n 6 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : SATURDAY. AUGUST 1 % 1892. THE SPECULATIVE MARKETS Weakness Again Prevailed In All the Board Pits. WHEAT OPENED FULLY A POINT LOWER X'urlH Cntilrn Stated Tlmt tlin Trench Crop Wnt rrnititB I.nrRer lliati \Vns litpeiilotl Corn Wa Quito \Vcnlc. CHICAOO , III. , Aug. 12. Weakness nxaln prevailed In nil of tliu pits on tlio lloarrt of Trnilo todav and a ftirtlicr loductlun In ur'cos In till the articles dealt In Wim submitted to. Tbcro was llttlo news anil tlio recession fcomeii to some extent , at least , lo bo ft con- tlnnnnco of tlio weakness which iirovallod yesterday. Tlio wo ii ne < i of tlio forcUn situ- iv Ion caused wheat lo ouon a point lowerand Us downward tundcncy was accentuated b/ tlio absence of tlio bin boar movement. Tlion , too , the weather was fine , the receipts larsc. tlic exports not encouraging and corn nntl oats tending downward , T cso conditions undo Investors shy and the dom mil , us a conso- nucnco. foil short of tlio offerings. Mlteholl bought 2)0,000 ) bu. of Wliout from Wnlknr , nnd William Dunn WIIH agood buyer , Now York w g the Kollor. A Purls cubic stated tlint the Trcnoli wheat crop wns proving larger than was expected nnd that there was a decidedly downward leniency In prices , farmorsbcliugood Rollers , fcoptomber , which st irlod HI 78c , asalnsl Sl'su nt the close yesterday , touched TT'/Sc. rallied later tuTT'.c. but slid otr agnlu to 771 u and rioted OIHV ut4c. ! ( Join WHS WOUK. rather on ncconnt of tin ) bearish soiitlmentH In tno pit thnii because of ixny specially bo irlsh news. There > vtis an at- tetnpton the part of the longs to sustain prices , but It was not successful. Tiiofeituio of the mnrUot wnt the sollluir of n long line , liriKiimably boloimliu to Kd ll.tcon. It wim old by SacUull & Itacon , anil unmiiiitod to iiloulMi'.COJ ' bu. Thorn was sollliu by llros- BO.IU , Armour and lliirtlott-rnt/ler On the break bchttiirtr-Dtipoo were good buyers , bcplem'oor opened Uo lower atW'lc ' , which nan the highest price of the day , sold otr to DJ'ic. ' tallied to Mo. re.ictcd and closed utlB'fr. Outs were an execution. opening 'fti1 hlirhor ut.ll'ir. ' but tagged oil to .KIJiC and closed toidviit : ' .c. Piovlslons opened onslor on heavy receipts of hogs , " ' ,0 U being received at tlio stock ynids , with as many loft over. Commission bouses were said to bo selling long slutl on itop orders. rorclgn houses that \\n\o \ been Ehurt wuru selling nnd hammering the market , especially lard. Trade was not largo. Sep tember pork opened 12 1 lower at S1273. ( .old flown tol2' > 7',4 , Iliiotuutcd frequently within n ruige of from f > o lo IDo until In the Insthour , when a raid wasmnilo , and amid consldorablo oxeUoineiit. accomp in led by } ho execution of ' stop loss orders , Uio prlco'dropped to JI2.10 , u loss of Too during the session and of 774c ! with yesterday's last figures , r.il- led omn near the end anil olosoJ ousy at 12.13. Lake freights o islcr at "a for corn to liu ITu' ' o. Kstlmalod receipts lor tomorrow : Wheat , WO cars : coin , 375 cars ; oats , 2S3 cars ; M.U ) ) head. Tno leading futures ranged as follows ; Cash ijuotatlons were ns follows : I'l.ouit Mcuily and uncliansod ; winter oat- .nitfl.'O ; winter utralts. $ J.5U75 ! ; patunts. { 4.004.50 , sprlriK uat.nts , O.1) l.Oy. W It CAT No. 2 sprinir. 77'JCl77io : No. 3 tpr.'iu. 7I34C ! No. 2 red. 77 ! < © 77sC. COIIK No. 2 , fi'cs No : i , cash , > lie. (0 OATM No 2 , 3-lliu ; No. 2 white. Mot No. 3 White. 3.J © . ic' . KvE No. - ' . C5o. HAIIIKV--NO. 2 , G3c ; No. 3 , f. o. b. , 38S57c : h'o. 4 , f. o. b . ase. 1'I.AX SEED No. 1. * l.0. ' ( . TIMOTHY bM.i > Prime , jl.SI Point Mess , per bbl. , $12.2UrtI2,2. ' > ! lard , per 100 Ibs. , * 7.7iKai7.7" ! Khort ribs sides ( loose ) . I7MW17.00 ! dry s iltcd shoulders ( boxed ) , S7.20 U7.M ) : short eluir sides ( boxed ) , Sd.lli > .I5. WniSK-i Distillers' finished Koods , per gal. , II.It. Receipts nnd shipments today \voro as fol lows : Now Ytirlc Mitrkols. NKW YOIIK , Aug. 12. KI.OUII Itocolpts. 19.001 pI'gH. : exports , 7.1 0 hols. . 2.t , OJ sicku ; high crnull's llriii. ion grades llrmur : quiet ; sales. 17.H 0 bbls. UOIINMI Ar , Ptondy , quiet. WIIKAT IteculptH , 220,0.10 bu. ; uxports. 71.- 0 0 bu. ; sales. I.Ii'KI.OOO bu. of futures ; 2.UOOO bu , of spot , bpot loner , falrlv active. Moady : No. 2 led , c2)ic ) In store nnd uluvator ; d\a \ ivlloat : lst\iKI'o ( f. o b : No. 3 rod , 7'J1.iu ; ungraded led , 7 ( iSS.'e : No 1 norlherii , hU'je. No. 1 hard , II.40 ; No. 2 northern , 8Jic : No 2 Uhlcaco , K > > io ; No 2 .Milwaukee , M'/ie : No 3 spring , Bi'.iiOpllons ncro dull nnd weaker , doullu- lui : * 8 ® * < c on neakur eablcs , forol.'ii fiulllug , f \oiatilo eiop noue , largo receipts , foreign H Uiuunil line weather abroad , advanced 'i C'40 und closed slciidy al htiiVa under yester day ; I\o. 2 rud , August. tUii b-le , clo'lnz at K-'iJcl Hoptombur , MffiM c , uloslnr nt 8c ; ; Oc- tobur , Hl'aii.ifcl'.i1 , rlosliu at HI3u ; December , b7 1-ll/itbT'n. ' . closliii ; lit bT' o ; May , UJ'rU'J. c' . Closing at HJ'oU. ltu-lull. ) HAIII.KV MAI.T Qulot. ( 'OIIN ItuculptN. l.lliHKl bu. : exports , 11.000 Ini. ; salus , J. .ouO bu. of futures and ( i..uoo bu. of spot. bpotiuiot | , uaslur : No. 2. U > 4c In ele vator ; 04'4o alloati ungraded mixed , B + Quk- . Upllonf were weak all day and closed at a de cline of I'uO on Improved uualhor , wusl vvuik. loner cubes and with wheat ; AujusU CO Qi Cl'ic. closing at IH 'c : beiitombur , MI'SW'iO c , cIcNlng at . ' ' 'l'io ; Uelobur closing al .V > J e. tAT lleeulpts. KO.tKWbu. : exports , U.OOObu ! alev. .1'fi.OUU bu. of fuluiuH , 77il.0,0 bu. of spot , hpotdull , loner. Options dull and weaker ; August , HtHie , clObhiK at 39ic ! ; September. IW'i Ci.i8''ic. olosliu at .isiic ; Uutobur , ' losing at teycs May. 4J , a42 c. closing at 42'no ; No. 2 White , toutumber , .in\o ; No. 2 spot white. 4.'o : mixed western , ; riilu'ic ' : white western , 4ia 4ho ; No. 2. Uliluago. J'.iUe. , 11 A\ Quiet but llrm. Hoi's llotlor demand , firm ! Pacific coast , tiun ut Uaw , firm : fair refining. 2 11-1BO C-Uo ; cuntrlfn alH , U ) test , : t .l-IUt&l' o : ru- Iliied , llrmiir , uuthui oil "A , " 41-loB.I'ic : mould A. 4 0-1MC4 ll-lbai stanourd "A , " 4 7-10ft { U-ICei coiifectlouurH1 "A , " 4 5-10iil 7-llle ; cute o if. 4 l-luu ; crushed , ,1 li < ® 11.1-1 ( Set powdered , 4 i3-lfS4 15-lba ; uranulatud , 47-IUU4 11-lCo : ciilios. t llMUK.o. \ ( . Al nA Hhs rorulgu , nominal i Now Orleans , quiet but stuady , KiCK-Qulut , tlrmi domestic , fair to uxtru. | cttiU ( ) ; Japan , 5$5V c. Kdtlb Light dumand , steady ; receipts , 4,501 pUu-s. IhiiES Quiet but steady : wet salted Now Dilo ins. 40 to 03 Ins. . 