Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 10, 1892, Image 1

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"w w M * m f "V MTL JF A "W "V A I I 1 " m A w Tf " ar " 7 *
, AUGUST 10 , 1892. NUMBER 53
\YitU Bright Armor aud Tla hing Steel
They March in Qraud Parado.
Hvcry State nnil 'irrrltory In tlio Union
Kuprcsmitrit In the Long Line , U'lilcli
l'ra ntN nn ImptrlnK mill
"Most llrlllliint Spectacle.
DRNVEII , Colo. , Aug. 0. Tbo grand
Knights Tomjilnr par do began at 10 o'clock
this morning. Tlio divisions presented a
magnificent aopcuranco nnd marcho'l In the
the following order : *
First Division Colorado , with Klght Em-
Incut Sir Byron L. Ourr , commanding.
Second Division UUtrlct of Columbia ,
Massachusetts , Hhodo Island nnd South
Third Divlsion-Now York , Now Hnmp-
lliro and Connecticut.
Fourth Ohio nnd Kentucky.
Fifth Pennsylvania.
Sixth Indiana nnd Texas.
Seventh Michigan , Mississippi and Man
Eighth Illinois alone1.
Nlntn California , Georgia , Now Jersey
ind Wisconsin ,
Tenth Missouri , Alabama nnd Now
Eleventh Iowa nnd Minnesota.
Twelfth Kansas nnd Utah.
Thirteenth Nebraska , West Virginia , Ar-
kancus uud Oklahoma , NcbrnsKa being ns
lollows : Eminent Sir Adrian V. Saundcrs
of Nebraska , commanding the division ;
Mount Calvary , No. 1 , Victor White , Omaha ;
Mount Moriuh , No. ) , J. H. McClav , Lin
coln ; Mount Lebanon , No. ( I. G. D. Ilotzcl ,
Grand Island ; Mount Herman. No. T , E. n.
Salisbury , Beatrice ; Mount Tabor , N.O. 9.
Hay Nye , Fremont ; Mount Nebo , No.
11 , E. C. Webster , Hastings ; Mount
Hcbton , No. 12 ! , H. E. Frouch , Kearney ;
Palestine. No. 13 , F. E. Bullard , North
Plntto ; St. John , No. 10 , Dr. b. L. Green ,
McCook ; Jopna , No. 17.C. S. Meissner , York :
Botblohem , No. 1U.W. D. Gulbrnith , Hebron ;
Mount Ellas , No. 10 , L. b. Ellsworth , Hoi-
drogo ; Guthsomane , No. ! tl , A. L. Bixlcy ,
Columbus ; Mtilltn , No. , L' . ' , W. H. McCnnn ,
Chad ran
Fourteenth North Curollna , North Da-
kotn , South Dakotu , Arizona , Oregon , Wash
ington , Montana and Wyoming ; .
A JMitRiilllcont I'licfiiiit.
The parade was a masnlflccnt nagcant.
Not the slightest hitch orcurreit auywbcro.
The fourteen divisions formed nromptly into
lice on Fourteenth street and marched in
good order throughout The grand encamp
ment ofllccrs were driven from their hoad-
cjuurlci.s at the Brown Paluco hotel to the
onicial rovioA'Ing stand on tlio corner of
Lcgun and Sixteenth avenues , accompanied
by their escort , St. John's cocnmandery No.
4 of Philadelphia and the famous cowboy
bnud of Pueblo , Colo. The review stand was
reached n few minutes after 10 o'clock.
The great parade , headed uy the Colorado
coinmundcrios , made Us apnearanco before
the review stnnd nt I0)0. : ) There were so
many good looking commandoilcs in line
that It wnnld bo impossible .to mention nil ,
but every ono of them dohervos great credit
for the macnilicont appearance they made.
Tnu scenes on the street during the parade
Vtero full of life and animation , Every other
person wpro some sort of a badge or miothor ,
nnd. of com so , Knights Templar badges pre
dominated , tor thu sinters , cousins , aunts
nnd othqrVelativos of these men were out in
largo numbers. The decorations showxd up
finely and attracted much attention. It was
n glorious scono' and ono never witnessed
before lu Donvor.
ROIIII on tllii Street.
There were nearly 200,000 people scattered
Mong the line of march. Thu st-ore of grand
Hands , public and private , were packed , and
every window along the rottto was crowded
fts well as thn roofs , porches nnd lawns. The
i-nnrtliouso , the new posiofllco building and
other public structures wore a sou of laces.
It wns ugcod natured , enthusiastic crowd ,
ready lo chrer everything uud everybody.
The lemonade stands and peddlers of sand
wiches and other foods and drinks thrived ,
nnd many of the street stand proprietors will
bfcomo wealthy wllh today's bublnois.
Wires were stretched from telegraph polo
to polo and from tree to tree to kccp&pecta-
lots from Intruding on ilia marchers. " Thu
vnrlou1 * commandcrics were cheated ns they
passed along nnd expressions of delight were
ticnrd on every side. Thnre wasn't n poor
looking commander ; ; In Ibeparado. . All
made good appearances. Alter Iho parade a
Fccno of crcnt confusion ensued. Spectators
rushed hither nnd thither in tholr endeavor
to IIml places on the car/ . Tills continued
lur half nn hour and then Iho streets rn-
suined tholr usual conclnvo nppcarauco. and
crowds wandered about jostllnir each other
nil day.
Oninil KncainpiiientVnleoincd. .
The grand encampment went into session
Immediately after tha parade , but little busi
ness was transacted , the proceedings being
confined for Iho most part to tlio welcoming
of tbcofllcers liy the roprcsontnttvos of the
city and Mate. Frank IS. Hill , the chairman
Df the triennial executive committee , ui-
tended the grand muss mooting uud offered
ofllcors of the grand encampment n cordial
greeting and introduced Julin L. Uoutl , gov
ernor of the suite , and 1'luU Kogcrrf , tlio
inuyor of Denver , each of whom delivered
addresses of welcome. General Can- , grand
commander of Colorado , llkowl&o extended a
fiatornul greeting. In responding Grand
Master Cobln spouo highly of the manner In
which the Knlgnt Toiuplars In general had
been received. Ho stated that every body was
iroro tlnui pleated with the iccoptlou that
had been given thorn nnd wllh nil they had
bean In Denver and Colorado , nud their visit
Mould 1)0 ) something thti.v 'AonUl always remember -
member with n great donl of ploasuic und
tiitlstactlon. The rollcall was then raffed
nnd the grand encampment wont into secret
icsslou , subsequently adjourning until to
morrow morning at 0:30. :
III1II11CK1 III 1111 ! MCHSIOtl.
The election of ofllcers ( or tha ensuing
three years will take place on Tnursuny , and
ll Is pra'ly well settled that the successor of
Grund Master Cobln will bo Iho present dep
uty grand master , McOurdy. A Ri'oat deal
( if Iho tlmo of the encampment will bo taken
up In consldnrlng thu new ritual , upon which
n special committal ) has boon working for n
year past. There will probably be some con-
fcidoruulo tlmo spent In touting tbo locution
of tbo twenty-sixth triennial conclave , ns
two or three states are competing for the
honor , 'lha lUht will most likely narrow
( town to Boston and the stnto uf Connecticut
bofora it Is taken up for doimldornllnn , al
though thn present cities in the Held nro
Louisville aud Minneapolis , In uduitlon to
Cincinnati und Boston.
