Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 13, 1892, Page 2, Image 2

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Grand Eaplda Track Scqi Some Sensational
Drivine and Tinhhos ,
Three Fust Ilrtitu In tlio Stnlllon Itnco
llrutrlrr , IvniiTVllln and Clitidriin Also
hco Niinin I'liio Drivlni : IliHT
tlio Itati Tuils rinlisliod.
GUANO Ilu-ins , Mich. , Aug. 13. Flno
weather , n crowd of 10,000 , peoolo , n fast
track and broken records were the order of
today at Coins lock park.
In'tho 2:27 : trot Magnolia , on a record of
2it ! ! % ( vcuta mlle In 2:18 : > i. Flying Jib ,
2:20 : % , nstonifihod the natives by pacing a
mlle in 2:03J : , only one-quarter second
slower than Hal Pointer's Buffalo record
and half a second batter than Nancy Hanks
trotted yesterday. His tlmo by quarters
in the first heat was : 0:33 : , l:05Jtf : , 1:37 : .
2OSK- : Flying Jib wonttho mlle so smoothly
that his speed wns hardly noticed , bub the
crowd went wild and gave him an ovation
when the tlmo was announced. Robert J
broke badly in the third heat and barely
managed to save his distance.
In the $1,000 stallion race Lobasco , favorite -
ito on account of ills recent victory ever Al-
lorton at Dubuque , broke badly ana just
managed to scrape third. Colliding was dls-
tancod for running. Alvlti won the race in
2.15 , 2:14 , 2:14 : / , the fastest three heats
over gone In any irco-for-nll stallion raco.
Alvln clipped a quarter second off his record
In the last two heats , being forced to It by
FredS. Wilkes and Lobasco , defeating the
former after the most oxcltlnir heat of the
daybynnoso. Summaries :
2:27 : trot , purse II.GOU : Magnolia won. Max
second , Btunza tlilrd. Hot tlmo : 2:18 : > ( .
2u : pace , purse Mw . i.YK ) extra If 2:1.1 : Is
boitton : Flylnsr Jib won , Wisconsin Kliig sec
ond. ItoliortJ. third. Host time : ' 'jiHW.
s-j.aii.u-y ear-old colts , purse $ . > .OJO : Dlrcotnm
won. Vassurscound , Joun Wilkcs third. Host
time : 2:211 : .
Free for all stallions , purse $10.000 : Alvln
won , llonnlo second. Lobasco third. Host
Unit Dny' Itnolncr of tlio State llrcotlors'
Annual Mncthi ) ; .
BEATIIICI : , Noo. , Aug. 12. [ Special Tele
gram to Tin : BKI : . ] The fourth and last day
of the Nebraska Trotting Horse Breeders as
sociation races was grootcd with a splendid
attendance. A special attraction was the
Iowa State band. The meeting has been an
encouraging success from the start and has
bcouiaamlrably conducted. But little Kick
ing has been recorded , nnd a universal ver
dict of fairness Is accorded the judges and
timers. Starter Swigort of Omaha Is deserving -
serving of special mention for the fair man
ner In which ho bus performed his dellcuto
"duties. Today's summaries :
Klrst race. ycarlluL- trot , stnko 11,00 ] :
Arinlnlun. b. c. , hy 1'ollltlor . 1 1
I'anarna. n. f. . by Orion . 2 3
Kiln Woodlliio. br. f. , by Woodllno . a 2
I'rlvuteor , b. c. . 'yl'ollltlor ' . 4 4
Shadoland Hey , br. e. , by Miadelutut On
ward . dls
Count Tune. b. c. . by Count Waidcniun. . . dls
Time : , i:0i : , : it'l. :
Second nice. 2:10 : stallion trottln ? , stake
race , eiOJ nihleil :
Holfurlno , bile , h. , by Grttnd Sentinel. . . 1 1 1
Uharlos lb. . h. . by Both 1' . 2 2 3
Iirlc Nkht. br. h. . by ( iuneral Garllold .132
Gladstone Chief , br. h. , by lillly Wllkes dis
Time : 2o4. : : ! ! 2:4IW : , sw. : :
Third nice , futurity , foals of 1690 :
liurlook. Ii. o. . by Kod'WIIkos . 1 1
Hurry D , b. o. , by I'olletlor . 3 2
Time : Si35j4 , 2.VJ. :
Second Hay ut Chiidron.
CiiAiyio.v , Nob. , Aug. 12. [ Special lolo-
gram to Tin : BEI : . ] Today was a most
auspicious one for the races. . The track
was greatly improved by the rain of yester
day ; The two unfinished rauos of yesterday
"flnUhod In the forenoon. Summaries :
JHilf mllu and repeat , purno $500 :
.v . . 1 2 1
Doe Mlddlcttm. . . . . . 212
Dan Wugnoi'.r/ : ' . . . ! . ' . . . . t > - . -r--- A 4 3
1'lolor . 4 a 4
Tlo. Walker . 5 dls
Ilrown Hey . 0 dls
Tlmo : W , .11(4 ( , BUS. Han Wagner won second
end heat , but wns disqualified on account of
Four-year-old and under trot , purse SMO :
Twilight . 4
Fremont . 1 1332
Hilly K . 2 2 2 U 3
Jllnnlo West . 3 3 4 dis
IlomlnKford Hey . dla
Tlino : 2.W : , 2:57H : , 2:51 : , 2l8tf. : 2:47. :
Two-your-old trot , J.'OO :
llnlipy Uleii . 1 1
.Myrtlo . . . 2 2
J. O. Joliimon . dls
Tlmo : aW. : 2M'i. : trot , } 200 :
Mountain Hey . 1 1 l
Desrles . 222
KeyS . 333
Time : 2:4ltf : , 2:4J : . 2:42. :
, Vony Imlf mlle running and repeat , $250 :
llonus . 1 1
lluldy . a 2
Hut . . . 3 3
Time : S''ii , 5JJi.
Throc-iiniirter inllo dnsh , sDcoial , $100 : nan
Witcnur won. 1'leklor souond , Joe Hookur
third , . Hip fourth. Tlmu : 1IU1J. :
Itnulii ) ; ut C
CIIICAIIO , 111. , Aug. 12. Unrflold pan :
, raooi :
First race , flvo furlongs : Lucy Dlllnrd won ,
1'ulilnl bi'cdml , Antrim third. Time : lu2Vi. :
Bccnnd race , one mlle und twenty yards : My
I'nrtner won , < Hud ICoot .second , Hob Forester
third. Tlmo : 14UJ. ;
Third nice , ono and ono-alehth miles : Fakir
won. Ciiasnllu HUCOIU ) . Itohln 11 cod third.
Time : 1:5.1
I'oiirth ti\et , one und ihree-slxtcunths mlle :
Lorenzo won , Krnost Itucn boeond , Vnllora
third. Tlmo : ItMIJf.
I'lfth nice , seven furlongs : Sly Lisbon won ,
Ht Joe second , Aiteinus third. Tlmo : lU'Sli.
