Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, August 08, 1892, Page 6, Image 6

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Corn and Provisions Made the Trading
Yesterday on 'Change.
tnelc of I'orrlRii Orders nt llio Hrnbonrd
ml llpnu * Itpcnlpti nt the Winter
.Murkcts Cnntlniicit n
li < prcs < lnc I'unturo ,
CHICAGO , III. , Au ? . 0 Corn and proxUIons
nindo the trading today on 'chance. There
nro uppnrently stronf bull cliques in both
articles , taklnz cnra that no lomt In the
poculatlvo situation capable of bcliu turned
to account Is uonntcd for lo s th in Its full
bull taluo , It Is current rumor that about
1,591,100 bu. of corn was put to the clluo ( on
prlvlldjo * ycnterdiiy , and they itot about
2.000JOJ ( bih on e ills toJay. Tbo Boilers of the
latter were tliu pirtlns who wnrocllrabliiR for
September corn near the tloso today. .
Wlio'it was tame In tlio midst of surround
ing bullishness and activity. It managed to
iccuronn advance of , o while coin Is ! } p
til/her , oils ! ic. pork 11)0 , larj ITSJo and
rlhs'"JHo than yesterday ,
The situ itlon In wheat was looked upon as
cssontl.illy dlllercnt from that In the other
pits. 0 iblcs were o isloranil dull and domes
tic marUets slow , with the lee il trido of
imalloliiin. . - . Nuns as to tno who it crop
WIIB In tbo main faMiiablc , and while the ex
ports from both toasts were nearly 1,50MXU
uu. lai er tliin HID week before , tbo Iivnll-
uhlo&louKs are icported heavy and about
li.UH'.tiuii ' bu. In e\iess of tho'-o of a J ear ago.
In addition It \\.is rupoiti'd there \MIS a lac' <
of foielirn orders ut tlm seuLoiid , llonvv ro-
colpls at tbo winter uhoat maiUets continue
adepie-sliu featuic.
Corn IIH nclivo and excited. The shorts
bought frci'lv. DUpiitcbos from Kansas Oily
Ktiiled thai the temperatuio there uas the
hottest of the season und that unlies rain
came Immediately the ciou oud ! undoubt
edly hit Her. The state report of Kansas In
creased the aero mo 7.4 per tent , lull mild corn
bad been Bin illy Injured in some places hv
drouth. Advices cr hot winds vu'io heard of
from so mo miartcis and the plant was said to
be shriveled up and In n critical condition.
The marketopened with from ! ie to 'Oo ad-
vunce and Immediately sold up a.e. reictel
fem \e to ! iu und then hteadlly r.illloil fiom
1M to l3Bc , then receded l'au and ruled Him tn
llieclo e. Itecolpls hero were less than ex
pected ,
Uats were fairly nctlvo and an unsettled
fcolln ; jirevullcd. The opening was Irregular
nt from ' 40 to lie advance. Tor a time the
muikot hold sleiidy , but liberal unlo ullng by
"longs" created weakness , und prices icecdod
from S'o to Uc. Time liberal selling by
the crowd on the break , but as corn was
stronc and higher It started the crowd to buyIng -
Ing , 'I hero was also liberal bu > lng for the
outsldo and prices advanced fiom ! ie to fiC.
closing firm ut the toil figures.
Tbo one thing needful tomuko the proIslon
murkut bioador and stronger was an Increase
In the outside trade. This bus 1.01110 with tbo
big iiiitoin In prices country bouses that
would not buy a barrel of pork ut til ) are now
rusbliii In buvliii orders utJIiO'- . The sumo
iHirne of ribs and lnr.1. Commission houses
nil d'iy Ion ; had "rush" orders to buy pro- "
duels at the tot ) prices. Tim hlk'hnr cables on
turn and ll-'ht hog movement , tbo iinxlous
luiylii'by shorts and the help of tbo big
lnniMvt Interested In higher pi Ices , all mailo u
bh bull market. There was good selling on
the liuluo by heavily loided local bon es ,
Trcl lils were llrm ut 2o ! for wliout und 2Jio
for torn to llulFalo.
Kstlmutod receipts for Monday ! Wheat. ftM
enrs : corn , , ! UJ cars ; o its , 20U ears ; ho s , 21,001
Wilt AT Nil ! !
t .SH T8)s
bepti-mbcr. . .
Ill ceinbur , .
CoitN No 'i
August sm , '
bcptoiuber . . f't > M
Mny. . . . t.'lf MM
OAIH .so 2
AliKllst .11 .14 3.1
bciitcnilicr. .
October. . .
Ml'H 1'imU
hcptuinbcr. . . 1270 12 f. 12 70 12 n >
Jnntmry U &S II 75 1.1 ! iy U 73
I , A 111)
hi'ptombcr. . . 7874 8 OU 73s
.Iimunrf. . . . 7 W ? s
BnoiiT Kins
HvptuinLor. . . TM B 10 1 1KJ
? ? i
January 7 10 7 15 7 10
Cnsh quotations wcro as follows :
1 i.oun Dull : winter uatonts.
winter iitr.illi. } 1.5j < a.l.75 ; uprliiK patents.
14 neai M ; oiiiiiiK unt nts , tan ®
\\IIVAT No. a apr 111 : , ' 8 ? c ; No 3
TOc : NoJ red. 783c.
Cblis NoT'ariSo : No. 3 , cash. lOUc ; No. 4 ,
(5'-ic. (
OATS-NO. 2. Sic : No. 2 white. ai Q3l c ;
! Vo.i : while. 3. 4@Ale.
KVK No. - ' , c < > e.
HAIU.KV--NO. a , Me ; No. 3 , t. o. b. , olil , 48c ;
No 4. r. o. b. , od ! , 4 c.
PI.AX I-KKII-NO. 1. ! l.03' { .
TIMOTII V M Kli-1'rliiie. $1 ? \
I'ouic Mess , per 1 > UI , tl2.S7i4flI2.Ol ! lard , nor
llOII > s7.i.yaiUU ! : short ribs tildes ( loose ) . JS.OJ
ffH.or > : dry s ilteil shoulders iboxod ) , t'.O < S7.2i :
iliort old it sides ( Imveil ) , K n li.VJO.
WHISKY Distillers' finished Koods per gal. ,
HUOAIIS UiiolmtueiljeutloiiM'sffi.'iJiuiBr.iii-
uliitinl. 4'io ; htiindurd A , 4" > c ,
Itecvlins Mini sliliiniuiiis toiliiy uuro 113 fol
lows :
On the Produce evclinn o today the butter
ni.irkut Hun and'eil ; fancy
cro.unorv.2l < 3Cc ; line western. l BIOc ; ordi-
oury , l.M/17c ; line dairies , lUWlSc. KIJ.S , llrm
at loc.
St. l.onUlitrl.utn. .
E-t. Louts , Mo. , Am. 0. I'toim Stoidy and
quiet ; prices uucli.inRCil.
WIIUAT i\hlbltcd : a stroncor feolliiK at the
opening , udMinced i Qiyu wlib the uU of corn
nn I stroiu'cr uomuHtlu markets ; ruuutud on
COIIN Ito'o on bad crop nown and local
bnyliiK Hie. cloiliu 'iS'io ' below tliu top ; No.
Z. cish. higher , 4sc ; August Wc ; buplumbur ,
IHigirjissje , closlni ; at J8viQifj ? o asKed : Oc-
toiier , IHlie unveil ,
OAW Wuru hlroncer on crop news , ailvuno-
Inir lu ; No. U'cash , hluhei utilise ; AiiKiist.Il-'a
J.'iio. closlnj : at : riu bid ; buptunibur. J1J.4S
ICe. . uloMli it atlli'.c.
Itrr no. 2 oirered at O.'c , but no bids.
llAin.KV No trade.
HIIAN Moiidy ate < ! at , the mill.
