_ jt * * at.3 v n THE OMAHA DAILY BKE : AUGUST 11 , 1892. HIE SPECULATIVE MARKETS General Rain ? Reduced the Price of Corn Yesterday , WHEAT WAS DULL THROUGHOUT THE DAY tVenk Cnblo A Uteil to Start Tricon on n .Slightly r.owor I'liinn At thn Olmo 1'rlccs Won- Higher block * nnil lloiiili. CnicAoo , III. , Aug. to. There worn mini all over tlio corn bolt yesterday nnil lust night , ns noted In Associated prois dlsuntcho * . At n coriHciiucnso tlio prlco of corn was from l'4e to Uc ( lower ut ( lie opening of tlio Ho ml of Triiuo Hi s morning. In syinji ithy with tlmt cereal everything else WHS lower al tlio start , but al the recession the duiiiund outiivlppcil tliosupply mid there w.u it iinanliiious ad- vuncc. thaujli it was a-compllshed In hog proclutflonly utter a llttlo further decline. Thu result of thcduv's trading was to lunvo fliiKl prices for icroals nonr wheio they sto iJ nt the close yesterday witli prov Islons cnnsld * orahly lower. Thu wheat market wns du'.l throughout and itngniuil at Unas. Aside from the wouUenliig effect of the bro-ik In corn at thu opening WOIIK cables uss'sUd to slirt juices on a illghtly lower plane , hut ihu buying by shmls and longs pro\ontod miy further recession and prices moved irriiilimlly up , closing with in a point , of thu lop. The continued llburul ihlptni'iits to Diioiio more than counter- buliin < .oil thu boailsh oiled of llr.idhtic.ol s available Mipp'y statement showing an In- sreaso of liiVIuJ ) Uii east of thu KouUy ininniliiliH and IMT.UUI hu. on the I'.ielllu ' coast. ? cpicmlct opened U" lower at 7u < mlvmiood 10 Tb'.r and e mo I at TH'ic. ' or Ue higher than yesterday. The uhluf Inlorost uonlcroil In tlio corn pit , where thoio was u crowd of excited oDorutots. A good iiiiinv traders \\via disputed to wait for the United Slates govcrmneiil etop ropoi I line this iiflGimmn , hut thuiowas still u good di'iil of ne'.ivlly mid tliii Honor.il r.ilns In Kansas , Nebraska and other Mates caused 11 sharp break In | ) i Ico. Around thu opening September corn Mild at uPjc. a deellno of lie fiom the lust iiiotitlon | of yesterday , hut there wns Miu.li an iicllNo demand that it rose later to I5.1140. Crop reportH am .still conlllct- Ing , hut consoixalUo people refuse to bollovo ( hosieries about a ruined corn crop that art ) being olrcu In ted on the ho ird. bill I , moitof the croud nro blronglv bullish , which accounts for the fact that the shorls were glad to como In at the I ) runic. Another bullish piece of ncws wus the quoting of the slgnul service filllces at Kansas City IIH s iyliic tin-news paper reports about yesterday's rilns were L'rciitly exaggerated. Condon. bambini , llait- ictt-rr i/.itr and II ildw.n-K.iiniim worn all big buyers on tin ) break , tcptcmbor closed only 'lie lower limn on yesterday. O.its was actlvo nud compiiratlvoly ntroiicr than corn , closing with an advance of ' 4u for September. Provisions failed to show thn great activity displayed yoster-Jay , but there was a good ainouiilof business On the cill Wilghttonic nil the October ribs ollored. The Cudihy I'ncklng company sold u pond amount of Jan- nnry li < rd tn Uvini & English , packers. The Cnifithys sold a grunt iiiantlty ] of provisions within the li st tbri'O days , and It ! s supposed Hint fioj have nearly lliiul ut > d lliolr lines , fceptciaber pork sold at iK.'iO , just after the opening , a docl'no of IlJ'io ' from yesterday's closing price , but advaneed to Ji-'J'i on actlxo buying , and closed at JIJ.HJ'i , a loss of I'iio compared with yesterday. I.mllsfiom lucto ? 0o lower , nnil r bs frori l" > c to I7'ie- ' I.'iUu frcl.hts weio easy it'"iu for corn to Iliiirilo. Ksllmatcd receipts Tor tomorrow : Wheat , 5 < > 0 cars : com , "SJcnis ; oats , "IJ cars ; lilies Ui.ruI lii-iid. Tlio leading futures ranzol as follows : AIIT1LI LS. 1VIIVAT No. 2 Auimxt . . . ( 78 $ 78H tipple m tier. . . 78 7BK Diu-mtier . . . soM COIIN' M > , 2- AiiEUft ' September. . . BIMS52' OA1.S. Ml 2 Anciiijt. . , 32 Kuiituiubor. . . 323.1'I ' orlntivr. . . ; . . Hr's I'UIIK September. . . IS BO 12 95 12 70 I28 ! Jnniinrjr 1370 li ) bO U U li 05 LA nil hcptcmber. . . T W 702 7 Bi Jimunrf. . . . 7 40 7 45 7 BO 7 J2 > , IlIOllT 111 UK BcptemLor. . . 7 05 7B2 7X ! ) January 7 00 70S . Cnsh quotations wore ns follows : KLOUK Kliin and unchanged : winter pnt- tnts. (4.miD4 | SO ; vlntor iilralls , * J.M@J 7.1" : liirlng pntcnts. J4.004 50 ; spring ualnils , Ilir , ( $ . | .M , WHEAT Na 2 spring , 7S15c : No. 3 spring , Mi No a red. 78 c. COIIN Na' ' , ft 3B ® " > : i'4c : No. 3 , yellow. DSUo : No. 3. cash. 5 'ic ; no 4. 4 < lc. UATS Na V. ' , ; nj ® , llo ; No. 2 white , JCe : No. II white , 3..r > lii. UVK No. ' . ' . GJ4c. ! ] lAlii.it--No. 2 , n2c ; No. 4 , f. o. U , 40 < 34.c ) : Ki.x frKun No. 1. l.0i4. ! TlMOTiivbi.ED I'rlmp. fl.i7. : riiiiK Aicss per nui. , ei..BUrtiz.fi : laru , per lOOIIm , t7.S7J7 ! 00 : short ribs Rhlcs ( l'o-el. [ an.'yR&IO : dry silted shouldeis ( bovodl , J7.20 ® r.,0 : : short ele u sides ( boxed ) . * K2JiiH.2. > . WIIIHKV Distillers'jlulsht'd Roods , per pal. , &URAIIR Unchain oil ; ciil loaf , 4i3ic ; jra n- iilnlod. 4'ie ' : standaid A , 4aac. Kecelpls and blilpments lod.iy were ai fol lows : f-t. I. mils Miirliot . ST. LOUIF , Mo , Auz. 10. I'LOUH Lifeless ind pi lees iiniMiiii'cd : , \\ni-Ai Opi'iud louor on the break In cnrr , rcto\eri > d from the dun rest on , dioppcil , then \\rnl up mill Iliilshed at. e'oso ' to ycbteulay's S urcs ; J\o 2 red , cash , lower , 7.l' c : August , MyCJ'lc , closing til Tie ; boptombor , 7l s5i75Hc , jloslns til 7'ic asked ; Doeembnr. SiWrU'.e , jloshiK at78'.e bid. COIIN Weik from ' yesterday's do.-llno Iropped further on r.iln In Kansas , bul after iiiino soiling rci'ated. closing He below vestor- a y : e.ibh lower : Aueust. 4'ilje ' , ulosliu nt I9.o niiinlnal ; boptomber. 4fc , ' < 4n ) 1c. closliiR M 4l'iOl ) , u bidjOetober , 4Jtse ; May , ; ! ' bli' . OATS Shoned cnnsiilorablo stronzth. ml- r.iue , MI : leiu.d closlnuitli ssllerh 1,0 below the ton ; No. ' 'cusli , lilahor nt : i-"Bu ; August , Kle hid ; beptcnilier. il ( iM.lc , closing atlUVe. llvi , None ollerod. with Ole bid for rio. 2. HAM ! , KV Not r.ited , IIAbio.idv and uneh insod. Hfeu-Tlniolhy. * l..Wjlao , prime now. this month's delivery , II. .5 bid ; llaxsued. itetlve mil Ilnn at U7c. lluni.ic ( julct nt yesterday's ailMinco ; limey creamery , tttilc : fancy dairy , HXfi.'Oe. KIIIIH bearco and In demand al al lU&lliic. l.KAD-btenii v al 71 UJVi. ; CoKNMKAi.