnk la Milwaukee.
MIIAVAUKCC. WIs. , Aug. 13.John M.
Thurston of Omaha has accepted nn invlti-
tion to address the Wisconsin League of Uo-
publican Clubs here on the 24tb. Ilo will
probably mnko other republican addresses
during il'O campaign.
( into Cuuntv Prohibit IcmlHtsV111 Meet
Itupulilicitn OlulM OrcHiilzud.
BcATiucE , Net ) . , Aug 13. [ Special Tclc-
arnni 10 THE BBn.1 The Ongo county pro
hibition convention is called to meet in
Glbbs1 hall , this city , Tuesday morning , Au
gust 10 , at 10 o'clock.
COLUMIIUS , Neb. , Aug. 13. [ Special to
Tan Bitu.f The Independents hold an open
air meeting hero last night and listened to a
greenback party speecn as it glibly full
from the lips of nu Itinerant from California ,
The spanker is accompanied by a tight rope
wakor who Is depended upon to draw the
crowd. About ? 1 was contributed by the
ctowd to pay the expenses of the political
Hum HIM , Nob. , Aug. 12.--rSpocIal T lo-
gram toTuc BKE. ) Tnoro was a Harrison
club organized hero tonight with forty-six
members. J. S. Whlto is president nnd OT
C. Kllngman secretary.
YOIIK , Nab. , Aug. 13. ( Special to THE
BEK. ] York has a young man's debating
club , organized for the purpose of discussing
the political issues of the dar. This it a
nonpartlsnn organization and will prove quito
bonotlcial to thoto intorostcd. Last night
the silver question was discussed.
Washington Caunty Democrats.
BI.AIH , Neb. , Aug. 13. [ Special Telegram
to THE BBK. ] The democrats of Washington
county held tboir county convention here in
tdo Covert hou o toduy. W. D. Badger was
elected chairman and T. F. Kelly secretary.
It soomc'l 10 bo rather unanimous
at all nominations wcro mida : by
acclamation. Hans Lamp was nomi-
naud for representative.V. . E. David
county attorney. Thomas \VilKinsonnnd Dr.
W. 11. Paluior wnro named as supervisors
for tlio city of Blair. The following Is the
list of dolog'ntos :
State Convention Abe Sutherland , Cluus
Monko , S. G. Ulovor , E. N. Grenell. Hans
Lamp , Augustus Frlnko , F. F. liardick ,
V. Conpal. Congressional F. Calhnusor ,
James Manor. Thomas Wilkcnon , Sum Stew
art , W. U. Badger. Walson Tyson. Sena
torial , lloat with Dodge \V. E. David , Ed
Paulson , M. S. Smith , 1'at McCarty , Louis
Whcoecr , T. H. Wilton. Uopresontatlvcs ,
ilout with Burl Jacob Sport , F. M. Stun-
tlold. Dr. Prunor , E. E. Burdick nnd John
Hamming. Claus Menko wns elected chair
man of the county Central commlttco.
J'Al'KUS JN Till : CASK.
Completion of tlio United States Sldo of
Jtorlug Ken Control oniy.
WASHINGTON , O. C. , Aug. 13. The pro = -
paration of the Bering sea papers by the
State department wns completed today nnd
it is expected papers will soon b'o Inter
changed with Great Britain according to tbo
terms of the treaty.
It Is known that every effort has been
made Dy the department to make the case ns
complete m ovcry ropcct that thoroughness
could assure and Ills stutod that nothing has
been ncgloctcd to strengthen the poult Ion of
the United States In the controversy , so fnr
as regards facts and statistic * relating to tbo
question involved , Nearly all tbo case , as
prepared by tbo department , has been sent
to the government printing offlco nnd will , no
doubt , soon bo ready for transmlltal abroad.
