TUB OMAHA DAILY BEE : SclTURDAY , AUGUST K3 , 1892. THE BOSTON STORE 1ST FLOOR Gluck Bros1. HnnukerchlefV , Kid Gloves , Corsets , Hosieiy , Ohiffbn Laces , ON SALE TOMORROW ON FIRST FLOOR The Clrnniloiit Unrgulin In rlno ClouiMn llnvo Oirurril You U'lll Xntlca In Tliono I.old from tlio Uluck Urns. Stock. $1.GO SILK CHIFFON HANDKER CHIEFS , 2T > 0. In this Block wore about 100 dozen fnnoy Bilk embroidered chiffon handker- chinfa that sold in Now York for 7oc , $1.00 and SI.CO , they RO on sale today at 125i- . 76C IMPORTED HANDKERCHIEFS , 1'JJC. Those wore bought for the coming holiday trade. They ate simply handsome. Em broidered , drawn thread , hemstitched , la-go scallops. In fact all the very latest styles and Imported to soil at. 50o and 75c. Tnko your choice today at liijc. $ UG KID GLOVES FOR 25C. Wo will boll all the kid { rlores from the Gluck Bros. ' stock thnt sold in Now York for $1.00. $ J.Jfi ! and SI.60 and which are in all sizes , In blacky tans mid colors , in droased'and undrcBsed kid mid all the popular \vhito and chamois cloven. All go at 2 ) G a pair. $2.00 KID GLOVES-100. Wo will soil all Gluck Bros. ' finest kid fjlove" , which Bold up to $2.00 a pair , including the novolttoa in colored inoufaquolaircs , in coda , whites and tans , nlHlc n pair. Wo close out those plovcs nt such ridiculous priccsns will wo not put thorn in with our regular "P. & P. " glove Block. Block.GLUCK BROS' . HOSIERY. 1 CUBO ladies' extra line , warranted fr.Ht blnck hose , full regular ninde.doublo heels and toes , go at 2oc u. ] > air ; sold in Now York nt 60o a pair. 1 cage misses' and children's derby rihbed fast black hose , lee ; youctinsavo 30c on every pair. 1 cute ladies' fancy hose with black hoots and fancy tops , lOc a pair. 1 lot ladled' assorted opera length hose , In plnin block mid fancy colors ; also , n handsome line of fancy lisle thrctid hose worth up to 81.Ml. all of which co atfiOo a pair. All the small lots of inisso ? ' and chil dren's hose will bo closed out today nt 6c. 7Jo and lOc a nalr. GLUCK BROS. DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED CORSETS. Ono lot of perfect fitting long-walstcd corsotB , white or drab , 29c a pair. Dr. Warnor'H summer coisots , all sizes , -lllc. Now York price , 75c. 1 case H. & S. extra long or short waist corsets , llnost quality of material , in black , oronm and white , 60c. Soils the world over for Si.23. Albo about 100 dozen corsets that every woman and child knows , such as Thomp- Bon'a Glove-fitting corsets , Dr. Warner's Cdrsold , B. & C. corsets. Choice of any in the lot for OOc , worth up to$1.2o. LADIES' S/i.OO CORSETS $1.93. Wo alto huvo about 100 high novelty Ftcnch form corbota in the very finest quality of imported satin , in crotm , light bltto and gold. Price today 81.08. Regular Now York price $5.00. TIIE BOSTON STORE , The grotitcst dry goods store in Oma ha today. N-W. cor. 10th and Douglas streets. Sl.OOO Iti-ward , I will pay ono thousand (1,000) ( ) dollnrs for llio body of .Tudgo J. R Clnrkson. Commlinicato with mo hy telegrnph at once. T. S. Clarkson , Omaha , Neb. Clilciigo Toiliij , JMJ V York Tomorrow. Fust through trains via Pennsylvania Short Line * daily olTor excellent facil ities for rapid transit east from Chicago. Accommodations are ilr.-it class. If vour ticket roads via this direct roulo you nro sure of a pleasant trip. Address Luco , 218 Clark street , Chicago. Attention , All members of Triunglo Lodge No. C4 , Knightb of PytliiiiB , nro requested to iniiot nt WoltT's hall , 22d niul Cumlng streets , at liO : ! p. in. , Sunday , August 34 for the purpose of attending the funeral of our Into brother , C. L. Erick- Bon All moinbo s of the order cordially ' invited. RADNOR WOIITHING , G. C. H. J. WKM.S. K. of R. and S. 'M I'lunlc. Sunday next , Omaha and South Omaha switchmen hold tholr-tth annual plunlc at Waterloo. Tickotx , round trip and nduilasion to the grounds , $1.00 , children free. Special train leaves Ilrondwiiy dopot. Council Bluffs. 