-rirm and uiich.ingod ul Ji.5-O L(5 ( L(5HAiHli. HAiHli. (7-QuliH nt GiQ7Ve. IIION COTTON Tus-Quiot aljl.10. WIIIBKV I'lnii at f 1.10. PitoviHio.NS-Dull : mirk-Sta-idard moss. lolihliiK. new , fllUttfoi.lT.'i. Unnl Noinlmil att7.5' . Dry ball Mo.its-I.oososhoulderi' , * 7.5) ) ; lonit nnil ribs. HID ; shoils. iS25 ; Ixnu.l , Ho htuher. HHCOII Paclied shoiildnrs. fS.U ( ; Ion/ tnd rlhi ) . $025 : shorti , t'i.jui , u.USi ( , llama dUL arenred , ll.iOwl25J. ! HKCTII18 I'loiir , ! lOtiO bills. ; wheat. 103,000 bn ; corn , IH.'OJbii , : oats , 2Uooobu.j rye , A.IOO bu. ; bar oy , none. bllllMlKNTH Kiour. O.OOJ bills. : whout. 105,003 bu ; corn. 15,000 bu , ; oats. 4,000 bu. ; rve , 2,00) bu. ; buriey , none , Now Vurk Nnw VOIIK , Auc. 10. ri.ouit Itoeolpts , Ji.O'O nkvs. : exports , 3) bills , , 2I.OJJ SICIIH : about itiMidy ; moder.iteilemiinil ! sales. 2U.4 U bbls. CoitNUtAt. bteady , qulut. \VtiKAT Ki-colpts , 2Joooo hu , ; exports , 'M- 0 I ) hti.t sales , WU.OOO bn. of futures ; 14.OJO bu , of spot , bpots hioiuly and aotlvo : No. S red , 30 > , o ; Nix 2 Milwaukee. No. Usprln : ; , Jn ' } "i0.Ol'l.91" ! ' . . * " " ' ? * J'r ' ? , llu. " ' "J'enltU lower nn report * of rain In ICanmis , lower otblos , foioUn soiling. liir o receipts , Increase In HrttlNtreut'h stutumonl and o\- piclod favorable eminent ropoit , iul- vanveu " 49 > i on fair e eiir.inen , export do- muiiil unit IOOH ! i'i\erlnir , oloilnu stoaily. ' , o up to Uo down ; No. 2 rod. Anixust. tviuit ' .c. olofhiK alMSu : boptember , BJ ttM c , elos- In. at 814.0 * : Oelober , Mi/B5lic. closlni ; at 5. % ' e ; Deei-mber , S7liiaKH7'Ilc. ( closlnj ; ut bS ? o ; May. f..QiUHic. clodni ; ut Hide. ItVK Dull. HcuUi webtern , 727le , llAiu.Kr Mti.T Quiet , nomln.il. MKUli lliiw , II rm. MUluti sales. 721 bic con- trlfiiirnls. tJ tiHi , to nrrlvu. atu U-ICo net ; le- Uni'il , Ilnn. actUe. MOIA < , HI.I I'oielKU , nominal ; Now Orleans , quiet. Mtnaih' . Kliib ln fair dciiiiinilt western prime , 17)i ) ® ( be ; rrcrliits , 7.2.K ) pkus. IIIIIKS--II | ) I. ktvidv ; wet sultoil New Or- tu.uik.40 tutiJlna. . li'(7o I'OIIKI'll m , quiet ! i' nt niHuti , ijulcl. uasyt p't k > vil belllen. ( H.M ; miles. 40.00U ILs. sliouid- irs Ht7o ! middles , stonily , iHilt. COIIN Hevolpts. Cl.0)0 bu.i exports , 100 lu.j alon.to.w.U lJU. of future * uud 41WA ) bu. nt snot. Spots firmer hut dull : No. 2. G2Uc In elevator ; 0 Cr.il'io nflo'it ; iiiurndcd mlxo I. SK VJiic. Options were \ory dull , iluc.liied 5ile on rains \\osl lario receipts mid lower cables , advanced ysjlo on decrease In llrad- street's expected II lit receipts and closed firm ; Ati'-'iist , niijiiJOP.c , clo'llin at Gl'fjOi Sap- tomber , fiS iO'iOigc. elosltu at . ' U.So ! October , , closing nt5S oi Oecoinbor.O'e ; May , llocclpts. fW.OOD bti.t nxports. none ! sale * . : w > .ooO bu. of futures , SI.O 0 mi , of "pot , Spots Ilnn und ( pilot. Options linnet , moder ately active : Ails-list . .I'l' lTjo. closing al 3)'ic : Heptcmber. ; Hi(9.IJi\u , elo ln { nt .t'tol October. J4 < ( ® n < < c. olmliu ut Ji'ufl ! spot No. \\hlto. . 4 Ic ; mhed wo lern. inWIlo : white western , 41 ISe ! No 2. t'hlouo. 403lo'c. { llA\-Juiet lint firm : shipping W.5J37.00 ; coed tocholco. HiVX&IO.U ) . lint's bteady but quiet ; Pacific coast , SJ ® 2 > c , I/AIID Dull nnil easier : western stoain cloieil nt Hu i ; option silo ? , 75) tierce * ; boplomber. J3.KVas.ll > . cluilui ; iilf < .l5blili Oclobor . HUTTKit I'lrm but quiet ! ero.imery , li UIn.iiVijrt.l'Sc. CllhKSU Ilnn bul qtllot. ItiiK-bteady. 1'Kl ( lio.N n.isy and dull ] Amorlcnn , 813.57 ® 15.1K ) . Coi'fKlt-n.iiy ; Hko. $11 Vll.P. ( I.UAii-Stoudy ; domestic , fltoai.lO. TlN-Steiuly s stialt-s $ Jl.4'i'i6W ! 05. Otniihii I'riiilucu tiurkct. rK\ciit : < ( -OillCornli.laI.GCi southern Il linois , 0 * > U7iu per has \et , IjiMONS-t7rOiis.rVJ. OiiAMiis-Callfornla , otil of inarkol , Im- pnite I , t'i M. lllAI'KHKIIltll S-I03. I't.IIMJiillfornln. . } . ' .00J3 00. - . . IC Homo crown. G5375c per tloz. MIM.DNS W.itormolons. 2" > o. NKW Ai'i'hUS Per one-third bn. box. "J Mils , JlOJ . i. . . llum.ii PaeUlna stock. 12i5OI3e : smill lots select dairy , I4 l7e. POUI.TIIV Spilnj ; ehlckons , S..O 0X00 as to sl/e ; old fowls. He. OVM'Ai.out'KS-Perer.ito. } t.2" : Jems , 75c per buskrt. O vt.tKnilNtA Olui'B ? Per case , $130. UUflJMIIKIH Pol llO50C. . Kdis-Klrm nt He Nisw Poi * TiiK3 ? . ' .OOiJl.25 per bbl. ; in sacks , 1'ifjDHio per lb/ OMONh Per bill. . $ . . 00 Jl'l 2'i. Hi.UKiiKltliir.s lii-it | boxes , JJOC2.2"i. TOM \IOHS I basket cntes , * 1 2.iI.5J ; bu. boxes , JI.75ii2.OJ. Pot 1Mb. b-iskot. 7 @ 7"e AllnneapiillHliu. . it .tlarlcot. t.n. Minn. . Aiu , 10. WHEAT ( 'nines were lower this mornlnton who it and this m irUctopene-l ut ' .id decline ; September , 7"iJ5c ; December , 7iiic. 1'lioro w.is fair buy- IiU at these prices and with * omoro.ivtlon In Chicago fiom tlio lower openlii ! on corn , whont undo. its , ( Inner fcellnc. developoil here. Opuiilni : pilces were tlie lowesl of the day and ultli an Improvomenl In all cr.ilns In Chl- ea o , our m 11 Uor sy mpalhi/cd about ijc.hold- liiijteaily and firm , olosliu 75iO ! bontem- Lcr,77'jc , December. U ish who it li is luun in food demand , low ur.ules In lighter supply No. 1 northern sold at dOiiOe ! : closed attu'io ; car receipts here. 101 an I 85 In Du'uth. Tlio following was the r IIIKQ of price * ted ly : Au- ust , olosliu al7"Jic ; b'eptomlnr. opening at 75c ! , lilKhest 75' c , lowest 75'ic. ' cioslmt at 751ic , yesturil.iv 75J4e ; Decembor. ouonlni ; ut 77ie. ! iilj'lu'"t 78c. lowest 77'ic , eliislim ut 7' C1 jesttr lav 77' . On tr.ick. No. 1 h.ird. t > 2c ; No. 1 not them , SJiic ; No. 2 northern , 7.i4i7Gc. KansiiH Oily Jliirki'ts. KANSAS CITV , Mo. Anz 10 WIIRAT Dull andneakNo. : 2 h.ird , old , UIG5c ; nnw , do Si © tGiic ; No. 2 red. GIO'OJ. Colts Dull and \Vt6\o \ \ lower ; No 2 white , 5le ; No. 2 ml\vd. 44n4i5c. | OATS In coed dem ind and sto.uly : No. 2 white , : ilfi.r.'c ; No 2 mlxe I , 2728e ! KVK btc.uly : now , Uic. rtA\HMii > bte.idv nt 8SDIc. BHAN btron at o."ic. UAV Weak ; timothy , $3 JOSO-OO , pr.ilrlo , $ IOOQGOO. llurruu I'lrni ; creamery. 12S2.'c ; dairy. 14 © ISe. IxinsI'll in al I2'iu. KuCHti'is Wbo.it , 00,700 bu. ; com , ICO ) bu ; oats , 4,101 bu. biiii'UK.NTS-Whe.it , 35,000 bu. ; corn , 15,003 bu. ; o its , none. Oil Market. Nnw YOIIK , Auj. 10. I'KTiior.rmi Opened Ilnn and \.inced c on lee il buvlni ; . re acted 3c ( and closed sto.uly ; Pennsylvania oil. spot si os. ,0)J bbls. al r Sc : bjptembor , option sales 5H.OOJ : openlii5ie ; hUhest , .Vl' c : lonost. 55c ; closing , fi'i'tc ; Llm.i oil , no bales ; total sales. 