1G THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SUNIMY , AUGUST M , 1892-SIXTEEN PAGES SPORTS OF WANING SUMMER A Pertinent flissortaticn on Coursing in Nebraska. JDE KELLY WRITES A LETTER Kcliocn from Ilio Itynn Shnko-Down-Tho Iliintrr nnil the ruiipnnaii The llnrso nnd tlm DOR Ilino Hull , TcniiU nnil I.ncro.i p. To the SporllnR Editor of Tun Bun : Is tlicro any reason under the sun why thcro should not bo n largo state rounlnit mcotlntr held In Nebraska this coratnK nuturon ! The state hai nil the natural advantages pos sessed by nny ether state , viz : plenty of Jack rabbits nnu a grand scope of level prol- rlo country , nnd the only tiling that stands In the ivuy Is an organized ciTorl on the pnrt of these who have ( rnyhounds and who possess n knowledge of cour.'ii'K rule and rcgula- tlons. 13 very larpo enterprise must have a beginning nnd often great events nro ushered ln.wilh very email bcKlnnlngs , but coursing is not an experiment by any ir.onns. the American Courting club , having hold six largo successful meets nt Great Bond , Kan. , mm has bucomo of national importance , pat rons of the leash being present from the ex- tretno points of America Mnlno and Califor nia the latter Mate carrying homo the hon ors In ' 01. with Ohlcopoo Lass , a Binnd llttlo woriior that merited the title she worn Cali fornia U holding several mooting * each year , nnd Salt Lulto City , wo understand , Is hav ing u local moot every Saturday. The Inclosed meetings ut Omaha , Council Bluffs nnd Lincoln should have stimulated the Interest stilllciently ID have resulted InHale Halo organization. I am stifo In saving that It is not for lack of material , but for want of n self-appointed committee that will make n nail at some cen tral point for organisation. When the American Coursing club was first ( bought of , to put the thing to a test , the writer mauc n call for a meet to take place on tbo Cboyonnc plain11 ! , near Great Bend , Kan. , with tholnicntlon of forming nn organization at the time of the mooting , but lie sooner had the call appeared than several advised calling n meeting atoncc for the pur pose of perfecting an oigunlzatlon. This the writer did by naming July us the tune und Topeka as the place of meeting. A goodly number was present from dlf- fcionl parts of thu state , nnd a wlde-iwako nnu cntluislastio meeting was hold nt the Fifth Avenue hotel. Olllccra were elected , rules chosen , a constitution nnd by-laws formed , the ilmo appointed for ibo middle of October unu the place first selected mndo the place for the coursing , and , as is well known , the running meeting was largely attended nnd a fouddatlou lulil for ono of the most Im portant sporting events was ushered in that this country has known the great valueof which will yet bo seen. It Is honest racing. quick , Intensely Interesting , will never Ing for want of ma- torlul or enthusiasm. Any number of grnrhounds have been Imported , and ono party has sent across the water for some of the blood of the great Fullertoii. four tunes winner of the Waterloo cup ( $ JW)0) ) ) . Finn breeding kennels have been estab lished in vi > rlous parts of the country , and today there tire hundreds of good hlirh-brcd gr.iyhounds , where a few years ago thcro wcro only dozens. At ibo meeting nt Great Bend , October , 1891Dr. N. Ilowo , editor of the American Fiolwasaho4oni > roildontof thoclub.and the meeting in IblU will bo graced with his pres ence. Ho has contributed $100 each year to the prizes , anil the columns of his journal Is the only ere in this country huvltiir a special greyhound department. Any now raovo to ward the formation of n stutu club wo nro 'uor would receive his unscllisb. and cnthusl- V tic support. Select tv locality , if possible , near some good prize town , where hotel accommoda tions nro good and whcro you can bo assured of permanent grounds und you will huvo no trouble of getting donations to the stake * . Muko n thirty-two dog stake for old dogs and A sixteen dog stake for young dogs under IS months of a o and you will have full stakes without any troublo. I will guarantee u capable ludge at a nominal liguro who will BOO that the mooting is properly conducted. I could namn n dozen or llfteon elegant gen tlemen in Omaha , Council 1 Hurts , Lincoln nnd Beatrice nlono that would make n grand nucleus for a coursing club , among which I might name Captain 1 . II. Hnv of Omaha , Colonel Dulv of Council Bluffs. E , II. Andrus of Lincoln. IJr. G. L. Uoo of Beatrice , also 13. B. Biiffun of Lincoln , and others who nro none the less prominent nnil enthusiastic whose names I am inmblo to vocnll nt pres ent , ar.d who would atonco rally around the standard of nny well known nnd bonorablo rcntlcmtm who would make u call for orgau- - Izallon. I am so confident of this because many of these In the cities nnmod have expressed u strong desire for n stnto meeting , and prob ably each ono Is waiting for the other to uuo nc'Ion. ' The American Coursing club holds Its seventh annual meeting nt Great Bend , Ivan. , October " 5 , ami a meeting In Nebraska could bo appointed the week previous , which would tsnablo these who Inlund to contest at both meetings to bo present. Will ! > omo gan.letnun tnko the Initiative . and innku a call through Tun OMAHA Ben , Htato Journal of Lincoln nnd the American Field of Chicago and Sporw Alleld of Den ver * F. litwiN Kovci : . Tcpeka , Kan. Tlio ( lout Uiliion'H'Itonilstt'r Club. . This organization Is . .steadily increasing In membership nnd the interest taken by the members is shown in the large attendance at the evening driving on thb track. While the club gives Its rnco matinees on each ul- tcrnato Saturday af'ornooii , the evenings during the wcok Hint many drivers on the track who , while they have not participated In the regular club races , do r.ot hcsltato to go with the best of them. That racing has a fascination for nil classes cannot bo dis puted , nnd the evening driving U witnessed DV our best pjoplo. The want of a club bouse is felt by the members und the proposi tions and suggestions regarding now quarter * re being carefully cousldoreil. The Crolgh- ton prop'rty on the north side of Cut-Off lake , with track so arranged that the club house would face both the luke iml quurturstrctch Is fnvorod by many. Guntlimion who desire n place of