HAV Iii K"ud dcmnml ; timothy prlmo to
itrlctly fancy. lutw < ! i > 5uu ; pralrlu , unolcu lo
gilt iilL-o , HUOQK.5H.
lltirrKK-Ureaiiiuiy , llrm ; fancy , 2txa21o ;
flnlry. te irce ; fancy. KtolHc.
Ku s btundy at liiHe/
U Dull anil weak : U.W askod.
COIINMTAIMoady utt..UQ..ui.
liAaui.Na-ii\ > ? .
llt ( ) > U TTO.N Ilh8 ( l.ta
I'IIOVISIONH Vury strons. hlubori holders
firm In their demands at Uo itdvanco with
buyers Indisposed to tnko hold , 1'ork Stun-
Jaril mess , t 2. I ) , l.ard JT.50. Dry bait
uls-l.ooM ) shoulderd. t'.ttJli ; IOIIKS and
s , IS. 15 ; shortH , * H , i7ii ; hoxod. I5o moie ,
Ilacnn packed shouliloru. } ? .bs ; ; IOIIKH 'inii
ribs , tit l. 'Hi shorts , if'l.iTli. Hams MI , ; ir
cured. lUi'tflHiu us tosUo und brand.
IthcriiiH-riour. A.UUU bbls. ; who it , Kf.VOO
bu ; corn , 37'OJ bu.l oats , X',000 bu. ; rye , 3.00U
bu , ; bur uy. none.
Huii'tiKNrs K.inir , 7IK ) ) bbls. : whom , 188,00)
bu. ; uirn. 10,0.0 bu ; outs , 2iwu bu. ; ryu , none ;
buriuy , none. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
Ni' Vurk MiirlicU.
New VOIIK , AIIP. fi. 1'i.oiiRituculpts , 20,550
pk.B. | : exports , a.VU bou. . 5.JOD SICUH ; iiiilut ,
bi.ruly steady ; low extras. LMlOtlU ; city
mil H. tl.&l&MA : pitunu , JI.'iMiilBJ ; winter
wliout. low Brndvs , * J.104J.IU | Mlniiutota clear ,
I.3J ; rye mixturci.
fOIINUKAI.-Stuudy ; yellow. fJ.OOQ3.SO ,
\ViiAr-Hocoipts , 2ul'OU bu. ; u ponii. 158.-
4 U bu. ; salus. Bl'.OfU bu. of futurun ; U.OJO
lil , ot spot , bpot stuudy but very dulls No.
It red , K-lio In store und ulovutorbl ; > u alioat ;
B4V Q f. o. b.No. | 3 red , bOMo ; uiiKrudud red ,
"AirJ'.c ; Na 1 northorn. tu'io ; No. 1 hard ,
UlSut No , 2 norlliorii. H ' 40 ; No. 3 Uhlciieo.
M\o ; Na 2 Milwaukee. M..c ; No. 3 spring.
TUVu. Optloui wuro dull aud closed steady ut
KCl'-te dcolluo In forolKii solllnu' und local
realUliiKi "o. " rod. Autiiut , tJU4t8jic. ) clo -
Init ut bJ ? ci Hoptumbur. tu li-lii&dD.v. uloiliu
nt 8lu ; uotobor , M'.UW.c. cluslnu at K.Vo ;
December , hH Il&hti o. cloblnif ut b ! , o ; Muy ,
W 11-ICiiO c , cloilm ; ut U. c , )
HVE btcmly andiiulut.
lUiu.KV Nominal ,
liAiii.Ef MAI.T Noxloued : Cunada ,
II , " .
Coitx-HccolptK. U2..VSO bu , ; exports , 3\at7
bu , < uaict. 3iiU.u Ubu. ot futures und 2U'JJO bu ,
of KUOU bpot marUOr llrm butiiuloti Nn. 2 , Ole
In ulevator : U.'u tillout : uncruded mlxo I. : . ' . '
illiii' . Uplloii" udviuiio.l SUIUvon bud urop
ivport mid louul and foruhzu coterlnic. clo -
lit' tlitii ; Aiwii't , a Stt-Vi'4Ci olosliu at Mi'.c ;
bcptember. JUHtt'iT'ie , ulosuu nt 5IC ; Outo-
her. MS'i4iUtc. ciosluu1 ut UU'iU ! Dceomber , 60 ®
ttM'n. ' ulobluu at W c.
OATb ItocurptH. 1J , , 0 bu , ; exports , 13.1,000
bu i nlc , bu. of futures ; 137,0,0 uu. of
I pot , bpot. llrm uud fairly active ; options ,
Irroiiulur , woderutoly uutlvu ) Aufuit ,
September. .VWWVe. clo lnf. ftt)3'c : ) ' ! Octo
ber. 3SMJWSVC. clnilnz lit : yc' No 2 wlilto ,
Soptrnibur. 4'Jc : spot No. 2. white , 43Uailet
mixed wcitern , ItSHfilOc : white western , IMS
450 ! No. a. Chicago. JWo.
II AY btendy lui l M u let : shipping , tO,537.00 ;
Bond to choice , tS ftofolU.UO.
HOPS Mull but steady ! Pacific co'ist , 2W c.
SrriAlt llnw. dull but firm : fair rullnlrm' .
2 ll-lCe ; I'cntrlntenl. HO tcit , 3ie ! : rcflned ,
fairly nctlxo nnd llrin.
MoiiA58M Now Orleans , steady but dull ;
common to funny , 2.01.10.
KiCR-I'mn but ciilul | ; domestic , fulr Jo
oxtr i domestic , 4H 6iitc ! ,
Knos ( Julut but llrni ! western prlmo , I1 * ®
17'ic ! western prlmu uor < M C , J2.uOii.IUO ; re-
culpK ! iiiflJ P'CKI '
llinr.3 Ii-ill but itoidy ; wet saltPd Now
Orlo 1111. 41) to GO ins , o7c
I'linvtsioss Pork. Hunt old mess , 512.75J5) )
111.001 now mess , Jll.MJSH.UJ : extra prime ,
II2.7V Out moat * . milut. sloiidvi ploklnd
bclllis. $ < .V ) ; shoulder * . I7.CO ; ham * . flMMfft
lift ) ! middles , dull , steady ! slmrfrlo ir , K.Oi.
Ijiird , ( ; ulut : western steam closed tit ! 8.l"'j '
( iis 'JO ; no snles ! option sales , 2.5 in tierces ; bop-
toinbcr tU \ . "U , closing ut $ V.Jj October
closed ut J3 - ' ! .
IluiTEii itroni , fulr deimndi western , 1O
ISu ; uestorn cru nnory , lict'illjci western fac
tory , name : r.K'ln , 'Jlc.
GIIF.KSK Oood doinandi firm ; pirt skims.
l'io Iiiox Qulot. woitki American. III' . TO ®
r > no ,
Coi'i-Kit No business ! 1 ik < > , $11 VffilJ.O ) .
IiKAD No business ! domestic , JIO.V
TlH Nu business straits tJl.Maj)03. _ )
Onvilm Prmlucu .Market.
rr.4ciirs-Ciillfornl.ij.5JaiG5 : ; southern II-
llnota , UlJWic per b.ts , et.
. . .
OiiAMltH-Callfornla , out of market , 1m-
poituil , fi 5J.
PLUM'S California , if.'iO ® ! 00.
HAN * NAS-Ml ( it.1. " " ! .
UAMIIMII : llotnu itrown , OVilTJc per doz.
Mri.ONi WatrTinu onn. 2"itio.
NK\V Ai'i'l.vs Per one-third bu. bov , 753800 !
bl . . } l 5U.
-WAV II.SANs-Hulf bu. b tskct , 75o.
wl'K < ns-lt.irtlutt , S.,7 ffl'.3\
IIUTTKII Paektn i stock , : small lots
select dairy , I4&l7o.
I'oui.Tliv Spring chickens , 12.0,51.103 us to
fll/u ; old fowls , Bu. ,
OANTU.OUPE-i.-Percr.ito. tf.SI ; joins , 75o per
1'n ; a-rirm at I4u.
