Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1892, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE OMAHA DAILY B12T2 : MONDAY , AUGUST 8 , 1892.
Ecvero' Loss of Allianca , Nob. , Business
McJ by Fire.
Though the PnUnlllcn lltinicil All the VnU
unliln 'Mull Wim Niitril DutulU of the
CoiilliiRrntloii Other Nnlirinkn
* San * Nuli'i of Interest.
ALMANCP , Nob. , AUK. 7. [ Special Tele
gram to Tits BBK.J A contlnitrntlon was
stnrtca ntoutd o'clock tills morning In Shot-
tor's mnrlcot , Tno lollowlng business
houses urn burnodi out the flra lia * now
spent ill force und there Is no UntiRor of nny
other business blocks i > oingV. ! . W. Nor
ri ton's ' rrmiiiinotti poncral store ; . ! , W. Vancor-
hoof , harness sbop ; Mrs.V. . U Hi'lllnp ,
inllllncr.vempouum ; U. Shutter , moat mar
ket ; Alllanco Tlmoa printing ofllca and 5
small one-itory building next iloor east , In-
cludlw ? tlio Doslonico. Noirlyult the vnlu-
nuto mall was aiivocl. The llnmas wcro
stoppcit wbcn the brluk hulUllriK of the Bank
of AHiiuico was rcnohod. Neatly nil of the
parties concernca were fully Insured.
VViiST 1'or.vT , Nob. , Aug. " . | Spoclnl
Tolufirnm to Tun BUG.Tho | barn of Frou
Sinners was butncil early this morning. It
was fully Insured.
Went I'olnt Nnitrf N'otux.
WKST POINT , Nob. , Aug. 7. JSpscial to
Tun HUE. ] ICrnnso's hall was fairly lllled
with an unusual nudionco Friday night to
here Prof. 1'ylo loeturo on "Woman. " Prof.
Pylo , wno was fntroducod by Prof. Collins ,
cominoncod by alluding to the evolution
which has tiltcn place In women's status
nearly everywhere.
A now study svai added to tbo course beIng -
Ing pursued ul the normal lastMonduv. Mrs.
Dantolsou of the Fremont schools has boon
encaged ns instructorln the synthetic system.
Tbo nnnual meeting of the old settlers will
bo held August 18 , iind an intnrostlng pro
gram is being arranged. Dr. ( Juorgo Miller
ot O.niihu has boon uncaged to address ibo
ini'ctlni ; . It Is expected that a lureo number
of ifco old settlers from all ever the North
Plntto country will bo ! n attendance.
Uhrls Ackormnn and famllv , Enill Holler
nnd fnmllv , Fred Sotinoiiseholn and lady.
Otto Bnunmu and son Eddlo , DanUlffortand
wlfo nnd Allco Scharrcr returned homo Fri
day , after a vacation of about two weeks at ,
the Hot Springs.
Ono of tbo most amusing games of base
bull over Eicon In this city was that between
thb fat and lean men , played Thursday after
noon. To make It an Inducement for Uio fut
men to coma down to the ball grounds , it
was advertised that an "clchth" keg would
bo planted on each base and the ruse worked
tp a charm. Among the "fats" were u few
of the old "Mulligans , " who were numerated
in the early days as the bust base ball players
os well as actor * . The game throughout was
charai'torlzed by ludlcrout inciuents , and
was highly onjovod by nil. The "fats" scored
! ! 0 while the "loans" only pot 10.
Suit Crcoli'x Fourth Victim.
ASHLAND , Nob. , Aug. 7. [ Special Tele
gram to Tun BIK.J Tno waters of Salt
Crock last night claimed another victim ,
.iL'bso Mlddleton. uyounir man IS years old.
He was frequently sL'oJort to mental do-
rnnt'omont nnd lust ovouuit ? whllo under tbo
influence ol such an attack slipped uway
from home and in his wanderings found the
bunks of the slicnm. Trades showed that
lie had waded in at several places nnd
then returned as though trying to Una a
plnco ho could wndo ucross. At length a
track entered the water which showed no
higns of return. A fioanh was at once
begun and the body found about noon
today. Tbo funeral look place this evening
nt r > o'clock. Tins Is the fourth boy drowned
In the creek nt this plitco tbls summer.
