Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1892, Page 3, Image 3

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Cnrrlertonny pnrtof the Cltf
No 41
No S3
JltlXUlt J/K.VV/O.V.
K Y. Plumbing Co.
Council Illuffi Lunlbor Co. ,
A mooting of the city council will bo bold
next Monday evening.
The Married Ladles Social society will
bold n business mooting at tholr rooms , Ul"
Broadway , at 2 p. m.
Clrcenshlcld , Nicholson &Co. , C21 Broad-
wav , roul cstato nnd rental nRonts. Largest
list of property ot any dealer * In the city.
The B months old Ron of Mr. nnd Mrs.
Peter OmoR died Thursday nt the family
residence In Crescent township. The funeral
took plnco yesterday tiftornoon at 2 o'clock.
William and John Cars , the two toushs
who were arrested Wednesday uiRht on sui-
plcion of bolnj ? highwayman , were Riven lit-
teen Jays n pioeo in the city Jail yesterday on
Ronornl principles.
Henry UeLunr , who had the novel ex-
porlcnco of bolnc nt tbo bottom of n nlnoty-
foot well nnd trvlnt ? to dodge n heavy
mud tub that fell from the top , was moro
norlotisly injured tnan he llrst supposed.
llo will be laid uu for .several wenks.
The followiiiR onicers have boon elected bv
the Council Ulufn Medical society : Presf-
dent , J. H. Clonvor ; vlco president , J. C.
\Vntcrmati ; secretary , U. U. Jennings ; trons-
uicr , V. S. Thomas ; board ol censors , Drs.
Macrae , drcon nnd Hobortson.
A petition was liled In the district court
yesterday by Helen MoMlllen n nlnst Alonzo
P. McMlllnn nnd ethers asUliiR for n parti
tion of olghtv ncrcs of land which wore lutt
to the plninltrt and defendants as heirs by
the Into J. P. MuMlllon. Thu property is sit
uated in this county.
Sioux City has bean selected ns the ulnco
for holding tbo encampment ol the military
companies in this regiment , instcnd of Cres-
tun , us was nt lirst unnotincprt , The UodRO
Lisht Guards of Council muffs will nttond ,
U'tio oncamumont opens September 10 and
lasts six ilnv ? .
Three ot the mcmbnrs of the llro depart
ment who so bravely fouRbt the llro nt the
Deaf and Dumb Instltuto wcro , compelled yes-
J twday lo buy now shoes , pantaloons and
thirts. They stood on the roof wtiero the
Jnat was Rrc'ut enough to melt the solder and
Iholr shoos wi-ro burned to n crisp , and the
other exterior articles ol clothlni : damiiRed
to Biich on extent that ihoy had to bo thrown
nwuy. '
In reply to A communication puolNhod In
gome ol the patiers thn other day with rognrd
to the trouble In the Married Ladies' riocml
society , boarinp tno slgnuturo ot J. P. V11-
11-Jins , the members of the now society sny
they do not \vnnt to ho understood as soyinc
nnythlng derogatory to the other division.
They are wlllinc to ndmlt that their rivals
linvo done u great deal ot good. Thov want
It understood , however , that they thom-
Bclves do not claim to bo operating the ox-
chutiyn for the bonollt of the poor especially ,
but In order that Its members muy liavo h
Wuv ot nutting their cake baking talents to
BOtno practical use for their own bonollt.
DtsaaAo never suojoufnlly attic'o tin iv
cm xvlth pure blojJ. lUWltt's SiriipirllU
mi coj njrj , uj.v uljj 1 , i 1 1 D.irljjei blood
The tl'Klioiitlon of the electric light
tower In the mitlillo of L'.tko Mun.twti
will tnlce pliiuo Saturday ( \h\a \ \ ) ovonintf
nt 8:1)0 : ) o'clock. All the row boats , sail
bottta and steamers will bo clustered
nbnut the { Treat tower nnd two minutes
brforo tlio lights nro turned on all the
whistles will blow , the bolls will ring :
nnd the Fort Oiniihti military band will
pliiy "The Star Spangled Banner. " The
entertainment nnd spectacle promise
to bo the tfnuideat in the history ot this
widely known resort.
VKUliUSAI , I'.llt.lUltAL'ItS.
Will Martin has returned from a western
trip.C. O. Saunders left last evening on a busi
ness trip to Chicago.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Scanlan returned
yesterday Irom Cedar Uaplds.
Mrs John T. Hnzon and children huvo
Keno lo Independence , Kan. , to visit rela
C. Q. Saunders loft list evening for a
tvoclc's vUll for business and pleasure in
Mr. and MM. Charles S.M'ltborof Elmlra ,
IN. Y. , are in tno city visiting their cousin ,
J. B. Allans.
Mr. und Mrs. M. J. Alworth nnd Mrs. J.
W. I'drogov h ivo returned from u , visit to
the Black Hills.
G. C. Taylor who hits boon very 111 nt his
residence , 7.p : ! > South First strool , from un
nttaclt of cholera uiorbus U Improving.
The inarrluRO of Churles Haas of Council
15111 ITn and Miss Babcock of Omaha is an
nounced for the latter purl of this mouth.
Chief Engineer Corrothors of Iho clcotrlu
light \vork has returned from a short vUU
to his Sl-yoar-old mother ut L.oavuiuvortb ,
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. F. Marshall of Ogden ,
U. T , , are In the city visiting Mrs. Marshall's
sinters , Mrs. W. H. Uollcorn und Mrs. K. B.
Mrs. F. M. Hunt nnd Mrs. C. S. Long-
vesr , mother and slslor of Mrs , Harriet
Louis Hunt , are the guests of the family of
T , H. Louis on Fourth avonuo.
The following olllclals of the Burlington
road were In the 13luffs yesterday : U. M.
Luvoy of Burlington , superintendent of the
Iowa lines ; J , II. IJuggan of Creston , us
Blatant RUporlntondQiil ; Joel West , miutor
incclmnlo at Burlington , and A. K. Jones ,
muster mcchaniu at ( Jrcston.
A party of young society pcoplo of the
Bliiita leave today for Nebraska City to at
tend a ball to bo clveu this evening by Miss
Hun Lorton of that placo. The purtv will
include the Misses Cora and Jessie Farns-
worlli , Maud Oliver , Anna Bowman , and
Messrs. J.V. . 1'almor , J. U. Paxton , James
K , und Ed. B. Bowman , Perry Badoltot and
Harry Bowman , _
Are you a lever of cnampagnot Do you
wish UHiiporlor article ! Try Cook's Extra
Dry Imperial Champagne. It Is lino.
Fort Omaha band ut M-.trmivtv from 3
to II , August 111 and M.
Trains loivvo Matiuwn daily nt 8 ti nil 10
n. m , , 112 in. , mid 1 , 1 > , UW : ; , a , 3:30-I : ,
4tO : ! , 5 , fiHl : ) , 0 , 0:110. : 7. 7UO : , 8 , 8UO : , I ) ,
'JittO , 10 , lOilSO , 11 ixntl 11J5 : | ) . in. The
1IG5 : train will uitiko connuutinii with
the Inatolcctrlo motor cur for Oiutihu.