New POTATOES J..UOSM'J per bbl. ! in sacks ,
I'iWiiic peril ) .
UMOVS 1'er bbl. . JUOOIM 'r > .
lIl.UKHKIlllIPS lit-ijt boxes. $3.00.
TiiMvrom 4 b.iskut urjtos , $ l.2" > OI.VJi bu.
bovos. * l.7."i ® . ' 03
UUAl'EH-PorU-lb. basket , nAQTSo.
Knnsns Cliy Mill-Item.
b ru uiib xtronc and olTerlnvs wcro iulto ]
motlur.itu : No. J Imrd , old. i/JiiOlc : now , O.VO
ufi'ic ! No. a rod , In&j'Ja.
Coiiv StroiiR ! No. 2 wlilto , & 2i ! ® " > 3\ci ( No 2
mixed , lie.
OATS In doniand and btilior ; No. 2 mixed ,
iTWJSe fet old ; No 2 white , old , Illo.
Hvu sto.iilv ! iiiiw. MiiMio.
I'rA\sii'ii Sto.idy ut Hsilc.
llAV llUhor : timothy , $7.fUa9."iO.
BliAN fetroni iitSTib.
Iluiruii 1'lrm ; oroamory. lU4S20c ; dairy , 13
Kona-Moro nctlvo and sto idy ; 125c. !
UKCKII-TS Wlio it , 43OU > bu.icorn , al)0)bu ) ;
oils , ' . ' .iiO' bu ,
biiji'MKNTS Whout. 03,000 bu. ; corn , 5,0)0 ) bu. ;
Oils , 1'JOO. _
Oil MurlO't.
si ron/ , but on nttompt to runllzo declined lo
to. Vc , ln ) t no sales were maun ut th it lUuro.
the maruot closlnceul > . I'cniisyiviinlu oil
xpotsitlch. none ; September option s.ilos. I.I.-
UiiO bills. ; opetnni ; . f > le ; blulicst. ftlu ; lowest ,
dlV-i olosiii , ft.f o. Lini i oil , no silo- : > . Total
s tics , I I.'HM bbls.
COITHN-ILBU UIL Dull , steady ; crude , SOo ;
, .
TALI.OW rirmoi : city. 4 'dil 7-irc.
hto idy , ijulot ; Htrulncd , lommon to
Sis uor cut. _
I.iirrpmil .Muikcts ,
LiVKiii-oor , Aug. 0 WiiRvr Dull : boldors
oiler freely.
t'ou.v Ltuidy ; dcmnd : poor.
I'rm 0 inttiliun , "is S' ' { I per contnl.
HACO.N l.oii ; n iid short cU-ir. Vi-llis . 42s per
cwt. ; tons clear , 4'i-lbs , 4 Is ( id per cwt.
IMIIII I'rlme western , , iisld ) ( our ewt.
IIUTTKII Un ted fctatos Kood , dull ; OOs nor
OIIKI'.IK American , Quo wlilto and colored
40s Gd put cwt. _
Coltcn .Market.
NEW YOIIK , Au ? . 6 Options opened steady
unohatriod to 1U polntidown. closed tteiidy to
ft points down Sales. 2 , ' . ' ( ) la-s , Including
Suitombor | , JI2.U : O tobor. 8ILMX ) : November ,
Hid : December. 8l0"ir.70 ! ! : Fobritnrv. $ U'i5 ( ;
March. $12.7 < > ; May , $ l .7 > l : Juno. fU'.H'l ' ; spot
Hlo , dull andateiuy : No. 7 , Jl.iu71tOrj.5J.
rinancliil Notos.
NBW ORLEANS , La , Au . O.-Clearings ,
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , Aug. 0. Clo irmgs today
I'AIIIS , Auir. fl Tliroo percent rentes 9Df a"4o !
for tbu account.
HAI.TIMOIIK. Md. . Am. 0 Clonrlnzs , $ i,8J7-
021 ; balances , f45 ! , . ! 4 ItUe , < ! per cent.
MEMPHIS. Tcnn. . AuI ( Now York ox-
eh an ire. HM ; clo.irln s , il , 7.ill ; balances ,
Nuw YOIIK. Aue. 0. Clourln : < ! . JU7.81I-
, ' 1S(1 ( ; bnlnnces. ta.'JIJ.bST. Tor tbe week : Oleur-
Ings , $ jJ7'J" l,77i ! ; balances M7 , li.'G.b'JT.
iivi : M'oou .MAKUITS.
Ciirolul lto\lonr iif tliu Situation In the
Cutllu and llni ; Tratlr.
OMAHA. Receipts for tbo p ist week
loot up7,7.VJc.ittlo. 1'UM ' bo s anil " , ' 4 1 sheep ,
inalnst , l',04' ' i attic , 31 OiS IKI S and J.I 17 sheep
the week pruvloiiH nnd H'.SS7u ' itt t > , IC.'JU lio.-s
and 1,831 sheep thu first week of A UK us t lust
Tbo rononl c.itt o in irkot lias been ( lull
mid very uneven for the lusr six clays ,
During the early imrt of tbo week ,
with qulto liberal receipts , tin ) tendency
was to woikncss As tccelpU dtupn d
olV durlnz ttie past tlireo days uilcos
exhibited a little more strength on < tu dcslra-
b'o nr.idcs. In tin- main , ho.sever. tliuchiuiKOs
either In conditions or prices h ivo been few
and Insl Millie. tut. bhlppois tire still rather
shy of the ho ivv cattle and an Indill'crcnt dom -
m tnd fet Ntock nnd feeding eattlo mule s It
bird work to dispose of ureen mil half fat
htock H itlsfaetorlly. Ilurly fatbcuyes are us
tbov IIHVO been right along for months the
Iluteiier stulT and cnnncrs liavo shown little
noteworthy chun.'ii all week. The mirkct
Ins not bcon overrun \\csterii3iind this
f.ict has tended to m.ilnln n values , feeders
ha\e exhibited very llttlo activity , notwith
standing the bettor outlook for aKoodcorii
croi ) I'lirniors are too busy for one thliu
and thourlcoBof feeden nnd fatcattlo are too
ne ir to.'othcrtoen iblo the men who feed to
ll.Miie out much piollton tbo opor itlon ,
The week closed with r.ithor a ll-'ht run , the
week's leoidpts boln 2,0)J ) lUhtor than for the
week pruvlons. Olfor'n.'s were almost entirely
natlUH , bomo of them very decent stulr.
Shippers iinil exporters held oir as usual of
lateb it local houses were K'OOG buyer * of
handy fat steers at a PC to l.'c advance , Pair
to irood l.'Ol-ib. to 1.103-llj. steers bold at from
JI..IU to * I.7J. Common to fair slnlT sold from
lhatdown tolt.'n. Llnslness was fairly aetUo
thnuuliout and u fair cle irance was oireo.ed ,
There Hero scarcelv half a do on loicU of
cons und nilxeil stuff In the yards nil told.
' 1 ho demand was fee I and the mo\o nent fieo
at steady to strong prices iioor to prlmn cows
und hnlforsvnllln ; ; at from tl..U to $1.00. lluils ,
oxen iind atags ucro pruutlcitllv unclian-ed.
hollln at from 11.40 to J''r > . The aupply of
c lives WUH decidedly limited nnd prices nom
inally Htoa ly on the baals of JiOO tofLM for
common to prlmo vuaU.
1'ructlo tlly tlieru were no fresh feeders on
sale. OiTerliu-b coiislntod of I etweeu MU nnd
lijO hoail of cuttle li | the bunds of rivulur
diMi'ori The outside demand was decidedly
limited and trading lluht. I'rlvos were not
quotubly chunged. Uoprcnontatho bales ;
No. Av. Pr. No. Av. I'r. No. Av. I'r.