8 o'clock , U. P. depot , Omaha , 850 : ! and South Omaha 0 a. in. or .iic.irs r.v co.\uu. Killnil nnil rrnpvrty Destroyed ut luny StiitliuiH. Uui)5sii. ) , Aug. 12. The Independence liclgo snys that twenty ngonU ot ihoICntanga company have been killed or captured hy Arabs on the upper Congo. The steamer Ucerncnu , which \vai tnktng goods up the rivnr , was sol7oU and the factories were ruml. Whole tribes on the western bank nro In insurrection. The Arabs northwest of Nyatigu have gone down the Lualaba river uun captured the station nt Uloutaba , Ic King llio whites employed thero. The sta tions on the upper Lonm l have also bcon destroyed. The Aralis ut Stanley Falls and Isangl , hlthcrio loyal , are showing hostility. The Congo State authorllles arosonalng 10- iulommiciiLs. Strict Oiiiiiiiiitlnii Aciilimt Cliolci-.l. nniu.ix , Aug. 1- . Three hundred und fifty Kubslan Jews , who have been for some weeks living In a starving condition in sheds at Mxsiowntr , In Prussian Slloslu. on the Polish frontier , huvo bcon allowed to proceed direct to Tlaiuhurg. The object of the precautions taken In their case wits to prevent the intro duction of Infection. The fiouller Is now trlctlv closed against emigrants. Br , I'r/mti'iinin. Aug. 12. The olUclnl re ports in regard to the cholunt upldomle nay that iho disease Is diminishing in Saraumr'a mid SaratolT , _ itrmmily : Oritvo Hltinitlnii , LONDON , Auir. 13. A dispatch to the Btnmlurd from Tientsin says : The extreme gravity of the 1'amli question is boeinnlng to bo recounted hero. A force of lnfnntr. and tiorrioni'in have boon ordered to prouucd' f rom ) Ca hgar to Kanglcul In the Chinese orovinco Of tiurllul. iu'H noliuul iiinu'tloii , OTTAWA Out. , Aug. 13. It U mcain cur rently reported that the dominion will overcome - come the Mnnllob.i school question by nsu- ) nu' parliament to uuthorlza It to divide u ihiu'o of thu revenue from thu Manitoba land lului for ttio support of the Cathollo separata ichools. Mlnur. Uuhoil to Duitli. PAW ? , An ? . 13. A fatal accident occurred In a pit at Uossogo * , department of Uard , today. While eight minor * wore ascending llio shaft In the cage tlio oablo broke aud all were dashed to the bottom und klllud. Another Cuiulldittu for Curdliml. LONDON , Aug. 13. A dlsp.itcU to the Chronicle auyi Mgr. Stoner will , bo made lardliml at thu coming papal coiiilstoty. t'Lnto to bed and oariy to rise will shorten the road to your homo In tlio nldoi. [ tut mrlytobod and "Littlo lOarly Hl iur."tiiu pill that muUoj llfo lougor aud bettor uud Ninety Base ? Ladles' , Mon's ' nn-1 Ohildron'a Fine Shoes From Qluok's Stook , FROM ONE CENT TO S5.00 A PAIR This Shoo Snlo U n Shno Sulo Tint 1 * n Shoo hitlc , Huro Kniiiigli It'K u Lot of Shuoi lioiiglit 011 the U. T. At any price wo liked to glvo , And wo did not glvo much , 13ocauso wo did not have to , liecauso those shoos were n. part of the great purchase of the Oluck Uros. , Now York , dry goods and shoo stock. Hut those prices toll the tale bettor , quicker and easier. Now roinombor wo are going to sell these shoes very , very cheap. And you ought to como very , very onrly. Slices , Ic a pair. Slipporri , ! ) c a pah * . Shoes , -10o n pair. Shoos , 7c ! ) n pttlr. Shoos , ! ) lc ) a pair. NOW FOR TUB VERY FINE SHOES. Prices tin ladies shoos. So von dollar shoed go at 81.00 a pair. Six dollar shoos go for $3.75 a pair. Five dollar shoos go for $3.CO a pair. Four dollar & u Half nhoes go at $3.00. Thrco dollar shoos go for 31.59 a pair. Two do'.lar shons go for $1.25 a uair. PRICES ON MEN'S SHOES. $3.75 buys 11 six dollar shoe. $3.60 buys a live dollar shoe. $3 00 buys a foil" dollar and a half shoo. $ IL7o buys a four dollar shoo. In addition to the above lots wo place on sale tomorrow : Ladies' $3.00 bootees for $1.50. Ladies' $3.00 Prince Alberts for $1.7o. Ladjcs' $1.00 Prince Alberts for $ U.2.5. Ladies' ono strap sandals in fine