This , evening n round of social calls was
can led on bouvcon iho various headquarters
of the different mate ccmmandoilus. All Iho
rooms were gaily decorated with ullkoii
banners and trappings of the nanloulur
Mute cominundcry nnd thu hospitality extended -
tended to all conu'i-b In tlio matter of rofioah-
menu abounded.
Alter thu prohibitory order ot tlio grand
muster In rogura to n competitive dull , ll U
harilly likely tnnl thin program will bo cur
ried out us originally arranged , but tha ex
hibition drill will tnka pliico nnd tha silver
brlukH tlmt linva boon made for the compoti-
llvo itthulny will bo presented tolho.KinnrtcjI.
> oimiiundery that tnkos plui-o In iho oxtubl-
lion drill ,
VmU I idiiuy 'l'imclic | .
YdiiK , Neb. , Aug. 0. [ Sneohil to TUB
Jli.r | The York County Tcuehui * instiiuto
ppimcd today for n iwo-wcoks' e son. | Sov-
inn InteioKtinv' ana Initructlve lectures will
kc given during Ihe lustltuto.
Koiu of VctiTunn lii Itcilliton ,
Hri.tN'A , .Mont. , A n p. 0. Tint ulcvonth an-
punl rouuIon of the natlonul encampiaont ,
Koui of Voterann , uonvoned yesterday.
t'uora verti nboul 5OCO uoutLvra of the order
In attendance from otitsldo ttalos nnd 100
members of the Lidles Aid ocloty. There
was a public rccopllon yosiordiy. Beyond
this , tlio sessions are not of importance.
IHTKUTII > .U.I.M * c'/i.iAJ/s.
Whut tlio Study of .Miirs from t'crn Devel
[ Copi/rfffhlcd IKK biiJiii Oirlftl n nn < ! CM
AnrqnilM , Peru , ( via Galvoilon , Tex. )
Auc. y. | By Mexican Cable to the Now
York Herald-Special to Tin : Oui.l : In my
observations ot Mar I have seen Iwo lareo
areas near Iho equator whtoh nro porma-
ncnllv * blue near the edge. They appear
lUhl bluo. The light Is slightly
Tne total sbo of the area Is about GOJ.OUO
sijnara nnlos , one-half the slzo of the Med
iterranean sea. On Juno i-l ; a small , dark
spot appeared in the southern snow cap.
Later Ihls spol lengthened rapidly , and early
In July It was l.OUJ mlles long , dividing iho
snow In hulf.
Sixteen liundroa thousand square tnllos of
snow has incited within tha last thirty days.
The melted snow has apparently been trans
ferred to the seas across land. Small dark
areas surrounded by snow nppoared on July
10 und two day.s Inter I llrst su\v a dark line
tn the fork of n Y-shnpad mark in Iho direc
tion of Iho sons. Thu line became moro con-
snlouous on July 14 and on iho liHh n aark
nion about the size of Lake Erlo aupaara.l on
tha northern sirto of the Btera of iho Y
which wAs connected with the northern soa.
Other Chiinm'i Noticed.
The next day Ihora nnpenrod n largo dark
pray nroa near Iho northern son. ThU had
grown much fainter by July 23 nnd a now
area npnaurcd to iho south of the northern
sea concanlliiQ Its outline. The Una In Iho
fork of iho Y had disappeared , bul iho area
of the Y had extended , On July 21 ti larco
dark area , apparently either a lake or sea , ap-
poured near iho molting snow nnd on July
Jo the southern branch of the Y became very
narrow. Tha outlines of the northern Ron
were scon airaln. a narrow white line stretch
ing north from the snow. Miny other
changes were noted.
Green areas near the oolos have not boon
seen for many wcoks , out truces were re
cently detected und u bright green nroa was
distinctly seen near the north polo last night.
_ PicunniNO.
Iliillviu's IteMilutlun ,
ICnpiirtuhttiltS ) } li'i ' J.fiifs (7irt'i fljii'i-'M
VAU-VIUISO , Chill ( via GalvoMou , Tox. ) ,
Aug. 9 , fBy Mexican Cable lo th3 Nfliv
York Hoiald Spocinl to TUB Bcc.l The
Herald's coi respondent nt La Paz , Bolivia , '
says that u revolution was started yesterday
at Sucre nnd troops wore nt once sent from
La Par to suppress it. A general uprising Is
feared all over the counlry. Tno liberal
p.irtv openly avows its intention lo onpaio
President-elect Baptista at all odds. It Is
hard to get nt the oxaet con Jltton of affairs ,
owing to the ombareo on tolupranh linos.
Armies uro said to bo going into Bolivian
territory from Poru.
Tbo Indians nro receiving supplies of fire
arms und cartridges through thu Argentine
Uenubltc , und It is considered that Gonernl
Camnchn will got baeit into this coui.lry via
Mullcndo and nlaco Himself at thn head of
the liberals and wage wnrugalnst tbo opposi
tion bonded by Bnntista.
El Heraldo of Valparaiso asits why Iho
Iliij of the United States , hitherto disgraced
by E-jan , should bo further dlsgracod by
Frank Esran Hying it at half mast in honor of
the death of < i noted pirtlsan of
Biilmacodn named Hojas. Tuo flag
was borrowed oy Frank Egan
from the captain of tho'steamor Mlnodo , and
it has down ovoi'Koj.i's housu atPouco , near
Coronal , whore the Eanu family has bc-ou
btaying for savoral months.
The French minlslor In Bnocourt nnd Min
ister of Foreign Affairs Errazurlz have'
agreed to the terms of n protocol which will
bo ( dgnod soon , whuruhy Iho French crcdil-
ors of Peru will bs paid "iO per cent of Ilia
inonov realized from the sales of guano
which Is now in tlio Bank of England.
Tha Herald correspondent at Montevideo
snys that Colonel Lafuier has been urrested
on n clmrco of inciting the army to rovolt.
The L'ovcrnnient is taking extra precautions.
A largely attended mooting In favor of pupor
monov was held thcro yesterday. News
comes from Buenos Ayres that S.UO,000 has
boon subscribed to build a now torpedo boat
to tnko tha plnco of the Kosalos , which re
cently sank. Pri'hidant Sannz Penn declares
that ho has every confidence in the govern
ment nna in the future of the republic. Ho
thinks iho nation Is satisfied with his elec
Corn Hits Ucon Injiiniil by tlio I toe .MI t Dry
CHUT.Nob. . , Aug. 9. | Spoial lo TUB
BKI : , ] Tht- past weoic has been hot and dry ,
nud nil growing crops have suffered from the
drouth. The temperature has been above
tha nornii.l In all parts of the state , vnrylng
from Jl3 to 7 = , and avcraglne for the sta'o
! > = > above the usual lomporaiuro at this
The ruli | fall has boon very light In a faw
scattercil localities , but generally none nt all.
The only n-ports of a measurable amount of
rainfitll ( by oountloi in Inches ) are : Cherry ,
.05 ; Holt , .M ; Dudgo , .OS ; Clay , .x'O ; Furnus ,
.50 ; Lincoln , .30 , and Logan , .US.