Ku\r City Oniirlfrn.
Thorlty buildlnir U rapidly noarlng com
pletion , and the prospects now iiro that the
11 rat ol September will sco the city ofllcluU
ensconced In their new quarters. The llrst
council meeting to bo held there will un
doubtedly bo the regular moating September
5. The furniture for iho council room hni
arrived nnd Is now being put In pines. This
room , which occupies iho entire cunnrn hulf
of iho upucr lloor , U dhldod In two pints by
mi oulc rnllhiL' . In tno north end tboro
U a ruUed platform for iho mayor.
\vlio will alt In n 10 upholstered chnlr with
Ills feet on a Drusinli carpet which will
cover the whole platform. Tliocouncilmon's
tloslca will bo run < ; ed In a sotnl-clrclu In front
of iho plitform und tlioreoortors1 tabio will
Doan thu pliitfonn ut the mayor'H left. The
llo r insldu the railing will uo covered with
linoleum , nnd easy revolving rhiilrs will bo
provided for the nluortnou , The nudlouco
rrom batilnd tbe ralllnt ; U to bo titled up
wlih dctloji ,
The olllcos of ibo mayor , city nttoruov und
thu toiinmttro room uro to bo curpotod with
JlrusnuU und thu hull ouUldo wilU rubber
Mrs. Wliislows SootmiiB Syrup for chll-
drou teothliif rest * ibo ublla and comforts
the mother , Ma a battle.
Fort Omulm bnnd in tocond to nono.
At MiiiutWiV totlity.
Gcorgo Davis , drujja uua pttlnta.
Burglars Suwnod in Dotting in Thair Work
and Escape Undetected.
Tvrn l'lnce < Vliltml In a ShiRlo Night
Olicrntlonii Conducted Unilar the ( ll.iro
of Klcctrlu I.lKlitft Ilimmuu U'llt
Not lie n Cntiilldrtto.
When H. H. Vnn Urunt's ofUuo on Fourth
street , near Broadway , wns oponotl yesterday -
day morning the discovery was inudo that
bursters tind benn tboro during the night.
Tlio front door of the buildlnjr wn unlocked ,
both snfu-dooro wore open , ana the cash
drawer bad boon broiten open. Tboro won
nofa cent In the ontlro ostablUhmont , so the
burplurs were dUanpolntod in tholr hopas or
getting rich In a slnglo night. A tlno gold
watch had boon loft lying In a tin box In uno
of the compartments of the safe , tin a the box
was found broken open ntm the watch was
missing. A lot of mites and other valuable
papprs which \vcro in the box wcro un
touched. The watch was the onlv nrtlclo
taken , so far ai could bo learned. There lane
no clue to the Identity ol the guilty parties ,
but us the front door of the oflico has n Yale
lock It la supposed that the burglary was
committed ny some ono who was acquainted
with thu promises.
A burglary was also committed at the fruit
Btoro kept by Carmen Ac Thllo at the corner
of Mnln street nnd Willow avenue. The
tbloves entered bv prying up the ccllur door
on the slduwalk on Willow Avenue. That
thov could do tliU under the bright light of
an iiro lutnn not llfty toot away without
bolng caught Is n matter of somu little sur
prise , out they diu it , nnd after illling up
their pockets with $30 worth of fruit nnd
confectionery they mndo off without leaving
tno slightest clue by whleh they could bo
Anil TlmtoSottlcs It.
The question wliothor Hon. Thomas Bow
man's refusal to run ns n candidate for re-
nomination for congress from the Ninth Iowa
district was the cenulno article , or was In
tended as a temporary makeshift , bns been
asked frequently over since his declaration
was published several months ngo in the
daily papers. There were not a few , In the
well us the romibltcan ranks.
who thought that as the campaign season
caino on Bowman would reconsider his de
cision and enter the race again. Later de-
vclopmonts go to show that ho still holds to
hia uclernilnatlon not to run. Thursday
afternoon bo nnd E. H. Morrinm , a well
known member of the local democracy , were
seated on the curbstone of tbo courthouse
vnrd talking politics , and a republican , who
is acknowledged to be truthful , was sitting
not far away , where ho could hear without
being scon.
"No , I don't like the way they do In con-
urcss , " said Bowman : ' 'It's too much like
going to school. You'vo cot to bo there at
roltcall , and then you can go awav for
awbilo , but'tho llrst thing you knowyou'vo
got to bo back for rolltall. I dou't like It ,
nnd 1 don't intend to run again. "
"But , Tom. " rejoined Merriam , "you'ro
the only democrat In this dUtrlut that wo
can put up with the gnoat of a show of
winning. "
1) If I care , " was the rejoinder ; "I
shan't run. "
And there the matter stands. Tnls decli
nation is considered by his friends to bo
llnnl , and ttioy nro now hustling about to
Iluil some ono else who will pose us a sheep
before the shearers. Senator William Orone-
wog Is being mentioned as a possible candi
THESi : 1'ltlCKh SFII.L ( ) .
Hut You Can I'lml Them Only ut the Ills
Shoe Sitlo nt 02L Itroiidwny.
Don't lot the hot weivthor or anything
else hot proven t your coining nnd get
ting some of the immense bargains in
shoes ut the great shoo sale. Remember -
bor wo uro not going to stay here any
longer than Is necessary to soil thd $25-
000 stock of foot wear , but wo will stay
until it is sold. Wo only expect to bo
able to boll it ut a fcacrilico , mid tire hero
for the purpose for milking 11 sacrifice.
Glnncn over thcso prices. They are
bonu lido , und you will find everything
as wo roprohont It. Our determination
is to give you butter goods for the money
than yon over got before.
Lad'ies' kid button , 75c , worth 81.50.
Ladies' kid button , lSc ) , worth $2.00.
Ladios' dongolu button , $1.2-5 , worth
$2 50.
Ladies' oxford tics , 09c , worth $1.2-5.
Ladies' kid oxford tics , 8oc , worth
Ladioa'"Buit" French ' dongolu but
ton , $3.50 , worth SU'X ( ) .
Men's work shoes , 75c.
Men's dross shoes , $1.25. worth 82.50.
Men's calf shoes , $1.50 , worth 83.UO.
Hoys' school shoes , 76c.
And many other bnrjraltib too numer
ous to mention ut the great bankrupt
ahoo sale , 021 Broadway , Council BlulTt ) .
Grconshlolds , Nicholson & Co. huvo
choice bargains in improved and vacant
residence property in all parts of the
city for cash or on payments. Sou them
before buying. _
Trimble for Mitrhlnn Mnn.