. ' lUt tl fta 2 , .121(1 ( It . ' . > M..1 01 J | 4 1
lB,10.n UM UMJ 4IO ! 21..IG2J 4 ft3
' . ' . .1415 4 OU Ml .I'.W 4 HO OJ. . l,14a 4M
41. I''fi 4 VI ) ! U..U'bU ' 4 aj ] D'.1J.5 475
I1..1.4J 4 U
co. . ooo i ( N i..r.4J 200 1..1041 s-a
i . NIJ i 7s a. , uii 2 n o . tw sas
OQ. . BJi 11)5 ) L.IU''O 215 21 , . OiS 250
S. . 400 1 20 4. . WO a 00
i. . MI i..uoj 2 is L.r.'io 22
. ' , .H15 1 110
2 , . 6J1 240 1. ROJ 2Ci 21.082 aCfl
uibKKiia A.M ) briti.Miiu3. :
I cow and calf . , . t M 03
1 cow and calf. . tf > on
S milkers , eucti . , , , . . . . . . " 2 W
2 cows and calves , e.irh , , , , . V5 W
Umllkerk , each . , . 10 WJ
lloiu The supply of hoK the imit week
1ms been the llyntust In months. Lest than
2ii.tOO head were received , only a llttlii o\c-r a
thoubiuil miiru than for the sumo week last
yeir. whl o thuyfull I5g Oshortof rcculnUfor
the provlouv uuvk. In iiuullty the Inuit huvo
shown lltllu notice iblo change for the put
two months. Undoubtedly u tsroat many of
the IIOL-H now boliu m trUetod are boliu ruahcd
luuiirdlem of condition In order to take ad >
vantiiuu of the prchuni huh prlceu. Uii the
other hiindhliljpcr * uiu cettlnj ; lota of asjjood
solid lornfed hn-'s ax tun bo found ut uny
time , on iniv mmket
The wui < U btarlcd out liudly , but H receipts
continued to full below uxuccmtloni and
ilnppers continued to law frculy the dltuittlon
became mqro fa\orablo for uollur * nnd the
week olokvd ut tbo hlgheit point , uu udvuuco
mueu Monday of from 2&o to Me.
Tlieru wuraonlj fortjr-thrco loads on lale ,
thusmnllcsl Patunlny's rceolpl In nmiiy a
day , Tholocil demand was modcrnto. tbo
xhlpfilns demand brisk nnd with verv fuvora-
blo reports fro-u the east business was iictlvo.
with prices ruling from t > j to I Ho blither than
I'rlcJay. ( lood medium nnd heavy wnl-Jht
hoissolil Inr-'oly nt from l\70l ! S8t. I.lit !
und lUht mixed AtulTsnld largely at from -t.VOI
to ? " > 70. Some prlmo butcher nnd hnuvy ho.a
tirouzht I'tM nnd olds nnd ends sold at from
1540 down to MW. ! The Roncral tridowus
brisk , but the olixo was. as usual , weak on the
coimon run of Iiogs. Wiiles worn largely at
from M.a'i tof.\7j , u nlnstti.V > to lifll rrlduy ,
nnd * V45 tof-'iftJ last Sitiirduy.
n\eravin of prices pud was ? "i.70' ' { , niulnst
J.\ni5 ! Trld ly and $ . " > .51'i last Saturday. Hop-
resent.itUe sales !
Snr.KP The niurkot b n boon but Indif
ferently stipp led ull week. II irdly cnoiiih
hnvo been reeolvod to teat tliu tone of the
tru'lo , but the few olTeio 1 h ivo found n road v
sale at good stroll.1 prices. Tliu duinun I con
tinues brisk \Mtli prices nominally iibout us
follows : r lr natlvoM , t L7fti l. " > 0 ;
fair to eood westerns. $ l.5)iW ) > l.'J.i common
rnd stock Hlioep. $ . ' . " > ( til.M ; KOJU to choice 4J
toOO-lb. lamls. tl.5J3S : ) .
Kceolpts mill IMtpiMltlim of Stock.
Oniclal receipts and dlsyni tlon ot stoik ai
shown by the books ot the Union btojk
company fortlio twutitv-fotir hours orulln ut
5 o'clock p. m . Auuinto , l Oi.
U CHI T < .
Total . . . .
The Stianil Mtvjazlne ,
Although I hud known Gcorpo Martin
a long time , ho had only lixtely initiated
mo into the mysteries of his lifo. I
know well that ho had bcon guiltv of
many kinds of excesses and indiscre
tions in his youth , novoi'tliolosi I was
not a little astonished to ho.if that ho
had once sunk BO low as burglary. With
out further remark I hero relate the
chief episode out of the remarkable ca
reer of this htrango man :
"Yes ; " Miid he , "I nnd a hard time of
it in these days , and finally I became a
burglar. When Robert Sohmiedleln
proposed to mo that wo should break
into the somewhat retired house of two
doctors. , Dr. Englor and Dr. Lingnor , I
thoughtlessly agreed. Both doctors
were well known on account of their
scientific researches , and one of thorn
for his eccentric in inner.
' Well , the night fixed for the oirry-
injf out of our design arrived , and wo
wont to work with the greatest confi
dence , for- all the circumstances were
favorable for a burglary. It was pitch
dark , neither moon nor stars visible ,
and in addition a strong west wind was
blowing , which was very welcome to us ,
as it promised to drown every sound ,
however slight.
"It was toward 2 in the morning as
wo , assuming all was safe , began by
filing through a chain which fastened a
ladder to the wall. The ladder wo
placed under a window in the first story
on the loft side of the house. Jn less
than five minutes wo had opened the
window , and , ho.iring nothing , Schmied-
loln climbed through it and I follo.ved
him. After carefullv roclosing the
Venetians wo ventured to light a .lant-
orn , and then discovered that wo were
in a kind of lumber loom , the dojr of
which was locked.
"After picking the lock , wo deter
mined lifbt to ex plot e the rooms on the
ground lloor , thinking wo should thus
run lobs risk of waking the inhabitants
of the house.
"To our no little astonishment wo per
ceived , as wo croit downstalis , a light
shining tinder the door of ono of the
rooms at the back of the building.
"At first wo wcro both for be.iling n
hnstv retreat. Schmicd'.oin soon recov
ered himself , und proposed that wo
should force our way into the room , bind
and g.ig every occup int , and then obtain
by throats all desirable information.
"I agreeing , wo approached the door.
While carefully throwing the light
round , I noticed , about faoven foot from
the lloor , n wire which appeared to pasj
through the door we were approaching ,
and on pointing it out to my companion ,
ho thought it would bo connected with
Eomo boll.
"I replied in n , whisper that wo should
try and avoid tin alarm by cutting the
wire , and an 1 could just reach it with
my hands I would hold it firm whilst
Schmlodloin cut it between my hands ,
and thus prevent it jerking back and
ringing the bell.
"Sotting the lantern on the floor , I
eol/ed the wirewhile Sohmiodloin draw
11 pair of pincers out of his pocket But
the moment I touched it I felt a fright-
Jul Bhouli , which rjulvo-od through and *
through me , so that I fell all of a heap ,
tearing the wire down with me. I remember -
member hearing the loud ringing of a
boll , whilst Schmicdloln whom , more
over , have never seen since disap
peared like lightning into the darkness
and escaped , very likely by the way wo
had coma
"On falling down I struck my head
violently against tno opposite walUmd
became unconscious , whilst the electric
boll at that time u novelty rang un
"llojjaining my senses , I found myself
bound nnd helpless , which after all did
not surprise me , as I concluded I had
been cauirht where I had fell. It soon
struck me , however , that there woto
some peculiar circumstances connected
with my captivity.
"I was nearly undressed , and lay on n
cold slab of state which wuu about the
height of a table f i out the ground and
only u piece of linen protected my body
from Immediate contract with the stone.
