THE OMAHA DAILY BEE ? MONDAY. AUGUST 8. 1892. NOTICES KOU TI1K8K , COLUMNS AHVI1HT19KMKNT3 11-HJ p.m. for tlia orcnlnn nnil until 8:3) : p. m. for llio morning or Hund r PJI- A"I I mtTortlsomcnt * In tlicio colnmnn \ < 4 cents n Trtirrt for lln t Insertion nnrt I cent n worn for tmch ilbKpnuontln ortlon.or II M \ > ff line | > or month , NiinilvortUpmontlnken for lo tlun U cent ? for thMlrnt In.iprtliin Tor mi c.iih In nilrnncp. InltlnH fUilras. irmlioM , etc. , cncli count ns n word. All nrtTortlfi-monlJi mint run eon ccntlTolr. AclTor- tUiTK , lir ro'iiin.tbiK n numbered clieck. ran IIOTO Ilin IctlnM nddrf ( ( ! to n numliorcil loiter In rnro ot Tnr. llf.K Aniwern no nildroncil will bo rtcllv droil on prcscntntlon of tlio chock. SITUATIONS WANTED. A WANTHI ) , POSITION AH (1OVKHNKS9. ( A rHint ( ; 1 ( lily who nt pru i < nt Is Instructing ehll * tlren in nrontipit toullicrn fnmllr "ould Ilkon ultnl- orpuiltlon In the north ; cnn furnlali .ho l ) t of pferoncci. Aililross ( > 0 , Iluo. M T7 8 * YOUNO l.ADV WHO UNtlKKSTANH9 HOOK- A ' < nonliiR nnd trpuittHlnif dcjlrci ponltion. Ad- rtro" (121 ( , lice. Jir.UO'o A A I.AI > Y ( ft * HKPINKMKNT AND K.M'KIU- cnro wdnlun poMtlon nn nnmo for Infnnt , or cnro nf IriTiillit. Will tnko noiltlon ns ho uankrrpcr in Klttnlt ffttnllr. Ailitrcss (133 tiro. ( > 3.1-H > - VXI'KKIK.STKII NBWSPAI'KIl MAN W1SII KB AVXI'KKIK.STKII nltimtlon to crtll i\nil nmnaRO. or locution to os- ' tnlillili rnpnlillcan nawipnpQr. lloforuncei. "r , " lOMUonnrcUtroot. Mr.73 8 A-AN lNtm < THIOJS ( , INTKU.IOKNTHKKMAN wnnt omptornicnti nponki" , romlK nnilwrltr Knallult llnentlr , nnil run Elvo imtlifnctlon nt nny klnil of work. Aililrosi U .11 , Hoe. MGM WANTED-MALE HELP. -'W'ANTKIUIAI.IMMIJS ' ' ON 8ALAHY OH COM- Jjmlsslon tn Imndlotho now patent chemical Ink erasing pencil. 'I ho uroatoit soiling novelty eviir liriidneoil ; Crones Ink thoromthly In two tonnnds : no abrasion of paper : 200 to HW per cent profit ; ono ngcnt'fl sales uniounioit tn fKO ( In nix dnyn. nnothor 1.12 In two hours ; wo want ono energetic general nitont In ench slnto nnd territory. For terms nnd particulars address Monroa Krnsor Mfg. Co , . x.HJ l.n crosse , WIs. 310 IiAUnUKIlS FOIl UAILIIOAD n Noliraskn. Wyoming or 'outh Dakota ; es ; free faro. Kmploymcnlolllce , ( XXiS. 10st. 8I6n'J- TJ-SOL1C1TOHS WANTKD 311 M'CAdllK ll'LDO. J ) M7M AI4' T ) -WANTKD. HAHNKS3MAKKHS TO STAY J'away from Kansas Cltr. Strtko there. MI3I 8 * Tl WANTKD. APHACTIOALMAN WITIISOMn J'capital to take n water mill. Address box K , Lincoln , Neb. S3S B WANTISD. H. H. I.AHOilKHH KOU WYOM1NO and South Dakota : coiicl wnioi ; ntemlr work ; free pnas. AlbrUlit Labor /KOncr , 1120 I'arnam Ml nU T > -SAJ.iAinr I'AID WKKKIA * TO KNKKOKTIC -IJaien ; experlnnco unnecD-uarr and permanent cinploTincnt. Sliuerolllce , ISIODotiKlai. S3J HJ B -K1HST CLASS IlltKAD , CAKI5 1IAKICII wants steady plnco. Address t ) 31 , lleo MCJii 8 * ) -WANTKI > , A (1001) PIANO I'LAVIIll AT HO JSonthlith. Millie llrnnch. 6378' T > WANTKD IMllOltlCUS ; vraKon f 1.75. Apply nt JJoOt 1'nicton block. Van Court .1 Leinlnt. MdlO ! ) "n-WANTKD. SAI.1IMJIAN , COOIl OPKNINU ; J 'iinliiry or commlislon. Address with ulnmt , National ( Igiir | 'uiiiiaiir | , St. Louis. Mo. Mlill la * I-IIOOKICIKPIII : : WANTKD. THOIIOUHIILY J'competent and uxperlencoit man. Addrens In own liainlnrltlnit. with reference , 1C. K. Koniinn , Jlimr. ( I. W P. A , I. Co , Oothcuburi ! , Neb.J10IJ J10IJ 13 T ) WANTIID , FlUST-CLASd llAIUIKIt AT ONCK. J'Coott wnics ; , nteady job forrkht party. Addresn \V. A. ( ireenouxh. Ponder. .M uniS * 1WANTii : ) MAN TO Ot ) TO THU PACIFIC J 'const mid take chiuuo of permanent branch for large Clilcaiio hoime : will pay nil rnnnlni ! exponsoa nnd nnliiry of I.UO per month iiudnlloir a pcreent- K on nil buslntMiiliine ; llvo ur ton years'con trnrtlf desired ; numt Invent ? 1UWJ cauli In uootls nnd mcrclinndbio to bn eirrlcd there In ntuck. and Mnnt Klvo ontlro attention to the bnMuuHi. Henry Vurnun , C05 Homo Insurnnco bnlldliiK , ClilenKO , 111. M'j-VJ b T > WANTKU. 10 MKN FOIl TUB UNION PACIFIC J > H'y"obetweiMi Clioyennoiind Pnentello , Idaho , Krcofiiro. lOUconl miners for ItockS rlnus. Wyo. Wo pur ton. 100 laborers , tD.imsters. brlduemen , ntonenion and pllrdrivorn onC. & N. W. ll'r In lowu WnKD , f..oo to KM per day. 1-reofnro. Kramer .lo'llourn Labor iiKoncy,301 South llth t. MIMI 8 " 15 U1 VOU AUK SiiUCINl : A IlKill OHADK l/pmltlon In any pnrt of the United States wrlto to Western lluslness AKcncy , luclosln.1 slnmp , Minneapolis , Minn. fB -WANTKD A FlllSr-CLASS SOIIKH IILACIC- - > smith..I. C. Jordan.innlun , Neb. Mtill 9 * B WANTKD , 100 MKN FOIt TIIK C. M. A SI' . P. Hy. CO , In lown. Wnjres , $1.73 per day , Frco faro , . KramcrVLO.Ucarn , labor nuenu30.1 South llth street. 4iil-i' ( WANTED HEEP. -vANTTj. " "A OIliLI'-ol ( nj NIIUAL 11O1ISK- work. Must bun Rood cook. Faintly of two. Apply7il ! ! : Jackson street. M2.IO -WANTKD , A ( HHL KOU LKHIT IIOUSH- work. Apply K ( i. Ili-tzol , 21th and CumlnK.M23'J M23'J r < - UOOD NUUSK ( lllllj. 2110 V Cl lcago. M571 8' C-WANTKD , OIHL IN SMALL FAMILY. HOHK- inhm or ( ierman proforrod. 3112 Woolworth nvo. C SI'.COND ( illlL WANTKD AT ONCE. ON1C who cnn wait on table. Hood wnos. ) 1005 Ilow- ard. MH13-8' C-WANTKD , LADY CANVASSHHS. JI5 to f.10 per month In own city or to\\n ; easy work. Caller or millres 171ii Webster street. MUlti 12' -IJIUL < WANTKD. MHS. J. M. COUNSMAN , 11110 C- ' erinan nvonno. Ml 12 C-WANTKD , TWO WOMKN WHO AUK WILL Imctowork. No others need apply. HWNDth. MD'JI C ! WANTKD , GOOD NUUSK ( illlL UAPA1ILK OF taklntccnroof ; n baby. Call ntonco nt 1,111 H.rJth. MC87 9 * CWANTKDj ! A VOUNO (1KHMAN tJIUI. TO ; assist In general housework. 2217 Capital nvenuo. C-WANTKD , ( HHL TO II T.KNKHAL IIOUSH- work ; two In family. J518 Fnrnnm at , MC84 8 * FOR RENT-HOUSES. X/rooms ; now block , lloom t ) , 8li ) S. 22d. 311 B-FOIl HKNT , TWO HOUSKS. Ill AND Hi 8. IBth street. Very handy tn business. Modern convenience * . D. T. Mount , ill S. llth st. 3IJ -FOIt IIICNT , IMIOOM COTI'AfIK KAST SID I ! iiit'i between Cnss and Calllornln ; lsi > u II nnd n 3 room cottnco on Cass between 9th ! nnd 4.'lth . II. T. Clurko. ill ) Hoard nt Trade. Plume Illi M2II TV KOH HKNT , 310.1 JACKSON ST. . PHKTTY J/now KOvcn-room Cdltnue , nil modern Improve ments. FJJ. Fidelity Trust Company , 1014 Farnam. Mai D-FOll lllI.Vl' . COTTAIJK OF FIVK HOO\iS ON miilor lino. InqulruS. W. Cor.I'tli ' and Donglns. D. 10-IIOO.M 1IOUSK. CK.NTHA1.LY LOOATKD ; rnrnarniind all modern Improvununts. 7t > i N , Ilitli Htrovt. ; M l l FOIl Itl T , YOU MUST APPLY AT ONCK Jyif you woiihUecuro thu hint hut Hnest of thote lieautlfitl l.ufayt'tlo Place hoine.4 , cor. list nnd l.nfayetlo nve ( Nulnon nt. ) . Open for Inspection. I'ldrlltyTrimtl.'o. . 