recreation for themselves anil families have favored this plan , und it wcuUl Increase the member- iluu of the club from among these who would desire the bathing and boating prlv | . legos that a line club house BO situated would permit , nud whcro the society ot the club would bo moro exclusive than the "free-for- ill" privileges at our swimming resorts. The Kouutza property , between Slxtoanih and Twentieth bouth of Mcnduison avceuo , ' 'li'it been suggested und Mr , ICoiintzo will bo iskod to make u proposition to the club on his return from thu cast. Several now horses have been purchased by members of the club during thu past low days , and inunv Dtiers | are watching lor fust ones. The mid- August iimtlnoo will occur Saturdaytlio 20th , and as thu club invite the public to attend , furnishing muslo for their entertainment between beats , und give them teed honest races , they fuel that-a full at- tondiinco IK duo them , und the putronuao ex tended now will oiicourtiuo tills club to give ui'xt year u series of meetings that will bo n bonelll to allOmaha , and bring out u class of barter not seen here boforo. Uobori Wells of the Roadster club has told his lluo mure Bullnlodlrl to Mr. Win- ililp of Fremont. Bub hint ? $500. \Y. U , McCord has n new choEtnui filly that U Data to be coming fast enough to win Ihu.'ftO class Saturday , II. II. Martin has u now brown pacer for the next matinee. Mr. Warrou R gcrs und li | Kentucky team are icon ottuu speeding on thu truck. \Vliut tlio 1'ullco No i Suy , ' The "Mnglo City Club" of South Omaha , 1 Neb. , will prove itself , I Judge , not able to loug cuitaln the weight of Its own record. Tommy Itynn of Chicago seems to have been thoroughly cheated of his rights there by tbo uio of the familiar "police tinUh , " The Chicago " 1'ug" will not suffer , of courio , lu reputation , nor will his adversary , Jack Wiilioi , gain by bis having gotten nwnv With a whipping that wai romploto , oxpopt lor the last "victory stroke. " It duo * not ipiieor wtio are the operators of the Omaha "alr-tlgbt" ufc'utust which llyou ventureil " ivlth no chance except the worst of it either Irom tbo lighter or tbo tuuuagunut , n sel- dom happens , 1 bollovo , that a conuntne club ntercstcd In the conduct of boxing event * , plant or tolerates a wrong. Surotlung play * ors , covering 'their Identity by n club oarao nnd operating bv the help of the pollen onicer * pllntit to their purposes In punlllsm no ns never to lose , have been familiar figures In the game at the east , The happy reflection regarding them whenever they ap pear Is , that after they turn about ono proven ind pnlpablo dirty trick , their iiamo bocnmcs "Dennis , " nr.d they wear the mark of the robber for life. A galley slave brantloJ on the forehead with n hot Iron hns somotimcs succeeded. It U naftl , In effacing tlm mark of his Ignominy at the cost of considerable phy sical pain nnd after the outlay of monov. Is there nn exception , however , to the rule that n man proven to bo concerned In robbing n lighter of bis rights has never been able to maintain himself or tocaln caste among good sportsman or ( nir-mliidod of pugilism. I nnvo lone recognized this ns n fact , and have in mind moro than ono would-be "smart Aleck" who has abused a position of trust nnd responsibility as roforco to servo the wroncattho expense of the rlcht , "Poor fool I" I hnvo often thought to myself. "You nro the fellow who Is getting all tha worst of the dirtv thins you hnvo done. Nobody clso will bo hurt , but you will carry the mark ns long ns you live , and see many a day you'll bo sorry. " How .Stout mill lto\vn Lust Mnnoy. AM.IOIIINY : : , Pa. , Aug. 11. To the Sporting Edltorof Tin : Disis1 I have boon Intending to write to you ever since wo got bncit from our eastern trip. I want my Omaha friends , nnd I am proud to say I bavn lots of them , to mow Just' how I nm niuulng It in the big iKnguo , out It has been so hot bore that 1 couldn't ' bring mv- self to latter-writing , which isn't my forte at any tlmo. I am playing great liall , and I know that you , at least , will bo jl'irt to hoar this , for if the ball players over iiad u ftiotid In rtio west , you are the man. I opened up at my homo In Boston , und mv rrlcnds gave mo a great send off. [ played well , getting a throo-baso clrlvo oft big Stlvotts , which sot my crowd wild. Wo played Soleo's men two games , winning both. Then wo went up n alnst Vfo at 'Baltimore , nnd ho put tlio kibosh onto us in great shape , t hit him liurd but unluckily. I did not begin hitting nanl nftr my arrival hero , but have my "eye" nit right now , nntt nm string ing 'em out for "two and three safes a gamo. Tno pouplo and papers are with mo and I will spare no pains : o keep them. 1 mot our mutual friend Dave Ttowo while in Chicago recently. lie U looking well , ns JHUul. Ho did not say anything about the J. > 0 ho got for my release , however. Mow , Sandy , this mar. nnd Stout rung n n great bluff on you. I know ihoy were trying to sill mo all alone , and they simply Hod when they told you they inly received $5' ) for mv release. President Temple says ho gave Kovvc and Stoat 5500 tor my roloasn. but what's the odds wacthorli cost $5,000 or 5 cents , 1 am got- .inir nlontr nil right , although they should liavo told you the truth and vou might have cinched your salary for ofllclal scoring nnd other work. Write mo nnd lot mo know about the shooting this fall , us I am coming out for a couple of weeks of it. Silently iiitlitiilintlc. : OMAHA , Aug. 13. To the Sporting Editor of Tin : TJuis : What's the matter with or ganizing n lacrosse , club in the cityl Anyone - ono having soon the game onoo will not icsltuto ono moment in pronouncing it the most exciting and Interesting sport of out door games. Should a club bo organlz3d there would bo plenty patrons of It , nnd It would soon lake the pl' : o of that overdone professional game -uisouull. It Is the Can adian national game , but Is rapldlysprlnging Into hot favor In the eastern cities , while out along the ( JoaU nil the largo American cltios nro onthusiastlo over it. In Canada where they used to have baseball leagues lacrosse lias put them out of existence nn'd draws hundreds of people whore baseball did dozens. I tuns this way of asking co-oporn- tiou from Canadians and others In the city who nro