FiiKMOS'T , NOD. , Aug. 7. | Special Tele
gram tOrTui : Biu. : ] Pauline Goldijrabcr , the
7-year-old dauchter of Jacoo Qoldgraber ,
ti'morchnnt of this city , was drowned in the
Klkhorn today. Mr. Goldgrnbor , brother ,
> iistcr and four chlldred went out fishing ttiN
moinlng ai n point on the Eluhorti about tea
jnllos from the city. Socn after arriving
Mr , Uoldgrnter and his children went in
bathing. All four of the cunarcn got into
deep wrtor und Mr. Goldgrubor in trying to
rcscuo them becaino exhausted nnd hulpless
himself. Henry Singer win also In thn water
nt the time , and by heroic nitons ho saved
all except the youtitreat girl Paulino. She
went down und unavailing efforts to llml lior
body hnvo bocu going on ever slnco 9 o'clock
DiMlgu County I'rciliHiltlonUtH.
FitKMONT , Nob. , Aug. 7. [ Special to Tin :
Ur.n.J Attorney D. M. Strong of North
Bend called the Dodgp county prohibition
convention to order yesterday in the couit-
hnuso. Judge Ely was elected chairman
nnd J.V. . Stevenson secretary. The follow-
me named persons were elected to nttond
the state prohibition convention to bo held In
Hastings August 17 : Uev. .I. C. Quinn ,
D.D. ; Mra. M. A. Hitc-hcock : Jerry Dons
low. D. M. Strong. D.wld Brown , J. W
Stevenson , Mrs. James Bulaiu/ ! . E. Lum
iTiinliitii'H lliiHliiiisH Carnival.
JIINIVI.A , Nob. , Aug. 7. [ Spoclul to Tun
ili.ii.J Juniut.i's business carnival Tuesday
night was n decided success. A largo crowd
wus lu attendance and frequently cheered
the performance. Nearly nil the business
firms were represented nnd the costumes
weio rich , artistic and original. It was the
best entertainment of the kind over given in
this part or thu stato. They roall/oa about
(75. It was repeated last night for the bone
lit of the local uund.
AVIuit th llpu lliiroitit of ( Hilling U IJiiiug.
TUB BIE BritfAU or CLAIMS has secured
from the commissioner of patents u notice of
allowance , dated July 2.1 , IH'Ji , of the appli
cation for a patent , by Cluudti Kidder of
Curlton , Minn. , on an Improved inauhlno for
mimsurmir and registering the monsuromont
of lumber , which was tiled January 2 ! ) , IS'.U ;
n notlcu of allowance , dated July 'M , 18W , of
the application for a trademark , by MrUord ,
Brady comnany of Oiniili ; ; , Neb , "to bo ap
plied to cliecso , which was Hied July 20 ,
Ib'J'ja ' notice of allowance , dated July 20 ,
IS'JJ ' , of the application for u patent , by Rob
ert Chudwick ofSuiunur , Neb , , tor Improve
ment lu uojk ruler * . which was filed Juno 'J5 ,
IS'IJ ; u notlcu of allowance , Jatod July ! > 0 ,
Ih'Ji. of Uio application for u trademark , by
Fred Ivrug Brewing company of Omuhn ,
Neb. , to bo upnltoJ | o lager boor.
Which was flluJ Murcli y.'i , 18rJ ! ;
u notice of ollovvunca , of the application for
rclisuu of patjnt No. 4IH.1U ) , for 1'uprovo-
incuts in plant transplanting machines , by
LiJICoitS. Uundorion of Iloloit , Wls. , which
was Illod MuyJI , Is'JJ ; n patent on San
FraucUcO , Ual. , homoUo id entry VJTS In
favor of Mrs. Uuadalupa Maduro of San
FtancUco for 115) ) aero * of laud : a patent on
Los Aiiuelos , Cul , , ca > h entry i\\Sit \ \ m favor
of Kurt Auuufct Bouhinu of San Luis
Kqv , Cal. , for IUJ acres or land ;
pensions to the following named : John
Uovell of Btlllwator , Minn. , JxOU per month
from Doeomlier U ) . Ib'Jl ; Charlus Urltton ,
Kill ) Ctimlng st. , Omatia , Nob. , JI'J.OO per
month troni September is , IS'Jl ' , uiuiuractol
Juno'7 , IS'.M , und \x'uoolor U. Liucliloy ol
\Yatsonvilti ) , Ctil , , who Is granted n rostorj-
tion of pension at $1.1)0 ) per month from
JutitH , l&S.
