Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 14, 1892, Page 15, Image 15

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The Tilray Fluttoringa that Lnres the
Unwary to Matrimony.
J ; | Q With tlin l.urk In the At urn nnilnr -
nil ll > Natnrn In Her .Mont Charming
Mood ( > o Mp About Woninn unit
Tholr Work I'niililoii Nines.
Such a white summer as it is white duck
and linen fr mournings , whlto lawn and
pltjuo for aftrrnoons nnd whlto muslin and
chiffon for ovonlngs , And bacuuso it is n
whlto summer there nro , according to the
Now York Sun , rumors rlfo of fall wedding *
gnloro. Who can trace the analogy ! There
Booms to bo to men n sweat appealing grace ,
a charm essentially feminlno and winsome In
tbo simple frock of.v 111 to unattatnnblo to the
richness of silk or the lustro of satin. It was
In whitu the Napoleon loved best to find his
Dmpross wnltlng to receive bun , It Is whlto
which King Humbert , chooses over for
bis sweat consort , Mnrpuorito gowns of
muslin , shcor nnd white , with chains
pf her fnvonto pearls about her neck. It is
' the softlv falling , nwootly sitnplo frock of
'snowy lawn that lures the gullolos < youth
into thinking that his fair lady's tnstos nro
in sweet und modest nccord with the limita
tions of hm snlarv. It is pathollo to think
how mistaken ho Is , for the Illmy , fluttering
gown bns linings of silk , line nnd llrm. The
Dig , drooping tint tbnt 004 with It , rough
and rcudy us It is , with only nscaif of gnuzo ,
would kocp him In Uorltys for two yours.
Tliu porcelain hnndlo of the gauzy sunshade
which frames bor face so cnchnntingly cost
tnoro than his Tuxedo coat , and the price she
fcald for getting the gown made vvould spoil
a month's salary nnd mnko him sad. There's
another thing about white ; it takes a pretty
woman to wear It , A plain face must have
the color icllnetlons , the richness of decora
tion ; a prottv oao ts fairer , shining , sUrllito ,
in clouds of whlto.
People in warmer cilmos than ours shako
their duties ana business hours so ns to al
low thorn a rest in midday boat. Tboir ex
ample is worthy our imitation as far as mny
bo consistent with our various dutloi. Many
tnlr ones tnVo tbolr ' 'beauty strop" between
Iho hours of 7 and 9 a. m. , nnil thus deprive
.lhamsolvoi of the most delightful part of the
J&y. A llttlo later than 5 a. m.
Fair Aurora Huhls her Edition rajr
Atld all tbo ruddy orient ( lames with day.
, Hownver sultry has been the previous
h'fghl , the nir of mom is fresh und sweat ;
the loaves flutter lu the tree * noovo , and mid
concealing similes iho chattering birds seem
making lovo. Ono listens to thu low call of
Ibu modest brown thrush and the answering
note of.its llttlo mate. Birds are loss timor
ous In lee early dawn ; so busy nro tnoy with
household care's , limy-fall to notice your near
anproach , and scolne n shy litilo wren do-
inurcly seated upon her nest and a robin
sing guyly near recalls the nursery rhymes :
"Jonnlo Wren loll sick upon a rnorry tuno. "
.In came Hohln Uou Breast , and brought , hnr
sops and wlno ;
Bat well of the sops , Jennlo , arlnk well of
the wine.
Thank you , Robin , kindly , you shall bo mlno.
I'hen Jouuiosho got well and stood upon her
feet ,
And told poor Hobln plainly she loved him
not a bit.
Tbo Ingratitude of Iho flcklo fair is sup
posed to bo hero llloitrated. Dut who shall
say that Mr , Itobln was not a guy llttlo flirt
himself , and Miss Jennie wus only taking a
proper rovunco in bohnlf of some llttlo sister
wren. 13o that as It mny the" birdies do their
Bharo to chnriii tbo hour. When "suiTrnn
morn with early blushes sproail" in wid'ning
waves across tbo eastern slt.v , and sunlight
falls In glowingbeiuni u-thwart the hill aud
woody dale , and thirsty flower cups open
wide to drink tbo morning dew , watch tbo
outp.llttlu humming bud In search of swonts ,
tbr'nst his long bill Int6 the drooping bell of
tbo sweet red houoy-sucklo. faoo tbo brilliant
yojlow buttorlly with spotted wings of gola
And brown , flit from Dower to flowor.
As I sit and wrlto the garden In my sight
Is n splendid muss ot ilowory bloom. Tbo
air Is laden with ambrosial trngranco from
beds of pink and wbito verbenas , purple and
crimson china aslors , orange marigolds and
tnoxvy day lilioj , the old-fashioned four-
o'clocK.s forgot-me-nots and blue and yellow
eyca pnnsles sbow tholr faces in the sun-
shlno , wbllo the sweetest of all odors , thatof
the sweet pea , perfumes the atmosphere.