Senator Morgan , ono of the arbitrators , held
a conference with Secretary Foster today ,
and afterward * stated that no papers had
yet boon oxchanecd with Great Britain rein-
tlvo to the cnso and that the arbitrators
would not leave for Europe before next
He Will Not TuUo iho Stump for I lie Third
I'urty In the 1'retunt ( 'itmpiilKiii
Tuojirsox , ConnVug. / . 13.Judgo Greabam
Is here ; Ho denies the report that he will
tulto tbo stump for tbo pcoplo's party.
JuJgo Grosbam was qulta posltlvo In bis
statement that bo would make no speeches
for any politic-til party In the coining cam
paign , Ho positively declined to discuss
politics. When asked what ho had to say , if
anything , a * to the reasons given by the In-
dlanapolls Uopubllcnn why ho coulu not an
tagonize tbo republican party , ho replied
that ho considered It his duty as an Auion-
can citlznn to vote his convictions and that
hi owed no slavish obcdlauco to any party.
Mr. Harrison Will Not Take tlm Httimp.
Lees LAKE. N. Y. , Aug , 13. The Associ
ated Press corretpondont called 'jpon. Lieu
tenant Parker today and asked him concern
ing a report that President Harrison would
take tbo tump In tbo northwest. Ho re
plied : "Tho president has no such plan.
Mr. Harrison Is now working on his letter of
acceptance aad It will bo ready In u day or
so. "
Kx-Senntnr Illalr for C'oucrnii ,
MANCIIKSTKH , N , H. , Aug. 13. Ex-Senator
Blair has boon ut homo for tbo past tow days ,
and has yrivately stated thut there U great
power being brouabt to boar upon him to bo
a congressional candidate In this dUtrlot ,
There it no doubt that the managon of tuo tinniifncturint ; corporations here nro
iciivoly at work In til * Interest. Some of
Ihem assort that there Is no other ropul 1 can
In the district who van possibly bo elected ,
inil I * . U understood that ox-Governor
Cheney tin * said the same. Thn belief Is ecu-
oral that Blair will bo nominated , though ho
has not yet said that ho desires to be.
tonA nn.Mocn.wio UONVIINTIONS.
Scott County Select * Deli-cutes to Iho Var
ious Conventions.
U.VVBXPOUT , la. , Aug. 13. [ Special Telegram -
gram toTur. Br.K.J Yho ilamocrils of Scott
county hold their convention here today.
The following delegates were chosen ! State
convention , August IS W. O. Schmidt , C.
G. Hcpwell , John U. Bills , J. J. Klchnnlson ,
J. W. Stewart , Philip Otetz , Frank L.
Dodco.J. F. HalllBan , Cnarlos W. Borchcrs ,
Fred Heinz , Chris Marti , C. A. Frleko ,
.1. H. Wlesso , Henry Voltmor , .1. S. Wylie ,
Paul Uurmolstcr , W. H. Stnckhouso , E. M.
Sharon , B. F. Prtlntcr , Samuel A. Jennings ,
Fred A. Llshor , O. 13. Crlswoll , Wil-
llnm Bruhn , A. C. Boyer nnd
L. Flexiior. Judicial , hero , Au
gust l"i Nntnnnibl Fronch. Louis Utt ,
L. M. Fisher. James P. Donobue , Henry
ICorn , H. H. Slmlt , Charles Molr. Lorciu
UAIWO , I. H. Soars , \Vllllnm E. Hlschoff , J.
A. Unnloy , William Lcusch , Henry \VnllT
nnd Alfred Clausson. A. A. Baluf wns
nominated clerk of Iho court ; C. C.
Cnmpbt-ll , county nudltor ; Fcrdmnnd
Aschnrmnn , recorder ; Fred Hlnz ,
county nltornoy ; ( jlnus Stoltcnbcrg
nnd J. C ! , DuluSiur , supervisors nomination
Is equivalent to olpctlon. Elaborate propara-
tlous have been made for the coming state
convention hero which wilt Include over 1,100
LKMAUS la. , Aug. 13. | Spoolil Telegram
to Tin : HBB. I The democratic convention to
select delegates to the state convention nnd
nlso to select delegate * to the judicial con
vention which meets at LaMurs on August
< ! l , nnd delegates to the congressional con
vention which meets August 35 at Cherokee
wns hold in LoMnra todiy. Plymouth county
is entitled to twelve delegates to each con
vention. The nttondanco wns not very largo.