1011 Fnrnnm. .1.11 | 1 6-UOOM HOUSi : , MODKItN , ClINTHAL TO J 'huslncss.KOOil repiilrs. Apply C. S. Kluutlnr , llootiM , N. Vi I.lfo biilldlmf. . 4W TV-STOIIKS. FLATS. I\VKI.II.N.S AND fOT- 4/luxt nil parts of cllr. Kilkenny ! i Co. , Contl- n.ajitnl.lilk ; ; ; j FOII iiF aC 4 ANDs IIOOM ctvrr.rjKTivii s" . nth nvenuo , bctwoun Jackson und I.oiuen- DMIOOM FLAT. ALL MODKItN CONYIINI- fltireii , clioap : roforonees rit'iulriid. Wrlk'ht Jt ivml lliiwnrd , .Mlil'.i 8 D-.vii'K I.IIOO.M iiousnv. ! nANioi > ( { sts. , f IS & 0 , Jloiws A Hill , UU3 Furnam st. I ? ) It D - . HUNT , FINK LAIK.K DINI.NC UOO.M , ' > nVantry , etc. Inqulru.til Soutn Slth st. st.L. . n-HO , II ) IIOOM MODKIIN IIIIICK DWKLLl.Nd JCii" trmt. ! ( .L OroornilHvlUiitf Doduo street , c > rner. flfiJi roniu dni'llliiK Vlrvlnlu avenue. fli , 10-roiimdnolllni : Virginia ntcnno. 1(5,10 rvom nioiluri ) dwelling Mil street. IX 10 room dntlllnt ) | ISIil fhlcnco street. fr..CO.U rooin flat In sleam healed building. I''j , elegant lint. I ) rinniu and bath. Inqulro Neth- orton Hull. WO ttJSth street. .MC75-12 7iFUHNIt'lllD ' IIOOM WIl'H IIAT1I , M SIONTH" ' .UOHVi'iirnani. . JQ ; E-Z Oil' j'jtOOMS , HOUSKKIKi'lNi. aJUi h'F . IAIIY'8. Li MISS n 30. 77-.1 HOOILS" Will IIOUSKKKItl'IMI Foli MAN Jesuit wife ; runt taken In toaril. uiv N , nth et. 444 1 ? MOJiKUN CONVKNIKNCHS , IlKKKllKNCKS -JCII N. Iblh. itfj n2 < T-FDHNiailKD IIOOMS TO IIKNTWIT1I ALL modern ciuiri ulviivva. Wl Douiilus tr et. Eu0 .Q . 0FHi ' ' -I-MiaK.NlCKFUUSlSHKDHOOM FOIl ONB JUor two K nlU > uieii Knijulre b S. 18th st. C31 8 ' -KUIINiSHKO 1100US. Ill bO. IOTII hT. Mil 8 l.V HOOM8 > 0ll HKNT. KUUN1HIIKD bl | l7 ' * Jf urol.B d. suaai h l. KOI boutb ItU. tin ( FOR RUNT-FURNISHED ROOMS. Contlnwtt. 1-T\VO KHO. > T PAItLOHS AND HOOMS FOIl I 'light housekeeping. Stcnm heat and gas 701) So 10th nt. MGI8 U * E-NKWLV r-UUNlsiIKD IIOOMS , SlfiV. 1HTII ST * 6.W b & E-3 NICK IIOOMS VIIHNISHKD FOU I1OUSK kecplngon St. Marr'x nvrntic Lamn Uwn , shade , etc. U. F. Hulls , MJsouth 17th it. , lieu hldg (118-sJ ( li'-SKCOND KLOOIl OF COTTAOK rUil NISI IKD -1-Jfnr housekeeping J01SI Howard street. .Mu73-I0 * E-.KUUMSIIKII . IIOOM , M01IK1IN CONVKN1- enccs,317 8.2fith streqt. tm 6 * FURNISHED ROOMS AND BOARD. - IIOUMS AT TIIK MKUUIAM. If-PLKASANT 1 740 a 13 * -rv/.x HKNT. FUIlNI8Hii : ) OUHUNFIlNlSIIKD j rooms ! modern conveniences. Hoard If desired. 2130 Hnrnoy. Ml II * HAND HOOMS , 1011 DOUHLAS. OH UNFUIINISHKD WITH X1 board. (124 So. 20th stroot. Mt.Si FOR RENT-UNFURNISHED ROOMS. -1 Oil 3 IIOOMS AT ( XW N. 13T1I ST. G 9)8 AM' -1 FIIONT IIOOMS , M. W. COK. 1GTII ANIJ "xjavcnwortli. 519 V FOK KENT-STORES AND OFFICE 3. -KOIl HUNT. THi : 4-STOIIY IIH1CIC IIUIMHNO BIBrnriiiimst. Tnoliulldln * Ims 11 llroproof oo- niont bnseniont. complete ntisntnUontlntf llxtttrPsi wntcronnll tlui lloorn , 11.11. otc. Apply nt tlio olllco of The Iluo. VI8 BENT-MISOELLANEOUa. 1-LAHOH I1AIIN AT liri'll AND I10WAHD ' strcols. room for 8 horses , wnwns , cite. ; nil co n- vcnloncoj. Also houses nndruotuj. U. H. Hulls , 220 South 17th streJt. M2I7 AW WANTED-TO RENT. K -WANTKI ) . HV SHI'T. 1ST , IIY MAN AND wlfo , anmll cottmo. d < Mlrr.blr locntpd nonr to em. Kent not over JJOW. Ailitro.iilCXi.lloo K WANTKD , IIV MAN A.kjl ) Wlh'K , HOOMS ( uafiirnUhccl preferred ) nnil board In prlvnto family near l.oavomtortli itrcvt car Iluo. Aildrrss tl 4D. llco. SICT RENTAL AGENCIES. L KKNTAIi AUKNT.OUO. J. I'AUUIKU KAHNAM t. , rankos npeclnltyof runtliiit hotiioi , store" nnd tlati < ! t cnrlnx for rontnt properUoi. Torino ronn'blo. 101 n3J * STORAQE. -DIIV , CLKAN & PHIVATKIA" STOIlKIl KUIl- M nlturo,1207 Douslas. Onmlin Stovollopalr works. Sl.WJ WANTED-TO BUY. T FUHNITUIIK 1IOUHI1T , SOLD , bTOUKD. t Welts. 1111 Fnrnum st. 340 ' - - HOOKS HOUtJllT FOIl N'-SKCOND-IIAND cash at Antluinirlan book store , lil J Farnam L MKK ) A 2a * N' WANTKD , TO IIUY A 1 OH 1 THOUSAND ilniK slock In n town not loss than 1.0JO Inlinbt- tnnti ) In southeastern Nebraska Address until AuKUst 17 , ( i : ii lleo. mU37-.i' \VANTKD TO itiiv A IIOMK.SKVKN TO NINK > rooms. Kood lot , and modern conveniences In hnuso. Will pay from f.i.UUJ tn tl.UlO for what 1 want ; nil cn h prufern-d Would prefer n piice In llnnscomo place nddltlon , west of IjeorKlu nvcnuo. Address C 49. Heo. MI7IJ8 ! FOR SALE-HORSES. WAGONS , ETC. - ) > WOIIK IIOH3HS forailnrliuip for cash or on easy payments , at stnhlo 21th anil Clark sts. _ 71lal2' P-FOH PAI.K. A SIXTY-DOLI.AH TOP 11UOOV , for $13. IX ) . II. K. Cole. Continental block. 2O 1FOH SALK. A FAMILY 110USK. 1NQUIHK 1SOJ FaTnamst. 51 S3 P-KOII SALW , nooi ) TOP nunoY , LITTLK I uwd , ehenp. W South I7th street. M5.I7 1FOIl SALK. SIX IIOHSHS , FOUH WARONS und harness ; no question about prlco ; rome and poo. Fldelltr 1'iim tiuiirnntoo Co. . corner I.'jth nnd llnrncy ts. , llooiu 4 , Wlthnoll llldg. , James Kast , nmnaKer. M.f > 73 1)-FOH SALH , IIOHSH AND IIUGI'.Y , MO. IN' ipilro-MlU Kmmct street. MUI7-U * F.OR'S AXE-MISCELL ANEOtJS. - half mllofrom nowtown , near Hastings. Nob. Call on owner , IP. ' N. 10th BU , room 20. 403-8' FOltriALK. A MUllY-ao-HOUND , AT IjAICK Q Mnnawa. < iood rcnHona for Belllntr. Goolirlnf ; & hutton , Council Ulufls , la. .TO ' .I * Q-FOll SALK , A NKW UNIVKHSAL KKVBOAHD llnnimond typowrltcr. For particulars and sample of work , address Her. James M. Welch. Qulmby. In. JIW15 - SA1.K PUHK 11HOWN LKOHOHNS. Q-FOIl Hey C. Minor , 1'JU North 23th nvcnuo. M U70 8' Q FOH8ALK , FIFTY THOUSAND YAHDSOP cedar paving block ) . CulllEiin Cedar Co. , West Superior , Wts. Ml-nlJ * MISCELLANEOUS. n-f Ii.000 WANTKD KOU 4 1'HAHB AT II PKH -lAconton ttubstantlally linprovod brick business property worth t.W.000. The income from the prop erty Mill pay the Interest nearly three times over ns It now la , nnd yet the runts will stand u healthy Increase. Address C : : u lleo. M7U5-10 * 1J-.LAIlis : CALL AND LKAHN AIIT PAINT- -IVlnc ; learn perfect In ono hour , prlco M , equal to hand palnthik. HU North Ilith street ; room a ) . 