THE OMAHA DAILY BEE : TtfiiflSDAY , AUGUST II , 1892. UJfCOLN DOCrORS DISAGREE Smallpox Ecaro Eaitl to Bo the Result of a Take. ORIGINATED AMONG THE PRISONERS | 3tiiio Think tlio Sick Moil Arc Simply Buf fering from tlio Application of n quantity of Crotoit Oll-Capl- tnl City < lnsslp. L.ixcot.x , Nob. , Aug. 10. | 8poclal to TUB Bnn.j Opinion sooins to bo divided among the physicians of the city of Lincoln as to Whether the dlsoaso which has broken out at the county Jail Is really smallpox , and the medical gentlemen are engaged In tbo usual dljcu'slon of the matter. In the meantime the two men who are down with the disease ore reported to bo In no danger of Immediate death , and both uro stild to bo doing nicely lu their Improvised quarters Just outside the city limits. One physician claims that the sick men are simply suffering from the application of a quantity of croton oil , backing up the claim by the aiscrtlon that the effect of such an at- plication Is similar in nppoiirnnco to small pox. Other physicians who have called and exuinhioti the cases are positive that they are ( .orltilnly smallpox In an ncuto form. The people of Lincoln are Knowing no signs of uneasiness over the presence of the nlaguu and no doubts are expressed that this futhorltlcs will bu able to prevent the sprrou of the disease beyond the coutlnes of tbo Jail. Ttiu friends ot W. II. Irvine , who Is Incar cerated in the Jail awaiting his trial for the murder ol C. 12. Montgomery , are uneasy mid would like to secure bis removal to the elnto penitentiary , but the county officials will permit no one to bu taken from the Jail and ! > o Mr. Irvine will Imvo to take bis chant'i n with the other prisoners. Ho bus been conllned in an upper cull In thu Jail and lias at nil tltnus boon isolated from the com mon prl oners who have been exposed to the disease , und them Is no likelihood that ho \vlll bo overtaken by the scourge. rirc In u Iiiiilgo Itooin. Tbo lire department was ngaln called to the Young block at 1517 O street at 0:10 o'clock this uiornlng. Residents of the block discovered Homes bur.stiuir from the windows of the fourth story null nt once gave the alarm. When the lire department arrived thu Humes had gninod considerable headway and It was only bv the most strenuous el- forts that the block was saved from destruc tion. Had It burned it is possible that the nil the adjoining buildings would have gem > , too. As it was the roof of tbo building was plmcm entirely destroyed and a largo num ber of plalo glass winnows broken by tbo heat. The lire orluluaUd in tbo banquet room of tbo Improved Order of Ued Men and It is believed that It was Blurted by a lighted tump of a cigar , as ttio ball wa occupied by the lied Men until a Into hour last night. A similar lire occurred in tbo same lodge room d week or so ago. Tbo damage will araoun to between flXJO and SSUO. Annual I'nllco I'lrnlc. A force of special policemen ere patrollng the streets of Lincoln today while the regu lar force is enjoying its annual outing at Lincoln park. Tnls afternoon tbo regular force in full drojs uniform paraded the prin cipal streets of the city headed by a military bund. AH exhibition drill wnu given for tbo benefit ot a largo concourse of pcoplo and the men guvo evidence of unusual prollclrncy. Street cars wcro taken for the park , where a large crowd of people had preceded them. Addresses wore delivered by Captain Wu ad ward , W. L. Cunnitl ana J. H. Jlardy and then nn Interesting pro gram of athlotlo snorts was presented. .Still I'lmity of Itooin. The report having gained currency that there was no moro room for the reception of Bludotns nt the state university , Chancellor Can Held has Issued the following circular letter to the public in regard to the matter : "I urn informed by a letter from the northern part of the state that tbo report IR belli L' circulated that no more s-tudonts can , bu accommodated at the university this year. This bus doubtless originated in the lact that as far as possible wo uro re fusing to accept students from tbo Lincoln schools In order that wo may tie sure to have room for llioHO who coma to us from parts of the state in which it Is impossible to secure adequate preparation. Tnough there seems to bo every indication that the university Will bo crowded next full , wo shall bo able to take care of all who come to us , and take care of thorn well. 1 would be glad to have the press of tbo stale give as wldo circula tion ns possible to Ibis statement In tbo In terests of tboso who otherwise might feel themselves shut out from