07c iVooi. Aellvu. tlriuidomuitlo fleece , 25J3o : pul ed , 20fiI L.'o ; Tux IIH , Iftti.'lu. PIIIIK Dull btoady ; out meats , ( inlet , weak : plcklud bollkH.NtthMe Hiles. lO.OOull.s. iileklnd liellles , fdiiibs. iith o ; middles , stUKtty , uulut. l.iir I. quiet , lower : western stuam closed at Iri. DH ; option salio , I.5VO tierces Huptumbur utW.lcloiltiK at 1-iOI ; October ole liu KO.UJ bid. bid.lIUTTBlt lIUTTBlt Stuady. moloriito demuiul. Cut.KhE Light demand. P.d IKON Hull , wuaU ; Amorlunn , 11350(3 ( Coi'l Lii-1'asy ; Inkv , t . . I.KAD Hleuily ; doniestle , TIN .Steady ; btrultn , f-i hi. l.ouU Murl < t < . BT. I.OUIP , Mo. , Aii7. l-riouii-lull ) and ciihlun vxir.i f nicy , f.L45 < uHU ; f.nicy , t Wis U.2 : other * uiiehanued , WIIKAT Dot eloped a further decline thu innriiliiK , followed by \\eiik , s iKulnuni irkut with small nnd lluotlnir ronutlnn * until So down.thecloio belli/only 'ioatovetho bottom. Tlio nuns from cteiy quarter was wuakuninK. No 2 ruU , ciixli , loner , vt 'Jot August , 71 0 bid ; r-optcintier , 7fit74Ue. Cioslniut741ilii7 * o bldj Dceembcr. 77SC7 ' .c , ulosliiE ut , o bid. tlcllN With UMIO tbliu lovuly In the vtcathur and \\uakor domcst'o inaikotx fell off Ic . iiloslui ; only > iuabo > o thu bottom. No. S oush , lower nt 4'.o : August , 4Ui0 uskodi huptcnlbrr. 4UiU5 ) ( he. cloulim ul 4UUo bid ] Uctobor , 4U'0 | May , Mo. OATHOUTO wuy under the ecnernl tnflu- iicu. No. icttib , rfJo bid ; Au u t , JJ > , o | bc-p- tembcr. a'MWKHc , closing at .lijiobldj Mnv , "WHO nonilnul. ItVE-ln limited domnnd ; ro. 2. bid for at GOO OhBt SidO. HAItl.EV No trade. HAY No chanzo to notot timothy , choice to Kilt cdee , fll.'O'iaiG.UO ' ; prairie , choice to pllt odco. * 7.0U87S llUTTPit I Inn ! fancy creamery , S3Oi4oi fancy dilry. lltft-'Oc. Koos rirnior at ll'Jc. JjEAii-flO.'i ' forsoft Missouri. UoiiNMr.At , I'lrm at M.GOQ2.13. lliiAN-R.ii ) at mill. TIMOTIIV 8rKti-f 1.2MM.3\ u I'lrni at'J7c. IltON COTTOI TlKS-tt.10. WiiiSKV-l'Irm nt ll.lt ) . . . . PnoviwoNS l.owor.vory dull. Pork Sta-itl- ard mess. Jobbing. IU8.V Lnrd-t7.4 > . Dry salt moits-hoixo Hlnnilderp , 57.23 ; lonys and ribs. } 7sfl ! shnrto. ISOUit boxul. I'M ) more. Uncoil I'ncltGil shouldiirs $7.7lou9 ! and ribs , to cot shorts , tU'-'S. Ilams-auKiir cured , $11.M ) SUV ) UKCnilTH-riour , 4,000 bbls. ! who.it. 203,000 ju ; coMi,27lUJbu.t oats/.M.OOObu , ; rye , 1,000 bn.i bar cy. nono. , . , biill-MnvM I'lour , 0.000 bbls. ! wlioit , 07,001 in ; corn. 17,0-jO bu ; oats , Uuuu bu. ; rvo JCM JU.t barley , none. i Oiniihn 1'rnilucn MurUrt. PiiACMt.8-CallfornlaSi.50 < ai.CJ ! southern II- Inola , n.VrtT."ic per basxot. - . . , UIIAMOIS UnUrornln , out of markut , Itn- poito I , * ? .W. HlACKIiritltIKS-J103. Pt.UMs C illfornla. t..005M.OO. IUVA.NAt-I.MK1 * . t'AtiBAOi : Homo urown , fMtt'So per uo/ Jlrt.DNsWatormolons. . 250. NKW At'i'i.Es Poronu-tlilrd bu. box , 7'iSSOc ; bbls , JUKI PKAUK-II irtlett , SJ.W.oa HtlTTEit-PacUliii stock , 121'inai small lots select dairy , MSl7c. Ptlt.Tlt ) bprlng chickens , ? J.Ol.OJ aq to sire ; old fowls. 8 is. OA > TAt.oui'is-I'ui : cr.ito , 11.25 : Joins , 7" c per liasket. UAt.iroiisiA Giui'Bs Porc.iso , Si.'O. uuciiMiii' us Per doz , sue. I'a is I'lrm at He. Ni.w t'OTVTOca J.MO-5 ' per bbl. ; in sacks , . ONIONS Per bbl. . HOOjM.r > . llr.Ubiiutitiiit Iti-qt bj\s , JiOl © S.S1 ! . TOMTOPS 4 basket ciatcs , flJ.VQiluJi bu. boxes. $ l.7r > ! il'K ( ) . Gnu-El I'oi ! i-lb. bnskot. 7)g7'c. Cltj .Miulicts. , M o . Auir 12 WnitAT Moro acthe , sloncrt No 1 Irird , old , U.'SGIc : imw , SI'JfiiMc ! No. 2 red. GGSO. Coitv-I.owct ; No. 2 ml.\cd. 4IU4HJC ! No 8 white. SWlSlu. OATS-Lower ; No 2 inlxoJ , old , 2727Jc { ; No. 2 white , old , 33c. Ktc Stonly ; No. 2 , 59'JO'Oc. riAX8i.i'ti-btuady at S ille. HIIAN troiu : s icked , Me. HAV rirm. unchanged ; timothy , $7.WJJO.OO ! prnlrlo , SSOlViinoo HtrrTMi Actlta and firm ; creamery , lli ! © J.'c : dalrv. llitlHc. KOTSI'lrni at 1'lu. lUchti'Ts Who it , 2J.OOO bu.icorn , 1,00) bu ; oats , D.OOi bu. bini'MKMS-Who.it , 27,000 bu. ; corn , G.OOD bu ; o.its , none. Oil Market. NEW YoitK. Aus. I. ' , I'bTttor.BUM Opened steuly and ndvaneed tHe ou buylnz for anew now bull pool , reached \o and closoil firm. Pennsylvania oil. spot uo siles ; September , option sales , 175.009 bbls. ; opsnln. , 57'ic ' ; high est , f)8u ; Io\cst. r.O c ; closlnir , 579oC ; Llmu oil. no sales ; total sales , 175 UUO bbls. C'OTTOXShBli Olt-n isy and quiet. TAi.t.ow Quiet und steady ; city ( JJ.OO for KOSIN Steady. Ttllil'llNTi.NE Dull butstoidy. IiUXDON. AUK.13 CtMUTTA LtNSEFn Oil , ISs pci quarter : llusoed cake , G Ibs , 17s Gd per ton for western. Li : > sKH > Oir. 18s Id per cwt. HKUNKD PfTHOt.KUM , ! 34'd per Ballon. bt'iitns Tuui'.isTtsE 2ls7'/ per cwt. KOSIN--&S por-w t. _ Minneapolis 1'luur JliirUet Hmlcw. MlKM-Ai'OMo , Minn. Aus. 1. ' . The North western Miller s iys : ThooxUtenco lor some time of much loner I ako and r.ill rates on Uo ir from .Minneapolis to thu se iboard than \\cro Khun by published t ir Us. li.is at last Induced the boo line to i educe r.itusto principal points 21 , c per lOi Ibs. maklus the rate to Now York \la Gladstone. 2."io per 100 Ibs. It Is uxpoc.li d Hint other Hues , particularly the Dultith buoorlor , will Issuu similar tirllTs. taltlnu' elluet August 1" > General boilof nxlsts that thu 2'/5o reduction has for the tlmo bcliu more than dlscountol , and Ion or lUuios wl 1 still h IN o to bo m ido In order to Kct r.itos alro idy In tt.o Held. Hut the boo people HIV they are equal to thu occasion and will bu heard from again \ory soon It the present tarllT falls to brliiK buslncbs. I.l\erpool .Markets. LIVF.IIPOOI , Ail ? . 12. WIIRAT Dull ; ( lo- mnml poor ; holders offer freely ; Callfornl.i No. I , ows per cuut.il : western spring. Gs'Jd : red western u Inter. Gs G I , Receipts for the past three d iys lO..OOO centals , Including ( iS.nuO American. COIIN btoidy ; dcminil poor. Receipts , American for the p ist three < Ia/s (5. ( IOU cent ils. HACON 1 Is per owt. for lonu clo.ir middles about 4"i Ibs. Cithi-SK" 17s per cwl. for American finest , white and eolorcd. PIAS : ja id per cental for Canadian. Cottdti Alurliet. Nl.w OitiFANJ. La. , Aus. 12. Qulot : mid dling. 7c ; low mlddllii ! ; . Cic ! : t-'ooil ordinary , Go ; not receipts. 0 biles ; cross. 62) ) baits ; ex ports to Uro .t Hrltain. 101 bales ; coastwise , ( > I7 bales ; sales , 4riJ bales ; stock , liO.lOJ b lies. Week y , net lecelpts. 2.710 biles ; cross , ; if > "J bales ; exports to tiru it Britain. (1.ISH bales : lo l'i nice.'K3 bales : to thu toiitlnont , 10 bales ; coastwise. 