472 b' ) WANTKD. GKNTH5MAN IIOOM MATK. 2130 vllnrnoy. btU-lt * CLAIRVOYANTS. S-.MHS. NANNIK V. WAHHKN , CLAIHVOYANT , reliable busluevs inodlnm , llfth year at ll'j N Hith . ETC. KI/K mal baths , ecu Ip nil d hair treatment , munlcuro and chiropodist. Mrs. Po9t , l9. rl litliVlthncll blk 3SO _ r\i \ MADAMK SMITH 1IJ1 DOUHLAS bTUKKT , J- room * , Miluor. Alcohol , sulphur and son bn.hs M Mi 12' ' | i-.MAlAM STOWK , MA-SSKUSi : ULKCTIUCI AN 1.302U Prattytrcot. MlKJO IS' rp-MMK , LA IIUK. MASSAUK , 411 ! "BOUTll JLlMh street , Sd Hoar , Hat I. * MiUl 0 * PERSONAL. T A. , VK8. ADDHKSS AS USUAL AT HASTi MllKS , II. K'MI'l' MUSIC , ART AND L ANQUAQE. \r- \ < 5KLiKNiTTck. : " n.CvIo TTfAcnKlft. ' lth llonpo , or N.W , corner 15th A , Ilnrnoy. UI3 V"-TlKFOim"ilTlY1NU A PIANO li.XAMlrTis'FiTK i new ncalo Klmbiill planu. A.lluspu , 1M3 Douulas. M \\r- U KANL'rATlAA < S.'r' > 7 " "rKlejKNT ii no nddlllnnul ehnruus for commission or attor ney's feus. W. ll.'Mulkle , First National Hank hldu. ast w- LOANS U O. WALLACK , IJI3 1111OWN 1ILK. ' \\r-iioN-r KOHIJKT THAT WK AHK MAKIMI I low rnlus on Improved and unimproved loans on Omnhn proiuirty. No dolny nnd all business transacted at tlil olllco. Fldullly Trust company , lull FiirnnmilrooL yjj \r-MOXKY TO LVAN AT IAWK.ST HATKs" * ' elty or farm property , Uuo , J , Paul , PWi A\r-C. F II.MUU ON , HUN , Y. 1.1 KK. --PrfllCICNT MONF.V-N1U' TO HOllltOW- cr on Omaha pity property , No extra clmruus of nny kind. Why pay til.'h rates ? .Mono- cheap You can gel full hunoiltof low rates from Ulobo IAJIIII nnd Trust Co. , lull und IKidne. 337 N IMPIUJVKD AND I/NIMPIIOVKD ' ' city propcrtyM.uio ami to S per cunt. No delays. W.FurnaiubmUh.C Co.IStbanil llarnuy. ua _ _ \\r-OJI ATT A R.UMNlTa HANJv MAHIW LOANS ' ( in real ostutHiit liiHost markut rules. Loans mnilo In small or lark'o sum's anil fyr thort Or loni ; time , No commlnKhm U chariteil und the loans uro not sold In thu caul , lint can ulnny * hv found at the bunk on thu corner nf 1 Jth nnd Douglas streets , BO ) \\r iao , xrro IXJAN ON uufciNKSs PHOPKHTV , ' ' II per cunt , lieu. J , Puul , IOU Farnam Btrevt. r ONI : AND TVVO'YKAII U > ANS ON OMAHA lots ur Nebraska farms , old mortum.'ua now itiio 14 other .companies extended nnd carried by' us ono or I wo years without now papers. Write full particulars , ( toed A Sulby , XII lloanl Tmdu blti ' H75 A -CUNTUALLOAN i TllUbl' CO. , UKK ilMilf \ \ r-MONKY TO LOAN ON IMPHOVKI ) CITY 'I property , low rate. A. 0. Froit , Douglas blk. W ANTHONY LOAN AND THUST CO. , .118 N. V. Llfo , lauds at lour rates fur cholci ) security on Nebraska or lowu farms or Omaha city property VI l'lilVATK MONKV , 1ST AND si MOllTU AOK I' loans , low rates , AUXMoord. 4J1 U blJ : 8- MONEY TO LOAN-REAL ESTATE. \V-MONKY TO LOAN ON IMlMlOVKD OH UNImproved - ' Improved Omaha property at liiweot rstos on short notice. Caib on hand. Fidelity Trust com pany , 1611 Fnrnnm street ' SJ9 MONEY TO LOAN-CHATTELS. X IP YOU WANT MONKY ON KUHNITUHK. P1ANO3 HOUSKS. WAOONS , CALL AT Till ! OFF1CK OF OMAHA MOHTdAflB LOAN CO. AND OP.T TKHMS 1IKFOHK DKAL1NO KLSKWflKHK. Loans mndotn amounts from HO to f I3.1W ) nt the lowc t rates on very short notlvn wltliont pub licity , nnd with the prlvlteito of keeping your Koods In } our own possession , You can pay thu money bnck In any amounts yon wl'hanclat nny time , nnd each paynfnlso made will reduce tha cost of the loan In proportion. 'I hero will bo no expense or chnrxo kept out of the amount wnnloil , but you nll | receive the full amount of the loan. OMAHA MOHTOAOK LOAM CO. , lloom 11. Croliihtan Illock. 1Mb St. . South of Postorllco. The only Incorporated loan company In Omihh. _ HI ; i , V-MONliY TO LOAN. ; FlDItLlTY LOAN OUAHANTKl1 : CO. : On honseliold goods , pianos , oritann. horses , mnlCK. wnitons , etc , nt the lowest possible rales , without publicity , removal of property or chnnico of poiscslon. Pnymonts of nny amount can bo inado nt nny time , rcilnclm ; both principal nnd Interest , thus Klvlni ; patrons nil the botiollts of the partial pay ment plan. Money nlwnvs on hand ; no delays ; no publicity ; lonest rates ; biMlnnss confidential. HDKLITY LOANtJUAIlANTKl ! CO. , U. 4 WltlmolUllk. , 15th nnd llurney. Slit V WILL LOAN MONKY ON ANY Kll ) OF SI5- -'Vcnrlty ; strictly conlldentlal. AiK Harris , room 1 , Continental block. idlj X -I'lllTUIIAUD , 31 UOUULAS I1I.K , 1U A X MIATTKlj LOANS MAIK ON KUIIXITUUU. plnnos , llvo stock , etc. , without publicity or re moval property nt the lowest rntos nnd the onsloit pnymunts. Dull Uroim , rooms S und V llarkor block , 367 X -SHOUT T1MK LOANS ON CHATTEL security , BOS N. V. Llfo. l'7i ) A21 X MONKY IS CIIKAI . HO 01' TO $10,03) loaned on nny ulmttol security by VV. ( i Wood , nKent for Nebraska Lonn company , 1310 DoiiKlns street , up ntnlrt. 705 X RO.OOO TO IXAX ONCIIATTKL SHUIIKITY builnossconUdontlat UoouHOl Knrbacli block. 6SH 8l BUSINESS CHANCES. Y--MKAT MAItKKT HHl 3ALK tillRAl'i HKST location In city ; ilolnir c.nh huslnun of (50 a ilny. I'oorlionltli eniiRoof soiling , AiUlro" > O 18 , Iluo olllcc , Council UlullJ. MiU7al9 Y-FOIl 8ALK 25,000 1IUSIIRL 8TKAM OKAIN ulcrator , tlrst-clais In every ro.ipitct nnd dolnc n Kood pnyliiR biislnos1 * , lociitod In ono of the licit KrnlriKrowliiK district ! ) In UiostMo. Addru-n Lock llox 10 , Wood Illvor , Nub. S * B Y KSTALIS1IKDGUOCKHY Foil dAIil ! , DOINO uood busliiesiit titock and tlxtureo Inrolco tibout JlHX ) . Aildreis 1 ! 10 , Iluo. < > JO II' " V KO11 SALH , M1JAT MAUKKP IN SCIIUYLKII. J Neb. , 3.UUO population ; only ono other miirkct In tliocltrcholco location , next to pontolllco : rent renxonnbtc. Apply nt once to Jamei Uroun , Hcliny- lur , Neb. j.'iS U . Y WANTKD , AN KNKKOKT1U DUSINKSS MAN with HCino capital to ruanaKO the bunlueH ! * In this city of a coinpany liundllnir nnd promoting Iintlnc93 entorprlsos. Western lluslnoss AKcney Jllnnuapolls , .Minn M577 fi * THOUSAND iMti.Mi : HAHDWAHI : lowu town , four thoiiHtind Inhabitants , for tzood pa por. Muku full ollt'ls. Lock llox iii ) , Btuart. Neb , _ JIUJI l Y MILL MACHINHIlY KOU SALH. KNTIIHJ outfit of ilia Dlxon Mllllni ; company coimUtlni ; of thirty-two pets of rolls nnd uthur machinery In proportion , will bo Hold regardless of the orlMnnl cost nnd In quantities to unit buyorn. Mill bulldlnit to bo converted at once Into an electric ponemtn- tlon. For further Information wrlto CO Dlxnn 1' , lilxon , 111. MOW U V KOH BALK , A SMALL. WHLL FUKNISIIIM ) - 1liotol , barn , carrhiKO nhed.'hUHnnd team , outnldo sample room. otc. All for $311110 , 8I..WI cash , bal- aiicd lonK time. This liotol Is located In the hand- touiUMt small town In lown nnd liai nil the com- merclal buslnc-ti It can uttcnd to at J.i.1'1) ) per day. . Ill health uompols the aalo. Clias. 1 * . llunjainln , ] 60j ( UodKO St. Mu > 4 V * A' TOWNS TAKK NOT1CK 11' YOU WAST A JL good brickyard In ' your vicinity. Address U4l , Hen , uninlin. .Null. * ! ) ' _ _ \7--II' "VOU AUK SKKKINO A IIUS1S1SS Ol'l'OH- -1 tunlty In nny line of business wrlto for our bul letin , liicloilnuitnmii , Wouteru liunlnoss Agency , Minneapolis , Minn. V tOll SALK OH KXCIIAMJK. IIKN TAL I'KAC- I tlcoofJS.OOU In Lincoln , Nob. Address Mnrslmll llros. , Omaha , Neb. J10'J2 8 Y-J200 WILL : 11UY A OUTTBtl AND KGG. bnnliiCBs with many customers If taken at once U W , Hoc Wi V FOR EXCHANGE. Z CLKAN STOCK OFOKNHHAL M'D'fl'B : WILL taUo real estate i , money.loi-"Jj , Frankfort , Ind. 251 r/ WHAT HAVK YOU TO TUADK FOIl LOT 2 /Jblock 2 , Hoggs X Hill's tlrst addition ? Lot Is on Dodxo Htrcet. one lot west of corner of 23th , und Is clear. Address K 11 lloo. t > 5.l / - NHHUASICA FAHSIS TO U.VCIIAMiK FOIl city property. 