attendance at tbo University this year. " Hny Hur Iliulianil In Cruel. Another sensational divorce suit has been filed with the district clerk of Lancaster county , tbo petitioner being Mrs. Amanda J. Epps , wlfo of Joseph Epps , proprietor of a Lincoln saloon. Mrs. Epps alleges that bo wim married to tbo defendant in 1870 at DCS Molnes and 'that ' over since her uinr- plngu her husband has treated bar with ox- trctnu cruelty and neglect. Her petition re cites ttral her husband has beaten her with out provocation ; ( bat ho has used profane and ouscoiio language to her und repeatedly culled her vile names ; that In 18W ) ho loft lior and remained uwuy for two years , and that In June of the present year bo again tie- uertcit her , leaving her und her children In a destitute condition ; that he U a man of vicious and vulgar habits and totally unlit to bo entrusted with llio curo'of chlluren ; that , Inco their marriage ha bus taken from her separate estate the sum of 1.001) ) . She prays for complete separation , alimony and the custody of their children , Tlirt'o llonil Propositions. On Friday tbo voters of Lincoln will be called upon to accept or reject u proposition to UHUO bonds for tuu extension of the water worlis itytitom , and for the refunding of the outstanding Dialing Indebtedness of tbo city of Lincoln. Throe separate and distinct proposition : ) are to bo submitted , the wnlor bond proposition providing fur the Issue of bonds to the amount of ? 17,000 , for the pur pose of erecting u stand pipe anil the ox tension of water mains. The second proposition provides for thu Issue of T > U,000 in bonds for the paving of street Intersections , The third proposition covers tbo Hooting In debtedness of the city , unit the amount of bonds It la proposed to issue U f 118,000. The polls will bo open from 8 o'clocli a , m. until i o'clock p. m. nt thu following places : First Ward-Proclnct A , city building ; B , 1024 T street ; C , 8WV strjot. Second Ward Precinct A , Uohnnan block ; B , courthouse ; C , Holmes building on Kiev- cnlli street , between H nnd G. Third Word Precinct A , Applogot block ; B , Gaddli > < shop , corner Thirteenth nnd K trout ; C , Itl''O O streoi ; 1) , ' 'J'JO O stront ; K , Cox building , U street , between Thir teen ih ami Fourteenth. Fouiih Wurd Precinct A , 130 South Twclltb htrcot ; B , UOS South Eleventh ; C , grocery btori1. Thirti-uiith und K : D. HcuUr .t ICInnlx , O street , between Twentieth und Tweniy-Ilrnt ; E , grocery , Twentieth uud J itrootn. Filth Wiird Precinct A , V engine house : B , lUng'A shop ; C , Smith Htreet car barn ; D , Hippo's atom ; E,415 1) streoi. Sixth Wurd Precinct A , MclicU'a uarn , Twenty-fourth and 1' streets ; B , coiner of Vine and Twenty-seventh ; C , UU'J Washing ton street. .Seventh Wnrd PrecltiRt A. Lincoln City leuirlu power house ; B , tO'J North Twenty- tovrutti ; C , Byrdiu's store , Twenty-seventh treat. Oxfonl'H i'Ytlilan l.odgtt. Oxfniti ) , Nob. , Aug. 10. [ Special tn TIIK BKK.Mount Nebo lodge , No. 150 , Knights otjfythlas , wan Instituted hero lust night by Deputy Grand Chuncallor II. M. Sbaolforof Lincoln. Tim ceremonies closed with a ban quet at the Central hotel. VUltlne delega tions of knight * were present from Holdrego , MenVcr Ci v , Arupubon and Bloomlngton. Following tire the principal officer * InstutloJ : K. K. Couo , chancellor commander ; E. W. Kuowltou , pun chancellor ; J , A , Perulns , vlcu chancellor ; T , F , McPang , keeper of records uud seals. TlninUm y.ouuvit Drum Curpi. FIIKMOXT , Nob. , Aug. 10-Spcolal [ to TUB Bus. I Thu John M , Tburston.ouavo Drum arrived la the city last night from Omaha and hnvo goio : Into camp In the city park , where they hnvo pitched three tents Tor tnolr accommodation. After getting lo- noted last evening thov proceeded tothorrst- acnco of Hon. L. D. "Uiehards , whore they were delightfully entertained. Mr. Hlch- arda made a neat npconh of welcome , after which the company was served wllh refresh ments. Tonlaht the members were again cntertalnod In a most hospitable manner by Miss Mabel Rimer , an InloroJtlng feature of the occasion being tbo presentation to the corps of a handsome flag by n number of young ladles of the city. The visitors are charmed wllh their cordial reception. URKKNWOOIV.S Ul'.UNlON. Votornnn of Lnncnntpr , OHM. Siuiiulprs iintl Surpy CniiutlcH In Attendance. Nob. , Aug. 10. [ Special to Tun BBC. I The third annual reunion of the Grand Army of the Hopubllu for the district comprising Cnss , Lancaster , Sounders nnd Sarpy counties , Is now In full blast nt this