1.1WJ bales ; s Ucs. 2,15 ; bales. Cciltt'O .Murkot. New YOIIK. AUK. 12. Options opened b irolv xtuiidy and nncliniiscii to 10 points down , and cloac'd steady lit Will ) points down , bales. : il,500 ! ba 9 , Including Ail tist. iUh5ai2.tr ) ; bcptombur , * l2.lli..0-i : O tober , J12ROl'l ) ) ! December , $12Ui1.10l ! March. J121IVS1 105 ; May , fn..WSH.l.o' ) : spot Klo , ( inn , fair de mand ; No. 7 , JUb7 aUCO. MlnuK.ipillsVhuit .Market , MiN.NKAi'Oii-s , Minn , Aiu 13. WHEAT Opuned lower , Inclining to wuikncss , closed steady Casli , oed dumand , lower receipts , wheat 11 , ' o rs. Closes Aucust , 74s e ; Sep tember. 7434c ; on track , No. 1 h ml. Hl-c ! ; No. I noithurn , b.'c ; No. 2 northurn. 7Jii7Cc. American Kefilsifriitor Ilecf. Iiviui'Oou AUK 1. ' . Atnoilciti rofrlsorator bcof. forequarlers , 'M ; hlndijuarturs , 5'id per Ib I.osnov , AHR. Amorlcin refrl er.itor beef , forcquartors. Is 4di't ( > ; hindquarters , Us © Isbd perS Ibh by the carcass. I'lill.iiluliilila i.r.ln .Market. niu.ADKi.i'iiiA , P.I. , Auc. li WIIKAT De pressed ; No. - rod , buptumbur , Hl'iSiSl e. Oolt > Wo ilt ; No. 2 mixed , beplun her. Oc- tel or und November , 57"i7'/4e , OATb Uuak ; No. 2 white and September , Italtliuore < ir.iln .Market. ItAi.TiMoiir. M. I ) . . Auz. -WIIIAT : Weak ; No. 2 red , spot and AIUIISU HJc. CORN Dill , : spot and August. 50.1G c. OATS btcaily ; No. 2 whltu westurn 4.'c. To'.mln ( iriiln .Mnikut. Toi.KPo. O. , An , ' . 12 WIIKIT Haslor ; No. 2 cash , Auuiist and boptuinbur , 7UJic. COIIN Dull ; No. 2 cash , 5. c. OATh Quiol ; cash. Jlc. _ Xuiv Vorli Dry ( ionils .Miirket. Nr.w YOIIK , Aus. 1 ? . Them wns a fair do main ! for dry Koads , but with buslncbs modi- lied bomuwhat. Thu markut wus uuchan od liianynuitor.nl . I.undnn .Markoti. LONDON , Aug. 1 , ' . CocotNur On. Covlon , 2s ud pur owt , BIKT : fauoAit October and December , Us Trailers' Talk. / CHICAOO. III. , An. ; . 12. Connsoln.an & D ly to Cockrull llioa Commission compiuy : Tlio recent advanciH In raln and hUh pro duct pretty well eliminated iliu shoit Interests anil left thu marltut to tlio supporlof the clii'sof spueulntois who are uuthusla llc bulls on LutKca. Thu mure conservative element wuio sellers on haul spots. Professional hears buuamo nioru aKitrcv > sl\u us prlcod hu ante to seulo under tint wolKht of In- croasnd rcuoiuts. I'oruUu and domestic markuls wuru dull and lower and sblpuors not buy Ink . Thu be \ oral uttumpts of lon s to HUS- talu prices worn fittllii , ur.d nuirUuta nil broke sharply under the liquidation of u larKo na- Kruuatu of small ho.dliusnn stop orders. As arkut seldom has tiiuch attraction for thuitonuial publlo , business \uii larzuiy vonlliied toclosluu old trades and thu inarkuts lufl otr dull at quotations. CiiicAun. Ill . Au iiisi I. . ICennett. Hopkins .1 Co. to a. A. Mo WhortttrV ho | -Thu open- IDK we lUnussrulIccled Ihuoaslur forulKii on- bU'H. and tli'i bearUh rtld Inter wns uncour * uuc'd by deullno In corn and douro ilon In pro- virf oiu. Tliu Mlchluau st ito report siuKest- Inu Unit ! U per cunt of thucrou of thaislatu Is still uiiiiiarhuti-d albo h td an uiuottllr.K ulTuut If thu fiirolunurs will keep taking our whuat at thu present ratu the Moiknuss uf thulr cublu need nut concern us , Thu export trade teems to bo on 11 good bas's. The bhlpniuntsot Hour to torel u countries last week are ro- liorted from MltiuujpoiU to bu\o beuu IIOM to thu biuvicst on record. Thu mllluiHuro dUnoicd to eollne orders for Inter lilpment tliun buptvinbor , bollovlai ; thut whvul in uoliu : to r.inje hlu'hor. CHUN AMI OATS.Thu bull olliiuuhavo BUS- tiilnud corn wull , conalderiniT that the country nollln.iordurs are luori'ftilnx nnd their posl- thin kuomii to Uu Kuttliu moro dlillcult. They are moln corn away f roai Chicago u fast ns poatlblu but they uaiinot Kut It out of the eountry tecati in prices uruabo\o uuoxuorllnir busiH. Aruentlno U now ttlllnit thu bulk of for Uu oruurii , wblliountookt are tutuluod hero from nocestlty a a result of spoeulntlpn. Ueports from the country show Improving projects for the crnp , and oats show a down- nard tendency. The break In provmlons today was duo mainly to the bonr * who r tided the tmrliot and caught many stoo orders. IhobU holders scorn to have marketed moro property than conunonlv ostlmntod nod worodotlhtlcss wiling to ecu nrl 'es soil dotvn to tlvo thorn a bettor uhtinco to buy back their stun . OIIICACIO , III , . Attir. 12. 1' . O. I < oinn & Co. to Duncan , llollliucr & Co.t The whcmt in irkot was dull und fo tturoloss to Jay , tradq dnno helm ; mostly local , aeptombor opened at7Ho , did sffll as hlzh nBiS'i- , und a low as 77'c. ThoclosltiK prlco Is i.477Ji. } Ituculpts of new winter acnln on the Incroaso. 70Jciira fet tomorrow. There Is 'i good onoilK" mar ket for It , but at low prices for such qtialllj- . No It soiling from 7lo to 7VJc , and No 2 from 7'o to 7 0. The prlnclti.il niycrs are the orator proprietors. ore'Rii iKUlccs nro dull ltb lower quotations and there Is an uiitlro nbsonco of any foroUn orders. Hopotts from North Dakota and Minnesota are poor of the v'row- I nc : crop aim point to a half crop and of poor quality. Corn has boon weak from th" oiun- lii. , tlio liquidation has been very heavy. September opened nt M'ic , sold nt M'ic anil cljsedit ASMc. Our stock In store Is Kood null the cash domiinn only trodorate , wo look for lower price" . Oats will keep company with corn , and decline or ad vance ProMsl'ins c nsoeak. . bcptombor , pork JI2.12. lard J7.7I' ' . rll s K.7.V Wo looked for a decline but It h is been creator th in uc ex pected. Any fresh buying will cause tin ad- vancoon thla blp bro ik. > STOCKS AND 1IONIH. Decline In btl\cr Uns tlin Pcaturo ou the Kxelinncorstnrilny. . Nnw VpiiK , Au ? . 1. . In Wall strcot todnv. noMvllhst indln further oiiaumunts ! of old foru\uort. llttlo attontloti wis pild to the outRoof tlio pro'lotts mrtil and Iho duollno In sll\or bccamo tlu rallying cry of the boars. Mivur haa declined steadily for the last few dny * and to I ly reached the lowest price oor known , Si'ft ' for ouitllluiitcsou the oxchanzo and BJ'f ' for bar silver on the street. Iho extreme niriOHiiuss of the market was soon lu the fact that al though tlicro was dttiliu thu forunoon u moderately active business niilnt ilnod , fl\o stocks monopolized tlio cioiitur portion of the tradlnjt-St. Paul. Ki o. Noithurn Pao llo pio- furrcd , Atchlson and Uaailln ? . Tlio Runut.il list was without special feature at all points. and thu day wore along without in itorliil UinnKu. except In tha leader ? . A Into ad- \anco wa specially notable , honoxor , liias- niucli as It \ > as acccouipllshud on u much smaller volume of business than a previous declinu and iffull recovery In railroad sh ires was specially Krutlfylng to holders of secut- Itles as It was made by no uirort to advance thu list , O ilus In the Industrials were of an other character , belni ? affected by minlpula- tlou of tin ) professionals without nuns ot any Mud to alluct tlioso shares. Ooxorumcnt bonds dull rnd easy. bt tto bonds ontltuly neglected. 