Sioux OITV , la. , Atisr. 13. [ Spjclal Telegram -
gram to Tun Biu.j : The dumocratlo county
convention mot this afternoon with Super
visor I. Woebor ixs chairman and AU'ormuti '
F. Hoinslus ns secretary. The following
wcro selected delegates to the state conven
tion : A. Hershlro , G. W. Dodder ,
J. Llnkhnrt , F. Sulok , H. Lorncz ,
M. Bloom , W. Schrnedlor , C. Dodt ,
C. E. Goodie. L. H. Wolfe , C. yioiclor , C.
Baker , F. V. Volkoringer , F. X. Hilton-
moycr , Ed Murphy , M. J. Wndo nnd Thomas
Jordan. Alternates J. J. Lornck , D. Ilocan ,
H. H. Wray , N. Klnnoy , D. Maher , M. Dull ,
M. Orollly , D. F. Sullivan , A. Chump , L.
Miller. W. J. Baldwin , M. Calla , .1. Ccstello ,
P. J. Murphy , J. Shultz , Charla. ) Vogt aud
John Eden.
OTTUMWA , la. , Aug. 13. J. J. Seurloy , the
present congressman of the First Iowa , dis
trict , was ronomlnated by acclamation at tbo
democratic congressional convention at Fair-
Held today.
Ho AV111 Jllnku Spcecllcn fur tlio Nittlointl
Uomocr.itlc Ticket.
Nnw YOIIK , Aug. 13. An evening paper
says : A prominent Tammany ofllcer snys
that Senator Hill will take the stump In
October nnd will malco a number of speeches
in this city and stato. Most of his speaking
will probably ba aono in'ho Interior of the
stato. But he will make ono or more speeches
In thU city nnd probably ono in Brook
lyn. His llr > t speech may bo made at
Turamany hall. Two monster masi moatlnes
will bo held at the w lew am on Fourteenth
street In the interest of the nntlonnl ticket ,
at wnlch homo of the greatest orators In the
country will mnko speeches. The first of
these mcotinizs may be acid about the last of
September. The other will ti\kc plnoo In
October. The p'.an ' of campaign agrnod upon
by the Tammany loaders Is to work for the
national ticket tlm and put off the local
fight until three weeks preceding the elec
Kiiinnrcil IteHljjnutlon ot Snmfor Hour.
NEW YOIIK , Aug. 13. A special lo the
World from Now Uodford , Mass. , says : The
Mercury will announce tomorrow morning
that It has reliable Information that United
States Senator George F. Hoar of this state
has placed his resignation In the hands of bis
colleague to ba banded to the vice- president
upon the reassomi.llng of congress.
PiTTSKiEi.n , Mass. , Aue. 13. Senator
Dawossays : "Mr. Hoar has not placed his
resignation In my hands and I have no
knowledge ot any intention on his re
sign. "
Stutomi'tit Imuocl liy tlio Fo'lorutlun of
Labor anil Aiiiulguinatod AHiochilloii.
Pirrsnuim , Pu. , Aug. 13. The conference
between the Amalgamated association and
tuo executive council of the Federation
ended this evening. PrcsldontGompcrs and
the others of the federation have trono oast.