im ported dongohl skin : ) , hand-turned , worth 83.50 , for $1.50. Liidlea'sucdu sandals , worth $1.00 , go at $2.00. Wo wish it distinctly understood that these are no broken lots , but full solid cases of brand now shoos , that up to the day of s-ilo had never boon opened. That this line ot shoos all through la something- extraordinarily line , and that wo mnko no claim to offering you n dollar for 10 conts. But simply glvo you the benefit of our purchase. What they sold for $1.00 you can got for OOc. TIIE BOSTON STORE'S WARRANT. Wo guarantee every pair of shoes to give good satisfaction in wear. Wo will HOW it ] ) any pair that rips free of charge , and will replace any pair that does not give proper wear with n new pair , for nothing. Be sure you get to the right placo. TIIE BOSTON STORE , N. W. cor. Kith and Douglas. TIIE BOSTON STORE , Everybody knows it. The biggest shoo department in Omaha. N. W. corner 10th and Douglas. AO UVK.UOI.I..IUMTU. . Ktinsns Cll.v's Itl i\cnt : Him > ot Yet So- curcil Ftiioralilo Term * * . CiiiGtGO , 111 , , Aug. 12. Chairman Caldwcll has not yet decided to grunt the Atchlson's application for authority to make n SJ-rato to Kansas City and return on account of the KniclUs of Pythias encampment. A special mooting of the Western Passenger associa tion was held ut his ontco this morning und the matter was thotoughly discussed by the representatives of interested lines. They wore not of ono mind as to the advisability of making so low a rate , although it was ml- intttod that cut rates were ollkially an nounced from Cincinnati , Columbus , Indian- anolK Fort \Vayno and other points east of Chicago. No conclusion being reached , Chairman ( Julduell had a hourinir this afternoon for the purpose of tnlnng the testimony of parties directly interested In the question , 'i'no evi dence submitted by the Alchisun icprcsonta- tlvcs showed conclusively that tbo rates are seriously demoralized and In the minds of many afforded bufllclont ground for nutting into effect the proposed rule from Chicago. It was not cleatly shown , howavor , that , the reduced fares from eastern territory were being implied by wiyof Chicugo , and for this reason tbo chairman decided to con sider the mutter until tomorrow before giv ing his answer. The Chicago & Alton spo- clflculiy denies a charge made against it of havlnir contracted to carry a Chicago com- mamlery to the encampment at a rate of 45 per passenger for the round trip. DrosHud IlL'dl Hut cm Unchanged , The Michigan Central and Lake Shore compalilos , alter a conference with the JMOW York Central and other eastern connections , have agreed to made no advance In the present rates cm droned bonf to Albany and the Interior New York points. These were among the commodity rates recently revised on a higher basis to foocomo effective Au gust 15 , but at the solicitation of hoof diosscrs the Vnndorbllt MUCH have decided to make no change at present as to this pxr- tlculur trallle. The other roads nrj forced to follow their example and Chairman lilancu- nrd of the Central Traftlu association an nounced today that until further nutlco the rates on dressed meats to the points indi cated will remain unchanged. AdJmirniMl lor Tour .Months. The Western Freight n&soclation has ud- journcd until December. At a previous moot ing It was agreed that the regular mooting * of the association shnuM hnroafter bo hold quarterly instead of monthly , and the object In tailing u four months inlurmibsion at tills time Is to begin the quarterly meetings In Uticemtior and so avoid midsummer sessions In the future. In the moantlmotho muinuors are to retain all their rluhu under the agree ment , and special meetings may Do called If necessary. Harvest iciirnloti < Territory , Additional territory to that already nirrcod upon hy the western roajs for harvest ex cursions has bpen authon/od by Chairman Caldwcll. The , now territory einlirauoi all points on Ihe Qaeon & descant rnutu and other roads In the south , except the Now Orleans , and points on thu Southern 1'uclllc , Atlantic syuto'm , from Mo bile to Lake Charles luclubive. UoWltt'8 SarsaiuHlla destroys suoti poi sons us scrofula , skin dUuasus , uczumi , rheu matism. Its timely USD .savM many lives. Sir. .Iiilrk'H A plmlt Uontr.ioli , Andrew Jnirks , tbo tnphult contractor who bid on a number of paving districts and got ono , notwlthua'itling thJ fact that ho win the lowest bidder un all , hat decided to go on and complete the paving of that dis trict. trict.Ha Ha tins written that bo will bo on. band wliu his oond. ' _ _ UoWitt's Sursupurlua cHatuaj tbo Frcsb milch cow * , steers and heifers springers. Dr. JolTrlos.Gr.ieo & 171i Sta. to the Immonsit7 of the Qluok Stook \ \ o Are Unable TO PUT IT ON SALE AT ONCE Hut \Vo Tick Out All the Mullen' nnct A I'lirnlxlitni ; ( londii , Whlclt \VII1 Ho Snlil Todny III tlio lliinoincct. LADIES' SHIRT WAISTS a > 0. GlucU's ' untiro stock of Intllos' flno caiubfio. lawn , silicon and othur shirt wttlsts nil go nt iioc todny. 9,000 odd lots of { louts' line umlurwcnr , consistliiR of nti/.o , merino. French and English bnlbrl itn and Halo throittl un- dcrwenr. In shirts and drawers , go at lijc ] , 25t ! , 39o tint ! -ISe. Evofythlnjj ut nboul n quarter of Its real value , UOO odd lots of men's line wltlto Inun- dred shifts , all high jjrado goods , go lit Mn. JtSolilc and 7fle. 800 odd lots moil's fine outing1 llnnnol. sateen , French llannol , alllc atrlpos tint ! mudrns shirts with luundrled collars and eulTs , go at 2oc , ItOc , 48o and 75o. i200 odd lots of ladles' jersey ribbed underwear , go nt oc , Do aud lUc , worth double. All the men's socUs in tlioGluok stock go nt 80 , 6c. Go and SJc. Boys' ehirt waists go at 12jc , lOc and 2oo , worth up to $1.00. Gluck 11 rod. entire stock of unlaundered - dorod Hhlrts go at U5o and 39c , worth up to $1.00. All the ladles' muslin underwear that Is Hlightly inusRcd , Including gowns , skirts , chemise , drawers , corset cov ers , children's slips , drawers , etc. , go inlets lots at 2oc , liOc and -ISc. DRESS GOODS SALE MONDAY. On Monday wo will pltico on sale the Gluclc Bros. ' stock of dress goods which was bought for early fall trade. It is the most elegant slock that tins over boon shown in Omaha and will com- utro favorably with any of the dress goods stocks on Grand atrcot in Now York , carried by Lord & Taylor , Ridley & Sons , and others. TIIE BOSTON STORE. The only store in Omaha today. N. W. corner 10th and Douglas street. PUBLIG WORKS CONTRACTS. ( Jrudltijr the ICoiul to tlio Government Cor ral llhls on tliu South faliln Sun-ur. " * The regular wee-lily rneottug ot thu Board of Publlo Works , hcla yesterday afternoon , drowalurgo crowd of contractors , owincio the fact mat there \vcro n number of bids to ho op iied. Henry ilall wus the man who got the contract for grading Twonty- bccond street from 1'opploton avenue to the south line of ttio United States quar tet master's dopot. Ho blu 10 7-10 cents per cubic yard. For grading Military nvonuo from Hamil ton to Izard street ICutz it Uallahan bid 10 conta per cubic yard unct pot tlio worlc. Tno satuo parttns were the lownst Qlddcra on trrnillng the ulloy in block y from Twentieth to Twenty-llrst street in Campbell's naui- tion. The bid was 20 conts. There were three bids for the construction of the south side sewer on Twonly-llrst street from Castullar to Marthn stroot. Frank L. Kcoyes & Co. rfot the contract. Their blu was us follows : 4'.Mnch brick sewer , S1.93 ; 89-Inch brick sewer , Jl.OO per lineal foot ; man holca. fIJJ cacti. Jn this sewer thtoo will DO 77J feet of 42 and 150 feet of 39-Inch plpo. T. C. Drunor wrote saying that J W. Fur- nas & SOPS , the curbing contractors . on Twenty-third and Michigan fitioots , had done notlilntr toward carrying out their con tract awarded on Mav 10. The secrutary went through the records and ascertained that according