place. Greenwood Is nllvo wllh veterans from all over the country , and the streets and business houses are decorated wllh the national colors. Thn mroling Is being hold a half mile west of town In n grove which , for natural beauty nnd density of snadc , mlifht Indeed , bo culled God's temple. Under the nblo management of .1. B. Ferguson , president , nnd P. S. Galley , Rocrotory , the occasion Is proving to bo very successful. A long line ot tents marks tbo southern limit of the ground ! ) , hack of which Hews Salt crcuK , nnd tn the center u platform for spnaltcrj bus been erected , with scats In front for tbo accommo dation of hundreds. The camp Is well sup plied with the purest well water and all c.imp supplies necessary are provided ns free as the wator. Major Jackson's marshal band furnished tbo music for opening day nnd tomorrow anil Friday thn Ashland bunds will bo hoard. Ex-Governor Shcud of Ashland delivered tbo opening address yesterday , followed In the evening by n camphro lovafcnst , at which local orators addressed the crowd. Today has boon devoted to the Hollof corps department , the principal event being a most eloquent nnd Instructive address by Miss Oadd of Lincoln. The ladles wcro out in larcc numbers nnd took special Interest in the program. Tomorrow will bo thu Grand Arniv of the Republic dny and the loading speaker will be Kov. Mr. Cawklns of Ashland. Friday , closing dny , will bo devoted to the old sot- tiers' reunion. Judge Maxwell will bu among the number present nnd address the meeting , as will also be A. B. Fuller of Ash land. land.Every train Is bringing In recruits to the already tarao gathering nnd mucti en thusiasm Is manifested not.only by the veterans but by tbo ladles uud citizens of the surrounding country. Gil go ttoiinty Touchers Mrol. BIIATHICI : , Nob. , Aug. 10. [ Special Telegram - gram to Tut : Bun. ] The Gaeo county Teachers Institute continues with increasing Interest. There nro 193 teachers In attend ance. Prof. Bernard Blgsloy delivered nn interesting lecture last evening before tbo institute on tbo subject of "Sources of Mother Tongue. " Tonight Iho teachers were given n complimentary boat rldo on the steamer Queen City for several miles up the river. Tomoirow will begin nn exhibition of the work of the pupils of the schools of this city , Wymoro , Blue Springs nnd other Gngo county schools. The Institute closes Satur- dnv. SOUTH Sioux CITY. Nob. , Aug. 10. [ Special to Tim BKK. J Tbo Dakota County Institute opened lust Monday for a two weeks' session with an enrollment of forly teachers. An enrollment of eighty is expected before the closu of the weok. A class of about a dozen was organized the first dny for county llrst- grada work. Tbo institute has made tin en ihuslasttc beginning under tbo management of Prof. W. J. WUa of Pawnee Clfcy and his assistant , Prof. C. W , Blgelow of Madison. Volley County Crops. NoitTit Looi' , Neb. , Aug. 10. Special to Tun BKH ] Lost year the principal crops In this county were corn , wheat and oats , corn taulng the lead. They are a little moro di versified this year and a larger acreage. Tbo prospects of corn nro not very fluttering. The greater part ot the out nnd wheat crop bus been harvostud nnd is vorv cood. Oats were rather short. Flax , millet nnd wild hay nro very poor. Several pieces of flax will not pay for harvesting and tbo crop is losing favor with the majority of formers. Winter wheat nnd rye nro gaining In favor nnd good yields uro reported. A largo num ber of farmers held their last year's corn crop nnd sold it upon the advance in prices. All seem contldent of good markets this fall. Illlilr Student * nt liimtrlrc. BBATUICC , Nob. , Aug. 10. [ Special Tele gram to TIIK Bt'.K.I The fourth annual ses sion of the summer bible school of the Young Men's Christian association of Ne braska Is tn session at the Chautauqua grounds with an nggrcgato attendance of J.OOO. Among the leading bible educators present are Major L ) . W. Whittle of Omaha and W. E. Blocicstono , a mlssloimry among the Hebrows. Among those present are many ladies , wives of tbo state secretaries and'other attendants and their friends. Gymnasium Directors Sheldon ot Omaha atid Williams of Lincoln are present ana are instructing largo classes In athletics. riucuroil u Now Instructor. GIIASD IBI.A.ND , Nob. , Aug. 10. [ Special to TUB BKK. I The board ol trustees of the Baptist Educational association of Nebraska has scoured Iho services of D. N. Byorlon as Instructor in shorthand und typewriting for the Grand Island Baptist collbgo. Mr. By- erleo