desirous of forming n club , nnil would asit anv who are interested in tbo game to write or call at my address , when , if enough intoroit is shown in it , a mooting can bo called for organization. Thcro nro quite a number of old-time lucrnsso player * in the city from Canadian cities , und these will , I nm suro. willingly pitch in and civo Omahnus a rh'uneo of seeing the grandest and most ex citing gumo of all games. Now that the city bnso ball club has disbanded lacrosse , once Introduced , would become the rape , for even the most oxoltlng of foot ball matches would not bo In it with a fair game of In- crosso. Not ono In llfty in this city has over scon a lacrosse , ami many have an idea it's a form of tennis racquet und that lacrosse re sembles tonnis. Anyone who take ? an Interest In the came , or anv Canadians , old-time players , are re quested to drop mo a line , when"wo may ar range for a mooting. FKANK J. PUDIIIC. Care of Windsor Hotel. Tliu I'lok-nr-1'u I.i'iisrun la Oprn. Sluco the collapse of the base ball millen nium baby , alias the Western league , Mil waukee , tlm head and front of all offending In the western circuit for the past live yean has boon sedunusly endeavoring to und rnMno O kosh and beat her out of her franchise in tbo Michigan-Wisconsin leiiguo. The Western was too small for the boor metropolis , nnd while way in arrears for dues and players' salaries , she incon tinently turned up her toes , with the dec laration that all her debtors connected with the Western league , might go to with their bills for nit sha cared , she had bed a quantum sulllclt. Then she immedlatclv be gan her work of disintegrating the minor league above mentioned , oven going so far ns to run In the bluff that she would toke the Oskosh franchise , club players nnd all , pay off all tha old debts , and run the shebang as a Milwaukee enterprise to the close of tbo season. But the M-\V league know a thing or two , chief umong which was that Milwau kee's credit In a base ball way wasn't worth a mill on tlio dollar , and last , week she was emphatically and peremptorily informed that she couldn't got In for love nor money , that they could nat ntford to take In a-iy cheap villages In the circuit , and didn't want to bo further importuned upon the subject. T lints how the Brewer base ball maggots stoud among tbolr immediate neighbors. Anunt thu Clilukuu J.iuv. NKi.mii , Neb. , Aug. 9. To the Sporting Editor of Tin : nuu : I read your statement In I'm : Suxiuv BHK concerning the present game law with much pleasure , as it coincides with the vlow I have sought to Improve upon legislators for several yuars. What you say in regard to the birds being moU palatable whan from half to twu-thlrds grown is on In disputable fact. If the law was such that the people considered It somewhat moro rea sonable it would bo enforced utmost every where , but as It is now tbo chicken shooting except by market hunters is all over by Scntombor IU to in , because others do not care to cat thorn them after that date. Thu market ahootcr , however , tlnds his most prnllluble shootlnu' nftor the hot weather Is over , nnd he can ship without los ing u large pur cent of his shipment. A law 1'blch would muko the open season com mence not earlier than Augunt l.nnd not later than August ir > , nnd the closed season com mence not later than October I , on chicken. would do tmro good toward protecting game than tbo present law , a hundred-fold over. C. J. BUST. _ A Kuiiiilnc MutliiiMi lor September. 11. C. Terry ot the Gentleman's Hoadstor club , In conjunction with ono or two other enterprising and hustling members , arc con sidering the advisability of holding a matlnoo running moot ut the fair grounds couno in September , and as sure as they do they will receive ample returns on the Investment. Undoubtedly u purely running session , to consist of about five or six events , would prove a greater magnet than any other amusement that could possibly bo provided. Anyone , man , woman or child , can enthuse over and en joy a runclng racn , nnd the tre mendous crowds In attendance at tbo big courses In different parts of the country every day fully cqrroboratos tbo statement that it u tbo blir drawing cord of tbo ago , It Is quick notion , full of fire and snap , excite ment and uncertainty , Jutt tto elements the loyal Amorlcdu ravels in , and tha projectors of the above mentioned matin DO deserve every amlstunco ttnd encouragement la their laudable enterprise. A lloiuliiLHi'iiilltfiir Jtjnn , Tbo benefit 10 bo tendered Tommy Hyan , the Keutlouiuuly and youthful ubauiplou welterweight Dtiirlllat , which como.i oft nt Manncor Ltuvler's Grand opera house Thursday - day vontng next , proinisoi to surpns > nny similar affair over nttcmptcci In this cltv. AlroaJy the tickets nro going oft Ilka hot cakes anil thu dotormlnatlun socras to bo to plvo the boy n Rrpoting th t will prove both llatterlng nnd profitable. Ho hns mndo a host of friends hero , the thorough licking ho ndinlnUtcrcd to hi ( ? Jnck Wllki two xvceks ago , under the most unfavorable auspices , being the starting point to his great popuiar- Ity. A flno card has bcon prepared for tha occasion and the spectators will have no cnnso to grumble on account of Its tamnncss. Illg Mllto Uortenwho hn fncojl moro fim class lighters thim nnymnu living , Pixdtly Hrennan , the Gotham lieavy-wolpht champion , Ovlllo Whlto. the conquorpr ot n long list of good "uns " , Wiloy Evnni , the colored - orod here of the cnan , Danny Uilly , the cracker-J.iclt bantam , Aaron Hherroy , ono of the comer ? , and Toddy Gallagher nnd others will llpuro In the trouble. In order that business mon and others Interested in ho.ilthy athlntlct mav have nn opportunity to witness the contests , the curtain will not bo runt ? up until 15 ml miles of 0. Only Two U'ln > HIIVO u Clmnrr. Tommy Itynn of Chicago , who fought Jack Wlluo's for SJ.OO'J ' In South Omaha , Neb , on July tlU , must bo n flm class pugilist nnd of higher gniao than many supposed. Ilo dcmonstrntod when ho fought Wllltos that ho was a terrible punlstior nntl that ho has greatly Improved. On napor It look * ns If tuoro was only two pugilists In the world who stand n chance of lowering Kynn's colors. Thov nro Gcorgo Uawson , the Aus- tralllan HO-pound champion , who recently defeated Dannie Noodh.im In S.tn Francisco , nnd Tom Willlnnn of Australia , noiv In Eng- lanrt. 