Corn has been injured Iho past week by
the hot , dry weather , nnd Iho proipeut is
now for a crop decidedly below the average.
Inwii Crop Iliilli'tln.
Dis MoiNig : , In , , Aug. 9. This has been
the hottest and drycst week of the season.
The dully average tompcraiuro has boon
about three degrees above normal nnd tha
rainfull very light , with moro than tin usual
amount of sunshine. In portlotin of the Mis
souri vnlloy drouihy condllions are reported
and showers nro badly ncodod. Corn baa
nnuio great progtvss aud is generally doing
well , no appreciable damage yet being appar
ent from the excessive heat , The harvester
binall gram has boon completed in Iho south
ern pan lor , of the stale und is well advanced
In the northern portion. KapnrU indicate a
vor.V light yield of oats' . The laivest crop of
hay aver raised in loivn is now secured and
in generally good condition ,
TOl'KK.1 ALL TUt.\ / / ' .
A Smalt Tonmclo lnilnlqi's ; In u I'linu In
KUIIH.I ' Capllul
Toi'em , Knn. , Auir. U. A rain and wind
storm suddenly fell up in this city at 0
o'clock this evening. The wind cumo first
from the west but suddenly veered to Iho
south und tha counter currants nmdo what
was as near a tornado as Topcku over ex
perienced. Trees were blown down and
uwnlngs twisted and demolished. Wagons
nnd carriages were overturned In
.several IMSCS , but no serious injuries
nru reported. Pinto glass windows woio
blown in nt n down places on Kansas avenue ,
notably iho Central National bank building ,
ODD or Iwo instances nru inportcd of roofs
being blown off. Electric wires nro down
and nil tulcphonlo nnd lolegraphlu communi
cation Is generally obstructed. For over nn
hour the electric curs were uunblu tu run.
Considerable rnln fell.
'Hit1 Ilrmoiift Aru OJU > IIIM | Over Kuiuax.
KAXS\sUnr , Mo , Aug. ! ) . Him fell nil
ever Kunsas tonight. lU'ports from
points us far wet > t us the Colorado line , south
to the Indian Territory llnnjand north to Ne
braska state thut bounteous ahowor * watered
the parched earth Nearly every point re
porting slates ihul aufllcluni rain fail t-j SHVH
the corn crop , while n few state that the hot
wlndr liavp done so great damage us to placn
corn iH'yond rellel by rains.
SIIH | | ol Tronliln In llix nlrlp.
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Aug. I' ' , A special to
the Tlmo * from Kl Kuio uujs : DUpalchos
fiom iho Hold from Cqptnm Mlichlor , in com
mand of tljrco troops of cavalry In the
Chi rnkeo Strip , \\eroreceived at Fort Keno
today , They are believed lo atato nn alarmIng -
Ing condition of ulliilrs in the Strip , for liu-
uudlatoiy upon their receipt two troops of
cavnlry were hastily uccouleroJ und provls-
lenod nnd under com in and of Capuiln Hull
worn sent toCuplnln MllcLler an reinforce-
moms. U 1 * feurcd that the cutllouiou are
Tory Government Scored by the Grand Old
Man Eloquent ,
ItoltcrntQs Lending 1'rlnclplcs of Ills Own
Sclu-ine H I , UHllorcl * Ioi't : Uoiiio
Down They AVill Ho rnlloil Uouu
linlfuur's lleply.
LOXDON' , Aug. 9. In the House of Com
mons ted ly the HrU untter taken up wus
the case of Ejan , the Invincible , who was
Imprisoned under the Crlmjs act. Homo
Secretary Mjtthowa said ho ojuld not hold
out any hopjs for Exan'a riilcaso soon ,
Dob.ito on the address was resumed.
Mr. Gladstonesuolco. . lla siid the gov
ernment had dapirtod from all prjcadonts In
not resigning whoa the vordiot of the coun
try wus aennst thorn. The house had mot ,
but what fort The quean's ' speech told thorn
nothing. Was the House ot Commons to
light the battles of tbo lait six years over
au'alnf Never had '
a great issue submitted
to tbo country bjon si fully discussed as the
issue decided at the lata general election.
. Will Iti'pciil the Coercion IIIII ut Once.
Turnlug to the matter ot homo rule ,
amid loud cheers from his sup
porters , Mr. Gladstone said the
supporters of the government mada much of
the po > ice now prevailing In Ireland , holding
that It was duo to coercion. The tendency
toward peace began in ISij , with the better
| lupJUUl Ul UU1I1U IU11' .
Mr. Gladstone added that In justice to the
government he must say thov were entitled
to credit for wbat they did toward relieving
the distress oausod by tha land act of 1ST- ,
but a psrnetunl coercion act not only violated
civil rights between Englishmen and Irish
men , but wus in the highest decree injurious
to respect for the law and its administration.
As ho hail boon asked questions respecting
the continuance of coercion , ho would roplv
ut once that the coercion bill ought not to bo
retained on the statute book longer than re
quired by nirliumentnry usairo. [ Cries of
"Hoar , hoar. " ) ,
Mr. Glsdstono then proceeded to refer to
the government's legislation. Ho com
plained that they had Indicted on Ireland a
gross wrong In making her pretended rep
aration bv a local government bill , too lim
ited to satisfy Irish wants or to offer any so
lution of tno Irish troubles.
.Mr. Gladstone's Moumiro.
Mr. Gindstono ncicnowlodccd Hint the debate -
bate could not bo altosathar retrospective.
Ho would not anticipate who would govern
when the present administration was dis-
uluoeil. It was not possible for a liberal
government to say wbut measures they
would submit to mrliamcut six months
lionco. Attempts Iwa been made to con
trast iho claims of Iivland , as against , tno
claims of Great Britain , to tbo attention of
parliament. Much could bo said on both
aides , butthn claims or Ireland had lor years
been lu the forefront of the battle and still
hold that position. [ Opposition cheers.J
Tbo principles of bis home rule bill were
specially well known. By its provisions there
would bo u full and nffoctnul maintcnniico
of imperial supremauv , while Ireland would
bo given the conduct of her own affairs.
Irish representation In the Ilouso of Com
mons was also contemplated under cettain
conditions. The bill for seven years past
had had bis primary and absorbing Interest ,
and it would so continue to iho nnd. Tha
house would address itself solely to a bill
giving the Irish homo government.
Landlords Will lie > llvnu u Cll'.llieo.
Refcirlng to the amnesty of Irish political
prisoners , Mr. Gladstone said It was linpos-
slblo for other than responsible ministers to
give any pledge either for the revision or re
mission of sentences. In regard to ovlctca
tenants bo expressed the hope that during
the autumn u voluntary arrangement be
tween landlords and tenants wouid obviate
the necessity for such legislation as would
bccomo inevitable if no arrangements were
In concluding his spaech , Mr. Gladstone
recurred to the conservative argument that
Iho Irish majority was trying to coerce Eng
land. Ho held tlmt such wus the strength of
England In relation to other kingdoms that
she never could bo ccorced by them. She
hud a giant's strength , nut let her not use it
UKO n criunt , Itvnuld bo most unfortunate
If any party placud undue relinnco in the
uower and strati : ; ! n of England against other
members of tno federation , In forgotfulnebs
of the fact that , in the long run , moral forcn
would predominate over material force. On
that predominance depended wbut should bo
the llrst object of tholr desires , as it was
their dally official prayer that union of heart
and sentiment which constituted tbo truest
basis of strength at homo ana good fame
throughout the civilized world.