to the terms of the Furnas contract the work was to be completed on or before July 15. The members talked of or- clorintr mon onto the work and charging the expanse against the contractors , but decided to wait ono wc'ik before tauinc linn ! action. Samuel Katz ft Co.vero the lowest bid ders for mnklnc sewer connections. They of fered to lay six-Inch nlpe for 47 U-1U cents per lineal foot and lour-lnch pipe ut4 ; } cents. There were any number of bidders for the pavincof Twenty bocond street from Loavon- worth to the United States quartermaster's depot , Twenty-third street from Nicholas to Michigan and Twenty-fifth avenue from Leaven worth to Mnrcy street. A now asphalt competitor , James Atnscow , -.rno into ttio Hold and bid f-.70 ! on class "A" with n li vo-yoar and fcUO with u ten- year guaranty. Action on th < ? award wai deferred until the next meeting. The brick with a ilvo-year cuaninty was awarded to J. B. Smith & Co nt51.SU , the Sioux Falls granite to Hugh Murphy at S2.5 ! ! per square yard. The same bidder wus awarded the Colorado sandstone at ft. 90 and the brick at $ 'J with a ton-year guaranty. Sidewalk Inspector Wilson sent In a com munication asking that the board order the construction of sidewalks In front of lots 2 and . ' ) , block fit ! , on tlia south siuo of Chicago street , between Sixteenth and Sovonteontn streets ; lots , block 41 , northwest , corner of Sovnntccntb and Chicago streets ; lot - ' , block SO , east of the Methodist Episcopal church on the south side of Davenport street ; and lot S , block 114 , northwoAt corner of Nino- tuentn and Farnain streets. Those waller bavo been ordered by the council and the property-owners notified by the required publication In the newspapers , and ttio work remains to bo done. Some of the walks are in a very danirorous condition and bavo been for several years. The board received Mr. Wilson's ' communication , but failed to take any action In the matter , Major Ualcombo refusing to veto with Chairman DirKhausor in ordering the work done and the cost charged to the proporly-ownor ) . Mr , U'llhiiii K OMUU , Neb. , Aug. 12. To the Editor of Tin ; lini : : Your evening's issue contain * an article on sldowalks which Is so unjust to the citizens , the contractor * and myself tncit I would be pleased to have you print my an swer to name. I was not awuro I hud tulkod to uiiv reporter. I did any to doinaono who asked the question how I found the walics , that I did not llnd , so far , out ono wall ; of brick which had been laid right and In full accordance with the clty' spjcllluitlotis , but that cvory contractor whom I had yet mot was willing to correct errors and lay their walks in full compliance with the city's Socillcatloii3. [ 1viia in hopes that wnatoycr was needed to bo reformed could bo dona In a quiet pleasant way and I know It can be done In that way. Without an ex ception every citizen and every contractor I bitvo mot bavo expressed a willingness to aid mo In the general Imnrovumont of all walks. If people who are about to lay walks will inform themselves nt the Board of Public Works just what they are entitled to and how walks should bo laid J will do nil I can to sco justice done fully to every citizen and contractor , all of whom have Just rights in this matter. My iilm shall bo to know no por.-on , but to got thu boat possible walks for Omaha. Very ruspooifully , JOHN M. WILSON , Publlo Sidewalk Inspector. o. ooo.odo Vltrillod paving brick for bale. Wo will contract to deliver tlio ivbovo amount within the next 00 daya. Buck- stall Bros. Mfg. Co. , Lincoln , Neb. Klfi Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard BAD EGZEilA ON BABY , llcnil Ono HolliI'.Horc. Itching Awful , to Tin ttlft Hand * ( o Cradle. Ciircdlliy Ctilloura. Our Illlloboy brokomiton tils ho > l with n Mil form of ocienm , wherJhe WJ4 four montHt old Wo trloilthrcailoctorJ , one they tllil rut help him Wo then nsmljo.irt'uo ! ) luUjin ItJnlllli