1 think llvnn nnd Dawson "would make n hurrluano battle nnd It would bo In order for tne Coney Island Athletic club to offer a purse for tuoso famous pugilists to battle for. Hyan claims tbo MO-pound cham pionship of Amnrlca , und ho Is ready to light all corner. ) nt that weight for that title nnd $ r .0)0 ( ) n side. In California sporting men think D.iwson is n phenomenon , end there U no doubt but ho Is n top sawyer. Police Un- zotle. Howls from nUtant Illcnnhcri. Will Omnhn have bnso bail next season ! It is a good bet that she docs. .Tuck PicKott Is with the Laundry Girls , as the Treys have been dubbed. HiiBhoy , the cowboy twlrlor , Is pitching some pretty 3tIT ( ball for Macon , Old Hick Carpenter has bid adieu to the ball Held. Ho wants to join tha Pullman conductors. Bob Gllks hits caught on with both hands at Mobile. Ho Is playing second , mul loads tlio gang oft nt the bat. Dad Clark Is hanging by his eyebrows with the Jacksonville ot the ono-oycd league. Ho gets his board and clothes. Wild Bell Wldnor has floated Into the southern league , .showing up with the Mo biles. Gittlngor , Toledo's vury fresh loft Holder , bas oho joined the Aluoamlans. Papa McCauley out at Los Angeles the other day won u thirteen Inning game from Oakland'by a homer with the bases full. They uro now peddling papa's photos in the gr.ind stand. Jocko Hatllgan Ins prMiably played his last ball In the big loairuo. Ho was sent homo last Wednesday lor the bajanco of the season by the Baltimore management nnd It is not unlikely that ho will be put on the po- ronnlal bind : list. Churllo Cushman of unsavory Milwaukee memory , Is reaping nn abundant harvest for misdeeds committed while In the managerial harnesj. Ho is umpiring In the Eastern league , nnd has already made miraculous os- cnpm enough to knocic thu history of Jack Cade into u cocked li.it. EJdlo Burke , the old Milwaukee fielder , has about silenced his Now York maligneM. Ho Is putting up an articln of bail for the giants that is restoring much of thu old time polo ground enthusiasm , and Cincinnati made n mistake when thev lot him go for uny old vet of ttio O'Jf eil or Welch strlpu. Over In Cleveland tno ether dav the Spiders knocked out ttio St. Louis ultchorn as fast as they could bo dressed nnd put I s the box , and at last in sheer dcsparatlon the bleachers yelled in concert , "Oh. Vondy , Vondy , cot in yojrself , you'ro worth a whole town full of these dubi. " Chanlo Snyder , who presented Columbus with a couple of games of ball hero early this spring , is doing the presentation net in itho big loazue , with Cincinnati nnd Wash- n-jton at the princlp.il bonolioiarios. Char lie , you wnGt to stick to sijuee o noicer and hearts. You are out of your element ns n judge of anything. The California league directors have voted to abolish the "bunt" hit. All "bunts" or uttempts at such hits will ha called .strikes. Itill not matter whether the ball be batted foul or fair , a strike will bo called. If there Is n runner on the bnso lines and a "bunt" Is made into snfo ground , the runner will not bo allowcdito ndvuncu u buse , and the bolter cannot go to llrst. TM nil intents und pur- posos.tho "bunt" will practically oo a foul bull , with the exception that the penalty of a strike Is Imposed on the batter. Had a talk with Larry Twltcholl the other day about returning to the diamond , and found that popular nluycr In a humor to desert - sort the ball Hold , Ho said : "I won't play ball ugaln unless I got a place in the National league , and I don't care much about it at that , either. I am done with minor leagues. I lost nearly two month's salary with the Western , and at the low liguro paid In that organization the dump was considerable for mo. If I can secure n good location in this city I propose to engage in the cigar business and quit the diamond and knickerbockers foicver. " There was some talk u few days ago of Larrv Joining the Washington club , but nothing definite hai been determined. E. 1C. Ktfo. Cum Von dor Aho Is nothing if not orig inal. Ills lastcsl move is to shako up the umpire system. Ills proposition is that tha umpire remain in the city where ho is loca ted nt the beginning of the .10:15011 : until his worn becomes unsatisfactory , when ho can bo transferred. For Instance , an umpire will bo selected In Now York to bo located ut Cincinnati. St. Louis or sonio other western city , and vice versa. In that way traveling expenses , hotel , bills , ota , of thu staff of um pires will bo s'avod , and there will PO loss chance for nn umpire to become prejudiced or give any loam the worst ol It. Fred Clausen's work with Loulsvlllo so far has boon ( 'ood , But ho lias boon unfortu- natu In Voslng games. Ho made his tlrst np- peuranco at Louisville against the Cleveland club. The Courier-Journal says of him : "Claujun bat none of the style of his rival. Ilo docs not part his hair In the middle or even comb it regularly. Ho does not spend hours training u moUHtacho. Ilo has no deli cate poises of the foot or theatrical gestures. Ha makes no plays for the people in the grand Htand , but just pitches lilt a ho was In u close gnmo on ttio 'commons. ' Ho bas an awkward movement In the box , but all his 'culcuah' and does not luck of grace prevent him from balng u line pitcher. His work was Just a trlllo batter thau that of the pa trician Clarkson. The visitors triad to 'rat- tlo' him. " "Ho Is n llttlo Western leaguer , " shouted Jack O'Connor. "Uo Is very fresh , " cried MoAlcor. "Holi bound to bo , for ho was associated with Schmoltz , " said Duvls. "Pitch ono for Suhmeltz's whiskers. " shouted Clurkson. Clausen did so. Ha sent ono whlzilng toward tlm plate and the butter taado his third try and wai out. No n mount , of "Buying" nffectod the ox-Columbus pitcher. At 'risky ' Minus ho was at his best. it yesterday's work was a Humpio of what Clausen can do ovary tlmo ho goes In , ho wilt prove a very valuable man to the Loulsvlllo cluu. Uhll C'lntt of thu llnrHiiiiiiin , The entries for the Humphrey , Nob. , races close September 10. Ucauchamp & JarvU , Poncordla , Kan. , hnvo taken their string of natters to the klto truck at Syracuse , Nob. A free-for-all pare , Hul Pointer nnd Direct barred , for balf-mllo hi'iits will bu a novelty at ttio