Straight above mo hung u lingo lamp
whobo polished reflector spread a light
fur around and when I , as far as pos
sible , looked around I perceived several
shelves with bottles , flasks und chutnlcal
apparatus of ull kinds upon thorn. In
one corner of the room stood n. complete
human skeleton and various odds and
ends of human bodies hung hnro nnd
there upon the walla , I then knew I
was lying on tlio operation or dlsnoct-
Ing table of n doctor , a discovery which
naturally troubled mo croatly ; at the
same time 1 norcoircd that my mouth
nlso was ( Irmly gitg'ged ,
"What did U Alia mount * Had some
accident befallen mo' so that a surgical
operation was necessary for my recov
ery ? Hut I romoml&rcd nothing of the
kind and also felt lid pain ; nevertheless
hero I lay stripped i\tul \ | helpless on this
terrible table gagged and bound , which
indicated somothlji axtruordlnii'y.
"It astonished 1113 nut n llttlo that
there should bo such1 mi operation room
in such a house until 1 remembered that
Dr. Lingnnr , us the district physician ,
hud to carry nut IIIfo post-mortem ex
aminations for the circuit , and that in
the sm ill provincial town no other room
was available for such a purpose. I felt
t' > o mhorablo , however , to think any
thing more about it , Bi I f.oon noticed
after another vain effort to free myself ,
that I was not alone in the room , for I
hoard the rustling of pinor , and then
some ono said in quiet , measured tones :
" 'Yes , Lnntrnor , I am quite convinced
that this man is particularly suited for
the carrying out of my highly im
portant experiment. IIo > v long have I
been wishing lo miiko the aUompt at
last , tonight , I shall be able to produce
the proof of my theory. '
" .That would itldeed bo ft high
triumph of human skill , ' I hoard a so
end voice reply ; 'but consider , dour doc
tor , if that man there woto to expire
tinder out1 hands whtu thoni"
" 'Impossible ! ' was the quick reply.
'It is bound to succeed , and oven if it
did not , ho trill dlo a glorious death in
the interests of science , whilst , if wo
were to lot him go , ho would noonor or
later fall into the hands of the hang
man. '
"I could not oven BOO the two men ,
yet their conversation was doubtless
about mo : and , hearing it , I shuddered
from head to foot. They were proposing
some dangerous operation on me , not
for my benefit , but in the intoiost of
medical science !
"At any rate , I thought , they won't "
undertake such a thing without "my
sanction ; and what , after all , was their
intention ? It must bo som6thing terri
ble , for they had already mentioned the
possibility of my succumbing , t should
soon know the fearful truth , for , alter a
short pause , they continued :
" 'It has long been ncknowlodged Unit
the trm source of lifo lies in the blood.
What I wish lo proxo , dear Langnor , is
this : Nobody will die from pure loss of
blood , and yet such cases occur only too
often , whilst wo must all the time bo in
possession of moans to renew this highly
important sap of lifo , and thus avoid a
fatal result Wo road of a fow. but only
a few , cases of a man who for some
reason or other has lost so much blood
that his death appealed inevitable , if
some other noblo-liearted man had not
oirorod his own blood , in order to lot it
How from his veins into the veins of the
dying man. As you are aware , this pro
ceeding has always had the desired
oOcct. I consider it , however , a great
mist tko to deprive a following being of
necessary blood , for the ono thereby
only vivlns lifo nnd strength at the cost
of another , who offers himself for an
always dangerous sacrifice. *
" 'Yes , I do not , think that right ,
either , ' replied Dr. Languor. 'And
moreover , how seldom is a man found at
the critic il moment ready to submit
himself at once to such a dangerous loss
of blood. '
" 'That is very .natural ; no one lightly
undertakes such n thing , ' continued the
other. 'So much greater will bo our
triumph if the operation succeeds. I
hope to show you. dear colleague , that
although we are thinking of taking that
man's blood , oven , to the last drop , in a
few hours wo shall sot him on his feet
again. ' ' ' * '
" 'Just bOl I do not see why we should
not succeed. At any rate , in the in
terests of science wo should prove in a
practical in inner the correctness of our
thcorv. '
" 'And this proof , dear fiicnd , wo will
undertake without delay. Lot mo just
repeat my instructions , { or wo cannot go
to work too carefully to preserve the
life of this man. I will open a vein in
his thigh and measure exactly the quan
tity of blood which Hews out , at the same
time watching the boating of the heart.
Under ordinary circumstances nothing
could possibly save him ; but just before
the extinction of the last spark of lifo
wo will insert the warm blood of a liv
ing rabbit into his veins , as wo have al
ready arranged. If my theory is light ,
the pulsation of tho'heat t will then
gradually increase in strength and
rapidity. At the same time , it is im
portant to protect his limbs from cold
and stillness , which will naturally take
place with the loss of all at terial blood '
"Tho conversation of the two doctors
overwhelmed mo with deadly terror. I
could scarcely believe I was rcnily
awake , and not the victim of some cruel
"Tho fact remained , however , that I
lay helpless on the dissecting table , that
a threatening skeleton stood in the cor
ner of the room , and , above all , that ter
rible conversation which I had to listen
to in silence filled mo with a fear such
as I had never before experienced. In
voluntarily the thought forced itself
upon me that I was at the mercy of two
infatuated doctors , to whoso mad theory
I should hero fall the victim.
"I said to myself that no doctor with
n sound mind would propose such a
frightful and murderous experiment
upon a living man.
"Tho two doctors now approached the
dissecting table and looked calmly into
my face ; then ; smiling , took olT their
coats and tucked up their sleeves. I
struggled to got free , as only a desper
ate man under such extraordinary cir
cumstances could have struggled , in
vain. Their long acquired experience
know how to render mo completely
helpless , and to their satisfaction , I
could not oven make a sound.
"Dr. Knglor now turned to a side-
table , and I saw him open a chest of sur
gical instrumentsiitid take out a lancet ,
with which ho rbJ.tJrnod to mo. IIo at
once removed the 'covering from my
right thigh , und Although I lay bound
to the table in sjuuh a way that I could
not see my limbs.1 ! was able to watch
the doctor Inisiod'XHh his preparations.
"Directly after removing the cloth I
felt a prick in thoiBldo of my log , nnd at
once felt the warmiblood rush forth and
trickle down my/lfeg. / The conviction
that ho had opened the principal vein in
the thigh would hnvo sulllccd to shako
the strongest norvvH ,
" ' Is no d Wgor,1 said Dr. Kng-
lor , looking into ; py staring eyes with
terrible calmnouiu c'You will not die ,
my good man. I'wvo } only opened an
artery in your thigh , and you will ex
perience ull Uie htfuqatlonsof bleeding to
doaln. You will , got weaker and
weaker , rind finally , perhaps , lose all
consciousness , but wo shall not lot you
die. No , no ! You must live and as
tonish the sclonlillo world through my
great discovery ! '
" 1 naturally could sny nothlncr In
reply , and no words can adequately ex-
pruBH what I felt at that moment. I
could , in ono breath , have wept , Im
plored , curbed and raved.
"Meanwhile I felt my life's blood
flowing and could hear it drop into u
w * DISTRICTS. : wATer ;
Cornwpondinc * ollciud.
lOX'lOB Dearborn Street , CHICAGO.
: Wall Btreat , NEW VORKi
70BUUSI. .
vessel standing under tlio encl of ' .lo
ttiblo. Every tnomonl the doctor laid
lib hiind on my heiirt , nt tlio sixmo time
unking romarus which only iiicronsud
my horror.
"After ho rind put his hand on mo for
nt lonst the twentieth time , nnd full the
boating of the heart , hu said to his us-
slst'tnt :
" 'Aro you ready with your prepara
tions , Lringnor'Ho has now lost nn
enormous quantity ot bloodund the pul-
Ballon Is gutting "weaker and weaker.
See , ho is iilro idy losing consciousness , '
nnd with these words ho toolc the gag
out of my mouth.
"A fouling of deadly weakness , nswoll
ns of infinite misery , litld hold ot mo
when the physician uttered these words ,
nnd on my attempting to speak , I found
Unit sciireoly n whispering murmur
passed my lips. Shadowy phantoms and
strantro colors llittod before my eyes
nnd I bjliovod myself to bo already I'n n
state past nil human aid.
"What happened In the next few min
utes I do not know , for I had fatutod.