Kitlloiir bpuiikg.
Mr. Balfour followed Mr. Gladstone. Ho
maintained that tbJ bouso bud a right to
know bctoro Intrusting the government to
the liberals what their policy was , and es
pecially when tbo party upon which Mr.
Gladstor.o relied was broken into at least
three divisions , each owning a different
leader. Ho protested against Mr. Glad
stone's describing the inliuonco Ireland had
exercised inrecjntyeur.son British politics as
derived from moral considerations. Immoral
consideration , he bald , was the right phrase.
Mr. Gladstone's conversion to homo rule was
not duo to moral forces , but to malarial con
siderations. In regard to the proposed vote
of "no conlldonco , " iho government might bo
In the aunorlty , but what was the majority }
Hud that motley gioup the confidence 01 * the
house } [ "Hear , hear. " | The govern men t ,
seeing tno existing circumttauccs , had a
right to review the situation. The existing
pjrtnorshlp between Great Britain nnd Ireland -
land could not bo dissolved without the ns-
hont of both on terms accepta
ble to both. How dangerous would
HUCII a state or tilings oo to tnu interest , of
ihoorupiro if the Irish domination continued I
Before the government resigned tnoy hud
the right to ask what demands had been
innilo upon the liberals when they cumo Into
uovvor. [ "Hear , hoar. " ] If disturbances nroio
In Ireland was disorder to tavo a free hand !
Wus it part of thu now compact thut Daly
ani ! other convicted dynamiters should bo
let loojo upon the world t ( Conservative
hpecllle l'lc < lgcx DtMlrml.
Mr. Harrington said ho bad listened to
some of Mr. Gladstone's remarks with anx
iety. Ho felt bound to wurn the liberals that
some questions required immediate attention.
He regretted Mr. Gladstone's scant dismissal
of the case ot evicted tenants und the
amnesty question. If tbo liberal p&rly wus
wise , it weald give specltlo plcdgos to satisfy
Ireland on those matters.
III' HAD A HA It ! ) Tl.Mi : AT J'JJ/ .
Nutlvu OIlluluU Trluil tu llullilii/n tlio JJrlt-
Uli MmUtorto Morouuu.
LONDON , Aug. 9. The ofllcial papers rela
tive to the mission of Sir Charles Evan
Smith , the British minister to Morocco , to
the sultan ut Fez , extending over the purled
from May 10 to July ' 'U , havi boon made pub
Writing from Fez , under ilato of July U ) ,
Sir Charles stated thai on Iho previous nlgnt
Iho governor had made u foolish attempt ,
which wus countenanced by the sultan , to lu-
timldato him in connection with the negoti
ation. Ho told iho sultan thai pruparailous
were o.alug mudo to uttuuk tha British mis
sion , and that lha life of Sir Ouaroi | wa
threatened , Sir Charles , however , declined
to credit the governor. The resuifwus tun
immediate colliipso of tno governor's at
tempted intimidation. The sultan publicly
ccnsurou the governor for inaUina futuo
JiogarJlng the treaty negotiations Sir
Charles telegraphed that the sultan had ac
cepted nil the clauses of the treaty except
those rclatlUK to tbo exportation ot whom
and barley. The MI I wan dttored Sir Charles
, ' 0.030 in gold If ho w'tjuld withdraw tbo
grain clauses. Sir Chahos Indlirnantly de
clined the offer nnd then thn Kullnii oriicrad
the communications wllhHho' Brllish mission
to reaso.
Sub pqiiently the covertlot'of FM made n
delcrmlncci effort to crcato nn nntl-Euronoan
disturbance by inciting tbd fanaticism of the
Moslems. A mob collected bv soldiers
shouted at and stdnod thu British vlco con
sul , who was r.croinpanioil by several Euro-
pcnns and American ? , In front of the gov
ernor's tosldoncc. itfo deputy governor per
sonally directing the mob.
Sir Ctrarlos alonco demanded an mi ill on co
with tlio sultan to cuthin an explanation.
Tbo sultan promised to punUh the offenders
nnd the governor brought Sir Chariot a line
of $10,000 , whlutuhal.iittorillstrlbutod nmonz
the poor , thereby making a good Impression
upon the poonlo of I-V/ .
On the failure ot tha negotiations Sir
Charles loft Fez. When the British mission
was in camp forty miles off , the sultan scut a
mission to conclude u1ul sign tha treaty , but
tlio commission was ho dlllatori in the noco-
ttnUnns that Sir Charles tlnally broke off tha
Two Itusslitn OIlc7iVn ! Murdered by the
U'mniu They Kliiiuloritd.
New YOIIK , Aug. 0. A Warsaw cable
says : A governess named Mulusckn , employed -
ployod in iho fum'fr of a Russian high
ofllciitl , entoroa a cafo.ln this city yesterday ,
approached a table whors two oflloors were
sitting anil drawing a revolver from the folds
of her gown shot ono of the men , Lloutonant
Golowac , through thahoart. Before anyone
could Interfere shu drew a knife nnd plunged
it Into the breast of the other ofllcor. Captain
Mutollnk , inllictlng a.morUl wound , when
arr stod the murderess calmly declirod she
bad committed the uot In ravonga for asper
sions east upon her honor by the two of
i.oiKioii jriiinncmi Knriuw.
ICojii/rfflWciI ISftHi'j J'lmst nnrl\ \
LONDONAug. . 9. [ Now York Herald Cnblo
Special to Tim Bui ] In vionr oi the sol-
tlomont , commencing. tomorrow now business
has boon exceedingly quiet In' the Stocit exchange -
change today. In aomo directions outstand
ing accounts have booh rather frocly closed
or reduced so that leading markets presented
a more or less bull appearance. India rupco
paper was steady. Homo railways have
boon moro favorably I'icllnod during the last
hour , a few buyers coming In in expectation
tb at stock will bo scarce tomorrow. " North
eastern has risen % 'trer bent , Brighton de
ferred , Great Eastern Great Western and
Southeastern doforrtfl are } { to } ( per cent
UD. London , North\Vcstorn anil Scottish
lines , however , continue dull. American
railways have again bfon without support ,
Now York falling to send the usual bulletin
ordori ) . while iho public Is moro inclined UK
stand aside than mnl.t ) purchases. The re
sult was lhat prices di'oopad. ' unlil n decline
was oslabllshod In Laljo Shove of Jf per cent ,
Chicago & MilwiiUKbo- ; per cent , nnd Union
Pacific % to ? per cent. Canadian lines at
tno close were weak , Canadian I'aeilie und
Grand-Trunk issue making a decline of % to
' nsr cent. A largo , ' decrease in the weekly
reports of iho Grand Trunk U explained by
the exceptionally heavy trafiio of lust year.
Caused by Iiupnro'Wiitcr.
PAIIII , Aug. 9. Dr. Brouardol has com
piled an elaborate detailed report on the so-
called cholera outbroatt in Purls and some of
Us suburbs. Districts served from other
rivers than the Salnb , or from springs , or
from w hero tha water is boiled , osoauoil , nl-
IhoughyilhinjU few j'irds of tho. affected
places , whjlo the maxubiini of casos'occurred
in districtB supplied " wrtjvnYatofJfrum thop
most polluted portiDb ofttho Seino. Not .a' '
slnglo case could < bo Ira'ced to Imported
cholera. . . . - .