Indopondcnca meeting. J. J. Clement of Norfolk , Neb , , Is after trotters and has bred two muros , ono by St. Lloud aa3jhf : , to Lobasco , liMO ' . Alarm Cult by Alarm , cnyd during the Friend mooting from over exertion. He took two heats , then wont luuio and was Dually distanced. Sensations nro not tbo.oretor of the day on the turf now. There uro too many favt ones for oxccealntf fast times to cauio an explo sion when tbo upox Is reached. Tbo Norfolk ( Neb , ) Fair association will hold tbolr mootint ; tbo last wools In Septem ber , und for a premier puna hang up ono for Jl.lKU for froo-for-all trot tors. NebratUa all lu two days takes A chain * ploubhlp record auil imcceciu tu ucutlug luo stnlllon king. Honors enough for one atnto. Augusts and 3 wllllloiig bo ramomborcd. Mr. Nat Drawn' * * stallion , IgnH Fntuus , 3M : ! , by Editor , hfcspn promising il-ycnr-old on the turf In Advnldt ivbo had to bo pulled double nt Qulncytol prevent distancing the Hold. The Donegal farm , Peabody , Ki\n. . has purchased In Kentucky n chestnut lllly by Onward , dam by Hhrold , n bay filly by.On- ward , dnm by Minmiohl 1,339 , nnd n cheat- nut fllly by OnwniUt dnm > by Egbert. Grow & DozwrflU Sweet Springs , Mo. , purchased at the Unhnior sale recently held at Hliickburn. Ma , the bay stallion , At Heamer HO.VJ. AU Uomuor is by Corbln's Bashaw 17IM , dam < the dam of President Wllkos , aU4) : ) ' ) bv'Al West 14171 , g. d. , by Mumbrino Patchen 53 , Price , fl'JO. The classes for the Otoo county fair , to beheld hold September 1. ) to 10 , did not 1111 and were , declared off , excepting the ! 3UO : , 2:4i : ! and the ! ! :03 : class for 12-yoar-olds , all trotting. These that did not fill were reopened , on same conditions ns previously advertised. Goorpo Crownovor , secretary , Syra'juso.Nob. Kov. Tyrrell of Clarion , In. , noted as Judge iind timer at Fort Doago , la. , July 21. Ono of his decisions caused n murmur of dlisont , nnd the clerical oniclal pullca off his coat nnd announced that ho was nblo to whip nny ono who called him a liar. His reverence will bo given a llttlo tathorly advice at the uoxt con ference. A writer In Kansas City , Mo. , Is setting himself up to run In competition with the modern Eiop of the east who springs on the public periodical taloi about having found sorao great trottof or pacer engaged In the menial occupation of drawing u milk wagon. The man in Missouri claims to hnvo discov ered a son of Simmons. 2'JS : , out of n mare by Oak Grove Morgan , pulling n butcher wagon. G. D. Bennett , Tecutmoh , Nob. , has shipped his splendid string of trotter * to the St. Joseph , Mo. , truck for training. Among the lot nro Appanooso , 'J:2U : ; Nunolls , 0r , > o7 , nnd H. b. Hood , 15,431) . The dam ot Apoa- nooao Is IIopo , who is nlso thu dam of Hoslyn , Q : ! > U > , as'jillloa that Is ulwavs re membered it connection with St. Joseph horses. Mr. Bennett received flvo additions to his stable after reaching St. Joseph , and by the way , ho promises to rank wall atnony the best trainer : In the land. The Iowa und Illinois Fair association will hold Us second annual fair nt Burlington , la. , September 13 to 10 Inclusive , und like nil previous fairs nnd race meetings held nt Burlington , will be 11 great one. There will be uo lack of interest nnd the association has hung up splendid parses that will cnablo many horsemen to Increase their wealth and display the merits of their horses before tbo vast concourse of spectator * that will con- grotrato from Illinois and all parts of the Hawkeye state. For the four days' mooting most liberal purses are offered with $ ) ,0l)3 re served for specials. Fred Blake , Hastings , Nob. , says that Hobart - bart S2'J Is giving perfect satisfaction both in the stud and in his work. Mr. Blnko pur chased this stallion last spring and still re mains steadfast to the opinion that ho has a Uorso to Do proud of. Hobert Is a splonuld mover , and no artlllclal appliances , save ten oun co shoes In front and six behind are used on him. In a llttlo nastlmo work last week his trainer , Mr. Spencer , let hlffi brush n quarter in forty seconds. After the stud season is over ho will bo trulncd. Mr. Blake has Fltz 7IS3 by Cortlnnd Wlllcs 4715 , dam bv Blaokwood 74 , a yearling by Counsellor 2:2Hf : , dam by Swlgert COD , and tbr o teals by George Monday 7727 , nil solid bays. llushvUle , Neb''has completed n klto track nnd Is making preavstritles toward the front In the great number of important rncing towns of the west. The association is out with a bid forentrlos and a mooting that not only redacts great credit on itself but the state of Nebraska as well. Just pivo the clnsbos n critical Inspection , u number of which wo will mention : 3:00 : class 3-year- olds , ? ! 00 , pacing frooforall1(10 ( , 2:31) : ) class $100 , 2:40 class , fSW. ( special trotting , any horse to boat 2:17 : , entries free , S.JOO. 3:00 : class , § 109 , and froB-for-ull trotting purse , $ IOOU. What morovan bo nslteu I A splen did track and liberal purses , together with fair treat tuont and good accommodations are luxuries that please the horsemen. Tlm Iloitiiiml Hull anil Oun. Jeff Uedford ivpreparlng fora' llithiiif : trip to the lulces of Minnesota- ' * > J The kennel club is rapidly perfecting its arrangements for the October bench show. The upland plover will llngor.ln this local- itv but , a few days laager , then gooil by to this dulnty morc'eau until another summer rolls 'round. The Omaha Gun club will hold a mooting the first week in September for the purpose of choosing sides and electing captains for their grand autumnal club hunt. Tolerable good bass lUlilng issllll to DO had nt Munawa , but Honey creek , by reason of tbo wholesale illegal netting carried on there , is about depleted of Its Ilnny habitants. Will Crary Is doubtless the champion up land plover shot of this vicinity. Ho made another trip to tbo flats above Blair last Wednesday and returned with a bag of ninoty-eU'lit. The Bemls Park Gun club is fast develop ing a lot of cracker-Jack trap shots , and they are waiting with much impatience for met response - sponso from tlio Raymond Gud club to tholr challenge recently promulgated , Charles Johannes , with Paxton & Galla gher , Is denlorlnu * the los of his valuoblo setter. Ho Is Irish , dark red and small , nnd was ornamented