Howard Spark , a young man who has boon
employed as agent for the Singer Sowing
Mnchlno company in Council Bluffs , Is in
trouble us tlio result of a dispute ho hud
with tl'o manager of tbo ofllco over u ques
tion ot commissions. Ho wus arrested
yesterday afternoon on an Information Issued
from Justice Swoarlngen' * oflico charging
him with larceny and forgery. In brief , the
story of Manager Tarpy of the maohluo com
pany Is as follows :
All Iho ugonls who sell machines liavo
blank leases , which are made out and signed
by the purchaser uud the agent , specifying
tbo terms upon which Iho machlno is Dought
and Iho limns at which tbo payments be
come duo. If a machine IB sold for cash no
l use Is required , but the cash Is turned iu
with tbo order. When Spark took cash
orders he failed lo turn in tbo cash , but In
stead niadu out false leases and forged the
names ot the purchasers to them. How long
this went on u not known , but In some way
Iho fraud was detected and Spark win ar
Spark , on Iho other buna , claims to bo in
nocent , und declares that the tiling of the in
formation against him Is a pleco of suite
work , done for iho purpose of getting oven
with him for clntmliiL' some commissions for
sales that were r.iadn in the oflico nnd would
tie t ln.Toforo coming tu the cleric in the of
Tno Information nllogps that the names of
tlio women which bavn been forged to iho
fictitious leases urn Sitrub Olinger. Julia
Barry , Sarau Ward and Minnie ulb&nn.
Besides tboso four. Turpy claims to have
found another slnco tbo Information was
Jllcd. Spark was uuablo to givn ball and
wus sent to the couiuy J.ill until this after
noon , when ho will bo given u bearing.
UoWltt's Sarsapanlla is ruliunlo.
To buy , soil , rent or exchange real
cbtuto. Sea Greonshlelda , Nicholeon &
Co. , 021 Broadway.
Ititldni ; Over tlio Aiho.
Only the ashes and tlio still hot wnlU of
tbo burned portion of thu nnnox at tbo Deaf
and Dumb Institute now Indicate tlio fury
of the tempest of IIamo that raxed there
thirty hour * ago. Superintendent Uothcrt
has put all iho foroo at tbo instltuto at
work clearing away tbo debris and repairing
ux fust n passible the wreck. The work of
clearing nwuy wus begun In fact before the
tire was fairly oxlInguUbod and Immediately
after the duporsal of the crowdi drawn to
thu toe no bv the tire , and by 10 o'clock
yesterday morning everything bad been
ulcarud u'wuy and the confusion Incident to
thu catastrophe abated. Tbo kitchen was
only damaged by water , wa cleared out In
ttmo to got supper after the fire , and before |
midnight temporary mean ! ) had boon pro *
vlded to pump water for domestic Use nnd to
obtain n pressure in case of lire.
It is feared Iho loss will bt > much grantor
than wns nt first supposed n&d may roach
530,000. much depending upon the condition
of tbo boilers nnd healing apparatus , which
Is still too hot to handle and inspect. The
building destroyed was erected bv Con
tractors Wickham Bros. , and tholr recolloc-
tlon is that the cost was SHt.OOO. KdVlclc -
hain yesterday examined tna walls nnd
thinks n portion of them can bo saved.
It Is now plainly aviaont that the flro will
not Interfere in any way with the opening of
the autumn term of school. This was Supsr-
intcndent Uotboit's strongly expressed bo-
Hcf Immediately after the flro , nnd the
activity displayed yesterday nnd thn great
progress made makes It apparent that tbo
supoilntcndcnt's promise to have everything
in the usual smooth running order will bo
easily kept ,
Tnoro wns no Insurance on tbo building , as
the state docs not insure any of Its property.
Becchnin's Pills are faithful friends.
Port Omaha band has twenty-eight
first-class artists. They play at Mnnawa
August l.'l and 14.
Slimmer suits for gentlemen ; cool ,
comfortable and cheap. Ruitor , the
Uilor , 310 Broadway.
Arroitti'il 1111 Insulin Jinn.
A man giving his nnmo of N. Smith wns
arrested early yesterday morning on the
cbargn of insanity , tin bad been noticed
noting tiueorly on tba street. Yesterday ho
was tnkon to the county jail nnd put through
nn examination by Sheriff linzou. Ills head
appeared to bo crowded full of fantnstlc
Ideas nnd bo retailed them out to the shorltl
with the greatest freedom. Ho claimed
that when ho was tnken to the
station tboro were tureo other men with him.
Ono of them refused to go in , nnd Ofllcor
Murphy , sli'zlng his club , dealt him u terrific
blow over the head. The club tionotrnted
his skull nnd the mnu dropped denu. The
body was picked up nnd buried in the Jail
yard nnd nothing was said about it. Ho told
a number of stories equally startling. Ho
was put In the county pendlne an exami
nation , which will bu given him by the com
missioners next Monday.
The "No. 0" Wheeler & Wilson , with Its
perfected tensions , upper nnd lower , is tbo
onlv lockstitch machine that inalcns an elastic
scum. It is thourcssm.iker's Javorito on that
account. Sold by Goo. W. Lancaster & Co. ,
514 S. lUth street.
The Port Omaha band at Manawa
ItrntrlcoUct * the 1'ont Trencher.
Rev. G. W. Crofts , "tho poet , preacher , "
who for seven years past has served so ac-
coptnbly as pastor of the First Congrega
tional church of this city , ; esterday decided
to accept n call from Beatrice , Noo.
The call Is A unanimous ono ,
and is characterized by the urgency
nnd enthusiasm natural to n young and am
bitious church organisation. 'Iho spirit of
the society and the promlsln * possibilities of
n rapidly growing Hold bnvo led Mr. Croft to
this decision in favor of Beatrice. Tno loss
which this change on his part will cause here
will bo felt not only bv bis particular church
but by tbo community in which bo Is re-
carded with such respect and esteem. Ho
will enter upon his now Held ot labor on the
1st of September.
Groonshields , Nicholson & Co. can
rent some more houses to good tenants.
What have your1
loOpooplo in this city use gvs stoves
'IhoGasCo. puts 'ora in at cost.
FltUM 'ttOVXlt .lllOUT US.
The Blair Record has starved to death.
The Murray Banner has boon moved to
York county ola settlers will Indulge In a
harvest picnic August 23.
Tbo Sarpv county fair will bo held a
Papllliou Se'ptombor 13 to 10.
The Crawford Tribune oflico was closed
last week unaor chattel tnortgairo.
A gasoline steve explosion ret lire to tbo
housoof U. U. H. Mills of Holdrego.
Mrs. John Decker of Table Ilock was
sttucu by lightning but escaped serious in
Tbo old settlers ol Dakota county will hold
their eleventh annual reunion at Jackson
August 20.
The Elwood Cttlicn Is Issuinc a dally paper
during the sonslon of tbo Gospcr County
Teachers Institute.
Robert Miller of Peru tried to do a "turn"
In tbo gymnasium , but ho lost bis bold and
fell , fracturing a rib.
The wife of Rev. L. B. Turman was nt-
tacKcd by a viclnus bull nour Table Rock
and bcvorcly injured.