How happy it imikcs ono to bo alive , how
prutnful to have an cxiitenco in such a per
fect world of beauty. Onobut ; wonaora why
nature mulies all tboso beauties so porish-
nblo. They como und go in their allotted
time each reason , and we , for tha most part ,
regard thorn but lightly , -Yet what
wonderful laws of iinturo must govern
their production , and with all our protenacu
wKdom and supposed knowledge , what ono
of us human can explain tbo wonderful
iccrotof Ufa contained In the littlo.llowcr
lood not so largo as a pliihoud. Why should
inch seed bring forth at birth a certain shapu
ana Its peculiar color. These questions comate
to all and are to all slnco thu days of that
wise kinc , boloruon , as fresh , ns fascinating
KB unanswerable as it propounded but ycster
day. With such strungo and unexplained
mysteries , bow can wo but yield homage to
the God of Nature , that source of Knowl
edge , that infinite Wisdom , far beyond nhy
wo can hope to attain , that supreme power
that rules the unlversa oy iuimutablo laws ,
from the tiniest blade of crass to the great
revolving suns of heaven.
lilso then at dawn of day nor lot soft sleep
bind down Jbo curtain of thlno eyes and
blind iho night to beauties of tbo morning
hour. . JJut loam to worship nature in her
most Cburmlncr mood. GUACB II ,
Tlioro ba bold men in those cfTominato
days , and two of them are Profs. Lombtoso
nnd Hlchor of Turin , Italy. Tbo former pro-
iparod and Iho latter rund at a recent meeting
of Ibo JntcrnaUomil Congress of Experi
mental Physiology a paper on the "Scnsibll-
'Itv \Vumen. . " Woiuon have always bo-
'llovod themselves to lie exceedingly su&sitlva
creatures , feollnr every way moro Keenly
ami deeply than their coarser fellow creature ,
ilium. Pools have supported Ibo Iduii in all
edges , but now Prof. I.omnroso comes for
ward to * how that in general sensibility , ln <
eluding sensibility to pain , women nro
grimily Infvrlo. ' to men ; that is to suy , they
bavo fur loss feeling.
"If pUIn was the greatest source of our
mortality , " ono of them ventures to assort ,
"women ought to lo much curlier than man ,
who wus her tyrant , but slio survived him
because on account of bor inferior sensibility
thu resisted pain better than bo did. The
rouHOti which hud inado people believe la tha
greater lonsiblllty of woman wus her greater
irritability und the louder expression aho
KUVO tu bur Buffering. "
Mrs. E , S. P. Ward has computed that
tlicro ajorovoral thousand women physicians
In tbo United States. "U is impossible to
nvor.igo their Incomes correctly , but they
jirobably run from S'.MU to § 20,001) ) a year.
The lust 11 mi res uro , of course , raro. They
uro the great lights of the profession , oven
among men , who cam from f O.OOO to $ .10,000
a year aim uinvurn ; and women are still cru-
sutler * and reformers. A ? 10UOO Income for a
well educated , gifted and hi-uUhy woman
doctor is less turo. Five thousand , I think.
1s not at all uncommon : and no on down. J
know QUO woman , an Invalid , who ournoil
1,1)00 ) tbo llrst year that she prniUlced , The
next yosr who received f.'i.QOO , and maintaiuci
a growing success until she dropped dead
one nlirht and put un und to calculation 01
what promised lo bo a brilliant , career. Hut
Hub INoman , after graduating from the medi
cul tcliool , uud before she to practice ,
spent for several years eight hours a day in
levoro private study.
American housewives when struggling
with. Ibo perennial dotnc9tlubervlcoiuo tlou
are upx to Uunlt of n place where that ijues
tloii uus been nettled and soruuiiy prevails In
tun relation between mlstrms und maid. JiuV
Ladv Jcuuo in the Forttimhtlv Hovlow , tolls
tdifforonl story. Bho iloclures that tbo
question Is becoming , one of snrlous import.
In hnirland ns in America , the moro lutellj
cent uud capable ulastoi of worulnir wouiet
repudiate doiurstio sorvlcv , and for the sumo
roisonH thu dlillko of control , tbo monotony
of housework , the doslro for the freodoo
tad Independence of factory and oftlco em
ployment , the vrlsu to liavo Sundays and
evening * lo themsnlvos. At tbo same time
the aay * , there are over twelve thousmi
lorvanu suekinc oupUyiueut lu Loniloi
tloao. Most of tUe o uro doubtless bad mu
'U-trnLuod. ' but the lova of chauiio has pro
dticod n class of roil nomads among domes
tic servants. Is this ono of Iho results of
trying to abolish class distinction in
England I
The olnctlon of sclTool officers In Flatoush ,
Ij. 1. , took place last week. Uclng the ono
duy in the year In which women exorcise the
franchise , they were Abroad la full forco. It
was n ttrango " spectacle , says the Now York
Herald" , to BCO women buttonhole voters approaching
preaching the polls aud use tholr porsuaslvo
powers nnd tsstow the most bewitching
smiles , endeavoring to cajole Iho voters to
cast their ballots for their candldnlos.