DHlllU of ( liu llrutli ill VDIIII lli'rl' Anlt-
lilini ,
Too body of Uort Aultman , tlio youne man
who was dcowiiod in Ciit-OIT lake , wus
recovered between U anil IJ o'cloui : Satur
day iilt ht.
Aultman was accompanied to the lake by
three frlonus from South Omaha , John
Mooklo , WillUm Campbell and James Bate
man. They hired n boat at the west und of
thu now motor bridge near the Hammond ,
Ice house and rowed down the lake alinoit to
the Swift Ice house on tbo north side
of the lalto. Aultman , Campbell atu
Bnttorraan stripped olT their clothoa and
went in bathing whllo Muckle romalnud In
the boat. Aultinnn could a\vlm a Itttlo nur
ventured into deep water , Ho sunk \vbai
out from the bout about twenty loot am
About sixty foot fioni shorn. As ha oamo u [
he culled to Muuklu tu coino to him , but before
fore the boat could bo nullud wlthlu hi *
roach ho had gone down , never to rise again.
Mr. MacKlo plunecd into the water and
dived for his unfortunate companion , but
niloj to reach htm. Calling scmo other
Miners to their assistance the young men
began n search for Aultnmn , nut as none
could swim nxcoptlng Macklo their olTorts
wcro of no avail. Finally two of the young
non got Into a boat and rowed over to
2otK'tlnnd beach to secure help ,
Several good swimmers nnd divers wontat
inca to the scene of the drowning and began
o dlvo for the body. One of tlio number
limlly touched the body with tils feet , but
jclng almost exhausted ho could not bring
the boJy to the surface and it drifted into
lecpor water. Finally J. M. Glllnn of TUB
; ini ; tnadon lucky dlvo and found tbo ghastly
object of the search , Thu unfortunateyounc
nan lav on his buck on tno bottom In twelve
foot of water. Seizing the corpse by the
nnklo , ' Mr. Ulllau made a few vigorous
strokes and brought the body to the surface.
Other swimmers came to his assistance
and the body was taken to the shore , where
it was found that lllo xvas extinct. The body
ind boon under water over two hours. The
: oroncr was notified and the romams weio
jrought to Maul's undertaking rooms wucro
tbo Inquest will bo hold today.
The companions of the deceased were tor-
rlbly shocked at tbo sad ending of what they
oxpcctcd to be tin evening of pleasure. The
deceased was generally liked nnd was the
merriest one of the p.trty until the moment
when ho sank in Iho laxo.
Amtmmi's ' 'ulhor , who lives In Portland.
Oro. , has telegraphed that ho will bo buro
nftor the body as soon as passible. Ho started
yesterday morning.
Nugeotl Nupgotl Nuegctl Buy Big
N'ui.'b'o baking powder. ! U oz. 25 cents.
y iiurrsir.
DUcuunt AViis Ocnonilly Hull Durnur thu
I'nst AVoolt.
LONDOK , Aug. 7. Discount was dull dur
ing the past week at % per cent for throe
months nntl } { per cent tor short. Yostordny
discount was raised 2d more In vlow of
tender * of treasury bills tomorrow which
draw 1,000,000 from the market , but the
general discount business remains stagnant
with loads of tconoy almost unlcndablo.
Some gold goes to Franco without reducing ;
the Bank of England accumulation , as fur
ther supplies afn pouting in. The greatest
British railway company , the Northwestern ,
has declared u scnii-unnual dividend of ! > j
percent , a reduction of yt pjr cent on the
previous dividend. The dividend Is regarded
as u fair criterion of the general business of
the country and the announcement disap
pointed the Slock exchange. The Great
Western railway has declared n dividend of
4&/por cent , being n quarter under last joar.
During the past week every department of
the Stock oxchanco wasquiot and sometimes
absolutely lifeless , i'ht ) transactions re
corded were less than in nny other weak In a
joar. The holidays partly account for the
stagnation. Among hlch class Investments
rupee paoer decreased ? per cent owing to a
fall in silver. The India council trlfd lo
support the silver mantel by refusing to sell
council drafts below Is , 3d per rupee but
Now York operators showed a readiness tn
supply more silver than the eastern banks
could take and so forced the bare quotation
to the lowest point known : ! 3 15-10. ,
Mexican dollars , which were wanted for
the cast , inaintRlni'd their premium of a
halfpenny per ounce on the vuluo , the Ihiat
quotation being 38 3-10. In the foreign do-
nartmont the chief feature was tbo buying of
Spanish bonds on a report , that Iho govern
ment has secured sufllslont treasury bills
to tide them over present difficulties , the
price rising IJjJ per cent. Oicek securities
dropped \ \ ± per cent , mid Uruguayan 2 per
cent , the fall in cacn case being duo to de
pressing news concerning the national
llnnnccs. Enctlsh railway securities ucro
weaker , Northwestern dropped 1 % per cent.