When I reopened my eyes I noticed I
was no longer on the dissecting table ,
but wits sitting in an armchair in n com
fort iblo room , near which stoou the two
doctors looking nt mo.
"Noar mo n , llask of wino , several
smelling silts , n few basing of cold
wntor. some sponges nnd a galvanic bat'-
lory. It was nan- bright daylight , nnd
the two doctors smiled us they looked at
me."Whon I remembered the terrible ox-
p&rimotit , I shuddered with horror nnd
tried to rise. 1 felt too weak , however ,
und biink back helpless Into the chair.
Then the circuit physicianIn n friendly
but firm voice , addressing mo :
' 'Compose yourself , young m in. You
imagined yon were sloWiy blooding to
death ; nevertheless , bo assured that
you hnvo not lo t a single drop of blood ,
You have undergone no operation what
ever , but have simply been tlio victim
ot your own imagination. Wo kilow
very well you hoard ovnry word of our
conversation , n conversation which was
only intended to deceive you as much ns
possible. What I m.unUinotl that
a man's body will always completely Ho
under the influence of What ho himself
firmly believes , whilst my co league , on
the other han-1 , hold the opinion Unit
the body can never bo hurt by anything
which only exists in the imagination.
This has long been an open question be
tween us , which , after your capture , wo
at once determined to decide. So wo
surrounded you with objects of a nature
to influence your imagination , aided
further by our conversation ; andflrrillv ,
your conviction tint wo would realty
carry out the operation of which you
hoard us spoalc completed the decep
" 'You have now the satisfaction of
knowing that you are as safe and as
sound as over you woro. At the same
lima wo assure you thnt you really
showed all the symptoms of amiiu blenuf-
ing to de.tth , a proof that the body can
sometimes suffer from the most absurd
unreality that the mind can imagine. '
"Astonishment , joy and doubt at find
ing myself neither dead nor dying
struggled within mo. and then the rage
of having bjon subjectou to huoh an
awful and ho.irtless experiment by the
two doctors overcame me. 1 was quickly
interrupted by Dr. Engler , however , on
trying to give free scope to uiy inuigna-
' "Wo had not exactly any right to
undertake sucli an experiment with
you , ' lie said ; 'but wo thought you would
p irdon us if wo delivered you from cer
tain punishment , instead of having to
undergo a painful trial and a long im
prisonment for burglary. You are cer
tainly at liberty to complain about us ;
but consider , my good follow , if such a
stop is in your interests'/ do not think
so. On the other hand , wo are quite
willing to make you a fitting compensa
tion for all the tigonv you have suf
fered. '
"Under the circumstances , " continued
George Martin , "I considered it wise to
accept their proposal , although I have
not to this day forgiven the two men for
so treating mo.
"Tho doctors kept their promise.
They made mo a very handsome present ,
and troubled themselves about mo in
Other ways , BO that since that time I
have been a more fortunate and , I hope ,
a bettor man. Still , I have never for
gotten the hour when I lay on the dis
secting tliblo the unexpected victim of
a terrible experiment-Tin the interests
of science , as Dr. Kngler explained. "
Such was thff strange story of my
friend. His death , which recently took
place , released me from the promise of
secrecy given to him about an event
which ho could never recall , oven after
a lapse of thirty ye.irs , without a feeling
of unabated horror.
You can fscnnr just
about ono half the Ills that
flesh is heir to , by lxing ?
rendy for them. When
you leol dull , laiiKUid , " out
of soils" Generally then
you may know tl.nt sorao
of them at o coming. Don't
let them Ret any fuithcr.
Brnco the system up
) with Dr. Pierfc's Golden
Sledical Discovery. Thut
prevents ns uell as cures :
It invigorates the liver and
kidneys , purifies and en
riches the blood , sharpens
the appetite , improves < li-
gcton ! , and restores health
nnil viper.
For all diseases caused by a disordered liver
or impure blood Dybpepsia , Biliousness , the
most stubborn Skin , Scalp and Scrofulous
affections , the " Discovery " is tlio only reme
dy so certain and effective ) that it can ba
guaranteed. If It doesn't benefit or euro ,
you have your money back.
It's not only the best , but it's the cheapest
blood-purifier sold , no matter bow many
doses are offered for a dollar.
With this , you pay only for tbo good
you get.
Union Stock Yards CompanX
est cattle , hoi ; and sheep market In the wcit
n flMillll Write to this houss for cor-
V. UiilrtllA ] roct Market Raporn.
Wood Brothers ,
routh Oninlia Telephone 11 W. - Chicago
J. 1 > . IIAIIISMA.V. i
W. K. WOOD , f t iini0rj.
Market reports by mall anJ wlro cheerfully
furuUhed upon uppllo itlon.
Campbell Commission Co.
Chlcniro , F.fint.St. IxmU , Kansni Olty , boilth
Om ilu , cloux Oltv , Kort , Worth ,
A. D. Boyer & Company ,
rautidAU Kxohanuo llulldliiHoiiUiOniuh u
Corroipoiulento nollclt jit anil uroiuptljr uaiironl.
bpvilul nttontloa to order * for monitor * & f uoduri ,
KstabUilivd , 1WJ. . . . locoruuraKd , U ) )
Cnpltnl fullr | IJ , tJWJ.
Waggoner liirney Company ,
\Vrltuur wlru u for prompt aad rol | ljj | uiarkjt
rt' | > oft .
Perry Brothers oc Company ,
Llvo Hu > ok Commlnslon.
Itoora 61 txchaiiKo llulldliu , BoutU 0 in aba
'i'tiluubouo 1707 ,
ConlMotoM nnil snli rontrtctorl for nit klmtiot
liull.llru i.lnitorlnit mlntlnit. olc. Allwlllrcci'lvo
ropy nftllenn'g nrc'illecn'niKl bullion' directory
fru , " , by 'mullntf tlijlr niuiu. ImMucM nnil lotntlon
tii the publHIior. J. II. (1'onn ( , 11J s . I.M'i MreaU
OaiahaTenli Awning Co Wolf liros. Co.
Tonl , n nltu , tnrpnn
Klnc , lmiiniuick , ollniul lliH , odviT of nil klniti.
rutiliorcliithlnir beiil llaKei , binncr * . oto. SMU !
forcnt'KUu. UU Knrnnm for o-itnloiiiic- S. liali
Importers niulinrfi > , Hour
Bacliii , barlni" . tulnc
11 C. Todd ,
M. 0.
. . Djxon ,
8 icoo ir to t i Wllk
onvn M'f K clear , pipur
lllcrclci cold on lannthlr nnc < lru lH04. All nuvol
inyuiuuts. l.'OV. Utli st tlmln line ,
UU Donitlix = 1.
Morse-Coo Slioc Co.
llOlltownril Strict.
Knctorrcornor llth anil Domini utriot ,
\\onromikliiucloioprlcjUo on i bnyors , an I nro
( Ollln//i class of ejoils w ilo'i ' Is very s-iloaulo
with morc'nuit !
Steven Crccdon.
Mnnufiicttiror'n n ont. Icin < npply roll with ovcry-
tllllli III BllJ < H-lll3r8 HOimTH Ull I Illlllj It
liiwootrictur ) iirlcssandillnojiintt. liitcit > t > lua
UUI t'nrnvu streot. ItoomlS
Kirkenhll , J3ij ) AmcrllincSc\vclSliocCo , \ (
Whelp ale Mfrs , Hoots , shoos rubbers ,
MiMtoii Itubber Hiool'o fell cools HOj , UIO
IIU.-IIOI licit Iliirnuy-at. llarne-sl.
Blotc'iy & Co.
ClotlibiK.notlon furnlsh-
lnK l.l\e us n trhil
Hum pin j prupild brox-
press , UU llnrnajr.
OnialiaCoilCokciTLiinCe , Eagle Cornice Works
Mfrs. Enlvniiliocl Iron
Hunt ' .
nnd < oftcon' K
cornice , window ,
cor. loth and Dou ils mctnllo 'kyllfhln. caps etc.