00 , ' oo libls. COTTON KBD OiL-Unscttlcd ; crude , 2G327c : yellow , . , lc TALMIH Quiet : city , ( JJ.O ) for pk s. ) , 4 5-Gc. ! HosiN Diul but ste idy. Tuiii'CNriMC Qulut but stn.idy ut23"S1aO ; Hdlej , 2 * > U hbls. A.NTWKiti' , Au ; ; . ID. Fine polrolcum , 24sGO sellers. LONDON. Aug. 10. SI-HUTS Tuiit'ENTiMi-21s Od per ewt. _ Cotton Murluit. I.tvnupoor. Aus. 10 Preo supp'y offcrinz : Airerlc.in nilildlliin.a'i-ioii : b.iles.H.OKl bilos. of wlileh 1,0 0 were for speculiitlon and oxuort and Included 7.0JJ Amcrlc in. 1 mures closed bare J btr.idy ; Amcrioan mldiilln ; , low mlil- dlliiK olostid tor August atl'VIKjpld. Ni.w OIII.KANIM , Anc. 10 Hnyors and belters up u t ; ml Idilnc. 7 1-IOc ; low mld- ( II 1 11. . ou-l > ie : coed ordiii'iiy , o ll-ine ; not and Cioss receipts , O'J bales ; exports to Great Hr t.ilu. 2"iO bales : to I ruiLC , 2. MO hales : to lliu continent , IU biles : co.istwNe , 711 bales ; , -.00 bales ; stock , 07.114 bales. r C'linillieiel il Kotlnw. .t. Aiu. 10. The (7u ( irdliin. In Its commeiclal artie e , s'iys : Tlio serious fill In thu rites of eastern c\chaii u unsettles the market. Buyers are not wliluu to Incur risks , blnrlliiKs for India and China are pr.ietlcally uns.i eablu. Advicoi from bhaiulial sho.v tlml lliero ha\o been largo silcs there of American drills nt low prices. Although the demand foi j iconots , mulls and K tidied cloths IsslUhlly bettei , sales nro pinctlcahli ) oiuy at lower pilccs. Tlieu Is bul meager Inquiry foryiirns. Colliut .Harkctt. Nr.w YottK. Aiti. 10 Options opened firm and unchanged to 5 poluU up , closed steady to f > H > r > points up. Sites. 10,00 ha-fs. Including August , il..si : September , 8l2.H)3i..K5 : O.-to- her. JI..Hvar..t ) ) : .November , * l'hiSI2.Ui ( : Io- ) cember , $ , - ' Ki il..ll ; .I.innaiv , Jl.March. ) ; . } I . ' .Ova 1 1 tu ; May , JI..W : spot Klo , Urmer and more uctho ; No. 7 , fll7VjliS7i. ( ! I'hllnilDliilil.i l.r.itii PIIII.AIIEI.I'IIIA. P.I..AUL- WllKAT Haroly stu idy ; No. 2 rod , beptember , b'iSiJ'-ie CJU.N Weak ; No. 2 mixed , bcplen bur , Oc- tel er und November , 57& > 5iic. OATS. Quiet ; No. 2 white , fciitcnibor. 40 ® IOSe. _ I.ixiMli ml AlurUiits. l/viitpoot. , An10. . WIIKVT Steady ; de mand poor. COIIN Quiet hul stoTly , ilomind fair ; now mixed weuern. ! n > l'id ' pur cjiit.il. Amoilc.in llvoo ittle. blnklnx thoalT.il. 5 < $ d pur uounili _ Olnrlnn Ul JI irxois , OI.NCISNATI. ( ) . . Aiu. 10. AViiKiT Scarce and Ilnn : No 2 , red , ? 51ili7rc. COIIN I.o.vor ; No. 2 mixed. 5 , ' > 4c. O \TS-bteadyt No. 2 mixed. 3i4c. ; Wiiiticv-d.lV. Il.iltlmore limn JI irkot. Ilu.TlMoin1 , M. I ) . , Auc. -WIIUAT Sloady ; No. 2 red , spol and Air-'iisi. 8liu ) UOIIN Dul ; hpol and Aucust. 57c. OATS Steady ; No 2 white western 42c. Tolmlii drain Mnrkrl. TOLUIIO. O. , Aua' . io. WHEAT Actlvo ; No. 3 cash , HU' c. COIIN Quiet ; No , 2 cash , 52o , OAib-Uull ; ciibh. .14 tic. Triidurs' Talk. CniCAnn. III. . Aiu. 11. Cou mo I n , nn , t I ) ly to Cockrell llros. Commission eonipany ; Whoaiopeneil easv in symputiiy with oilier train lint milled Siu on lUhl olToriiiss unit e oscd Him near top prices. Lower cables were expected an I had no Inlluencu or weio ollsct by lareocloariuicos. Coin opened with u professional raid , upon winch numerous small lines were sold on stop orders In anllol- 11 illon of rain. There was considerable Ion ; corn sold yesterday whlcli was replaced toiUy , O.its neio llrm In lesponto to an ex cellent shipping domaud. There was un- uoubtedly a cunural elosliu u P of open trades to await the Kovernment crop leport due this afternoon as tlio last lioiil or the hem Ion was almost devoid of Interest , und trailers wer3 out of the pits. Charters : Wheat , none ; ccrn , 70.WKI ; oats , 5.000 : rye , 3.0JO. Piovlsons nere ( .old freely by the ( indaliys , uspeclnllv lard , rll s und January per . They seem to bo holdliu the bulniicoof their tJuptemhor port. , which Is not lieiUod by October salei till shorti bid for It. Other packers Hero also mo-Iimito sollerH and the buy lux force of the market seems to be dully iltcro.isliu , CIIIOAIIO. 111. . Aucust 1C. Kennel t. Hopkins X Co. to ti. A , MoWhorter : When -Tlio tr.Mlo today huh been without feature und lur ely of : ui evenliiK-up vliurai ter. Curly cubes biimewhat lower , hut later one * decidedly weaker. Tliev hud ilttlo client , however , the ueneral dlspoiltlon belnu to cloto deals unil take u fresh start ufter thu Kin eminent , report Is out of the way. P.irdrl'Kn ' wus u 'moderate seller and so was another prominent lo".il ti-ader. Oluiirunces nuKru ute I nearly 7uO.no I busheuof corn nnil outs. The ircnorul ruins lust nlu'ht over Ihu corn belt u.iusod. Unit main to open about ll > o lower , but bli ; operatom who luivu been riiniilnit thu ileu I cuino to ( hu murker * support nnil beulpers cencriilly f ivoreil thu lom : slilo It U in- lied tlmt the government report this afternoon will bu quite to inMi. This does nut noiotuarlly mean an Immollatu decline In prices Thuduul U In the hinds of inllucn- tlnl opiiruUnj , who may advance urleot In thefiiceof he irlshconditluns. Thu Liverpool market hhown weaknesi unit uiiruxpoitt uro KrowlpK lUtiter. Aruentlnu U ihlppliiu freely und thu amount on ocean pa * aio ; Increased liul MQttk over 1,600,000 bunliui * . Provlsioun , more roillMng. carried prices lower nuly. but this was followed afturnardi by goo.l buying and a considerable r.illy. CiiicAno. III. , Ait. % U. P. 0. I.OT.UI & Co. to Duncan , Itolllntor . \ , Co. : Wheat opened weak at'He -optnmbcr Tlio local buying has bcnii good wli.eli su tulned tlio mnrXet anil ciiu ( ! , l an advance to 7rt e. The f los'iu price Is 7'"iC. Until our spring crop Isiecured wo hollevu the safe course Is lo l.uy II on weak spotn. Cublo advices are about in dull as they ei n bo. The government report duo this afternoon U exported lo show about 4 per cent lower In the condition of spring wliont , Corn ul the opening was weal ; and Irregular , Sopto'nbur soiling fiom M'o toVe. ! H did sell at .Vi ' ! and c used nt 6.1'j. ' ' 1 he general rains In Kansas unit Ne braska mum have doim tmi'h goo I. but wo fall lost'o how It ran Imprjvo the eorn crop much. The price we regard as high nnil think It should soli lower. Thu government report ott tills cereal will Inlluencu values sumo. Oats netho fluctuating In sympathy with corn , 1'rovlslons have bco.i weak , liquidation bv holders has been the order of the day. As Imyois appeared thev were freely supplied. September p irk closed at Jlih. ' ; ilbs.if7.87 : lard. i7.87. The well Informed men In the trade predict higher prtres. STOmc. A j. rrTuT.vis. Dullness III lint Security .Murliet Contlntio'l Unii'llexi'd Yesterday. NiitrYoitK , Aug. 10. Tlio dullness In the stock marl.ct contlnuo.l unrelieved today , but the llrm temper was maintained and laru fractlonnl advances were the