In the American railroad department deal
ings showed a preponderance of realisations.
The public had shown no disposition to fol
low the load of the occasional speculative
spurts in Wall street , und nothing is likely
to stir the market into activity until Ameri
can prices becomesteadior with an upward
tendency. A number of H'OCKS now admit
tedly under valiii ) will then boom.
The week's varjntlons in prices include the
following : Decreases Louisville & Nashville -
villo , 1 percent ; Northern Paclllo nnd Union
Paolllo , Jf per cent each ; Central Pacific ,
Denver & Ulo ( jrando , Now YorH , Pennsyl
vania Ohio , Norfolk & Western nnd Wn-
bash preferred ' < ; per cent each ; Atchlsou
mid Missouri , Kansas & Texas , 1 per cent
each. Increases Erie , per cent ; Ohio At
Mississippi , } per cent.
Canadian securities were dull. Grand
Prunk lirst nnd second preferred dropped 2
per cent , and Grand Trunk third preferred
anil guaranteed I per cent.
Mexican lailwav fluctuated under a report
that n pool had boon finally settled ; the quo
tation advanced 3Jtf per cent , then relapsed ,
leaving a rlso tor the week of only \ per
oont on firsts and seconds. Among the mis
cellaneous securities blowers wuro weak.
AllsopslostS per cent. In mines , Hio Tintos
declined J per cent and Elmjro copper
gained nd per cent ; Eastman's advanced j
per com.
On thu rails Ilimrco.
i'Aitis , Aug. 7 , On the bourse during the
past week n fair u mount of business was
transacted and a tendency to strengthen was
manifested. Thrco per cent routes show n
rlso for the week of SJ centimes und Credit
Fonclor u rise of 17 franca. Panama canal
rose 7 francs 20 centimes -on the an
nouncement of u frc ° h scheme to rcsumo
work on the canal. The promotots pietcnd
that tbo Credit Fonder will assist the com
bination forming tbo now company , but tbo
Credit Fancier is known to mvo diltlcjltios
enough already without assuming the Pan
ama canal burden.
On the llcrlln llmirsn.
Bi'.iiux. Aug. 7. On the bourse during
the week business was quiet and nricas wcro
linn. The prospect of a commercial entente
between1 Germany urd Russia tenos to
strengthen both homo and foreign stocks.
Tlio.Until quotations include : Prussian 4s ,
107.25 ; Mo\lcan ( h , S5.00 ; Deutsoho
bank , 101. l'i ; Bocumor. 141 ; Harpeaor ,
151 ; roubles , 207 OJ ; short exchange on
London , 20.41 ; long exchange on London ,
20.3(1 ( ; private discount , I1/par
On tin * I'niuklorl Itourxr.
FiuxKroiiT , Aug 7.O.i the bourse during
the week llminclat and bank shares were
strong. Other stoc'ts ' were iiulot. The final
quotations Includu : Hungarian gold routes ,
Ul.fW : Hullan , 01.Ai ; Portuguosn , ill ; Span
ish 4OII.7.5 ; Australian sllyor rontoi , 7I.7. > ;
short , exchange on London , 2J.40 ; private
discount ls' parcent.
AM utiKti i\rti.
"Uncle's Dirllng , the Horolnn of the
Llgnthouso , " bognn a week's engagement nt
the Farnam Street theater yesterday to fair
business. Hottlo Barnard Chuso Is billed as
Its star. Tlin play Is u molodrumatlo nlTalr ,
with Its scones lulu In Alaska and Btiilsh
Columbia. Company and pluv are very or
dinary , but thu crude comedy scutnod to take
with the audiences , nnd tno ourning ship
and other spcctaoular offuuta evened favor-
ublo demonstration ? .
Dlsomo never iucsajsfully altic'ci ' tha sr
om with IUM bloj I. DaWitl's Sirsap
makes pure , now bloaJ ana onrluhes
I rum Norfolk.