11. J. Kendall , 11. 401 , Drown blk MiiMnIB _ . -FLOUHING MILLS , ONU AT"HAMITON , Nell , nnd ono nt St. 1'atil , Neb. both 80 barrel ; tnodern machinery ; no liicnmbrnnco ; will take good farm lands ; owner over 70 yonri old , Koine out of business. J. J. Ulbson , 1st National Hunk bulldliik' . FOIl KXCHANUK. A MODKItN HUSINKSS block In the heart of tlio city , pays over 10 per cent net , wants ( I.OJJcusli , tlio balance nny kind of Booil property , or will uiclmuue the ontlro for niercliandlso ; mutt bo do no quick. 1'rlcC JIO.OJO. Address K i7 , life. M3.J08 V FOIl SALK OH KXCHANOK , COTTAGU fronting eoutli on Ctnnlnu street In Carthage ad dition ; seven rooms , pantry , closets ; force pump , cistern , cesspool , cemented collar ! well built and tlnlshed In hard plnunnd oak. Price , ti'tOU. Apply to W. L. Solby , 3.14 Chamber Commerce ) . COS Z-KOIl KXCIIANGK. IIISAU'lIFUL MODIHIN homo on motor line for stock hardware orgon'l indie , land or elty property. What bavo you'/ * . O. llox 7'.H ) . 53MII y-Fou ixciiANou : , PIANOS AND OIIGANS fJto exchange for wattorn lunds , lots or mart- pigos. 1C. \Vntrous , .M.urlilon. Conn. MUI5 11 * y-roit nxciiANGH. A STOCK OK GKNF.HAL /-J murchniHllHO for lands und cash. AddroMi 11. W Wutklnit \ Co. , FranKfort , Ind. .Mi , ' . > blU' r/ roil SALH Oil IIXCHANGK FOIl IOWA /-J property.ono store building nnd rtttoiling und Block of groceries ; nlsu printing press , paper unit tlxtures. Aildreis U. W. Noblu , I.Ill wood. .Neb MIU7-'J' y TO ICXCUANOK FOIl ( lOOD LAND ANY- f.i where In .NebrVHka , n water power mill prop erly , Including u beautiful residence , outbuildings nnd font teen acres of Intnl. 1' . W. llenrluli , C'uluiulHiK. Nob. MtfJl H y-CITV rilOl'KHTY HIUNGlNtl IN < iOOl > 'UKNT /Jana some cash , fora stock of hlilJw'nrfl or dry tioods. Address G M , Hue. y-GOOD FA1IM LAND KOU A &TOCI OF'MKU- A/clmudlso. Address G 47 , lice. _ MoM-)2 ) < -WILL HXCIIANG15 CITY IMtOl'lIHTY Oil pay part cash for liotol , borrdlng homo or dlnlugliull business. Address G 17 , lleo. FOR SALE-HEAL "wi SALK W. U Selhy'K First nddltlon to South .Omiihu ; mall payment down , balance inoulhly If desired , Inquire G , II. Tcschnek , Oiiintm Iloe. Ml T-VKSHIAIILK FAIIMS FOII SALK cairAUWKLL J-'lmproved farms In Douglas , Wninlnxlon , riaiia- dvrsand Kruiitlur eonntles. Farm land * In Hair son , lllttln-iirl , llarlan , Fnrnai und Alarrlek conn tlci ; tormaeiisy. Write or call on W. II.Mlllnrd Omiilia Midi IS I7O1I SALK-ltUSINKSS AND IlKHIDKNCK I'ltOI'- -I orly In Soutb Omitlin , will bo sol J ul n uncrltlce , AddrmsG 6. Ueo dlllco. til 8 * GOOD NKIIIIAHKA KAHM LANDS TOIl CASH at n.OO per acru. This Is innap m u tpeuulntlon. S. K. Humphrey. W8 N. t. Lift ) . WHO. 17011 SALK. LOTS. I1LOCK 2. 1IOOG8 A HILL'S I-1 llrst nddltlon. Kntlraly cfear. Addreti K 11 lleo omit * . yyi IJHW SALK-HOU8K AND LOT ON COIINKIl -L I < envcnwortli naJelulitli I root , nearendoflot to UnionI'ncltlaynrd. ttU.ivonworlli. Mllil b * HOUHK AND LOT ON I'AHK AVKNIIK rOll luloortrndu lor farm liuiil. Opposite Ilanscom park , Flnnst locution In HID city , eight room liousoMltli nil modern luiprorduiuntd. Inquire at 'ark nvenuo. Jla alb MUST IIK BOLD AT ONCK. THAT IIKAUI'IFUL lot , 62 x140 foul with il-rooni cotugfl. sonthoant corner ll'lli ' und Luke. No reasonable oiler rulusad. J. II. Johnson.HUN. Y. Llfo. gn 10 li'Oll BALK-G1IAIN HLKYATOUS , IMI'ltOVUD 1 land , town and city propdrty , J , C Morrlmuy , Lincoln , Neb , l OU SALK , DWKLLIN(3 1IOUHH. KAbTOK 1ST Convrogatlonnl church , to ba removed. A. I' , Tukuy , New York Llfo , U.M j VV-ANTK7) . 1'LACK NKAIt I'AUK. I Wanted , farm. Union Co. , la. Wnntud , farm , Valley Co , . Neb. WHiitoil.rJ.MOeottauo at a bargain. Wanted , plecu bu lne property. Wanted , mtburbau itoreroom , vheap. Wanted , lii cotttito for good touant. . Wnnted. iiurolinsui for 8 per cent mortgage. Wonted , ad iiurcont choice louu , b Wanted , fie uouto for food tenant. U. f. llariUuu.VU N. Y. I.lfo.o FOR SALE REAL ESTATE. IjVW SALK. COTTAUKHnXM. HOOMS COK X 27 IU and I avrntrortli streets. Aildre I ) 14 Hoc "Ji Mnsi > .i3 ' " ; f.t.orjo. ciioicK corrX'"jtij ; LOWK AVK. Tfi.ioo , flno lot In Wcst'Ktifl. J..VUO. Rood building lot ) I. own a e. 2.7W. lot on pared ctrpptt Hnn cntn plnco , t.l nixi , taut ftont cottnih'llnn ! > rom plnco. f..TtO , 7-room honsn nrojiBijrner lot. JMHK ) , full lot near L , f-mitii Diunln. f 1.200 , modern liOUBP , llffrconi plnco , H.tO ) . modern lion > e , IfllpiHolon avo. fl.dOQ. plnco ncorSith lupl.ilnrry. All KiMKlrn flip. ? C. F. HnrrlMin. CI1N. VJUfo. M88 _ LOST. _ _ OST ; llltl.NDIiK ANIjSVfllTKnULLTlillHIon. can cllppad , Ipathcrcliltnr with nnmo. Upturn to J. C. Schrclver. Ko.tMtli nTonnn. MC3J 0 LOSTiuToWN WATKH SPAN lK\i \ DOG , WIIITK breast , rear on bock , leather collar , \ > tnsi piul- leek nnd tag with owner's nnmo and adJrc'si nMo llccino Ing IK ) . Itoturn to W. U. Hodman , ltd S. 2jtlist and receive reward. 6814 * TAKEN UP. fPAKKN UP COW. OWNKIt CAN HAVK BAMK I. by calling at I42JS. Kill nnd paying expenses. I N C TON For Sale , Rent or Exchange BEST IN THE WORLD I Jos. P. Megeath , Dealer , 1607 Farnam Street. OMAHA PROPOSED CHANGE OP GRADE. ORDINANCE NO. 187. An ordinance ilt-tiitirliur lliu neeosslty of clinneliiR the tM < lo of : i'.lth street from Tow- . Inrnvpiiito to Amus nvontiu , nntl appointing thruodlstiitoiiislurl appraisers to assess niul ( InUirinlnc thu damages to pipporly mvnor.s , which may bu uausod bv such chnnio of criulc , nnil onlorlntr tlin 'oltv eualucor to innUo n urolllo showing snob uhnimo Holt oriliilnun by the olty connell of the ulty of Onmhn : Si utluri 1. That It Is proper niul nocossnry , nut ] It Is hereby doclnruil piopor anil noco-i- snry to change tlio Kr.ido of ; i3th ttrent from I'owlor nvcnuo to Ames nvonuo. so Hint s-itd itr.iiluolovatlons will bu ns follows , thu ifrnilo butwoun the points 'cltud holDi : uniform straight linos. Klovnthm Elevation of West of Kast C'tlrb Curb South curb of Fowler uvo- iino. HH established ' 'Oo.O A point 150 fuel sotitli of Fowlur iivunno. , 210.0 2100 North curb of Amos Avenue nsostnhltuhod Section ? . Tlint the city aixlnour bo , nnd hereby Is , Instructed to nmUu n profile show- Insr such prhpusnil olmnjfo of itrnUix Suction.I. That the mayor , with the np- iiiovnl of thu city council nppolnV throedj.sln- tnroil nppnilsers to tiopr/Uso / , nsiosi niul < lo- tt'rmlno thuilnniHKO to property owners which nijiv bo uuusi'il by stiuh chntigoof Krnrti ! . lnk- liiu Into uoiislnornlloti In making snnh np- pr'ilscmonl , thu spoclal bunollts , If nny. t6 such property , by ro.iaon ot snob change of SooMun 4. That this ordltnncu tnlto nlToot and bu hi furco from -jml nftor Its pussn u. L'asscd , July 23th. lM , . JOHN OUOVE3. tiltvOlork. PiWt'lont Ulty c'oune.11. Aprnve l , July SSUi. 1-Wt - . tJKO. I' . HEM IS , 1 . " Mayor. O. 31)0. ! ) An ortllnani'u ortierlu . the irradliiR ot Slh R'rrut from I'lno stfcnt to rraoc 3 struut , iiiitlillrootlni ; the boVftl' ' of public works to take tliu iiHi'o-isitry atom to canst ; s'lld work to IMI dorm. , , > _ ( Ilu It ordalnod by tno city ommoll of the ulty ofOntalia : IJJ - Soutltm I. Whorons , pgr naiiunt ir.idps li'ivu been ustnhlUhml upon , and iippr.iU r hav bi-oti duly nppolntod by law. to appralsu the ( likiiiutius fiinsud by Ihd brauliiff of Sth Htrcot fiom I'lnnslrout to I'rAlu-cs strunt. and have ijiiinnios to thuuity council , ivhluh hits formally adopted t'lO Tiniu ; and. whereas. propflttv o\vnbrs , ro irAi.1. ! ! ! ! ii.oru tliiin tliroo-llttlis of'Uie projuity [ ; nluiUlni.on . said purl Inns of tlio "atrnot.ji.iove Hpucltlod , liafo pi'lltlonod the , ulty countl ! to''d stroit israded t > > the piosorit ostnMisliHd'Brudc. ' with out dinrge to the clty.daud thtit tliivviist ) > o nrido payublu In tun uqtial InMallmniits , thoroforo. 81 li strcut from 1'Jni1 sttcot Vo Krali- rfs street , bu'oiiYT hiiroby Is oKdefod grnded to tbo present cstablNbed'Rnidi' . K Pectlon' ' . Thaltho bonnl of imljllo works bo and huroby ts/llrojtiil / ; to. tnkotlM , necessary stops to cans' ! ) satd wortf to'bo'dritie , rioutlou U. This ordliinneo shall take olTeut and bu In force from nnd .if tor Itn passatu. Passed , July 20th , 1892.JOHN JOHN OUOVKS , < C'lty Clerk. K I' . DAVIS President Ulty Council. Approved July 23tb , 1S92.OKO. OKO. P. IIEMIS , Jlayor. RHILWHYTIMEOHRD Lenvai IHUULINUTON ic MO. HIVKH.I Arrives Omaha. | Depot IQlli and aiason HU. | Otualm. UNION PACIFIC. I Arrival Omaha I Union DopotlOtli nmlMarcySn.l Omihi. Leaves ICI1ICAUO , MIU k ST. I'AUII Arrlvo OinahaD | U. P. depot nnd Marov Bts. | Om.ilit 70 * > p in ChlcaKO Kxpruis I' a m 11.30 .1 in Chicago lixpress.4.iO | p m Leaves SIOUX CITY * PACIFIC. ( Arrives Omaha Depot. lOlh and MareySti. 1 Oiniht 7/JU a ml.Sioux City Pauonnor. | 10Jp m 63j p m | St. I'anl Kxpress lluou.i m leaves I SIOUX CITY A PACIKIU Omahal Depot. 15th and Wubstor sts. I Omiih I p ml. . St. Pitul Limited. . . . . .H'-'o n m ORDINANCE NO. 3177 , An ordinance orriorlliK the Improving of St. Mnrjr's iivonnu from .fth stropt lotith slrr-ot til itruot Improvement , district No. 4M ) , suld improving to cousin of puvliu with imphnl- tiiin. nnd directing the bonnl of public vqrk4to tnko the noei' s.iry stuus tociinso Mich work to t > tlone , Whoriins , the iiinynr nnd city council of Inn oily ot Oiiiuhn have or loroil Ino ImprnvlnR of St. Mary's ii\cniio from .V > th street to V7ti ! .street , In street lioprnvpinenl district No. O' , l > y pHVlnt ; tlio Minn and nllotfcd thirty days to properly muicrs Invhlrh totlosUtmto nnd ( lutiTinlnn the material tlmlrod to bo used for such pin-In - , und Whuri'.is. tlins.tld thirty dtiys naNO expired nnd tint property owners o nfii t the majority of the fnmtuRo In sild liiiproM'im'nt dlstilct linvu petitioned for tbo pnvlimuf siulsttoot In fl.ilil district with Trlnldiid sheet iisplialtutn nnilWhoroi , In mHltlon to sili-h designation of mnlurlul by .said uwnors , the uiuvor und city vounoll ot s.nd city do heroliy ( lutrtinlnu upon tlioinntitrliilsDspccllliMl isthu material to bo nsi-rt for such p.ivni ! ? . therefore. Ho It ord'ilncd by the city council of the city Section 1 Tlint that nurt of ft. M.iry's nvo- nnofrnin Sfith street to7th struct , in street Imprnxumontdlstrlet No. 4.V1 , lie mid the iiiine Is liuruby ordered I in pi in oil. said Improvement to consist of p.iVltm with Trinidad ahi-ot aspliiiltniii , uceorillni ; to tint spool lieu t Hun on Illu In the ofllcu of the board of public works. SoetlOnS. Tlint the of I'ubllo Wnrlct Is hereby ordered to canso s Hit work to bo done and to enter Into contr.ict for thitsnniG with tholownst rosponilhlo bidder under the specifications on tile In thuonieoof .said board. Section ; ! . That thu Omalui street , railway company , or any other person , company , cor poration or association owning any street r.illuay upon or alone that n.iu of SU Mary's nvuniio front 'Jiltli street toTib stroot. bo und aru run n lied to pave ut Its or their own costs till Cx'spuco uetwoon thu dlllorent rails and betnvon Uiu different trucks , by such person , com imny , corporation or iisSoulut Ion , owned on Hnld part of Su Mary's aveiuie nndulsoaspneo of twelve | l : ; | Inches outside of thu outside rnllsof thuonlsldu tr.ick such puvlnj : between said rails mid botwuon said tracks mid for the spacoof twelve inches outside of the ontsldo r.ills of s.ild tracks , lobe done at the samu tliini and or thu s.imo material and character us the paving of such stieet hoiuln ordered P'tvod , unless oilier material Is specially ordered by the liourd of pnblluorlcs , und In the event of thu refusal of said company , per son , corporation or association to pave as huroln roiinliod , the board of publlo works Is n : < | iilred to havuHuoh pavlnn donu anil report thu cost nnd expense thereof to bo levied and iis-tossA-d iiRulnst the property of sutd company , pursuit , corporation or association. .Section 4. That , thu city clerk bo nnd lioro- hv Is directed to make ami deliver a copy of tills ordinance to the Om.iha M root Kail way company or any other poison , company , cor poration or association owning any street r.illwiy upon , ulous or ticross nny cC mild parts of stri'cts within said Improvement dis trict , nnd report his action In that behalf to the clt v council us early us practlc iblo. S-oi' turn. > That this ordinance take effect nnd lie In forcu from und utter Us passage. I'assod July 20th , 1W ) . ' . JOHN aiiovns , Olty Olorlt R. I' . DAVIS. President Olty Oouncll Approved July 22ml. 13U. ! GKO. l > . UKM15. Mayor. PERMANENT SIDEWALK UESO LUTION. Council Olmmbor , Oniu'ha. Nob. . July 20 , 1S02. Ho It resolved uy tlio city council of thu ulty of Omaha , thu Mayor concurring : perm merit sidewalks bo constructed In the city of Onrtha as designated below , within llvu diiya after tlio publication ot tnU resolu tion , or the sorvlro thereof , us by or- dlnancu Is uiithorl/ed und ronnlrod ; such sidewalks to bu laid to tliu poriiiunont grade .is estihllsbcd on on tbo pavt-d streets speci fied huruln and to bu constructed of stone or . stonn. uccordliu to spocllleatlons on Illu In thoolllco of the board of public works , anil itndcrlts supervision , to-wlt : North sldo COmlns sticot. Its 5 , 7 , 8 bile 20JH eltv , 8 feet wldo. North sldo of Cuinlng street , Its. ) , 0 , S bile 101 % elty , 10 foul wide. North side of Cumins street. It 5. ulk20 ' , J city , 1(1 ( feet wltio. .North sldo of Cumins street , o'/S ItsG and 7 , 3 blk20j city , 12 feet wide. North sldu of Cnmlni : atroct , Its 7 and 8 blk 2)7'Jclty. ) 18 foot wldo. South .sldo of CumliiE btreot. It 1 blk 203 ! } city. 12 feet wldo. South .sldu of Cunilng street , Its 1 , .1 , 4 blk 21U14 elty. 12 fi-ot wide. fontli sldo of fuming street , It 2 , 4 , blk 211M , city. 111 feat wldo. t' ) side of Cumin' , ' street. Its 1. 