mlafla uslnntlictnuloto.i noeiw aintty no' < arllti { Utdlroo illon , lie lipuia to MnaJlly Improve , nn I nftor ( ho HI of them for coven months hlshovl wns entirely well When wo brunn tislnit It tits liciut wns n follil ere from the crown to tils eyebrows H wnsnlionil over hl < curl most of his Mco Mill trmll ptnco on dllToront purls of l'ls ' oltY- There * cro " ' * V . /WV , / n < V 'St & } tccn wl'l'ks "ial wo llai1 to uTH ii , f" " ° keep bis Imiuls tloit to the rmlle nnil heM tliamwhon ho wn liko'i n > l rmd hncl tokci'iinilttiMistlelon hi * Inn to to kosp his tln or- nnllioutof thov > rav 'ho wo ilil ecnitoh If hocoiilJ In liny wnyitnt his linnets lee o. Wo know your Outt- cunt ItcmedlQs euro I him. Wo fool ito In rooom- mtmtllimtlicm toothers Gia 11. unit JANUrrA IIAimtJ , Wobilor , liU Cuticura Resolvent The tiovr llloit unt Slcln I'urlllor , mil xroitpst ot Humor Homo lies. cU'nitoi thu tilool of nli Impuri * tloitiml pollution * ulumcnti , nnil thu remoToi tlia riiiHu , wnl'a Curtcuii V , tlia xrjnt mm , ciirj , nnJ CtiTlcuiiA SoiMin oxtiuwto V < ln betm'ifler.oloir the mln unit iciilp , nnl roUo.-o the liilr. IMin llio Cimcimx HG\iiiir.s , euro every speclos oMtihlnu. burning , Knly , | iinily | ; , nnil blotchy Mclii , ncKlp , mid Mjoil di'eiso" , Iroin ptmptm to scrofula , from In fancy to age , when tlia bust ; > hyilcl ins lull. SoUl everywhere. Price. CUTICUHA , We1. : Roxr S5c. : KKSOI.VB.NT , ( I , Prepared by llio POTTBII DltunN fJiiKHittUj Ooiii'ouvrtov. ll.Hton. C-W Soml for "Hu\v to Ouro Skill Dtio no V 04 s , 53 Illustrations , and 100 tustlinonltxlR. R A rjV' ' 8 : < 'n ' " ' " ' Scnlp purtfliil nml bonuUUort DnU I by CUTICUIIA SUAI- . Aba ilutely puro. PAINS AND WEAKNESSES Of fonmlus Inst'uitiy iolluvu.1 by Unit now , clu nnt. anil Infalllblo Aiuldtoi ) tol'nln. Inll'itn iniitlon , : inil Weakness , thu CUTiotJUA Am-l'AiN 1't.ASTUll TlioMcKIn- Icy Kcpnbll- can U n in - | ) u I R n Cup b thu leading tun rolling cap for this ciiin- ualgn. This cut. shows It as It In , with tin bund and vlscr. lAinor- loan tin anil Amcrtcnn cloth ) uld to clubs for 7. > e o.ioh , for ono or a thous mi ) . Hy ileulliijt direct with thu mnniifauturor , the wholus.ilor'sand rutillor's prlcua movoldod. . AH orders slioulil bo nudrusspil to the t'HO- TEOTION OAl' MANUKAUTUKINU CO.M- 1'ANY. 10,1 , Gruun Strout , New York Olty , or V. M. COPP. On.ahii. Nebraska. Suml In or- durb as curly us no. lblo. This PRECIOUS OINTMENT is the triumph of Scientific Medicine. Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with it as a CURATIVE and HEALING APPLICATION' . It has been used over 40 years , and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. For Tiles External or Internal , Blinder or Bleeding ; Fistula in Ano ; Itching or Bleeding of the Rectum. The relief is immediate the cure certain , For Burns , Scalds and Ulccration and ContractionfromBurns. Thcreliefisinstanf the healing wonderful aud tinequalcd. For Boils , Hot Tumors , Ulcers , Fistulas , Old Sores , . Jtching Eruptions , Chafing or Scald Head ; It is Infallible. For Inflamed or-Ofi'md Breasts and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable. Price , 50 Cents. Trial size , 25 Cents. 8oM tyPmrclMi , or ftnt po > t-piM on recent r > r pilre. IIU.-tl'HKKlS'JUlMO. , lllXll81UIII rabl.MiVTCllf. : ! "WATCH TUB NIOIIT IS COMIXO. THE NIGHT FOIl l > alr anil ilentu , wlillo but one In a m\\\- \ \ \ Ion Is jirciured fur the ilrtail ittll. Anjjou ttut onoif n t , your cnith'y Mi > lfcro ill tncnila that you uilopt promt t and oltoctlva meas- iiren tii prevent the approach of ilUiriee , or to craillc.ite thu malady wtikti DOIT anltcti you. Have > ou CHRONIC erIn In nnjr elm ) e. form , manner or ilotreeT Id life rendered u weary Imrdeu ly auy affliction mien ai Thorn U lni ? < i.Uiero U help , Hi pro la speedy ami permanent cur * fur ) ou from au > or allot ttieso 111" . In Iho wonderful ati.llty , tlm mirrrlutu iklll and the ui