George Armstrong was brought In from
Norfolk by Olllcor ICoIsor last night to
answer n charge of obtaining goods under
false pretenses , preferred by Charles HUB-
Nugget ! Nui Jtl Nt'Ul H 17 Bi
Nugget baking powder. ! )2 ) 02. 25 vents.
Qlittering Heaps of Golden Eagles Hummed
Through Omaha ,
liy n Coinpnny of Unltcil States
mill Movoil with tlio Utmost
Speed anil Caution Ono of
the Gutnlj lulks.
Just before 0 o'clock last night n trn/n con
sisting of a Pullman cir mid six coachai bo-
slue the engine pulled into the union depot
from the west und Immediately pulled out
again over the bridgo. It was un ordinary
appearing train , except for the fact that not
u ! < lgn of life was visible except on the en
gine when the engineer and tirotnan were un
duty. The windows were tightly closed.
The platforms were dosortcct and apparently
the cars were closed and empty.
Probably not 0:10 : of tne Inlf-hundrcd
lollorcrs xvbo notice 1 the deserted appear
ance of the train susooctcd that behind tbo
curtained windows was gold enough to raako
three score nt men millionaires , and that the
barred dorrs shut In a companyof Undo
Sum's soldiers , armed to the tooth and on
duty night and day to defend .tho picclous
I'lcnty of Gel < l Thoro.
But such was thu caso. The train was n
Union Pucltlu special which had como
straight from the mint nt San Francisco a *
fast us It could turn Its wheels. It was run
"wild" ever the road und everything else
had to got out of the way to fncilato the pro
gress of the cargo of golden metal. The gold
was in coin nnd $00,000,000 worth ot It was
piled on the floors of the cars. A squad of
forty men of the regular nnny was on duty
as guards. They ivoto armed with Spring-
Hold rifles nnd two galling guns wore also
amoug Iho weapons of dofuico on board.
The train arrived somowhnt sooner' than
was expected. It was reported In Nevada
Saturday night , In Chey'ouno yesterday after
noon , and an hour before It arrived the news
came that it had been stopped by a broksn
axle In western Nebraska.
No stop wus made on this side of the river ,
but nt Council 1lulls ! the remained
forty minutes for lunch. A4 soon as the
ttain stopped a cruurd with loaded illlo ap
peared on the ulatform of each car und no
one was allowed to approach them. Even
the conductor nnd trainmen were compelled
to keep their distance until the train was
ready to start.
Ono of the Giinrds Talked.
The captain In command of the troops left
the train as soon as It came to a standstill
and wont up town. Ho did not rnturn until
time to start , nnd would not talk concerning
the treasure that was under his care. One
of the guards was more communicative.
"It gives a man a peculiar testing at lirst , "
ho said , "to bo literally tramping over mil
lion ? of gold. But the novelty were oft after
the first day and the long journey is bccom-
me tiresome. Wo have to keep out of sight
except when wo stop , and that is seldom
Most of the boys would bo glad to have
somcouo make an attempt to rob the train.
It would bo a welcome roliol to the monotony
of the trip , but there isn't ' much chance-of
that. In the lirst place , no one. not oven a
good many of the railroad ofllclals. know
what the train contains. It is nut
billed at all , but just runs in
dependently of the usual regulations.
Then it would rcquiio u small army to make
any attempt upon the train with any hope of
success. Wo are all well armed and In ease
of trouble the galling guns would settle the
business In short order. "
The speclo train runs direct to Washing
ton and the LakoShoro& Michigan Southern
WHEPIXO Wvrcit , Won. . Oct. 23 , " 03. Dr.
Moore : My Dear Sir I have Just bought
the third bottle of your Tree of llfo. It is
indeed a "Tree of Life. " Doctor , when jou
so kindly gave mo that first bottle my right
side was so lame and sore and my liver en
larged so much that 1 could not lie upon my
right side nt all. There was a soreness over
niv kidneys all of the time , but now that
trouble is all ovor. I sleep just as well on
one side as on the other , and my nleep rests
nnd refreshes mo , nnd I feel the best I've fell
In fifteen years.and I know that it is all duo
to your Ti oo of Life. Yours very truly ,
D. F. JJuumr.
For sale by all druggists.
Only a 1'ew .Months ltc < | ulrml luYIilch to
Secure reunion.