with a collar with Johan nes' name on it , also n tag. It is probably only another case of stolen dog. Fred Fulloi1 , ns yet , has hoard nothing from his challenge to shoot nny man In lown a 200-yard rillo match , nnd tlio presumption Is that tbo prohibition marksmen uro all In the mountains hunting bear. The Omaha enthusiasts , however , would much rather see Fuller und Major John Potty try con clusions. The first Issue of teal will bo In from the north about September 15. The birds that are now seen about the ditloraat local lakes and streams , are birds that bavo bred hero , and they will remain until late in the full , or meet their doom ut some gunner's hands. There are few game Dlrds In this western country that excel cither the blue or green wing teal. That the law governing chicken-shooting In this state is llttlo IU < H than n burlesque no ono dare dispute. In the ilrst plnco , It is un reasonable in Its seasons , and In the second , utterly anil completely Ignored. You can In dulge in a young chicken at almost nny hotel or restaurant now. nnd you don't have to order "plovnr , " either. Just call for the gen uine article , nnd they'll bring it to you. "I thuVliurl. . Captain Conrad t of thu Omnbn Whocl club is spending his vacation in Denver and vicinity. K. L. Young , the popular vice president of the Tourists , is back from tils tour through Now York stato. Spoonor'a twanty-four-hour record has been knocked intoucoekod hat bySborchund , the English man , .who recently rode 412 miles in the sama tlmo. * J. Elmer Prattt representing Gormully & . "affray Manufacturing company , Chicago , btopned over to talk bicycle business for n faw days last wacic * "Moonlight runU' hnvo boon favorlto runs , among the local wheelmen und wheel women of lato. The bountiful * harvest moon has lured many n festive hiker out. The Omaha Wheel club pedaled ever to Honey CreoU Inkd last Sunday and spent thu greater portion of tlio day at the lake sldo. A numerous iirowil'turnod.out. W. W. Connonwui of the Tourists U out on the club runs again ; having , returned from u prolonged .vhoelJtrlp through the "groat dwtdo" and nlonff Uio "gold coast. " The Council Hlhffs Wheel nlub took a moonlight spin down to Greenwood , la. , lust Saturday Highland remained ever until Sun day evening , returning with tlio Tourists to Omaha. H , J. Miller of Missouri Valley tins thu sfurtliie editor's iicliiiowledgoments for a photo of hi * handsome block cocker * , Black Joe U and To liny Nclles-Obo. They nrp of Imported stock , und a pair of very line dogs. the "colloilgo boy " whom Tavlor , , every body considered us third class rider last year , lowered tha world's safety record for u mllonttba SprlnutU'1'1 track lust \\cek , rid ing In 2:11 : , ouly throq.gccood * behind borjo time. Charlco A. btokos , Jr. . representing the Stokes Manufacturing company , Chicago , was in tlio city last week. Mr , Stokes U identified with the Union mnlio of wheels. Ho dopurtcd for Sioux City with the Oinuhu delegation which tcok in the Icwa meet. Messrs. Perrlgo , KinUmui , Scbnull , Uumol ana llolton who have been attending the 'tournament at Sioux Cltv.rclurnod to Omaba Friday , ticbuull and Hoilou captured touio of the Hnwkoyo prizes and rode in some pretty fast races. Club Runs for Today Tourist Wheelmen to ncllovuo for dinner nnd n visit to tbo gov ernment rlHo rnngo : Omaha Wheel club to Park' * Mills , la , j the former start ntOtttO nnd 7:30 : , the latter at S o'clock. Both runs nro two of the best out of Omaha nnd will bo appreciated by all who attoad. The Young Men's Christian association cyclers have some attractive runs scheduled for this month , Each Tuesday and Thursday evening the club takes n spin to some de lightful spot , Last Thursday evening tbo club were Joined by the Tourist * and took n boat ride nnd n plunge nt Cortland Bench , The road race which U soon to tn o plnco over tbo Florence nnd Briggs station course promises to bo n big event In this season' r locnl cycling history. The different clubs are gottlne tholr rend racing men In shiipo nnd the "scorch" will bo n dnnuy from start to finish. Everybody should onior mul make thonfTiilra success. Last Tuesday evening so-no twouty-llvo of tbo Imly cyclists nnd tholr gentlemen friends Indulged In n club run to BnvlUs park , Council HluftN. The most onjoynblo tlmo Imaginable was had by the entire party and the ludlw nro much pleased with the success of their venture , the run will bo n permanent fcaturo of caeh week's cycling events in the future. Monday availing has been oliosen ns club nlaht. Huns will bo stnrtod from the Omnhn Wheel club house on Chicago street and will bo entirely under the charge of the lady cyclists. Music , ro- frcihmonts and n good seoul chat will form alining llnlsh to each club run at the club houso. The denizens of Glonwooj , In. , nwoko Inst Sunday morning nnd found their pretty little town in the hands of nn Invading iirmv ot ovclists. The occasion was the regular Sun day run of the Tourist wheelmen nud the way the boys turned out was n sight for sere oyos. The club wont down In two relays twenty-seven men In nil turned out. The Council Bluffs boys who had made the trip the preceding evening wolcornod the Omaha boys nnd remained with them during the day. ThroiiRh tno courtesy of Dr. Powell , the superintendent of the Institute for ihoFcoblo minded , the visiting cyclists were shown nil through the vast building. A flno dinner wns served nt the G Ion wood Hotel and the day was spent mostonjoynbly by all. A farmer whoso house overlooks the road re marked to ono of the wheelmen , "Tho gosh durnod country Is chuck full of them bUtcklos today , there's bin a string of 'em n goln' all mornln1 , and a comin1 all ovenln' . " The upplo orchards nnd dairies along the route suffered somewhat from the hungry nnd thirsty "nrn.y. " The run wns n dandy and ono of thu best mndo this season. long Ioral Sports. The German flillo club will hold tholr an nual tournament at Huscr'a park , September 10 and 11. The communication In this week's sporC- Ing department on the feasibility of a slate coursing meet Is comiuondod to all fanciers of the flcotfootod greyhound. The final event nt the Hyatt bohefU. at the Grand opera house next Thursday night , the six-round po between- the bcnoliclary , Tommy lilmsolf , and big Paddy liroiinan , will bo well worth tbo price of admission. The annual tournntnput of the Nebraska Liawn Tennis association for the champion ship of this state In ladles'and gentleman's singles has ooon sot down for September 0 , 7 nun S. The matches will ba played at Lin coln and will occur during fair wcok. The Omaha Athletic club Is preparing n fall und winter's card of attractions that will obviate the necessity of polng elsewhere to wltuess first class athletic events. In the meantime the matter of chartering a Pull man for the trip to Now Orleans tno first week In September Is being discussed by tha directors. The Indianapolis , Cleveland , Columbus and Cincinnati clubs will all send their owu curs. OmMtlims mul AtiHwcn WAtino , Nob. . An ? . 