1'ho Post siys : Tint the sll\or Imbrozllo has some connection , both passl\o and active , with Knropu'a uttltndo toward our market CHiiuot bu uoubtod. People liavo notlcoJ that silver bullion certificates havu sprung Into hpasmo lie nctlIII' on the block exchange Im- mcdlatu y aftur tlio extinction of such trading had b > un pointed out in the pics * Hut this woek's Hllvor tr.idlttK hi * btou of a very un usual chaiacter. It Is unmistakably In the nature of a bear mo\emcntit al net that metal. If indications are to bo believed , cortllluates are boini ; sold hero for the account ot n Lon don syndic ito which U ho ivlly short of riuico paper. To break the price of silver lu such a inarivi ) * as our own requires no itre.it genius : yet If the London price follows the Now Vork price down rupee p ipor must uoeessiirlly do- cilnu aloiu : with It. jiving tlio London beard u chance to cover In In Han oxchanzo. Tlio following are thu closlna quotations for the loailliij ; stocks on the Now York block ox- ohan.'o today : Atc'ilson Mil tAiliuns l.xprcna . . 14 ? N. J Central . . . 1 dan Alton. T. U . . . . .15 } < orfolliA. Went nfU ( J clo preferred . ISO Nortti Amer Co . . n c Amerlcin Kxprcss Northern Paclllc . JUJJ llultltuore X Ohio do pfil . Cunniln 1'iulllc . . . . BS' ' ( U. P Den , V.ulf. . . Cimniln'-outliorn . .Sortlnvcftern . rent nil 1'acllle do plit . Lhc-B \ Ulilo . . . . 21)6 ) N' . > Central . ( hlcuKO , V Alton u ; N. V .t N i : . Chic. Uur. A Qiilnoy Ontario .1 Western. Lhlcauo ( Jus . . . . UU-KOII Imilrovu . . . ConsaHilfili ! Idas. . 1H.S , Oregon Nnv . C. C. C , JLM. L . . . . wlW O. S L .V U N . Colorndo Conl .VI. . 8.1 Paclllc Mull . Cotton till Curlltlo's J7U P. Dee \ K . Del & liuilson U7 M'lttsbnrK . IV ) I ) . I. A. W Piillmnn 1'aluco . IIH ; 1) .V It C. li fit - . D.A.C. r. t.0 Itlcli.nond Tcnu . . . rnstTenn do | > fd . I'.rlc Itlo drandoVeut. . . . oil do pfil do prd . Korl Wnjno 1M Itock Isliinil . Great Northern pfil S. I , . .Vb K. Ist pfd. ChlciiKO&K III. pfd at. Paul . llocklnsc Valley . . . . do pfil . tllllnols Central . . . bt. Paul ft Oianliu . . bt Paul A Dulntli . to ; t P A Onmlm ufd. . Kansas .V Texas pfil southern Piiclllc . . . Ijiko Krlo.Vci > i . Mtgnr Hennery . . . . do pfd 7I.H 'loan Coul A , Iron. . I.akuMioru 115 Texas Pncltlc . 0 Lead 'Iriibt lol. A.O. C. pfd . SJ l.ouUvlllo X .Nasli , Union Pnclllc . Louisville N A. . U B Hxpress . MnnlritUnCon . . Wlmsti. tit. L X P. . Memphis .t ( liar . . do pM . Mlclilunn Central. . . Wells FarxoKx . . . . 112 Mhinourl Pncltlc . . . Western Union . . . Molillu AOhlo . . WliecllnR XL. I ! . . . .Nil-ill vllluLimt . . . . do ptd. . , . Nullonal rnritiiuo bid 1 ox dlv. The total aulcs of stocks todav were 119.CS1 slrirca , Including : AtcliKon , 2I.4JU : Erie , UOOU Northern Piiclllc preferred , 1.MOI : Koiidliu , 2TiuO : bt. Paul , I1.UI5 ; Union PacIUc. il.OJO ; Western Union. 5.8JU. Xim 1 < > rl < Money Unrlint. NBwYoitK , AUK. 12. MoNcrox CAM , Hasy , run liii : from Hi to 2 pur cunt I'm MB MKIICAV IM : PAI-.M .l'1H ' percent. bTEItl.INI ) IJXCUANOK-Qlllot Illld HtUJlly lit SL8.PC for sixty-day bills and 91.84 for de- in nil. The closing qiiot itlons on bonds : * Lid t askud. llostnn htock Oiniiiitlonf ) . BOSTON , llnss , AUK. 12. The following are sto k ( juot.itlons : Atcll .V lop I rnnklln . lloslon.VAUmny , . . do Jlalno . , . 1HJ Uscoola . . . Chi llur .VUulncy. . 10IK S inta I'o ( oppor . . Ktnturn U. Kin . . 12 m tamarack . nu Htcliburit 11. It Huston Land Co . . 5 I.lltlu Ituck .V H 8. West Knd I..iml Co . IBM MCI Cen. com . . . . t'M Hull Tolunhonu. . . . 2(1.1 ( N. V A , N Kim . . . . .11 I n tin on Store M. . . . la do ? H l.'l Water Power. . Old Colony IH ! Cunt M . - WIs Central coin. . S' . K. T. A. T . Atlantic JH II .V 1) . Coi . Calumet A. llccla . . 285 Nntv Vork .Mining Ountatli > iit > . New YOIIIC. Au ? . 12. Thu following are thu closing mining stooc quotations : Choler &J Diililr. . . 210 Crown Point 60 IMyiuoiuh VJ Con Cnl .1 Va. , . . ! 1IO dlerra .Nuruiln lui Deadwood ' 'JJ dtandurd 115 ( iould A Curry BJ Union Con M llnlu&Norcross . . . "j Vullow Jacket id lloniejtuko HU3 Iron rllvur i > U .Muxlraa Hi Quicksilver 800 North Mar > 'M do preferred I76U Oatarlo SJM llllhvur W ' uikod. St. T.iniU .Mliuiif ntiieks. ST. Louis , Mo. , A HIT. 12. Ou Iho Mining ex change today thu following quotations wuru inada on call : tUock. lllit. Aikoit Hluek. Hid. Ankud llliili.'lnlllo. . . WJ 1JJJ llontrono , lilltabutli. . , . Oi i.J > ( I'Bt Murphy. ( iriinltu Ml S.M tJuiall llopus l.ttlloAlbort 1 4 AMmt Ilradstreet's Sayn. Vouu. Aug. I' ' . Hradstruct's Wall street ruInw aays ; Thu lulluoncus alTuctliie shares lu speculation durliu the wcuk were moru IrruKUlar In charactnr than was tlio ease for the pruccdliifoilnluht. . llulllih tendon- clojbtlll asset toil tlioniauhcs. thuprofoislunal sentiment and activity still showed an In clination for the bull sldo ot thu nucouut. In creased attention hits been puld to thu rail road spoulaltlusand tolhurujularbpoculall\o II > U The latter port , onof tlio markut , Inileod , nppiiruiilly resumed Its piacu asthuduturniln- Ini : fnutor In speuulalloii , Thu chief subjeul ot an Interest In Wall strcot had aocordlni-'ly buuu thu crop cinidl- ilon. Tnu onrly days of thu wcolt found the htruut occupied with what uru known as "scuro" rilspati'liuu from the west ludl- oalmir ImmeiiNu damasu to corn and spruit whuut from the prevailing hUh temperature and abiutice of rain. Contradictory ad- \i'i-s and assertions that loeal ruins had mln- Imued thu damijU followu I and by Wudnos- day thusireut , uftur wllueksliu bomu iietlvu lluctilnlloii lu tha shares of thu loading i : inn for railways , suttled down tovalt fur the coMiruiiiont crop rupert of AtlKust 1 , which uppouroit ou Wednesday afternoon. Thu tenor of this document , showlnvr in It did a low average for corn , was followed by u decided bearish movuinvnt In wusturn rail road stocks , ultliouu'li subsequunl rulloctlou oumod to havu nioaltlud such Imurotslons , and the covorliu of sborls which unauui opuratud to measurably ahuuk thu ileollno The sharp decline of silver rusultvd In small atleiupu to t > ell cortlUuutoa ihuit , llttlo icthltjr was untfwn In that specliltyi The circumstance , Jjpwe\ur , attr ctcd notlco and the Impreislon.fai created thereby thit the unfavornblo vmk of our currency mtu- ntlon , which looms yi , bo responslblo tor the prolonitcd forcun nilu itlou In tikliiK nn netl\o nart In our ooolirltlcs tnurnot , will not bo doTonscd by the events In question. As a mutter of fact , the operations of our Kuropein Inlorost In this market have this week been on the smallest posslb.o scale. The fact tint London's luildlii's of our stock nro reduced to such shiall proportion' . It I * claimed , Is the solo protection nznlust heavy forolKn Bclllne. . . Itcports to nradstrcqt'sorcross o-irnlnRS for July by railway vhSiiWilos of Importance tliati 7 percent , as comp rod with KTO55 oarn- Inu-s torn Ilko period ( if 1M > I. Tor the flscal voir cndud .hinuU ) , our ON ports of bre.idstulvs Increased In vti'uu 4171.2t2.OJO. Cattle , H.B.M.