„ plxlb race. BUVUII furloiiKs : Kanlor won ,
Poiislcnoo Biicond , Kmpiuus Froderlek third.
' . .rime : 1:30. : ,
Jiuvthorno races ;
Klral nice , half inl'o ' : Mnntoll won. Inland
KOUOIIU , Mr. IliirneH third. Time : 0:51. :
Kneond , declared oir.
Third rauo. one mllu : Hart Wallace won ,
Governor Ad tuns second , Kmnoror Uocont
third. Tiinn : 1:44. :
Fourth race , nix furlongs : Dud IludHUOth
. won , Keclnso Hccond. MugKlo J.uliuH third ,
Tlino : 1:18.
Fifth nice , ono and one-sixteenth mlle :
1'atrlek won , Chiipmau Hccond. Gilford third
Time : i.U |
* fclxlh riu'O , six furloiiKSi Horace T.olund
won , Oood Day scuonil , Libretto third. Time :
ilt < \y Triiulc at
SAIIATOQA , N. Y. , Aug. 12. The races
were continued here today on a heavy track.
First race , llvo furlonzs , divided , ten start
ers : Tuotlelun f.ii to l ) won In lUM'i , I'rlnco
Howard ( jto& ) second , King llnzum (3 ( to 11
Second race , one mllu. flvo xtnrtors ; Byku-
etono ( H to l ) won In 1:47Wloll Onto ilUtoll )
hocond , Uiillndo ( I to 21 third ,
Third ruco. Huvon-ul''hthH of a mile , nlno
Hiirturs : lliidnu fttt to 1) ) won In 1:38 : , Touno (0 (
to II second , l.oinm ( A to l ) third.
Fourth nice , one mllu und an eighth , nine
Marten : ( Jumhlur(2ti ( to I ) won In l.W. : Helen
1(040 ( < l to I ) Hucond , (0 ( to 11 third ,
Fifth r.ico. ono mllu , four .starters : Hllt/.cu
( lit to I ) won In 1:13 , Huron ( II to ll ( > uondduiid
hunt between Suiimoror uud Klnj ; Crab for
Hlxth rnie. llvc-oluhtlm of u mile , ton ntnrt-
cra : lluatvud CJH tel ) won In 1U4 . Trlauilo
(4 ( to 1) ) second , JuyF. _ Dee (10 ( to 1) ) third ,
DI-IIHT H\lil ThrTvlntf.
UBNVBH , Colo. , Aug. 12. There was a
largo attendance and good racing ut Over
land Park today. Weather beautiful.
First race , six furlotiKs : Viislstus won. Mury
IliiiUocond , llolsluuzar third. Tlmu : llii : [ .
Hooond raco. thliteini-sxtconth | of u mlle :
Qiiyprnor Hosa won , Critic tecond , Mlnnlo 1CI-
klns third. Time : l'jh. :
Third nice , ono mllu : llnuos won , Hymua-
t hot lea second , Hherldiin third. Tlmut 1:41. :
Fourth race , Ilflcen-Nlxtoonthn of n mlln :
Wild Uoiio won , I'm Ulna bucond , FlMt Lun
third. Tlmo : 1:37. :
Fifth rncn. llvo fiirloiiBit Olmrlos WlUon
won. Muud Duocond , tlvnudlnu third , Tiuiot
Tulxiit Unit mi inning.
NKW YOIIK , Aug. 13 , The lx races at
Urighton Ueach were run off In prompt style
over B track that looked much worse than It
really wai , for whllu the surface was deep
( n tuud , there wai a good hard bottom uudor-
math. Toe attondauco was fair. The
betllnif was very heavy , and as tbo favorites
wplured all six rauot the bookmnKera dn-
gorged n fair share of their profits on recent
{ daughter * .
First rnce. Ovo furlongs , cloven 't rtors !
Hob Sutherland ( II to A ) won , Daisy WoodrulT
(5 ( to I ) second , Tloin ( 5 to I ) third. Tlino : lia
Second race , Ovo fnrlonzs. ton starters ! 1'od-
len n to 1) ) won. Philanthropist l to 1) ) second ,
WlllloMoAiilllTo(7lultlilrd. ( ) Time ! 1OI' : ( .
Third race , seven furlongs ! Jiicl ; lloso (7 ( to
10) ) won. AlondoiC to 1) ) second , Oommon Santa
Cl lot ) third. Tlmo : lil. : :
1'uurth race , six nnd iv Imtf furlongs , seven
starters : Crochet CM to I ) won , Kuy west. ( S
to II second , KIU ( to to I ) third. Time : Ili'lV.
Fifth MUM' , two and a quarter miles , four
xtnrtcrs : India Itnbbnr (4 ( to r > ) won , I.onx
Danuo (14 ( toft ) second , George W ( t to I ) third.
Tltnot 4ilUi. !
.Sixth nice , ono tulle , seven atartcrs : Ioul :
licut , Mary Stone | 7 to II and /.nmuost (7 ( to 2) ) ,
roxfunl iiito U third. Time : 1UJ.
Interest nt HI. I'liul ( Inuring ,
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Aug. 12. Another good
day ; good tracx ana good racing. Additional
horses nre applying for stable room for the
extra week's racing. Summaries :
Klrst race , for Il-yoar-o'ds nnd upwards , live
furlongs. su\cn starters : C'lydo (5 ( to a ) won In
lV ( > , Top Uallnnt ( t to 1) ) second , Iowa Hey (4 ( to
1) ) third. -
Second lace , 2-yoar-olds , llvo fnrlonas. seven
stariort : Ht. Ornlx ( ovoli ) won In 1:0' ! , Lock
out (4 ( to 5 > second , ( loldii pi to' ' ) third.
Third race , a-yonr-olds nnd upwards , seven
starters , one nnd one-sixteenth mile : Uoronot
(3 ( to a ) won In liM , TlioClown ( Uto2) ) second ,
Fourth race , . ' 1-yoar-olds and upwards , ono
mile nnd llfty yards , four stnrtors : Forest (2 (
to til won In IUi ( , l.nellle Miinelte , ( oven ) second
end , Innocence , ill to 3) ) third.
Fifth raue , for ii-voiir-ohlR nnd nuwnrda ,
foiling , Mivmi .starters , mlle and twenty yards :
Hull liens ( ! - . ' to 1) ) won in l:4tU. : Uoputul , (8 ( to 1) )
second , Oorjnno Ivlnnoy ( " > to I ) third ,
Sixth race , for maiden --yuar-olds , four nnd
a hint fiirlonns. slv Htartors : Sar.ih U (7 ( to 5) )
won In 'iSH , Snarluy the Mluggor(7 ( to 1) ) second ,
ltiipHlell(7to ( ; , ) third.
Hevunlh race , Holllmr , for ! ) -yu'ir-olds and
iipwiirdB. llvo furiomts , ten starters : Bret
llnrto it to'J ) won In lO.Hi : , I'loena (15 ( tel ) second
end , Illuo Hock (2 ( to l ) third.