rho women were fur moro energetic than
the mon and hustled about tbo town , draw
ing out the full voto. Vehicles of every do-
scrlptlon were Impressed into service nnd
wore aont out In nil directions over thu sur-
sounding country to bring the laggards In to
voto. itotween ; i audI o'clock this excite
ment was Intense. The women were rushIng -
Ing frantically nbout tbo town , and almost
every ether woman volor was ohalloneca by
the opposition and compelled to sweat-In her
voto. Many of the women whllo approachIng -
Ing the polli were accused of ropuntlng , nnd
were otherwise reproached by their oppo
nents. Policeman stationed at the polls had
Ihelr bands full in trying to preserve the
pcnco. There were several scrimmages be
tween the women , and not n few actually
curao to hair pulling. If it hud not boon for
the interference- the men the result lu
some Instances would have boon sorlous.
Some people complain of vary- moist hands ,
during the summer Reason , which destroy
their delicate kid glavoa , and nearly ruin the
fabrics of their dainty fancy wont , to any
nothing of the personal discomfort entailed
by this aQllctloii. To Improve Ibis condition
of things , bathe the hands occasionally in
hot water , in which n llttlu sub-curbouulc of
soda has boon dissolved. Dry them , nnd
then dust with a lltllo powdered alum and
tannin hi equal proportions. A sulphur tab
let occasional ! v will bo found useful. Dust a
llttlo of the powder into kid gloves putting
them on.
* *
The working plrls of Detroit at ono tltno
had the largest uud best trade union of any
oily in the country , except , perhaps , Troy.
They worn a power not only in the manage
ment of their own affairs , but In compelling
mon into trade unions. Tholr methods were
simple. They refused to dance with a scab.
Before that naino , which every connoisseur
in epithets knows is n triumph of art In its
way , strong mou quailed when it came be
tween n pretty girl's lips. When coupled
with a refusal to sent them tumbling
nvor one another's heels In their effort to got
iusldoof some union , which shows what
women can do when they have convictions
strong enough.
You may take it for" granted that the man
who tolls you that ho lilies to see you smoke
does not care any inoro for you than tbo
small boy docs for the harlequin which rings
every time ho shakes it , and wl'lch ho throws
away when the bolls are broken. Man laugh
about women drinking tea , but a iiuui who
cares for you would rather see you drink a
gallon of ten than ono cocktail. Men may
say \haiyou \ looic Spanish ns you smoke , but
> ou cau bo pretty sui-o thai ho is an awful
fool of a man who urges his sister or his wlfo
lo take lo cigarettes.
A club of Proviaenco working girls has
boon try I nir to dross cnch girl on SiO n year ,
but it scorns that the outcome of the effort is
not encouraging. Onlv ono girl admitted
that she thought it might bo douo. In fact ,
sbo said she hud succeeded , with not a cent
to spare. The most Interesting point in iho
mailer is the ono girl's achievement in cot-
ting along a whole yojr with only four bats ,
costing $10. Think of thatl
I.lltn FilHlllou Note * .
Tbo latest style the nightgown.
Tbo latest thing in French shoos is patent
leather with red heels.
Entire chaneaux of gold and diver lace
have become n part of the summer toilet
tllgh-heelcd shoes nro now worn moro
than for years , nnd it is a fashion to bo ro-
Young matrons hnvo secured a pretty
fancy in the black loco slip which is worn
over melon-green silk.
Turquoise tinted flannel lined with pink
and cascaded with lace is fashioned into
charming nogllgo garments.
Indian cottons , In their bright hues and
pntUiriis , are extreme novelty for shirts aud
blouses and ovou for loose vests.
Chestnut brown is to bo u fashionable color
tbo coming season , and LOIIIO shade called
Cleopatra , which are reddish wood colors.
The dcop rich Cleopatra colors will bo in
marked favor next season , the tawny golden
browns , russets , and the chuudron or copper
The fancy for whlto ribbon ties around the
braided knot of hair still continues. The
ribbon should bo about an Inch wide , of
grosgram with u corded cdgo.
Coui basques cut off at the waist and pro-
longoJ m coattalls at the back uro being
made up in heavy and serviceable material
for early autumn street woar.
Attractive luncheon and tea-go ivns nro
made of flno silky Henrietta cloth or Clair-
utlo in palest mauve , tea rose , soagrouu , or a
very delicate nhado ot corn yellow.
A fancy button to bo used this foil is a
largo ornamental circle , covered with tan ,
kid or leather , with u medallion of wbito lace
In the center. They are to bo used on wbito
or black coats.
Htbbad , striped , and pleated stuffs are
only waiting the disappearance of thin sum
mer cowns to resume tholr popularity.
Plain colored silk or velvet promises to bo
their decoration.
It is 8hld by those m authority that the
fashionable coat of the future will bo tbo
loug redingote , cut double breasted , with
wldo dlroctolro rovoroj , big buttons ar.d a
double or triple capo.
Whlto gowns of nil kinds keep tuoir color
bust by being tied up in bags of blue paper
Inside bugs of llollaiu. The gauze orchilTou
trimming should bo removed uud kept sepa
rately in tis uo paper.