0. Totho Sportinz Kill- tor of TUB ltun : l'lcno ivu vour decision on tlio followlni but : A bets II that , ho can boat him throwing dice. A throws live duccx , II does likewise , II claims the money because A didn't boat him , and A claims it Is u tie. V. U. Nethawuy. Ans. A Is correct ; It la n tlo and n draw. J.IIIKIITV , Neb. . Am. 10. To the Sporting Ed itor of Tin : HKU : I'lo iso Inform me through Tliu JlRKnf tlieqiilslcust time undo between New York and fean . Francisco.--Charles Gard ner. ner.Ans. Ans. Four days , 12 hours and 3 minutes. Car.UMiitig. Nob. . Aus. 0. To the Suorllnir Kdltor of THE Hen : Where can I procure u copy of the National Hlllu association's rules , nnd what will they co t ? Is thoiu any nntuinpu shooting to ho hud lu this state. U so , whore ? Loiu Uniigo. Aiis. (1) ( ) Write to the secretary of the National Hillo association , Tumplo Court , N. Y. (2) ( ) Not much. Thcro may bo a few nn- imnls yet lingering to the wo t and north of Dox Butte county , but they nro scarcj. GIIANP ISLAND , Nob. , An ; . 0. To the SportIng - Ing Cdltor of Tin : HUE : A , II. O and I ) shoot nt twelve live birds each , three moneys. American Shootln ; association rules. A nnd 11 kill eleven each. U kills elirht nnd I ) six. How nro the moneys divided ? When a bird takes wing , thu shooter's cun missus flro , the bird alights , anil the shooter then llrus both barrels ut It slttln , ' , uan it ba scotod a dead blrd ? K.T. Wutmuro. Ans. (1) ( ) A and 13 divide or shoot off for first money , C wins second nnd U third. (2) ( ) No. It is no dead bird , but thu shooter should bo glvon another bird. OMAHA , AUK. 11. To the Sporting Tdltor of Tin : HKK : I'lcase st.uto In Hundav s HIK : what thn meaning of "rescrvoii" Is when nppllcd tea a dug shown on the bunch ? Kennel Club. Ans. Itdnnotcs that thodog is to have the place of the winner next to linn If for nny reason that dog forfeits his win. For illus tration , if there were three prizes , and tbo winner of tlio third was disqualified , the re serve would then ba winner of third ; If theru wore but two prizes nnd the winner of second end were disqualified , "tho reserve would then bo second , und so on. SOUTH OMAHA , Nub , . Aiu. 10. To the SportIng - Ing Editor of Tin : llrfK : I'lcuso state In Stin- ilay's answer column whether Frank 1'ar- rnolee , as the refeicoot the late liyan and \Vllks li/ht , would have L-nd the raht to have poUponoJ the IIlit , on Its bulng Rtoppcd by thu police , to mother night ? Will they fix-lit uKiilii ? I'alrl'iuy. . Ans. (1) ( ) Ilo certainly had that right nnd should have done that vary thine , or else given the light to llyan who hud It. won bo- vend the possibility of n doubt. (2) ( ) Not In a hundred years , Mr. Wilks wants no moro llrht class lighters In his. VAT.KNTINI : . Nub. . An * . 10. To the Sporting Kdltor of TUB UKK : Oun you Inform mo In s'liml.iy'H IUi : whcro wild celery can tin pur chased for planting purposes ? When and how should It bu plained ; which Is used In plant ing the root or souil ? Uncle Shoojur. Ans. Wrlto to W. Y. Wontwurth. Fprt AUlnson , Wis. , ho will furnish the iVIory and all dc.slred iiiformutlou as tp the manner of cultivation und planting. MONPAMIN , In. , Auc. I1. ' . To the Sporting Kditur of Tin : UKISS 1 Hindu a bet that .lake Kllrnln nnd 1'rank Mnvln never foillit ) In thn United Statesand was tu luuvu It to Tin : Hun , nnd had the nnswer 'ill last Sunday's Issue , lint , my man lx u kicker , and nays they fought privately In the stain of Main or Maryland , and It W.IH reported by Itlehuid 1C. Vox. Now , K they over Cousin , or spurred , plunsu glvu tlmo and place , und Uthey never did either , please inuku fitatement ho plain my man can not sneak nut ltuy Noyes. Ans. Your question was correctly an swered lust week. They never met. NEWMAN OIIOVE. Neb. , Aur. 12. To the gportliu IMItorof Tin : HUE : I'leasu publish In next Sunday' * HKK tlio following : Can u UJBO bull ninmuur rutlru u batsman wliun ut but with two strikes am ! ono ball called nguliibt him , nnd nsuuxtltiito taUo his place nt but ? Also , If n low lly hall Is batted Inside uf third base , cinsses the foul line beyond third base und strikes foul ground , U Jt u fair or foul b.ill-U. A. Aiw. 0) ) No. (2) ( ) Fulr. I'I.ATTHMOUTII. Nub. Aug. 12. To tlio SnortIng - Ing Ivdnorof I'm : HKK : Tor thu bunuflt of these who dii not know thu law In ruurd tii seining In Nebraska waters , jiluusu glvu It , U Aus. It Is unlawful to use u seine in uny waters , Including the Mluourl river , In No- bruika. NOIITH 1'i.ATTK , Aug. 11. To the Sporting ndltorof TllKlf.Ki \ WM you please niunor quuutltin In .Sunday's llr.iA hots that a hmsu gotn u leeuid If hu trntH or riina for ninnuy uven If U boon u road. If ho w ns It bets there must bo nn application to an as oulatlan bo- foru a houoe.in gut u murk , Wliu wlnsV-Ii. II. .S. .S.Ans. Ans. If u liorio runs or trots on a regula tion tr.ick for inonoy hu got * u murk , but Hover on thu road. WOODBURY'S ' FACIAL SOAP l.rlteSHN.M II 1'ii.OICIIII'l I XIDt. Tha tfiult uf to jc'nti' cii rlonio m . tUl. , or l > ulbr initlirivrlo , \ MMII It 11 nL > < > lu p uuj U ) piiua k 'i k mi Dor. Illuiul llliniM i Altn Hl.niilicu cull it * II rllinurki , 51i.liv rt , liulln Ink tu. I ronilvr Umksi Hiti > . I'll * tin. ! ! . Itoilnri * nf Kn n , KuM | > rtlni > u IUlrl > lniplr > .l'iuhllkirrl ) itiiiiilcU. IvMtulUllwll fern ( frCI-v * T t ; IrlUf , JJUN K , WOOOBUBY , D.I , , 125 W. 42d SI , New York CM * " His Experience - < J * His Skill Hnvo bcsn proven by moro tlmn 17 yenrs of untiring suocaaa