rule among llio leading acllvo slocks whllo specialties were titled from I to 3 per cent , though the general list wis bold dull anil almost stagn ml , The reduction In sterling exchange rates sco us to have put u stou to the gold exports foi the tlmo being , at least there Is no Indication of any Intention to ship al present which Is a clrcumstani'o reassuring to thu bulls In the stock nrirkot. The absence of picsaitto MI soil wus the most prominent feituiu of the trading during llio lust two days , but whllo there has been efforts to plclc up stocks quietly , and llio strength ot the nrirkot attests the excess of ikvnuml , It Is not belli vcd th it much success ban nt- tunded these tactics , und that any forcing of coloring would losult In much sharper gains In thu leaitlnt stocksx , A story tint tlio Penn sylvania wus working in harmony w.tn tlio Koullutomhln itlnn. subsequently contra- doted hy the I'uunsylviinl i foll.s , hid thu direct of Increasing Ihoiimounl of business In Ki'atlliu und u ivuni-lii * Its prices somuulmt , but wllliont exception theiustof the leading shares were dull throughout. Thu market elo cd Him under pressure and most stocks showed small grains over their lust iiUht's Ugtires , whllo Western Union , which Ins been the strong feature of llio afternoon , scored u rl uof ! „ percent. The trading reached only 170 ; > ll listed und 17.677 unlisted , Uovcrnmcnt bomb ha\o been dull and slo idy. State bot.ds have been entirely neglected , The I'osl says : If llio soc illod independent commute } of Richmond Tormlnil security lioldurso juid ho shown really to rcpteiunt u , now movement In thu interest for themselves. Interest In their action would be considerably hmider than the limits of the terminal 1m- broillo. The prlncip il Involved Is far reach ing. There Is no doubt tint scandalous wrong has been done In tliu p ist to those Investors , und that If the Inside history of llio Richmond terminal could bo dra/gcd to light some very sensational proceedings botli civil und crimi nal , would bo possible. Nobody , however , horlouslv looks for such exposures , und It Is doubtful If an Ide il Independent committee would 1 iv Us baud on the evidence. In the present case it Is note isy losuo w hal llio com mittee does represent. The following arc the closln ? otot t.sn ? frr the lo idliig stocks on the New Ycik h'cck ex change ted iv : AlO llBOII IH.fl.MU l.Ul , u , . , u II 4 Aitntns Express. . . Nit IN .1 Ceiitnu . 15 Altoit T. ll . L ! .NorfolkWest pfii do iirefcrrvd . I'M North Amur Co . Ainurlcin Hxproes li'l Northern I'ncltlc. llnllltnorc \ Olilo. . ' . ' 7W ilo pM iTi , tnniila 1'iicltlc . . . . S ! ! 0 I' . Den . .Vliiilf.IbH Caaiiiln oiitliurn. . , ' > ' < ! ( .Nortline tcru . . . IKJi Central I'aclllc ilo pfd H ) tlio * V. Ohio N \ Central. . . . I1..M. ft litciiau .1 Alton 117 . N \ X .N K SMfi Chic llur X yulucy lumi'iJutiirlo ' A. We tern. 1'JJS t liliumi Un * bl'AiOri'iion liutro\o . . . 21 ConsullilntvlUus. . llb > g Oregon .Nut . . . . 7b C C t.-f-t I. . . . I , ' , | l.u I..VU N Si rolornrto Coil A I . 3 ,1'acltleMull , .14 Cotton ult Lei-title's 4' > V1' . Dec x K Wl llt'llinilBOn . . . . liS tl'llt.-liiirc Ill I ) 1. . .tV I5ijl'n""inn [ ! 1'ulacp bill , toxillv. ibid nxillv { inkod. Thu total s iles , of stocks todav were 104 40S sliures , Incluillng : AtrblMin , ISiOJ : ; Krlo , .l , ' > 0l ; Northern I'aulflf. L',4UO : Uuidln ; . 4lUJij Si. Pacific. J.l/OOj Western Union. ll.HW. > oVorlc Muno > .Uarknr. Nnw YOIIK , AIIS. 10. MONBVON O r.r , Easy , raii-lii ; : fiom 1'5 to 2 per cent ; list loan Hi per cent ; closed al Hi tier cent. PIIIME MKIICAV II.B I'Acnii I'V&Vi percent. brniiM.M ) KxciiA.sfiU-Qulot and steidy at fl 81JJ forsl\ty-d.iy bills and JI.Bi for de mand. The closing quot i tlons on bonds : Mton stock Oniitiitloin. N. Mass , Aug. I ' . The following are the aloiliu stok quol illons : San I'ranelsco Mining Oiiotiitiniis. SAN KitANCico , Oil. . Aug. 10. The olllclal closing limitations for mining stoe , < s tuduy were ab follows : Now York .Mlnlnir Oiiotutlon * . \ NEW VOIIK. Aug. 0. The following are the closing mining stoo < quotations : M. T.ouU .Ml ll I Hi ; Htoelld. ST. Louis Mo. . An ; . 10. Mining stocks wore quiet today. Of KlUabolblOOsliares wine hold ntns'i. The following quotations were made on cull : I.oniluu I'limniilul ltler , | CojcfMfiJ | lij J unei 'I ir 11-1 lien n" , | LONDON , Aug. 10. [ Now Vork Herald Cable Speelul to Tilt , llnul lliialness In tliu btocU uxi'him.to today h.is been iiliuoat exclusively In connection with the settlement which , MI far , bus made satisfactory progress. Money lias been In abundant supply so that rate * far continuing Irivo not ruled higher than on previous o-o.islons. Consols , nfior opepliu kilghtlv lower eloiod ! t per cunt higher. Homo railways uloso u little irregular , ut the same llmedoulln u have bcon very much restricted , An Improvement Is established In llriirhton deferred whllu t-otillioiibt'jrii defurrtiU , Cule. don mi , North Hr tlih , Ureut I'uKtern , Great Western and Northeastern are omlcr , Amerl- eun railways mot wlt'i u fair union nt of atten tion and c'oso u\cltlnily tlrm. u miieh liHlier tone being reported lu Now York , wlieri ll uppoiirs n favorublu crop report Is ox peeled A general advance Is established , lnuuiiiiu | AtchUou Income bond * of 7 ucr cent , Atchl- uou ordluury uud Cblcugc , Mllwuukeo uud U a AS to s ppr cent In othprs : dnnl quotitlons being the be t. Ciiniidl.iir'llv'cs ' Irivo been negioitcd. C-inudl.in I'ncllie isAiTinr cent hotter. Or ind Trunk U without /nliotabtn ebnnire. Money li is been ilttlo wanlrd * Mmrt lo ins hi\o bcon freely oltered at H.pue cent. In the discount market bills imvu Doon scarce , llnxo ot two mid three months being quoted ut fiom 15-10 to 1 ] > er cent , rin tn'H'ul > olc < . KANSAS CITV , Mo" , "Aug. io.-Cto.inngs , II- 8.0..1I , " ) . I'AIII ? , Atti. 10. Three per cent ronlos tWf , Mo ! for thouccoulit. Nnw Ynitic , Aug. 10. Clearings. ISSOJ,1- 011 ! bulancp * . M.tsi.o.U HAI.TIMOIIK , Md."Ali ? . lo.-Cloarlngs , $2JU- ITi ; balances , 14)\21 ! , \Motiev , ' 1 percent , I'lllf.AiifiM'lllA I'/t. / } ' ) , , Aiu 10. Clearings. , - 4SUiV ( ) : Ijilruiccs. * | | HJ UM. Money. J percent. MRMIMIIS , Tenu. . Aur. la Now YoiU o < - chnn.o selling nt tl 50 ; ulo.irlngfi , JjOVJ-'U : balances , J.ITTH ) . Ni'.w UitM\Ns : , Ia. Aiu. 10. Clonrlngs , ITTOll"J. NOW York exchange , commercial , Me : bunli , { I.M pot f 1,0)0 iiremlum. ST. I.ouif > , Mo. . Aug. 10. Clearings. JI.OJ.1- ! JV ) : balances , } .st,4U. ' . Money nulot alOilT per cent , Kxchanguon New S'orkOJe illscounu HOSTOV , > ias3. , Auir. ia Oioarlngs. Jin.