According to ' .lie report of the commis
sioner of pensions for the year ending July
2 , 1S92 , the avoiago time necessary to secure
an allowance of a pension claim was thirteen
months und liftecn days. Here is whatTnu
Om : bureau lias done on its July allowances :
Charles Britten , Omaha , Neb. , nine
months und twelve days : Hunsen Wiseman ,
St. James , Nob. , eight months and six days ;
Edwin M. Park , Omaha , Nob. , seven months
and seven days ; Hairy Wilder , Omaha ,
Neb. , three months and llf teen days ; William
B. White , Olivet , S. D. . nine moutt nnd
fourteen days ; Charles A. Uutlcdgo , Onawa ,
la. , eleven months and twenty-eight days ;
John II. Dunn , Omaha , Nob. , seven months
nnd seven days ; Luclen J. Fish , Schuyler ,
NeD. , seven months and twentv-onu
days ; K W. Stucker , Onawa ,
lu. , four months und live days ;
John Otis , Irvington , Neb. , ton months and
twonty-fi vouays ; Willura L. Habor , Omaha ,
Nob. , four months imtwentyfour days :
A. B. Seay , Leslie , la. , novon months and
eight days ; Alexander Schlegel , Lincoln ,
Nob. , seven months and fourteen days ;
William II. Shields , Onuha , Nob. , seven
months und two days ; U. P. Uritton , Under
wood , la. , ton months nnd clchtoun days ;
William Barnock , Omanii , Neb , seven
months nnd ton days ; John J. Carroll ,
South Omaha , Nub. , ton months nnd eigh
teen days ; Araon MuMullIn , Oimilu , Nob. ,
eleven mouths nnd thirteen days ; Adln
Norrls , Omaha , Nob. , nine months and
twonty- four days.
Mrs. L. K. Palton , lloaKfonl , III , , writes :
1 From par-ioniil experience I can recommend
UoWltt's SiMiip'xrilla. u euro for impure
blood and general debility.1 '
Virttt-OliiHH Tni\iMliiK on rirct-UlunH TruliiH
Is wlwt passengers oxporionuo who
oust from Chluntro via Pennfilyvaniii
Short lines , Five fast trains dully , on
which you msiv on joy every comfort rail
way BClonco has Invented to instko trav-
nlinff a plor.feuro. Address Luco , 248
Clinic street , Chicago.
n , 000,000.
Vitrified paving brick for sale. Wo
will contrii'jt to deliver the above
amount within the next DO days. Uuek-
stalT Bros. Mfg. Co , , Lincoln , Nob.
Ki'tlettiitIncline / * nr liiintlr \ tltli lie id , fifty
d.iilncHch additional linden ctnt < .
hYI'M' Busan A. , nged as yo.irs , wife of M.
N. IjVtle , AUitnatO. Funeral from ivslduncc.
411. Ohur.'os ttrout , Monday afternoon at 'J
oYiook , Interment at Heuamt Mill couio-
11OYT Mary A. , ngud 111 years , wlfo of Krank-
lln lloyt. AuRiint 7. fiom iosl-
donco. il.'J Uhurlo * strcnt , Monday ufturnouu
ul U u'ulook.
Used in Millions of Homes 40 Years the Standard
Whoever wants soft
hands , smooth hands , white
hands , or aj < clear complex
ion , he and she can have
both ; that is , if the skin is
naturally transparent ; un
less occupation prevents.
The color you want tp
avoid comes probably nei
ther of nature or work , but
of habit. j
Either you do not wash
effectually , or you wash too
effectually ; you do not get
the skin open and clean , or
you hurt it. |
Remedy. Use P e a r s' ;
Soap , no matter how much ; ,
but a little is enough if you
use it often. |
" All _ sorts of stores sell it , especially
druggists ; all sorts of people use iu
If Barytes and other
adulterants of White
Lead are just as good as
: ' Strictly
Pure White Lead
why is it that all the bogus and
adulterated white leads are
always branded "Pure , " or
"Strictly Pure White Lead ? "
No one ever puts a mislead
ing brand on an article of mejr-
chandise , unless he wants to
"work off" an inferior for a
This Barytes or Baryta , is a
heavy white powder , worthless
as paint ; costing only about
one cent per pound and is used
to adulterate and cheapen the
mixture. No one ever adulter
ates white lead with an article
costing more than Lead.