4 blk 2ii : city. 10 feet wldo. botith uldo of Cuinlng street , Its2,3. 4 blk 2I4M eHy , 10 feet wido. North sulu of O.ipltol avenue , Us 5 , 0 , 7 , 8 blk 73 city. 20 feut wide. South side of Capitol avenue , Us 2 , 3. 4 blk 9 clty.,20 feet wlrto. , Knst sldo of 12th street , It.r > blk 72 city. 10 fuel wldo. \Voslsldcof llth street. Its 1,8 blk 72 city. IS feet wluo. West sldo of jath street. It 1 blk 74 city. 18 feet wide. East sldo of 13th street , It 4. blic 73 city. 13 foot wldo. And. bo It further resolved : That the board of public works bo , nnd Is hciubv authorized , and dlructou to caiiio u copy of this resolution to bu published In thu olllclul p.iperof tbo city for ono week , or bo served on thu owners of suld lots , and that unless such owners sli-ill within Hvu days uftor thu publ c.itlon or survlco of such copy con struct such sidewalk us herein required , that thu board Of public works catisu ihesunio to bo done , thu cost of conMtinutiii'4 said Hide- walks rcsucutlvulv to bo assussod against the real estate , lot or part of lot In front of and ubultlnz such sidewalks , > President of thu Council. Attest : JOHN GKOVKS , City Clerk. Approved : GEO. I' . HEMIS , Mayor. NOTICE TC CONSTRUCT SIDEWALKS. To the owners of the lots , parts of lots and real citato described In the above resolu tion : Von and ouch of .you nro hereoy notified to construct permanent sidewalks us required by n resolution of the eity council nnd mayor of the ulty of Uniulin , of which the above Is a couy. P. W. lUHKHAUSER. Chairman Hoard of Public Works. Omaha , Nub. , August bth , 18'J. ' . n8d7t ORDINANCE NO. 3169. An ordinance ch attain ? t bo curb lines of Pierce htti-ol. from "nd street to 4lh street , nnd tupuullnt : no much of all ordinances lu con- Illut liutiiwllb. Ite Herd iluud by the city council of thu city of Umall.i. Section 1. Tlint tlio curb Hues of 1'lcreo Htti-ut from 2nd stinel to mh street , bo und the are lu-ieby chunked ton uniform \\ldth of 21 feet on i.'iich sldu of the center line of wall ! allt'et. set'tlon 2. That f-u inuiih of all ordinances In conflict with the provisions of this ordinance , be. und the samu arc hi'ri'by ri'in'u'.cd. -ectlon : i. That this ordlnnncuhall tnku olti'ct and ,1)0 In force from and after Us Olty Clerk. h , P. DAVIS. Priiilclunl Olty Oouncll. Approved July 23th , Mr.1. . , GKO. P. II KM In.Mavor. Mavor. Dog I'oiiiiilkcrpiir'H Mutlfr. Tlio followlnz do s huvo boon Impounded : i terriers. Onu bulldog. Six black und tun. One Illicit spaniel. 1'lf ty curs. , If not redeemed within four days they wilt bo drowned. .IOI1N Sl'OCia , , nGdU IJog 1'oiind keeper. 1311'lK'fllM. Henry \Varil Dcochor once wont In search of u brief rest to a small fishing villugo , where hU , appenranco was apparently un known , Rays Ibo lidston Cilobo. When Sun day cnino iiraund ho wont to the morning service at thu Congregational church and was not a llttlo astonished to boar the preachor'for the day , a very voung man , rut- tloofl ouo of his ( liueohoi-'s ) best sermons us an original discourse. At the conclusion of the Boryteo tbo great preacher waited for n chat with tbo young man. "Alight I usU you how long It toolc you to composu the ser mon you preached to us this morning1 ! In quired Us real author. "Oh , about six or seven bour , " was the rejoinder. "You must bo a very smart young man , " aald Ueuchor , "lor It took mo ] ubt llvo days to write that soU-samo sormoii. " After u careful - ful , but unblushing , scrutiny of the great pulpit orator the youth remarked : " 1 guess you're Word needier , thonl" A grave nod was tbo only response. Then the iuvonllo apostle put out his hand , and , grasping that of his celebrated listener , exclaimed : "LooK hero. Mr. Doochor , you Just go on writing sermons llko that. As long an you do I shall never bu ashamed to pronoh tbom. An opon-ctr prcachnr , addressing a mootIng - Ing of young men on tbo subject ot "Tho Prodigal Bon , " became enthusiastic in showIng - Ing the depth and pertisUinco ot paternal love and llualty ibouted : "Brethren , I bo- llovo that ttio father kept that failed calf for years , awaiting the return of his sou I" In Franco 8,070 patouU were granted for olo'otrlcal Improvements durlug tbo past year. RURAL REMINDERS FOR AUGUST. HiO. . 7) . T. Mnnre , August ushers In n season botwcon Rruin KtUhorliitf nnd tlio tttno for securing - ing Into crops mid fall seodlnp , in whluli tlio fnrmcr has nn opportunity to rind sbuulil take n much nouJod rest nftor lliu arduous labors of midsummer. While most ruraHsts have abundant tlmo for reading , study , attending moot- injis and visiting invlntor , very fo\v contrive to got away from severe nnd monotonous farm labor , for oven a briuf uorlnd of diversion , from the opening of spring until the fall crops rxro harvested. Tlio result is that the hard and con tinuous Hold work to which they t ro subjected , especially during the extreme hot weather of summon , exhausts their svaloms and oftotl causes lasting Injury to health and constitu tion. Such n. course is wrong , for all work and no play or recreation not only makes the farmer dull , but frequently proves permanently detrimental to his health and consequent prosperity in the future. Therefore , after long months , of almost constant toll , the wearied hus bandman should take advantage of the comparatively leisure month of August to secure a good vacation. It Is iv good time for the farmer and his wife to visit friends at n distance , go to the seashore or mountains , or make other excursions. And a little later he should attend the county or state fair with as many of his family as convenient , and certainly If ho fails to obtain nay respite from his labors this month , the fair season ought to bo made one of pleasant recreation nnd instruction. I'ropnro for tint 1'nlrg. The agricultural fairs are soon to beheld held , most of thorn occurring in Sep tember , and now is the time for nil pro