The first steam llourlng mill In Scotts
Bluff county will bo built near the I'latto
bridge nt a cost of # i.OJO.
Over 2UU binders were sold in Cnoyenno
county this bou.on and yet there are not
enough to harvest the crop.
Ferdinand Klestcr , a cd 09 , walked out of
a Bocond-atory door of a house where ho was
staying at Boomer , and fulling ten feet , broke
u leg ,
Jake Dillon , who stabbed Morris Moore at
Oxford July < ' ) U and tbon escaped , bas sur
rendered to the afllccrs and is now In jail at
Beaver City.
Tui 4-year-old daughter of George Burke
ot c'riend sol Iiro to her clothing while play
ing with matches , but her mother extin
guished thu lluincs in time tosuvo tbo chllu's
As n fast Union I'acllic special was pass
ing Shollon , b'lraman Votow stuck his uoad
out of the cab window just ai they passed
the mail crane , which had boon set for the
fast mall , lie received a itovcro cut four
inches lonir across the forehead.
Because of the killing of Brakeman Cun
nighatn at Elwood ono of the other brakemen -
men refused to ao anv farther after the acci
dent , declaring that ho would never twist
another brnlco. The third would liavo been
fortunate had ho done tbo same. He wont
on to Curtis and in making a coupling at that
place bad his right hand out off , The two
accidents caused Iho engineer to rcsien and
bo says ho will never open anotb'or throttle.
Programs are out for tbo fourth annual reunion
union of the old settlers of Casa and adjoin
Inu counties , to be held at Union on Monday ,
August . The address of welcome will bo
delivered by Rov. N , M Allen , nnd the prin
cipal oration by General Gi-orgo S. Smith of
Omiihn ; address to old settlers by Rov. W.
O. H. Perry ; also addresses bv J , H. Hulde-
man of Weeping Water , Matbow Cierlng of
PlalUtnuutb , and C. H. Van Wyclc. An ex
perience nieotlnz and short speeches by old
Bottlers will close tbo exorcises. Music by
the band and fiinglnc by the choir , also n
son ? by the old settlers will give variety to
tbo proceedings.
IIcliclllH oruiiutrlliK Oiiin.
Chewing gum , usually regarded as tho.
most ubolebH and annoying commodity in
the world , hiiH at last served a good
purpose , says the Chicago Hoiald.
Jimmy Dovlln , whoso throat has boon
closed for fortv-llvo dnjs , managed to
SWH , low some of the moisture extracted
from a piece of chewing gum. Tlio
doctors say that Ills case will now pro
gress rapidly toward recovery. Modern
medical Hclonco has utilized very many
unpronilbing substances ) , hut nobody
would have prophesied that the doctors
would some day save u boy's life by pro
scribing gum.
HIM Attitude Dcchm-il.
Homo Tribune : An individual who
aspires to thu particular seal in the
house of roiircfuiitatlves which belongs
to the B'oody Seventh wan t-tlklng to u
crowd of voter * inn neighboring village.
Ono of the party said to him ;
"Colonel , 1 understand you nro pro
jecting for u Bout in congress ? "
The colonel nodded.
"Well , wo would like to know how
you bland on thu Mills bill and the Me-
Klnloy bill ? "
"Wall , " said the colonel , "I ain't
thought much about it , but I am In
clined to think the Mills bill ought to
bo paid Ural , us It is the oldest of the
two. "
- - -
A few of the Leading
Featuiics :
There is joy In the tents of the shoyks. for
the day apnroiiohos when from all over the
country will come caravans to the im ls of
Oinnlm. In which Tunzlcr Is losnted , to nice
In Imperial council nnd eirict laws for the
Nobles of the Jlyntlo Shrine. There will bo
inounns Innumerable and mcotliiRsof thu wise
men of the Arable faith In cnravunscry nnd
tcmiilo. In Uuahnmil mosque tu fitly com-
meiiitirnte the occasion , Tur. llr.n , In honor of
the visiting nobles , wilt welcome thom In true
Arable hospitality on Stinnny with song and
story , with plcliuos of the ImporiaHillleers
nnd other features tlui n 111 Miovr how deeply
It feels the salutation "Hs Selumu Alulkum"
( ponce bo with you ) .
Headers of Carp's letter In Tun Hen last Sun
duv need not bo told of Its rnnrlu. Ills loiter
to apnour next Sunday wus written In the
very hoaitaf poisant Huvslu nnd from be
ginning to end the stoiy Is ot Intense Interest.
Tin : SUNDAY Bun w 111 present n comparative
showing of wngos paid in Oimilm nnd London ,
It is : i plain statement nt facts ot Intor-
OHt , It 1ms nn reference to politics. Omaha
mechanics ana laborers receive almost double
the wages paid In Great llrltnln for Identical
work , \\lillo Hie co-.t J.if living Is but u trifle
higher. Do not full to rend the article.
The driunutlo department will contain the
week's news ot actors well Known In the west ,
a molnngu ot timely gossip for all Interested
In theatricals. Some account will bu given of
now plays likely to ho seen In Omulm the
coining season , ns well as of amusement mat
ters In Now York , the source of most entvr-
prises dinnmtlc. A great deal of Interesting
Information about footllght favorites will bo
given In condensed form ,
The manufacturing Interests of Nebraska
will bo represented , and the louder will bo a
conclso recount of the Konrniiy cotton mill
plant , which Is now In operation. Indicating
that a now industry bus been Inaugurated on
n bnsls that assures Its success and perma
nence , and showing , that till * mill Is not a
boomer's chimera , but u legitimate enterprise
backed by business men and run on business
principles. ,
The sporting department ) vlll. as usual , ho
renletc with Interestinguml , Instructive llter-
uturo uncut loenl athletics and happenings of
all kinds. A short d ssoi'tutlonon the proba
ble onttonio of tlie punlllsUe bituuiili : ; ! : to bo
belli In Nmv Orleans September 4. 5 and t ) will
bo found entertaining , as 111 the communi
cation on a eonrs ng incotlps for Nebraska ,
What the sportsmen aredoing , nQeltl ami on
laUo and stream Is always uceoptiililo to lov-
ersof outdoor pursuits ; the oykor's budget ,
horseman's chat , thu pugs' movements and
the general accumulation of purely local
sports will hour's pooil reading.
Under the above rt utlon will bo presented
n select lot , of fel V35r5b Rosslp. It Is
with special reference to ludy readers. Somn
of the topics tro.itod are :
The H-jIcn of Whlto Costumes at the Sum
mer Kesorts An Apostrophe to Early Klslng
The Mirror of Fashion Notes About
THE HUE'S record for nowseatherlntc is well
known. I > ery Important event finds a plnco
In Its columns. Tnu SUNDAY Una will contain
the news of the world , which Includes Omaha.
A Kir.s o1'KS
A. K. Williams of Francisco. Cal Is nn
I'Yirly Boilermakers employed by the Cram ) s
of IMiilmlelphm luivo struck.