The mol picturesque of gowns for moun
tain climhlni ; or pedestrian tours across
country is that coplod from the regular
Scotch dress and made in some of the gay
tartans belonging to the chiofs.
Cream and ecru guipure laces nnd Irish
linen aud sllK crochet edgings , insertions ,
nook pieces , and bands are most effectively
used to trim every sort of summer gown ex
cepting these which emanate from the tailor.
Ladles , it m.iy Interest you to know that
"ancestral bruaitpins" of largo slzo und
showing the features of
your gront-groot-
gr.indmotbors will bo very fasblonablo this
winter. Your Jeweler will have a full
A novelty in hats has the square , mortar
board crown with u brim of medium width
Just curving up at ono sldo , The trimming
most liked for tboso bats consists of n narrow
twist of velvet and a shaving-brush pompon
nt ono sldo near the front.
A veil that U found becoming to brunettes
is ix line bluclt tulle with liny white chenille
dots upon It. Tha border Is formed of the
dots put. together a llttlo more thickly , nl-
thouph 111 the veil is drawn up under the
chin this bordering scarcely shows.
Llttlo girls are prattler than over this
summer. The prevailing style of arranging
their Imlr will permit It to curl and wnvo
unconllncd nbout thn face and neck , and Is
mo.U becoming , often giving just the touch
of color and softness needed to complete n
very picturesque effect.
A sluovcloss Jacket , quite long nnd tight
fit ted , of black surge , opens to the wnin In
front and buck uud is faced back with wldo
ravers of black satin , which are very broaden
on the shoulders and taper to u point qt the
waist. This odd garment Is worn over a silk
waist of any chosen color and u stylish and
Tbo "stocking sachet" is tbo latest in the
list of scented toilet accessories. It. Is qutto
n largo sllit bag , lined with quilted sitin und
having thu odorous puvvdor scattered with
liberal hand uotwoon the lining und the silk.
It is uung in the wardrobe and receives the
stocking * nt they coma up from the wash
anil before they have gene to the uiondor ,
Bomo of the very iiljoer or sopil-transpa
rent toilets of the season are unllued aud
worn simply over nettlcoula of dalntllv tint
ed tatlctii or surah silk. This gives u pretty
"twn-tonou" or shadow effect , and greatly
Improves tbo cenorul nppuaranco of iho
Urcsi , us the color of the silk shows i'oi ' !
catoly turjUKh the airy fabric.
The "gypsy tlo" is very fashionable tbU on ncoorapanlmnnt to the tounii
blouio. 1'bo ties are nmtlo of the largo Chi
nese Bilk handkerchiefs thai como in now ,
Indescribable colon rutbor difficult to class
ify palo gromi , for Iiutnnoo , that ore nearly
yellow , rods olotely Lordorlujt on terra cottu
or deep orange , crushed raspberry , looking
very much Ilka rnushoa lobster , and 10 on ,
Serge U the moil uioful of all fabrics for
summer as well as autumnal woar. It hns
Heretofore been produced almost exclusively
n navy blue , black or croam. but thU season
t Is shown in all shades , and n charming de
sign is In " . hot serge , " in which contrasting
threads of color nro run , giving almost a
changeable ofTecU Old rose nnd toft shndes
of brown un'J gray ns well as clootrlo nnd
Ight blue nro now produced in serge , nnd
tnako vorv pretty as well ns serviceable gar
ment * .
The pretty fnsnion of flower-hung nock
ace which has boon carried out with cnam-
tiled blossoms hune on n slender gold chain ,
s gorgeously reproduced now by Parisian
awdlcrs in diamonds and precious stones.
1'ho encircling chain consists of n single
roxv of brilliants-from which hangs n
diamond trumpet llowor , with o largo poar-
shaped stone depending from its oontor.
lowollcd collars In Moral doaigns , sot with
diamonds nnd rulilos , nro nlso worn , of
course by ladies with long and thin nocks.
The skirts of pretty lloworod nnd striped
French cambrics for morning uses nro mndo
with a dcoi ) hem , or mete u unlly a single
imnll ruflo of the goods put on with n head-
ng , or n bins bind with a piping each sldo ,
of cambric tbo color of the llowor or the
strlpo. The oorsogo is pleated nnd
s very often completed by a largo capo
collar of Irish point or line 'linen laco. The
sleeves are very lull on the shoulders , nnd
; atuerod 10 a long cuff covered with the
ace. The waist is bowed permanently to
Iho skirt nnd n ribbon belt , with many
stroamcrs at ono si do , covers tno Joining.
Gossip Admit \Viiuirti.
Missouri has a woman 1)3 ) years old who
can Jump'in nnd out of a bug y without
Women dentists have proved so popular In
London that a schoIarshiD hns bacn founded
'or assisting women without moans tu Iho
study of Ihoir profession.
Mrs. Bishop , teacher of Dolsnrto , insists
.hut "If wo want to keep young wo must
learn how to ro > t. " And some old parsons
would bo very apt teachers of the specially.