Btrcuts , 11 III , 111 j Doilne-Bt.
J. H.
Contrnctors nnd sub contrictr < for nil kind * of
tmllillni : . pliifrlnir pilntlni. etc Hill ro.ulvo i
copy of I ! umrsnrcliltQC nnil imllilcri' illrootory
trjc , by SL'inllnntlielr mm' , hiKlnuo anil locitlon
to til pnhlMur J 11 ( Jl.'im I .th a I rod
Omah Upholstering Co , Ilccbc i Itiinyan
Upliolstoruil furniture , I'urnHuro Co. , Uruio an
lid. llUIMclinliu tract UthatruoU
Wliolvinlu only.
D. M. Stcclc&Co. / Blake , Bruce & Co
1201-ltfKi Jones < tro3tt 10th and Ilnrmy street
O.natia. I Omaha.
Scaled proposals will bo reeolvod by the nn-
dorRlzncd until U.IOo'rloc < p in , August 2lth ( ,
IS'IJ ' , for Colorado s-indstoiu'.bloiiN Tails
Ite an I Woodruff. , s'tiine , acconllin to
spccllloatlons for is ! ) I for pivlu tbo part of
Intersection on the \vcst ldo of llith street nnd
WilllaniM street , and for paving 40th street
fr.ini Davonp irt street lo Cumin. ; street In
street Improvement district No. 441. with Trill-
Idad sheet usuhiiltnni du or taUon cllrnttl/
fiom tbo asphalt luke In the Island of Trini
dad.Kiu'h b'd tospoelfy n price pnr s iirtro yard
for the' coinplelo on the Intersection
an I on the street ,
Work to he done In accord nice with plans
nnd spoi'lllcatlons on Hlo In the olllco of the
Hoard of I'ubllo Works. 4
H icli proposal to bo niado on printed blanks
( iirnNliol by tlio and to bo ucconip i-
ilml by a cerlllled cbojlt In the sum of * . ( ) ) .
payable to the city of Umab.i , as an evidence
of u'ood f. 1 1 l.b.
The bo.ii d reserves the ilKhtto roJO3tanyor
ill bids and to w ilvn ilefeut
i . w.
Chalrinnn llojnlof 1'ubllcVork < ! .
Omaha , Neb , August Otb. lb'J2. U8-0-15-10
Cousctr , CIIAMIIKII. OMAHA , Neb , July 2(1 ( ,
Mi Ho It rciOlved by the cltv council of
.bo cltv of Omaha , the inavor conuiirrln t'
That neriiinncut sidewalks bo eonstriicto 1
n the city of Omiha us desl--nated liulir.v ,
within fl\o d tys after tliu publication of this
resolution , or the personal service thereof , ns
by ordinance Is authorised nnd rciilted ] : such
sldow.ilks to ho la d to the permanent undo
is established on the paved streets specified
loruln and 10 bo constructed of ulouu. artlll-
ulul Htone , brlek or tlllnu' , according to spool-
Ic itions oil llio In tliu ollleoof llio lloirdof
'ubllo Worlo , und uii'lor itu suporvls'on , to-
wlt :
North sldo of St. Mary's n\ciino , It 14 1'res-
ton and Williams add. 8 feet wldo.
East sldo of 2.'nd Htrout. Its . ' , 3 , 0,7 1'rcston
nn 1 Williams add. U feet wl lu.
i-ist ; sldti of V.'nd street , Us 10 niidn'ill
[ 'rostonVHIIiiins ndd.U feut wide.
West sldo ot ' . ' 2nd street , tux It U sec ' 2-11-13 ,
G feel wide.
West of 2'nd street , tax It 0 sec 22-15-13 , 0 foot
wldo ,
West sldo of 22nd street , tux It 10 see 22-15-1 1 ,
Ofeul wldo
Inst sldo of 2Jtli street , tax It 10 sea 22-15-13
C feet wldo.
I > isl side of 20th street , tuIt 18 bcu 22-15-13 ,
0 foot wldo.
. Kust sldo of 21th street , tax It 17. b'jo 22-13-13 ,
1 foot wldo.
West sldo of 29th avenue , Its 1,3 , 4 Ilces I'laco
G fi-ot wldu.
Wcstxldo of 29th a\enuo. Its 7 , 8 , fl , 10 Kces
[ 'luce , G feut wide.
West Hide of 2 < ltli lueniic , south 1M feut It 5
hlk 7. 1. I. Hodlck's ndd , 0 feet wldu.
Ka8tHldoof2Uthn > unuo , Ull blk 4 J. I. Itod-
ck'n add. I ! feet wldo.
North uldo of Vlnton street. It 11 blkCB. IX
ltoois add.
North sldo ot Hurt Btreet , Us 5. G , 7 , 8 hlk
,11' ' , city , (1 ( fuut wldo.
Kast skin of 21 Ih street , Its 32 , II ) . 31 , L'uiil-
sen'u ad I , Hfeiil ldo.
r.ast Bide of 24lh street , sub It ft , 10 , 17 UU
Capitol add , 0 fuut wide.
West ulilo of 2. tli Htrcot. Its H. 1 , G , H. I , J ,
1C. Ko'lom'H ' 1st ndd , U feet widu ,
.Soul hHlilo of Mabon street , U 3 blk 2J1 , city.
th street , U 1 blk I Slilnn's Udd.
8feet Idu.
North H do of Ciiuilnic ilruet. 1M 14 , 15 , 10 , blk
2 , Armstrong's 1st ndd. 1U fuut wldu
nd. ho It furlher rosolted :
That the IIo trd of I'nbllc Works bu. nnd U
liuruby autliorl/ed and directed to cause u
copy of thU resolution to bo published In th
olllclal paper of the city for onu wuuk. or bo
vorvcilon the ownernof said lots , nnd lliatun-
li HI such oiMicru shall within live duyii after
llio publication or snrrlee of Hiich copy COM-
btriicl suld slduwulkH an horuln reUlri | > d , that
the Ho nd of I'ubllo Works c.iuso thuHiinu to
budonu. thueiiMt of constructing said side-
wulliH rcspcutltuly to b uniuxiud aualntt the
real out. ite , lot or part of lot In front of und
1'asiiud July I'fltb , littti , ,
Attuu : , 1 . 1' . IIAVIH.
Jon.s CinitVE * . I'runlJunt of the Council ,
y '
Approved : OKO. I1. HEMIS ,
To tliuownursof tlio lots , purl * ot lot * und
real estate uo.urlbecl In tlm uhovo resolution ;
Vim and iiuali of you nrs horuby notlllud to
construct permanent klduwalku ns roiju'rod
liv it resolution of tlio city council und mayor
of the olty of Omaha , of which tliu ubovo u u
copy , 1 * . W. HIIIKIIAUHKK ,
Chairman Hoard of I'uOllo Workj.
, Nob. , AugUHt bth , IVti.
Ilttlor & Wilhclmj Co. Lolicck & Lino.
Corner 10th nnd Jackson Dealers tn h'vrdn-nro and
ilrcoti. iiiprliniilpx' tools.
HOI IHMiiiliit stroot.
\ . C. llamcr.
Imrilirnri ] anit
runtrnptorV nuppllos.
HI South Rih street ,
. II Leo. John ,1 , Wakcliclil.
Hardwood lumber , wood ImporlPd.Amcrlcnn Prtrt-
cirpcM and pirqujt Innilcpniciit Mllw
tloorlnit. Iitlrnu1lc ojnioat and-
llth and Douglai. ( julncy white lino.
Frick & Herbert
\Vliolt' nl3 llcjiinr dollar
IWi I'inmm U
J. Obcrfcldcr & Co.
Importers nnil Jobbers of
millinery , notion , Milt
orders pro nipt
Aid-12 youth IIth nt.
A. llospc , Jr.
rii\no . orcnni , nrtlsts'
miturlnlB , etc.
l.Ms DuiiKliiB street.
Carpenter Paper Co. Standard Oil Co.