bus had some ton years' practical ex- pcrienco in the art nnd has been through nil the phases of tbo work from tbo common amanuensis to the verbatim court roporter. Uo Is a practical , successful teacher ana his pupils have mot with extraordinary success. The trustees hnvo certainly made a good se lection in their choice at inslructor for this department. Diilcota'K County Sent Mudillu. DAKOTA CITV , Neb. , Aug. 10. [ Special Telegram to THE Hun. ] Dakota's county .seat muddle has been tlnnlly settled In favor of Dakota City. Judge Norrls yesterday" granted a temporary Injunction restraining the Board of Supervisors from taking action on the petition culling for a relocation , lu obedience to a decision handed down by tbo supreme court. At the cnnvrnlng of court in November the case will bo dismissed from the docket , and Dakota City will have won ono of the hardest fought nnd longest drawn out county seat contest cases on record. Druth of a Knox County lloriult. NioiiitAliA , Nob. , Aug. 10. [ Special to TAB BKC. ] Louis Stollnor , an old German hermit living in the northwestern part of the county , was found doau in his bed yoUerday. Ho was 85 yours old. About 500 acres of choice land hud been accumulated by him und a lot of stock. A few years nio h'u bcoiuuo worried over being on two ollleml bonds , when bo transferred his real estate to Judco Smith of Yunktoti nnd sold his per sonal properly , ttio proceeds of which are bald to huvo gone tbo sama way. Ho was n bachelor and well oJucnted , but extremely Du.outric. I'our Youthful llurK.urK. FAiitiit'iiv , Nob. Aug. 10. [ Special Tele- grain lo Tin : UKI : . ] Four boys , of uues ranging from 1 ! ) to 15 years , were nrrestud today for entering the residence of Sam Chaplin nud stealing a rinir and a small amount of money. They g.wo the names of John Purluui , Charles Gr.iy , John Plugt-r nnd William Carson , nnd stated that their homo wns Kaunas City , They are thorough bred hoodlums. John H. Downav , a prominent farmer , had bis rlfiht bund badly lacerated lu u threshing uiuuhtuo this morning. ItViit u Uludmimo I tain. Cot.r.miHM ! , Nob. , Aug. 10 , [ Special to Tin : BKK. J The Co Jar county dry spoil Is at an end. A plentiful rain , extending ever thu entire county , boguu about > eon vosvor- day nnd continued lo full until late in the utternoon. This timely shower has saved tbousnndi of acres of corn and flax for Cciur ! , bosldos making everybody clad. Tliom.m UimtlulilUr * I'uiiorikl , UiuNi > ISI.IXP , Neb. , Aug. 10. [ Special to TIIK But : . | The funeral of Thomas Good- child took place this afternoon at 3 o'clock from Trinity Methodist church under tbo auspices of tha Grand Island lira depart ment , of which the deceased uad boon a aioaibor for luu year * . REUNION AT GRAND ISLAND Nebraska Veterans Preparing for Their Annual State Assembly ! ALL FORMER EFFORTS V/ILL / BE EXCELLED routtircs of Hiecp | < llcautlfal r.ocntlon of tlio ( Irmiiiili District nn < l County incumpinnnt * to llo Ilolil Notvn for tlio Votornnit Preparations for tbo fourteenth annual ro- untou of the Grand Army ot llio Hopubllo. department of Nouruskn. to bo hohl nt Grand Island , Auijust 20 to September 3 , Inclusive , are going rnphllv forward with a syatom and nn energy born of experience and an en thusiasm commensurate with tlio ever Increasing - creasing interest In the grandest organiza tion known to hUtory. It Is now thirty-one yours slnoo the loyal tioart of the north responded to a call to arms for the suppression of a rooo'.llon which threatened the life of the nation. A moro romuont of the Rniudost and bravest army In the history of the world , on whoso bannar Is Indelibly inscribed "Victory und Loyalty , " and whoso M.IKS are your by year trowing thinner and moro declmatud by reason of death , will soon moot In national encamp- niont at Washington , D. C. , and portions of the organization will hold state and district reunions In every northern state front now until wlntor shuts out camp life. There are many reasons for the unmistakably increasing sentiment of reverence and love for the votornu soldlor civilian , whoso sword has boon transformed Into a plowshuro and whose warlike niton at the close of tbo rebellion was exchanged at a moment's notice for the amlcaulo smile of pcaco and good will toward his late brother adversary. The saddest thought of all Is that this noble organization , in accordance with nature's immutable laws , mutt over decrease In numbon until ( inal extinction , perpetuated only by posterity and not by recruits. Per haps this. the principle