opiiroatUablo methods ul tlion Kind's ot h IIJ-3TTH 4 \Vliu , in lliu trfiitiuftit inul rui * > "f thin tUn of dle- ifwonl "fall. " . know no iui d 4 cl . foi 1'ielr Iiuiduiuely Illustrated And lr valuatI nu bvoW of 1 U | R I. Couiultatlon free , tail upoi cr aJitroiiy wittj Ump , m . P.PTTS k nivrrs. South 14th .St. , N. R. Corner Mth and Douglau bta. , Omtihu , Neb. IF YOU EVER SUFFERED FROM If you are In position to tak advantage of the laws re lating to you have taken up a piece of If you have made an invention on which you desire to secure a You should communicate with the Bee- Bureau of Claims The object of this bureau is to give every person holding u legitimate claim ngtiinst the corcrninont the advuntagro o a robldonco in Wubtilngton , whether ho live In Texas or Alaska. It does more than that. Niuo-tonths of the population of Washington would he helpless if asked how to go to worlc to secure their rights through the depart ments. TUB Bins Bureau of Claims gives the advantage , not only of per sonal residence , but of thorough famil iarity with all the machinery of the government. It offers Absolute Security. You do not know whether the nvorarro Washington claim agent will cheat you or not , nlthoii h on general principles you would naturally suppose Unit ho would. But you know that the Sun Francisco Examiner , the St. Paul Plo neer press nnd the Omiilm Bin cannot afford to cheat you. They guarantee this Bureau , ana their reputation is staked upon the honesty and ability of its mnnnpromont. The bureau employes attorneys who are Expert Specialists for onch o ( its departments. Its Indian depredation eases nro care fully worked uo , with nil the evidence required by law , and argued before the court of claims in Buch a manner as to bring out moat favorably all the essential tial points. Its land cnsos nro handled In strict ac- cordancri with the rules of Iho General Lund Olliuo , so that no delays or com plications oiiBUo In the orderly settle ment of the claims. Its putont cases are so managed as t Insure the u tin oat , possible bonellt to the nventor , by giving him the broudodt protection his ideas will justify. Its pniialon cases are disposed of with the least possible delay and expanse to the voterans. Don't refrain from consulting the bureau because you are afraid of tbo co-it. Its coats nothing to got information. Ask an many questions as you please , nnd they will bo answered promptly cheerfully and accurately , without charge. -THE Bee Bureau of Claims Room 220 , Bee Build ing , Omaha , Neb. They're hard to digest. Not only the nut tint our amiable Italian friend doses out as the "dagos" bye at a dims a cup -with a couple of fingers in it the ancient minstrel joke with whiskers on it the average fish story an I the campaign lie arc chest nuts ; but there's such a thing as chestnuts accumulating in a store so we've heard. We never let gooJs stay long enough to become chestnuts , We find on hand today a few olds aid ends in different parts of Hie house. They're all right _ tlns season. Next season they'd be chestnuts. We won't have 'em next season , This is the "why" of it. A few Coats an I Vests , ( M1 for , yesterday $1.50 , today 50c A few Sateen Coats and Vests , „ , < ; % ) . . .yesterday $1.90 , toJay $1.25 A few French Flannel Coats an 1 Vests , yesterday $600 , today $2.75 A lot of Light Derby Hats , , , , 'lVn. . . . .yesterday $2 an 1 $2.50 , today $ Vl\ \ A few Fine Negligee Shirts , . .lift . , , yesteiday $3 , today $1.7J A few Silk Mixed Shirts , , „ ? & , , yesterday $ ' 1.00 , today $2.00 A few Low Shoes , 'Sir yesterday $1.50 , today $1.15 A few Wash Ties , some puffs , some knot , yesterday 20c , toJay lOc A few Hoys' Blouse Suits , yesterday $1,50 , today 75o A few Men's Suits odd sizes very much reduced by the heat. A sort of a Close Line today. During July and August we close at 6:3O : p. m. Saturdays , 1O p. m. DB. W. C. MAXW I.I. , Prest. 