- OI7U4 : ! bHtiinci-s , tl.Tlti.Ollk Mnnuv , fi per cent , lAclmngQon Now York. lf > e to ITo dis count. ' HAVANA. Aue. 10-3pinr < h cold , Ji.Vi'JO "fiU i\chan. ; ( ) qnlot ; on tlio United btnti-s short slghl gold 0J u > 10e premium ; on London lOc premium , CiucAno. Ill. Aug. 10. Money , steady and nnchnnged. ll.inu oluarlngs , Jir > , .Mi.tklil. ( Now York oxcli inge , Wo discount ; alorling o\- cliiingc , dull and unchaiued. MVI : STOCK MAKKITS. : I.lbprul Supplies riiui n Pnlrly Ai'tlxo Irndo nt ( loud 1'ilren. OMAHA , Ang , la. Supplies cnntlntio fairly liberal , tlie thrcodins' supply cominod | ) with receipts for the llm half of lust \\oel > showing an Increase of about V.UJJ c.iltle , 0,1 UJ lie s and : i."iO sheep. The Cattln on sale were about nil natives nii'lcoinfed. 1 licro were about ! l 0 lu > .id of glass , I ex.HIM hero but they woio bought bv Cudlniy ut Kunsas City and consigned direct , to Ills honso here , lliislness was tolorub y iictlvound pr.ces Ilnn on hindv flit steers for local account. lluivy cult o were slow und dull uUboiigh pilccs could Imrillv bo quoted lower. Common und Inferior stulT was also b ird to sell except al very low pi Ices. ( looil l..UO-lb. to 1,4(1in ( stoerssold at fiom $ l.iT : to $1 71 : fair to good I.OW-lb. to I.IIVHb. stulf selllnz nt from } 170 to JI.2J. The pens were o eated of ovurythliii exeopl a few louds ot eholeo lie ivv bec\ei. | Cows and mUol stulT sold nt stoidy to strong prlco-i , Hrgely in from $1.0) ) to $ J. : , ex treme sales of common to choice still ! being at from iJl.O'i lo tun. Thu trade In bulls was slow und prices decided.y weak , the few hero selling ut from $1.1) ) to $1.0. ) . I'oor to good c lives sold about like Tuesday , nt from tl.JS to ? , ! . - > 0. Nothing new wis developed tn the stocicer .and fco.lciline. . Trail o wus us usiiul dull , with prices In general unchanged. Itcgiilar dealers did thu bulk of tlio trading , prices being mostly from t.'U lo $2 00. There Is no general country buying yet , und until tins comes there U lltl'.o prospect of uny Improve ment In the situation. Hupresunlullvo sales : imissr.n : ur.r.t" . CALVES. 4 100 1 35 4 , 37 3 03 1. . 2-3 3..3 1 IOJ 2 50 0. ' 13 > 'A 10 , nui.r.s. 1 .1010 . 1 10 2 , UIO 1 53 1. 1780 If.'i 1 KM ) 1 . ' .0 1 Ult ) 1 UO 2 .1400 1UO HTOCKKHS AVI ) FUEDEItS 3 . 503 1 00 na 2 21 10. 803 253 20 . 027 20) ) (1 ( , 7S1 S . ! ) 21 . ir > o 2.0 850 2 2i 2. , 05 2 .15 18 .1040 260 20.1 778 2 21 111. 81 } 2 . ' 15 21 .1 r.s 2IM 1. . 4W 2 25 4. UI2 2 35 K. . 031 203 MII.KUI1S AND Icowjinil c ilf | J2 50 1 cow aniluatf 2500 1 cow anil calf . . , 2703 1 cow and calf . . . , , , . . . . 31 00 1 springer ' - " 50 \VVOMIMlCATTr.K. No. Av. I'r , No. Av. Pr. 3steors..lH1 W " > 10 stuprs..1227 fl 55 lions Hocelutsvcru qnlto liberal , 00 cars the three days simply lie ins O.OJO liuaicr than for tlio same three days last week. Tlio son- cral quality of tno ullcrhva was hardly up to the mor.a'c. With o.istorn markets lower , only one ship per In the nun hot anil an ample Mipnlv fur all buyers the sellers were at a big illsail- MuitHi-'O anil prices ruled unovotilv lower lOo to20c lower than Tuesday's early morn- Ins market. The ; roixl ineillurn anil heavy hoissold lar-'oly at from J5 l/i to } "i.8J < or shlpptnu accinint anil tlio common , llsht anil IMI.\eil luvs largely at fiom i5.5r to $50) . Business was fairly actl\o at the ailvancaanil atom nverythlnjicli.inired hantls before the elosc. Hxtruinn Hales were at from 8\4fl to ? ' . ! XI , with the bulk of the trailing at from * " > .rr > ti ) ftd'i. au.ilml 8i.7i to J' .80 Tuosilav. The cener il a\er.ue of prloui palil wasfiG.i , aitalnat * " > 77 ; TIIOJI ! ly ana * 5.47' lust ANeilnesuny , Kt'itc L'Ulitlvo s.iles : No , Av. Pr. No. Av. Sli. Pr. . . . .2DS I'.O $ > ,15 or .215 181 2U u 5 : r > SI ItS 1JO 5 l > > 2IJ 8) ) > 4) ) OJ 211 1 ! , ) r , ( i ) 80 fl 45 75 .218 1U ) 5 I ! ) 210 55J 70hr ' 12J .214 2SJ 5 5) ) hr 2J4 1M ) 50) SJIJ i.'O 5 5) ( .U .2H. 80 i.'O8J .18' ' ) 8J 5 50 .l"l | 240 500 .453 5 . * > I .241 80 2r.l S 50 .2,11 IW 212 5 5) 08 .211 2UO . .1IJ 5 5) 74 . ' . ' 25 IbO 5 KJ'i ' .201 200 5 JU4 ! 78on. .218 240 51 , . ! ' $ 4J 8 55 on. .201 121 56JW ,2-J1) ) 210 5 . ' ! > 05E5 210 ICO 5 l > 21' .20J 120 fi 5. " . E5 .2.1. 2JO 515 24J 1JO 8 51 78 200 KO 5b5 .24 : oo 8 81 01 .200 505 .2420'J 1(1' ( B .Vi 7 ! ) .2) ' ) 2S3 5 0 > 240 5 5T 75G .217 210W3 f. ir 107 40 ft 85 G 20 i W3 5tr. 8 .V 6' ) .210 1C , ) 51 > 5 il'OG B 57'4 73 .2.0 100 fi IB .211 24 J 8 57i ! hJ .224 3JD 5 U"i .241 210 5 GJ 81. 211) ) 10) 5 ( j.- 210M 2)1 ) M ) 5 M 71 10(1 ( K ) 505 .241 120 B U ) 81 214 151) ) 505 ' 83 5 (10 ( 70.Nl . 2.15 1JO ftU'i 'FJ 120 B UJ Nl ,11)7 , ) 41 5 ( > 5 II.'O 5 dJ 74 208 III ) 5 05 i'JV 200 5 l.j in 208 5 bo . , ! > 5 113 01hi 231 1G3 570 US 120 5 liO hi ) 1117 241 570 2jn IW 5liQ oo. ,2'8 , 100 570 2.0 41) 5 LO 217 570 ,2.1'J , 210 5 Ul ) .Kl'J IRQ 570 201 kO B UO .220 IW ) 570 120 2JO 12J 575 .224 240 503 .2JI 120 575 2. ! 10) 5 00 .201 I.'O 580 IO1) B 00 .2)0 ) 2)0 ) 58) ! K3 5 03 fi ) , 3.3 580 ,218 11 ! ) Sfi ) 60. 200 40 5HJ ,20'J 12) B 0) 14.OS . 1(10 ( 580 .109 120 5 03 OS 225 80 58J * * LJ 200 5 IW 07 580 ! SU 2SO 5 00 48 , 2GI 40 585 .217 240 S 00 OJ 208 500 rias Ar > D nounii 103 5 21 1'O 625 .300 40 521 i 1 3GO 525 blil ni' It Is dinicult If not Impossible to notoebunuos In the/Mioop miirket when none ure beinn localved , Tlieio Is u good demand for the right kind of jhccp from local houses and prices lire noinlim11 ? steady. Quotations are us follows : I'nlr | o good nut hetJ.75 io J150i fair to good , voflerns , JJ5J to Jl..fi : common and stock slivcu. f-.M to H.5) ; good to choice 40 to IW-lb. lambs , (1.50 to (5.5J. Now York Live htouK Market * . NKW Yoitic , Aug. ( ) ! - - , 1- 500 head , liieludluir. ( Ifty-flvu cars for sale. Marliet He per IW ) lift , lower : native steers , * J.5ft5.35 per 10) lls.4 Texus and Colorudoa. M.10iH.2J : bulls nndJjtiws. * J.ooa.l.5J : diossed beef steady , 7)iS'Je ) per pound. bhlpmonU toduy , 5 0 beeves , iutd 701 quurt of beef J to morrow , t ) . ' bcovesi'ftnd.15 ' sheep. OAI.VKS llecopt | j 257 houu : market flrm : veals. tVOOa'-.V ) : l/atlerinllk / calves , * . ' .504M.5i. bliuhl * AND I/AUIIft Kecelpt1 * , H.7IVJ lieud ; market steudvi lirtniis. Ue per pound lower ; sheep. (4 WKiiUOO per'IOJ HIH , : lambs , IdOJ'i'.M. llods-ltecolun. 