which 1ms never boon surpassed In the madlcnl profession , while his * T& + sourcas nnd rncllttios for traatlng Privalo Dlson os nro practically unlimited. " Such Is the universal testimony orthoustuids who hav suffered nnd boon cured by DR. E. McGREW . J. . , ' The Specialist. With n practice of 17 years' standing Is It any.wonder that hte skill In the treatment of Private Diseases Is today unquestioned ? During nil these years Dr. McGrew has gradually perfected all th little details incident to the treatment of Private Diseases until it IB no longer a practice with him , but A. Science. He substantiates every statement and fulfills every promlso. Ho 10 reliable , reasonable , skillful and fair , and is the most successful spe cialist in the entire west in the treatment of Private Diseases and all Diseases of Youth nnd Manhood. These who pines themselves in his care can safely rely upon him , as every case is regarded in Ui strictest confidence nnd treated in the most skillful manner , Olcetnnd nil annoying discharges ; Stricture , or illfllaillty nrpaln In-rollnvlng the Illiulderi Syphilis nnd nil dlsuasiM rf tlm Illoo I .mil Slclti ! Nervousness. General Debility. Loss of Mun- liuni anil Ambition , Want of Ufu nnil Vitality. Had Mrmory. Desponilunr Dlscouraved. Ho- lief obtained without loss of tlmo from business Thu most powerful remedies known to V modern science fur the treatment of the abuvu diseases. Wrlto. for circulars and question llJtx. 14th and Parnam Sbs. , OMAHA , NEB. HTHE RIPANS TABULES regulate the stomach , liver nnd * bowels , purify the blood , are pleasant to take , safe and always effectual. A reliable remedy for Biliousness , Blotches on the Face , Bright's Disease , Catarrh , Colic , Constipation , Chronic Diarrhoea , Chronic Liver Trouble , Diabetes , Disordered Stomach , Dizzii ess , Dysentery , Dyspepsia , Eczema , Flatulence , Female Complaints , Foul Breath , Headache , Heartburn , Hives , Jaundice , Kidney Complaints , Liver Troubles , Loss of Appetite , Mental Depression , Nausca , Nettle Rash , Painful Digestion , Pim- pics , Rush of Blood to the Head , Sallow Coin- plexion , Salt Rheum , Scald Head , Scrofula , Sick Headache , Skin Diseases , Sour Stom- ach , Tired Feeling , Torpid Liver , Ulcers , Water Brash and every other symptom or dis- ease that results from impure blood or a failure in the proper performance of their functions by the stomach , liver and intestines. Persons given to over-eating arc benefited by'taking one tabule after each meal. A continued use of the Ripans Tabules is the surest cure for obstinate constipation. They contain nothing that can be injurious to the most delicate. Price : One gross § 2 , sample bottle 15 cents. For sale by Druggists , or sent by mail postage paid. Address THE RIPANS CHEMICAL COMPANY , New York. CHICIIESnii'S tNOLICtl. R D CROSS THC ORIGINAL AND GENUINE. Tbu only Huff * Hlirr. Mr ( falU Nil for nil. : .nillc > , 'k nrugelit f r CMthrttrn pngtltb IHamon-i Mr and In ltc < l * n < l Gold mtnio Kflifi rnl > d with Ltuo r.H on I'L * a ni olhi-r kind. Ktfuie ftulttitvtiont and Jmitationi , All | ilUlaiaflcboanl . . tutrii > lnk fippffiBre iliinffprou * c untorfi-tl . At I > rufUl , or roi i4 4 * .ln . nnini. f.r | < nrttoilir .Uitlnio IiiU , Knit "Killer top I < u(1lr in in tttttr , bj rrluri lflL JU.l.OO TcHl'iioiiUli. Iftmt I'o } < rr , Nuld by ull local t > ructfl * DR. SNYDER , Tun SUCCESSFUL Osesirr SPECIALIST V vjt J ' " - ' Mrs.AllroMsjl ) .OreKonMo. Wrlxliti llfforutreat luiutU.'UlL > d. ; alter troatnaut , JKJIli.1. The following porionii Imvu mkcn trontmont of Dr. rinrilor , with IOIH oftoUlit nn wlvun Ix'liiw. Tlioy will cliuerfully unmvcr ull lingulrlvi If ttuuip * are iiiclo < uil. \VclKlit WcUht Ill-fore. Afur I.OKS. MllS. UArillvI-f.JDHNrlOK , I'aelllc.llilK'tlon , IUMTU MJIbs. 1I7ILH 17H ll ) > MKS. Al.ici : .MAi'i.i : , Uri-KOII , Mo 330" IC8 " 15M " " " ' SbViir"o"w'l 3IU" 205" U15 " BIMKUM VAN WINKI.B. rrunklln , 111 ! l" Z. " 1MO" MIIH. III.IIIUIK rillihMAN , H. Illilwull. fill 2T3" 172" Kill" II ll.i. h A HA II llAHNKIt , I3IUO , Flflli-it. , l.oavouworlli , Kits 275" 171) ) ' 103" PATIENTS TREATED BY MAIL. No nturrfnir , no lncnnvunlunc , liurnilixwuim no baa miocW. Htrlrtlr coiillilimtlul , I or ilrculunumlUa- tiiuoalaU n < ldn i nllli Co. In btam | , DR. O. W. F. SNYDER. MoVlckcr's Theatre Bldrj. , Chlcaflo , III. ALLAN LINE j MAIIj C'AIIIN , ll to * W. Aucordhu to c mill locution of titiitnrooni. Ilitormuill'itu mill Mi'or.iKu nt low r.itui. STATE ( ALLAN LINH WNE ) STIJAMHIIII'S. NKW VOUK'UiU OI < AfiUOW. Vlttlxindoinlurry , every KorMiiKiit , Anu llth . HTAT15 ( JF NK.VAUA . noon Aim.Zllh . . . . . . STATK < IK NKIIitAbKA. , . , IIIMII bdiTt. MU/.V.bTATi : OK CAMFOHM.V. II A. M Caliln , ll'l. ' OL NI I'nbln IH , r-Hnir ( j.IJ. | Applr tu ALLAN \ CO , Chlc go 11. K ilUUltU , liU liu r rdei. DR. * C GEE WO. Thaonlr li ) < illr gri4ii3t3t Clilnoiu nliyilolat KlKbl jrtmrV ituJr 'I'oi yoir * prMtioal ujcuur' . cncuwltli nil km ) vn clltuiio * . Troati ucojiifullr nllclirorilooaii * Klron iii > bother doctor * Cufl nnil Bcalilmor wrllo for quoitlon blank. Do not think your oaio hop lion baojuia jour doctor till * jiil o , buttrr tlio Uhliioieclootor with hti now un.l wonilorfnl ro nodlm , andrjoolro noir bunulln nail a - dooor ; > ounnut Klr . urliK. Itouti nnil I'lanti natura'i rumeJlolil nieilk'lnui. The vrorltl lilt wltneii. Onu thouianit li' tlmonlali In tlir.'o yo in' prnittloa. No Injurloui ili'cocllotii , no narcollof , no potion. UattonU. trouiiuiMit un4 pormanunt onrj. izc/uei ut-cj ( ullr troatou nnl cursl. Khun up bjr ether dcctitril Tliut. 1'oiiulilln. < lli llnrnof Irect , otironlorhou- . nmtlnniUjruari. klilnoy anil liver troubo ! , Tliui , Culvvrt , lilh mill Knrnani lruat < , noner L ili-lillltjr. Inllinntlun , Inn at itran < tli nna rltullt/ . Took fnuillclnu for yoir * hul um no rtfltuf , M , U Andar on , Ml ( 'uinlnt Mrjyt , ottirrb. olillnii.i ana tirunchltlt uf dfiooaaar < atanilln/ . IIui for mila tlio following pruptrai ) romoitlai > k II.UU n bottlo. § lr huttlcu furtJW , for Ih'j cure or Antlinm. Catarrh , Kick HuaiHohu , Indluastlon , lllooill'ul onlni { , llhuiim itlini , Kem lo Waiknaii. Klduuy uud I.Ivor ( 'oinplaluL No muenli. only by Uulnoio Mudk-lnu Uu , Capital , tlUJ.W ) . OlDce , ICIh and Califjraii Sli , Omiln , Neb1 V