If you purchase any of the
following brands you are sure
of having
Pure "White Lead ,
manufactured , by the "Old
Dutch" process :
" "
. ' ' "COLLIER"
For salei by the'.best dealers in paints
everywhere. j
If 3'ou are golnp to pilnt , It will pay you Jo
send to us for n book containing information
that maytsavc you many a dollar ; it will
only cost you a postal card'to do so. ,
St. Louis Branch ,
Clark Avenue and Tenth Streets ,
St. Louis , Mo.
Foil anil diutu , whllo but ono In a mill-
lou Is prepared fur luo dread call. Arojou
tint one , ' If not , yuir earth'y welfare de
mands tlmt you adopt prom ) t awl clfectlvo meas
ures to prevent tlio oppnach of illsoteo , or to
ernd''ita ttio malady nUlcti now aallctJ } ou.
Hare > ou
In any sliapo , form , manner or doiree ? IB llfo
renJored u wear ) burden Uy any allllulou euitt as
There U hope , there is help , ttieru IB upeedy
and permanent curw fur > oti from , uiy or allot
these Ills , In tlio wonderful tibillt ) , tlio nurvrloui
kill and the ui appni&luabta inclhuds uf tliui )
. .
Who , hi tha treutinent and cur of tltlt claw of Ulo-
tiuiti. know nini'liwurd " ( all " . . . .
M-ua 4 civ. foi tuelr lumlwiiiel ) ' llluuroted auU
lilKhly valualdq np b' ' ok of I iw fji.
foiuultutlou freo. tall iil n or aildrsn. wltb
South llth St. , N. E. Corner Hth and
Douglas ats. , Omulw , Nob.
If you are In position to take
advantage of the laws re
lating to
If you have taken up a piece of
ic Land ,
If you have made an invention
on which you desire to
secure a
You shouldcomm j li ; i" j
with the
Bee Bureau of Claims
The object of this bureau Is to give
every person holding a legitimate claim
njjainat the Kovcrnmont the advantage
of a ro-iidonco in Washington , whether
ho live In Texas or Alaska. It does
more than that. Nino-tonths of the
population of Washington would be
helpless if asked how to go to work to
secure their rights through the depart
ments. THK Bin Bureau of C.airas
gives the advantage , not only of per
sonal residence , but of thorough famil
iarity with all the machinery of the
government. It oilers
Absolute Security.
You do not know whether the average
Washington claim agent will cheat you
or not , although on general principles
you would naturally suppose that ho
would. But you know that the San
Francisco Examiner , the St. Paul Plo
necr press and the Omaha BIB cannot
afford to cheat you. They guarantee
this Bureau , ana their reputation is
staked upon the honesty und ability ot
its mnnagoinent.
The bureau employes attorneys who
Expert Specialists
for each of its departments.
Its Indian depredation CUBOS nro care
fully worked UD , witli all the evidence
required by law , and argued before the
court of claims in such a manner as to
bring out most favorably all the ossou
tial points.
Its land cases are handled in strict lie-
cordaucn with the rules of the General
Lund OlIU'o , so that no delays or com
plications ensue in the orderly facttlo-
mont of the claims.
Its patent eases are so managed as t
insure the utmost posslblu bonollt lo the
nvontor , by giving him the broudodt
protection his ideas will justify.
Its pension canes are disposed of with
the least possible delay and oxpuiiBQ to
the veterans.
Don't lofrain from consulting thn
bureau because you are afraid of the cost.
Its costs nothing to got information.
Ask as mimy questions as you please ,
and they will bo answoroJ promptly
cheerfully and accurately , without
Bee Bureau of Claims
Room 22O , Bee Build
ing , Omaha , Neb.
1316 Douglas Street , Omaha , Neb.
Th eminent ipect-dlit In nervom , chronic , prlvnlo. blood , kln n < l nnnnrrdlSKitsoi. A ropmlir na
ITKlslrroil Krodunlo In muilclne , nn ctll | < mmi nml certltlciilcs nhow. u still treating < rltb tlio ftrantcat auccei *
cnturrli.ipcrmnturrluios. lost tnnnliuo l.fomlnal wcuknon. nluht loum , linpoti > iicjr. irphlln. ilrlctnro , on
orrhooA , xlect , rnrlcorolo.ctc. Nomercnrj ueeJ. Ncn trentm nt for Ion of vital IIOWIT , Parlies unitbla to
t lt mo may be Irjsleil at liumu by corrcupon-lenct' . MuJUIn * or Initronii-nti sent br nmllorexproit i * >
ouroly racked , no timrki to Indlcntu roiucnts or inmtur. Ono personal Interflow prtlucrcJ. Coniultatloa
tree. Corro'pomlcnro itrlctlr prlvnto. Hook ( MjitarlM of Ufa ) Mat trtf. Offloo huun VB. m. to V . ok.