Turkish women , all of whom wear earrings -
rings from their seventh year , derive the uao
of those jewels from Hagar , who is held In
veneration as the tnolbor of Ishmaol , Iho
founder of their rnco.
"Good health , calm nerves , good frlands
nnd n modest opinion of horsolf'-nro the re
sults of a college education to a girl , in the
opinion of Mrs. Alice Froomun Palmer , and
no hotter Judeo ran bo found than the ox-
president of Wollosloy.
Poorcssos of Great Britain , Scotland or
Ireland , by birth , murriago or creation nro
free from arrest or imprisonment on civil
process ; and in the event , of a peeress bolng
charged with a criminal offcnso she would
bo tried by the House of Lords.
A woman of Port Huron , Mioh. , has tauon
out a patent for n device to secure glass in
tbo doors of stoves and furnaces to allow the
process of baking In ovens to bo watched
without opening the doors , and also to save
fuel by preventing noodlcss opening of doors.
Moro than 200 women are studying nt the
live great universities of Switzerland
Borne , Geneva , Zurich , Lausanne nnd Basio.
Thu groatur number of tbcso studonu are
from Russia , and only cloven nro from Amer
ica. Ono hundred nnd
fifty-seven nro study
ing mcdicmo , sixty-two philosophy nnd live
bovon women now hold the place of regi-
mcnlal chief In Prussia , nnd live of these
bavo boon appointed by the present em
peror. The oldest of thcso women colonels
is ihoox-Umprcss Frederick ; tha latest to
bo appointed is iho aueon regent of tha
Netherlands. The Empress Augusta is com
mander of ono of the regiments.
A pretty story is told of Mrs. Julia Ward
Howe , to Iho ollect thai when sbo wns a
cbild of only 9 she wns so charmed with the
melody of the Italian language , ns she heard
il in n class of other girls , that she secretly
procured a grammar und studied by herself
until she had gained sufficient facility to
wrlto the Italian teacher n letter lu his'owu
tongue asking permission to join his class.
Women are ollgiblo under the school laws
of Louisiana to oflica. They can bo parish
superintendents ot education and members
of the city and'parish school boards. Tlicro
are few of thobo places which have any sal-
urlcs attached to thorn , city and parish supcr-
intennents being the only ones ; but what
ever may bo their honors or emoluments ,
women are now lawfully eligible to all or any
of thorn.
There is an odd llttlo erazo tbis reason
among young and pretty women for appear
ing in public accompanied by some satellite
or ucolyto , in thu pcrnon of a tiny , quaintly
dressed child , for whom iboy do sweet , gra
cious service , and upon whom they lavish ca
resses calculated to lira with envy the heart
of the cavalier who , through conventionality
or caution , keeps at llresomoly respectful
It wus Helen Hunt Jackson , It is said , who
named "Tho Garden of the Gods" in Cole
rado. Riding past the cabin of a prospector
from the soutn in ono of iho early days of
Iho settlement , she was attracted by a beau
tifully kept uarden in which two negro ser
vants , Q man and a woman , were working.
In answer to u question tbo man informed
her that his name was Juniter , aud tno
woman's Juno ; whereupon she exclaimed :
"Then Ihis must bo the garden of the gods. "
Olio of tbo first women to whom a place
wus given Jn the Treasury department ia
Sophie Holmes , a colored woman , who , before
fore her promotion , was engaged to swoop
the floors of Iho building.Vhou swooping
ono of tbo rooms on ono occasion she found a
box containing $50,000 , and , rot daring to
trust it to the night watchman , she .stood
guard oosido it herself until relieved by General -
oral Splnuor himself all o'clock in the morn
ing. Another time sbo found fSO.OOU , which
sha promptly returned to Iho ofllcors of the
treasury. For her honesty she has received
for moro than thirty years a salary of $50 a
Koine 1'rllls ot Cushion.
Ornamental pins for the hair are shown m
tortolsesuoll uud diamonds.
A late novelty is unbreakable imitation
pearls for scarf and stick pins. ,
Long gold chains with pearl work , suitable
for lorgnettes or watches , ore being adopted.
Insertions of guipure nro laid lu the sidrt
of gingham toilets uuj frequently stripe the
Very nharralng croquet costumes In prim
rose yellow uro exquisitely garnished with
wide black velvet , ribbon.
Exquisite gold and silver corselets go
along with the white silk crepes which are
fashioned into ovonlug robos.
Green in nil its shades has found a place in
the blonda's wardrobowhere it Is brought in
to uomnaiilonsbip with palo Fronchy roys
dushod'wlch pink , and dusky , dull-surfaced
Slender Dresden sticks to the parasol , garlanded -
landed with flowers and tlnishcd with a knob
showing tbo powdered head of uomo favorite
of the French court , are a beautiful caprlco
of the day.
She wn for coaching uses are bandsomo
parasols of whlta uhiffou , topped with whlto
ostrich plumes or ornbroidoriul white mous-
solino do soio , embroidered with garlands of
pluk roses or clusters of forgut-mo-nots.