Koyalty Will VjSlt Oonon.
Gnxot , Aug. 9. Tlio minister or foreign'
affairs has notified iho mayor of the city tha |
King Humbert and Queen Marguerite will
arrive here on September 7 or 8 for the pur
pose of taking part In tbo Columbus fetes to
bo held in connection with the 4'JUth nnniver-
sary of IJ o discovery of America. Most all
the powci'i ; have accepted the invitation of
tha Italian government to sand warships to
Gouou during the celebration.
Combined Agnlnxt tlio Ainrer.
SIMLA , India , Aug. I ) . TUo revolt of the
Hiuara tribes In Afghanistan becomes moro
serious dally and many of the great Irlbcs
have now combined Itulr forces against Iho
nraccr , who Is collecting nil his resources to
put aown iho rebellion , /
Indm'x .Hoiuitunjnielugato * .
LONDON , Aug. 0. TuoVitijOssnys lhat the
India government has sulectcd onerul Kleh-
aril N. Tracy , nn ex-momVor ot' the nouncll ,
and H Murray o.f the treasury as delegates
to the intdruatlohnl monetary conference.
Sel/.ud an Aiiii > rl < iin .Schooner.
IlAi.irvx , Aug. 9. T-hb'Amorican schooner
Belle Bartlett was sel/od at Fort Hawks-
bury yesterday charged with violation of
the custom laws In 18'JJ. '
l Dlntrlet. Convontloii
J.'lldH 1 I II ItOlV ,
CIIKSTON , In. , Atior. 9.1 [ Spsclal Tologrnm
to Tnu BEE.J The poonlo's party congres
sional convention was hold In Ibis oily today
and resulted in a light which will split the
party in the Eighih district. .The candidates
before the convention were Hon. b. L. Max
well of thU city nnd UV S\ Scott of Appa-
noose county. Muxwoil is a democrat , lie
was called upon to explain his views rein tin ir
to the people's party platform and denounced
their subtroasury sohdmos as Impracticable.
Ha also refused to endorse Weaver und Field.
The informal bailer , resulted : Suott 40
and Maxwell . A motion was then made
to make Scott the unanimous cholco and
Myron Main of O ceoU juinpjd to his foot
aud charged that rallivul agents liad boon at
\vnrlr In thn unnvontlon to &ucuro
nomination. -
Ho further said : "If you support Scott
you Indorse monopoly and corporation rulo. "
Scott was nominated against the protests
and threatened bolting oftone-tbird the dole-
gates. '
Uii : > ui Hii'ins. la. , Aug. 0. | Special Telegram -
gram to Tin : BBC. I Linn county democrats
mot ut Marion this uftqrno.on and selected
delegates lo tbo st ito cud congressional con
ventions , '
I'oul I'liiy'reiimd.
CIIESTOX , la. , Aug. [ Spo'clal Tolugram to
Tin : BER.J EK-Cnofl ( jof Police W. G.
Howcll disappeared vory- mysteriously last
night or this morning ajid there Is rumor of
foul play. Ho Is now ) a patrolman on the
south aide. Listavoulpc lie left homo with
a shot gun saying he was going to shoot some
do s and has not been. Boon or heard of since.
Ho is a sober , hard-working ofllcor , which
muko-i It the harder to account for his disap
pearance. _
Kllluii liy I.lf
M \i.vniiN , lu. , Aug. 0' . JSpaclul Telegram
to Tuc Bur. . ] John Bauntstor , u faribor liv
ing about four inllos nortli , wus killed by
lightning this afternoon while polngfroin his
burn lo iho houso. Ho wus iv bachelor
about W years of ago anil lived alono.
The rain today Insuj'o * a bountiful crop of
corn und late potawoi.
ut < ) iit .
CIIB-THX , In. , Aiuc. --Spomul [ Tulogrum
to Tin : BISK j The people's party con
gressional convonihmfa in e * lon hflr ° today.
They nro having u , light which promuei to
disrupt the party lu tno district , HI ut WimV II unc ,
MUMIMIIS , Tenu. ' . Aug. 0 Governor Buch
anan In Nashville juts ( evening commuted the
sentence of Colonel H. Clay King , who wus to
have boon bunged on next Fileluy , for the
murder of David H. Poslon , on March 15
last. T'tiuyriJouor hoard the nown with but
little Interest. Ho lias bean drinking hard
of late una teotueU ludlffcrent a * to whut
was transpiring.
Splendid Recod of Nebraska Farmers Dur-
iug the Month of July.
Indications Tint Proceed * of the Present
Crop Will Ho UHW ! to l.urxoly Liqui
date Item tilling Mnrtg.igcs
Lincoln Nuvu Xotc * .
LINCOLN' , Nob. , Aug. ! > . [ Spatial to Tnr.
HEC.J The mortgage indebtedness returns
for the mouth of July lira now coming to the
onion of the bureau of Industrial statistics In
largo numbers und the partial compilation of
the result for that month will Interest the
pcoploof the ontlro state. When the returns -
turns nro all lu It will bo scon that in fully
oiio-hulf cf the counties of the slate the nutn-
bur-and amount of farm mortgages released
will largely exceed tbo number and amount
of these fllod. Up to today noon thirty-six
counties hud boon reported lu which the releases -
leases exceeded the tilings during the month ,
Tho.v nro as follows :
Counties. Fllod. Hn'casort.
Ailtiins . t " . ' ,445 $
Hov Ilutto . L'.2T3 .
Itonnu . J5.IUI 31,577
lltliralo . 40.SK ) I'C.'IS '
Hurl . min : S..TiJ
Uluy . IH.Oi.'j , 4I.4N
1)0 ISO . I4.SU3 iU4- ! .
I'll I moro . 1(1,510 ( W.IHa
I''r.itiklln . IB.IS 23,317
Krontlur . II.I'O l.V-KW
KurniiS . KlUlt IMI'i
Hail . n.r , v
Hltchuiok . a.1l , ' .VJ
Holt . 1IUIQ 27.G'.r ' >
llou--in ! . B.lUtl 0.2W
.Je-rrurifon . 2U.Sil5 ? 7iiU3
Johnson . 1IM)0 ) lO.U.I"
Koum-y . i.,5iH 10r > b'l
ICuyu I'.ih.i . 7M 1.3a
Iincastor . „ . 4W01 104.111
LOUD . " " > l.O.'d
Madison . ' , 3VD7 3J/J.i7
Marriott. . . . 10.200 l..71U
NucltOlls . 111.513 a'.b'JI '
Otoo . Jl.tJSi 17..VJJ
Kud Willow . O.UJO Sl.O'lf
Uoclf . 8IU 1.3S-I
Surpv . 30,573 42nJO
Sowurd . 2iH4l Hl.m
Snermnn . 1I.1M 17.170
Slou\ . 5JJ Mi7
ViillL-y . 4.IW1 S.-'i-VI
WiiHhiimlon . 13.5JI ) 2U7S1
Wnvno . H.b71 1W.UJ : !