Governor Mur'tliiini ' of California tins
pranted Murderer ileNulty a repilovo of
O. V. . Sotnors nnd wlfo were murdered while
tr.tvollng between Columbus , Ky. , nnd Tip-
tonrlllc , Tenn ,
till tin n , Cheney & Co. of lioslon , Mass. , have
miidu nn iissUmucnt Unmois pluee the lia
bilities arsir.o.wo.
Orunt dlssutlsfnctlon exists ninnn : the fin
ishers In thu iiunworks ut 1'ittbbun. over tlio
recently adopted bculu.
An Investlzutlon Into the alTnlrs of the
Order of tne Iron Hull shows that it poiscsbos
nss. tts amounllni ; toS.G5a , ' . > 74.'l ! .
Arthur Hart ana Knrly Illsc , 8-vcar-olil boys
of Liinslus. Mich. , shut thomselvea lu an unused -
used Ice box \\eiOHmotlierpd. .
John Oob on uits e.\eeutud nt Mttlo Keel ; ,
Aru. . and Henry MeOheo at Houston , Tex. , for
iiinr.ler. Itoth men weio negioes.
Tlio exeeutlvo board of the American Feder
ation of hilior bub refused to order a boycott
on thu productions of tlio Carnegie mills.
Thofct. Louti police huvo raided a IIORUS
mining exchuiiKo uhleh , by mour.Hof fletltlous
aiiotutlons. h .s been doing a good business ,
and pulled Its proprietors.
In a dispute \Miltehiill , Term. , between i
yougmnii mimed nnoihor iniincc
Woatbeiby , DunUlor was snot In tno leg aiu
Wratlicrby In the bro.iat. The latter wns
Thomas O'I ! lion , president of ( bo miners
union : Tbotiins Kolnoy , Kmboh and luvl (
iJosullT , Cii'iird'Alene miners , huvo lieen fnnm
gu Ity of contempt of court and will receive
bentenio toduy.
Thu Uhlo.icn stock vnrds onso bus licon do-
elded In fuvorot the defemlunU. 0. li. Wll-
loiiL'bbv , the Chleauo Junellon railway line
the Union Block Vnrds comptny. The c.isu
involved several million dollum worth of
propci tv.
The Sons of Veterans. In national conven
tlon nt HnlciiH , MouU. Imvo ulootud Dm fol
lowing olllcorsi Cominahder-ln-chluf , Mar
tin Hull. Michigan ; smifilr vice coiumupder
Uuorso llolloit. Now Jcr < uy : Junior vice com
mander. John II. Miller , Montanu ; elilof coun
sel , V. II. Clurkson. Nea.VjjrU. W. II. Wo sell
( 'onncctlcut ! luljutunt L-cjilCral , Bllns 1' . I.nan
C'liloiiL-o ; ( | iiirtMrmiii ; > tOf , II. I-obun
stein. MlHhiinrl ; msiicctor , II. Fruzlnr
udvociito Koner.i1 , W. $ i Avrolt , Oregon } clinp
luln-ln-ebtef , Clmrloi MuOuiiloy. C/'Inclnnut
wiisboloeted for thu next uncumnmmit urn
Cbcajo ! wan selected us permanent hoiidcjuur
tors. fi > "
A lull has occurred In ] lirltluh Intrigues I :
Morocco. t ,
Many fut-il ciiscs of pnolera have occnrrcc
recently lu .St. I'cterxbun ; !
All Hindoos have \lfVn \ ordered to leave
TurUostiiii within MX mnniliH.
Kus liin troops re' < belng rapidly inovec
from TiirUi'stin : to thu fruntlor
Tbo eovornor general.W D.iimdu will g | i
the order of iho eounelj abolishing the rebate
In ennui /j | 4. ,
A poor bliickHinlth ot Quebec , It U asserted
liHKiilKcovorod tlie luiu ( oat urt of tempering
and liurdenlir ' copper.
An Knullsh torpedo veteel has been towoi
Intu the liurborof ItulfaHt In u dUubled con
illllon. Threii men cni wrloiiHlv Injured li
the iieeidenl by wlilcli she w , disabled.
A London dlHpnteh Bays ; It U unilemtooi
tbut I.or.l ItoHuliury will not Join thu not
cabinet. Hhoud th t provecorruut Lord Kimberly
borly will pioliubly iiccept the foielgn port
folio , wltli the leadcrslilp of thu lluiuu u
"A Krcnl liivi-ntliiii Im * lii'fii ninilu by Dr.
TutU Tlmt oiiilni-iit cliumUt IIUH produced
Ilci ! Imltutr * nutiirii lo per fuel In
1'rlct , SI. OUlco , 3D li 41I'urlt i'Jucu"K , V.
and Comfort A Part
by the use of poor smoking tobacco.
The one tobacco that lias held its
own through all the changes of Against Tlmo
time and against all competitors is
Black well's" Bull Durham Smoking Fears Nothing
A Question WHY ?
Because it's always mire , always Unchanging
A Great Record the same , always the best. Such a
record tells more than patjes of Talk's Cheap
"talk.1 H's hist as good 1o-day
For You as ever and it is the tobacco toryou.
If you smoke , you should smoke
Good Advice
A trial is all we ask ,
fl lO.Tnne - i.fliv Mnchlno ntn 10-Tono-n-Day Price.
n IflUIIS-H'MUJ Olr | Warranty on nltli Kncli Machine- .
ThoSoitttixt Irk Tlnllnir 1'rosn Is n Wiorso , full-clrclo mnchlno.
It linn tbo lnrie t looil opening ol
JJoubli'-btroko 1'rcss In
Ibo World.
Dales tlahtj draft light.
duiucltyi CnnMrncttont N3ANUFACTURINC2SSS * *
SANDWICH N3ANUFACTURINC CO. Council lllud , Io\\n.
75 Presses sold in our territory since Aug. 1st
One agency alone sold S.
Every MAN can bo
OUOUSinall rcspcru
by usini ; SI-AVtSII
NMRVINItlietrcatapniil8h Remedy. YOUNO M15N
Oil OIDcutfcrinir from NERVOUS DUUIIATY , IOST or
PAULINO MANHOOD , nlRlitlyci.iissionsconvulsions , nervous
prostration , cr.uvd by theme of opium , tobacco or alcoliol.vtakc'
fulness , tncntnl depression , loss of power in cither sex , spcimalor *
DErnomi AMD AFTER USK , rliros cauicd by self abuse and o\cr indulgence or any rersannl weak1
ness can be restored lo perfect health and tiio NO DLU VITALITY OF STRONG MBN.
We give a written cuurantee with C boxes to cure any case or refund the money , f i a bov6 boxci $ j
ForSala In Oma habySnowLund & Co.
1316 Street Neb.
Douglas , Omaha , .