The prettiest Japanese fan of iho season is
gold and ullvor llociiod , opou-workod spaces
llllod lu with.not on which is painted a foil-
utre , cluster or single wido-petnled flower.
The outsida is cord laced up and down.
Belts bavo bccomo almost as much of a
crnzo AS the ubiquitous bow-knot. When tire
summer belle starts out on the warm weather
campaign she will uo very carolul to supply
herself with tbo latest and prettiest lanclos
In waist protectors.
Comb and brush trays are suoh a con
venience for the dressing table and saves the
pretty cmbroldorod covers ao much , ouco
using thorn nobody can do without. An Im
provement Is tbo now comb nnd brush basket ,
a silver standard , with handle over the top
and a long narrow dish tilting In it , either in
Dresden or ollior choice porcelain.
BUIU.INOTO.V. ia. , April -J.1SDI ,
Dr J. B , Moore Dear Sir ; Huvo boon
troubled with cutarru In my lioaJ and fouo
for three years at tlmoj * usuuublo to Dour
bad a constant ringing lu tny oars aud lor
two years wi ulmobt deaf. Have tried sev
eral so-called remedies and been treated by
regular physicians und noted specialists , but
failed to gut any relief. I tried ono bottle of
Moore's Tree of Llfo Catarrh Curo. It gave
linmodlato relief and ellootod a pormauont
euro. I heartily recommend It to all suffer
ers of thU disouio and will choarlully glvo
uny further Information on bomg addressed
at my homo , No. 3Swotmoy uvo. , Burlluij-
ou , Ia. For tale by all druggist ) . .
Koipectfullly ,
It , L. UKID.
For sale by all druggists.
Koports from the summer rosorU give rs-
Buruuoos that a bUL-o crop of inurilago * will
bo harvested the cotulus fall ,
Ex-King Cotton Welcflg d to the Eealm of
Nebraska's $ jvoreign ,
OlE ft
And ( liven Krarf Jj lijctico of Having
Co.iuo to Stny jjto Hero nnd
Tlicro oT Nebraska' * Mnnu-
. fitctnrlnt ; li
A notable Incinont of the Kearney convon
tlon was tbo distribution to ttio visitors of
uuJgoj made irom cotton cloth woven in
tUitt city. Many pfopla have the impression
that the ICoamoy outton mill is merely the
doiuslvo iRiils fatuus ol n real oilnto boomor'a
schnuio , but a visit to the mill will dlsocl
that mistaken notion. It will disclose the
toot thni there is n substantial two-story
brlclt bulldlnif , 101x403 foot in size , nnd that
t is filled with oxponstvo machinery , evi
dently placed to stay nua much of it al
ready in operation. The coucluslan Is inev
itable that a new industry has been inaugu
rated In Nebraska by mou experienced in its
conduct mid sufllclontly confident of the
out co mo to rUk an investment ( if several
liuudrod thousand dollars.
A buef account of the ulant will carry
conviction. There are two Rront rooms , 104x
UliS loot In size , which are llllod with ma
chines as closely na they can bo placed nnd
loavc just room onougu for the oporattvos to
walk between them. The list of machinery
Include * 100 ninety-inch , 370 thirty-slx-lnch
and llfty forty-Inch looms ; forty-eight spin
ning frames , 1U3 splndloi each ; four pairs
mules , 1,500 spindles each ; forty-two ISufjli sh
cards , twenty railway heads , six pickers , two
oponorn , four slubbors , ton drawing frames ,
thirty-two Hy frames , .n three-process mill ,
six spoolers , tivo warpers and ono slasher.
Ttioro is a wheel house , : Kx9.1 ) feet in size ,
with two mammoth turbine wheels of 800
horse-power. An enRlne room , 40 75 feet ,
hns been added recently , and in It are now
bolnp placed an onpino of 450 horse-power
nnd six boilers of 100 horso-powor each , Uy
bavin ) ; both water and steam power Inter
ruptions to busluoss will bo guarded against.
A machine shop is connected with the plant ,
nnd it also tus n system of coollnp and
moistening : ho air of the mill rooms Dy
which the temperature can bo reduced thirty
The mill has boon in operation about a
month und is employing 125 hands. Some of
these woto brought from eastern and south
ern mills and otnars are Kuurnoy boys and
girls who are being trained , to the work.
\Vhon the machinery Is nil set and In full
operation it will give employment to 300 per
sons. The owners expect to add another
bulldlnn of the same capacity , nnd bnvo pro
vided suflluienl power In anticipation of that
Mr. W.V. . Cumnock , who Is in charge , do-
clurcs the mill ono of the best oquipncd of its
slzo of uny In the country. Ii has "tho only
nluoty-lnch looms wost'Bf'Now York. It bn
another ndvantapoln having a double equip
ment by which lt'Tian < make either
shooting'or hosiery , otirtbllng the owners to
vary the output to ' ( aito advantage of
favorable markets. Xlio. raw cotton is re
ceived from Texas and. , St. l ouls. It take
? 1 1.000 worth to 1111 the , machinery and keep
it In operation.