Kno\\lllu'n I. nut Dny.
KNOXVII.I.H , In. , Aug. 12. [ Special Tola-
gram to Tun BKK.J Tbo last day's program
at the Iowa Driving park had the oleasant-
est day and Iho fastest track of the mooting.
About 200 people were present. Thu sum
maries :
Ola s 2:5. : " ) , undue , purse $500 :
Galileo Hex . . . . 1 1 1
Jlluu l.onun . " "
Tontine" . , . 3 ! J d
Time : 8:55K. : SiJlfi , a:2I : .
2 : 4 not , ii.UiXi :
LyW ourgus . . . 22111
W atchword . a 1 2 2 a
Clinker , jr . ; . 13700
Moody . 4 4 4 2
1'rlnmont . 0 0 5 a 4
Ulrllno . 85455
Ollvor W . 5 8 6 dls
Senator A . 7 7 dla
'J line : 2:244' : , 2w , 2ll : ) , -2o > 5 , 2:23 : .
Yoarlln-r trot , taiO :
J.lttlo I'nii . 1 t
Gladys . 2 2
Allcttti . il a
Anthr.ielte . dls
' 2-i.t : , 3OGJ. : !
Oliirliiimtl'K Program.
, O. , Aug. 12. The track was In
line condition today for the trotting races at
the Queen City Driving park. Summary :
First race , ono mile dash for yearling trot
ters. consolationpnrto $ l.UUl ) : Hilly Parks
won. Charles Smith second , Frcnloud third.
llllly I'lirkscamo In third but glvnn llrst
on account ot bolus fouled. No time was
Heeond race , ono mlle dash for 2-yoar-oM
t totters , consolation $ . ' ,000 stake : Sllcoon
llrst. Notre lamu second , Fencer third. Time :
2:2I .
Third nice , mile heats , for Il-yoar-old trot
ters , Consolation sti-.os : , 4. , . > 'jO : Trutwooil
\von.Mnlrniony second , Itlfty Duck thlril.
Time , llrst heat : 2:27'/i : , Trotwood e itnu In
aeeond. but \riis clvcn llr < t on a foul and time
of Kouond lieut wnii not taken ,
Kourtli rauo , 2-yoar-old iticersthreo-inlnuto
olnss , Jl.tlM : l.ottle lrina won. Joe
WtiKcs.sccoiid , George Uampbell tlilrd. Tlmo :
CUnttoror tlii ) C'ocirrti'H.
Nat Brown loft for Chicago yesterday.
Ills stable. In charge of the veteran Bob
Kncobs , have been there for soverul days-
The trotting meeting opens Tuesday.
GilANn K.U'ins. Mich. , Aug. 12. The
trottlntr stallion Harvey Noble , owned bv
\V. \ S. Kir by & Go. , died "today of heart dis
ease. Tlio horse had a record of 2:17)4 , and
wns valued at $30,000.
Ciifcuio , 111.Aug. . 12. Jocliey John
Dempsey , who yesterday In the llfth race at
Garllold park fell from ITiiiin tleroy nnjl wia
run ever by half-a-dozen horses _ , ttiGdat the
county hospital this morning *
CuiLi.iroTiii : , O. , Aug. 13. The flno
wcatlicr brought out a l.irco attendance
today ; track good. Summarv :
First race , mile heats , purse ? " > 00. Flora won ,
1'alu Dean second , Uoorgu A , third ,
time , 2:49. :
Second race , 3-year-old trot , purse $2. %
Olniry-i litill won , Uyniro second , ClIITord
third. Ilest tlnm. L'ini. :
Third' nice , free-for-all trot , purse WOO.
Diindy won , Teunossuu aeeond , Mary U. third ,
llnst time , 2au. :
Fourth rate , trot , uurue $ ' > 00. Cyclone won
In thrt-o strnlu'ht heals , iMbs Hastings becond ,
John 1) ) . third. Heat time. 2:111. :
Tlm | lor Todiiy.
The entries at Monraouth Park track were
not received last night owiug to the electric
storm hi the east. Those horses have been
picked out for wlnnora at Gloucester today :
1. Jugular Huriruln.
' 2. Kluhnrd T Drummer ,
a. Sir William Oroiioii.
4. llullylioo Kululuh.
5. Nutiille 1 Can't Toll. .
0. Charley Thorn Ecstucy.
Cilovcltinil ( intH Aniitliur l.lft Toward tlio
I'i'illiunt friiin OhlniiRu.
CIHCAUO , 111. , Aug. 12. Cleveland won to-
dav on error * by Chicago's Infleld. It was n
pitchers' bnttlo , neither skio cottlng moro
than ono bit In any Inning. Dahlen was kept
very busy at short and Child's work at
second wns verv tine. Ilutchlnson was lined
$5.00 for ripping the ball. Attendance , 1,200.
Score :
Cleveland 0 2
Chicago U 0
IIItH ! Clnvulaiid , & ; Ohlcaco , : i. Hrrors :
Clevchind , 2 ; Chicago. ( I ItatterloB : Voting
and /humor ; llntchliuon anil Klttrldgo.
PirrmiUKo , Pa. , Aug. 12. The garno to
day between the Plttsburgs and Cmcinnatis
was thu quickest of the your. It abounded
in brilliant Holding , Farrell especially
doing superb work * at third. Attendance ,
l.liOO. Score :
I'ltlsburR. 0 1 a 0 0 0 0 0 * 4
Cincinnati 1
lilts : I'lttHhurs , . * > ; Cincinnati. 5. Errors :
I'lttslmrg.U ; Cincinnati. : ! , llattorlea ; Mnek
mid Klirnt ; Khlnes and VittiRhii.
BAI-HSIOIIK , Md.-Aug. , IS. The Philadel
phia ulub won the game today by good , hard
slugging , Attehduuco 1,701 , Score :
llnltlmoro. 0
I'hlliKlelphlu 3 * u
lilts : llaltlmpre , 8i I'hlladolphln. 17. Hrrois :
Iliiltlinoro. Ui I'hlliideliilila , 1. Uatturles :
Stophun" , Cnbb und tinnaon ; Carsoy , Woyhlni ;
and Cro-is.