0,1)10 ) head , Including 2 curs for sale : market stpiulyi Vio@ > .20 per IOJ Ibs. Ilocvlpts und DUpinllluii of Htook. Ofllolul receipts und disposition of ntook as shown by the books of the Union block Yards COu ULCERS u COtt SCROFULA tt RHEUMATISM tto BLOOD POISON Ajjd every kindred ilJ eaRO nrUInc from Impure Wood oirod by that iic cr-falllug and bent of all uiedlcmcs , Hook on lilood and Skin Diseases mailed free , THE SWIFT SPECIFIC OO , , AJLMTA , QA. conipnny for thn twentv-foitr liottra entllng nt 5o'clock p. m. , Au'ml 1) . b9J. CMTTI K. I 110(1 ( Cnrs.IItend Cum jllenrt 711 l.CJj ) Rij n.yjl ii IIISI'OSITIO.V. ISTIU.V : : I.\TKKISI > . Arotcmont or llur * I.o i Tlmii Last AVn-lt , Hut Oulto Kuc'iiirailiit ; > CINCINNATI , O. Aug. 10. IRpoclal Toloeraiu toTiiK IlKi-.l I'limut row's I'rlco Uurient will say ! Packing returns Imllcalo a total of1) " " , - 000 hoas for the week. nitiilnst'JlU.10 ] last week and I.'VUJU last year , 'llio total from Mnrah 1 Is. 1,590,1 UO. aualnst4MVO.n last v.'ar. Leading Places now operating comp ire as follows : I if ii. I Il\i ) stool ; Marknt. OmrAdo. 111. , Ana. 10. [ Ppoclnl Talcerim to rinlhi : : : | Thuru was a decidedly heavy tone to thucittlo iiiarlt t. The supply uas toolar o by fir mid holders veto unnblu.to resist the ik-m-mils of buy on for lowot pi Ices. Kvon the most uoslr.ible grades uorj 1111iliihlo at yestuulay's Ilituies , whllo the ntnU and tlio sold slowly at a reduction of from lOu to He. makliitf a reduction of from IV ) to Siu xlnco Moiuhii' . Thuro uns no apparent to isoii for the shrinkage In v.iluu of i.ood diy foil steers , as eomp iratMolv few of Unit sot t nro eomlii ! ! on thu m irUet , but of con-mon to fair grades them was an ovoi supply .ind the du- pri'ulatloii was lo bo expected. The leeelpts consisted about equally of iiatlvo and run o Moclc. Sales of the former were on a basis of fiom .Vr > lo Mtu nud the latter were quoted ut from $ I..T > to tl.ll. U.tUoseroln Increased supply. Texas alone scmllur , In.slNtee'i car % The marliot u\ori''od : fully. u lower 'I hoio wore about U'4,010 lioK-son the market. Th-it isa moderato supply but It was larjjer than could bo handled e\ceut at icducod prices. Buyers ilem nidod concessions of from . " > o to lOo and Kot them , tlio mariiet fall- ln to * . " > . > ) fiom JdlCi for poor to host me diums and heavy weights and to $ > .4r > from Jil. 0 for poor to prime ll. hu The fact that the airivals were larger than thu recent avcr.ixo and tint thu nvirkots on chaiiKo were nil lowei yestorilay weio the weakening Inllucnees. There was a filr dom mil at the decline and only a few lots uoiolcft In sellers' h.inilB. The extreme rantoof silcs w.is froiuI.OJ toW.I.X bklpjaiiiliullHso d at .from 8JOU to J5.UO , and a few eholeu assorted ho ivr and ini'dlum weights fetehed from f'l.IO tofC15. 1'roiii J".7" ) to W.OO bought most of the hoes. The close was sto uly. There was a fair dom mil for sliool ) and Iambs of KOIK ! quality , and former pi Ices wciu freely p.ild. Hut thu oil grades wore hiird to sell , nobo.ly aiitlnff them OMJII at the low orlccs hlthorto pruvallliu. Quotations were from Jl.lO to ? li.'i ( for sc i la wans , and from W.75 to * . " > 'Jj forLholco'jr.ulos. with the ere iter p irl of tbu trading at from $ 1.1i to $ > " > The lamb market uu1- firm at from t4 01 tofUOl for poor to Choi , c. There Is a llttlo Inqilliv fiom da\ today for foederi at from tl.1i loW 0. Ifnol.flltu. fltitt.li. IH 11.11. Im 9tnilil. ! . .Iwmn . The Hvenln ' .Toiinril reports : OITTM : Ueculpts. li.'HO : Hlilpmcnts. 4.C03 ; marUotblow , lll/iil.'c loner ; e\tr > t prime st3crs , $ > OOBr > ij olliui' . $ . " ' < iH bJi rii ! ers , JJ.90 ® J.ai ; T'Jins. . $ . ' .4 © 1.70 : cowJ. . : > J-.r > lions Kuculpts il.OJo : shlpmuiits. P.VJO : market slow. Uo lower ; roimh 11 icUliuJX'J.VS ) 5.7.ij Ropil mixed , f.v'tVQi.'i.llJ : prime heavy and biitcliers'wel.'hts | .V xli ( 10 ; llht.'Jiiri ( > . MlBM' Itooolpts. S.OIO ; shlpmotus , 2.UO ' ) ; mar > ct aotho and stion ; ; htookers. ? .l' > 0 ; cues. * J.OJii4 ( 50 ; mlvcd. W.OiV3il.53 ; wetlictH. KtO IjJOiio ; Toxins 8I.'K)31.SO ; CQ union west erns. SI UJ ; laiuLs * l/ > ® ! UJ. Kansas City T.ivu Stoolt Market. KANSAS CITV. .Mo. Auc. 10. CATTI.K Re ceipts. 0,0)0 ; slilpmcnts , LV'iOO ; iroocl stock was steady ; common lower ; steers , } J.nn.l.7."i : cows. $ l.iVft'J.l : > : fuoders. JI.hOi2.JUO ; To\as and Indian steers , Jl..r > ® l > 0. Hens Uecolpts , 1.1,700 : Ehlpments , 000 : the mitrliut was dull and IV&Jlu lower ; all grades , K. ' % V > 'HJ ; liullv. ? > .70 ® . " > .80. fannhi' Hocolpts , ' . ' . 'lOJ ; shipments , none : thom m irkotasdiill .mil lower ; muttons , SI.4U ® 4 IK ) , lambs , ' ' St. I.nnU f.lvo Meek .Murluit. ST. louii. Mo. Ausr. 10. OATrr.K Hccolpti , n.700 ; shipments , 2,700 ; natlxos slow , lower ; Texatis and In Hans aetlvo , hliuu ; fair to choice nalue steers. f.liKKT4l."i ; Texans and Indian btlurs , $ J.50 ; cows and canuerb , $ I.Qj ® 2.00. lions ccoIptB , ri.lOfl ; shipments. COO ; mar ket lOc lo lor : heavy , ? > > 0 ® > .05j mixed , $ .1.1)0 ® 5.1M ; llfilit , * 1.70fir > 1)0. ) MlKKi' Hecolpts , 4,200 ; shlpmo.lts , I.IWO : market steady ; ranpe. $ .l.U1'i.QOl Dlarrluuu n Kentucky. 'Thero has been n rontlnuod tendency to bouel dUo.tso hero this so.ison. " says O.V. ' . Shivoll , drugulst , WicklilTo , Ky. , "and at ) unusual doinind for Uhainborl.iln's Holic , Cholera and IJlarilum Hcniody. I liavo sold four not tics of it thlsmornini ; . Souieromaik- nblo euros have been uffuctod uv it uuil in all cases it has proved successful. " For sale by druggists. Something to look out for the fraudulent imitations , dilutions , and FAilJctitutcs that nro hold as Dr. Pierco'i ! yeMtina meiliciiies. at less than I ho regular prices. To protect the public from fraud and deception , tlicto genuine mtar- anfecd medicines aio now sola only through druggists resulaily au thorized RS rgenN , mid ri/uaj/s / at these long-established juices : Dr. ricico's Golden Mullcal Dis covery ( for the liver , blood and lungs ) , $1.00. Dr. Picrco's Favorite Prescrip tion ( for viOman's weaknesses , ir regularities and ailments ) , $1.00. lir. Pierco's Pleubunl Pellets ( for tire liver , stomach and bovtols ) , 25 cents a vial. Dr. Sago's Catarrh Remedy , COa But lomombcr this ; they cost you nothing , it they don't help you. They're ( inarantecd in every case to benefit or cuio , or the money is returned. They're the cheapest medicines you can buy , for you pail only for the good you get buC they're the best , too , or they couldn't be cold cm any such terms. SOUTH OMAHA. . Union Stock Yards Company SOUTH OMAHA. esl cattle , hog und sheep market In llio west COMMISSION HOUSES. CEO. BURKE & FRAZIER LIVI3 STOOIC COMMISSION. TIU : IJA : units. fl flMAIMI Write to thU h m fo.oar , oar- U. UUAIIjroot | Mirka : Bjpjri. Wood Brothers , fcouth Oiuuha Tolophona 11'iT. - ChlciiKo J , l > . DADJSMAN. I . , \V. a. WOOD. fMtiiB ori Market reports by mull aiU wlro cheerfully furnished upon upplle itton. - THIS Campbell Commission Co. ChlcuBO , DisltU. 