Carry n full stock sof
prlntlnK , wrnpitlnx nnd Hetliu'il nnd lubrlcntlng
wrllliu p.'ipor , cnrj pa oils , axle tire.iic , etc.
per. etc.
Kins & Ssncai
Mfriof 1C tt , 8" psnti
Bhlrts nnil overalls , etc.
Cli lahoulh llth st.
K.tnbllslioil 1873. Branch & Co.
Whitney & Co.
I'railucc. frulti ot all
IHitlcr. s nnd poultry. kinds , ojrtitors.
lh HthsU
J. II. llusc & Co. Jas A. Clirk & Co.
OurHueclalttos. Iliiltar. lluttur. olioaio. < UBI
, unilKnmo.
ceil * nnil poultry poullry
1UI.I lluwirU at JIT boutli Mill at.
W. li. lUddcll. Ridilcll & Co.
( l > tnl > ljlie | < 1 1SS3 ) IlllttlT. OllPIHO. CKRS. TOe-
WhiiU'Kolo butter nnil ctililux. fruits , poultry
ok'tf * . lluys nnil Bells for
c-sh. IMS. lltlnt.
Omaha Stove HepdirWks
EtiiTO repairs nnd water
nttncliinonts for nny
klnil of store innilo.
1.-J7 Douglni.
Bl.A.Disbrow&Co. H. Hardy & Co.
Miimifnctorori of mill , Toys , ilolK nibunn ,
doors , bllnila nnil I nncy k'od v home f ur-
moulding ) Ilrnncli of- nlnhliiK Kooiti , cull-
tlco , I21U and llard ata. ilroii'a carriages ,
jiuui st
Council Chamber , Omulin , Nob. , July 20tli , 1803.
Ho It rosoUed br the city council ot tlia
city of Omulin , the mayor eoncuri Ing :
Th \\ooJon klowillis ; 1m cunstriiotrtil In
tlio < ity Oiiiutia as dc lKniitod I ) flow , within
0\a dm a uftor the publication of this resolu
tion , or the personal sotvleo then of , us by
ordinance Is nutliorbod und required ; such
sldowalks to bo laid tn the prusunt Krudo on
the btreols specl'Jod heroin , and to bo con
structed of plno p'aiiL of such nlilth und
thickness and ho laid upon Joists of such
dlim-MH ons ami In such inannor as Is pre
scribed by the poolllcutlon ? on llio In the
oIllcL-of tliu Ho ir.l of Public WorUs und" under
HH supervising tov t :
Ktist slilo of IJth btreet. Iota 8 and 0 , block 3 ,
Van Cutnp's addition , li feet \\ldc.
South side of Dorcas street , lota 1 to 0 Incln-
hl\o. block 2 , Campbell' * fuel uldo.
fcouth Hliloof Wlrt or Newton select , lots 20
to " 4 Ii\ouport'n ; hub , II feet wide
Wesl sldo of Mst street. Its 1 to 20 block 11 ,
West bldn addition. 4 feet v.hlc.
West slili ) of .list strcut , lot Ui , block 8 , West
Sldo addition , 4 feet \\lilu.
Weil Khlo of fllst street , lots I to 4 Inclusive ,
block U , West Sldo addition , 4 feet wide.
\\Yst slilu of Mst st reel , lot 1U to 'Hi Inclusive ,
block 1 , lilniobiitiKh'b and l'attuison'8 sub ad
dition. 4 feet wldo.
South .slcio of I-uavenwortli street , lots 1 to 5
Inclusive , block 1 , West fcldo addition , /oet
South sldo of M 1' or Holt Uiio H K right of
u.iv , sue IU-n-l.l. II feet wldo
i-otilh sldo of M I' or Hull Mno It H rIRht of
way , blooK 3 , Illmcb lugh'tf addition , u teen
South sldo of Loavonwortli street , sub lot 1-
31. bile 2. Illniohauxli'x addition 0 feet wldo
Kist hhlo of 48th street. lots II and 15. block
2 , llrl-ZKH' I'lnce , 0 feet , wlilc.
iustsldoof : Mh street' lots H und 13. block
J. IlrlKZs' I'litcc , 0 feet uldo.
fliists do of 48th Htreel. hits II nnl 15 , Uoolc
T , lines' feel \\lilo. sli'oof 4Sth street , lots 14 and 15. blotli
8. llrlK-M I'laco. C foot wide.
i ; istNldo of 4Sth street , lots 14 and 15 , block
13. Itrlt'KS1 Place , U fuel wide.
Kibt uldo of 48th street , tixlotl ) , sou 20-15-13 ,
B feet nldu. .
Kiist sldo of 4Sth street , w4 of nw } { of sw
Uof see : i I- 151.1. . fl feet wlile. blilo of 21st Nt. lotH i ) to 10 InoliiHlvc.block
8 , llorb.icli's''il addition , r , feel wUu.
KaHl sldo of 21st Htroet. loll T to 12 Inclusive.
blouk f1. llorbai b'H2il addition , (1 ( feet wiilo.
West sldo of K'U Htrcot , lots ulk 18G , ulty , 0
teut wlilu
West sldo 22d street , tax lot IK ) , see 15-15-13 , 0
feet wldo.
Westsldo23datreot , H3J , 1'ortor's ndUltlon ,
n feet wide.
West side of 16th Rtroot. lots 1 to 0 Inclusive ,
blocur. . Klrkwnoil's HUdltlon.C foot wldo.
r Kouth Hide of Charles street , w 10'J ' ( cot block
0. Hhlnii's addition. 0 feet wide.
iastsldoof ; Olh Ktrniit , lotsT and 8 , block
X , Hlilnn's : ki addition. U feet wldo.
Himth Blilu of Oimrlen street. loin 1 to 7 In
clusive. block lf , I'rospeot I'luco addition , 6
North sldo of Chnrlo.s street , lotvH tn 14 In
clusive , block U , 1'ruspcct 1'laeu addition , 0
North side of Charles Htroot. lots 0 to 10 In
clusive. block O , 1'rusjicct I'laco addition , 0
North sldo of Charles Blroot , lots 7 to 12 In-
oHishe , block B , 1'roxpcut I'laco addition , 8
North s'ldo of Charles street , lots 7 lo IS In-
cliiblvo , block K , IJOWU'H addition , (1 ( feet , wide.
WontHldo 18lh Ktruul , lots 1 to 0 In-liislve.
blocks , Klrkwood'H itddltlon , n fuet vtldo.
Kant sldu of 20th st rod t , lots 11 to 18 Incluulvo.
rninklln Hquuro , 0 feet wlilo.
And bolt further rotolved :
'J'ltat the llourd of J'ubllo Work * bo and
lioruhy .iiid din-clod to ouiuo a
copy of tliU rutolnt'oii ' to bo publUhud In the
olllclal paper of thooltv for one week , or bo
Borveil on tlio owners of mild 1'JU nndunlvia
Hiichowiiurauhiill within flvo day * after thu
puhllciitlon or norvlco of HII ih copy conntruce
s ild sldowiilkb u * hornln roijulrod , that the
Hoard of I'ubllo Works caiiho tlio siiino to b
done , tlio cost of constructliu Htld sldownlU *
renpectlvoly to ho iis-esbod iiRnlnst ttla real
oilute. lotnr uirt of lot In front of und ulut-
I'rviddeiit U.ty Council.
Attest : JOHN UUOVl- : ,
( lily Clerk.
Approvcdl OKU. 1' . IIP.MIH.
To the owners ot tliu loti. jiurlsof lots nnd real
fstitu descrlbod In tliu itbovu rimolutloni
You und uHcliot you are tiuroby notlllnd to
construct wooden ilduwulku UB reiiulrod by a.
resolution of the city council and niuyorof
the ulty of Omuuu , of which tliu abom l
t' . W. IIIItKllAtIHiiC ;
Ohalrnmn Hoard of I'ubllo Work * .
Omaha , M u. , Augukt tilt , Ib'/J , ufcd7