LotiiHVii.i.u , ICy. . Aug. 12. This being an
open date Louisville and St. Louis played oil
yosterduy's tie game. Tbo Browns won
easily , the Colonels being unable to hit
Brcitcnstotn , while Sanders was touched up
pretty frcoly. Tbo Brawns also played a
line Holding gamo. Weather lino. Attend
ance 1,000. Score :
Louisville 0-0 ooo 1000 1
tit , J.OU'.K. . . , 2 4
Hits : lAiulsvlllo , a : St. Ioul3 , 8. Krrors :
Louisville , 4 : St. l.ouU. o. II merles ; Sunder *
and Urlin ; llrellonitum nndMoran. .
thu Ttniiiu.
rruiiiriitl | ( > nit for tlu < I'ropor Omuruinco of
thu OrciiHluu ,
A prclirnlnury mooting to nmlto nr-
rangcincnU lor ttio oolubration of German
day , October ( \ was liokl nt Uormaola hall
lustntulit. Tlioro wera ropriMontntlves from
most of the Gorman soclotlcs in the city
present. After oonsldorablu ilUousslon n
was dQuiilud to oomiuomornto thoitny tbo
Qtinlvoraufy of the latidltip of tbo Jlrat ( jor-
itiutia In America wltli u connorL-nud ball lu
Exposition liall , procoilod by uJdrossoa from
prominent Claruian orators. A grand parade
was proposed , but voted jlown In view of
the inaay attraotlons which have occupied
tuo nttonllon of lha city during tUo nuuimor ,
A uommUton of arrannouionU , ootislsthiff
of MUSIN. llutt , Bcholb , ilohondorff , Nash
auu ( Jourlej liunmor , wu * appointed , The
next luootliiB will bo hold the oveulng of
Augu t 4) ) .
Trade is Excellent , with JPrlccs Advancing
Sharply hi Mostr.'Lines ,
Activity Travails In the Toxtlln Industries
tititl Miinuritctiircr " nre IlityliiK More
1'rrclr Himlnoss rullurra fur the
Week Clearing House Statement * .
Niw : YOIIK , Aug. 13. H. .Q. . Dun & Co.'s
wcokly review of trade says : Crop re
ports are not qulto up to expectations , and
are construed as indicating a dollc.Iont sup
ply of corn nnd outs , while the possible no-
flclcnoy In wheat and cotton will bo moro
than mot by surplus stocks. But prices
have advanced qulto sharply nnd exports of
domestic products fall below last week's
prices. Great Industries are all doing re
markably well excepting the Iron manu
facture. The iron output August 1 was
1B5.1UO tons weekly against 109,151 July 1
nnd 109,570 u year ago , but tno stocks unsold
nevertheless increased 10,000 teas during the
month of July and on the 1st of August ex
ceeded 1,020,000 tons. Southern pig iron Is
pressed for sale and some quotations lira
lower than ovor. But the resumption of
manufacture by western Iron woi'lts , which
have settled tholr controversies with the
men , will makn a great ctimigo In
the situation , at once increasing the
output of ulg Iron , and probably increasing
the dcuiaud still moro. The manufactured
iron and stcol have boon lu very active do-
mandnearly all the works in operation being
crowded with orders , but stcol rails are dull
ns ever , and wbllo only 700,000 tons hnvo
been sold for the year tuus far tbo orders on
hand will hardly carry eastern mills beyond
September 15.
Copper is weak at 11 % cents ana load at 4
cents , but speculation advanced tin to $31,15
and depressed it to 230.40. There is no inarttot
worth mentioning for coal. But In tbo tex
tile industries tho. utmost activity prevails.
Manufacturers are buying wool freely. Boot
and shoo factories are still pressed to the
Advuncu In lircnilnuir * .
The particular feature of the week has
been the rlso In breadstuffs In corn and
Il'i'o In oats , while wheat declined j ! n , with
sales of only in)00OJO ( ) bushels. Western
receipts were 4,0)0.000 ; ) bushels In four days
nnd Atlantic exports S.MO.OOO bushels. Pork
advanced 7uo per barrel , but lard declined
laoil \ rose Co and coffee J c , but cotton
loll j c , though exports are larger than n
year ago , in crop reports grow moro fuvor-
nulo. It .should not be forgotten that H ex
ports of products , which tor two weeks have
boon 7.0 per cent loxver at Now York than last
year , should bo rostrictsd by advances in
price , tbo outllow of cold would bo lilcely to
continue nnd before long to affect specula
tive markets. Imports continue extraordi
narily largo at Now York , ami Tor llvo weeks ,
being 30 per cent greater than for the same
lima last year , such u movement would ensure -
sure further gold exports unless other con
ditions chance.
Boston reports money stronger with In
creased demand , Trade in dry goods Is
rendered larger thun usual and there are
liberal western orders , particularly In
women's dress eoods.
At Cincinnati manufacturers of women's
shoes report a very prosperous season , with
trade 10 per cent ijroator than last year , and
ut Cleveland business Is fairly active lu all
principal lines.
Chicago reports sales greater than a year
ago , and receipts ot hides , oats and barley
allow some Increase , of Hour and cured
moats 00 per cent and of lard a tbrootold
increase , while soir.o decrease appears , In *
wool , oittlo ana r.vo , a third in , WlToat and
cormand 50 pnr cent in drej > ; j'beof. Col
lections are satisfactory throughout the west.
At St. Paul '
thrc'jjhilik reports nroudso an
average yicildnriTatr ( Minneapolis 'business Is
exoojlnii * , , ' , n nil lines , especially In lumber.
' 'Trade Is very heavy at Omaha and col
lections never hotter , 'improvinc at Kansas
City , with money in bolter demand and very
good at Denver.
At St. Louts trade is of fair volume , labor
troubles have been settled and collections
are moro prompt than usuul.
Southern reports shoiv gononil improve
ment in irudo ut Llttlo Hock , at .Memphis , ut
Montgomery and at Now Orleans , but at
Galvcston collections lire slow and at Savan
nah money Is reported tight.
The business failures occurlng throughout
the country during tbo last seven days num
ber 180 as compared with total Of 131 last
week. For the corresponding week of last
year the llgures were U37.
Onuiha .Shows iho Uiiiul J.iiVio Incrcnsn
From Other Clllos.
NKW YOIIK , Aug. 12. The following table ,
compiled by Bradstroot's , gives the clear
ing house returns for the week ending Au
gust 11 , 1803 , and the percentages of In-
crcaso or decrease , as compared with tbo
correspondlngwcok of 1801 :
Dominion of L'liniiilii ,
Montreal. , ru.v.vs.i.s a * . 7
Halifax 3.1
' 1'orontu , , . , , Viiis
llnmtlton , . . ,
Tota |
1 rlualtio'ii toiixl ulveu utipvu l fur Tin iroek.
If you nro depressed tUrousU nay of the
nuinerous causes of this Ufa und nro at-a loss
how to pass the ovcnlnp , go ami BOO the proat
play , "Ouo of tbo Bnivoit. ' * Not to have
scon this most successful of all plays Is to
con f ois that you are bohlnd the tlmos. It
will make you cheerful , causa you to cry u
llttlo , lauKb much , and make you foil bolter
satiiUod that tburo uro goou tiling ? In tbls
world If you only get onto them. The on'
will open ut tbo L-'aruiitn ytroot
thoatar Sunday afternoon. Tbo reserved
scat solo opened tbls morning.
U.H.I/f.t ,
\Vlmt Simula Ito Diino Townril Untortnln-
irtl'Tlin 8lirinprn.