reason why each succeeding annual reunion seems moro sacred than Its predecessor , not only to the veterans themselves , but to all loyal man and women of both north and south , Griiiul Igliiiul Will Spare No I'nlns. It Is under such circumstances that the re union committee at Grand Island are prepar ing for the fourteenth annual reunion of the Department of Nebraska and also that preparations for the National encampment nt the capital of the nation are being made. Grand island tins won a proud reputation as a reunion city and with her experience as a guide will surpass all former efforts for tbo entertainment of Nebraska.loldiors and their friends. Camp Sheridan , for that Is tbo name of the oiunp Ibis year , will uo located on tho. same beautiful spot occupied by Gump Sherman last year , and will be a model of neatness and convenience , comfort and display , with such perfect system as to arrangement , both of tents and rosters , as to enable any veteran to lind his comrades without dllllculty. It is scarcely necessary to state In the light of past experience that /ho camp equipage will DO perfect. Wood , water and straw will bo furnished in abundance and tbo usual details - tails of camp life will uo looked after by careful committees. Applications for quar ters should bo made to Harry Harrison , quartermaster , Grand Island. It is the intention of the committee , acting upon tbo request of the department encamp ment , to make the coming meeting more distinctively a veteran's reunion than over Diforo , affording moro ample opportunity for renewing old acquaintances and talking over old times , and tno program has been arranged with that end In view. Many entirely now features have been added , one of the mou thrlllitigly interesting being that of the introduction of Prof. licaaou and his aeronautic combination , with whom con tract has ho'-n made. Tfto professor will ascend for a mile or more , and then dron from from his aerial ship to the grouua. Another feature of a spectacular nature will bo the marching and drill of a ilamhcau club with UraworUs , organized specially for the Grand Island reunion. Ilull-r.iro Itutos Sucnrod. The above Is onlv u hint at the program which is being evolved bv tbo practical mind and baud nt Seth P. Mobloy , president of the reunion committee , and his secretary , G. II. Caldwcll. Half fare rates have been secured on all railroad * from all points In Nebraska and uniformed oands will bo trans ported free. Speakers of state and national reputation have already been secured to address tbo sol diers and enliven the camp 11 res. J. W. Dovvon , A. A. U. , is now at Grand Island conferring with the reunion committee pre paratory to issuing a circular of general In formation on Grand Army ot the Hepubllo mutters which will bo placed in the bands of all veterans , and thus relieve Adjutant Bawon of tbo necessity of replying to bun dreds of personal letters of inquiry which are already pouring in upon him. Department Commander C. J. Dllworth IB now in Illinois on business , but will hasten homo und lend bis assistance in arranging for the reunion. The present department officers with their addresses are : CommanderC. J. Ullworth , Hastings ; S. V. U. , A. II. Church , North Platte ; medical director , S. K. Snaldinp , Omaha ; chaplain , W. II. H. PillsDury , Grand Island. The per sonal staff ot the department commander consists of J. W. Uowon. A. A. G. , Lincoln ; A. C. Moore , A. Q. M. , Hastings ; M. E. Getter , A. I. G. . Ord ; G. H. Caldwell , A. J. A. G. , Grand Island : T. F. Powers , chief mustering otllcor , Chudroji ; C. E. Adams , sr. , aldo-do-caiup and chlof of staff , Superior. Uepresentatlvos to the twont.v-lifth na tional encampment are : W. H. Johnson , Mlndcn ; George 1C. Whitman , Oxford ; J. B. btrode , Lincoln ; J. J. Buchanan , Hastings ; John Uarsoy , Fairmont ; John . .B. Uawnill , Omaha ; Jamas Condon , Miller ; Pat O. Hnwos , Omuha ; E. C. Parkinson , Smvard ; Woman's Hollof corps : president , Amanda B. Tisdel , Kearney ; senior vloo president , Anna M. Ashbrook , Geneva ; junior vice president. Clara A. McCoy , Columbus ; cliao- lalii , JNollloM. Hichardson , Gerlng ; treas urer , Gertrude H. MnConnell , Grand Island. Appointed otllcerd : Secretary , barau M. S folds , Kearney ; counselor Emily O. Dll- worth , Hastings ; Instituting and Installing officer. Motile C. Iiards , Central City ; corro- sDoudlug secretaries , Julia S. Bowen , Has tings , aud Blanche Allen , Madison. Delegates to the notional convention are : Eliza C. Pillsbury , Grand Inland ; Nancy