undnyi 10 a. 13 tu. Sunu tlHiup lor rtiMj.
pees your system
Need a
Stimulant ?
flf so. use >
For Sale at all High-class Drinking
Places and Drug Stores. If your
Dealer docs not keep it , write to
Seminary for Higher and Liberal Education of Girls
and Young Women. Specialty , Music , Art , Elocution.
. Sept. 6th Apply early.
Iliilvorsltv Plan. 33rd y ir opcni !
A "plTcantB rojrclDd U t snTtlun for wnnt of room. Addrm ,
Rev. T. Pcjtoa Walton , A. B , Pres't , Lexington , Missouri.
For the higher anil I.ll-cral Kilncntlon of elrls
anil youiiK women K | > < chillies : Jluelc , Art , Klo-
ciitlon , l'hiical Tr.ilnlnc. htfnm heat , Com
ami hot watrr , bath rooms , etc. on each floor.
2Uh S < clon lirclni . ' ipt Mil , 1892. Kor Catalogu *
MISSOURI. aildrcna AUCIIIUALO A. JUNUt , l'rc t.
T " * , , , _ . , - - ---in - - S-S- ! : null ; futlililirj llootu *
'n" ' iili " "lr"iwli. I win n , ul cilllnm liliili. muni iliroujhoul wlilmeiiu. llui.uil cell xterini lucl rooiin uunrrj
l'J < HrJSiheUMu" ! ' < la"iliil'CArfl'.lti | ' | | " ! | § of li'labe.l tr l . l , r e l heni.l Collwr lu lli Wfil h l noilou onf
" 7. irail Hci'd fu ? t'utul'euJ. AddrtM I' . MK.MU'Ki : . I'rr.ldcnt. MKrill'V. MIRHOIini.
- . . Superior advantages edncatlnc
rOtx _ yoinil ; lolllcj courwotiituuxti.or.
oiieli , MnmciH ami Art ilr r icnt lilRliMt order teuclii r uf the hint American
anilKiiropcanciiltiiH , largo mnl IH iiitlful Kround i nt bullillnei , uoiiif well
' ± HiL l ± LLy ffi , ' ; . Sr r. uTmiOTT , i . 'iftiiiiiiA.'ko ' ,
iw : youic Mi
Niw . J. W iKli , U. fc. . A. M. . Cornwall C" .
I'orVoiuiu l.nilli'N , Oien fiept. 14. U J Brtiiyear.
17 Offlcers anil T cheni. I'ri | iiirut r , Collrudilr ,
I'lillimoiililciil , nd J.Ui'rury l > i > jiiiri | : > .
( 'iiiiHirViitiirv CniirHiliiln \ lr. til and Illorn.
I Inn ihrliiiiil. lli > ullully kltmlnd In Valley ot VlrKlnla ,
onN W It , II. near lloanoUo , Ulitnitflunuirnlled , l.lo <
taat Kuuipineat. Write for Illuitratud cataluiu tu
CHAH.J , . COUKL'.binu. , Molllnn. Tu.
Soinlimry for Young L-ullos. Oiniiha ,
Bishoj ) Worthington , Visitor.
Rev Robert Dohevty , S. T. 1) ) . Rector
FallTormB gins Wocln sduy , Sept
For Cut'ilojruo and nniatcmliire , apply to
tlio roctort
Elastic Stockings
Weak Llms
Varicose Veins
Swellings , all
sizes. Abdo
minal Suppor-
Icis , Deformit
Braces , IVIedi-
cinal Supplies.
S2B&I * CO MI ? AN V.
114 S. 1Mb St. , Next to PostOffiCtt
National Bank. \
Capltitl $ .10U,00
Surplus . . $05,000
Olllconnnil Dlroitori HourW. . Yutei , ( iroddonl
It. f , Cuklilnif , vlcu iiruildun ) , O. H. Mnurloa , W. V.
Mor e , Jolinj , CullliM J. .N' . 'I. ' 1'atrlcK ,