No proparatlons have ni yet boon made for
receiving nnd ont rtnlnlng the hutiaroas of
shrlnoM who will visit South Omaha Mon
day. The citizens should awaltan to the oc
casion and organize for the purpose of showIng -
Ing the vlsllor3jjfl.lntlustrlos ] of the city and
inalco thorn fool welcome. The Hoard of
Trndo .should tnkcrtha"lciid In the matter nnd
the citizens KenoYally will fall In and lend
tholr n'sislancq. 'ho special train will leave
the union dopnc&foudny afternoon nt2 o'clock
nnd urrlvo In the Magio City n few mlnutos
Durlnir the present \vook building pormlts
have boon Issued tis follows :
Olwrlr" Slner , throo-story lirlek htlsl-
ncss liunso , 2. " > \GO , Twontv-fonrth und
N atrcota . . , . " . . . . . . . . . * S.MO
John A. Jnckson. fra.r.ocotttiso.Twonty-
llfth mid A streets . 003
J. FrobiirR. friiino cottnijc. Twenty-
fourth nnn A streets. . , . i. . . IM
JuAUpli llartH , ffaino , i'ottUKO , Seven
teenth uml Q streets. . , . 56"
Oooruo llolTmnn , friitiio ilwolllns. Swan
nlid Ttvonty-socnnd streets. , . SM
Henry Houso. frumi eiJttaRL1 , K street ,
In 1'Wlor i'liico . , . . > . . . . . . . . . . 203
Vollx I.einitc , dwelling , Hovontccnth , between -
tweon Q nnd It ( ttrouffi . TOO
1) . KensliiKtoii.dwolllii , Exeliunsol'laco JOO
J. S. Diiinron , roDAlrs on dwelllns ,
Tnonty-fuurth undo streets . 000
A. J. Heed , iiildltlon to dwellln. , Mis
. souri Avenue . l > , irl d. , . < , . . . , _ . . . ' 100
taKL''Twonty-sixih il'iul A strrots l.ODO
Totul . . .i J 13,400
Dcnth ol W. T. ( libsnii.
\V. T. Gibson died Thursday night at the
family residence , 1123 South Thirty-third
street , Omaha , after n protracted Illness. The
deceased was a mcmoor ot the commission firm
of Jackson , Hlggins & Co. at the exchange
and was about 88 years of ago. His wife
survives him as do two young bars. The
time for holding the ( j iorul has been sot for
Sunday morning atO o'clock.
The Llvo Stock exchange , of which the
deceased was n member , hold a mooting
yostordny afternoon to arrange for attend
ance at the funeral and passed suitable reso
Not OK unit Personal * .
Adah chapter , Order of tha Eastern Star ,
will meet this ovoning.
Dr. M. W. Walsh Is back from Baltimore ,
Mil. , where ho has boon for several weeks.
Dr. W. Berry has returned from Afton ,
la. Mrs. Berry will continue her visit thcro
for some tlmo.
In lowering a windoxv , at the Hammond
Packing company's plant last evening , ,1 ,
Salmon badly nmshcd his left bana.
Augusit Bempko , 2013 'N street , celebrated
the day of his birth Thursday ovenlntr , a
largo number of Invitsd guests being pres
Mrs. J3lla T. Christ returned yesterday
from u visit to.Cho.voilno and western Ne
braska , whcro"sho'JSvent ' to look after prop
erty interests. "
Mr. and Mrtf. E. ' W. Cornish of Tokamah
nro visiting their son , J. JiCornish. . Mrs.
F. L. Cook of the same place Is also the guest
of Mrs. Cornish } > ( (
John S. ICnox , traffic manncor for the Cud-
ohy Packing corririnny , returned yesterday
from Chicago , 'wlioro ' ho has boon la the In
terests of his cobitfdny.
Hon. E. U tyo'rrltt ' of Springfield , 111. , a
member of the Idglslaturo of Illinois , wais In
the citv yestdrdaj' the cuest of his brothor-
in-law , Dr. W. H. Siggins.
The Infant arlh'bf Mr , and Mrs. Lorenzo
Dnan , EighUuttitli" street and Missouri
avenue 'tfied Thursday evening and was
'JOried in Lauroli Hill cauictocy ut3 o'clock
yostcrdayafterhrjon. j
A tent wasiHolon11 from Charles Kostors'
yard at Tivonly-sovontU and iB streets tno
other evening. 'T.-f.-Elliott , who resides In
tho.samq neighborhood , nlsqhiid ; a'number
of foot1'of rope token front nis cows that
were picketed on the cgwmpn.s ,
Ha Wns Uttlnmtuly Itolibcd.
Charles Anderson , a B. & M. engineer who
lives in Lincoln , came up yesterday to malio
a general round up of iho burnt district
Ho foil in with a couple of the frail resi
dents of that quarter and took thorn to a
road housn , where everybody got gloriously
drunk. While tboro Anderson fell nslcop
nnd was robbed of $ Sr . Ono of the women
named Heed told the police that she saw
Harry Kobinaon , a well known potty thief ,
talto the money from Anderson's pocket. The
woman was held us a witness and Uobmson
will bo arrested today.
fftlft I'Alt.Kllt.ll'lHi.
J. L. Tnlt of Beatrice is at the Paxton.
A. Attvood of Denver Is at tbo Mercer.
C. H. Horn of Fremont is at the Mlllard.
S. J. Merrlam of Wlsnor Is nt the Arcndo.
J. J. Porshlng of'Lincoln Is at the Dollone.
G. A. Uaymor of Lincoln Is at the Mercer.
H. Mussolman of Fairmont Is at the Mur
Charles F. Dickinson of Tokarnab is at the
A read o.
J. H. Davis of Gibbon Is registered at the
Paxton ,
G. E. Lowrv of Dos Molnos , la. , is at the
G. H. Jowott of Arlington is a attest at the
T. J. Heaver pf St. Louis Is a guest at the
C. L. Knabo of Chicago is a guest nt the
It. P. Glover of Cboyouno , Wyo. , Is a guest
at the Paxton ,
Byron Klngdbury of Chicago Is registered
at the Mlllard.
C. P. Porrish ot Stanton was at the Mll
lard yesterday.
William H. Hamilton of St. Louis is regis
tered ut the Mercer.
Duvia B. Dudley of Sioux City , la. , Is
registered ut the Dollono.
A. M. Nichols and.I. P. Gower of Pendor
are registered at the Aroado.
William Lawlor , ' loft by the B. & M.
yesterday afternoon for Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. P.- P.Varo of .Tokamah are
among the guests at the Arcadu.
P. M. Savage of Chicago was among the
arrivals nt the Paxton yostorday.
John Livingston and P. D. McICoo of Dos
Molnoa , In. , uro guests nt thn Mercer.
O. J. ShoworsWiiUl ; It. Trolslov of Long
Pine are among { niHrucsts ut the Murray.
Dr. D. A. Pooto'brgolng ' about on crutches
as a cimxequonciJ'.M ' dii'Oxcitlng runaway , in
which ho was thVhv J frorrt his buggy.
Dr. Hipplo of v Qronto , Canada , is in the
city on his way homo from a trip to Jenver.
Ho is wildly onttrusinstlo over the wonders
of the great w < w. ' ' Ha Is the guest of Dr.