York . S. ' , M 3I.SSI
TUo ruports of the mortgage Indebtedness
of the several counties will bo gratifylnir
during the coming s'tx months for the reason
that thousands of mortgages averaging from
syuo to ? 300 will fall duo iu the western
counties , und the amounts being comnara-
tlvoly small the farmers will bo enabled to
pay them off with the proceeds of this fall'- *
crop , which will bo heavy In noarlv all of the
-.vostorn counties. These who have taken an
Intoiest In the indebtedness iccord of this
state do not hasituto to express the opinion
thai thii aggregate amount of farm mort
gages released dutiug the next vo.uwill
largely exceed the amount Hied. Every indi
cation points to such u condition.
Oil Inspection lor. I nly.
State Oil Inspector Helmrod's report of
the operations of his department for the
month of July was llloil today. During the
mouth the number of barrels of oil Inspected
, bv himself , and his deputies were 10.103 ,
divided aimmtr the several districts of tie )
? tat'o as , 'follows : First district , accented ,
( W7 , 'wjoctcd ' , Sill ) ; Second dUtrlct , accepted ,
conlfld , 101. 'reeled , GS9 ; total accepted.
3.475'toUl'i tfoxfld , < I,9'J. : ) Four barrels of
oll.iyoro nisit5ct6d > at Kim bull for S. Wood-
bridge and i3iTdqry ) Bros , and were rujootod
and shipped outttpf the slut ? . During the
month at Julv , 1801 , the department in
spected 8lt.j ! ! barrels of oil. Slnco Mr.
llclmrod lias had control of th ? department ,
ho und his deputies have Inspected JHS-3
barrels of oil.
at the Stale House.
Lieutenant Governor Majors Is occupying
the executive department during the nbscuco
ot Uovoruor Boyd , who will bo in California
until September 1.
Labor Uommlssionor Andres wont to Den
ver today Oil business connected with the
stuto bureau of industrial statistics.
A iJouglas county case- reached the supreme
premo court today. It was entitled Ernst
Witzid and Frit ? Uobauor against A. Max
Tno case of J. J. Gilliland and A. D.
Kitchen against J. A. Kalians was Hied with
the clerk uf the supreme court this forenoon.
It eomos from Lancaster county.
Receiver Gibbons of the banning house of
Kloman & Arnold of Broken How reports
that his collections during the month of July
amounted to $ :19.05 :
Uecelvor Gibbons of the dsfunot Commer
cial and SiivlniM bank of Kearney reports to
the f.Uiremo | court that durin ? July ana up
to data ho has collected $1 , 1118.59 aad com
menced suit on past duo paper to the amount
of ? : > S,5r-.9' ' .
UocoivorEdgocomb of tno Farmers' and
Drovers' butilt of Buttlo Crook informs the
supreme court that in July ho collected J 140
uud disbursed $57,31.
Or cut Attraction Tor I'.ilr Woolc.
In addition to the many attractions which
have oeep. secured for Lincoln during state
fair weeks , the spectacular cxhloition , "Last
Days of I'ompuil , " has been secured. It
will bo presented for ten consncutlvo nights
at Lincoln park by tbo dame company that is
giving it ut Djnvor during the present \veok.
'iho nmnngcN of the park have contracted
to pay $23 , < > 'JJ for the exhibition , and are
today engaged in the work of selling a aulll-
clont number cf season tickets to wan ant
thorn in going ahead with their arrange
ments ,
Uiililoil n Unmlillng Hum
Shortly before midnight last night the
police received a quiet tip to tha effect that
n "game" was In progrois In a room over
Drown'B store on North Tenth stroot. When
Captain Splain and Surgoant Klnno.v furcoJ
an entrance they found u full poker outllt in
full bliut , four mca being engaged In the
gamo. Tho.v wcrp tnUen to the station , where
thuy guvo their immot as Hurry Baldwin ,
John U. Dillon , Thomas Jonei and Frank
Holmes. The titbU * , cards , clnpi , etc. , were
confiscated , the man giving security for their
appearance later.
AK ! II lu Court ,
Tbo Hall rUngo and Furniture company
has become , Involved In now difiluultius , a
petition having bean lilod In the district
court to compot tbo hull brothers to glvo iho
plaintiffs , Messrs. Olurkotind Mockott , a lion
upon lot 0 , block Ifttf , In the ulty of Lincoln ,
Thu plaintiff ! ) allege It tit the Hulls pur
chased the property last September with
funds belonging to the copartnership and as
sumed a mortgage of $ l,5Ui ) ; that the Hulls
afterwards conveyed the property to Eliza
beth \V , and Jumcs I ) , Hall , their parents ,
without consideration ; that the taxes nave
noon paid out of the funds belonging to I no
company and that the Hulls hold the title to
the property described In trust only.
Kufuruil u htiiy < > l Hvulbiiuc.
Charles (1. ( Paul , the ox-tro.isnrjr of
Adams county reoently convicted of umbo/ .
zlemcnt unit sonloucod to tlirco yourn * Ini-
prlsonincni in Iho atuto penltonllary ut hard
labor , has been granted u stay of nentcnco
by the luprauio uuurt until Soptombui' 0 , In
order that bl * utiornay * may have time In
which to prepare u bill of pxcupttoim. Ir. the
meantime Mr. i roinnndcJ to the cus
tody of tlni khorlft ot Adam ( lounty , pending
the Uo.-iiln ; of an appllcutlo : ! for rJlua o on
Suru JiioiiKh ,
Thuro li.o iv acarcoly any doubt but that
Frank iCennedy. tbo sick prisoner ut the
county Jail , In eflllctod with u gonulno ciso
of smallpox. He wiu removed from the J ill
at m la n Ifli t by in on who huvu paiscd thrnugh
the disease und who are thoroughly com
petent to uurso him through hl proteut ill
ness. This i.noon his condition Is reported >
ported as beici irlous. In the mcnntlmo
every prccnuli * \ being taken to prevent
tno furt'jersprt" , ot the disease in the Jail.
The prUonors vt 1. nil vaoclnatol today and
no further inm\\i ! \ Till bo received. ' The
jail has also bccitu nrnntinotl , n fact that
will causa the nil , 1111 croons about this
part of the state n ; . rioui Iticoiivoiilenco ,
AnotherprlHonoi Mio county Jill was
taken down with t\ \ nullp.ix touluht. This
ovenlni : u dclocfitlo , II.'ly cltUons called
upon Mayor Wolr ( In.tUtoU that Ken
nedy bo removed si urtlicr from the rity
llmlls. Konncdy is botug c.iroJ for In a tout
in tha extreme southwestern Dart of the city
and the delojatlon which cailod upon the
mayor tonight were consiiUrnbly exeltoil
and threatened to take the matter of removal
into their own hands , The iniror imuroil
the citizens that there was no poislbln dan
ger of the smo.ul of tha dUokio , but nnure.l
thorn that tbo slok would agitn bo moved 113
soon as possible.
Prom Iho I'ollcc Court.
Wllltnm Button , Tom Jones , t'rank Miller
and A. S. I'onnlncton were sontenooil to
thirty davs in the county jail for vagrancy ,
and pending the fumigation of that papular
instliutlon will do duty at the city stone
pllo.A .