- uooi seeds , M,47-.OOJ. and cotton uoodi. J..ni.- O'O Hut as exports of raw cotton fell off lu valuot 2l.'iliOU. ( and re lined petroleum fU.410.- OOii. i no total not gain liivaluoof the yoirn exports was only J 4i.4UOOJ. ( Kxportsof wboat and llotlr as wheat ) , both coasts ot the United St tes. equal 4.4 ! < > .tHn bu. this week , nitalust Ii7tt,000 bu. lust week , but as compared with M47.UJO bu. exported In the corresponding wee < lastyoir , nltli li'lflOO ( ' ) bu. In lt > M ) . with 1.UI4.UOJ bu. In 1SSI , \vlth2.TOOoOJ bu lit the second week of August , ISHs. I.oudim I'lnancnil Koxlcw. Losnov , AUK. 12. [ Now York Herald Cnblo Special to TIIK 111 cl Tlio settlement was satlsfnctoilly concluded In the block ox- chati jo today. No dllll'iultles were reported , Tlio markets wnro distinctly Unfaxorablo , duo to tlio uneasiness re nrdlnir tlio sll\ei ques tion. Owing to thu continued fall In the price of the metal consols are down .1-10 per cont. Indian rupeu paper hns fallen 'j percent and fitorllni : loans > J pi-iccnt. Homo rallwaysulosu dull andhcavi.tliure lia > Ing broil some rather free ollcrtii cf stock Just at the last. Great Western shares show a docllno of I1 , per cunt , HrUhtuu dcfuttod ! i per cent , Southeasturii doferruJ ; uot cunt , and most othurs Jfl to 'i percent , but I ! rout C'lstcin ' and Northeasloni Js to U per cent bolter. American railways lm\o been more or less depressed all dux lu re'pouso to weakness In the .Now Voik miiruot. boliu nllecUKl bv stiMirdllllculty. bcllliiK has not loon vet/ persistent , as many buyeis lin\o been abt-unt. The result Is a Kuiiural du el tie , Includliiir I'6 pel cent In Northern Pa- clllc ptofuroncc , 1 pot cent lu Alchlsui liicomo Lonrls , j pur cunt In Atchi-ou oidlnary , fa per cent lu Chle.ij , ' < > v Milwaukee and Loiils\illo ,1 Nashvlllo and 'B to " , pet cent lu all others. There has bouu no improvement lu thu do- mand' for money , bhort loans ha\o been freely oirorod at H percent. The discount miiket Is llrni ! two and thrco months bills uot bcin , ; quoted under 1 per cent. riimncial Notes. KANSAS CITY , Mo , Attj. 12. Clearings , 81- EC4.4IU. AHIS , Au ? . 12. Thieo per cent rentes ODf S7c for the account. Nnw YOIIIC , Ann. ll-Cloarltus. S0',4in- 12.1 ! balances. J.V > AO I ? . HAI.T1MOIIF. Md , Aiu. 12. Cloarlnsrs , $2,207- i ; bulanccs , tJOl,0.5 Money , ' ! pur cent. Pitii. uEU'itiA , P.i , Am 12. Clearln , ' ! ) . $1- 82J.IM ) ; balances , * l,7a5J3."v Money , . ' ! 4 pur cent. CINCINNATI , O. Aug. 12. Clearings. 8-M42- 800. Interest .iiS'J per cent. Now York ex- iaiiKu. MilJJo dls.ount , New OIILEANS. La. Aug. 12. Clcarlncs , i't , 110. Now York exchange , commercial , 30o ; bank , SI.5U pur il.OJJ proiilum. ST. Louis , Mo. . AUK. 12. ClearlnRB. MIKU.- CCO ; balances , JI'iO.ojJ. Money uulut at CiL" per cunt. ixcliaii2uon : Now York OOo discount. HOSTOV , Mass. , Ann. li Clunrlngs , $11- 3J7.710 ; balances , JI.JiJ,5'8. ! Kate for niouoy , 4 ® . " ) per cent , IXcliuigoon Now York , 17-0o discount. CIIIOAOO. III. . AUK. 12. Money , easy and unchanged. Hank clu irlngs , J 5,4Dl7i ( ( < . Now Yorkuxch inse , 1J441JU dlscnnnt ; sluilln ux- chunzc , dull and unchanzud , Nnw YOIIK , AUK 1. ' t'-peelal Tolosrim to Tiih libL 1 lI\chatiKO was quote 1 as follows ; Chicago. IWifl'io discount ! Iio-ton , 20at7o dis count ; St. Louis , ? . ' . ® iyjo ulsLOunt. i.ivi : STOCK .MAKKITS. Cuttlo Unsteady nnd HORS \\itli u DOUII- Maul leniluticy. OMAHA , Auir. II. SujipllcMof all kinds were no leratu. bo fur this weeU iceolpts foot up lS5i ) cattle. 20.807 boss and 1,4s. > sheep against 0.72J cattle. Itr ! > l3 ho.-s and 2.2IJ bhccp for thu bame Iho days 1 ist week. The c.itt'.u market wus very unsatisfactory. Included In thu receipts wuru nearly 'MO head of Kaii.s s City Texans billed direct to n local cannur. Tlicru wcrucomouratlvoly tow really ncslrablu cnttlo ninonu thu fresh olTcrlnKb. Thoio was uo shipping demand to speak of and the looil Inquiry wat ) not ovurly urgent Dressed beef buyers would take tldy4 fat aattlo at about Thursdiiy's ll ures , bu .n-'d ImrJIy bo In duced to loot nt any itfims very heavy oral the. common Krassslua . Sales were finv and far between , l.l'iO to l,2M-ib stuors of fair to \ cry good quality sold at from $4M to 24 40. The market was very slow on western cattle and It was late In the afternoon bcforo any Ir.idlnK was dons. Hutchers' stock andcannors mo\od freely at steady to btron ? prices. Poor to prlmo cows amllioifeMsold.it from $1.2. > to JHK > , with comp iratlvulv llttlo above i.35 or under 81.50. Hulls wuio dull at from $1.10 to $2.00. Geode e lives were ttuady to strong at from { J.OJ to J.L73 In thostockcr and feeder line there was the iihiinl liidllleruut trade at nnchiniod prleus. Siles ranued from JI.U'i to W.0 . the b.UK at from J1H to S..iiU. Iteprescnt itlvos lies ; DIIESSBU 1IUKF. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. Pr. No. Av. 1'r. yj. 1150 * l 00 ; > 7 12(7 ( $1 411 cows. 1 . 5'0 1 21 3 710 1 M 2.1 ES.I 205 1 IOJO 125 8 8.4 15'i 14 1)87 ) 220 5. GOO I r. G Ul)7 ) 175 .1..1I20 2 , l > 0. . 7U1 1 . , ' ' > : i . t 20 175 21 IIUO 2 5 1. . 10J ) 1 JTi 2 ! > 7J 1 M o . IWG 2 01 5 OU 1 J- ( 4J . .ba3 205 . . BLU JOO J 030 1 50 5 . 700 S 11 CU.VKS. 2. . 225 300 J . 18J 371 3. . 180 375 1. . 100 J 30 S. . 150 3 73 11II M.S. 1 1310 100 2. 1J7J 175 1..14,13 200 4 .1137 1 50 hTOCKI'llS AM ) FCEUEII8 5.732 103 17 7u7 2 ! - " { 14 703 250 21 072 11)1 ) 2 541 223 1 101) ) 250 1. , QUO 200 21. .1020 230 21 U07 2 ( ! ) 1 4tO 203 2. 783 2 3J 7. UJd JOO 8 573 2 12tfWI.STEUN WI.STEUN CATTLE. No. Av. Pr. 10 steers , Texans 80.1 SJuO Hods UcculptH were noirly l.OOj heavier than last 1'rlduy. an liioionse so far this week compared with last week of about 10,100 ho id. The quality In general was unchanged. The market was very unuvon but generally lower , prices ranging from woik to from lo to lUo loner lliiiu ThursJiiy , There were only two shippers In llio Hold anil tills , together with tliu ainplo Biippl.es and had markets eiiht. placed tliu sollirs at a ul , , ' disadvantage. Thu good to choice medium und heavy ho.-a sold mostly at from $3.50 to ? 