Con way. , 'I'I"B '
Lieutenant Porshlng , United States
Army , military "fustruotor at the Stnto
university , was ) /j'tbjo city yesterday enrouto
to Chicago , where no will upend his vacation.
Mr. Porshlng htujust passed n very success
ful examination'toruromotlou , and wlion bo
returns to the juj vcnlty ho will wear
another bar on hjflBoulder strap.
Cmimio , Ill.iioAuir. 1'J. ISpoclal Tolo-
pram to TIIK BBAA-4.T. i ) , Ballard of Omaha ,
C. H. Moore oriLlncoln. N. D. Ellis of
Omaha. E. G. d&rlliwold of Omaha , U. P.
Brlston of Beatrice and W. E. Stern of
Bclmontaro at tlio-Trflmotil.
New YOIIK , Aue. 12. fSpeclal a'ologram to
Tim Bun. I S. S. Moonov of. Hoatrlco is nt
the St. DonU. Ojimh'ins hero uro : L.
Hayden at the DeniesP. Silmmoll at the
Savoy. C. II. ivoyqs or- - Grand 'Island is at
iho Trenton ; P. Uartholooiow of Llaooln Is
at tbo Metropolitan.
A rolljlcul
r > ernlwi > Qil I'bmetr.
. Tbo Independents hayo put up Vaq
for governor In Nebraska , and Donnelly for
governor la MlunoS'ota. < Tbc o are ill mates
for Weaver. Now we' suirgost Calamity
Wollcr to bead iho ticket lu Iowa , and were
but Elijah Halnos alive to run In Illinois.
Such men ought to draw vote * well , for they
huvu tried all tlui parties ropublioan , greenback -
back , domoorotlo uud ludopondont. Some of
them may llvo long enough to Join some
Spoci.U Burlington Pasaongor Tralu Wrecked
at Lincolu.
Sctrntl ItrMdMice * Ilnlilml , Itut l.ltllo
Ilnnty Sceiirpil How 11 Motor Cur Con.
iluotor Surrcndcri'il Shuts llx-
li tlin Highwaymen ,
x , Nob. , Aug. 12. ( Special to TUB
Ur.n.l A Burlington apodal having on
bcmnl 22(1 ( Knights Templar belonging to
Philadelphia commandnry was delayed hero
for several hours this nftorlioou by u misplaced -
placed su'itch. The train consisted of n
baggage car , dining car mid four Pullmans ,
It arrived nt Uio depot at 1:30 : uud loft for
the east at lsS3. Whoa It roaohod the Inter-
looking switch near the Twenty.seventh
street crossing the onglno loft the trnclt ,
dragging , with It too tender mid
baggngo car. Tno engineer and fireman -
man saved tholr lives by springing from
the onglno. The dining car was partially
pulled from the track , but the Pullmans
were undisturbed. No ono was injured , ns
the tram was running very slowly at the
time. Four Ki.lchts Templar specials were
standing at the depot when the accident oc
curred , while two inoro on the Hock Island
were also delayed by the same cnuso. The
wrncking train wont promptly to work and
In less than three hours the track wascloarod
nna all trains proceeded an their way.
Special trains bearing Knights Templar from
Denver have boon passing through the city
at half-hourly Intervals all day , .
l'ootpils : ( and llurcliim.
The footpads and burglars resumed oporn-
tlons In Lincoln last night , after clvlng the
city n rest for ever n week. Howard Millar ,
a Btroot railway conductor , was mot by two
follows shortly nftor midnight and was ordered -
dorod to throw up his hands. Ho dla so , bub
throw up u loaded revolver at the satr.o tlino ,
Ho 11 rod ut the would-bo robbers , and they
as promptly returned the llro , the bullet
whizzing by In uncomfortable proximity to
the conductor's head. The men then turned
and ran. Miller had qulto a sum of mouoy In
his pockets , and was therefore on the look
out for unwelcome visitors.
Mrs. E. M. Gardner's boarding house at
Sixteenth and P streets wai entered at an
early hour this morning by u burglar , who
gained access to the house through an open
door. The members of the faintly were tem
porarily absent and the fellow rummaged the
rooms without fear of Intcrruution until ho
wns scon by some of the children , who gnvo
the alarm. The residence was occupied
mostly by young men connected xvlth the
various newspapers of this ci'y and Omaha ,
and thcro may bo some connection between
this mid tbo fact that the burglar only secured -
cured the sum of 50 coats from all the rooms.
Jutnns Mungolto was afterwards arrested on
suspiolon.-mia when searched several arti
cles of minor value , Incluulng a blacldtig
brush that showed but llttlo signs of use ,
were found on his person and identified as
belonging to some of the roomers.
Oftlcor Grady discovered a suspicious
looking Individual near the corner of Twen
tieth and O streets at nhout 1 : ltu o'clock this
morning , and when ho attempted to approach
preach the fellow took to his heels. The
oftlcor opened llro and his fusil ado was
promptly rnturnqd by the fucltlvo. The
latter succeeded In making his oscapo.
Occupants of Airs. Hubbard's boarding
house on North Thirteenth street lost gin and
several articles of vnlucsomo tiinn during
the nigtit.
W. G. Carvoth's rosldcnco , at 1321 South
Tenth street , was also entered bv burglars
during the night. A gold watch uud other
articles uro. inlsslncr. A. S. Eager , living ut
Sixteenth andV streets , reports the loss of
a ulocK and other Valuables.
hlrrpt Kitllw.ty Sued.
Juduo Lansing was engaged this morning
in hearing the case of Henry Ilulfuud who
wants SI,000 now In possession of the Lin
coln street railway ( is damages sustained by
reason of being thrown from a Tenth street
car. Tno cds'o wns tried to a Jurv , but as the
witnesses were afraid they would got the
smallpox If they ventured to tbo courthouse
the trial was adjourned to the ofllcoof Lumb ,
Uiokctts & Wilson , plaintiff's ' attorneys ,
liolfutid's story is that ho was coming in
from the park on May til ) last , and when the
car was rounding tbo corner of Tenth and
Hill ntrools , ono wheel Jumood the tracit and
Headed for Uio corn Hold. Ho was sitting on
the end of a seat , and when ho struck the
earth ho is of thu opinion that ho Jarred it
clear through. Ho was laid up in the hos
pital for a week , and thinks ho ought to have
cash recompense for his sufferings. The defense -
fonso Is having its hearing this afternoon.
Lincoln In ISrlof.
The smallpox patients are gaf'-ig along in
coed shape and no serious results are appre
hended. No new cases uro reported.
Chairman Uushnoll of the county central
committee has Issued a call for the repub
lican county convention to meet in this city
August 2'J , to nominate n uandiuato for dis
trict judge , vice A. W. Klold resigned.
The bond election is in progress in the
various wards of the city today and at noon
the Indications uro that a light vote will bo
cast. Some opposition has been developed
to several of the propositions.
Manager Hickey ot Lincoln park an-
nounco-i that all negotiations with tbo man
agement of Pain's fete , "Tho Fall of
Pompeii , " are off , and the big spectacle will
not bo presented.