A. Stephens , Junlata ; Pauline Dadgo , Claries ; Juliette Kboads , Omaha ; Isabella B , Fuller , Pawnee City ; AOdlo U Brown , Hasting * . OIMclil Itoutca. As for the national encampment at Wash ington , which coinos next mouth , railroad rates liavu boon secured aud a choice of routes made. Omaha will be the general roudczvous for Nebraska Soldiers und the faro from Omaha and all Missonrl river points has been llxod nt & 2U.5U for tbo round trip. Comraacs who dnslro to take the official train must report at Omaha not liter than 7 p. m. Saturday , September 17. Tlio department commander aud staff. Sous of Veterans , ladles relief corps , etc. , will bo on board that train and alt who apply will bu accommodated. Tbo Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy aud the Baltimore < & Ohio , have boon made the oOlclal route. The Baltimore & Ohio was decided upon more because of Its historical associations with the war of tbo rebellion than for any ether reason and the ola points of inter est aloug tbo route will cull up many heart-swelling memories In the breast of tbo ooys as they roll ever the bis- THE MORSE DRY GOODS CO. , . , FIX THESE LOW PRICES INTENTLY BEFORE TOUR MIND. , , THERE IS AN ECONOMICAL RING TO EVERY BARGAIN. SUN AND RAIN FAST COLOR PARASOLS. Ladles' Colored Satin , dnrk grounds 'With polltn dots of harmonizing color , ( ubout Uo of thcso ) . Ladles' Figured Serge , coachman's tnns ( ubout 1U ! of these ) Lndles' Colored Slum , Inco trlmmod , ( ubout 85 of those ) NOW THEN Thoao Pnrnsols are worth , actually worth , $1 , SI.5O to $2 each , YOUR CHOICE Send mall ordora. French Stationery. Very "Fronehy" boxes that have sold for $1.00 to $2.00 a bos , WORTH BEING QUICK FOR. TOWELS. 23x40 .inches ALL LINEN can't toll of tlio in. Como and got ono [ dozen ] . 50c. Compare this co-sot wllh liny 75c kind you see offered ns bnrculns miywhoro. SEND MAIL OHUKLtS. Children's Waists Cents. Mndo of good qutility jonns , corded tnpo fastened buttons , patent button holes cannot tour thorn , cannot pull off buttons , cannot .shrink I hoin in wnshinrr cannot buy them tiny where else but hero. SEND MAIL ORDERS. NEGLIGEESHIRTS SHIRTS TliCBo shirts have sold for $1.75. SEND MAIL ORDERS. ANOTHER LOO. These have been all nlonp 92.00. Your piclc of excellent styles for $1.60. SEND MAIL ORDERS. Our fall and winter catalogue is nearly completed. Send in your name and those of your friends and we will mail free of charge. 'THEX MOR.SEX DRY QOODS COMPANY ! . I H i. ' torlo ground traversed by the Baltimore & Ohio. Ohio.When When to ths natural Wmuty of the landscape - scapo isiacldcd the lustodo associations that Invnit almost every mlle of the road from the Ohio river to the 'national capital the Baltimore & Ohio becomes a1 route of peculiar attractiveness to the veterans. Much of the roL-lon traversed by the Balttmorn & Ohio was , during the war , Quitting und debatable ground ever which the contonillDfr hosts mnrcticrl and fought and on which thousands of tno aurvivlngvotorans bivouacked and did sentry duty. In the meantime ) numerous county , state and district reunions will ba held In various parts of the country. No ) > raska Is aoing nor share lu that line , which will not bo won- dared at when it is slated that Nebraska has 273 posts \vltl > an aggrogalo raombarshlp of 8,400 , with applications from Butte , Boyd county , and from Hull , Uannor county , for charters. Tba financial condition of the de partment shows the posts to bo In bettor con dition than over before. In fact , tnero will not bo a delinquent poit l-y the time the dote for the reunion rolls around. A district re union Is now in progress at Greenwood , with a largo attendance and much enthusi asm. Noted speakers are there assisting in carrying out tuo program , and tbo old ooys are enjoying camp Ufa In oeaoh other's so ciety. Tbo Burt county soldiers' reunion will bo bold at Herman , August 10 and 11. Tbo ar rangements are now completed ana an en thusiastic welcome will bo extended to all who visit tbo camp. .Southeast > 'ubrn8ka Veterans ; Southeast Nebraska soldiers have ar ranged tor u grand reunion to bo held at Au burn , August 10 to 19 Inclusive. The district reunion of southeast Nebraska comprising the conntios of tiuundors , Cabs , Otoo , Nomaba , Johnson , Pawnee and Hioh- ardson , will bo hold nt Ihu same time and place. Everything possible will bo done to niaico it pleasant for all who attend , Ono hundred tents will bo pltcbod and awaiting occupancy on the fair grounds , where water Is plonty. A free dinner will bo given tno ' second