16th and Howard Streets , - - Omaha , Nebraska. FOR TIIE SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OF ALL ervotis Diseases , STale or female , by co npotent physiolnns who Inve made a s-joolal fctuily of the abova class of diseases , not only to tro.it , bit * , guarantse a ou-o in all caini uiidertjiken. THE SANITARIUM Is the moat comp'oto and ths best equipnod institution of its hltd in the oatiro west. It contains flUy rojmj for the acojmmodatlon of pattoiHs who may require the constant attention of oxpsrionusd physicians and nurses. BOARDING will be furnished at rcrna.iablo rates. Write for baolc on dlicaioa , mallod free , to any address oa application . Persons unable to visit us miy ba tro itod at homo by corresp indenco. All com jiunlc.itlons strictly ooiitidon till. Ono personal inter view preferred , whenever convenient for patient. WRITS FOB QUESTION BLANKS to o-atetha history of your caso. Me.llolno socuraly p ickeci and cant by mull or express. Address , INTERNATIONAL SANITARIUM , Dr. W. C. Maxwell , Preeideut. Omaha , Nebraska Oldest Military School In Mo. Wo challenged nil the leading Military Schools In the State to m coi..petllUo . drill Utt ration , mul Ihey declined in meet us. Infjiilry , Artillery unit Cavalry Drill. . made. Uuaru , Tuition nnil Wash- All modern ic > ii\inciCLS. ! Kxlcnuvc iinjiruvLmcntb now biinu iii [ ; j2& > , per bcbsion. " 7 Jr. JAMES A Qunr.Fi , of Wmlilnelun nml I.PoTJnlvcreltj' , Va , enya : "No other Academy In Hit * ciitlrn lountry IIIIH iui < ltt IMTO a niniit ntliiilrulilu ricurd ii1 * : thown by tlio riKLCHs u ( the Hliidenta iiri'ii-in ( I by It l r this liialltiitlun , tour ot whom liuvoln lliopiist ( our yturn taken four Eclioliirelilpa , lour meiliila uiiil Uirco ili-uri'M. " o TI I'or illuttr.itcd c.ilalotjuu and full Information address UAJOU S. SELLERS , Lexington , Mo. EDUUA I'lONAL. , ILLINOIS 'CONSERVATORY- lHn tliihtruftlon In ill ilepnrt- dnu-nln or Murli'ulBtiiily , Kuie ' A 1 1. Klc. wt In nllrnilanni liut year. Aildruu li K.HU.I .IU ) , hui.l. Jaikwuvlllc , 111. ( IIUKKIIIMI IHII , IIUUI.O. > llliruiirhi.iiur > Ill > lv.ii : cullun.litlnnrliKuiiy In-lruiliim f-unmilil' imrlniuit forUMiclii re. l nfuri < ufctiiliiflvanlnmit 1'allti un iHitlni lkct.7. bciiitlureuUilouue , J. J. IIUlHriMir , IHrni.n The LOB X&3G SCHOOL lJnlvuialty-proiiir.iliry ) ( H < t ililUhoil IbW ) ( ; ill'A < .o. ll.i.l.sois. Vniuu [ ( ullm Children. Knr further particulars utlilins-iiinil "i' t'ralr.o Avo.Cli ACADEM A MIUTARY HOME SCHOOL. Un urpa fMir. < lull'n > < iritiiCarcful | Moral n < l . fur lluvlncm nn4 Hueliil traliitnui p.ipnrot fur W Cell V. ( .ilHitino BiLool or Uiilti r illri ii * ( lyiniotlumi WoiH.w | rklnis nnjl " Dillli lllttlx't tritfmnnlnlii lOlh . li In. H. NTIViil : , BUHKER HILL , ILL. MU KprncrV IIOAItlllNO ANI ) HAV KOIIDOI. tor iilrl Hn'iMil tii.tunt aJmlttuJ U Wuitt IHlli Strni't , . \ irl . ft. , ? "VV.igAA lr.ii.1 "i YOU 'ituvN U'lrd Seft u * il titi Auttffbt IIyv * I * fJ \ fullB * . A. llT rrt.IJi.-im L il.ntl ; ill > " . STERAM SCHOOL Bpcclsl. culU'iilKto. unlvorult ) prcpHrutury Und ixuHirurtuato cfiur i' . Kino iiiiiilciil . . . . . I * * * * " _ „ * " , r7. - _ _ ' Uniiiuul fiidllltU's for vIMtl ! lh Worlil'ul-nlrfor midy with iiiiniirli'iit -Bclicu. Tor Hrculnr * iW. MRS. I. M. WILSON , rrlii.,4tul lllvd. , Clilravo , Olrl'H ' IS111'1" ' ' ! Formorlr Olfl'S ' \ \ \ ASChfl \ Jl - -11481 Daarborr Ave. ClIICAua II U Unlike the Dutch Process No Alkalies OB Other Chemicals are used in tfta preparation of Oate&Do. ' $ Breakfast Cocoa , < wlilch ia absolutely pnro and Holttblc , It has more than thrte timci thettrcngth ( if Cocoa mixed with Starch , Arrowroot lir Sugar , and la far more economical , totting lei * than one cent a tup , It 'is delicious , nourishing , o.Md Sold by Qrocors ovorywhore. * \ /W , Baker & Co , , Dorctoster , Mass , ] Af ) Chlolie t < ir' Knc'l" ' ! ' tll iuond 1 PENNYROYAL PILLS [ . , . . - < r OrlrfimliioilOuT/UeMurBii. A.