Mr. Cumnock Is confluent ho can do bailer
than a similar mill U > 'New England on
account ot favoring freights , but his ambition
is to match the rocordiuf bis old mill at
Henderson , ICy. Both 'Wants are owned by
the same parties und they naturally will
ox nee I both to do their bust. The Kentucky
mill bns been earning 'from 10 to 20 per cent
on its stock' and opehktjng capital. It nus
nn advantage over the 'Nebraska enterprise
bv reason ot chonpor labor in tbo south , but
Mr. Oumnock , who ha4''leen ' in tuo business
from boyhood and , IcAtj d , aypry prannh of
it , is confident tho/K arney inJH rwillkbou
profitable undcrtaKing. < ni i
This eutyrprlso bos' been sot , In motion
xvlthout any. ilourish.of trumpets , . b'ut It hns
boon successfully inaugurated , and Nebraska
das a"riew .industry that begins , , with the
strongest assurances Of permanoiicy. Man-
ugor Cumnock says there is no mechanical
obstacle to tbo manufacture of cotton goqds
in Nebraska , and the' only difficulty may bo
in potting trained help nt the outset. Tbo
Kearney mill can got cotton about as cheap
ly as the Now England manufacturers , and
in selling to western dealers has the ndvan-
tiico of the freight from the east to the Mis
souri river. A part of Its first loom was
taken by an Omaha bag factory.
Wliitt Nebraska Factories Are Uoliif
The Manufacturers nnd Consumers asso
ciation fools greatly encouraged in Its ef
forts to promote homo Industry in Nebraska.
Herman Kountzo believes in rntroniztng
homo Industry. Ho recently bought u J50J
carriage made in Omaha.
Kulz-Novons report business good. Will
bo in tbo exhibit next year without fail and
are sorry that they were not in this year.
H. O. Todd , manufacturer of 'paper boxes ,
is way behind in urdcrs.
Khodot & Solvers have an olghtoon com
partment continuous bricK kiln oxporiment-
mentlti ? on the manufacture of vltriflod
Nebraska City. Initond ot going abroad ,
gave the contract of repaying the whole city.
with vltnllod brick , furnished by Miller &
Egan of their city.
Billow & Doup report business very good
for tbo season. They believe that mills for
tbo manufacture of excelsior would pay if
parties would only take bold and start hero
at Omaha. Four to six car loads are used
every week.
Ostorhoudt & Co. , dealers . in spring
wagons. Eigbtconth and Cass streets , con
template enlarging their plant as soon as a
location can bo found. Business Is good ,
nnd instead of carrying over ton wagons , as
they did Ust year , they nro cleaned out en
Mr. Black , manager for S. P. Oilman , re
ports $1,000 more business in Julv , 1B9-J , than
for the sumo month in 18'JI.
The Omaha box factory just out in a now
atlas onglno of 104 liorso power , also newS
S turd euv nt fnim , keeping their factory as
cloun as an ofllco. They are just shipping
a carload of 0,000 Argo starch boxes to Ne
braska City.
The Adamant'Wali Plaster company buvo
done inora business sincn January 1 than four
previous yeans , almosivuolly outstdo of
Robinson & Stokes report good business
for the season. They hnvo ono of the best
llchtbd and voutilatod factories in tbo coun
try. employing 100 people.
Martin & Morrissey Imvo just completed anew
now buy press , whluUjjrQrks splendidly , ono
horse doing with oasoi.tho work of two.
They will apply for nwpatout mid maTiufnc-
turo very largely nt "yjjflir factory in East
Omaha. KUI
Undoland&Co. roporti business in their
line very good with a now man on tbo road
nnd nro unablu to KetTqjtPurleneod help for
tholr business , oven otTvring ? par woak.
The Silicon Wall Piaster company reports
that HJi * cloven car * bi'hrnd In orders the Hist
of the month. Thirty ours of plastering , to
oo used on the In lusuitl' school at Lincoln ,
were sold Id ono order.1 '
Tbo Columbia Metal .EplUh company report -
port splendid sales , tbojiirtlclo being now.
Mr. Frnzor , tholr traveling man , is now in
SU Josoph. Ho roportJ.e/colloiit sales there
and also at Lincoln .JJobruska City and
Mr. Toft says tbafJprJnnuary I tils com
pany will bo In readiif $ $ for the manufac
ture of stroking tobacco , ] n
Haurman Vinegar company reports trade
good. The plcklo crOD"bolnt ; very short this
year makes Una demand for vinegar. The
jobbers uro handling it very freely.
Business for the Morse-Coo Shoo company
IB very good. Tholr customers spcaic in the
highest terms of the Uuncllt derived from tno
M. E Smith & Co. report their business as
exceedingly good.
King & bmoucl , who started April 1 lu the
manufacture of overalls , uro well pleased
with tbnlr coming to Omaha. They have not
covered but u small portion of the territory
and still arc behind \ylth orders.
nouils Oinatm Hag company reports thirty
davs behind in orders.