Before thulr departure tuc conference Issued
the following statement :
To the American public : Hoi.loin . In tlio
history of our country liiiru wo witnessed the
lines of buttle KG clearly drawn upon tlio
Hold ot Inbor as Is \Tliiiussudutllnino- -
sttiad. The C.iniuilu Stoul loinpany , onu of
Iho most ; l antlu nionoiiollus of tlm URO , has
iindertakiMi to ruilucu tlui waxes of their em
ployes from IU to10 per cunt.
n many erroneous and fr.lso KtatoniuntH
have been publ lm : ! us to the cuuso fur wlilcii
tlio mun nro so notily contending , tliolr con
duct during the BtniijKlo. thu present situa
tion nnd the ] ii-osi | ou of victory , that wo fuel
culled upon to Issuu this btntcinunt lei the
Amcrlciin public. It Is not true that the men
nro rcuolvlns the hlgli wu us L'fiier.illy Riip-
poscd , nor do a lar o iiuiatjorown their IinmcM ,
wu have made cuioful lnvuiitl'nllin |
and ( iii'l thut there were just before
the loi'knut II.11 oinuloyos In llio
nillis. ( Jf this niiinbor thuro wuro thlrteun
whoso wages nvcr.iKod nbout } 7.M per day ;
forty-six u'vcr.-iRcd between W and 1" per any j
fifty-four averaged from * l uii pur ilayr 1,117
uvora''od from fl.tiS to t' ' . . ' J pur day und l.ii'JS
received H cents per hour or less. And , fur
ther , wo find 8 to ID per eent own their liomus
nncl about 13 per cent , more have thulr homo *
under inortKngu : the romiilndur payout nnd
u number of thorn have been evicted by thu
CiirnugluN. It is not true that llio ninn nro
only dcfeiidln ; llio waKus of tlio hlghur
priced workmen. It IK In defense of tlio
14 cents pur hour men as much ns nny other
thai the Homestead men uru making this uul-
hint lltflit. Thu company dusuud to placetho
men In the disadvantageous position uf nefo-
tlnllnx with them upon a now Rcalo in Janu
ary , Instoud of us formerly , In July. There
uru less than ( M persons In thn mills and less
than a dozen uklllcd .workmen who ctiu pur-
form the work required. The Hltiiutlnn U
Kiich wu confidently assert thiil at , no tlmo
during the strnnilo wuru thu prospects of vlc-
tury as bright us bright IIH they arc
now. What the men In the contest
need la your snibtiintial Biippurt us well
IIH your sympathy. The poorer paid mun In
Homestead mill oilier Carnexlo mills , whuru
the men uru mm nut to hell ) thulr brothers nt
Homestead , are the ones who nuud our Iniinu-
dluto hulp nnd money U required to maintain
tliolr manhood und Interest ; ' . Kvory workur
and liberty loving ultl/un should contribute to
Iho flii'inclal biippuilof thu bravu men who
toduy occupy thu position of the advance
gu ird ( if the labor movement uf America. tVu
itsiuru you thut uvury dollar cuntrlbntud will
bu devoted lo tlm men outlined In tills eon-
ttst.Vo albo adviHo all worklirzniun not. to
eomu to Homestead or 1'lttxhurg for employ
ment unlit the pending dispute with the C'ar-
nuiln Htuel comdnny Is settled.
hen I nil contrlbullonb to William Wulhe ,
president uf thu Amalgamated A snulatloi : of
Iron mid tilfol wurkurn. 5U struct ,
I'lttsbur.1'u. . . und notify 'f'homua J , Craw
ford , box.l'JJ , , I'a ,
The address Is signed by Samuel Gompors ,
P. J. McGuIre , "William A , Carnoy , John B.
Lounon und Chris Qvuns , oxocuiivo council ,
American Federation fo Labor ; William
Wolbo. Stovou Madden , M. M. Garland for
the Amalgamated ass iclation , and Hugh
O'Donnoll ' , John McLucklo , Thomas J. Craw
ford und David Lynch for the advisory com-
mltteo. _
n'K.i'rnmt t'oituo.iHi'a.
I'll I r nnil Wiiriuur Wmtliur Will I'riivult 111
Nidiruiikii Toduy.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aug. 13. For Ne
braska Fair ; warmer m eastern portion ;
southerly winds.
For Iowa Fair , except showers in north
ern portion : warmer ; southerly winds.