1 70 , nlulu $34) and $ > 41 bought the bulk of the common light and mixed btuir , with odds and ends and very In ferior slutr as low us from 45.23 to $1.13. In Hpltu of tliu weak fueling nnd slow tr.ido the pans wuru practically empty by noon , tlio sales being iarguiy ul from $1.10 to W 5J. against from * 141 to $3M Thursday. Thu general average of prices paid was $3,4 % against } 550 Thursday unilW.tilJi last 1'rlday. nv.'i. * * . . . . . . . . j-v. . ' ( .r . . . . - cun.Kariian.ira mixtures , uhlch tKittlo up tlio Impurities In the syttcin , thus iirodiiclnc much filckncsg and tuircrlnu , Therefore , for a BLOOD MEDICINE you cannot do letter than take 8 , B. H. "As u iilijslcian , I ) m\o prescrllicd and uied S. B. H. In my practice as u tunic , and for blood trouble * , and ha\u Ken \cry Miccesaful. I never used n , remedy w hlch uiu o such general aatiafuo tion toililf and IMlleiUS. L. II. llucitv , I. . , JIackcy , Ind. " Treatise un blood andskln diseases mailed freo. Bl'liCJI'lO CO. , Atlanta , Ga. 07 2U2 SOI 540 Ml Ett 6 f.3 81 2t 5 40 541 50 203 500 01 Z21 ZOJ fi42'J ' 47 . . . . SOS eCO 0) 212 3.M R42Vi 51 CHI 2 < 0 500 71 2111 249 54J'i ' { 0..200 1TO 6C.1 1 Ci)4 I2J S42U 79..174 BJ 5 ( H 71 , . . .207 SO 642'4 ' Ml , . .211 570 87 WW 21) 64J' 7.1 211 870 pins AND itounit , 1 12) ) 50) 2 280 810 Siirnp rour double decks of Rood westerns were received and sold readily to a local hoii'o at n Rood figure. The market Is ( inotably stronz. 1'alr togood natl\e . H73 to J150I fair to Rood uoUorns , fj V ) to $ l.'f > | common and stock sliucti , f-3J to { J.Mi Rood to choice 40 to nj-lb. lambs , tl.53 to ( . * > * > . ' , HopresoutatUo silos : No. Ar. I'r. 0 native wethers lit 450 Itroelptu nnd DKptnltlon of Stork. Official reoeluts and dlspot'llon of stoi < < ns sliouu by the books ot tlio Union Slock V.irds company for tlin twuntv-four hours ondtiitt nt 5 o'clock p m , August I. . ISO. ! . lUCHI'TS H UK i.i' . mi us rs . M 11 Curs. Curs. Head C2 1..MI 4 831 DUl'OSITIOV. HUM us CATTI r lions Onmlm Pncklng compnnr Hied 11 , llnmtnoml Co. . 8S8 100 100Wl Hnlft ft ill 611 Wl 'llio Cuilnliy Pncklng Co. 2UT 1,1 n 212 J 1 * . bfiilr | , llostun . . . . Chlcipu P. ft P. Co 700 Anilrcu 11 tins 114 llenton ft 8 , 101 Speo'l t'rs , ship ft feeders 4Mi 'lotnl 4'I.H I.l\u Stnil CiitCAno. III. . Ana. 12. [ Special Tolczr.im to TUG lira | Tlio cattle market had moru bauk- bouu today than It displayed otrllcr lu thu wuol , , Yesterd iv's arrivals fulllue nu.tily 3.UOJ head shut tor Iho estimate's and the run today bolni : comp iratlvuly light , thcro was .1 partial testoi.ttlon of eonflileneu and \\lillo bin urucra not prepared to pay any big ml- viiui'o they wi > ru prep-ired to take till offerings at a slight lmpio\ommit. Tin1 fact that Hullnrs iroiiorally hold tholr stock at ftom I3o to 2Uj higher resulted Inn slow trado. and moderate H \Mi3 llio supplv thu yards were not o'Uptlcd inuuh bufoiu the usual time. Nutltu steers were quote I at from } J " 5 to M 40 , sto kers and feeders at from Jl.fil to.ro ! und co s , heifers and hulls at from $1(0 ( to &U . i\ira : eo s and heifers nnd faucv bulls sold aiouiul f5 ! Thu range of iiuotatlons for westerns was from ? l .VI to $4 Mi and for Texans from $1.33 to Jlb3. Heeellts. ) P.O 0. ' rroin bud to worse. " describes thohosm.ir- kct , 'lo say Hint It w.is even morothoroughly dcmorall/ed th in ou tlio day before ulves only a t lilt Idea of thu situation. There was absolutely no llfoin the trade , and apparently prices had no bottom. It wus diniuult to call out a bin of moro tli.in S" .7\ and there was precious llttlo trulliu al so hlzh a iUuro. Piclteisollere I from fl 10 to$110 for common to good mixed and tbev bought thorn that way. Good to prime and hoi\ynolihts were taken by shippers at from ! .1 OJ to5.71.and there were hc.itturlng sales of fancy at $1 SO. Poor coarse mixed and common grass hos woru not wanted at from (5.21 to 81 30. There was an average decline of lOc. thu mnrkut cloving Hut at from J10 < to J3 70 for poor to choice light and from (3UO to $175 for heavy unu medium woUhts. Receipts 20,000. The Evcnln7.Journal repoits : OflTLU Iteculpls , 8. ( K ) : shipments , 3.000 ! market brisk nnd IVlc higher on nutlves and Texans : westerns steady : choice to extra . $ iaitt123 : others. $1402171 ; Taxiius. n ; wostorns. , HOI,1U ; native cows , I.133 ® I 4" . Hoe ? Uecolpts. 23,000 : shipments. 10000s market IV5u lower : light urassors. t ! > IVTjt 5 l ! rough pickers , JV2@145 : mixed , Hnoiti 5.01 ; prime hoax v and butchers' weights , $370 3hJ ; light , } \ lltli.S3. bllttH' liocolpts .1,000 ; shipments 2.100 ; bheep steady : I imbs loner ; o\\es f.11USI.7.1 : wethers.UO5.75 ; Tox.uis $ J.504.40 ; west erns. $1 10i 4.75j lambs , J.7.i ® 41. Now York M\o > 5to < 'lf .Market. NKW YOIIK. AUR. 12. - Itctvai Kecelpts , 2d l ; mai Lot slow but ste.idy ; nitlvu steers. fr.'IfflKO ; ToMins and Colorados , Jl.I.Vfjil.'n : bulls and cows , , { Jso.J.20. ( Diessed beef steady at 7liS 'K' . bhlpmcnts tomorrow , U.'O bceies and A.liOU ijnartors of beef. UAMIS UoculuiM.Ills : market firm : veals , ! 1.0.@Q,7.171' , ; buttermilk cahos. J.I 40(34 ( 50. SiiUHi1 Itocelptfi , 5,000 ; market dull and lower ; sheep. ( lOOQIul ; lamb , JS25'5)7.21 ) ; dressed muttons steady at So ; drussud Ir.mlis llrm al ! > < M2f. Hoas Kccolpls , 1,413 ; market slow at $3 23 ® 020. Kansas City I.ivo Stock. KANSAS CITY , Mo , Am. 12. OATir.B Uo- celpts , 0,0)0 ; shlpmonts. 2,400 ; the markut was t'oiicrally steadv to stiong : niit.M ) htuers , $ .l.7.i4 11 : cons It 3VK2.30 ; Texas steers , , JJ.1JSJ @J 75 ; feeders. W.tJJOO. : lions Ueeolpt" , 7.4JO : slilpmcnts , 1,800 : the market was.vaiUu lower : all giadui , J.1.23 ® " ) 85 ; bulk. 1.403 00. SllKEl1 Itocolpts , 1.503 : shipments. GOO ; good sheep and lambs More barely steady ; com mon and htack sheep wore null and 10(2130 ( higher ; muttons , SI.UU34 33. St. T.onlx 1,1 vo .stock Market. ST. Louis Mo. Aug. I" . OAITI.K Receipt ) , 1,700 ; shipments , 2,090 ; market 10&20j hlithci ; no good native slcers on siilo ; medium to fair Toxiins and Indians , } . ' .23.l.00i canuors , 8i.2Jffl2.20. lions Hocolpts. 3301 : shlnmenls , 1,100 ; market kot lOc lower : heavy , $ i.bOi$1 bO ; mlxod , t' JJ ® 5.70 : light. S.VMXSMO. SllKEl' Hocolpts , l.'KK ) ; slilpmorits , 2,100 : market steady top price , $3 00. llcrCoiilldciico Was I Veil Founded "I would rather mist that medlclnu than any doctor 1 knoiv of , " savs Mrs. ilaltlo Mason of Uhilton. Carter ( Jo. , Mo. , In speak ing of Cbainbc'rlain' : , ( Jolic. Uholor.i and Diarrhcua Komody. This modlclno can always bo depended upon , oven In Iho most severe nnd dangerous cases , both for children und adults. So and 50-cout battles for sulo oy druggists. A strong , healthy noniiin in- Etcad of a tnccl and ailing ono 1 Boundj liLo a mir acle , doesn't it ) Hut it iMi't. It's i only the ordinary , it eiety-day MOIK I'of ' Dr. Piorce's Favoiito Preset ip- tion just the work that it was nindo for. It's n woman's medicine , caiefully com pounded for her by rn experienced physician , and adapted to her delicate 01 paiuzatlon. It makes weak women strong , bulletmp women well. It's an invigorating , icstorativo tonic , a soothing nnd bracing nervine , and a cer tain cuio for all the functional dcrnngomente , painful disorders or chronic wcalnei.tcs pe culiar to the Bar. For ulccratiou , displace ments , bearing - down sensations , "female complaints" or ovcry Und , it's a nover-fall- iiijrieinedy. And , nmonfr all the medicines that claim to help women , " Favorite Prescription " is the only one that's guaranteed to do what is promised for it. If it doesn't Ixmeflt or euro , In any case , you have j our money back. Is something else , that may pay the dealer bettor , likely to bo ' 'just AS good " for you f SOUTH OMAHA. Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. Ilifit cattle , hog and sheep market In the west COMMISSION HOUSES. GEO , BURKE & FRAZIER h > TOOK OO > r.MIbriION. Till : LHADKUS. ITU til 1 1 Write to this hous ) for cor- UJlAIIar | Market Ksporc ? . Wood Brothers , routli Oumlia Telephone II > 7. - Chicago J.I ) . DADISMAN. I \V. U. WOOD fllon or Market reports by mall an J wlro chuurfully furuUhed upon ajipllu itlon. THE Campbell Commission Co. Chlcaen , K < vsttit. Louis. Kansas City. South OimihnInix Oltv , Tort Worth. A. D. Boyer & Company , Maud W nxohansru llulldliu.Boiith Omah t Corrc < pouioiito olliltJil and promptly itnttraril. tpgclol ottuntlon tu or.Ion t ot tockvri A feoiljrj. KiUulliUcd , 181. . . . Incorporate , 1JJ1 fupltul rullf pnlj , IW.WJ. Waggoner Hirney Company Write or wlro ui for prompt nail rollablu market report ! Perry Brothers & Company , LlvuBUiok Uomnilislon. Itoom Cl UichaiiKO Iliilldlnif , Bouth Omaha 17t)7 ) , OMAHA ill. . faotarors and Jolliers ARCIIITECl'S AND BUILDERS. J. II. Glenn , ConlrnctOM nnil mo contrfictori for oil Vlnil * ot bulliltnv plMlurliu ptlnllnK , oto All will rocelTO ropy or Clonn'a architects' nnil biillilon directory free , bf 'ondlnz their nnmii , tmslncs * nmt location to llio pabllthcr. J It. ( I'.cnii , IH f. IHh Mrept. AWNINGS AND TENTS. Omaha Tent dkhningCo Wolf lro ! . iCo. . Tents , niMil tarpnii * Kln7 , hammockii , oil and llni , oovorn of ul , klndj. rubber olothlnu. Send line , banners rlo. Soml forcit'Buo 1113 Kftrimin for citnloit P.TOi S. l th BAGS AND TWINES. Bemis Omaha Bag Go Importers indmrfnflour nck. , biirHps , tulno BICYCLES. | BOXES. - 11 C. Todd , JI.-0. Daxon , fliicco ir to 1. J Wllk cn on. M'f uclKiir , pipur Illcycle * EOld on monthly iiicklnit buo * . Alliiurul 1MV. IStli si Hot In bur lino. 11IJ Dotuliu t. BOOTS AND SHOES. Moisc-Coo Shoe Co. UOlIlownrd Strnet Faotorrcoinor lltli mid Doiul \\aaromiklMttloio prlcotlo eai'ibiiyore and nro tolllnirn chiai or irooU irhlch l Tory saluablo n Itli inorohnnt * Steven Crccdon. Manufacturer's nKont. Ic nupply you with everj- tlilnx In clioe'-iiicn'n. nomun'H anil child ? ' at lowest factors prltcsinilillscounts. Lito > t it ) Ics l < 04 Knrniiu fitruot. Iloom If , Kirkcndall Jones & Co. Amcp.lIanilScwcilSliocCo \Vhnlo.wlo Mfru Agents Hoots , hocs , rubbcm llo tnn IliibOcr 'hoefo , 110. 1IU-1IUI > Hurney-Bt fnlt KOoili. UOJ UIO Ilnrnor-st CLOTHING. Blolcky & Cohen Clothing notion furnish- lnK Ulvo us n trial , Siruplei prep ild brox- preai , 11 Id Ilarnoy. COAL , COKE , | CORNICE. 0m liaCoal.Cokc&LimCc Eagle Cornice Works Mfr Kalvnnlrcil Iron "ant nnd soft coal. K ' cornice , window caps , o' 10th and Uougals mctallu ikylliiliiB , etc uli , 11IU , 11U Dudite-Bt CONTRACTORS. J. H. Contractors nnd sub contnctors for all kinds of building , pliiyturlntf , pilntln r etc , u III ro elven ropj of Clenn nrcliltocts' nnJ builders'directory frjc by sonillnK tliclr nime , linslnos.i and location to tlu publisher J 11 Ulunn , 1IJ9 ISth itrvct. DRY GOODS. M. E. Smith i Co , Kilpalriek - Koch Dry Roods , notions , fur- OryOoodsCo Notloni , nlslilntf ioods Corner Hants' furnishing ttoodi lltli and Howard its Cor. IIth aid Howard. FURNITURE. Omaha Upholstering Co , Bcehe & Ilunyao Uphnlitercd furniture , rurnlturo Co. , Grace an 110. ! 11U1 .Nicholas struct Mlh street. \VboIcsnlo only. PERMANENT SIDEWALK RESOLU TION. Couvctr. CIIAMIIKII. OMAHA , Nob. July 20 181)2. Ho II resolved by llio eltv council of the eltv of Omaha , tlio in ivor concurring : That permanent sldo\vilks be consiriietoJ In thd elty of Omilin as designated IIUIOA , within flvod ijs after thu publication of this resolution , or the personal service thereof , UK by ordinance Is authorised and required ; sucli Hldowilka to ho la d to thu permanent gride us established on thu paved streets specified herein and to bu cunslruclect of stone , artltl- u ul stone , brick or tiling , according to spocl- llc itions ou llio In the olilcu of the lloirdof Public \Vors , and un lei lis htipurvlslon , to- wlt : North side of St. Mary's avenue. It 14 Pres ton am ! Wlllliinib add. 8 feet wide. Kast side of ilnil strsut. Its . ' , .1 , U , 7 Preston nnd Williamsndd.G feet nl le. Ilnst side of I'-'nil ' htrcut , Its 10 and nil 11 Preston & Williams addI ( feut wldo. Wuitslduof i.-'ml street , tax KtJ see 22-11-13 , ( i feet wide. West of J.'nd sttoet , taIt 0 sec 22-11-13,0 feet wide. West s'do of 2'nd street , t ix It 10 sec 24-13-11 , Ofeul nldo I ast hldoof 20th strcot , tax It ID too 22-15-13 d feet wldo. H iht sldo of 20th street , tax It 13 boo 22-13-U , ufi'ulvvidu i ; ist sldo of 21th street , t ix It 17. s--o 2-Ij-l.l , ( i feut wldo. West side of 29th uvonuo , Its 1,3 , 4 Itccs Placu 0 feut wldo. West Mile of 23th avenue. Its 7 , 8 , 0 , 10 Kces Place , II fact wide. West side of 2'itli ' avenue , south 1.10 feet It 5 bile 7.1. I Kodlek'sudd. 0 fuel wlilu. iiistsliloof21)tlia\unuo : ) , It ! ) blk 4 J , I. Red- Ick's and. fl feut wide. Noithulduof Vlnton street , It 11 blk OS. U Koiors add. North sldo of Hurt strcot. Its 5. 0,7. 8 blk 4' . city , Ofeot nldo. Hist side of 24th street , Us 32 , ! U. L'i , I'util- .len's ad ' , 8 font nlde. Gust sldo of 24th street , sub It 8 , 10 , 17113 Capitol add. d feut wide. Wustsldoof 21th strcot , Us C. V , G , ( I , I , J , 1C. Ko'lam'b ' 1st add , 0 fuel wide. Houlh side of Sliibon street , It J blk 211 , city , 10 feet wide. West sldo 21th street. It 1 blk I Bhlnu's add. Sfout wlilo. North sldu of Ginning street , Us 14. II , 10 , blk 1' , Armstrong's 1st add. 10 fei-t wldo \nd. bo It further resolved : That the Ho ird of Public Works bu. and Is hereby iintborl/ed and directed to causa a copyof this resolution to bo published In tlin Olllulal paper of tlio city for one wuuk. or bu served on Hie owners of said lots , and th , it un less such owners shall within Iho days aftur Iho public itlon or sorvlcuof such copy con struct said slduwalkH as herein required , that the Hoard of Publiu Works cause the N uuo lo bo douu. thu cost of constructing said Milo- walks ru'bpecllvoly lo bo assessed against the real untile , lot or pan of lot lu front ot und abuttln. such sidewalks Passed July 20th , IbW. Attest : , F. P. IAVII , JOHN OIIOVEU , President of the Council. City Olurk. Olurk.Approved : Quo. P , HKMIH , Mayor. NOTICE TO COHHTHUCT 8IDKVVAMCH. To the ounern of the lots , pirts of lots and rual estate donor I hod lu thunbovu resolution : Von anil uiioli of you are huiuby noilllod to construct perm ineiit nlduivalUn as ruiju'ruil by a resolution of thu city council und m lyor of thu eltv of Omaha , of which th * abovu is u " Copy. I' . W. IIIHKIIAU8KII. Chairman lluuid of I'ubllc Works OMAHA. Neb. August8th. Ito. ' . nH,7t NOTICE TO PROPERTY OWNERS , AGENTS AND LESSCEb. In pursuance of orJInancu No U U. ' , requir ing sunurconnections to bo mmoto ! and with in thu curb IntM on curtain streets mil alloy In street Improvement districts Ao * . 