day'of the meeting. Muals will bo served at. restaurants on the grounds at 25 cents each and wood and water will bo free for those who prefer the true army style of cooKlng. Hullroads will give ono and ono- third faro Tor the round trip , Superior is making elaborate preparations for a great interstate reunion to take pluco August as to 27 Inclusive. Evorytblng that camp life requires will ho furnished the boys and tbo ablest speakers of the present day bavo boon engagca for the occasion. Commander Dllworth , Adjutant Bowen and many of thu U rand Army officers will bo there and also at Auburn. A district reunion of the solaiors of the southwestern counties of Nebraska will bn held at Curtis , Frontier county , from Sep tember 18 to 17. A thorough organization 1ms been cITcclod wllh Captain Pax ton at the head and a grand gooditltno Is expected. Tbo stale line reunion announced for August 11) ) , 17 , 18 and 11) ) at Hardy , will ho a grand affair. Tbo preparations are most elaborate ana the program excellent. Among the attractions nro the balloon ascen sions and parachute lonp of 1'rof , Kirkoudall of Albion und blah wlrb ascensions each day of little Muilaluio , only Siyears old. Tun Bii : : , as usual , \vlll \ camp at Urand Island during reunion week , with headquar ters on the grounds , \frhero all newspaper man and veterans and tbolr friends wilt ho welcome. _ . , , IlorConllilunco Wirt Wull Founded "I would rather triu'that ' modlolnu than any doctor 1 knoiv of1 says Mrs , llattlo Mason of Chilian , Curlur.Co. , Mo. , In speak' Ing of Chatnburlain'n 'Colic. Cnotoru and Olarrbuua Remedy. Dtils modlcino can always bo depended u pupoven , lu tbo most severe aud dangerous eases , both forchildron and adults. 25 and 60-cout bottloa for aalo by druggists. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U. S. Gov't Report. fl 9 PURE Swung to the Breeze. . The Prices of HAMMOCKS All wo now Imvo of the 81.2o and $1.50 , with two yproadors given with onoh Hammock , Only yr"S Cents. Send ninll orders. Ladies' Wash. SUITS. Mndo of fine Percale nnd Zephyr Glnglmm , plaited wnists , plain sltlrts , all season price $5.00 and $0.00 n suit , Now 17 MK Suit. Ladies' Lawn Waists. $1. French Percale , stripes , fieruros , &c , , plaited front and buck , worth $1.50. Gibbon's ' Roman Empire $2.87 Set. 0 volumes , cloth , worth $6.00. RolliD's ' Ancient History $2.50. 4 volumes , cloth. Latest edition. ABSOLUTELY PORE - F.F.JAQUEi a. CO. KANSAS CITY.MO. NTERNATIONAL SANITARIUM DR. W. C. MAXWELL , Prest. (6th ( and Howard Slreets , - - Omaha , Nebraska. FOR THU SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT OF ALL Chronic , Private and Nervous Diseases , Male or female , by conpetont phyHlo nns who hive made a special study of the above class of diseases , not only to treat , but guarantos a euro in all eas 3 undertaken. THE SANITARIUM is the most complete nnd tha best equipped Instltntion of its Ultd in the entire west. It contains fifty rooms for the accommodation of patients who may requlro the constant attention of experienced physicians and nitrsaa. BOARDING will be furnished at reasonable rates.Vrito for book on dUeasss , mailed free , to any address on application . Persons unable to us may bo trotted at homo by correspondence. All communications strictly oonfldontlU. Ono poraD.ial tutor view preferred , whenever convenient for patient. WRITE FOR QUESTION BLANKS to satetho history of your cam Mollolno securely packed and sent by mall or express. Address , INTERNATIONAL SANITARIUM , Dr. W. O. Maxwell , Froeldent. Omaha , Nebraska THEGREAT LIVER and STOMACH REMEDY . Cure. " nil disorders of ( ho Stomucli , Liver , Itouols , KMoiiy.4 , IHaililor , Nervotu Dlsonscs , Loss of Appotllo. JlcnilncOic. Constlpntlou , Costlvcui ; , InJltjuUl HI , Itll- OIH nc s , Fever , Files , Eli1 , , nnd ron lors thn systnm losi linbln lo coutr.iut dlsonso. DYSPEPSIA. U/Vn\VAY'9 I'II/ry are euro for thli coniiilnlnt. Tliny tone up the Internal secretions to boalthy action. restornHtronKth tutli9 fltonmoh , nml unnblo It to perform lla fiuiiitlom. I'rlcn eatiox. Sold by all drujulsU , or mailed by UAD WAV & OO. . 