Th eminent sporlnllit In nervous , rlironlc , prlTnto. blool , iklnand nnnnrr ritsi > nei. A rojnlir anil
rORlitrrod graduate In lucaclne. in illplomnn nnil corlinciiten nlinw. li still trentln wllli the drollest success
cnturrli , spernmturrliocs , lost mnntiooU , amlnnt Wt'nknu % nluat losung , liiiintcncy. | syplUIK. itrtcluro. eon-
orrliuoa , Rloct , Tnrli'ocule.ctc. No mercnrr uieJ. Non troitmunt forloxot vliul puwt-r , I'urllas iinnblo to
vtjKmorunj belruntal at homu bj correJi'onJunco. MeiUcin * or InstruuiPDls tout by mall orexpro s st-
curulypncked , no marks to Inillcnlo contunts orsnmler. Uno pvrsunnl luturrlow proluirod. Consultallun
free. Conespomteiipo strictly prlTato. llonk ( Mysteries ot U ( ) soul ttta. Ufflou hoursUm. a. to 0 p. m.
Bundajs 10 a. m. to 13 in. Send sinuip tor roDIJ.
The Whipple
1'AT. FKII 23 , U9J.
Mnnufnclurcd by
Council HluITs , la.
Warranted to sink nn olKlit-
Inch hole , 2 feet 8 Inches , In ono
Itln unoqunlcd bf any other
In rapidity , llulitnc" of opera
tion , coinpletonuKu of construc
tion and cheapness.
It Is conceded by nil to bo a
murrel for rapidity of execu
tion and case of operation ,
Something New
CirculT - ani - Prices
Extract ofBeef ,
Do you want a copy ot
DacfTeaV See that it
is made from the Gen
xiino Incomparably
the best. Pure , pala
table , refreshing. Dis-
Boluds clcarly-
the Baron Lc
big's tsignnuro
n blue on each ,
abcl , thus.
"BANATIVO. " the
Wonderful K | nleh
Ueincdy. U sold wllll a
V/rltton Guarantee
to euro alt Neivous Dis
ease ? , eutli M Wenlc
Memory , loss < , f Jliula
l'ovcr. Hcadacuc ,
licod , Ncrvousnef4iI.M'
futwlc , nil diulni mid
Before & After Use lee of power of tlio
PboUiKraphed trom life. OcneratUo Oicam In
cither ecr , caused by
otrr-oxi-itlon , joutlifiil liKliscretlotiH.or the e > ulvt
iw rinlncro.oilinnoi | itlnnilaiili. wlilili ullliiinuly
lend tu Infirmity. Oiiwuiiiptlau nnd Iiinnulh rijt up
liuonicidfiitfnriii lu cnrr % In the UH I'wuit. 1 lice
it a imcknsc , 01 0 for I'j. Wllli c eij' t' ' " 'I'1" " ' Kl *
written guoranteo to cure or refiinrt the
manor. 6'nt hy mull lo unr ndilieM. circular nn
til | ilnln envelope. Jlenllon tlilj p.i [ fr. AuJifM ,
HAD.IID CHEMICAL CO. , iiranch omce foi u. a. A
35J Di-nibnrn Ktr.Tt. C'lllUAaO , II.I. .
fOIt FALE IN OX.'AIIA. NED. , BY & Co. , Co.r 15tn & Douiiliu St .
A Fuller & Co. . Cor llth A. Iioualw S A
JlENT.nipoclllo for lly : orli. DlMlnajj , fin , Noa
rulgln , Iloailacli9 , Nurvoua I'rustrutoii ciuiuJ u/
alcohol or toU.icco.Vnk tulnon , Mental Dojr.ii.
Iondottncmof tn Drain.c luilru linnlty , mlsjrr
dvcujr.ilualli , 1'ruui itura Old \uo , llurronjn , I.OJH
of 1'owurln vltliunox , Impiitonoy. l.oucurrlui
nil Komnlo Wonlinossjs. Involuiitiry I/oiiot , Spun
uinturrbnn ciuiuil br uror-uzorttun of t'l ' ) brtln
t > eir-ubu ooror-lndultfonca. A monthtrjituiint
II , U for { 5 , br m ill. WuKutrnntua'U baxoi tu ojrj
Kuch order for u ba ( oi , wllti Ji will sjil > rrllt3i
( uarantvoto rotund If noicurj.l. Ouir.uHou Us.ul
only by Tbeodoro. K I.e la druvKlut , tolu iiKdut ,
coruor lUtli nnd Kurnum U. ( liiniliii
Anovr and Complete Troutmont , conilitln of
uppoiltorle < . Olutraant la I'uinulei , ulau la llux
mid I'lllm a 1'oiltlvo Cure for IJUornil , Intoriuil
bllndorUloodlnKltuhbiK./Mironlc , Ituojntor HuruJI-
t rr I'lliM , Tiiln Itomoljr liti nurur bjon known to
fall , tl per bar. U forJ ; Hunt ujr mall. U'lir luitur from
Ibis turrlblo dliuno nlua a wrllUn tiuirantu U
oOBltlvolyKlum with ( I oj oi or rotund the nionoylf
noicurodSvnd ntamp for froa Uumplo. ( iiiamntou
Uiiued byKulin * L'o. , DruuKliK , tiolu A onticorner
lltl' und llouKlui utruetJ. Uinaliu , Neb.
Healed prnposali , wl 1 bu received bv the un-
lmieil until li.O o'eloclc p. m , Auiruot VUlb ,
18J.1. for KrndlnK 4'h ' "trcul from Wuolwinth
nveniiu to 1'oiip uton uvoniie ; Williams utreut
from Ulh ktruot to west llnu f rlKht of way of
Omulm k SoiHlnveBlern rulhray , In thu city of
Omaliiu In uccurdanco with plans und npvcl-
lluutlons onlllo In the olllou of thu Dourd of
I'ublle NVorks.
Kuoh propomil to bo iniiilo on printed blaiil.'s
furnished by thn board and to bo accom
panied by u cerllllud chuulc In the sum of
lii'.W ) paynblo to the city of Oinuhu , as an
evidence of nuud f.ilth ,
The bonrd roservus the rl.-lit to reject any
or nil bids und wulvo defects.
Chairman Hoard of I'ubllu Works.
Omulm , Nub. , August mb , IB'.U. '
To thoowners of all lots and parts of lots
and real estiiUuiloni. thu Sixteenth street vl.i-
iluet nnd tlio uiiioicliea | | thereto.
You aiu hereby notlflod that the iiiulcr-
siKiicd , tlireu disinterested freeholders of the
eltyof Omaha , liavo been tlnlv iiupolnteil by
the mayor. Itb tbo approval of the elty eoun-
ell of Mild city , to assess the ( I IIIIIKO to the
ntrnoiH respectively of the prn [ irty ulTuclud
by the ojiistriietlon nnil recuiiatriiutlnii of the
Sl.xtnenth struct viaduct In the elty uf Omiilia
us declared necessary by ordinance No. 2UT7.
imd as proposed by plans dtily approved by
the mayor null council of snlil city.