It Is understood that tbo McNaraara ceoplo
will soon return and inaKu n proposition lu
writing in regard to the startl ig of a plus
tobacco factory in Omaha. ,
Farrell & Co. report business good ; so
tiiucn 10 that they are obliged to put on in
extra ferro of men uud are now running
day and night.
two weeks now refer -
for us to close out the
balance of the Hellman stock. We
are closing it out fast at
Half Administrator's '
If you can be sized you will be .able to secure a
suit for about one-fourth its real value ,
Our new goods are coming in every day now and
some of these fine days we will show them to you ,
Hellman's ' Suits at Most Rnij Prica
Columbia Clothing/
Company ,
.Successors to M. Hellman & Co. ,
Cor. 13th and Farnam.
By Purchasing Goods Made at the Following Nebraska Factories. If you
cannot find what you want , communicate with the mannfacturers as
to what dealers handle their goods.
Fines , hammocks , ollnnfl
nibberclolhlriE. fend for
CntnlORiio. 1113 Kiirnanl
Our bottled cabinet boor Oiinfuiitoo.l to equal out-
dallvorod to any part Dido branilt. Vlonna
of the city. ICxport l > otlloil hour ,
lOOTJuckaon StrooU clellToroil to famllloi.
Nailed und itovctnttod
boxos. Capnoltf A.OOO
day. Kasl Oiiiftlm Tul.
tl'.t. l > . O. bor 85V.
Spring Wagon Mfj ; Co. ,
incorporated ,
( ( tilrliu < > n nhort no-
t' Cnrrhwa pnlntlnf.
1131SJJCati. . l'l < r
CIGAU. Special Lrnmls nmdo t
Oinatm Manufacture order.
Jacob Jailcalok. Knctory. Sliril'iilrlok nr
HtoroSJU North Ilitli
. - XP&V
fopr T * % r ± - *
/ > 'N
i . j --S T * t'
: ' i s tfA
- * - ' -
- -H
. .fcv
.fcr' j
-r' ,
r v >
Tlila iiutltutloii ufTurdsovit.-y f.mllity fur olit.ilnln u thorough ,
Classical , Scientific ( and English Ecluc-itioii.
. Sltuutiti nu 11 bountiful knoll iiboul Hftoon minutes rlilo by uloutriu line from Dimvor , It ro-
colvea tlio full ooiiolls of tlio ho ililifnl ami llfn-clvliu broo/.un ttiut liuvu niiiclu UolnniUn tliu
uunltirjuiu of Iliu UnltoJ tit.itei , Tliu grounds uovur un ujilaiKl trnotof fifty neicu , niul tlio
mosiHH'l ' Isuiiuof luUes and inoiiiitnlns mid niuudown. Kupcolul iilKintloiilsalvon lo tliu iihynl-
cul uuvclupuinciit of tlio stiulunty. CJutulomics bonl free un uijpllcutlnn.
l-JOUinnl lilt Hoiiuo St. VmnlHi ,
'Iho placa lo tiof a Ilockawar and faaitlr Carriage ,
1'lji.otoiior llu'lnun llugitr , Qualllr belt
1'rlcoi tbo loweu-nr t clax work.
at Low Prices.
Stock and Design
The Latest and Best ,
Send us 01.20 and weMJsend you 100 engraved
cat til from a now cpjiyer plate.
Send ui DO ct > > aiiJ your | > reient plalo ( lo bo lield
and tecittered ) and we'll teud you too en
graved cards.
We pay express charges.
( Ute Oobk'i Ubmrr Oo- >
136 Wnbiub Ave. , Cbttago.
foil ! Ladies nod Chin
Conducted by tbo Slsturs of Moroy.
This liourdliieSuhool lixltiiiitudn sliort ills-
luiiuu from ( ircol.v O'untur. u HoiirlohliiK town
( in the II , & M. railroad. Tlio Uouvout Is nu a
ilolUlitful Hlio unions Iho U'Counorhllli. Thu
UNiiiil KiiKllsb brntiuhos ; music , Anlln-
Htniiiii'ntiil ; nnda .spuolul coiira'j of Htor.ilnur
urn Klvun.
Terms lu adviiiicu. I50 u your (10 mouths ) ,
Included , Tliu Kdiool will open Uio
llrst of Ho ( > loiiilur'
1'Vir Inrtlior n-irtlfiiiltirs iicldrpBS ,
5101 HER SDPKRlOlt C'ONVK.Nl'Ol' MiROY :
l.Uli uni * . O.istnlliir St. ,
A ttioroueh hcliool. I'rcjxncd for Collctje or
its . WIllllii-JOiulU-HorHI I.onlx. Ailcln-s *
OOL. WILLIS UI1OWM , BuperlntondenU
N. M , RUDDY ,
219 Botith JStli Hu. I'uniuiiiKL Tdoutur.
Olussoi Klttol lo roinody all defoot * of oy - .
iKht , Htcul tpooUoloi of Buarantood quality
II and uk
Solid Uuli Spoetiul ? * niiJ Kyogliiin , > tU
and upward. Oacullit'a preurltloiu | for
Klu o < llllod corruutly tumo day M rujolvoj