38 Warren Street. Now York , on recoljit ot price. Kvery MAN can he S'/IIONO and VIG VL fill MiW OROUS In all retpcnls rIUJrll NHUVINIJ.theBreatMtmulBh Remedy. YOUKO MIJN OU OID autfcrhiK 'roin NKHVOUa DBMIIITV , IOHT ot PAIIiINO MANHOOD , nlKlllyciii85lon ; , convul ioni , nervous pro > tratloncnuid by tbnuie of opium , tobacco or tlcoliol.wakc- _ fulncit , tnenlal iepre > ilon , lee o ( power in either see , pennator- D rno i AMU AFTEK un , rlioia caused bjr Bell abuia and over indulKence or any pcrional weak * neiscan ba restored lo perfect Iiealih and llie NOUIn VITALITY OP STRONG BIBM. We glvo a written guaranleo wiiU 6 boxes lo cure any caio or refund the money , ) i t boxG ; boioj | j FOP Sala In Ornahaby Snow Lund & Co. DrDOWNS 1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb. Tbt mtnenl iperlallit In uertoui , chronic , prlrale. blool , kln nil unnnry dlieaiea. A roirmlar ana retrUterod gradunto In inuilolno , ai diploma * ana curtlUcntuaohow , Iiftlll treating with thu yreatuat VUCCOM ratarrh , ipurinutorrtiooa , Ion matiliooJ , mlu l vruakuuii , nlubt lo e > , luipi > ioncy , yptilll" . utrlcturo , IIOQ * orrhuua , Kleut , Tartcorule.cta. No mercury u < l. Nwa Irtmtmunt for Ion of vital pownr , i'artUi uimblu to rltlt mo nm ; butruatet at liomu < jj oorrt pen < lunc . ileillUn * or ln > truniHDt unt by muller oiproo > curelr puckocl. no inarkaloladlcatu couteiiU or nder. Ono iivrtonal lulurylu" prefvtroil. Couinltatlun frua. uirr ipouileu < X ) ilrlctly prl uto. . Hook . ( M/itarlaJ el Ufj l a ( litt , Offloa Uuurt'Ja. . W ttg , u > - iU ii.Hi.toi3 lum - - E \Vo olTor n splendid npi-oi'ttnont of gray nnd tui : SUEDE OXFORDS .uU "A PAIR. SBND MAIL OUUKHS. Double huclH , double Unoes , double solos , double wear , S * \ . h * 2c PAIR. Perfectly fast black. Send Mull Orders for Dozen Pairs. 74 dozens Ladies' .Torsov Ribbed Vests , RIBBON TRIMMED , former price lee each , now 85 Cents SEND MAIL ORDERS. Ladies Black Silk Mitts Those are our 2oe and 35c qualities , Out of town friends should SEND MAIL ORDERS. 200 dozen Children's Colored Bordered Handkerchiefs these are Hemstitched , 85 Cents For One Day Only , A.MUSISMISN'T'B. FARM SLTIMISL l'01'Ul.Alt 1'iuoEa IIVK ttljLll COMMKNOIMQ ly SUHDAr MATINEE. AUGUST * HeLLlo Bernard Chase , In n Grand Sccnlo rrodiitlnn , UNCLE'S DARLING Introducing n inaniurorlu of trained nnlinnlf. Matinee on Saturday. FaStThatre Klvo nights communuliiK Miudnv ur.itlnoo Ansusili. CHAKLES MCCARTHY in "One of the Bravest. " Supiiurtoil by thn Brunt nml only WIUUIAM CRON1N. ItontlBttc Klru Scones , HI * .Arnblnn Hurics , Tnl llrlKMt Children. I'leunlMK NoToltloa. Sundujr MA'JINKItS WotlocscJny DR. C. GEE WO. The only lojillr grtiluatil Chlnoio Blitlit yoarV mud/ . Ton yoir practiyil oxpa once with nil known dlsoi iu. ' 1'roits sunojatfully nllchronlouiHiMKlron up by ether doctor * Daft nml eo him or wrlto for < | uuitlon bUnk. Do not tlilnkyoiircuo Iiii3lon | bao mm your doctor tulU you HO , Imttrr the ChlMOsu doctor with lili now mil wonderful ru nuillos , un > l rjuolvo nu > r bonolltt nn t u pcrmiinuntoiiru-whntotlior ilnotori cannot gin. llurlu. llootn nrul I'lantsr.ntnr.Vs runiaillm-lilj inudlclnoa. Tlio world 111 * wltnuif. Onj thoutatil tu tlinonluUIn llirou yo > n' pr/ietloj , Nolnjurloui dococtlon , no nnruatlu4 , no poison. national treatment nml permanent uura. Following cases BUcaatiCully trjatoil nnd ouril. KlVLMi up by ether doctors : Tlioi. CoiiKlilIn , 4IU llarney utroot , chronic rliou- niatlain f > yoari. kldiujyand llvur trouble , Thoa.Ciilvcyt , I' th ntul I'arnun Htruatf. tfonaral debility. InilUJ'tloii , Ion of ntroiuth and vitality. Took mudlclno for yo irx but KOt no rjlluf , .M. Ij. Andorion , IJJI Cumltu "trdot. citirrb , aathinu and bronchitis of tlftuun yoird tnndln ( . Ilai for nulo this followliix prr.'piroil reinu.lloi al I1.UU o bottlo. lr bottles forli.UU , for tbu euro ot Anthiua. Catarrh , Hick lloautchu , Inillxoitloa , Itlooill'olnonlim. llhoumatUin , Kniailo Woiknon , Klduoy and I.Ivor Complnlut. No annum. Moll only by CUInuno Modlclnu Co , Capital , 4IUJ.IXI ) . Office , 16th and Calilbrah Sli , Omaln , Neb BUSINESS Illryclo DjAlor \ lilcyrla will Uo bolter for you limn u liofdu. It dooxn't out niir- tliltig. KriiKal Merchant ( not entirely convlncod No. itwjii'tuutiiiirtlilnu , tint I'm urrald It'll Klvu me a tliundurlm ; uli ; appiitllo. UU1- cugo Trlbunu. Tlio moral is yourBo'a a Columbia bloyolo Huslnusi mon , the Pone Mfg. Co. olTor vuu lioultli mid Inipul- nc-BS , uloitr lioudodiiona , ruiiovutud nionoy-muldnff bruins ± { 1 Coluuilius Avo. , Bodton , . y mba rYOURSELFl , T A k your Druggltt ( or , / bottle ol Hl < J. iliuonlr , f nanolionuu > remedy ( or all I. j tlio uuimtnru ! dUctmrcci auti if priviitu ( lUer/1'e ol men and tlio I debilltatlnc wi-okncui peculiar \ to women. It cnmi In a (8W ( days without tlio aid or [ publicity ot o iloclor. lite I'ttiitnnl American Cure , Manufactured by I .Tbo Evans Chemical 0) . ' CINCINNATI. O. U , 8 , A ,