A destitute woman ntimod Mrs. Ivoith , vyho
has boun carad for bv the nollco for several
days , was sent to Hastings , bho is dying
and penniless and Is endeavoring to roach
her friends In Grover , Colo.
Almost the ontlro population of the llttlo
town of Cheney has been summoned to ap
pear ns wltnossos In a ease that Is on trial
today ut Judga Brown's court. G. 11. Al-
forii , the general merchant of Iho village , lias
entered n complaint against Frank Clark ,
Holllo Hawkins , Pat Murray and others for
assaulting his nlacn of buslnoss last Satur
day ulgut and leaving It practically a wreck.
O.V Tilt : .V.J.V2VI FK ,
ome * to ( irli-fu Tow Mlles
from Dciuor Sovflii Injured.
DEXVRII , Colo. , Aug. 0. The Santa Fo
passenger train , duo here at II o'clock thii
monilnp , was wrecked by spreading rails n
few inllo.s from Denver. Every car , ovcopt-
Itirf iho dining car , was thrown from the
No ono was killed outright , but seven
scrbons received Injuries.
J P. Jackson of Colorado Springs is
thought to bo In a dangerous condition.
Among thaothor Injured are :
Snlcin Ely , Iroquols , 111. ; bruised on shoul
ders mid ixrini.
M . Mary Ann Edlneton , Owonsbur ,
111. ; head partial ! v scalped , back aud breast
bruUod : will probablv die.
MM. J.V. . Carson , Chicago ; nose broken
first IluglD-Call iif tliu ( ; .UIIIUKII ; : Hlinvn liy
1'llor Other I'nlitlrnl 1'imlicrs.
PUKIN , III. . Aug. 9. The republican cam
paign for Illinois was opened hero today
with a big demonstration. Governor Fifcr
was the orator of the dnj' . Ho
discussed political Issues at considerable
length. Ho thought oooplo would decide to
continue ) tha lonc-ostabliihod industrial
policy of the republican party and that Illi
nois would bo found in the republican
column in November. Gbvernor Infer devoted -
voted conshlorablo timn to a consideration of
the compulsory education law and declared
In favor of eliminating any feuturo found
objectionableto Gorman Lutherans.
Tt.o speaker discussed taxes and
tariff and concluded with a eulogy on thu
national ticket Speeches were tiUo imulo by
Secretary of State Pearsons , Lieutenant
Governor Uoy. State Treasurer1 Herbert mid
Cundlilatos for Congress G. H. Wllllts and
Ulchard Yatcs , Jr.
MOXTOOMCIIV , Ala. , Aug. 9. Ex-Commls-
sioncr Kolb , alliance cundldato for governor ,
is out in n published letter disputing the
claims of Jones' election. The latter con
cludes :
"I have boon fairly and honestly elected by
over -10,000. The people of my native state
recognUo iho fact mid will sen that Justice * is
ncconlo : ! by placing mo at the head of our
sta'.o government for the next two yoars. "
The letter creates n snnsallnn and Is re
garded as an evidence of Kolb's intention to
challenge the ofliclal count , which fixes
Jones' majority at between ! IOJO and 1U,000.
Turner for ( ioiftruor In
NAMIVIU.I : , Toan. , Aug. 9. The state
democratic convention mot at noon today. It
was inoro u ratification mooting than u con
vention , only ono candidate , Chief Justice
Peter Turner , beine before it. The platform
ndoolcd ratifies the Chicago platform , en
dorses the nominations of Cleveland and
Stevenson and deals with various state issues.
Nonillllltluim Iluru anil Tlirrn.
TIIBNION , IM. J. , Aug. 9. The Now Jersey
prohibition convention mot here today aud
nominated Thonms Uonton for governor and
ulaccd a full state ticket In thu llehl.
CI.BVII.VNI : > , O. , Aug. U. The republicans
of the Twentieth Otilo district today nomi
nated \V. J. Hilo of Cleveland for congress.
bTAJtllKn nt ItE.lTll.
Jott | > li iTiirkmnii Ituconie * n Uuriloror ut
Ills DyliiK 1'iitlmr'n lleilnlili > .
CIIICAOO , III. , Auir. ( ) . Louisa EUolo , a
servant in the of Christian Jncicman ,
was stubbed to death tonight by Joioph
Juokmnn , bon of her employer. There
has bucn ill fueling between the son
and tno ucrvant for u long time unU
it culminated in a violent ( jnarrel
over a sccno created by tno woman
In iho sick loom of thooldor Jnclciiinn , who
Is an invalid lyiuc ut tbo point of death.
Whan they loft the room , young Juckman
attacked the servant with mi ordinary pun-
knife , indicting four wounds , ono of them in
the neclr being five inches long , The woman
lived but n few minutes and .thu ni'irdorer
walked away and has not yet ucon arrested.
II'JC I Til lilt MtKK
O.MAIIA , AUg. 9. f
The storm was central this morning over
the lake region , accompii'ilod by light show
ers In that suction. Light rains , foil In Wis
consin , Minnesota , South Dakota. Western
Nebraska , Colorado und New Mextoo dun. K
the pant twenty-four lionw , while Gulvostou ,
MVx. , roporth inch ,
A wuvo of cool air flowing In from the
northwest will pioduco cooler weiithorIn this
section Woiinejduy.
Hot weather continues In the Mississippi
valley and eastward.
I.iiriil I'onicmt I'rolmlily nlio\vrrn ,
lilli > wi'il hylilr , Diiolnrvuntliur. .
WASIIISOTON- , C. , Aug. 9. Forecasts for
Wednesday :
For Nebraska Showers In south and cast
portions ; warmer ; winds shifting to south ,
For Ipwa Showers in southeastern poi-
tlons ; warmer ; variable winds ,
For the Daiiotas Generally fair , preceded
tor.iubl by showem in North Dakniu ;
warmer ; winds shlftlntr to south ,
" \Vciitliur lur tli < \Vuilt ,
WASIIINOTON , D. C. , Aug. 9. Tno weather
crop bulletin , Uiuod uy tbo weather bureau ,
says the week was slightly cooler than uwuul
in the gulf states und on the Puciflo roast.
From , tbo control and upper Mississippi
vulloy wouwuid to the Kooky Mountains the
week wus unusually warm , especially over
KunstiB , s oustorn NnLrasku und wo stern
Iowa. Vffy nearly iho whole of llui Unllod
Htutoj the ptist week has been given but llt
tlo ruin , and pvnr u very extensive nruii , In-
eluding porliotf of tlio Dakotan , Nobruika ,
Ki.tibutf , lowu , .MUsuuri , Arkanbiu , Wont
Tonnesico , ImllnU- Territory uud northern
Texas thoia win no rain at all ,
The ueakon's rall full from Murdi I to
datu continue ! in cxcfss over the entire cun-
tral vulloyi and lake region iinn portion * uf
the gulf and middle Atlantic male * ; it Is
Uollclqut on thu touth Atluntlo coast and
Toxux. The i'x'eiK In ( lie heason's
rulufull vxUU iu the uuj'er MimWjljiin val
Mra. Harrison's Soriom Illness Intorferoi
, with the Summer Vacation ,
Ho U 111 llotltrii to W.inliliigtnii III Time
to ( Iroot the ( Iritiul Army Kn-
cnniiinciit VUKor.iVnnhliiB -
tou NasVote * .