You are further not ( led , that having nq-
ccpted shtd appointment , nnd duly qu.illllod
IIH required by law wo will , nn Monday , the
'nd day of August. A , I ) . , Ib'K.1. at the hour of li
o'clock In thu forenoon , at tlio directors'
room of the Coinmorcml National bank ,
within the eoruorato limits of said city , meet
for the purnosu of coiiHldorlnz and making
the assessment of dnmau to the owners ru-
Bpectlvoly of suld property. alTecled by said
rccoiihtriictlnii uf iild vsaduet nnd Its np-
pmnchcb. tuUIn Intu consideration suoolal
benefits. If any.
You are notified to bo present at the tlmo
anil nlnco aforesaid nnd make any oblectlons
tn or statumrnts concoinl'ix Hiild assessinunt
of tlnmjic.s ; us you miv : consider proper.
Oniahii , August 10. iftlj. AlldlOt
rropoFiils fur Venetian llllndn lor tlin City
fe.i'C'l bids will bo received at the comptrol
ler's olllce , iJinaha , .Nelinisli . up to 4 p.m. .
An lint ii ( , IMC. for Venetian 11 lulls fur the
city ball. Mild bids to bo b iscil on so much
per Miiaro | foot : tbu slats of said blinilH to I ; i
two Inches wide and of iiuurtur s iwed O.IK.
anil to bo b irl oil llnlsh to mutch woodwork ,
and till blinds to bu him ; : In position complete.
A cot tilled cheek for iliu.-u. payable to tlio
city comptioller , to u i.'b bill. The
rlijbt Is icbiir\cii to i eject any or all bids.
TIIKO OI.SK.S , Comptioilcr.
Omaha , AIIKIIBI.H , l.SDJ. aUiITt
K. W. PAKSLE , 1.
The Good Saaarilan. 20 Tears'Eipcricnto.
SAitir OF J
/treat the following Diseases :
Catarrh of the Head , Throat , and Lungs ; But.
oaeosof the Eye and Knr. KlUand Apoplexy , lloitrt
Disease , I.Ivor Complaint , Kidney Complaint ,
Nervous Debility , Mental Depres
sion. Loss of Manhood , Somlnnl
Woakncss , IIa ) icie .UrlglitB l ) | cao,8t.VUu '
banco ; Kheuitiatisin , I'arnljula , White Snclllne ,
Hcrofiiia , Fever sores , Cancers , Tumors
nnd Fistula In ano removed without
the knlfo or drawing a drop of
blood. Wompn with her delicate orcuns re-
Btorcd to health , Iroi y cured without tapping.
SpocHI Attention given to private
and Venereal Diseases of all kinds ,
85O to StJOO forfeit fur any Venereal Dls
eaoo I cannot cure without moroury.
Tatx ) Worms removed In two or llirco hours , or no
lay. ! ! morrliol.U or I'llcn cured.
Will eave life and hundreds of dollars by calling
on or tulng
TJiooiilyriiylclnn wlio cim toll wlint ulU
n jer iiiltluiut ; i klnn u < iiie tlnn.
All corrcspoiulenco strictly confidential. Mcdlolno
bout by uxpreu. AddreLS all luttcn to
6 , W , Pangle , M , D
BB5 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs , Iowa
- . . ; SAI.K tioix ! li-room dwe.lln ? nenr U.
I * , transfer. I'rlco * . ' , OO. Wlil I iko borsoi
aiul AUiu In part imy. R 11. Slionfu.
SALE-Crenmcry , well loefttcd In Kc-
brnskit. ilolntt good litnlm" > i. Will take
nrtncr or null ontlro busltiovi ut H b.trKnln
II. aiioafo.
"filOU SAM ! Improved 481-iicro st'ic' < farm
J. ' In western limn.tJi ; Iflu-ncro funn , iItfJ \ -
ncrcs. IU Johnston ft Vnn rnttvn.
"lilOU KXOIIANOK-A clear Int'furTmno anil
Jhusgy or tnnni. ( JreonililcUU , Mchulson A
Co. , G'Jl llro.uhvny ,
"j OIl IXCIIANI.1K-Improved : fnnn , Join
* eoiporitlon of MNumrl Valley , for it rest-
ueitiM ! In Council IllulTs. UrcenshloliKNIeliul-
son & Co , fijl llroa Iwiiy. _ Mrtt
F ] > K i\rCIIANOK-A : UOiXI stooU of driui
for rrslilencu In Council Illnlls , or for land ,
Urcejishlolds , NlolioUon A.Co.i 'Jl Ilioudwiiy ,
TI'O IIUY Wo liavo a cash oustoiner for a
* . sct-tlnn of lund lee inllos of Omnluw Orcon.
alilcliis. Mclitilson .t Oo. , KM llru.idway.
I7IOK nXCIIAXOE A nlco A- room bniisiv
J vooil b.irn , for Knlochonp , and will t.iUon
vacnnt lot Inpirt , uiiymcnt. LlrocnsbleUK
soii X Co. , mi llro-idwuy.
Kl'N'T A pluiiRiint buy window room.
ilshuil. Itiiiulro 700 First iivonuc.
MONI'Y loiinod ut n per cent on Council
lllulTsicsldenco property. U. H , Shuafe.
171OU SAIiK , Florida orini'JO cmvui will
Atrnilo for Council Ululfs orOmiilia prop
erly. li II. Shoifn.
UK.NT. the Kit man rosldoneo , till 1'ui-k
- ' uvu ; Inituod repair nnd all modem oon-
'lilonees. Kent t > M. K. II , tdieufi' .
\\rANTii : ) I.nily or pputlniiiiin lo board by
* u mlvutu fiunlly. Address O 1' ' . HOP.
\\/ANTlID Youiu man to woik In town
' mill on farm us required. Aptly to I.oon-
ard Evi-rett. tHIIep. 1'cnrl street. iSo. 10.
\\rANTKU-A well dig -or to OhI I or 5 wells
' tnul tiiku his p. y In borsu * . Apulv to
I.connul Cvoielt , 1'oarl street , Council Illulfs ,
I/IOU KXdtlANHR iro-ncro linprnvoil farm ,
-L cleiir ot liRMlnihr.incu , In llutltir county ,
Ivnns.iM , 4 miles from rullioul , fur t.'ounoll
IllnlN nniportr. Urconshlelds. Mcho'son
Co , C.'l llroailwuy.
ltS" ltK\VAUl-Iost. \ botweoti m I'nrli
I'livcnno mill Miumwii , Imty's goln wutch'
inono rain "S , MuU" ( Sue Mcl.'ilul on bnolc ,
Helurn to lieu oftlcu. Oounell lIlulK or J. T.
Oliver. 8 I'o.u-l Rtreut ,
IpOU SAliK I'lvo ncrcs of garden Kroutul
near the elty. Will tnl.o nn uulneum-
bereii city lot In purl pavmi'iit ami ilvo 10
yeurs tlmo for tbo p.mnuntof the balnnoi ut
S uereont Interest. Apply to Leonard Kvor-
ott. in 1'u.irl street. Cumuli lllntls. In.