For the Dauolas Fair ; wurraor/south ;
erly winds.
Statement Knowing the condition of temper
ature-und proolpltalioa at Omaha for the day
and ilnoo March 1 , 1BW , as compared with
the general avcrago :
Normal tumpurutliro. , , , , , . , , , . . . . 7U °
Defleleney for the day , , . . , .3 °
Dollolenoy Hliieu Mareli 1. . , , , : SHJ °
Normal proelplt illon , . . . . . . . . , .11 Inch
Kxeuki fur thu duy .2J Inuh
UoQulnncy slncu March 1. . . , . . .11 Inuh
S. 9. lUfULKit. Local t'orooust Olliulul.
They Bum the Tr.ioy City Oonviot Stock.
ndo aid Run Its Inmatoa Out of Camp ,
SlntoOiinrdt Rnvo tlio ( Joiivlct * In Cluirco
Two tiillinl White AUoniptlne to i : -
f-The Miner * Aruird mill
rropnrcd to Do llntttu.
Tonn. , Aug. 1 ! ) . At 0 o'clock
this morning the stockade nt Tracy City was
burned nnd U50 convicts wcro placed on can
vcndy to bo stnrtod for Nnshvillo. At I
o'clock this morning a coramlttuo ot minors
nwoko Mr. O. U. Natburst , the superintend *
out of the minus for the Tennessee Coal ,
Iron & Killroad company , nud nskod him
that the minors ba allowed ns many hours
work In each week UH the convict * .
Mr. Nnthurst replied that bo would submit
the matter to the comp.iny mul do what ho
could , The committed then left , ami Mr.
Xatluirst , knowing that n secret oath organ
ization had been formed some \vjolt3 no for
purposes unknown , ntnnco bogitu to suspoet
trouble. Ho wont to Djptity Wnrdon Bur
ton , nnd together tlvjy began to clrctilnto
among the minors , who were gathering In
groupi , and trlod to Influonoa them to kcop
quiet. Their efforts wcro of no nvnll ,
Slowly the ominous nir of suppressed ox-
cltomont bcoamo tlngod with open throats
nnd promises of destruction to the stockiulo
or n battlo.
Caiitnroil tlio Stonltnilp.
At 8:30 : o'clock nn organized body of 150 men ,
100 of thorn armed and fifty Apparently un
armed , advanced on thostockado. Too.inturo
itvas the work pf n minute. Without undue
contusion every ploco of property belonging
to thoTcnnossco Coal , Iron & U' com
pany was carefully romovud to a safe dls-
lunco , and the convicts who were In Iho
stockndo wcro led out under guard. Thou
the torch was applied , and at I ) o'clock the
buildings were n mass of II lines.
The minors at once proceeded to the mines ,
look possession of tno convicts , marched them
to the railroad station and loaded them In
box cars. Next the tcl.ograph wires were
cut nud n guari was put over every locorao-
ttvo In the yards to prevent It from carrying
the news down the mountain.
There has boon much dissatisfaction among
the f rco miners at Tracy City because of the
Icnso system , whlcll allowed the bulk of the
'wort : to be done In the mines by convicts ,
yet the miners at Traoy City have been
among the most conservative m the state ,
nud thuro has been very llttlo trouble with
tbom. They have determined to sup
port no party or candidate In the coming
elections tlmt is not pledged to the prompt
abolition of the system.
Governor Buchanan stated that the con
victs would bo brought to tuo main prison
nnd kept until a now stockndo could b ? built ,
when thuy would bo roturuoJ 33 had boon
douo nt Coal CrcuK.
Stury ul HII Ollteliil.