gressive farmers , horticulturists and stockmen to make active preparations to become exhibitors , ns well us soocta- tors , at one or more of them. Be sure and contribute something to your local or county fair and then give your atten tion to as many others as may bo ex pedient. Prepare In advance for show ing whatever you propose to present in the bust possible condition , and if you intend to exhibit at a state or other largo fair , remember that the entry books of many prominent societies close early ; therefore do not noirloot to obtain copies of rules and regulations and make your entries in duo season in order that there may bo no failure for lack of roiullnossr Whore entry books are closed some days or weeks in advance of the opening of the exhibition ( as is the case with most largo fairs ) competitors should bo prompt if they would bo as sured of favorable opportunity to win premiums and mid to their reputations. The only proper course to bo pursued by all those Intending to show anything at one or more fairs the coining autumn , is to put all animals and articles in good condition to exhibit and then see that they are entered at the proper time. The Corn Crop mill Silngo. Indian corn , tlio most important staple yet , unsecured , was planted so late in many sections on account 'of the back ward spring , that it ib still small enough in some localities to bo cultivated and fertilized to advantage. In all such cases the .surface soil should bo stirred and the weeds killed by running tlio cul tivator between the Vows. This will hasten the maturity of the crop , and in some cases save it from frost. But > vhoro the grain does not riponJn season the easiest way to save1 the crop will bo to put it/into the silo , and it is probable that much late corn will bo utilized in this way the coming fall. By building a cheap silo in advance many a corn- grower would bo prepared for sllaging his crop , ana thus prevent material loss. Those who believe in silage would do well to heed this suggestion. Farmers who fool assured that their corn is too late to escape the frost , will of course provide for such a contingency , this being one of the oases in which it is es sential to take tlmo by the forelock. Outs , ItiicknliiMt ami Ityo , Oats should bo cut before they are fully ripe ; they will shell out less and the straw will bo more valuable. There are many farmers who now feed oats in the sheaf , believing that it is bettor for some kinds of slock , while it renders the labor and of - expense threshing- necessary. Buchwheat has been called thu lazy farmer's crop , but it is known to bo ex cellent for cleaning land from wccdsnnd grass ; therefore on suitable ground can bo grown to advantage , and its product will bo appreciated in the family during the winter. July IB the usual tlmo for sowing buckwheat , but if put in early in August the crop will probably escape the frost , and if it does not , will yet bo valuable for plowing under. Rye if bown now on fairly good land will bo the means df securing fresh grass for pasturage or boiling in both fall and spring. The seed can bo sown from July to November right in the corn Hold , or on stubble where 'grass is sown , and yields anywhere from eigh teen to forty bushels per aero. In &oc- tlons whore fine horses are numerous rye straw properly threshed can bo readily and profitably sold. Turnips mill 1'otiitoos. Turnip sowing , should bo completed , ns a rule , by the middle of , August , although there are some varieties that may be put in at any time during the month. It is now a little Into to sow the llutabnga or Swodo'turnip , which contains moro nutriment than other varieties , except on rich and well prepared soil in favorable localities. Strap leaf turnips do bust when planted in drills , say twenty inches upij't , and if thu soli is poor 150 pounds or moro to the acre of superphosphate or bone meal should bo used near the need. Late sown turnips require a tidier Boil than those put In early. It is bettor to sow turnips after a rain than just before it. Those sown just before a rain do not need to bo eovorod ; but if sown just after it is a good plan to drag a bush over the patch. 1'otatocs ought to bo dug when ripe as soon as the vines stop growing and properly secured or marketed. Do not allow them to bo exposed to the sun longer then it is necessary to dry them sulllulontly for storing. who have many potatoes to harvest should note this point , us a slight exposure - posuro oven to a diffused light will cause Boino'varioticfl to become green and un fit for food. The potato crop In becom ing more important every your , and all that in now wanted to make it moro generally grown Is a good potato har vester that will save the grower the great muscular strain in digging to which ho is now subjected. Guru oflilvfl Stock. Live ptock in pastures have a sweltering - ing limo of it in August unless they are made comfortable. In the ubsonco of sluulo it will pay to orout temporary shelter. Cows in full How if they got overheated in fact sunbtruck will fall oil , and often bp nearly useless for the rest of the Boiuon. It is very diftloult to restore such cows.but careful nursing will bo of assistance. Prevention hero l bettor than any amount of uuro. Build a shade by Betting up forked stakes , placing poles across them and laying on a brush ronf. Not only should animals at pudturo have shudu , but thu/ , should bo supplied with water. A well is bot- , or than nothing ; but if a fltrontn , however - over small , can bo ma.lo to afford a con stant supply by all moans make u ° o of it. Often a spring , at no great distance , may bo thus utilized ut a cost of Uttlo labor and loss money. As the pastures fail give cows plenty of fodder corn , out short and sprinkled with two to four quarts of corn meal for each cow daily. This will help carry them through tlio trying season. Work horses turned out to past tire at night should also bo glvon their usual grain feed. They should receive extra chro now. Ciivo them n long rest at noon , and don't neglect freiiUont water ing and proper grooming. Wean thu 1 limbs ami give them dally n handful of mixed bran and oil cake. Stnar < iUio noses of the sheep with tar to kcopulT thegadlly. Now is the time to pen tip sloro pigs for fattening , for a pound'of corn in August or 'September will mnko as much pork as two pomuts in cold weather. Keep the poultry housescliaii taking precautions against all vermin. , Orrlmnl nnil Print , ( liirilon. ' ' The orchard nnd fruit garden nra prolltablo adjuncts to many farms , nnd should not bo nofflooted at this < \oason. \ Those who nttcn.l to or suporintpnd the picking and marketing know the impor tance of care in assorting , neatness in packing nnd promptness In getting their fruit to market In order to secure the best pricea People who neglect thuso essentials rarely obtain top prices , nnd hence do not IInd the bust- tins ? prolltablo. Near n market early apples and pe.irs nro more prollt able than winter varieties , but they should bo handled with care , put in small packages or crates , and bo hon estly packed with good fruit at the lop and all the way through. . Fight insects on fruit trees and vines as long as they appear. For mildew on grapevines apply sulphur fieely with a bellows ; and hunt for and pick otT cater pillar ! ) . Fruit trees may bo budded this month and as long in September as the bark on the stock will slip freely and ' suitable buds can bo obtained. 