4IKJ. 471 , 111 and 47.1 In the ulty of Omaha , you nro ho ru by notlllud to maku all nuuuss iry connections with newer m Ins or latturals and lo < o nplutu such work on or boforu Auicusl 21 , , hi. ' , ; IH It Is thu purpose to pnvu ihu strcc-ts and and ulluy In the bald dlslrlc'ts. and moru ( iirtKulurly described us followv. to wit : No. 4H'irii street from north line of Michi gan street to Moholan slrvet. No. 471 i'Hli avuniiu from I.oavunworth ( .trunt to Maroyslruoi. No. 47iml stteut from Popplelon avunuo to u point lo l H3-KKJ foot south of Poiipluton nvunite. being thu south line ot tixloiJUIn Nii. 47.1-Allov in block 317 from 21th street toSUt tlruet. lu tliuuuy of Omaha. Vou uru huruiiy ordurud lo musu tlio neces sary buwur connections on or beforuulio iluto spuulfUMl In this notlcu. or thu bamu will bo mndu by thu city authorltlus and thu cost , thuiuof ttssossod ugdinst ihu propurty ojipo- ltu thusamo and tpuil illy buiiulllted thcruby , Daioil at Omaha , Nub , thli lotli day of Aug ust , 1SW. w UIUKUAUBKR. Ohulruiau of thu Uoard of Public Works. I I ( * " ' \ WOODEN SIDEWALK RESOLUTION CONSTRUCTION. Council Chamber. Omahn , Nob. , July 20tli , 1602. Ho U resolved by the city council of the city of C ) in .ill a. the mavor concurring : Th twooJon sidewalks bo constructed In the cltyOmauu as dosdKii.ito 1 below , within Uxo days after the publication of this resolu tion , or the personal t-urvlco thereof , as by ordinance Is authorl/od and required ; such sldonalks to be laid to llui present crado on the htrcuts spoci'Jud hctcln , and to bo con structed of pine p'.aul : of biich width nnd ttileltnosa nnJ bo laid upon joists of such ( llmens ons and In such inannor as Is pro- scribtd by the spccllluatloii ? on llio In the olllee of the Hoira of Public Works aim uuder Us minoi vision , to w t : Kimt si lo of iJth Htreet. lots 8 nnd 0 , block 3 , YIIII t'.imp'H addition , li feet Ide t-oiitl , side of Dorcas .street , lots 1 to 0 Inelu- sh o , block 2 , O impliellV addition , G feet wluo. i-oiilh sldo of Wlrt 01 Newton Nirout , lots 20 to ' 4 D.ivonport'H suit , b feet wldo WestHldoofftlststroot. Its I to 20 block 11 , West hldo addition 4 feut wide. West slilo of 51st Htroct , lot 1JJ , block 8 , West Mill ! addition. 4 feet nldo. WetNldoof SlstHtreot. lots I to 4 Inclusive , block , II , WcHiSldo addition , 4 feet wldo. West side of list street , lot 1 ! ) to . ' 13 Inclnslro , block I. lllinobauKh'M and Patterson's sub ad dition. 4 feet wldo. boulh slilu of Louvomvorth stroot. loin 1 to S Inclusive , block 1 , West hldo addition , /out wldo , bonth sldo of Tjonvonworth street , adjoin- Inu M J'or Holt Ilnu U U rl.ditof w.iy , sou 10 n-'I. ilfeet wldo bouth Hldo of Loavnnworth street , ndjolnlns M I' or Holt Uno K H i-Kit | | of way , blouK a. IllmubiUKh's addition , b foot wldo r-iiuth sldo of I.uavunuurlh Htrool. sub lot 1- 31 , blK 2 , IIIinohauRh's addition. I ) feet wldo i ; ist hldn of 48th street , lots II an I 15. block 2 , llrl.'us' IMiice , G foci wldo. Kast sldo of 4Sthstreot'lots It and 15. block U. llilK'-'s' I'lace. G feet whin. CHSIS do of IBtliHliout. lots II and 15 , Lloolc 7 , llrlscH1 I'laco. 0 foct wldo. Kast sldoof 4Htn street , lots 14 and IT , bloclc 6. UrU I'laeo , G fuel wide i ; ist sldo of 4sth street , loin 14 and 15 , block 13 Urines' I'lnco. ( I feet wide. Hist trido of 48th street , tixlotO , sou 20-15-18 , G feet wide. i : ist sldo of mil street , w ' / of nw > i of svr > i of sec ' 1 1-1.1. 1 1 , o feel wide. r.utl sldo of Jlst St. lots U to IG Inolnsl ve.bloolc N , Ilorh.ick's2d addition. G feut wl , c. Iliist sldu of SlstKtroot. lots 7 to 12 Inclnslvo block 1' ' , llorbiich's 2d addition. G foot wido. West sldo of .2dbtiuot , lotH ulk 183 , city , 0 I a ot wldo. \VestKldo2.M street , tax lot JO , boo 15-15-13 , t feet wldo. West sldo 2.'d street , It ! ) . ) , Porter's addition G feet wldo. Wnst side of 18th Rtroot. lots 1 to G Inoluulvo , liloc 5. Klrkwood's addition. ! ! foct wide. boutli sldo of Charles street , w IUJ feet block C. shlnn's nddltlon. U feet wl < le. Kihtsldunf UUthstruiit. lots 7 and 8 , block X , Bhlnn's 3d addition. 0 feet wldo. houtliHldo of Charlesslreut lots 1 to 7 In- elusho. block F , Prospect Place addition , a North sldo of Charles street , lots 8 to 14 In clusive , block I ) , Prospect I'laco addition , 4 North siilo of Charles street , lots 0 to 10 In clusive , b.ooU C , Prospect Placu addition , 0 North sldo of Olmrles Btreiit , lots ? to 12 In- o'ushu. block B , Prospect Place addition , 0 North s'ldo of Char mstrout , lot < 7 to li In- elusive , blouk It , I-OWU'H addition , U feet wldo. \\ustHlilo l lh streut. lot * 1 to 8 Inuliiilve. block r > , Klrkwood's addition , G fuel wldo. Kast sldo of .Wli Hti cot , lothi \ to IB Incluslvo , I'ranldln r ! < iuare. 0 fuel wldu. And bolt further rutolvnd : Jhat the Hoard of Public Works tie and hetiiby Isanthor.Kud nl directed to uaiiso u , copy of this resolution to ho published In tlio olllcliil paper of the ultv forono wuok , or bo served on the ownurs of sill law and ilnloii mitli owners shall within II vo days aftur llio publication or service of su ill copy construct Hildsliluwalks aw huruln roiUlrod | , that thu Hoard of Public Works caiibu the siinio to bu clone , tlio coit of constructliu uild slduwalka rcspectlvuly lo bo nH < o ud acalntt thu roul obtatu. lot or uirl of lot 111 fioiitof and uuut- V Iliusnoh slduwalks. President C.ty Council. Attest ! JUI1.N ( JHOVlCity City ClorU. Approved ! QKO. I' . 1IU.M1H , Mayor. 0(3NHTUUOr BnSWAtKH. To thu ownersof the lots , parts of lots and real vvtutu described In thu nbovo rusolutloni You und oaoliuf you are hereby notltlml to comtruct wooden nldowiilkii u ruin I rod by u. ru olutlon of thu city council ami mayor ot the city of Owulia , of which thu above U a copy , I' . W. IIIIUCIIAUH1CH. Chairman Hoard of 1'ubltoVork - Ouitth * , NvU , Augu.t otb , Ib7 ' . utU7t