1 ,011 Is , ICunsiis City. Sojth Uinuh.1.bux City , Port Worth. A. D. Boyer & Company , Maud 61) Exchange llulldln ? , Boutli Omah u Corroipoiidoucuiolkllocl nnd proiuptlr uiuwJfJl tpcclul nlteallon to orilor * f or itovken \ . foeiluri. 120tabllthcil , 1H1 . . . InoorpuruDJ , 111) Capital fullr ) mlJ , Waggoner Birney Company Wrllu or wlro ui for prompt auJ rellublo markji fcporti. Perry Brothers x Company , LlvoStojk Commlsklon. Itoom (1 KxcbuiiRo Hulldliu , boutb Omaba TulepUonu 1707. OMAHA Manufacturers' ' ro / AucnrrEcrs AND UUILDKUS. J. II. Glenn , Contractor * nnil mill rontrictori for nil kliuHof tiiillillnit plnitorhu imlntlau , eto. All wlllroiclxo copy uf ( nc-iHr" nrcliltocls' nnd bulldur * ' illrectorjr frci1 , b ) oondlim Iholr nain s l > ni > liu < si andltiintloa to the publlrlicr , J , U. lllcni , 111 H. litli xtruut. AWNINGS AND TENTS. Oinaha Tent H\\ \ \ Ding Co Wolf Bros , i Co. Touts , nwnliiK . tnrpiu- Fines , hnnimocks oil nnil llm , covernof iillklndi. riiMicrc-lotlilnit. Send linns , banners , i'tc. Send forcnt'KUc. 11IJ Karimiu for c ttnioiiuo.rm s , null BAGS AND TWINES. iicinis Omaha Big Co Importers and mrfs , Hour snckn , burlips , tnlnc. BICYCLES. BOXES. M. 0. Daxon , - 11 C. Todil , Suocixsnr to I. J.Vllk pn < on , M'f itclKnr , pipar Illcyclcs sold on monthly p toiltitf b ) xo . All no/il payments. lOV. llth st llo ln bet lino. 1110 Do.uhu St. BOOTS AND SHOES. Morse-Coo Slioc Co. HO1) ) Howard Blroet. rnctorr corner lllb ami OoujinistMOt' \\onrnmiklmcloio prlc < Hto euli biior * . nnl nro BOlIliur u class of iiouili wlile'i Ij very suluiiblo with incroliii'lts Steven Crccdon. Mnnufnrtnror's iik'ont. IciiMilppljr you with overy- Ihlnn In slioei-iiicu'H MOIIUII'K niulilll | ( ' nt lonmtfiictnr ) prlcosnnililliioiints Lntost nt ) Itfs. 1401 Karnain atruet. Uoom 15. Kirkailall Jones & Co. Ainer.llaniiScweilSliocCo Wliolcsalo Mfrs' . Aitcnts lliMtun Iliibbcr 'luieCo HootH , Blmos , rubber * , lie ; Il04-ll0illliirnu-st fi'lt Kood < . 1301 1JIO ) - Iliiriiojr-Kt. CLOTHING. Blolcky & Co. Clotlllnc.Motlon fnrnlili- lnh' l.lvu u > n trial. HninpliM prepaid br ox- proas , 1113 Ilirnoy. COAL , COKE , C011NIOE. Eagle Cornice Works Mfr . Kalvanlri'd Iron Hard and soft coa' . . j : ear. n.ti , una Uuuxnla cornlco , wlnilow caps , motallG hkIlclit * < . etc. coU , 1110 , I1U CONTRACTOUS. J. II. ContrActnrn and Biib roiitrvctorj for nil klniH of bullillnil , pli tcrlnv , p ilntliu , uto.ulll rojeUo a topy iiriiionn iin.liltuc.a' and luilliljra' director/ frc'e , by aomllntf tliL'tr nnmtf , baslujtH and location to tits publisher J. II Olunn , 1US IStli atr.'Ot DRbf GOODS. JL E. Smith i Co , Kilpali-ick - Koch DrjrKOods , notions , fur- Dry ( too la Co Notions , nlKhlnK noodi Corner Kcnts' f iirnlBhliiK Roodd lltli and HoKuril st3 Cor lltli mil Howard. FURNITURE. Omalia Upholstering Co , Heche 4 Iliinyaa Upholstered furniture , rnrnlturo I'o , , Uraco an 1UI.MIU4 .Nicholas istruct Uth street. Wholesale only. PERMANENT SIDEWALK RESOLU TION. COUNCIL CIIAMIIKII. OMAHA , Nob. . July 20 , 180i He It rusolvcd by the cltv council of thu cltv of Omalia , the ni.iyor cDiicurrin : : That pcrniiinent hlilowalKs he construetul In the city of Om ilia as ilosljiMlud belou , \slthin ll\o cl.iys after the putill.'atlou of this resolution , or the personal service tnereof , as by oidinanco Is authorl/i'd and required ; such sidewalks to ho la il to the permanent trulo HS entabllsheil on the patt'd stieots spoclfiuj herein and to lie constructed of stone , artitl- e'al stone , brlu ! > or tllhiL' , accorlliiK to speci fic itions on Illo In the olllcooftho lloirdof I'ubileVor.s ! , ami nn lor Its supervision , 10- vvll : North slilo of St. Mary's avenue. It 14 I'rcs- ton am : Wlllliuns add , 8 feel whlu. Kail sliloof SJnil strset. Its 2 , .1 , G , 7 1'reston nnil Williams , iihl. G feet u I ID. Kiist slilo of ; 2nd street , Us 10 anlti'Jll ' I'lcston > V Wniliiiiis ii'ld.G fuet wlilo. Weatsldoof l-'nil street , tux Ir 8 tce 2-15-11 , (1 ( feet wide. West of . ' 'nil street , tax It 0 see 22-15-11,0 foot wide. M'i t. alflnnfSJml Hltnnt. t t\ If. in mn " > .1.r-1 I 0 feet uhlo I astsldoof 20th street , tax It 10 sec 22-15-U G fi'ot wide. H iht side of 20th btrcet , tax It 18 sue 22-15-I , ' ! , G feet wjdo i ; ist slilo of 2Uh Rtioet , t.ix It 17. see 27-15-1. ) , Gfeet wide. Westshlo of 20th luciuic , Us 1,3,4 Hoes Place Gfeot wide. Westhlilo of 23th avenue. Its 7 , 8 , 0,10 Kces I'laceGfeet wide. WosthldiMif 2iiti ) axeniic , south 150 feet Its bll(7.I. I Keillek's add. 0 feet ulde. I > istsldeor20tlia\eiiue , Ut ) blk 4 J. I. Itod- Ick's ami. ( i fcot wide. North side of Vlnton btrcet , It llblkGS. H. Ho ers add. North hide o ( Hurt street , Its B. G , 7 , 6 blk 41 , city. Gfeot wide. Kist side of U'lth street , Its 32 , 31. 34 , I'aul- on's add , bfeot wide. Kiist side ot 24th street , sub It 8 , 1(1 ( , 17113 Capitol add , 0 feet wide. Wcstsldnof 2ith street. Us C , F , G , II. I , J , K. Kullom's 1st add , Ofeetuule , Houth slilo of Million street. It J blk 211 , city. CO feet wide. West side 21th street. It 1 blk 1 Shlnn's add. 8fcet wide. North slilo of Cumins street. It ) 14 , 15 , 10 , blk 2 , ArmstioiiK's 1st add. It ) feet wide 'Knd. bo It further reinl\ud : That the lloirdof Public Works be. anil Is hereby aittliorl/ed and directed to cause a copy of this resolution to ho uiibllshud In thn olllolal paper of the olty for one nook , or bo served on the owners of said lots , and thatiin- less such owners hliall within live days uftor the publication or service of Mich copy con struct , said sidewalks as heroin required , that the Hoard ot 1'ubllu WorKs cause the s inio tn bo done , the cost of constructing s.ild side walks respectively to bo assessed against the real estate , lotot part of lot In front of and abutting Hiioh sidewalks l'asse'Jjuly2Gth , 1892. Attest : P. I1. DAVIS , JOHN CiiiovK1'rcsUent ! of tlio Counull , City O.erk. O.erk.Approved : GKO. I' . HIIMIS , .Mayor , KOTirnrn CONSTIIUCT HIDKWAI.M * . To the ouners of the loU , p.irts of lots and real estate described In the abiivu resolution : Vim and each of > on arj heieby noillled to constiuct porm.knunt sidewalks as reijii're I bv a resolution of the city council ami m tyor of tlie cltv of Oin.tha , of which thu ahot u is a copy. I'V. . IIIIIKIMUHKII , Uli.ilrinaii lloaid of 1'uullo Worka. OMAHA. Neb. August nth. Ib.ij. Hl7t NOTICE TO PHOlJKltrV OWNKUS , AGENTS AND LKSSEEb. In puisnani'o of ordinance No ill ) . ' , reiinlr- luirfcower connections to bo miidetn and wltli- In tlio curb.linn on cettalu streols an 1 alloy In street. Improvement districts .MH. 40J. 471 , 47J and 475 In the olty of Omaha , you aie hiirn- by notltled to make all necess iry eonno.'tlons with suxver m ilnn or latterals and In i o npleto Btii'h work on 01 before Aiunst ai , ihO. ' , us It Is the purpose to pate I host reels and and alloy In the bald dlhtrlets. and more p.irtljularly described as folloiM * . to will No. 410 ' . : .id street from north line of Mlolil- paiislieel to Nicholas stiiiot. No. 471-2. 