1J1OK bAli : Hotel , 2J rooms , located In
* - southern Nob. , clolntr n thriving business.
. ' .MU buys build ng nnd furniture Will trudo
orindse. i : . II. Hluvifo.
f7IORSAIi1IInnlirara steak In central Nob.
-L1 WllllnvolcuSJ.VU. K. II Sheufo.
FOK SAI/IC Ulioicost t.irm In I'ottawuttu-
mloCo. , 4111 acres , nell located and lm >
roved. 1'rlco 8IJ an ncro. K. H. Slicufo.
| j > AKM nnd city loins at lowoit r.itoi
-L estuto for sulo.
Dwollinj ; an I business rontils ,
Money lo.inud for looul Investort ) .
2J > 1'e.irl hi root. Louseo & Towlo.
VOU huvo anything for s Ue or trade HOO
U H. Shinto , llnivlw.ivnn I Muln ntrnnt.
OK UK.V T Dwolllnrs In nil pirn of tha
city. R K. Klmnfo. llr.vulw.iy anil Muln.
LirANTIilKastnrn Nobrai'c.i lands In ox-
ii eliunijii for Uounall Itlnir * property. R U.
lionfo. lti-i > ti ! > T.ty unit M tin strjju
[ TOH SAI.H On small paymonts. fruit and
L.'garden Ian I noir ( Jonticll lllnlfs 11 H.
liuafe. llroatlway nn'I.Maln ' stroot.
FOU HA 1.1 : Albion Holler mills on Ilnono
river. Nub. ; finest water power In the state
ovoloplni ; li horse power water ontlro ye ir :
lally uipuelty , too barrels : in.icbmer.v and
ippiirteiriiiccH complutolnovrry det ill.doi ) 1
ramo residence ; 8 ueres of land , title uorfoJt :
iriee , $ . ' < , OJU ; will take mil nprovol oasteru
N'obnixka land. M II. Sbe ifu.
FOH SALE lown farms In I'ottawattumlo
unil adjoining cou'illcB. ' K. 11. Bhcufo.
FOK SAI/f. Hotels uir.l rost.iurnnts In Iowa
nnd Nelinis' ' < : i. Uolaj ir.lltablo buslnoil
and we.l loo.Ueil ; will take 1 iiul In part trudoi
ttrltufordot-allii. 13. II. She ife.
I71OH SALE S3 ncrosot KOD ! Innil mil now
-L1 colt'ijro , with four noroi lunil In Wurnors-
vlllc , Neb. : nil modern liniiroveiiifcts : will
exchuiuofora plo.uant cotti' ? ( roe of In-
cumliranco In Council Illitdd or Omaha.
K. II. Slieafe.
FOK SAljR Ono of the Drlihtost an I most
ileslrnblo homos In thu city , on Uli uvo. ;
mnclurn in till rcspouts. Must sell , null will
aucnlleo. Address L 111 , lice olllec.
IJ1OK SALE ! 8)-aoro rnncli In Ohorr > r Oo.
JNub. . Good hay luud , splendid ranitu fur
cattle. Mco cotta o , Htablo and out buildIngs -
Ings In coed rop.xlr. plenty w.itor , Uest lunil
In the county : will null cheap. Write for do-
tnlln K. H.Shriifo. .
1AT ANTED Hufilwaro stoelf In soiilh-
VT western Iowa for spot c.isli. C. II. bbeufe
F KSAI < K-Knrm , 110 ncres. 1.1 mlloH from
Council Illuirs , 7J acres under ciiltlvatlnn ,
: i ) ucres niuro can bo oultlvnted. Good lin-
iirovoiiients ; puio wuter ; cash for pqultyi
tl.OOOIncuinbrjiico. 21i I'ourl Htreot , Lougca
k Towle.
ANTKD-OIrl forseconl work. * l u week ,
ut MM. Kverutt'H , Second nvciiuo nnd
KlKbtb biiectH ,
Funeral Director , Embalmer
14 N. Main Street ,
Oiilia llcuial and Surgical
fiiUlltlefl , uupiirnlutnnil rcmcdlni for miccoif ul
tie tiiiunt in cvLr/ form ifilboiiu reiiilr | *
IIK nicMllcil or Kurnltnl troitmeiit.
51 teJn furiiiitlunti , boarl nnil nttonlincu. llutt 0
ciniiniltttlun * In llm ne t.
U'rltii fur clrvulurs < > u ilufnrinltleH anil hrucon , Irun-
in , clnh ft'tt , riirvuturoicif Kplnu , pllui , tumors , run *
i or. cntiirili , brdnchltls , Inlmlutlon , elvo rlcltr , | mr-
, cplli'luy , Uldnoy , blmlilur , ejo , cur , nkin und
nml Mil mi ruli ul iMMirHtliiiiH.
OF U S,1. 5
DI8B&8C8 WOMEN , . .
Wonu'ii I HICK. Wulmviilutfly iirtJcil a lylnu-ln ilo-
inrtnii'iit for Wiimoii ilurlnu ( niitlni'inunt , ttrlulr
pr rnlo , onlf Itelliiblo Jluillcul ln llulu innklntf
fcliccliilt ) tit
All Illninl DlKMix's miccjsUnllIruntfil. . Hyplillltla
I'dlfon1 * ri nioviHt from tlio ityrtiMii wlthoul inuroury.
Now IU' tumtlvu Truutmunt fur of VITAIi
roWHil. rur iiniuniililo to vltlt utnmy bu Ircalcd
ut IMIIIIU br curri'Hiiuinluniu. All cinuiiiunloilloiii
conlh'C'U'.ill , AtU'llUnoMirlnnlrn nuiitmontb/ mull Ul
ojtpp K , nc'curoly imckcil , niiiiiirk ( In liullnitu con.
u n H or H'lnkT. onu pononiil Intcrtloiv | iruturn t.
I Hll nnil ( ininu.t in or end bh'urj of you re mo , and
wci nlll fen I In plain wnim'ur , our
Upon 1'rlvato _ . ,
, . ,
ouun i u 1,11.1 ,
clal or Norvoim llxeu oi
'mixi'rncy , "ypUllli , ( J'oot und Vurlcoiulc , wltli ijuut
tlonllut ,
Itracun , APl'llxnces for llefurinlt 01 un t Trukiai.
only manufactory In thu nviiut
Omaiia Medical and Surgical Inslllute ,
2Oh n d Ero'dway , O .unoll ElufTa.
Ton inliituoi rl'o from cuntcr of Omulm mi Uuinlia
uuuUikiitl Illull * uluctrlo motor llnu.
OfCnunoll Ululi
burpluaunJrroUts . . HOUOJ
Illructon , i ) . iJ uunji'i i , A , it. duujtrt , . ' 1
Uh'ftiuii , B. 19. llm , I. A. , Mlllir , J. V. illru'iuu
rtdCuarUi It Ilitnnan. Tram binlr-
Inxbumnui * hurxutt caplt-tl uuJiurplutut
miy Luiiklu ioutbwoUorii Iinra.