Some ono throw a Ilchtod mutch onto u
curtain In P. , T. Stepney's barber shop , 541
North Fourteenth street , at 11:50 today. Thu
department was called out , but iho blaio was
squelched with llttlo damage.
Although numerous attachment suits tmvo
been sworn out against S. It. NIsbott , It umy
bo stated that tbo parties now In possession
of iho boot and shoo store are there by virtue
of a Dill of sale given by Mr. Nisbott to se
cure u loan of ? 2OUO. ! ) All cnrtnsbmants
hnve'boon served , but Sheriff McUlay has
not been asked to take possession , as ullagcd
by the morning paper ,
Tuntx Will l ) In Dniiiiiiul.
GHAND lai.Axn , Nob. , Aug. 12. [ Special to
Tim UBK.J All persons attending the state
reunion and wishing to bring their own tents
can do so by shipping the tents us bagcugc ,
and u nlco quarter of catnp will bo assigned
such parties for pitching tholr tents , into
which they may put as many or as few people -
plo as they wUb. Ttioso who have tents are
invited to bring them , as it Js evident that
the attendance is goiug to DO such as to tax
tout capacity to the utmost , and the committee -
too has ordered nil the tents available In Chicago
cage and Is miming an effort to aocuro addi
tional ton IB from all other places , being fully
determined that all who come shall bu ac
In u lYi-ii right.
UOUUI.AS , Nob. , Aug. 13. [ Spooinl to Tun
DKH.J Thcro was a free-for-all light on the
streets hero last night Between some parties
from the country. The quarrel Blurted about
a week ago wlulo n number of men were
threshing near nora Ncokyokcs uud clubs
were freely used , and a number of cracked
heads and chnuodup tbumus was the re
sult. The contestants were separated , but
others have taken sides in the trouble mid
they swear vengeance on each other. It is
expected that moru trouble will follow.
UrucnWiiud'it Itriinlon I'tunnd.
Guiii'.xwoon , Neb. , Aug. 13. [ Special
Tolegrom to Tun UKB.J This Is the fourth
day f the old soldiers' reunion. It WUH not
apart for the old settlors. They mot nt 10 a.
in. and organized mi Old Citizens club. They
wore present In great numbers. Two p. m.
wnslho hour sot apart for the speeches. Uov.
Hackney of Ashland opened the exorcises
with a neat speech , lion , David McKo g of
Wabash , O. A. Hull of Ucocnwood , Judge
Mathls of I'lntlsuiouth and several others
made appropriate romnrks , There were
forty present that had boon here for the imst
twonty-Ilvo year * , some rus Ipnij as thirty *
savon years , Exercises closed by electing
ofllcora for the ensuing year. They ares
Prenidont , .John ShoiTor ; vleo president ,
Kobcrt Farmer1 , socrotarv , John M. Mnthony.
The ofllcar.1 were mndo the executive com
mittee to appoint the tlino and place for
meeting next year. Tharo was a ciimpfiro
Sundiy morning the camp meeting com
mences , conducted bv Hnvs. T. W. 1'owors
of Omaha , J. M. Hams ot Vermont , 111. , Or.
Shank , 11. A. Crnno nml (5. ( W. Ishams of
Omaha , Lr. ) L. U. ' 'aln of Lincoln mid
Coin's Mtirihircr Unknown.
tUsTiNOd , Neb , , Aug. IS. ( Special Tola-
gram to Tin : Iii.j : It has taken the core
ner's Jury investigating the murdorofl ) . S.
Uolo eleven days to Hud out that the crime
was committed by unknown parties , The
verdict was returned Into tonight that D. S.
Cole was killed by n bullet ilrod from a ro-
i volverhold In the hands of npotson unknown.
It Is doubtful If the oftleers are much the
f wiser for this Investigation , us a coolness bo-
I tweon them and the coroner's jury kapt thorn
I from accepting the courtesy of being nl-
, lowed In the secret session. The jurymen
state that they could llnd no ovklonco suftl-
clont to warrant arrests.
School Itonril 31uinlirrs DIHCIIHS Various
Mutt CM of lluilnois.
The 11 rat Item of .business taken up last
night by the Board of Education was n re
port from the commlttco on buildings and
property touching the contract for brick
work and for heating mid ventilation for the
Central school. The committee hod the bid
of George H , King recommitted nt the last
meeting for tbo purpose of consulting him
regarding the putting In of the Holbrook
system of heatint : and ventilation Instead
of the Fuller AsVnrron system. Tno
commlttoo reported that Mr. King hud
agreed to mnko a reduction of & 300 In his
bid on tbo brick work If the Holbrook sys
tem were adopted Mr. 1C ing ofTorcd to do
the Drlek work at § 32,200 with the Holbrook
Mr. Gibson was in favor of adopting the
Holbrook system because It was a steam sys
tem nna Mr. Holbrook was willing to guar
antee that his system would heat the build-
in ir with loss coal than any other system.
The Holbrook system will cost $700 ruoro than
the Fuller & Wnrren system but many
of the mom bars were convinced that steam
heat ought to bo clvon n trial and ns Mr.
Holbrook had offered to place his apparatus
in the building and have it thoroughly tested
before asking for a cent of pay the board
thought it u good opportunity to try steam
heat hi n largo buildlutr. A resolution offered
oy Mr. Martin to adopt the llolbrook Bystom
for the Central school was carried by n vote
of S tol.
The contract for graaing the Center school
grounds was lot to B. Strnoten & Co. lit ! l fi-S
cents nor cubic .vard. Bids were opened for
the construction of the ilnrlman school , a
sUtcon-room building on South Fifteenth
street. The secretary was Instructed to tabu
late the bids and have thorn referred to the
committee on bulldlncs and property. The
bids on the brick work ranged from 510,500
to $ ' 23,000 , and from flfl.OOO to $4" .000 for the
building complete. When the bids for hcat-
inif and ventilation were opened It was
discovered that ttioro were no bids
excepting for steam heat. The board In urt-
vortlslnc called for bids on both steam mid
hot nir but It boomed that the pluns.hi"-l > 3un
\rnAVn onlv for stonm heat. " mem
bers o'l'ino "b'oarrt wante'd tokno\v how this
-hnppcnsd. The architect said that thorn
had been no applications from Hot air men to
have the plans suited to their apparatus and
ho supposed there wojld bo no Didders ex
cepting these who wanted to put In steam.
The hoard decided to reject thu bids and re-
advcrtlso so that both the hot air and steam
man might got In. .
Prof. George M. Tumor of Auburn , N. Y. ,
was elected teacher of chemistry in the High
school at a salary of { 1,500 , and Miss Mnry
Alien Landls was elected teacher of Gorman
nnd French at J9JO oor annum. On recom
mendation of tbo commlttoo on text books
iho board decided to purchase Charles Do
Garma's primers for the primary grades ,
also 300 bcuddor's short Listorioj of the
United Stales nnd 300 toggles tons , a llrsl boon
in American history.