1)1 ) avoniin from I.oavonuorth btrei't to M n roy struct. So. 47 , ' iSiul street fiom I'opiilnton nvenuo to u point liKll til-IlMj fcot boutli of roiiploton uvenue , beln the south llneol tixlotJOIn seclion 27 , and No. 47'i-Alley in block 317 from 2Hli Htioet to2lstslreut , ) u the city of Omuhu. Von are lixreny ordered to mu 10 the noccs- sury bower connections on or before the Halo Hpticllli'd In this notice , or ihu HUMID will bo midu bv the olty nuthorlUes ami the cost thereof umussod UEJIIIHI llie property oppo site tliu same and spin tally henelltted theroby. Dateil ut Omuhu , Neb , thll 10th duy of Aug ust , lb i w HlltKIIAUSKIt , Chalnuau of thu lloura of I'uhllo Works. tlO U 12 U IS 10 W. U. Kiddcll. ijas A. Clark & Co. WI,1 , ! ii' " 1KllfS : ! ? ! .ul or. cheese. „ „ . i-irir < . tin ) u nnil Nitltw f < ir IKlUI . . . . 111 flllU . . K > . > UO . > , , , , , - ; , . Ci'sb. IMS. mint. 317 bouth 13tli t. STOVE RKPAIRS. OiiialiaSlo\cllcpairW'nS \ ' Etiuerepalra and watur HttachiiiontH for any kind of stove inado. 1AI7 llouidas. SASH I TOYS. Jl.A.Disbrow&Co. II. Hardy & Co. Manufacturers of saili , Toys. dollH , nib n ins , doors , blinds an I fancy Kgoils , hnusofiir- mouldings llranch of- iil hliiK KOOIU , chtl- tlcu , 12th nail Iiurd stt. drons carriages. l.ll'J riiriiiiin sL. WOODEN SIDEWALK RESOLUTION CONSTRUCTION. Council Chamber. Om-tliii , Nob.JiiIy2Gth. ! 1PB2.1 Ilo It rosoUod by the olty council of tho. i ity of Omah i. tlio mavor concurring : ' 1 li ; t.M > O Ion sldenalks bo eonstruuMil In the rlty Omaha .is ile I nated below , within IIM ) days after the public illon of this resolu tion , or tlio personal service thereof , as hy ordinance Is aiithoil/ed and ri'ijulrod ; such sidewalks to bo laid to the presunt crado on tlio btrcols spcci'Jed herein , and to bu eon- strui'ti'd of pluo p'.ank of such width niul tlileldioss in 1 lie laid upon joists of biich dlmiMis ons and In such manner as Is pro- KtMlbcil by the specification" on Hie in tlio olllce of llio Ilo ir.t of I'ublle Works and under Its supervision , to w t ; I'ast si loof llth hlieet. lols 8 nnil U , block 3 , Van Camp's addition , II feet uldo. .South sideiif Doie isstreet , lots 1 to 0 Inclu- she , block 2 , Oamiiheli's addition , G feet wide. boutli blileof Wlrt or Nnwtun sueet , lots 20 to"4 l.i\onport's suti , o feet wide West slilo of 51st stroot. In I to 2' ' ) block II , West bldo addition. 4 feet wide. U'net. ulln i\1 f.t t. utfni.t Int. * Itlniitfl Wnut bide addition. 4 feet nlde. Westhldoof 5l tstioot. lots 1 to 4 inclusive , blocUllcstMdo addition , 4 feet wide. Westslde of 51st street , lot ID toi1 : Inclusive ) , block I , IllmobaUn'h'tj and Patterson's sub ud- dltloii. 4 feet wide. boutli slao of I.e.iVi'iiworth street , lots 1 to 3 Inclusive , block 1 , West bl lo addition , 0eel ulilc. South slilo of r.oavonwortli street , luljoln- ItuM I'oi Holt Llnu KKrUlilof way , see 10- IV : io foot wide S'onth sldaof I.oavenworth street , ailJolnlnK M Tor Holt Line K 1C right of way. bloolc a , HlmebiiiKh's addition. G feet wide. bontli side of I.e.ivonwrji th slri-et. httb lot 1- 31 , bll < 2. Illmeliaiirfli's a Idltlon. 0 fent wide r. Hthlilo of 4bth street , lots II and r > . block 8 , Hri.'Ks' I'l ice , G feet , wide. Kiistslduof 4blli street' lots II und 15. block II , Hrlfrs' I'laoe. G feet Hide. Hiists do of 4Sth stieot. lots 11 au I 15 , Uooti 7 , Hrl KS' I'laco. Gfeel uldo. I ) iHlhldoof 43tn Htieet. lots 14 and 15 , bloclt 8. lrlVM ( IMaoe. G foot wide , i ; ist bldo of 43th btreet. lot ) ) 14 and 15 , blook 1,1 HrlcKS' I'liicc , G feet wide , C ist side of 48th street , t ix lot 0 , so 3 20-15-13 , G fool wide. Kast side of 4Sth stroot. w Uof uw U ot sw U of see .1 1-11-1 1. C feet wide. KilBlBliloof 2lbt st. lot" H ID K ) Inclusive , block fi , llorliaok'B2d addition , G feet wl Jr. C.iht side of 21st street , lots 7 to 12 Inclusive. b'ockt ) , llorbaeh's 2d addition , n feet wide. Went side of l'd ! street , lot 8 ulk 188 , city , 0 I eel wide West slilo USA street , tax lot M , sco 15-15-13 , ( ( cot wide. Woit side 2.M street , It A Porter's addition G fei't wide. West , side of iBth ntroot. lots 1 to n Inclusive , blue i(5. Kirk wool's iidilltlon.fi feet wide. boutli side of Uhai les street , w 1G3 feel block U. Milim'H addition. II feel wide. Kant side of UODi stuiet. lols 7 and 8 , bloslc X , Hhlnn's : iu addlllou. G feel wide. Ooutli side of Oharli'Sbtroet. lots Ito7 In clusive. blook I'rospecl I'lace addition , 0 Noithsiiloof Charles stroot. lots 8 lo 14 In- oluslve , blook 1) , Prospect Place addition , fl Nortli side of Cliarlesstrnct. lots 0 to 10 In clusive , bock U , Prospect I'lace addition , 0 Noitli bide of Cluiilos street , lotsTto 12 In- n'lisUe , block H , Prospect Plate addition , 0 fool wile. North side of Char ot street , ] ot < 7 to li In clusive , hloolc K. Lowe's addition , G feet wide * i \\cstHldol8tli siruol. Ion 1 lo G Inclusive. block 5 , Klrkwood'H addition , G feel wide. * 4 IJiHl side of 20th s.li cut. lots 11 to 18 Inclusive , Kranklln Hqnaru , 0 feel wide , And ho It further resolved : 'J hal tlie Hoard of Public Worifs bo and hereby Uunllior to I ml directed to eauso ropy of this ruiolul on to bu pubiUhod In ilia oniel.il PHUT of thu city forono week , or lit set veil on the owners of sitld luti mid union hiteli owners shall within five days after tha imlilleallon or service of su ill eojiy eoaslrnei sild sidewalks an heroin required , that tin Hoard of I'nhllo Works e.iuso the sanio to b done , the cost of coustrnetliu s till sidewalk * rixpiictlvely to lie au < i i > ed iiKulntt the reaj lotor uirluf lollu front of and ubut * ldewnlUs. Presldunt uty Council. Attest ! JOHN ( JUOV'fo , O.iy Clerk , Approved ! Oio : , P. IlIIMIri , Mayor , NO nan TO COXBTUUOT SIOEWALICH. To the owners of thu lots , purls of lots and real usiHte described In thu above resolution : You and uiich of you are hereby notllliid to conitruct wooden sidewalks ai ruiulred hy a roftoliillon of tlio city council and mavorof the city of Omaha , of which UiuuUoveUa copy. p. w. iiiiticiiAUatn. Chalnnun Hoard of Publlo Worki. Omaha , N b. , Au.'usldth , IbW. uU d7t