Mr. Jnmcs Uororsou , socrotury of the com ,
pany , on being nskad for further in formation-
snid : 'Tue trouble has coino from about
15U of the minors nt Tracy City or nbout
one-third of the bed } * . It Is tbo result of n
secret oath-bound organization , which was
formed some weeks ngo. Tlmt wns where
the dutlnlto action begun , The reduction of
bours was necessitated by tno lax markets
and wo contemplated shutting down our fur-
paces two weeks ago , but thought It bottir
to run even on Half llmo limn not to run at
nil , The nttnck on the stockndc was abso
lutely unexpected. 1 received a letter froru
Mr. Nnthurst this morning , In which bo rd-
views tno whole situation nnd concludes by
the assurance that everything will remain
orderly. I drew n breath of roller when I
read It , nnd tbo telegram was n shock. "
A special from Gowan , Tonn. , says : This
morning after tbo convicts entered the mine's
nt Trnov City nbout100 nrracd men -.Talked
into the * stockndo , nnd nftor clearing it of
everything of value sol it on lire and burned
it to tno ground. Tboy then marched to the
mines nnd ordered tlio convicts brought out
and took charge of thorn nnd the guards ,
loaded thorn In box cars nnd ordered Con
ductor Finch nnd Engineer Bolton to leave
immodlnloly. Being "covered by guns they
were obliged to obey. The tram arrived
here ut 1 p. in. Captain Burton with tweuty-
llvo guards have tbo SoU convicts In charge
and under control.
Mailu a lroik : for r.lhorty.
Between Banzwanco and Montcuglo Iho
convicts cut the train and ten or fifteen
made n break for liberty , several shots being
fired. Mat Wilson ( whttu ) was killed and
Tom Smith ( colored ) woundod. Six or eight
made good their escape. The wires were cut
between hero and Trncv City and nothing
further can bo learned of the Insurgents.
Scnmitional reports conio tram Coal Creole
regarding tbo conduct of Tennessee's ' stand
ing army. The citizens claim that tlio
watchers' peed watching , and they have
assumed an nggrosslvo position toward them.
They claim that th soldiers nmuso thom-
ficlvc.s by llrinu oyjtcr cans loaded with mud
from their cannon into tt'O village and thai
the Galling gun Is tired rcoklassly Into the
town. The complaint 1ms stirred up much
bad feeling. _
OF A IlKltO.
ICnglncor < icor o llcinnn Dloi u Martyr to
Ilix Duty.
PKOIHA , III. , Aug. Itf. Thu fast train on
the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy , duo to
luavo hero at 3'JJ : o'clock , was wracked
about thrco miles from the depot tills uftor-
noon. The front trucks of tlio locomotlvo
Jumped the mils and a moment Inlar tim tram
\vu/s piled up m the ditch. The cars all left
the tracit but were not badly smashed up.
George B. Boone of Gulasburg , the en
gineer , after reversing iho cnglno , was
killed. John Maxwell , llromnn , nlso of Gules-
burg , Jumped nftor putting on the ilr brake ,
and thus helped to prevent n frightful loss
of life. Ilo wax quito badly injured. Nona
of the pasyengors were hu t. It In bolluvod
that boys placing n splku on the rail to BOO
the onglno smash It caused the accident.
Ilrlmm' * Coiivnntlimii.
.rcxt , Mont. , Aug. 13. Hnilrlnfr Com-
raandor-m-Cbiof Weeks of tbo Sons of Vet
erans was presented with a magnificent past
commander-ln-ohlof gold badge yesterday ,
studded wltn diamonds.
Company B of Spokane was given tha
$1,090 pri/.e In the drill'competition. Tiioy
bad no competition.
The Ladles Aid society also ndjoiirned
today after electing the following oflloora :
Bella Gray of lowu , president ; ICutuerlno
Iloldon of Helena , vlco president ; council-ln-
chlof. Josnphino Mulholland , liloomlngton.
III.-Mr * . Muson of Olilo , Mrs , Pnrkor of
South Dakota , Miss Shannon of Pennsylva
Vanilla Of porfoot purity.
Lemon Of great strength.
Almond Economy In tholr use
( lose etc.
Flavor as dolloatoly
and Uollolouoly ao the frooh fruit'