'Keep strawberry beds ( and in fact the whole fruit gardoii ) clear of woods , make now plantations on dark , cool days , and par ticularly Uoforo and after showers. The old canes of raspberries and blackber ries should bo cut away as soon as the fruit is gathered. Oilier Timely .Mutter's. Dispose of inferior animals , or such as cannot bo kept prolltably , during Into bummer or early autumn. Many a farmer makes a mistake by wintering animal ! ) that it would be greatly to his advantage to sell at once , or fatten and send to the butcher. Cows that are getting a little old , or are not good milkers , steers that are not promising and sheep that nro not so good as the others of the Hock , will not morn now than at any future tune. The fall pas ture has put them in good condition and the pasture will not fail , causing the animals to lose a little , unless they Jmvo extra feed , beyond what their Value will warrant. It will not p < iy to winter such stock. Bettor sell them at once , before Hies got worse and pastures become scant , and invest the proceeds in lirst class animals. Keeping bee colonies strong IB an important matter with nil those who would succeed in apiculture And in order to become strong they must not bo discouraged by being Icept in too small quarters , and should not have too small an amount of honey loft to them , so that they will imbibe a feeling of future starvation , kill off the drones and stop making brood comb ; or if early in the seasop and crowded , that they will be qonslantly thinking of smarming. Look to the health and comfort of the bees rather than after honey. Glvo them plenty of room ; lot them accumu late instead of divide , and become strong for defence against robbers , and nhlo in clustering to produce warmth enough for ail purposes. Worn out grass fields , or those In fested with worms , should bo turned over this month , and either rosccdcd or loft for tliu seed to decay , to bo in good condition for planting next spring. If rosoeded , they should have a dressing of line manure or of good fertilizer well harrowed in , that the grass seed may got a good htart. If intended for culti vation next year it will bo but little extra - tra labor to sow upon it now either rye , at the rate of one bushel per acre , or barley and oals mixed , from Iwo to three bushels per acre , which will prove valuable late in the fall to cut and food green to the cattle after the pastures are exhausted or the grass destroyed by the frost. Kl.KVTllW.lT. tfOTKS. An engineer lias recently devised a now electrical machine by wlilcb woods and obnoxious - noxious Krnssos can bo destroyed. A telegraph cable bouvoon Cull form a and the Hawaiian Islands Is ouo ot tbc probabili ties of tbo near future. Tbo government survey , Just finished , sbowi tnat such n scbomo is very , ana that a cabla line could , with comparative oust ) , bo laid ibo necessary 0,000 miles. During tbo runout jubilcoo at Duda-1'ostb conimouioratiiiK tbotwontv-llfth anrilvursiiry of tbo crowning of ICinc Franz .Tosof I. bomo very line electric illuminations were made , among wnlcli was a haul : of Incandescent lamps representing tbo monarch's Initials arranged on a sinilTolil 100 feet wide and p'3 foot high , which was m turn mounted on top of a ! IIRI | bulletin ? . The design wns visible for two and one-half miles. A modern Invention , Intended to do away wtib tbo necessity of IronliiK bats , consists of a blgb-spoad electric motor and attach ment , which revolves a bat at tbo rate of 2,000 turns a minutes and admits of n high polish boinc given It from tbo heat of friction developed , by holding u strip of milt nnulnsl tbo surface. Tbo Electrical Subway Commission of Now Jersey ban adopted resolutions requesting all companies desiring to orout wires' orar the streets of uitloi Ir. that state to makonppll. cation to thorn for permission. They have also decided tojiavo all tolenhono , trloKmph nnd cable wires In Jersey City and Newark placed inidorKround , and are to glvo u publlo hearing 01 ; tbo subject la Trenton on Sop- torn burl ) . , The tendency to use tbo oleetrlo light tor advertising purposes has boon steadily grow ing. and no moro strlitlng oxamplq nf fti blfcctlvonosi has bean BCOII than the hugo "Uorbln11 sign , 03x00 foot , which at Twenty- third street nnd Broadway , Now Vorki vaunts the attractions of the Loug Inland Bouuoard for residential purposes m lottora outlined by lump * of many colors. Tiio Utost Idea in this direction In Kngland Is' fm clectclj cart , which during tbo day'carrlej Uamlng placards through tbo atroots , while at night Its advertisements ulio tbo form oi colored lumps. < Tabulated returns compiled by KlcptfYcitV nhow tbo amnztng growth anil Hnaucjdl re turns ot tba two loadingoloctrlcal oomp < yiloj of tbo country. In I6SI : the nusinuss of the KdUon company amounted to f.r > 0'J,7M-l.yi. In Ib'Jl It reached thu grand augrogutQ of J5IQ ? ' 8)318I.-H. ! ) Tlio'J'liomson-llou.HlQf'i cflinputjy , bhows receipts of SI'.JS.OST.OJ' in ISS-'l und , 81Uao > ,5S0.17 In Ib91. The profit * of tbo business is Indicated by tbo statement that the latter company In 1691 paid 7 per cent on $1,000,000 of preferred B ck and. 10 per cent on $,000 of common otocfr , water and all. Kvon with these enormous profits , the company annually Increased Its nut-plus fund , which amounted tor.r > lt- ) , 017.1)0 ) on the lot of lust February. Tbo Edison company was capitalized { at t'JSO.OQO ut Its organization. Its capital now nuiounu to JIU.OOO.OOO. For ( ho past two yours it pot * 8 per cent annually , This company controls 073 central stations , has sold over 10,000,000 Incandescent lamps and employs inour fuu torioi 4,67,0 man. Tbo Thomnon-HouiUm employs at lt mala factory In Lyiiti , Mm * . , Il.-l'JJ men , with a weekly payroll uggroKatinff $43,000. The company control * Kjl ceilr ) l stations , supplying 100,21)J ) ro Utnp end 800 500 Inonndesccu I Imps ,