WASiiixoTO > f BuiiRMi OF TUB QKK , I ;
Mil FotlllTKHNTII SrilBKT , >
Prlvhto Sccrotiiry Hnlford Is baok nt llu
wlnto house after n brlof stay nt iho san <
shore. Ha said Hint the reports received
today Irom Mr * . Hnrrlsom were very em
couraglng. Mr. Haliord said that tha Illncsi
of Airs. Harrison made It necossnry to
abandon the contemplated stay of two mouths
nt the Capo May coltaro , and such outing us
the president tins will bo taken nt Loon lake.
Mr. Harrison will return in time lo take part
In the Grand Army encampment which
occurs in Washington about the middle ot
About tlio tlmo Ihls closes th * president
will bo mailing bis nrrnngomonti for going
to Chicago , whore ho will clo-Mcnto th
World's fair buildings In October. Hli
nccnutnnco of the Invitation has already bcoo
given , but this Is merely n formallly ns lut
law imposes upon the president tbo duty of
formally accepting Iho buildings. It is ex
pected that Secretaries J. W. Foster , Eltnns ,
Husk , Tracy nnd Attorney General Miller
will accompany the president to Chicago.
No arrangements for the Chicago trip hav
as yet been mado. ns it Is supposed hero that
tno Chicago World's fair ofllcials will
arrange the details.
The president expects to remain In Chicago
cage for two days. Whllo ho is In the we t
It is probable that ho will inako a Hying tour
through luumnn , Michigan and pcrhapt
Senator MacMillan , chairman of the Mich
igan state central committno , has already
urged the president to spend a few days In
Michigan. On this trip ho will make no
political speeches , of course. Mr. Harrison
expects to bo nt his Indianapolis homo the
Intlor part of October. Ho will return lo
Washington shortlv bnforo the election nnd
will receiveiho election returns nt tha
white hiuso.
Important Army Change * .
The nrmr hoadqunrlcrs nt Chicago , of
which Major General Nelson A. Mlles Is now
In command , is likely to ha extended at nu
onrlv day so ns to make It the most 1m-
nortant army center In Iho United States.
At present the Den.irtmont of Missouri ,
which has its headquarters at Chicago , ia
one of the smallest of tha eight aopartmanti ,
and Gannrnl Mlles lias only llvo or six rogl-
incuts titular his co nun und. But accordIng -
Ing to plans now under consideration
nt the War department by which ,
as formerlv , three divisions will ba
created , General Miles' command will
soon to bo extended ns to include th Da-
partmnnt of iho Plnltlo nnd Iho Department
of Dakota. Each of tkcso departments are
very extensive and oaeh will ald | about ten
regtmcnu to General Miles. ' command. Ho
will Ihcn have u total of about twenty-six
replmonts centering from lha Chicago head
quarters , and as the entire array consists el
only forty regiments , Generalf-Mlles" com
mand will embrace more than half Of.-tho an-
lire United Slates army. The 'chances '
which nro thus being woriti'd out at Iho WAI
department coma ns a aeqii ( , . to a series ol
tips und downs which General Miles has had-
Opposed ( icnunil Alllm.
When the Sioux campaign occurred General
oral Milns disapproved the action of Colonel
Forsyth in the Wounded Knee engagement ,
but Secrolary Proctor rejected General
Miles' dlsiipprovul.juid warmlv commended
Colonel Forayth. Gonornl Miles' friends
assart lhat the secretary followed up this
criticism by making it further unpleasant
for General Mllos. Oftlcors worn detailed
from General Miles' staff , who were well
known to bo personally distasteful to him.
Finally the extensive command which
General Miles then enjoyed as hood com
mander of the Division of tno Missouri was
abruptly terminated. Gonornl Milts' divis
ion was divided Into three denartmonts. Tha
Department of the Dnkoin , wllh about ten
regiments , was tuincd over lo Brigadlol
Goncrtii Merrill , and the Department of tha
Plaltc , with about ton regiments , was turned
over to Brigadier General Brooko. This loft
General Miles with a beggarly remnant of
onlv llvo or six companies in the Department
of thu Missouri , which had Its beudq.uai'tori
nt Chicago. Secretary Proctor urged that it
was desirable in tlmo of pence tn have lh
army divided Into smaller commands , lit
therefore did awnv with thn three great
divisions which hud previously existed , tn
Division of iho Atlantic , tha Division of thl
Pacific and the Division of Iho Missouri ,
nnd established eight departments , scattered
ever iho country. ,
Will KcNtoro Ills Command.
The change not only doposna General Mlloi
from the command of u division , but it loft
him with ono of the smallest , If not thl
smallest department in the country. Sine *
Secretary Elkins succeeded Mr. Prootoi
slops have quietly been taken lo undo tin
work of Iho tormorsecralnry. General Scho-
Held , commnndorof iho army , lias never lined
lha change Instituted by Secretary Proctor.
It Is through Gennrul Schofiolu's efforts that
the War department is now considering
a plan to go uack to the old division svstom.
With General Soholleld In Us favor It Is bo-
Moved at the department , ibat Secretary
Elklns' approval of the change will bo imda
nt an early da to. The prospects of the
changenro exciting much attention in nrmv
circles mainly through the fact that It will
restore General Mllai to Iho most oxtouslvo
command In the army. When iho otmngo Is
mii'lo Omaha and St. Paul will bo brought
under the comnrtnd of General Miles , and
their reports will bo made lo him instead of
direct lo Washington.
James E. Olytho , Mason City , IB at WH-
Thn following fourth class , postmaster !
have been nnpolntcd : Iowa S. S. Hull nl
Bunton , vice G. H. Snrdnkar resigned ; W.
A. Htitclilns nt Big Spring , vloo E , E. Ba ;
resigned ,
A l liiiit Hcorntnry Nuttloton Corrcctl
MiUmniMits Miiiln Almnt Circulation.
VVAHiiiNOTOtf , D. C. , August 0. Acting
Secretary Notlleton 1ms written a letter to
Kopresontutlvo Tumor of Goorgln , who
iwliedforan explanation of certain discrep
ancies mentioned by Senator Kyle In a re *
centsiieniili us uxlstlng butwoon roporl * by
Secretary Wlndom as to the volume ol
money In circulation nnd similar reports by
Secretary Foster. He euvs that Senator
Kyle orroncouily contrasted Kccrotory Win-
dnin's amount * for each year from 1870 to
1S8'J with Secretary Foster's amounts foe
July 1 of the sarao years , which dlfftucnoo or
thITU month * In Iho dates , ho nays , account *
for Iho alleged discrepancies.
bi'iiator ICylo win also wrong , the noting
secretary bays , In comparing Muroh I , 11378 ,
with July 1 , Ib7i , but lu this Instance thu report
port of the uocrolary Included iho gold coin
in iho Unllod States loss the amount In th ?
treasury , wlillo the report of Secretary Fos
ter excluded the gold , except 5,000,000 la
circulation on the Pacific coast.
.1lovomi'iit < > T Ocea
Al Loudon Sighted Ituefa , from Now
York ; City of Pun , from Now York.
At Bosion Arrived StockholmClly , from
At Bremen ArrivedKarUrube , from
A Qtii-oijatown Arrived Wyoming , froa
York ,