Mr. Points from the commlttoo on teachers
rncommer.dod that the following ho elected
as assistant , teachers : Fannie A. Hold , E. I.
Uro , C. O. Dayrand , Ellen M. Crnndall , and
that the following cadets bo elected as assist ,
ants to bo assigned to diuy by the superin
tendent : Minnie P. HaUor. UordolIaJohnson ,
Sadlo Schlesincor , Julia M. Davis , Allco Jor
dan nnd Mary McMuhon.
The board then took a turn nt the question
ol tuklnir rooms In the city hall. Mr. Elcut-
tor offered a resolution to have the board
take possession of the rooms 01 , the cast side
of the lifth lloor in the city hall building ,
with , the understanding that other rooms
should DO furnished the board when the city
library moves out. But the board was not
In n frame of mind to consider the question
and the resolution wua laid aside until next ,
A Monument to Coliinilmff.
Niw : YOIIK , Aug. Its. A cable has boon re
ceived stating that the Italian vessel Garlg-
larlo has sailed , rjm Genoa for Now York
carrying a monument to Christopher Colum
Two minor pormlts aggregating $ ! ) l)0 wore
Issued by the superintendent of buildings
There will bo n mooting of the Lincoln
club next Monday evening to select dele-
ciitos to the mooting of the republican league
clubs of the state.
The Klopp-Bartlott company has Incor
porated with a canltal stock of & ! 0,000. C.
H. Ivlopp , E. W. Bartlett and A. F. Klopp
uro the Incorporutors.
Thn rooms of Mrs , Mci'hcrson , ever 11M
North Flftoonth street , were b'jrglarlitad ' last
night and about 310U worth of clothing
stolon. Four chophouse waiters nro suspected
and will bo arrested on sight.
A bell boy'naraod Swift , employed nt the
Uellone , wns arrested yesterday for stealing
a small gold rlns from ono ot the guests'
room. The lad U u little Inclined to bo tough ,
us ho was mixed up In a similar alTair nt the
Paxton some time ago.
Thursday evening a H-yenr-old girl ar
rived at tbo Union depot from Hannibal ,
Mo , , where who said she had been visiting
relatives. She gave the name of Ada Uer-
wln , and said her mother wa livinr in
Omaha and had expected to moot her at the
dopot. The girl was sent to the police station
where she remained until friends called for
V. I. Hooper bought a pair of trousers
stretchers from a solicitor named Culms
yesterday afternoon and cnmo very near
being lleeccd out of f'J. Hooper tendered
Culms a $10 bill in payment , nnd while wait-
Inn fc > r the cliangn turned to his done. In an
Instant Cairns flaw with the hill , but wns
afterwards captured by the pollcoand locked
up for Ir.rceny.
An olllcor from David City , Nob. , arrived
Inm night and somatimo today will start for
liralnnrd with Jamen McLonn , who was ar-
rnstcd IHTO for embezzling fund * belonging
to thu Oinnhu Elovutor company , by whom
he WUH employed. After a partial confession
McLean switched mid denied everything.
L'lter on ho ottered to rot urn the money on
the Installment plan , but tbo offer wus re
1'roptlctorof the due livery stable nt the West
Kncl hotel , Klinlm , N. Y. , says Hood's Sarnp.v
rllla ROPS way nlioail ot anything ho over took
for troubles with the
Llvor and Kidneys
with which he suffered for a Ions time , until ho
took Hood's Sarsaparlllu nnd was completely
cured. Other members of liU family nlso tnko
Hood's Sarsaparilla
nnd nro highly nratlnod with the bandit from It
HOOD'8 PILLS nro a tnllil , Rontlo ,
sale nnd ofllclciit cntlmrtlc. Alwnyi rolUblo.
For Farmers , Miners and Mechanics.
Cures Chafing , Chapped Hands , Wounds , Burns ,
Etc. A Delightful Shampoo.
Specially Adapted for Use in Hard Water
Weakness ,
Calarrli or
-1 Hlicuinatssin
. - ,
| g Chronic ,
Nervous or
1'riViUe '
Diseases ,
S@arl@s & Searles
Consultation Free.
.Vcknowlcilcpcl to l > o tlio must succusf id mioclnllst In
idl I'IUV.MK. lii.ooii , NEitvotrs , SKIN AM ) UIU.N
( ionorrlicbii In from .1 to 0 ilnya. Syphilis curea
wltluiut .Mercury. All ntiiKOa for life.
ti'rilld'UIlK pornmnontly curod. rcmovnl com
| ih > Uiwllliuiit cutting , canstla or ( lllatiitldn. euro
utrectud at liumu by i > : itlont wltuuut a moment's
wlllionl pain nr ilcli'ritlon from biiilnosi.
IlVIHOlilK : ANU VAUICOUKI.K | .ermnnontly
und siiuccattully curo.l. Mcthoil nownmlimfallliiK
( VITAT.ITV WHAK ) , Miulono liy too cli)53 nppll-
ration to.liualneia or stiiilyl suvunj monul traln
orKilfl : SUXUAfj l\l ! Kssm In mlilcllo liru , or
Irutii the cltucts or youtliful follloi.
VOUMJ nml MIDDI.i : Aiii : > i Inck of vim. vlnor.
nml ntroiiKtli , irllli notital orxi'iii luipnlruil nml
wi-nkmiDiiDilprainutiirulrlii nppio iclilntiolil agi > .
All rluld rvnilllr to our treatment for lu * * of
. .I. . .I . . . .U..P ( * illl ( , n Itf now full ! r.1411 Yvltll Nfntllll tllf
clrculurj. free book unit ruci'l
Dr. Scarlcs * Scirles. " \
Nox PostOfllco.
Is as good as the
first. No dregs ,
All pure and whole-
some. The most
popular drink of the day.
A perfect thirst quencher.
Don't lie deceived If a dealer , for tlio siln
of larger profit. Icllj yon seine oilier Und
li"juit.i iooif" 'tis false. No Imitation
k. li as coed .is iho cemilnc limes' .
Otil of "AIoiljoHlm , " by SiilTord , " lie by
Chiimpllnllinnon. . "SnlTord" Is llttcu-
brotlior to tlio luryciit dotf ever ruibcil
in Ainorliii. ! Full ueillgroo of pups on
iipplletitloii , Addroaa ,
eis JU <
611 South 12th Street , Onmlui , Nob.
, r df Vl VTii P t'Mfl'iur'c'iiiliiCk' *
tire l > locSo" & fdlluiti l > y tnouonwcb , Jlvrr cr lu f
Lnotf to iK-rrpna ttirf ) > roi > frfun'vifoiiii. J'crwmn *
* ulr < i P - 'iyjl K i Vii
n l
-i !
Why It FulU Off , Turin Griiy. ntl tlio roimxl
ify 1'rof. IIAlil < KY I'AIlltlClt. I' . K. A. 3 ,
1) . A. I.OMi * ( III , ,
IOI3Arili ! IMillMilulpliln. I'll.
liT rOPViliauldrviiitlililUUo